Saturday, March 16, 2013

I Scour the Internet: The St Patrick's Day Edition 3/17/13

What a busy busy week this has been!

But first, let's all say Happy Birthday to the Brown's newest 'adult', Aspyn Brown!

Yes, Aspyn celebrated her 18th birthday a few days ago, so of course there were plenty of birthday wishes from her Mom and Dad. Wait, did I miss Robyn's birthday greeting? Oh well, maybe she sent a private tweet (go figure).

So I know you all are asking how the Birthday Girl celebrated, aren't you?

Did she book a Carnival cruise to the Caribbean? Nope...(She's way too smart to do that!)

Did she show off a fantastic birthday gift from ole Mom? (Well, I think she liked it.)

All right, did the Birthday Girl get anything for her Birthday she really really liked?

Why, of course she did! Aspyn's going to DISNEYLAND, where else? Although now that she's an 'adult' maybe she will broaden her horizons to include  Disney World and a couple of week vacations on a Disney Cruise ship...perhaps?

So let's check out some of her tweets, shall we?

First, we have the obligatory tweets from her parents...

Oops!! Looks like Christine's auto complete went a bit crazy...or maybe Christine really meant to say between...who knows?

Ah, how cute Kody! Bet you say that to all the girls!

And look what Christine gave Aspyn!! I think Aspyn was impressed! But those milk-chocolate dipped strawberries look a little...strange...but it's the thought that counts, right?

Now that she's eighteen, looks like Aspyn has gone full tilt boogie towards hedonism Las Vegas style... 


Leave it to Kody to put a damper on Aspyn's style by mentioning he has a gun...Sorry, but the idea that Kody Brown has access to lethal weapons still makes me a bit ill. So I will assume he means in terms of a "shotgun wedding" which still doesn't bode well considering his stance that his children must remain chaste and modest and most certainly will NOT have sex before marriage...Frankly, I think the fact that she possesses half of Kody's genes should scare any intelligent suitor away.

And what exactly does Mariah's quote "I can legally date any age now" means? Now, I'm thinking she's quoting Aspyn, but considering their religion, that kind of statement can come across in the wrong way. So is she saying Aspyn no longer has to date men her age, that she's now old enough to date older men? (It took a lot of effort for me not to say old men). Guess we will never know for sure...but all of this 'kind' of talk is...well...weird.

But enough serious stuff! Let's see some pictures of Truely!!

And black markers at that! I just hope it's the washable kind and not a permanent Sharpie! And it's always nice to see Kody acknowledging Truely, but isn't she THREE years old yet? Something tells me he knows Sol's exact age. I'm sure Robyn wouldn't let him forget it.

And of course there's always the obligatory Truely in the car shot....this time she's on her way to Disneyland! The cynic in me says this picture was not taken in the cul-de-sac, however. Whose house has an arch?

Okay, enough with the birthday and Truely pictures...It's time to get jiggy with the rest of the Kody Brown Klan...

Let me check my notes... Oh yes. You know, that 'iconic' Christmas ornament that MSWC is selling? Well, I've decided to start an ornament watch.

On March 4th, there were 138 ornaments left.
As of March 16th, there are 124 ornaments left.

That would be (flipping the beads on my abacus) 14 ornaments sold in 12 days...I tell you, those ornaments are FLYING off the shelves! With that kind of business savvy, no wonder they waited until 10 days to St Paddy's day to put their "Charmed" overpriced necklace in the store. Bet that one is flying off the shelves, too!

Robyn and Meri, it's time you girls start looking for real jobs, OK?

On the topic of Meri, on March 3rd, she tweeted:

Okay everybody, let's all say this in unison: Why are you tweeting for a girlfriend to have fun with, isn't that a perk of having sister wives?

Now, she did get an offer from a 'fan'...who also tweeted that twit Kody, apparently. All I'm going to say is it looks to me like Kody and Meri are now dredging Las Vegas "society" for freebies their 'normal' fans can not know, like free tickets to shows and stuff. And after they went to the Ballet and all, this is the best they can do? Well, like that saying goes, you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear! Or ears...

(PS, to see what I'm talking about, just click ALL next to replies and scroll down to March 7...)

On the subject of freebies, looks like the Brown's booking manager has come through again...look who was at the recent NASCAR race in Vegas...

Thank goodness Robyn also twatted the url for NASCAR so all us cynics could see it was legit. Whatever...Bet Hunter was excited...where were the boys, anyway? And who was babysitting Baby Sol?

And how nice to take a pic of the parking lot, oops, the "awesome sunset". So I guess this means Kody and Robyn were not invited to any infield VIP parties...You know, I'm really surprised they didn't crash some of those picnics. I can hear Kody now..."Hi, I'm Kody Brown and I'm a polygamist. I have four wives and Robyn here is my number four. I'd introduce my sons but I don't remember their names, but that's not important because I'm hungry and I love to share. Your food is my food so GIVE ME SOME! You got any Mock Tapioca?"

But you know, this wouldn't be complete without Robyn tweeting about little King Sol...

Alrighty then. Robyn did tweet 3 more pictures of the many moods of Sol, but unlike his mama, I think one picture of Sol is quite enough. And apparently, the little tyke is still keeping Mommy awake at night...

Guess her ewok-sitting sister has left the McMansion.

Moving on, we find out that Janelle and Kody celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary...Isn't it a coincidence that while Janelle and Kody were celebrating, Meri was tweeting for a girlfriend to go out with. And Robyn was mysteriously silent. But it still looks like Robyn has rubbed off on Meri!

Normally, Janelle gets business type celebrations. Now Kody is giving her sun, steak and a Cirque du Soleil show at the Mirage?

Hmmm....I think he's buttering up #2 for some reason. Then again, since Janelle now has a job, I bet SHE had to pay!

That's all for now, and remember....I Scour the Internet So You Don't Have To !!

Happy St Patrick's Day!


  1. I saw the black eye makeup and thought, "Truely's going to be a goth in her teens."

    1. I hope so. A Goth would be a nice addition to this mob don't you think?

    2. She'd shake things up a bit. I see her following in Maddie's footsteps more than Mariah's.


  2. "Guess her ewok-sitting sister has left the McMansion."
    OMG - made me spit my coke out!! TOO FUNNY!!!

    1. I think Robyn's sister has definitely left Vegas. I follow Taralyce on IG and from her pictures, it looks like she went back to St. George for awhile and then moved to Orem and is working at a restaurant called Village Inn there. Anyone know what happened there? I thought Robyn said once they moved into their new homes, she would be living there too.

    2. I think Robyn expected way too much from her, with no compensation.

      Or believed Taralyce wanted to be Kody's fifth, and made her leave.

    3. From my POV, I think it just comes down to the fact that Taralyce's friends/chums don't live in LV, and she missed them. She's too young IMO to be a constant on-call babysitter for her sister.

      Never thought the Kody 5th wife theory had any merit, personally.

      A shame that she hasn't been able to work in her trained profession of hair stylist though. I imagine it can be difficult to break through and move beyond Great Clips or supercuts unless one has a mentor at an established salon along with real talent.

  3. That is a very strange camera angle of Sol. His nose looks like it got broken. Robyn should pick better pictures to put on twitter.

    1. It probably wasn't her that took the picture, but her daughter! Raunchy (aka Robyn)was most likely with the surfer wanna be (aka kody)

    2. No he just has the same nose as the rest of Kody's offspring. Look at some of their baby pictures and you'll see they all have the same nose. Just like his dad.

    3. I agree - his nose looks crooked here. Good observation - I couldn't figure out what was a bit askew. Hopefully it is just the angle of the camera.

    4. I think the baby is adorable but she rarely mentions the other kids.

  4. He's probably buttering up #2 because she's been working out and losing weight and is looking better than #1, #3, and #4.

    1. And the one wife capable of bringing home bacon when needed.

      I so want to see the reality show or book of you RUNNING like HELL Janelle.

    2. LOL... love it, "Reality show or book of you Running like hell Janell!" This blog so needs a like button!

    3. How come (according to the date March 13) kody is w/ sobbing at the races and Janelle isn't there instead? It is there anniversary? Even if Janelle didn't want to go to the races. Kody could have taken her out to sit in the parking lot or the deadened to watch the sunset. But than again- maybe that was her gift. . . .not to have to spend the day with him!

    4. Janelle's anniversary tweet was on Mar 2. The car race was on Mar 10 which is 10 days later.

    5. Sorry- I was going by the date on the photos that are posted above.

    6. handlebar ponytailsMarch 19, 2013 at 10:54 PM

      there's the next tshirt:



  5. notice sobbin always wearing that same damn white headband for the last 4 years?

    1. I agree! I hate that headband! Get a new one already. Sheesh.

  6. Have to say that Sol is a cute baby. And he does look like a piece of Kody fell off..and grew. Let's hope he grows into a different man than his father is.

    Interesting how for so long there were no pictures of Truly, then once the Browns started reading SWB (and you all in the cuddle-sac can protest to the contrary but we KNOW that you do read here), then the pictures and the film time started happening, showcasing a second or two of that little girl. It is a shame, though, that her father isn't sure of her exact age. What an idiot.

    Robin, what is it with you and that constant white hair band? Haven't you hooked up with any freebie donor for at least some free different colored ones?
    Perhaps it's time you tweeted for some hair accessory company to come to your aid, like you did for a dentist?
    Oh, and yeah, toddlers can keep you up at night, and since you did choose to join KodyWorld, and you did choose to produce Kody-tots, which would mean being on your own when you are out of "rotation"....
    Sorry, Sobbin....but that's life!!!

    Meri tweeting for a friend to go out on the prowl with is just laughable....and kind of indicative of just how friendless she must be. Or lame!

    Kody continues to be the numb-nut he always is. His tweets remind me of what a ventriloquist's dummy would say.

    Thanks as always, SWB, for the laughs !!

    1. You can tell Kody doesn't really know how to tweet. I don't either. That's why I don't. He should just stop.

  7. Lordy, Lordy. I'm starting to realize I don't give a rat's ass about these people. However, I have learned so much from this blog and you thoughtful posters. An ongoing and educational experience. Every time I hear the word 'polygamy' or 'polygamist' I have a kneejerk unpleasant feeling in my gut, I have finished 'Shattered Dreams' and 'Lost Innocence'. On to, 'Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome: America's legacy of enduring injury and healing.', a book by Joy DeGruy Leary. Seems appropriate.

    1. We need a like button for comments like this. Bad, yall. I really love this blog as it is, but a like button would have me doing cartwheels.

    2. I 'like' the mental image of lauralee doing cartwheels of blog love

    3. TSW, did you know that throwback Pepsi burns much worse than Coke when it shoots out of my nostrils? I just found out. And I thank you. Off to clean my board cover now. :D

    4. Oh, I wish I could doodle the mental image I have of you doing cartwheels while shooting Pepsi out of your nose...THAT would make a great t-shirt for Sinister Drives to model for the TSW Closet.

  8. Love the abacus line, and startled my husband with a random guffaw at the "Robyn also twatted" line. I think it's pretty hilarious when you use that, but then I am also pretty immature. "Weiner" makes me laugh every time. Still giggling...

    After the 20-yr anniversary mention, there should be some speculation regarding the state of Kooty and Janelle's "romantic" life. At the risk of being a wet blanket, I'd like to say:

    1. Eww.
    2. THEY ARE NOT MARRIED. Technically, I believe they celebrated 20 years of spouse-approved extramarital sex. Congrats.
    3. Again, eww.

    1. Good observations Andrea - all this talk of being "married" is a nonsense. These women have been conned. Interesting that the legal wife got a Mexico vacation for her wedding anniversary, while the live in girlfriend/concubine got a one day celebration to commemorate the day she agreed to sleep with a married man.

    2. As much as I disagree with the entire concept of polygamy (spiritually and Legally and anything connected to Kody Brown) I have to say the following:

      I've been giving a lot of thought to the meaning of marriage. Kody is legally married to Meri, but since his religion is a recognized one, I must agree that he is spiritually married to all 4. Now, do I personally think that G*d recognizes Kodys' 3 extra relationships? No I DO NOT.... but I will say that I think Kody and Janelle think he does. However, should they ever meet me, and ask my opinion, I agree with Andrea, Janelle is Kody's first mistress.

    3. I would give the "spiritual marriage" idea more credence if it were something ALL of these people felt towards each other, but IMO the women definitely DO NOT feel "spiritually" married to each other as one cohesive unit.

      Instead, they vie for the love and attention of the biggest narcissist in the world, the King of the Girly Men, and tear each other down in the process. They are not filled with love, rather jealousy and spite.

      That's how it looks to me, anyway.

    4. I remember when Kody said something about Christine saving extra money from groceries to fund a vacation. I wonder if Meri's Mexico vacation was funded from all the extra money she has floating around, due to the fact that her grocery bill is obviously a lot less than the others?

      Poor Janelle just got a steak and Vegas show, that she probably paid for herself and Christine will probably just get a Wendy's combo and a Frosty for her special anniversary.

    5. Even though Janelle protested she didn't even "know" a polygamist before Meri's brother....Her religion is totally based on Joseph Smith and the LDS changed (someone can correct me here) in order to become a state. She KNEW. In my twisted sense of reality, it would seem to me IF you followed that "religion" it would make sense to question if you were doing the right thing by NOT being a polygamist. If you wanted to be a "pure" follower of it, it only makes sense that you would see that side of it.

      I've always thought that Kody was attracted to Janelle for her brains. Now she is losing weight, the others better watch out. As much as she's let him ignore her emotional needs in the past, I hope she gets more self esteem and pushes for more out of Kody. She defiantly deserves it

  9. I think it is possible that the Kodster actually may know Truely's age. According to Wiki she was born April 13, 2010.

    I wish we could see more of that little girl, she is adorable.

    1. I also wish we'd see more of Truly. Love the way she's always seemed to assert her own personality, which should serve her well in a really big family.

      She somehow reminds me of the Cosby Show's, Olivia.

      LOL-- but Truly writes her own scripts! :-)

    2. Anyone think it's odd that this is a show about "family", yet since the beginning we rarely see the younger ones - I doubt I'd know some of them if I saw them. What a shame it's become the Kody show.

  10. LOL - I read the whole "I can legally date any age I want now" exactly backwardes from Lourdes - I guess I've been reading to many Fundy books, but I thought it meant Aspyn could now date boys her own age without dad's permission, rather than just (old) men her father might pick out for her.

    (Don't you have to be 21 to get into the places she says she can now get in?)

    I think Christine's birthday bouquet food attempt is really cute! She really does try with all the kids; I think I like her best (I'm still reading 2012 posts, so I'm still very concerned about her depression).

    Some Browns MUST read this blog. I am pleased that Kody tweeted a pic of TRUELY(!) two days AFTER Robyn tweeted King Sol's pics. So glad he realizes "we" want him to pay attention to her!! (Look at her HAIR!!!! YAY!!!) I think she will be 3 in April (not a Brown stalker; again, reading old posts, I surmise this).

    Glad jenelle is gettin' a little...whatever it is she's long as it makes her happy!

    I'd be laughing my way to the bank if I sold 14 overpriced, outdated-by-a-year now, never-iconic ugly Christmas ornaments in 12 days in March! What on earth do their fans think?? Wish they'd visit Twisted Sisters Closet and buy some really pretty, creative items for a good cause instead of Brown-junk.

    Meri, Robyn, don't care. No comment.

    HAPPY SAINT PATRICK'S DAY, and Top of the Mornin' to all my friends at SWB!!
    (I bought a St. P's Day tee shirt- first in many years - it says

    "I'm Irish...What's your Super power?" :) :) :) (I'd make shamrocks instead of smiley faces if I was computer-savvy enough to do so)

    1. I agree with the mod on Aspyn's tweet about dating. I read it to mean she could date older men now. You know in their "religion" there are a lot of old men/women waiting for a young girl to turn 18. Creepy! And you know with Christine being royalty, she probably will be all for it. I give Aspyn two years tops before she becomes a sister wife. If she doesn't by then, she probably won't. But yeah, I don't buy this whole going to college thing and becoming an educated sister wife ... Whatever.

    2. Mariah and Aspyn both are open to plural marriage for themselves. They could easily become sister wives to each other. eww ... well, eww to all of it really but double ewww w/that thought.

      I can only imagine how Mariah will treat her sister wives - including if it's Aspyn.

    3. I do remember her saying something to the effect she didn't want to wait around too long.....

  11. OK, I used to work in a prison investigation department and Meri very well may be speaking in code to her "buddy with benefits" She is so shouting I am FREE to go out tonight... my brother husband is so eating at the mirage with his 2nd wife and I am free lets meet up you! Do not be NAIVE ladies. LOL... There is no way one man is keeping 4 women in their 30's satisfied isnt that when the hormones really rage?

    The white head band makes Robyn look like the cleaning lady from the 1940s. Not attractive but, I am not sure attractive or up do date fashion is where it is at for her anyway. I dont really know what makes Robin happy.other then being the mans newest wife. Still in shock two years now over her talking about how being old like Christine it must be difficult having babies. Um, like she is all of 6 years older I think? Christine appears to have being a mom down. I think she truly loves that station in life and that she is short changed on the husband part. I love that she allows her children to be creative individuals such as her little toddler Truly who is trying to add some detail to her perfect blonde baby look.

    Baby Sol... I think Robyn believes she gave Kody a BOY and that is so much better then a girl right? Ummmm... not in Kody land the man who picks out dresses.

    Janelle had a plan she made her self evasive, cool and stand offish. Men hate that and they love to figure out why. Our being a little mysterious works wonders. However she did not get a trip to Mexico as Lover girl did for their anniversary. Maybe no one would sponsor them with free tickets.

    Disneyland is such a fun place to be. You can laugh, play and be a kid. Do not look for this 18 year old to do big things with her life. She will settle for Goofy. And you know how Goofy is. She will have to share with Cinderella, Snow White, and probably the 3 nephews of Donald Duck (if you know what I mean).

    1. I'm having a VERY hard time comprehending what type of guy would be interested in doing the nasty with ol' Meri. she's not exactly a bathing beauty, nor does she have a sparkling personality. There are SO MANY SINGLE WOMEN in LV anyway, and I think she believes all that AUB claptrap. and incidentally, Meri is in her 40's, not that it matters because age doesn't necessarily indicate libido. I'm 50 and I have to say mine is raging, but I have friends 10 years younger than I that could care less about sex.

    2. But they really never go ANYWHERE ELSE. Disneyland is fun once in awhile, but a bazillion times a year when there are so many OTHER places to about taking the little ones to something fun/educational, like a natural history museum? I can think of SO MANY other places in SoCal worth seeing/going to...

    3. But they really never go ANYWHERE ELSE. Disneyland is fun once in awhile, but a bazillion times a year when there are so many OTHER places to go...

      I might be the exception, but between the ages of 10 and 20 yrs I went to Disneyland a total of 4 times. The last time I went, they were using the A/B/C/D/E ride ticket books. I agree with you DJ. I just don't understand their fascination with Disneyland requiring a road trip every month!

      I'm trying hard not to sound critical, but the only other person I've seen so obsessed with Disneyland was the late Michael Jackson - and he DID travel to other places in this world as well as to Las Vegas.

    4. The papparazzi might be at Disneyland, might get pics of these doofus "stars" if no real celebrities are around. It's all about marketing your "brand" down here.

      On another note, we went there for the first time last Wednesday, and we've been stationed in SoCal for 7 yrs. I had one eye on the family, and one eye scanning the crowd, but I didn't see any giant ego-inflated craniums anywhere. Just a lot of folks from AZ on spring break. :)

    5. LOL I grew UP in California (still live within 4 miles of where I grew up...) and I have been to the House o'Mouse probably...4 times.
      Once when I was about 8 or 9, with the fam (we also went to Disney world in Orlando a few years later, this was before Epcot and all that stuff, still fairly undeveloped, probably 1976 or so)
      again in 1979, when I was at Fat Camp in SoCal, it was a day trip (don't ask...)
      then not until around 1999, with my soon-to-be ex-husband (still friends though).
      and if memory serves, we went one more time a couple years later.

      I'd much rather go to Big Sur, Mendocino, Yosemite, Napa Valley...etc. there are SO MANY OTHER PLACES in California that are worth seeing! What kills me is that the California Adventure apparently features a ride that takes you over all those landmarks plus others such as the Golden Gate Bridge. Apparently Kody and the moms feel that a trip to DL and pretending to fly over those *iconic* landmarks is the same as actually going there. Anyone who has been to any of the places I mentioned above will tell you that NOTHING compares to seeing the majesty of those places in person.

      Oh I DO have friends who are Disney maniacs, but even THEY don't go to DL as much as the Browns do.

  12. Does it look like Kody did something to his hair?

  13. Legal wife Meri gets the trip to Mexico for her 20th anniversary while girlfriend (oops...I mean "celestial wife" #2) Janelle gets a steak and a Vegas show. What's wrong with that picture?

    1. Isn't that about right for celebrating with a 'girlfriend'? Dinner, and a show before bedtime. Too bad they weren't in Hollywood. Kody could have taken her to Lisa Vanderpump's SUR - where Lisa says men take all their mistresses.

      I csn't wait to see what Robyn gets for her anniversary.

    2. Haha...Yes Boston Corgi, I was totally thinking the exact same thing! I mean damn, c'mon now! Let's see since the show has started, Meri has been to Mexico twice & other vacations too!! Geez!
      I'm sure glad Janelle is losing weight & getting healthy. But evil part of me is secretly hoping that she's NOT putting out for Kody, since obviously he doesn't really deserve her & has mentally, physically, & emotionally has neglected her for the past 20 yrs, even tho she say's its been great(wink, wink) & it has passed quickly...

    3. I also noticed that damn treacherous white head band that Robyn was wearing. You would think that as much as she's on Pinterest, that she would have found some cute ideas to bling that bitch out already or something...LOL
      Well I'm sure after she reads this edition of SWB, we'll see a future pic of a bedazzled white head band or at least broaden/add to her head band collection, kinda like she did her VS...hehe ;)

    4. I think the fruit bouquet was a cute idea & hey she even used a real cute plate to display it on instead of a paper Yep, her dipped strawberries looks like how mine always seem to turn out...Lol I still haven't mastered making pretty chocolate covered strawberries yet. Maybe I'll check YouTube to see if they have any HowTo tutortials :)

    5. Oh Come ON! We all know what Robyn is getting for her anniversary.....ANOTHER BABY!

    6. I think any HowTo tutorial for that bouquet will involve calling Edible Arrangements and ordering it. After seeing Christine's photo a couple months ago of that God-awful chicken and veggie dish, I find it hard to believe that all of a sudden she can put together an arrangement of fruit like that. Plus, why do it yourself when you can spend TLC money before it's all gone? Nothing against Christine personally, but she hasn't even been considered creative enough to have a design on MSWC. How would she be able to come up with the idea of cutting fruit into shapes and arranging them to look good? Plus, I am sure she is busy selling all that real estate that will pay off her home.

    7. It kinda bothered me that Kody did not even acknowledge Janelle's "Happy
      Anniversary" tweet. C'mon it's been 20 freakin' years living with your sorry ass, give the woman some credit.

      Also, I worked in the Neon Garage (infield concessions and concert venue) in the infield at the NASCAR race both on Saturday and Sunday. I was working the one and only smoothie stand and there was absolutely no sighting of any Browns. But the thought did cross my mind because they have a way of swindling their way into those kinds of events. I did sell a smoothie to Travis Pastrana's wife. Also, Kid Rock was in the infield all day on Sunday just hanging out and signing autographs for people and taking pictures with everyone who wanted one. Boy, the Browns sure did miss an opportunity there. Although, no one probably would have recognized them and their feelings would have been injured. Oh well.

      Thanks for the tweet updates, I haven't been on Twitter for a couple of weeks.

    8. For melting the chocolate, use a double boiler. Chocolate will seize up (dry out or get lumpy) and be ruined if overheated. I then put a few teaspoons of cooking oil in with some white chocolate chips and heat for 30sec at a time until all melted, drizzle with a fork over cooled milk chocolate dipped strawberries--looks very professional.

    9. I used to work at Edible Arrangements, so I know their arrangements are very pricey. I am guilty of making my own knock-off versions, as well. It was a valiant effort on Christine's part. I could give her a tutorial on how to dip the strawberries though. The secret is making sure you completely dry off the strawberries after rinsing them. Line a cookie sheet with wax paper or foil. Put about a cup of semi-sweet chocolate chips in a glass bowl and microwave in 20 second increments, stirring each time until smooth. If you over cook it will burn and YUCK! Using a skewer to hold the strawberry, dip it in the chocolate and twist as you slowly remove it from the chocolate. It leave that cute swirly at the bottom. Then lay the strawberry on the lined cookie sheet and place in the freezer for 8-10 minutes. This will set the chocolate. Do not leave in the freezer any longer or the chocolate will crack. Ta-da! Perfectly dipped strawberries. Happy St. Patty's Day!

    10. Ha I just made chocolate covered strawberries this weekend. Hersheys now makes the little microwaveable tub that you heat in 30 second increments. I add a little butter to mine before microwaving. The chocolate was smooth and they were very pretty. Delicious. Christine should try those little pre made containers, although you'll pay a premium for the convenience factor.

    11. I agree - what we're seeing in that Tweet is an Edible Arrangements creation. I'm sure it's NOT easy cutting pineapples etc into star shapes - and it's not like Aspyn stated on her tweet that her mom actually CREATED that. I've seen enough EA fruit arrangements to know what they look like.

    12. Actually, Aspyn did say that her mom created it.
      Aspyn Brown ‏@AspynBrown
      Best mom award for life! She's the cutest ☺
      View photo
      14 Mar Miranda ‏@Rancan76
      @AspynBrown @EdibleLasVegas is my ABSOLUTE FAV! #Yum
      14 Mar Aspyn Brown ‏@AspynBrown
      @Rancan76 my momma made it!!!
      Hide conversation Reply Retweet Favorite More
      12:23 PM - 14 Mar 13 · Details

    13. yes, i, too have seen Edible Arrangements creations and THAT one is definitely not one!! but at least she tried and it looks much better than her attempt at those football things she made for superbowl. Christine's really not much of a cook but she's all they've got!

      as far as "not easy to cut a pineapple into a star shape" - that's just a metal cookie cutter that will do the job nicely! apparently, Christine used one and that's how come those actually look presentable.

  14. jenelle is looking really pretty. watch out girls!

  15. Let's see, Janelle tweets about how much she loves going out with her friend.

    Meri sends out a "friend wanted" tweet.

    Robyn and Christine are home with little ones on their night off from Krusty, but Meri is FREE FREE FREE (neener neener) and up for going out and doing stuff.

    That freedom from children may also be why Meri is able to trot off to Mexico for her anniversary.

    Just sayin....

    1. Wonder what happened to that poster that came here a couple of times saying she was Meri's new bestie and was pumping her for info? Meri must have been able to quickly figure out who she was. We know she reads this blog.

      Oh well, too bad Meri doesn't have the loving girlfriend benefits of Sister Wives they're always crowing to the public about being one of the perks! LOL

    2. I think our (fabulous) blog moderator didn't want the "friend" doing those kinds of spying posts. Even so, it would be pretty easy for Meri to figure out who that person was ... I had a feeling she'd out herself pretty quickly ... doh!

    3. yeah, i thought it was a pretty low-life thing to be doing and coming here bragging about it, too. i'm glad it ended quickly for whatever reason. Meri's got enough self-esteem issues without going in for the kill like that. I figure if she comes here to read about herself - she's entering at her own risk at least.

    4. Yup so much for the bennies of being within a stone's throw of each other. Obviously, they were not that close to begin with. Maybe the kids, but not the wives. Not even the vaunted Meri-Robyn lovefest - recall that Robyn never lived in the Lehi "compound" so I'm guessing that absence makes the heart grow fonder...? or maybe reality TV money...?

  16. I would like to know who the 14 idiots were who bought the ornament? Hopefully, they were given to the green goo drinkers as perk presents....

    Y for Wyoming

    1. Sadly the ornaments and aprons are the only things those poor devoted fans can afford...they actually apologize to these loons for not being able to buy the iconic jewelry. I would feel so guilty living in my McMansion knowing I was ripping off idolizing fans but that's the Kodyworld way!!!

  17. Tonight (Sun. Mar. 17) at 10pm EST on the Biography channel is "Escaping Evil: My Life in a Cult" about Flora Jessop leaving the FLDS.

    1. Thanks, I got a chance to watch it. Appreciate the head's up!

  18. i think meri the contrary gets jealous when toady goes out with his mistress. noticed on an old show when he did that she would tell the camera "when the cats away the mice will play" they end up going bowling.she did that in couple of scenes. now she is tweeting ,to make toady jealous yea he is shakin in his boots. hope he gets that 5th mistress!!!!!!

  19. Maybe the reason Janelle's looking so much better these days is because she's gotten some good gf talk therapy w/her new friend that she was pictured with a couple of weeks ago. I've never seen her smile that big before. She finally found someone who understands, respects and listens to her that she couldn't find in her 3 wives and peter pan/tinkerbell combo husband.

    1. Her new friend is the Browns manager. She's the one who got Kody and Robyn the nascar tickets. Robyn even gave her a shoutout ( @agelv) .

    2. If I remember correctly from her previous blog post, her trainer is the one who recommended she go grain free. Good for her. It's not an easy thing to do. I have to be gluten free due out of necessity. I haven't even attempted being totally grain free. That is very difficult, especially when you have several kids to feed.

    3. well I'm less than *impressed* with the seats they got judging from the background in the pic - just look like standard seats to me. and of course standard parking since they had to wait in line to get out with the rest of the unwashed unknown attendees, which I'm guessing THEY had to pay out of pocket. My employer gives out tickets to Giants and 49er games to employees all the time (via a weekly raffle) and the seats are WAY WAY better than what the Browns got from their "manager".

  20. Peter pan/tinkerbell combo.


    1. Like Brad and Angelina are Brangelina.....he can be Pinkerbell or Pinkerpan or Tinkerpan!

      Slept into Debt

    2. HaHaHaHA! Slept into Debt, I'm so glad we've 'met'!

      I love "Tinkerpan" - I'll never clean my cat litter box again without thinking of the Kodster!

      (TSW - you can design a tinkerpan for us to buy!)

    3. SD: I am so glad to have "met you" too. It is so nice to be " friends" on here and it doesn't matter if we are old or young, or short or tall, or big or small, or what color we are. We can be funny or silly and still appreciate the serious subjects on this board. We appreciate the hard work of the administrators because we wouldn't be here without them.

      It is not just about the is a much wider spectrum....learning about polygamy and those that have escaped it and the wonderful people trying to help them. This is from Dec 28, 2011 by Terrasola

      Well, now I know it wasn't you who held me down.
      And The Lord knows it wasn't you who set me free.
      It all too often happens that we live our life in chains.
      And we never even know we have the key.

      This so pertains to many things in life...sometimes you just have to grab the reins yourself.

      Also, I started on this board around Valentine's Day as Cuplyg with suggestions for Kody's Kloset. Then I changed my name. I wonder how many others pick new names as they go along.

      Slept into Debt

    4. I found SWB 12/11. Didn't know much about subject. Picked name as a take off on Sister Wives. Thinking of changing it, because I didn't understand at the time how "sinister" the "drives" that lead to the practice of polygamy really are! Would like a little less depressing one, but can't think of a good one.

      Love the blog administrators. Sometimes they save me from myself when I write comments late at night that might sound harsh when read in the light of day! :)

      Are those words written by Terrasola, or are they song lyrics? They are beautiful. Where is Terrasola? She wrote so much in early months of this blog, but we don't hear from her now.

      I SO wish we could really all meet for a SWB convention!!

      One more thing....I few weeks ago, someone who posts as "Fifth Wife" was in hospital waiting to hear some medical news. Really hope things turned out well for her, and hope she lets us all know either way, so we can send her "good energy"!

    5. Ooops! I only found SWB in 12/12, not 12/11! Amazing how much I've learned on 4 months!! Amazing how fast time is going by...

    6. Terrasola called it Ballad of an Ex-Sister-Wife....these are just the four lines that I really liked...she said thanks to the Eagles but I don't know the song. She does have beautiful writing.

      If you change your name you will have to let is know since you are our model for Twisted Sister Wife's closet.

      I was thinking of the poster Fifth Wife today too. Hope all is well with her.

      Still snowing in Alberta but should get warmer tomorrow...spring is around the corner. Watching Dr. Drew on the Jodi Arias trial. It seems to be getting more complicated.

      Slept into Debt

    7. I'll work on the Tinkerpan doodle right away! Sinister Drives' various fur-children (fictional and otherwise) will soon be modeling my newest line for SWB pets

      I've also decided to re-release my limited-edition holiday ornaments as well. I've added the iconic 2011 and 2012 ornaments (available for a short time only) as well as my vintage 1969 and 1982 ornaments.

      I'm sure that everything will fly off the shelves!

    8. The Eagles song was 'Already Gone'. It's the one that talks about a girl who is going to put her guy "on the shelf" and he tells her he is "already gone". I love the Eagles.

      I wish we could have a SWB convention too! Obviously, it needs to be in Las Vegas so that we can do some sight-seeing and then some zip-line fun before we grab some steak and the Beatles LOVE show. Maybe we should seriously consider this...? :)

      I'm also hoping for a road trip with Caramel Brownie and her husband from OKC to Las Vegas on ol' route 66!

    9. Hey TSW, how about some ornaments from the fifties for us middle aged gals? I think they might just disintegrate off of the know...dust holding them together.

      If their 2012 ornaments don't sell, then next Christmas they can have BOGO and that would be your free one. One way to get rid of them.

      Slept into Debt

    10. Thanks TSW for the Eagles id. I was going to have to go through all my old albums to figure out which song Terrasola's words reminded me of. The Eagles are my VERY FAVORITE group of all time (them and the Moody Blues...and Eric Clapton...and..oh well..a lot of people). I'll start getting my 'old' music discs together to listen to on my drive to Vegas for our reunion (or, actually, I guess it would be a "union" since we'd all be meeting for the first time?).

      First stop OK City sounds great to me. But I'll hit the 'slots' while you young girls zip your way through Vegas. Don't think this old body could take that!

      Love that you refer to people from the fifies as "middle-aged" Slept into Debt! I checked on mapquest and I'll have to drive about 2000 miles to get to Vegas; if I can do it, so can you!...Please????

      Guess I'll keep my name; with my modeling career taking off so well, I wouldn't want to risk confusing my public or losing my fan base :)

      My fictional life is so exciting!!!

    11. I'm just gonna invite myself on this trip. Moma tried to teach me manners, but it didn't take. *in a small voice*Could we maybe see the Chris Angel show if we're in Vegas cause he's just hot and I likee my eye candy? *sigh* It would be so cool if we could schedule something IRL, but everyone is just so busy these days. I can't think of a better group of "friends" to have a vacation with! Something tells me that there a number of y'all that I would appreciate IRL.

    12. A trip to Vegas sounds so exciting but alas I won't be able to go but I will keep in touch. SD if you go back to Dec 28, 2011 you can see the rest of the words to the song....I don't know how many words she changed.
      TSW said it was "Already Gone" so if you google in lyrics and the song name you will have it. I think I am only middle aged...when I am in my eighties or nineties then I will be elderly.
      Except my granddaughter's little friend said to me....we call old people seniors!!!
      Lauralee, I'm sure if this trip ever flies then the more the merrier.

      Slept into Debt

    13. Slept into Debt - How do you know I didn't mean to imply that we who were around in the 50's weren't still young chicks???

      Sad to admit, no, I didn't mean that; I was really "freaked out" to watch a "fifty-years-since-the-Beatles-first-came-to-USA show", because I actually remember when that happened! (I grew up in NYC).

      Lauralee - I really wish as many of us regular SWB friends as possible will plan a trip to Vegas IRL. I have no idea who Chris Angel is, but I will go to his show with you, if you will hang out with me while I play the slots?!

      I LOVE your line farther down on this thread wishing that the Browns would not act "like lying liars who lie about lying like dogs". It describes their approach to their lives and fans perfectly!

      Any others who might IRL plan a Vegas trip with us??? There are SO MANY of you I would love to meet! Twisted Sister Wife I'm really up for it if you are! (And you don't even have to introduce me as your favorite model!)

      Hope you can change your mind Slept into Debt!....And I'm really jealous you have a granddaughter! (I'll look at pictures, and listen to stories about her for hours if You'll come to Vegas!)

    14. We are going to do this, I've decided! Maybe in the fall? Las Vegas can be a cheap vacation if you plan it right. There are always package air/hotel deals if you want to stay on the strip, but there are cheap flights and hotels off the strip too.

      I would be happy to start planning this if anyone is seriously interested! I loooooooove Las Vegas and we would have a blast.

      P.S. Lauralee...we will definitely go see Chris Angel!

      P.S.2 Sinister Drives...keep your name, I love it! And, you have signed my legally-binding, fictional modeling contract with that name. It would be like Cindy Crawford suddenly changing her name to Bob Smith.

      P.S.3 Slept into Debt, I'd like to think of us all as young women with a few extra years of experience! (and I love your name too)

    15. I love coming here simply because everyone is so welcoming and kind and it gives me the fuzzies. As far as the Vegas trip, I am in y'all. My hubbie owes me one since I didn't make a fuss when he went to Taladega to see the race, and I told him over the weekend that I might be cashing it in to go to Vegas with my SWB's if the opportunity presented itself. I don't want to sound weird, but I am dying to meet some of yall. He just said ok and gave me the confused puppy look.

      Sinister Drives, Chris is an illusionist that calls himself Mindfreak and he's kind of intense and ohhhhhh soooo hottt. I mean he's just sexy. So I guess you, TWS, and I have a date for the Mindfreak. Save me a seat at the slots and order me a coke, it's gonna be a blast!*doing a happy Snoopy dance*

  21. No word from the Krepster about his anniversary..... suprised anyone? He took Meri on a lavish date night & a vacay to Mexico. I really hope to be surprised (in a good way!) when the season airs and we see how he & Janelle's special 20th anniversary really was celebrated. She deserves so much more than she is getting, at least from what we can see.

    On another note, I am anxious about the big 20 between the Kouche & Christine next year. Yikes! He can't stand her so how is THAT going to come across on the series.

  22. Aww, the series of Solomon pics Robyn tweeted were sweet. He's a very cute baby!

  23. Unfortunately Meri apparently deleted the Looking for a Girlfriend tweet before I got a chance to see it :(

    1. I just checked and it's still there. The date of her tweet is Mar 2nd. To see the responses click the Expand link. I also had to click the View more in conversation link to see the Mar 7th responses.

    2. Of course about 3 minutes after I posted that, I found it! *blushing* sorry :(

      More of a FBer than a Tweeter. :P

  24. Okay, I am watching the Flora Jessops "Escaping From Evil" program. I am fast forwarding most because it is too hard to watch. Very, very horrible.

    1. I too found it hard to watch. Flora's a strong woman. You hear that Browns? That's what I call STRONG!

    2. I really tried to watch, but when she talked about water boarding the babies I was OUT. So damn effed up. I also have a real fear of dentists and the idea of being strapped in a chair and having my teeth drilled as punishment just horrified me. That was one of my very real nightmares and I can't believe those twisted sickos do that in real life. Sweet Lord. It just makes my heart SO heavy and makes me so incredibly furious at the same time. Dammit! I remember seeing her on another show a couple of years ago and I really admired her tenacity and balls to the wall attitude about helping women escape, getting answers about the infant mortality -amazingly high!- and the fact that she never went back without a gun for safety. That lady is strong. God bless her, she's a real role model in regard to strength and courage. I wish I could have watched the whole special, but I'm incredibly sensitive about little ones and the elderly being abused or hurt. I hope someone posts a little more detail about it because her story is important and I wish I wasn't such a pansy and could watch for myself. Maybe I could just FF through the squirmy parts, but I have a feeling that since she started off taking about water boarding babies the whole thing would be squirm inducing and make my insides twist. Curse my delicate sensibilities*shakes fist at the sky*

    3. I managed to watch the whole thing, although it certainly wasn't easy to do so! Everything on that documentary (I think) comes straight from her book Church of Lies. I haven't finished the book for the same reason you couldn't watch the show (so graphic), but I intend to do so, just in small doses.

      The only thing to 'help' in being able to read/watch about her is the happy knowledge that she did escape (thank God and Flora's strength), and that she helped free her sister Ruby earlier this year!!!

      I try to tell myself, "ok; her experience was the exception; others may have it bad, but not like her".....Then I realize the atrocities committed by Warren Jeffs and his people were in the 20 years AFTER Flora's escape, and still gong on!!! God help America...Land of the free? Certainly, home of the Brave (Flora, Boots, Troy, Doris, all those whose name I don't know).

  25. HAHAHA - checked Robyn's tweets today and they're offering a big ol' whopping $10 off any $50+ order. woot.

    and I also saw this in response to Meri's promo tweet about those everlasting ornaments just available for a LIMITED time... "
    @MeriBrown1 $12 for the ornament and $40 for delivery. No thanks." (the tweeter lives in Australia, but still, you could probably stick the ornament in a hard envelope and send there for less than $5, but then the Browns wouldn't make all that extra dough-re-mi would they???)

  26. I wonder what Robyn's impression of nascar was?

    Did she realize it was the same cars all going in a circle?

    Did she think it was just like in the mall (or on the college campus before graduation) when everyone is just looking for a parking place?

    Did she think the pit-stops were for the drivers to ask directions?

    Will she be zooming around the strip mall now doing "Nascar"?

    Did she think that the drivers kids were the ones who decorated all the cars?

    1. PawPrint,
      Thanks for the morning laughs !!

  27. Did Mariah put her SAT scores on twitter? -- 3/17

    Harvard looks like the average freshman scored 600 more points than she scored, if I'm reading it right...

    not sure I understand the "Harvard, in your face" comment from Mariah?

    1. Remember this is the same kid who thought she could get into Annapolis with a AUB school education. She's arrogant now, but will realize how low that score is once she goes to college and tries to impress her peers with it. Let's hope she doesn't put that on a Tshirt. She can always take the test again for a better score.

    2. I would hope that the average Harvard prospect would have a better grasp on spelling, grammar and sentence structure than Mariah. or Maddie for that matter (sorry but she spelled CHAOS wrong...that drives me nuts...doesn't it look wrong to HER?)

    3. Maddie has admitted that she is a horrible speller and my goodness, is she ever!! I'll give her a little credit though for being aware. But her misspellings still are just awful.

    4. She would not be accepted in too many R1 universities. I doubt she would even get into too many universities that are not even research oriented. Maybe a community college. Yep...she has illusions of grandeur, sort of like her mama.

    5. I'm pretty sure when they reformatted the SAT the highest possible score rose from 1600 to 2400. Hopefully she was only adding the math and reading sections and not all three....

    6. "I'm pretty sure when they reformatted the SAT the highest possible score rose from 1600 to 2400. Hopefully she was only adding the math and reading sections and not all three...."

      But Harvard looks for all three, so only adding the math and reading is equally problematic.

    7. I don't have Twitter. Can anyone tell us her scores? Sisterwives did a show one time about Mariah being in National Honor Society. Don't you have to be a really good student to achieve that? My kids friends who were in that all went to pretty good colleges. Maybe Mariah doesn't/can't take standardized tests well?? (I'm sad for her if she is really very deluded about her potential. Failing her own goals, and losing self worth may only reinforce polygamy as a choice!)

    8. In all fairness, what Mariah tweeted was the following...

      1490. Harvard. your face

      There was also a comment congratulating her, however, there is no clear indication that she was saying it was her SAT score.

      HOWEVER, on the 1600 scale, 1490 could be considered outstanding. On the 2400 scale, a 1490 appears to be barely average.

      On being in National Honor Society, when I was in high school you had to have a GPA >3.8 When I looked up the national requirements, I discovered that the GPA requirement is based on the average GPA of each school. So depending on the school and the makeup of its student body, it's possible their GPA requirement could be lower. A lot lower.

    9. I never realized NHS scores were based on the GPA of each school! Wow! I wish my kids had realized that at the time, it would have made them feel better about themselves, because they went to what as considered a very "good" or very "hard" school. One of my daughters used to beat herself up mentally comparing herself to those who got in.

      I really hope Mariah gets to realize her dream of being a doctor!

    10. I remember at my high school the NHS GPA was 3.2, pretty low really, but the dropout rate was ridiculous, something like 33%.

    11. Not that Wikipedia is the be-all-end-all, but it says: "Harvard College received 27,462 applications for admission to the Class of 2013, 2,175 were admitted (7.9%), and 1,658 enrolled (76.2%).[107] The interquartile range on the SAT was 2080–2370 and 95% of first year students graduated in the top tenth of their high school class.[107]"

      if Mariah only got 1490, it doesn't sound like she's *quite* ready for Harvard. but maybe I'm reading that wrong. (I have to add here that I moved out of my parents' home when I was 19 and never took the SAT - don't you have to take ALL the tests before you get the final score?)

    12. if Mariah only got 1490, it doesn't sound like she's *quite* ready for Harvard

      I think she may be falling victim to the high school senior's "Big Fish in a Small Fishbowl" syndrome. Once she gets out into the real world, and becomes that "Small Fish in a Big Fishbowl" college freshman, she'll learn some humility. Or leave college and get married.

      I think Maddie, on the other hand, is completely different. When she realized she had to leave her friends in Lehi, she said something to the effect that she had planned on being 'famous' in her school (or something like that). Looks like she is well on her way to doing just that being elected Student Body Class president at Centennial HS. I like the passion she shows for her school, her family and for the world in general. Now, I'm not saying I agree with everything she says, but you got to give the girl props for that P A S S I O N she shows. That's what is so noticable about her. She would be a big fish no matter where she goes.

  28. I am a Nascar fan, and I have been to many races. The seats that the Browns are in are not even good seats (Nascar is backwards, the higher the seat, the higher the price)and this was for the Saturday (Nationwide series) race, not the big main event on Sunday.

    1. that makes sense since then you could have a better view of the cars and so me it just looked as though they were in the "afterthought" seats.

  29. I find the 'I need a friend' tweets to be utterly ridiculous. First of all, how safe is that, to randomly tweet that you need a 'friend' to go hang out with....uh hello, you are a public person, that is not safe. Secondly, Meri is very transparent with her jealousy and her attempts to make Kody jealous. Meri always tweets when Kody is out doing something special with another wife. I think that Janelle and Kody married on Meri's birthday (in the book) and that Janelle graciously suggested they celebrate their anniversary on the next day instead. Maybe for the 20 year celebration and after 20 years of extremly sucky treatment of Janelle by Meri, maybe they celebrated on the actual day? If that is what Janelle wanted, I hope that is what happened. Couldn't care less what Meri or Kody wanted - they have done what they want for 20 years.

    Robyn always seems to tweet about being so tired and Sol keeping her up. Aren't they all living in the same cul-de-sac and couldn't Kody just bring Sol with him when he went to another wife's house, just occasionally? There are 4 women in the same cul-de-sac who are living 'the principle' and they have no friendships with each other? I'm sorry but that is seriously sad and does not VALIDATE that polygamy is a special lifestyle that ensures celestial happiness. I hate to say this because I never thought I would, but I actually feel sorry for Robyn. She was snookered by the Browns because they wanted to get the tv she joined the family really thinking she would have a great relationship with these women. And she is sitting at home alone most of the time with 4 kids and watches out the window while Kody and Meri are out for the night. That is kind of a sad picture and not what she signed up for. Just sayin.

    1. At the beginning of each show, Meri states, "I believe in this lifestyle, it just makes each of us better..."

      If "better" means manipulative, petty, mean, underhanded, snarky and entitled, then yes, are "better."

    2. CPA you raise a good point about how Robyn clearly is not getting support from any of them. And we know this happens because no one helped with Truly when Christine was studying for her real estate license. This whole "sister wives" concept is a sham.

    3. It seems to that Christine, Janelle, and Robyn could actually form a functional family that served everyone’s needs. Meri is that families biggest downfall. Kody could maybe stay and be okay, but only if he did everything Janelle tells him to. I believe Janelle would look out for the other wives and make sure they got what they needed from Kody. (like he has anything to offer) Meri isn’t cut out for the life she chose. She hates it and spoils it all for all of them. Its one thing to be selfish, its another to be be so selfish you take from others just for the sake of hurting them. Meri wanted Robyn in the mix solely for the purpose of punishing Christine for getting pregnant with Truly. I think meri thought the babies were done. Truly was the straw that broke the camels back. Meri can and does make her family suffer.

    4. My take on Robin is clear and simple. She needed a bailout from her irresponsible debts, single mother status and a leg up to easy future monies. We will never know just what kind of divorce settlement she and her ex agreed on, if any. For all we know she may be getting something from him, and could be getting disability bennies for her Aspergers son (which I sincerely hope she is getting) However, she was definitely in the market for "a pot of gold deal" based on her needs and wants.

      Meanwhile, Kodyboy and Meanie Meri had the TLC offer on the table **IF** they could come up with a 4th wife. Kody no doubt pitched the whole scenario to Robin, explaining the array of goodies to come.
      And certainly not leaving out the fact that SHE would be the hot, young, slim, sexy NEW bedmate, whom the TLC cameras would just love to film. What ego could turn that offer down?

      And I don't believe that the lack of *genuine* bonding between the other wives is/was a surprise to Robin. She came on the scene when whatever solidarity may have been there between the original three was seriously coming apart at that point in time. She would have to be brain dead not to know that her entrance would do nothing to improve that. If anything it would make it worse.
      She knew what her role was to be. She knew she was entering a somewhat hostile situation where certainly Christine was about to deliver her 6th child and would understandably not be thrilled. She knew that Janelle was the only one of them actually working and would have understandably had a problem splitting their finances to include yet another adult and three more kids.

      BUT....She (and the rest of them) also knew that soon..very soon..the TLC money was due to start padding the family bank account. They all knew the money was coming and knew that so were the scripted episodes and performances for the public.
      And really, who knows what is going on now between any of them ??
      Other than the fact that their version of "The Principle" is a sham.

    5. I agree pretty much with those of us who really dislike Meri, she is mean and vintictive to her 'sisterwives'.

      I can't help but wonder what I'd be like, tho, if my religion taught me my only point on earth was to have as many babies as possible. And then I could only have 1. If my religion taught me that there were countless 'spirit babies' clamoring(sp) to find 'righteous' parents on earth. And not only did I only have 1, but my husbands 'other wives' seemingly spewed them out at will. The 'spirit babies' refused my womb; what does that say about me? From what I/ve read, I think it would do a number on my heart, brain, and soul, if i believed my God found me so unworthy. I pity Meri.

      I also don't understand why if they are one big, loving, happy family, why does Robyn have to have Meri's eggs to be her surrogate? why can't she just have a baby, and give it to her 'sister-mother' to raise? Why the big deal? I thought they all were to love all the children. If they're going to be together 'for time and eternity', shouldn't/wouldn't Robyn be happy to share her child

    6. I think they are ALL to blame for their dysfunctional lives. They *chose* this lifestyle. They currently *choose* to stay and wallow in their self-induced misery. It isn't one wife's fault... she isn't chaining anyone down and making them take her crap.

      To make matters worse, they've dragged their children through it with them. I maintain that we all have choices to make, and that we get what we ask for. They can leave at any time, put their children into therapy, and begin anew, but they haven't. If any of them did, they would not only get my sympathy, but they would probably become legitimately famous.

      Also, I think that their tweets are mostly manipulation and attempts for Kody's attention, anyway.

    7. yes, i agree, Amused - and wasn't it also confirmed that Truely was born in April and Sobbin' and Grody were actually married the very next month in MAY and just pretended it was in October for the TV show?

    8. [Robyn] came on the scene when whatever solidarity may have been there between the original three was seriously coming apart at that point in time.

      Meri's relationship with Kody was at a low point. This was confirmed during the Morales Tell All interview (that has mysteriously disappeared never to be seen again) when Kody spoke that his courting of Robyn came during a high point of his marriage with Meri and she corrected him by saying no, it was at its lowest point.

      The whole Meri - Master in Wives Acquisition was a joke, or a contrived gimmick by the production company. According to their book, she was blindsided by Kody when he started courting Janelle, and it was Christine who pursued Kody, not Meri suggesting it. The only 'whispering' in Kody's ear supposedly happened with Robyn - while Kody and Meri were at the low point of their relationship. Simply put, Meri most likely saw Kody eyeing Robyn, causing the rift in their relationship to widen. TLC, after seeing the pilot, decided the family was too boring (just like what happened with the Dargers). Kody, in dire financial straits (Christine would be filing bankruptcy soon) agrees to amp up their story by bringing in wife #4 to get a contract. Christine, feeling abandoned tries for a baby (has miscarriage) then soon afterward tries again - necessitating a hospital birth. Janelle kept her head in the sand (and out of the drama) by working long hours at her state job. Meri agrees to this circus because with the influx of new money she can lead the life of leisure and pursue her own interests while giving Kody what he wants knowing that as soon as he gets tired of his new plaything, he'll come home to her. The rest is history.

      I somewhat feel sorry for Robyn, but I believe she knew EXACTLY what she was getting into - as she said in their book, she was dazzled by all the convertibles, she wanted that TLC paid reception and honeymoon vacation. And the fact she would be able to become a plural wife and guaranteed an afterlife for all eternity with her 'husband' (the whole point of their religion) who was rising up the entertainment ladder by having his own national TV show was too good to resist. The fact there were plenty of teenagers to babysit for her as well as sisterwives was the icing on the cake. What she didn't count on was how immune Meri, Janelle and particulary Christine would be to her BS (Dry those tears, ain't working no more)

      Robyn may think she's married "up", but once the TLC money ends, and the McMansions evaporate, I doubt she will stay with Kody for long afterward.

    9. This particular thread is SO insightful and you ladies ROCK! CJ I think you are right on the money. I've always thought that TLC or F8F or the producer (Christopher Poole, name of the producer's company escapes me at the moment) was/were looking for a "real life" plyg fam to get the Big Love viewers interested. I know that I would not have even bothered to watch SW had it not been for my interest in BL - the first 2-3 years of the show anyway before they jumped the shark. TLC piggybacked off BL for sure.

      And I do think that Kody upped the ante by agreeing to marry Robyn for the show. IMO had the show not happened, neither would the "marriage". If memory serves (and I think this was mentioned in their book) the AUB turned DOWN Kody's initial request to join with Robyn because he didn't have the financial wherewithal to support another wife. I guess they figured differently once they were offered a TV gig - I bet AUB was thinking they'd get 10% of whatever the Browns pulled in as a tithe (and from what I've read, the church could certainly use the money). I wonder if the Browns are still tithing members...somehow I doubt it.

    10. And CPA Carol - speaking of Robyn being *so* tired taking care of Sol at night - ummmmm I seem to recall that before the birth Meri was SOOOOOO excited about Sol, she bought little baby clothes and made a little nursery in her house and acting like she couldn't wait to babysit and have the baby at her house overnight and so on.

      and now they're literally within spitting distance of each indication as yet (and certainly Meri would be tweeting something about "playing mommy with Sol tonight" if it WAS happening) that those sweet sleepovers are taking place. Looks like Meri prefers to have the older, quieter, more independent offspring visit and not the more time-demanding little ones - so much for wanting a baby SOOOO BAD. I call total BS on that, always have.

    11. CJ - and I'm sure you know that other than the possibility of some child support (and Kody will be able to show that he has a lot of other mouths to feed - the judge will have to take that into consideration when trying to set a child support amount, I believe) Robyn (and Christine/Janelle, for that matter) would not be entitled to a single penny of alimony or community property from Kody. Not that he will have much of anything after the TLC Show Wagon pulls out of the Cuddle Sac Station. I see no indication whatsoever of any saving or investing going on, and their "LIV $" is also going to be shortlived - the way to make money in an MLM is to sign up as many suckers (oops I mean "downline") underneath them as possible, to maintain the pyramid. The products are CRAP, so the main reason that people will sign up is because they are awed/admiring/whatever of the Browns. Unfortunately once people in their *pyramid* discover it's not so easy to talk other people into signing up under THEM, and they still are committed to "spend" a certain amount each month in product in order to stay "active", then they'll cancel - the classic MLM pattern. I would personally be interested in seeing the Browns' LIV downline/commission statements over the past year or so to see how many signups vs. dropouts they have. I don't tweet very well, but have there been mentions of "parties" and/or "meet and greets" i.e. LIV shillfests, by the Browns lately...? hmmmm?

    12. Dakota - you are absolutely correct that IF "Sol Sleepovers" had occurred, Meri would be tweeting it to the high heavens. It is very simple...if Meri wanted to have Sol over and have a little one to help raise, she would be doing it - it is clear that Robyn is crying out for help. Meri lost interest (if her interest was ever genuine) when she realized that her home was Kody's safe haven, away from all those screaming little kids he brought into the world.

    13. have there been mentions of "parties" and/or "meet and greets" i.e. LIV shillfests, by the Browns lately...?

      The only tweets I'm seeing are the LIV conference calls that the Browns retweet. I can't remember when Meri last tweeted a 'meet and greet' but I can tell you that at the most recent craft show with MSWC, a fan tweeted how nice it was to meet them(can't remember if it was Meri or Robyn) and the fan said she couldn't wait to introduce them to her family at the next get together. If you look at Robyn's picture at the event, you can see a fishbowl where people can drop their interest cards.

      If memory serves me, wasn't Kody going to be a guest speaker for LIV? We all know that Kody is not the best public speaker (remember those TV interviews when he looked like a deer in the headlights? ) in that he can not think "on his feet" and will usually say something that comes across as unfeeling (nachogate), unyielding (his refusal to apologize to Christine after nachogate) and just plain stupid (anytime he opens his mouth). Now, he did apologize to Christine after she learned of his choosing Robyn's wedding dress, but I think that was producer-influenced being that Christine refused to return to the interview couch for 3 days!

      I'm thinking what may be happening is people who respond to the twitter LIV invites are actually just looky lous who just want to see the Browns and have NO INTENTION of buying into the green koolaid MLM. The looky lous take up space, are a waste of time and eat up all the refreshments.

      Another thing I noticed was Janelle 'advertising' that protein stuff in a recent tweet. It may be that LIV doesn't sell protein supplements, but it just seemed odd to me.

    14. AHHHH but CJ - I don't know if you've ever been on the receiving end of a really inspired MLM pitch...if Der Kodster is as good a salesman as he feels he is and depending on how uber-gullible his suckers are...he could have them whipping out their Visa cards in no time flat and signing up for the green goo, especially now that Janelle is losing weight - I'm sure HE's milking that for all it's worth by giving LIV most of the credit.

      I've seen many, many cases where telemarketers have been able to sweet-talk people into paying thousands of dollars for "training" on how to sell stuff on eBay or make money posting on Facebook...and people PAY it, even though these telemarketers aren't even celebs.

      Or on the same level as Kody Brown, another TLC "reality celeb" Armando Montelongo from Flip this House, used the show as a jump point for his own real estate training seminar scam...Kody is no different from this guy really. a different kind of slime perhaps?

    15. ugh! i watched that Armando guy's rehab shows enough times to know i would NEVER buy one of his shoddy and cheap rehabs that he turns around and sells at top dollar. he comes across as an arrogant ass and slimeball crook in that business.

    16. OMG...wasn't it the Montelongos who were flipping a house that was owned either by a cat or dog lady resulting in the house smelling really bad. The brothers got into an argument because one brother didn't want to spend money to gut the inside and do the flip right, he just wanted to paint over the filth and let the new owners deal with it. That was the last time I watched that show.

      Anyway, in my 'younger' days, a friend and I would scope out the MLM meetings at various hotels around town.
      Our criteria was:
      1)Location. The meeting had to be in a nice hotel.
      2)Seating. We had to get there early enough to get seats near the door, preferably in the back. If we left early, my friend told me if anyone asked where we were going to just say "to the restroom...we'll be right back"
      3)Food. They had to have good food. If the food was truly wonderful we might stay for the full presentation. If the food was so-so we left at the first break. No food we walked right out of the joint and went to dinner in a good restaurant nearby. And yes, we would ask if there was going to be snacks.

      So back to Kody and the green goo. If I were dying of thirst, Kody would not be able to sell me a glass of water. So he better have a great spread of food on Meri's wetbar, I'm talking pineapple in the shape of stars, pinwheel rollups, 7 layer bean dip and those cute little cocktail wienies and meatballs in that chinese sauce with assorted chips and soda. Other wise, I'm off to find the restroom and the door.

    17. CJ that is so funny about you and your friend going to the MLM meetings! Also you are spot on about Kody's personality ... Summed up perfectly. He CANNOT think on his feet, which just confirms he isn't the brightest bulb in the box, and he is unyielding and stubborn. Even when given multiple times to redeem himself from Nachogate, he would not.

    18. I used to watch Aemondo and Co. too. I can honestly say I would NEVER buy a house from him after seeing some of the things he did on that show. I've never understood why someone who is so shady/jerky would do one of these shows and set people see them let their jerk flag fly. Whatever happened to him? Anyone know?

  30. I just rewatched the show done by National Geographic about Life in Boutiful which is about the Winston Blackmore group. One thing jumped out at me that now has me wondering... they mentioned during the wedding scene of Joey Blackmore(1st marriage), that most plural marriages don't have a marriage certificate so the government can't prosecute them for polygamy and Joey's wedding was different because there was a marriage certificate. Anyway, it makes me wonder why in most polygamist families the first marriage is the "legal" marriage. If you know you are going to practice polygamy why have any legal marriages? Seems to me this just gives the "legal" wife more power than any additional wives.

    1. Now that's interesting. The only justification I can come up with for a legal marriage is for social security survivor benefits (in fammilies where the husband actually, you know, works). I think in one of the books I read, there was mention of how the first/legal wife doled out the monthly $$ after the husband moved on to his heavenly planet.

  31. And can I just say that I find it ironic that Meri retweeted this:
    "Real love doesn't need rules; it always plays honest and fair."

    Meri has never played honest or fair.

    1. Meri's retweets are so insightful. A psychologist could write up a full case study based on her retweets alone. She rarely retweets anything that does not serve her purpose to somehow relay a message to the other wives or to Kody. I think she gives Kody way too much credit, based on his dufus-y tweets, I hardly think he is a great intellectual or even a remotely sensitive man. I am not a psychologist (but I could do her tax returns!) but in the messages she retweets I see a deeply troubled woman.

    2. The whole thing with meri and her do i or dont want another baby? was emotional blackmail at best. To use that situation to score more bedrooms thru pity was disgusting. Any time she argued with Kody on the couch about it, when Kody tried to pin her down on a decision , she throws it right back at him with a guilt trip. She said once her anger issues started when she saw JAnel and Christine having babies and she couldnt. I dont think kody ever backed up his other wives and allowed meri to bully them and their kids to this day. Their whole sham about the benefits of their lifestyle have been exposed and therefore the premise of the show. Whats meri going to whine about now? she will be the one watching kody coming and going and bitching and moaning.

    3. I know Janelle wasn't raised in it but there's an underlying emotional reason both her and her mother both chose it as divorced women. I often wonder how different these other women would all be had they never been raised in polygamy to begin with. Maybe likeable and much less passive/aggressive? Perhaps.

      In all fairness, i do know plenty of emotionally unhealthy women who weren't raised in polygamy tho. But i surely think that can be 3 strikes against you for ever being emotionally healthy.

    4. I wonder if Meri is afraid of being "put out to pasture". I thought that I read somewhere that they stopped sexual relations when the women were past their child-bearing years, that the sex was just to have more babies. Maybe that is why she constantly talks about having another validate herself.

      Robyn is younger and if there ever is a fifth wife, she will be younger too, isn't that the pattern they all seem to follow.

      Slept into Debt

  32. With all the social network now (i.e. tweeting, facebook, etc...), It can NOT possibly be making it any easier to be in a (modern) polygamist situation right now. At least before when Kody was away on "someone's day" they didn't have a picture shoved in their face like they do now with all the tweeting that they do. I'm sure the temptation to look is too hard for these women now, not to look at all the tweeting , facebook pictures and what not.

    These women HAVE GOT to be miserable seeing their man out with the others at different events and gatherings.

    1. For the Brown wives, all they have to do is look out their window to watch where Kody comes and goes from now that they live next door to each other. Makes me wonder how many times Robyn watches Kody going over to Meri's house when he's suppose to be going to Christine's.

  33. IwillfindmyownwaytoheavenMarch 18, 2013 at 7:00 PM

    Yup TurtleGirl I had a good laugh at that one.

  34. Polygamist PrincessMarch 19, 2013 at 11:03 AM

    I was on vacation last week, and I had a "down night" last night to regroup, i.e. lie around in my pjs and catch up on the DVR. To my surprise, there were a ton of Sister Wives episodes to watch, in spite of "record new programs only" settings. Apparently, the Discovery Network is showing them as new episodes. I watched a few and was shocked at the difference in their attitudes towards each other just a few short years ago.
    I watched the cabin episode just before they move. In it, Kody says he actually prefers that his wives share a kitchen. Didn't he tell Papa Joe that there was no way his wives could ever share a kitchen and use the word "abusive"??? Also, in that very scene, all the wives agreed that they enjoyed sharing a kitchen, less Janelle, who, by her own admission, is not a domestic person. Robin said she feels out of place, but that is only because she is new to this scene and not in the groove the others have established over the years.
    In other older episodes, they talk about being a family. About how their family unit is crucial and how very important it is. How the goal for moving is to stay together. And they are all smiling what appear to be the closest to genuine smiles and laughter I have ever seen on them. Janelle and Meri seem to be comfortable being in the same room - they even share some smiles and side glances, like friends do.
    It is ironic and funny to me that we have all forgotten that they were indeed friends and a family when this show started. It is more ironic that they have forgotten this, as well. Two years (three?) is a long time, but in the grand scheme of a family of 20 years, it really isn't. It seems that the money and the fame (*cough *cough) have made them all forget that they once, not so very long ago, loved and cared about each other. *SAD*

    1. I'm watching those old episodes too. I had never seen them before. In the cabin episode, did you see the part when Janelle was talking about not being domestic and that she had heard comments about her being lazy?? Kody was making this weird face like don't go there. Raise your hand if you think it was Meri making the comments? Janelle worked outside of the home so she didn't do much of the holiday cooking and baking and it sounded like some of her family had called her lazy for that. Let us please not go there on who in the Brown Family is lazy.

    2. I started watching the reruns a while back and have them on my DVR, and it is jarring when you really pay attention to how many contradictions are made and how much they all have changed. It sometimes bumms me out cause I really liked them when I started watching even though I hated the premise for the show and avoided watching it cause I have a bad taste in my mouth when it comes to patriarchy/fundamentalism/spiritual abuse. My mom actually convinced me to give it a chance just so I could snark with her. Every time I watch now, I miss her. Anyway, you would think the Krew would review the episodes if for no other reason other than to make themselves look- I can't put this delicately, sorry- less like lying liars who lie about lying like dogs. They have to know that people are watching and I know they know that WE on SWB notice when they contradict themselves and each other cause we call them on the carpet for it. You would think they would pay attention just as an FU to us.

    3. Does anyone have any current ratings for this season or last to compare with the earlier seasons? I don't have cable so I don't know where they are in the show as opposed to real life. I'm wondering if they will have a HUGE drop in ratings once they finally air the "moving into the McMansions" episodes...

  35. Breaking Tweet from Meri:

    I'm sorry for those who go through life with a hard and unforgiving heart. Even sadder still for those who don't know it or won't change it

    Hmmmmm, I think this is directed at Janelle. So glad they have all those insecurities and jealousies worked out. They are all such better people than those of us that are 'only' monogs.

    Seriously, the Brown family needs a publicist/PR person who can advise them, their tweets are just so filled with anger, loneliness and despair.

    1. No no no, they should NOT get a pr person or a publicist. It would make them so boring. At least we can enjoy the trainwreck.

    2. Agree...they needed a PR person from day 1! Now having spent so much time rambling on in books, tweets and tv I don't think any PR expert could restore the illusion of the "perfect plyg life" they wanted to sell us-

  36. "It is ironic and funny to me that we have all forgotten that they were indeed friends and a family when this show started."

    Actually what we may have been seeing in those early "friendly" episodes of them all as grinning and cozy friends was actually the delight of them all in being newly-minted business partners and co-sharers in the expected TLC windfall. That fact alone would bring a smile to anyone of them at that point in time.

    "Seriously, the Brown family needs a publicist/PR person who can advise them, their tweets are just so filled with anger, loneliness and despair."

    Couldn't agree more !! But it may be like herding cats.

    Wonder whatever happened to their 'sisterly' luncheons that were showcased (scripted) on the show?
    Now that they live in each other's McMansion backyards, wouldn't you think they could/would do that very conveniently...assuming they could stand each other's company for that long ?

    1. "like herding cats"....too funny!!!

    2. "herding cats" LOL!

    3. That must be like herding bison...if the lead Mama decides she is not going, she will turn on a dime and the whole herd will follow her and they will run over whoever stands in their way.

      Slept into Debt

  37. Wow. The prosecutor is tearing the defense "expert" apart in the Arias trial today!

    1. Wish he could do the next Brown interview...they would all be reduced to vegatative states!

    2. I've got a free day tomorrow - planning to take the Phoenix light rail downtown to the courthouse. No hope of getting into the "show" . . . but I hope to see some of the celebrity newspeople!

      Juan Martinez was so good today - I almost felt sorry for the psychologist. Almost.

    3. I just read that court proceedings won't start until 1:00PM tomorrow, and that the courtroom will be dark on Thursday and Friday!

    4. Saw that, too. Probably won't go downtown in the hottest part of the day. I'll wait until next week. Retirement = flexibility. :-)

    5. I'm jealous AZChristian, Say "hi" to Vinnie, Nancy, Jean and Beth!

    6. P.S. I think Joey Jackson is adorable!

    7. AZ Christian, I hope you get to see some of the Arias trial. Yes, and meet some of the famous media there!

      I can't feel sorry for the defense psychologist "expert" either; he come across as a pompous, sanctimonious-sellout to me! It was really interesting to hear what the body language expert had to say about his defensive posture and nonverbal communication cues tonight - the man looks like he'd like to punch the prosecutor in the face!

      Hey - you're retired :0) So will you meet me, TSW, Lauralee, and whomever else can make it, in Vegas this Summer (may be to hot) or Fall?

    8. AZ Christian, Please come! I am kind of eager to meet you. I swear I'm not a stalker, but I read TWOP and have liked your posts. I get around, yall.:)

      I'll buy you a soda and take you to see Mindfreak.

    9. keep us all posted......we want to come too

    10. Name the date - I'll be there. Only not available the first week of August and Thanksgiving. I really can travel pretty much as much as I'd like, and I've had good experiences meeting folks I've gotten to know online! Thanks for asking!

    11. Las Vegas is verrrrry hot in the summer. I was thinking that late August or September might be better. I'll see what I can put together. I do a lot of travel arrangements for my 'real' job, so I'll be on the lookout for Vegas deals!

    12. I hope you stayed home today AZChristian...just heard they dismissed the jurors at 4:00 because someone threw up in the spectators seats!

    13. I did stay home - tentatively thinking about going down there next week (Tuesday?). I wondered why they didn't come back on at 3:45 like they were supposed to. Glad I wasn't there!!!

      TSW: Keep me in the loop about a get-together. :-)

    14. I love Las Vegas and an opportunity to go back again is such a temptation!

      Another place to add to the itinerary would be Red Rock Canyon. It's beautiful, not too far away, and was featured in an episode to boot!

      It'll be hot there in the summer, but dry heat is not as bad as you think.

    15. Isn't there a "dog in the manger" metaphor? He didn't want the bone, but he didn't want anyone else to have it... kind of the direct opposite of these "KooKoocrazycakes" (omg... hilarious!) and how they feel about Krody.


  38. I have a question. when the klown klan was on the couching discussing sobbins wedding and toady opened his mouth about the dress,is it true that Christine didn't come back for three days?then why was they dressed the same when she came back?

    1. It's called reality TV. The production company has a person whose job is to maintain scene continuity from one shot to another. It would be a very simple matter to check the tape to ensure the Browns were dressed in the same clothes when the filming resumed 3 days later.

      Here's a quote direct from their book regarding the incident:

      When Kody let slip that he had selected Robyn’s wedding dress himself, even after Meri, Christine, and I had taken her shopping as an important bonding experience, Christine was devastated and walked off set. The show has to fit into an hour of television, so the necessary edits made it look as if she returned immediately. The truth is that she didn’t come back for three days. We were a mess after that session. It took a while for us to heal, but we are stronger for it.

      Brown, Kody; Brown, Meri (2012-05-01). Becoming Sister Wives (pp. 227-228). Simon & Schuster, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

  39. The Browns would benifit if they watched Duck Dynasty. They truly know how to love each other and God and they walk the talk of their faith!

  40. Escaping Evil: My Life in a Cult Video - If you missed it, you may view it here:

    1. Thanks for the link...I'll be sure to watch...couldn't find it on my channels.

      Slept into Debt

  41. For the Jodi Arias Trail watchers...

    How's this for infuriating ??!!
    Apparently, we taxpayers are paying for her defense bills. Her lawyers are "Public Defenders!"

    Her legal costs now total close to ONE MILLION dollars..not counting additional jail and court costs which are accruing and are also on the taxpayers's tab.

    No wonder the annoying, slow-talking defense lawyers dragged out her time on the stand.
    And both of them continue to drag this out.

    1. Public defenders usually have a set salary. In my state, it is set by the legislature as with other public employees--- so if they aren't working on her case they'd be working on other cases at the same rate. Of course, I'm not familiar with the ins and outs of the AZ public defenders and their pay...There might be other things to pay for, of course, such as investigators, etc. But "dragging things out" doesn't make a PD's paycheck any bigger in the usual circumstances.

    2. Sorry, but I have to disagree. She has just as much right to a public defender as any other indigent person in the United States. And to say her lawyers are dragging their feet, no, they are doing their job! I'd rather have her lawyers take their time then to have them speed through it, she gets the death penalty and then to later have it overturned and she goes free because of a technicality!

    3. Kirk Nurmi was originally a public defender when he took on Jodi's case. Then he decided to go into private practice and attempted to withdraw as her attorney. However, the court ruled that he had to stay on as her attorney, and he (and Jennifer Willmott) are being paid by the state - at private attorney rates. I don't know if they're "dragging it out" . . . or whether they're just in way over their heads.

      As a taxpayer in Arizona, I DO have a problem with paying for someone who is indigent to have a high-priced private attorney. Nurmi should have been released from the case, and another salaried public defender should have taken over.

      And WHO is paying that worthless psychologist his $250 an hour for his poor testing and counseling AND the hours he's been on the stand. Oh, that's right. ME!

  42. is siterwifes coming back? if they spend the season justifying their expensive houses and meri constantly defending her expensive tastes and wetbar when we all know they are blowing thru money, it will be infuriating. I can hear robyn saying im just blessed to live in such a house. Meri will be fishing for sympathy over the baby story just to piss everyone off and divert from her upgrades. cant wait to see who she entertains with pastries. she will be intolerable, but we are all onto her motives. will living so close together in the cul de sac be as pleasant as they said they so needed?

  43. I do understand that the PD's are paid a set scale. I think that is true in every state. And the court costs are separate.
    My problem is the court time already spent addressing her known, documented lies.
    This case is now over a month in court..with more weeks ahead.

  44. Sorry if this has already been said but...

    These people will spend all resources just to keep the others from getting hold of them.

    Saw it with Christine's stonework on outside of her house. Sure, she could have gotten a smaller loan, but that wasn't an option for her "underspend" on her house. What ever she didn't spend was about to Meri if Christine hadn't found a way to spend it. Seen it with the others too.

    I don't know if there is a metaphor for this in the real world, but it sure is nutty!

    Imagine a country's economy built on THAT principle.

    1. Paw Print, if you think about them too hard and try to make sense of what they do, your head will explode. No account KooKoocrazycakes! But if I were Christine, I'd have spent every last penny to avoid helping fund the wetbar. I'm not a spiteful person, but I just have my limits, you know?

    2. "Imagine a country's economy built on THAT principle."
      Good point.
      Remember the Bridge to Nowhere (Alaska)?

  45. I rarely post but I have been reading the blog since forever. I love all the posters and your insights. I am SO DOWN with meeting up in LV. Even thoughI am not a star on this site, I would love to meet up with you all!

    1. IMHO, our only "stars" are those who created and maintain the blog. The rest of us are just folks with opinions.

      See you in Vegas!!! LOL.

  46. Don't be afraid to use a made up name. That is how I met Sinister Drives...we were both new to the site and were commenting to each other on older posts that we were reading. There are still things that I don't why are some of the names in red and why don't some of my posts show.

    I would love to go to LV but I am not retired yet and have too many responsibilities here on the farm.

    Now I am not too timid to post a little more often.

    Everyone seems so friendly here...we seem to like each other more than the Sister Wives do. If you can go to LV, I am pretty sure you will be welcomed with open arms.

    Slept into Debt

  47. "IMHO, our only "stars" are those who created and maintain the blog. The rest of us are just folks with opinions."


  48. I agree too! We're are just folks with opinions...and snark, and a healthy sense of humor. We share a common bond with this blog, and have enjoyed each other so much that we've started 'chatting' with each other through our posts.

    Slept into Debt, the reason some of the names are in red is because those people have a google mail account and sign on that way. I have no idea why some posts don't show up though. I've had several that I've never seen, even if they are perfectly safe.

    I think we will definitely meet up in Las Vegas, and everyone is welcome! We believe in living this lifestyle...oh crap, I've been drinking the Kool-Aid again. Sorry. But yes, I would love to meet each and every one of you!

    For different reasons, I think that our conversations about our trip might need to be moved off this blog. We don't want to monopolize the blog with our comments about it, and we don't want the Kodependents thinking we are on a witch hunt and come looking for them. Anyone who is interested in getting together can click on my name and email me!
