Thursday, February 14, 2013

Sister Wives Valentine Presents

I'm sure you were out looking for your favorite Valentine present, of course with your favorite Sister Wives pictures on it...(who wouldn't want that for Valentine's day??) so Twisted Sister put her handy-work touches on a few things... Enjoy!

Will we ever get over the wetbar? Not on your life.

Show your SW love by wearing them!

Wetbar fiasco, or as I call it, "Extreme Narcissistic Home Makeover."

Polyamy Candy Dream!


Thanks to Twisted Sister for all her work!

**All original pictures on this or any other page are not to be used  without written permission of SWB. Thanks!


  1. I must say I thought these were adorable!

  2. Someone went to a lot of work! I want that last apron. Maybe you could sell them and donate the money to that agency that help KoKO get out. Can't recall the name at the moment. Happy Valentine's day everyone!

    1. I think the name of the group is Holding Out Help.

  3. Fabulous ! My kids love those conversation hearts. I laughed out loud at the "Wife #3" heart !

  4. This is why I love this blog, between whimsical fun to make my day, to Scour the Internet, and the real hard core facts about polygamy and Fundamental Mormonism, this blog is the bomb!
    he previous post with the Meri Wetbar.... I would buy the first apron in a heartbeat! The candy- I'm sure you could sell!! Great job Twisted Sister and all here!

    1. And you already have a working website!

  5. Kudos to Twisted Sister !!!
    These are all GREAT !!!

    Love, love , love the candy hearts !!!!
    You hit all the SW buzzwords !!! LOL

  6. I honestly believe if the Brown's had a good sense of humor they could make a killing putting cute ideas similar to this on the MSWC page.

    1. Take Hillary Clinton on SNL with Amy Pohler, brilliant. Smart ones get in on the joke and run with it.
      Honestly, the joolery and other goodies are much better here. I imagine they come and look. Not clever enough to use the idea to make it fun!

  7. These are hilarious. Some of these things I might actually spend money on (assuming they don't cost $299). Love it!

  8. Robyn will steal the ideas watch..just like the hands from her kladaugh
    ring the other wifes gave her when she married Kody she put on the charms..and the hearts..and her doodles that looked liked Helzberg pieces..they will rip this off somehow

  9. I love the apron's.

  10. I must remember to be careful reading this blog at work. It causes much LOLZ!

    I love the apron with the phrase "It ain't entertaining 'til the pastries hit the wet bar!" Along with the "flipping the bird" iconic wife symbol (I assume that's Meri's finger in yellow), this is hilarious in so many ways!

    1. Meri's "finger" should be that Oompa Loompa orange color she sports most of the year. lol

    2. I did actually make her finger orange, but it reads more yellow next to the red! On the other apron, I put the pumpkin pie on her finger.

  11. it would require actual thought and motivation to come up with ideas this clever and self depreciating. the browns were just in a rush to bring in the money as they constantly said they needed money for their homes and college and on and on..impulsive on their part and not well thought out.just like every part of their life. I wonder if Kody regrets marrying Robyn. He barely knew her. She seems emotionally unstable. I can imagine Janelle barley tolerates her ignorance.MSWC
    has been up and running for awhile and the product hasnt expanded or improved.

  12. Amazing it takes 12 months for them to make 12 episodes of a reality show. Sadly, it's probably all scripted and made up anyway. Have you noticed Joe Darger and company do not say or do enough stupid stuff to be made fun of. Smart.

    1. My guess is that they have become demanding, wanting to many freebies, and a general pain in the ass. Remember how it was to be about the REAL them? So far, it's been the what can we get show. I swear I will get sick if we have to stomach another V day show. TLC, make them get back to the day to day reality, not all this nonsense.

  13. I am from Canada. Has anyone ever seen The Trailer Park Boys? That's what SW crew reminds me of, except they can't come up with a decent plan, which the boys do, however illegally, since they have no funds or education. Then again, that does sounds like the SW!~ha ha
    Actually, if they had bought 5 nice double wides, and some land to rent lots from, they could have a money making project. Many are VERY nice!!
    LOVE THE PICTURES! Made my day. Thanks for a good laugh!!

    1. Trailer Park Boys was a good show. It was mock reality. That will be SW reality when SW show is cancelled!

  14. is their logo really a paw print? intentionally? The dog episode was so upsetting..why remind everyone how uncaring and thoughtless u are if so.

    1. Pretty sure they had the paw print logo well before the loss of Drake.

    2. This is what their Facebook post says about their logo:

      "We get comments all the time that this pendant looks like a paw! We just laugh. That is is how a logo is created. Verizon looks like a check mark, Chase looks like a nut and so on. If you look closely though it is an abstract drawing of four women. There are four colors in the actual logo to show we are all different. The four figures are connected to symbolize that together we are stronger and we all have things in common."

      Um, Robyn? Yeah, it still looks like a paw.

    3. They will rip anything off to sell..its karma from them killing their dog on tv. The logo is sub consious guilt reminding everyone what they did. Now they are trying to explain it away. good luck with that one

    4. haha we are all too stupid to understand how a logo is created..they are just brilliant. ill look a little ..i see a dog paw

    5. I can completely hear Robyn saying that. She's a marketing expert now, apparently. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

      I still think the logo looks like four boobs. In abstract, of course, to represent the four women. Why, btw, would you design a logo that represents a finite number of wives? Isn't that stupid, to have to redo their logo, if Kody and Meri find another lady they just have to have (so to speak) in their family?

    6. Anon 12:21 - yes, it does loik like 4 boobs...interestingly enough, that's exactly what I see when I look at these women - 4 boobs.

      Also, I think if Kody could get another woman to say "yes", one of the current women will say "goodbye". Bad move for him not to have his name on all of the homes, because then he'll either have to get yet another home (major $$$ and highly unlikely), or she and whatever kids she brings with her will be bunking in with Meri. The new girl probably won't get any kitchen priveledges, and she'd better keep her paws off of the wet bar, unless she wants to find out first hand how Drake ended up back in Utah.

    7. I agree, Meri might have shot herself in the paw/boob, when she insisted on that giant house for herself. At some point, unless they lose the homes first, when Kody needs to hit something new and gets another "wife", the obvious place to put her will be in Meri's house.

    8. That's a good observation Anonymous 6:41. I knew a few women in polygamy who opted for places that were small enough that there wouldn't be room to share with another woman. On the other hand, I also saw situations where several women and children were rammed into a single trailer, so you could never be sure your space was safe from invasion. (Didn't two or three of Kody's women share a trailer at one time?) I can't see Meri being happy about sharing now - maybe if there's another girlfriend on the horizon they could concentrate on being really obnoxious to their neighbors in the cult-de-sac in the hopes that someone will vacate and leave a house open for purchase.

  15. These are iconic them111

  16. The I Love My Dog website has the same "paw" print necklace and bracelet in sterling with diamonds!!! Cheaper than the Browns, and it goes to a good cause, saving dogs (which apparently the Browns care little about).

  17. I would buy something like a shirt, apron or mug with the conversation hearts on it. Hilarious! You could probably use Cafepress and set up your own shop where fans can buy the stuff.

  18. For more "grift" ideas you might want to check out the Darger Family at where Joe spouts off on "How to Avoid Messing Up Valentines Day from a Polygamous Man's Perspective." You also get to see their iconic crocheted hats that look like strange baby bonnets for adults. Read it on an empty stomach as it is nauseating.

    1. OMG, I thought I liked Big Bald Joe until I read THAT tripe. :::gag::: -prometheamoth

  19. Twisted Sister you're the Best!!! I LOVE the aprons and the candy hearts! MSWC should hire you as creative consultant, but they'll probably just try to steal your ideas.

    Thanks for the Valentines Day chuckle, and hope eveyone has a great day!

    On a totally different note, on my foray through 2011 posts there is reference to advertisements, and 'clicking' on them to support this blog. I'm not real computer savvy, but I don't see any advertisements when I read SWB. What's up? I want to support this blog, but don't know how...

  20. Anonymous @2:22pm, I've thought about that. Maybe giving the proceeds to a charity? I do have fun making this stuff up!

    1. Just a suggestion- a charity that would help K. Dee Ignantin and Troy. All the work they do, I don't think they have any major supporters.

    2. I didn't know Troy Bowles had a charity?? I know K. Dee promotes Flora Jessop's charity and ex-plyg Doris Hanson (Polygamy- What Love is This?) has a charity as well. There's also The Lost Boys one as well.

  21. Utterly hilarious. Thanks for a good laugh on Valentine's Day.

  22. I wonder what Kody will get the wives for valentines day, today?

    1. I'm sure it will be recorded for all of us to see. I am sure it will start out with Kody (already exhausted) standing out in front of Meri's palace...flippin' his hair back and pushing it up with his sunglasses (because he had to start while the sun was still out)...

      He enters "Mare's" (and his) house and meets her in the entry way with a big smooch and Mariah standing there getting ill at seeing her parents kiss. So "Mare" what part of the meal do you have??? Appetizers!!!! Yummmmmmmm.

      Then off to Jenelle's house where he walks in...."Helloooooo??" Hellllooooo?" All the kids are on there electronic with there ear pods in their ears. Jenelle sitting at the counter on her laptop..."Oh, Hi hun" "I'm sorry did I miss the memo on Valentine's day today?"....I have nothing for you go!

      He then enters Christine's humble abode...Christine makes an assertive effort to meet him as he walks in the garage door, as he approaches to kiss her she ---turns her head right at the right moment so he just catches her right cheek. The kids so excited to see him, because it's been two weeks since he has made it around the cuddle-sac to their house (what is the hang up...hmmm) Where is everyone?? They all went to Denny's except for Truely...Oh, let me introduce you to your youngest daughter. He pats her on the head and realizes he forgot something at Robyns...oh, hang on I'll be right back (yeah right)

      Now, he approaches Robyn's shining Castle..........He walks in and the kids come running to their "daddy" they grab his leg and hang on for dear life. Robyn walks in with King Solomon...ta da da da daaaaaa!!! This is the life! It took him 20 whole minutes to get around to all the houses...he is exhausted and ready for some rest and relaxation...although Valentines Day didn't land on Robyn's day, he thinks Jenelle won't mind if he just stays the night this one time (yeah right) He reaches in his pocket and realizes that he forgot to give Christine a new strap for her watch..."Oh well, I will catch her some time next week" (I think).

      Gee, I wonder what all the gals went in on (on their budget) to get this amazing man of theirs???? Please girls, don't give him anything that might make him think he has to "Go to Work".

    2. I was wondering the same thing. I was also wondering which one gets has to spend the night with him.

    3. JUST a Thought! That was AMAZING!!! YOu should write the scripts for TLC!!

    4. Gosh, thank you Gwen....actually I'm sure they have some pretty amazing script writers right now, they seem to be entertaining all of us! Gives us all plenty to talk about here on this AMAZING blog! Which I really do like...I like it so much, I'm going to skip watching the show and come on here when the season starts for my entertainment in the evening. The best part of this blog is that even when the show is off the air we all can still have some awesome conversations....wouldn't you say? I would also credit SWB for keeping the attention on Sisterwives....they leave way too big a gap between seasons (or 1/2 seasons, or whatever it is) they risk the chance of losing their audience. Pretty soon, people really are not going to care what the Browns do for Christmas, Valentines Day, birthdays or vacations.


    I keep thinking..."when the pastries hit the wetbar...I'll be headin' home to you."

    that's mirroring the late great George Carlin who said "When my beer nuts turn to cotton balls, I'll be heading home to you." (Cotton Balls being the dreaded final stage of Beer Nuts...)

  24. Anyone here seen the Sister Wives porn parody? They use entire lines from the show! It was a hoot!

    1. Wow didn't know that existed. Looks really gross. How horrifying to see your children parodied in an adult film. The lines from the show are pretty silly though.

    2. I didn't know there was a porn parody! Youtube has a clip, the wig on the guy that plays Kody is pretty funny.

  25. I just know one of the wives will get Kody the red heart boxer shorts from Target.

    1. Meri will probably just sew him some heart pajamas, and then he'll put on a fashion show with the kids.

  26. I just watched this. My my my how the times have changed (well, except for Robyn trying to keep getting in the camera angle).

    Kody uses the word "rotate" and nobody even flinches.

    They also said they asked the kids if they wanted separate houses or 1 big house and ALL the kids said 1 big house.........

    It's a 9 minute video with Meridyth Veria (sp)

  27. Apron #2 is awesome! I love it!

    Happy V Day everyone!

  28. I just read
    and enjoyed the family history.
    To find this satire on here today, these great pictures, made for one big laugh, even sent them to my friends!

  29. I would love to have an apron with pictures of the candy hearts on it. Love the great artwork. I laughed at the heart shaped picture of Kody, he looked like a caveman with his hair flying all over.

    When he has something to discuss with his wives, he probably forgets what it even was by the time he gets to the last two....oh didn't I tell you, I'm sure I did...oh maybe it was someone else. How can you keep repeating a story four times without it getting old.

    1. It's just plain weird to see your dad hanging on another woman. Do the kids have access to Kody no matter what wife he is with at the time? I mean can they go and knock or walk into the houses of the other wives? I guess what I am trying to say is that I wonder if there are rules for the kids. That is so unnatural not to be able to see your dad when you want to.

    2. The heart earrings with the radiant Kodouche did me in! Can't you see Robyn wearing these during some private time?

    3. I created a CafePress account and submitted a few of the designs. You will soon be able to buy your very own apron, t-shirt, water bottle, keepsake box....the list goes on and on. As soon as they let me know the designs are approved, I'll tell everyone.

      It's not going to be a big money maker at all. You only make around 8% of the retail price of the item, and you only get paid after 60 days IF you have at least $25 in royalties. I don't have a say-so in what the items cost, or what my cut of it is. If it's anything significant, I'll buy a sponsorship on this blog first and we'll figure out what charity afterwards. Sound like a plan?

      In the meantime, I'll see what else I can come up with. If anyone has any suggestions, let me know!

    4. It looks like we're live! I'll get busy doodling more iconic draw-rings and we'll be in business! Here is a nice mug:,788302676

      Only three designs so far, but in the next year or two...I hope to add more. Such as, a limited edition 2012 ornament that is perpetually out of stock...or some sort of horribly overpriced heart pendant.

    5. Super cool!!! I bet you could use some of the T shirt designs too. I know I will be buying me apron soon!! Great Job, I hope you keep them coming here. I also hope Mister Sister makes a post for you!

    6. I'm sure CJ and and I can do that! Look for one next week!! Congratulations Twisted Sister, great job!

    7. Fantastic Twisted Sister!!

      I didn't want a husband - I just wanted a Sister Wives Blog Family!! Thanks to you, MS, and CJ, now I have one!!

  30. Wonder how many "Be Mine" heart necklaces they sold for Valentines Day- what woman wouldn't want a nifty overpriced iconic sterling heart pendant?

    They are such grifters...I really hope even the most loyal fans stick to just buying the $20 dogpaw/butterfly apron.

    1. I wonder if they have sold any? What's your guess? 15?

    2. I doubt they even hit the double digits! I only saw 1 comment on the SW Closet page from someone who actually bought it. Apparently it's more stunning in person than in the picture....maybe iconic sterling silver is extra shiny???

  31. I had such a great laugh! What a nice present to us from my favorite blog!!!!
    Can't wait to see what's next!

  32. When Pastries Hit the Wetbar :) That was my favorite...and the plyg candy. This was a great light hearted laugh after my long day at work.

    I just realized that I should be a plyg: it still leaves me with no husband and only the internet for Valentines...Hmm

    1. I wonder if there is a website to look for Cyber Plygs? If you get lucky, you'll get a (short, douchey) email every fourth day!

      Maybe we're on to something. The website could be called or Autonomy Harmony...

    2. LOL Twister SisterWife "I wonder if there is a website to look for Cyber Plygs? If you get lucky, you'll get a (short, douchey) email every fourth day!" hahahaha

  33. Love the peanut butter and fritos floating in the apron. Christine's chicken and broccoli would have pushed me over the edge!
    Honestly, love this blog! The past 4 posts have been the best!

  34. Happy Valentine's Day to all my friends who live in my computer!

    I have to say I'm totally disappointed. I own a flower shop. I did not have a single customer announce that he was a polygamist who needed flowers for his four wives.

    1. HAHA. no one came in and said, hi, I'm Kadouche Dumwit and I'm a polygamist! I little known secret is that Las Vegas is full of polygamists. Many of Warren Jeffs construction companies were there at one time, not sure if they still are. Robyn's step dad had lived there. It's not exactly a hick town. Sooo full of himself!
      Sadly, not many churches there. So much for their strong religious beliefs. The BASIS of their mess.
      I say that Meri is the boss. Kody wasnot AUB before her, if she had wanted a single marriage, he would have been just as happy doing that. Now she's the resident hell raiser. I can not see any of the women as close. Janelle/Christine have things in common but very different. So much for the Meri Robyn love train.
      Robyn looks unhappy. What is she to do now? Have more kids she can't handle? Then lose Kody's free time?
      If they w ant to play with our minds pretending this show is a real show, when it's a dishonest slopfest, i fell no guilt LOVING these fun posts!
      Question. WHY does Kody not work a REAL JOB? I wonder if his children have gone to Disneyland as much as him?

    2. Maybe they're all waiting until August 19th, that's National Polygamy Day. Now that you're aware of it, you can plan ahead and offer a special deal: FOUR different bouquets for ONE price for the discriminating absentee husband! Delivery should be fairly easy if they all live in one cuddle-sac.

    3. That's because the wives wanted wetbars, not flowers.

    4. Anon 11:56 et al, I did receive several orders for one girl--maybe she has brother husbands? Girl power!

      TSW, thanks for the heads up on Plyggy Day--I'll be sure to stock up! Bwahahahaha.

      Anon 9:50--there's plenty of room on those wetbars for pastries and posies!

    5. I'm sure flowers go very nicely on wetbars! They add ambiance to all of the multiplied love and hairstyles being tossed around.

  35. Just thinking of all the great movie titles that would have to change if polygamy was legalized.....Romeo and Juliets, When Harry met Sallys, Bonnies and Clyde,etc...

    1. Ladies and the tramp

      Seven brides for one brother

      Five flew over the cuckoos nest

    2. Runaway Brides

    3. Beauty and the Four Beasts

    4. Cinderella and the Four Stepsister Wives

    5. Maybe it should be Cinderfella and Four Stepsisters?

      Goldilocks and the 4 Bears
      Father of the Brides (Darger version)
      Kissin' Cousins
      My Sister(wife)'s Keeper
      When a Man Loves Some Women
      I Think I Love My Wives

      And then there are the movie titles that take on new meaning:
      First Wives Club
      I Don't Know How She Does It
      Reality Bites
      What's Love Got to Do With It?

    6. Snow Whites and the dwarf..... Mickey mouse and Minnie Mice.....

    7. Seven Brides for One Brother,
      Snow White, Rose Red, Black Beauty and One Dwarf
      Les Miserables (no name change there!)

    8. Oops! Sorry Anon. 1:40. Need to eyeball the previous entries more closely.

    9. Superman and Lois Lanes..Ma's and Pa Kettle...The MaMa's and the PaPa.......How I met your Mothers....Tarzan and the Janes

    10. Other Movies:
      The Devil Wears Backpacks
      Lord of the Kladdagh Rings
      A Clockwork Orange Face
      Stand by Me, Me, Me, Me and Me

      TV shows:
      How I Met Your Mothers
      Army Sister Wives
      4 Broke Girls
      Desperate Sister Wives

      and, for when the girls leave Kody for Hugh Hefner: The Sister Wives Next Door!

    11. Those movie titles made me laugh. Loudly. Thanks, y'all!

    12. On Canadian TV tonight:

      Kody - Diary of a Wimpy Kid
      Meri - Dragon's Den
      Janelle - Till Debt Do Us Part
      Christine - Kitchen Nightmares
      Robyn - The Perks of Being a Wallflower

      LMAO at the above replies. So Funny!

    13. A Clockwork Orange Face! SPLORF all over the iPad!

      The Gordon Setter

    14. Please use the word SPLORF in every comment you make from now on! I giggle like a kid every time I read it!

    15. someone please pull an old yeller on kody

  36. I am seriously thinking that they ALL got the wetbar. Robyn, for sure, the prices were too close together.

    1. They all did. The other two wanted 5 bedrooms. To get the 5 bedrooms you had to add everything extra downstairs.

  37. LMAO!!! Freaking awesome Mister Sister :) Thanks for the laugh. It's funny & creative. Way better than Robyns doodles...hehe

  38. My bad, Kudos to Twisted Sister!! I just reread the credits above. Awesome job ;)

  39. Lol Anon 1:40.....good job

  40. Saw a commercial other day on snoring. Thought the sister wives would be great for it. Was about pillow that stops snoring. Kody in the bed with Meri snoring so bad she can't sleep. She nudges him says go to bed with Janelle. So now Janelle can't sleep, so she says go to bed with Christine.Kody moves again. You know Christine is thrilled, but then she can't sleep either. She says go to bed with Robin, so he does. We all know robin is so happy she pulls out the pillow that keeps him from snoring. live happily ever after.

    1. I thought at first you were going to say that she put the pillow over his face...loved your story.

  41. Remember when "Threes Company" was a big hit? How we all thought one guy living with two female roommates was so daring? How times have changed right? Didn't Aaron Spelling produce that? Wonder what he would do with this if he was still alive. Such a talented man.

  42. I have a question???? Do these people really have to thank each other over their twitter accounts. I thought the whole idea of them living next to each other is so they would be closer to each other.

    Why don't they just yell out the window "THANK YOU CHRISTINE...blah blah blah"

    1. No kidding !!
      I guess Sobbin must have read (or tried to) some online marketing manual that said that you need to keep your customers (fans) involved with cyber Chapter Three on "Grifting without the Targets Catching On"
      Problem is that these fools do not realize that there are just as many cynical "observers" who view their tweet ploys as just plain stupid...and "obvious."

      It is still hard to imagine how five adults so collectively clueless and ethic-less could have hooked up. In the real world, a family may have one or two dysfunctional folks, but the Browns are a total package !!!

    2. No kidding!! I am astounded at the tweets, or as Kathy Griffin calls them, twats. Pardon my french, had to say that one!!

    3. MS,

      LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. Yeah, I saw that Christine thanked Robyn over twitter for something. Shows how much they actually see each other. When they're heading out of their mcmansions, and they see one of the other's garage door opening, they probably race back inside so they don't have to bump into each other.

    5. If I were Browns, I would see this blog, and either work harder to make a good product, or throw in the towel, so to speak.
      I think they come here and read. Mind you, they don't bother with the real issues or the FLDS posts, but you can bet a pretty penny they read every one of the others. I place money on Meri, Christine being the top two readers.

  43. The aprons are so funny! Would definitely buy for charity.

  44. She-Rah tweets about morphing into a ninja!

    Robyn Sullivan Brown‏@LuvgvsUwngs
    "Carefully, oh so carefully, moving away from Solomon after I have put him to sleep, I wonder if I could be a ninja warrior..."

    Seriously- this woman needs to stop tweeting

    1. That is a hoot! Ninja She Rah Warrier Princess Sullivan. Who else on earth would make such a big deal about being married (WHEN SHE'S NOT) and her name is Brown (WHICH IT'S NOT)---I wonder if her name is even really Sullivan. Her name was Marck, and her dad is still her dad according to sources.
      How old is she? 12?

    2. I bet the next iconic joolrey pieces will be called the Ninja Warrior Princess collection. She'll just use the stealth ghost hands from the de-constructed claddagh & call them ninja jazz hands!

    3. in defense of Robyn who hasn't moved with ninja like stealth after putting their little one to bed? Sometimes we need to stop taking everything they say so seriously.

    4. Anony 8:51 p.m. - Truth be known, her legal name is probably still Jessop. But Robyn's a known habitual liar, so what's one more when it comes to using your legal name? Remember how even the scammy credit guy said to her, "You have a lot of different names on your credit report." HAH!!

    5. are robyns kids last name jessop? or does she call them brown.

    6. Since Robyn's twitter name is "love gives you wings" why doesn't she just fly out of Sol's room?

    7. Interesting about the last name switching (and their shaky credit histories). I wonder what last name these broads use on the title to their homes?

    8. I wonder what last name these broads use on the title to their homes?

      All are Brown except for Robyn. She's listed as 'Sullivan'.

    9. Australia Fan...never had to ninja my way out of my kids nursery so I found the tweet just odd & amusing. I can safely that say I never take the Browns seriously!

    10. Fan from Australia, point taken, and you are right....But we're just having some silly fun. ;)

    11. HAH! i'm sure she's tweeting that while she's "carefully, oh so carefully" moving away from him. she's a geek. and Robyn - no one cares. not even your "loving" sister wives. maybe a few dweeb fans do, i guess. especially the ones who are in line begging to be Wife #5!! lol

  45. Re-posting this post for all to all to see, some don't go back through them.
    TS has now put her creations online for sale, and I believe proceeds will go to charity.

    TWISTED SISTER:,788302676

    Only three designs so far, but in the next year or two...I hope to add more. Such as, a limited edition 2012 ornament that is perpetually out of stock...or some sort of horribly overpriced heart pendant.

    1. I think these are great! I am contemplating buying a coffee mug!

    2. Yay, I'm glad you went with CafePress!

    3. I was a bit surprised at the sheer amount of things you can get. Really...a plush football with wetbar pastries on it? A snuggie-type thing with plyggy candy hearts on it?

      But the important thing is, you can buy an APRON and it only costs $22.99. Did I mention that it has adjustable strings AND pockets?!

    4. I just ordered a coffee mug 2 minutes ago can't wait to drink my hot chocolate in it and wachting sister wives at the same time.

    5. Anon 10:43 I think you mean drinking your Postum. ;)

    6. Awwww, this makes me happy! :)

      I've been doodling some more things, and I'll add them to CafePress tomorrow. I've read a few things about t-shirts that you've all designed before...? I'm fairly new to the blog, but can someone let me know where to look? I'd be happy to upload someone else's design for something. It almost takes a graphics program to design something for CafePress, because it has to be a pretty big file and they have a lot of restrictions. No photos of celebrities unless it's a previously approved fan page, no copyrighted items such as Fritos, etc.

    7. Be sure to send SW doodles here for us to post - on your post I'm making soon!

    8. Okay! I'm making some movie and TV show titles based on the comments here. It's not stuff that can go on CafePress necessarily, but fun for the blog.

      I hope we raise lots of money for a good cause!

  46. First of all, loved this post, as I do all of them here! This is my favorite closet addition. My freedom place to enjoy. I am reading older posts, and wanted to comment, but some were closed. Is there a reason for this, or can we still comment on the older posts?

    1. I will be working to open them all back up. Thanks for reminding us.

    2. Oh my gosh! I've become obsessive about older posts! I'm reading them all from the beginning, and am up to early September, 2011 now. They are fantastic; so full of information about morman polygamy and all the fundamentalist sects!!! Even more information in the comments!! I think there are many people like me who only found this blog in January 2013 and are learning about this for the first time now.

      Someone asked at one time if you could separate the informational posts from the sister wives show posts. It would be wonderful if you could do that, but I wouldn't have a clue how. Two 'folders' maybe?

      Mister Sister and Cynical Jinxs, and others who helped, you have become MASTERS at this blogging stuff!! MS said she knew nothing about blogging when she began; the professionalism of this blog is now unsurpassed imo. Both MS and CJ said knew little about FM when started; I think this blog is the most incredible source of information, especially when the comments from several contributers are included. Maybe you could combine and publish, especially if you gave the money to charaties fighting polygamy. I think you'd make a lot of money.

      By the way, I mentioned in an earlier comment I don't see advertisements on this blog. Why is that? Several requests to 'click' on them in earlier posts - how do I find them to click on???

    3. We thank you Sinister Drives!!
      Lots of changes since we've started, that's for sure. We just try to give information as honestly as we can, and have fun with the show! For now, we will not be splitting the blog. However, I am working on opening old posts up for comments, still in July I think! We tried ads and just were not pleased, so we took all off them off. We are a free blog zone right now. We're rebels at heart and don't like restrictions, but it's a great idea. We may try again sometime. Glad you've found us, and hope you enjoy the older readings. I think we still feel like young pups doing this, but we've grown a bit!

    4. I found this blog only recently too, and have been having a blast! I've started reading the blog from the beginning as I rewatch the SW episodes. I never thought I would find polygamy so interesting! I usually don't care much for organized religion of any kind, but now I've read two books about polygamy in addition to learning about it on this blog. What I enjoy most is the interaction with the bloggers and the posters! Fun and intellectually stimulating at the same time.

      Great job everyone!

      P.S. Gordon Setter, SPLORF is my new favorite word!

  47. In my psychology class today, teacher was discussing sociopathy.
    One of the primary symptoms of sociopathy is chronic lying, which is often used to manipulate others. Sociopaths do not feel guilt or remorse for hurting other people, though they are often superficially charming and likable. They typically see themselves as superior to other people, and have a general disregard for societal norms and rules. They also tend to be impulsive, making irresponsible decisions and engaging in behaviors that hurt other people.

    All I could think of was, this IS Kody Brown, his wives, and Warren Jeffs.

    1. Boy, that does sound like a pretty accurate description!

    2. My husband is a sociopath. I just don't let him get away with anything. Since it's a hard wiring thing, it takes a lot of work for him not to slip back into lying and such. People are born with this, it's not like they choose to be this way.

    3. I think they are too -

    4. In my opinion it is poor parenting, which influences one's psyche in the growing stage, as the root cause of sociopathy and numerous other emotional/psychological disorders.

    5. I believe it can be environmental or heredity. Seen it in both cases.

    6. Wow this is so my brother-in-law. He has destroyed his relationship with his oldest teenage son because when something would happen with his son, it could never look bad on dad so he would flat make up stories about his son and turn something that was normal teenage behavior into something that made his son look like a looser, which in fact dad was the looser. Then mom choose looser boyfriend of the son, so he lives with my husband and I until he finishes high school and gets settled in college. Actually this is his home now, so he will always have a place to go. It have been hard to reverse this kids thinking that he will never amount to anything because that is all he has heard from his dad. This kid is honor roll, goes to school every day, has a job does anything I ask him to do around the house. He is 18 but he calls and asks if he can go to a friends house after school or work and what time he needs to be home. (which is something I required of my kids and require of him as long as he is in school). He is a really good kid and his dad takes no responsibility for his actions towards his son and it just irritates the crap out of me. And of course grandma (dad's mom) hasn't even talked to the kid and she is taking dad's side and thinks we should just throw the kid out so he has to go back and live with his dad. Not gonna happen. I do everything I can to protect this kid from his dad and stupid grandma.

  48. More movies: (Hope I'm not repeating anything)

    "The King and We"
    "Polygamists Without a Cause"
    "Love Stories"
    "An Unmarried Woman" - starring Janelle, Christine and Robyn
    "Home Alone" - starring Meri
    "Bob & Ted & Carol & Alice & Kody & Meri & Janelle & Christine & Robyn"
    "Four Weddings and a (Dog's) Funeral"

    1. Too funny, Mr. Spock!

    2. I just spit Sprite out of my nose reading "Bob & Ted & Carol..." too funny! I may have to make a fake movie poster out of that one!

  49. Meri, Janelle, Christine and Robyn,
    if you read this I would totally buy the "when the pastries hit the wetbar" apron.
    Twisted Sister great job! Stylish and funny and I assume the straps are adjustable.

    1. Here is the description on the apron: (I did not write this!)

      Spice up conversations in the kitchen or around the BBQ with this tasty-looking apron (made of high-quality cotton twill, it's rugged and wears great too). Ideal for cooking, baking, grilling or bartending, it's perfect for foodies of all sizes. Simply slip the apron over your head and pull the waist-level drawstring to tighten it around your neck and waist. Two generous pockets hold utensils and more.
      ■31" long & 29" wide
      ■100% heavy cotton twill
      ■Machine washable

      So, maybe not adjustable straps...but look! It has pockets! :)

    2. "tasty-looking apron..."

      is that a sister wife dish?

  50. And even more movies...
    "The Lyin' King"
    "All Dogs That Pee on Meri's Carpet Go To Heaven"
    "Vegas Plyg-cation"
    "My Best Friend's Weddings"
    "Guy and Dolls"

    1. Love all the movie entries, but my fav so far is...

      "The Lyin' King"....(and Queens)

    2. Oh dear me! "All Dogs That Pee on Meri's Carpet Go To Heaven" too funny :)

  51. Brides of Frankenstein....Voyage to the Planet of the Prehistoric Women......Time Travelers Wives.....My Life in Ruins.....27 Dresses (and 27 aprons)

  52. more movies...

    "Raging Bullsh*t"
    "Four Weddings and Drake's Funeral"
    "From Here to Paternity"
    "A Clockwork Brown"

  53. "No Country for Old Dogs"
    "Meri, Janelle, Christine and Robyn in Wonderland"
    "Boy Toy Story"
    "There Will Be A Wetbar"
    "What Women Don't Want"

  54. "My Big, Fat, Plyg Wedding"
    "A Plyg's Life"
    "The Plygs and I"
    "King Solomon's Mine... Or Is He Hers or Hers or Hers?"
    And one that doesn't need to be changed but seems obvious...

  55. TV Shows:

    "Not Friends"
    "I Love Lucy, Meri, Janelle, Christine, Robyn"
    "Project Let's Runaway"
    "Have Rented RV - Will Travel"
    "Brown Family Feud"
    "Wonder(ing) at these Women"
    "Good Morning, Meri? Janelle? Christine? Robyn?"

    1. or Frenemies ...Lol...I do like ur Project Lets Runaway & Brown Family Feud tho. :)

  56. Instead of Modern Family - NotFLDSFamily

  57. It Had to be You (and you and you and you)
    It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World
    Yours, Mine, Ours and Hers and Hers and Hers

    and just for Kody.............Dazed and Confused


    I just read this article on the book called God's Brothel about 18 women escaping polygamy. Perhaps it has already been mentioned on here, but I am fairly new to the site and I am still reading posts back in 2011.

    What stands out to me is

    1 The extortion of sex for salvation. How true.
    2 The inbreeding to keep the Kingston bunch pure. How gross.
    3 The Law of Sarah where the other wives are slaves to the first wife. How mean.
    4 Poofers. Children who are disabled suddenly...poof....mysteriously disappear. How sad.
    I wish government and law enforcement did more to stop these people and protect these women and children.

    1. I think that Meri believes in the Law of Sarah even if the other wives don't. After all she is the one and only wife, the rest are just girlfriends.

  59. Robyn Hood
    Meri Christmas (currently on back order)
    Christine Chapel (rather temple)

  60. So funny! Love reading everyones posts. Thanks for a good laugh today.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Dumb and dumber and dumberer and dumbest.

  63. The man who came to dinner....The man who loved women....The man who wasn't there...The marrying kind....The misfits....The more, the merrier.

  64. My phone is acting up, so I guess my post didn't go thru so I'm gonna try it again from the computer. I'm a much faster typer than texter
    TV Shows:
    *Kody Flipping His Hair in Vegas(Flipping Vegas)
    *Plural Survival(Dual Survival)
    *The Plyg Zone or Cult de sac Zone(The Twilight Zone)
    *Plyg Compounds on the Mountainside or Cozy Plural House in Lehi (Little House on the Prairie)
    *The Middle Aged & the Reckless (The Young & the Restless)

    *Kody Sprouts or Seeds of Kody (Seed of Chucky)
    *Battle for Kody's Celestial Planet of SW (Battle For the Planet of Apes)
    *What NOT to Expect from Kody Brown & SW when Expecting w/ His Baby (What to Expect when your expecting)
    *Robyn's Alter Ego Mask of She-rah (The Mask of Zorro)
    *Brown's Book of Lies & Deceit (The Book of Eli)
    *Plygy Proof (Fire Proof)
    *Wet Bar Time Machine (Hot Tub Time Machine)
    *Twisted Faith of Polygamy (Twist of Faith on Lifetime channel)
    *Kody Brown's The Family that Grifts & Preys (Tyler Perry's The Family that Preys)
    Well, I wanted to throw in the movie Footloose in the mix in honor of Lehi. But I'll just leave the funny & creative substitutions to yall's imagination ;)...Lol

  65. There are a bunch of incredibly gifted and talented people who write and comment on this blog! I love all that I've read. Thanks from an un-creative reader!

  66. Tv shows,Movies, Etc
    My Mom's (Teen Mom)
    Throw Kody from the Train ( Throw Mama from the Train)
    My Four Weddings ( Four Weddings)
    Not the King Of Queens ( King Of Queens)
    Wetbar Rescue (Bar Rescue)

    1. Hope I"m not repeating.....

      My 4 Moms (my 3 dads)

  67. Just have to say that between the artwork and movie titles I have been laughing for days- thanks everyone!!!

  68. Was mommies dearest or daddy dearest added yet.

  69. A movie I would like to see -
    "Mutiny on the Cult-de-Sac" (Mutiny on the Bounty) in which the girlfriends rebel, kick Kody overboard, and make their escape to the beautiful Island of Monogamy.
    The movie I am actually seeing -
    "Sleeping With the Frenemy" (Sleeping with the Enemy) in which a woman's husband is sleeping with other women whom she feels compelled to say are her best friends, even though she hates their guts most of the time.

  70. Last House on the Left (Robyn's house) Final destination (Meri's house)

  71. "Throw Kody from the Train"...Oh my did I laugh at that one.

    You guys are great.
    So tickled to see the products at Cafe Press.

  72. What an enjoyable post! You guys are so funny! I wish I was that creative. Has anyone noticed that the Sister Wives show gets very little press?
    Not even TLC f in keeps their posts up.
    Seems to me Kody hasn't caught on there's a new sheriff in town, and his name is Joe Darger.
    Hope more send in cute ideas!

    1. However, their show, if they had one, might be more boring because I don't think they have all animosity and much more love between SW. However, JD colors may come out and that might be REALLY interesting.

    2. Papa Joe seems to run a tight and CONTROLLED ship. I'm sure if they actually did come out w/their own show, there not only would be skeletons falling out of the closet but also a lot of feminists would probably be up in arms publicly as these Darger women seem to be much more subservient to their king than the Browns are to theirs. Kody is to be laughed at behind the scenes while Joe is to be feared.

    3. Well if he's the new Sherrif than I'm RUNNING out of town! I've said this before and I'll say it again, Papa Joe Darger gets my defenses up. I really can't stand him. Especially after reading their book. The Browns are no prized pigs either. But for me, tolerable. That man is a control freak. And an ASS! Plain and simple. Their book didn't shed any "light" as they so desperately hoped for. It shed even more darkness on their plyggy world. And don't even get me started on the "plyg-cation" episode of sister wives. I had to give Janelle props on mocking him in the drive way. Even if at the time it was behind his back, it still aired. And I clapped for her! How dare Joe try to lay the law down in someone ELSE'S home! Even if it was directed at kodouche! It goes to show what kind of temperamental, control freak of a person he is....
      Someone pointed out a twitter feed from one of the Darger wives stating to fans that their "would be" show was a no go for TLC. And for good reason. I'd never watch it. They won't get any ratings from my house!

  73. movies for each of them

    Janelle....Lady sings the blues
    Christine...The Forgotten
    Robyn....Poor white trash
    Meri...Monster inlaw
    Kody....A fistfull of dollars

  74. Adam's Ribs (Adam's Rib)....Close Encounters of a FOURTH kind.......Farewell My Concubine......Five Easy Pieces.....Risky Business

  75. "Live and Let Cry".

    "PlygZard of Oz" with signature song "somewhere over the wet bar, Plygs will fly"

    "Hair". I mean srsly…

    "Gimme a head with hair
    Long beautiful hair
    Shining, gleaming,
    Streaming, flaxen, waxen"

    "Little Women Not So Much".

    "The Man From Uncle/Brother/Cousin/Stepdad/nephew"

    --Paw Print

  76. One of those candy hearts should say, "Validate me." LOLOLOL -prometheamoth

  77. "Live and Let Cry", "Little Women Not So Much" - Paw Print, you are hilarious!! Very creative and original.

    My this post has taken a fun turn.

    Gordon Setter on iPad (can't add name)

  78. One flew over the plygs cuckoo's nest

  79. "Mr. & Mrs & Mrs. & Mrs. & Mrs. Smith"
    "The Houses At The End Of The Street"
    "Kody and Meri and Janelle and Christine and Robyn Make A Porno" -- Sorry about that one. Much like the rest of you, I just threw up in my mouth at the visual.
    And a couple that don't need changing...
    "The Grifters"
    "Stranger Than Fiction"

  80. " Gimme a head with hair
    Long beautiful hair"

    Now I can't get that song out of my head...haven't heard it in years and I see Kody swinging his hair around.

    Sometimes when I refresh this page- it comes up with numbers which I really like- why do they disappear?

    Ipad name......Slept Into Debt

  81. Baby Mama(s)
    Mean Girls
    Confessions of a Middle-Aged Drama King
    Freaky Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs AND Fri
    The (Lack of) Help - so says Christine
    Egoes Unchained

    - Mock Jobs (can no longer post my name)

  82. All of these and the post are great!!!! LOVE THIS BLOG!

  83. Kudos to all of you, what a giggle!!

  84. Did anyone see that Janelle posted that she and Christine now officially work as salespeople at TMI Realty there in Vegas.
    Notice their email address is the same and they both have identical contact info.

    (Found this info on Janelle's twitter post)

    Things that make you go HMMM!!!

    1. Notice the office phone numbers. All the other listed agents have one number, but Christine and Janelle have a completely different one. And no cell phone #s listed, which is unheard of for realtors to not list their cells. I'll believe there's some legitimacy to this when I see their names next to some listings.

  85. Cafepress Inc. shipped the following item(s) in your order placed on February 15, 2013:
    Pastries for the Wetbar Mug
    Sold by: Cafepress Inc.

    I can't wait to have my Mug! This blog has made me laugh a lot, Thanks!

  86. Yay!!! Our first sale! Please let me know how it looks in person. Thank you for buying it.

  87. "Notice their email address is the same and they both have identical contact info.
    Things that make you go HMMM!!! "

    Sounds like not only do the Browns "read" SWB and have noted the posts questioning if they were actually working for Mona....but it is kind of obvious from their shared email address that they are doing a "sister act" there and splitting whatever hours they actually may be there.
    A win-win for Mona the mortgage magician to have the celebs onsite for attracting the curious and/or the adoring fans.....and a win-win for the Kodysisters to be able to "say" that they are gainfully employed.

    Wonder if TMI Reality will also now have a side table in the foyer set up with Green Goo, jewelry and aprons?

  88. Here's my theory on Christine and Janelle as real estate agents for TMI. I'm a licensed Realtor in Massachusetts, so my opinion is solely based on what I know you can do in this state. I suspect that Christine and Janelle's association with TMI is nothing more than a referral system set up to funnel business to the company. I have no expectations of ever seeing a listing under either of their names. Janelle and Christine are probably assuming that their collective celebrity will just have the calls rushing in and they can just sit back and collect referral fees on listings and sales that are procured through their names. In theory, it sounds great because who wouldn't want 25% of a fee for doing nothing? But, when you apply reality to their plan, that's where it falls apart. Who in their right mind is going to buy a house, much less an apron, or piece of ICONIC jewelry from these fools?
