Tuesday, February 12, 2013

I Scour the Internet : Mardi Gras Edition 2/12/13

I've heard through the SWB grapevine that the Kody, without his Ko-dypendents, was sighted recently (sorry I am too tired to muddle thru twitter and facebook for the fan photo of Kody at Wendy's...but let's discuss the ramifications of that sighting in a moment). Kody and the Krew even shared dinner with Papa Joe and his Twins including the twin's Cousin who happens to be the legal wife. I imagine Papa Joe took the opportunity to go over the summary of the Brown's court case that they refuse to show up for because Kody's just too scared to show his face publicly in Utah (unless it's a Wendy's, of course).

Here's the tweet from the Dargers with Kody's response....

Now I ask you. Was Kody in Utah or did the Dargers make a return trip to Vegas? I'm putting my 2 cents on Papa Joe and wives making a return trip to Vegas to camp out in Kody's cavernous overpriced McMansion he shares with Meri and Mariah. And I'll double my bet that this was all filmed for the show. See Meri...you could have had Papa Joe build that counterspace for your pastries instead of adding additional bedrooms and that ugly wet bar. Then again, I doubt Papa Joe would work for free.

On the subject of work, Meri tweeted this after 'working hard' for an half hour or so  fulfilling those 3  MSWC orders she ignored all week....

Let's just hope if these gals are married, their hubbies don't say something like "Oh, by the way, I've decided to marry a second wife. Enjoy your Sister Wife's Closet Valentine's gift!"

And Trainer Sean tweeted this informative (if not disgusting) picture of the perils of eating fast food:

Now, can we talk? Supposedly, Kody was spotted recently in a Wendy's. Maybe he was there using the facilities...but for some reason, I say that sly man child was sneaking out some fast food behind the back of Trainer Sean. At any rate, I hope Trainer Sean understands he's going to have to use more than non-rotted 3 year old hamburgers and fries to stop Kody and family from indulging in the greasy,  impervious to spoilage fast food they apparently can't live without. And for the record, something tells me that green koolaid the Browns are swigging will last a thousand years or more without spoiling. Easy...

That's all for now. Remember, I scour the Internet (well, all right, Twitter) so YOU don't have to!!


  1. I guess the bugs in LV don't like fast food but let me tell you that here in AR, flies, nats, and roaches would be over that fast food just as quick as they would attack roadkill in August on the side of the road.
    And, really, do we really think that Brown Clowns will give up fast food? Come on. We've seen their home made food attempts so yeah, fast food is a big improvement over faux tapioca and tatertot crap and peanut butter dip chip thingies. Gross. These people do not know what a green or orange vegetable looks like. Only white and brown. Gross people.

    1. I think that's why there aren't any condiments on the burgers...to eliminate the threat of infestation.

    2. Lol girl no ... They are (in order L to R) Wendy's, Jack in the Box, BK, McD.

      Sorry, fast food aficionado here. Crucify me.

    3. I can't believe I'm defending the Browns, but in the Hanukuah episode, Christine did cook up (badly) some artichokes, and in the last ep this season with Logans departure, there were some (plain) salad greens on display. Of course I always say that if you don't dress up the veggies and make them tasty, you're going to have a very difficult time getting your kids to like them.

    4. There is a kids science center near where I live that has a similar display. It is kept under glass and as Cynical Jinx said, there are no condiments. One of the fast food places wanted it taken down because they claimed that it was spoiled and if it were not protected, the food would clearly show being spoiled.

      A newspaper tried the same experiment without the glass display, and everything was bad within a few days except for the french fries, pickles, and a hot dog. The bun had serious mold within a week.

  2. I would not be a happy camper on Valentines Day if hubs got me anything from their site.

    1. No kidding... can you imagine? I'll bet the site doesn't take returns, so you'd be stuck! Blech!

    2. Ellen, not stuck because they don't properly disclose their return policy. If you use a Visa or MasterCard to buy, you can charge it back. Of course, i wouldn't buy an overpriced heart necklace (similar to one you can get at Target for a fraction of the price) from them ANYway. The way they've marketed it as a charity "Help our family by buying our crap" is like a low-rent "Trick or Treat for UNICEF" except UNICEF was/is an actual charity that helped people.

  3. Shame that there aren't any fast food places really close to their house. Must be a hardship for them to live in "exile" with no Mickey D nearby.

  4. Does "In and Out" count as junk food?

    1. According to Trainer Sean it is. Isn't that an In and Out burger and fries 3rd from the left?

    2. CJ, I don't recognize that packaging as In and Out.

    3. CJ, I don't recognize that packaging as In and Out

      My bad. I see upthread it was noted that was Burger King. Funny, I think I've had Burger King maybe 3 times and In and Out only 2 times (because they only recently arrived in my state like 10 years ago and the nearest one is 6 miles away from me). Right now, I can walk to McD's in less than 2 minutes (but I will still drive in order use the drive thru)

  5. I guess the Dargers are wanting (or having) to push the "close buddies" concept with the KodyKrew. Seems like there is a mutual PR project afoot.
    Why else would they all feel the need to have to tweet their recent close encounter?
    Who *needed to know* besides themselves?

    Trainer Sean must have A LOT of time on his hands to be monitoring the burger n' fries experiment. Wonder where he is keeping this display???
    These people are so bizarre....

    1. Amused - he probably just pulled that pic off the 'net, there are tons.

    2. Good call, Amused. Why people have to tweet things to each other on a public forum when these things were surely said to one another in person smacks of insincerity and a hidden agenda.

    3. And/or just good old fashioned attention-ho-ness. that would be Kody.

    4. Probably not on Meri's wetbar!!

    5. I am waiting on a romance between a Brown and a Darger teenager.

  6. LOL...I'm getting a mental image of Papa Joe, sans shirt, installing Meri's wetbar while the Brown wives make increasingly weak excuses to wander past, offering PJ a cold beverage, or perhaps a fresh batch of peanut butter Fritos...whilst Kode prances and flips his hair in the background in a desperate attempt to win back their attention (having no idea how to assist PJ in the slightest, 'cause that would mean, you know, WORK...)

    1. Laurakaye,

      LOL.....Great visual !!
      And Big Joe in his toolbelt and Kodouche in his little purple backpack.

      Should have known trainer-dude wasn't actually trying to harvest bacteria in his locker. Thx.

    2. Laura Kay and Amused - Thank you for the visuals! LOL - I needed a good laugh today!!

    3. Not that kody looks as nice as a peacock but he sure behaves like one. When he wants attention he fluffs out his hair and makes noise so that the females notice him.

  7. Trainer Sean needs to do his research on WHY this occurs.

    Sensationalizing something that is naturally occurring makes him look even less creditable in my eyes - especially compared to personal trainers I know and work with who prefer to use science and simple, stated facts, rather than sensationalized half-truths, to educate and train their clients.

    The science behind the 2 year old burger and the reasoning behind it (it's not due to preservatives btw...this experiment also used a homemade burger).


    A couple of articles written by a good friend/colleage who has more knowledge in his pinky toe than "Trainer Sean" has in his whole being, as well as the ability to impart that knowledge in such a way as to make it understandable to each and every one of his clients and participants - while still under the age of 30.



    1. Bless you for posting that- I was just about to. I hate when people post sensational stuff they've found online without giving it a second of rational thought- and this burger thing has been floating around for awhile x.x

    2. Did I mention how annoying I find Trainer Sean's habit of spacing before periods in his sentences? It makes him look even dimmer . LOL!

    3. I have the most horrible time using my kindle for comments. Sometimes the keyboard doesn't want to cooperate. And I think that auto word complete thingy is possessed!

    4. Ah, someone posted that pic on facebook and it did seem gross. Thanks for the link. I'm not much of a burger person but fastfood fries are a yummy treat (we partake about 2x per month).

      So many foods now have pesticides, gmo, added chemicals etc it is difficult to find food that does not have these unless you grow your own heirloom garden. I would love to buy all organic but as a SAHM it isn't in the budget.

      I do think part of the issue with the Brown family is the way they were raised. Mormans generally have large families so it is pretty common to cook lower budget casserole type dishes. That is probably just what they are used to. Although, they seem to eat out a lot. Even when they were waiting to see if Christine passed her test at that park the food on the tables looked like pans from some type of carry out. Since most of them don't work they could save a lot of $ by cooking at home.

    5. I finally figured out how to use my iPad for comments thank goodness (the trick is to be logged into my Google account) but still I hear ya on the autocorrect CJ especially on the captcha! arruugghghh

    6. I don't think Trainer Sean made it much past high school either, if he even graduated at all.

      Maybe I'm wrong, but I think anyone who is claiming to be a professional at ANYTHING needs to come across professionally on a public forum. If you can't spell, use proper grammer, or put a coherent thought together...get some help! (I'm talking to you, Sean Huddleston)

  8. My take on fast food.

    I always tell my participants - "Everything in moderation...including moderation".

    Eating fast food on a daily basis, as we all saw in the film Fast Food Nation, is NOT optimal. However, I know people who really have no choice, or FEEL they have no choice, due to work situation or economics or available options close to work or what have you.

    I don't vilify McDonalds or In and Out or ANY fast food chain. It always amazes me that people can bad-mouth McD's, but not Hershey's or Baskin-Robbins or Haagen-Daas or (fill in the blank).

    What it comes down to is personal responsbility - the food is there, but they aren't shoving it down our throats. It is our choice as free Americans, and as parents making responsible choices for our kids, to eat what we want, in the quantities we want. That's just the way it is.

    IMO, McDonald's (and Wendy's for that matter) doesn't get ENOUGH credit for their HUGE efforts in offering healthy options to their customers. Having apple slices with a little caramel sauce as an alternative to fries for their kids' meals...fresh salads...replacing soft-serve ice cream with low-fat yogurt...and so on. In fact, a regular McDonald's hamburger has only 250 calories - there are WAY worse things you could be eating. Back in the late 90's I worked in an industrial area where the only two restaurant options for lunch were a Wendys' and a Pizza Hut. Wendys has a salad bar (fair to middling) and a baked potato bar. I would buy a salad bar and a naked potato and an iced tea and that would be my lunch (going crazy on the veggies and light on the dressings and croutons and cheese).

    When I was a kid, once in a great while as a treat my parents would take us to the one McDonald's in our area, and us four girls would each get a burger, and split two orders of fries and two shakes between us (this was back in the days before the large order of fries). and we were thrilled, it was a great treat!!! It's really up to the parents to limit the amount of fast food their kids get. I don't see why the parents who blame McD's for "making my kids fat" don't blame Safeway/Vons or whoever their local grocery is for all the cookies and crap they are "forced" to buy that also make their kids fat. good lord.

    anyway rant over. This is in a nutshell what pisses me off about the Browns - their almost complete lack of assuming personal responsibility and blaming others for their problems, which is the basis of their lawsuit to begin with.

  9. I also remember going to McDonalds in the late 60's. Loved it and craved that cheeseburger. But I was a kid and pretty skinny too. My mom took me there once in a while not every day. I also took my daughter when she was little to get those cute happy meals with the toys. We haven't been to McDonalds in years but right now with all this talk I am sure getting a hankering for a Big Mac! And BTW I love the work Ronald McDonald house does.

    1. Ah...memories of high school 1970 going off campus to Micky Ds and getting a small fry, hamburger and small coke (they use that size cup for water now) for under $1.00 - which was way cheaper than the cafeteria food.

    2. Fries aren't as good as they used to be before they changed the shortening to all-vegetable - used to be about a 50/50 blend of beef fat and vegetable shortening. damn they tasted sooo much better.

      Have you tried Five Guys yet? I love their fries - they use peanut oil. In and Out has good burgers and shakes, but their fries are very, very bland IMO.

    3. No comparison between 5 Guys and In-n-Out for me. 5 Guys wins hands down!! Of course, I never liked In-n-Out before I ever even tried 5 Guys, so . . . As far as Mickey D's - oh hell, no!!

      Also, I feel the same way about Cane's Chicken vs. Chick-fil-A. Cane's beats CfA all to pieces!

    4. Oh, man, I truly miss "real" McDonald's fries. I know the other stuff is better for me, but it just doesn't do the trick for me. If I'm going to eat fries then I want fries dammit. If I want to eat healthy I'll have steamed fill in the blank. I'm a southern girl and Chic-fil-a is just a staple where I come from cause their chicken sandwiches are just divine. I miss CFA so much. I quit eating there when they started the homophobic hogwash, but McDonald's has a southern chicken sandwich that'll do in a pinch of pms hormones. I've got to go raid the kitchen now :)

    5. One of my favorite (and occasional) cheat meals: 2 McD's regular hamburgers (or 1 Filet O Fish), small fries with extra salt, and a small vanilla shake. That's somewhere in the area of 1,000 calories, so I don't indulge very often (sometimes on a road trip nothing else will do, although I will have a diet soda instead of a shake usually).

    6. I think that smash burger's might just take the best fries award!!!!

    7. My husband loves Five Guys fries. I can not even stand looking at them- the greese all over the bag grosses me out. He gets them whenever we visit my family up north because we don't have a Five Guys near us. But during my last pregnancy all I ever craved was Wendy's fries dipped in a chocolate frosty. Amazing. I unfortunately had to limit myself and haven't had any fast food since at least haha.

    8. Bellarina. have you had the fries and frosty since then? I wanted tacos w/ my son and sweets w/ my daughter.

  10. Yes, my best friend and I used to go after high school and flirt with the cooks! I know, pretty sad.

  11. FYI Everybody...

    It appears TWOP website has been hit by malware...If you've visited the site within the last 4 days, you might want to run a full virus scan. Last comments on their facebook page is that McAfee is now showing a warning. Google is still showing the warning (in search results) that the site will harm your computer.

    Keep up to date with what's going on via their facebook and twitter.


    1. Thanks for the info CJ. My virus program picked up on it right away, and I ran a full scan yesterday just to be safe. I appreciate the link to their facebook page. For some reason, it never occurred to me to look there for info. Duh!

  12. I'm glad you said the wet bar was ugly, cause I completely agree. I don't get why Meri absolutely HAD to have the dumb thing. It's humongous and an obnoxiously hideous waste of space, I'm sorry! I've never seen one that huge in a house before! In fact, I think those McMansions are just so butt ugly altogether. The walls, rooms, ceilings, carpets, exterior, everything. It's like they're so big on the inside they hardly look like a house, more like office space or a banquet facility to me. Maybe with furniture it'll be different, but I just don't see it. Not somewhere I would choose to live. Are they all four the same floor plan? If so at least Kody won't get lost when he forgets who's home he is at that night! Hang a left, then a right, but if you've hit the wet bar or end up in the hobby room, you've gone too far...

    Also wondering if they've seriously factored in the cost of utilities of those places, especially in Las Vegas summers, cause I know it is astronomical if you live in a desert. I lived in an approx. 1100 sq foot apartment in the desert of California and our first summer electric bill there was damn near $300, and we only ran the air at night to sleep. I can't even imagine how much those monstrosities will cost to cool down. After that bill I just wore shorts and tanks, took cold showers, put the thermostat up to 88 and closed some vents in lesser used rooms just to keep costs down. It was still unbearable, but I couldn't afford to run the AC all the time. And since they don't wear shorts or short sleeve shirts, they're going to die in the heat this summer. If it isn't the mortgages that bankrupts them it'll be the electricity bills. I cringe at the thought of those empty rooms in Meri's house being air conditioned for those months. What a waste of space. Sorry but they are totally careless in spending money and it really, really bugs me!!!!

    End of rant.

    1. Add to that the fact that (other than Meri), there are multiple small children running in and out all day, and the utility bills will be astronomical - especially on two-story houses. As poorly built as those houses seem to be built, I can't imagine that their insulation is top-notch either.

      Does anyone else see that oncoming train????

    2. AZ,
      Yes...its a comin'......choo, choo!!

    3. I think it really depends on the state building codes. My state has very strict regulations with new homes. Our home is sealed up so tight (to guard against cold winters) that we have to have an air exchanger so we don't die of carbon monoxide poisoning in our sleep! We have a larger middle class home but our bills are less here than in our last, smaller home. Because of the depressed housing market our mortgage is smaller too!

      I'm not going to rag on their homes because I haven't seen enough to pass judgement, but it seems like with LV having a troubled housing market, they could have purchased existing homes for much cheaper. I'm not sure that living next door to each other will help improve family relations much. They seemed closer when they lived in the same house at the begining.

  13. I think he went to Utah with one of the kids, I don;t think papa Joe made a trip to Vegas. Have to wonder why he went back again. Lord knows it wasent to show up in court. Its actually a shame, these clowns live somekind of lifestyle that 99% of people would not do, and yet they get rewarded for it, and the DNA they carry isnt diluted enough for them to make any kind of financial decision. All that money there pulling in and they go and build 4 subb standard homes. I only hope the kids make wise choices.

    1. Mariah was tweeting that she went to Utah. But they had dinner and saw all 4 wives so I doubt that they all went to Utah since no other children tweeted about it.

  14. As said, everything in moderation, when my oldest was very young, he knew a mickey d;s just from the sight of the arches, I would stop and get him a happy meal, now we have been there more hten once in our lives, and he doesnt show any ill effects from it. if I were mickey d, I would sue that trainer for putting that pic up there, who does he think he is, I enjoy a big mac once in a while, I enjoy a large fry smothered in salt once in a while, I said once in a while. you only go through this way one time, if you can;t enjoy it whats the use

    1. McD's (and other restaurant chains, fast-food or otherwise) knows better, if they sue, 1) it's groundless because it DOES happen but as seen in my link, it also happens to regular homemade burgers - if one makes them exactly the same way (thickness, weight etc) so it's not exclusive to fast food - and 2) it needlessly calls attention to the phenomenon.

      naturally preserved food has been known to last thousands of years. I know archeologists in Egypt and China during excavations of ancient tombs have found grain seeds from offerings, fried dumplings, and even jars of honey that were still preserved from being in a constant dry temperature which is basically what occurred in this instance. And of course, stretching further, there have been frozen mammoth and bison corpses found in Siberia and other places which are 36,000-50,000 years old. One group actually made a stew from part of a 36,000 year old bison which was found in 1979 and found it "agreeable".

      so a 2 year old hamburger PURPOSELY preserved, no biggie.

  15. Whats up with Kody tweeting that his son got an LDS mission calling!? or was that.a Darger boy getting a calling!?

    1. I don't follow twitter, but on a previous post someone said a Darger boy was going on an LDS mission. Vicki and Joe Dargers son Caleb has joined the LDS church, so it might be him who is going.

  16. Meri isn't smiling because she's shipping joolrey to guys so their gals will have a "pretty cool Valentine's gift"...she's smiling because they actually conned people into handing over money for these absurdly overpriced heart necklaces! I personally think they look alot like the hearts from the de-constructed claddagh necklace. They had trouble selling the $200+ claddagh so off comes the heart and it's instantly the "Be Mine" collection. Next we'll be seeing the phantom jazz hands being marketed as another exclusive line.

  17. I have been reading the blog for a little while but haven't made any comments...

    I will say I feel a little bad for everyone being so mad about the dog. The vet did say he was in "significant pain" and it is never an easy decision to put a beloved pet down. The dog did seem to have difficulty standing in some of the footage at Meri's house. I don't think I would choose to put it on tv though.

    It is interesting to see the changes to the family throught the episodes. I don't feel they are changing for the better. They seemed happier and closer in the Lehi house. It does seem they are taking to Jon and Kate route with all the episodes being about "trips" and "events". I personally would find it more interesting to see about running a daily household with all those kids, like when Christine used to stay at home with all of them.

    I also think it would be interesting to learn more of the budget and finance aspect, but after reading this blog I think it would be an ugly story about welfare fraud, tax shelters, and running up credit cards. If they were doing it the "right way" I think viewers would be interested to know how they make their budget work.

    The more I watch the show the less I think their lifestyle works. The kids seem to get very little time with their father. Since they live in different homes the children seem to have little interaction with their "bonus mothers" too. I'm not sure where their religous calling comes in either. I haven't seen them go to any church service or kids go to Sunday school or get baptized, communion or confirmed or whatever the equivalent would be. With so many children of different ages we should have seen something by now! That would probably be interesting for viewers too, since they claim they want to make a case for their religion/ lifestyle.

    1. My issue with Drake is that they used his demise as a plot line. If it was his time, that's all well and good but to use it as a plot line. No.

    2. Yeah, i wouldn't say "EVERYONE" was being so mad about the dog being put down. There were quite a few of us here actually that stood behind the vet's assessment/actions re:putting him down. BUT why was this the first time we really were shown there was this huge beloved pet in their family? It was sure never mentioned on the show nor in all their tweets that Drake moved to Vegas with them - which he probably didn't! The scene w/bringing all the kids over to say goodbye was ridiculous, too. This is a family that's not known for communication w/each other. The kids didn't seem too upset about it other than one of Robyn's daughters OF COURSE and then Mariah cried in Utah at the actual event. Other than that, I have a hard time believing any one was all that attached to him and it seemed a desperate scripted attempt to get some sympathy from all us snarky viewers towards their "horrible trial" to deal with.

    3. I agree with DakotaJustice. They should never have used Drake as a plot line. It might be a little different if the dog had been a prominent feature on the show before, but to suddenly show up on that episode?

      I didn't even watch that episode. I won't even watch certain movies if I know ahead of time that an animal is killed in it. I think a lot of people are just like me in that sense.

    4. I deleted the Drake episode from my DVR without watching it. I'm super tender-hearted about animals and children and after reading about the episode here I just didn't want to watch it. I used to never cry and then I had children and now I puddle up all the time. It's embarrassing and I'm not a girl who cries "pretty".

    5. TSW - another thing that bugged - since we NEVER saw Drake after the move to LV (apparently he was in the background in another ep this past season probably filmed around the same time as the PTS episode) my guess is that he remained behind in Lehi in the care of Meri's sister's family (who now resides in the Lehi house). My guess is that Meri's sister advised her that Drake was having medical issues - perhaps they took him to the vet already - and someone - Kody/Meri/or producers - decided to bring Drake to LV so they could film/dramatize the whole thing, pretending that he was there the entire time (or just not mentioning it). While I have no reason to disbelieve the vet's prognosis, it could have been made before the show was filmed. So basically, Drake was suffering, and was subjected to TWO long distance road trips between Lehi and (probably much hotter) LV...all for TV. So much for compassion. They are that desperate for story lines to make their "beloved" family pet suffer two long drives, all for $$$.

    6. I am very much a dog (and cat) lover, as many others on this blog seem to be. I also skipped the Drake episode because I read about it on here. Grateful for the warning!

    7. I had no problem with ending Drake's suffering...I did have a problem with them introducing this poor dog to the viewers for the sake of a storyline & used to showcase Kody's "1st" return to Utah. I shouldn't be too shocked however since they have a warped view of acceptable storylines- (even the personal struggles of his teenage son over the move was fair game).

    8. Agree with all of you. Having recently lost a dog due to cancer I did NOT need to see this situation exploited. I did not need to see the dog dead on the blanket or Kody digging the grave. Kody and Meri's 'acting' was deplorable and it was an all time low for the show.

  18. realitycheckplygstyleFebruary 12, 2013 at 7:21 PM

    I can't get over why women would do what these ladies do ... it is so sad that they think they can't have their own man. To share a man where he has been getting his needs met every night, (and you have not), would make you into someone craving some love and attention, like a starving begger, by the time he circles back. It's so powerless to be waiting for your turn. Meanwhile your lover is getting what he needs and feeling satisfied already when he shows up at your door. You're hungry and he's not ... he is not in sync with your level of need so it is not an equal relationship because he has more of something than you do and he is not needing it from you like you need it from him. And if you fight, what does he care, he just goes to the next wife to get love and adoration. Maybe she knows of the fight and enjoys the benefits. So he has all the power -- you have to take whatever crap he gives you ... be nice and sweet or you don't get love for another four days or longer. Gosh... it is just a terrible slave-like position to set up for yourself.

    1. realitycheckplystyle,

      You have given a perfect description of the physical/emotional dynamic of the plyg life...at least how it appears to non-plyg eyes.

      What you so clearly describe is what also bothers me about the Dargers.
      True, they seem to be more organized, more mature, less willing to look like fools than the Browns.
      However in both families, it is evident that for the women "waiting your turn" and the inequity of the "master's" needs always being fulfilled in a constant marathon of going from bed to bed is in sharp contrast to the women being "rotated" and cycled.

      And they have to not only wait their turn for affection and/or sex, but also they have to always "be sweet" else "their turn" just may be skipped as a consequence. The only control these women have is to compete with each other for his good graces and presence. As you so aptly said....like starving beggars.

      You're right....what power...what control!!
      What a fractured emotional life these women agree to live!

    2. BINGO! Everything you said just chimed every bell in my head.

    3. I have a feeling Christine, Janelle and maybe Meri are not lusting after the Douche after all these years but looking forward to some one on one time with their 'husband' and hell yeah, they better keep sweet if they want their turn in rotation as mentioned.

      I agree Amused, the Dargers drive the 'keep sweet' (and fit/sexy/charming) point home for me. Papa Joe obviously likes his women fit, dressed well and charming. This must be exhausting for the women. The constant need to keep up/out do the others or fall out of favor. I have ID twin daughters and know how the relationship is for them, if one works out the other feels obliged. As much as they love each other there is competition. Throw in a shared husband and cousin and I feel really sorry for those women.

    4. I could not cope with having sister wives. My husband being married before was hard enough for me to deal with when I was younger. The thought that every night that you're alone he is with another, not just sexually but cuddling, talking, sharing things. All the while you're alone, dealing with your house and your children like a single mother. I use to think sister wives would be cool, like having your best friend live with you and help. Now I realise it's like having your nemesis competing for your husband's affection and attention but in the Brown's case x 3!

    5. Has anyone seen the Ellen skit about Sister Wives? It's hilarious!


      "He's been gone 11 days??"

    6. Mell82 so agree.
      The way Kody looks at Robyn she is his favorite. If I would be one of his other wives that would bug the heck out of me.

    7. We also have their interview segment and a cute picture from Ellen:

      Ellen and the Sister Wives..in case you missed it.

      Caption THIS! Sister Wives

  19. I'm readung Church of Lies right now - it's so painful; I can only read 5-10 pages at a time - what a horrible religion the FLDS is!!!

    Since I'm midway through reading the July 2011 posts, comments and links, I have to say it's really sad what's happened to this family. Just a year and a half ago, they were still planning to find a house to live in together, Meri looked 20 years younger, and people on this blog seemed to like her. Now, none of us do...

    I recommend that anyone who came recently to this blog like me, go back and read the earlier posts. There were people named Friend of Flora, Free and Clear, and others, who provided SO MUCH information!! There are also so many interesting links, many of which suggest most people know (or knew then) very little about the welfare fraud, bankruptcy histories of the Browns. SWB is quite a public service IMO.

    There's a great post about a deaf, former FM raised, basketball player named Lance Allred. SWB has highlighted a 5 minute portion of an interview with him; after that plays, you can choose to listen to the entire 1 hour interview. It's really good. The first 30 minutes tells a lot about growing up in a polygamous community; the second half has an interview with his dad, Vance Allred, and a lot about Lance's becoming a NFL basketball player. Lance has 400 first cousins, one of whom is Christine Brown.

    I also learned by reading the July 2011 posts, that the rights of Muslims to practice polygamy are included in the Brown lawsuit. Their lawyer, Mr. Turley, previously defended a known terrorist, and has been the lawyer for some in the Bin Laden family.

    As many have said, there may be many agendas in regard to this lawsuit.
    Hey Mister Sister, et. al., if you run out of things to write about, many of us would learn a lot from re-posts of early Sister Wives Blogs posts!!!!

    1. Oooo, interesting. I never even considered the possibility that someone from the Muslim world might be bankrolling the Kodster and Klan's lifestyle. That would be a link that would make more sense than a Fundamentalist group funneling $$$, and it would be harder to trace.

      Mmmmm...I'm very interested to see how this plays out.

    2. Everyone is entitled to a legal representation/defense in this country. Even the Bin Laden family. There's no reason to feel a defense attorney is necessarily in personal agreement with his or her client - they're getting paid to do their job. If Mr. Turley didn't take the case, some other firm would have, or the court would have assigned an attorney to the case.

      I doubt any Muslims are "bankrolling" the Browns. More likely, Muslims were added to the lawsuit verbiage in an attempt to strengthen the case and not just limit it to FDLS/Fundamentalist Mormons with the hope of getting outside support. Not that I'm an expert - I got this from Wikipedia:

      "Polygyny is permitted in Islam under special circumstances, with certain terms and conditions. The reasons behind the sanctions of Polygyny in Islam were historical and circumstantial. In abnormal circumstances like war, when large numbers of men were decimated and balance between the sexes was seriously shaken, on such an instance polygyny was permitted to overcome this social problem. Furthermore, polygyny was one of the various measures to prevent illegal relationships or delinquent sexual behavior.

      It is humanly impossible for a man to love and treat all his wives equally, as absolute justice in matters of feelings is impossible. Modern Islamic nations permit polygyny, but do not make it obligatory. Therefore, polygyny is in no sense an essential or special feature of the Islamic marital system and, in fact, recommends monogamy as the ideal form of marriage. Moreover, in Islam, polygyny is forbidden if it involved unlawful things or leads to unlawful consequences, such as injustice."

    3. No attorney would be assigned in a civil lawsuit. The Browns are doing the suing--they have to get their own attorney or be their own attorney. Attorneys only get assigned in criminal cases when the party is indigent. No one can force an attorney to take a civil case.

    4. I certainly don't see anything wrong with Muslims, or Turley defending Muslims, I just continue to be concerned about polygamy! If it becomes decriminalized, I would think mostly Fundamentalist Mormons and Fundamentalist Muslims would most likely be the groups of people to increasingly practice it.

      They are also among the people to have the most children, Who could grow up and vote for increasingly more radically conservative legislators and laws - don't know about others, but I don't want to look down from heaven to see my descendents living under FLDS, Sharia, or any combination of these types of governing bodies! :/

  20. Sometimes I can't help but feel a little bad for Alina Darger. I shouldn't really. They all chose to live this backwards lifestyle. But every time I hear about them it seems to be all about those effing twins. Even though shes the "legal wife" and in my opinion the prettiest (I know, I know...to each their own. But those twins look awkward and unattractive to me) the fact that Papa Joe married both of them seems to be the number one thing anyone's interested in.

    Now I have no clue how things are behind closed doors. But she seems to get the least amount of plyg love compared to those sisters. "Papa Joe and the twins this, Papa Joe and the twins that and oh yeah that one cousin of theirs that happens to be legal wife". I'm more interested to see how things play out in that Brown court case they have concerned themselves with than hearing one more damn thing about the twins! Hell even in pictures they are side by side with Joe while Alina's pictured as the third wheel. For photography's sake I guess. But they even did that with the "Plyg-cation" episode when everyone was at dinner! As well as in Interviews except one that I saw when they were book promoting.

    Not that anyone really cares about it. But do you think Meri would stand for the twin show if Kody married Vicki and Val? Hell No!! Petty or not if I was Alina I'd be a little pissed! Its one more thing to some of us "monogues" that we see as unequal.

    1. IDK anonymous 9:12. All the Dargers always look pretty happy. I also think Alina is the prettiest; she has a really beautiful smile. Did you read their book? (Much better than the Browns book on every level imo). Alina and Vicki married Joe on the same day (his mother encouraged him to 'court' them both at the same time), so they certainly knew what they were getting into. I think if I were Vicki, I would be really pissed when he married my twin sister. Talk about losing your individuality! Now Vicki has neither her own anniversary nor her own birth day in the family!!

      Someone on a previous thread said Joe is the only one of the sons in his family to practice polygamy. He and Alina were 20 when married, Vicki 18. All so young! Wonder if any of them really understood what they were getting into. I blame his mother; she certainly ensured one of her sons would be polygamous by encouraging the 'marriages'. According to their book, it is very unusual, even was frowned upon, for the three of them to 'get married' at the same time...

    2. Joe has stated that he's the only one out of his plyg parents' 18 kids to go on to practice polygamy. I would imagine there were some daughters in that mix. They also have chosen not to practice it. In other words, he's not just the only SON to practice but the only CHILD. That speaks volumes to me about his own "happy" plyg family but would be curious to hear from some of his own siblings re:their decisions as well as their experiences in growing up w/Joe as well as their relationship w/him and wives now.

    3. Someone who knew the family when Joe was growing up says that it was far from happy for the other women in the compound where he grew up. His mother tried to take charge of everything, had "revelations" and was responsible for several women leaving. I guess "happy" depends on your perspective.

    4. When did Joe Darger's parents live in a compound? What women left? Were they wives of his father? Joe's mother started her own business, is this the taking charge of everything you're talking about?

    5. Sinister Drives you make some good points. I guess as I was writing the OP, I didn't think about Vicki potentially being the unhappiest one. That really would suck not to have your own birthday or anniversary. Having your identity and sense of self stripped away would kill me if I had to live that way. They seem happy on the surface, but now that I think about it a little more, Vicki and Val really don't seem to smile all that much...I did read the book. I never read anywhere about Joe being from a compound. Growing up he was said to be a kind of ladies man and athlete that lived among mainstream Mormans. But as many secrets as all these Polygamist's keep, regardless of which group they belong to, who the hell really knows just how much you can believe. Whatever the case, I couldn't imagine having to be married or just having to live with Joe. I don't have to know him personally to know I don't like him. We wouldn't get along. He has too much of a controlling nature about him. In fact that entire family just feels like "secrets" to me. Its weird.

    6. I remember the episode where the Dargers were getting ready for vacation, and I was struck at how all three wives, Alina especially, looked pretty fantastic for a woman about to take a long car trip with a posse full of kids. I cannot imagine having to get up every single morning and do the whole exercise, makeup, jewelry and clothes routine for fear that if I didn't, the hubby would look me up and down, dismiss me, and take his attention to a "prettier" wife.

    7. As far as the whole exercise thing, I like to think that the Dargers do it because they want to and not just to catch Joe's eye - the whole family strikes me as very active.

      Although I live a block away from one of the clubs I work at, I would LOVE to have a gym like that in my garage, and if I ever get married or in a steady relationship again, have a SO who shares my passion for fitness! Forget about sharing him tho!!!

  21. Arrrgh - every time I see that photo and Trainer Sean's falsehood, I get annoyed all over again. That's basically no different from beef jerky. Which "bugs won't touch". The bun - same as leaving French bread or bagels out in a basket for a long period of time - if the bread is in a plastic bag, the moisture is captured and it becomes moldy. If its left out in the open air, it dries up. Just what happened here.

    As a fitness professional, I find his posts reprehensible.

    1. He fits in well with the Browns...fake and annoying!

  22. Poor Drake could have been put up for adoption. Fans would have taken him in.

    PJ's organized home seems a testament to his force as a dictator (his trains run On Time!)

    Kody's 5th Wife:

    She will be a totally different breed. Who knows what she will be, but being on a reality show already in the public eye will attract all kinds. Who knows what type of drama she will bring into Kody's house? I predict he'll be a courtin' next season.

    1. I agree. I think they'll consider bringing in a 5th wife once ratings start to really slip. I can see TLC convincing them to bring on someone young and hot, to really shake up things!

    2. Unless one of the current wivwe (Robun) gets pregnant again. Then they'll run 2 seasons on that. Although, they must know many people can't stant Robun, so you may be right that they'll find a new wife. That would sure be interesting for, especially, Robyn and Meri!

    3. I wonder if they are negotiating now with Kodouche. Think of the new complication that a 5th wife would bring especially with only 4 homes. Can you imagine the look on Meri's face when Kodouche tells her the new wife will be living in her house? I hope Robyn gets pregnant too. Kody will have 2 furious wives and a 5th without a real clue. It's ratings gold I tell you!

    4. Oh, PLEASE let Octomom be wife #5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    5. Oh how rich would that be? Octomom and her brood moving in with Meri ;) Heck, any new wife moving in with Meri would be worth tuning in for! (Can you hear me TLC!??!)

    6. I can imagine them doing auditions via the facebook fan page, there's already a whole bunch of them who want to be the 5th wife! Creepy........

    7. I predict there will be a lot of buildup to a possible 5th wife, lots of innuendo and drama for ratings purposes, only to have it all fizzle like so many Brown family business ideas.

  23. Where do most of you all post from? I don't recognize these fast food chains....I am in Orange County,Ca.

    1. what? My sister lives in OC, and I KNOW they have McD's, BK, and In & Out - not sure about Five Guys though...

    2. My little push-pin in the map is in a very, very small town in Arkansas.

    3. Yes, they have Five Guys in the OC.

      We're going to the local Five Guys tonight for "Valentine's Day." I'm going to be out of town tomorrow, so we're celebrating this evening instead. I'm low maintenance and a fairly cheap date.

    4. I'm in the Dallas/Fort Worth area and we just recently got In & Out, but it's only in select areas. Five Guys is pretty common, and fairly popular. What I wish was more common is FAT BURGER! Sooooooo yummy. I've only seen them in Las Vegas, but I think they are in California as well.

      Speaking of McD's...their meat is from the exact same supplier as Chipotle's!

    5. McD's was an owner/investor in Chipotle until 2006. I have actually never been to one - we have soooo many excellent local taquerias right here in my area :)

      McDonald's is VERY proud of their beef quality standards and always has been throughout its history. I have never had a Big Mac, I've always enjoyed their regular burgers as an occasional snack, and again, 250 calories is not bad for a snack...it's all about moderation.

      Five Guys for V-Day?? OMG I'm jealous!!! mmmm fries mmmm

      Five Guys have been opening EVERYWHERE in my area. We have lots of In and Outs as well - I love the retro design, their burgers are okay but the fries just ain't worth the calories.

    6. That's so funny you say that...We're in Dallas and In and Outs are opening like crazy. When the first few opened, they had to have cops directing traffic! And then, once people actually ate there... Well, let's just say that you can go to any of them now with virtually no wait. But, the WORST thing their are the fries...which makes me so sad, because I love me some fries. I always get a small, as I don't want them to be the bulk of my meal, and I didn't even come close to finishing the small. Made me sad, lol!

    7. I post from Southern Alberta. I don't think we have any AUB or FLDS here but there is a large LDS population and a temple in Cardston. I don't know how they did it but many of the small towns in this area do not have bars or liquor stores. I heard something once about a 99 year prohibition but I don't really know. There is also a huge Deseret Ranch by Raymond owned by the LDS church. No longer do people go to church and the money is used to pay for the building and the minister or whatever. Millions of dollars are spent on on investments such as ranches, shopping malls and buildings. It seems like it is all about money and power now. No wonder they send out so many missionaries....more converts equals more money.

    8. I post from Michigan and I swear, all the good restaurants seem to stop at the Indiana border or something. We have no Chik-Fil-A, no Five Guys - there's a couple more we don't have but I can't think of the names. I was beyond thrilled when we finally got a Cracker Barrel, and when we got a Sonic, holy cow - the lines were ridiculous for the first couple of months!

    9. I'm in Oklahoma - hometown of Sonic (blech! no, thanks.) BUT yes - we have Cane's Chicken (Yummers!!) and Five Guys (Yummers, again!) and Chick-fil-A (meh.) and no thanks whatsoever to our "coming soon" In-n-Out (blech to both their burgers and their fries.)

    10. All the fish and chip places are gone from the area of Colorado that I live in. Churches fried chicken is hands down the best chick place. Hot and spicy!!!! YUM

    11. Hi Anonymous 10:07 am, I also live in Oklahoma. Just wanted to give a fellow Okie a quick shout out :)

  24. I worked at a McDonald's in college, and believe it or nt oot, the cooking area was always spotless. I try to eat right, but will readily admit, when I want some fast food, I will go for it!! I don't believe they don't get old, maybe some, but the meat at Mickey's was 100 percent beef. And no, I am not a paid spokeman!!LOL Any Fast food place is as good as the store manager keeps it. I stopped at one the other day and walked out it was so greasy.

    VERY Interesting the Dargers tweeting about being with the Browns. All for publicity. Who tweets silly crap like that if not wanting attention? I can't wrap my head around Joe Darger doing it. hmm...

    1. LOL MS - I worked at McD's in high school and again for about 6 months before I got an office job, and yup the whole place was always - ALWAYS spic and span. "If you have time to lean, you've got time to clean". "CGO, Clean As You Go". dang i still remember those slogans...we threw out food after a certain amount of time - 8 minutes for fries (I think) and 10-15 minutes for burgers if memory serves.

    2. That's right, and for a long time, when I went in, I always looked at the plastic clip on the burger rows. 15, or example, meant it was to be thrown out at 15 after the hr.

    3. Oh my gosh MS, I worked at McDonalds in college too! In fact, we got hired because when the manager asked us (I interviewed with a friend) why he should hire us, we stood up and sang "we deserve a break today..."

      That was almost 40 years ago! And I cherished my All American Store Winner patch (for Window). I remembered seeing another employee wearing one, and I thought how neat it was. If only I had been a District winner...oh well.

      And DJ, we were taught that too, if you got time to lean, you've got time to clean. And I HATED being on lobby duty...people can be such pigs! And I had this horrible burn down my forearm from the french fry basket...which they told me would only happen once (yeah,right). Did you guys have the spindle mixers to make shakes? Ah....the good old days!

    4. I actually liked doing lobby because I wasn't under the same pressure to go go go - all I had to do was bus the tables and make sure the garbage cans were empty and bathrooms clean. I think back then, people weren't such slobs so the bathrooms weren't really as bad as they could have been. Our owner-operator was a real stickler for clean bathrooms and when he visited (which was frequently) that would usually be the first place he'd look.

      Nah, by 1978 the Multi-Mixers (spindles) were gone, at least in our area. Incidentally - that's how Ray Kroc discovered McD's in San Bernadino in the 1950's - he was a Multi-Mixer salesman, and got a very big order from the McDonald brothers, and wondered why they needed so many of them for one little restaurant? He paid them a visit in SoCal and the rest is history. McDonald's gets such a bad rap, but it has such an interesting history, and is a classic example of American ingenuity. I highly recommend "McDonalds: Behind the Arches" which was published back in the 1980's. a very good read.

  25. I predict No Fifth Wife---no way---not just for ratings---I can't imagine any of the other "wives" would put up with that. Of course, there are women out there dumb enough to be "Wife" No. 5---but I would be very surprised if it happened.

    1. I concur. The value proposition of adding a fifth wife is not good, unless the wife was the Kardashian's mom - isn't she divorcing Bruce Jenner...? she has plenty of money so could even bring a dowry.

      Too bad she can do way better, because I would LOVE to see Meri's reaction.

    2. Since this is reality TV we're talking about and, therefore, nowhere near reality, let me suggest that wife No. 5 be June Shannon, aka Honey Boo Boo's mama. She doesn't seem to want to marry any of her kids' fathers and I would bet she knows how to work the welfare system accordingly. Plus, she could add sketti with butter and ketchup to the Browns' healthy diets. The only conflict is that she has said she puts the TLC money away for her kids. That would be a no-no on the Kuddle sac. Plus, having her brood move in with Meri would be ratings gold.

    3. Someday, something is going to happen that will cause another wife and her brood to move in with Meri, I just know it. They'll realize they have to consolidate or something like that, and Meri's perfect McMansion is going to end up with peanut butter smears on the windows and green goo spilled on the carpet. Maybe Truely and Sol will get their hands on some Sharpies and decorate the wet bar. I cannot wait for that episode, let me tell you.

  26. How funny! I worked for McD's as an assistant to an owner/operator. You are both right, the restaurant was always immaculate. They were very concerned with cleanliness and safety. There were times when they wouldn't let me walk in the back if I were wearing slippery shoes. What I enjoyed about working for them was the community service-type events...especially working with the Ronald McDonald house. One of the main reasons I quit was because I was eating there too much!

    1. I was promoted to Hostess, which meant I gave birthday parties. Funny story. They "loaned" me to another store for a big party of 40 kids. Things went from bad to worse when I went to get the cake, and they had put the display cake in the freezer. dumbasses. So I go to cut it, and it's PLASTIC! I thought it looked funny, but figured it was because they hadn't set it out. great. THEN, I KID YOU NOT, a drunk man came bumbling in through past the roped off area, and I SWEAR, threw up like a fire hose over at least 10 kids and 2 adults, one being me!!!!! I about died. The Manager had to do major damage control - and gave the child a party at Chuck e cheese at their cost, $200 of free future food, and much more.
      To me, the manager actually was super nice that I had come over and tried to do a party, despite they were not prepared, and actually gave me $100 extra. What a day!! I felt terrible for the manager. When I graduated college, they offered me a Mgt. job, and I would have done it if I hadn't gotten a job managing Claire's Boutique, which was a blast and great pay at the time. (Now, they don't pay well) Year later I was teaching, but to tell you the truth, I will always think of the other 2 jobs with fondness.

      Funny, 4 bankruptcies, but Meri, Christine, nor Robyn probably couldn't "lower" themselves to work at a fast food restaurant. Interesting Robyn says she worked, but somehow I doubt she's worked a full year in her life. Amazing other moms work and then don't file bankruptcy. I commend all that work Fast Food, it's very hard work. I remember those sayings, too!

    2. One thing about starting my taxable work history at McD's (back in 1978) - it really instills a work ethic in you. at least it did for me!!!

      the second McD's I worked at in 1982-83 had a little McDonaldland Playground which included one of those spinner things - not sure what it's called but similar to the tea cups at Disneyland - four kids would sit in it and turn it using the plate thing in the center as fast as they could. Not a great idea in retrospect because we had almost weekly "tummy accidents". Fortunately, the rubber floor surface was easy to hose off...

      used to be a sucker for those McDonaldLand cookies. Both kinds - the vanilla ones and the little chocolate chippers. Do they still make those???

    3. I've worked since since I was 15, and now as a parent I would do anything to keep food on my son's plate, a roof over his head and shoes on his feet (he's nearly 5 so it's hard to get him to wear shoes) so the Browns baffle me with their talk of finite resourcres yet no one has a full time job that brings in real money and real security for their family and their children!

    4. DakotaJustice - my first job was at a McD's too, around 1983. I remember how thrilled I was when my boss let me work the lobby, letting customers sample a new creation - Chicken McNuggets.

      I miss their chocolate cookies, but I really, really miss their cheese and raspberry danishes. I have no clue why they stopped selling those. Soooo good.

      And you're so right about instilling a work ethic. I have fond memories of the supervisors I worked with.

    5. Mister Sister, I worked at Claire's in high school! Loved that job. I was the 3rd-key, so I worked late hours almost every night of the week. I had to do so many ear-piercings during the evening, that I almost never got the stocking done and was ultimately fired for badly screwing up the nighttime paperwork. In hindsight, they probably shouldn't have had a 16-year old manager.

  27. HELP!!!! Can someone give me a link to Janelle"s pic since shes lost weight...i need some positive motivation...thank u

  28. Woot! I am in the DFW area, too! Mineral Wells here. :D

  29. I post from Japan and all of this fast-food talk is really making me miss the states. Anyone from GA? Its been way too long since I had a Martins breakfast.

    I can totally see Kody trying to be the next bachelor. And I can see Meri threatening to shoot him for even considering it. I don't think wife #5 is in the cards unless Robyn stops making babies.

    1. Hi Anon 6:44 I am in Georgia, and I love me some Martin's breakfast. Best biscuits around. And we can't forget the Varsity, ie the greasy V, best chili dogs and onions rings around, but you can only do it once or twice a year, lord help DakotaJustice if she tried to figure out the calories and fat grams in those items, a jillion and one I am sure! But so good.
      LOL at Kody as the next bachelor. That will be one time the women all want to go home! But then again he wouldn't have to pick just one lady, he could ask several to marry him, making more of the ladies happy, NOT.

  30. Does anyone have a link to a picture of the infamous "wet bar?" I have not yet seen this lovely piece of craftsmanship. I picture it inlaid with diamonds and emeralds (purchased with money that Janelle and Christine didn't really need).

  31. Several posts back someone posted a fabulous reading list on polygamy. I'm really interested in learning more about these groups so I want to work my way through that list. Anyway, I have been trying to get the ebooks from my library and they do not have much, unfortunately. So I ended up with a book I didn't even really intend to read: the Dargers' book.

    I expected this would be a PR effort. "Look how we're just like you and so happy and normal." And it was... but. In reading SWB, I have learned so much and I read this much more critically than I would have. I'm sorry, all the Darger fans, these people have issues. All the same issues we see in so many in this 'lifestyle'.

    All three women struggle with low self-esteem. They are constantly competing for Joe's attention. Still, after 20 years for Alina and Vicki, anyway. They still talk about Joe as though they're love-struck teenagers and he's still the football star, with all the teenage drama. It's like there's been no emotional maturing. Just lots of FM-scripted rationalizing.

    Most memorable 'tells':
    Pages and pages from all four on displays of affection. From the women, endless stories about who got to hold Joe's hand in public, who sits beside him in the car, all leave me thinking they're all desperately seeking confirmation that they're not losing the competition for his love. (I play this game with my teenagers where if they do something I've asked them to do, they'll ask if, as a reward, they can be my favourite child for 10 minutes. We all know it's a game. These people seem to be living some real version of this game.)

    They've all struggled with depression. Lots of us do, so that in itself is not a tell. But Vicki dealt with depression when Alina got pregnant first. Again after her 6th or 7th child, she had more severe PPD. She describes being overwhelmed with everything, unhappy that she's still 'fat'. Joe seemed totally clueless as to how to help her (no indication he bothered to learn anything about the condition in spite of the fact that Alina had gone through it before). Then he approaches her explaining that he's very concerned about her state of mind because he's afraid she might hurt the baby. Then she feels GUILTY for making him worry! It's all her fault, her problem, her responsibility. She has failed to keep sweet.

    At another point Val talks about being disappointed with Joe's failure to make plans for their time together. She wants romance and he (in his version) basically says he didn't like the pressure and shut down. Alina's advice to Val: adjust your expectations and keep sweet. It's never Joe's fault.

    The last one that's stuck with me (I finished the book almost two weeks ago) is Joe's admission that he had to learn to manage his temper. Make no mistake, folks, this man is controlling and his place is in charge. Everything these women do is to make sure Joe is happy because when Joe's not happy he has a temper. He keeps them on their toes.

    Finally, because this is already a very long post, I have to wonder, with all these grown-ups spending so much time and energy managing all their relationships (what they describe as three monogamous relationships haha), doesn't that leave less energy and time for their relationships with their children??? Another common theme in accounts of growing up in polygamous families.

    This lifestyle is by, for and about men. The women and children are like mushrooms... kept in the dark and fed bullshit.

    1. "This lifestyle is by, for and about men. The women and children are like mushrooms... kept in the dark and fed bullshit."

      Run, Plyglets, Run,
      Wow..!!! Mushrooms......kept in the dark and fed bullshit !!!

      Agree with you.
      Joe Darger is a poster guy for....* Plyg-life = Male Dominance.*

  32. One more thing! I noticed something when I was reading the book, did a little research on the families and discovered something (that, let's be honest, some of our very informed community have probably noticed already). It struck me because of the difference in the way Christine and the Darger wives described their relationship, specifically, Christine's "we've known them for several several years" comment.

    Back in 1944-5, Christine's GF Rulon C. Allred was in prison with David B. Darger (Papa Joe's grandpapa), along with 13 other men including the other grandfather of Robyn's first husband. Both Allred and Darger married Barlow sisters or half-sisters so they were sort of related in a way and all knew each other (oh, what a tangled wreath we weave). Anyway, it occurred to me that the families may have known each other. Perhaps, Christine and Joe had crossed paths through these relationships as children or teenagers and that's what caused Christine's characterization of the friendship. The Mrs. Dargers wouldn't necessarily know of this connection and Joe may not have noticed Christine since he was too busy being the center of his own universe. Just a thought :)

  33. Hi Run Piglets Run - I wrote a really long comment commending you on your obsevations and insights, but I lost it. I think it was to long to fit. Anyway, you are right on all counts; I was a little 'starry eyed' about the Dargers, but now agree wholeheartedly with everything you said!

    I'm also trying to read all the recommended books. If you haven't yet read Under the Banner of Heaven, it's really good. I've gone back to beginning of SWB, and am reading all the early posts. Full of information!

    3 books free to read on internet: Wife #19 (original version), The Mormon Menace (about only man convicted of massacre by the mormons in 19th century),and The Changing World of Mormonism. Just started that one.

    1. Thanks, Sinister Drives. Wife #19 is next on my list and my Kobo. :) I will look out for the others. When I first found this blog, like you, I started going through all the past posts. I was awed by how much info and research has been captured here. Kudos to all the writers... the time and effort that goes into all these posts! I think I'm a little obsessed with the subject now... I'm becoming a bore at parties. :D

  34. Meri's Tweet:
    I'm smiling tonight as I ship jewelry to some guys, knowing some gals are going to have a pretty cool Valentine's gift!

    I would rephrase to read as such:
    I am giddy I have one order to work on today, although it's Robyn's full time job and she needs a nanny to take care of this. Felt the need to brag we found another sucker!

    Also my amended tweets from the 2/7 edition:

    Robyn Sullivan Brown ✔ @LuvgvsUwngs

    "Living well is the best revenge.".

    Hard work, talent and perseverance will always get you farther(LEFT OUT THAN) dumb luck! Don't break character. You have what it takes

    WHAT A Self absorbed hypocrite!!! She hasn't worked 6 months ever; about her new bragging of living well, she should add: And blowing off 50,000 debt was easy!! Talent and perseverance? I say dumb luck has got her where she is, and if she doesn't watch out, may be having reverse luck soon.

    ALSO from Robyn:
    Hey just to let you all know, we can't answer whether or not we will have a new season or when it starts. That is up to TLC to announce. TY (I know it's been said, but what a laugh that SWB and Hollywood life had it announced January 7th! Read up, girlfriend.
    I would amend that one to say: I am too dang dumb to know what is going on. Manipulating 3 women and Kody and all my tears is a full time job!!

    1. Robyn is not equipped to handle the "real world." Do you think her parents EVER told her that crying won't help her? Do you think anyone ever rewarded her for hard work? If they had she would not act how she does. And she didn't excape $50,000 in debt.

    2. Is its just me or does anyone else think that those lucky ladies did not get their jewelry on Valentines's Day. Unless Meri shipped it overnight. Her message was posted the day before Valentines's Day. I can't imagine how much the overnight shipping is going to cost. LMAO at these people. I wonder if they have real customers or if they do these tweets to make us think that people are really buying their ugly crap jewelry. Walmart jewelry looks better than their stuff. I still find it hard to believe that there are so many stupid people out there who believe in the Browns and drink their kool-aid. Geezzzzzzz, their fans make me vomit.

  35. I'm guessing that TLC pays the electricity bill because they rig the homes with extra lighting for filming. I also wouldn't be surprised if they rented a room out from Meri to do any quick editing or to store extra equipment. Having all those light on in the summer would suck!!

  36. Ooooooo...good point about the extra room...(Jon and) Kate made sure to have an extra space (room over the garage I think?) for their film crew in their McMansion upgrade. -prometheamoth
