Good question. The SWB friend who sent in the photos did say that there was a film crew present, but out of curiosity, I tried isolating the area you mentioned. This picture was taken a few seconds after the one from the Some Tweets and Pictures posting. Looks like there are more Brown women present (maybe Mariah and Meri) and Kody appears to be talking to someone.
So what's happening in the world of Twitter?
So fun when one of your kids learns a new thing!Solomon decided today he was going to climb the stairs and is fast as lightening! #troubleSounds like Robyn's going to have her hands full when Sol reaches the terrible Two's! Or Taralyce...or whoever will be his nanny.
— Robyn Sullivan Brown (@LuvgvsUwngs) January 5, 2013
I am excited for the things I am planning to accomplish this week for My Sisterwife's Closet! So fun working with family to accomplish goalsAccording to the MSWC facebook page, Robyn apologized for the backorders, and Meri is working hard to notify customers. So let's hope this is what Robyn is talking about, otherwise customers may think they are getting the shaft. I wonder if their credit cards were billed? Hmmm....
— Robyn Sullivan Brown (@LuvgvsUwngs) January 7, 2013
Tonight I will be reading the whole manual for my camera. Trying to see if I can take the pics for My Sisterwife's Closet myself to save $!Here's hoping that Robyn invests in a better server so MSWC doesn't keep crashing when more than 10 people try to access it. Does anyone else think this may be a bad idea?
— Robyn Sullivan Brown (@LuvgvsUwngs) January 10, 2013
Thanks everyone for tuning in last week for r season finale.Hope 2 see u all again soon.Keep up with us all in Twitter in the meanwhile.HaHa! This is the tweet that caused some fans anxiety that maybe Sister Wives would not be renewed. It also confirms that Twitter has taken the place of their 2-tier facebook fanpages which are almost totally inactive now. The TLC Sister Wives facebook fanpage has way more activity. Makes you wonder what happened, doesn't it?
— Janelle Brown (@JanelleBrown117) January 7, 2013
I'm finding 2day 2 be one of quiet productive peace.I hope everyone is blessed w/same. Peace & a quieting of loud voices/chaos in ur wrld.Sounds like Janelle is enjoying her McMansion...until she has to do that DIY cement job.
— Janelle Brown (@JanelleBrown117) January 8, 2013
That's all for now...
Not sure if this is common knowledge but merchants are generally not permitted to bill a credit/debit card for items on back order until ready to ship. If the Browns are doing so, the cardholder can charge back against them for goods not received. Just FYI,
ReplyDeleteYou are absolutely correct, however, from experience I've seen merchants bill knowing that an item is on backorder but taking a risk that it will come in and be shipped before the customer gets their credit card statement. The name of that game is show proof of shipment - without it, it's chargeback time until the merchant can provide it.
DeleteOr they bill thinking the cardholder isn't aware of the "no billing until shipment" rule. It doesn't happen often with the big merchants since they have most everything automated to comply with the rules - but it happens often with small merchants which would include MSWC.
DeleteAnd nowadays so many folks have their financial accounts online that waiting for a monthly statement doesn't often occur - I have my accounts set to notify me via push note on my phone whenever a transaction is made on my account.
I saw this tweet from Janelle and it sounds like life is good....I just hope from seeing those above pictures this next season isn't all about the move and new houses. If that is the camera crew shooting we are in for another long, boring, repeat of last season....It will not be worth watching.
ReplyDeleteWow, y'all have been really busy giving all the SWB fans (like me) stuff to talk about this year! I hope the rest of the year is as exciting!
ReplyDeleteThanks very much for keeping us in the loop. I'm not on Twitter so I love seeing the tweets you capture for us.
Thank you for the compliment! We appreciate it!
DeleteYes, I also appreciate you covering Twitter for us too since I don't go on it. Thank you.
DeleteSo I guess we can pretty much predict what we will see next time around:
ReplyDelete- approval drama.
- them getting final approval.
- watching the homes being built, Kody running around the half built homes
- each of them moving in ( I wonder that, even though Meri's home closed way later, they will edit it to seem they all closed pretty much at the same time and they all moved around the same time).
- family christmas in the new house (taped in january)
- Meri finally rejecting the sur-gate offer
- Christine telling us how she lost the weight (wonder how many seconds she will have before Kody komes and steals her airtime)
- Kody kutting his hair/getting hair surgery
- Lots of Robyn and Meri krying
- Kody kourting Taralyce
- Where will Taralyce move in?
- Truely or Sol throwing up on Meri's karpet and wetbar (will they get put down over that, too?)
- Mariah kourting an abusive plyg
DeleteI think you covered just about all the possible scripts Kodyworld and the producers can conjure up to milk this thing for yet another season.
And apparently none of them care one bit that the viewers are on to their "cut and paste" process of stringing old stuff together and to tweak timelines and "look new" as opposed to when it all actually was filmed and *performed and acted.*
Kind of insulting......
I'd like the real 411 on why Taralyce, Robyn's sister, is staying with her. I realize that she's allegedly babysitting Robyn's kids, but I can't help but wonder if there's more to this story, and not necessarily that she's auditioning to be Kody's next wife. Seems to me there could be something to this that the Browns aren't mentioning because it doesn't uphold the cheery image of polygamy that the Browns are trying to convey, such as Taralyce fleeing a forced marriage, problems getting along her parents, hiding out from creditors, and so on.
DeleteIf Taralyce became Kody's 5th wife....that would be the nail in the coffin for me. Even the thought of it is revolting. I am sure that Taralyce is enjoying her sister's limelight and riding the coat tales until it's over. Heck if I was her age (I think 19) and my older sister got a TV show and a new amazing house, I would be knockin' on the door. The problem will be is if Taralyce decides not to abide by Robyn's rules while she lives with her....well I guess she could always sneak over to Christine's house and slip out the back door in the middle of the night....you know Christine let's the girls do that at her house :)
DeleteI'll put my money down on Taralyce NOT being an added Brown wife. It's got the major plyg ewww factor they couldn't handle nor want to publicly. I'm sure Taralyce has the same ewwwww factor if she ever read about it here. (After all, she's not an FLDS or Kingston plyg w/a forced marriage on her.) In fact, my money's on Taralyce not embracing polygamy at all.
DeleteI don't see them getting married either... Even the browns were vary on the sister situation with the dargers, pluss I think she is to young and Kody realizes it.
DeleteI think it's simple - based on Taralyce's public FB - she graduated from "hair school" and wants to get out on her own and start her career as a stylist. There are more opportunities to do so in LV than in her town in Utah. She doesn't have the funds/savings to get her own pad, and she is very young having just turned 20.
DeleteI also get the impression that she had recently broken up with a long-time boyfriend, or that said boyfriend also had to move away from their hometown for career opportunities.
Robyn has room, and so Taralyce has moved in. In exchange for watching Sol and the kids and maybe helping out with the chores in between either looking for work or perhaps she might be working by now.
Oh and I'm sure TLC is delighted that people are thinking she's a candidate for wife #5. I don't think so.
I suppose Robyn is tweeting about her busy days of locking herself in her office and doodling err designing new pieces for the cheap err iconic pieces of icon that Kody wants us to all acknowledge as being iconic. And poor Janelle's moment of productive peace, I think, was an epiphany of hey, I don't really have to ever see if I keep my mouth shut and avoid eye contact. Yeah!
ReplyDeleteThese people make me so sick. They are the antithesis of ethical folks. Their idea of tomorrow is who cares about tomorrow as long as we can spend today.
Do they only sell jewelry? Sisterwives closet sounds like they sell clothes as well.
ReplyDeleteDo you really want to buy clothes from these people?
DeleteI think they are going to have a man's BBQ apron available soon...
No, just curious about the name for their website, sounds like clothes as well as jewelry. But my question was answered.
DeleteThat's because the whole premise of the website was to have items for sale that you'd like to 'borrow' from your fun and funky Sisterwives. It never really worked out: they've had the same, hideous junk jewelry on there for the past 6 months or so, with the exception of the Christmas ornament that Christine 'designed' by ripping off some other mass-produced hideous freebee ornament.
DeleteI'm kinda' wondering if they're trying to compete with the Dargars website, which is sort-of a low budget version of a polygamy-run Etsy. (Don't worry, Etsy, you have no competition from the Dargars OR the Browns.) You can find more reasonably priced stuff on Etsy, and you can find better gag-items on Regretsy.
*** I'm not affiliated with ANY of the sellers or the websites I just mentioned.
I think if they sold aprons, it would be more fitting if they said Kiss The Crook.
DeleteKISS THE CROOK!!!! Hahahaha....now thats hilarious! Good One anony 8:29pm ;)
DeleteI knew they were being filmed, otherwise they would've tried to have TLC pay for a moving company. They are beyond lazy. Now I'd like to know if Kraft is onsite as well.
ReplyDeleteUtah Taxpayer (from other thread), I soooo agree with you and am on team "Informed Viewer'! All five of the adults will lie and play their parts and that's exactly what the script writers..err Producers..are doing. They're picking the best and worst traits of each ACTOR and playing them up or down and against each other per the viewing public's response. The question is just who is the bigger puppet? The viewers of the show or the Browns?
Good point Kelly.....realty T.V. is all scripted so of course we are all fools for taking it in. The Browns might be breaking laws, bad parenting ( Kody ) , greedy and selfish but it's all done with the help of some writers and camera crew. Maybe this year they will want us to hate Christine or Janelle so they do some creative editing and VOILA Meri is the star and the best wife. Kody is the poor helpless husband that is misunderstood and treated unfairly by his overdemanding women and children. We are all eating it up after all....reality T.V. at it's best.
DeleteYes you are totally correct. Just like the Housewives of Wherever....all scripted to some degree. What should you expect this reality show would be any different?
DeleteI should have clarified fans instead of viewing audience re the puppet question. I sincerely appreciate the viewers who watch with an open mind and report back here. I just can't do it anymore but do wish I could take one for the team ;)
ReplyDeleteWe are...LOL
ReplyDeleteSo I've thought about what the Browns next move should be and believe they were born to do theater. Their first play could be a modern-day Henry VIII. Kody in the lead as Henry, Janelle as either Catherine Of Aragon or Catherine Parr. Meri as Anne Boleyn. Christine could play the poor neglected and rejected Anne Of Cleves. Sobyn could tackle either Jane Seymour or, more likely, Catherine Howard. Instead of being sent to the Tower, or having their marriage dissolved, the out-of-favor wives could be kicked out of Kody's Celestial Kingdom. What do you guys think?
ReplyDeleteThis is the best idea ever, although I think Meri should be the long suffering first wife Catherine of Aragon, Robyn Anne Boleyn (lust followed by disgust), Christine is definitely Anne of Cleves (Henry said upon seeing her "I like her not"), and Jenelle is definitely Catherine Parr (last wife with whom Henry is said to have had a pleasant but platonic relationship). Robyn's sister can be Catherine Howard (young hot thing who is disgusted by Henry and cheats).
DeleteThank you & I agree, they could all be "rotated" around to play different parts..sorta like what they're doing now!
DeleteI don't understand how the Brown's can allow themselves to be portrayed so negatively. This is where their narcissm comes into play. If they were not so in love with themselves and if they were not so in love with being on the "show", then they may exercise a little more control over the editing of this program. Can they not see the extremes that they are being protrayed? Meri is not greedy but extremely greedy; Robyn isn't just a little manipulative but a whole hell of a lot manipulative; Christine isn't just a little liar but a grandiose liar; and Janelle isn't just a little stupid but very, very stupid. These people are coming off looking every bit the creeps that they are trying to convince the public that sisterwives and plyg pig husbands aren't. Oh and Kody is coming off looking every bit the baby daddy that he so is tring not to look like: I support my kids...sure you do. If you havn't seen some of your kids in over a week, that's not support.
ReplyDeleteCause it is easier to make a buck doing this than actually working at something that is much lower in pay. I think most folks would do the same.
DeleteThat has been my biggest thorn about this show...Do they not have ANY, ANY editing rights to the show???
DeleteOr how blind are they to some of the stuff that gets shown...I would be completely embarrassed at some of these clips.
As I watch the Duggars or EVEN the Roloffs, at least they come across on the TV as happy people.
Anon 4:17 But if they're so religious, shouldn't they be above making both themselves and their spouse(s) look like jackasses on TV? I have hope that there still are some people out there with both devotion and dignity that would never sell out their family's privacy for $$$
DeleteThe people on reality shows have no rights to what gets shown or how it is sliced together, or how it is reedited. They get the right to be filmed and the right to a paycheck. That is the way it works. If they only showed the boring stuff, no one would watch. Reality show is such a misnomer anyway. Can anyone name one really true reality show that isn't scripted, on some level, edited for drama and entertainment value?
DeleteAnon 12:34 pm Could be one of three scenarios:
ReplyDelete1) They know they are being portrayed poorly, disagree with it, but care more about the money so they don't say anything.
2) They know they are being portrayed poorly, agree they are that horrible (don't think they have the insight), but care more about the money so continue to be portrayed for the idiot loser grifters they are.
3) They have no idea how they are truly coming across to viewers because they think they are AWESOME.
My vote is for number 3...
DeleteBut with the caveat that they are *this* dysfunctional in that they are unable to see past the $$ money $$...which to them is AWESOME!!!!
Beginning with the addition of Robin, what is also *awesome* is how four adult women could all share the same level of greed and lack of ethics, and also the same indifference to publicly appearing so, so pathetically stupid.
This is their true and probably only harmony...a shared stupidity !!
Kody is not even worth mentioning because his narcissistic, career-slacker mentality and agenda is crystal clear.
I agree, Iconic moron, and I say it is #3!!!
DeleteAbsolutely - it's #3 without a doubt. With all their fans fawning over them they think they are wonderful people who are loved and adored - what a joke!
DeleteTo put this into perspective....
DeleteFacebook has millions of people on its site, Sister wives (on FB) has 187K fans...DC Cupcakes (on FB) has 250K fans.
further perspective - Honey Boo Boo has 683,804 fans. lol
DeleteI'm going for numero uno. Good insight Iconic Moron!
DeleteThanks for all the great feedback! And Just a Thought, thanks for the facebook stats!! Cupcakes yay!
DeleteAs we see on reality tv...the shows start out benign but get more intense to keep viewers interested. I think we are just seeing instigated drama so that they stay relevant. It is really too bad because we are seeing their negative personalities. I am sure they all have redeemable qualities but we would probably be bored with those.
ReplyDeleteI would agree with you about most reality shows. However the people on sisterwives have physical evidence that speaks volumes about their mental state and wellbeing. The unhealthy lifestyle that they have chosen is riddled with drama unhappiness and conflict. We can see the physical manifestation s on these women and children.
DeleteThe unhealthy lifestyle that they have chosen is riddled with drama unhappiness and conflict. We can see the physical manifestation s on these women and children.
DeleteI think it's safe to say there are probably polygamous families in this world whose "unhappiness and conflict" do not manifest themselves physically. The Dargers, for example, have had jealousy and eating disorders, but it seems they recognize their religion (I don't think the Dargers need to sugarcoat like the Browns and call it a 'lifestyle') takes a lot of work and wasn't meant to be "easy".
Maybe the physical evidence is there because the Browns do not have a firm grasp on their religion, and that causes their mental and well-being problems.
Or maybe Christine only cooks foods high in fats and carbohydrates, Meri's metabolism is slowing down as she gets older - making her cranky and demanding, Robyn thinks her life is good, Kody is an egocentric without leadership skills who hates to work a legitimate job, and Janelle likes to eat when she feels out of control...
The producers know this. The drama is exploited for higher ratings. That's why they play the ominous music or the funny slapstick music.
omg! the sad violin music they constantly play IS the slapstick music for me! lol
Deletei think this family was finally just revealed over the episodes. I think the beginning ones were the true superficial behavior ones as they don't jive w/their book about their unhappy marriage history. I think they were excited initially about the show and the new addition of new blood Robyn (at least the teens were excited about her at first) and soon - they got back to their evolving real-life dysfunctionality and it just keeps spiraling downward. In. their. real. lives.
DeleteCJ, well said.
DeleteLol! I'm a Violist and I've never noticed the sad Violin music. I guess I am too busy wondering why they choose such crazy versions of hymns to play.
DeleteWhat's the definition of a minor second?
DeleteTwo violists playing in unison.
Sorry, couldn't resist...[ducking and running!]
Lol @ CJ! I took a break from active playing and that joke made me realize how much I miss it. VIOLIST RULE!!!
DeleteI must be oblivious, 'cause I wasn't aware of music (sad or otherwise) being played during the episodes. (Or is somebody pulling my leg?)
DeleteAll I remember are "Hava Nagila" with Truly running in little circles at Chaunakah and that Savior King song that they played during the birth of Sol ep (gag me)
DeleteI remember a pretty song about "being a sunbeam" playing in one of the moving to Vegas episodes.
DeleteI also liked the aforementioned Savior King song, even if it wasn't really appropriately placed.
lol @ Kelly. I love the idea of Henry V111!! You hit the nail on the head with each wives. I'm really into reading stuff about Henry V1111, so that had me rolling!!
ReplyDeleteMe too happagurl! I read everything I can get my hands on from that period and his reign.
DeleteLest we forget. Remember Robyn received a guitar last Christmas. Will we be audience to her first concert at Christmas celebration?
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing that thing is collecting dust. She has probably never touched it.
DeleteMaybe Sobbyn is working on a music career - the Browns MUST have caught a glimpse of a music producer or two during their stay in Vegas; Sobbyn will say it's alway been her DREAM to write and record her own music, and then we'll all be subjected to listening to her bellyaching set to music, while their 'very good friend' (whom they've probably never actually met before TLC set up the studio time) tells her what a wonderful voice she has. (AUTO-TUNE, to the rescue!!)
DeleteSisterwives Closet will be left to Meri (she'll email people who complain the site crashes too much) and Christine (she'll be left to knock-off other people's designs for clothes and jewelry; one item per year will be designed and posted - it's ICONIC). Janelle will still be trying to get her dream of a gym going.
oh, yeah - i, too, forgot about the guitar Robyn "always wanted but never could afford one." So, yeah - why haven't we heard her play a little rendition for the family yet? Why didn't they write a goodbye song for Logan w/Robyn playing along? Does anyone in the family play Meri's piano or is that just for looks?
DeleteOh ya I totally forgot about Robyns guitar. I'm surprised they didnt take it along for the Darger/ Brown plygcation or the Nauvoo roadtrip...LOL Oh Man I can totally See Kody or One of the kids tossing the guitar out as theyre driving down the interstate & saying we aint got time for all that...Hahahaha
DeleteNew camera, new guitar- sounds like Robyn is trying to explore her creative side lol. I think we all know how this is going to turn out, we've all seen her juwl-ry.
DeleteAt least that hobby room will come in handy.
BTW, great blog. I am ashamed to say I have been watching this show from day one. At first I was intrigued but like all of you I started having doubts by the end of the first season. I've been reading these reviews for the past 6 months, and it's been very entertaining!
As I write this I am staring at the back of my husbands head at the dinner table while he eats leftover chilli for the second time because well, I just didn't feel like cooking tonight. He is the father of my 2 children with the third on it's way...he works hard to provide for his family and together we've made many sacrifices to get where we are today. NEVER in a million years would he ever say "I DESERVE more than a dirt farm". He has a 68 mustang still sitting in the garage from before we were married, it just needs paint- for the past 10 years. He dreams about it everyday. And although the opportunity to finish it came several times, he believes that a mini van for his wife, home renos to accommodate our increasing family size and family vacations are more important to him. A total family man, I couldn't love or respect him more.
NOT a crazy haired, narcissistic play-boy wanna be with a surfer dude attitude. WHAT did/do these women see in him? I mean, when Joe D came on the scene did you see how the Brown women admired him so? (cept for Robs of course)
I totally think (or at least I hope) in the next season that Janelle hooks up with her trainer.
Robyn's guitar should make a comeback! With all thoose kids, maybe they can get a Partridge family thing going :)
DeleteI think the Browns read SWB and some of the other sites where viewers comment on the family. If I were on a reality show, I know I would read comments...even if I was outraged and felt unfairly portrayed/attacked. I think this is why we see the Browns doing more 'positive' tweeting...you know...look here are Janelle and Kody at Hunter's wrestling match. (see, he doesn't ignore his kids). They have control (somewhat) over what they tweet but don't have control as to how TLC portrays them. And I do think it's true what was said above. Every wife has a 'role' for the season. Christine was depressed and jealous last season, this season she was the spunky backtalking to Kody wife. Although the words were coming out of Meri's mouth so she can't claim 'creative editing', the producers really got a kick out of her incessant demands for a wetbar. I'm sure there was so much other footage they could have used but they realized they had a winner in the "Meri demands a wetbar" as a storyline because it was so ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteI would read the comments about me on a reality show and then run laughing to the bank. It would not bother me in the least what people are writing in a blog.
DeleteI agree, CPA Carol, Janelle's tweets are almost like a she has had too much prozac. I think she is trying to take the high road after reading some negative comments.
Delete"....they realized they had a winner in the "Meri demands a wetbar" as a storyline because it was so ridiculous."
DeleteAbsolutely !!!
And since that one got so much play and mileage, it's obvious that any instigated/created topic will be fair game as long as it creates fan chatter. Be it pro or con doesn't matter...it all generates ratings and $$$!
IF THEY ARE NOT reading SWB they are fools (or at least someone from the show should be...maybe the writers for the next script.
DeleteI think they most definitely visit here. And we see the occasional pro-Brown post (so obviously one of them IMO). I think the weird and fake "changes" they are making on the show are so obviously a response to this blog in particular. If you think about it, there are direct correlations-
Delete*We talk about their lack of religion- They take a trip to Nauvoo and Kody says a half assed prayer.
*We talk about Kody's ridiculous hair- Suddenly Kody is talking about his ridiculous hair.
*We talk about the wives not getting along- suddenly everything is sunshine and glitter in plygville.
*We talk about Kody being a crappy father- suddenly Kody makes all of these public comments to his children.
*We talk about Robyn's belly- suddenly (I think) Robyn states it's the green goo that took the fat off her belly.
*We talk about how no one works- suddenly they are showing Janelle and Christine doing the real estate thing and Robyn and Meri "busting their tail for MSWC" bwahahaha.
*We talk about their need to be separated and their RIDICULOUS HOMES- they are suddenly very defensive about their homes and stating all the "positives" about living separate in half million dollar homes.
The timing of the when the above issues are addressed obviously come after we have been blasting them on here IMO. Am I missing any? Anyone think this might be true too?
Anon 4:24PM - I don't think their money spends much time if any time at all in their banks accounts. They definitely bleed money faster than they make it. Not so laughable...
DeleteIconic moron...now only if they'd listen to our complaints of their clothing choices.
DeleteHAHAHA Whining for a Wet Bar, they probably pass on the comments about their appearance.
DeleteSo the "closet" business. There's still just the same maybe 8-10 pieces of jewelry, none of it inspiring, and all of it over-priced. And why didn't they call it "jewelry box" instead of closet, if they are never going to post clothes or other things one might actually find in a closet.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to see some really beautiful and affordable handmade artist jewelry pieces, check out etsy or thecraftstar.com.
Time for Meri and Robyn to get real jobs.
They really only have 5 pieces of jewelry when you consider the necklace accounts for 5 separate pics/pieces. and one PAW-some christmas ornament. lol it's lame and half-ass and all talk and no action just like the rest of their b.s. yada yada - other than their slamdunk on those homes. wth????
DeleteSister Wives Closet, Maybe they are going to sell off some baby doll tops second hand like posting them on Ebay?
DeleteThey could sell t-shirts with plg statements on them. For example, on the front it could say"I have multiples" and on the back it could say,"wives,that is"
ReplyDeleteAnon 4:19 pm, that shirt statement is AWESOME! Bwahahahaha.
DeleteThis could be a great new blog topic. Epic sayings for t-shirts. Like "I will NOT have sliding glass doors!" and "He's a great guy! He deserves a trophy wife!"
DeleteMy twin sister got me hooked on this blog, and it is nothing but pure hilarity and truth. I have so many points, I'm going to list them.
ReplyDelete-If the kids belong to ALL the sister-wives, how could Meri ever be OK taking an equal 1/4 of the family's money? Shouldn't she be WANTING the children to have it since they're technically "hers" too?
-Sorry, but I'm sick of the wallowing about the children Meri might have had. I'm a big believer in trusting God and moving the hell on from playing the victim.
-The episode with euthanizing the dog should leave TLC sick and ashamed. That dog had no business being euthanized. I was sickened watching it, and couldn't believe they aired the dog actually being buried. I would have taken the dog!! I'm a HUGE animal lover, and I was crying through the whole thing. Hang your heads, Browns AND TLC.
-With all that ugly jewelry Robyn's making, she absolutely needs her sister to LIVE with her to take care of her children. Oh wait...I thought her kids had three other moms. Where the hell is Meri to take care of Sobyn's kids?
-Where ever could Meri's pastries go at Christmas without the wet bar!?? Someone might actually have to bring a card table!!
-Janelle seems so level-headed. Hoping she leaves and gets her own show.
-I don't find Christine annoying at all. I'd be whining, too, if I were left alone with my kids and have no father around most of the time.
-Um, so they all want to be a family together? But they can't share a kitchen? Yep, hypocrisy at its finest. I don't buy your family act, people. Shame on you for having so many children, denying them a constant father just bc you don't want to share a kitchen with a sister wife which you, ahem, SIGNED UP FOR.
-I wanted to slap Mariah when she said Meri essentially owes her family another child. Talk about entitled and spoiled. No empathy.
-If Kody uses the word "obey" one more time among his giggling, brainless wives, I may have to take a trip to LV to knock sense into all of them.
-More crying from Sobyn and Meri, and I want to give them something to REALLY cry about. How about losing a child? Being fired from a job you love? Not having food on the table? KILLING A DOG FOR the WRONG reason!? Eff you and your wet bar and McMansions.
-Yeahhhhhh...truly they need some help with flattering clothes.
-Orange faces, flippy hair, wtf?
-The quilt: OMG. I was humiliated for Logan.
That is all for now.
Hey, Erin! I TOTALLY agree with you!! The whole arguement of 'my kids get 4 moms instead of 1' nonsense flies out the window when they start whining about will she or won't she get pregnant or it's not fair that I wanted 8 kids and all I got was Mariah.
DeleteI think I figured out how Blobbin' picked the name "Dayton" for her son David:
I'm guessing Blobbin' wanted a name with more...cache...than David, something really special. She wanted it to still start with D, so he didn't have to change his initials.
Blobbin' probably tried to think of the most neatest guy, ever - Kody! Now, play the Name-Game, and his name turns into - Dody. No, that's no good. Joseph Smith? Doseph or Dith? Eli Manning is dreamy - Deli or Danning. Dang, this is hard!
Wait! Eli has a brother who's cute...what's his name? Wait, is he single? Is he monogamous? Crap, he's taken AND his wife seems to have a good self esteem, too. Okay, here goes - Payton turns into...DAYTON!! Yay!! Now I can erase a part of my son's past and no one will ever be the wiser!
(P.S. Payton Manning, I'm allowed to marry up, so if your thing with your wife doesn't pan out, my kids' DNA can change to match yours!! Call me! I'm in the internet under 'Sullivan'.)
Oh, by the way - I couldn't care less if I shared my kitchen with 8 or 9 other adults...I just want my own bathroom!!! Funny, that's never been an issue with the Browns.
Pretty sure Mariah wants her mom to have a baby so she can feel less guilt when she leaves home for college. I'm sure she and her mom are close and Mariah knows Meri's relationship with the other wives is strained. Also, having to share her husband is also going to leave Meri lonely as well.She will be alone 3 nights out of 4 and her daughter will be leaving home.
DeleteAnon 6:23, I laughed because what you said about bathrooms is so true. That would be my only requirement.I would trade kitchen rights for my own bathroom anyday.I'm guessing they don't spend much time there.
DeleteI think I read that David was named after his biological father, and I can see why Robyn (and Kody?) might not like that reminder. His *legal* name may still be David, but Dayton sounds similar enough to make the switch fairly easily when calling him.
Delete"I think I figured out how Blobbin' picked the name "Dayton" for her son David:"
DeleteIIRC, I read somewhere here on this blog that Dayton is David's real middle name and she started calling him Dayton after getting together w/Kody.
Blobbin, BWAHAHAHAHA, that's my new fav for Robyn. Good one!
Deletewait a sec, his actual name is "David Dayton Jessop Jr"? Now i feel even worse for him.
DeleteI read somewhere here on this blog that Dayton is David's real middle name
Deletewait a sec, his actual name is "David Dayton Jessop Jr?
His father's name is David Preston Jessop, so Dayton wasn't his middle name.
I still cannot get over the fact that she CHANGED HER SON'S NAME! "Well, since I'm dating this super insecure guy who doesn't want to be icked out by reminders of my previous husband, I'll just change my son's name!" How out of whack is that?
DeleteIt is WAY out of whack. These people are unbelievable.
DeleteI trust you mean, "Day-un." Poor kid. Didn't it appear in those faux Christmas pics that he had a black eye?
DeleteMrs. hudson..I thought so too! Wonder what happened.
Deleterodeogold has reasonable prices for silver rings!
ReplyDeleteBut they aren't "iconic" genuine Sister Wives rings designed by Robyn!
DeleteSo true!
DeleteI'm sure the storylines are cut and pasted for increased drama, but it's pretty clear there are 5 very dysfunctional adults on display. You can really see how much they have physically changed since season 1- they look stressed, tired and miserable. Kodouche looks deranged on a pretty regular basis now so he totally swapped his sanity for a paycheck.
ReplyDeleteThat's called reality show gold!!
DeleteOh of course they are! This is reality TV, not a documentary.
DeleteThankfully it's not a documentary (scary thought). Nope- just a group of dysfunctional grifters who've morphed into reality tv "stars", jewelry designers, authors, etc...no wonder they seem stressed!
DeleteNot to mention how they all seem less happy together now than ever. Someone else mentioned the Christmas show from 2010 and how much happier they all seemed to be together. Now it seems like they can barely tolerate each other because of all the self-imposed stress from the reality show. It's no wonder they went from wanting to all live under one roof to living separately. Suddenly that's their new ideal. What does that say about how things have changed since season 1?
DeleteFor my own selfish entertainment, I am glad the Browns are still filming. However, I feel bad for these kids.
ReplyDeleteThey didn't choose to out their parents' greed, crying, and general dysfunction. I feel sorry for the kids for having to go through this kind of public exposure because of their parents.
I am having fun with it all. Look forward to more episodes and humorous commentary on this blog. All good watching and reading.
DeleteI am enjoying this blog and the show too.(I know it is scripted, edited etc) but I need some light hearted fare in my life. Nice to put the serious aside for a few minutes here and there. Keep up the great work bloggers!
DeleteBelieve me the kids have all been "advised" on how this show works, and are towing the line. They know when their bread is being buttered. All for one and one for all!
ReplyDeleteThe only harm this might do to the kids, is that they may have the option for an education,learn a trade, or see the outside world and be attracted to a non plyggy life style.
Hi Everyone! Mystery solved! I sent in those pics. Yes the crew was filming the move. In the above picture is Meri, Christine and Robin along with Kody and someone else helping move things into the U Haul. Robin pulled up in the black SUV.
ReplyDeleteWhy am I not surprised that Robyn pulled up in the fancy black SUV? I'm sure it belongs to the TLC crew... But only the best for Robyn!
DeleteJanelle tweeted "...peace and a quieting of Loud Voices"
ReplyDeleteI immediately thought of Meri's comment of how she had a Louder Voice.....
How is Janelle quieting the loud voices? Maybe someone should check on Meri to see if she is okay? LOL
DeleteI thought the same thing about Janelle's "loud voices" comment. Sounds like she's sitting in her new home enjoying her respite from Meri's loud voice.
DeleteProbably the "loud voices" in her own head, telling her to get out.
DeleteMaybe she sent all her kids over to there bonus mom, Meri's house. And is sitting there in the quiet laughing over her kids using the wet bar and french doors, making a mess of her house. One way to quiet a loud voice is give them everything they say they want.
DeleteDo you ever see any tender moments between Kody and Janelle or Kody and Christine? I certainly haven't!
DeleteDuring the scene where they are picking out carpet and tile, Kody asked Janelle for a kiss and she looked horrified before she figured she better give him a smooch for the cameras.
Then, on the other hand, there's Meri who is always making goo goo eyes at him. Bleck
Paw Print, I noticed that! I may be overestimating Janelle but I think she may be subtly and carefully slighting the other adults- at least I've seen one about Kody and this one which is about Meri IMO. Wouldn't that be something...
ReplyDeleteJust had to express my amazement and disgust after reading their book. At first, I tried to see this family with an open mind because I found them kind of endearing. But, of course, they have changed a lot.
ReplyDeleteIn reading the book, though, I really saw Kody for what he is; just your typical dawg baby daddy. There didn't appear to be anything "spiritual" whatsoever in Kody and Meri "picking their wives." There is no other way to say it: Meri comes off as pimping for her man.
Kody, for his part, had his eye on both Janelle and Christine literally months after he married the "love of his life Meri." If he was sincerely in love with Meri but felt that he needed to take other wives for the sake of his "religion," wouldn't he have doubts and be reluctant to leave his new bride and start dating and having sex with another woman? There was not one sentence in this book where Kody expressed distaste or hesitation about getting it on with another woman. It's sick.
Another thing: I, personally, do not see a bit of attraction, sexual or spiritual, between this man and any of these women.
Whew... glad to get that off my chest.
DeleteI agree. Before this show I was open to the idea but have completely discounted polygamy as a serious marriage. I have also kissed my husband several times since this show first aired and said "Thank you so much for not being Kody Brown."
DeleteI have been thinking the exact same thing! Kody does not seem genuinely religious to me. I don't buy that it's all for God with him. Plus even though Kody claims he does not believe in PDA's I still don't sense any attraction between him and the first 3 wives. I do sense some attraction with Robin, being that she is the newest wife. I don't blame Christine for feeling insecure with those vibes so clearly evident even on TV.
DeleteAlthough I had never met any plgs, or seriously considered becoming one, I *did* used to think it would be nice to have sister wives to help with household chores, cooking, child care, etc. Boy, were those rose colored fantasies. I now live with my oldest daughter, and my younger one visits once or twice a week. Sometimes it is enjoyable to tackle some chores together, but sometimes trying to cooperate with each other can be a headache. And *we* don't seem to be as dramatically different from each other as these four seem to be. I think in some plyg families it probably *can* run more smoothly, but it sure would take a lot of commitment, dedication, and patience. I think all of these SW could do with some couples counseling - in pairs with each other - not with Kody.
DeleteWhat the SW show has accomplished has little to do with showcasing polygamy....
DeleteWhat it has done is showcase a lazy, self-indulgent, chronically immature man/boy who either is running from his true sexuality or lacks the ability to really love and co-parent with just one woman. A "man" who is unwilling or incapable of seeking sustained, legitimate employment.
SW has also shown four women who, for whatever personal dynamics are in play in their psyche, believe that sexually and emotionally sharing a man like Kody Brown is the best they can do for themselves and for their children.
Amused, well said, you nailed it right on. You were able to sum it all up quickly and is well written. I totally agree.
DeleteYes well said Amused!!
DeleteFrom the previous thread about casting Sister Wives The Movie, I have another suggestion.
ReplyDeleteWoody Harrelson as Kody
Saoirse Ronan, Jennifer Lawrence, Dakota Fanning for the teenage girls
I say TLC moves Bethenny Frankel and Kate Gosslin in to straighten everyone out.
DeleteSISTER WIVES THE MOVIE! What a hoot! No - not Woody Harrelson as Kody - I think Anthony Weiner would be a better choice.
DeleteKate Gosselin would make a great Meri - they could be sister's in real life. The ugly sister.......and the ugly sister......ooops no pretty sister!
DeleteAnd both Kate Gosselin and Meri Brown have a fetish for choppy haircuts.
DeleteRemember Kate's shorter asymmetric "do" that always looked like a bad case of "bed-head" !!
Eric Christian Olsen from Ncis:La could be Kody's hair double but Eric C.O has way better of a style
DeleteYes! Kate Gosselin's hairdo was crazy, but she could pull it off. I loved it, but no way could I pull it off with my thick/curly hair.
DeleteCouldn't get my hands on the knock off wig either...
Oh well, life goes on! Lol
Ok, this thought has been running through my mind and I'm just going to put it out there. Perhaps each wife was given a select amount of money to put down for a house by a polygamist group/benefactor. Perhaps the money is only for houses, can't be used for anything else, and can't be shared between the adults... I just can't imagine that someone is as horrible as Meri. I'm grasping at straws here...
ReplyDeleteI think you are way overestimating how much money the AUB as a congregation or religious organization actually has at its disposal. The Browns are probably among the most well off in the entire organization, and there probably aren't all that many people TOTAL in the religion, and not everyone tithes even if they're supposed to. This ain't Roman from Big Love, that was fiction.
DeleteI don't know anything about the AUB and their money. I've just seen it implied on here that they were a wealthy organization. I'm sure there are some wealthy religious benefactors involved? I'd like to hear more about it actually. Does anyone have any statistics about this? Or is the AUB really hush hush about such things?
DeleteFrom what I understand (never having belonged to the FLDS or any other polygamous group), in many situatuions their church (like the AUB or whomever the leaders are) own the properties and pretty much everything, and the members of the group live there and pay rent. They do this with homes, businesses, newspapers, farms, property, cars, etc. They distribute the 'resources' in the way that they see fit (reward or punishment). This way, the church can control everything about their lives and keep them in line/poverty (and dependant on the church).
DeleteI'm guessing that since groups like the AUB or Kingstons are pretty hush-hush about their finacials, and they'd be able to legally not pay taxes, since it's a church organization. I also think they probably have a lot of money, but they wouldn't be likely to waste it on the Browns, since the Browns don't contribute to these churches and it would be a 'what's in it for them' situation.
OOOoooo - unless they're loan-sharking to the Browns! THAT would make some interesting TV...very Juniper Creek or whatever. Nah.
I agree with you Iconic. I think someone is bankrolling them, probably their church.
DeleteAnonymouse, very interesting! Now I have even more conspiracy theories! Thanks for the information :-)
DeleteThe polygamy case may require dollars, and does require an injured party willing to stand up in the courts (such as Kody). It seems to me this could create a "whats in it for them" situation.
DeleteI, as most of us, am just pondering the possibilities, without inside information.
I really appreciate seeing the picture above of the camera crews filming. Seeing them with all their equipment really brings it home how it all is staged, out of necessity to get good camera angles, lighting, etc. This same scene with the equipment, the lighting reflectors, the boom microphones was also there in the hallway when Mykelti went to visit the fashion designer, and in the doctor's office when Meri went for the fertility consultation, and all the other seemingly "intimate" scenes on the show.
ReplyDelete"oh look, we just happened to end up in the bedroom just now..... with cameras that just happened to be inside to film us at the doorway."
Perhaps the editing is actually really really kind to the Browns, given what they have to work with. We just can't know what all was left on the cutting room floor.
Yes, I have to agree with you. Goodness knows what crud is left on the cutting room floor. Probably some things we would love to see and others we would not.
DeleteLet's face it.....moving is not all that interesting.
Moving isn't all that interesting but it does require organization, which Kody and the Kodettes have proven they lack. I expect that the Kody Krew move will provide the editors with plenty of footage for the Moving episode.
DeleteI say TLC buys them homes and installs cameras so they can get some real "reality"!! Much like real world it would be a better watch. And quit all these "couch" sessions, they are annoying. I don't need to hear kody replay all the scenes we JUST WATCHED!!!
ReplyDeleteThe only thing I like about the couch sessions is the (seemingly) unscripted facial reactions from some of the wives. TLC can't script all their body language & expressions.
DeleteOn another note, does anybody else have trouble seeing the mystery words & numbers that you have to type in order to prove you aren't a robot? Most of the numbers are really, really dark on my computer - and impossible to read on my iPad. Just wondering if anybody else has these problems.
DeleteAnn Onymous - My old eyes occasionally struggle, too. I find that if I hit the refresh icon, the next one to come up is usually easier to see.
DeleteI'm right there with you two ladies, and I do what AZC does, I just keep refreshing until one comes up that I can actually *read*.
DeleteOr maybe I AM a robot...danger Will Robinson...danger...!
Count me in too.
DeleteNo big deal...eventually one comes up that is doable.
LOL DJ! I thought the same thing and then became indignant. How dare they suspect me of being a robot! Then I thought that perhaps I was in an episode of SW! Thank goodness there was no sobbin involved.
DeleteI agree, the couch sessions are both annoying and enlightening. Kody often looks dazed and confused, and more than a little concerned when Christine talks. She's the queen of the Kody zingers. And Janelle often looks completely exhausted, and has a "checked out" expression. Robyn is the biggest Meri brown-noser. I think the only honest one is Christine, but she appears to have been reigned in, and doesn't blab as much as she used to.
DeleteYep I, too, have troubles proving I'm not a robot! Glad to know I'm not the only one. Thought it was just because I have only my phone, no computer.
DeleteThanks for posting photos of the move. Things I've been wondering: how would they have a fitness studio when they're all overweight, how could they sell clothes when they have almost no style sense, how could they sell jewelry to polygamist families that can't afford it? How can the two have passed real estate tests and yet blindly stay on a path of impending doom financially? They are all in love with Kody but the more wives he takes on the less of a husband he is to each. I am fascinated yet appalled and am concerned for the kids and wives. I am convinced the women are "pain eating" for comfort. The kids look like it too. I like Janelle the most and Christine next. I have had enough of Meri. Especially since her daughter is moving out in a few months and Janelle will be slaving away in the hot sun mixing concrete
ReplyDeleteI agree with you about the wives and kids emotionally overeating. It's the kids that I really worry about. I doubt any got any counseling to deal with being uprooted from their home in Utah the way. Add to that, the normal issues that come with being teens, let alone having their story shown to the world thanks to the contract their parent's signed w/TLC - I don't blame them in the least for turning to food for some comfort. The wives are adults and had the freedom to make their decisions. The kids didn't and we've seen just a tip of the iceberg effect their decisions have had. I really feel for the kids.
DeleteI suspect Kody will first instruct her to install a people mover between the four houses. That way he won't have to break a sweat during the rotations and MMQC won't exert herself too much when she has to lower herself and leave her mansion for one of the sisterwives less grand pads. I hope there are three automatic "stops" at the other wives sliding glass doors!
DeleteIMO the whole gym idea was just Kody pissing into the wind for a storyline. They were never gonna do it.
Deleteomg you guys, I just went back and watched the very first episode on Netflix... it is so crazy how this family has changed! Kody even used the word "rotate" and "rotation" when describing his schedule with his wives and nobody jumped down his throat about it. Janelle was much heavier then than she is now, but she seemed happier then. She didn't seem checked out like she does now. Meri was way thinner in the beginning than she is now. I also can guarantee you those kids saw way more of Kody when they all lived in the big house than they do now.
ReplyDeleteMaybe the kids will now be allowed the run of their gated cult de sac, and they can go to whichever house Kody is currently at - even if the "mom" in that house isn't totally welcoming. They may wind up seeing more of their dad, which would be a good thing IMO.
DeleteIt is really depressing to watch season one and then look at where the Brown family is now. Even if a lot of season one was staged, you can tell by Meri and some of the kid's extreme weight gain that all is not right. Christine was so happy, Kody looked ten years younger, and Janelle was much more involved and excited about her job. Then enter Robyn and TLC.....
DeleteGoing from 3 wives to 4 is a huge difference. It means sometimes you only have your husband/dad once in a week. They never should have added Robyn into the family, it was more than they could handle financially, house-wise, and time wise. Not to mention that Robyn seems to be very high maintenance and to be an energy sucker.
I will be extremely surprised if all four of the wives stay.
The funny thing about meris house and wet baris that it is half kodys and therefore it is all of the kid's house while Mariah is only entitled to that hiuse. If krody was to leave for his planet mari might have a problem on her hands.
DeleteIs there any way I can watch season 1 or at least the first episode for free? I'd like to see it to compare but don't want to pay.
DeleteSeasons 1 and 2 are free for amazon prime members on amazon.com
DeleteOh my goodness, I found some clips from season 1 episode 1 where they are introducing the family and it made me sick to my stomach and so incredibly sad to see how much happier they were and how well they functioned as one unit in the Lehi house... and I don't think they were just "faking it" for the cameras. I'm sure they made sure to be positive and upbeat but the change is STARTLING. OMG and they showed Mariah loving on that poor dog, goodness! Two things I noticed and I'm not sure if anyone else noticed. When the kids were working in the yard, I believe it was Hunter opening a 5 hour energy. Is that ok to give to young teens?? Secondly, Janelle and her kids were the heaviest of them all and NOW seem to all have lost quite a bit of weight...
DeletePS- I only watched "Part one" and there is no way I can watch "Part two" because it's just so sad and painful to see.
DeleteYou know what, I am watching them now, so keep those thoughts, we will put up a post about the change since season 1 soon!
DeleteWill do Mister Sister! Terrific!
DeleteI watched it on Youtube for free. There are a few full episodes there to watch.
DeleteThey are on Netflix too. I just started re watching.
DeleteImagine overspending on a house in a Las Vegas gated community...and then the Clampetts move in.
DeleteThere should be some plg rule that all wives need to be wed to one man within the first five years. The Brown's were settled by the time Robyn came. It was not fair to the three wives or to the kids. It was like Kody went and found himself a young gal to marry but in reality you could call that something else.( I don't want to say)
DeleteThey get some negative tweets which are soooo funny...if you can catch them before they get deleted of course! One devout fan (who wants to be Kodouche's 5th wife)told another tweeter to go put her negative comments on "the nasty blog" instead. I guess the Browns AND their followers pop over to visit!
ReplyDeletesomeone wants to be #5? well there's no accounting for taste is there???
DeleteShe can have Kody and my Brussel Sprouts too. both are bleagh. although the sprouts at least are healthy.
Has anyone asked the Browns/Robyn why they call David Jr Dayton?
ReplyDeleteJust wondering if they gave a answer or not
I'd like to know if Robyn ever explained (rationalized) the name change, too.
DeleteShe has such trouble with enunciation, Dayton becomes Day-un. Shoulda left it at David.
Robyn is clearly very lowly education hence the mispronounciation of common words. She may have finished high school - but perhaps in a Plyg home school perhaps. Anyone know?
DeleteShe may have finished high school - but perhaps in a Plyg home school perhaps. Anyone know?
DeleteIn the season leading up to the Browns leaving Utah, at the dinner they had for their non-plyg friends, Robyn talked about her high school friend who had no idea Robyn was from a plural family. She went to public high school.
As far as her pronounciation of certain words, it has been discussed here that she (as well as Meri) speak with a regional Utah accent. They throw in a lot of ya's, too.
ReplyDeleteIt is the foundation of our faith. RT @TonyaCase1 @Bethanyzernel Your family isn't LDS, why would you give her a link to the LDS church?
Seems like that is pretty obvious being that fundamentals and LDS both believe in prophet Joseph Smith and are descendant from polygamist mormon pioneers. The only real differences are LDS stopped practicing polygamy (except in heaven) and made changes to allow blacks into the priesthood. So yes, I would agree with the Dargers that LDS is the foundation of their faith.
DeleteBeside a fragrance line or tee shirt line, Kody could plug an athletic running shoe since he credits those shoes for getting him to each house on time.
ReplyDeleteHi Ann Onymous: Yes, I can barely make them out but the second set usually comes in clearer.
ReplyDeleteThought I was paranoid - no one wanted to see my
If they had stayed in Utah and dealt with the investigation it would have been better T.V. We would have seen them pull together and deal with it as a family unit. We now how this garbage to watch. Why did Janelle go back once she left, did Meri have anything to do with her coming back?
ReplyDeleteAccording to the book Janelle moved back with Kody and the other wives when they moved into a bigger house in Utah.
DeleteWhat's the name of this book? I have to read it now, I feel like I'm missing something. It's almost like Meri has everyone brainwashed and they do her bidding. I know she's the first wife but does mean she runs the whole show? How could anyone want to be in a relationship where you're told by your husbands first wife do as I say or else.
DeleteBecoming Sister Wives by Kody Brown et al.
DeleteMemphischick, maybe Meri played nice to get these women with low self esteem hooked in and having kids. By then, Meri probably figured they would stick around for the kids and because they have low self esteem (think this is the best they are gonna get) and that's when she sunk her nasty 1st wife claws in them. She probably didn't anticipate Janelle leaving and I would LOVE to know the details about all that, but I guess we will never know.
DeleteHow long were Meri and Kody Married before Janelle came into the picture ? When and how did Christine get recruited? Did the book say Meri and Kody got married with the idea that she would be a first wife to Kody with additions to come after a certain time?I am so curious sorry about all the questions but I don't have the book.
DeleteHere are links to recaps that may answer your questions...
I just finished reading all the above links and now have a much better understanding of these people. Crazy comes to mind as well as shock at some of the statements. Meri really is a piece of work as is Robyn. Janelle and Christine are truely nuts staying in this crazy mess. I now believe because of the T.V. show they are all in this together for the money and the glory. Sad how all these kids are put into this mess of a so called family. Thank you Cynical Jinx for the links above I do really appreciate all the work that went into them.
DeleteI wonder what size of house and living conditions there were when Janelle, Meri and Krotchie had before the bigger 3 kitchen house in Utah? Too close quarters for comfort and Meri won out even though Janelle had the big family. Interesting....
ReplyDeleteI read in their book that when the oldest kids were babies, they all shared a trailer.
DeleteSpeaking of trailers, didn't Sobbin whine that her mean husband made her live in a leaky trailer that she heated with leftover charcoal and scavenged twigs,and had to keep her Victoria's Secret stash in plastic bags since she had to use dresser drawers for babies because she didn't ever - even once - have a crib...or some such over the top B.S.?
DeleteBut when they were planning the McMansions, didn't she try to finagle an additional room on the 2nd floor because she had had vaulted ceilings and didn't like the noise? Vaulted trailer? I don't get it.
The Sister Wives book on Amazon
DeleteThis book (originally 25 USD) is now available around six dollars sightly used - like new.
I would never spend my own money on their book. I checked it out from the library. It's an easy read, only took me and day and half to get through it.
DeleteIconic moron,
ReplyDeleteCan't reply to you in the nesting mode since count is too high now on the thread)....
But..Thank you !!
Meri knew Kody would take more wives. Correct me if im wrong but it was prolly less than five years that kody and meri were married when janelle entered the picture. They both knew christine thru aub get togethers.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the new background!!! Now I have some time before my husband realizes that this screen is the same as "that green screen you're always looking at". Bwahahahahaha.
ReplyDeleteDon't scare me like that! I refreshed my screen, and when the green wasn't there, I thought, "OH NO! They've moved the blog to the same server as MSWC. We'll NEVER get on it again!"
DeleteLOL - just kidding. You can change, but DON'T EVER GO AWAY!!!!
I love it too! Sophisticated new look. : )
ReplyDeletePRETTY new format!!!! Soooo exciting! And a BIG THANK YOU for the locals sending in photos. I just love being updated on the Browns :)
ReplyDeleteMaybe there should be a 12-step program for people who watch the show and read this blog. My husband is actually worse than Kody, except my husband is a surgeon and we have lots of money. I would love for someone else to hit the scene and take him off my hands. Maybe we should move to Utah.