Will we learn how these 5 people were able to qualify for almost 2 million dollars in mortgages?
Sadly my friends, we won't learn the answers to all these questions. But let's take a ride on the Brown Family railroad train anyway...
Once again, we are treated to the Browns undergoing yet another interview. Unfortunately, Natalie Morales must have opted out this time, but we did get another seasoned interviewer - NBC's Tamron Hall. Now Ms Hall is no lightweight shrinking violet reporter - just take a look at how she handled a problem interviewee last year ( http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/05/11/tamron-hall-tim-carney-mic-msnbc_n_1510311.html).
But, business first.
As we bid adieu to the Browns at the cuddle sac in the season finale, I'm getting the feeling these people must virtually live there. I can almost hear Kody saying something like...Hey, we paid a bill today. Let's go over to the cul-de-sac! Can you imagine the looks on the faces of the construction workers as the Brown Krew rolls up with kamera krew in tow AGAIN?
When Kody says to Tamron "...I can't have organization without obedience so the chaos will continue..." it is evident that Kody just doesn't get it. He apparently believes the skills of organization and leadership are the direct result of obedience. Perhaps in a Warren Jeffs world, but in a normal society leaders don't go around demanding obedience in order to be an effective. I venture to guess that if Kody's wives and children RESPECTED him, they would LISTEN to what he says. But they have seen his kind of craziness (Kody calls it chaos, I call it craziness) before and they aren't willing to be lead down that road to Perdition once again.
For a scary moment, my mind flashed to an over testosterone driven Kody Brown asking...rather...DEMANDING his four wives and 17 children (some of whom actually share his DNA, poor dears) to OBEY HIM. Then Meri puts him back in his place of total good for nothingness with a few sharp words from her brain in her loud voice.
Yay for Meri!
By the way, I think I've cracked Christine's strange time measuring code. If she says, for example, she has known someone for several, several years she means about 4 years. If she says years and years and years, she means about six months (in the case of writing a family mission statement).
She's also said the Dargers were good, good friends so I venture to guess she hates their collective 3 wives, one kitchen, living under one roof guts. She most likely won't characterize them as sharks, but more like independent flesh eating piranhas.
But I digress...
Actually, Tamron does try to break through the facade Kody and his Krew have built around themselves. When she says to Kody "When you can't share a kitchen, and you can't live in the same house - it's counter to what you've told me are the joys of plural marriage and being in this together..." Kody was left speechless.
Robyn cooperating with her sister |
Oh yes, just like you cooperated with Christine by watching her children, particularly toddler Truely while she studied for her real estate exam. Let's not forget Robyn bringing in her sister Taralyce to watch her children - basically saying she doesn't trust her children with her sister wives.
Yep, I'm seeing a lot of cooperation. </snark>
Meri then adds "We all interact with each other." Like the little parrot she is, Robyn agrees by saying "Yeah..."
But Tamron shows the Browns she will not let it go when she counters the faux sisterhood the sisterwives are trying to dish out by simply saying to them "...You just can't do it under one roof..." Even Meri couldn't talk her way out of this argument. When she says they have tried living under one roof, and it didn't work, she then tried to justify the failure by saying "...we just know that what we are doing now works really well for us."
Sounds to me like having sister wives isn't all it's cracked up to be, doesn't it?
Next topic...The McMansions in the cuddle sac, particularly that damn stupid wet bar of Meri's. Meri still doesn't understand how greedy she looks by demanding to have a wet bar when her other sister wives have more children - whose cost of living are much higher than hers and can't afford 'luxuries' - like Janelle's cement pad in the backyard. It just shows how ridiculous these women are. Meri may have a brain, but she doesn't use it much, unless of course, when she senses she is not getting exactly the same, if not MORE than her other sister wives.
Like I've been saying all season, Meri could have had that counter space custom built instead of adding 3 bedrooms and an ugly ass sink cabinet against the wall of her great room.
When Tamron asks the Browns if they had a move in date yet, every single one of the adult chimed in Oh no, we're not 100% in these houses, this is all a dream and we stay positive about it (Christine). We haven't purchased them, we just got pre-approval (Kody). We haven't signed on the dotted line. We don't have the keys...blah blah blah.
If they are going to lie, the very least they can do for their audience is to lie QUICKLY.
So it's not surprising when Tamron asks them what their plan B was, the blank look of "Duh...what's a plan B? How do I answer that one?" was clearly visible on the Kody's face. This time it was Robyn's squeaky voice rising above her other sister wives. "We would have to stay where we're at and work on something new" replies Robyn. Ya think? Maybe ya'll would move into 4 doublewides in the Nevada desert, perhaps? That would make for good TV, if you know what I mean...
It is obvious to me they didn't have a plan B because they didn't need one. They would be moving into those McMansions, and they all darn well knew it. Remember Kody giving Meri the ultimatum she had to make her mind up about having a baby by the end of the year? And in the finale Kody saying he wanted to be moved into the homes by Christmas? And don't forget...the leases on the rental homes would be coming up for renewal in January 2013. Those McMansions were a done deal!
Stop wasting the audience's time, Sister Wives producers! We are not stupid, you know!
Finally, Tamron asks the question so many viewers have been asking...How are the Browns financially able to afford those McMansions plus maintaining 4 separate households with 17 children, including college, cars etc?
Of course, Kody tries to weasel his way through the question by saying "We work together..." but Tamron refuses to let him off the hook. "You work together," she says, "but you can't print money!"
Oh oh, Tamron's got Kody once again. And just like before he stumbles over his words, saying " It is reality that...you know...you cast your bread upon the waters. You do the work..." Kody's reply left me wondering if he thought quoting Ecclesiastes would explain his obvious penchant to throw good money after bad. But Tamron was able to get one more turn in the knife she just deposited in his back when she explained "I'm just asking the questions that the viewers, you know, are asking..."
All hell suddenly broke loose as the four sister wives all started speaking at the same time. Eventually, Robyn was able to interrupt the ensuing cacophony of indignant sister wives voices to speak her mind. She explains to Tamron, "When we walked through the houses yesterday, my stomach was sick. I was like - Dear God, Help us make sure we can afford these houses, forever. We definitely have our work cut out for us. But we are determined and it is our goal...."
If I were their mortgage lender, those are not exactly the words that would be giving me a warm fuzzy feeling. Not when almost two million dollars have been spent on four over priced houses for a group of people who's main source of income is a reality show on a channel whose number 1 reality star is a child named Honey Boo Boo.
Nope, I would not be feeling warm fuzzies at all...
Of course, the conversation now turns to Meri and is she or is she not going to have another baby. Meri contends she is not thinking of replacing soon to be graduating Mariah with another child to avoid that old empty nest syndrome - especially with 6 or 7 bedrooms that need to be filled in her McMansion with the wet bar and the french doors. Needless to say, I think Kody finally tells the truth when he says he knew her answer almost 3 years ago when Meri told him she was done having babies. It's obvious that Meri wants more time with Kody, but she can't compete with baby incubator Robyn. And it's plain to see that Kody wants to start making another baby with Robyn when he told Tamron that he and Meri decided to try for her carrying her own baby first before pursuing surrogacy with Robyn. Whether Meri wants to admit or not, she's using the baby issue as a way of keeping Kody closer to her. And she must see the handwriting on the wall that she's about to be left behind.
Yep, another highlight in the life of a plural wife.
And when Tamron asks who wants more Browns in the family, it seems all the girls say yes. One holdout was Hunter who feels that maybe there are too many Browns in the family right now.
Ah.....Out of the mouths of babes....Made me wonder which sibling (or sister wife) he was considering doing away with!
As the conversation continued with a discussion of the Holding Out Help episode, it was interesting to hear Logan say that the questions the HOH teens asked about their family dynamics (like what does your mom think of the other moms, how does your dad treat your mom, etc) were the same questions a monogamist would ask. So it makes you wonder, are the Browns really a typical polygamous family or are they the exception?
I guess to answer that question we would need to see more examples of plural families. All in all, I have this feeling that the Brown teenagers are a bit naive in their expectations of the world. On one hand they can be fiercely independent (Maddie) but on the other hand, they can be totally complacent to the plural lifestyle and not really giving much thought at all of whether it is harmful or not(Aspyn and Mariah). I'm left feeling a bit worried about people taking advantage of them.
As the interview winds down, Tamron turns back to the adults. Of course, Kody brings up the mission statement. It's obvious he feels the mission statement in some way will bring his families together as one family. I have a feeling, however, that won't happen, not without some real thought and effort being put into the statement's construction. And when Christine mentions the re-commitment ceremony, it becomes painfully obvious someone is feeding this to the Browns as a way to spice up their TV show. Let's face it, if the Browns were as committed to their religion as they are to their TV show, would they really need a ceremony to prove it?
I think Robyn's own words explains what's really going on - "We want it to be an event". Yep, suitable for filming and manufactured to increase ratings...Right? Right.
And on that note, the show is over.
Awesome review Cynical Jinx...thanks!
ReplyDeleteJust finished watching the 1st episode over on Discovery channel and can't get over how drastically these people have changed (in a bad way)!
Oh for God's sake - that last declaration of Kody's "...brings on the tears and choked voice to say he will feel blessed to be able to go out in public with his wives and say to the world they are a family and he loves them all. He then turns and looks lovingly at Robyn sitting next to him."
ReplyDeleteisn't that what he's been doing for the past 3 years or so? jeez.
great review and I had the same problem trying to watch the entire show! Thanks so much CJ!!!!
I really felt this whole interview was the Meri and Kody show with guest stars janelle, christine and robyn. fake fake fake. fake. can any of these people just say what we all know they are thinking? it would make for much more interesting viewing!
ReplyDeleteI'd love to see the Browns do the Jerry Springer show!
DeleteI'd much rather see them on the Maury show, where Roby confesses to Kody that Sol might not be his.
DeleteThen they test Kody.... no... Joe Darger... no... but then they test Logan... and.......
Gawd, I would hope Logan would have better taste than Robyn.
DeletePretty sure Logan was a minor when King Sol was conceived, so that would def open up a whole new criminal element for Robyn if that was a possibility. :)
DeleteIve seen Logan look at Robyn with love in his eyes, if you know what I mean more than once!
Delete@Dakota Justice...every single time I read your comment backwards!
Delete"I would hope Logan would taste better than Robyn"
I must be ko-dyslexic!
Great review CJ. It was thorough, thought provoking, entertaining, & well worth the wait :)
ReplyDeleteNow I totally get that wife #1-3 would want to do a recommitment ceremony since they have 16-21 yrs invested, but Robyn.. Damn she just had a big ass wedding & long ass honeymoon too like only 2 yrs ago @TLC' s expense, of course. So she's gonna get to enjoy another big ceremony ? How is that fair? I just wonder if the other 3 wives have thought the samething?? Hmmmm?? I just wonder if there will be another " dress- gate" deliema? & will they all get a 2nd honeymoon??
Guess time will tell. They must really be raking in the dough, bc 2 kids graduate in a few months & thensending them to Europe. Plus, I'm sure they bought new furniture.for the new homes, plus the recommitment ceremony. & we all know that they all gotta have new dresses + lofts tux & all the kids too...unless they're expecting TLC to pick up the tab?? ** eye roll**
Thanks everyone!
DeleteI'm thinking that TLC will be picking up the tab for the recommitment ceremony. I have no doubt at all we will be seeing an episode dedicated to the Browns recommitment event!
I'm hoping Kody uses it as an opportunity to announce he's engaged to #5. Hope Meri's not getting too use to living alone in that big McMansion of hers...
Just one episode?? they'll drag out the recommitment ceremony for a whole effing season, I'm sure. the preparations, with lots of the wedding photos and videos from the past weddings dragged out YET AGAIN. and zzzz. and I'm sure the Dargers will be there, since they're very very very very very very very very...close...acquaintances.
DeleteMorning - I don't remember anything about them making plans to go to Europe???
DeleteDurring the reveal show- robin could not keep quiet!! Why doesn't she just sit still and let the grown-up (?)talk???
Sounds like "Say Yes to the DressES" will be coming up soon - complete with little bolero jackets or custom-added sleeves (because modest is hottest).
DeleteExcept for Robyn, who will be decked out in one of those Pnina Tornay (sp?) see-through stripper monstrosities.
OMG, do they make tank-top style wedding dresses with long-sleeved shirts underneath? Cool!
DeleteThe kids are going to Europe for their senior trip, just two of them. I gathered that from tweeting haha. If they are like some other shows on TLC and get big enough, TLC will send them on a big trip somewhere .. Haha oh wait they went to the Joseph Smith museum! Guess they're not big enough for the really grand trips yet.
DeleteCaramel Brownie, don't forget Robyn and Kody's babymoon!!!!! I wonder how long that really lasted.... probably a heck of a lot longer than they admitted. I hadn't even heard them mention a "babymoon" in previous episodes?
DeleteGah, Janelle can come live with us and be my sister wife, not because I want to be poly but because I want to save her and her smart kids from this clusterf&*k!!!
ReplyDeleteI absolutely loved this review. I didn't get to watch, so having a play-by-play is total awesome sauce.
ReplyDeleteI honestly want a new wife in the picture to see how Robyn reacts. Now, I say this with only entertainment value in mind. I don't feel the kids deserve any more drama than what they've already been handed.
Meri is going to be the demise of this family, I believe.
Wrong. The Krotch is going to be the demise of this family.
DeleteThey all together combined have created the Perfect Storm.
DeleteAw, they look like such a big, happy family in that last picture of them! I wonder if living so close to each other again is going to push one of the wives over the edge? Or Kody because he can't sneak off to whichever wife he feels like seeing for the night.
ReplyDeleteDoes Kody even care at this point who sees him where? Except for maybe Meri just because she'll bitch and whine about "fair time" and he doesn't want to hear her mouth, not that he actually cares about her. What are any of them really they going to do, leave him and their McMansions? He knows that NO WAY that will happen, they want THEIRS at this point with or without the physical relationship with him(cept for Sobbin) and they will put up with any ole garbage at this point (although I think they would have BEFORE the McMansions...) I think even the little bit of credit people are giving him for "pretending to care" is TOO MUCH CREDIT, he's 100% douche IMO.
DeleteJanelle should get out she is smart and deserves more!
ReplyDeleteOh come on! If Janelle was that darned smart she wouldn't be there in the first place. She settled, and now she is stuck with this bunch of nut bars.
DeleteI don't think Janelle's smart, just more cunning than the rest and perhaps a bit better in the theatrical talent. All in all, the whole bunch thinks they're smarter than the average bear. Not so.
DeleteIMO, people are giving Janelle too much credit and/or labeling her as a victim which is not actually the case. I also don't think she's this cunning woman manipulating the viewers or playing some theatrical part. I used to be PRO Janelle, run Janelle run, but I'm starting to realize that at THIS point in their lives and "marriage", Janelle is letting the kids enjoy the perks of having money and a nice house after all of those years in financial turmoil. I don't feel like she is conflicted in her relationship with Kody because it hasn't really changed, it's always been like this, but now she is able to give her kids a life she couldn't before. So I tend to think that she may be happier now in this particular situation. I don't think she feels trapped or is trying to "get out" of this situation in any way. I don't feel she is a victim and I don't feel she lacks insight or is ignorant of what is going on in their relationship. And I don't know if I can blame her. She made this life choice long ago that ended up being crappy for so many reasons and she stayed for the most part all of those years, why on earth would she leave now that she has this house, kids stable at school, money in the bank maybe, good potential jobs, and room in Vegas for blogs and self improvement without any interference from Kody? I just can't believe the poor Janelle story anymore... IMO
DeleteAgree to disagree. Go back and watch the couch interviews, that's where you'll see Janelle in action attempting to spin when one of other one's have messed something up (aka lying). That's cunning. She's also the one who has the best chance to escape (has in the past) and wasn't raised in this cult and I personally believe has some doubts about it. But because of low self esteem and having six kids with Peter Pan who merely likes her, she's decided to play her Brown role and count and cut the checks from TLC. I also believe more people have sympathy for/believe her more often because she appears to be more intelligent and well spoken. She's using all of these skills in front of the camera. Perhaps she feels she has to be a cunning liar to the public but I still think it's a shitty thing to do, especially in front of her children. They're all teaching their kids to be con artists when they grow up.
DeleteIconic moron....I agree with what you said.....Janelle has always been my favorite of the wives.....and I feel/felt for her....but you are right.....she is where she wants to be......she probably does figure she might as well get a nice house (at least for awhile) out of it....she doesn't care who Kody loves or doesn't love....or sleeps with......She has all the kids she wants....so there is no need to move on and find someone else.......so why not ride this gravy train till it ends??
DeleteI still think she has the best ability to make it on her own should she ever choose to move on .........
Iconic moron, I completely agree with you and have thought so all along this season. I think it's human nature to seek out individuals to root for on a show or movie or to align oneself with common characteristics found in other people. By far, Christine and Janelle are the most likeable of the bunch, BUT, it's clear these women have chosen their paths, have been in it for 16 years and are not going anywhere. Do I think Christine was furious about being usurped by Robyn's merge into their lives? Yep, but in this lifestyle, that's not unfounded or unreasonable to think that Kody would add another wife and possibly more down the road. She knew, whether she chose to admit that or not, this was a possibility. Do I think Janelle has pretty much had strife and stress with Meri for years? Yep, but they were SIL's before she married into the bunch--she knew Meri personally. She had an opportunity to break ties with the family during her "tepee time" and chose to come back.
DeleteDo I think they really enjoy plural marriage? Nope. Do I think the separate McMansions, TV show, notoriety and "steady" income from TLC make it all worth it for now? Yep. To label any of them a "victim" is just wrong...they are what they are by their own making. Meh to all of them as I sit back and continue to watch the train wreck unfold.
I think the 5-way money division thing is new...conveniently enacted so that Meri can get as huge of a house as the others, you know, for all those children she did not have. And so Janelle is thinking, fine, I'll save my house-allocation money that I didn't use, and the (extra) money from my blog, for myself, in MY account. And so when the other fools have lost their houses, Janelle will be sitting pretty, crazy like a fox, in her house, still making payments. I really think this is her grand plan...let the losers go back to Utah, I'm staying.
Delete"I still think she has the best ability to make it on her own should she ever choose to move on ........."
DeleteCrimson I absolutely agree.
Oh promethemoth I just saw your comment. Very clever and I've thought that too. Bet you're right on the money with that.
Deletemy2cents, Yes! I know I only specifically named Janelle as riding the gravy train but I also agree with you, that ALL of the ladies are doing so for their own personal reasons. Very good observation!
DeleteRemember, they had to make a hefty down payment in order to qualify for their nontraditional financing. So what remains as her mortgage payment might actually be manageable on 40,000 a year; we just don't know. She actually has relatively recent job experience in the real world, so she might be employable. Also she has a couple teens at home who can get (or already have gotten?) jobs.
DeleteAnother fan from Australia researched the property titals from a link published in a previous blog comment..
ReplyDeleteSeems like the $2Mil loans were provided by a lending company sounding very much like the Builder's registered name ??? I figured there was some deal done with the builder ???
I strongly suspect, even though their names appear on the loans, the financing is structured such that the Browns are MAYBE paying towards interest only, or something equally bad, where they don't have a prayer for actually ever owning the homes. They are in them for the duration of the show. Then maybe they will squat until they get booted out.
DeleteI agree with you all. Logically there is no way these guys can afford to stay long term in these homes and own them fully. They just don't have the financial knowledge, which they have proven over and over again.
DeleteTeam Janelle!
I've been wondering for a while if they were builder-financed. I'm just not sure how that all works.
DeleteLisa - that makes PERFECT sense! That way the browns can thumb their noses at us and say SEE we got our houses...the builder prob gets some sort of tax break too. And would also confirm that they are keeping the Lehi house as a fail safe...
DeleteWhat was with Meri giving the stink eye to the camera? Several shots of her just staring at the camera with her fake eyelashes and a fake smirk on her face. Creeped me out!
ReplyDeleteI have to say I thought she and the others looked good in this interview, except Christine. She looks better without all the makeup, which is definitely a compliment to her.
DeleteLove this review!! Great job CJ. :-) In that last photo with Christine rambling on about something it looks like Meri and Cody are thinking 'just shut your effing mouth, Robyn is singing 'a, b, c, d, e, f.......humm what's after f?????????' And Janelle 'just let me get threw this segment. Just let me get threw this segment....'
ReplyDeleteThat was funny. Janelle always seems like she's trying to remain calm. I bet her heart is beating real fast and she wants to scream! Wonder who she vents to? Her mom? The kids? Kody? Based on the kids reactions, I think she either talks about it around them or they're just picking up on what she's feeling or maybe a combination of both. She might be venting to Kody too because Meri's already basically said that Kody tells the wives business (or at least hers).
DeleteThank you CJ for the excellent review. This episode was so boring so I can't imagine how hard it must have been sitting through this. Though you have captured the essence to the T :). Thank you!
ReplyDelete"a group of people who's main source of income is a reality show on a channel whose number 1 reality star is a child named Honey Boo Boo." I'll laugh about that all day! Great review!
ReplyDeleteObviously, the next step for TLC is a crossover-event featuring Kody courting Mama June, and preparing to move the Honey Boo Boobs into Meri's wetbar after Mariah leaves for her own polygamist family-slash-college. Logan will return home to take on Chickadee as Wife #1 and have more baby Chicklets. Alana's pageant days will initially suffer as she is forced to wear long-sleeved t-shirts under her pageant gowns, but she will get some plyggy bling in the process, as well as more moms around to take care of her snot strings.
Deletehahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! OMG I can't breathe! I'd actually pay money for that!
DeleteI don't know what the TLC is paying them, but obviously that is a factor in buying four new houses, when you consider what the income must be for supporting shy of 20 children. They should be more realistic, living together, and as was mentioned previously, living in double wides in the desert. You can't have it all, and still lay claim to the religious doctrine, although, you didn't see Brigham Young's wives or Joseph Smith's wives all living together. In fact, Joseph's only legal wife, Emma, wouldn't put up with that in her own home, and chose to stay behind when Brigham led the pack out west. History has it he offered to marry Emma, and she wanted nothing of the lifestyle.
ReplyDeleteYay!!!! Great review! Dumbest moment of the interview was Robyn "dear God make sure we can keep our houses forever n ever...". Yeah, bc that's how God works. It's just like magic! She may as well have been saying "dear God, make me a bird so i can fly far far away."
ReplyDeleteReligous people, especially those that follow a whacko one like this crew, have to belive in magic for them to be believers. So I don't think it is surprising she would talk like a nut bar.
DeleteI think Robchin must have been praying to her inner She-Ra for help and guidance to keep the houses. Why can't these people ever do a reasonable risk-asessment and decide NOT to take a high-risk stupid path that jeopardizes their family,puts the children under lots fo stressors?
DeleteGreedy Meri, conniving Robyn,princess Christine and denying Janelle- great descriptors! All married to 2-Faced Kody who demands obedience except...when he doesn't and whines about how his wives make all the decisions poor thing He is such an epic fail of what a kind, respectful man should be every day in life, then going into his "Little Napolean" role whenever he feels a flounce coming on.
DeleteHow terrible to be a Brown child and feel that both parents are sad, pathetic failures in nearly every way.
I beleive in God and do not pray for him to do redicious things in my life. Although I do not believe in this cult version of God. I beleve that God expects me to use common sense in the decisions I make in my life and although I believe he can do miracles in my life, I think he expects me to live modestly and caring for for others, not being selfish and self centered like this bunch of wackos. God expects us to provide for you own and not expect Him to provide all our needs. Just my view of what my Christian God is.
DeleteThank you, Finally Seeing Reality! I agree wholeheartedly. Love it where it says if you don't work, you don't eat!
DeleteGreat Review!
ReplyDeleteI just barely finished (literally,so borning) their book got it from the library,anyways we have been lied to from the very beginning why should we expect anything different from the Browns.They drag everything out except for Drake :( and if they are doing anything for polgamy is what not to do...
I didn't finish the book myself. Boring, but an easy read. Meri has had issues since the beginning. Also, the show/interviews/Kody exaggerated the nacho incident. Didn't seem as bad in the book. If I recall correctly, aside from that incident, he did think Christine was cute and fun and she brought a lot of peace since the other two were always fighting (thanks to Meri IMO). I'm thinking Kody brings in a new peacemaker (ie, wife) when things get tough. If it gets to the point that they can't pay their house notes and everyone's stressing again, don't worry - he'll bring in his latest peacemaker :)
DeleteHmmm, I'm also starting to think differently about Kody's energy level. I'd like some opinions on this. Most of the time Kody is as manic as they come and boy do I have experience with near constant mania... however... I'm starting to get the feeling that Kody doesn't want to expend the energy or resources needed for a 5th wife. I think whether he realizes it or not, he weights the emotional and physical costs and benefits and I feel like he has drawn the line with a 5th wife. The only way I can see him taking on a 5th wife is if TLC said "if you don't bring in a 5th wife your show is canned and you will lose your houses". I'm reading some intermittent body language with him that may go undetected by an untrained eye and sometimes he seemsj.... downright weary when he lets his guard down or a camera catches him a brief moment of exhaustion, which HAS to happen, no body is a machine. We just don't see his usual "down" and it may be brief at that. Even a chronically manic man-child gets tired and worn out especially at his age, with "his particular stressors" over the course of the show (because God knows he doesn't work or exert productive energy like men who support a family but other things stress him out and make him tired instead- even just the frenetic energy of trying to keep his wives "at relative peace" and/or knocked up at this point in his life and the internal anxiety that comes with their current situation with the show, I think may be taking a toll on him. The physical strain is obvious is watch the show from the first season and I'm not even addressing the MAJOR toll it's had on the women which is obvious as well. I'm just talking about good ole Kody. I don't get the impression that sex of any kind, whether new or old, gives him any great relief like some manics who are hypersexual. I never felt that sex as we all think of hot passionate sex, was ever a priority or a must have for him if the emotional and physical output was too much. ALSO, when people ask him about a fifth wife to be provacative, when he answers.... it's almost like he feels he has to keep it open because God forbid he be held to his word or he be seen as a lesser of a man for ONLY having four wives, but if you notice his answer to that question is also very exhausted sounding, like's it just to much for his brain to comprehend EVER, there is no motivation of any kind behind his answer of "well maybe if I get the say so from up above"... SO, in conclusion, IMO, Kody has no intention of taking a 5th wife UNLESS he absolutely HAS TO, to keep up their lifestyle and it's the LAST resort or perhaps if Robyn falls infertile or something of that nature, I can see his psychological need to reproduce trumping all in that case. I personally have men in my life that are of the quiverful mentality for all the wrong reasons, for many different reasons depending on the man. And I can see that internal drive to continue populating the world keeping him somewhat physically motivated long after all of his other motivations have passed. I think if he takes on a 5th wife to reproduce, it will be an uncomplicated woman and and uncomplicated "marriage" because he is maxed out. I don't feel he will gain any particular pleasure from this relationship other than having more children and I feel that he will quickly resent her for taking up resources and making him feel stretched and "less of man" for not having the energy for another relationship. A total double standard, I know, but that is how it will go down. And that's not even taking into account the kind of hell that will ensue from all of the other wives, for whatever their personal reasons, if he takes a 5th wife. I don't think he's "afraid" of that turmoil or cares about any of their feelings but the thought of the energy and resources it will drain, I just don't see it happening. VERY interesting to talk about though!
DeleteOh one more thing, don't get me wrong, I think Kody is a complete and utter idiot and douche bag BUT he is a serial GRIFTER. And serial grifters have a deep rooted narcissism and lack of empathy. Serial grifters of his "caliber" have this innate selfish drive to balance "how much they will have to put out" versus "how much they can take from others". And I feel that relates to ALL of his relationships as well, with his children, wives, business partners, etc everyone in the whole world. I used to feel strongly that Kody had a pathology about his grifting of an antisocial or sociapathic nature but I'm starting to think that while MERI most definitely has that pathology, Kody is strictly driven by comfort like a lot of serial grifters we may hear about or even know. Serial grifters that I've known like Kody can keep up a facade of love or sex or even long term stability as a motivator if they are highly intelligent, but they are driven by their need for COMFORT and comfort only, more of a short term nature- the most comfortable they can be for the least amount of effort. I feel that Meri is different in that she enjoys hurting and bullying others to no end ALONG with her need for comfort, and that she will put in an indefinite amount of time, effort, energy, and possibly violence into abusing, manipulating, and harming others in any way possible IMO. I don't feel Kody is like Meri in THAT regard because he is not willing to put in that time, effort, and energy that she does. I think he likes it to be ALL about him all of the time but he doesn't mess with actively seeking out the harming of others. I think he ENJOYS when others are a casuality of his narcissism and he ENJOYS hearing that women fight over him and that people in the world think he's awesome.... but he prefers to be "passive" in that role and benefits from having a relationship with someone who enjoys being "active" in that role. So they both get their needs met in this sick relationship. His are more direct from the source saying he's awesome all the time, and Meri's are more secondary gained from causing the suffering of others... Bottom line, I think he's too lazy and completely self centered to be that hateful and desires the direct praise of others as opposed to Meri who enjoys the high stress, high turmoil, long term damage to others psychologically. It's all so very sick yes.
DeleteIconic - I think you are spot on. I also never have gotten a "gotta have sex" vibe from Kody or any of the other wives for that matter. It's primarily an attention thing. whatever gets him the most attention...if polygamy was more common he wouldn't be all hot to do it IMO. He is trying to stand out and say LOOK AT ME!!! That's why he made the big deal in the flower shop on V-day last year (yeah like the clerk at the florist's wasn't already aware of who this douchebag was...!)
DeleteSorry for the block formatting, my two posts look overwhelming on this page but when I typed it, it didn't appear to be that long. Don't mean to be so long winded. Amused, I need some lessons on how to keep it short but still make an impactful statement.... Sometimes I go in circles, so many different ideas come at once when thinking about all of the different topics, how they intertwine with 4 or 5 wives and all the craziness on this show, bear with me. Thanks for the feedback!
DeleteDakota, someone else mentioned the ridiculous Valentines episode with the four flower bouquets??? I can't BELIEVE I missed that episode. I'm so curious to see how the ladies reacted and what a douche Kody is, although that's easy to imagine, "I'm so awesome I went and GOT EACH WIFE THEIR OWN BOUQUET OF FLOWERS, CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? HOW AWESOME AM I? I'm the MAN, YEA! They should be so grateful I didn't get them the same ONES! Or that I even got them anything at all! Or that I didn't require them to obey and buy me something!" GAG!~
DeleteIconic Moron: I'm certain Kody has ADHD--the manic energy, the resulting crash and burn, the chaotic lifestyle, the inabilit to hold a steady job, and the naricissism are all ADHD symptoms. He also shows other ADHD symptoms. ADHD is more than just hyperactivity. It can be a pretty serious disorder. (Not to say that excuses his behavior but it may explain why he is drawn to polygamy and its chaos.)
DeleteA recommitment ceremony...or, in other words, another all-encompassing event that will take every spare bit of the adults' time and brain-power, leaving mere scraps left over for the kids, their "business" (that jew-le-rey thing that's supposed to pay for their monster mortgages), and the fact that none of them, you know, actually "work."
ReplyDeleteSeriously? A re-commitment ceremony for four women who can barely stand to look at each other, with a doofus in the middle, grinning like the cat that ate four canaries? Wonder if he'll pick out everyone's dresses this time?
But yes......I will watch......
I can't watch the show because I don't have cable now, but did we ever see which wife wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea of the recommitment ceremony? Didn't Kody imply at the beginning of the season that not everyone was on board and it was kind of cryptic. Or was that fake drama for ratings? He probably doesn't even know what a recommitment ceremony really is/entails.
DeleteI thought this episode was boring as well but I thought the only good part was when the interviewer got Meri to admit that while she no longer wanted children, she was considering it to help her hold on to Kody. I knew that was the truth all along, but for Meri to actually admit to it was pretty interesting. You would think a lightbulb should go off with Kody here. These women that you profess to love and be committed to are kicked to the curb when they aren't babymaking machines anymore. So, he heard this, and didn't even flinch. Pretty sad.
I caught that too and actually had that figured out a long time ago. She wants the man. Not a baby and not sister wives. Can't believe Kody or even Robyn hadn't picked up on that. We viewers and even Tamron pretty much had that figured out. But Kody, Robyn and Mariah are still clueless. I'll give the kid a pass. But not the adults and most especially not Kody b/c he's been married to this woman forever. Betcha Christine and especially Janelle already knew the truth, which would explain why they don't play along and why they didn't offer to be surrogates!
Deletewell, I think that the fact that Robyn thunk up the whole sur-git thing all on her own (maybe with a lil help from Kody). also the other two wives aren't much younger than Meri, and presumably - from what I gathered in Big Love - since Janelle's and Christine's kids are supposed to be Meri's Bonus Children - why should she care about whose egg they came from in reality? they're supposed to be EQUALLY hers TOO. gimme a break.
Deletealso it must be tough to promise something when you're a teenager and then have to stick to it later when you're older and wiser. Agree with Anon 11:30 - Meri didn't want sisterwives, she wanted the man, the only man who she ever dated or apparently ever showed interest in her, and IMO she made a deal with the devil agreeing to accept additional wives at Kody's whim. just because she was raised in a plyg family doesn't mean she's on board with the whole idea. And now, because Meri is the way she is (has she EVER admitted to making a mistake?? I don't recall...) she can't just say that maybe when she was 19, she was wrong, and DOES have a problem with the whole plyg thing.
DJ and Anon 11:30 - I agree with what you say about Meri, and the fact that she made the decisions as a 19-year-old. That's why I don't understand why more of us don't have more sympathy for her...Can you imagine the broken dreams she has. She doesn't have "her man" to herself, if at all; she has sister wives who seem to be able to get pregnant at will, while she can't; and not having a lot of kids is perceived as failure by those in her religion. I can't help but have sympathy for the poor misguided woman!
DeleteMeri gets no sympathy from me. Maybe she was young but she still has a brain to decide how she wants to live. She wanted to live the plural life, so she should just suck it up, stop all the sniveling or get the hell out.
DeleteLike Anon 6:10 said - Meri could have walked away anytime. She's a grown woman. Probably one of the most unsympathic people on TV since Kate Gosselin.
DeleteMeri actually did say in one of the early episodes that she might leave were it not for Mariah and the fact she didn't want to take Mariah away from her family. As I remember, tho, there was really no elaboration as to WHY she was thinking of leaving...I also don't remember the context in which it came up...maybe during the Sobbin' marriage saga?
DeleteIf Meri really isn't into the plyg thing, then how come Mariah has such a strong desire for it?
DeleteDakota, I'm so curious as to how their lives would have turned out if Meri could have popped a bunch of babies out right away after they got married...
DeleteWas Kody really gung ho about adding wives right off the bat or did she steer their marriage in that direction because of fertility issues....
Did she agree to it because she was raised to be "plural wife".
of course we'll never know but wow, would she have refused sister wives, would he have insisted, does she secretly have affections for women, how would she have HANDLED more than one child, she's a loon with just the one Lordy...
That could have been a show in and of itself. Maybe Kate Gosselin type stuff but not with multiples, just with two or more kids and her "issues" with control and needs...
Meri and Kody both state that she agreed to more wives before they even got married...she more than likely wouldn't have known of her issues at that time methinks.
DeleteThat "mission statement" is another dumb idea. They'll fight for a week or so about the wording, finally agree on something, then forget it ever happened. Just like every other mission statement ever written.
ReplyDeleteRight ... I always felt mission statements are for "show" only. We have to do them at my work and nobody even remotely cares what they say.
Deletewhile I believe that is true of the Browns, that basically as far as a mission statement is concerned, they're talking out of their collective ginormous asses - that isn't always so. I do believe the Dargers remember and follow their mission statement, and my employer has a blanket mission statement for the entire company (we call them "values") as well as for each individual division, and our entire achievement/extra recognition program is based on them.
Deletebut as far as the Browns go...meh. just talkin' out of their butts. as usual.
Are they writing a mission statement because they are polygs? or because they are a large family? or because they are on tv? or because the Darger's did? Or all of the above?
DeleteIMO it's because the Dargers did and any semblance of a plot/story line is required to keep the show on the air.
DeleteExcellent review.
ReplyDeleteThe poor sister wives are so damn deluded into thinking they are normal and everyone else is corrupt. Yet, we see greedy meri, conniving robyn, princess christine, and denying janelle. What are they thinking?
Great descriptions of each!
DeleteFantastic review - I did watch the episode, my poor husband asking - is this just an hour, it's been dragging on forever! Kody is an idiot, Meri is a selfish mess and Janelle and Christine need to run. So in agreement that Meri could have just built the counter top (or bought a freakin' table) rather than add bedrooms for the wet bar, but suspect, like others, she just wanted to make sure her's was the biggest, nicest, most expensive house so she could keep the other wives in thier place.
ReplyDeleteI could be wrong, but i have to respectfukly disagree on the take of the kid's interview session. I dont see Hunter or Maddie living plural marriage. I don't know if i see Hunter getting married ever, or even having kids. I don't think Logan wants more than one wife either, i think he says what he says to appease Kody and not have to listen to his bs about it. The parents can say what they want about yhe freedom to choose, you know they exert some pressure about living this "lifestyle" on their children. Well, except for Janelle. I don't see her doing it, but the rest-oh yes.
ReplyDeletewhy dont you see hunter ever getting married?
DeleteI don't know what word I could use to describe him. Not bitter, but maybe cynical? I don't know, he just seems to me like he has a bad taste in his mouth about relationships, bc look at the examples he grew up with. If he does get married, I think it will be when he is older, like in his 30s.
DeleteI watched the first episode on Discovery Health and now I'm just so sad. Yall remember when we actually liked them, Kody wasn't a douche yet,we didn't see Janelle's disinterest, Meri's greed and bullying, and Sobbyn hadn't begun exercising those tear ducts yet? What happened to them? I guess I'm wondering were they always like they are now and just weren't showing it to the cameras or were they changed by the cameras and attention? Maybe both? I wish Kody could act like he had some sense. If wishes were horses beggars would ride I guess. My husband thinks I'm nuts for liking this show. He just doesn't understand that it's not liking it as much as rubbernecking the train wreck that makes me HAVE to watchLOL
ReplyDeleteI didn't realize that Christine,Janelle,and Meri were all married to Kody before any children were born....so basically they have been a three-headed mother to all the kids. It worked so much better back in the Lehi days.
DeleteOh yes, the first HALF of the first show is painful to watch and I couldn't watch the second part. The changes are unreal and we've been discussing them these past few years but oh boy what a contrast anyway. So very very sad.
DeleteAnd I have very strong feelings about the horridness of some of these people and EVEN SO, watching them before, ableit they are the same people and perhaps hiding some personality imperfections for the camera, it is painful to watch even those people I find horrid and how they used to be.
Perfect example of people trying to fix their problems and their sadness and issues with money and it makes everything 1 million times worse.
Oh, SNAP! I wondered if Chistine named Truely(sp?) after Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and she did! Kaduche rubbed her belly in the first episode and said "truly scrumptious". Don't remember who called it first on this board, but you were totally right. And I'm gonna call you Sherlock in my head from now on.
ReplyDeleteWhat, I've never heard that???? Great detective work! That's actually quite sweet, and I love seeing pictures of that sweet Truely, even though she's alone most times and it makes me sad, she exudes sweetness.
Deleteyou guys, i've think i've gotten a little too addicted to this blog. I had a dream last night that for some HORRIBLE reason I was kody's 5th wife and I remember feeling RELIEVED it wasn't "my night" for a few more days so I could somehow figure out a way to get out of it. Freakiest dream ever!!
ReplyDeleteYeah, you should take a break from this blog for a while! What a nightmare!
DeleteHAHAHAHAHAAH. well now i have a stomachache but thats hilarious
DeleteJust to be safe you should go buy some Abreva before you get a cold sore.
DeleteNetflix put up the first two seasons and I've been watching that recently. Meri was much more likable before, what happened? She was a lot slimmer too.
ReplyDeleteAnd more normally colored in her face - not orange.
DeleteBWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, AZChristian, the way you put things makes me laugh out loud and that's not an easy task.
DeleteAnother terrific recap CJ- thanks for all of your hard work here today and every day.
ReplyDeleteGreat picture of Mare-wee howling to the moon.
ReplyDeleteI totally don't get whey Meri and Robyn do all that crying. And, if one of the other wives does a little choke up, Robyn crinches her face up and starts dabbing at her eyes and looking at her fingers and then Meri does it and I just want to go, really. Either those two are depressed or they are trying to appear dramatic. Here's news for you two...you are not appearing dramatic. You are appearing like fools...fools I say. And the more you cry the more foolish you look because there is no reason for you two to be crying. Let me see: you got your prefab mansions; you got your next season; you get to bully the other two; and you both have your man. Oh yes, that man. GIVE ME A BREAK.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading this, the S&P song "Whatta Man" popped in my head. Except it would be "whatta man, whatta man, whatta mighty good man...NOT"!
Deleteif S&P were all singing about the same dood, im sure at least one of them wouldve gotten their ass whooped. in case She-Ra is reading, i recommend Meri :)
DeleteAgreed! And I if it were televised as a pay per view (oh what am I thinking, of course it would be televised!) count me in. My visa is ready. Okay so I caved and checked out some of the first season on Netflix because some of you guys mentioned the difference. Oh Holy Batman, they're hardly recognizable. Dargers if you're reading - DO NOT DO REALITY TV! All of the adults look worse. What are the odds? And so many of the teens have gained weight as well. That's TLC & F8Fs for ya, ruining entire families in three seasons of TV.
DeleteLOL...I was just reading the transcript of the Joy Behar March 2011 interview with the Browns where they admitted they moved to Vegas cos Kody wanted to:
and noticed this priceless remark (in retrospect) by Kody:
"KODY BROWN: Vegas is in a slump, and Vegas always returns. What a great time to go and get affordable housing."
ummm yeah. so they buy crapboxes at more than 2x the median for the area? is that "affordable housing"? Jeez.
so they buy crapboxes at more than 2x the median for the area? is that "affordable housing
DeleteJust like when Kody told Papa Joe on Plyg-vacation he thought he could find a 25,000sqft mansion for pennies on the dollar in Vegas. It's plain to see (trying not to use the word obvious) that when G*d was passing out brains, Kody was in the bathroom fixing his hair.
Those houses are soooo cheaply made and so not worth their inflated cost. I think its a safe bet that as soon as TLC cancels their show, the next thing their neighbors will see will be the uhaul trucks taking Kody and his krew (minus his gold digging 5th who just married him for his money) back to Lehigh.
i agree, Cynical... at first I seriously thought Kody was being sarcastic but in my experience idiots dont usually get sarcasm so nevermind lol
DeleteThanks, CJ, for another perfectly insightful review....and for once again "taking one (many) for the team" to watch and scour for the those little bits that really do tell the whole sordid Brown story.
ReplyDeleteYou are the best !!
Commitment Ceremony!!...BULL !!!
A completely transparent need for a theme for next season. The only way that event would be remotely entertaining would be if NeNe and the girls were the wedding planners. And guarantee the plan is for this load of Brown sh*t to be dragged out, week after week, for most of the season.
And... of course, as usual, someone else will be picking up the tab for it. This is the Brown philosophy.
And then there is the tease of the...*drum roll*..."Mission Statement"....!!!
Double Ditto on the BULL !!!
All I can say is that the producers are really scraping the bottom of the Plyggie barrel for this one.
Or... they are desperately trying to produce their own version of the BrownKlowns living the "Darger" life with this added bit, since it is obvious that the Dargers do have "some" credibility to the "Principle."
Let's see, Meri will have her version of "the mission" written on tear-stained paper, Janelle will fax hers in and call it a day, Christine will have several incoherent versions to pick from, Sobbin will still be spell-checking hers right up to camera time and Kody will put them all in his little backpack and pick one.
Seriously, as CJ suggested...Do you TLC/ Kodyworld jerks think the viewers are morons??
But one thing that we may see as new for next season.....
The Brown babes may be sporting those hysterical, over-the-top, Daisy Duck false eyelashes they all wore for the Tamron interview as their new and improved Vegas, McMansion-homeowner "look."
Janelle will fax hers in and call it a day.....HIGH-LARIOUS!!!!
DeleteA re-commitment ceremony for 4 women who don't like eachother and 1 crazy eyed man-child husband...these people are beyond crazy. The ceremony will be hilarious though- Janelle will looked bored, Meri will look pissed, Robyn will be weeping & Christine will be scouting out Papa Joe so she can defect. Wonder if Kodouche can get the Kodettes to promise & "obey" him this time around?
ReplyDeleteYeah, I could BARELY make it through this episode. I must have totally turned it off before the last couple of minutes. LOVE the review.
ReplyDeleteI kind of feel bad for Meri on the baby front, to be around women who are just CONSTANTLY popping them out must kinda keep you on constant ovary over drive- whether you want more or not!
I wanted to pop Robyn this whole episode, jumping in with those not really answers just vague statements that made her sound like she thinks a "godly woman" should "We pray. For all our problems. We pray." Pretty sure God isn't flippin the bill, he's probably up there screaming GET A JOB!!! GET A REAL JOB!
And answering questions about things that happened before she ever heard of the Krew? That made Janelle and Christine look at her with daggers! LOL
Ahhh... They make my head hurt...and yet...and yet I want them BACK! Nooo....
BREAKING NEWS!!!!!! For all of you checking your mailboxes 5-6 times a day for that Finely crafted and original designed jewelry that's on back order.......Meri twitted the shipment has arrived!!!! Your paw prints should arrive soon!!! :-)
ReplyDeleteI've really been wondering about the houses - I know Meri was the only one who opted for the wet bar - but did the others all get the same size house she did - with the 5th bedroom and hobby room? Or is hers larger than the others?
ReplyDeleteA couple of tidbits I saw on Twitter today.
ReplyDeleteRobyn tweeted a picture of her and Meri in their brand new MSWC aprons. These look so cheaply made, like really cheap. I wonder how much they will charge for them. And which of the wives will now become a Pampered Chef consultant just so she can peddle it. Here's a link to the picture: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BBbD3-OCEAA15zb.jpg
Also, one of the Darger wives replied to a question asked of her on Twitter.
"thank u for the retweet! When can we expect to see y'all back on TLC? So enjoyed your special!"
Her reply: "Thanks, probably not soon. We're not dramatic enough drama for TV & dont want to do a reg series, would consider another special if TLC gets enough interest."
Thx, Vegas Mom, for the apron pic.
DeleteOMG !!! Seriously, Robin (or whomever wants to take the credit) ??!!! Two paw-print for wings bees ???
This "design" looks like something a four year old would draw in pre-school.
Those aprons are meh. Just...meh.
DeleteJust like what you'd find at k mart. I wonder how much they'll try and sell them for?
I continue to be underwhelmed by the selections at MSWC.
I would say the apron will be........40.00. Notice the sign on the wall behind them?? Uuuugghh. I have enjoyed some of thechildhood photos the girls have posted lately. Such cute kids being forced into this wacko family. I pray for each of them!
Delete$40 would be a rip. Sur La Table has much nicer - cuter aprons for way less. These aren't flattering at all!
DeleteYea, I wasn't too impressed w/ the SW apron either. I do agree w/ DJ, that it will be way overpriced & that's not even including S&H...smh
DeleteThe designs look like they are for a child. I think the apron material is polyester, and the white will show up stains quickly. I don't know what the dotted lines coming out of the bottoms of the butterflies are supposed to be. Robyn looks a lot older with bags under her eyes and more crows feet. She needs her eyebrows professionally shaped.
DeleteNever realized how crooked Meri's teeth are before this picture. I don't think she got a nose job.
Is it just me or do the Browns have tendencies to be a day late and a dollar short on just about every thing they do?
DeleteIf the crap they are selling is 'iconic' (I really think Kody meant one of a kind) shouldn't it look like it? So what's the deal with the anemic looking aprons?
Here's another freebie CJ suggestion:
1) Find a good screen printer. Yeah, it may cost money but its worth it in the end. GET A GOOD WEBSITE SERVER THAT CAN HANDLE TRAFFIC!
2) Have the 17 kids design a picture utilizing the rainbows of the MSWC paw logo. That includes Truely and Sol (theirs can be handprints with each finger a different color placed in a nice pattern. The picture needs to be BOLD, but the MSWC logo should be placed discreetly in a corner.
3) Print each child's design on 50 aprons = 850 aprons total.
4) Take pictures of each child's finished apron, place the pictures on MSWC noting in BIG LETTERS that they are limited (Only 50) and to get them now while supplies last.
5. Depending on how greedy they are, price them between $150-250, and tweet each day Going Fast! Order Today!
6. Put any money in a trust for each child's education.
A variation could be each child contributing a handpainted picture of their favorite food, compiling the pictures into one big picture and printing it on aprons. Those could go for a reasonable price like $25.
That butterflies are free kind design using their logo is just so cheap looking.
And Robyn the Valentine's stuff should be on the website NOW - not in a few days (translated about 2 weeks). Valentine's day is only about 2 weeks away (allowing for shipping time and website crashing).
Those aprons look like what I used to buy for workshop volunteers at Sams and Costco in packages of 10. They didn't even bother to embroider the design on them, they're just cheaply printed. What a joke. I wonder if anyone is advising them on any of these 'business' decisions or if they're just winging it all on their own. Whichever... what a joke!
DeleteCJ, those are great ideas, and could make a lot of money. I would love to have an original Truely design, but I would not want any trace of their sister wives logos or web sites on it.
DeleteI think it is too bad that they killed Drake because he could have made better paw prints for their designs.
If they do have someone advising them, i think it's someone very sadistic and sinister and obviously can't stand them! lol
DeleteToo funny. To share the same kitchen is "abusive" but they will wear matching aprons with 4 of the dog paw designs on them. Does that mean Kody will end up with 16 wives???
DeleteAh, Meri, Meri..you are so good at the "spin." So the shipment has arrived !!
ReplyDeleteInteresting, isn't it that all of them have taken on their role "in the business" in their respective houses.
Meri is the shipping department, Janelle's busy crunching numbers, Christine, uh, maybe licking stamps? and of course, Sobbin as in-house designer. Gee, spreading out the various duties to their various houses (home offices, utilities, etc) is so nicely convenient for business deductions and pro-rating various expenses/bills for all four houses on their individual income taxes, huh?
As long as this arrangement is in place, I doubt Meri or ANY of them will ever bail. At least not as long as the money train is rolling along.
They all will continue to pretend solidarity and play the game for the cameras and FB and twitter, but apparently their little plural/plyg paradise started fading a long time ago. The bloom was off the rose, and it surely went to hell once Sobbin was added.
The tie that bonds them now is money and outward appearances, and that bond is probably stronger now in a twisted way than any plyg bond they may have honestly had at some time.
These women resent each other. It is palpable.
They resent each other enough that none of them is going to walk away and let the other ones have the all the spoils of their new fame and $$$$-goodies.
They have had to actively, as well as passive-aggressively, compete with each other from day one of signing on with Kodouche. Now that they have their rewards for it all in the form of a pretend upscale house w/all the trimmings, and bogus "businesses,' the competition game between them has higher stakes...and higher losses for anyone who drops out.
They are as predictable as Kody is stupid. jmo
Meri makes it sound as if a Costco-sized truck of inventory just pulled up in the cuddle sac....the shipment was probably in a box the size of when I order a square ottoman from overstock. Lol
DeleteYou know...it JUST occurred to me that so many people here have mentioned HOA...AND do we know that there is (/will be) an HOA in that gated community? Because almost any HOA covenants *I* have ever seen have strictly forbidden running a business out of the home. Hmmmmm.
DeleteGuess it was Meri & Daytons bday a few days ago...
ReplyDeleteOn another note, here's a tweet from Robyn:"The apron, two new Valentine's Day pieces, the Stong Woman band, & a limited # of ornaments will be be on the website within a few days"
Ugghhhhh....so guess we should be prepared for their website to be down & then they'll tweet its b/c of the enormous traffic that's really not happening, etc...well ya'll know the Browns old song & dance routine...
The Strong Woman Band?? is that a cd of Robyn playing/singing w/her guitar "i've wanted my whole life." LOL
DeleteI think it's so ironic that they are talking about the "Strong Woman Band" around Valentines Day (and in general) because wasn't last Valentines Day all about what the women could do for Kody. You know, another fab Kody day like every other day of his life. Pathetic... If you're going to boink four women at once AT LEAST be a man and make Valentines DAY SPECIAL FOR EACH ONE OF THEM!!!!
DeleteOh, but he *did* make it special. For himself.
DeleteEach wife got a different bouquet. And he got to order them on camera once again proudly proclaiming he "has four wives."
It was yet another *iconic* moment for Kodouche.
DID HE? Oh my goodness I don't remember that, thank you for reminding me Amused. OH BROTHER. He must have so very proud of himself yea? hahaha. I always love hearing from you. I wonder if the ladies secretly thought it was LAME or if they were just happy to get something from him instead of them having to put out for him on Valentines Day?
DeleteHi Iconic moron,
DeleteWell, since the cameras were also running as he, with full Kody-fanfare, bestowed each wife with her bouquet, the Brown babes were all in on the specialness of Kody, and were fully prepared to ooh-and-ahh appropriately for the camera.
And Kody was his usual self....rodent-eyes twinkling, haystack hair flipping, all puffed up as he basked in being "the Guy" of the hour. It was all about him.
HAHAHAHAHA, how do you come up with these hysterical and perfectly worded posts, OH my GOODNESS "rodent-eyes twinkling, haystack hair flipping, all puffed up as he basked in being "the Guy" of the hour. It was all about him."
the wives looked more annoyed or just tolerant about the flowers than they were thrilled as they were all in the middle of working their butts off making their COMBINED valentine dinner! Timing - Kody - you should know by now, it's all about timing! and he gave the wrong flowers to one of them. i think it was Christine - the one he cares the least for. :')
DeleteMeri just tweeted:
ReplyDelete"Come preview our newest items at the Home & Garden show at Cashman Center in Vegas this weekend!"
I live in Vegas. So my question to everyone on SWB is should I go and if so what should I say/ask?
Gawd I have no life hahaha
Personally, I'd want pix of their booth and surrounding area (just to get a feel of the location they were given in the room) and find out how much they are actually charging for those craptastic aprons.
DeleteI swear to God, my dad got a free apron that looked almost like that when he volunteered at a pancake breakfast one year. Except the graphic - of a stack of pancakes - was nicer.
Oh yes....PLEASE go! Do it for the rest of us who can only sit at home on the cement pad and dream of the day when we can have wetbars and bonus children and paw-print jew-el-ery to wear over our brown long-sleeve t-shirts and purpley tank tops (because modest is hottest). We'll live vicariously through you and pray for your well-being as you plunder through the waves of multiplied love that will surely waft over the crowds of people lined up to buy aprons.
DeleteDon't forget to take photos. Maybe even video? Courtroom-type sketches would be nice if they don't let you take pictures. Don't stand too close to Kody or sit next to him on the couch...you might spontaneously start crying. Just remember, we're all here for you.
Oh, PLEASE go! You know, I think I should be ashamed that I just squealed like a little plyglet, but I'm not.
DeleteIs Janelle going to have a cement pond next to her cement pad?? lol Can't get Ellie Mae Clampett outta my head ever since Janelle called it that.
Deleteyes, please go undercover for all of the fans of this blog. We need REAL LIFE deets on these grifters. It will keep them on their toes!!!
DeleteOk so I will go and try to take pictures and be observant as possible but if they don't allow pictures than I don't want to seem like a creeper. Now to recruit a friend to go with me!
DeleteTake two friends, Abreva... one to be a lookout, and one to create a distraction while you snap pics!
DeleteThanks in advance; I can't wait!
Wow!! Just... Wow! Those aprons look like what I wore when I worked in a restaurant! I thought they would at least make something that was hand sewn or SOMETHING not just a plain white apron with screen print!
Probably ordered them from a place like this - I've ordered custom water bottles for special fitness classes from them.
Yes not at all flattering - kind of like you'd give to volunteers at a soup kitchen.
I'm actually astounded because I figured they'd at least have style! Well, this just goes on to demonstrate they don't have a stylish bone in their body - along with their choice of apparel and ugly ass houses.
Delete"kind of like you'd give to volunteers at a soup kitchen."
DeleteYep ! Thought the same thing.
DeleteI used to buy aprons identical to those and used them for volunteer's at workshops. LOL
I brought this up the first time Robyn tweeted this in November and she posted the same exact tweet again "I thank God for the angels among us everyday..." She's pretty transparent and I think there is some particular reason she posted this twice. I know everyone has dropped the miscarriage thing, but maybe something else? Any ideas? She's not the type to just post that twice for no reason... IMO
ReplyDeleteI've taken a break from Sister Wives all together for a few months and just got caught up on Twitter and holy cow Meri looks TERRIBLE in the new apron pic with Robyn, what the heck HAPPENED to her????
ReplyDeleteTruely is such an adorable kid but she is always alone in her pictures and it makes me sad to see that...
ReplyDeleteThose aprons look like the cheap ones you buy at Michaels, with that iron-on stuff you print on your ink jet printer at home and iron it onto the fabric. But I'm sure they're "quality" and "iconic" and whatnot. Oh, and durable LOL.
ReplyDeleteThey really should have ironed them first before they modeled them though. And if they're selling them for more than $10 each, they're either greedy, or they got ripped off on their "wholesale" cost. Again.
I for one just can't WAIT to see what lovely iconic pieces they'll have for Valentine's Day! Hmmm ... lemme see, maybe an infinity knot ring and uhm ... maybe a heart with love inside all connected together in a love has no end motif? Or maybe a paw formed into a heart? I can't wait to find out!
As for their business expenses, I'm sure they're taking full advantage of those 4 houses with all those extra "writeoff" bedrooms, erm offices. I hope they're keeping good records for when they get audited or they might end up with icky tax evasion charges to add to their "rap sheet." ;)
Surf kitty - hard to iron plastic aprons - at least that's what they look like!
DeleteOf COURSE they are iron on's, did anyone actually expect anything different ;-) SMH
ReplyDeleteJust read the entire review, CJ, you hit the nail on the head to the point where I don't know what else can be said. You are so right about every single detail and verbalize it so well. You even brought to my attention that Maddy reminds me a lot of myself at that age, rebelling against a religious "lifestyle" and being headstrong yet naive, WOW, right on. Very well done.
ReplyDeleteOMG - those aprons! Thanks Vegas Mom for posting the link to the pic. They're worse than I even imagined! Blah, white, shapeless pieces of fabric with a few paw print insects screen printed on that look as though a kid drew them! Oh wait, sorry, they're iconic Sobbin' designer wear!
ReplyDeleteAre those designs on the aprons a hint that there are going to be 12 more sister wives???? LOL.
ReplyDeleteRegarding using the individual houses as tax write-offs for running the various aspects of the MSWC business. Many HOAs have strict rules about home-based businesses (ours does, and we live in a senior community). If there start to be too many delivery trucks, people will start to complain.
Oh. What was I thinking? This is MSWC, the mailman will probably be able to deliver the "stock" once a month in a box the size of a shoebox.
Meri just tweeted that they are gonna be shilling their latest crap offerings at the Home and Garden Show in Cashman Center - any of our LV peeps going...?
ReplyDeleteWonder if they'll break even on how much they paid for the booth???
ReplyDeleteTheir entire brand is bull shit…yes, bull shit. First and most important is their attempt to brand their SW sorority as being full of love and support and all of that, which prostitutes support their sister walkers more than these supposed sister wives support each other. Second, they claim to support modesty, virtues like honesty and strength and all that jazz, but in fact, we don’t see modesty in these large butted women who wear close that are clearly too small and Robyn with her double entendres that she cannot leave for others to get so she opens her mouth wide, slaps her mouth with her hand, and holds back a laugh…yeah we get that when you say, he can take care of all of us that you mean sex too and when you say, like some pool boy service, we get that you mean the sex part. We get it. You don’t have to pretend to be modest and embarrassed because we know, dear Robyn, you have been around the block and back a few times and as my husband says, rode hard and put away…you get it. Oh, please, I’m so embarrassed, I didn’t mean to make a sexual joke…hehe. Third, they love each other and their bonus kids….oh sure you do. We can see that. You love your bonus kids so much that you are running over offering to provide child care for your sister wife so she can oh, let me see, study for the real estate license, or sit in her room and doodle and call it designs, or cook breakfast for a working mom….well, you get it. And finally, you guys push how you live apart from the worldly aspects of us heathens, the ones who are married to one person and are committed to one person. But, let’s see, you are so far into the world there needs to be a new definition of worldly and it should contain polyg and Browns in the definition: greed, corruption, underage courting, and I could go on but why.
Brown Clowns: Your brand is your own allusion. You want to be those things but you are not and will never achieve them because you have not self-control, no motivation, no vision for anyone outside of your own little wet bar. We see it when you are absent from some really good opportunities to give back to fans who still support you: abused women shelters, soup kitchens, literacy programs, animal shelters….you get it. So on your polyg journey where you fight jealousy and all that crap while your man is boinking one of the others, think about this, I have one husband who loves me so much that if I am sick, he is right there and his thoughts are on me; he spends every night with me and has helped raise our kids and grandkids, I don’t have to learn to get over normal human emotions such as jealousy and loneliness because I am not a masochist. Hope that little planet you are striving to live on has some really good herbs growing cause you gonna need it.
BTW - if anyone is thinking this trade show is considered a "paid appearance" that's an incorrect assumption. Being an exhibitor is very pricey. Not only do you have to pay for the space, but exhibitors have to adhere to the terms and conditions of the show - it's not just setting up a couple of card tables and putting your stuff on it. if you want electrical - you pay the "official" electrican to get you wired. If you want carpeting in your booth, extra chairs etc - you go to the official provider and pay rent for those, unless you have your own. Of course, I'm sure the Browns charged it all on a credit card.
ReplyDeleteDid anyone else besides me sing the old little English boy Simon's SNL song "Hello, my name is ROBYN . . . and I love to do my draw-rings!" when they saw her pitiful childish paper of joo-le-ry doodles? LOL
ReplyDeleteand even sadder when the whole adult version of Spanky and Our Gang immediately got on board with it all.
Yes! That song has been going through my mind too....not sure why, bu tnow I can just say it's a SW thing. :)
DeleteThey should have just made those aprons child-sized given the quality and childish pattern stamped on them. The kids wouldn't know they were morphed butterflies from plyg pawprints. Do they have ANY clue as to how many super CUTE aprons are out there for us apron wearers? I would take a pass on these even if i WAS a Sister Wacko's fan!!
ReplyDeleteJust saw the aprons. Who in the hell would buy those ugly ass aprons. I am a seamstress and those aprons were something you would have a child make as a Kids Day project at Michaels. They are nothing special. These women have no fashion knowledge so who would buy their stuff. They are iron ons. I would not pay $1.00 for them. The apron costs $4.99 at Hobby Lobby and when you use a 40% coupon it's $2.99. Whoever buys these aprons are going to be ripped off. They could have at least made some homemade aprons. Doesn't Meri sew. OMG, if they sell this crap their fans are dumber than I thought. Their jewelry is ugly and over priced. They have a crappy website. They can't make that much from this so called closet. Ok, Meri & Robin, if you read this blog and I know that you do, I am going to offer you some free advise. First of all, dump the cheap aprons. Buy a Simplicity or McCalls pattern. Buy some really cute fabric from JoAnns 's or Hobby Lobby or go to a quilt shop. However, quilt shop fabric is better, it's more expensive. Then have Meri sew the apron, maybe put some pockets on it, some ruffles or maybe embroider a logo on. Better yet, hire a consultant to give you guys some sewing ideas. Why don't you guys visit some fabric shops and take notes. Geez, get a clue on how to market. I thought Kody knew how to market. LOL it must be hard trying to figure out how to pay for your 4 brand new homes. I wish that I was a fly on the wall when you taxes are due. I still feel that the public is being duped. No way in hell do I believe that you guys could afford the homes. Single women with lots of kids and only a reality show for income would qualify for a home loan. I can't wait for the truth to come out. If I was in Vegas I would go to the Home Show and I would tell you guys exactly what I thought. I would ask you the questions people seem scared to ask. Who gives a crap if Kody flips his wig. You guys act like certain questions are off limit. He'll, I admit that the only reason I tuned in to your show was to see how one man could have sex with 4 women and they not blink an eye. I wonder if the bed squeaked at night and the other wife's could hear what's going on when you lived in Lehi and this is why you want separate homes. It would be hard to see my husband going into a different woman's bedroom every 4th night. Just gross. I am sorry, but I could care less on how you choose to live. But when you go public, you open yourself to the critics. I just feel sorry for the kids. They are innocent and have no choice. For your kids sake, you really need to cancel the show. I believe that the show will hurt the kids. Kids go through so much peer pressure and I can't imagine the taunts your kids get at school. Money is not everything. Get a real job.
ReplyDeleteI don't even think the aprons have pockets - much less a WAIST. I'm apron-shopping right now, and for me, both pocket and waist are must-haves. I don't wear an apron for regular cooking, but I thought it would be nice to have a dressy one for house parties. :)
Deletesewcrafty8 - In her book, "It's Not About the Sex, My Ass!" former plyg wife Joanne Hanks starts her story off w/the loud sex sounds of her husband and sister wife as well as the loud squeaking of the bed she got to endure listening to!! ick.
DeleteI just don't understand the whole apron thing. sewcrafty8, I sew too, and as soon as I saw that pic, I thought Hobby Lobby aprons!
ReplyDeleteI really liked Anonymous 9:30 AM's comment. These people want the Brown Brand to show polygamy in a good light, but really, between the show, the houses, their shenanigans, the book, and the SWC 'store'....everything they do just makes them look less like polygamists and more like silly fools.
Having been a homemaker all my life, I am fascinated with the history of homemaking (how we women have adapted through the years), methods and techniques, cleaning..all that. Laundry day doesn't seem so bad to me when I read about how much work our ancestors had to do just to get a few things clean!
One of the things that first made me interested in this show was my curiosity about how they managed everything; meals, childcare, jobs, etc. But it quickly became a soap opera, especially once Robyn came on scene. (That crazy dance Kody did at the cake tasting pretty much sealed it up for me, lol).
These people are loons. And somehow they think they are promoting their 'wonderful' lifestyle by having this show, and peddling tin jewelry and cheap aprons. That pawprint thing makes me think more of that poor dog they put down. Your logo is supposed to represent your brand. We are really not that stupid to think that these are four strong women who have bonded under the banner of being sister wives. There is really nothing religious about them at all, aside from some lip service. Their logo should symbolize bitterness, jealousy, backstabbing, lying, loneliness, and anger. There could be a big prozac bottle in the middle to unite them all, I don't know.
Now, the Dargers creep me out a bit, too. I'm sorry, but if I'm going to do a fitness routine (regime, lol) I do it on my own and because I want to. But that's just a personal bias of mine. They do all live in one home and function like one family unit. I don't really think polygamy is beneficial to anyone except the husband, but this particular family has (seemingly) made it work. I would love to pick Papa Joe's brain and get some of his time management mojo! And it would be interesting to see how the wives are able to (gasp) function in just one kitchen, LOL
So I rambled on and on just to say that cheesy aprons and cheap trinkets aren't going to inspire anyone to pursue the 'dream' of being a sister wife.
If you're so strong, then grow up and quit going to Disneyland so much.
If you're really so strong, learn how to live with each other under one roof and one kitchen. Work together as a team to raise the remaining children right and drop all the high school drama and tears. Aw, you didn't have tons of kids, you're overweight, you lived in a trailer, you're afraid of your flippin' toaster? Too bad. Sometimes life sucks. Overcome. Quit waiting for Kody to rescue you, because you're all just pawns in his planetary schemes.
If you're really so smart, quit fighting over the surfer manboy and tell him to grow a pair and act his age and act like a father and husband. Shave the dutch boy thing, get a real job, earn some real respect.
And, I'm definitely no fashionista, but tight tank tops under tight shirts tucked in tight jeans aren't really that modest. Quit shopping in the juniors section. If you're going to espouse the modest is hottest dogma, then you need to do more research. It doesn't necessarily mean prairie dresses, y'know. Check out the Jewish ideal of Tzniut or look up 'modesty' online.
yeah, there should be 4 talons instead of those dots coming out of that paw to correctly portray their sister wife relationships.
Delete"these people are loons." 'nuff said.
p.s. - I see a lot of weirdness w/the Dargers as well. polygamy sucks. period. i'll take my "boring" but happy 40 year monogamous period over any example that's been shown me from the "exciting" world of polygamy. lol
does anyone know where to find the darger special online (my three wives)? it wont be airing here in the foreseeable future according to TLC and i missed it back in dec :(
ReplyDeleteI have read so many people talk about how they rewatched the first episode and how very different the family is compared to now. I knew it was probably true but until the other night when I saw the first episode myself, I didn't realize how true it was! The women seemed to actually LIKE each other back then. There was joking and it almost felt like they had a sense of unity and purpose - even if it was only for cleaning up the back yard. It's just simply shocking how they have all changed...for the worse.
ReplyDeleteSomeone in the past in another thread mentioned how they would think it would be hard for the wives to have such a readily visible view of each house and where Kody was among them. Looking out their bedroom window and seeing that house go dark for the night and knowing he was there with another woman. The poster that said that was so right on! I can just imagine the curtain peeking and speculation going on since they moved. As someone who tried to live a similar lifestyle for year, trust me, you say you are not paying attention, but you are. They may not even realize they are making mental notes of how things are going, but they are. Maybe he is always at Robyns house for her night at an early hour whereas he doesn't show up at Christine's until a later hour. Maybe on his nights at Janelles he always finds an excuse to run over to another house for a bit but on Meri's night he goes in and doesn't leave except to go out with her.
I wonder if any of them have invested in binoculars or night vision goggles yet. LOL
Now Koturd has a men's jewelry line...gag!
Does he seriously think a man would buy into that paw on a leather shoestring worn around their neck? Does Kody still think it's the 70's? And it needs to be a lot BIGGER and made out of solid GOLD!!
DeleteIt looks like something a gigolo working the strip would wear! Like that scarf Jon Voight wore in Midnight Cowboy!
Right?? That's what I thought! What man is actually going to wear that thing with a big dog paw on it?
DeleteI wouldn't even buy one of those as a joke gift for my husband. These people are SO delusional!
DeleteOh my that necklace is a joke! Batman returns?
DeleteI loaded the picture of Meri and Robyn with their SW apron on. My little boy said, "Who is that sunburned lady?" Lol. Even to a little boy, it looks like something is wrong with her skin.
ReplyDeleteWhile I have worked my entire teen and adult life, I've also been a homemaker before going to my day job and once coming home from my day job. I've cooked and cleaned and planned meals and budget money and sewn for our family. I've made aprons for myself, as gifts for my children's teachers, and now I'm making them for one of my friend's granddaughter who works at a bar/restaraunt and she wanted a hello kitty half apron with three big pockets. These people and their cheaply made crap make me sick. Give me a break. How hard would it have been to make the apron more useful with a pocket or two and to make it a little more attractive...not hard at all.
ReplyDeleteYoikes...the awful aprons, and now the goofy retro Sister Wives Por Homme jewlery that looks like something Greg Brady as Johnny Bravo would wear...bets that isn't a real leather thong its on...
ReplyDeleteyou just can't make this shit up.
What is it with the 'mating slugs' on the rings? What are they supposed to represent?
DeleteIn one episode (if I remember correctly) Robyn had a design for jewellery on paper. At the time I thought they looked like worms. I do like your "mating slugs" comment haha. I think it's meant to be the letter S entwined twice. I don't like them at all. I also certainly would NOT be buying any AT ALL.
DeleteWith an interest only loan they will never ever own these homes. Why? Because their plan is to refinance, of course. However, they will never have the kind of income required that will qualify them for the kind of loan that they can actually pay off. Unless they want to keep flushing huge amounts of money down the toilet, their only reasonable option is to walk away. Its only a matter of time.
ReplyDeleteAnd they want 19.99 for those aprons at the show they are at right now. What a laugh!
ReplyDeleteI'm baffled why they're hawking their wares at a Home and Garden show, aren't those for things like landscaping or interior design type stuff? I've admittedly never been to one, but I'd not think to go to one if I was in need of an apron or "iconic" jewelry. Maybe they're doing it as a "loss" so they can deduct the booth rental costs (and the cost of that pricey "antique" furniture they're using to decorate their booth) on their taxes to offset the "income" they get from selling their stuff? I'd think that's a bit of a stretch though to be deductible, seems the venue should match the product better, but who knows, maybe I should be selling my crafts at car shows and gun shows! ;)
ReplyDeletei'm sure they'll be hawking their green goo juice and its MLM "opportunity" there as well.
DeleteHey surfkitty, I saw that Meri tweeted you back when you asked her why they were selling at that home and garden show - I'm surprised she didn't end her response with "i'm just sayin"
DeleteHopefully some of our LV folks will snap some pix and send to CJ/Mister Sister for a brand-spankin new I Scour the Internet!
ReplyDeleteSurfkitty I'm with you, but with trade show organizers, they'll pretty much let anyone set up in there as long as they pay the $$$.
$20 for those crappy aprons?? I bet they bought in bulk - the more you buy the less they cost per item. Probably paid $2.49 each. Is ANYONE actually buying them???
What's next - key fobs?
"It looks like something a gigolo working the strip would wear! Like that scarf Jon Voight wore in Midnight Cowboy!"
ReplyDeleteLOL !!! Exactly !!!
Do you think they sent one to Papa Joe Darger as a marketing gesture...you know, plyg dude to plyg dude??
Somehow I can't picture Big Joe wearing that stupid thing, even as a favor for a "friend."
Below the "butterflies" on the aprons, there is a signature line with the "paw print" and "My Sister Wife's Closet". You can see it on Robyn's apron, but Meri's hand and pancake turner covers it up on her apron. You would think whoever was taking the picture might notice that????
ReplyDeleteThanks for the picture links. Please keep them coming!
LOL, you'd think a professional would take and post a better pic of Kody with his new pendant design than the crappppy, blurry one. What a joke these people are.
ReplyDelete"I am an entertainment manager. longtime Las Vegas resident, entrepreneur, and business owner." From the twitter page of the person who posted this pic of Kody.
That person is the Browns booking manager listed on their family website!
DeleteKody's purple shirt in his "dog tag" picture outshines the aprons. The shirt has embroidery, a pattern in the fabric, and is not wrinkled. You would think Kody would have given the gals some advice on putting the apron together. After all, those products are "iconic" of the family.
ReplyDeleteCJ I like your reviews better then the show. Even my husband who is not into reality shows is now watches sistes wives with me and reads your reviews. Meri and her "wet bar" her reasonings are crazy. My husband likes Janelle's thinking the best and well I am team Christine with her remarks to Kody.
ReplyDeleteI love coming to this blog. I'm Australian and polygamy hasn't really touched my life here.
ReplyDeleteHow I started watching "sister wives" is, I watch some programmes that aren't available here from a particular website that I found.
As I would scroll through the list looking for something to watch, I would see "Sister Wives" listed. At the time I wondered what that was all about. Well....one day I decided to find out.
I had heard about Polygamy, it does happen in this country, so I thought.....oh yeah....I will watch this, just to see what it was all about.
Well.......Oh my Gaaawwwwddddd.
I agree with everyone here on this blog, those adults are just soooooooo dysfunctional. I don't understand how that family can think even in their wildest dreams, that we, the general public, could somehow think they are "awesome"
I have done some research on Polygamy and Joseph Smith and read about the tragic and often horrific stories of people who have managed to escape, and the damage that those people will carry with them for the rest of their lives.....so sad.
On a lighter note....their jewellery is so crap. I also take offense at the altering of the Irish Cladagh to suit "sister wives". Gross.
As for that paw print....it reminds me of when they had that poor dog Drake put down, that was bad enough but to also be getting paid to have it shown in a reality series is just plain disgusting. I had to walk away when that was on.
You might ask, Why have I watched this, well...the subject interested me, I have a curious nature, I like to see how other people live in other parts of the world, what their culture is, their beliefs etc, so I will keep watching that programme and come to this blog, sometimes to vent hahaha.
Oh....and....that apron is also crap. I am also a sewer/crafter, and the skill if any was used in its making is minimal.
I could go on and on and on about that family, but I'm trying not to have a hugely long post.
The V-Day jew-le-ry is up on their website, but no aprons yet...
ReplyDeleteMrSpock has looked at the apron and Kody's necklace and raises one eyebrow to demonstrate his amazement---his amazement that these objects will ever be successful at generating any income.