Saturday, January 12, 2013

More Tweets and Some Fun

Just a few tweets from the Browns keeping their fans informed. Looks like Meri's a little tired from all that moving and has decided to take a little break to enjoy her new 'luxe surroundings and...

Oh dear. Could the reason Meri's feeling a little guilty is that she knows MSWC has backorders that need to be filled?  Maybe they will learn from their mistakes and have more than 3 items in stock next time.

 Like I said before, 'A fool and his money...'

Fresh from the Kitchen of Christine Brown

Does anyone want to venture a guess what this is? Your guess is as good as mine...possibly it tastes like chicken maybe?


  1. Looks like a diet tv dinner.ugh.And looks like someone stole something off of her a missing vegetable......what could it be?

    1. This is one scarey looking meal, good grief.

      It might be chicken, but I don't think it is fully cooked. Is that another paper plate?

    2. Looks like a big! Chicken breast with lemon sesame sauce, 1/4 cup green beans and less than 1/2 red potato. She should double the veggies. Bet the low calorie sauce/marinade was really tasty.

    3. She eats way too little veggies. Half that paper plate should be veggies. If she doesn't like/doesn't know how to prepare veggies, frozen ones are just as good and they can be microwaved (lifesaver for me)

  2. I had just finished composing a response on the last page, when I got the red message that an internal error had occurred. This happened to me a couple days ago. Turns out that in both instances the page was in the process of being closed to new comments. Too funny!

    I was adding my thanks for the change to white background from the noticeable green one. I think my (adult) daughter (with whom I live) had started to notice the time I spent on those green pages when we were all sitting around the table after a meal, playing with our electronic devices. I was wondering when she would start teasing me.

    Then I wrote: Thank you for helping us terribly addicted souls - (or are you just enabling us? - LOL)

  3. Is that plate of food a joke? Love the new background color. Easy o n the eyes. Thank you.

  4. Mock chicken..week old green beans...a slice of potato (it was a whole potato, but Kody stuck his fork on your plate & ate the rest of it as you passed him on the way out of the kitchen), all with a heavy drizzle of peanut butter frito sauce!

  5. Why would someone tweet a pic of a plate of food that looks like that???? Ugh!

  6. Kody probably stole it off her plate since he has a bad habit of double,(( actually quadruple) dipping into people's food, Hell he even dips in his kids bowls....Lol

  7. It looks like one of those chicken recipes that use a Campbell's soup like cream of mushroom soup. Just a guess ;-)
    I think the twitter posts from Meri and the forced (childish) way in which she wrote them is actually her response to us on here saying how hideous, cheap, and over priced their crap is. And how we think there couldn't possibly be anyone who would buy that crap. Or maybe I'm totally wrong and fans are buying LOADS! Mutual admiration club GAG.

  8. Oh ya, <3 the new format!! Sleek & chic :P

  9. It looks like someone threw up on their dinner. Not sure about the vegetables... maybe overcooked asparagus. yecchh.

  10. Maybe Meri feels bad because she is a crying, screaming bitch and we all know it now.

  11. No,those are over cooked asparagus!

  12. I wouldn't eat that if u paid me. O yes I forgot she is getting paid.
    But she should be careful maybe mean Meri fixed her dinner.

  13. Sorry, anon 11:04 already said asparagus!

  14. Did they really bury Drake up in Utah?

  15. Gross. And to think, Christine has the BEST food out of all of them...

    The plate looks like a Fiestaware knockoff. I guess it's a nice change from paper?

    1. Anony 11:27 - that looks like just a disposable plastic plate to me.

    2. It looks like a plastic throwaway plate. Costco sells them, I think. God forbid the Brown fam should seek to reduce their carbon footprint.

    3. Ya I was thinking the same thing. Just a plastic plate or something.. I would think they'd prefer to use something nicer in their new

    4. They've upgraded from paper to plastic - let's not expect miracles here!

    5. I'm a Fiestaware junkie (see the plates on my profile pic!) and that plate looks NOTHING like Fiestaware.

    6. I'm sorry but that meal looks awful. The veggies are limp and overcooked and the chicken sauce is not appealing to me... That said, there are professionals who take pics of food for a living ... it's not that easy to take a pic and make any food look appetizing.

    7. Dakota, I owned a local Diner, recently sold it, to downsize to a sandwich shop, and we served all our heavier meals on Fiestaware! I have several items left to get rid of, in several colors, if you are interested in them. You could contact me via e-mail, if interested.

    8. Most of the "food" the professionals take pictures of aren't "real".

    9. I said it looks like a Fiestaware knock-off, I didn't say it looks like a GOOD knock-off!

      It probably is plastic. Nothing but the best for these folks, I guess.

    10. My sister worked in a Donut shop (winchell's) and her customer's used to ask why her donuts didn't look like the ones on t.v. She said the ones on t.v. were "Hollywood donuts".

    11. Regarding the plate, I'm pretty dang positive that I have exactly the same ones :P. And yes they are plastic, I got them for next to nothing at Big Lots I think. Perhaps tonight I'll serve overcooked veggies and chicken with vomit sauce on them. Brown appetit!

    12. Love the Brown Appetite. Christine and the two oldest girls could load and unload the dishwasher. Supposedly you eat less if meals are served on attractive dinner ware.

  16. "Maybe Meri feels bad because she is a crying, screaming bitch and we all know it now."
    I wish! I'm thinking it was one of those comments people make when they want to brag and look pious at the same time. I think what she really meant was "I should be feeling guilty that I have this amazing house, don't work, and most of the peons of the world will never have ALL OF THIS. Hmmm, people think I'm insensitive, let me post a twitter message saying that I DO feel guilty but am secretly rubbing it in ;-)". I'm sure we all know people like that? She's wicked like that IMO.

    1. what you're referring to is called a "humblebrag" - do a google search on it- its a popular internet meme - there are even twitter accounts devoted to the topic

    2. Anon 2:33 pm, I can't BELIEVE that! Thanks for sharing! I always have a hard time explaining it and some people don't get what I'm saying. YES, a humblebrag!! Great info!

    3. it's called passive/aggressive manipulative behavior. Meri and Robyn are freakin' black belts with it.

  17. This food plate gives me an idea.....what if Meri,Christine and Janelle join Weight Watchers? It is the best weight loss program out there. If they lose weight, I could see them being spokesmodels for the company. Do you think because they are plys that weight watchers would nix the idea?

    1. they're not famous enough to get a gig on WW.

    2. They aren't the right kind of "celebrities" for either WW or JC.

      Not high level enough and certainly not glamourous enough.

    3. Besides most plyg families are really poor & barely feeding their own kids.... the Browns have recently become the exception thanks to TLC $$... When its all over, the Browns will be back to struggling to pay bills & welfare fraud!!

    4. Well, I know that benefit social workers don't investigate whether or not a person is committing fraud and they have to take them at their word HOWEVER after being on tv, how will they possibly ever be able to get benefits again or claim that they don't know who the father is? Unless they go somewhere that has never seen the show...

    5. They can list Kody as the father & get food stamps & medical. They won't collect child support if they're not getting cash aid.

  18. Looks like overcooked green beans on a Melamache (sp?) hard to break plastic plate. BTW, I totally understand the need for durable dishes in her home.

    1. Pamela Springville, Utah

      No...that's just laziness. I have a big family and I wash all our dishes daily.

  19. It looks like Christine is an Ellie May cook. looks disgusting and not so yummers in taste and texture either. do they own any real plates?

  20. If they take Jessica Simpson, why not the Sister Wives?

    1. Let's see....beautiful, talented, smart businesswoman, great fashion taste (I have several pair of JS shoes) with a positive attitude and photographs so well...vs frumpy, plain-to-average looking, no fashion sense whatsoever, far fewer fans on FB and Twitter...oh and not to mention that even without the plyg connection (still illegal) risking a boycott in the state of Utah...OH and the fact that they push a MLM diet supplement I doubt WW or JC would ever be interested.

      Omg just looked at that...chicken again. It looks like someone threw up on it...wouldn't surprise me. It's probably diet Italian dressing. Lol the best cook?? As long as she keeps it to fish-stick tacos and canned corn.

    2. I'm with you on this one Mrs. Hudson! It would definitely be more interesting and fun to watch the Sister Wives weight-loss journey. Jessica thank you, I would rather watch that plate of Christine's chicken!

  21. Bet shes watching porn, chik a boing, chik a boing

  22. They just might like them as spokespersons, imagine all the overweight stress eaters in the plig community

    1. Where would the poor and oppressed sisterwives in the plyg community get the money or the time to participate in weight watchers? Not to mention the chance to shop for healthy foods? Wouldn't the husband-gods all see this as a total waste of money since it doesn't help them have more babies?

  23. At first I thought something had happened to my monitor then read further and realized you'd changed the background. LOL
    Any chance of adding something along the sides to bring down the brightness a little? All the bright white is a bit hard on the eyes. Thanks!

    1. I LOVE this blog, and hate to complain, but I have the same issue with my eyes. If anything can be done I would really appreciate it.

    2. Anon 12:03 and Pollyanna, I agree. I love this blog, but my eyes are really having a problem with the bright white. I don't want to complain, but if there's a possibility of a slight adjustment my eyes would appreciate it. Thanks!

    3. I find the white difficult too.

    4. I don't like the white its to bright and hard to read!

  24. Love the new header colors, but I need to wear sunglasses to read the blog. The white is blinding.

  25. Meri's probably subtley hinting what a huge success they are by thanking her many fans (gag!)

    Christine,I know that you're showing everyone how healthy you are with your portion sizes. Maybe if you would have put it on a smaller plate and dressed it up with some parsley, it would've looked more appealing. I'm rooting for you , Christine.

    1. I'm not the healthiest eater but I personally would have had twice as many vegetables on my plate. Did they take this picture after they had eaten some of it? She could have sliced the chicken and drizzled the sauce on to make it look nice and appetizing. At least she is trying!

    2. That portion of chicken is way too big. Rule of thumb is 3-4 ounces of meat, or the size of one's palm. That looks like one of those 12-ounce super breasts. In many cultures/countries, that would be cut up and served to 4-6 people with a generous portion of veggies and complex carbs. Like a stir fry.

      The pic is caddywumpus - the veg portion should be the size of the meat portion and vice versa.

    3. Anon 1:02 - I suspect that if it was sliced, we would have seen it undercooked in the center...

    4. Hahaha, good point DJ!

  26. She totally over-cooked the veg.

    And she's proud of it? Bleagh.

  27. maybe meri feels guilty because they put Drake down because they didnt want him to ruin the new house she did say he couldnt controll himself and was going all over the carpet in the episode where they KILLED him on NATIONAL tv in front of THOUSANDS of people sry had an outburst there ill just go over here in the corner of my wet bar and cry because i miss my dog that i shouldnt have killed and left in utah where none of the kids can mourn his freakin death! another thought i had was maybe maybe the new HOA doesnt allow animals or maybe it was a bit of both cause god forbid if a rug scrubber has to be used maybe the carpet shampoo costs more then his life was worth to them

  28. I think Robyn and Meri, but definitely Robyn check this blog out frequently. Iconic mentioned how they address the issues we talk about on here in their show. A good example might be this IMO- One of the twitter posts you had on the other page was Robyn talking about Sol climbing up the stairs. Right before she posted this I had noticed that she hadn't posted anything about Sol's achievements in awhile. She used to put stuff up more frequently. A few people here recently on SWB were wondering if he also had Aspergers like Dayton or was headed in that direction. I don't think it's a coincidence that she is suddenly twittering about achievements again. It seems so obvious to me that they (or at least TLC advisors who relay info from here) check this blog out. Anyone agree?

    1. I thought the same.It is very sad if this is the case but I felt that Robyn is trying to make everything sound okay.

    2. IwillfindmyownwaytoheavenJanuary 13, 2013 at 2:21 PM

      I agree that Robyn posted that about Sol in response to speculation about Sol's development on this blog. Unfortunately, climbing the stairs doesn't prove the toddler is okay, though I'm sure hoping he is.

    3. I agree that it seems like they may read this board - many here were saying how great Christine looked at that concert (pic) and maybe she was posting the picture to say, 'yes, I am eatting healthier'

  29. It's Christine's last meal. She peed on Meri's rug. Kody is taking her on that one way drive to Lehi...

  30. If they are in fact selling loads of their crappy jewelry to fans, then that is a perfect example of the bandwagon effect. I find it hard to believe that THAT many people can be so blind to the fact that they are being played/used, especially now that their true colors and lust for money and fame have been clearly highlighted... Or maybe I'm over estimating the intelligence/insight of others...Or maybe they just don't care that they are being used because "celebrity plygs" are talking to them and that is more exciting than whatever else is going on in their lives. It's very concerning to see the sheer amount of messages from love sick fans stating how awesome they are and are so willing to jump on anyone who tries to hold the Browns accountable for their terrible actions. It makes me feel like I'm the loon... or that I'm in the Twilight Zone... or that SW and SWB are figments of my imagination... Anyone else feel this way?

    1. Hey there Iconic, welcome to American culture!

    2. We only have their word that the jewelry is selling. I don't believe they're selling much.

      Kate Gosselin used to have the same inflated ego because of all her "fans" who puffed her up via Facebook and Twitter. She convinced Royal Caribbean to have a special promotion on a cruise, in exchange for a free cruise for her and some of her kids (and, I'm sure a nanny so she wouldn't have to actually interact with the kids). She would host special events (like "how to save money using coupons" and an exclusive dinner with Kate), and those who signed up would pay about twice the going rate for that particular cruise.

      When it came to actually putting down MONEY to spend time with her, though, her legions of fans apparently couldn't come up with the dough. Royal Caribbean cancelled her. I think it's similar with the Browns. Lots of people who don't have the sense God gave a goose are enthralled with them, but they don't have the money to buy their trinkets. I've seen comments on Facebook to this effect. Sadly, these are the same people who are convinced the stuff IS "iconic" . . . just because Grody says so.

    3. Meri's comments are just a sales ploy - "Look everybody, our iconic jew-le-ry is selling real fast!!!! EVERYONE"S BUYING!!!! Don't get left out!!!!!" (Actually we're too cheap to keep anything in stock, and one person ordered the dog paw, so we have to wait until the factory has time to make it, but we're not telling you that.)

    4. "It makes me feel like I'm the loon... or that I'm in the Twilight Zone... or that SW and SWB are figments of my imagination...
      Anyone else feel this way?"

      Iconic moron,
      Think of it as benign voyeurism....with opportunities for spirited conversation. :))
      The Browns are "the figments" of delusion.

      PS....loving the green, softer look back again. Thx !

    5. AZC - that's very interesting about the Gosselin cruise not to mention hilarious!!

      I'm guessing you're right - the Browns probably have a few of each item on hand for those all-important high-end craft shows (lol) since they probably have to pay the jeweler (remember him) up front for each piece he produces...I would be willing to bet they don't have them made until the orders come in - and I also bet that they don't follow the Visa/MC rule of no billing until merchandise ships, because they need to pay the jeweler his cut. Ergo, back ordered goods. Lol

    6. Love your response Amused :-) Always well said!

  31. For those commenting on the possibility of the SWs becoming spokespeople for WW or JC...let me refresh your memory back to 2000, when Jenny Craig hired Monica Lewinsky to be its spokesperson.

    As a result of the shitstorm which erupted when JC introduced Lewinsky as its spokesperson - they pulled the campaign after just 4 months.

    Also remember that spokespeople are chosen not just because they're known and have a lot of weight to lose, but because there is a great deal of positive admiration for that person. Most people don't even know wtf these people ARE.

    And at leat Robyn is already on record in stating that the LIV crap is helping them. There ya go - COI.

    1. Just check out their with their testimonials.

      They're all trying soooo hard to make that sludge seem appealing and entice someone/ANYONE into being their downline. I don't think Jenny or WW would touch them, not if they had any sense of who the Browns are or what their credibility is.

    2. BWAHAHAHAHA, I just checked out that page and it's RIDICULOUS. Looking at the photos of them trying to act like that sludge does anything is just absurd.

  32. That chicken looks stuffed & I thought the sauce looks like an Italian dressing marinade & veggies look sauteed & way overdone! Steaming them would probably be healthier anyways..js
    Also I've been wondering since theyre now next door to each other if one of the moms orders pizza & has it delivered are the other bonus kids welcome to eat too?? We all know that Kody' s dipping ass will get a slice whether its his night or not.

  33. Thanks for the white as it will make it easier to check the blog at work. :-)

  34. i love the new look way faster load time on my cell i hate mobile web pages so i use the full site page oh the joys of a stupid smart phone that runs opra mini

  35. That meal was made by their new chef......Truely!

  36. Here's a tweet quote & response from Meri( 4 days ago)
    "@2thank: You laugh because I'm different. I laugh because you're all the same" Haha! This is too funny! To all you "monogs" out there!:)

    1. Meri, I do not laugh at you. I feel sorry for you, to think that your lifestyle will get you to heaven? You are not different, we are all the same......sinners in need of a great Savior.

    2. See, they make fun of us just as we them, ALTHOUGH, we are not on TV-

  37. Sorry I'm late to the party but I wanted to share a couple of thoughts I had while reading previous discussions...

    1) Is it possible that for each mention of the Wet Bar of Many Tears, the contractor knocked money off of the final purchase price?

    2) The Browns "claim" to be supporters of LGBT rights. Let's see them put their money where their (lying) mouths are by having Kodster dress in drag for charity.

    I'm in agreement that the white is Hard on the eyes.

  38. I believe the original tweet with that picture was posted by aspyn with the caption "thank you Pinterest" and if you are a Pinterest-er like me you have seen the raw chicken, red potatoes and green bean one dish recipe going around. It looks gross an I hate for my veggies to "touch" my meat, but I have heard it tastes good. I don't mind people posting pictures of food but when someone posts pictures after they've already started eating off it YUCK!!


  39. Don't want to complain either.
    Love the blog and appreciate all the work that goes into it.
    But honestly, I am having trouble with the stark whiteness too. I have to read it in small spurts.

  40. I like the new look too. Initially I thought....oh no.....what's wrong with my screen, have I been hijacked. LOLOLOLOLOL. So I checked other webstes I visit and they were all ok, then read here of the changes.

    I enjoy coming here and appreciate everyone's thoughts and comments.

    I think that *meal* might and I say might be chicken.

    We eat quite a bit of chicken breast.....but heck it's not hard to cook in a no/low fat healthy way and make it look attractive.

    If the chicken portion was halved and the vegies quadrupled with way more variety(which is what we do)- it's an extremely satisfying and healthy meal. The greens to me look like waaay overcooked spring onions.

    As far as plastic plates for presentation.....yuk. Yes Christine has 5 kids and I've had 4, as well as a constant stream of other kids (their freinds) come through my home, I always could make decent food with decent portions that looked appetizing enough for my kids and their freinds to eat. And they all enjoyed that.

  41. love the new look... thanks!

  42. I don't think the chicken is stuffed. It's just one of those huge chicken breasts that was pumped up with hormones and stuff to get it big. I'm a fairly good cook and I find it very difficult to cook those huge pieces and keep them moist and tender.

  43. I agree with the comments about the chicken, she definately needs cooking lessons. So lastnight i decided to download ( I refused to buy it ) the book.It was an eye opener for sure. I had to skim through Meri and Robyns parts though. Meri is quite the piece of work and Robyn thinks she was a gift sent from God to save them. I felt so sorry for Janelle and Christine. They say love is blind and boy are they blind. If I was in that type of lifestyle Meri would have had her a** kicked long ago, and Robyn would still be in her trailor with her kids. I now understand how important this show was for them, espically for Janelle and Christine. I hope after it's all over these two have some money put away for them and the kids. Hopefully Christine will get some cooking lessons and Janelle keeps lossing the weight and gets healthy.

    1. I just read the book as well.It "validated" my feeling that Meri is really mean. It seems every wife has had problems with her. I was surprised that Janelle actually bought and paid for her own home and initially refused the move to Utah. It is no wonder her children appear down to earth and well rounded. Also I find it interesting that they live such separate lives. Almost as if Kody is a monogamous man with 4 separate families. Why do they all want to be in eternity together when they can't stand each other here?

    2. Kristy, That is the million dollar question. That will never be answered IMO.

  44. I showed my husband this picture. Yep, he hates the show but enjoys some of the posts! He said this dinner plate should be labeled:
    "Should I eat this, or did I?"

  45. Wondering what a family with six children spend on groceries a week??
    Just myself, I spend what is left over from bill paying! My Xmas gift cards
    went for groceries.

    1. I'm a single gal, and I grocery shop once a week and its usually $50-$60 just for myself.

      Then again, I do try to eat healthier, not so much of the processed junk and 99 cent tv dinners either.

    2. It really depends on if you eat healthy or not; sadly, the healthier, planned meals and fresh produce, the more expensive your bill.
      I feed a family of 5 (often 6-10) and run $600 EASY a month. We eat at home most meals. I COULD spend a lot more, but have to budget and pull the ole Hamburger helper out at the end of the month. I also coupon which saves SS.
      If I spent what I wanted, buying and cooking what I wanted, even just for us I could spend $800 easy. Meats and produce are ridiculous where I live.

    3. I buy veggies and fruit in season, or frozen when on sale. Costco has great deals on fresh produce. Apples and oranges are so cheap right now!

      Buying in bulk - dry beans, oatmeal etc. saves $$ too.

      Farmers markets and fruit stands have great deals and often times you can bargain with the sellers.

      The Browns had that huge lot in Lehi, I'm amazed that they weren't growing any of their own food. I would have had a garden, and probably chickens as well. Good learning experience for the kids.

      Course I live in California where fresh produce is plentiful - I just bought a huge bag of fresh picked oranges right from the farm in front of the orchard they were picked from for $5.00. So good and juicy!!!

    4. We have 6 kids - 5 still at home including a couple boys who eat like adults. We try to get our meat from an Amish farmer or local farmer. We do buy from Costco when necessary. We eat very healthy, no junk food, and mostly organic. It's a priority do we sacrifice to be able to do that. These means I have to make everything from scratch. We spend about $240 a week.

      Funny note, we were up skiing and some teenagers had cereal with a prize. My son who was about 10 asked them what they meant when they were fighting over the toy. He had never seen a toy in his cereal box. Lol

    5. Michigander1969, where in MI do you live and how much is the meat from the Amish farmer? I was reading the post and was like, man, I'd love to get some fresh meat from an Amish farmer if I could, but I live in southeast MI, so no Amish in that area....then I saw your name was Michiganer, so had to ask. Probably around Grand Rapids, eh? Regarding the cereal box toys, I know what you mean, I got a star wars pen in my cereal a few months back and just about flipped out because it seemed like such an antiquity. Yes I'm in my 20's, do not judge.

    6. I have four kids - so, family of six and Ispend $100 per month.

  46. "Robyn thinks she was a gift sent by God to save them! "


  47. What is fascinating is that someone there thought that the plate was worthy of a picture.
    Makes you wonder what is served that isn't camera worthy??

  48. Folks, we had a glitch. None of the moderators changed the layout. Sorry for the inconvenience!

    1. No problem - I do find the green easier on the eyes and easier to follow. MS and CJ - it's your blog . . . we're just grateful it's here!

    2. IwillfindmyownwaytoheavenJanuary 13, 2013 at 2:44 PM

      Thank goodness the white was a glitch because this green is way nicer and is easy on the eyes.

    3. I know some said they were happy about the white but I personally am sooo grateful for the green. So much easier on the eyes. Thanks for everything MS and CJ!!!!

  49. Hello... I've been reading a lot of these threads lately, and I think this blog is really insightful as well as funny! I especially love all of the name variations (kotex, robchin, etc) and the projections for next season. Hilarious!

    I haven't watched the last couple of seasons because I can't wrap my brain around their "religion" and the whole "populating our planet" nonsense. Once all of those children grow up, get married and have kids for their own planets, won't that leave only the 5 Buffoons on Kody's planet... for ALL of eternity? Will they then name that planet "Misery"?

    I know there are a lot of Team Janelle/Christine people out there, but honestly I think that they are just as responsible for their choices as the rest of us are. No one forced them to help The Little Dutch Boy populate his planet. No one forced them to stick around and try to be his favorite wife or put up with Meri or agree to Sobbin being his new sex toy. So, cry me a river "poor, pathetic, abused J and C". You made your choices... suck it up and deal with it withOUT all of the manipulation. Your kids are watching your every move.

    Sorry if this has all been said before... I had to start participating somehow! lol!


    1. "Little Dutch Boy" - I love that!

      I agree, all the adults are responsible for their own choices - in the past, present, and future. I do think the children are getting the worst of all this. I believe their mothers and Kody love the children, but love isn't enough to raise responsible adults who make positive contributions to society.

    2. Andrea,

      No Team Janelle or Christine here either.
      Both of them, as you said, have had *and still have* choices.

      They made the choice initially be there, and are making the choice to stay there. They both intend to be on the receiving end of this money and fame train ride just as much as the Kody and the other two. Seriously, can you imagine any of them giving up this temporary brass ring/ McMansions for good sense or future planning?? Not going to happen!

      They can whine and bitch and sob, reciting all the plyggie buzzwords they want to justify it or get sympathy..but bottom line, they are there because they want to.

      I do find it interesting that because Janelle says little or nothing about anything, she is dubbed the "smart" one. Perhaps she is just smart enough to, at least vocally, not look quite as stupid as the three do.
      She may have accounting background (college courses) but it has never been established that she has a degree or CPA title, has it?
      As far as she being the one to "cut" the checks, that may be because in Utah, she was the only with a regular paycheck even though the reports are that her salary was certainly not a great amount at all.

      BUT...working for the county, she may have been in charge of all Christine's and her own filings for freebies as *sniff, sniff* "single mom w/kids."
      And possibly, she was in charge of filing the various family bankruptcies through the years. That stuff is more a matter of following written instructions, etc than needing to be smart.

      No, Janelle and Christine are not in need of a rescue. They are just better at getting the sympathy vote.

    3. Sometimes the choices you make kind of trap you no? Sometimes a horrendous environment sneaks up on you over time doesn't it? People don't always realize the situation they're in when they're in it.

      Counseling can help give perspective and help see reality.

      If you're not prevented from getting counseling.

    4. I think they are indoctrinated with false doctrine which leaves these people in a psychological prison. The fear that they will enter into an eternity of hell if they don't worship their husband as a God has them living in bondage in their "principle!"

    5. I agree. Choices can be traps, and who hasn't made a few in life.

      This (their) show is all about how wonderful(or not)Plyg life is for them. They have chosen to put themselves (and their children) out there for observation. For money!!
      If they are now choosing to show all the cracks and misnomers of their lifestyle, and if they likely are reading viewers observations, then they can read the many options others see for them in lieu staying in their discontent. And yes, absolutely, counseling would be a great start.

      I think it is far more likely that these people really aren't interested in changing anything in their lives other than their bank accounts. As several posters have said, they are happily make the bank deposits.
      For now, anyway.

    6. Well said, Amused... I think all 4 women spend all of their time in Schemer Mode, either trying to get kody's favor, viewer sympathy, or a wetbar... not caring if they earn their children's respect. Especially the older ones, who are being subjected to feedback from their peers, as well as the general knowledge that most people aren't on the same page as their parents. How embarrassing it must be to see their parents act the way they do on national Tv. I do think that most of the kids are pretty great, and smart enough to know exactly what everyone else is seeing on this show.

      I don't see any of these women as scared, trapped rabbits. I think they are mostly selfish. Especially Meri; I think she knew about her infertility issues very early on and agreed to the brood mares out of fear of losing Kody. I have a feeling that she said something to the effect of: "ok, as long as you SWEAR to never love anyone else but me". This may account for things like Janelle saying it took 10 years to contemplate romance with Kody. Just a thought.


    7. I know it's really hard for most people to understand why women would stay in situations like this, but when there is a religious element, common sense sometimes goes out of the window. If you are a believer, you think that all the pain is part of the way to earning your way to heaven, and is a way of showing God how much you are willing to sacrifice to please him. Because of this many women in this way of life hate it and stay anyway. Sometimes, only the realization that this has nothing to do with God is what finally provides the courage to break away.
      I also imagine that the change in the family fortunes in this case is an added incentive for women that have been poor for so long. Sad.

    8. I have sincere respect for all religions if the creed and the devotees are consistent and scrupled.

      However it is hard to respect people who adhere to a so-called "religion" that includes blatant misogyny, breeding without regard to providing legal legitimacy for the many, many children, and encourages, if not requires, manipulating government systems where their life choices and responsibilities fall on the shoulders and on the taxes of other equally *religious* people.

      Trapped into believing that plygdom is their only doorway to heaven is one thing, knowingly committing fraud aka "Bleeding the Beast" is quite another. It is hard to see integrity or ethics in any of them.

    9. Andrea, I very much agree with you when you said "Especially Meri; I think she knew about her infertility issues very early on and agreed to the brood mares out of fear of losing Kody. I have a feeling that she said something to the effect of: "ok, as long as you SWEAR to never love anyone else but me".

      That's exactly my opinion of how and why Meri "allowed" other wives.

    10. Yes Amused! Once again you took the words out of my brain and arranged them in a much more eloquent and effective way than I ever could have. I would looooove to know what you do for a living if you ever wish to tell :-)

    11. Sometimes I wonder if Janelle, for a few years at least, had a solution to the question that many women are asking themselves everyday, "How do I raise a family and have a career?" In the book, she says the situation in Utah, Christine/Meri doing most of the stay home mom stuff, really allowed to her develop and maintain a career. I live in DC, and this question is something many women ask themselves everyday. For me personally, I couldn't do sister wives at all, but I think it is interesting she was supposedly able to find that happy(?) medium.

  50. That's one of those ginormous chicken breasts from Costco or Safeway. Too big a portion for most people trying to trim calories.

    I would've cooked it (with some low-salt seasonings - pepper, garlic, herbs etc) then after letting it rest, cut it in strips and used it in a giant fresh salad - with crispy green lettuce, sliced tomatoes, shredded red cabbage, shredded carrots, garbanzo beans, a few dried cranberries, some baby spinach, a little kale...a whisper of feta or blue cheese, a few almonds for flavor and crunch, some pineapple chunks...and maybe a few croutons just for pizzazz. And my favorite dressing - Gerard's light champagne or a homemade balsamic vingrette. Put it all in a big ol Tupperware, close the lid up tight and shake it up good so the dressing is evenly distributed - that way you don't need to use much. If the chicken is already cooked, takes maybe 10 minutes to assemble. Healthy, fresh, and yummy!!!

    1. DJ, your dinner sounds great! However, Christine's new cuisine, no matter how many presentation lessons she should take, is much more healthful than fish stick tacos with a side of canned corn! Bet both she and Janelle are losing weight with their new substitutions. I hope they stick with it and reach their goal weights. Every lost pound on the way to goal is a self esteem booster.

    2. I looked up that recipe and it calls for a pack of Italian dressing mix and a stick of butter. Not so healthy IMO.

    3. I looked up that recipe and it calls for a pack of Italian dressing mix and a stick of butter. Not so healthy IMO

      I just ventured over to Pinterest...I think a majority of those recipes must come from the kitchens of people who were rejected from Gordon Ramsay's Master Chef AND the Food Network's Worse Cooks in America. But I now understand why a chicken breast should be lightly browned - it is so disgusting to have a big hunk of white meat on your plate! At least slice it into medallions.

      Hey Producers! Why not have a nutritionist visit the Browns and change their diets - who was that person who goes thru cupboards and refrigerators throwing unhealthy food out? They need to be on Sister Wives!

    4. "...I think a majority of those recipes must come from the kitchens of people who were rejected from Gordon Ramsay's Master Chef AND the Food Network's Worse Cooks in America."

      LOL !!!!!!!!!!!

      Your visiting nutritionist idea is a really good one.
      But then again, it wouldn't star Kody, so it would probably be rejected.

    5. Yes, but if the visiting nutritionist was a female, Meri could maybe pick her as the next wife!

    6. Anon 2:44 - wouldn't call it "much more healthful". Besides the alleged stick of butter and the big sodium hit from the packaged Italian dressing mix - those veggies (still not 100 percent certain what they *are* - since the Browns are cheap, I would guess green beans, maybe canned bleagh!!!) have had most of the nutrients cooked out of them. No fiber whatsoever - do you really believe they will be able to stay on a diet or way of eating or whatevs you call it eating that unappetizing drek? Food should look good as well as taste good. I bet the kids all went to McDonald's after dinner that night.

    7. I totally agree with all of you - and I have seen that recipe on Pinterest. Although the Browns get no kudos AT ALL from me, I wonder, since it was Aspyn who tweeted that photo- maybe it was she who cooked the dinner? If that was the case, I DO give her kudos! and big ones at that. My 16 year old certainly doesn't do that but then, I'm a stay at home mom....oh wait, so is Christine.

    8. DJ, LOL, as a "scratch" cook for a lifetime, it never occurred to me that the sauce wasn't stock, chives, a few spices and very little thickener. WW and a gazillion other diet cookbooks have come up with broiled chicken breast under a thin sauce. Guess I should have known the Brown cooks could fatten or package food up any well-meaning recipe. However, those gals are heavy enough that their maintenance daily calorie allotment may allow them to consume more and still lose weight. That will change as they get thinner. Then they will have to start watching portion size control and all the other things folks have suggested.

      As for staying on a diet of ugly food, that crowd has been doing it for a lifetime! Except for pizza it seems like their favorite food color is yellow--mock tapioca, fish sticks, corn, tortillas, pb fritos, etc. Hope they do read this list! The visiting nutritionist suggestion is super. Going through their cupboards and refrigerators to eliminate the diet disaster food would be good for the whole family and maybe a better show than some we've seen!

  51. Ok - AZChristian piqued my interest - I've never really been interested in the Gosselins but I just had to know more about the failed cruise. So I googled, and found some really hilarious articles - like this one...

    Please Browns, do the same thing. I won't go, but I want to see what happens. Lol

    1. I agree, DJ, mmmmm ... strips or cubes in a nice big salad mixed with a variety of delicious, fresh ingredients. We have that once a week.

    2. Glad you enjoyed the article, Dakota . . . I'm pretty sure a Brown cruise offering would have a similar outcome. Most of their rabid fans are as financially challenged as the Browns were before TLC knocked on their door.

      We cruise a lot (usually twice a year), and I would NEVER pay a 50% markup just to hang out (for a few special events) in the presence of someone who is more to be pitied than emulated.

    3. A cruise with Kody and Krew! Can you imagine it?! All Kody's desperate wannabee "wives" crowding out the current four? Sobbin would be foaming at the mouth.

    4. Too funny.Sobbin foaming at the mouth.... now that would almost be worth paying extra to see.

  52. A tweet from Robin in a previous post stated she wanted to practice taking pictures with her camera so she could save money by photograping MSWC items. Maybe Christine's chicken dinner photo is a sample of her work...

    1. If it is a sample of her work then she should photoshop something really yummy on that plate.

  53. I am on a diet and the food on the red plate has definitely helped me not succumb to my urge for a off-the-diet snack! LOL

    A big, hard chunk of meat. Freeze dried veggies? And vomit. mmmmmmmmmmmmm

  54. I noticed on

    they are selling their own book, as an affiliate of Barnes of Noble. As an affiliate network marketer, I am 99.999% sure that they are violating their affiliate agreement by selling their own book. You can't "double dip." I think someone should turn them in!

    1. How can just providing a link to amazon, barnes & noble, and about 4 other booksellers be construed as selling their own book?

      I thought you meant they had added their book to MSWC or something.

  55. My son and his family live with my husband and me, which makes four adults two little boys (4 and 2) an infant, and every other weekend, my three grandkids from my daughter. I cook everything from scratch, even bread. I buy bulk beans, pasta, rice, oats, peanut butter, etc. Either my daughter in law or I make all our desserts such as cakes, cookies, pies, etc., and we buy meat from a farmer where the beef, pork, and chicken are all free range. We have laying hens, so we have fresh eggs daily and I do buy fresh milk. We spend less than 700 dollars a month on food. There is no way we could afford to eat those packaged foods and I refuse to feed my grandchildren those steroid and antibiotic filled poultry products that are passed as edible chicken. We use cloth diapers on our two grandbabies that are still in diapers and I make all of the diapers and diaper covers. So when I see people like the browns feeding their children all that crap that cost a fortune and watch them add poison to our enviornment with all that disposable crap, I just want to scream. These people are ruining our planet and sadly they don't feel one bit of regret.

    1. You had me with the homemade bread...I am such a pushover for that...! Mmmm

    2. Right On! Anon at 4:37PM. I am with you all the way! This how I raised my daughter as well. Hands on, Home Cooked, Hand Made. This is real life. Not the crap life we see on Sister Wives. Give me strength! They are such useless good for nothing women.

    3. anon 4:37, i would be interested in learning how you live like that. is there a website or book that could advise me or get me started? thanks. sharon

    4. DakotaJustice,
      Homemade bread is so easy to make. And, if you make enough on Saturday, you will definitely be eating it until Wed. Then, on Wed...well you get the point. Plus, there's cornbread and biscuits that I make every other day so the kids have hot bread for their breakfast. When you break down the cost of homemade versus store bought, its mere pennies a loaf versus three bucks. And, a loaf of homemade bread or rolls are much more filling than those little slices of store bought. At any given time, we have a variety of homemade breads going on. Right now, sourdough dough is rising so I can cook bread bowls for all of us to have with our stew tonight. You'd think we would all be fat as pigs with all the homemade food we eat from bread to cakes and puddings and all the in betweens but only my husband and son are overweight and no really bad overweight. Go figure?

  56. At first I thought it was a dieting technique by Christine...make the food so nasty looking you don't want to eat it! Then I remembered the mock tapioca, mock fish tacos, PB fritos, etc. and realized this actually is one of the better looking meal presentations.

    1. Lol! I would have fired up the grill and made grilled chicken wraps with romaine, tomatoes, onions and whatever other fresh veggies were around.

      I don't get the whole "mock" food thing... Does that describe everyone's reaction to the cook after supper?

    2. mock tapioca pudding is hilarious to me. wth can't you just make real tapioca pudding?? it's not like it's caviar!

  57. I was just bumbling around on Pintrest, and I looked at Robyn's, Mykelti's, and Aspyn's pinboards. Mariah has one, but she hasn't pinned anything.

    Mykelti doesn't seem too interested in the whole "Modest is Hottest" thing, and she doesn't know how to sew, apparently. I'm not sure how genuine her 'dream' of being a fashion designer is. I don't want to pick on her or seem mean to her, but maybe that whole episode was just one more fake setup. Big surprise.

    Some people have pinned Janelle as a weight-loss inspiration. She was the first featured guest-blogger for, however, none of her stuff is availiable to be viewed anymore. I don't know why this happens, since I'm not very tech-savvy, but I'm wondering if there were some conflict of interest things going on. Uuuuh, I may have just figured it out. Janelle's blog for TLC (// is like her weekly diet/fitness journal. She writes articles about her journey. So there you go. On top of that, there's her testimonial on the Brown family website for the Green Goo. I have to admit, she looks the happiest in the pictures - she is actually beautiful when she smiles.

    I also noticed that the Brown girls follow/are followed by some people with familiar polyg last names (Jessop and Allred, but I think there are some others that sound familiar). Other than that, they seem like they pin pretty normal, average stuff.

    1. I think Janelle is the most genuine out of all of them and that comes across in her smile. The pictures of them on their testimonials page are very telling. He looks the most comfortable with Meri, with Janelle he looks like he is holding his "best bud", the picture with Christine seems a bit forced and he doesn't have the same smile or loving body language with her as he does with Meri and Robyn, and obviously he is just thrilled with his newest conquest and that comes across as well.

  58. Okay...So, I went to the Browns' family website place. Please, please, please Browns, if you are reading this blog, hire an editor or a writer to do your blogging and such. Your sentences are awful; you guys are comma happy and don't know how to stop run ons. Plus, I gave up trying to decide from whose POV the crap is written in. Geeze!

  59. Janelle has spoken openly about "wanting to run away" and we know that she has "run away" before from this arrangement. So while we have to take anything they say with skepticism for being staged for the show, that statement is probably true. Especially given Janelle, while she is generally the most careful in what she says, looks so very disengaged on the "couch" sessions, when she has to deal with the other SW. She looks like she wants to run away so much, she doesn't even need to say it.

    I suspect the biggest reason she is staying is because her kids grew up with Christine's kids as siblings and leaving now would be like ripping her kids away from half her siblings. Unhappy as Janelle may be, I don't think she wants to make her kids' lives harder through her actions, now that she got them into this mess.

    Call me a fool and gullible, but while I dont have much respect at all for any of the other SWs, (sorry Christine fans, but having six kids when you and your husband can't support them is just plain wrong) I do have a certain amount of respect for someone like JAnelle who seems to have worked so hard to put a roof over her kids' (and everyone else's) heads in Utah. It isn't easy to work full time, especially with six kids especially while trying to rein in the finances of those wildly spending adults.

    I don't think anyone but Janelle had working credit at the time of the move to Lehi. And she must have had to fight Kody to keep it working because we know what he is like. We know Christine had recently declared bankruptcy, that Robin had huge debts and no job, and as for Kody and Meri, I suspect they spent every dime they had as soon as it came in. I remember Kody's tantrum about wanting to buy sleeping bags for the "Janelle" vacation, and her adament refusal that SHE didn't have the money. Also Kody had to go to Janelle to rent a truck for the move.

    Either Kody had no working credit, or he expects Janelle to cover moving expenses for the entire family and wouldn't put out any $$ from his "income allowance" if it existed, to cover his and her "vacation" (I suspect he had no trouble doign that for Meri or Robin). What a great guy -- he takes Janelle on a public park vacation and wants her to pay for the expenses he wants to run up.

    Especially given he did have $$ for a dozen pink and lavender shirts, his motorcycle, his sports car, etc., etc. He strikes me as the type to spend every dime he has and run up any available credit as soon as he gets it, and then cry to Janelle for funds (since no one else worked, except Meri, part time, if that, and we know she doesn't believe in a fair distribution of household funds, given Mariah is indulged while Janelle's kids live under a more strigent budget.

    Anyway, maybe I am being super gullible, but I do like Janelle. And even as I deplore the grifting plyg lifestyle of her fellow sisterwives and "husband", it seemed to me she was trying to cover her own bills herself and it seems like she tries to cover the others as much as she could at that point in time. I am sure she was getting some sort of assistance as a "single" mom with six kids and if she did lie on those applications and say she didn't know the father, well, that is bad. But it seems to me at this point, that she feels trapped, in a train wreck she can't leave. Kody's desire for fame and a Las Vegas lifestyle and a reality show made her vulnerable to her employers and the law in Utah, and I think she couldn't have outvoted the other adults or stopped them. So she lost her job, maybe her Utah house, and now has tied her future to the ephemeral TLC contract.

    She might get her realtor's license at that, and good for her, but she's not there yet. I do hope, if the TLC bubble bursts, she does leave instead of going on with the next get rich quick scheme.

    1. Any admiration I had for Janelle evaporated when I compared her "mock fear" when they were getting out of Utah, to her laughing about it on a video interview and saying that they had planned on going to Vegas for a long time because of the better climate etc. And now they are building a court case around their lies.

    2. Janelle let Logan pay the price w/her absentee spouse and baby's daddy by having Logan default to being man of the house for all his teen years. Maddie doesn't look at her Dad as her loving protector like she does Logan. He had to get up every morning early to get all the siblings up, dressed for school and make their breakfast. I do fault Kody more for his absenteeism and lack of support but Mama Janelle certainly shares in the guilty verdict on it. Hope Logan decides to NEVER practice polygamy up the road and force his own experience on another "responsible" kid.

      Yes, Janelle is "stuck" in this marriage cause she doesn't want to rip her kids away from their bonus siblings but she wasn't raised in polygamy and she clearly did make a FREE choice to join it as an adult. and by marrying her former brother-in-law to do so. blech

      Just because she's the most likable personality due to being so low-key and drama free compared to the other 3 doesn't make her a respected saint in the whole matter imo.

    3. I don't get the feeling that she is a "respected saint" on this blog. Most of us clearly state when talking about Janelle in comparison to the others, that this is a "best of the worst" scenario and that she is "smart in comparison with the others" but that she may not be that smart when comparing with others outside of their family. I think all of the pro Janelle right now is due to the fact that she is starting a fairly insightful blog (just what I've heard on here, I haven't read it). I don't think anyone on here is ignorant to the fact that she was not brought up in this religion and chose it. It certainly is brought up frequently. This is all of course just my opinion :-)

    4. I see your points but I respect her. I detest Meri. I don't think I know of a more selfish person!

  60. How do I find the Pinterest photos they have posted please?

  61. That plate Christine prepared looks like she has been taking advanced culinary art classes from Kate Gosselin......although that entire portion would feed all of her 8 kids.

  62. I just can't get over their LIV site, the slideshow of photos in particular (I could pick apart the testimonials if it weren't so late). Kody's hair is even more of a wreck than it usually is and they photographed him at the worst angle "hair wise". There are pictures of the ladies "admiring" one of the necklaces they "made" that Meri is wearing. What a bunch of loser opportunists. The pictures of Kody with each individual wife are SO telling. One of the pictures prompted me to ask this question on here- when Kody is talking to all four ladies at once in a casual circle like the one pic, how does he go about conversing... does he do well and look at all of the ladies when addressing them as a group or does he single out one depending on the topic and look at them... does he look at the sky or his feet. What prompted this question is that in the pic, he looking at Christine and I see Robyn in the background trying to do her "I'm so cute and happy and giving you the best attention" thing and it got me wondering if it is awkward when he is with them as a group and what the dynamics are. Does he ignore the wife he isn't too happy with at the time? What do you guys think or see on the show. I don't have cable and can't watch.

  63. PS- Also, the picture with Meri and Christine is hilarious, Meri so obviously can't stand Christine and it shows. Do they realize how transparent they are? Each picture so clearly describes their issues and the issues caused by their "lifestyle". As for the green go, none of them seem like they are able to choke it down with a smile and most of them have a sour face on while drinking it. Who put that site together? They obviously weren't schooled in the art of psychology in business.

  64. Okay, I just saw all of the family photos on their website. Now...please take this for what it is (a bunch of phooey, of course) but according to one theory, you can select the gender of your children by timing your "relations." "Boy" swimmers are fast and weak. You've got to get 'em while the getting is good. "Girls swimmers" are slow and steady. If you are trying to concieve a boy, don't have as many "relations" so that those "boy" swimmers stay fresh. This information is used for timing "relations" relative to ovulation, where the famil consists of one man, and one woman.

    But when you have one man and several woman...and one of the women has four sons and another of the women has five daughters...doesn't that look a little like one woman only ever got sloppy seconds? The fast happy swimmers were all used up when her rotation came around?

    Maybe it's just me, but I think that's some solid psuedo science to make a claim that for a while at least, old Janelle was the favorite. ; P

    1. There is something to being able to manipulate the gender of your baby a bit...and while there are sperm count issues, it was more along the lines of how many sperm the guys would have...though he could do things to make his body more or less friendly to sperm survival (hot tubs and tight warm clothes == lower count)

      But, the technique relies more on when in the woman's cycle they have sex...the closer to ovulation, the more likely they'd get a boy...those fast swimmers get there first. However, sex a couple of days before ovulation, leads to more girls...the fast swimmers get there, die, and then the slower X chromosomes get there and you get a girl.

      All that said, one woman having a lot of girls while another has a lot of boys probably has more to do with their own body....there are ways to make you own uterine environment more hostile to pregnancy (which leads to more girls, as those embryos are more robust). Could be that the lifestyle of these moms led to more boys or more girls...or just natural variations of internal biochemistry.

    2. My husband and I wanted sons and we tried all of the above and then some and had three sons. Although I have PCOS and now there is evidence that women with PCOS tend to have more boys then girls so who knows. But I feel strongly that the things we did helped the chances for sons IMO.

  65. Sorry, but there is NO WAY there is a demand for their crap jewelery. Especially in this economy, you can't tell me the plyg jewellery industry is booming. I think it's a load of crap said by Mary et al to make it SEEM like they are receiving income to pay for their glutinous homes. When in reality it's just TLC money they are living off of instead of I don't know....SAVING TO HELP PAY FOR 17 CHILDRENS EDUCATIONS?

    Whatever "orders" there are, they are on backorder because the browns, knowing that their business sucks, didn't create inventory business because that uses up resources ($$). And being the irresponsible, selfish people they are, they can't be bothered. Would rather get their gel nails, tans and wet bars instead.

    My hunch is that they are adding something to the website, (hottest is modest clothing line¿) Robyn tweeted about taking her own pics to save money (lol) and if that's the case won't don't they just open up and Ebay store- that way their website won't crash and they can save money.

    Because it's a facade. They are shady people who's only "plan B" is to file bankruptcy again when their"business" fails to thrive. In the mean time- they can just sit back while the TLC checks roll in and not think about the future.

  66. I just checked out their LIV site. If they were paying for all the different products they claim to be using, it would cost a fortune! And the descriptions of the products are pretty darn vague. For most of them, there is an instruction to add one packet to a given amount of water, but there's no indication of how many packets (or servings, or doses) are in the container they're hawking for mega bucks. Not that I was planning on buying anything, but I am accustomed to comparing prices and strengths of various vitamins and supplements, and that wasn't possible on their site. Funny pictures!

    1. I am making the assumption that they are probably getting those products at a highly discounted rates. I was in Avon at one time and the price I paid for products vs. what my customers paid was about 30% to 50% depending on my order size. In addition, I got discounts on certain items that were on sale or on special for reps.

    2. Who knows if they actually even us their products.

      I had an aquaintance who was a d-lister. She was married to a guy who was doing his residency. She had done some acting (Baywatch) and was on gameshows as a 'celebrity'. Anyway, she did an infomercial for a workout DVD...they showed her doing the workout with a bunch of other people, and she had the testimonial portion where she talked about how fabulous she felt when she did the workout and how much she loved it. The thing is, the way it was edited, it sounded like she did this 5x a week and this was how she lost her babyweight and she kept it up to stay in shape for whatever projects. The truth was, the first time she did the workout, they filmed it. She told me she made enough money for that one project that she didn't have to work for the rest of the year. Talk about misleading!!

      Another friend started selling Arbonne. She was hard-selling me to become her downline, which I had no desire to do. She finally gave me a bottle of laxitives and asked that I GIVE THEM OUT TO MY CO-WORKERS, since that would help her business, and she wouldn't take no. I went home and threw them away!! I have nothing against Arbonne, but I consider it an MLM, and I don't want anyone thinking I see them as suckers just waiting to be fleeced, or that I'm interested in their bathroom habits.

      I think the Browns could be is more important than integrity. Money is their religion. Kody is their religion. Scamming is their religion. Fame is their religion. Whatever it takes to get more, they're willing to do. Disgusting.

    3. "I think the Browns could be is more important than integrity. Money is their religion. Kody is their religion. Scamming is their religion. Fame is their religion. Whatever it takes to get more, they're willing to do. Disgusting."


  67. I am not really 'into' Twitter, so just wondering if I am missing something. Has anyone seen all the tweets Mariah has made in last few hours?
    I know they did a school thing with no social media for a few days, so i thought she might be making up for it. but the girl seems to be drunk tweeting. Or does it all make sense and just over my head??? :-/

    1. I think every time she wanted to tweet she saved them over the 4 days and then they all went out at the same time. Very teenager thing to do.

    2. I just read through them. It appears she was quoting a movie. Maybe she was watching the movie at the time and tweeted all of the quotes she heard that she liked. She tries very hard to be funny and cool but sometimes it doesn't come across the way she intends. Who knows. I'm certainly not a teen anymore :-/

  68. On the website of The Salt Lake Tribune there is an article "Sister Wives' lawsuit coming back to courtroom". The hearing is in Salt Lake city on Thursday. According to information written on that website none of them attended the 2011 hearing which was after they moved to Nevada. The question being posed on that website is if any of the Browns will appear on Thursday.

  69. I wonder if Meri isn't perimenopausal.

    I realize how staged everything on the show is, and there is also a likelihood that Kody is behind the wet bar (the better to serve up the green goo to potential downline customers), but she is of the right age...

    Perhaps the nastiness this year is hormonal? The urgency to harvest the last couple of eggs a sign of the extremes to which this AUB mindset will go to squeeze the last possible child out of an aging woman?

    The wetworks, the need to outdo her sisterwives (jealousy/passive-aggressive anger?), the weight gain.....I think Janelle is the oldest, but that doesn't mean she'll be the first to go through the change.

    Just sayin.....

  70. Just looked at their green goo testimonials - too funny! Meri says "I always have a bottle of [goo] in my purse and on my counter at home. It does an amazing job at calming my nerves & anxiety." Didn't do much good when she was choosing carpet etc. or "mock" making up her mind about Sobbin being surr-git?

  71. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't common for women who had trouble with periods, ovulating, PCOS, and infertility to go through "the change" early. That's how it is in my family and I've had Ob-gyn's state this was in fact the case. Others have mentioned that they thought Meri was going through menopause. Highly likely IMO.

  72. "It does an amazing job at calming my nerves & anxiety."

    This comment from Meri is ridiculous. The woman is a walking, ticking time bomb of emotional outbreaks.

    1. Sobbin evidently keeps goo next to her bed to keep herself "calm and focused." Umm... is this for the nights she has to spend alone, or for when Kody is with her?

  73. I was wondering, what the cause of Marys infertility? (Other than having to share her baby daddy).

    1. I believe it's been said that her infertility has an unknown cause. But who knows if what they say is true seeing as everything that comes out of their mouths is a lie or skewed in some way to their advantage...

  74. What do they mean "their lawsuit is coming back". Does anyone know what this means?

  75. also, in re:to Janelle always receiving so many kudos here - by her own admission she WANTED to work outside the home rather than be a stay-at-home mom and Christine provided her wish by being Janelle's babysitter in trade. I'm not a Christine fan by any means (not a fan of any of these highly dysfunctional clowns really) but I kinda get tired of Janelle being touted as the ultimate queen bee here.

    1. Now see, I blame Meri for the lack of making breakfast for Janelle's kids. Christine is much more nurturing, so she was getting hers ready. What was Meri doing? NOTHING. Christine cooks the main meals all the time (back then)

    2. Agreed!! I also feel that Janelle's praise is a bit undeserved. She did put 6 kids into this situation and as the family's financial person is probably the most responsible for potential fraud.

      As for Meri, I am not a fan, but to her defense I do see her interact with the other kids, the younger ones much more then Janelle and Kody. Janelle is only shown interacting with her own.

      And regardring all the comments regarding Sol, I agree that he is put infront of the camera a lot. However, I saw a rerun from season one recently, and Kody was playing with Truely and a special nickname for her (don't recall what at the moment) so it's not like it he ignored her more then his other kids as some have suggested. I think maybe the reason why he is shown more with Kody then the rest is for two reasons; a) he is more at that house due to his infatuation for Robyn and b) I think Robyn more than Christine makes him. I.e hands him the baby and says "hold him". It's been shown on the show, and Christine never did that. She was content having full responsibility for her youngest.

  76. If Janelle was lying about her anxiety getting out of Utah, she is a better actress than I took her for, because I took that as real, that she was anxious about something - perhaps fraud in government assistance, saying they didn't know the children's fathers when they are living with him.

    If that was all fake, then yeah, I am done on Janelle.

    However, th criticism that Logan had to take care of her kids in the morning I am sort of meh about. Yeah, it is not good to put too much responsibility on children for other children, and Logan clearly was functioning to a large extent as the man of the entire family in a number of ways when it came to helping the wives with child care and manual tasks. At least Janelle was providing some sort of example though as an adult who wanted to work and went to work, and tried to budget not just live off gov assistance, work at part time jobs (Kody/Meri) and flake off the rest of the time.

  77. Just a question - did I miss the review of the Secrets Revealed? Been looking through the archives - was wanting a new laugh to start my day!

    Thanks for all you do here - so much a comic relief when I need it.

    1. Still working on it! I had to take a sanity break for a few...but will get back to it shortly.!!

      Thanks you for asking!

    2. Thanks CJ - no worries just wanted to make sure I had not missed any of your posts since you literally make me LOL with your reviews.

      My hubby knows when I am reading this blog and just shakes his head and laughs knowing that I will fill him in on all the details later!

      Appreciate all the hard work you all put in here. It is greatly appreciated.

  78. "Janelle always receiving so many kudos here - by her own admission she WANTED to work outside the home rather than be a stay-at-home mom and Christine provided her wish by being Janelle's babysitter in trade."

    That's exactly correct, and by Janelle's own words. She was quite content with the arrangement.
    Being a stay-at-home mom or being a dual mom/worker who has to get her kids to daycare on the way to work *like so many other women do* was not a desired fit for Janelle. She said as much.

    So the logical question is why then *keep having* kids when you admit that you would rather be out working? (Obviously she had received benefits as a "single mother without known paternity for her kids.")
    Of course, the answer to that question would be the usual "Principle" plygtalk.

    Janelle, just like the other three, tailored her personal in-house Kodyworld process to fit just how she wanted it to go.

    And is it not possible that rather then being "checked out" or chronically depressed, Janelle is simply not a high-energy, outgoing, attention-seeking person? That her quiet, introvert persona is just who she is on a good or bad day?

    1. I completely agree that she isn't "checked out". I think that that is her personality. She doesn't like the big attention that the others do so we tends to fall into the background. Nothing wrong with that.

  79. Okay, everytime I scroll by the chicken dinner, all I can think is "Yuck!" That dressing/gravy just looks sooooooooo unappetizing. *shudder*

    As for constantly "needing" green stuff to be "calm" or whatever, first, it makes one wonder what is actually in it, and, second, if I was "needing" it that much I'd take a step back and wonder about my addiction to it.

  80. I've noticed a few comments about a new format. My screen is still green. What do I do to fix it or whatever. Sorry that this is off topic.

    1. Blogger had glitched and it was white and blue - too white to read easily, and we reverted it back to old style.

    2. Just an opinion, but the "new" layout was much easier on the eyes and looked much cleaner all around.

  81. I know so many other have said it already, but ICK! That chicken in sauce-type stuff is making me feel ill! I'm not the world's greatest cook, especially since I hate leftovers and am only cooking for myself usually, but even my Crockpot specialty (shredded chicken in barbecue sauce) looks much more appetizing than that.

    1. I agree, TurtleGirl93, I'm no gourmet cook, but Christine's plate of food looks extremely unappetizing, the chicken looks like it was poached or microwaved, (ugh, at least put some grill marks on it!!) and the sauce looks gelatinous and cousin/BFF has been a leader at Weight Watchers for over 20 years and she makes delicious looking and tasting food using many WW recipes....trying to lose weight is not an excuse for unappetizing food....
      I guess I would lose weight, too, if that was my dinner!!!

  82. I've seen that recipe on Pinterest. It's called a one-dish meal and has chicken, green beans, and red potatoes; you cover it with a bottle of Italian dressing and A STICK OF BUTTER and bake it. I don't know about any of y'all, but if I ate like that every night, my jeans wouldn't be fitting.

  83. Maybe it's Mock Chicken made of flour (like pasta)?
