Saturday, January 19, 2013

Get Your Apron Here! SWB Open Discussion

Caramel Brownie has been a busy bee lately. What a  'blessin' to wake up and find these at your doorstep!

First for you enjoyment inspired from our last post:

The MSWC Apron, SWB style:

 Kody Brown Family Album:

Now, look at both pics of Kody&Janelle and Kody&Meri....notice anything familiar?  Well Caramel Brownie  did! Is Janelle seriously wearing the blue turtleneck/white sweater combo that Kody wore in the pic w/ Meri??..HAHA We've all seen these, but what a catch! 

Free Discussion here, remember the following posts are still open:

(Big Thanks to Caramel Brownie, Brown family pictures courtesy of TLC)


  1. I wonder what else Kody borrows from Janelle?

  2. Okay, I joined the blogs pretty late I guess but I just took a look at that tee-shirt post from July. Now, that was funny! Loved that page, very entertaining and talented I must admit.

  3. So I finally broke down and read there book and while it was okay and an easy read I feel it really did lack depth. It barely skimmed over some of the issues. I was and am disappointed that there wasnt much to it.
    I do love the sister wives show and reading about them, especially on here. :0) I just thought the book would be better.

    1. I agree Nicole, they didn't get into any deep current issues that they have, it's probably too sensitive. But it did seem like they covered the early years, like Meri & Janelle's stuff, Christine pursuing Kody.

      One thing that surpised me was the role that Robyn seems to have in the family, that of the moderator. Janelle gave her high praise for helping people to talk things out and not going to bed angry. The show hasn't really captured that yet, other than in the 'picking the carpet sample' episode, when she came in with Meri to sit at the table w/ Kody and the design team.

    2. That's because the authors? (with the possible exception of Janelle) are very shallow people. They can't write or emote depth they don't have.
      They don't give much thought to anything in any analytical manner... such as:
      There would have been a lot more money available for Meri if there weren't 3 more woman and 16 more kids. She could have had all of it rather than 1 fourth.

    3. I bought the book used(thank you Duggars) from Amazon and got the Darger book as well. I have to admit I like the Dargers. The Brown book has been slow going...hard to wade through all the b.s. in it. It hadn't made me like the adults any more than I did before and I really hoped it would. I can't quit the show and I think i'm addicted to SWB so I was hoping that I could find something in this book to make me at least not want to whack them all with a rolled up newspaper.

    4. I'll admit I downloaded the book because I didn't want them to get any of my money. I'm glad I did because it was so boring, I couldn't finish it!

    5. For me I guess I was hoping there was more into why Mari and Janelle have the issues they do. It seems to me at least from what I have read and I see on Tv that they are cordial to one another because the cameras are rolling but really dont like each other all that well. I am sure that in a polygamist setting its hard not to have jealousy and resentments but perhaps it is to personal for them to go into detail other then just skimming over some of the stuff. Also it was interesting for me to read that Mari was all for Robyn to come in and then her feelings changed because of insecurity's and now they have gone thru a marriage counselor to make there relationship better, i guess i am wondering how come they all didnt do that with each other one on one to strengthen each individual sister wife relationship. Also I did watch the whole first season recently and in the house in Lehi despite any differences they had they seemed to be so much more close as a family and in the newer seasons i kinda feel sad for the kids that everyone is all separated. Granted the older kids are starting to drive and such so its easier to see one another, i thought it was suppose to be one big family and not 4 separate family's.

    6. Anonymous 3:29pm,
      "I'll admit I downloaded the book because I didn't want them to get any of my money".

      The Browns made money from your Kindle purchase. IDK what their agreement was w/Amazon, but each single's author makes money from printed, as well as electronic book sales.

    7. I don't have a Kindle, I used an Adobe program on my computer to read it.

    8. I'm so cheap I got the book from our local library. I thought it was interesting for several points:
      1. Inconsistently between their stories and different locations. I noticed some different detail between narratives especially when Christine would comment about locations. Did they not read each others stuff?
      2. They've always had issues, moved homes, moved in and out etc. I got confused about all the different arrangement between Wyoming and Utah.
      3. It seems like Lehi was the best part of their lives. They'd finally hit their stride as a family, cohesive unit. I don't get why they'd bring Robin in when they had a "perfect world"? It seems like they ruined a good thing by bringing her into the fold.
      4. It seemed like a lot of instability in the kids lives (except for Lehi). I'm not surprised by them wanting to flee.
      5. I didn't really learn anything deep or though provoking
      6. Glad I didn't pay for the book.

    9. Got mine at a garage sale for 50 cents! :)

    10. I don't know that I want to read it anymore. So many people have stated how boring and uninsightful it was.

    11. "I don't have a Kindle, I used an Adobe program on my computer to read it."

      I do the same thing with electronic books, but each time you purchase an electronic 'book' the author gets a percentage of the sale price.

    12. Don't worry guys, the future tell-all book written by the wife that leaves or by one of the Brown kids will be much more interesting and have some exciting details!
      I also got the book from my local library for free, but I was actually surprised that they admitted things weren't as rosy as they pretended on Season 1.

    13. I bought the book so shame on me. I also bought the Darger' s book. I really felt the Darger' s care about their religious beliefs and view themselves as a family all together. I never got that from Brown's.

    14. You are in good company here, Kristy. I also purchased both books! Brown and Darger.

    15. I read both the Brown book and the Darger book after getting them at the library. I don't think the two families can be compared, or should even be mentioned in the same conversation! The Brown's are manipulative and money-seeking con artists IMO. I still feel sorry for Christine, because I think she really entered the family as a naive believer in polygamy. I got no real sense of religious commitment, or love for each other and each others children from the Brown book. (I have to admit though, that their children seem very nice, respectful, and apparently, well adjusted).

      The Darger family seems totally committed to their family relationships and all the children. They are ALL from generations of polygamists, and seemed to make a real effort to explain their beliefs in their book. I've grown to really like them, I check out their website a few times a week. I can't imagine believing as they do, but I have developed a respectful admiration for them. Love and caring seemed genuine in their book, and I would read another if they wrote one!

      I hope they have more specials on tv, but that they don't ever commit to a series. So many readers here have commented on how the Brown's seem to have changed since they became "reality stars", and I would hate to see that happen to the Dargers.

      I love this blog, and really appreciate all the books that have been recently recommended here. I have read a few, and plan to try and find many more at my library. Although fascinating as a belief system, polygamy is not something I could ever imagine believing in, nor does the regular LDS appeal to me. Since Sister Wives is not on tv right now, maybe we could all agree to read the same book or two in the meantime, and discuss the content and our insights here?.

    16. Sinister Drives, I like that idea! Is this possible? A SWB book club!

  4. Thats not the same sweater. Look at the stripes on the cuffs and the neckline.

    1. Yes, but still dang funny!!

    2. Id Marry Bill - at first I thought they were the same, but yes, you are right, the cuffs and number of stripes around the V neck are different.

      But it is sort of surprising how similar these outfits are, its reminding me of that Snuggie Line Up posted here of all 5 of them ;)

  5. I watched season five again on Amazon and the small things u catch Christine saying and the others dont respond to ...telling, like if they were individual families the money would be split differently. Watching Meri do her final selections was just as infuriating the second time I watched it. She emotionally blackmails Kody and fights with Kody like she knows she can be a better wordsmith and he will never win. She made him the bad guy for her going over on her budget.Emotional badgering.,.she does it to all of the women too. By the way..saw on her twitter she was at Disneyland again! Logan is such a responsible caring young man..he deserves better than Kodys old high milage sports car for all he has contributed the family..more so than Meri..Janelle and Christine should be proud

    1. I'm confused....Season 5??? They have only been on air since 2010, 2 years ago. How many seasons in a year do they do?

    2. Season 5 on itunes/amazon is season 3 on TLC.

  6. I don't think sweaters are same stripes are different. Anyone else think Kody & Meri look like sister & brother in that pic. Maybe thats why Meri makes a better man then Kody, but a mean sister wife.

    1. Funny becsuse kody and janelle ARE brother and sister. Step... but still..

    2. "kody and janelle ARE brother and sister"

      As well as ex-siblings-in-law. Robyn better watch out for Taralyce.

  7. I wonder if there was any significance in the blue and white or if they're just 2 colors they picked for the pics. I was going to ask what BYU colors were, but I looked it up and yep, they're blue/white.

    1. I wonder if that's the way plygs try to 'blend in' with their LDS neighbors?

    2. Older photos have them in blue & white; but these past few years, they seem to wear some combination of purple, gold and brown a lot.

  8. two things i immediately thought when i saw these:

    "No way in Kolob could Janelle have stretched Kody's same turtleneck and sweater to fit her. even back then when she wasn't as heavy as now."

    the other is - "yep, all 3 have their TEAM BYU outfits on." In Utah, you're either TEAM BYU (blue/white) or TEAM U of U (red/white).

  9. Mykelti's Sense of Humor

    Ok guys, so last night there was NOTHING on tv and I was home sick, so out of PURE DESPERATION I re-watched the SW episode where Logan went away to college.

    Seeing Mylekti's recorded "goodbye message" for the second time, I think I picked up on her sense of humor a lot more than I had before.

    You may recall that during her little cameo, she was mock-sniffing, mock-choking up, and mock-wiping tears from her eyes at the prospect of Logan leaving.

    The big moment came when I heard her say "AND I'M YOUR FAVORITE" and camera flashed to Logan Laughing Out Loud.

    So fellow commenters, could it be? Was Mylekti doing her best Sobbin Robyn impression for the cameras??????

    I think so, and just have to say....WAY TO GO MYLEKTI!!!!

    1. "...AND I'M YOUR FAVORITE..."

      Way back in the fuzzy recesses of my memory, I remember a couch interview where one of the older teens said they knew their mother was Kody's favorite, then someone said all the kids think their mother is Kody's favorite.

      My answer is Yes and No. I think she was making fun of all her mothers and siblings but may not have realized what she had done. I think there has to be a struggle to be Kody's favorite (which may be fueling her desire to change schools)...a need to stand out and be noticed. Remember Maddie's black hair in a sea of blondes? Or even Mykelti's auburn and later purple hair?(which she's letting grow out showing her blonde roots)

      And remember, in the Valentine's episode from last year, Hunter wrote on Kody's car that HE was Kody's favorite. So these kids are learning in order to get recognition from their father, they have to stand out in some way, otherwise they will be lost in a sea of 13 blond heads (not counting Robyn's crew from her previous marriage and Logan's strange dark brown hair).

      So ponder this: Robyn was mentoring Mykelti out of her 'rebellious' phase - which is OK because Robyn was Kody's favorite wife and Mykelti was getting recognition from Kody thru osmosis.

      But something has changed that dynamic - Could it be Robyn is no longer his favorite and Mykelti has picked up on this? Has the honeymoon finally ended between Kody and Robyn? Has she realized that the home Meri is preparing, will offer Kody a whole different world of quiet, away from needy wives and kids wanting attention from him - something she can't compete against with 3 kids and a toddler in tow? Even with 'nanny' Taralyce in charge? (major backfire if you ask me...)

      What does everyone think?

    2. I recall that couch interview and it wasn't the kids saying it - it was Janelle saying she is sure all of the kids think their mom is the favorite. She said they didn't obsess about it, but she thought it was because they saw them interact all together and then when they each went off with just "their" families (like vacations when it was just Kody, one wife and their kids together) the kids got to see that couple's relationship more openly.

      I think it's reading too much into Mykelti's comments. I think she was just a sister joking around with her brother that she was his favorite. Lots of siblings of close age joke about that - I don't think it was a big deal. I think it was cute.

      She seems sweet. I hope she does well at her new school. She's seems to be very focused on the type of work she wants to do in the future; hopefully this college set-up with allow her to get a jump start on those college credits.

    3. since i'm sure they're used to hearing their moms talk about robyn's and meri's constant manipulative crocodile tears as well as they themselves witnessing those two doing it all the time - i automatically just took it as a private joke between them making fun of Sobbin' and Mean Girl Meri. and maybe Sobbin' and MGM had also already been slobbering tears all over Logan and they thought it was just stupid.

      at least Maddie's were sincere tears as she really is losing her emotional sanity lifeline that's always been right there with her up til this point.

    4. Mykelti said she was hanging out with the "mean girls." Lots of normal teens do that. I'm not surprised if she's mocking the wet works in her family. That includes both Sobbin and MMQC. She don't need to be "keepin sweet" at all if she's going to make it in fashion.

    5. "So fellow commenters, could it be? Was Mylekti doing her best Sobbin Robyn impression for the cameras??????"

      You are on to something! That makes complete sense. The next time that episode is on, I will pay closer attention to that segment, keeping that possibility in mind. Plig kids often resent "new" wives because they threaten the relationship that their mother has with their father. Whether or not that fear is real or perceived. Great observation, Paw Print!

    6. Hunter the "testosterone monster". I thought that was another joke on Kody.

    7. "What does everyone think?"

      I think that Kody has the attention span of a 15 year old.
      When he "wants" something, he fawns all over it, thrilled that he got what he wanted like any kid wanting the latest video game or sports attire. Then when the newness wears off, that new something is relegated to the closet or shelf along with all his other past "wants." He still plays it or wears it *until* he sees and gets something newer or better. But the buzz of it being "new" is gone.
      The proverbial "Been there, done that."

      And surely some of the older kids realize this, with some of them even willing to comment on it with subtle hints. Maybe they even discuss this about Kody amongst themselves.

    8. Interesting thought about Taralyce as a countermeasure to Meri's "empty nest'. Wonder if the idea was that T would keep the home low maintenance as far as the kids were concerned, so that Kody and Robyn could keep honeymooning. If so that was a very dangerous game indeed.

      Just reinforces that there really isn't any deep thinking going on in KodyWorld.

      Have to say that listening to the show opening on Friday, I really burst out laughing when I heard him say "love should be multiplied not divided"...This blog adds a lot to make the show viewable. It's like Mystery Science Theater 3000 if anyone remembers that, but mixed in with heartfelt activism on behalf of victims of abuse.

    9. Loved Mystery Science Theater 3000!

    10. Mykelti is awesome! I totally believe she was making fun of something/someone with her comments when I first saw the clip. I couldn't be positive who it was about, although I bet it was Robyn or Meri. They seem like fun kids and I am glad they have been able to use humor to make their lives more enjoyable.

    11. Reply to Cynical above:
      "Remember Maddie's black hair in a sea of blondes? Or even Mykelti's auburn and later purple hair?(which she's letting grow out showing her blonde roots)'

      Love your comments, and the blog! Just wanted to point out that the hair coloring is a very common thing for kids to do right now, and black seems normal for her to do in a sea of blondes. I guess I am saying that the hair color is more a normal process these days.

    12. I wonder if Mykelti sewed her outfit she wore on the interview show? It was far more stylish than anyone else in the whole family has ever worn.

  10. In addition to watching the show, I've also been reading about polygamy. I'll list the books that I've read below, and I'd love to hear other suggestions of books to read and thoughts about these books!

    Banner Under Heaven by Jon Krakauer
    Escape by Carolyn Jessop
    Triumph by Carolyn Jessop
    Church of Lies by Flora Jessop
    Stolen Innocence by Elissa Wall
    When Men Become Gods by Stephen Singular
    Answer them Nothing by Debra Weyermann
    Prophets Prey by Sam Brower
    Shattered Dreams by Irene Spencer
    Cult of Insanity by Irene Spencer
    Favorite Wife by Susan Ray Schmidt
    Becoming Sister Wives by The Browns
    Love Times Three by The Dargers
    Fifty Years in Polygamy by Kristyn Decker

    The 19th Wife by David Ebershoff

    1. The book I'm reading now is called, ' "It's not about the sex" My ass' by Joanne Hanks and Steve Cuno. It's written by a first wife who ultimately gets out of her polygamist relationship. I'm not finished yet...but so far, it confirms every concern I have about polygamy. The fact that it is hilariously funny at times, doesn't hurt. I strongly recommend it!

      I think I'll read 'Fifty Years in Polygamy' next. I downloaded a free samplel on my kindle and was like, "oh my gosh!" It seems to show the really nasty ugly side of polygamy.

      I did read 'Becoming Sister Wives' and felt like I was watching the TV show all over again. It did give more background information, however. I think that Meri was initially a shy girl, but being Kody's first wife and soul mate ultimately gave her the 'strong voice' and bullying tendencies she developed.

    2. yes, i came here and recommended that book a month or so ago. glad you also found it and are enjoying it. she's a great artist now and just a great and HAPPY lady, too!

      Becoming Sister Wives bored me to tears and raised more questions than gave answers. They've been highly dysfunctional since day one and just have taken it to a greater level w/this show now.

    3. I have read a couple of those books as well and I followed the two trials of Warren Jeffs. The Browns give us a lighter side of polygamy but I wonder if there will ever be a made for tv movie about the darker side of it just like what you have read in those books. If tv showed the Warren Jeffs side of polygamy I wonder what would happen to the ratings for shows like SW?

    4. ANONY 3:37 - thanks for your great list of good reads. out of those ones, i've read:

      Under the Banner of Heaven (still anxiously awaiting Ron Howard's upcoming movie)

      Church of Lies

      Stolen Innocence

      Escape ( i still need to read Triumph - her sequel)

      19th Wife (much preferred the non-fiction version it was based on tho)

      I DID NOT enjoy Becoming Sister Wives nor Love Times Three. both books very lacking in substance and were just boring.

      I would think you would enjoy It's Not About the Sex, My Ass. even tho it did have some gut wrenching moments like the others, it at least had some humor to it all from the author's perspective which was refreshing to read for a change regarding the crazy and ofttimes very depressing world of polygamy.

      Also, the two documentaries Sons of Perdition and Damned to Heaven i give high ratings to. Damned to Heaven can be seen for free online. Finally, Doris Hanson's Salt Lake City tv show, Polygamy What Love is This? is FULL of great live interviews w/polygamists who have left their cults. She's got TONS of archived shows there to watch for free and she still is hosting a new one each week that you can watch online livestream or wait a week or two and it's posted on her website.

    5. I noticed that about Meri too. She said recently that she just had a louder voice, but in the book people in her church that she had attended for years didn't even know who she was. Christine even mentioned that Meri had been to her house several times and she hadn't noticed her. This just doesn't fit with the image of a louder voiced younger Meri.

      Maybe just being noticed by Kody upped her self esteem, or maybe it just let loose a dragonlady. And maybe Kody should have grown a pair and set her straight about bullying and excluding Janelle.JMO

    6. "In Sacred Lonliness: The Plural Wives of Joseph Smith" - Todd Compton
      * Tells the story of the 33 wives of Joseph Smith, from their journals and other first-person accounts of those that knew them. BTW, there were 33 documented at the time he wrote this, but there is talk that another has been found recently - another 14 year old. Of the 33 documented in this book: 11 were already married at the time, 11 were over 19 and 11 were between 14-19 years old.
      * The way he pursued them was disgusting. Sent husbands and fathers off on missions to get them isolated. Moved the young ones into his home as servants to get close to them. Threatened them and their families with damnation if they did not agree. Sick.
      * Warning - it's a long book! But a good book. And written by a Mormom historian - still in good standing, which is shocking. I'm surprised they didn't discipline him for publishing it.

      Perhaps also of interest to you - some article links:
      * Before he claimed he had the vision about plural marriage, Joseph Smith was accused of sexual misconduct at least 6 times between when he was first married and when they got to Nauvoo. My opinion - he was a sexual predator, pure and simple. (
      * You might also find this article interesting (, given that it gives more historical back-story for some parts of the Nauvoo story they shared on the roadtrip show. This tells more details about they main people who produced that single issue of a newspaper that got Joseph Smith so riled up he had the press destroyed, was arrested and ultimately was killed. Interesting thing about this couple - when Joseph's wife Emma got wind that he was marrying and sleeping with other women, she was mad. She decided if he was going to do this, she should have a sexual surrogate - and she asked for William Law (who was already married, btw). He and his wife refused. That's when Joseph Smith suddenly got the vision that god commanded him to practice plural marraige and commanded his wife Emma to accept it or she would be destroyed (Doctrine and Covenents Section 132 - - it's long, but make sure you read the whole thing. It gets really interesting at the end, after verse 48. And yes, it's STILL the doctrine of the LDS Church. They claim they no longer practice it - but they have not removed it from the D&C. The Browns and other fundamentalists are living more of Joseph Smith's teachings than the LDS mainstream group.

    7. I highly recommend "No Man Knows My History" by Fawn Brodie. It's a fascinating biography of Joseph Smith.

    8. under the banner of heaven - great book, for me it got a little slow at the end, i read to the last chapter then never finished.

      Escape - loved, loved, loved it! i couldn't believe the things she did, the intelligence it took, with the environment she was living in. the motel with the crackhead stalker, the crazy sister wife, the abuse of children, not to mention her physical illness from prenancy after pregnancy and a special needs child. it exhausted me just reading it.

      Church of Lies - again, loved it. she reminds me of an older colleen.

      Stolen Innocence - also a great book. so sad what she had to do in regards to communication with her mother and 2 young sisters.

      Shattered Dreams - this was the first one i read, and my favorite. she is hilarious! i have to say though, her husband was probably the most compassionate (as you can be in polygamy) of all of them i have seen. he really did love his wives and children. one of the few who did not physically abuse his wives. it was crazy to read about the poverty they endured. how they had any spirit left in them with a life like that is so inspiring.

      Favorite Wife - sister wife of irene, hers was an easy read, not very deep.

      Becoming Sister Wives - a few good parts, but again, it isn't anything new that we haven't seen or heard already on their show.

      fifty years in polygamy is next on my list! if you have read it and recommend it, let me know!

    9. i want to elaborate a little more on carolyn jessop "escape." i don't know if any of us can really appreciate the will and conviction it takes for a woman in this religion to leave. in their minds, they are going to hell and taking their children with them. she said so many women left and gave up their rights to their children. she said it was bc they could not fight their "husbands" or the system for them and win, but i think some thought they were saving their children's souls by not taking them along into a world full of sin. it is so easy for us to say "i would have left" but you don't know. to be raised in that religion, brainwashed by it - imagine as a christian wanting to leave your faith? how hard that would be! carolyn is truly a BRAVE person.

      also i noticed on the reviews for 50 years in polygamy that a lot of people say she starts out pretty good, then gets choppy and disjointed later in the book. before i spend the money to download this to my kindle, can anyone else offer a perspective? thanks!

    10. I noticed that Doris Hanson's "What Love Is This?" show is referenced above. I highly recommend it and have watched many episodes online in the past year. It's where I first heard about the "In Sacred Loneliness" book I referenced above; on some of her episodes, she has people who've spent time familiarizing themselves with a particular wife's story will "play" them in a dramatized interview. It's an easier way to learn their stories if you find the book intimidating, as it is quite long. Also, the host Doris was born and raised in the Kingston Group (the polygamist group that Kollene from the episode earlier this season was raised).

      I'd recommend any of the dramatized interview episodes. Also, as mentioned above, she does a lot of interviews with women (and some men) who got out of polygamy. ViVaLaDiVa is absolutely right above - what it takes for these people, especially the women, to leave is amazing. They literally think they will be damned forever. And there is so much abuse. The Browns are quite lovely, comparatively. And I will say that most of the interviews that reference the AUB Group (the Brown's group) do indicate it is one of the "nicer" groups.

      One interview you might find particularly interesting was a series of 2 interviews with a woman named Marisa in 2010. She and her husband were mainstream LDS, but converted to the AUB (Allred group - of which the Brown's are members). I found her story interesting for many reasons, including helping me understand how/why Janelle would have been attracted to AUB and the principle. And also for her stories of how she and her husband went about finding a second wife (they "attended dances looking for a wife" - sound familiar? Kody and Meri "just happened" to meet Robyn at a dance....'cause you know, they don't go looking for wives or anything.) She also talks about how "careful" the main families are with newcomers and whether they'll "hand over" their daughters to them. I'm sure it was a big deal for Kody to get Christine - makes his interview statement about being attracted to her "pedigree" even more icky. He clearly wasn't attracted to her at all - "grossed out" indeed. He just wanted an Allred daughter to climb the AUB status ladder.

      Also, any of the episodes where Sandra Tanner or Grant Palmer are interviewed are very informative. Sandra Tanner is a great-great-granddaughter of Brigham Young and former LDS who left the religion (along with her husband) after researching it's history and finding many things they could not reconcile in the doctrines. Grant Palmer was raised LDS and worked as a historian for the the LDS for his entire career. Later in life, he too started to find things that didn't make sense and aspects of the history that the church refused to acknowledge. he tells his story better than I could - it's worth listening to his two episodes.

      I can't recall which interview it was, but one of them talked about the importance of numbers. It seems most men try to get to three wives as it's significant. Not surprised Kody rushed to achieve that milestone, he's a climber. And via all the interviews it becomes very clear how significant it is to the first wife and first family. It makes Meri's behavior much more understandable - although no more attractive to watch.

    11. Kaziah Hancock is another GREAT interview to listen on Doris' site. Her story is quite amazing as well as what she does gratis for the fallen soldier's family.

    12. For those of you who have read Church of Lies and are familiar w/Flora Jessop trying to get her young teen sister out of the cult for the past 10-12 years now. SHE'S FINALLY OUT! she has just recently left Colorado City FLDS and has filed in Kingman, AZ court to get full custody of her 6 kids. I bet Flora's ecstatic as she'd lost all contact w/her for years but never gave up the fight to find her and rescue her.

    13. sorry, i forgot to say Flora's sister's name is Ruby. she can't be but about 25 years old and has 6 kids already. that was Flora's fear that would happen if she couldn't get her out right away. :'(

    14. Hi Anonymous @ 9:53, is that the sister that Jessop suspected had been institutionalized?

    15. hi, magic g's. :) Yes, Flora found out that after Ruby ran away (she'd just been married to her step-brother 3 weeks earlier at the age of 14 and officiated by Warren Jeffs) and Ruby inadvertently returned to them after being lied to by the authorities, Ruby was sent to a discipline enclave in Idaho where she underwent god knows what kind of punishment for having run away.

      I'm sure there will probably be more updates coming soon from Flora regarding Ruby's progess and adjustments she and her kids will have to go through. thank god, Ruby has Flora to help her through all the deprogramming and major adjustment support she and her kids are going to need.

    16. Hello, Anonymous9:53 Please refresh my memory. Is Flora the lady I saw on tv who took a pistol back to the town she was from for protection when trying to find the reason for so many deceased babies? Thanks in advance. If it is she was awesome. Hope I can be that brave and determined when I grow up.

    17. I just finished reading Keep Sweet, Children of Polygamy by Deb Palmer. It was very interesting, as it her experience from the late 50's when her parents joined the BC colony now called Bountiful. She became a 6th wife at 15 and the book ends when her first husband dies. It is a great read on the relationships between the wives and her constantly being told to Keep Sweet. The names are changed for several of the people, but it also shows how the colony "fathers" fought and created the colony.

      This has A LOT of abuse, both physical and sexual, so it may not be for the faint of heart.

    18. I'm glad Floras sisters are out of the cult again. Hopefully they'll stay out for good this time! I was *so dissapointed in Flora for writing in big red letters "runaway" on her sisters photos on her child bride web sites. I thought she should've had a ton more compassion for them than to say that abouut them. Anywho-5hat was then. This is now. So glad they're out of the cult-at least physically.

    19. I'm currently reading Triumph. It is taking me a really long time because the abuse is just so stomach turning that I have to put it down.

      And yesterday I was reading about how they brought in therapy dogs for the kids taken from the YFZ compound so that the younger kids could SEE a dog for the first time. I'm still crying about it.

    20. Lost Boys is written by someone Warren. He was the cousin or nephew of Jeff Warren, who raped him when he was in 2nd grade, just as he raped this guy's 2 other brothers. Very interesting to read the male perspective.

  11. Anon 3:37 if you go to Google Books and type in Polygamy you can find books written in the late 1800's about the early years of the group. There is a book about the 19th wife of Brigim Young and about women forced into polygamy. These books are free to read online. You might find them interesting. I did!

    1. that book is called Ann Eliza Young: Wife No. 19 and is written by her. It's a 600+ page read and VERY interesting. lots of horrible tidbits of her personal firsthand experiences of being one of Brigham Young's godforsaken wives. She also went and testified before Congress on her firsthand knowledge of all the evils of polygamy.

    2. The book you want to read is Wife No. 19 by Ann Eliza Young (she left Brigham Young) written in 1875. The 19th Wife is fiction, but I've heard it is very good. I saw the Lifetime movie and it kept my interest.

      Some books I've read (or currently reading) are:

      Polygamy in Primetime by Janet Bennion
      Secrets and Wives: The Hidden World of Mormon Polygamy by Sanjiv Bhattacharya
      The Women of Mormonism (1882) edited by by Jennie Anderson Froiseth

      A book I've read but can't recommend is Plygs by Ed Kociela. It is fact-based fiction and is written like a really bad Lifetime movie - wait a minute, Lifetime movies are BETTER written than this (The 19th Wife). Anyway the names have been changed - for example Short Creek is Little Creek, I presume to protect the author from a lawsuit. With so many non-fiction books to choose from, I don't quite understand the need to write a fictional account about the FLDS - except maybe to make a quick buck. End of my review.

    3. Thank you for the review of Plygs (by Ed Kociela). I downloaded the free sample and hadn't decided to purchase the whole book yet.

      I wonder if the Lifetime movie you mentioned is available anywhere.

      Is the Darger's book worth reading at all?

    4. As a matter of fact, on, to own the streaming video of The 19th Wife (to your kindle or pc) is $9.99. The dvd is $7.59.

    5. Twisted Sister Wife I really liked the Dargers' book. It wasn't loaded with dirt, but it did help me understand them better and their decision to live plural marriage. I actually liked this family when I was finished with the book. I even have a grudging respect for "big balled and intimidating Joe". Some specifics are changed to preserve the privacy of some people, but overall it's not a bad book. I paid like 3 to 5 bucks for a used one on Amazon and it was worth it. The Brown book has been gathering dust for almost 4 days now cause I just can't with these people. I'm a bookworm but that book is just a dry read for me, and Robyns chapters made me throw up in my mouth a little. SheRa?!

    6. I bet the private eye that chased Jeffs, that his book is good. What is his name?

  12. NO NO NO - Janelle sweater has a two line detail along the front and cuffs. The Krotch's sweater only has one. Other than that very much the same. Look for details folks.

    1. Why look for details when logic says the female version of the sweater differs from the male version. The style of the sweater, however, is still the same. There...the arguement has been settled before it was begun!

    2. Yah, can we let the sweater discussion go?

  13. After reading Boots comments on the FLDS foster care in Colorado City, I must admit, placing children there is really taking their basic human rights away. This is no judgement on the man wanting to be a foster parent. Other than, if he is an ex FLDS, and knows how the town is ran, why does he not simply move away and then raise a family elsewhere.
    He may be fine.
    The town is not.
    Basic human rights are not met in that town. It does bother me that so little has been commented on about this subject. I hope others decide to start watching more closely. I have no ties to any of it, but it certainly has made me think.

  14. Ooops!! My bad...after looking a lil closer, I now see the lil details that sets them apart. But it's still funny that Janelle would wear something remotely close to Meri&Kody's pic. I would want to wear something completely different in style & color. I just wonder if Christine&Kody has a blue turtleneck/white sweater combo pic out there somewhere from back in the day or if Robyn plans do the same?? I'm thinking, probably not!!;)

    1. CB,

      No biggie about the details.
      The point was there. They are wannabee clones.

      Thanks as always for your skill in creating T-shirt, apron. etc.
      Much appreciated.

    2. My thought about the sweaters is it's all about Kody. He coordinated his and Meri's outfits and did the same with Janelle. It's all about Kody :)

    3. yep and that's why he got all excited to get to pick Robyn's wedding dress out for her! too bad he feels he has to remain closeted his whole life due to his religious beliefs. He's done no one a favor - including himself. His high school friends are still surprised he went the plyg route instead of just coming out of the closet.

    4. I think his high school friends said they weren't surprised he became polygamist because he loved being the center of attention, not that he was gay. That's a big difference.

    5. I don't think he's gay, but he does like to control things, like Anon 7:35 said with Robyn's dress. My husband is a control freak so maybe I'm reading too much into Kody or maybe I'm seeing him in Kody (poor me) Like, I cannot decorate my house. I'm the girl yet he has to, has to decorate. Although because of this, I do think he has the gay gene too lol. I've given up on him. Maybe when he's gone I can have my peace and space. But I'm sure now that I will be the one dying first (ha). I'm just not lucky enough to be granted peace from him. Anyway, I also think maybe, just maybe Meri wanting the wet bar and pushing for it so much might actually be from being pressured by Kody behind the scenes. It wouldn't surprise me one bit. And I'm telling you guys, he planned those outfits worn in those pictures.

    6. The high school friends also said they thought he was gay.

    7. yes, they did, Iconic Moron. that was discussed at length here when they said that on camera in Kody's vacation episode back to Y for Yoming (another iconic moronic moment for Sobbin') lol

    8. Thank you Amused! It's no problem & I enjoy it :)


    9. (The high school friends also said they thought he was gay.

      Not exactly. The only high school friend I could find saying he was gay later (in the same interview) said he wasn't gay. Here's a transcript:

      S03 Ep05 Defending Polygamy. At approximately 40:20, this is a direct quote from April Smith who went to high school with Kody...

      April: When we were in high school, we kind of thought that he was gay...flamboyantly gay. He just had a very feminine side to him. He wore really tight pants. And he always had this thing with his hair, like he would flip it around all the time, like he still does. I'm pretty sure that Kody is not gay.

    10. I've never really gotten a gay vibe from Kody, but the attention ho vibe is very strong. In fact, he seems rather asexual to me. I think the attraction of the plyg lifestyle for Kody is being the center of attention along with the power trippin'.

    11. I think that if Kody is gay, he has pushed all thoughts of it far away. He NEEDS to be the center of attention, and having 4 wives is the best way, in his mind.

      An interesting note about Kody picking out Robyn's dress...In the book (I think Meri is the one writing at this point), they mention how when Kody dropped his 'bomb', that when Christine left the room, she didn't come back for three days. TLC edited it to seem like she returned immediately. I wonder if she left-left, or just didn't want to come back to film the rest for 3 days?

      It creeps me out watching that episode because of the way Grody sticks his tongue out the side of his mouth, like 'Yeah, I'm dropping a bomb, a good one, because I'm the bomb!' He was so tacky that day. I hope all of his wives b!tched at him afterwards.

    12. I think we got a rare glimpse of the "real" Kody that day. He wasn't thinking about his image. He was being himself. A self centered jerk who used Sobbin Sullivan to shake up his wives & remind them of who is in control. Hint: Jesus is not the center of these womens lives. Like many Mormon women, its the man who is.

  15. I came accross a website: I found that really interesting. One of the questions asked of people is: What exactly did you find out or discover first to make you leave the church?

    I read a long page of people's responses. Some were regarding the church's "Truth" or lack there of, some responses were for a lot of different reasons.

    The issue of Polygamy was mentioned by one poster. which is why I am mentioning thit here, although I know that Kodster and co, are not Mormons.

    One of the over riding reasons was that people had done some research because they had initial doubts, then finding a lot of disparities with what they had been taught. They then felt they had been lied to by their church. Some of this was also relating to Polygamy.

    I haven't read everything on that website, so far though, I found it very interesting.

    1. is a very informative place to lurk. You find out a LOT of interesting things about the mainstream religion and history of the mormons.

      From what I can see the religions don't look any different except for the belief in polygamy.

    2. Hi Kim in AB, I don't even think that the LDS beliefs in polygamy are that different from those of the FLDS. Contrary to popular belief, the LDS did not "end" polygamy. At most, they have temporarily suspended the practice during this life while it's illegal here. They still support the practice theologically. They also still believe that, if they're good Mormons, they'll be rewarded with a polygamous planet in the afterlife.

    3. Hey, Magic Undies! I would venture to guess that most LDS don't give much thought to being polygamous - on Earth or populating a planet. Trust me, there are so many day to day things to worry about HERE (mortgage, housework, hobbies and interests, work, church stuff, social-life, one-on-one time with spouse, retirement, etc) that worrying about theoretically populating an entire planet with one's husband and a bunch of other ladies is literally the furthest thing from being a reward I can think of. I really can't agree to being pleased with the whole polygamy lifestyle, whether it's legal or not. I actually prefer it to remain illegal, if only to protect the most vulnerable people in our society.

      Truth be told, polygamy grosses me out. There's a reason for jealousy - maybe not the kind where a person loses control and runs over another person with their car or burns down their house in the middle of the night - but the kind where a person feels that twinge of protective posessivness and wants to rationally act on it. I don't want to kiss on someone who has another woman kissing him the night before and the night after. I don't want to touch someone's penis that just gave "the business" to someone else and that will be giving someone else "the business" tomorrow. I refuse to sit by myself in bed, wondering if my husband is sharing secrets about me or comparing my performance with someone else's. If I wanted all of that, I'd have hooked up with a rockstar. I don't have any reason to be jealous, because I'm secure in my relationship with my husband. Introducing women into our relationship so I can feel jealousy, and then realize I'm jealous, and then try to suppress that jealousy so I can 'KEEP SWEET', and then pretend I'm a better person for getting over my jealousy WHEN I COULD HAVE JUST AVOIDED THE WHOLE VICIOUS CIRCLE TO BEGIN WITH BY BEING MONOGAMOUS, well, that's not a good enough reason for me. (Rant over.)

      Kinda all I'm hoping for is just to be with my husband in the afterlife. That may sound dumb to some people, but he's who makes my heart happy and he's really all that I want.

    4. Hi Anonymouse: I wish that polygamous women like Meri would stop describing their valid feelings as "jealousy" altogether. I believe it's perfectly reasonable for a woman who faithful to her husband to be displeased when he is not faithful.

    5. Hey, Magic Undies: I could not agree with you more. Why does this topic make me so agitated?

  16. I hope this hasn't been addressed already but did anyone else notice on Marhia's twitter she answered "Wow" to a tweet that Maddie had posted saying something to the effect of "at the end of the day I'm closest with my brothers." or something like that. I think there is A LOT of rivalry and competition and hurt feelings that we don't see. So sad. This lifestyle breeds that and keeps kids caught in a childlike phase all through their adulthood.

    1. I'm sure Mariah doesn't have a clue how the other teen siblings are required to just tolerate her. She's a clone of Mean Girl Meri and I doubt any of the teens are close to Mother Meri at all. Why would they be? They hear and see firsthand how Meri treats their mothers and Kody just allows it.

    2. First time commenting. Love this blog! Been addicted since it started...with that said, Iconic moron, I've often wondered if that's the whole reason Mariah is so attracted to polygamy. I'm no professional and I won't pretend to be. Maybe the girl honestly believes she's destined to be a sister wife. However, its just too hard for me to believe that she can't see the misery that her mom and bonus moms endure for choosing to live this way. I've also noticed the "tolerance" her sibs have for her. You don't see a strong bond between Mariah and anyone else like Maddie has with her brothers. Perhaps she sees polygamy as a way to fill a void. In hopes to gain sisterly bonds that she doesn't have at home. And perhaps the SW Krew SHOULD read this blog and pay attention! Because if I AM right, someone needs to help her!

    3. I think Mariah says she wants to live polygamy because she is looking for approval and praise from dad? She seems to want to stand out from the rest of the kids. Although what she is doing is causing herself isolation.

    4. actually if you read any tweets on a regular basis, mariah and aspyn seem to be pretty much besties. i think maddie probably finds them to be a bit vapid and has little desire to hang with them.

    5. During the episode when Maddie put on the FLDS they girls were walking back to their parent's picnic table, you could hear Mariah telling Maddie to "walk like a duck, quack quack quack" and then hear Maddie saying "that's ok."

      That was a bit awkward.

    6. I don't have Twitter, but Aspyn and Mariah as pals makes sense since Aspyn is now wanting for a plural marriage. That's a pretty big chunk of common ground for the siblings.

    7. Time will tell if any become plygs. Mariah seems to be strongly adapted to that life and might have problems in a more conventional relationship. But who knows?

      Aspyn is Christine's eldest. Seems like there would be a lot of pressure from Christine on her oldest daughter to go plyg…the daughter who doesn't want to move back to Utah. Maybe the trip to Europe is only for future plygs?

      Logan took the Big Love stance…if opportunity arises later he willl be open to it. Different from earlier episodes. Parental pressure or change of heart? Payment for the Lexus?

    8. It was Christine daughter invited Logan to the Valentines dance at school. She don't have a problem telling everyone she doesn't want to share her man. I think they trying to get the show to pay for Meri to go to Europe with Mariah. Aspyn is the tag along. Maybe both girls meet a plyg man over there and come back engaged.

    9. To someone who has done more research than I, a question. Are there polygamous sects in Europe? Only ever heard about a group in Canada. Or even the mainstream mormon religion, does it have an international presence?

    10. There is a group in British Columbia but that is about all the information I have on the group.

    11. To She-Rah 7:41

      The Bountiful group split into two when Winston Blackmore refused to follow Warren Jeffs. There is the FLDS and Blackmore's group. The FLDS kids were all taken out of school lately in Bountiful. The Blackmore group has just built two nice schools, though.

      Polygamy in Ontario

      Polygamy in Alberta- it is alleged, but it DOES happen. You can also read about it in Elissa Wall's book (Stolen Innocence) and her sister has a similar story.

    12. The mainstream Mormon Church definitely has an international presence. In fact, there are more Mormons outside the United States than in the United States. It has a very large presence in South America and is growing elsewhere - in Europe, Asia and Australia.

    13. The mainstream Mormon church has around 14 million members worldwide.

  17. The blue white combo sweater set is a Team Uniform perhaps.

    1. LOL...maybe in the very beginning those were ' Team' color, but now I'm thinking new color is Brown,only to coincide w/ their last name** eye roll **) ESP all that yucky Brown displayed in Robyns wedding....blah

  18. Well 1st time posting fail. I was trying to respond to Caramel Brownie at 11:35 and ended up down here. I have been looking for library books on Plyg's and found this wonderful source. Thanks all.

  19. Sam Brower in an interview did bring out an important point that we seem to overlook, or at least I have.
    Kody Brown is proud to say he breaks the law. The LDS may believe what they want for the abide by the laws of man.
    By not abiding the laws of man, he is teaching his children to lie lie lie. That they are above the law.
    That may cause many a problem. the more closed off the society is, the more backwards it becomes.

    1. Yeah, about of the main things LDS believe in is obeying the laws of the land.

      Kody and Krew don't care about laws, being broken or kept. He doesn't mind lying or going on TV and admitting to being a felon week after week, season after season. He and his Harem want their childeren to become felons as well, and while they want polygamy decriminalized, they don't want it to be legalized.

      The LDS do not agree with the Browns. The law against polygamy is a good law, and it is there for a reason. All 50 states have a law against it. The LDS do not want polygamy to make a come-back, regardless of what LDS church history says. If I get to Heaven and God tells me there's some polygamy coming my way, well...I'll worry about what I'll say to him then - but on THIS planet, there is NO POLYGAMY FOR ME!!!!

  20. I'm so glad this discussion is continuing, even tho the show is not currently on! Quite a few people seem to be WAY more involved in the blog than in the actual show--a true case of the tail wagging the dog. This particular topic took off on its own direction, with posters listing books and websites--a keeper for future reference. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I agree! I like that the people on this blog are intelligent and articulate. It's great to be able to talk books and have meaningful discussions; along with minor snarkiness and a good sense of humor.

      Great job, bloggers, on bringing us all together!

  21. Does anyone know if Hunter wants to be a plyg?

    1. Hunter has been VERY clear that he is NOT going to be a plyg.

    2. Hunter is also very outspoken in his opinion of way too many kids! A teenager with way more sense then the adults in his life. Not only in words but the pain is palpable behind that smile. Janelle knows deep down she should have been gone long ago but she is no longer a victim but a willing participate in the damage that is and has been done to herself and her kids. Too many kids is right Hunter! Not enough time, love or resources can take care of all of their needs. Shame on Kody but much more shame on their mothers for putting their kids through this charade and circus of a life. All to feed their sperm donors Narcissism. Team Hunter we're behind you! Continue to be respectful while keeping it classy. Not much longer you can get away and have a happy life that you know is out there!

  22. I cosign with lauralee. I enjoyed the Dargers book. Their lifestyle isnt for me, but it made me understand why they love the polygamist lifestyle. It seems that they are in it for the relgious aspect. All four of them are on the same page, so to speak. They have the same mindset. And Joe seems very understanding and respectful towards the wives, and he seems thoughtful towards them.

    1. I think that the Dargers know how to sell themselves. If they were on display for long enough I think we would see the problems more clearly. We already know that one woman suffered from an eating disorder as a result of trying to compete with the other women They are also very skilful in hiding the murky side of their religion - the racism for example. I went to one of their book signings, and someone asked about the chances of Joe marrying an African American woman (the questioner obviously knew that is forbidden in the polygamy groups). They twisted and turned in an amazing way, and totally avoided answering. They don't want to tarnish their haloes with the nasty truth.

    2. likewise, Troy Bowles asked them at a book signing - "what about the numbers not working out and The Lost Boys real life consequence factor due to that?" and he got the same kind of dismissive circular non-answer.

    3. Hi Anonymous @ 10:27: Interesting that the Dargers avoid the lost boys issue. While Joe Darger does appear nice, by marrying three wives, he indirectly prevented two Utah men from marrying. Why does Darger believe that he's so special that he should have three wives, while two men go without any wives? The corollary to that is, why does Darger think that his DNA is so special that it needs to be replicated 24 times?

  23. Must say this blog is great, if you read the fan pages on facebook, it just seems there all gaga about the browns, I often wonder why never uestion anything that seems so unreal, and take it or the real thing, when I came to this blog i started my own research on this mess that is called Pligs, and my eyes were open, I have been reading google books, and thanks to the person who put the link up, it sure has been quite an experience to read about them

  24. I am going to read "what mormons don't know about mormonism"

  25. The only reason I am following this show is that I am waiting for the family to implode. Considering their past bankruptcy filings and their current spending habits, that may not be far off. I don't know how these women can to be married to Kody. If they have one giant bankruptcy perhaps that will be enough to tear them apart.

  26. A bit off topic, but tonight on TLC is a new show Secrets of a Trophy Wife ...& Im pretty certain that Robyn won't be on that show....Lol
    Oh & TLC has another show premiering next week Starter Wives Confidential ...Now I'm not too sure what thats all about,but maybe Meri might appear in a cameo....NOT ...LOL

  27. Any word on the final review? I cant wait!!

  28. Another show coming to TLC is Gypsey Sisters, or maybe they could be Gypsey Sisterwives!

    1. LOL... it will be about the Stanley sisters from my big fat american gypsy wedding...

      For those that want to know what happened to "wild gypsy" Mellie: she got knocked up, married the baby daddy in a beautiful wedding. Alas, the marriage did not even last a week. She dated many guys ever since, some very serious... She's about 3-4 months along now.

  29. Oh SNAPS, I finally watched The Sisterhood on TLC & Kody should be paired up w/ those women since afterall theyre ' religious' too!!!... This show had me cracking up.....hahaha

    1. Pastor Tara would terrify and emasculate him . . . and then Domonique would take over and have that boy sniveling for Mother Meri.

  30. This is way off topic, but goes to show how "real" reality shows are...

    Family member works at a company that was featured on the reality show Undercover Boss. That show at least I thought was fairly down to earth and "real". Saw the family member tonight for the first time since the show aired and I mentioned that we looked for him.

    He said before the show filmed, the company put out a flyer asking for employees that had troubled personal lives to open up a little about their lives and struggles/challenges. Not sure how it was spun, but our relative, call him X, did volunteer to share some of the challenges he and his wife have faced.

    Well X was told he didn't qualify, which was fine with him. BUT those employees that had more challenges (homeless for a time, single parent with a special needs child, taking care of a sick parent etc.) were the ones chosen to "train" the undercover boss on the show.

    X told us that as part of being on the show, the undercover boss is told they WILL award the employees they trained with, a minimum of a total of this amount of money. X thought it was $100,000 total as a minimum.

    Here I thought all along that they just happened to be trained by the struggling single mom that used to live in her car and out of the goodness of their heart, wanted to make that employee's life better! Call me naive, but I thought wow, how nice that this CEO really cares....

    As for the employees at X's company that were featured: 1 left as he got "too big for his britches" and thought he could just walk in to any job out there and 1 was gotten rid of for absenteeism...2 out of 3 gone in the approximately 4-6 months since X's company was featured.

    Forgive me for going off track, but I had to share the insight I gained.

    1. Wow! I used to watch that show when I was pregnant with the first little one and it was great for hormone induced weeping. I thought at first it was for real too, but the formula started to rub me the wrong way and I began to question the realness of a reality show. Yes, I AM Sherlock:-) Thanks for posting this cause I really wondered about that show.

    2. That's VERY interesting, I've watched a couple of eps of that show.

      Speaking of the Real Housewives - one of my baby sisters lives in the same small town as the original Orange County housewives and knew them pretty well. Her quote is "you couldn't PAY ME ENOUGH to be on that show!" - apparently they are constantly bombarded with hate emails along with requests for money etc. Oi.

  31. Tonight the first SW is showing on TLC. Gonna watch just to pick up on some things that went over my head before I came to this blog!

  32. Tonight on the discovery health channel(the same one that airs "six little mcghees") they are showing the very first episode of sisterwives. For anyone who wants to see how it all started, or take a trip down memory lane to lehi! I know i will be watching!

    1. I've made an appointment with my TV at 8pm. Thanks for the heads-up. It'll be interesting to watch the first episode with the benefit of present knowledge. Hope my head doesn't explode.

  33. The press is now reporting that women are being held against their will in Colorado City and there is a probe about it. Same town they wanted to let folks foster parent. hmm..

  34. sorry SW not showing on tlc. looks like it's on fit tv in my area.

    1. I am watching it on Discovery Fit and Health. Channel 261 on Directv.

  35. Oh My, Janelle was so much happier and kids looked so much healthier. Wives got along sorry to say that adding the 4th wife was not a smart move.

  36. Janelle's latest blog is up now. Love her! You go Janelle!!

  37. Yup...The 1st sister wives is on Discovery FH channel tonight! I can't believe they will now get $$$ from Discovery for the re-runs. I learned Discovery FH stands for the Discovery Fitness & Health Channel...wonder if they will air the peanut butter fritos episode?
    Can't believe how different they were back then. The tv show greed really wrecked them physically and emotionally.

    1. Participants on reality tv shows aren't paid for re-runs like actors are on regular scripted shows. They're paid a set amount per episode per season and that's it. TLC can run a show as much as they like and never owe the participants another cent.

  38. Definitely not the same dynamic as before. And the current lives we see don't seem to be an improvement as far as respect, happiness, and stress.

  39. How common is it for you folks to jokingly ask your spouse if he or she would like to get a second spouse, and your spouse exclaims, "No way, I have enough problems keeping up with the one I have!"

  40. These pictures are hilarious. And does anyone think it's a little funny that Kody expressed at one point that he did not find Janelle attractive when they first married? But, that he apparently DID find Meri attractive? Wha???

    1. I agree, the pictures are hilarious! What I enjoy about this blog is that readers can contribute, and do a great job.
      I know, he didn't find Janelle attractive, yet said he fell in love again and again. If they were not in love, why marry?
      They certainly found a way to procreate. Strange to do that when not in love. they are a ball of hypocrisy. Th
