Sunday, December 23, 2012

Discussion Page for S05E07 "Polygamist Pilgrimage from the Past"

                        BTO      (Before Turning Orange)


  1. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Extreme close-up!!!!!

    Whew, that was scary. Carry on.:)

    1. OOPS, My bad! I was still working on this and didn't realize just how big that picture was. I made it a little smaller...gotta love those crazy eyes of his!

  2. Does any one see any resemblance in merri in this pic?????

  3. Not much self-improvement since moving to LV two yrs ago, the girls look so unkept and washed out - its been suggested they get their colors done, an updated hair shaping and makeup to phase out that frumpy look, especially if they are entering the business world.
    Meri's hair looks like its been chopped in a blender, also Kodys shaggy hair and beady eyes - says sneaky, IMHO worth a quarter!

    1. I like Meri's hair. And that is the ONLY thing I like about Meri.

  4. If I'm not mistaken, that's Meri's "I'm about to cry" face.

    1. Isn't every face her "I'm going to cry because you don't understand how hard it is" face??

  5. Tweeted by Hunter Brown on 12/20/12:


    I'm assuming it was regarding them finally getting their house. I'm sure they are probably moving in this weekend. I am tempted to drive by. I actually drove by their new houses on Thursday. They were pretty easy to find. I didn't see anyone moving in, but saw maintenance people milling about probably doing final touch-ups.

    1. We actually just happened to drive by and as we made the turn onto the street, Kody was pulling out of the gate of the new houses in a U-haul. Robin was following behind. I actually got to see clown hair in person!!! My Christmas wish has come true...NOT!!!

    2. Wow RealLVhousewife! That was a lucky drive by! Thanks for the info!

    3. I'm sorry but if I just bought a half million dollar house (or two or three or four), I would be calling a moving service! If you have a house like that, what's a few more dollars?? (rhetorical question)

    4. We were actually shocked to see them! LOL I couldn't wait to get back home so I could let you all know!

    5. Thanks for live update! Soooo awesome!!!

    6. RealLVhousewife,
      Hoe exciting! I have a question. it seems that theyreally don't have much privacy. Is that true?
      I think a smart move would have been to build four homes each facing out, like a square. Then the yards would all be private and together in the middle.

    7. It is directly off of a busy street. I actually think they'll have less privacy with the new houses because it's a very small gated community and you can see the houses right through the gate. I think I would have done things a bit differently if I were trying for privacy. At least in the rental neighborhoods, they blended a bit more.

    8. We also ended up driving next to Hunter and Maddie. Hunter was whacking her with a water bottle as they were driving down the street. Not impressed. Driving is too big of a responsibility to be screwing around. My kids have lost 2 HS friends in accidents in the last couple of years so I'm a little sensitive when it comes to this sort of thing. I don't want anyone to have to suffer from that kind of tragedy.

  6. have they closed on mean meri's house yet?

    1. They have not closed on Meri's house of today's date but closed on Janelle, Christine, and Robyn's house. I find it very interesting that Robyn closed on her house under Sullivan and not Brown. The deed's of trust was also recorded on 12/21/12 and the mortgage company is not here in Las Vegas. So their financing came from a company out of state.

    2. My bad it is actually in Henderson Nevada sorry for the confusion

    3. Got to Get Me a Sausage TopDecember 24, 2012 at 5:01 PM

      Robyn wouldn't be able to close under the name "Brown" because she is not legally married to the Kodster. She would have to put in a legal name change to be called Brown.

    4. Ironic she could not wait to get "married" yet can not take the time to change her name. Even on the book. Pretend land.

  7. "Cynical Jinx said on the previous page....
    I'm wondering if they had to get those jobs in order to qualify for their loans. Meri and Kody have that green kool-aid MLM and maybe for Meri MSWC. Robyn of course has MSWC."

    CJ, I think you have solved at least part of the "How the hell did they ever qualify for loans" riddle !!

    Makes perfect sense....and makes perfect sense that good ol' Mona, the realtor who surely wants the commissions on those sales, was more than willing to "hire" Janelle and Christine for minor office duties and provide documentation for the loan filings about them being gainfully employed.
    Actually, it may have been Mona *or her boss* who first suggested that those two pursue getting their realtor licenses in order to be eligible for the "jobs."
    (It must have been a bitch for the plan when Christine flunked the first one)

    I still believe there is a silent backer in this deal....either that or they have been pulling in enough TLC $$ to warrant a hefty down payment on those houses. And the developer who "needs" to get these houses off his books...and Mona and Co. who need the income *and PR,* and who also provided the "specialists" who magically cleaned up the Browns's bad credit...all conspired and created a deal that got it all done.

    1. Aha. So that does make sense. Why, pray tell, would such a small staff of realtors need 2 admins?? Or any admins really.

      At my place of work we have one admin for our entire division - probably about 60 people. Since everyone communicates via phone or email, uses their phones to set up their own appointments, does everything online...etc...all we NEED is one admin. Either they're "apprenticing" under Mona to learn the ropes or (more likely) its a setup so they have an actual job to put on their application.

      As far as I know, MLMs aren't considered "businesses". Well actually they ARE - to the company supplying the merchandise (not jut the green goo and other "supplements" - MLM companies make a killing off of selling "sales and marketing tools" to their customers or as they are called "distributors". I don't know who the mortgage company IS, but I doubt that Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Chase et al would consider LIV steady income.

      Hoping that CPA Carol chimes in with her thoughts - I'm still guessing that the loan they got was the one we originally heard about - 40% down, 5 years interest only ARM.

    2. DJ,
      If you are right about the loan stipulations....that means that each one of them (or someone?) had to plunk down almost a 1/4 of a million dollars for those deposits per house.
      If so, it really makes it even more heinous that any of them were still willing to carry debts and just stick it to their creditors.

      And even more insulting that they did how many phony SW episodes moaning and groaning about "poor us"..."we need help to get our credit expunged"...."we need fans to buy our bubble gum machine, junk jewelry so we can afford to "be together in our mansions."

      What low-lifes !!!! What lying parasites !!!
      ALL of them !!!

    3. Maybe they're doing a "job-share" on the admin position - each working 1/2 time. Then they could switch halfway through the day and have one sisterwife jump out of a van full of kids, and the other could jump in and drive them back home.

    4. somebody plunked it down. I'm kind of leaning towards a combination of TLC paycheck $ and Kody persuading his dad to put a note on the ranch.

    5. isnt Kody's dad dead? i thought it was just his mom and Janelle's mom that were alone as sisterwives cuz he had died.

    6. I am sure the laws are different in every state, but in Florida my in-laws bought a house that they could not afford and they let my mother-in-law use her herbal business as income. Her husband worked in a factory, but she made more money from her herbal business. They since have had to do some drastic refinancing because he was forced into retirement and her sales are down because of the economy. The stuff she sells is IMO very pricey and I do not know how people can afford to spend hundreds of dollars on month on that stuff.

  8. Forgot to comment....

    The "BTO" (before turning orange) on Meanie Meri's picture was hysterical !!!

  9. @Hopeful-from the other thread- I actually think that was a surprisingly coherent and appropriate response from PETA.
    I read a lot of posts of people saying that they hope the show gets canceled and you are certainly entitled to your opinion, but why, then, spend time watching and reading/commenting on a blog about the show? I think you are as enthralled with the train wreck as the rest of us. At this point, I don't know what would be best for the kids....losing their main income and living life out of the spotlight, or keeping the show, thereby the income that, one would hope would enable them to get an education and get out.

    1. I do not believe that a single TLC $$ will be spent on any child's education.

    2. Ok, I am going to say it. I am really tired of the comments about what about the kids. What about them. No, they did not ask to be polygamist but the older kids are starting to act entitled. By staying on tv, it is feeding Kodys pockets. Do you really think they care about their fans. They are users. They want people to feel sorry for them, they need people to help pay for their lavish lifestyles. If they cared so much for their kids and their kids education, they would never have purchased these expensive homes. They would have found a way to stay as a family. Kody thinks by shedding tears on tv will help with their lawsuit against Utah. Kody is orobably expecting a nice settlement from Utah or his pain and suffering and being forced out of his home. All a bunch of lies. These adults are all irresponsible. I have stopped watching the show. I can get my fill from this blog. I can no longer contribute to Kodys bank account. When they signed up to go on tv, they knew what they were getting into. Of course they wanted their kids on the show. More money by showing the kids. There are a lot of reality shows out there that do not show the kids. It's the parents responsibility in what their kids are exposed to. Yes, I feel sorry for the kids. Peer pressure is a bitch and it will only get worse for the kids. Once this show is over, we will see how Kody plans to maintain 4 homes and support his families. I still feel that we have not been told nor will we ever know how they really got the homes. I just know that it was not a normal mortgage. Maybe it was one of their super fans who paid for the homes. One of their super fans felt sorry for them for having to flee Utah. This family is good at faking the drama. I a, pretty sure that the older kids have to be in on the scam as well. They have the Internet, they read newspapers and magazines. They are not sheltered anymore. These kids are acting for the show. The whole show is scripted. I do not feel sorry for all the kids. I only feel sorry for the ones too young to understand what is going on. I just hope that this is their last season. Let them dupe people in private.

    3. For those 4 big homes int he Las Vegas summers and cold winters, the electricity, gas, sewer abd trash bills alone will be around $2,000 per house, add on the house note (I will guess $4000) and that is $6000 per house per month. Times that by 4 and total for all 4 homes $24,000. Even if I am off by a $1000 per house that is $20,000 per month for house and possible food. I for one want to know how they are paying for it. I am a tax payer and they just a few years ago had a bankruptcy they did not tell their fans about. Instead they always claimed they were self sufficient and that was a lie, Christine was on food stamps.

    4. I think Janelle's kids will get some sort of job skill, certification and or degree in something. The rest will be hit or miss. I'd rather Mariah get some medical skill before trying to be a doctor. Medical records or some applied science where she has a job skill that doesn't take 8-10 years to finish after high school. Just so she has a marketable skill.

      I think several families spend time on snap. That they should never ever get to participate in that program I don't understand? She is a single mom. Why should she say she is married when the state doesn't recognize it? Kody and Janelle worked, Meri worked part time. Christine saved a ton on child care expenses. Three adult working for 13 kids isn't bad.

      What happened to Robyn's sister?

    5. Ya they may be moving in but w/ the monthly mortgage, bill$, maintainance costs, etc....for 4 big homes, they won't be living in them too long. They're just too financially irresponsible & esp when the show is canceled, they just won't have the $$ coming in to pay for all 4 luxury homes.

    6. I guess I should feel good about my budget. Approximately $840/mortgage + $220(escrow account for taxes and insurance) + $175/electric(average) + $120/gas(average) + $35/water(average) +$0/sewage(I have a septic tank) = $1390 x 12 months + $3000/annual maintence and up keep = $19680/yearly. Darn I am actually doing pretty good here in the southeast :) I work hard and one heck of a lot of overtime to try and stay ahead of the wolves who always seen to be at the door of society trying to bring down the small person. Maybe it is time for the Brown Klan to think about reeducation in fields that are actually needed (healthcare or education). A career that will actually contribute positively to society as opposed to just adding more clutter (i.e. MSWC venture and what the heck is MLM-I missed that somewhere along the way; sorry). And why oh why build new homes when they could have bought 4 homes in close proximity to each other. Moved in ASAP and added needed upgrades and changes as they actually had the money to do so. Truely fiscally irresponsible people.

    7. Christine isn't "just" a single mom. She is a person who deliberately planned to have children with someone who was legally married to another woman. Her children should have had Kody listed as their father on their birth certificates. Otherwise, Kody is off the hook for any support for them, leaving only Christine and/or the state. BTW, I believe that on a welfare application, the parent is asked to list the father.

    8. Every state is different when getting public assistance but Nevada you have to list the father and all they have to say is I dont know who the father is.

  10. Bto- before turning orange lol
    is it just me or does Meri's eyebrows look a little green ( I know they are blond but)
    Will someone please cut the troll dolls hair

  11. Well I hope someone from that organization actually watches the episode. I am enthralled with the train wreck. I wish them no harm though. I enjoy talking about the show with other people. I love this blog. I am an animal lover and I do believe that dog was put down to create drama. I think TLC should have been more responsible and warned viewers about disturbing content.

    1. Wow, thanks for writing to PETA and informing them about that very disturbing episode.

      I agree with you - I don't wish the Browns any harm and I love talking about the show and reading this blog. I just don't think I can watch the show anymore. Mourning the Loss just made me sick and I don't want to watch anymore because each episode has just been getting worse and harder to watch. The train wreck is easier to stomach through reading :)

    2. Yes, I have expressed my not so pleased & not so impressed feelings about the dog episode...but it really makes me angry now, b/c just last week, we lost one of our 4 doggies, Boomer & he was only 3 1/2 yrs old...the vet said it was a fluke death b/c they thought they had caught the pneumonia in time. It was gonna cost us about $1900 for his 3 day stay & treatment at the vets, but we didn't care b/c he was very much part of this family & we wanted to do everything we could so he could get better & we could bring him home. So after we got him settled in the 24 hr vets office at 3:30am we went home & as soon as we got home, my husband got the dreaded call from the vet, that he just vomited too much blood & wasn't going to make it. We needed to get back up there to say goodbye. Unfortunately he had passed before we got back up there. It broke our hearts & it still hurts now, b/c we miss him a lot. Boomer was very special to us b/c he was the 1st born of the 1st of 2 litters, so he'll always hold a special place in our hearts.
      Not only was he a pretty boy dog w/ freckles on his face, but He was very personable, kind, loving, loyal, & playful dog & he'll be greatly missed.

    3. I am totally in agreement that it was not right to show the whole situation with the dog. Warranted or not, showing it and making the show about it was in poor taste.

    4. CARAMEL BROWNIE RIP Boomer. You are loved and missed, and your mum wrote a beautiful tribute to you.

    5. Caramel Brownie, so, so sorry for your loss. Pets are very much part of our families.

    6. Caramel Brownie - I am so sorry for your loss. It really, really hurts. They do become parts of our family.

    7. CB - I'm sorry for your loss. I've been missing reading your posts.

  12. I do find it strange nobody tweeting anything about moving. IMO that means at least one more season in the works. We will base a whole season on moving, buying expensive furniture and seeing Kody run from house to house via the backyards. Maybe 75% of the season filmed sitting around the wet bar while entering through French doors.

    1. I bet Kody threatened to take away their I-phones if one tweet was made about the move!

    2. It will surely be featured next season so they probably were asked to be discreet. That explains all the otherwise "happy" tweets though.

  13. I just got to watch the Drake episode for the first time. I can believe that the dog was suffering and that it may have been the right time, but I was appalled at how Kody made it all about himself. They never showed him comforting Meri or Mariah. Is that against his rule for "no public displays of attention"? Really?

  14. Re watching last weeks episodes. Why are they failing as a family? Can't Christine use a telephone and call one of her sister wives to babysit for Truely so she can study?

    Nothing wrong with secretarial work either. It can be a fresh start for anyone, myself included!

  15. holy cow...watching the show....they just prayed and when Kody was bending over his hair showed the clear baldness that is going on...and then they meet the guy with great hair. Loving that moment! Kody- get a stylist, it's okay to have short hair and be bald! Just stop acting like your hair is there!

    1. Ya, I loved the scene where their Nauvoo tour guide had better locks of hair than Kodouche...I loved it when Christine was all giddy about it too....I betcha that just burned Kody's ass nerves...

    2. I thought that part where Christine made the hair remark was the best part of the show. Koodie is soooo rude to her all the time anymore. She got one in on him and I loved it! I like also where the tour guide brought up that the founding polygamist may have just been a man and Janelle agreed. He was no saint. He was what in those times was called a ROUNDER. A man who got around. Because of his title he decided to write it came to him from God. Now, come on ladies. A man wants to get into the petticoats of all the females of the church, married or not is no saint. He is a dirty filthy BBBB word. Koochie tries to explain it away but, I think this was an education to the women who grew up in poly world.

    3. Christine seemed to be taking many jabs at Kody throughout the couch sessions. He didn't looked at all pleased by her either. I thought, "Pay back's a bitch" for the nacho incident of last season.

    4. Mrs.Precious Wife.
      Interesting. (Haven't seen the show yet - but you are saying the tour guides insinuated Joseph Smith was not a prophet?
      If so, now that would be interesting. i can take plural marriage if that's what they want. I can not take a false prophet.

    5. Did anyone else think the tour guide looked like Robin with a goatee?

    6. Precious Wife-I found Janelle's response interesting when discussing Joseph Smith. This makes me question even more why she's in this marriage and religion. I think she is just a free thinker who tries to be different and does whatever seems right to her at the time. I mean come on, she married her ex sister in law's hubby and one lived in a teepee. She is certainly a bit different, to say the least!

  16. Watching tonights episode, and in the couch sessions, oh my god, Christine has diarrhea of the mouth. She won't shut up. I bet the other wifes want to say Shut the Fu#@ up!!

    1. Christine was just being honest. Unfortunately, she was scolded by Merri for saying she thinks the "family is failing".

      What really pissed me off was how little faith Kodouche showed he had in Christine's ability to pass the real estate exam. I am a full time student and whenever I stress about an exam, my husband ALWAYS encourages me and tells me I will ace it. Wow! Kodouche IS a douche bag!! And so hideously ugly!!

    2. Yep, just finished watching, and I agree that Christine was rather grating in this episode. It was nice to see some emphasis on their history and religion, tho.

      Nauvoo does look like a cool place to visit, and no I am not of any religious persuasion.

      A bummer that the season is concluding already, tho a 2 hour finale is a plus! Hopefully the Brown's will be back next year and we can see more of their story as it unfolds.

      Love this blog! Happy holidays to all!

    3. Did anyone else hear when they were at the park and Christine was just getting ready to say she passed, I heard one of the little girls yelled, "failed", I am wondering which one said it.

  17. There's something wrong with this world when welfare-frauding polygamist grifters can turn into reality stars with 4 McMansions! Anyway....
    I lasted 10 minuties through the Joseph Smith lovefest show- it was absurd. Still wonder why Kody canceled Joseph's birthday celebration last year if he was that awesome?

    1. "Still wonder why Kody canceled Joseph's birthday celebration last year if he was that awesome?"

      Corgi, GREAT point !!!

      Three guesses that it is because Kody is a hopeless moron who just runs his mouth and creates drama whenever a camera is on him. Obviously he really has no real convictions about anything...except getting attention and telling the world he has four women willing to sleep with him.

      And if he was confronted about that obvious hypocritical move about Joseph Smith, he would deny it or blame it on editing.

      One thing tonight's show did was present a great case about what a sham the "Principle" really is.
      Men like Kody, who don't even know the Plyg history yet parade around as psuedo prophets, are laughable.

    2. IKR?? I had commented on the same thing RE: JS birthday, & Kody saying that he believes JS spirit talks to him & guides him, blah,blah, blah...?? I can't remember Kody's exact words or explanation of why he felt it necessary not to celebrate JS birthday. Can anyone else remember??

    3. CB,

      I seem to remember watching it and thinking he did it just because Christine wanted to do the Joseph Smith thing because as she said, that was their "tradition" every year, and it seemed to me that it was a chance for Kody to override her....for attention, no doubt.

      Or he was still playing up the "we had to run to LV cuz we are poor oppressed plygs" let's not be too *plyggy-obvious" about celebrating Joseph Smith?

  18. the kids are bored....three yucky days driving for this tour of blah...
    This was all for the show, not for a family to be close. Again, the "reality" of television is lacking.

    Robyn is pretty quiet tonight.

    I like the tour guide- he's pretty cool.

  19. Dear God why does Kody believe he should reproduce? His genes are not great. Also, his treatment of Sol vs. Truly is sickening ....what a jerky father. Is Robyn sobbyn because Joseph Smith was murdered or because it was more tears of manipulation. Ugh I hate her.

  20. The fact that they showed them praying makes me believe more than ever that somebody responsible for that show is reading internet discussions. There have been many comments here and elsewhere that for a faith-based family, they don't seem to pray together.

    Odd that the only one stressed out during the trip was Kody. But then, he's the only one NOT used to be around lots of kids. What was REALLY funny was seeing the older kids' reactions to the "big surprise" of a trip.

    Next week looks interesting.

    1. I agree. Shouldn't they hire the crew here for writing?

  21. Damn it. Couldn't stop watching, although watching Logan eating the legendary mock tapioca out of the pot, reusing the same spoon, was a bit nauseating.

    The whole trip was as well-thought-out as everything else they do. Which is to say NOT AT ALL.

    They are so full of crap, not knowing Joseph Smith was "married" to women who were married to other men. The Kirtland Bank Scandal and the Book of Abraham are just two things I'll bet they know nothing about, either. I'd like to see the credentials of the "historians" who dispute a history that is so recent and documented. Krody relates to Smith because it's conveeeenient.

    1. Agreed, they acted like they were Plyg royalty and yet they didn't seem to even know the story. I grew up LDS, graduated from Seminary, am still LDS and it is common knowledge that some of Joseph Smith's wives had other husbands. They didn't go into the story behind his first plural wife, the circumstances, her age, I think Kody must have asked them not to mention that since she was underage and he is trying so hard to distance himself from that side of polygamy...

    2. Well their "plyg royalty" & lifestyle cost them to see the inside of one of the museums b/c I guess the director didn't want to entertain them or for that matter have anything to do w/ the Browns....I totally LOL'd but found it interesting that the director said No to the Browns...

    3. I also grew up LDS, and it is a know fact women were sealed aka married to Joseph Smith after his death. He had no children with any other women, and with birth control not handy? The men married widowed women not married women, because of the murder order put on the Mormons by Boggs. In the 1800's women did not have rights, and so they lost their land when their husbands died. The men who could support more then one wife, and with the first wives okay could then take a second, or third. People who don't understand the history, and what pain the Mormons went through for their faith. Their children were tied to trees and murdered in front of their mothers.

    4. Looks like someone has been drinking the green kool-aid. You really believe that? I guess if it helps you sleep better at night then more power to you. BTW, Joseph Smith married women who were already married and fathered children with some of those women. Just because you don't want to believe it doesn't mean it isn't true.

    5. I am sorry, but anyone, LDS, FLDS, etc., that thinks a woman has to be brought to heaven by a man calling is drinking a DANGEROUS Kool aid. It really doesn't matter what religion you are if you are at least some sort of Protestant or Catholic, you know that GOD will be the one doing the calling and the choosing.
      Those that think their faith is the only faith might have some troubles too. No church is perfect, and folks need to realize that. But to say a man VS God will take you to heaven is pure blasphemy.

    6. Lord have mercy, what is up with Smith calling every woman he slept with his "wife"? Is that supposed to make them feel better, or him feel better, or his poor, beleagured real wife Emma feel better? Jeez, with that rationale I have quite a few husbands.... ;)

    7. Anonymous Mormon above, read the 19th Wife by Eliza Young. That should help clear up some of your misconceptions about the history of Mormonism. I'm sorry you've been mislead.

  22. I love this train wreck. I love every stupid moment. What's wrong with me. I,was truly glad when Kate Gosslin got fired. She was such a both. Enjoy watching SW.

  23. 57 min before Meri cries. She is listening to the story of the murder of Joseph Smith and starts to wipe tears???? Her and Robyn both claim that their great great great great grandfathers were there during the final days of his life, so haven't you heard the story a million times?? Thought we would make it through a whole episode without Meri's tears. On another note, the previews for next weeks end of season sit down has a new interviewer. Natalie Moralas is not doing the interview, wonder if her questions were to hard hitting last year...she did stir up nacho gate.

    1. And Kody seems to not be telling his family was RIGHT in there....

  24. I just watched the new episode and OMG! Kody wants his wives to "OBEY" the real Kody has finally come out, and the tantrums and pouting! Bossy Merri of course has to type up a big schedule that everyone must stick to, her way or no way. She drives me crazy, she needs to lay off of the orange spray tan on her face and get a real haircut. I was surprised that they didn't know how many wives Joseph Smith had or the history, it is common knowledge that some of his wives had other husbands. News to them though, then they immediately started making excuses, just accept it people. Just because they can find one historian to prop up their idea of Joseph Smith doesn't make it reality. I found it funny how the kids were all sick of each other and hating being together on the family vacation. The two older boys stayed home, they clearly knew what a train wreck that was going to be. So much for their family being so bonded and close, no way! Robyn and Merry were smerking and acting like they are some kind of Plyg royalty because their GGGGG Granpa's were somehow connected to the stories-please! OH and those stupid annoying long sleeve shirts beneath the tank tops! So TACKY, just wear one or the other wear the tank top or the long sleeve shirt but not both at the same time, you look stupid, maybe that is the idea. Or maybe they are all competing, that ridiculous look is what Kody is into? You know if they actually want people to buy their jewelry then why aren't they and all of their kids ever wearing it? Who would want to buy jewelry or anything else from someone who dresses so bad? I mean they are saying they will be selling clothes on MSWC soon, what will it be a bunch of long sleeved t shirts and tank tops to go over them? Why would anyone buy jewelry, clothes, handbags, etc. from people that dress like that, overly spray tan their faces, and wear their hair in such a bad I don't care how I look way? One other note, Christine was actually kind of entertaining on this one. She was speaking up, demanded a hotel, it was refreshing wish she would throw her weight around a little more. Oh and what a jerk is Kody, telling Merry that if she had a baby she'd get a hotel room. That was sick and rude, you know that Kody stayed in the hotel with Robyn the whole time and used the baby as the excuse!

    1. Yep, I think Meri was trying to be more organized like Joe Darger, but we all know, well except maybe the Browns, that DISCIPLINED IS PRACTICED DAILY to accomplish a very organized schedule, just doesn't happen overnight, just b/cuz U say it has to happen this way...

    2. I concur. HYSTERICAL they don't know their own background. May I suggest coming to the Sister Wives blog and reading the first few months? They educated us here so we could learn. Why do they not know these things?

    3. I agree. Loved how Christine spoke her mind this episode. She let it fly! Good for you Christine.

  25. On the TLC web site they have a blog from Jannel and an invitation to join her on her losing weight journey. I wonder of they will offer her a side TLC show about the struggles and her losing weight by diet and exercise. They could then show Meri, Christine and the older gals gorging in front of her. Did anyone else see it?? I found the web pafge on Janelle's twitter page 2 days ago......

    1. I saw Janelle's blog. I despite being snarky, wish her the best and think she is being sincere on this! Sadly, the rest of the TLC Sister Wives Posts are old ancient and unkempt. People are jumping all over the facebook saying nasty things. Makes you wonder if they have no effort in this anymore...

  26. Well, the genealogical research I've done on Robyn's maternal family was confirmed tonight. Whoo hoo! Lol.

  27. Ok, seriously Kody comparing Nauvoo,IL to Jerusalem, ya I get he was getting at the Holy Land aspect of it, but really?? But come on now, comparing Brigham Young to Moses?? I don't think so...then Christine saying that people have said in the past that Kody looks like Brigham Young. Get the f*@K outta here please!!
    Also, I want to say the older kids probably wasn't looking forward to it b/c they knew that they would be the ones looking after all of the young kids & then have to deal w/ the 5 adults acting like lil brats to each other too!! HA!

    1. Brigham Young is known as the "American Moses". Just like Moses, he led his people to the Promised Land.

    2. I respectfully DISAGREE with that one!

    3. That upset me as a Christian. I totally disagree with their religion, but I respect there choices because we all have freedom of choice. But please Kody, DomNot compare any of your religion to Jerusalem. Jesus willingliy GAVE HIS life for all of man kind, where your leader was murdered and have a few under age wives....PLEASE

  28. Well...butter my butt and call me a biscuit...BROTHER HUSBANDS!! If it's good enough for their "prophet", shouldn't it be good enough for King Kody?

  29. WOW!! Ok so Kody's dramatic exit & door slam was all because when his grumpy ass was barking orders they werent be OBEYED by his wives!! R U eff'ing kidding me?? HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA....
    And then Christine's dumb ass was like OMG, Kody that word OBEY is like a 4 letter word! WTF?? Why yes, it actually is a 4 letter & Ya, I get the dig she was tryna make, but still.....

  30. Can you post a link LeeAnn? I think that Janelle should just take some of her TLC money and get a lap band already...that money that she is saving the family by not getting the extra bedroom should go to her getting lap band surgery rather than going towards awful Merry's stupid wet bar. Merry can mix her cocktails that she drinks to drown her sorrows and deal with her rage in her kitchen...JANELLE GET A LAP BAND IT WILL HELP YOU! Imagine if she did, and stuck with her diet and exercise plan, she'd look great!

    1. All of the homes they closed on are 5 bdr 4 bath and Robyn's lot and Christine's lot are bigger than Janelle and Meri's.

    2. Interesting, didn't Robyn's cost the most? Sneeky sly thing.

    3. Here is the link..

  31. Well they did want him to be like Papa Joe.

    1. PJ gets results. All Kody does is look like the ginormous asshole he is. Midnight meetings - adults only dammit!!

  32. Oh yeah, I forgot to add that Kody had the nerve to try & preach to us about how great Joseph Smith is, blah, blah, blah....but yet last Christmas he didn't want to celebrate JS birthday & chose to celebrate Hannukah instead?? Kody is so eff'ing wishy washy & ya definitely speaks w/ a fork tongue!!
    & how in the world can U be married & living this lifestyle for 20+ yrs & not know how to handle ur family or not be good at it? It's probably b/c U dont' spend that much time w/ ur family anyways since ur move to vegas.

  33. Poor Kody!! He isn't going to get to bed until 1 or 2 a.m. and then has to get up and do stuff!! That's what people who WORK do!! And he calls Christine a princess? Pot calling the kettle black.

    1. LOL!! I thought it was funny that he has the NERVE to whine about having to actually lift a finger and do some MAN work!! OMG!

  34. I think Christine will jmp on this brother husband revelation. Seemed like she had eyes for Joe Darger!! Maybe he wouldn't treat her like the nothing that Kodouche thinks she is.

  35. why in the hell would they decide to drive to Nauvoo and back in three fricking days?? what a complete waste of time and money. and HOW do they make their money?? they seem to have an endless source of money and are always going on vacations- Mexico with Meri, the beach with Robyn (yah so it was a honeymoon but still)and then the Dargers, they did the Mormon pageant the first season and now Nauvoo? i havent been on a vacation in 4 years!!!!!

    and how SICK is Robyn that she thinks BY is attractive. He's a disgusting piece of crap that hated women.

    1. I'm sure the vacations which are on the show are paid for by the production co. Not the Disneyland trips tho.

    2. He's disgusting. In every way.

    3. omg i forgot abt all the Disneyland trips not to mention the constant trips back to Utah.

    4. The TruckHenge portion was interesting. I wonder if Meri actually found this herself or on of the production assistants from TLC found it for them and made the suggestion. Also renting 2 RV's is not cheap. I have rented a small car for 3 weeks at about $500 (this includes the insurance because if you wreck in a rental car most would be up a creek without a paddle. Plus gas for a 3200 mile round trip (I drove out west for a couple of weeks and it behooved me not to break down in my 13 year old paid for mini van with 275,000 miles). Again not an inexpensive venture and with Chritine needing to stay in a hotel because she is a "princess" well I see this as quite costly with money they do not have to spend.

    5. Any trip that they take for the show is covered by TLC. They stated that in their book about TLC paying for their cabin christmas before they moved to Las Vegas

    6. Why is Kody always staying with Robyn? Oh, yeah, she's soooo cute.

      My guess is that Kody better watch it with Christine. She's crazy enough to be the one that runs- and esp. now they are not a part of the AUB. go ahead, honey, write a book, and get a real man and happiness!

    7. Meri sure thought she had it organized. And when Christine wanted to stop and do something not on the schedule I thought Merri was going to stroke out. You noticed they only did what Merri planned. I have 7 kids, all grown now, and never left my house without a plan. But mine worked. I hate the comments Kody made about Mark Twain. Mark Twain is a national treasure, the Smiths, NOT. And yes, Robyn looks pregnant.

    8. yes she does!!! especially in that orange t-shirt thing she had on... ewwwww why would she keep having babies... oh yea DUH because she is the favorite flavor of the month.... yuck!!!!!!

    9. I didn't get why there was all the rush to GET there. Not like they have JOBS to get back to or anything. Stupid fabricated DRAMA.

  36. I loved seeing Kody call Meri out in the previews for next week. Telling her "I know you are going to overspend" was very telling. Gives me the feeling that she is a frequent over spender. Boy will there be tears over that move.

  37. Haven't fully digested the show tonight....still caught between WTF and just laughing !!!

    But Good the scenes for next week....did anyone notice that quick shot of Meri with the "Daisy Duck" false eyelashes !!?? *that* was FUNNY !!!

    1. It is always funny when they show those types of shows and the ladies are all done up. I remember last time it was Christine with these enormous eye lashes. They always over do the make up.

  38. Lap Band Surgery for her, ?, in about two years when they lose it all and run back to Utah, there the state will pay for it, on welfare

  39. Iam only half way through the episode and this family is a disaster!!! Poor teenagers dont give a crap about going to Navoo. Logan and Hunter luck out due to "prior commitments and dont have to go. Probably the 2 kids that could helped out the most. 2 RVs, and 4 adults...why are only 2 ppl driving!?.Robyn to precious to drive? Twit. I waa suprised they had the brain power to keep Sol in his car seat tho!Kody is such a whining baby!!!

  40. Also....Kody is so spoiled!!! Only getting 4.5 hours of sleep!?! My newborns...hell until they were 1 gave me less then 4 hours of sleep. You can TELL kody does NONE of the night time babycare. I realllly would kike to see the Dargers on this trip. Have the 2 families leave at the same time and see which family arrives first and who enjoys it more. Any guess!? Hahah

    1. Hubby and I were talking about that. Kody says, "Every potty stop takes an hour."

      Darger would have said, "I'm going to fill up the gas tanks. You have TEN minutes to go to the bathroom and get back in the vehicles."

    2. Those were good sized motor homes, I would think that each one had at least a small bathroom (toilet) area with a sink. At night they were staying at RV parks which usually have a place to empty the tanks. Why was it necessary for potty breaks to take an hour?

    3. The potty is the reason my daughter and her fami ly bought a RV. they have a much smaller one, and enjoy it full of folks, little onesincluded.

  41. Omg the most annoying the Browns, especially Kody, have been EVER.

    1. I know!! For the first time I just couldn't stand to watch the whole program.....had to turn it off after 20 minutes! They all were totally annoying.

  42. Best part of the show... Mark Twain's take on polygamist women. Grody loved it. No surprise there.

    1. abt as spot on as his take on The Book of Mormon: chloroform in print. :)

    2. My favorite polygamy quote is from a daughter of Jedediah M Grant (Mormon apostle from Brigham Young's day). She said "Polygamy is alright when properly carried out — on a shovel." Having lived it I heartily agree!

      Daughter of Jedediah M. Grant

    3. Oops! Sorry about the way my last post came out! I'm not really trying to hog space :)

  43. 4.5 hours of sleep per night is NOT uncommon for parents of small kids. Wah-freaking-wah. I found the episode to at least be more entertaining than previously.

  44. My hubby watched this with me, it is the first time he's watched, his first impression was NONE of these people like each other! The second was he was gut busting laughing at Christine and her in the face narrative of the trip, she really didn't care who she offended and she just let it out. The looks that Kody was giving her were classic and she just shoved one liner zingers back at him. When they got to the word ROTATE my husband was laughing so hard I was watching for stroke symptoms, can you imagine rotating in a camper between wives, it was just too funny.

    Watching the show with someone who has never seen it before made the looks and verbal exchanges comical, my husbands take on Kody by the end, THAT GUY IS AN IDIOT. We might as well laugh, since you can't fix stupid there's not much hope.

    1. My husband and I were somewhat entertained as well....He has seen Sister Wives before, struggling through it, but this one he had an interesting take regarding Christine. It wasn't that she didn't know how to shut up, it was almost like she was becoming more confident, ie, the word "obey is really a 4-letter word". He felt like she finally felt able to express her feelings that are contrary to the others....he noticed it last time, when she was talking about the sister wife concept failing when she was studying. This episode, she was trying to be funny but still share her opinions through humor.

    2. I guess my question is, if you can't use "rotate", then what do you call it? Did they ever say? Sorry Browns, call it what you want - he is indeed "rotating" amongst the four of you.

  45. ok i'm totally disgusted with the Brown Klan after this episode. First, i disagree that JS's wives are common knowledge in the LDS church. Many members dont know that he had plural wives because they are NEVER talked abt. 2nd, those that do have an inkling, most have no idea he had 33-34 wives and even LESS know 11 of his wives had husbands even though a simple family history search on the LDS's own website will show those wives never got a divorce and reading In Sacred Loneliness by Todd Compton proves they were ACTUAL marriages. The part that pisses me off with this episode is that Kody and Janelle attempt to dispel the polyandry by saying "there are conflicting beliefs/theories" on JS's polyandrous marriages so that AUTOMATICALLY means he DIDNT. Lets be honest-Emma herself denied JS had plural wives even though she caught him having sex with Fanny Alger and threw Eliza down the stairs and kicked out several of her "maids" after she found out they had gotten married to JS. the RLDS, led by JS jr, now the Community of Christ, denies JS had plural wives and goes so far as to say HE FOUGHT POLYGAMY!!! WTF???? Using the Brown Klans rationale, one has to simply contradict an opinion to make it false, thereby allowing themselves to continue to live in denial that JS was a man that sent his fellow priesthood holders on European missions and then married their wives while they were away and couldnt stop his "revelations" from coming to fruition.
    this kind of dishonest self talk is a common problem in the LDS community as well. They LOVE the persecution complex so much that they use it to avoid dealing with the parts of their history they dont like. Mormons use denial to avoid dealing with most of his plural marriages and the fact the Emma never gave her permission for him to marry. Polygamists use denial to avoid dealing with the polyandry. They both use denial to avoid dealing with the fact that JS committed crimes that led to his JUSTIFIABLE incarceration, the fact that he wrote in his OWN JOURNAL that he and Hyrum got drunk on wine the night before they were killed and that NEITHER of them had their "sacred" garments on when they were shot. So much for following their own "revelations". They also often deny that JS had a gun smuggled into him for use in the gun fight which automatically disqualifies him from being a "lamb to the slaughter" and more like an equal participant in a full blown shoot out.

    1. Yes, you're right SistaBlotsch. Todd Compton is LDS and his book makes it clear that Joseph Smith "married" women who already had husbands, and who continued living with their husbands and their "prophet" at the same time. Brigham Young did the same thing and sent some of the husbands on long missions to get them out of the way - truly horribly! I have a Mormon friend who told me with a straight face that Joseph Smith only had one wife - Emma! I nearly fell of my chair! That it how the LDS church deals with its polygamy history today - by trying to keep it quiet.

    2. I agree and half the time Kody talks about JS like he was a god but then to explain something he might have done wrong they say he was just a man. So which is it?!!! I am sick of their flip-flopping to suit their needs at the time!

  46. The Browns began by showing us what a happy family they were, or at least worked hard to fake it. Now, there are at least 3 unhappy wives and the new toy Robyn. Tonight was ridiculous. Nobody wanted to be on that vacation, especially the kids. Janelle was pretty quiet, but Meri took is as a challenge to have something to control and failed. Christine just let it rip, while Robyn looked on asking "What happened?"

    As for the McMansions, it isn't hard to figure out. With the salaries they are making from TLC, it would not be hard to clean up the credit and get approved for whatever portion they cannot pay for. (Duggars are making $100,000 per episode, Kate Gosselin was getting $250k) However, as another poster noted, the ongoing costs will be so high that when the show tanks, it is back to bankruptcy for the Browns who have no real jobs!

    Meri can keep demanding French doors and wet bars, since she is the only one Kody is actually signing the mortgage with. Wonder if he will wander off with Robyn and have to pay for Mary to live in the castle alone?

    1. I still DO NOT SEE how they paid probably 40% down - or WHO paid for it. there is someone fishy behind the scenes, wanting them to continue on there. Common sense says pay off the Lehi house and add on, with lots of land.
      Something is VERY WRONG HERE. EVEN with the pay, you can not clean up Christine's bankruptcy, etc. In this world, WHO KNOWS who is behind it.
      Next: They will all have to go shopping again!
      This is so much about a religious, normal family, just like they said. cough.

    2. Anonymous 3:41, where do you get your info about the salaries? The conventional wisdom is that the Duggars make about 25k per episode, and during the divorce proceedings, Jon Gosselin disclosed that they were making about 27.5 per episode. The Duggars do as well as they do because Jim Bob is good with money and investments, and they lived very frugally for a long time. I see the Browns running through the TLC money as fast as they make it.

  47. boy they were real religious tonight...Taking pictures of the teens giving the middle finger, then Kody done it. Then when talking about Mark Twain he calls him a bastard. I think they may need to pray a little harder.

    1. People will remember Mark Twain when the Browns aren't even a footnote in TV history.

    2. Sorry, Mark Twain had LEGAL Parents. BROWNS, when are you going to stop throwing that word around? The moderators censored here when it was put to use about your family, rightfully, and morally so. So why do you keep using it?

  48. What about Kody's fistful of 5 HOUR ENERGY while he was bitching about being tired while in the RV? These people pick and choose the tenants of Mormon religion as they please.

    1. 5 Hour Energy? I guess he needed a stronger stimulant than his LIV products. Again another example of Kody picking and choosing what aspects of his religion he wants to follow - I thought caffeine was a no-no.

  49. Ok, delurking to ask, Am I the only one who thought Robyn looked very pregnant many of the shots?! Not a little poochy, not a little thick around the middle, but very round (although still sort of small) belly popping out. In the scenes where everyone was trying to summons a tear for Joseph Smith she was wearing a tight pink t-shirt and several times I rewound to make suremimsaw what inthought I did, which was definitely a tummy popping out. I know some have suspected that already, but last night's show just seemed to prove it. I couldn't wait to see what everyone said about it, and nobody is saying anything. Which makes me wonder if I was totally seeing things!! Lol!

    1. They didn't say anything because she wasn't pregnant. This was filmed 6 months ago.

    2. I also noticed it. It's very prominent in several shots, but for the most part they worked very hard to conceal it. When was the show taped - late summer?

    3. Early summer (June) if memory serves. There was a blog post around that time with pics and YUP a fair amount of speculation regarding the belly. Obviously, it's just fat.

    4. Yep. I am suspicious. I remember those pics last summer of this trip. She hid behind the stroller quite a bit.

    5. I'm very aware that this wasn't taped like a week ago. I'm also aware that she had a visible round belly there was constantly being hidden. There were always people in front of her, full body shots were only at a distance, she was filmed a lot from the waist up. Something was/is up. A surprise baby that may even be Meri's bio child wouldn't shock me at all.

  50. I wanted to get a good view of Robyn's (maybe pregnant) stomach. I noticed they had something blocking the view in almost all shots. Interesting?

  51. All I can say is "REALLY?" a word commonly used by Christine.

  52. My dear friends - help me out here a bit, haven't had a chance to see the show yet. Did the Browns act like they KNEW their history or not? Can't wait to watch this one!

    1. In a word - no.

      Kody was getting off on the whole martyr aspect - he was comparing himself to JS and acting like he would die for his beliefs. Of course it's easy to say THAT when he is fully aware that there is not much if any chance of that happening.

      Also he and the wives pick and choose what they want to believe and practice - that's clear.

      The visit to Mark Twain's home or whatever it was made me gag. All of Twain's great writings and he had to pick some few paragraphs on polygamy. Please spare me.

      At least the Browns got their wish finally - they weren't allowed in the museum. Although I suspect it was more because they were high-profile and had camera crews.

    2. MS,
      I didn't see any clear working knowledge of their alleged heritage from them other than when Meri and Sobbin offered the part of their ancestors being involved when the tour guide got to that part.

      Kody and the rest of them looked stupidly incredulous when the facts about JS's many (and some already married) wives were told. That scene was a fail for their credibility or intelligence !!

      By and large, they acted like typical tourists visiting a site with the typical oooh's and ah's.
      When it was Kody's solo time (and isn't there *always* time set aside for just Kody and the camera), he gave the facts as if he was reading them from a brochure or doing his best "Mr. Roger's" impression.

      DJ, you're right...."not being allowed" in the museum fell in perfectly with their "oppressed" script.

      At some points of the narrative I felt sorry for the little about filling their heads with fear and gore !!!
      Was that really necessary for them to hear since obviously Kodman didn't hear it as a child !

      Kody's proclamation that if he "dies" for the Principle, he is willing to do that....Kody, just shut up !!
      You would hide behind a wife and you know it.

    3. Die behind a wife!! Classic!

  53. Taking pics of kids giving the finger and calling Mark Twain a bastard? As a strong opponent of "the finger" and a fan of Mark Twain, I have to see this episode. What the heck?

  54. IMO, they ACTED like they knew the history, but they also ACTED surprised about facts the tour guide brought out that they didn't want to air (like the "brother husbands" angle).

    I must say, though, that I don't fault Meri or Robyn for tearing up when the guide talked about their ancestors. I think I would have done the same. But then I can't get through the previews of "Les Miserables" without crying. Gonna have to take a whole box of tissues to the movie!

  55. I've read several comments about the women not wearing their jewelry and I have to say that I've seen Meri wear either that dog paw thing or the long circle one in at least one scene every episode. I've never seen anyone else wearing it though.

    1. I don't pay attention to the jewelry, but I did notice that Meri seemed to have a nasty skin problem on the right side of her neck while driving the RV. Gee, maybe she's allergic to iconic sterling silver jewelry.

    2. Gee, maybe she's wearing it in memory of her poor old dog.

    3. I noticed a red mark on her neck too and thought it was a hickey! Then again could be a Herpes outbreak...

  56. Happy Holidays All!
    Apparently Kody had no knowledge of RV traveling.
    Probably got 5 gal to a mile, slow going.
    Did they have two RVs plus a car in the caravan??
    Can you see ten people to a RV?? Expect TLC
    bankrolled it.
    Am wondering who is paying the est 3% closing costs on the houses?? Also, how the yard of each home will be personalized to eliminate
    that subdivision look.
    Will our LV friends keep us apprised???
    Believe all could use the services of a Temp office to stay above water.

  57. Looks like the Browns have abandoned their facebook fans. Not one happy holiday from any of them not even the admins. Only tweeting now, wonder what happened?

  58. I think they're moving into at least 3 of the houses today. Probably no computer hook-ups yet, and not much time to post via smartphones.

    1. Yep, saw them loading up the UHauls this weekend and Kody and kids moving Robin this morning. They got the homes!

    2. You should take pictures

  59. Good grief--that trip had to cost thousands. I am wondering about how they said they would clean up their credit etc. They live in a way different world than I do, that's for sure, and it's not just the multiple wives and kids. Financially.

  60. I didn't watch the episode but from the clips I've seen and my friend filling me in (she's still a fan..whatever), I believe Christine is acting like a spoiled child who acts up whenever company (or in this case, TLC cameras) show up. Personally, I think she looks ridiculous and needs to stop. You're not a good actress Christine and obviously you do not behave this way in real life. I'm not buying it anyway.

    TLC is far craftier than I imagined. I believe they dangled the threat of a Darger show in front of the Browns in an attempt to get them to make an attempt to get their acts together, which of course will miserably fail but it's good news for both the Browns and TLC as more episodes equal more moolah. Everyone wins, except the taxpayer when the charade ends. There's so much about these people that piss me off, but I think the fact that they believe they're better than non plygs and proudly say it. Christine's proclamation about sharks is just one example. They are basically giving everyone not involved in their insular cult the finger every single day, laughing behind our backs and all the way to the bank. They have no work ethic and don't feel the need for one, they're the chosen people and we are here only to work and contribute tax dollars so they can continue their principle. They use the fact that most people really do wanna believe the best about people in their favor. I could perhaps forgive their bankruptcies and welfare fraud if they admitted they are so far over their heads in regard to financially supporting themselves and their offspring. But they won't. They will continue to have children that they know they won't be able to support and continue to lead an unrealistic lifestyle. How many people could support this lifestyle? I know maybe a few, but they're smarter than that and would never get themselves into it.

    I don't know if contacting advertisers has ever worked to help derail a sham reality show, but I'd be more than willing to begin a campaign. I wonder if anyone has a list?

    1. I agree with you about Christine and how she acts. You could tell Kody was not happy with her. She definitely shows out in front of company. She is still mad at Kody and still jealous of Robyn and it shows. No matter what she says.

    2. I kind of enjoyed Christine getting under Krody's skin. She seemed a bit like her old self, which was a nice change. Anything that gets under his skin is fine by me!

  61. The Browns are following the Gosselins - started
    out with few demands then req more money, longer trips, a detailed menu - soon the Browns are priced out of sight and will be dropped.
    Can see it coming.

  62. Can someone enlighten me on the green goo and green kool aid? Is it the same stuff, what is it used for? I read a post that Robyn's son was taking green goo. Another question. Why do the woman wean tops with a tank top over it? I understand they believe in dressing modestly but why both? I just can't stop watching this show. I do think Christine and Janelle need to get out. I love the Sobbin Robyn name.

  63. What a Christmas present for the new neighbors...a cul de sac full of plygs! They get to watch Kodouche romping from house to house, invasion by a small army of children, and cameras documenting every freakish moment of this train wreck. Forget the gated community- if I lived there I would insist they gate off the "Kodouche kuddle sac"!

  64. How many "first trips back to Utah" can they possibly have? I couldn't believe when Kody said that right after last week's pre-dig the grave trip.

  65. I found it very interesting that when the tour guide EXPERT said that Smith had wives who were already married to other men, suddenly Kody and Janelle are all "historians don't know". I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Kody THINKS he only had 17 wives and another shock to his system, nope sir, he had 33. This is not the first religion to have plural/multiple wives so I'm not sure why they felt the need to basically defend this man and his 33 wives. If that's your belief? Then be fine and unapologetic about it.

    I use to think that I should feel some type of way every time Robin begin to cry, but seeing her cry about Joseph Smith's death pretty much sealed the deal for me. She's a cry baby and MUST cry every single episode.

    Christine was especially loud in this episode and it was grating :-/ The entire exchange about Mark Twain and seeing ugly women was uncomfortable because Kody smiled through the ENTIRE thing and then when called on the carpet by his wives, he changes his tune. Of course I couldn't help but remember the whole nachos thing with Kody and Christine. Hey Christine, it's possible he viewed you in the same way initially!

    I'm starting to think Kody takes a lot of pride in saying "because we're polygs?". Seems they find themselves in quite a few "because we're polygs, we're not allowed" situations. Polygamy may cost you your LIFE Kody? Did I miss where people were running him out of town with pitchforks?

    I just think it's a stark difference with this family from season one. They just don't see to like each other very much and it's very sad. And because of that, I find that I don't particulary like many of them either. Still like the kids and Janelle, but I fear the more I see of them, THEY may start to grate as well, lol.

  66. I didn't see this latest episode but after reading all the comments I feel like I've been brought mostly up to speed.

    I get the feeling Janelle is just hanging around for the cameras. She rarely talks and I never see her featured. Christine seems fed up. Meri and Kody treat her like shit. She is in a very abusive relationship and gets treated like a nonperson and belittled when she voices her needs. She is living like a single woman fighting over a man with his other mistresses. Except this one doesn't provide any financial support.

    Yet, she continues insisting how great polygamy is.. I guess she actually means it's great in theory but how they (and everyone I know) are living it just doesn't work? I actually felt sorry for her in her frustration in trying to study and manage a young, fatherless baby. Meri couldn't take Sol for an hour or help with dinner/chores? Christine was always the babysitter in this family and now she's trying to focus on herself she gets to see how subservient her role has always been.

    How does it work when you go file for child support against your polygamist husband after defrauding the welfare system for 18 years? Obviously Kody would be pretty screwed!

    1. Or... If Meri were gone (legally divorced or dead), what would Kody do then? Would he legally marry Janelle, as wife #2?? Or Sobin?? Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

    2. That's an easy one! He would marry Robyn, for sure!

  67. Pamela Springville, Utah

    The animosity between this "loving family" is hilarious to watch. It's clear as day that if creepy kody had his way he would dump all his beloved wives, and pick up a eighteen year old hot mess.

    He obviously can't stand his own kids...wives...or life. I don't feel sorry for any of the adults in this situation. They're fully aware of their reality, and the ultimate ending once the show is axed.

    Why any of those women however let that ugly wildabeast meri control as much as she does is mindblowing. Grow some balls and put her entitled fat arse in it's place for once. Her manipulation is pathetic to watch...

    Who puts up with treatment and a life like that??????

    1. Wow, Springville. You nailed it!

  68. I've wondered the same thing, how would they calculate support? This is the main reason why I don't see Polygamy ever becoming legal. No matter how much people like the Brown's and the Dargers want to try to make it seem like it should be. How could our legal frame work accommodate such a mess? If one wife wants out then support should be calculated according to the statutes, but where does that leave all of the other wives and kids. Imagine trying to divide up property, spousal support, our legal system is set up to divide everything equitably, half and half basically, depending on the number of spouses that would get really complicated. What if Christine or Janelle decide to bail? Will Merry and Robyn go get jobs to pay for their support?

  69. Which kid was sitting on Kody's lap in the courthouse (I think?)

  70. Does anyone wonder who would buy the lots adjacent to the cul de sac? I think the developer must be desperate to even want to sell to the browns!!
    Can't wait to read the tell all book we know one of those kids is going to write someday. . .

  71. I can't quite figure why Christine think's polygamy works. It was Janelle who provided the financial wherewithall to get their house in Lehi, plus the majority of the earnings that kept Christine with a roof over her head. The taxpayers who fed her kids, given she was on public assistance. And the unwilling public who provided her with material needs, since she ran up the family's credit card debt and then declared bankruptcy. What has Kody ever done, but inseminate?

    And what is this "family" or polygamy, but an example of serial grifters? One by one, they load debt on a new wife, who then, when her credit runs out, declares bankruptcy. If it wasn't for the TLC gravy train, Kody would have wife five, who would take on all the new debt for the family then be the next to declare - and no doubt that will be the case when TLC cancels them.

    What I don't understand is why TLC puts this forward as an example of polygamy working, or behing anything other than what the American public has known it to be, a case of irresponsible men siring children they can't take care of, and women who breed child after child who becomes the burden of the working taxpayer.

    If they want to show an example of working polygamy (if that isn't an oxymoron) then cancel this group, and give the series to an example family where it does work. Maybe that was the Dargers, but who can say. They claim they don't take public assistance or declare bankruptcy, but then so did the "Browns" and we know that was false.

    As for the Browns, its clearly obvious polygamy does not, nor never did work for them, neither financially, practically nor socially. Without Janelle, they would have never had a roof over their head nor any working credit, and I pity her trying to rein in these rabid, ungrateful, irresponsible spenders. Meri, Christine, Robin, Kody, are you listening?

  72. Pamela Springville, Utah animosity

    As I've said before I am brand new to not only this blog but to watching the show. I'm curious about the reference someone put about Christine getting back at kody for the nacho incident on another season.

    Can someone fill me in pretty please?

    1. This will give you some background of the nacho incident:

      Review: Sister Wives Tell All

      Becoming Sister Wives: Prologue and Part One: Matrimony

      In the "Here's some more of Kody tidbits" section.

    2. Pamela Springville, Utah animosity

      Thankx so much...I read it. I can't fathom why she would stay with someone who is so repulsed by her. He is ugly as sin. lol

  73. I live around the areas they were visiting. Think this was discussed in the spring when they went on this trip, but going to Hannibel, MO?? Really?? Sorry I don't think of Mark Twain, I think of winery tours, people standing around in the streets drinking etc...LOL.

    Second, the museum. "We're not allowed in because we're plygs, right?" WRONG, Kody and TLC who like to MAKE UP FAKE DRAMA.
    My husband walked thru and said, "oh they must have been closed that day"
    NO KIDDING. The museum is a tiny place run by one person, it opens late in the spring, is open Tues-Friday and oh yes...if you have a group over say 20, you have to make arrangements at least 2-3 weeks in advance to get a tour of the place.
    THAT would be why you didn't get into the museum, Brown family, you didn't plan ahead. NO ONE cares that you are 'plygs'. Trust me, no one cares, no one cared that you were here. I was probably one of the few that knew who you were and I didn't even bother to find out what day filming was.
    Don't give us this martyr crapola, no one is buying it.

    So I guess we're getting a next season featuring another Brown Christmas in new houses (are these owned or rented? seems we always see these mad dashes to new house only to find out they were just rented to look good for Christmas episodes).

    CJ, not using my usual board name as I don't like to post where I live. Thanks.

  74. Since the family has travelled to Disney all together and to Oceanside all together then the time it would take with everyone travelling to Nauvoo---calculating in potty breaks----should have been no surprise. And they had that van trailing along so why would Kody need to drive that twelve miles to the motel that one night---Christine and Robyn could have driven themselves.

  75. I have to say, I really enjoyed Christine's spunky, take-charge attitude this episode. You go girl.
