Friday, July 6, 2012

What's Happening with those Houses?

When we left the Browns, they had just put down a total of $20K in earnest money for lots 6, 7, 8, and 9 in the gated cul-de-sac.

In order for you to see the placement of the lots in the gated cul-de-sac, here's the plat map just showing the lot numbers. Notice on the blue map (shown during the earnest money episode) that the Browns' are 'buying' lots 6-9.

So, almost four months after the filming, what's been happening?
Surprisingly, almost nothing. Well, that's if you're looking at lots 6, 7, 8, and 9. If you look at the lots on the opposite end of the cul-de-sac, we see more construction. In fact, we see a LOT of construction going on.

From this snip from the last episode, notice the lack of construction occurring behind the Browns. Now, look at these exclusive photographs provided to the Sister Wives Blog and photographed in late June.

We see a lot of construction - in fact, it appears 2 houses are in the construction phase now, soon to join the original 3 houses from the season's end episode. Below is the view from the main road.

Now, what did Mona the real estate agent say on the show? Oh yes, that one of the houses sold, not one of the lots - one of the houses.  That house apparently was on lot 1, sold on 3/28/12.

So what's happening with lots 6,7,8 and 9 on the opposite end of the gated cul-de-sac? Those are the ones the Browns are holding with their $20K earnest money.

Not much, in fact it looks like the only activity was the placement of some building wood frames, making the lot look like a dump.

This is what we've heard so far from our SWB friends.
  • According to the Browns' children, 2 houses have been built, 2 houses are under construction
  • All the lots (except for lots 1 and 5) are owned by the developer (according to the county assessor)
  • The eight remaining lots are still available for sale (does that mean lot 5 is developer owned too?)

If you ask me (and I know you're just dying to do just that...) I...believe the kids. Two of the houses have been built, two are under construction...perhaps in a different cul-de-sac. Or maybe even this one. And maybe since the family did not qualify for conventional financing, the family's entertainment company has.

Whatever the real truth is, it's  going to make for an interesting continuing storyline, isn't it?

What are your thoughts?

Don't forget to read the December 2012 followup to this article:

 What's Happening with those Houses: Part Deux


  1. I'm thinking God does NOT have Kody's back at all and is playing a game of rock/paper/scissors with Kodummy!

  2. My hunch is that if in fact Kody & Krew did manage to buy 4 homes in this development, that they & the builder have come to some sort of agreement that the recording of the sale won't take place until AFTER it airs on the show...don't know the logistics involved, but just my 2 cents

    1. finally seeing realityJuly 6, 2012 at 4:46 PM

      How can they afford vacations if they just bought 4 houses? Wish I could afford such a nice house.

    2. the word 'afford' is probably a 4 letter word in the Brown household; just like the words 'work', 'earn' and 'payoff' LOL

    3. Lobotomized (CulDeSac)July 6, 2012 at 5:06 PM

      Live now, spend now, declare bankruptcy later.

      That must be the slogan of Klown Kody's life.

    4. I bet they did get the houses. By they, I mean TLC. I bet TLC worked a deal to rent/buy them, and they just made it look like the Browns are "buying" them.

    5. Love it Lobotomized & yes, yes, yes, so freakN true!! & Yet the govt sits idle by, & continues to allow them get away with it!!....smh

    6. Peanut Butter FritosJuly 6, 2012 at 10:15 PM

      Kody doesn't seem to really get the concept of CONSEQUENCES. It's good to be king, I guess. If you have serial bankruptcies, you can't get a mortgage. If you spend more money than you make, you don't have any money. If you buy four giant houses most people can't afford, you have to pay four times more than most couples. Duh.

      I see a spark of Kate Gosselin in this ridiculous behavior, like he thinks TLC cash will last forever and he deserves four palatial McMansions. Heck, even Kate gets out there and hustles on other shows and speaking. I can't even picture Kody doing that much.

    7. George Jefferson actually worked though, he had a dry cleaning business, an actual business not a pyramid scheme.

    8. I am watching this trainwreck eposide now. WHY BUY IN AN UPSCALE GATED COMMUNITY??? Kody go find a large piece of property that is affordable! And you all build one house, like before. How much do each of these lots cost ? If you all want to live together as you say you do........then live together. I miss episode 1 where they really were a family and not Kody's %$$##@#@%&.2

  3. Grab the's gonna be the plyg version of the old sitcom The Jeffersons. Movin' on up!
    4 big giant houses for these hypocritical grifters....geez..depressing for all the rest of us that work our asses off and get what we can afford not what we feel we "deserve".

  4. I think that episode with the check writing and running around the lots was all for show. I think that they already had things in order and the houses were already being built on 1,2, 3 and 4. 6,7,8,and 9 were just for show.

    1. That's what I thought too, but lot #1 was sold on 3/28/12 to another party.

    2. I remember in an episode with realtor she said 1 house sold,and in order to qualify for other homes they needed 40 or 60 % maybe they switched to 2 -5 but how are they coming up with 60% for each house? And maybe 6-9 is theatre for us and TLC or books or jewelry sales already paid for houses on 2-5. But thats next season.

    3. More like the outrageous shipping & handling costs from the jewelry sales already paid for houses on 2-5....Haha

  5. Lobotomized (CulDeSac)July 6, 2012 at 5:06 PM

    WHAT if they lied and got lot 2,3,4 & 5?

    1. That would match the kids saying 2 houses bought, 2 houses under construction, but the house on lot#5 (which is almost 6000 sq ft) is already owned by a trust since 2010....unless the Kodster and Krew made a deal for it...hmmmm....

    2. Lobotomized (CulDeSac)July 6, 2012 at 6:10 PM

      I also might be lots 1,2,3,4.

      What made me think they lied about the lots is that the little kids are saying 2 houses are ready and 2 are still being build, and the lower lot numbers match that. They could have just lied about the empty lots to get along with the storyline and later just say that where they live is lots 6,7,8,9. They have twisted the truth for their freak show, so it makes sense in this case given to what the kids have said in school.

    3. Lobotomized (CulDeSac)July 6, 2012 at 6:15 PM

      Also, the culdesacs are pretty much mirrored so I'm sure they are convinced to be able to get away with it. Does de 6k sqft home have a wet bar?

    4. When I spoke with the realtor, I gave them the address numbers I was given and he said they were almost complete.

      I'm wondering if there was confusion on the realtor's part or on the address numbers I received?

      I feel terrible that I somehow gave all of you bad information. I specifically asked for those addresses and I was told they were owned by the builder and almost complete and available for sale.

      I am really sorry everyone.

    5. Hey Funky Town!

      Don't be sorry! I'm thinking maybe the realtor was trying to throw you off the trail, they can be sneaky creatures! ;)

    6. Yeah, Funky Town, it's all good! Thanks for taking time out of your day to get on the phone w/ the realtor & getting the info that you did!
      Girl,U can only do so much, & if the Realtor chose to give you false info,(which IMO is absolutely shady) then it's totally out of your hands! :D

    7. Hey, did anybody else notice that the county map and the TLC map don't match? The TLC map layout of the properties is more square and the county's more triangular.
      This just keeps getting weirder and weirder. Of course, I'll do just about anything right now to put off sawing more tile and finishing my bathroom.
      I want to buy a green van and name it the Mystery Machine!

    8. I also noticed how nice and even the TLC map made each lot look, but in reality, Robyn gets the biggest, Meri's is next, and the two sister wives with the most kids get the smallest lots. At least Meri's house won't be facing the sun (SARCASM FONT).

    9. FT - I don't think you need to apologize at all. I think that this IS the property that was on the show. It looks exactly the same. So apparently...the first show of the season where they were looking at a property with a house being built...and other houses in the process - those were the ones on the other end of the cul-de-sac - lots 1-4. When they couldn't get those houses, all the producers did was go to the OTHER end of the cul-de-sac and PRETEND that the Browns were getting lots 6-9. So the houses going up in these photos - those are the houses that we saw in the first ep this season. Am I following correctly?

      So you were right! this is what we saw on the show, IMO.

      oh and incidentally, I doubt if the Browns are all that worried about people knowing where they live. With the internet and the fact that real estate is public info, it's easy to find out. And I don't feel sorry for them either. again they CHOSE to go the reality TV route, so they have to pay the consequences, and part of that is losing a good deal of their privacy. I always have to laugh at the FB commenters who are pro-Brown and say how their lives are none of our business. um maybe not, but when you choose to be a public figure, then we get to know everything. so there! *sticks tongue out*

  6. Maybe Meri and Robyn are going to share a house. Maybe Kody and Robyn have a mother-in-law room they could dump Meri in and she can become the one to put order in Robyn's life like she so lovingly did with her other two wives...whoops...sisterwives.

    Of course they already had the houses; otherwise, they would not have put it so publicly on the show. It was a ratings thing and a way to gain some public suppport. Everything they do ends up making the audience bad at meri, robyn, and kody, so they tried to get a little sympathy...we are homeless...we are trying to get it all together...blah, blah, blah.

  7. So, are they lying to us again. Is Kody the real owner of Lot#1. Did they do this to throw off the viewers. They must have used all their money to get these homes. IMO, I think that it's stupid to buy 4 brand new homes. I could be wrong. I wonder how much TLC is really paying them because I don't see many people drinking the green juice. I truly believe that the wife's like having their own homes. This way they can have Kody (gross) all to themselves. This way they can pretend that they are in a monogamous relationship. These homes are not cheap. There are a lot of families who cannot afford 1 home and this family will have 4. Courtesy of TLC and their devoted fans. They must deserve these homes. Not. It just makes me sick how Kody parades around like he is king and now he will have 4 castles. The Browns have sold their souls to the devil. When their reality show ends, I wonder how they will maintain this new lifestyle. Never again do I want to hear them say how poor they are. People that can afford to live in homes like this can surely afford to go visit their Dad without putting a dent in the grocery budget. This family is not the REAL faces of polygamy. I must admit, they are real good at lying and scamming for material gain. Get a job.

    1. Unless Kody's changed his name, the owner of lot#1 is someone else.

    2. Would you please put up the property data, at least, lot one, under builder or sold to OTHER, lot 2, etc. i swore when i looked it up, none matched up. this is confusing!

  8. I think, even if they do get to move in, the stay will be a short one bcuz they still have to pay insurance & property taxes, as well as maintainance & U know the wives will want to buy all new furniture to go in their brand new homes! They really can't afford this lifestyle, & they love to spend $$ frivously. When TLC cuts them off & their LIV $$ is gone & depleted, they will be homeless & hitching it back to hickville, Lehi & then file bankruptcy to cover their asses...smh!! Instead of being smart w/ their $$ by paying off the mortgage & renovating the Lehi home, they're acting like they're high paid A-list celebrities w/ millions of $$ just sitting in their bank accounts. The lack of excitement & confidence + All the wive's hesitation to put down the earnest $$ spoke volumes!!
    I believe, when they're forced to move back to Utah, there will be lots of fighting, unhappiness, & bitterness. Just like now, but it will be 10X worse!! Honestly, I think it will affect Kody the most, bcuz the easy $$ will be gone! No more freebies, eating out,trips & vacations, cars, & nice & expensive gifts & he will be forced to get a job. I can seriously, see him getting depressed & angry over the loss of Kody world & easy $$ & eventually taking it out on his wives. It will be hard on the wives too, esp Robyn,bcuz they will all be forced to live together, Again, & it just won't be the same, since they have had their taste of freedom with their separate homes. They should be happy that their 15 minutes of fame, has been extended, even if most of it lately, has been 15 minutes of
    But seriously, it's still just a matter of time, before Kody world gets turned upside down!! Like, I've said before: Pride comes before a fall! And the higher U are, the harder the fall!!!

    1. @CB We are definitely soul sisters! Once again, we are on the same wave length. I actually tweeted Meri last nite that "Pride goeth before the fall". LOL

    2. IKR? :D ....LOL about the tweet!! Good, has she blocked U yet???...Ha!!

    3. LOL. I went see if i was--the first thing i see is this tweet:

      "@MaddieR_Brown Run run run! Don't follow in family's ways of multiple bankruptcies and welfare fraud @MeriBrown1 @JanelleBrown117"

      Oh, Lawd the crazies are begging for a cook book today. My tweet was deleted, but I was not blocked--maybe they're lightening up in the afterglow of their vacay. LOL

    4. Of course these techie Wunderkinder are too dumb to realize that deleting it from your page does not delete it from a public search for @meribrown1 LOL. Out of sight, out of mind, I suppose.

  9. Lobotomized (CulDeSac)July 6, 2012 at 5:16 PM

    I mean, if they lied about the wedding day of Rob-chin and Klowdy (that's why we were not *allowed* to see the wedding), omitted all of their interesting financial history, it is fair to say they could easily have lied about the lots. And the fact that they may still be on the name of the construction company is because they might have an arrangement with them and only get those houses on their names when they are actually fully paid off.

    1. That makes so much sense about the real wedding being a different date. I always thought it was weird that she would get her hair done *after* the ceremony.

  10. I don’t know ….I really do like the Brown kids, I think they are remarkably normal based on their crazy parents and I would tend to believe the kids over the parents…..however, we do know that Kody likes to make big pronouncements that never come true….he probably told the kids that they had really purchased those houses. Would Kody lie to his kids? Yes, I think he would. Would he then say something like “the evil government stepped in and took away our rights to the houses”…yes, I think he would do that, too.

    I guess time will tell; however, if they truly did get the houses they either have a benefactor or did the nontraditional financing or did some sort of deal with TLC.

    1. Yes, Kody would lie. It was so plain to c in the faces of those kids when he made his big announcement & then glared at them when they did not show excitement. I believe they even said how often they r let down.....(or lied too.)

  11. These people (& TLC) are such one will know until they pack up their rental houses and head to the new ones! If it's not lots 1-4 heaven help the future owners since Koouche already ran around and put his stink all over them.

    1. Oops...I meant 6,7,8 & 9 were the lots Kodouche romped around! My goodness these grifters have rattled my brain

  12. I am so confused. So what is this blog post trying to say? The browns actually own 1,2,3,4? Or They own 6-7-8-9 and no construction has started?

    1. Lobotomized (CulDeSac)July 6, 2012 at 5:51 PM

      The thing is, we really don't know! Nobody knows.

  13. OMG, look at the size of those houses, especially #4. I guess it pays to whore your family out.

  14. This train wreck of a 'reality' show is very much like how the Jon and Kate + 8 show was...the first few shows/seasons were probably close to the true 'reality'....with Jon and Kate, they showed somewhat 'normal' type activities at first: Kate coupon clipping and grocery shopping, thing you know, Jon is getting hair plugs, the whole family is off to Disney World, Hawaii, and numerous other expensive trips, etc...Jon and Kate bought a humungous home, too, right before they got divorced...the template is very similar, and the (sad) ending will be, too: once TLC cancels the show (and they will, it will not be on forever), how will they continue to pay for the homes, bills, college for the kids, etc, etc, etc...I feel sorry for all of these kids that have to put up with the idiots they got stuck with for parents...

    1. I agree Sandy. They will play it out in the tabloids. I hope the kids find a way out & maybe one day , one of them will write a book & tell their story. I will def buy that book!

    2. Agree, kat40, a book authored by one of the kids would be quite interesting, I would buy it, too!

  15. #4 is huge. It looks like a plig house!

    Maybe the houses they are building are on a different cul-de-sac.

    It blows my mind that they are overextending themselves so badly when their future is a big fat (green) zero.

    1. Lobotomized (CulDeSac)July 6, 2012 at 6:37 PM

      If it has a wet bar its probably for Meri. She *so* deserves it even though her only child will soon head to college. She will just have to shop a lot to fill it with furniture for the children she never had and never will have.

    2. Meri has ALWAYS had more expensive tastes!!! and she knows how to keep things nice so they LAST A LONG TIME!!!

      Of course the big house is for her. Otherwise everyone would be PUNISHING her!

    3. Lobotomized (CulDeSac)July 6, 2012 at 7:58 PM

      She also probably has saved up a lot of the college, grocery, clothes money that she'd otherwise spend on her 7 non-existing children.

    4. House #4 looks big enough to have a wet bar, pool & deck... & ya'll are right, Meri's greedy undeserving ass probably has dibbs on

    5. Hahahahahaha!! Yeah right!! That would require Kody to actually do some sort of work & travel back to Utah, which Kody thinks is all hickville! He may not be welcomed there after that statement!
      Also, Kody would probably make all of the wives pay for all the the donated supplies out of their grocery $$. He would also, let them do all of the organizing everything & putting together backpacks,etc..(that's too tedious for Kody to stay focused & interested..),but then on film/media day, you can bet a bucket of butt sweat, that Monkeybutt will be front & center, pretending to help out & weasling out to a side interview,giving some lameass excuse, "well, I tried to help, but all my wives told me to stay outta of the way, bcuz they got it handled. Who am I to argue w/ 4 women??(saying all of this w/ his stupid narcissistic grin...ugghhhh!!

    6. @Lobotomized - Meri - NONE of the Browns strike me as big savers. Not even Janelle. Her "retirement" was probably a 401k which was financed with pre-tax percentages pulled from her paycheck when she was actually working a real job. How could they possibly save money with so many mouths to feed and bodies to clothe? That's why they all filed bankruptcy.

      And that's a wrinkle on Janelle's comment to Meri on resources. Meri at MOST only made (we are told) $600 a month working. For the most part Janelle has been paying Meri's bills, how must it feel to be treated so poorly by someone and yet be obliged to pay that person's bills? Janelle must be seething inside about that. I'm sure she paid for Christine as well, but Christine at least was watching her children while she worked. My guess is that Janelle was happiest when she was on her own, but Kody pulled her back in to buy the Lehi house for them since he needed her income and her credit rating to do so - the house was purchased by Janelle and Kody and Meri were added as co-owners later.

    7. @DJ: I generally enjoy your posts and agree with you for the most part, but I think you give Janelle waaaaay too much credit. Though I find her the least offensive of the crew, I wouldn't make her out to be a martyr, so much as a full partner.

      I don't believe Janelle ever paid Meri's bills, or Christine's, for that matter. I figure Meri and Kody probably have kept joint accounts; and that everyone else gets whatever they can earn, get back from taxes, or collect in public assistance; with some occasional supplementation from Kody's income tax return. Though he is obviously one of the laziest men I've ever seen, he did actually work for YESs for several years, prior to being "persecuted".

      My guess is that Janelle filed for low-income childcare assistance for her little kids, and Christine collected the payment. She would collect just enough to keep herself "poor" enough to qualify for food stamps. This is common technique among people who understand how "the system" works--that includes all races and religions, not just the plygs. When Janelle had the EZ pantry, it is likely that she "donated" foodstuffs that were nearing their expiration date, or were keeping her inventory "heavy", and wrote them of as a charitable donation from her taxes.

    8. Linnet - ITA! I definitely think that Christine lived off of welfare/food stamps and got 'childcare' assistance money from Janelle (courtesy of the government). In order to qualify for assistance, there are also value limits of the kind of things you can own which is why we saw the old duct tape covered car Janelle used to drive while Kody was driving the Lexus. I think Meri was financially supported by Kody and that Christine and Janelle also got 'housing assistance' and paid Kody/Meri for their part of their house (since they were like apartments). Now that they are all out in the open, this scam isn't going to work any more for them so from that perspective, I can see how Janelle is a little panicked because they are not going to be able to go back to that lifestyle, or at least for several years until their 'fame' dies down. I think they all have to scrape by financially based on what they can get from assistance and their 'businesses'...but I agree, Meri wasn't handing her bills over to Janelle for payment.

    9. Hey linnet it's cool. I'm just making educated guesses. Also based it on what Kody said in the book:

      "All of my wives contribute significantly to both their individual households and the family as a whole. Before we went public, several of them worked full-time [personally, I think he's stretching it here a bit...DJ] They support their kids, and what is left over they kick into large group expenses such as mortgages. If one of my wives chooses not to work in order to stay home and look after our kids, I make sure she is taken care of. If another wife makes a bundle while her sister wife is looking after the kids, she will share her bounty [I interpreted that to mean Janelle]. If someone has a windfall from tax returns or inheritance, then she usually shares a good portion of it."

      Of course in the book he makes it sound like the wives make most of the decisions but we have seen on the show that Kody has veto power, always.

  16. "IF"......and that is a big "IF" since KodyWorld specializes in untruths.....we all know that now......

    "If" they really have somehow scammed (cloyed) their way into getting these it for lots #1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 or 9....
    And KodyWorld Circus only inhabits 4 of them....
    That means that "5" other homeowners will be sharing that "cultasac"....

    Can you just hear it now......
    " mean *those Klowns* (and cameras) and 17 kids are going to live here too !!!" "We want our money back!!"

    1. Lobotomized (CulDeSac)July 6, 2012 at 6:35 PM

      I have a feeling they may not sell when interested people find out who live in those 4 houses. Or if they already bought them without knowing it, that the value might actually drop. Not kidding. That gated community basically will turn into a plyg compound, the Klown Kody Circus Freakshow.

    2. There are people who declare on fb that they want to be the Brown's neighbour. Many people also want to help support them.

      I shudder to think of the number of people who've been scammed by these con-artists.

    3. I do hope that no unsuspecting hard working person purchases a home by them because their lives would be a living hell with Kody coming over to scope out any women in their home, Christine borrowing gallons of milk for her mock pudding, Meri just coming over to bitch, and all those kids riding skateboards down the street behind their cars.

    4. Imagine your surprise when you've plunked down the money and signed a 30 mortgage for a luxury home in a gated community, move in, and find that not only are you living in a cultasac, but you're gated in with a film crew and 17 kids running amok.
      That would SO suck!

    5. Wouldn't that kind of information have to be disclosed as a condition of the sale, or do things work differently in California? anything that infringes on a homeowner's right to quiet enjoyment of their property has to be disclosed i think...remember I'm just a renter so what do i know. :)

    6. Can you imagine what the community will look like once the Browns move in? There goes the neighborhood. The Browns weren't much into maintenance and landscaping when they lived in the Lehi house. I suspect there are going to be some really angry neighbors in the near future. A lot of these types of communities have homeowners associations that have very specific rules. If the Browns don't default on their loans first, they'll probably get evicted by the homeowners association. Either way, I don't see them living in these homes for long.

  17. Okay WHERE and WHEN did the Browns' kids say that 2 houses were built and 2 more were under construction? I have missed something here.

    1. It was a comment from vegasmommie. I reposted it here:

  18. Is that the ENTIRE gated community? or is that just one part of it?? I think I see a gated security booth in one pic which would make that a very SMALL gated community!

    1. If you look at the plat map, the cul-de-sac is the gated community, consisting of 9 lots/homes. So yes, it is very small. There's no security booth, just the gates. You can see the gates just over Kody's right shoulder, between Kody and Meri.

    2. There is a construction trailer visible in both the fotos--maybe that's what was mistaken for a security booth?

  19. I'm glad I'm not the poor sucker who worked and saved to build my dream home, to end up next to some idiot with a billion kids and baby mamas, AND a political activist who is suing to nationally legalize polygamy.

    Oh, and they film a reality show and don't work. Worse, and they don't even try to disguise their houses on TV, including helpful maps. Want some juice or some costume jewelry? Worst. Neighbors. Ever.

    1. Unicorns and rainbowsJuly 6, 2012 at 6:52 PM

      Totally absolutely agree.
      I swear I love this blog but I can't stand them and seriously won't give them another click on tv.

    2. Lobotomized (CulDeSac)July 6, 2012 at 6:58 PM

      I truly feel sorry for John Doe that worked hard and saved to buy a house for him, Jane and the baby/ies and then realizing they have to stand Kody kruising around the culdesac at all hours of the night making booty calls.

    3. Maybe the Browns' new neighbors will be some of the American Gypsies! That would give TLC a very convenient filming location, a nice winter location for the travelers and a jumping off point for places on the West Coast.

      These folks always seem to be looking for a venue for their weddings and parties. TLC should just buy a big house in LV and let the Gypsies from all around use it.

      Ratings Gold!!!!!

    4. WhyDoIWatchThesePeople?July 7, 2012 at 12:10 AM

      YES! Get some Gypsies to move into the other lots! All that skin showing, LOL!

    5. "Lobotomized (CulDeSac)July 6, 2012 6:58 PM
      I truly feel sorry for John Doe that worked hard and saved to buy a house for him, Jane and the baby/ies and then realizing they have to stand Kody kruising around the culdesac at all hours of the night making booty calls."

      Or perhaps it was Jane Doe who worked hard and saved to buy a house for her, Joe, and the baby/ies :) Just saying.

  20. what happens IF they move in and the HOA says no tlc filming crews? Mine wont let us have work vehicles parked out over night. If I spent that much on a home I would expect privacy and a good quality of life, not a zoo of cameras and crew, and some trailer trash neighbors living next door. it doesn't add up.

    1. Lobotomized (CulDeSac)July 6, 2012 at 7:01 PM

      I have no idea. I live in a condo in a gates community with guards and all and have no cue how the administration would handle it if I were to have my own freak show.

    2. First time poster here. Just started watching the show on Netflix. Great blog!

      That would be an interesting turn of events for the family. I'm going to guess that the HOA will request a certain amount of money per month/year, to accommodate residents who feel their lives will be invaded by the cameras.

    3. Meri is the only legal wife of his and she is the first wife. Doesnt she get some seniority benefits ?

  21. Big for their britches now, aren't they? How about, living normal, giving back to the community in Lehi by supplying backbacks, school supplies, foos, etc. They lived off the taxpayers for years, companies lost 100's of thousands of dollars in their bankruptcy scheme, etc. Oh, wait, TLC can pay for that when they start the Roloff crap and we all quit watching. I swear, TLC reads the blog and runs with it!

    1. Lobotomized (CulDeSac)July 6, 2012 at 8:05 PM

      Ha ha ha.

      Kody & Co giving back?!?!?!? Hell no, they will only leach grift and TAKE whatever they can!

  22. WTG with pictures and investigating.

  23. I just want to know where Kody will put wife number 5,because we all know that will happen eventually.

    1. I had the same thought. Wonder if he's planning to fill up the entire cul de sac with sister wives?

    2. I'm thinking if Kody is pushing Meri to get a 7 bedroom house, it's not so that all wives are equitable, it's because down the road when wife #5 shows up, she's moving in with the wife who has room to spare - mainly Meri!

    3. That is a cynical comment. You're earning your moniker! (Grin.)

    4. I think Kody is wanting Meri to have a large house because she is the only LEGAL wife and it would essentially be HIS only LEGAL home. And we know Kodouche is NOT going to be left with only a small place if everything blows up in his face.

  24. Nacho Macho Man (NOT!)July 6, 2012 at 8:26 PM

    I just had a funny, but sad thought. When all the money is gone and we all know it will be quickly. They are going to have to resort to drastic measures like "Octomom" to survive. *Shudder* Grody stripping, Grody making self pleasure porn, etc! Oh wait, I forgot this is Grody he will make his poor wives do all that. Heck, he has 4 very different "wives" so he can corner the market in 4 different generes. We all know that man won't do any work at all. I guess it is just as well he moved to Vegas so he will be able to get his ladies into that lifestyle quicker.

    1. You know, Octomom had that mortgage with the HUGE balloon payment because she figured she'd be making big bucks on a reality show. Well, that show never materialized and she went into default.

      Let's just hope Kody and Krew are smarter that Octomom and stayed away from the balloon payment mortgages, otherwise we may be seeing him as a greeter at one of the lesser hotels on the Vegas strip. I'm thinking Circus Circus (is it still there?)

    2. @CJ: LOL!!! If that happens, I'll visit LV just to see it!!! I'd love to see Kody in some hokey uniform!! It would be such a blow to his ego.

  25. Ok this is embarrassing to admit, but I met one of the sister wives by driving by their houses just to see what the homes looked like. The crazy part is that it took my friend a ton of online digging to find the correct addresses. There were a few dummy addresses to throw people off. My friend saw the wife that we met that day on July 4th. She said that TLC flipped out when they heard people (us) found the houses and met the families that way. The Browns are no longer allowed to talk to crazy stalkers(me) who drive by. I guarantee you these houses under construction are NOT the ones they are building.

    1. Oh please. TLC drew a freaking map for you and used actual exterior shots. Clearly, TLC didn't care and neither did King Kody.

      Crazy (but nice) stalker fans like you aren't the problem. I would think his, um, radical political agenda is more of a crazy magnet, especially if this lawsuit gets some traction. I'd move if I lived next to someone this high profile such an awful reason. No way I'd put my kids through this.

    2. The cul de sac in these photos is about 6 blocks from the rental houses the Browns are currently living in.

    3. Busyscissors, which wife did you meet and what how did the conversation go? Did she look different in person? Was she nice? Details please!!

  26. Does anyone really believe that "TLC flipped out" ? I think the Brown's just don't want any stalkers. They should have thought of that before they went on a reality show.....

    1. Ok, so if the homes aren't in that the entire story of despair about one being sold and then the new location complete bullshit designed to entertain us?
      Is the whole bummer meeting with the loan person also entertainment and the homes were already secured?
      I hate being duped.

    2. Now that I think about it, yeah I could see the producers getting a little jittery if the emotional ups & downs that they drag their fans through is nothing more than lies. They're supposed to be a reality show, we've already seen that the "reality" is altered for viewers.
      This house crap is probably no different. If TLC or others are really paying for this, the drama about their finances is all for show.

  27. I think we have been duped.

    1. Then send your info to the mods. We don't know that you aren't trying to dupe us. Kody is such a fame lover, why wouldn't he want everyone to know? TLC doesn't CARE, it gives the show more attention.

    2. i understand you from your post below. i have seen many a time they do get on here! Sorry if that sounded wrong, but you had me sooo intriqued. I wish that, they wanted privacy, they wouldn't make such a BIG deal out of it, and have more shows on something else. Me thinks that Kody has gotten some folks to basically buy them some homes for him, and he pay them back. they were offering over on their fan page or Tlc page, one!
      Isn't that hard to believe?

  28. I love a mystery so I did some digging of my own. I think the deals fell through or was only created for the storyline. Searching on Clark Co recorders/tax assessor page, it indicates the lots shown on the show are still unimproved and deeded to the developer.

    I doubt the Browns are such "stars" (ok, in their feeble minds they are) they could persuade the tax office, building inspectors, mtg company, title company etc etc hush hush for the sake of a bs reality show and not transfer deeds etc.

    So with 1 & 5 being sold, Lots 2, 3, 4 have completed homes on them and per the LV MLS are currently on the market. That leaves the undeveloped, still in developers name for the grifters to build their compound on.

    The listing on Mona's TMI Realty site lists earnest money required $10k.

    Any chance it was a different development?

    1. I don't know.... I think they would stay under the developers name until deeded to the Browns... you may be right, no RE expert here, but that's what they did with my daughter's home. If you look at the area VIA google, they are going to build other areas. Confused!

    2. finally seeing realityJuly 6, 2012 at 10:19 PM

      True the Brown's don't have the power, but TLC might. I agree that it is likely the houses are somewere else. TLC might like to keep the location a secret, but I don't doubt that the houses were ever they are located are above what the Brown's can really afford.

  29. I do not know where they are building, all I am telling you is that they went to great lengths to hide their rental addresses. We managed to find them and the Browns and TLC were freaked out. As I would be. That is the only info I have. If I were on a reality show, I would never put my real info out there. Christine told me that one of her neighbors is a disgusting perv who has set up cameras to look into her and other neighbors houses. It is my guess from this experience that they do not want people to know where they live, and are faking these houses to throw people off. And I can't say I blame them. That's all I know.

    1. oh, so when you did the drive by, it was their RENTAL houses, not the property they are building on.

      I suppose that is why they make a big deal about moving to a Gated Community. That way they can have all the filming going on without worrying about people driving by, since the cars can't get past the Gate.

    2. Me too, I was lurking, and thought the poster meant the NEW homes.

    3. I remember in the beginning of the show that not only was the address to their Lehi house readily available on the internet, but that when they moved to Las Vegas the wives were listed in an internet phone book! So dumb, so dumb.

      As far as the perv with the cameras---wasn't it Christine's house that had the front door damage (door frame kicked in or something) I'm thinking the 'perv' set up the cameras to protect his own property from damage. Who would want to watch Christine eat her nachos anyway? We know how disgusting it is to Kody!

  30. Not drinking the kool aidJuly 6, 2012 at 9:18 PM

    Thanks for finding this info! How very interesting. I would hate to live next to them and would be very disappointed if I found that out after purchasing my home. Then again, we can't afford one like that because I am a normal working family trying to make ends meet. Nice to see TLC catering to another family just like they did to the Gosselins and the Duggars cuz you know TLC has something to do with this.

  31. Oh, and trust me. I'm not trying to help them. Sooooooo not a fan!

    1. I think it was confusing for folks and we accept fans as well as non fans.

    2. Sorry it was confusing! My storytelling skills need work! :)

  32. someday the best reality show will be a TRUE reality show that shows all the behind the scenes scripting that gets worked out and the why's and wherefore's of those decisions. but then again, it will still be a reality show about making reality shows so, it won't be believable either. lol

    1. lol..exactly

    2. I think they should make a reality show about me. I wake up and drink coffee. then I fix my husband some brunch. I cook dinner, pack it, send him off to work, and do laundry and dishes. Sometimes I watch the news, but sometimes I watch jeopardy or read a book.


    3. as soon as there's a camera in the living room, it's no longer reality. ;')

    4. Also, remember when there was a writer's strike a few years ago. ALL REALITY shows were also affected and only reruns shown, too. hmmm...... now why in the world did having no writers possibly affect THOSE??? LOL

  33. Still Not Drinking the Green KoolaidJuly 6, 2012 at 9:36 PM

    I just did a quick search on another of TLC's former golden goose, Kate Gosselin. According to a blogger, she recently refinanced her house and is relying on speaking engagements, gifts and book sales to supplement her income now that her show was cancelled. Didn't TLC help build that house, too? As much as I think the adults in both situations, the Browns and the Gosselins need a good comeuppance, I am wondering what happens to the kids when the gravy train stops abruptly. Reality shows are rather cruel. They certainly aren't real AND in this case, I think they are ultimately victimizing the children. Whether they are building the houses they said they were in this cultasac or anywhere else, it is pretty obvious that the Brown family will not be able to sustain them. Then what? Back to Lehi? The kids will suffer the most as a result of the show. If this show has taught me anything about polygamy, nobody is better and the "principle" cannot sustain itself. I hope the TLC producers sleep well at night.

    1. If I were TLC/F8F, I would sleep very well. The browns don't HAVE to do the show, they chose to. If anyone's doing harm to those kids, it's their dad. But I guess they're his chattel.

    2. I totally agree with you. What if something happens to Kody. What will the wives do. Will they be reassigned to another polygamist man or would Kody's brothers take over. Remember what happened to Bill on "Big Love", maybe this is why they need the gated community. Kody is going to make more enemies once this lawsuit gets under way. Even if polygamists want to make their lifestyle legal, it will not be to their benefit. They will no longer be able to bleed the beast. Polygamy will never be legal in this country. There are too many women who will fight this tooth and nail. Women are not going to be treated like property. Kody and gang can do whatever they want in private but Kody will never get polygamy legalized. TLC does not care what happens to this family, they only care about making money. Once the interest is gone, TLC will move to the next sucker. TLC does not care who is watching this show, they only care about the number of sponsors for the show. I bet if these advertisers pulled their ads, this show would be cancelled real fast. Once again, I believe that we are being lied to about the homes.

    3. That's a good reason then for every taxpayer to want polygamy legalized . I would also suspect that once it was legal and they couldn't live off the taxpayers, then polygamy won't even be as prevalent as it is now. The secrecy/welfare factor is really what makes them as "successful" as they are!

      also, the secrecy is the reason there's so much rampant child sexual/physical abuse as well. that would be great if they were forced out in the open legally to cut down on that HUGE problem behind the scenes.

  34. I remember the episode when Kate was walking in the new house after they bought it and looked out the kitchen window. She said "26 acres, mine, mine all mine". Disgusting. I don't think TLC paid for it but she certainly got freebies from whoever remodeled the kitchen because that was shown on TV.

    If TLC didn't want the rental houses to be found why would they put up a map of their locations where you could easily compare it to a real street map and find out where they are. I do agree with anon j that the producers would get nervous if finding out where the lots are would blow their pretend real story line if it's all just a hoax. Otherwise they wouldn't care. And yes, if they live in a gated community they don't have to worry about their 'fans' mobbing them.....and they can film their bizarre existence in peace.

    1. Kate and Jon were fortunate enough to be among the first big reality star families for TLC. I'm guessing at the time, they just thought that the public would stay tuned to watch the kids grow up...but now I think they know better.
      And why would TLC buy the house for them? It's FAR more interesting tv to see them muddle through it on their own. Chortle!

  35. I just don't understand why Cody doesn't insist on his OWN big ass house. I mean then he could have his clothes all in one place, 'entertain' possible future wives and get a break from it all ;)) Doesn't he DESERVE it?

    1. And have all the wives come to him! LOL in his red velvet "bedding" room!

    2. Still Not Drinking the Green KoolaidJuly 6, 2012 at 10:01 PM

      Amy, don't forget, Kody's goal is his own planet. He will have all of eternity to run around it putting his stink on it...maybe this could be a new blog, name Kody's planet!

    3. Bahaa!! If Meri gets her house with a wet bar Kody most certainly does DESERVE a big house with a 'Looove Making' room! Baa haa!

      Kody's Planet would make a great T!

  36. Awesome topic! Now these are the topics I enjoy. The religion...not so much. It's clear to me at least IMO that for Kody the religion doesn't matter that much. I love the exclusive pix too! Thank you!!

    1. Ahh yes, it was just a short while ago some of us were fascinated by these nice gals and their unconventional life. Fast Fwd to now! Dysfunction up the yinyang, passive aggressive mean bitches, hyperactive ego maniac husband, lies flying every which way.
      The squirrel doodoo is knee deep at this point. I think we all "deserve" to see the implosion as payment for our time spent as goofs.

  37. The only reason people think that they are "normal" is because they don't look like a cross between Little House on the Prairie and Children of the Corn.
    As for the houses, it really doesn't matter if they get them or not, they won't be able to keep them, and will be back to their old tricks lickety-split when the gravy train boots them off.
    However, it is IMMENSELY fun to try and unravel the rather rag-tag mystery and figure out from where exactly the next set of lies will originate. I wonder if any of the casinos are taking bets! I'd love to get a piece of that action! The irony of potentially making a fortune off of forecasting when the Browns will end up poor again.

    1. Little House on the Prairie and Children of the Corn. SNORT! Laugh!
      Someone make a T shirt!

    2. HaHaha. That's a good one and I'd actually wear it.
      Props RobotMonkey!

  38. I don't believe that the Browns own the houses. They probably got their $20k back. And I don't believe that TLC/F8F paid or did anything to induce or influence the sale or acquisition of any home. They simply cannot afford it, and really TLC probably doesn't make sufficient profit on the show to warrant a $1.5+ mil purchase.
    That said the kids aren't lying exactly. It's true - 2 houses are almost built - but that doesn't mean the Browns own them. As bugged as Kody was about the less than thrilled reaction from the kids at the announcement, maybe the adults haven't TOLD the kids they don't own them? At least the little kids.

  39. The assessor doesn't show ownership yet.... Have you seen Meri's butt it's as big as Christine ! Wow she has taken up eating. In a big way.
    And poor janelle the only really beautiful one is still as big as a house. Speaking of houses. Wish she could find happiness so she wouldn't have tom keep stuffing her feelings with reactive eating.

    1. Recently watched a clip of them from the first season and ALL of the spouses have packed the weight on.

    2. Yup, just finished watching S1 on Netflix. I did a double take at Meri bc she looks so different now. I think it's all the Mexican food from that restaurant they frequent.

    3. i think it's all the eating out PLUS the stress eating of all their high carb/high sugar diet at home. Every recipe they have posted is so unhealthy. That's ok if you're doing it now and then but these foods are their lifestyle.

      Meri used to brag that she cooked at home by herself and didn't eat w/the others in Lehi (Christine cooking for her and Janelle's combined families) cause she preferred to eat healthy. She's also the one who bragged on twitter that she just finished doing her TWO HOUR swim! HAH!

      I don't believe anything any of these people say any more. Too many lies out of all their mouths. Including their book was a joke of lies and just brought up more questions than answers.

  40. My husband and I built a house a few years ago. It was't in our name until the closing which included a final walk-through of the finished house. It was under construction when we went under contract, but it wasn't ours until after the closing which happened after the house was completed.

    1. Interesting to know. Thank you for letting us know.

    2. that's the way it's done unless it's your own land to begin with and you're having a custom home built on it. you have a bridge loan in your name on the custom house being built in the meantime til closing and it's converted to a new loan.

  41. Oh, and, Kody is wearing the Purple Shirt again.

    1. "doesn't anybody get that I'm gay yet? how many more clues do i have to give?" geesh....

  42. Sorry, not on topic, but wanted to share:
    just found something below, in the DOJ files post, it has a link - Colorado City Now Has Cops That Enforce Arizona Laws Instead of a Child Rapist's Laws Diane posted it.

    Thank the Lord they are brinking in "real cops" i would read it, it makes the DOJ seem real and not going to disappear.

    1. thank God FINALLY!! i do hope w/all my heart this place finally gets turned around and everyone behind this Berlin Wall gets the help they've sorely been denied for so many years.

  43. according to real estate of nevada lot 6 which is suppose to be Robyn's house the sale is pending...

  44. Here is a thought. If by hook or crook they do manage to get four homes all next to each other, I noticed that each wife wrote her own earnest money check. If each wife has a home in her name, what happens down the road a few years if not all the wives are prudent with their household budget? What if Janelle manages to pay her mortgage by using her money wisely, but Meri with her expensive taste blows all her savings and then falls into foreclosure? Perhaps Robin or Christine won't be able to add up their tax bills properly. Makes me wonder if a one or more of them might dig their heels in and not move if the others have to move due to their personal budget. It is something to mull over for sure!

    1. I would hope the sisterwives would band together for the collective good and help each other out. But we are talking the Browns here...

      One thing for sure, Kody will be clueless what's going on until he tries to use his credit card to buy his hair stuff and the charge is >choke< DENIED!!! Bwahahahaha!

    2. i still can't even fathom them getting these 4 brand new expensive (for vegas as well as Brown's no employment budget) homes to begin with! Let alone only ONE wife eventually being foreclosed upon. ;')

    3. oh, lordy! i'd hate to be the clerk that has to tell him that and then get that beady-eyed Manson look from him! lol

  45. Kody has to seriously watch his p's and q's with Meri cuz in the State of Nevada it's a 50/50 state so all of his earnings from TLC will go to Meri, so she don't have to worry about her finances like the other wives!!!

    1. when Bitch#1 ain't happy, then NOBODY happy. Sadly, EVERYONE has to walk on eggshells around MGM. She alone can make or break all their lives on a daily basis. That's why Janelle just stays away and tries not to ever even get on her radar anymore. She learned that one from the get-go.

    2. I wonder if Janelle had a history of emotional/physical abuse (from her father, ex-husband, or an ex-boyfriend) to make her used to Meri's abuse? Why go back? She proved she could support herself and her kids fine when she left the first time.

      Since she isn't legally married to Kody, and the others mooch off of her she would do better emotionally and financially herself. She might not get much support, if any from Kody, but she won't have to support seven kids that aren't hers and three lazy adults who won't get a job! Here's hoping she finds the self-esteem and motivation to leave, if not soon, when more of her kids are older and self-sufficient.

    3. SheilaAnn: Janelle's dad died when she was little, so that may be one reason that she thinks having a very standoffish relationship with her "husband" is normal.
      As for leaving, I think that Janelle and Christine both believe that their mortal souls depend on being successful in this lifestyle.
      Leaving=Eternity in Hell
      However, being pregnant FOREVER in the afterlife sounds like hell to me, so......

  46. Blue mountains edgeJuly 7, 2012 at 1:35 AM

    Just wanted to throw my two cents in, as a east coaster who has lived in Vegas the last couple years. Back on the East Coast where I used to live "gated community" implied( and wa usually true) that you lived in the top notch richy rich neighborhoods. Here in Vegas, every neighborhood has a gate. Heck, I live on a street ( one street that ends In a col de sac) and we have a gate!! We aren't even a neighborhood! So don't let " gated community" throw you off... They gate anything that isn't a mobile home here! ( this is a very town.. Browns going "weird" fit riigghht in....)

    1. Ha!!!! Blue mountains edge, guess what? A couple of miles from where I live, there's an 'upscale' mobile home park that's gated!!! It's surrounded by a bunch of gated apartments and gated condos, so I guess they wanted to blend in...

    2. LMAO, CJ... Hilarious! :D Hey I wonder if Tent City in LV is gated too?? Bcuz the Browns could easily wind up there if they don't start working at real J.O.B.S & start saving their $$, instead of spending frivously, like they're @the level of the Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous!!
      Oh yeah, I want to add that all this time, the Browns just have that dirty, hick, trailer trash look about them, w/Janelle being the exception, bcuz she cleans up great! So IMO, no matter where the Browns reside, upscale or not, they'll just always have this "dirty" look about them, even after they all get glammed up for photo shoots, etc....I think Janelle, is the only one who uses face moisturizer, bcuz she tends to have a fresh face glow about her at times, but the others skin looks extremely dry & harsh.

  47. Okay, I am a resident of Las Vegas and live within 3 blocks of the purposed Brown compound that people believe is rightfully the new home(s) of the gang. Let’s not mistake the motive to protect the interest of the entire Brown family and furthermore the investment TLC has taken.

    For those commenter who reside in Las Vegas will understand quickly that the community in which TLC wants you to believe the homes are being built are in fact not the future plats of the Brown families. A visit to the present site reveals an area northwest of the suggested community that features two homes nearly completed with two additional homes under construction on a section of property small enough to be entirely closed off to future home sites. This new site is within riffle range of the compound TLC wishes you to believe is the Browns new homes. Now with the facts that have been unraveled thus far, would first validate the children’s stories and furthermore validate what the new season holds.

    Additionally, the new area provides total privacy to the Browns as the land is only large enough for four maybe five homes at most. Secondly, the homes nearly completed are roughly 1/3 smaller than the homes pictured above, thus making it affordable for their level of income. It’s extremely odd that a community of four maybe five homes are suddenly being constructed and nearly completed so close to the proposed compound. Just looking at it from the outside it fits the storyline like the key puzzle piece. The Browns get their homes in a private community tucked away from outsiders with no public access or the trouble of dealing with neighbors. The homes are modesty priced in the $450K range and provide the backdrop for TLC to move forward yet another year or so.

    A quick search of the property deed in fact delivers an interesting bit of information. The developer listed sold all lot(s) or plats of land within this one section over a four day period. It further indicates that Clark County zoning will encompass and approve the area as ONE sub-division with four lots and the largest of those four remaining big enough to build yet another home if needed. Like it or not, I firmly believe this sub division is the home of the Browns.

    Here in Las Vegas it’s extremely odd to have a sub division of only FOUR homes under construction with the development layout of walls surrounding that sub division tucked privately away from surrounding neighbors or likely unwanted visitors. And in closing this would provide all the key factors that Kody is searching for when he preaches the values of family.

    1. what you're saying is that it's all been a lie, and showing the kids flying their kites was a lie, and Kody running around the lots was a lie. And Mona showing them the lots was a lie, and the wives signing those $5K checks was a lie. Nothing but lies with that family. I wonder why? And would $450K still be considered "modesty priced" in today's economy?

    2. Mark, your resoning makes perfect sense. If the KB family has their own subdivision nobody can complain about filming on there. And the fact that room was left to build a fifth house on one of those properties tells me one thing: there is going to be a fifth wife.

      Here's what I think went down:

      TLC bought the subdivision for the Browns, because I cannot see them being able to come up with the down payments for four houses! They made sure it will be its own subdivision so filming will not be an issue with the neighbours. For them to make such a big investment I think they have signed a deal with the Browns for more seasons AND I think that deal involves Kody taking on a wife #5, hence the additional space for a fifth house. Sister Wives must still be getting good ratings otherwise TLC would not invest.

    3. That's not even including the yearly insurance & property taxes on EACH home either!! The cost X4, will be outrageous for their financially undisciplined asses. If they wait til the end of the year, to pay it, then they'll be cutting into their extravagant holiday spending funds!

    4. Interesting theory Mark. Are you saying the houses are $450k *apiece* or $450k *each*?

      However, I still do not believe that either TLC or Figure 8 Films is putting up any real estate money for the family, for reasons I have stated before - the profit/cost ratio of the show itself. An average of 1.9 million viewers might be very good for TLC, but overall for Sunday night prime time is very low on the totem pole. Sponsors/advertisers are more likely to pay more for shows that have more viewers. TLC is not a charity!

      It makes for better tv drama if the family has to figure it out for themselves, especially if they crash and burn on their own. TLC knows this - so if they're smart, they are sitting on their wallets and letting the Browns muddle through and get back into their own financial messes. If I thought that TLC was buying them houses etc...why watch? To me, the point of the show is "how does the family manage to do what they do" not "how can TLC enable them".

      Also, the perceived longevity of the show. I see at BEST maybe a couple more seasons. Why would TLC finance houses for a short lived reality show? Reality shows are money makers for tlc because they are low budget to produce. TLC has been airing reality shows for years and they know the arc...this past season wasn't exactly Emmy award viewing. I mean out of the few episodes aired, 3 were Q&As (and except for the last one, were pretty boring IMO).

      Nope, TLC and/or

    5. Oops - I meant to finish by saying that TLC and/or Figure 8 are NOT financing the homes, if they are being built. It's all a ruse and you can bet the execs are reading this blog and fb and rubbing their hands because the mystery is keeping the interest going a little longer....

    6. Mark - thanks for your great read of info. the only thing i beg to differ w/you is "the homes are modestly priced at $450K each." i understand "modestly" is a subjective term but in this case, all things considered - $450K is not modest considering the prolonged down market of Vegas as well as the fact this is TIMES 4 for the Browns who have no credit and no secured long-term employment for any of the 5 adults.

      I do not for one minute think TLC/8 is paying for these or even helping to get them into them based on it's obvious this show has only got a season or two left at most.

    7. Sorry, I forgot to add, it may be one of those suckers (like the one on FB) that is actually paying for these houses and they just ought to make monthly payments and will have the houses on their names once they're done with them payments. Because I don't believe TLC/F8F is going to splurge 2 million on the Browns.

    8. 450k is NOT modest, if you are poor enough to worry about how you are going to feed your kids!

      Also, how much are property taxes on a house like that in LV?

    9. No no no!!!

      This is catastrophic!!!

      How could the real estate agent allow this?

      Now I understand why the supposed Brown lots pictured above remain untouched.

      Who in their right mind, having toured the lots above in person and been confronted with the lingering STINK of Kody's perimeter prancing would ever even think of buying this land?

      Those lots will forever be barren, unsold, and a pox upon the other houses that are being built. The subdivision will become known to the locals as Butt Sweat Alley.

    10. The Los Angeles times reported in May that the median house price in LV is $119k.
      While $450k is a bargain here in the SF Bay Area, that is still more than 3x the median in LV!

      I doubt that Kody running around the lots in a reality show is going to keep an interested buyer from purchasing. We aren't talking OJ Simpson here. Most of my coworkers - all of whom have Cable TV - have no clue as to who Kody Brown is and aren't aware of the show or just don't give a rip. kody is not the uber-celeb he thinks he is.

    11. I agree, Anonymous, that TLC is not footing the bill for these homes for the Brown family....they didn't for Jon and Kate Gosselin, either....

    12. The Browns do not/will not own these homes. They were purchased by the network so that they may continue filming in close proximity together. Just like all of the mansions in reality shOws (eg. Flavor of love), wherin some broke ass has-been "lives".
      The show itself is losing ratings I mean, the family is horribly boring. The stupid douche who will take food from his childrens mouths to live in 4 big homes? Seriously, that is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
      So, obviously everything was done for show. No way this train wreck had any ownership in these homes.

    13. VH1 leased the McMansions for their reality shows - Rock of Love, Flavor of Love, Charm School etc. In fact it was common knowledge that the homes featured in reality shows were leased - the talent actually lived somewhere else.

    14. One thing to remember is that TLC is NOT the producer of the show. Figure 8 Films is the producer of the show. TLC pays Figure 8 Films a set amount for x number of episodes a season. Out of what TLC pays F8F, F8F has to pay not only the Browns, but their staff - the names that flash at the bottom of the screen at the end of each episode, as well as their administrative staff etc.

      TLC is a division of Discovery Networks, which is traded on NASDAQ. Discovery does NOT have the deep pockets that NBCUniversal (owners of NBC and Bravo, among other networks) or FOX does. TLC is not in the real estate business, and is not going to purchase or even help to finance any type of real estate purchase for the Browns.

      Calling the show an "investment" for TLC is stretching it...big time. In 20-30 years, people will still be watching reruns of "I Love Lucy", "The Simpsons", "Seinfeld", "Big Bang Theory" syndication, and the producers of those shows (and in some instances, the main actors) will be collecting $$$ for years to come. "Sister Wives" is NOT one of those shows. I think it's safe to say that the Browns are only getting paid for the actual filming of the show, they are not collecting royalties for subsequent airings or syndication rights. I don't see this show ever being a candidate for syndication. therefore once the show stops airing on TLC, it will essentially disappear or more likely, reruns (for which the family receives nothing) will air on one of the lesser Discovery Network channels. That in fact is what is happening with "Kate Plus 8" now. I just checked and reruns from 2011 are airing on Discovery Fit & Health (?). Kody Brown is not David Letterman, if he makes a demand for more $$ or to have houses financed for his family "or we walk!" guess what? TLC will take their blocks, and find another plyg family OR go on to another concept for a new show. Kody is not that stupid.

      The key of reality shows and why they are so popular with networks is because they are cheap and quick to produce. I realize that a lot of what we see is edited or manufactured drama, but if TLC actually purchases homes, or even provides the down payment for said homes, this will kill any chance of drama and I am SURE they are aware of it. TLC/F8F KNOWS which side their bread is buttered on ain't their first time in the Reality Rodeo. They don't just want the fans of the family - they want people like US to watch. If the Browns are given homes on a silver platter, they KNOW that WE, the snarky cynics, will stop watching to see what happens next. I know I will.

      And Kody/wives being able to finance these just with their income? I'm a renter but I was under the impression that creative financing such as getting a mortgage based strictly on stated income, no looking at previous credit history i.e. bankruptcies, was no longer done. Banks have plenty of foreclosed houses they are sitting on now, so I doubt they would be interested in the new houses as collateral. they just want their $$.

    15. Hey Lover - the way that other networks such as MTV and FOX have done - the mansions etc were leased for a set period of time - just as long as it took to film each season. Flavor Flav didn't live in the mansion. And Flavor of Love/Surreal Life/Joe Millionaire etc etc did not live in the houses except during the time the shows were being filmed. Again, TLC is not in the real estate business and they have a duty to the shareholders of Discovery Network to justify each and EVERY expense they make. Buying four overpriced homes in one of the cities which was hardest hit by the housing crisis for the sake of a short-lived reality show that averages 1.9 million viewers is not a wise or justifiable expense by any means.

    16. DJ - your wisdom and analysis is much appreciated - sounds plausible enough to me.

      Question for you? How much would they net in income per book sold? Could it be like $5? How many books could they have reasonably sold? Could it be, say, 100k? Could this be the influx of money upon which this family is trying to finance houses? Agreed this wouldn't be the most financially responsible thing to do with a fortuitous influx of money if one has 17 children, but none of us here believe this is a financially foresightful family.

    17. I think - in retrospect - J&K+8 was a MAYOR learning curve for TLC that set the standard. They might have thought that people would be interested in seeing all those kiddos grow up, teenage woes, off to college etc. And since they were, in a certain way, the first of their kind (and the Duggars to a lesser extent), TLC gave in to a lot of their requests (stemming from Kate's hollywood grandeur) thinking it would be OK and they easily could make that money back. Then reality slapped them in the face, ratings dropped and the show got cancelled. TLC realized that they can't rely on a reality show as a gift that keeps on giving (even though the Kardashian's know how to do just that) and that they should be very reserved. That's when Kody came in with his freakshow. Bad, bad trailer trash that happen to be polygamists. I don't know whether the luxuries he might have seen J+K have lured him in, I sometimes wonder. What I do know is that if he came in way earlier he could have gotten away with crazy requests. Now he just gets a paycheck for the episodes he lets TLC make about his family farm.
      Kody can forget about getting free housing from TLC and I think he realized that only AFTER their move to Vegas (where he thought TLC would buy them houses). I do have a feeling somehow someway that they got 4 houses, that some stupid person helped them. Of course 2 million worth of real eastate in hands of people with no money, no jobs, no skills, no intelligence has never proved to last long. Let the circus begin.

    18. GordonSetter - I'm not in the publishing industry, but I do have friends and acquaintances that are musicians and have had recording contracts (having been married to a semi-pro musician myself). I believe the publishing business works the same way as the music business. The artist signs a contract and gets an advance - sometimes paid in two installments, half on the draft, half when the finished work is delivered by a set date. If the date isn't met (the book is overdue) then the author doesn't get as much as the publisher lessens the amount of the unpaid advance as a 'fine' of sorts. Especially with this type of book, because the publisher obviously wants to make $ and ride on the coattails of the show while it is still popular.

      So the book is published - the Browns get a certain agreed upon amount. I doubt it's $5.00. It's probably more like $1.00 per sold copy. Remember there are a lot of people wanting their cut of the pie - the Brown's book agent (yup I'm sure they had one, and he/she probably gets a cut of what the Browns get), the publisher of course, Amazon or whatever retailer is selling the book gets their cut too. BUT...if it's like the record business, the Browns don't see a penny of that money until enough books have been sold to meet the advance paid to the Browns. So let's say the publisher in their wisdom gave the Browns a $10,000 advance - $5000 up front once they saw a draft, then $5000 when the finished product was delivered (I'm just using these numbers as examples BTW). The Browns wouldn't get their $1.00 (or whatever their share is) cut from each sold copy until 10,000 copies had been sold. They will start collecting when book 10,001 is sold. (and again, these numbers are just EXAMPLES...the advance numbers are closely guarded secrets just like how much Figure 8 Films is paying the Browns is a secret).

      The record industry is even more cutthroat based on what I've heard from musicians (this might be different now with Pro Tools being used) as besides the advance, the record companies would include hourly fees for the use of studio time, extra musicians, producer etc etc on top of the advance, so sometimes the musicians have to wait years and YEARS before they actually see any money coming from their recordings. I don't know how common this really IS in the industry, but I have heard the same story from several musicians - most of whom had top 40 hits back in the 1980's. The real money in music is in song publishing and playing live concerts, at least that's what I've been told...

      as far as my opinions and thoughts on why TLC CAN'T buy houses for the Browns because they are part of a shareholder-owned company - that comes from my own experiences. I have worked for the same company for almost 15 years. It was always privately held until a few years back when the Powers that Be decided to go public on the NYSE. For a year before the IPO, every single employee in the company had to be retrained to make sure we were ALL meeting SEC requirements. And a big part of that is transparency - total transparency in how company funds are being spent. That meant for example, that just because one or two people in the department order a new monitor they can't just decide that EVERYONE on the team needs a new monitor and place a big order just for the heck of it. Every single management person is now bound to meet quarterly earnings estimates and keep expenditures realistic and ALWAYS, always keep the shareholders/stock holders in mind and as long as we are being publicly traded on the NYSE (or in Discovery's case, NASDAQ) this will continue. It's just the way it is. So TLC can't buy four houses and try and hide that expense. It needs to be justified, especially since again they aren't in the real estate business. TLC/Discovery is no different from Coca-Cola, Nike, Pepsi, or my employer. the SEC rules are the same.

    19. BTW Lobotomized I agree with you that the Gosselins were absolutely a learning experience for both TLC and F8Fs. And I do think that TLC believed that the american public would want to follow the Gosselin kids through their growing up years. Recall the McCaughey septuplets - remember the HUGE deal made about them? they got free everything, a free house, free van, free babysitting, President Clinton called, they cut a deal with Ladies Home Journal etc etc? Nowadays, multiple births are not such a big deal. Just like Octomom - she SO obviously thought she was going to ride the Reality Gravy Train.

      TLC knows better now. They will milk the polygamist puppy and Kody will suck on the teat until the milk dries up (i.e. viewership goes down) and then they will fade into obscurity, except for their website and looking for speaking engagements and being on VH1 on one of those "We Love the 2010's!!" shows where comedians will make fun of them and say whatever happened to them? oh yeah and the obligatory stories in Us and the Star. I look forward to seeing Kody's mug shot on the Smoking Gun in future.

  48. Totally off topic, but much to my surprise, the Darger Family, actually responded to my tweet from a couple of weeks ago. I had asked them, if they had a chance to check out the Brown's MSWC jewelry line & if they're planning on purchasing any?

    TheDargerFamily's response: "We haven't seen it yet but most definitely will check it out"

    At least they didn't delete my question or avoid it all together. So if I'm reading between the lines right, they're courteously responding, meaning hell no we ain't spending our $$ on that overpriced, crappy Since, the Browns & Dargers are twitter peeps, I figured they would at least be curious to see what MSWC website looks like & has to offer. I'm thinking they did, & had a great laughing session out of it! :D

  49. I just found this blog and I love it!

    What if the paparazzi bought the other lots so the browns would be in a fish bowl 24/7?

  50. Mark: "the homes nearly completed are roughly 1/3 smaller than the homes pictured above, thus making it affordable for their level of income."
    "The homes are modesty priced in the $450K range"

    Very interesting...... in that the homes featured in the show are priced in the $450K range, but you seem to be saying that they're getting 1/3 less home for the same price.
    It's like the rabbit hole of Brown stupidness never really seems to end.....

    1. Robot.

      The homes featured in the show are $450 ++... Yes, but lets also remember that would be for someone that is credit worthy. Now looking at the flip side of it, you have an outside investor come in saying based on the information I see and the risk I take, I am willing to give you 1,500 sq feet less for a bit less than what is featured above. And in two years of making payments on time you obtain a conventional loan with the hopes that two years from now property values begin an upward swing to offset the higher price you paid for the property.

      It's a win, win for both parties. Yes, the Browns are getting screwed, but thats the price you pay for the past credit problems. Which we all know now the Browns are making their payments ON TIME!!

    2. yep, it is the price you pay for bad credit. rightfully so. otherwise, where's the incentive for people to NOT pay their debts in a timely manner as they agreed to do so. we'd all be a bunch of schmucks then if there was no reward vs. consequence value to it.

      but i'm not sure The Browns fully see the fairness in it. After all, Robyn's the one who cried,"this isn't the America I was taught about in school." what was she taught? that you can go around and publicly proclaim you're against a law and not going to follow it and you get an automatic pass?? she's not even grateful for the fact that Kody could actually be in jail for his publicly confessed felony. but he's not. Now THAT's not the American I was taught about in school!!

    3. I dunno, that seems a little risky since that's the flawed basis that spawned the nation's foreclosure/predatory lending crisis.
      For people who barely held their heads above water under one roof, with terrible credit history, at least 2 of them have no employment history at all, documented govt. assistance as "income".....doesn't it seem extremely unlikely that any investor or lender would be willing to risk the enormous bad press if they default in a couple of years?

    4. Mark:
      I see what you're saying. Obviously, I am no real estate expert, or even a resident of Vegas, so it's merely me and my handy computer running down property searches, etc., but it seems awfully weird that ANYBODY would throw money away speculating on the Brown's ability to repay loans and the Vegas real estate market rebounding. Just a quick search of the zips involved and a seemingly astronomical number of homes for sale are in foreclosure.
      I mean, there are a lot of stupid people out there, and even more looking to make a quick buck, but in essence, the whole idea of the Browns being able to afford 4 houses anywhere near the dollar value they're looking at is laughable, even with TLC money and their side -uh-hem- "businesses".
      I did, however, find a property that fits your description....... I wonder.

  51. $450,000 seems OVERPRICED

    From Trulia:
    Las Vegas Summary

    The median sales price for homes in Las Vegas NV for Mar 12 to May 12 was $117,500. This represents an increase of 8.8%, or $9,500, compared to the prior quarter and an increase of 2.2% compared to the prior year. Sales prices have depreciated 59.9% over the last 5 years in Las Vegas. The average listing price for Las Vegas homes for sale on Trulia was $309,591 for the week ending Jun 27, which represents an increase of 1.5%, or $4,522, compared to the prior week and a decline of 2.4%, or $7,680, compared to the week ending Jun 06. Average price per square foot for Las Vegas NV was $236, an increase of 59.5% compared to the same period last year. Popular neighborhoods in Las Vegas include Las Vegas, Summerlin, Sunrise Manor, Spring Valley, Summerlin South, and Canyon Gate.

    1. Keep in mind though, that these homes are new, and that new homes always cost they are quite large. I would bet that the average Las Vegas home in the $120,000 price range is less than half the size of these, and least a few years, anyway. I could be wrong, but that's the sort of real estate trends I see where I live.

      Of course, all that being said, I agree that these homes are overpriced for what they are.....I personally don't think that "new" means a home should be worth more. And this higher price tag is probably one of the reasons the builder isn't selling them faster.

  52. Just a question for anyone out there fimiliar with Nevada services or HR. Can these grifters collect unemployment insurance after a reality show gets canceled? Might as well exhaust those benefits before jumping back on the welfare wagon.

  53. Are we forgetting the money that they are pulling in from the writing and selling of the book, DVDs, every time TLC reruns a show, a TLC promotion ad spot and whatnot. I just hope they pay off the homes quickly so when the ratings slip the the books dry out they won't be out on there asses.
    I wonder if they will keep the backyards all open a'la Big Love.....I mean it's a great idea!

    1. LOL! That's how they came up with the $20,000 earnest money!

    2. Freezeclnm - Most reality TV participants only get paid for filming the show. They don't get paid for reruns or every time the show airs, nor do they get $ every time TLC shows a promo spot. The book strikes me as very much a flash in the pan. It did nothing sales wise until the NM interview, then of course people got interested and sales peaked. Once interest wanes, the sales will drop. and in fact, have already started dropping - after only 13 days in the Amazon hot 100 (which was when the NM interviewed aired - 13 days ago) it has dropped to #84 with a red downward arrow. Whatever advance the Browns received from the publisher might have even been paid off by now. then they might start getting, oh, $1.00 a book...remember the publisher is in the business to make money too.

      so you see. People WAY overestimate how much the Browns get from their "celebrity".

    3. I don't believe any real earnest money was ever paid. They may have signed checks just for filming, but destroyed them right after. Especially considering the lots they talk about are still empty half a year later (weren't they in HUGE need to get houses quick because Kody couldn't handle cruising around anymore? Not that he does anything really in his life) OR they lied to us big time about location which makes it even less likely they ever put earnest money down on foe lots.

    4. Aw man...and that hurts to know that maybe my (our) tv bffs were fibbing to us.
      Being a tv junkie, I've followed along with the Duggars and their big house, the Roloffs and their big remodel and the Little Couple and their big new house. It got boring but it never flat out bugged the sh*t out of me like these con artists.
      Their constant tearful poor-us routine is annoying and fakey.
      The other reality fams that upgraded their living situations probably did use their tv money and clout to finance but they actually have real jobs to continue paying for things.

      The Browns are starting to have a rip-off stench about them, and the house mystery is also starting to stink too.

    5. "The Browns are starting to have a rip-off stench about them, and the house mystery is also starting to stink too."

      This!. The house thing is just one straw on the camel's back. The way they jacked up the price of the ugly little trinkets by insane "handling" fees, the way their "testimonials" about the weight loss on their LIV page just don't match what we see of their weight gain, the general cheesy vibe..

      The terms flim-flam and snake oil come to mind.

    6. @Mock Fan - I don't really follow the Duggars that much, but as I understand, Jim Bob Duggar already was successful - real estate agent, served in the Arkansas House of Reps (long before the show), has invested in properties etc. I'm sure the money the Duggars are getting paid by F8Fs for their show is what they used to improve their living situation and make it a bit more comfortable. When their show ends (appears to be near at this point from what I've read) the Duggars will be better off and Jim Bob will go back to his real estate job. Remember too, that they live in a state where the cost of living and housing is low compared to Las Vegas and California.

      I also don't follow the Roloffs, but according to Wikipedia, Matt Roloff already had several careers as an actor in Hollywood, and in the software industry, it also appears to me that they owned their farm before the show...?

      In comparison, the Browns had nothing except their Lehi house before the show, and the smart thing would have been for the Browns to stay put, keep their jobs (I don't buy for one minute that Kody was fired because YES just found out from the show that he was a polygamist - I'm sure they already knew as he gets so much joy out of telling everyone and he was already known as an 'activist' of sorts before the show was filmed) and use the TV money to pay off the Lehi house and make an addition/improvements to it. Now THAT would have made for some very interesting viewing - an addition for Robyn and improving Christine's kitchen etc. etc.

  54. I guess the klowns of KodyWorld really do fancy themselves as celebs now, worthy and "deserving" of upscale homes.

    Quite a quantum leap in the last 2 years from a sectioned habatrail house in Utah with 3 wives each living in their crammed in-house their own private, gated compound of four NEW mini-mansions complete with pools, wet bars, offices, craft rooms and in Meri's case, plenty of extra bedrooms.

    However, it is insulting for them and for TLC to have pulled this off with phony scenarios, phony family dramas.... (think tearful surrogacy offer that has and will go nowhere).....phony businesses, ridiculous, redundant and contradictory couch chats !!!
    Reality??? Maybe only if the original premise for SW was to see how far a phony show about phonies could be milked.

    DO they REALLY think that their star status has unending shelf life?
    Do they really think that even if all their bullsh**t wasn't actually bullsh**t...but actually true...(which it isn't)....that their appeal would last beyond whatever TLC has dreamed up for a season more or two?
    Their expiration date is looming....they just aren't that interesting as "stars?"

    And collectively, they don't have that much charisma (or apparently, knowledge) to be "THE" spokespeople for the Plyg World.

    But you have to give old Krazy-Eyes Kody credit.......
    He managed to turn being a plyg into his own $$ cottage industry$$ !!!!

  55. I have posted 2 replies that did not post. So I will try a new thread.
    My only comment is that none of us are surprised to lied too by the Browns, TLC, F8F. I don't think anyone on here with any type of public exposure would want to disclose exactly where their children are living. I have posted every time I have info on houses that I thought that the sub division was just for filming purposes. There is no doubt the houses and lots on film are the Ones we sniffed out. I believe I posted the addresses at the beginning of the season/storyline. The first show on may 13 aired and I thought hey they are claiming to have bought these houses and I just drive by Meri's rental and she is still there 5 and half months later ? Maybe it was all planned fake or maybe they changed courses when they found out how easily the location was identified.
    It wouldn't be the first time our (SWB) has seemed to have affected show.

  56. Mock Tomato SammichJuly 7, 2012 at 5:46 PM

    Finally decided on a name! This is really a test post, but I wanted to thank the moderators and contributors for an awesome blog.

  57. If they just applied their skills they could all have steady jobs! I won't pick on Janelle because she actively tries to have marketable jobs skills. But...Robynn could hire out her womb, Grody could advertise stud services, Christine could be a caterer, and Meri could be a professional personal shopper. THAT'S the kind of stuff I want to see in My Sister Wives' Closets!

  58. Baby Solomon has a picture on Twitter of him with a pacifier that says "MOVIE STAR" I think that sums up their thinking.....

  59. The Roloffs, Little Couple, and Duggars don't bother me a bit with their building. Actually the Duggars did their building quickly and don't constantly remodel. Roloff farm remodels were interesting. Kate Gosselin was in 3 houses in her 6 or so years on tv, ending in her $1.2M mine-all-mine mini mansion and acreage. She was the queen grifter, I thought, but then here come the Browns. Kate's behavior was jaw-dropping, and the Brown's irresponsibility and willingness to take financial advantage of their fans with their schemes, are the hooks on these shows, I think. One simply can't believe it, then is mesmerized by it, and then TLC gets sick of them and dumps them. None of the other families had housing that was a big secret location. I know TLC is used to pulling up a couple of trucks, a couple of SUVs and vans, and a craft services unit. It's not that big a deal to them. I don't buy the need for secret housing for these people. Not at all. No need for it, and hard to do with 17 children.

  60. We know Kody has to have the Kate nastiness to him. I'd like the cameras to hang around until they catch more and more instances of his behavior. Of course, Kate had/has her coare group of fans who support everything she does, somehow, no matter how difficult it is to come up with justifications. Kody has already shown us stupidity and meanness and entitlement. Go on koadster, give katie a run for her money.

  61. Maybe the Browns are being funded by other plyg sects (non-AUB). I've read that a lot of the Colorado City people earn their living in construction. Maybe the Bronws are getting their houses built cheap by plygs, in order to help them promote their lifestlye.
