Monday, July 16, 2012

Video: Sister Wives - Health Insurance and Spiritual Unions

This is an old video - apparently filmed before Kody married Robyn, while the family was still living in the Big House in Lehi. Also I think the video was titled wrong...

Just a couple of things - notice the eye roll Mariah gives Maddie when she talks about not becoming a plural wife.

Also, the look Kody gives Janelle when she interrupts HIM. Never mind he interrupted Meri first and Janelle just wanted Meri to finish her thought.

Now that we've had a couple of years watching Kody's high jinks, seems like business as usual for Kody to want to comment on jealousy felt by sisterwives when he is the husband, and can't really understand Meri's perspective. What would he have to offer in the conversation when HIS need to marry more women is the root cause of the jealousy Meri is experiencing? And at least Maddie understands how jealousy is a major dysfunction of her parent's 'lifestyle'.

Jealousy is kryptonite? I'm thinking Kody has kryptonite for brains.

Your Thoughts?


  1. I don't understand Meri here when she says how her jealousy would never have been dealt with had she not been in a polygamist lifestyle. Has she never felt any jealousy before growing up that she had to deal with or is she just talking about the jealousy that comes with sharing her husband with other women? I know how at times I've gotten jealous over friends or siblings that have things or have gone places I wish I had or could go to. Is that jealousy or envy? lol! It just seems odd that the Brown women feel they have to suffer so much to make them better yet Kody does not. What does the husband do or not do to better himself as a polyg?

    1. You’re jealous of what you have; envious of what you don’t.
      Meri is jealous of Kody’s time and affection. She envies Janelle (re: kids).

      This religion (not unlike most (all?)) is so flawed as to its rules regarding men vs. women.

      The women must deny their own emotions, health and wellbeing, completely trust and obey the man who must take care of them emotionally, financially and spiritually… or maybe not, since he doesn’t need to grow or mature, only to marry to achieve a higher heaven and if he doesn’t like the emotions she’s feeling he can just vanish and never visit and most women in plural marriages are on welfare programs, so win-win for him, yes?

      Compared to LDS sects, Scientology doesn’t look all that crazy, really.

    2. They all still have jealousy issues & they will never be dealt with!! Bcuz unfortunately & sadly, their world & brains revolve around KaDouche!

    3. Allyn you wrote,
      "You’re jealous of what you have; envious of what you don’t.
      Meri is jealous of Kody’s time and affection. She envies Janelle (re: kids)."

      Thank you for sharing this distinction.It's a nice one for my own verbal toolbox.

      How awful these women live it 24/7.

    4. I really have nothing to add here; everyone wrote well. I still fail to see how jealousy makes anyone a better person. And, my friends, jealousy makes us human...normal. still, why would you cheerfully expose yourself to this feelimg day after day after day? Forget the welfare fraud...this jealousy business is my main hang up with these folks..

    5. My thinking is that she wouldn't even have this jealousy if she wasn't sharing her husband. she brought it on herself.

  2. So if polygamy is about women overcoming their "jealousy" - how do the men overcome theirs? So sad that these women are always trying to rationalize the misery they are living. And "Kryptonite" - really? Methinks Kody has a superman complex.

    1. Simple. Polygamous men don't get jealous because they're practicing to become gods. Obviously, they're not up on Greek/Roman/Norse mythology.

    2. They don't have to deal with jealousy issues on this level because they have the best of both worlds. Krody is a prime example. Look at how uncomfortable he got when Meri talked about having multiple husbands. He doesn't have to share, he pretty much has the freedom to do what he wants, with his wife of choice (the ugly one as of late apparently), when he wants. He has variety. On top of that, if he gets tired of the 'lack of vaiety', he just finds a new flavour er wife to add to the rotation.

  3. Darn, Kody looks very bad here. I mean, he looks awful some, but he looked really bad there. Chubby, grudgy, unhappy, angry, tired face... Ewww.

    1. I mean awful now

    2. Greediness & stress ain't pretty + Stress will add YEARS to ur face & not in a good way

  4. Same old same old blah blah blah... what struck ME is that everyone has gained SO much weight.

    1. finally seeing realityJuly 19, 2012 at 4:37 PM

      Of course they have gained weight, with all that eating out they do. Most restuarant portions are double what you should eat. They also do nothing to dress in a fashion that flatters their figures. With all the money they spend on trips and restuarants, there probably is'nt much money for fresh fruits, and veggies which are healthy as well as lower calorie. To be honest I don't think they really care if they eat healthy, just as long as it tastes good (meaning lots of high calorie carbs). At their ages, except Robin, they are going to start having some major health issues for sure. Alot of what I know about nutrition is from Weight Watchers, who ultimately concentrate on healthy foods, and good portion control.

  5. I watched several of the clips and could only think about how much happier, involved, thinner, and more cooperative everyone in the family seemed in their Utah environs. It would be beneficial for the Brown family to remember how they managed that equilibrium--even if it was just for the TLC cameras. The last couple of seasons have been quite devoid of humor and fun family interactions. A break-the-Brown-Bank compound of houses can't resupply the closeness the small Lehi house gave the original family. I wish the show was really about the interaction of the Sister Wives and families. But instead it has become Kody World and His Peripheral Stuff!

    1. Bgee - I noticed exactly what you did. They all seemed happier, Meri was much younger looking and they have all gained weight. This lifestyle, the separate homes, Krody running around "doing" Vegas and the lack of love and support from fellow church members seems to have drained and aged them.

      It's a shame really because they likely will never get that back.

    2. I agree! I just want to add that they ALL have become extremely greedy & desire worldly goods, to the point of not really able to afford a lot of it either, but they seem to justify that w/ the notion that they seem to think they deserve it, even tho none of them really work or have a real J.O.B...what an eff'ing joke they are!!

    3. finally seeing realityJuly 19, 2012 at 4:41 PM

      I agree Caramel Brownie! All this excess will be their downfall. We may not be able to watch it on TV, but I bet the tabloids will have a field day. I really feel sorry for the kids, they do seem well ajusted considering the chaos the live in. If you don't work you don't deserve such extravagance.

  6. I've seen the word "jealousy" used on this show and in various interviews with Centennial Park women. I don't believe it's jealousy when other women are boinking your husband and you don't like it. That's being reasonably indignant! If you've committed yourself to one man, and that man's catting around, you have every right to be angry about that. That's not an emotion to work around, it's a sign that your relationship is flawed.

    1. I don't believe it's jealousy when other women are boinking your husband and you don't like it. That's being reasonably indignant!

      That should be on a T-shirt!!

  7. It doesn't sound like she's overcome that "fault" of jealousy at all. She's fooling herself to think that natural human emotion is ever going to go away. Of all the stories I've read and heard on polygamy there hasn't been one woman yet that could truly say they were able to absolve their jealousy toward their sisterwives. Even those Iranian women in the documentary suffered so much pain from it. It's the same story no matter who it is or where they live or who they're married to. Sharing your husband is not natural so those natural feelings of jealousy will never go away.

    1. finally seeing realityJuly 20, 2012 at 5:15 PM

      Heck yea if I had to share my husband with just 1 other woman I would be jealous, and I am not just talking sex. If I had to worry that he might tell her things that we talk about as a couple, I would consider it betrayal, and we know Kody does this. Makes me wonder if he likes them jealous, make him feel more studdly.(Yuck) My husband is mine alone and I have no intention of sharing him for anything. And if I felt I needed him to go to the highest heaven and be eternally pregnant, I would rather go to hell.

  8. First time poster, After reading this blog and doing my own research its quite apparent this bunch and what they say they represent is nothing but the work of a man who accumulates women like baseball cards for his own sick perversion. All in the name of God, and regardless of what others think, these women lost there own free will the minute they let Kody Brown take over there lives, there self respect is shot to hell, they know nothing of free will, I have had mormons tell me these are not mormons,, BS, had one telling me today there is plenty of evidence of the Ancients in America,, and referred me to central and south america, I suppose she was referring to the Incas and Aztecs,, what a bunch of loons

    1. Hi Anonymous 1:00 pm: The LDS have been eager to expand to Latin America, and have had more success there than, for example, Asia. In the not-so-distant past, Mormonism was the ultimate white US religion, and their emphasis was on their claims that Christ spent time in the US. They eventually realized that if they wanted worldwide expansion, they'd have to lose that ethnocentrism. Hence, they market the Book of Mormon as being about Christ's experiences in the "Americas" rather than just in the US alone. This shift has served the LDS well as they attempt to convert people south of the US.

  9. While jealousy is the one flaw that the women all seem to feel the need to overcome, it is the one emotion that feeds the narcism and power of the man. All four women are feeling deprived and jealous of his time with the other wives; hence, he is always the center of their world—good or bad. His ego is so pumped by having four women become jealous and hurt over the time he isn’t with one or the other; even though the women are overweight, unappealing, and uneducated, he still has that control over their mind. Observation is a powerful tool in science and the observations that I’ve seen with this family and other plural relationships is that the man controls the women through whatever means he can: physical abuse, emotional abuse, and even sexual abuse. But, for this particular weasel, he thrives on creating jealousy between the wives. While the women say, we try not to show affection to him around the other wives, he plops his fat butt down and puts his arms around the nearest women, leaving the two women on the outside looking very much like the fifth wheels. If one pisses him off, he denies time with her. The other women know he is denying time with the one he is angered by and they know how she must feel, but they cannot bring themselves to form an alliance with their sisterwives that would take all of that power away from him. If a man can control a woman through her emotions, he will spend his time pushing buttons. He does it…we’ve all seen it.
    The children are just sad. They either validate or dismiss their siblings based, I think, upon the same methods they see their parents practice: eye rolling, walking away, shoving food down their throats, etc. At this point, the Browns’ curtain has been pulled and the world has seen them for what they are and no amount of damage control can repair that damage. Sadly, there are some men and women who still think what these people have is great but that makes me wonder if their followers are not in some messed up relationship that does not provide them with a benchmark of a good relationship.

    1. DakotaJustice (DJ)July 16, 2012 at 5:05 PM

      On the bright side, at least the kids were eating fruit (melon) instead of peanut butter fritos or mock tapioca!

    2. I think you have a point about the Kody family followers, especially the ones that gush all over Kody and want to be his 5th, even after watching the show and reading the book. If they can think the Browns are the example of a great family unit, their own family must be horrible.

    3. finally seeing realityJuly 20, 2012 at 5:25 PM

      Anon~ These people have to know what a mess they are. I don't understand why they would put them selves on TV. They talk about how Plyg. makes them better, but I think they talk the talk, but don't walk the walk. I do know the AUB did not want them to film. Maybe the real reason for the LV move. I would never move somewere I did not have a place to worship. If children were involved I would not only not move there, but I would make sure my kids had like minded kids to worship with as well as socialize. In any church setting the teen years are usually when they leave the faith. The selfish Browns are making this easy for the kids. I don't buy what did I do wrong that they don't want to be Plygs. I can think of a thousand things they did wrong.

  10. Meri's admission of "Jealousy"......

    Meri, if you *weren't a plyg*....perhaps you wouldn't have issues with jealousy.
    It could be THAT simple. YA think???

    As for SuperKody and his Kryptonite analogy...
    This guy is just an unending well of buzzwords. He seems to have a saying for every occasion.
    But the good news is the more he opens his mouth, the more fodder for T-shirts and snark.

    1. Feeling jealous, as has been stated, is a natural human emotion and it happens to everyone. Now, it may not be over the same things and it may simply last for a few moments, but it does happen b/c we're all human and in the flesh. How sad that Meri thinks she has to practice polygamy to overcome it.

      Whether she believes it or not, monogamous women are usually aware of our own jealousy, but we don't share our husbands to help us deal with it. Instead, we realize that though it's natural, it is a FLEETING emotion for NORMAL people because we are secure enough in ourselves, our relationships, and in the knowledge of just how special and unique we are to God. We don't let that kind of spiritually immature thinking weigh us down.

      When jealously lasts and lasts, there is a problem with the individual and no amount of sister-wives is going to solve it.

      In summary, I agree they need to stop saying it helps them get over jealousy because it clearly does not and never will. If they do become mature enough to deal with this emotion, it won't be because of polygamy.

  11. Has Meri ever explained why she pursued Robin....even though she was jealous of the other two wives?

    1. Meri said that she and Kody just 'fell in love' with Robyn.

    2. The more wives you have, can't remember the number, a better place you have in the afterlife. If you are going to follow the fundamental Mormon rules, isn't the #7 to get the best spot?
      the need to fill 'em up!

  12. Wow. I just saw it as a review. I guess I missed a point. Will go back to watch it again. For some reason my computer won't let me watch it here, but sure it's mine. Hubby always reprogramming it, like Kody and often the Mormons reprogram their philosophy.

  13. handlebar ponytailsJuly 16, 2012 at 2:01 PM

    Christine has not been able to show the benefits of polygamy because, for the women, there aren't any.

    When God saw that Adam needed a helpmeet, he made a woman...just one woman. That's why, no matter how you try to word it, or how much you try to deny it, sharing one man with other women just doesn't fly.

    It. Ain't. Natural.

    I hope the girl(s) grow up and have wonderful, monogamous, marriages. Perhaps seeing how they can blossom and grow in a truly loving relationship would inspire at least Christine and Janelle to finally see how lopsided and so contrary to God's (not Joseph Smith or whoever) design.

    1. What make jealousy such an abominable emotion? Are emotions sin? Jesus was 'angered' when he saw the merchants in the temple and overthrew the vendor tables. God made man in his likeness, and the Old Testament even says, "I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God."

      So the FLDS think that polygamy is the 'cure' for jealousy. What then of anger, bitterness, loneliness, anxiety aqnd all the other emotions so prevalent in their family?

    2. Actually, jealousy is not a sin, per sé--though it is traditionally considered evidence of pride, which is a sin. Christians are charged to be "Christ-like", not "God-like". Envy is clearly a sin, though from the Big 10 (the whole coveting your neighbor's wife thing).

      And yes, they are all seething with envy--probably more so than with jealousy. I see the Brown Ladies, particularly, as being much more envious of one another than they are jealous of Kody.

    3. finally seeing realityJuly 20, 2012 at 5:29 PM

      I so hope these girls are able to experience a wonder mongamous relationship with a man who truly loves them.

  14. Yeah, it was interesting when Janelle interrupted Kody so Meri could finish. Then Kody took the floor and was exacerbated that he lost his train of thought, as if Janelle just ruined everything when it was all about Meri's thought in the first place. I cannot imagine what he's like off-camera and how arguing with him goes. Every relationship involves some arguing but I can't imagine doing so with him is in any way healthy or productive. Yuck, just yuck...

    1. Yes, you would have thought he would have apologized for cutting in but no...

  15. Meri needs to lay off the eyeliner along the lower lashes. It adds to the harsh factor she already has going on.

  16. Polygamy is not for meJuly 16, 2012 at 2:44 PM

    Has the Kodes been bleaching his hair? It looks much darker here than it does now.

    I just finished reading Escape by Carolyn Jessop. I saw many similarities between the Jessop family and the Kodouches.

    1. He gets highlights now. Somebody probably told him that it makes him looks less bald and fat. Somebody else needs to tell him it's not working.

    2. Lobotomized (We Don't Do Weird)July 16, 2012 at 7:22 PM

      He sees himself as a cool, hot and handsome "surfer dude". Surfer dudes have messy, sun-bleached longish locks. He doesn't spend time on the beach surfing and staying in shape, but he can spray some blonde spray on his hair and blow-dry it or sit in the sun. He even might be using lemon juice from a bottle or fresh, it works the same way.
      He even uses a curling iron very often now. Except for the tell all interview in which he used a blow dryer and/or flat iron. Didn't work much, the big bold spot was still very, very obvious. I hope he uses a hair mask once a week and uses heat protector, otherwise his hair will soon be fried. I hope he puts some silicone in his ends to take care of them (fantasia ic is a good brand, among others).

    3. Hahahaahahahha!! That's funny LizE :D

  17. Wasn't this from the first season?

    1. Please read the 1st and 4th paragraphs. Thanks!

    2. Still Not Drinking the Green KoolaidJuly 16, 2012 at 3:52 PM

      So, Meri would never have gotten over her jealousy issues if it were not for polygamy...this kind of cyclical logic eludes me. She probably wouldn't have been as jealous had she been the only wife in Kody's life either. I keep going back to the laws of nature on this one. I suppose it would be easier to believe that God wanted us to practice polygamy if the birth ratio was more like that of bees. You know, one queen, hundreds of drones? Of course it would be in the oppoosite fashion as there would be one "king" to the hundreds of female drones, rather than one queen to a hive, if another queen shows up there is a battle for the "realm," etc. Continuing that analogy, it would be great to see the battle between "King Kodouche " and some young whipper snapper bee kick his goofy sad sack out of the hive. The he'd have to fend for himself. Sorry to ramble on, but the sales job they are trying to pull over on everyone that it makes us better, blah blah blah is such complete crap. Look at Meri's testimony alone. I was a jealous mess until polygamy, now look, I am still a jealous mess, but I am better for it.??? Nope, not for me either!

    3. I, totally, agree with you about the birth ratios. I have said this before. If GOD wanted men to have more than one wife, then there would be 3+ females born for each male. Instead, it's always been a 1:1 ratio.
      And yes, really how has Meri's jealousy improved since she became a polygamous wife. I'm not seein' it.

  18. Just once I wish these polygamous women would give us the specifics about how they've dealt with their "jealousy". What techniques do they use, and how effective as those techniques? As in, do these methods remove 90% of this emotion, 75%, or...?

    Also, do they learn how to not be jealous of anyone for reasons unrelated to polygamy? For example, do they ever envy wealthy people or beautiful actresses?

    Rather telling was the old ABC Primetime story in which an 18-year-old Centennial Park sister-wife told John Quinones that jealousy "doesn't matter". Note that she doesn't say it doesn't exist, just that it doesn't matter.

    1. I think one route they're TRYING to deal with it, is by each having their own home & space! That way, whoever's night it is w/ Kody, is kinda like outta site outta mind in a sense.

    2. I bet I know a few of those techniques: emotional eating, being passive aggressive, and having shallow relationships with each other.

    3. outta **Sight**, oops!

      Yes Anony, all those too!! Great points :D

    4. Caramel: That's interesting, as I would actually expect that a sister-wife would be less jealous with the single home that the family had in Lehi. Back then, the women saw Kody daily, and they knew he was under the same roof every night. Might have been in another woman's bed, but at least he was in the same house. Seems to me that would be less upsetting than the current set-up in which Kody leaves a wife's house and she may not see him at all again for days.

      Awww, who am I kidding? The emotional situation is unworkable regardless of the architectural set-up.

    5. CB-- I thought the "out of site" was a very clever pun!

  19. DakotaJustice (DJ)July 16, 2012 at 5:00 PM

    Gotta love (NOT) how Kody can't hide the fact that he gets his rocks off that the wives are having jealousy issues because of him. And apparently, Mariah doesn't think it's a big deal. ugh. she is so wearing blinders OR she doesn't remember her mom crying last season...?

  20. DakotaJustice (DJ)July 16, 2012 at 5:08 PM

    and forgot yup - I do notice that the girls, particularly Mariah, are significantly thinner in this clip than they are now. That's not slamming the girls, it's slamming the parents' decision to not engender healthy eating and exercise habits. I wonder how often they eat fresh fruit, nowadays?

    1. In Utah they were living under less stress - they had a lot of plyg families in their social circle - and participating in outdoor activities. In Las Vegas, the most active they are is running from the air conditioned car to the air conditioned house. I really feel sorry for the kids, ripped from their lives and plunked into a fishbowl like that.

  21. What a dumbass!!!
    Huffing & puffing all the while saying, "Train of thought's gone" & then having his creepy mad pouting look, staring down at the ground & probably not listening to or hearing what Meri has to say!!
    I just can't stand him, it seems like he always has to butt in & cut them all off, instead of LISTENING to what they have to say. It's as if, what they say isn't as important as the dumbass shit that will be spewing from his mouth >_<

  22. This is completely OT and probably has been addressed before but I'm dying to hear others' thoughts on this. I have been watching S1 episodes and in the one that features a birthday party for Robyn when Meri gives her the friendship necklace, Meri's hair is really long. WTH??? Any ideas on timing , etc? Thanx...

    1. I think the long hair was at the very beginning of filming/S1...before they all became obsessed w/ fame & now TRYING to look glamourous & like they have $$ or something...I'm sure when they moved out to Vegas, they figured they needed to step up their looks a bit.
      But I also, believe they're trying to separate themselves from FLDS, & not have the image of long hair, long dresses, etc...
      But if U look at some of their photos of just the original 3, they have the long dresses & long hair image.

  23. 2 thoughts:

    1. I wonder if Mariah wants to be a polygamist bc she has the same "seniority" factor that her mom has. In the book, Meri says she felt like she didn't have to deny her dad (in a sense) because she was the LEGAL child of his LEGAL wife. Mariah is the only "legal' child of Kody's LEGALS marriage... which makes me wonder, what's the point of them even having a "legal" marriage to begin with o_O

    2. I wonder if the boys are/would consider polygamy. The girls see if from their mother's stand point. "sharing" a husband, bearing the kids, keeping sweet, etc. I wonder if the boys see if from their dad's perspective?

  24. if i am a jealous person, no way am i going to submit myself to a lifetime of jealousy. there are much healthier, RATIONAL ways to work through the issue of jealousy. what idiots.

    1. finally seeing realityJuly 20, 2012 at 5:52 PM

      I am not a jealous person, I am always happy when others get what they want, but I can tell you I would be JEALOUS if I had to share my husband.

  25. RobynGotTheLIVTicketNotTheGoldenOne!July 16, 2012 at 7:19 PM

    It is commonplace in the Fundamental Community. Rationally, they believe "overcoming these jealousies make them better people" So many did not recognize the this is typical fundamental polyg talk. To ones that have never been in it, it's a big deal. To them, it's bettering themselves to gain their golden ticket into Heaven, and be called. Sadly, Kody is a GOOD husband in polygamy circles. Hard to believe now that I am out. Talking to them about this would fall on mute ears. I feel so bad that for so long, my only hope into Heaven was my husband, and I was 8thwife. I am so glad I found this site, but was always anonymous. After you leave, you need everything you do hidden.

    1. Still Not Drinking the Green KoolaidJuly 16, 2012 at 8:12 PM

      Wow, RobinGottheLIV...
      I am glad you're out. I cannot imagine growing up thinking that your husband held your key to Heaven. I do not have any idea what it would be like to be in your shoes, but after all I have read on this blog and in books, not to mention documentaries, etc., I can only imagine the kind of courage it must have taken for you to leave. Hats off to you and God Bless. Thanks for posting. I for one appreciate your view point, as I am sure many others do as well.

    2. Lobotomized (We Dont Do Weird)July 16, 2012 at 10:13 PM

      RobinGotTheLiv: I am proud that you got out, you were very brave. Most wouldn't because otherwise they can't "go to heaven". It must have been so so hard, from all that I've heard and read.
      May you find peace and comfort in your new life, and I hope you'll learn that you don't need to be in a plural marriage to merit heaven.
      Do you share the opinion that Kody has a deep, dark side? Because often he'll just get this look in his eyes, that a total uncontrolled rage attack is about to happen.. Charles Mansion eyes, if you will.

    3. thank you so much for sharing your insight. I am curious about your last statement, why do you feel that you need everything you do to be hidden? Are you afraid that the people in your old faith are a physical threat, or would seek retaliation somehow for you speaking out?

    4. Hi RobynGotTheLIV: I share the same empathy as others, & so glad ur out!! I realize U want to stay private, but I'm really interested to know more about ur story sometime down the road. Like, what was the AWWW MOMENT for you, that made you decide, "U know what, this life isn't for me anymore & I want out, thru hell or highwater?" & WHERE did U draw the strengh & courage to leave?? Please Don't feel obigated to answer, but only at ur leisure & will. I'm sorry, but just intrigued & nosey :D
      Kudos to you, & wishing U the best in ur new life!! :D

    5. MockTapiocaClogsMyArteriesJuly 17, 2012 at 12:35 PM

      I echo what the other posters have written, RobynGotTheLivTicket. It must have been a wrenching decision for you to leave, and to have done so demanded commendable courage on your part. I hope that you are surrounded by supportive friends right now, and that you will continue to tap into the great strength that you have had all along.

      Thank-you for your insight on this blog, and I look forward to reading more posts from you.

    6. finally seeing realityJuly 19, 2012 at 5:00 PM

      RobynGotTheLiv, so glad you got out. I know it is hard to grow up believing your husband holds your key to heaven and then leaving, I know those thoughts probably are very ingrained. Would love to hear your story, and so glad you were able to leave.

    7. RobynGotTheLIVTicketNotTheGoldenOne!July 19, 2012 at 9:04 PM

      Thank you all!
      I'm not ready to share my all, maybe one day. I can say, I left behind most of my family, and my life long beliefs. So easy for many to say I WOULD GET OUT but leaving is leaving everything you know and most of all, some of your children. I hope and pray they also follow. I got lucky, that's all I should say. It's still very very hard. Thought it might help to explain why jeaousy it a way of life for them. I will come back time to time to talk. Thank you for listening. Hoping one day I will tell more. I will say this. From what I hear Meri is much nicer than she comes across. Robyn is very manipulative, but also very sensitive. The girl irked me for going into a family for the show, and hurting the other gals.

  26. Kody attempts every slight of hand to make us look away from the eyes of his wives where jealousy hides. The Browns try to paint it "cute" ... "keep sweet", "jealousy is kryptonite".

    Meri and the wives appeal to our sympathy, telling us only plural marriage can bring out such a horrid beast ... Robyn once said, "This is for professionals" only.

    The "Brown strength" in upholding the value of plural marriage is that of revealing polygamy and permitting us to compare this to monogamy.

    BUT their game is not POLYGAMY vs MONOGAMY. It is being SEALED for time and eternity in "plural Celestial Marriage", vs a temporary coupling in "the world".

    Overcoming the shock 'n awe of facing daily infidelity is the work of a goddess.
    Not for amateurs-- or mortals.

  27. Love how Mariah rolled her eyes, when Maddie & Aspyn were saying that they're not choosing polygamy!! Must get that from her Mother & how godly that was of her too!!(eyes rolling) Wonder if Kody & Meri are proud of her for rolling her eyes at them??....smh

    1. Lobotomized (We Dont Do Weird)July 16, 2012 at 8:57 PM

      I think that she is Kody's prize child (his only official child, with his first and legal wive, the only one he truely loves).
      I think he is very proud that she, just like her parents is pro polygamy and has passive-agressive behaviour and manipulation down to the T.

    2. I think U are right, Lobotomized!! I'm thinking if Mariah, really is gonna live the polygamy lifestyle, shouldn't she be courting by now?? Or is she gonna attend SUU in hopes of finding a husband prospect there?? Afterall, she wants to become a Dr & be a plural wife , & no doubt the 1st wife too!! Guess like w/ everything else, time will only tell all!

    3. Lobotomized (We Dont Do Weird)July 17, 2012 at 12:33 AM

      I'm thinking that she isn't going to college, I think that's just one of the other things that Kody says but doens't follow through on, to make them and her seem like a normal, average kid. I think she will be married before she is 20. She might, just might, start college but never even finish the first year. It is more likely though that when she finishes high school she stays home and then, when she is 18 (I have no idea how old she is now), falls in love with a guy and totally surprisingly *ahum ahum* wants to marry him. Of course, all taped for the show. Good for ratings! She will either be the first or the second/third wife of some 22 or 23 y/o dude. Just my 2 cents.

    4. U have some great points & come to think about it, I think the adults really want the big homes now, so that each child has his/her own room, in HOPES that the 2 older girls who are Sr's this year, will decide to stick around. Let's face it, w/o the older kids, there goes the free babysitting when, they're all on dates, etc...I'm sure they feel more comfortable w/ Mariah & Aspyn babysitting anyways. Even tho, Christine is the main adult who babysits, she does it w/ the help of her older kids & Janelle relies on her older kids to help w/ the younger ones as well! I just wonder what the Browns are gonna do, if & when all of the older kids decide to get the hell out of dodge??
      Sadly, they use their kids just as much as they use the govt & their fans O_o

    5. Kody tweeted she is the "smart" one after all. And by "smart" he means so emotionally and mentally broken and brainwashed as to believe the utter nonsensical sci-fi of this "religion." The sweet, unbastardized, yet hopelessly deluded, Mariah is on a steep downward path of self loathing and jealousy, feeling both sub-loved by her beloved and utterly despised by his lovers because she will harbor those exact feelings in her own heart toward those unfortunate enough have that same path chosen for them...for the rest of her natural life. Poor thing. #savemariah

      Great, dad. Thanks, mom.

    6. I always thought the reason she didn't want to leave the AUB school and Utah was because there was a boyfriend involved. Now after reading the book and seeing how Kody and Meri courted a girl under the age of 18 as wife material, I'm beginning to think maybe she was being courted and didn't want to lose out on her dream wife placement because she was out of town.

    7. I thought she had planned on enlisting in the Naval Academy in order to become a doctor/pay for college. I wonder if that is still the plan? I'd love to see how long she sticks to her guns w/r/t a polygamist marriage after serving for several years. (If you ever live on or near a military base, you see a large number of young people making very impulsive decisions about relationships -- just like college kids living in dorms or any other environment that has a lot of young adults in close proximity). I wonder if Kody and Meri are aware of this aspect of military life?

    8. finally seeing realityJuly 20, 2012 at 5:39 PM

      No affense to Mariah, but someone who goes to a primarily church school is not going to be able to get college grades, to be able to get into med school. Maybe she can and good for her if she does.

  28. I'm all for freedom of religion and all that. But it's hard for me to believe that when the constitution was written they had this in mind. Maybe I will start my own religion where I can have multiple husbands (I am a female) I am going to make a limit of 5 husbands. They ALL need to have good jobs. The first husband will have to be a good cook as he will be cooking all the meals. The second will have to clean the house. The 3rd will have to be a carpenter/ handyman. The fourth will be an auto mechanic and the fifth will be much younger then me (I'm 41 and I'm sure you can figure out what the youngest husband is for. I was thinking he should look like Damon from the Vampire Diaries) Anyway. While my husbands are busy serving me and earning their way into Heaven. And If I do decide to call them into Heaven they can continue to serve me and also have my children. Of course I will be too busy to spend time with my children. As I will be busy being Queen in my kingdom. Anyway back to Mortal life. While these husbands are bust serving me. What I will be doing is..... Shopping, going out to lunch with my friends,Going to the spa, Shopping, going to clubs and more shopping. I think all of us as woman should band together and practice my new religion. I am almost positive that once our religion became know to the public we would either be in prison or the loony bin. And these dumbass men will still be oppressing women. Sorry for the rant but polygamists piss me off.

    1. But what about a husband who gardens and does the yardwork?

    2. to Footupkodysass--I loved the post....had me cracking up!

    3. So we need a gardener? we could also add a poolboy.

    4. I would also add a gay husband who would be fun to shop with and keep me out of yellow babydoll shirts.

    5. I like the pool boy idea but he has to be some serious eye candy & know how to mix some good cocktails for our outdoor wet bar on the deck
      & Mock Viewer, yes yes definitely a gay hubby too, but since we're only allowed to have 5 husbands Max,we would have to compromise UNLESS we can pick & choose rules & doctrines,etc... to fit our "lifestyle " , U know just like the Brown's OR what if our "Higher calling " requires us to take a 6th+ husband? Guess we'll just have to answer to & obey ...Ha!!

  29. Seeing them back in the old big house made me realize something.

    As much as I have mocked the jewelry, as much I thought it comedic genius that Meri showed up at the tell all wearing the paw print tag (most likely with "Meri" and her address & phone number engraved on the back)...I am now beginning to believe that there is something very revealing about Robyn's Claddagh design.

    Think about it; before Robyn came along the Claddagh was a single piece, that showed separate aspects..the hands, the heart, the crown, but they were all of a piece joined together and the design "worked" together, and had for centuries done so in a motif honored by many cultures.

    So then, the original recipe Brown family was together in a single house, working together, the children growing up very much together in a single family unit.

    Along comes Robyn and her first thought and deed is to split it all apart!

    I think that in her jewelry design, Robyn has unconsciously created a metaphor of her existence in this wacky KodyWorld. It was not enough to break apart the one household into four separate households. She needed to also take the symbolic representation of their togetherness and break that apart too.

    What can we learn from this? Has the Claddagh ring that she was given on her wedding day eaten away at her, causing her constant pain by reminding her of her Sisterwives? Was she compelled to split the design apart in order to symbolically break apart the longstanding emotional nucleus of the family, so that she could step into the void?

    I do not for a second believe that Robyn thought about all this in her design. I do not think she is that smart. I just think that this may well have been what was brewing in her shadowed heart as she was doodling.

    1. Interesting analysis, Paw print; very poetic.

      What an apt analogy.

    2. Agreed, Allyn. Smart and psychoanalytic.

  30. Lobotomized (We Dont Do Weird)July 16, 2012 at 9:37 PM

    Not only the wives suffer from jealousy, Kody too suffers... Remember the fundamental fitness episode where he accused Christine of flirting with the instructor?

    1. finally seeing realityJuly 20, 2012 at 5:45 PM

      Good for Christine! Hope she keeps it up and makes Kody really jealous!

  31. DakotaJustice (DJ)July 16, 2012 at 10:10 PM

    Did anyone else click on the "Chrstne's Fabulous Food Pantry" link? Right at the end of the clip is Meri, making dinner - looks like asparagus - and WOW she's at least 40 pounds thinner than the most recent episodes...just wow.

    1. Just went back and watched it based on your comment, DJ. We like to make fun of Meri for saying she likes to eat healthier than the rest, but she should have stuck with it. She looked much thinner back then. Fish stick tacos and corn? The only green things on Christine's table were the dishes.

    2. DakotaJustice (DJ)July 17, 2012 at 1:28 AM

      And tater tots and tortillas. Yikes. No color on that plate unless they added ketchup or salsa. And Kody referred to Christine as the best cook in the house...yup tater tots and fish sticks in the oven, dump a can of corn (creamed corn I bet) as a "vegetable" - actually a grain - heat up some tortillas and voila! A meal fit for a 5 year old. No wonder Kody likes it.

      I'm wondering if we caught Meri in a diet period at the beginning of the 1st season, or did she start having real weight issues once Robyn joined or maybe it was moving to Vegas and eating out more often...? I just watched it again and I still can't get over how much thinner Meri was. Wow...

    3. Me thinks, in her pre-show years she was a bit smaller, but definately dieted before they started taping to come off better.

      Don't forget, before the Lehi TackMcMansion, they lived in trailers... and people living in trailers aren't particularly known to make conscious food choices.

  32. Margene for Big Love designed and made her own jewelry and sold it on a Home Shopping Channel. Me thinks Robin got the idea from the show! When I think of SWC I think of a Consignment Shop of womans clothing...just saying...

    1. That's because there IS a consignment shop called My Sister's Closet. I'm surprised they haven't notified these goons of copyright infringement.

    2. My Sister's Attic and My Sister's Closet are in the Scottsdale, AZ area.

    3. I believe My Sister's Attic is consignment furniture and My Sister's Closet is consignment clothing. The shop I've gone to is in Phoenix at Town and Country shopping center.

  33. Bill the Body Builder is notably absent from Sister Wives, I turned up this May, 21, 2012 article from Starcasm. ( )

    "Health and Weight Loss"

    " ... They are also opening up a gym and health website with Las Vegas personal trainer Bill Suesz, called Fundamental Fitness.

    Janelle is also gearing up to blog about her weight loss experience on a blog called Losing it in Las Vegas."

    I'm on my way back to read Janelle's weight loss blog. I hope it is something she stays with.

    Meanwhile Bill is doing his "own thing" online,

    Face Book: Bill Suesz!/BillTheBodySculptor

    1. that's old news. the fundamental fitness business got the stinkeye from Kody in the beginning episodes of this season. Kodouche only brought Bill on so he could keep an eye on Bill. After the investor walked away from Kodouche's mess, you got to admire the business savvy of the investor knowing that any business association with those losers would fail miserably.

      Funny you mentioned the losing in las vegas blog. Janelle has yet to submit an article and she was introduced 2 months ago. Again, typical lack of follow thru that losers are known for.

      Who wants to bet that Sister Wife's Closet doesn't go bust in the next 6 months. Heck, I'll even predict the 2 other departments WILL NEVER OPEN!! Robyn lacks creativity, that's why she broke the claddaugh ring up into components. That's like me taking the Statue of Liberty and breaking it down into the head, crown and lantern and selling it on a chain. She wouldn't know a creative thought if it bit her.

    2. DakotaJustice (DJ)July 17, 2012 at 2:17 PM

      I seriously, SERIOUSLY doubt that Kody was at ALL worried about Bill The Trainer making the moves on Christine or any of his wives. At the same time, I also have my doubts that Kody was even serious about ever opening up a gym or fitness facility. he was just talking out of his ass, like he always does. LOL

    3. Won't someone buy me the Strangler's Hands Charm?July 17, 2012 at 6:15 PM

      "Janelle is also gearing up to blog about her weight loss experience on a blog called Losing it in Las Vegas."

      Hahaha - "Losing it in Las Vegas!" How apt - they're all losing it (and not the weight!)

    4. finally seeing realityJuly 20, 2012 at 6:02 PM

      I think Kody was all gung ho about the fitness business as long as someone else would foot the bill. I know were I live in CA it is very competitive business, and in LV were unemployment is still very high I don't think they really had serious investers. I couldn't believe the business plan Janelle presented, it was in no way realistic. Until then I thought was smart, and granted I have a Masters in Accounting, but any first year business student should have known it would not work. I do still give Janelle props for have being smarter than the others, but she did not do her homework.

  34. Janelle looks better and healthier now than she did in season one.

  35. It must be frustrating for all of the adults to realize that some of those kids are actually smarter than the adults and apparently may not blindly just tow the "party line" philosophies. It's too bad that the adults seem to be less than intelligent to even see that fact.

    Aspyn, and Maddie especially, expressed their beliefs with conviction and clarity. Good for them !!
    Hopefully they will have influence on the younger ones as time goes on.

    Can you imagine what it must be like to see your mother tormented (depressed/anxious) with jealously about the other women with whom Dad has sex with regularly? have to witness blatant womanizing/sex scheduling by your father disguised as a spiritual practice ??

    Meanwhile you are also expected to view dear old dad's other "lovers" as *mothers* ???
    Even to a reasonable teenager, that concept makes no sense.
    And in Maddie's case, it appears to be clearly unacceptable to her for her future as a potential wife and mother.

    1. It's really ironic all over the place.

      Kody wants to "show the world" the "good" side of Polygamy.

      But with the camera turned on, they can't create the isolation, thought control and intolerance that seems essential to programming kids into good little Plygs.

      I wonder if the teens' attitudes on polygamy would be different had they stayed in Lehi and not been on TV. They would have stayed in the AUB run school, remained in the closed society where all their friends were Plygs, towing the same party line.

      I think that Kody's need to be center of attention, his pride, ego and stupidity of going on TV have given his kids the inspiration to reject the very institution he sought to promote as "just a lifestyle".

      Apparently all it takes to deprogram is exposure to a different way of life.

      Very ironic.

    2. Because Kody and the wives are limited intellectually and because they really don't have anything to compare their life style with other than those often repeated justifications that it's better to have extra wives and support them all (which he doesn't and hasn't) than commit adultry (which he bases this assumption on some wild idea that men are not able to be monogamous), he really thinks his representation is all of that and some. But, when I see those poor women and children, all I can do is think that they have limited themselves to mental maturity and emotional growth. How can learning to conquer jealousy of another woman encourage emotional and mental growth? It doesn't. So, he is thinking that he has proved his point but the truth is that he has proved how wrong his life style is and how bad it is for the wives and kids. A big fat fail for the family.

  36. It was the addition of Robyn that caused all the trouble.

    1. finally seeing realityJuly 20, 2012 at 6:07 PM

      Anon~ I'm not completely sure about that. Granted she has added munipulitive drama, but I don't think all was well before if the book is any indication.

  37. I'm pretty sure they are all fatter now in recent pics and videos.. Janelle looks like she may have lost some cubbies from her face in the last episode.. But, we can't say Meri lost 40 pounds... It must be her crazy 70's hair cuts

    1. I'd be willing to bet Meri has GAINED 40 lbs since the show started..

  38. Regarding weight and nutrition:
    Poverty is associated with obesity because nutritious food is more expensive. Cheap food is generally high in fat and sodium, but it is filling and easy to store and prepare. When your choices are let the kids go hungry or buying off brand tater tots, you buy the cheap stuff. I suspect the Brown's finances were far worse than they let on. Foods like Mock Tapioca pudding are filling, cheap and made with ingredients on hand. I think Janelle and Christine are doing the very best they can under the circumstances, and wondering when and if Heavenly Father is going to intervene. Perhaps they even wonder if their "bad" attitudes are the cause of the trouble. Many times people engage in magical thinking when they are desperate and cannot look at circumstances in a different perspective. For this family to accept that this lifestyle isn't working, they would have to change their ideas about their faith and they cannot do that. They are still trying to earn their way into heaven.

    1. Well said, Cheryl.

      I think it's tragic that Kody insisted that Meri get a large house when Janelle was struggling to survive and Christine can't feed the kids decent food. All that stress heaped on their shoulders while Kody was buying into the "spend more to make more" prosperity dream.

      I dislike Kody tremendously, but I wonder if he is as much of a victim of that life as the women. Well, maybe not AS MUCH - the women still have it so much worse.

    2. DakotaJustice (DJ)July 17, 2012 at 4:20 PM

      But...they had that huge piece of land that was all theirs at the old Lehi house...they COULD have grown a lot of their own produce, and raised chickens/turkeys/goats/etc. Tater tots (even off brand) are still more expensive than buying fresh potatoes in bulk at Costco. And the entire family could help with tending the garden...since Christine was "homeschooling" the kids, this could have been used as a learning experience. Where food comes from, etc. it's not necessarily more expensive to eat healthy - Oatmeal in bulk, beans in bulk, etc etc. At the beginning of the food clip, Christine admits she was having a craving for fish stick tacos, and that's why she made them. It's not economically driven as much as it is being addicted to processed foods, IMO.

    3. Allyn I agree with you that life might not be that rosy for Kody either. Even though the sister-wives get the short end of the stick, it doesn't look appealing for Kody, changing homes every night. Which begs the question of why people live this "lifestyle" when it's miserable for all involved.

    4. Magic Undies,

      I also feel that he never had the chance to grow and deepen. He's never needed to mature; his faith doesn't expect it and his wives can't demand it. He's never needed to think outside of himself; his narcissism has grown unchecked his whole life. That's unfair to him.

      It's more unfair to his wives and children, but I see him as a victim of this bowl of lies he's been fed (and willingly, stupidly, eaten).

    5. I agree Dakota Justice. Buying healthy food seems cheaper to me than the processed crap. We eat little that is processed and believe we save because of it.

      Take for instance rice. Dirt cheap. But if you insist on consuming say Rice a *oni it is about 6x the price by weight. Same goes with most potato products as you mentioned. Tater tots to feed their huge family is not cheap while buying a 10 lb bag or actual potatoes is.

      Vegetables and fruit in their natural form bought in season are not expensive. Nor is buying your meat by the side or whole compared to grocery store prices. Compare a snack of fruit to a bag of chips. Not rocket science!

      I shake my head at people who think eating healthily is more expensive than eating junk. Just have not found it to be the case at least in our family.

    6. Eating healthier is not more expensive if you PLAN. Since Christine doesn't work outside the house and home schools the kids, it would be a great idea to do cooking lessons. Beans, rice, tortillas, fruits and vegetables from local farmers markets, etc are cheaper than a bag of tater tots. Those tots are expensive! The reason a lot of people are fat is because of their sodium intake from processed packaged food. If you cut back on meat, you can afford to add more healthy foods like fruits and veggies.

  39. So sad that all these women think that something's wrong with them because they feel jealous.

  40. Painting Walls and Making QuiltsJuly 17, 2012 at 12:37 PM

    I am thinking back to the time when they all went out to visit Kody's parents. They were hard working ranchers, not a lot of money by the looks of things - and the family was there to paint the old dilapidated house for them. I guess it was for the cameras - as they could have gone out there and helped them out with these big jobs long ago....just don't know what to think of these folks.

    1. I wondered the same thing when I watched that show.

  41. The girls looked so much healthier and happier in this clip. I really like their children and hope they have the opportunity to visit other homes and see how other people live. I think it would be very normal for a child to want to protect their own mother and grow to detest the women and idiotic man who cause her so much unhappiness.

  42. This is my first post. I should be finishing my psychology homework but if I don’t ask about this I will explode. Please be kind in your reply’s! Why are none of the adults in this show willing or able to discuss physical intimacy? I mean really? I don’t mean in a nasty, graphic, porn way. Just like any other adult conversation. I know the show is about Sister Wives. The only thing that makes these women different (and I guess worthy of a television show) is that they are all having an ongoing, physically intimate relationship with one juvenile, obviously self-centered, not so entertaining man. I have a relationship with my sister-in-law this is fantastic. We love and share in many things. Either of us would do anything for the other and we are secure in this knowledge. Our relationship is very rewarding and we don’t even have to share a man! (After all her husband is my brother, yuck!) That is why we don’t have a show called Sister-in-laws; it’s fairly normal stuff. I love her kids; she loves mine, again, no real earth shattering stuff here. I do enjoy watching the interactions of these women. I am a fan of women who support other women. I would much rather see that on TV than the other reality shows where women stomp on each other’s feelings and sleep with their men. I also enjoy the children on the show, although I do worry about them. I am naturally interested in how children develop into adults. So I ask again, why can’t the Brown’s discuss the main reason they are on TV. I have seen people ask things like “What is Kody doing to keep up with these women?” Supplements, etc.? Wholly cow, we had to sit through the butt sweating scene. If they are trying to spare the children I should think they would have taken that whole mess out. I cannot understand the
    “gag order” when it comes to sex. Obviously, he is having sex with these women to father all those children. I think questions about sexual intimacy are completely normal. I am also certain that most grown up adults can have perfectly appropriate discussions with each other about sex. More importantly I think it is every parent’s responsibility to have those discussions with their children; so, what is the deal? Haven’t we all seen way too much of what goes wrong when secrecy is the norm? (Sandusky, Jeffs, etc.) Is the concern for children or adults? Are the Browns afraid of what they may find out? Like maybe physical intimacy is not just about baby making? Or is it that sex can actually be a beautiful thing between consenting adults having absolutely nothing to do with having children? I do not understand. I have even thought I would stop watching the show for this reason but it’s like a train wreck; you just can’t look away. I truly hope that all of the Brown children have strong adult role models who they can turn to when they are in need of information about the world around them. If you are a teacher, counselor or family member interacting with the Brown children, PLEASE know how very important you are in their lives. To the adults in the Brown family – perhaps you could try to be “an open book” I have heard tale of.

    1. I think it's because it's nobody's business. Did anyone ask Princess Diana about her sexlife with Prince Charles? Does anyone ask President Obama how many times a week he and Michelle get jiggy with it?

      Just because the Browns are on tv, in the public eye, doesn't mean they need to expose every little thing about their lives. I think it's the only thing they've done right!

    2. I suppose that is how I would feel if they did not choose to put their lives on television. The entire show is about their polygamous relationships. I have worked for the Courts in Utah and met a few polygamous families. I did not feel their intimate relationships were my business but they were not opening their lives for television audiences either.

    3. But Anony@6:28, Iggy’s well-made point is that what defines their relationship, what makes them different enough to have their own show, is the sexual marital relationship between the one husband and his four wives.

      As Iggy pointed out quite rightly: women have close, nurturing relationships with each other all the time without sharing sex partners in order to do so. What makes the Browns different – the reason they have a show – is that these women also share a man.

      So you’re right that other people’s sex lives aren’t generally our business (I promise not to stop you on the street to ask about your frequency and preferred positions and possible kinks) but they’ve made their sex lives our business even while refusing to talk about it, “we’re special because we all have sex with this guy so you should watch our show and buy the products we hawk, but we won’t talk about the sex we’re all having with this guy that led to us having this show.” (I will ask you about the sex you’re having if you’re wearing a shirt that reads: “I’m having sex with Richard Simmons”.)

      Sure, that’s not the main thrust of their lives or the show (though I’d argue about the power of sex in our daily lives any day), but they’re not showing us the other supposed benefits either: they’re not especially friendly, loving, or supportive of each other; they do not nurture their bonds; they do not share household duties; they do not raise each other’s children as back-up moms.

      What makes their lives different from my relationship with my bio-sister and my cousins? Only that they share their beds with the same man, so it’s pertinent.

    4. Also, Anony @6:28, not to harp - because I do see your points - Lady Di’s relationship with Charles was assumed to be sexual in nature. A marital relationship is presumed to be a sexual one and we assume the president is getting happy with his wife once in a while. Sure, there are sexless marriages, but they’re not the norm.

      So when a married person announces they’re asexual, people are going to ask about their sex lives, because a sexual relationship was assumed all along. Deviance from the norm catches our curiosity.

    5. I'll just say this. Just because these people are on tv, it does not mean the public needs to know everything about their lives. Some things don't need to be said. If there are 17 children, it is safe to assume 2 people had sex. I don't need it spelled out in detail.

      The Browns are polygamists. They have children so they must be having sex. Can't we just leave it at that? Or should we allow the need to be voyeurs overtake common decency?

    6. Iggy and Allyn you word my opinion much better than I could have.

      Forgive my possible misquoting but "Methinks the lady doth protest too much." They want the attention.

      They made their show about it, so we at least have the right to ask. Their big production reactions at being offended to natural questions from their viewers makes it even more curious. They take us into the office of a fertility doctor and giggle, giggle, can't even answer her question regarding frequency(something like that's not the problem.) As a viewer, I certainly could see frequency being a problem in fertility for that couple, I mean, the point of the show is that there is a shared schedule with one husband. Kody obviously knows how to procreate, even dogs have that one down, but for all the doctor knows Meri could believe that sex once a year is all it takes for her. Why bother taking us into the office when that is a natural question to come up?

      The show is about their intimate relations and the fact that it is different from mainstream America. THEY put it on TV. THEY make a big deal about premarital relations between adults and also their teens' relationships. THEY make a big deal about not showing intimacy in front of other wives so that they aren't jealous. THEY have gone on about "we don't go weird" but want to align their cause with the gay rights movement as a freedom of choice issue. THEY repeatedly have questions from viewers on the show regarding their sex lives and then giggle or pretend or genuinely get offended.

      If they treated the issue more as a matter of fact thing, told us some basic info, then moved on I think people would ask less. Like, "In general, Kody spends every 4th night with each wife but we're like everyone else, not many married couples have relations every night and we're just like everyone else only with 4 wives. Yes, we do make adjustments to the schedule if there is a special occasion or a wife is trying to get pregnant. But other than 4 wives, we're really just like the statistically average American marriage."(this is something I wrote, not what they've said" That's something that would explain a lot of questions IF they would just quit acting like 14 year olds giggling and bringing it up all of the time.

      In my opinion, they WANT the attention about their sex lives. Don't know if it's just for ratings or for male ego or what it's all for, but I think they call more attention to it than needed.

    7. Anon 6:28:
      Our need to be voyeurs is not nearly as strong as their need to be exhibitionists. I totally agree with Sadly Addicted in that the entire reason the show is remotely interesting is that we our curious about how that works. We don't want details, but my god the man sits between four women and in most instances, he has one arm around one while putting another arm or hand on the other woman with two more sitting on the outside of the three. Even if we don't want to know the details, they constantly flirt at the details with the questions the pick and choose, which I think does aggrevate Christine. Or, Kody keeps reminding us of that status of men look at me like you're the man or this surfer dude with four wives, you're the man. So implicitly he puts it out there with those type of comments and Meri brought it up the first season with we don't do weird and sort of smiled and let me just add for a woman who falls in love with her husband's soon-to-be wife, and she brings up weird, well, me thinks she doeth protest way too much. The entire premise of the show is that they are a "normal" family and normal couples do sex and in all the reality shows, we do see the man and woman is some sort of about to go to bed or coming out of the bed situation. Even taking a honeymoon or those romantic trips reeks of we are going to do some major getting down tonight. But, they refuse to discuss their arrangements. Yeah right!!!

  43. Well, my thought was more "what did they think people would ask?" I don't want to know specifics, nor do I really care how they do the hokey pokey. I am, however, interested in how any one person has the emotional and intellectual assets to have four truly INTIMATE relationships at one time, plus more than a dozen kids. I don't think the inquiry was indecent, just honest. (I did say "I don’t mean in a nasty, graphic, porn way" didn't I?) I have one husband, two sons and a few real good friends. I sometimes feel I don't have enough energy to nurture all who are deserving of it in my life. I think the Brown's life must be exhausting. How do the adults in the family do it? I am always grateful when my husband can prop me up when I feel I am runnin' on empty. How is one man able to deal with those issues with four individuals? Not necessarily sexually; but definitely intimately? Thanks for the input everyone. It's an education in itself!!!

    1. Lobotomized (We Dont Do Weird)July 17, 2012 at 9:39 PM

      PSA.. PSA..

      Some Brown meeting opportunities!!

      Meri Brown ‏@MeriBrown1
      Come join us for an open house regarding our family business tonight & tomorrow 7:30 pm, Herbally Grounded, 4441 W Charleston Blvd in Vegas

      19h Meri Brown ‏@MeriBrown1
      Come say Hi to some of our family, Fri July 20, 6:30-7:30 pm, Flour Girls & Dough Boys, 35 N Barratt Ave, American Fork UT. See you there!

    2. Hello Iggy, I don't think that your curiosity is "indecent". That said, I'm unsure that the sexual details are as interesting as some other logistics of polygamy. I just assume Kody has sex with each wife when it's her night with him. Is that your theory as well?

      In the first season of the show, Christine answered the question about how she felt about the other wives having sex on their nights with Kody. I believe the quote was, "Well gosh, they'd better be!"

      I'm a lot more interested about how the family handles its finances and time. For example, how often does each child get one-on-one time with Kody? Is there a system in place?

    3. Magic Undies July 17, 2012 11:19 PM
      Hello Magic Undies,
      I just want to say I totally agree. I think it will be interesting when the children reach adulthood and have the ability to speak for themselves. I would like to hear how they feel about the amount and quality of time spent with their father. It will also be interesting to hear their thoughts about their mothers. I often wonder if the children's experience is similar to that of children living in a single parent household, or if having four mothers makes up for not having a father who is "present" in their lives.

  44. I completely agree. As much as we just cant wrap our heads around 4 women sharing one man, i really dony want the details of their sex life. What would we gain from knowing?? I dont want to know how lody is in bed. The creep factor is too high ewwwww and remember he has teenage kids that could see the info. That just too much i think

    1. Lobotomized (We Dont Do Weird)July 18, 2012 at 8:50 AM

      First, the wives don't decide on the rotation, Krody decides the rotation. So I doubt they each get their fair share of "special Krody time".

      Then, I don't think that if he spends the night with a woman, that necessarily means they have sex. I think he hardly ever has sex with Janelle and Christine. He sometimes has sex with Meri and A LOT with Robyn (for now anyways).

      Beyond the creep factor and the fact that Krody has a cloud of sexual perversion all around him... I really honestly think he is not that great in bed at all. I think he is a rather lousy lover. He only thinks about his pleasure. Yes, he has four wives, but the truth is, there are a LOT of guys who where with 4+ women and they are still lousy lovers!

      He is not very schooled, a very simple man, not smart and totally into himself.

      I also have a feeling he likes men more than he likes women (though he's attracted to both).

    2. agree, Lobotomized. and i think that's his shared bond w/Meri. she's attracted to him but if she could, she'd pick a sister wife who would do "weird" with her.

      and NO! include me out as well on details of their private sex lives. and what's more needed to know in a general sense now anyway that we don't already know? they obviously all sleep w/Kody and making babies is the ultimate reason. when that reason goes away (Janelle and Christine) then obviously so does the sex desire. Grody's fine with that anyway as he's not tired of Sobbin'Robyn yet anyway and she's still Fertile Myrtle. All's still good in Plygville for at least 2 of the 5. Actually it's still working for Meri as she LOVES being a martyr and is in heaven doing that right now.

    3. From what I've seen on the show and read in the book, I think each wife has a certain purpose in Kody's world.

      Kody married Meri for L O V E, and she knows it. She wields her power with a heavy hand. If you want to know how Meri acts off camera, just watch Mariah.

      Kody married Janelle for her fertility, and she surpassed his expectations by not only having 6 of his babies, but doing so way before Christine. Janelle also continued to be valuable to the family by being the main breadwinner in their Lehi days. If you want to know how Kody acts off camera, watch Gabriel (her youngest boy who gave older brother Garrison a bloody nose) and Garrison.

      Kody married Christine for her connections with the church. Kody wanted that attention he thought being married to AUB royalty would give him. I wouldn't be surprised if he may have dreamed of making the highest level of the church hierarchy some day. So he went the lazy route, instead of working his way to the top, he tried to marry his way. And wasn't Christine kinda old by the time Kody married her? Like 21 yrs old, especially when you consider Kody and Meri had courted a teenager. Her father probably was more than happy to get her married off.

      Kody married Robyn for the show. At least, that's what Meri thought, until she realized that Robyn had her own agenda. Makes you wonder if Robyn and her kids are still dropping in on Meri. I doubt it took Meri long to figure out Robyn was invading her quiet neat home to steal a few more hours with Kody at Meri's expense. This could explain Robyn's tweets about wanting to be with her family and that weird tweet about T I M E. Meri has drawn Kody closer to her, leaving Robyn out in the cold. So what can she do to get Kody closer to her? Why, have another baby so Meri will see that manifestation of Kody having relations with another wife.

    4. Lobotomized: I would assume that the wives have sex with Kody every time they spend the night with him, even if they're not particularly "in the mood" that particular night, since they don't get many opportunities to do so. There's probably also a feeling of sexual pressure, as in, each woman assumes that the other women are having sex with Kody every time they spend the night with him. Wife X doesn't want Kody to reduce his visits with her because she doesn't have sex as often as Wife Y, so Wife X has sex with Kody every time he spends the night.

  45. I agree with iggy. I would like to know more about the relationships and the interactions between all of the family members: Kody and each wife, the kids, the kids and Kody, the kids and the other wives. It seems like the reason the show was put on the air was to site how their "lifestyle" works. At that time they all lived together and at least portrayed a family that worked together unlike others (not just the sexual aspect). Now it is very superficial with the only real feelings those of Janelle's jealousy towards Robyn. I am just confused... The show is about a polygamous family yet it seems as if anything anti polygamy, that makes them look negative, their religion are off limits. It is just so superficial that I don't understand why they have a show, they don't even represent their religion (celebrating Hanukkah).

    I do have to say that in this instance I do respect the Duggars so much more. They seem to be a much more open book. Yes things do seem to be rosy quite a bit of the time their too, but it is clear what their religion is, they practice what they preach and they seem genuine, the episodes don't seem so contrived to gloss over what the reality is. I do get that this is reality tv, so somethings are "set up", but with SW it seems so superficial. To be honest I have an easier time believing (insert favorite fictional tv show with well known and well paid actors here) is real!

    I also wonder if all the trips are paid for by TLC for the second half of the season's episodes.

    1. finally seeing realityJuly 20, 2012 at 6:27 PM

      notgonnabe#5~ Agree about the Duggars and this is why they have been TV for so long. They have not sacrificed what they believe. You can be SW won't have such a long run on TLC.

  46. Iggy asks "How is one man able to deal with those issues with four individuals?" Simple answer - he doesn't.

  47. While I don't want to know any details about the sexual aspect of the relationships, it is hard not to look at them and think "That guy is doing all those women and they are just sitting there on a couch together. Weird."

  48. From the look of Kody and the other wives; Food Stamps does a body good (chuckle) it kinda pains me to know that I pay taxes and it appears am paying for some kind of Decadent Poly Lifestyle. Also, Kody just seems to have hand picked a couple women with Bad Self Esteem as Concubines. At least the child seems to realize that this is not normal living.

  49. "They take us into the office of a fertility doctor and giggle, giggle, can't even answer her question regarding frequency...."

    Exactly !!!
    If the script du jour was to be about Meri's ovaries...and they wanted NO intrusive dialogue with the dreaded off-limits "S" word, than why film the doctor asking Meri about their sexual frequency ?? (a most logical question if the doctor visit was legitimate.)

    "IF" it all was legit, and discussing sex is SUCH a no-no for them, then Kody and Meri could just as easily have simply referred to a doctor's appt. Or since Kody obviously loves his monologue time, he could have done one of his wild-eyed solo couch chats explaining the appointment and findings.

    These people have become skilled media manipulators. "They" throw out the premise, then feign shock or insult at the predictable incoming responses. *And they are getting quite good at that game.*

  50. even Kody could not keep up going to 4 different women week after week, it would fall off, does anyone know what they did for insurance while in Utah, or now for that matter, do they still depend on the state of Utah or Nevada to provide health insurance for the kids, I would hate to think they are still getting it off our dime, granted they need it but surely someone at TLC can see the red flags this raises, all this money coming in and no insurance, WTH

    1. It's not TLC's lookout, nor should it be, to provide health insurance for the family. The Browns aren't employees of TLC. They get paid a set fee from the production company - I doubt they are considered "employees". F8Fs/TLC is not a social services organization, they are a broadcast company. The responsibility is the parents' to ensure their children get adequate medical care.

  51. what do they do for health insurance now, or even if they have any,

    1. Great question....and one that has been never been brought up by them in their many couch chats about "finite resources" and ongoing expenses.

      Are the four "single" mothers and their children on separate paid-for health insurance plans?

      Or are they on the government dime for healthcare as indigent single mothers?
      Robin probably has some subsidy coming in for Dayton's disorder, but what about the rest of them?

      Yet another one of those pesky questions which their choice to go public and become celebs has naturally provoked.

    2. they're probably on our taxpayer dime. why not? that's who they are.

    3. I doubt Robyn gets any money for Dayton's least, friends of mine with Aspie kids get squat. If they are lucky, they get understanding teachers. Any other services/counseling, etc they get if they can pay for it, or if their insurance pays for it...

    4. WIC/Medicaid or whatever money they can leech of the government, otherwise just wrecking up huge medical bills and when the road gets too narrow, just declare bankruptcy.

    5. I know this sounds very mean. But I wish they would go after these people to pay back for getting welfare. I've known a few people that were getting aid when they shouldn't have been and THEY had to pay it back.It really burns my ass that these people constantly have children they can't support. When there are good people out there that are unable to have children that they could provide for.

    6. That is not mean. That is normal. They are 5 able bodied adults. OK, one needs to be home to care for the 17 kids, but the other 4 can totally work. Kody can take double shifts. They can coupon for processed foods and "luxury" items (personal care). They can buy grains, oats, potatoes, pasta buy the bulk. They can all live together in a 8 bedroom home (room for each wives and shared bedrooms with bunkbeds for younger/older boys and younger/older girls). This way they can actually depend on themselves to live, survive and THRIVE! And pay back all their debts....

  52. Meant to say "three" single mothers.

  53. I dont see how they could have policys on everyone of them, private insurance is expensive, when I retired I had to get my wife a seperate policy which runs almost 450 a month and thats with a high deductible, I bet they either dont have it, or there getting it through one of two state welfare system,, Utah or Nevada,

    1. Why couldn't they get a group insurance plan through Kody Brown Entertainment LLC??? It would be a lot cheaper than individual policies. Why does everyone assume they aren't on an insurance plan?

    2. I've said this before, but clearly it shows that they don't have dental insurance, & you can definitely tell w/ the kids teeth. It's not being rude to the kids, but to the parents who's it's responsibility to get them to the dentist.

    3. Besides, he might make the wives take it out of their grocery $$ & not to mention, that would cut into all their vacation splurges, dates, & shopping sprees! I'm sure insurance is the last thing on their mind or even wanna pay for...if it's not free, then they're not interested!!

  54. Well, as of today, their exploration for more affordable shipping has been fruitless. They did eliminate 2-day shipping (probably after they had to pay back the customers they ripped off, after they didn't fulfill some orders). Must be really challenging to find a post office in Las Vegas--or just schedule a pick-up. I'm shocked :|

    Also, my 2 cents on the S-word. I Absolutely have no desire to hear any details about these people--or frankly any other people. For those of you who do, they have given the theoretical 1-2-3-4 schedule; that they don't do 3-or-more-somes; and said right on TV that K doesn't use Viagara "Because I don't need it", as well as that that Kody cannot meet their emotional or physical needs--that's all there is to know. Besides, if they elaborated, it would just be one more lie. What could you possibly want to know? Perhaps some of these thoughts will discourage your prurient curiosity.

    Most men in their 40's are perfectly capable of shooting one off on a daily basis--and there's no reason to think that he's even doing that. Why would he? Because these women are pining away for some nookie every 4 days, like clock-work? Yeah, right. . . As a women of similar age to numbers 1-3(who isn't even raising 6 kids all day), I can assure you that is unlikely.

    Very conservative communities that push lots of sex are preoccupied only with PRODUCTIVE coitus. I can pretty much promise you that these women were raised to believe that sex is a duty--period. The men believe that the women owe him sex when he wants it--period. They are raised to have no expectation of recreational sex, and the women probably find it a nuisance. Men in conservative communities are also only concerned with getting the job done, and not typically particularly skilled or concerned about doing it well. Who wants to hear about selfish, mechanical sex from a man's perspective?

    My guess for the ladies is: flat on their backs, lights out, under the covers--with the obvious sexual heierarchy (directly relating to baby-making ability/lack of physical disgust) dictating frequency. They probably keep Jay Leno on-- listening to "Headlines", and barely noticing the JACKASS huffing and puffing over them--and, we can assume, sweating profusely. No fun, no freak; just business-like, obligatory, mutually draining drudgery, with the occasional accidental female orgasm--or not.

    When these men may have unlimited numbers of wives, it's obvious that they do not require all the wives to be in rotation at any given time, and that the wives do not expect to be kept in rotation. I feel pretty confident that this is how it is, and why I'm not remotely interested in a play-by-play--or especially, a heart-to-heart BS of how fulfilled they are.

    1. I wondered if they eliminated 2-day shipping because their items were backordered and there was no note about that fact.

    2. finally seeing realityJuly 20, 2012 at 6:48 PM

      Chantelle~ I think the reason for dropping 2 day shipping is becaus they don't really want to work. I think it is way to make money when they are'nt too busy or on vacations.

  55. I don't think people are assuming anything. However the question is a valid one given their past history of welfare and bankruptcies, and also having no actual "reliable for the future" employment for the last 2 years. Add in at least two "almost' businesses that seem to have faded.

    Your thought about a group plan via Kody Brown Entertainment is quite possible.
    Everyone could be listed as an employee of the firm. Perhaps that is one of the reasons it was created and filed as a business.

    1. Yes, this is totally possible and may be smart. But this is the Krody Brown Family we're talking about.... I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't have insurance.

  56. My theory on the Sex issue is this: Robyn is probably getting the most from Kody & she probably role plays a lot for him. Plus lots of quickies, since Kody already admitted to spending more time at Robyns! (Gross, I know peeps, sorry...)

    Meri is 2nd in getting some,but its just out of duty & to keep up w/ Robyn "in a sense" anyways! That's why she likes to call him Lover, desperate & throwing her stink around... (ewwwwww....)

    Janelle probably hasn't been physical, besides a side ways hug & peck on the lips or cheek,(just for the cameras) w/ Kody in a long time. Esp now that we know Kody's shallow side & his real feelings about chunky ladies. Blows Robyns theory about Kody preferring curvy women(eyes rolling)besides, before the show, Meri was thin, not curvy...even tho, his wide load ass has a pot belly himself!!

    Christine, well since she's basically been on Kody's bad side & getting shafted, w/ his time(coming in late at night, not speaking while there, but playing on his phone, most likely texting Robyn, telling her he wishes he was there w/ her instead of here w/ Christine, & leaving early morning)
    Maybe Christine got lucky & finally got some on their anniversary & her birthday!(Ewwww again....)
    I just wonder who's night is was on Kody's birthday???

    So, we know since Robyn stepped onto the scene, esp when she was pregnant & after she had Sol, there was no fair 4th day rotation!! I'm thinking Kody just goes to whoever he wants to & whenever! He admitted on tv, that he's gone 5 days before w/o seeing a wife, so that means her kids too!! Really sad!! For Robyn to tweet about TIME & how she's thankful for Kody, is an insult & blow to the other wives & KIDS b/c unfortunately, she & her kids are the only ones getting most of Kody's time...that's probably why the others & Kody, didn't retweet her nonsense!!

    1. I think Kody has been giving Christine the cold shoulder for awhile (perhaps before filming)? I remember in the first season she complained that she never got enough time with Kody-family meetings were always scheduled on her night. Instead of time for her and her kids, she had to deal with all 13, including the other wives. Now Kody is becoming more overtly hostile.

      I think he really ramped up his hostilities because Christine kept reiterating that she married for the family. In one couch session Kody kept saying "it was me, right?" and Christine told him, no what convinced her was an established polygamous family-taking the focus off Kody- bruising his ego and stoking his rage and narcissism.

  57. Oh gawd, lookout peeps....Robyn tweeted that they can't decide if they want to design a BRACELET, MOTHER/DAUGHTER NECKLACE, OR KEY CHAIN next...decisions, decisions....
    Wow!! Can't wait(Not) to see who's ideas she decides to steal & chop into pieces & what scribbly doodles she comes up
    I'm thinking they'll take the SW that was Christines idea & make it bigger & turn into a key chain. There ya go Robyn, U can steal & use my idea, I just provided...LOL

  58. Jesus, Linnet and Caramel Brownie, I didn’t want details!!!

    But those were delightfully grossly funny.

    (Also, if I had money, I’d send gift certificates to smitten kitten to Christine and Janelle. Or maybe skip the certificates and send them each a magic wand, though I wonder if they’d know what to do with them.)

  59. @Allyn I forgot to comment on your post, also LOL. If I saw you wearing a t-shirt that said "I'm having sex with Richard Simmons" I would absolutely NOT ask you about it. :D

  60. Wow! I thought it was sad in a way. Simple life back then, compared to now. I don't think (imo) Kody would have another wife, nor do I think they would be less better off if they had not done the show. I am assuming it would change ALL us that are middle class and got that opportunity. Disappointing is that they lost their way on showing us how their religion worked. Jealousy, if pointed out in a real way, and WHY they have to overcome it, would be gripping. Not admitting the religion, covering with lifestyle, totally blows the realization for most viewers who don't find out on their own. Makes it confusing. If they would just tell the truth on their day to day lives instead of trips, eating out, now THERE would be a show!

  61. A feiend of mine loaned me a copy of the browns book. I have only read the introduction and im not sure i want to go any further. It is just so plain and so sad how far off course they have gone since this clip was made. The fame has completly changed kody. The combination of fame and robyn has blown what little this family had going for it. In Lehi there was some semblence of a family unit. Now as Kodys head grows bigger and the familys greed grows stronger we are going to witness the falling aparr of this family. I dont feel sorry for rhe adults. They created this situation. I so worry for the younger children. I fervently wish these mothers would put the children before their own greed but we all know its not going to happen.

    1. I don't think fame changed Kody. Kody always needed to be the center of attention. It's too bad TLC allowed his narcissistic rear-end to dominate Sister Wives. It could have been a good show if Kody hadn't corrupted it.

    2. finally seeing realityJuly 20, 2012 at 6:58 PM

      I think when the whole farce they present as plyg. is rediculous. When I started watching all I wanted was to see how it worked. I bet what they live now is so far from what the AUB present. I do think when the whole thing falls apart and we all know they aren't saving any money, they will go crawling back to Lehi with their tails between their legs and expect the AUB to forgive them and help them out. Just what I think!

  62. Just doesn't seem like the same family. Mayve they are and we don't see it, but that's doubtful. Moving from a A.U.B community has really upset the children, and to Vergas, no less! Once homeschooled or church activites must be a huge change.

  63. I do think Kody likes the attention. I honestly can't believe I am saying this but, I have seen pics of him when he was young. He is a few years older then me. I'm 41. Anyway he was a cute guy and I'm sure in their "circle" He was a catch. So I'm sure he has always gotten attention and always will from his wives. Sometimes I wonder if maybe somehow the women have changed at all. and that's why they have problems. You all watch the show so you would know. (Frankly I don't want to watch it and I mostly come to this blog b/c of all the other stuff on here about polygamy.) But do you guys think that maybe since being in Vegas and not so isolated in Utah that the women are changing too? I also wish we could get a male perspective of polygamy. someone that has plural wives. B/c I sometimes think they are victims too. Even though I still think what they do is wrong.

  64. On the BBC tape somewhere here, Mariah says she doesn't know what she wants! I think it was before this one! Spinoff?

    1. I remember the BBC tape your talking about, I watched it a few days ago. Mariah does indeed say the's undecided, looking decided if you know what I mean. The concern should be on the younger children, who aren't experiencing the church experience like the bigger ones did. I agreed with Janelle that at least in Utah, Logan would b around the same thought processes as they are, minus P.
      Maybe that's a good thing for the young ones!
