Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sister Wives Radio Interview - Big Red 92.3 FM

TLC's Sister Wives - Kody Brown & his 4 wives talked about their family, relationships and more with Rollin & The Morning Show - Big Red 92.3 FM

It's extremely refreshing to me that Janelle clarifies the LDS/Fundamental split 100 yrs ago. She asle says that the origins of the LDS church and the AUB were the same. You go girl! She's not afraid to be clear. As we have been discussing, The believe in the many of the same same principles, Mormon Book, Joseph Smith. They no longer share the polygamy principle.  
Kody on the new wives question: "Not drawn the line in the sand" 

*Be sure and read What's Happening Now with the Houses? and discussion area below!

Courtesy of Caramel Brownie, Thank you!


  1. Wait, they've got jobs? When did that happen?

    1. The same "job" that their "company car" came from I imagine. Which is not a job at all, although its common for people sucked into the MLM vortex to refer to their involvement as a "business".

      Of course he's asking the same question that everyone asks about Wife 5...oi vey.

    2. I can't wait to see what scam they've cooked up now.

    3. BewareOfThePlanetYouChooseJuly 8, 2012 at 10:10 PM

      They actually do LIV, and now the jewelry which is going badly, and TV begging!! Can you imagine how much money folks have sent in? they probably ask for cash.
      Radio - loved he actually asked decent questions. Shocked.

    4. I will admit that I did go to the My Sister Wives closet and that jewelry was not pretty and the prices were really high. No one in their right mind would pay those prices. And what is MLM? I've never heard that term before.

    5. Kristy - MLM is Multi Level Marketing, the "business" the Browns refer to. Companies like Amway, Mary Kay, Meleluca, Isagnix...and LIV. The product is always just a front to sign people up In ones "Downline" and collect off their orders. Pyramid.
      Penn and Teller featured MLMs on an episode of "Bullshit" a couple years ago. You can find it on YouTube - search for "penn and teller bullshit easy money". Not only a great explanation of how the whole mess works, but hilarious. I would PAY to see Penn and Teller show up at one of Kodys "business meetings" and give him what for! Lol
      Anyway check it out :-)

    6. @DJ I've been looking into the whole E-Z Pantry/People Pantry thing that janelle headed up; I think that may be an MLM as well from the looks of it. Does anyone else know anymore about it? Also, does anyone know if LIV international and ReLiv are the same core company? When I did a little nosing around, it looked like Sxinney water might actually be produced by the same company that produces Herbalife products. Have you by any chance seen any of this info? Just curious :)

    7. LIV International and Reliv International are two different (and competing) MLMs.

  2. Did he say he was the father to all 17 children? What about Robins childrens bio father?

    1. I wonder the same thing but I think I remember reading that in the FLDS (I know they aren't the same, but) when the prophet would re-assign a wife and her kids to a new husband, that husband became those kids "Father." I am not really sure how it works in the AUB and I would think that Robyn's ex would have to pay some kind of child support and maybe share custody, but I don't know for sure.

    2. What about Robins childrens bio father?
      Oh, he doesn't count anymore. Grody's put his stink on poor ole David Jessop's kids and that has rendered DJ invisible.

    3. hahahahhahhahhahahaha
      he left out Robyn's kids!

    4. I remember hearing when they first started filming I read that Robin's ex didn't want his kids on camera, but haven't heard anything about him since.

    5. He did say he was the father of all 17. I understand that in some polygamist sects, the new husband is recognized as being the father of the ex-husband's children. However, I think the DJ wanted to know if Kody was the biological father of all the children. Certainly, Kody understood that. Unless, he and Robyn were creepin' for a long time. Who knows with these people. How many times have we caught them in lies before?

    6. They see David Jessop. But of course they are not going to include that on the show.

    7. I think this recording shows how easily and naturally they LIE, that I'm the father of all of them just came out so smooth. You know he is only making points with bedroom wife.
      It appears that Kidy's more affectionate with her kids than his own.
      When people put on these veils, lies and half truths it makes it easier to elive the big ones.
      Remember Robchin bragging how good she can lie in the "get Kidy to come out of the house plan?" You know when they childishly decorated his co
      Car for valentines?
      Let's see paternity claims seem mild compared to all the swindling this clan does on state and federal levels.

    8. He *IS* the father to seventeen children. Robyn’s kid’s bio-dad could be around and involved and Kody would still be a father to those kids.

      Most of America’s kids are being raised in step-family situations. Let’s not discredit their families or the parental involvement because there isn’t blood shared.

      For as much as I dislike Kody on a personal level and criticize his decisions, this is one thing he is doing right. Those kids ARE his. He loves them, he’s as involved in their raising as he is with his bio-kids’. Sure, he may be a piss-poor father to all of his children, but he’s equally piss-poor with Robyn’s first three as he is with all the others.

      For us here to draw a distinction, to say he has fourteen kids and then Robyn’s kids is to diminish the role of step-parents and adopted families everywhere. He doesn’t draw a distinction and neither should we. Those kids ARE KODY’S. He has seventeen children. Just because he didn’t know them for the first years of their lives does not make him less of a dad to them now. (The fact that he’s more in love with himself than anyone else does though.)

    9. Allyn, thank you so much for posting this. I often think the same thing when I read people making a big deal out of Kody saying he is the father of his stepkids. I was raised by a stepfather and if it weren't for him I wouldn't have had a father at all. My mom and he married when I was 2 and now I'm 36 and he is the best dad ever (my "real" dad was never in the picture). I hated when people would say "he's not your real dad", etc. because he treated me like his real daughter, just as much as he did the 2 children he has with my mom. Just wanted to point that out from a stepkid's perspective.

    10. Thank you for sharing, Anon@12:12.
      I left a longer tirade much further below. I’ve always corrected people about the “real dad” remark. “Real” parenting is done daily, not one night nine months before a child appears.

    11. From a Blended FamilyJuly 9, 2012 at 1:05 PM

      I have to respectfully disagree. I do respect that he treats all the kids as his, and takes on the father role to his step-children, but he is not their father. They have a father...and unless their actual father has given up his rights and Kody has adopted Robin's older kids, then Kody is still their step-father.

      There is nothing wrong with being a step-father. Being a good step-father is important and can be tough....but if I was a father and another man called my kids *his* like that, I'd be very upset, as it oversteps a boundary. It's no different than a step-mother calling herself the mother of her husband's kids from a previous relationship. Not cool. It disrespects the actual (bio) parents, and can be harmful to any hope of a good co-parenting situation, as it puts the parents on the defensive.

    12. From a Blended Family:
      But this isn't a case of co-parenting. Their bio-dad is gone; they've been abandoned.

      Step-parenting is tough and in some cases tougher than bio-parenting (I have experienced both from both angles – as a child of a step-then-adopted-parent and a mother of an older step-daughter).

      And I’d like to point out that jealousy is a difficult emotion to overcome, but the more people who take responsibility for and are actively involved in caring for and loving on your children, the healthier and happier the children will be. And if the step-dad refers to them as his without excluding you and your involvement, why is that bad?

    13. I don't think the family has actually stated whether or not Kody legally adopted Robyn's children. In fact, I believe that the father David Jessop still has parental rights - didn't Robyn or someone tweet that her three original children are spending the summer with their dad?

      I'm not from a blended family myself, but I do have to give Kody some kudos for being a father figure (such as it is) to these kids and at least giving lip service to acting like one. Do they call him Dad or Daddy? We don't really know why Robyn broke up with her ex, there have been allegations of "spousal abuse" but nothing proven or really stated as I recall. My thought is that they were married awfully young, and had David Jr. right off the bat. (I refuse to think of him as "Dayton"). And if David Jessop was such a bad dad, why is Robyn worried that when her kids become old enough they will choose to live with him instead of the Kody Brown circus? If he was that bad, then the courts would not even allow this to be considered.

      I have been a stepparent myself, and I agree with Allyn that it is a tough row to hoe! not easy!

    14. From a Blended FamilyJuly 9, 2012 at 5:18 PM


      I get what you are saying, I just feel that calling oneself the father is a step too far....we don't really know that their bio-dad has abandoned them...unless there's some info out there that I missed.

      We do know that Robyn "married" Kody and moved far away, making it really hard for any dad to see his kids much. Having Kody call himself their father on top of that could be interpreted as though Kody/Robyn trying to make it look like he has ditched his kids....and are trying to smear him publicly....just a possibility.

      If DakotaJustice is correct and they are spending the summer with their father, then obviously he is as involved with their lives as he can be, given the distance. And who knows how much more he may do with them.....I really don't think they would spend time with that on the show.

      Again, I totally get that step parenting is hard....I certainly saw that in my family...and I do like that he is enthusiastic about caring for her first three kids....

    15. sorry, DJ - but it's pretty easy to give "lip service" to acting like a father. no kudos to Kody for doing that from me. He's doing it cause that pleases Robyn. what's sad is what little time and attention her kids get from him is probably way more than his own bio kids get. they've probably long ago accepted his absence tho both emotionally and physically so it's probably too little too late from him anyway.

      these kids basically have a mom and that's it. Kody does very little parenting, bonding and financially supporting. He's more something for them to adapt to and tolerate when he visits than to look up to and admire and emulate as a father. i'm afraid robyn's kids don't stand a chance at all cause i don't think she's even emotionally present that much as their mom. other than to King Solomon.

    16. What some may not be realizing, many divorced families say,” I have 3 children” when one is a step. And so does the other parent. It's a way of making them feel a part of the family.
      By no means is David Jessop a bad father, he is a good one and see his kids, etc. Fundy rules are they are now Kody's, in a sense, but he see those kids regularly.
      He can't speak much because he doesn't want to upset the bucket. David Dayton is going through enough with his mom's antics. Can you imagine having Asberger's syndrome, living in that mess, her crying all the time? Moving all the time? All that goes on? Say what you want, anyone who spends that much on VS, more than what her trailer was worth, is taking care of herself. She didn't have to, David didn't force her or the judge would rule that HE had to pay the bill. She was a shopaholic then.
      Asperger syndrome is a form of autism, which is a lifelong disability that affects how a person makes sense of the world, processes information and relates to other people. Autism is often described as a 'spectrum disorder' because the condition affects people in many different ways and to varying degrees. (For more information about autism, please read our leaflet What is autism?)

      Asperger syndrome is mostly a 'hidden disability'. This means that you can't tell that someone has the condition from their outward appearance. People with the condition have difficulties in three main areas. They are:

      social communication
      social interaction
      social imagination.
      Also you can read about it here:

    17. Allyn,
      I understand how you would feel that way,, however I disagree with what you are saying. David Jessop is their bio father, the way the A.U.B. plays is that now they are "Kodys". Jessop sees them, pays for them, loves them, and has extended time with them. Unless you know different for fact, be careful to judge so harshly, for he is really innocent in all this, and I am sure unhappy about it. Jessop isn't currently a part of the AUB, yet he is AUB. It's confusing, but on a topic like his kids on TV, the prophet would rule.

    18. Gladys72 can you explain a bit more? How is David Jessop not "currently a part of AUB" yet still be AUB? Also what does the AUB prophet have to do with with Jessop's children being on TV or not? From what I understand they didn't even want Kody and clan on TV.

    19. A question as a Canadian and not knowing the custody laws in the US, but the 'fly by night' sudden move to LV from Utah, would RoChin have to have permission from the father of the 3 children from her previous marriage to move across state lines?

      Just curious as to how much say the father actually would have in this situation. Though, you can bet your last cookie, there is no way in heck I would be allowing my children to be exploited like this dysfunctional family has done!

    20. Anon 7:29, thank you for pointing out David Jr.'s disability and for the link. For Kody to refer to himself as the father of Robyn's three older children would be very difficult on an Aspie. People with A.S. have a very difficult time with change and live in very "black and white" worlds. For David Jr. to have his life disrupted with a whole new (and very large) set of people referred to as his "family", a move, and a NAME CHANGE (which in my opinion is a horribly egregious infliction upon any child but especially upon an Aspie) would likely have caused quite a bit of confusion. To have another man start referring to himself as David's "father" just adds to the problem. I understand that sometimes it is, in fact, the stepmother or stepfather who ends up being the "real" parent, but so far there has been no showing that a) the kids have been abandoned by their biological father and/or b) Kody has done any more "fathering" than he gives his own biological children (i.e., little to none.) The complete disregard Robyn has shown for her son's disability is highly disturbing. Perhaps all of the IEP meetings, therapy sessions, and time spent working with him on social skills has been edited out; however, I suspect we don't see it because it simply does not exist. Let's face it- Autism Spectrum Disorders are a hot topic right now and TLC seems to have a penchant for explointing anything and everything for ratings, so if anyone was truly working hard for David, we would very likely be shown footage of all the "awesome" work.

    21. Left of Centre - I was wondering about custody and leaving the state too. I know someone who left polygamy, and whose kids live with her, but can't leave the state without her polygamous husband's OK. How did Robyn manage that - or maybe David Jessop just doesn't have the money to fight it?

    22. Puzzled and others... that's why I assumed the kids had little involvement with their bio-dad: the move across the state and then the move out of the state and no mention of dealing with bio-dad. And that the kids call Kody 'dad', while not unheard of in step-families, led me to believe bio-dad was uninvolved.

      And that Jr. could choose to live with bio-dad at 13 is not a function of visitation. My niece, who hasn't seen her bio-dad in years, could still choose to live with him with his consent.

      So whether or not they were abandoned by bio-dad, I still support Kody’s including them among his children.

  3. I had a comment about this on the other page but it got sent to outer space somewhere but now that I listened, Kody did exactly what we predicted.
    He stresses that they all each have separate homes just like he always mentions 4 wives. What a peacock, as if he's a successful guy wealthy enough to have his own zip code or something. bleck.

  4. They seem more real on radio.

  5. I liked the interview- Janelle at least is more honest on it. I wanted to tell you guys that Boots - K. Dee ignatin, has posted on the AUB post. love her.

  6. Border Collie's MumJuly 8, 2012 at 9:38 PM

    We need to remember to divorce ourselves from the religious and secular.

    Mitt Romney is not going to legalize polygamy. Like most LDS he doesn't even want to talk about it.

    Robyn's husband could have control over the kids legally and be responsible legally. But since Kody assumed the responsibility religiously, as we believe, the dad is not being asked permission for what is going on with his bio kids nor is he paying child support. Likewise, It is doubtful that TLC is paying only Kody and Meri. If Janelle and Christine left, they'd take what they earned, and that might be more than Kody and Meri since they may be earning as a unit. Kody can't file as married with Janelle and Christine, but he could legally pay child support if he had any money. Janelle and Christine would be well off financially if they left, leaving Kody, Meri and Robyn in dire straights.

  7. A little off-topic twitter action:
    Grody's having cravings for pretzels and the lemmings are all assuming that Meri is pregnant. Cuz they don't understand how to read twitter. It's been pretty obvious that the Browns are narcissistic dirt balls, but seriously fans/lemmings/sheeple, GET A LIFE! You might not mind if your tax dollars pay for the population of planet Grody, but I sure as hell do. I'm to the point of really not having a problem with crack-addicted moms with 15 kids because they really can't help it, they need rehab and job skills, etc.. These people KNOW better and thumb their noses at breaking the law and making us pay for the privilege of watching them treat their "fans" like stupid human ATM machines.
    Rant over. I am now various luminaries of the LDS past.

    1. lol - start a rumor that Grody's the one that's pregnant and they'll probably eat that completely up, too!

  8. They are all full of BS including Jenelle. Sure she might be the one thinking more logically and willing to work but she still stays with that Klown! I've got no pity for any of them because they are all choosing to be in that situation, except the kids.
    Support system? What support system? The book is a clear indication that the women do not like one another and the only close relationship is betweenMeri and Roybn, and I really doubt that's genuine. I seriously think Meri wanted Kodyto court Robyn, because Meri is bi and had a thing for Robyn. I seriously doubt Meri is so accepting of a fourt wife unless she was getting something out of it.

    1. Support system, right, that's why they all need separate homes because they are so close. The book and especially their body language / eyes tell us all how they feel about each other.

      And I'm with you Elle, I think janelle is just as corrupt as all of them, she is just slightly smarter. I've always rooted for both her and Christine but as long as they share Kody's swampy ass I have no empathy left.

    2. I seriously doubt Robyn's bi tho so i don't see how Meri's getting anything out of it. While i do believe Meri's bi, I'm in the camp that Robyn was brought in for the purpose of the show as well as Meri picked her personally for Kody cause she was attracted to her as well as she knew it would get under Janelle and Christine's skin.

      Meri just didn't realize Robyn was going to get on her one last nerve, too.

    3. I'm with you Anon 1:31 am. I think Meri underestimated Robyn. Meri thought that Robyn would be her little tool to get back at Christine and Janelle. It isn't quite working out as Meri had planned.

  9. Who was that at the end saying they were jealous this morning (joking or whatever) I couldn't recognize the voice. Christine? Robin?

    1. Robyn was jealous of Meri getting a hug and a kiss.

    2. Yep, I caught that too!! & then Robyn, tryna play it off, by saying, I'm just kidding, I'm not jealous!! YEAH WHATEVER ROBYN!!!!
      Why even bring it up???

    3. Robyn always has to bring attention to herself. It's gotta be leftover emotional neglect from her own plyg childhood. obviously she has daddy issues.

    4. Wouldn't they see that quite a bit?
      I love my husband more than life itself, but after 25 years, like Meri, i feel no need to kiss him all day long, nor hug constantly. We're too busy doing that to our kids and grandkids!

    5. Denial. Denial Denial. Who is she kidding? Of course she probably felt jealous. Who wouldn't? It's a normal human emotion. Why do they try to deny the truth? And, don't you just love how they constantly contradict themselves? They say they aren't jealous, then a few minutes later one of them said that jealousy was normal. So, which one is it? You're either jealous or you're not.Being 'a little bit jealous' is like being 'a little bit pregnant', IMO.

    6. I thought they were "respectful" of each other's feelings and didn't do that "in your face" crap in front of each other. I mean, doesn't Kody have to be fair and not show favoritism and then kiss all of them? These people are all emotionally fragile at best as it is. So, why do the do this shit to each other that they know they don't like when it's done? these people are Effed Up and no, it NEVER gets better. Obviously.

  10. We have... JOBS.... what??? That's a bombshell! What do they do?

    1. Robyn has on her FB page that she "works" for LIV International. I hardly think that signing up with a MLM is a real job!

  11. Janelle was quick to clarify that she wasn't "sisters" with any of those biatches! LMBO!!! Heck, I can't blame her, I wouldn't want them in my family tree either. I believe with every fiber of my being that Janelle is waiting for the smoke to clear and then she's outta there. I think she is the most level headed one of the group. She knows Kody is going to take on another wife and she isn't willing to support anymore hoes. #TeamJanelle

    1. I can see it now, she leaves and rent's her house out to the Stanly sisters from My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding.

    2. That would make an awesome show,JustJen.

  12. Wouldn't it be nice if we didn't have to hear the same question of why they got together? They are NEVER going to say, we women HAVE to - to go to heaven!
    I am #TeamJanelle, also.
    I used to really like Meri, but her true colors are showing. I feel for Christine, she's generational deep in the AUB Allred. So I can sympathize with her. I can not STAND Robyn, and think she is a tramp.

    1. I cannot disagree with anything you wrote. I think that Robyn is a little minx, too. She's been around. Robyn might have been raised in the AUB or some other polygamy sect; but, I am, thoroughly, convinced that she was 'inactive' in her church for several years. She does not behave like the rest of the wives. She tries to mask her 'worldliness', but I'm certain that she was either a stripper at some point in her life or an escort to put it mildly. Why would she need so much lingerie from Victoria's Secret? That doesn't even make sense. It doesn't even fit in with their church's modesty laws.

    2. well, she didn't get married in the temple to her first husband as she wasn't wearing their mormon underwear - thus VS obsession. Usually, the biggest reason for that is premarital sex and/or pregnancy. That wouldn't surprise me at all with Robyn and her claim to how staunch she is in her beliefs. and they never went through the temple to be sealed later like they could have done.

      She pretty much lies or colors the truth about everything. I think also that's why so many of us are convinced her and Kody did more than the "premarital kiss" Christine was so upset about. Robyn and Kody love their little passion for secrets between the two of them. I'm sure none of that has been lost on any of the other wives.

    3. Anony 8:19am - how do you know she didn't get married in the temple to David Jessop? And how do you know she didn't wear mormon underwear? Or was that a joke? Sorry if I didn't get it, it just didn't seem to make sense to go from a joke to the point about premarital sex/pregnancy, which sounded more serious.

    4. AnonymousJuly 9, 2012 8:19 AM is right that Robyn didn't have a temple/ordinance building marriage with her ex. We can't assume why though. There are several possible reasons. One is that either both or one were not that committed to their religion, another is that one or both were not supportive of their leaders or paying their tithing, and the last is pre-marital sex. We can't guess the reason.

    5. yeah, i wasn't ASSUMING that's what it was for Robyn and her ex. I was just stating facts that i personally know about the biggest reason why mainstream mormons don't marry in the temple and then making my snark how it WOULDN"T SURPRISE me if that's why Robyn didn't. that's all.

      and lots of mainstream mormons have premarital sex but if they confess it to their bishop, they usually are put on a probationary period of repented abstinence before they will be given a recommend. and i have a few mormon friends who had no problem telling me that they just didn't tell their bishops and stake presidents during their interviews cause it would disappoint their parents. so, no hold-up on their marriage date there since they weren't pregnant and didn't confess anything.

      mormons are people, too. with the same weaknesses, faults and human emotions as non-mormons. stuff happens. not a shocker. and likewise, i know mormons who were truly both virgins when they got married. still in today's world of premarital sex and living together surrounding them.

    6. "mormon underwear"??? Is that like grannie panties/sensible cotton time of the month knickers?

    7. But they aren't mainstream Mormons. They're FDLS, or UAB, or whatever. Apprently it's a different thing, although it appears that the main difference is the polygamy issue. I've been doing some reading about Joseph Smith and to me it seems that he was kind of a horndog and liked to play the field and made up 'revelations' to keep his wife off his back and also to justify his actions. He would say God told him to be polygamous, and then turn around and say it was a sin. Ai yiyi. this is all my opinion of course. I think that LDS in the end, determined that Joseph Smith contradicted himself on the polygamy thing too many times, plus the fact that the US said no statehood unless they outlawed the practice, so they are able to kind of discount that whole thing. AGAIN that's just my opinion. And also my opinion - a "prophet" is not the same thing as a god or a saint. Joseph Smith might be regarded as a prophet, but in the end he was a human being with faults and also felt he could do whatever he wanted and kind of get away with it...don't stone me for saying that, this is just based on what i've read and I am by no means an expert. He wrote to suit himself. and Kody 'practices' and 'believes' in it because it suits him.

  13. Wouldn't you! baahahahahhah

  14. Do you guys remember the first episode, Kody said they were fundamental Mormons, not LDS, SO I took it that they were FLDS. Ihavent ever heard them mention AUB on the show, if they did I can't remember.

    1. Elle aussie - there are literally more than a hundred of fundie mormon splinter groups. FLDS and AUB and CoC (community of christ - formerly known as RLDS, R for Reorganized) are three of the most prominent ones.

    2. At the time of the show premiere TLC made it clear that the religion was not going to be discussed or identified - that they were only focusing on the lifestyle. My guess is that this was at the UAB's request. I don't think they are even identified in the book by name.

    3. They are definitely Apostolic United Brethren (AUB). Their group and what became the FLDS parted company in the 1950s. Lots of inter relationships between the two groups. AUB leaders were unhappy with them doing the show, which may be the reason for them hedging around their religious affiliation. My guess is that they don't mention religion because it's not "cool" - better to attempt to look like some kind of "alternative lifestyle" and pretend to be supportive of gay marriage etc. (all a big sham) Kind of silly though as everyone knows what they are, and AUB is mentioned in their legal affidavits for their court case in Utah.

    4. They did say AUB on one of the early shows. I forget which but remember immediately googling since I'd not heard it before.

      Methinks they got in hot water from church leaders though since now they never say the name and have even said "we're not going to name our church."

    5. OK-First time posting, will pick a name later but here's what I don't get. All of them talk about their "faith" but you aren't going to name your church?I'm presbyterian. If my lifestyle was so different because I'm Presbyterian,and was doing a show about it, I would tell you I'm Presbyterian, that's why I life this certain way. So why do they even talk about "faith" or sugar coat it by saying "lifestyle". They should say in this "faith, which is called _____, we live this type of "lifestyle". Not naming your church is just so you can continue to have a job as a reality star, make nice with your church--basically have it all.THEY WANT THEIR CAKE AND EAT IT TOO. There is no stopping them now, maybe someone crazier replacing them. I can't wait to see Kody on "dancing with the stars" unlike Kate, he could win. oh geez what a thought-sorry, too wordy, i know.

  15. It kills me that SobbinRobbin piped up about her jealousy moment. C'mon, there's 4 of them who sleep with one douchebag and she gets her feathers ruffled when another one gets a hug/kiss.
    She likes the perch she THINKS she's on but if she's half as annoying in real life as she is one the show once the shiny wears off....she'll be just as confused and hurt as Christine was. Karma's a rockin bitch sometimes.

    1. Omg, imagine if Christine gets pregnant again and heaven forbid, "validates the intimacy between a husband and his wife to the rest of the fam-ly". Robyn would lose it! Flaunts king sol all over "validating", but can't handle intimacy between kody and Christine testing the bed, meri and kody kiss in the kitchen, and now meri gets a big kiss and hug before the radio interview. I can't stand Robyn at all!

    2. I heard that bit too, and just thought she WAS kidding, playing to the audience's expectations. Not saying there isn't jealousy - I'm sure there is - but they won't be so obvious about it in public though Meri's body language gives her away all too often IMO.

  16. the bible clearly state you with be brothers and sisters in heaven, with God as the father.
    The more I look at poligamy, the more it is Anti christ.

    1. Amen!!!!
      Kody will be shell shocked, when he stands before God & realizes that he WILL NOT BE A god & HAVE HIS OWN CELESTIAL PLANET!!!!

    2. especially when he sees his wives jumping for joy!!

  17. Why can they not just say, "we are members of the AUB church" come on, everyone knows. Who is the current head of that church?

    1. Good question. Also, what it Mitt's father's name? Was his family always in poligamy until his run for office? What sect was he in, the Aub or other?

    2. The current head of the AUB is LaMoine Jenson.

      Mitt Romney's father was George Romney, former governor of Michigan who was unsuccessful in his bid to be nominated as the republican presidential candidate in 1968.,_1968

    3. Thank you Cynical! Can you tell us where Mitt's polygamy comes into play, was it with his father or grandfather?

    4. KodysSonicStareGlareJuly 9, 2012 at 12:50 AM

      I would like this clarified. I don't care for it when it all gets jumbled. Cynical, would you clarify his "roots" for us and where poligamy came in. Seems that he would have sympathy for them, since from what the other poster said, his family was.

    5. Mitt's great-grandfather was a polygamist in Mexico.

      You're Welcome!!!

    6. One really can't make the leap that "he would have sympathy for them, since...his family was (plig).
      Certainly there are many former polygamists who have no sympathy for it. Read Carolyn Jessup's books just for a start. The boys who are kicked out because there are too many males and not enough females to continue the system have no support for it. Those who lived it and were in grinding poverty don't support it. Even we who are not associated with it in any way can look at our own families and see some practices we would never pick for ourselves.

    7. Hi KodysSonicStareGlare!

      It is my opinion that Mitt Romney is hardcore LDS. He is also a successful businessman and politician as was his father, George Romney. As such, I believe he would uphold the laws of the United States concerning polygamy,and will leave the subject at that.

      here's the wikipedia link about Romney. It also has a good selection of links to many articles written about him and his political views.

    8. It doesn't really matter if Romney's parents, grandparents, or great grandparents are/were polygamists. Romney is his own person. He has chosen to live by the tenants of mainstream Mormonism, aka the LDS. It might not be the religion that any of us would choose, but it is his Constitutional right to choose his religion under the First Amendment just as all of us US citizens have the same right. That right even extends to the Browns, even though many of us are repulsed by their lifestyle. The problem with the Browns is that plural marriage is illegal. I, personally, don't agree with plural marriage. That's why I don't belong to any polygamist religion. If we are all protected under the US Constitution, plural marriage should be decriminalized at the very least. Decriminalization and legalization are not the same thing, btw.

      If there is evidence that Romney tried to force his religious views on people of Massachusetts while he was the governor, I'd like to see it. People claiming or fearing that Romney, as president, would try to force his religion on the nation, is just a ignorant and narrow minded as the people who feared that Kennedy would force Roman Catholicism on us or that Obama was out to convert us to Jeremiah Wright's brand of religion or to the Nation of Islam or whatever...

    9. Thank you, Border Collie, for your insight and sensibility!!!

    10. New Shoes,
      I doubt many people in America hold Romney's religious beliefs against him; however, what most of the people America hold against are his off shore bank accounts, his outsourcing jobs to off shore countries; his oppressive beliefs about women and women's vajajas and wombs--both of which he thinks he and other men shoudl govern; and his down sizing major companies without once considering the consequences of those downsizes; and finally his lack of experience with foriegn policy…which reeks of Bushism. Just saying.

    11. Let's leave the Mitt Romney discussion to political forums.


    12. Wow, Cynical Jinx
      We can see where your political shoe fits. As long as Romney is represented in the light you want, the political speak is fine; however, when someone points out that so what, he may uphold the laws but the real question is? You tell everyone to stop talking politics. If you don't want politics discussed, don't post the first comment that discusses politics. By stopping after you get it started is somewhat censoring...wait, I forgot, you censor.

    13. No, I'm just tired of reading the same stuff over and over. If I'm tired of reading it, I'm sure others are too.

      The title of this article is Sister Wives Interview, not Mitt Romney. Let's keep the discussion on topic.

      Thank you!

    14. From what I read, Cynical Jinx only discussed Romney in the light of polygamy and didn't get into politics with it. It was "anonymous" at 7:27 am that decided to get on a political soapbox.

      Thank you for nipping it in the bud,CJ.

  18. Did I hear Janelle right when she said she wasn't raised in the plyg world but then later she did explore the religion....and *then she "met" Kody??* HUH??
    She was already Kody's sister-in-law by marriage (married to Meri's brother)

    In the book or in one of the couch chats, she claimed that after her divorce she explored *the religion* and was already "friends" with Kody and it was a natural leap into being wifey #2.
    So why say that she *then met Kody* ???

    Then we hear about how awful Meri was to her...!!!
    Leaving the question of when Mad-Meri merrily spouts how she and Kody planned multi-wives all along.....then why in the hell would she bring on her ex sister-in-law less that 24 months after her own marriage, if she disliked Janelle and obviously disliked having her there in their lives??
    I know, I know...probably for the babymaking since it wasn't happening on schedule for Meri.

    But still..can't these Brown Klowns EVER just tell the truth ??!!
    Just one consistent version??!!

    As long as they continue to change it up each time, they have zero credibility.

    1. there were lots of HUH??? moments for me in their book. simply didn't add up on quite a few things. and even less so based on various things they've said in their couch interviews, etc. Their stories are as sketchy in print as they are in real life.

    2. that ticks me, too Amused. She acted liked she didn't know any polygamists before she met Kody, yet she knew Meri's parents! LIAR.

    3. I remember in one of the episodes, don't remember which season, about Janelle stating that her family basically shunned her for her I'm guessing she wasn't raised in the poligamy lifestyle but maybe just the LDS sect?

    4. At what point in her relationship with Kody did Janelle's mother "marry" his father? Another story that's not adding up.

    5. I often have thought that Meri and Kodi brought her in, with the understanding that she would be the broodmare and meri would do the house work and the raising of the children, then when it got closer, Meri changed her position and told the Kodster it was time to marry a Hausfrau, so they found the most indoctrinated woman they could, who would take that lot because she had been raised for obedience. I'd also be interested in knowing who "shunned" Janelle, since her father died when she was a toddler; she and Maddie were both tweeting about being with her only sister last week; and her Mom was already married to Winn. Just sayin'.

    6. exactly, linnet! NONE of their stories ever match up w/the next one up the road! NONE of them! it's just IMO Meri and Robyn are tied for First Place in their daily whoppers! i'm still not over Robyn on camera on National TV telling Meri that she's prayed about being a surrogate for her from the first time she met her. and then Robyn's story of meeting Meri and subsequent meetings DOESN'T even come close to making that a possibly true statement. LOL

    7. The shunning could have easily been from her father's camp, her grandmother was alive when she became Kody's "wife" - and her mother's family could have also.
      See grandma's obit here:
      Janelle Schriever Brown - one of our fav's on "Sister Wives"

      Not agreeing one way or another - never know with this group!


      Aug 31, 2011

  19. Maybe I missed something, but when they all went to visit the grandparents , didn't they say that Meri's mom & Janelle's mom were sister wives & married to the same man? I am talking about last season when they painted the house.

    1. Kody's father Winn Brown is married to Janelle's mother Sheryl (3rd wife), and Kody's mother Genielle (1st wife). His second wife's name is unknown but is not Meri's mother.

    2. Does anyone know where the 2nd wife lives? I never realised Winn had 3 wives, so I was always confused about the number of children he had, it seemed an impossible number for 2 wives, especially when Janelle's mother married him when she was older. We saw Kody's and Janelle's mothers' houses on the ranch episode, but where was the 2nd wife's house? And does anyone know why she refuses to be on camera?

    3. They all live on the ranch, but I thought he had 4????

  20. In the book Janelle's version claims that she was raised in a normal Mormon home, with one mom and one dad. When she was an adult her mother divorced her father and converted to the FLDS faith. She was friends with Meri and Kody because she was married to Meri's brother. Even after the divorce Meri's family still treated her like family. She even went to Kody's parents house for Thanksgiving and invited her own mother to go so she wouldn't be 3 wheel. That's the beginning of how her mother and Kody's father hooked up and later got married. They are all related in some way! Janelle and Kody are step brother and sister. Meri and Janelle are sister-in-laws. Robyn and Christine are cousins. It's just craziness. It's part of the backwards, hillbilly-ass, tree-doesn't-branch, inbred shit that makes polygamy so frowned upon. No wonder the religion is veiled in secrecy, it's illegal in most states to marry cousins or family members!

    1. Christine is a cousin of Robyn's ex-husband David Jessop. I don't think Christine and Robyn are cousins.

      Anyway, Christine and David Jessop both share the same grandfather, Rulon Allred.

      Here's a link to the SWB article, the info is in the photo caption:

    2. I have always wondered if Kody is Logan's bio dad because he doesn't look like Kody or Janelle. Most of the boys look like Kody. Anyone have info?

    3. I am reading Fifty Years in Polygamy by Kristyn Decker and she must be related to Christine in some way, possibly cousins, because her uncle (I believe it was her uncle in the book) was named Rulon Allred. Her story is messed waaaayyyy up! I'm not finished reading it yet, but it seems that he was a very nice man with good intentions. We shall see though...

    4. We just had a post on her, did you see it? Lots of good posts.

      She would be Christine's Great Aunt.

    5. Kat40 - if you watch the episode where the entire family goes to the ranch to help out, you will see a cousin who looks like Logan's identical twin. It's uncanny. Logan is definitely Kody's son!


    lol - yes, it's true plygs are notorious for having a family wreath. but when you say it's illegal in most states to marry cousins or family members, it's a stretch to say it's illegal re:the Browns. None of them have married a first cousin nor a close blood relative like you're claiming. Robyn and Christine are NOT first cousins which is what's illegal in most states. Also, you can't say that Meri and Janelle ARE sister-in-laws when they're EX-sister in laws, so that doesn't make them illegal family members. Janelle and Kody didn't grow up together as step-siblings by any means. that happened well into their adulthood, so that's not illegal either. I think the word you probably are meaning to use is weird or immoral maybe as far as you're concerned. But not illegal. Remember, too, that only one of these women is actually legally married to Kody.

    The one thing that you didn't mention that they're doing that IS TRULY illegal is that they're all in a plyg marriage w/each other!! lol

    1. I actually knew a guy in MS that married his 1st cousin!!!LOL

    2. paternal grandparents were second cousins. Including my dad, they had a total of 7 children between 1922-1933.
      They were poor farmers but proudly self-sufficient. All 7 siblings including my dad went to university, graduated with honors, and were successful in their chosen fields. All 6 sons served their country in the military, two during WWII. One of my uncles - still alive today - was on one of the beaches at D-Day, and earned a purple heart.

      So you see...I'm just saying you can't judge people based on their parents/grandparents/etc. if the Brown kids - say Hunter - wants to go to politics or athletics are we going to judge him because his dad is an idiot and polygamist? Even after he's said over and over on the show that he would NEVER choose the lifestyle for himself?

      Or let's go further...OJ Simpson's children by his murdered wife Nicole who lay in bed innocently sleeping as their father brutally killed their mom. What if they choose a life of public service??? Are they to be judged by their father's actions?

      Trust me...I have no dog in the presidential election fight but it disgusts me to see people say that because someone's great-grandparents were polygamists 130 years ago (33% of Mormons practiced back then, so you'd be castigating a lot of descendants) that they would fight to bring back polygamy or defend the rights of people to break the law??? As I said, the LDS people I know are VERY much against polygamy, and just consider it an embarrassing part of their history. And if some interpret their writings to say that they still believe in it for the afterlife, then so what? That has nothing to do with life in this world.


    3. yay DakotaJ, well said!

    4. CRAZY 4:06 - it's actually legal in MS to marry your first cousin - once removed.

      and it's legal to marry your second cousin in all 50 states.

      Here's the list of states i pulled up that it's legal to marry your FIRST cousin WITH NO QUALIFYING EXCLUSIONS of any kind:

      Alaska, Alabama, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, Wash.D.C.

      In addition, there's more states such as MS i mentioned above where First Cousin is ok but with different qualifiers for different states.

      Again, tho, none of the Kody Browns have married each other as first cousins let alone blood family members as another poster claimed they illegally had. Just keeping it real here! ;')

    5. Let me first say, that I was simply stating the facts as they were presented to me. I, by no means, feel that someone should be held accountable for their parents/grandparents actions. However, I personally would not marry a man that was my step-brother. I don't care if we didn't grow up together. I wouldn't want my own children to have to deal with that cross-marriage issue; kids have it hard enough these days without having to deal with their parents stuff. I am not saying it's not right for someone else, just not for me. This blog is chaulked full of people with harsh opinions and I chose to put mine on here. I am sorry if it offended some of you, that was NOT my intention. I just simply wanted to show that these people come from a LONG line of intertwined marriages.

    6. I thought Arkansas would be #1 on the list for 1st cousins to marry legally

    7. Nope! Arkansas's not on the list of 19 that have no problem with it. kinda deflates all the Arkansas inbred jokes, huh? I see Alabama and S. Carolina as the only so-called "backwoods, redneck southern states." The others are your "lib" states. and notice it's legal in the nation's capital! So, apparently for almost 1/2 the nation - marrying first cousins is no big deal at all. ;')

  22. Here's what I think regarding this whole charade the Brown family is playing out before the world. These people deep down are grifters and had the reality show not come along, would still be grifting along (just barely)today. Janelle would probably be the only one with a steady job with benefits. More bankruptcies would follow and the food stamps & WIC would still be flowing. The Browns are learning to adapt to what their drooling (and foolish)fans and even critics want to see from them. You'll continue to see their "act" and story change as is required and the past will continually get muddier until noone can quite remember who told which lie when. They are con artists through and through. And I mean ALL of them, Janelle included. The little snips of her journal we saw and the true hurt in their eyes is the truth, but they will stick with that metrosexual, narcisstic sociopath until the day they die. Well, the original four for sure. You could get a team of the best deprogrammers and the best intervention help and they'd still go back. This is a very different beast than the Carolyn Jessop scenario. She was sheltered. Although she did have a decent education, most of her sister wives had little education. These gals in LV have had plenty of opportunities to run and didn't. They had opportunity a plenty in Utah and every other they state they've scammed/lived in. They (exception of Janelle who went back, tail between her legs) made no effort to get away, get educated (for free), become stand up citizens and take responsibility for themselves and their children. The icing on the cake is that they continued to have children they knew neither the father nor they could support. I think part of it is brainwashing, admiration of their idol Kodouche, laziness and liking the grifting lifestyle (even pre reality show), and of course now fame. Once their remaining 3 minutes of limelight time is up, they'll sulk back to the scammers they truly are, and continue on. Robyn will churn out as many babies as possible and King Krody will marry at least one more. And yes, the government (us) will be picking up most of the tab.

    So Brown Family, stop the bullshit. Most of us are onto you. Got it? Great. Thanks. Now get a real job before some dumbass in Washington stops your cash/foodstamp flow and you're all left truly destitute.

    1. Kelly,

      The condensed version of KodyWorld !!!
      Perfect !!!

    2. Thanks for your thoughts! When I began reading their book, I was taken aback at how nonchalantly Meri described the number of times Kody quit work and moved to another area with her in tow. Neither one of them appeared to take work and responsibility very seriously and they still don't. I haven't finished the book, but I'm curious as to whether or not Christine has ever held a full-time job. I still don't think of Janelle as a grifter, but I do think she is as brainwashed as the others.

    3. Thanks Amused and Gladys. They drive me nuts and I don't even watch the show anymore. I think I may need an intervention soon ;) I don't think Christine has ever had a job outside of the home. I was a SAH mom for 15 years so do consider that a job, although if I had six children I might have considered some higher education and perhaps spacing the kids out so I could go to school. But then again, they were on the taxpayers dime. You don't have to plan/think/worry when that's your income.

      I do consider Janelle a grifter and here's why; she knowingly ran up credit cards that she knew she could never pay off. She knew the end result would be bankruptcy. That's stealing in my book. I understand people run into a financial disaster maybe once in their lives and have to file, but using bankruptcy as a source of income is wrong.

      I'm hoping the fans will wake up soon and realize they're being played. These people could never live together, nor do they want to. I don't think they can hardly stand to sit on that couch together. The minions can gather funds to build the KodyWorld Kompound and I guarantee you they wouldn't live in it. Build it - they won't come. It's ridiculous the lies spewing from these people. If I lived closer, I'd be at their MLM scam gatherings, book signings or whenever they whore themselves out and try to ask them some real questions. Just to see their faces while being called on it would be priceless.

    4. "Thanks for your thoughts! When I began reading their book, I was taken aback at how nonchalantly Meri described the number of times Kody quit work and moved to another area with her in tow. Neither one of them appeared to take work and responsibility very seriously and they still don't."

      While I agree that the family is a bunch of grifters, IMHO quitting jobs and moving often doesn't mean that they don't take work and responsibility seriously.

      For example, my sister's ex-husband quit jobs every six to nine months or so. She knew to get their kids in to see the dentist as soon as he started making comments about how bad things were at the job because it meant he was going to quit soon. Even though he quit jobs all the time, he was still hard-working and he was able to find jobs quickly.

  23. What I find shocking is that this interview was clearly to advertise their book, but in the 7 minutes, how many times did the Browns actually refer the listener TO BUY THE BOOK to read more about it? I think Janelle did once, and maybe Christine once, and definitely the interviewer at the end. What a waste of time that interview was.

    This is something the Dargers have down pat. When they went on tv, they would briefly answer the question and then say something like 'That's in our book' or 'Read about in it our Book'. The Browns were acting like they were talking to a best buddy, not to an audience of potential book buyers.

    Since this was uploaded to youtube on 5/8/12, this was a week after the book was in stores. No wonder sales were going nowhere. All those hardcore fans who hate Natalie Morales should be kissing that woman's feet. She held that book up, referenced her questions to what was written in the book, basically keeping the audience focused on why the Browns were there - not to talk about Kody, but to sell that book! Can you imagine how much money they would have made in sales if the book had started out on the bestseller's list a month ago, rather than peaking 2 months after it hit the shelves?

    Kody must have been a great sign salesman...

    1. glad i read it for free. well, almost read it. it got so boring, i quit. plus the inconsistencies w/what they say publicly vs. what they said in the book kept getting on my one last nerve. how are we supposed to believe anything any of these people say? including the favored Janelle. they're all used to lying just from the lifestyle itself. when you have to lie to yourself how happy and fulfilled you are doing god's will, then it becomes pretty routine to lie to everyone else about anything else.

    2. Cynical Jinx Said:
      "Kody must have been a great sign salesman..."

      Snort snark LOL XD, who great was that one liner?

  24. *sigh* enough with the Victorias Secret already.
    Robyn probably got the card because it's a very easy one to get. VS is owned by The Limited, which also owns other stores such as Lerner and Lane Bryant. My very first credit card (in the 1980s) was a Lane Bryant card.
    Also, if you go to the VS website - while sexy lingerie is what they are famous for, VS also sells regular clothes - jeans, sweaters, T shirts, socks, coats, and yup just everyday bras. My guess is that is what Robyn bought to run the card balance up - the clothes are well priced.

    I can't believe I'm defending Robyn, but I just kind of get weary of the whole VS implication.

    1. I’m with you there. Like you, DJ, I’m not a fan of Robyn, but she’s not the first or last person to use credit poorly.

      Most people enter adulthood with little-to-no idea on how to manage money. With credit easy to acquire and spend, it’s well within reason to see her spending “money” on a VS credit card. Credit doesn’t feel like real money. When your purchases come out of your bank account, you feel it right away, you think about it differently. When your purchases are paid for with a credit card, you don’t feel it; you’re more likely to over-spend.

      And really, she seems to be one of the pitiable adults on the show, since her story “before Kody” is the most relatable: failed marriage, single parenthood, credit card debt, bankruptcy, WIC and welfare.

    2. i only do eyeball roll and reference her VS shopping choice when she mentions her "no money for a crib" b.s. and "no money for a guitar i wanted for 10 years" b.s. Cause that's what it is. ;')

    3. hmmm well.

      Been there done that myself. Stuff you can't charge to your store cards (VS has all sorts of clothes and accessories but they are lacking in the baby gear and musical equipment departments LOL) is hard to get. And besides she states "no money for a crib" but then finish that sentence with " my mom/best friend/church loaned me a used one" or "...but we found one for free on Craigslist". Maybe she feels the need to make Kody look like a great provider to the American Public by semi-vilifying her ex. I get the impression that Robyn wants everything shiny new and the best now.

      Again I maintain that Robyn used the VS card for clothes she felt she needed. Having been married to a musician I can tell you that there are cheap guitars and there are very, very expensive guitars. I'm guessing Robyn wanted one somewhere in the middle. I don't even know if she plays - she would need to take lessons, and that usually costs $. A guitar is most defintely a luxury item especially if you're living in a double wide with your ex/mom/3 kids.

  25. "Kody must have been a great sign salesman..."

    No Kidding !!!

    The only thing he seems to be able to sell successfully (to certain types of females) are his stud skills.

  26. This is about all those comments about Kody saying he’s got seventeen kids “when he only has fourteen”. I will repeat this until I’m blue: HE HAS SEVENTEEN CHILDREN.

    Personal story:
    I was raised by a man who is not biologically connected to me, but adopted my sister and me. My niece was abandoned by her bio-father as well, but is now being raised by her dad who treats her no differently than his bio-sons. My mother was adopted by her dad. Her dad was adopted by his parents. My dad’s father died young and he was then raised by a lovely step-dad. My nephew is being raised by my sister and is as much hers as her bio-kids. In fact, my family is made primarily of abandoned and claimed children. The fact that there isn’t always shared biology does not make us any less family. The fact that my dad wasn’t my dad before I was three doesn’t mean he didn’t take care of me, feed me, love me, check my homework, take me on family trips, stay up waiting until I got home... all the mundane experiences of parenting.

    My husband was shipped around from family to family from the time he was four and was never “adopted” – legally or emotionally – and has the scars – physical and emotional - to show for it.

    My point:
    Assumed families are often just as connected emotionally as bio-families, with the added bonus of being “chosen”. My niece was abandoned by her father, but she knows she was chosen by her dad. And that makes their relationship all that much more special.

    A defense of a man I don’t like:
    Kody is not a smart man; he’s very uneducated and can barely read and often says the exact wrong thing in a situation. When he talked about his difficulties in choosing to marry Robyn, I figured that he meant assuming the responsibility for three more children. Theoretically he’d have to work harder as a parent because of the ‘baggage’ issue involved with abandoned kids. Maybe I’m projecting, but that was my impression of what he was trying to say, gathered from all those moments he talked about his decision to marry her and take on her children.

    To conclude:
    So while he’s condemnable for so many problems in his marriages (and likely fraud) (and poor planning) (and immaturity) (and…) the one thing I see from him that is noble is how he has assumed parentage of the kids. Whether or not he produced them, he’s taken on the three abandoned kids. He’s not a good parent - we can all see that – but he does seem to treat Robyn’s first three as if they were his own bio-kids (maybe better, hard to tell) and that earns him a gold star in my book (unfortunately he’s got a thousand demerits in my book, too).

    1. I don't know about the "nobility" of "taking on three abandoned kids". Don't forget that he couldn't get the woman without the kids, and more than that, don't forget that taking on more kids, whatever the original source, is just adding to his glory in the hereafter since they become part of his "kingdom." Whatever the motive it's irresponsible and ensuring that his existing kids see less and less of him.

      I also noticed he has "date night." If this is once a week with four separate women, that doesn't leave much time for the kids, does it?

    2. OneWhoKnows:
      I don’t consider his marrying a single mom as noble when he already has too many children to care for. Of course, I’d go back further and suggest that marrying Meri was his fist marital disaster – not because of her, but because of him. He hadn’t grown up and still hasn’t.

      I’m not pronouncing judgment on any other decision except for his decision to call Robyn’s kids “my kids”. That’s it. That’s my only point.

      Another time I might let loose and take over the comments section with a tl;dr comment about everything I see wrong with this family (things that have already been said more eloquently by others). But for now, I’m only defending his right – and obligation – to count Robyn’s first three among his children and not to differentiate between them except by mother.

  27. Allyn,
    I agree that men and women who adopt either legally or emotionally other men and women's children should be commended. However, if you bring three extra children (one with some form of autism and two others who seek out attention over other children) into your family, you cannot be considered honorable if you already have more children than you can shake a stick at. If Kody were spending quantities of time with his children instead of going sometimes five days before seeing them, then I'd say, good for him. But, what he does is half way spends any time with any of the kids. He refers to the kids as Meri's daughter, Janelle's kids, Christine's kids, Robyn's kids but rarely includes my kids. His wives provide all the discipline and upbringing and we know this because we have seen it on the weekly episodes with the women doing the disciplining when one or more kid has a meltdown. Looking at the teens (particularly the girls), it's clear that there's some food issues that are not being dealt with. The kids act as if he is a joke, often laughing at him when he tries on camera to do the right thing. Is it honorable to bring three more kids into that insanity? No! First and foremost, he should have thought about his own kids and how adding three more kids that are step siblings into the mix. Then, brings the three kids in and says, kids meet your siblings, then he moves them to LV...the man is a snake.

    1. You are absolutely correct Anonymous12:43..!What I wonder is, why no one has heard anything yet from SobbinRobbin's Ex, concerning the children. Is he or his family not upset about this? The flaunting of his children on national TV.His daughters are hungry for attention,which is obvious in every scene they are in, and Da-ton gets totally ignored! How anyone can stand to have their kids living with that MORON and abuser, must be just as nutty as the rest of the "Adults". I think RobChin was a pole dancer and that's how Kreepy Kody met her!

  28. Question???

    Has anyone considered now that they are making "big bucks" or whatever with the show they might lose any govt. assitance any of them have? I know that even if you are unemployed but have a large savings account or even live with someone that does you cannot qualify...what do we think?

    1. I doubt they've collected assistance since S2 started filming.

  29. Oh, I agree, he’s a terrible father with too many children. I could go on a tirade about what I dislike in him and what he’s done and is doing wrong, but I was commenting on the criticism that “he only has fourteen, not seventeen” specifically.

    I do think that he was irresponsible to marry, well, ANYBODY until he was mature enough to maintain an adult relationship, and to then go on to have so many children! I was commenting only about how he has claimed her children, adopted them in attitude, and how we cannot draw a distinction between his bio-kids and claimed-kids by calling him out on him saying “I have seventeen children”.

    Besides, how would that make Robyn’s first three feel if he said “I have fourteen children and three step-kids”? Always isolated, never really part of the family, lesser in the eyes of the man they currently call Dad…

    So for that – and that specifically – I commend and defend him.

  30. when Kody said he had 17 children and the radio jock then asked the clarifying question, "and Kody are you the father of all 17?" it was clear what the question was asking or else the DJ would just have left it at Kody's first declaration of his # of kids. All Kody had to do was to clarify it with "I have 14 biological and 3 that Robyn brought into our marriage. But they live with us and are being raised together w/the rest of the brood." That's not a slap in Robyn's kids face. It simply stating a simple and truthful fact.

    even the Darger wife has no problem stating she brought kids into the marriage on all their interviews. so what? I think they''re the ones not making it a big deal by having no problem saying it unlike Kody and Robyn.

    what good does it do for Robyn's kids to be taught to ignore the fact that they really do have a different biological father? they may want to have a relationship w/him some day if they currently don't have one. In fact, it was Robyn boo-hooing at every one last year that if they didn't start being nice to Day-un that he was going to choose to go live with his Daddy.

    I don't get why Kody didn't simply answer the simple question w/a simple honest clarifying answer as the DJ was trying to get him to. Other than Robyn has told him to quit saying she brought kids in the door with her. I don't know.

    1. I think it's as big of a deal as you make it. I think Kody's ego doesn't allow recognition that he's raising some children for which he is not the sperminator.

    2. They are pretending they are his so he doesn't have to think of th"e ick factor" of her having kids with someone else.
      Did robchin get a legal divorce or like her current marriage a fake one. Are there any court records the public has access to.?

    3. They were married legally. I believe they were not sealed in the church for some reason, but were AUB, not yet polygamists.

    4. If I were the biological father if those three kids, I'd be pretty pissed off and would feel disrespected to have someone else say they are my kids father. No he is not. He is their step father, and that's the truth. They have a father. Whether people like it it not, biology does count.

      Was it ever distinguished that Robyn's ex actually ABANDONED THE KIDS? Because if he did, why would Robyn say her son could go and live with his DAD. she didn't say father, she said dad, meaning her ex David!

    5. Kody is not their stepfather until he legally marries Robyn, Robyn's ex-husband signs papers to give up custody of the 3 kids to Robyn and Kody and Kody legally adopts them. I'm a stepmom. I never said my stepson was my "son". Sometimes he does, just because it's easier around friends and his mom and I understand that. The kids are "his" and Meri's and Janelle's and Christine's and now Sol with Robyn. Very common now to have multiple kids in the "family" having multiple "dads" OR "moms". These people have multiple kids in the "family" having multiple "moms AND dads".

  31. Has it ever confirmed that Robchin's children were actually "abandoned" by their father?
    Or did maybe Robchin make it clear that he was to butt out of her plans for stardom in SW, complete with pitiful back-story as new Wife #4, and that he should be invisible?

    Just wondering ???

    1. no, i don't know why the poster above said that. i've never heard her kids have been abandoned by their father. i'm sure we would hear that from Robyn, too. even in her book for sympathy. i think he probably wants his privacy and wants his relationship w/his kids private. he may or may not be a game player like Robyn but i'm sure he at least knows she's definitely one!

      we have conjectured here in the past tho that we think her ex maybe has been paid off by her to not be interviewed and spill any dirt on her or their marriage and that's why we don't hear anything from him in the media.

    2. Thanks !!!
      However if he was willing to be paid off to be silent, that doesn't say much for his fatherly dedication.

      Could be that he has insisted that the cameras and the TLC script writers are off limits when he sees his kids or they go to see him? That would be admirable and reasonable given the craziness in KodyWorld.

    3. Well...when the Osbournes did their show, their eldest daughter declined, and her wishes were respected. Maybe David Jessop is the same.

    4. finally seeing realityJuly 10, 2012 at 2:43 PM

      I do know that the Robyn's kids spend part of last summer with their Dad. Also no divorce is one sided, it takes two people with issues to cause a divorce. I know I am divorced and even if I want to place all the blame on my ex, part of the blame is mine. I don't think David Jessop has abandoned his kids.

    5. I have never heard or seen anywhere that he was paid off. I think that he--like virtually everyone else they have ever known CHOOSES not to become a circus act. I also think that the Allred group has made it exceedingly clear that they do not wish for ANYONE to be shown on this show. Even on Twitter, Kody's older brother--who appeared on the show is referred to as "S****". This society depends on secrecy. I don't think silence is rewarded (with cash or anything else), but I absolutely think speaking on the record would be punished.

    6. linnet - just to clarify - people were theorizing here (like we ALWAYS are doing!) when his absence in the media was noticeable and Robyn was blaming him for their divorce that was MAYBE one of the possibilities is all. NO ONE ever said that he was for sure!

    7. they were that secretive on the show linnet? what a farce.

      Kody's siblings are:
      Scott, Michael, Cindy (Hansen), Nicole, Tricia (Garner), Lorilyn (Beck), Christy, Curtis and Travis.

    8. LINNEt - Kody wasn't secretive about his plyg older brother's name on the episode with him. He clearly called him Scott the whole time w/no problem at all.

  32. Wasn't Meri a long time employee of a social service (for youth) job. A job that she loved and was very upset when she lost the job because the Brown family "came out" as plygs? I thought she was very sincere when all that happened. Just sayin...

    1. And she could of been at the time. Or playing it like a fox.

  33. Off topic, but the sisterwife's closet website has been offline for quite some time!

    1. You know, they could have the world by the tail and the last laugh, but their egos get in the way. We got a company to build a website once for our Fire Dept., and it was 10 times better than the Brown homepage. Sister Closet was just sad. They have no idea what they are doing. But, then again, who's leading them? Which book are they reading?

    2. They went cheap...DIY site instead of getting someone who knows wtf they're doing. Ok for some things but if you want to actually do some real marketing, get a pro.

  34. Off topic here, too, sorry....I agree Lobotomized and Anonymous, their website is a joke...they need to get rid of the link for Fundamental Fitness and get My Sisterwife's Closet up and running again if they want to scam....I mean sell anything...maybe they are too busy with the 'jobs' they claim to have to fix their website....idiots....

    1. Lobotomized (BreakingNewsKodyHasA"JOB"!)July 9, 2012 at 8:05 PM

      Jobs, whattttttt?!??! They have J-O-B-S??!?!?! That's breaking news.

    2. I saw some of their jewelry when I was shopping w/ my 9 yo daughter at Claire's in the mall..

    3. I like Claire's better!LOL

    4. "they need to get rid of the link for Fundamental Fitness"

      ...especially since doesn't exist anymore.

      SWC has been up for me using this link

  35. After the tell all show it's clear they are full of lies and secrets. I don't know why I even watch this show.. It's probably because I find it so absurd, call me crazy. Does anyone else get the feeling that there was a bit more going on with the first wife #2 then we have heard? "They both were in love with her" hmm....sounds to me like Meri is bisexual. Notice how she seems to be the one bringing girls to Kody's attention.. My take is Janelle and Christine don't go there and that caused problems between them and Meri. She seems very tight with Robin.. my guess it's okay with her... I think they have three houses, with Meri and Robin sharing one. The only good thing I have heard so far on this show is the fact that alot of the older kids are going to say no to this lifestyle. Amazingly the kids seemed to be doing well.. other than the fact that the teenage girls are a bit chubby. not unlike alot of kids today.

  36. Just to add to the father debate.... My parents divorced when I was little and re-married shortly thereafter. My father AND stepfather were both wonderful to me and I consider them BOTH a father. One may not be a biological father, but he was there for me emotionally and helped support my mother and me financially. My actual father was also wonderful to me as well and was very present.

    I'd be so hurt if I heard my step father said I have 5 children and 1 step daughter. I'd feel like I'm not as special as his biological children. Or he doesn't think of me as highly. He always treated me the same as his biological children. By simply acknowledging that I am one of his "children" - I also wouldn't feel like he was trying to take the place of my father. I am his child. He helped raise me. Never thought I'd say this, but give Kodydouche a break. He probably didn't want his step children to have hurt feelings. How would you feel if a parent said oh i have these wonderful kids.... and uh those other ones. It makes the children feel included in the family unit when they're not singled out as 'the other ones'.

    Just another perspective.

    1. Anonymous 11:45
      My husband and I each have two children from our first marriages. Our children are around the same age and we have grandchildren around the same age. We always refer to our kids as our kids (all four); likewise, our grandkis are all our grandkids. I know that I will never replace my acquired through marriage children nor will my husband replace my children's father, and we do not try to do that. But, all of our kids and grandkids are treated equally and we refer to them as our kids. I don't think step parents should even try to adapt their step kids into an instant family so instantly. Becoming a parent to step children takes years. My acquired daughter took years before she would even be civil to me--I understood why. I am finding it extremely difficult to believe that Kody's steps are so quickly adapting as his kids.

  37. Re: Father/Step Chilren Debate..

    I think what we are asking is that Kody and Robyn acknowledge/clarify our questions regarding the children's biological father (Where is he? What is his relationship like with the kids?). I think it's great the kids are lumped into the rest of the herd, but I believe the audience is put off by glossing over the subject of biological dad (besides "My children can choose to leave"). We have questions. Completely avoiding the obvious doesn't stop them!

  38. Pie the Cat
    In Kody’s world, his subjectivity is about being the alpha male; similarly, in Meri’s world, her subjectivity is about her being the queen bee. When a person’s subjectivity is about power and control, there is little room to bring another person of equal position into the parent-child dynamics. By avoiding discussing Robyn’s children’s father in the public arena, Kody’s subjectivity is intact. I’m sure that those children visit their father or could visit their father; however, I’m sure with Kody and Robyn’s limited education, those visits would not go well for the kids: leaving the Kody Clan could be met with don’t say this and don’t say that and you don’t have to do this or that; likewise, coming home could be met with you may act like that around whats-his-name, but you will not act like that in our family.
    Kody and his wives are master manipulators and as such any of those children are subject to be used in various power games or as a means to elevate an ego. To think that co-parenting between Robyn and her ex is at all possible is outrageous.

    1. Anony 9:49 - your answer makes complete logical sense to me based on what we have observed in reading and hearing the words of these people. thanks!

      1. How many kids do you have? (1st general question)

      2. Are you the father of all of them? ( 2nd follow-up clarifying question)


      This was a radio interview to advertise/sell their book. Why give a completely different (false) answer now than what's told truthfully in their book or on the show?

  39. During this interview both times that he introduces his wives he names Robyn first both times. She is obviously #1 wife that she is the first that comes to his mind.

    1. I say, TLC, BRING ON wife #5, and make her a skinny, YOUNG, beauty!!! thanks for posting the interview

    2. IMHO, if it's not all about sex, he should bring in a 70 year-old toothless widow with 22 children. :D

    3. You know, if it was just the adult Klown Krew, I'd say, yes, bring on a shiny, skinny, beautiful new wife. But damn, those poor kids.

      Kody always says his is not an open marriage, but as far as the dynamics go, his marriage is worse, because his kids are subject to everyone's emotional ups and downs.

    4. In the AUB, the wives would gain as well in the afterlife planet if their were more children. They are not worried about the ones they have. They are well fed, taken care of ,etc, and in AUB world, they are blessed compared to other children.
      Also, leaving Janelle and Christine out of them dating Robyn loop, was betrayel at the highest.

    5. MeriMeriQuiteContraryJuly 11, 2012 at 12:29 AM

      I loved that Robyn didn't get much in! And go Christine! I listened twice yestrday, and wha stuck out was Kody comment... no line drawn in the sand... about wives. I bet if we dug, we could find 100 examples in season one where he said no more wives. I remember even Robyn saying it when they were on the Today show, or after it, on a balcony?
      We should just assume that it for ratings. Too bad, I'd love to see a new one to be friend with C and J

  40. Found the interview tepidly entertaining. The show this year was DULL and BORING except for the Natalie Morales interview. Logan even sold out with playing like he was going to UT

  41. DakotaJustice~ hold up. V.S. sells SOCKS, not that I've seen, either in their store or catalog. As for well priced, no, not really~ if on sale maybe. Not stuff I can afford in any case...or Robyn herself either, as had she not gone broke, with this card as a primary catalyst, it would not be on topic to begin with! C'mon ppl. please!

    1. agree, anony 4:20. i don't think Robyn's VS large bill (which she got out of paying) warrants defending given her circumstances and whininess about it all. she's a shopaholic - whether she can afford it or not. probably tied to her low self-esteem issues she admitted to. that's the one reasoning i'll go with. some people self-medicate with shopping, others w/drinking, drugging, eating, sex, etc.

  42. I think that everyone is reading way to much into his answer about the children. He knows that if the listeners watch his show at all or simply watch any of the "gossipy" shows they already know the deal with the kids. My stepfather always made a point when asked by people about how many children he had to include me - and he did so without ever giving a explanation to anyone. If he would have done so I would have been embarrassed, he would have looked like an a--, and the person asking would have lost interest in whatever he was saying. Kody actually did something half way right IMO so lets not confuss him with the criticism over it. If their biological parent had a problem with him saying this or at all I am sure we would have heard from him about it - and he should not be included in the show as it is not about him or his life at all. Its about the Browns - period. And if he was paid off as some suggested dontcha guys think that there would have to be other witnesses and or people involved that would be telling all they knew? My little sister was on a reality show last year and let me tell you that every person she ever interacted with came out of the woodwork - some with the truth others not.So if there is any dirt on them or their story someone would have gotten their 2 minutes for sure.

    1. i'm not so sure if the bio dad was upset about it, it's an automatic that we would have heard from him as you state. we know nothing about him really. ;')

  43. Allyn

    I commend you for your views and agree with most of them. Stepdads
    are real dads. Good for you for speaking up

  44. And Step Moms too! Interesting like Cynical Jinx said- they weren't prepared to push their book! They will get wiser. Yet, they are laughing all the way to the bank!

  45. Not to bring up Romney again, but he never made his religion an issue in Massachusetts when he was governor. Just so you know. However, I think lots of people became more aware of his religion and became curious about LDS. It is good to be aware of the rites and rituals of other religions, don't you think? People in Massachusetts are known for being insular or clannish, but we did elect a Mormon governor!

    1. You should read the post above on the FLDS, The author explains how Romney is a sympathizer to the Fundamentalists, even though he says no.
