Wednesday, June 6, 2012

You've Heard About It so Here It IS

Yes, you've all read about Robyn's latest tweet masterpiece, her own Dedication to Kody Brown. Well she didn't actually write it herself, but you get my point.

So here it is for you to see for yourselves.

P.S. I named this picture file Full Tilt Delusional.



Guess what reality show has been nominated for a 2012 Critics Choice Award?

Best Reality Series

Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations
Sister Wives
Kitchen Nightmares
Pawn Stars
Undercover Boss

I was kind of hoping My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding would have been nominated. Oh what do you think are the chances Sister Wives will win? And if they do, who will go onstage to pick up the award?


  1. If this is dedicated to Kody/man/boy then...

    Barf !!!! That's all...just Barf !!!

    Wow!!! You are so right...Full Tilt Delusion !!!!

  2. The only thing that matches him is the "raising" someone elses kid part. I mean....they do call him Dad. That has to count for something right?

  3. Guess who married a boy because pretty much everything stated about what a boy is, is exactly how Kody is portrayed!

  4. Thank you for printing it, I was curious...and now I'm gobsmacked at how freakin dumb Robyn is.
    Doesn't she realize that a huge majority of viewers think that her "husband" hits every single one of the 'boy' traits in the poem? It would be comical if it weren't kind of sad.

    It's one thing if she believes that her guy is the very epitome of a man but to broadcast it on social media is moronic and jr. high mentality.
    Maybe I need more coffee this morning but these idiots aren't even funny to me today...they're weird and sad.

  5. WOW!!!! Judging by this...I'd say that Kody is Definitely a Boy!

  6. "Boys invent excuses for failure" mean like when Kody said they didn't get the houses because 1 of them sold, instead of the real reason (they couldn't afford them)

    "Boys look for someone to take care of them"....TLC anyone???

    This just amazes me!!

    1. if kody demands respect, then why didnt kody demand his boys to respect each other and not give one a bloody nose.

      BTW Robin, you dont demand respect, you earn it. You all really need to teach your kids to respect.

  7. I'm new but I love this blog. I've got the same train wreck obsession w/this family as many of you, so it's great to find so many others who feel the same way.

    Ok...this is just so pathetic. It's like a 14 year old girl's Valentine. And, it's a check list of all that is wrong with Kody. It's like she's feeding us ammo.

    It's so pathetic that it almost seems unfair to make fun of her...oh wait, I take that back. She's a pinhead.

    1. Happy to "meet" you. I'm laughing at your pinhead comment.

    2. Thanks! I'm glad to be here.

    3. Feeding us ammo is right, lol. It's so pathetic that I'm almost embarrassed for her..WOW!!

  8. Peanut Butter FritosJune 6, 2012 at 12:13 PM

    That's right, Robyn. Strategies for success, indeed. He does have quite a few of those! Execution, meh. Strategy, he's got!

  9. After last weeks show... Hmmm maybe robyn is calling Kody the Boy?!?!? Her way of controlling him.. Reeling him in and then spitting him out!

    1. That would be nice BUT my guess is, Robyn is calling Kody the man, lol. She's just that dumb!

  10. Like MakeItStop points out, and others here, this tweets pasty is something teenagers all over America are retweeting and flashing on facebook. And I agree with those who think this might be a dig at Kody, not a note singing his praises. If she believes it's genuine, then she is delusional.

  11. I'd comment but I have to run to the bathroom and vomit after reading that crap.

    1. Open the door Im comin in after you!!! lol

    2. Is there room for me as well?

    3. I'll help hold ya'lls hair if U hold :D

    4. Caramel Brownie--I just laughted so hard!!! you made me choke on my dinner when I read that!!! (the hair hahahaha) Maybe that's what I get for eating at midnite.

      I am also deeply in love with the fact that someone besides me would use ya'll in the possessive form! Woo Hoo! Here on the East coast, no one even knows what ya'll means, let alone ya'lls. :D Makes me homesick LOL.

    5. Greetings linnet from OKC! :D

    6. Hey ya'll , I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.....

  12. THe absurdity and delusions of grandeur continue.

  13. Something tells me the irony of this poem is lost on Robyn. ...mostly because she doesn't know the definition of the word.

  14. LMAO!!! The irony! She can't be serious can she? Maybe this is a hint to him to grow up. It's too sad for me to think that there are functioning adults in this world that stupid.

    1. I can't imagine that she's that clever.

    2. IF she is that clever she sure has a good way of covering it up.

    3. I don't think Robyn could figure out how to empty water out of a boot, even if someone told her the instructions were printed on the bottom of the heel.

  15. Oh this is killing me! - Cause I'm doubled-over laughing!

  16. I would say that Robin-No-Character is queen of denial. She has no reference to how a real man is supposed to act; or for that matter, how a real woman is supposed to act. Robyn-No-Character, here's a little tip about being a real man: A real man supports his family financially; a real man makes wise choices that will keep is family secure; a real man is home in his own bed every night with his real wife and takes care of their real children; a real man supports his real wife; a real man lives in reality and not on a reality show.
    RNC, Girl, you shoved your foot in your mouth on that one.

  17. Hmmm. Do you really think Robin is smart enough to use irony? Or an iron, for that matter?

  18. I think Robs does stuff like this because she knows Kody eats it up and it makes her look better than the other wives as in "I love you best". This is like the "Kody is getting sad" speech during the Q&A show. I don't think she's smart, but I think she knows which side her bread is buttered on (thanks to my Grandma for that expression).

    1. I agree. This was for the other wives to read!

    2. Isn't Kody on a trip with Janelle and Hunter? Ahh, that would explain it. Just another attempt by Robyn to maintain "the honeymoon experience" while simultaneously distracting Kody from his trip with another wife and undermining that relationship. Two birds with one stone.

      As j says, keep on keepin it sweet, Robyn.

    3. I totally agree. She knows how to keep her man satisfied. Which is why she never had a crib, but a ton of VS lingerie.

    4. IMO, it's really NOT that big of an eff'ing deal, that Robyn didn't have no crib. Seriously, a crib isn't automatically necessary or required to raise a baby. I mean, I didn't have one for my son, but thats bcuz it was my choice & he turned out just fine. I had a basinet & other things that I knew I would use way more than a crib + I wanted to keep him near me. I know that Robyn set up a semi fancy room for Sol, but I just wonder how often she actually uses his crib? I'm thinking the only time she really utilizes Sol's crib, is when it's Kody's night or for filming :/ I'm also thinking she likes to keep Sol close to her, esp when she's alone, so he probably sleeps in her room.

    5. @BakergirlOK love that comment about the VS lingerie!!! You are so right

    6. point on the crib was because she made it a point in filming that she didn't have one. As if she couldn't afford one. That was how it came across to me, and from what I have read on here, other viewers. That's why I was very taken aback that she couldn't "afford" a crib (imo) but had no problem charging up a ton of money on lingerie. That is my problem with the situation. Not that she chooses to keep her baby in a bassinet or sleeps with him, or whatever she feels like doing.

    7. BakergirlOK-
      Ok?... I totally understood ur post & knew the point U were trying to get across, bcuz, like others, I feel the same way. It's hard to have sympathy for someone who can rack up $1000 for lingerie, but bitch & moan(& shed crocodile tears) about not being able to afford a crib. She was making it way too dramatic, & trying to get sympathy from the viewers, hoping to score a free crib.
      All I was just saying is that it's not necessary or that big of a deal to have a crib, IMO.

  19. Yak. That´s so slimey and ridiculous I want to puke.

    Which of his wives has ever been respected by Kody? And worst of all: Impregnating (perceived) hundreds of women doesn´t make you a Father. Visiting them twice a week is also not the equivalent of "raising a child".


    1. Now that there are four houses, he probably doesn't actually make it to all four 2X a week--even though they are within walking distance. He has to drive from house to house.

  20. I have to admit something. Before I stumbled upon this blog, I was thinking, hey if it works for the Brown family, why not? They, after all, are four consenting adults. The kids all seem to get along too, especially in the heavily edited one hour show I watch. But after reading your blog and the comments, I think I was not thinking this thing through. You are all so right on! I watch all the episodes, and am currently reading the book. I too am transfixed with the train wreck before our eyes. These women are not educated enough, or they would have not made the decisions they did. And getting out is not an option given their financial situations and the number of children they have. PLUS Janelle, Christine and Robyn, are not legally married to Cody. So they are single moms in the eyes of the law, and I'm not sure what kind of rights they have to get any dough out of him. If he ever had any dough. I wonder if he sent Janelle money for his kids when she moved out for 2 years.

    I left my husband of 18 years, with three kids, and let me tell you, it was tough in a million ways. Most especially the financial part. I, however, had a full-time job, and had a solid college education behind me. These women have very few options, except for what they can wrangle out of TLC for this period of their lives.

    I have to agree that this lifestyle harms children. The poverty, the lack of time and attention, the chaos, the forced cramming of this many people into their daily existence and decision making. In addition, what about the burden on the taxpayers who bear their welfare burden, and the banks and creditors who lost out on their $$$$.

    It's NOT GOOD. Really, what is in their Kool Aid?

    1. Eegads, my thoughts on your thoughts:

      Offspring -- they seem level-headed to me and almost all lessons are good lessons. I am very impressed by Logan, who is coming into his own. He seems to have a good deal of respect for all the women in the household, and he's committed to helping them with major and minor problems. So, while I think he deserves a better life, he has shaped up nicely as far as I can tell. He's got more character than some young men his age, and part of that is due to him not getting absolutely everything he wants. We could all take a lesson there. I'm not advocating polygamy, here. It is not biblical ... (I can argue this point competently). The entire Israeli-Arab conflict stems from sibling rivalry, "brothers from another mother--Ishmael and Isaac. (I'll elaborate if anyone is interested). I want to see Logan head-off to college and be his own person, but the family will certainly miss him. I do think he will go away, however, because he continues to be a leader. Unless ... we are being setup for being told Logan is not going away to college. With this exposure, can he be accepted to BYU with the same financial aid as other LDS's?

      Disclaimer: I am not a proponent of their lifestyle, but I am also not in favor of criminalization of it.

      Finances: In the muslim culture, where polygamy is allowed, they have a law stating that you can't take a second wife until you can afford both and the first doesn't suffer financially. That means, basically, that if you are making $100k when you had wife #1, then you should be making $200k (or more, allowing for inflation) before you take wife #2, and so on. Don't know how many of you are exposed to muslims, but I live near a large pocket of American-Muslims and polygamy in the US among them is way more common than you might imagine. The first wife is generally quite a bit older than the subsequent wives, and this is due to their financial rule ... so by the time the husband is making enough to add on another wife or two, there's an age difference.

      Robyn's delusions -- they know more than we do about what's coming. For instance, this house deal in LV might already be tied-up, with a little (or a lot) of help from TLC.

    2. Hi Cat. Although you are correct about Plig (technically) allowed in Islam, it is not condoned. During the time of our Prophet (pbuh), there was a lot of war and famine. Many women were left widowed with children, and polygamy was unrestricted; meaning the Arabs (pre-Prophit Mohammed) could have as many wives/lovers as they wanted without any of them having any rights whatsoever, and were heavily mistreated. In fact, polygamy WAS very common as mentioned in the Torah, Bible and Quaran. Our Prophet Mohammed was the only Prophet to establish equality among men and women. Women were now allowed to inherit what is rightly theirs (in the case of death of family/divorce) among many other great things he did for women. However, in the case of polygamy, the Prophet stated that a man can have up to 4 wives but he must TREAT THEM EQUALLY both financially and emotionally.. This is mentioned over and over again in the Quaran. At the time, the Arabs were outraged because up until that point women were revered as property, so up to 4 wives seemed more realistic. Obviously, this feat is impossible for any man. Therefore, polygamy is not recommended because it is a huge sin to abandon his commitments to his wife.

      Nowadays, you have have people like Kody (as well as Muslim men) who use this "Law" to their own advantage. As a Muslim, I don't know of any Pligs. It was something done a very long time ago as a means to protect (in Islam anyway) women and although many "Islamic" CULTURES still practice it, its not really condoned. There is no reward for it- just as wearing a Burka ( the scripture simply meant cover your breasts and or hair so you are not objectified by men)

    3. Anony5:30, thanks for points of clarification. "Treat them equal" is a lot easier to say than you must double your income before adding another wife. Thanks for that. I think we can agree that all patriarchal societies, if unchecked, leave few rights for women, and that includes Judaism, Christianity, Islam, etc. Polygamy was very common in biblical times, but not God sanctioned ... at least in the books I've read: the bible, old and new testament, as well as the Jewish version (Torah and Tenach). I have not read the Quaran, so I can't compare that. But you can, so cool! My source of info comes from muslim friends from Saudi Arabia, Iran and Palestine. None I know well enough to talk religion have plural wives and I hear nothing but respect from the yet unmarried men for their mothers who will pick their wives. I live in PA but work in north New Jersey where there is a large Islamic population. I have been exposed to several polygamist American-Muslim families ... they may be, as you say, as much outliers to the Muslim religion as AUB (Kody Brown's religion) is to mainstream LDS. I would disagree with you on one point ... Jesus also established equality, too, it's just that most people sit in a church and listen to man's interpretation instead of actually studying. In Jesus's time, Jewish men did not speak to women. Jesus spoke to women. Women did not touch men, especially menstruating women, as they are unclean. A woman with a hemorrhage (bleeding from the uterus) touched the hem of his garment. She could have been stoned to death. He healed her and blessed her. Women did not sit with the men in Jewish temples; they sat in the back, behind a screen. Jesus called a crippled woman forward, to the front, to stand before the men, where he raised her up, figuratively and literally, and cured her. There are countless examples of where Jesus treated women as equals.

      One point I was trying to make previously was that there are laws to polygamy. In the US it is illegal, but goes on, obviously. In countries and cultures where it is legal, the law states that the women must be treated equally. Kody cannot treat his wives equally because the law doesn't recognize any of the wives but Meri. Therefore, the wives have no financial protection. They are treated by law no differently than a "baby momma." Putting the impossibility of treating them equally aside, he doesn't see to have taken into consideration his earning capacity to have that many wives and children. The state of Utah has just said that they don't have the manpower or budget to prosecute polygamists and so won't pursue unless there is a victim, such as child brides or abused wives. But doesn't he understand that it's because of the abuses that the Brown's have engaged in (welfare, lack of insurance, bankruptcies) that polygamy is illegal?

    4. I absolutely agree with your statement. In Islam, Jesus (pbuh)is also our prophet (the last one before Mohammed). So I in know way intended to lessen his teachings. My statement about equality was directed more to marital relations :). We believe the in the Bible as well, the unedited version of course!

      I am impressed that you are interested in reading the Quaran. It's very difficult to interpret as it's in old Arabic, which is why it has been translated so differently by so many people.

    5. Cat - TRUST ME! Logan's app WOULD NEVER even be accepted by BYU so he wouldn't even waste his time to apply to go there nor would he want to. Mainstream mormonism does everything in its power to distance themselves from their polygamy past and the LAST people they would ok to attend would be members of the Brown family or anyone remotely associated w/polygamists. BYU is a private church school (subsidized by member's tithing funds) and can turn away at will based on their religious criteria.

      While they do accept a small # of students who are not members, it's highly selective and they do have to go by the Honor Code there which is very strict. They also hope to convert the few non-member students while there.

    6. When you talk about BYU...when I was in college, I worked with 2 Mormon girls who were also best friends with each other. Anyway, they were both accepted at BYU and were they excited! So we were talking and I said something like, Wow, how wonderful, what will you major in? And they both answered - getting a husband! They had no interest in graduating, they wanted to meet a man, get married and start a family. Another girl I knew actually converted to LDS so she could meet a nice Mormon guy and get married.

      That was the early seventies, so I wonder if things have changed?

    7. Another point about Islam is that polygamy is not a religious MANDATE, as it is in the Mormon offshoots. Muslim polgamy is very rare and no one in the community, or even family--is generally very happy or supportive about it. That is, unless the woman is widowed; or if the couple have been married a very long time with no children and do not want to divorce. The idea of a Saudi harem is not how muslim polygamists live (except for the Saud family, themselves or their good buddies LOL). It actually is often the idea of a long-time childless wife who wants to raise a baby through any means possible. Adoption is not legal in Muslim countries, and many women have been through several cycles of IVF these days before they go that route. Most people who take a second wife marry someone who is widowed or an orphan who has no one to act as her advocate in finding a good husband. They do not try to "equally" switch off who gets how many nights because the first wife generally does not care that much. If they married because they can't have children, the first wife often wants the new wife to be knocked up asap. In the case of marrying older widows, they generally don't ever actually sleep together; hell, sometimes, they're 80 years old. In cases where the husband trots off and marries some sweet young thing, everyone openly calls him a sleazebag around town. Like everything, there are slimeballs who do try to "work the system" but their friends are generally few and far between. They are not praised or encouraged by their communities as the fundamentalist Mormons are.

    8. Just a note on the financial issue of the family. I believe each wife is getting paid individually for the show. If one of them wanted to leave they definately have the means at this moment.

    9. Lots of interesting points here I'd like to comment on:

      AnonyMuslimLady, I wouldn't mind reading the Qauran, would like to actually, but obviously cannot do it in Arabic. "Unedited" is interesting to me, since I know that "there are two sides to every story and the truth is in the middle." For instance, the sacrifice of Abraham's son on the altar ... differing versions. Like I said, the whole Arab-Israeli conflict stems from 'brothers from a different mother,' "Plyg talk," as one of the Brown kids called it. Not biblically sanctioned. Because it happened didn't mean it was God-ordained. This is my religious bone of contention with the Brown's assertions to the rightness of their lifestyles. I'd also like to go to Israel ... I understand that at Abraham's grave, the whole picture comes together, with Israel and Palestinian and Christian guards, all claiming Abraham as patriarch ... and the tension is palpable, I'm told. In International Relations, I can't help but marvel that this isn't being addressed more from a perspective of fairness and equality, given that it truly all did start with plural marriage issues. My opinion, but a well researched one, be it right or wrong.

      Linnet, in one of the muslim polygamist families I know, I'd guess the first wife to be around the husband's age, 50. The two younger wives are 25 and 22 respectively. He's a good-looking guy. The wives dress in long skirts and headscarves only, no birkas. He wears regular American garb. At first I thought they were a mother/father and two daughters, but it didn't take long to figure out that wasn't correct. The children are all much younger, and I think from the 25 year old wife, so perhaps the older wife was childless. And what I've noticed, the older wife doesn't care. I think she thinks the younger wives are idiots, and by now she thinks her husband's an idiot too. I see no signs of abuse. One of the younger wives is closer to the older wife than the other. The two younger wives bicker. Husband is generally the mediator. Other families I've met are more at a distance, so I have few observations. Now that you are saying they are frowned upon in muslim communities, it occurs to me that they are usually by themselves, as opposed to in a group. Why so much exposure for me? I don't know. My family usually ends-up on vacation with these folks. Don't know why ... that or Orthodox Jews cruising to Alaska. I'd rather wear the pretty head scarf than the wig and dark woolen clothes over every square inch of my body, including my toes.

    10. continued:

      For the record, my daughter is studying International Relations. She has special interest in francophone speaking muslims and thinks it unfair that the French government banned their dress. Where she'll take that I don't know.

      CJ, my son was away at college and wasting hoards of time skyping with a girl at BYU (he was at school in PA). I said to him: "Why do you think she's going to BYU?" His response: "Early childhood education." "Son," I said, "she could have gone to school in PA for that, so I ask you again, why do you think her parents sent her to Idaho to go to BYUID?" He shrugged. "Because they want her to marry a mormon, silly. You're not a mormon. Stop skyping that girl and get back to work." This younger generation underestimates the importance of religion. Which is why I doubt the claim that the Browns would be "good" with the children's individual choices.

      Still, as a sociologist (I'm a writer, too) I can't help but want to help the Browns where they stand. There are inherent problems. Before TLC, who covered Christine under medical insurance? Meri could have been covered under Kody (but she also worked, then). Janelle had a job. Christine and her children would have to acquire health insurance for herself and her children, or she's on medicaid. Not admirable, or equal.

      I'm sure they all have individual contracts with TLC. As a writer, I try to figure out how TLC would want this plot to go. Robyn offer to surrogate for Mary is supposed to get sympathy for Robyn, and should, I suppose, be a benefit of polygamy. But Mary is "ordered," as Kody said. Janelle, in the book that I haven't read, said Meri is controlling. I wholeheartedly agree with whoever said that Meri sought to tip the balance from Christine with Robyn, but didn't count on Kody actually being gaga over Robyn. But with Robyn now focusing on the baby, Kody is going to be thrown-over real fast. His life has to suck.

    11. @cat: Thank you for your thought provoking response to my post. Logan does seem to be a model spawn of Cody. I think he probably is leaned upon quite a bit by all the moms, because of his age and maturity. As an only child myself, I have always been drawn to friends who come from large families. I have found them to be great well-rounded people who know it's not all about them. Everybody brings with them though their own set of baggage. In this family, the baggage will be "my dad could never remember my name so he called me "Pixie", "my dad never spent any time with me", "my dad loved baby Sol more than me" "my dad didn't like to spend time at our house" and a dozen other things we all can't imagine. But hey, that is life, and no one comes from a perfect family. We all go through life with issues.

      Regarding finances, in the book, it is clear that Cody was NEVER prepared financially to take on any of these wives, especially the last one. @Cat, it is a great idea to be financially sound and progressively sounder with each new wife in theory. Plus one would think as a moral and responsible person, you would want this for each child you bring into the world. Realistically, not many monogamous people practice this even with one wife or one child. I think Cody has seen Janelle as his gravy train. Heck, she's the only one who says she likes to work.

      As Anonymous 12:14 AM said, they are each individually getting paid, so Christine, Janelle and Robyn should (if they have half a brain) squirrel away some of that money (if it's possible to hide from Cody) and plan for a future of not being a Cody concubine.

    12. CJ - sadly, the goal of attaining the M.R.S. degree is still alive and well at BYU. it's all about finding their perfect RM (returned missionary) there.

    13. Hi Cat....
      I agree with a lot of what you said. I was the one that posted that about Meri bringing in Robyn to take down Christine (before I picked a screen name). I have not read the book either, but when I started watching the show, I felt sorry for Meri. It seemed that Christine was the "Robyn" of the show at the time and no one wanted to be nice to Meri. I had no idea what the background was, so I was watching with fresh eyes. Then I started picking up on little things. I said in another post that I think Meri has been whispering in Kody's ear for years that Christine was this or that. When Robyn came along and Christine reacted, that proved her point to Kody. I felt she (Meri) was so happy to finally have validation for her feelings, and was "giddy" with her excitement that she had someone on her team. It seems that the whole family suffers from not thinking things through. I don't know if Meri could of ever projected Robyn being her rival, but I think Robyn's gold is starting to tarnish. She is becoming much more comfortable and is now starting to let her true self show through. If we thought Meri was passive aggressive, I think we are in for a real treat with Robyn. Her snide little comment on knowing that Kody wouldn't like the computer REALLY was a whammy.

      It made me sick when Christine felt like she had to go around and apologize to everyone for her treatment of the family. I wonder if Meri had to make the apology tour when she was so blatantly angry with Janelle and Christine reproducing. I have said since day one that Meri's problems stem from not being able to reproduce. I had mentioned in my original post that we as viewers aren't privy to how much pressure is put on women of this faith as far as reproducing goes. That's where I agree with you on the influence of religion in specific families. Kody is just smart enough that he would never expose his behavior on the pressure he has put forth to give him children. I think before Meri even married, she assumed she would have the 8 kids or whatever # it was that she referred to. Everyone around her seemed to reproduce with ease. For someone who has grown up with this emphasis, I assume she thought she would be pregnant within months of getting married. When no baby came, and then Janelle was brought in (and gets pregnant right away)...AND to a son, I can only imagine the anger that started building in her. Then Kody takes on another wife and she gets pregnant right away. Oh my. I think she was placated for awhile by the birth of her daughter. Then she doesn't get pregnant again for years and years. I think what further backs up my suspicion is why they went so long without another sister wife. I mean, it wasn't just a few years. They waited close to two decades. I can't even fathom how this would mess the dynamics up, of an established home with half of the children getting older.

      When Kody explained how attracted Meri was to Robyn, it really made me think that Meri is not very stable. I remember when I started watching, how smug Christine seemed at the time. I really didn't care for her on the show because she was kind of a know-it-all and seemed to act a bit superior (with her comments on what a great marriage she and Kody had and how it was ALWAYS easy for them). I wonder now if Kody punished Meri like he is doing Christine? Or if that only starting happening with her "mistreatment" of Robyn. Since he is so enamored with Robyn, I wonder if that brought out his even darker side and his passive aggressive way of punishing is cutting her off emotionally and flaunting his new love in front of her.

    14. Before I found out that they were all taking advantage of the social service system, I remember on one of the episodes, Kodsturd did this little rambling about how the other kids weren't insured and one of them had to have an appendectomy, and they are still paying for that surgery. But, he said he learned his lesson and went out and got a policy for everyone. I doubt he got everyone on one policy because that would cost a fortune. Interesting...

    15. To Cynical in regards to going to college to get MRS instead of a BA; I teach at a university and I don't see that as much these days. Most of the young girls come here to get a degree so they can earn a living. While I work a flagship university and the students who come here are from homes where both parents are college grads, I get the feeling the girls are not looking for a husband.

    16. AnonymousJune 6, 2012 7:41 PM
      I am not trying to start a controversy here but any bible that you read in English is edited and translated and added to. You have to know that the bible was not written in English and as such it is a translation and a translation that was spearheaded by a church, so you can better believe that it isn't as close to the literal translation as you might think.

    17. This post may seem a little off topic, but the description of the blog has been widened to encompass other forms of plygs, and some people might be curious, so I'm just sharing a little.

      @Cat, your observations about the family you know don't particularly seem odd. "AnonMuslimLady" is wrong, though, that polygamy is not condoned. Among Eastern Europeans, it was not legally condoned by the USSR, and is not legal in the EU--maybe that is what she was referencing. It is both legal, and condoned by religious authority, in every Muslim country. It is absolutely not mandated, nor even encouraged/desireable, but it is certainly condoned.

      I agree with you about the Wig and heavy wool LOL. Your observations about the orthodox Jews is a pretty good one, too. Modern muslims/super conservatives:modern, liberal New York Jews/strict Hasidim. My guess is that that guy you know is pretty loaded, and that the wives fathers were business associates or just douchebags--or the even that the women were a little slutty as teenagers, and they just wanted them as far away as possible to stop the gossips. It is generally considered super sleazy to marry off young, virtuous women to a married man. Most, normal people think--as Kdouche's much less douche-y buddy said, "A newlywed deserves a newlywed."

      I will tell you, though (just FYI) that the "Burka" is a part of Afghani culture--not Islam. It's not even an Arabic word. My husband, (whose English is not that great) didn't even know what the word meant--until it was on TV every five seconds. I had to explain to him what it was. LOL. The Burka is not an "islamic thing". Like the Irani Chador--culture, not religion or the ornate, full face covers that people see in Arabic tribes in Yemen or Saudi Arabia; they were part of their culture for thousands of years. Islam is barely more than 1600 years old. At that time, in most "civilized" cultures (Europe was not at that time), women did not meet strangers without veils, either.

      There are thousands of individual, separate cultural and tribal traditions within islam. Most of those are considered foreign to other cultures within the Middle East. Probably 99.9% of muslim women (In Western Arabic/Eastern European countries), who do wear hijab (a head covering), wear only a light scarf. Even those who are a little more conservative, and wear "Abaya" (a long outer garment) only really wear a light trench coat or a poncho-type thing. Most younger muslim women do not cover their heads at all, or (I hardly know any unmarried women who do, and the ones do, do it more as a sign to single men to "back off--I'm a nice girl" LOL). In the Middle East, and also in Eastern Europe, many older christian women dress similarly to older muslim women and also wear a head scarf.

      If you have a lot of contact with both "normal" muslim and "normal" non-muslim middle eastern folks, you will quickly realize how much of what Americans associate with Islam is more the culture than religion. Also (side-note): bellydancing, while wearing a bra and scarf-covered panties IS exactly the same as working the pole here in the states. Sorry if that was too long-winded :).

    18. Cat & AnonyMuslimLady: I want to say thank you for having such a civil and respectful discussion about religion.That is so refreshing and a good example for all of us in our communication!

    19. Oy ;-)

      Anony1:05 - No problem! How can we avoid discussing religion when the Brown's polygamy is mandated by their religion. I first brought it up to point out that other religions/cultures do it, but the emphasis is on not being a burden to society. Was it AnonyMuslimLady who extrapolated on why a muslim man would take a much older wife? Basically, the principal during the time of Mohammad (correct me if I'm wrong) was that women needed support, not that the man needed more children or more sex. Don't shoot me here ... but this was brought up in a black muslim community locally where there are many unwed mothers and absentee fathers and muslim black men are stepping forward to take-up the slack. As a Christian, this is sad for me to admit ... not saying there aren't good Christian black men, because there are, but Islam attracts more African-Americans than does Christianity. I haven't delved into why. I digress. Anyway, back to Anony1:05 -- I am fascinated by what drives people and religion is much a part of our backgrounds, regardless of what many think. I have no desire whatsoever to fight with my Muslim or Jewish sisters, because we are all daughters of Abraham. You don't need to read any bible to figure that much out; Anthropology bears witness to it.

      Zelda1, I think we are aware that ALL bibles are translations. The oldest extant documents of the Torah post-date the actual events by hundreds to thousands of years. I don't read Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek or Arabic, and even if I did, I couldn't get my hands on extant papyrus close enough to actual events to convince me of the accuracy of the countless scribes. I think what Linny and AnonyMuslimLady were saying is that they read the same bible Christian and Jews read, but with a different side to the story. We could argue that ours or theirs is right or wrong, but like you say ... it's all been translated. For that matter, Jehovah's Witness's claim a more accurate translation, as do Mormons, and as do Catholics. What we all agree on is that Abraham fathered Ishmael and Isaac (hmmm ... the -el, means from God), and Ishmael is the father of the Arab nations and Isaac is the father of the Jews. Mohammad is descended of Ishmael and Jesus of Isaac (though us Christians have a different slant on this). Ishmaelites and Israelites practiced the same religion until Christianity and Islam. Really, we should all strive to get along. :)

      Linnet, I didn't know that bellydancers were the same demi-rep as a pole-dancer.

      My acquaintances who are muslim polygamists ... you might be right. He is wealthy. Very. His younger wives are immature, game on iPads, while the first wife seems to rear all of them. The first wife is guarded, but my sense is that she is very wise and has a richness of experience. I'd like to hear more from her.

      My Saudi Arabian friend is the son of a once high-ranking government official. His mother is treated very well, is the only wife, and speaks her mind freely. She wears only the headscarf and has a plethora of expensive little dogs (Papiollons and the like). They no longer live in Saudi Arabia but divide their time between Lebanon and England. He's young (in his early 30's) and will marry a wife of his mother's choosing. I find him refreshing. Not having grown up with John Wayne and football, his sense of masculinity is softer than an American man's. I don't know how else to describe it. He is more sensitive and interacts well with everyone.

    20. Oh, Linnet, I also wanted to say that I think those spangled face scarves in jewel tone colors are just gorgeous, especially when there's a pair of dramatically kohl-lined, dark eyes visible just above the bridge of the nose and a bit of jett black hair peeking out. Is that Hindu or Persian or Arabic or all of the above?

    21. And Anony1:05, I also wanted to say (echo), that I was hoping that my walking into a religious discussion about polygamy didn't deteriorate into an altar call by fundamentalist Christians. I didn't throw-in with this blog to evangelize, but because I am trying to respect everyone's religion.

      I am giving the Brown's the benefit of the doubt when I say that they are living their belief system, which doesn't ring at all with me (that being that each man is a god of his own celestial space/planet ... assuming they believe "Heaven" is made up of many such worlds) ... but it is their faith and I'm not at all interested in talking sense into them on a religious platform ... because it's my sense and really isn't relevant to their lives. I would, however, like to point out that they should get a better set of rules for their faith ... Kody and the mothers should ensure that their children are covered with health insurance. They should not be on welfare (they are all able-bodied). They should not be filing rotational bankruptcies. And I think they should move back to their church (my sensibility, I know) because then the children would have friends like them, but getting out has been good for Logan and will be good for the others too. I wonder how they are treated at their school?

    22. Just wanted to comment about the wives getting paid individually. I believe they set up a family LLC to funnel the tlc money which means they are only receiving what kody applies them to receive.

    23. I agree with Anon 6:59PM. I don't think they are getting paid individually. I would bet that TLC makes out one check each season to Kody Brown Entertainment LLC and the money is controlled ultimately by Kody - NOT Janelle. otherwise it wouldn't be being spent the way it apparently water.

    24. Cat Your post did not result in a free-for all, because we are all intelligent, people who have legitimate conversations--unlike the FB page which has devolved into chaos LOL. I think I recognize some of you by your writing style over there--if I'm right, then Ya'll know things are going down over there. :o
      BTW, dramatic Kohl and a lovely scarf could be just about anywhere from Spain to China. LOL.

    25. (This is Anony1:05 again)Cat, I think I understand the points you are trying to make about polygamy.

      Polygamy evolved in patriarchal societies in which a woman needed a male benefactor(father, husband or son) to survive. Polygamy was a welfare system. It economically protected women who could not own or inherit property. Polygamy, it can be argued, was benevolent and gave women some justice in a harsh world.

      In modern American society,the exact opposite is true. Polygamy is an unjust practice against women. It puts women at great economical risk. A "sister wife" (as opposed to the legal wife) has no legal standing or rights to community property, social security or insurance benefits.

    26. Linnet, although I have a facebook account, I don't post on facebook Sister Wives. I'll go check-it out, though. Don't know if I'll throw-in there. I don't need me entire compliment of friends and family knowing my guilty pleasure of watching and evaluation Sister Wives! :) I had made another post here about lots of observations but it didn't make the editorial cut. SWB Moderators, if at all possible, I'd like to have the option to cut/edit what you feel inappropriate to post. I know few Americans who don't get prickly about their Freedom of Speech. Are you not able to communicate with me ... do I need a blog identity in order for you to do that, and/or an email? Or do you just edit at your discretion, damn the torpedoes and all that?

      Anony1:05, I agree. And that's what started the whole comparison.

    27. Hi Cat,

      I'm not sure what you mean by a post of yours not making "the editorial cut". I have published every comment made under the name 'Cat'. If you posted under a different name, you might want to send a message to the email address above and let me know the date, article name and the posting name you used so I can research.

      As far as editing, unfortunately Blogger does not have an 'edit' function. If your post does violate SWB guidelines, if I can see your email address I'll contact you by email as a heads up why it wasn't published. Otherwise, if I know that you're a regular, I will issue a general reminder to all and not mention a name. An anonymous comment will simply not be published with no further remarks, so yes, it's a good idea to pick a name and use it.

      Cynical Jinx

    28. I see it now ... starts with Oy. I think I'm going to start a blog though ... blah.

    29. Excellent! Thanks for letting me know, Cat!

    30. Cat, RE: " Linny and AnonyMuslimLady were saying is that they read the same bible Christian and Jews read, but with a different side to the story."

      I am Southern Baptist. I din't mean to give the impression that I am a Muslim--not that there's anything wrong with that. As for why young black men are drawn to Islam, but not to Christianity. (The opinion of a white, Baptist girl from Tx, mind you)is that belonging to a comunity with strict rules appeals to those who feel like they are lost. The musim community has a very good personal outreach community, and takes a personal interest in people who may have felt neglected, or even turned away by the church-y community. Shame on us.

      My husband is Syrian, though, and the first year we were married, we lived in Europe and I was completely isolated with his friends and relatives. I had to learn a new culture and language pretty quickly. Most of them were muslims of differing levels of devoutness. We also have a house in a huge city in Syria, and go pretty regularly. I am friends with all of the close neighbors (most of whom are distantly related to our family in some way). We have relatives and friends who live polygamously--some muslim, some members of minority religions; some happily and some not. My husband's parents were not the same religion, either--VERY rare in the M.E. I don't even know any other mixed families, apart from our relatives. Most Middle Eastern folks--like most Europeans--are registered by religion with the goverment, but are not actively religious.My husband's siblings observe traditions of both communities, but few of them are really religious.

    31. Also cat, Your vacation-sharing family (LOL) sounds like I figured they would be. My guess is that the wife was thrilled to not have to "service" her husband any more. That Saudi guy is part of the Saud family--no one else is really allowed to have any kind of diplomatic or government position. His manners are not likely not middle eastern at all, but European--probably more British, Skandinavian or Swiss boarding school manners--that's where most of the Saudis educate their kids. Their own schools, even private schools are like all other Arabic school systems: lots of rote memorization and little substance. Generally even the wealthiest of Saudi (not every member of the royal family has an equal share in the wealth) have relatively crude manners by western standards when they're "among their own". In their natural habitat (LOL) They are always very formal but not generally what we would call "polite". I can amost guarantee you if he is still single, his mother will be a holy terror as a mother-in-law. LOOOL.

  21. Eegads,
    I, too, left my children's father. My youngest was a newborn and my daughter had just turned 1. He was never involved in their lives and never paid childsupport; however, I had a college education and a job that provided us with a comfortable life. I remember how hard my own mother worked as she tried to raise seven kids. Her husband died and she could barely read and write. We were so poor, but our mother taught us how to work hard, how to cook from scratch, and how to make our own clothes. Her teachings helped me to raise my own children. I remember buying material and staying up almost all night so that I could make clothes for the kids. I never see these women doing anything that even resembles making ends meet.

    At least Janelle and Christine seem to be trying to get their real estate license, so that might provide them with some income. The sad truth about these women is that they will probably never leave the lifestyle. It's a sad, sad situation.
    I hope they are at least saving their money.

    1. They do not have valid Nevada licenses as of last week--I looked it up. They do not have a good track record with being frugal, either.

    2. Zelda1, as I posted above, these ladies need to figure out quick that they are mere concubines with no legal status except as Cody's baby momma. Robyn, Christine, and Janelle, GET EDUCATED with that TLC money and then get the heck out of Dodge. You owe it to yourself and your kids. WAKE UP!!!!!

    3. finally seeeing realityJune 7, 2012 at 1:18 PM

      I doubt real estate selling in LV is very profitalble now. My husbands aunt lives there and she just told him the unemployment rate is 18% right now and houses are worth less every day. I say the best thing they could do is go back to the house in Lehi that they already pay a morgage and get jobs. If it were me instead of going on trips, and if you follow twitter it seems like someone is always going somewere, I would save what TLC money I could and take care of my family.

  22. Robyn Honey, you just gave us the checklist showing why your run-around boyfriend ain't no real man!

  23. There is something very childish about these wives. They seem to be stuck in a teenager-ish mode of competing for the attention and admiration of their husband. Their actions are very child like. They tweet ridiculous things like Robyn’s tweet to show how much more she appreciates Kody than the other wives. They tweet for attention (“I miss my mom at times like this” or “I fell down the stairs, ouch” or “I have had the flu all weekend”) while Kody is away on a trip with another wife (both Robyn and Meri have been guilty of this). They do silly things like paint his car for Valentine’s Day – does anyone really think Kody enjoyed having his car painted in hot pink? There is a total lack of maturity within these marriages.

    1. CPA Carol, my husband was shaking his head the whole time they were painting his car. I have a very patient husband, indulgent even, but he doesn't even like it when the kids draw in the dew on the windshields.

    2. Carol, you have made a point that I've been thinking for a long time. These relationships/marriages? seem fraught with a naive, childlike atmosphere. Watching Kody with his 'wives' never feels like adult people in adult relationships, at least as I know them. I really, truly, feel bad for these women's like they are so unhappy but cannot seem to pinpoint WHY, even when it's so obvious to everyone else. Sad.

    3. I agree that these wives seem very immature. When I saw that they were going to decorate the car, I looked at my husband. He looked back and we were both remembering the ONE time in HIGH SCHOOL (27 years ago) that I decorated his car in the parking lot. He was a senior and leaving school for good that day. He wasn't pleased at all. While my friends and I all thought it was a great idea, he did not. He pretended to not be that unhappy, but he told me later he really didn't care for it and it took a lot of work to clean it. I don't remember what I used to write with, but this was before the handy bottles of window paint they have today.

      I did this as a 17 year old and learned my lesson. I can't believe women of these wives ages thought this was a good idea for Kody. Some men would like it, but I could tell Kody would not.

      Who wrote that tweet? Was it really Robin or did she copy it from somewhere? It seems familiar, but I am not sure.

    4. I've noticed the immaturity among the wives as well. My theory is that some of it has to do with their strict "courtin" rules. I know that Robyn and Jenelle were married before marrying Kody. But Christine recounted that she and Kody didn't even kiss until after they were married. I think he and Meri only kissed after they were engaged. You know how Robyn throughout the seasons will "close her eyes" and ask if Kody and another wife want to kiss?! Or try out that new bed (Christine in the furniture store)? I think there is a certain maturation process these women just didn't get to experience. It's almost like they're stuck at that junior high level. JMO.

    5. CPA, I couldn't agree with you more. When Christine snuggled up to Kody and said she was "grateful," I had to avert my eyes from the screen I was so embarrassed for her. Grateful? My dogs are grateful when I give them scraps from the people food table. She is forced to be "grateful" for the scraps tossed to her and her children.

      So sad, really. Mostly for the kids.

  24. Thank you zelda1 - I totally agree,

    "here's a little tip about being a real man: A real man supports his family financially; a real man makes wise choices that will keep is family secure; a real man is home in his own bed every night with his real wife and takes care of their real children; a real man supports his real wife; a real man lives in reality and not on a reality show."

    Was Robyn high when she posted that?

  25. Robyn is such a loser. An uneducated loser at that. She knew that no "real man" (thanks for the intelligent description there, Robyn) would want her worthless ass, so she hangs on to this one man circus who says and does whatever pops into his spinning head. He is so ugly, both inside and out. I just shake my head at the blatant lies and fabrication they try to tell the audience about themselves and their lives, all in the while trying to provoke pity. PLEASE. The world really doesn't care that you have these many wives, kids, or that many sister-wives; most people are just trying to keep their head above water with this economy. Can you say narcissism? It will sure hit them hard when they lose this show and the money dries up, because they might have to get a normal J-O-B just like everyone else. What a load of bull these people are!!!

  26. Reading this tweet is very strange. I agree that it is almost childlike that she would post this. I love a good quote, but this one is almost delusional. I didn't watch the first season of SW, so I don't know a whole lot of Robyn's background. Is she educated at all? Do we even know if she graduated HS? I agree with another poster that this seems to be something you would see on a 19 year old girls wall on FB. I have noticed though that a lot of their actions are not that of mature women. Case in point....their V-day gift to Kody. That was the oddest thing I have ever seen. I remember in HS tying balloons to my boyfriends truck when he was playing in the football game, and writing stuff on his windshield. How in the world did 4 women come up with the idea of decorating his car? I honestly can't say I know any woman who has done this since her late teens...with the exception of a wedding reception to send the newlyweds off, and you rarely see that anymore. My thoughts were, for the money they spent on the decor, they could of baked Kody some cupcakes, and had each kid decorate one for him. Or cookies, or something that would be personalized, but also would incorporate the kids into the experience.

    I have a feeling that this IS the good life for Robyn. She also knows what she is doing. By planting little seeds like that while Kody is gone with Janelle, it reminds him how loyal she is and her true love for him. I hate to say it, but it reminds me of LeAnn Rimes and how she desperately has to show the world constantly how in love she and her man Eddie is. I hate to say it, but I do believe Robyn is Cray-Cray as me and my friends would say.

    I don't this this is a diss at Kody at all. I truly think Robyn feels this way. I think in comparison to her last husband, Kody is her king. The irony of "Boys shack up, men get married." Wow...isn't that her life? She isn't married to Kody. I do think she fully believes though that he takes care of her, and he definitely seems to "DEMAND" respect. Sadly, he doesn't give it.

  27. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! When I saw this on Twitter yesterday, I was roflmao & smh too!! Not only is this childish, but she's got some serious mental issues too!!
    How she convenietally tweeted this the same day, that Kody & Janelle are away in Huntington Beach for some "alone" time!
    But hey she also tweeted that she really misses her mom & wants to get away....guess its her way of dealing w/ her jealousy. She may be the favorite that gets more time w/ Kody, but I'm willing to bet that she's got a "huge" green monster that tends to surface when she's feeling "neglected". We saw a glimpse of her green side, when the 5th wife question was asked! Robyn said she would strangle Kody, if that happened! o_O

    1. CB, so glad you've finally got a bonafide diagnosis for Robyn,LOL..crazybitchsyndrome.
      Yep, she's got it bad.
      Wonder what super duper way cool idea she'll come up with next? IF she's not pregnant already, that's always a sure fire attention getter, even a lil 'ol fib about it.

      Did you or anyone happen to notice the absolutely weird way she said (louder than her usual mellow spacey voice) "I WAS TOLD" that the Valentines dealio was going to at Christine's place?
      I wasn't sure if she was making sure that the others got it that her special PW'd man gave her the intel first or was she bellyaching because she wasn't consulted about the location?
      Meow, her kitty claws are showing.

    2. Ok, glad someone else noticed the way Robyn came across when asking about the Valentine's Dinner. That caught my attention quick, I was like WTH is wrong w/her, lol. Don't know what but she was rubbing something in thier faces. It cracked me up because I've never seen her so bold & cocky about anything. Maybe it was her Alter Ego, SheRay! lol. Whatever it was, was just as annoying than that little mousey boo hoo crap she turns on.

    3. ...Hey Anony j, more like Tiger claws!...hehe
      She's definitely certifiable. I'm thinking 1(most likely Robyn or Christine) of the 4, if not all could possibly end up on the show #SNAPPED!...LOL
      Yeah, I noticed her "I WAS TOLD" tone...just like she piped in last week, something like(I can't quite remember exactly...), SHE KNEW KODY DIDN'T WANT A COMPUTER OR WOULDN'T LIKE THE GIFT

    4. I don't think Robyn out Christine have any type of real education. I would guess that they both attended their church school out were home schooled. I dint think either are much above a third grade education level.

  28. Off topic here, but I'm surprised that no one has chosen **TRAIN WRECK** for their username on
    I would totally use that one if I already didn't have one established!
    So,one of the ANONY'S out there who enjoy SWB are welcome to use it :D

    1. Thank you CB, I was trying to come up with a username and you have graciously provided me with it!

    2. so glad someone jumped on that!!

  29. Those that DEMAND respect usually don't give it. The correct way is to respect yourself as well as others and therefore, you COMMAND respect. Big Difference. One is egotistical and self-centered while the other is the golden rule in play.

  30. Just *barf* thats all I've got.

  31. I just threw up in my mouth a little.

  32. This is a little off topic but one of my favorite films is "raise the Red Lantern". It's about a 4th wife in a polygymist family in 1920's China.

  33. Would Logan go on a 2-year mission trip before college? Or is that for "regular" Mormons?

    1. that's regular mormons. AUB and FLDS do not do that.

  34. Here are a few interesting tweets from Kody on May 27th..One is a tweet & one is a Retweet.

    KODY TWEET: "Thanks to all the fans tonight. You are awesome. I retweet some of my favs. I block some of the jerks."

    WOW!! Someone sure is all comfy sitting so high & mighty. Careful Kody, bcuz PRIDE comes before a fall. From what I can tell, ur fall would be a long & hard one!
    I'm guessing his faves would be all the tweets from fans gushing nauseating compliments & blowing sunshine up their

    KODY RETWEET:"@realkodybrown U mean your brainwashed wives were finally enlightened to what a narcissist U R? Miracles still happen!"

    Hahahaha...Um, somebody is definitely reading SWB, bcuz that shit sounds mighty familiar.....Lmao
    Oh yeah, there was a tweet to Kody from some teenager, asking permission to date Logan O_o Yeah, that's a bit awkward, IMO! Hello, Logan is now officially an adult(young adult tho..)

    1. He's so stupid that he can't figure out that blocking only keeps them from showing up on his page, but does nothing to block them from showing up under a #sisterwiveschat type search. But with these idiots, peek-a-boo is still developmentally relevant. LOL

  35. Ok, so I googled,HERE'S TO ALL THE REAL MEN OUT THERE...& it seems that Robyn left out the last line of this poem:

    "Boys quit & walk away, when things get hard. Men will promise to love you through it all"

    Hmmmmm? Interesting & I wonder why she felt it necessary to leave that line out? Anyways, when U Google, the above header, that poem has been used in many different forums, so I'm not really sure who the Author is, but its sure in the hell not
    There's even a blog/forum, called the Experience Project and I HERE'S TO ALL THE REAL MEN OUT THERE is actually a topic on there. Personal stories, Advice, & Support are shared.

  36. Robin may have posted the tribute to kody. But did not write it. It is going around on Facebook. Several of my friends posted it to their walls. (I didn't know if anyone mentioned it. Because I already read it i went to read the reply. At the end of the poem on fb it says to share it.......) And we all know she is used to sharing!

  37. I think Kody looks mentally unstable. He has those crazy eyes that dart all over the place, mountain man hair and a drinkers nose. I don't know how any of his "wives" can put up with his BS. If TLC doesn't renew them I think life will be very difficult in the Brown household and Kody will be the biggest, pouting baby EVER! The wives will all be stuck in the same house again plus Robyn, what a depressing little scenerio.

  38. Well she certainly removed any doubt... Kody is a boy.

  39. Hi, I'm a long time lurker and appreciate all the comments and work that goes into this blog. After reading their book (it wasn't the worst book I've ever read...) I have changed my mind a bit about this group. I no longer think Robin is evil incarnate. I think she's simply extremely immature. This posting proves it to me. I have no doubt she thinks the Kodster is all this. I also think the timing of it was probably designed to take Kody's attention away from Janelle and put it back where she wants it (on her). Actually I think all of these women are stuck back in junior high except for Janelle which is why she seems more intelligent instead of just a little more mature then the rest.

    1. Welcome Sammymom!

      Great observations! You can almost set your clock by Robyn's tweets: If Kody is on a trip with another wife, Robyn is guaranteed to tweet something about Sol or how much she works etc etc...When I read Meri saying Robyn drops by all the time with her kids if Kody's there or not, I thought, whoa...I'm sure Robyn wouldn't appreciate if Meri were to drop in on Kody's night with Robyn. Anyway, I'd think Kody would eventually tire of her...she is so suffocating.

    2. i'm surprised Meri would put up with that, aren't you? or did she put a stop to it? (i obviously haven't read their book.) but i just love how Robyn seems to keep being insistent on acting like a true plyg family like she envisioned it to be but hasn't accepted the reality of what this family dynamic really is.

    3. ITA Cynical Jinx. Kody is just as immature and at some point he will fall out of lust with her and then things will settle down in the household. I remember Meri saying that and she laughed but I thought Meri isn't going to put up with this behavior for very long.

    4. Seems to me that since Robyn tends to drop by Meri's ALL THE TIME, then those 2 shouldn't have a problem w/ being roommates as well. But most of us has figured that neither one of them would wholeheartedly go for it! But when their 15 minutes are officially over, they really won't have no choice in the matter.

    5. Peanut Butter FritosJune 12, 2012 at 4:28 PM

      Darling, you can't "block" twitter. No matter how many wives you have. As my momma would say, bless your heart.

  40. Yup, sounds like Kody's passed the boy test. Lol

  41. If SW beats Bourdain...then something just ain't right.

  42. I think that Robyn does everything she can to keep her relationship with Kody at the immature, initial puppy love stage. She is the one who wanted to paint Kody's car, she wants to stay in the "honeymoon" phase because she watched that with her parents.....hey, wait, aren't her parents divorced?!?!? Maybe this plan isn't as great as she thought it would be. She is also very passive aggressive with the other wives. She threw them under the bus when Kody did not like his birthday laptop. Can you imagine how long he would have pouted if Christine had pointed out that the ring she had to ask for was too small? (which it was)

    After hearing Meri talk about her fertility struggles, it was obvious to me why she doesn't get along with Christine and Janelle. I am sure Kody's constant push for her to have more children did nothing to help that situation. I don't think she will keep being a Robyn fan if Robyn continues to push this idea of carrying a child for Meri. Robyn wants to be the center of attention, and little does she know that Kody will never allow anyone but himself to have that crown.

  43. I agree that Robyn-No-Character's visits to Meri or any of the other wives on their night is not only selfish on her part but also very manipulative. The whole ideology of Meri's house being so "quiet and organized" and a place where the Kodsturd can get away is because their are no small children. Well, RNC blows that out of the water by taking her three bratty children and one infant on Meri's night. I am not a fan of Meri either, so I think she is getting some long overdue karma; moreover, I see some really good drama coming from all of this. I just hope it either hits the gossip rags or is on the show.

  44. In response to your question about awards for Reality tv ... I'd say the award would have to go to Pawn Stars. It's infinitely watchable. The characters are interesting, but it's getting a bit old. I don't watch the others. May Sister Wives, but not if they keep jumping around like this. Let us simmer with a character or two for a bit.

  45. I was kind of hoping My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding would have been nominated. Oh what do you think are the chances Sister Wives will win? And if they do, who will go onstage to pick up the award?

    I sort of think that if they win, which I hope beyond all hope that they lose, I bet Kodsturd will jump up and run way ahead of his wives, but I believe Robyn-No-Character will be running up behind to grab his hand for her dose of security amidst all of the rifraft. I doubt the wives will get a chance to speak; RNC will cry, Janelle will smile, Christine will jump up and down and clap, and Meri will longingly look at Kodsturd and his other wives with that really strange face she makes. I am curious what they will wear on the red carpet. Really--I can see it now: Kodsturd in faded and unwashed jeans and a crappy shirt with his ahem, jacket on; Meri in her too tight faded jeans and a TShirt over collared shirt; Janelle will wear a really big and bright fat dress; Christine will probably wear one of those smock things she puts on; RNC will probably be sporting designer thong from VicSec, a modestly revealing designer dress, and flats (she cannot wear heels cause of her short, fat, balding manic boy.

    1. Zelda, I'm LMAO at your description of the fam if they win. Since they're nominated, does this mean they'll go? Lordy. Let's hope we get to see their outfits either way.

      Why, oh why, has Meri's awful too-layered haircut not changed at all? It looks the same, all the time.

    2. kody & meri go to the same barber can't u tell, looks the same including needs to be washed.

    3. Peanut Butter FritosJune 12, 2012 at 4:32 PM

      Dear Lawd I hope Meri can at least afford some new jeans. TLC can't be that cheap.

  46. When I saw Robyn's tweet I thought perhaps one of the older kids had pranked her due to the tween-ish language.

    I also think she's pregnant. Any rumors out of Vegas? (sightings)

  47. I know that if SW wins the award, Kody will jump over those seats like the director from "Life is Beautiful" Robin will be right behind him.

  48. I prefer this version of Robyn's poem:

    Real men build homes,
    Boys get their kids to fly kites beside empty lots with non-existant homes they will never afford

    Men get married,
    Boys shack up with multiple women whom they've had non-binding "make-believe" ceremonies with

    Men raise children,
    Boys impregnate ladies like they're some sort of Sperminator then make non-biological kids call him "dad"

    Men produce strategies for success,
    Boys repeatedly fail and make excuses for a number of hair-brained "business" ventures

    Men look for someone to take care of,
    Boys prefer to suck the life out of every woman and reality show they come into contact with

    Men command respect,
    Boys seek popularity by building up a personal harem fan base and then bask in the glory of starring in a reality series, all while sporting the most ridiculous balding surfer hair known to the world.

    1. That is brilliant...LMAO

    2. Hysterical and oh so true! Let's hope Robchin reads this version. Maybe she'll see the light (but I doubt it).

  49. Ode to Kody....

    A real man eats pepper on his eggs.

    A real man doesn't have 5 shades of pink and purple dress shirts.
    A real man doesn't refer to himself as a surfer dude.

    A real man with 17 kids doesn't drive a 2 seat convertible.

    A real man doesn't have a wife and 3 baby mammas

    A real man doesn't cry while surrounded by four women because his brain is straining when forced to make a decision.

    A real man doesn't leave his woman alone at night depressed, and reeling in self doubt and jealousy.

    A real man doesn't move a clan of 20+ interstate, without employment, housing and an extensive plan.

    A real man doesn't have so many children he cannot feed.

    A real man is proud to put his name on a marriage license and birth certificates.

    A real man is proud to works for his family.

    In LANGUAGE Robchin can understand...Kody = Peter Pan

    1. Yes, yes, and yes! Well said, lisasumms!

    2. A real man is proud to put his name on a marriage license and birth certificates

      EXCELLENT Point.

    3. What? He hasn't put his name on any of the birth certificates? That would be so disrespectful to ALL the women! Can anyone clarify that point? I think - if thats true, I might have to stop watching as it proves that Kody brown is only after # 1.

    4. There is no way he put his name on birth certificates if these women have collected welfare and food stamp benefits. If they apply for benefits the agency takes proof of dependents with birth certificates. If there is a named father the agency pursues the father for child support. The birth certificates likely say "unknown" under father. This is the common practice and abuse of the system that the flds is known for doing to support the huge number of children the in the families. This practice is referred to as "bleeding the beast". The beast being government, tax payers and anyone who is not in their religion. This is documented through literature written by members whom have left these closed religious societies.

    5. Thankyou lisasumms, wow, if my husband-partner - what ever, said he would not be named as the father of my son, I sure as hell would not be hanging around. Where is the RESPECT ladies???

  50. I just saw the new addition to this post about the Critics' Choice Awards.

    My thoughts:

    1. What will they wear? (The images in my mind are just hideous.)

    2. Meri will need her crutches again after Robyn pushes her out of her way on the way to the podium to collect their prize.

    3. I would love to see an encounter between Anthony Bourdain and the Browns.

    1. >
      3. I would love to see an encounter between Anthony Bourdain and the Browns.<

      Wow, I would pay good money to see that. Especially Bourdain beating the sh.. out of Kody (verbally of course). Or Bourdain telling Kody to move his lazy ass and get a real job.
      Yes, one can dream.

    2. You can bet whatever they wear, will have a tight long sleeved top under it.

    3. @Kiera That would be the greatest thing ever!!

    4. I'd like to see Jim Bob Duggar kick Kody Brown's ass and show him how a real man with 17+ kids is really like!

  51. Honestly I kinda hope they do win. I see it a real confidence booster for Janelle and Christine. It may help open there eyes to other opportunities they may have

    1. They don't need to win to realize they can do much better. Can you imagine would that do for Kody's ego? He thinks he is so hot and with great charisma.

  52. If SW wins, there is definitely a *fix* in the process.
    And if they do it wouldn't surprise me if Chin-challenged Robyn goes to the stage holding Sol for all to see.

    Probably they are already trolling for free makeup, hair and clothing stylists.
    If they should show up looking remotely decent you can be sure it will be on someone's else's dime.

    Speaking of hair..admittedly this is really a useless observation but...
    Kody's hair seems to be "curled" for certain episodes or close up chats. Other times it is flyaway and sparsely hanging limp. Could it be that this idiot actually has his hair primped up via a curling iron....??? Wouldn't surprise me at all.

    Also..I find it interesting that at no time before Chin-Challenged showed up, did the thought of another *fertile* wife surrogating for Meri ever come up ?? Obviously, Both Janelle and Christine would have been viable candidates. And obviously it didn't ever come up because Meri has never really liked either of them, and they seem to return the sentiment.

    Sisterhood, smisterhood....they are all actors.....bad ones, but still actors.
    As the book suggests...Familiarity in their case most likely DID breed contempt.

    1. The way Chinny chin chin talks to Meri about the IVF is implying that: Meri you now have a choice to have a kid. If you don't do IVF, you are choosing not to have a kid. So shut about not having more kids! I don't want to hear it.

      It is not that simple.

  53. SW up for an award?!! Television has certainly gone to the bottom of the barrel for that one.
    The show is total crap, not interesting beyond dissing the freaks in it and laughing at the truly overt scripting of a "reality" show. Snooky and her pals are more real than this circus in my opinion.
    Any "critic" that watches this melodramatic farce and feels an award is due is...nutz. Nutz I tell ya....and believe me I looked way inward for my comment on this.

  54. Don’t know if this has been discussed, but here is a summary for the June 17 show:

    “Kody makes good on his promise to Meri escaping to Mexico for a romantic getaway. They climb ancient temples and swim with dolphins But despite all the romance, the conversation turns serious when Kody asks Meri about Robyn's offer of surrogacy.”

    Does anyone really believe that Meri’s answer will be yes? I seriously do NOT like Meri but it is somewhat cheesy that Kody takes her to her favorite place – Mexico (her birthday and anniversary trip for two years all rolled up in one big gift) and spring the big question on her AGAIN. Didn’t he ask her about in-vitro the last time they went to Mexico? So if I were Meri and I did not want a baby (which I am quite convinced she does not want to do in-vitro or surrogacy), I would just say ‘no thanks’ at the next offer from Kody to go to Mexico.

    Meri is in a no-win situation and Robyn is in no-lose situation. If Meri says no, Kody will be disappointed in her and her relationship with Robyn will be strained (which I think it is already despite proclamations of sisterly love). She will probably lose her coveted soul mate status with Kody should she decide no. If she says yes, she will forever be indebted to Robyn and will have a baby to raise mostly on her own, starting all over at 41 when her only child is off to college. And we won’t even discuss the financial aspect of this process because, well, they don’t ever consider the financial implications of any of their decisions.

    Since I don’t like how Meri treats Christine or Janelle, I will say that Karma has paid a little visit to Meri.

    1. Well ain't that sweet? A trip to Mx to once again have alone time and discuss the baby thang. Thanks TLC for staying true to the format of boring the audience to tears with trips. Who cares about seeing these bloated cretons frolicking in the sand, climbing waterfalls and swimming with dolphins? Been there done that with almost every other reality show characters.

      Is it too much to ask that TV producers realize that the average viewer is sick of watching people who do basically nothing go out to eat, live in expensive homes,talk about fantabulous money making schemes and go on vacations.
      Why do I even bother thinking about this stuff....SWB...that's why. Thanks a million CJ,expect my therapy bill. (they expect prompt pymt, thanks) just kiddin ya. ( about the prompt part)lol

    2. Oh yes, CPA. Meri loses no matter what she does. Her own fault too. Karma. Hardly ever see it but here it is.
      If she says yes she's screwed. If she says no she's screwed. Wonderful. Robyn wins, and lords it over her for the rest of her miserable life no matter what the decision is. No way to win. bwahahaha

    3. I think Meri's "out" is that they will "discover" that she doesn't have any viable eggs left.

      That way not only does she escape Robyn's long term manipulation, but she gets an even stronger basis for guilting others when Robyn gets pregnant again.

    4. I think that's pretty crazy too, since they didn't even go on their Mexico trip til the beginning of May, & he's still hounding her about it? I would think that if she agreed to it, then wouldn't they've already started the process, & he wouldn't be able to get-a-way to CA w/ Janelle or anyone for that matter, unless Meri tagged along as a 3rd wheel,like she used to back in the day!
      Meri, should get smart & put the Invitro costs down on paper & present it like a biz venture, & point out that this could possibly lead us to bankruptcy as well!

    5. "Meri, should get smart & put the Invitro costs down on paper & present it like a biz venture"


  55. There has been some talk on this thread about Robyn ‘covering up’ her belly, looking pregnant, etc. I think they are trying to get us to play the “Is Meri going to say yes to the surrogacy” game…so I think the producers got what they wanted because we are all asking the question. Of course, if Robyn is pregnant, is it her baby or is it Meri’s? Big Season Finale!

    Here is what I think about this nonsense: based on a very general and quick internet search, the surrogacy process is complicated. It involves very intrusive medical intervention, not just asking ‘embarrassing’ questions but really invasive procedures for both of the women and the man. The three of them would have to be extremely proactive and organized and be able to talk frankly about human reproduction, which none of them have shown any propensity for in the past. There are very set schedules and certain periods of time where certain things can and can’t happen. Everything pretty much takes place in a doctor’s office, it’s all very clinical.
    I have spent way too much time thinking this through and yet I would guess I have spent more time researching this than Meri. Bottom line: if they do try to say that Meri says yes and they go through with this process, I will be looking for very specific evidence that all of these steps are taking place. Otherwise, it will just be Robyn having a baby that she and Kody produced and handing it off to Meri. There is no way they could ever pull this off.

    1. I still don't think she's preggers. Maybe the producers are intentionally having her do that, so people would guess. when most of these eps were filmed, wouldn't she have still been lactating? I think she's carrying not only leftover baby weight, but packing on more pounds just because she's become part of the family and assumed their poor eating habits. remember that she only weighed a pound less at the show where Christine weighed her than when she was carrying and was weighed by Trainer Bill. But time will tell.

    2. CPA Carol, do you ever watch The Little Couple or whatever it's called? Jen and Bill have been trying to have a baby through surrogacy and I have seen what they have gone through for the past two years. It's gut wrenching stuff. She has to fly to LA to have the eggs retrieved, etc.. On one episode they found out she was ovulating early so he had to fly out to drop his part off, then hours later she had to fly there for retrieval the next day. You are very right that it is a very committed process that takes a lot of blood sweat and tears. It also can be devastating when the end result (as in Jen and Bill's case) isn't what they are hoping for. I almost wonder if that would drive Meri even more crazy if she did decide to go for it ( honestly don't think she ever would), it doesn't work (I remember her saying she wanted to use her eggs...not Robyns) and then Robyn immediately gets pregnant again after her dreams are dead. That would be really tough because we know that Robyn already stated she wanted more kids. Yikes!

    3. Either Robyn is just eating too much, still has some babyfat left from Super Sol or has a bun in the oven... again... I don't for one second believe she is doing the surrogacy thing (another maniac idea from Kody?!), way too expensive and complicated. Plus I really don't think Meri is looking to owe Robyn forever....

  56. The choices of shows would not have me selecting SW as my pick. I'd go with Undercover Boss and Ramsey first, also probably Anthony on Travel. I looked at the ratings for a recent weekend and SW picked up about 2 million viewers while Pawn Stars picked up 3 million. Gypsy got a little over 1 million. Kate at the end was getting 900,000 to 1.1 million for quite a while at the end. Her show was expensive to produce with all her trips first class for so many people. Got boring for watchers also to see all the diva treatment for one who really had no idea what she was looking at when she got to these destinations. At least SW has so far filmed close to home for the most part. I hate it when people go places and don't know anything about the place they are about to see. What a waste, and what an ass you have to be. I'm a BC and can find myself around better than these city folk can. OK rant over, will go bite sheep now. Laters.

    1. Perhaps TLC has learned the hard way with Kate and the ultra-pricey trips not to do that again, because that's a lot of money to put out for such low ratings. I wouldn't watch, either. This might be a reason why SW has only gone on one "real" trip to Boston.

    2. I'm with you BC, I would absoulutely choose UNDERCOVER BOSS & Ramsey too, even w/ his brash
      So, how exactly does Critic Choice awards work? Who makes the final selections for a winner after the Nominations are picked?

  57. If Queen Tweet Twit actually believes that Kody is a real man, she is beyond hope. The Brown family has more in common with a Waco-esque tragedy than a family. I really hope that this is all an act for the camera, that all of the craziness is for shock-value to sell their "product". But as others here have pointed out, there seems to be a more sinister foundation to Kody that will probably reveal itself once the camera, and more importantly money, is gone.


  58. OT Is that Mike Rowe of the good looks and great voice still making new episodes on Dirty Jobs? I always thought the show would be better if they included fewer jobs per epiode and instead let us get a better look at what was included.

    1. I thought he went on to a different show, BC. Oh wait, maybe I'm thinking it was another show when actually he was the narrator for Deadliest Catch! Anyway he's very nice eye candy!

    2. My guess is that Mike Rowe made such a fortune when he was on of the top salesmen on QVC, that he is free to only pursue work that he legitimately enjoys.

  59. My cousin was telling me over the weekend that she saw a magazine article that said that Janelle took her kids and moved back to Utah. She was not feeling special anymore, so she packed up herself and her kids and moved back. Not sure if it was a legit magazine or a rag. Will be interesting to see if there is any truth in it.

  60. How can one not like Meri? She's a lovely woman, the warmth in her is almost palpable. In fact, most of these people, though flawed, are quite likable. The only one I agree with you guys about is Robyn; I find her passive-aggressive and toxic to the group dynamic. I also think she hides her true essence for the cameras. Meri, Janelle, Christine...all immensely likable, warm women, and yes, strong women, who--due to a patriarchal belief system-- have sadly settled for 1/4 of a manchild, they are incredibly adept at rationalizing and numbing and burying their unhappiness. In order to feel in control when they have none, they blame themselves for Kody's selfishness and obtuseness because, if it's their fault, they can control it. Of all of them, I feel my heart break mostly for Meri. She loves Kody the most, she was his first love, and, indeed, he loves her as much as his narcissism allows. How sad that she still believes the biggest gift she can give her husband is a competitor. She is the family martyr. The rest are buried in rationalizations and Robyn is like Valerie Jarrett, whispering poison in the President's ear.

    1. You can't be serious! I want some of what you're smoking! Meri is the most manipulative, selfish bitch of the group. She lords her 'first wife' status over the others like a King Cobra. Meri is Grody's pimp, as was illustrated in the last episode when she started talking about a '5th wife'. She has 1 child who is almost grown, should be working to help support her 'family', but chooses to sit on her ever-widening ass and make judgmental comments about the other wives. If anyone is 'whispering poison', it is Meri. She has been whispering comments in Grody's ear about Janelle and Christine for many years; I believe Robchin is going to be the next 'gossip girl' in Meri's campaign to prove to Grody that SHE is the BEST wife of them all. Meri is the epitome of the evil step-MOTHER!
      All of these women are so SAD, and it reflects in their physical appearance and in their interaction with each other. As hard as it is to raise multiple children, it must be maddening to try and raise these children as Single Moms. Not only do they not have any financial support from the sperm donor, any emotional support that he could provide is non-existent. He is a self-centered Boy, and treats these women as toys, just like his sports cars. I hope these women find some respect for themselves and leave this mess; God knows they will get no respect from Grody.
