Thursday, June 7, 2012

Sister Wives: Blue-Blood Polygamist

This film clip is very interesting. It's obvious one partner knows more about their faith than the other, but....well, I'll let you come to your own conclusions.

And then, there's Robyn....

And Janelle, of course...

Interesting, but in Robyn's film clip, there is a picture of the four wives together and Meri has very long hair. So when was the picture taken - or was she wearing extensions?

The other thing is, the upload date for these videos is May 31, 2012, but with 0 views. So, where were these videos for the past week and why did TLC release them now?

Last we have a new video of Meri and Kody. The upload date on this video is June 4, 2012.


  1. Looks like Kody can't stand the idea that anything other than being razzle-dazzled by him influenced Christine's decision.

    1. That what I was thinking. Man... he was getting mad that Christine is admitting to the world that it was more her relationship with Meri (and later Janelle) that brought her into the family. Love this!

    2. I sometimes wonder what really happened "behind closed doors" when Christine told her father about Kody and how she felt about him. Unless her father and uncle were eager to get her wed asap, I would think Kody would be looked on as being such an oddball in their faith. There had to been talk in their church community about how Meri and Kody would leave Janelle alone when he was doing the traveling salesman job. I just feel Christine pushed this marriage to Kody and now she has to deal with it.

  2. Greetings. I've been delighting in this blog for months now. First post!

    "..I mean the relationship ultimately is your husband and then by extension the rest of his family"

    Oh my heck! Here we have it plain as day. Ultimately, it's all about him.

    And then I'm reminded of the time that Christine (in one of her sweet explanations of why she always knew she wanted to be a 3rd wife) said that she NEVER wanted to be married by a guy by herself. So to answer Kody's question here in the video: would Christine have married him without the other wives "in tow"?


    Christine explained in earlier episodes that her desire was to be a third wife, and a third wife only. In this video, she says she doesn't know if she would have married Kody without the other wives..hmmk

    1. Congrats on your first comment posting!

      I pushed the wrong button and published by mistake, so there are actually 3 more videos you can watch and comment!

      I really think Christine has a good understanding of what she wants. Kody is clueless and like you said, tries to make it center around him.

      After reading the book, I think Kody married Christine BECAUSE of her pedigree and how that would work as a benefit for him - either rising higher in the Church's religious hierarchy or in business dealings. Kind of like a lazy fellow worming his way into the British royal family by marrying a lesser royal who has the pedigree but doesn't have that HRH in front of their name. Seems Christine's pedigree didn't help Kody at all.

      Kody needs to work on understanding his faith better. It's time to move back to Utah so Kody can go back to Church every week!

    2. Church probably isn't fun for him anymore. Since he's had a taste of the LV lifestyle, etc...the only thing sending his ass back to Utah is depleted finances & no other

  3. You know, Kody says to Mary - what, Robyn, uhm, no she is divorced - but then thinking back, wasn't Janelle divorced? Or maybe he was saying - ugh, she is tainted because she has "other kids" already with another man and not me!

  4. From the way Kody talks, it was Robyn who asked for the divorce from David Jessop. While I'm sure that was Robyn's side of the story, I wonder if that is the truth? For Kody to focus in on Robyn's divorce like that really does bring up all sorts of curiosity about what went on.

    Every story has two sides. Come on TLC! Bring out David Jessop to tell his side of the story! That would make so much better ratings than the silliness that is currently boring your core audience.

    1. Jessop filed for divorce, not her highness. I can't help but roll my eyes over her story or rather stories of her previous marriage. Reference the baby crib shopping episode, the Solomon birth episode, her living in the rented house 3 hrs away episode. New stories every time. According to her, he beat her, he verbally abused her, he was unable to provide a bed for his children, he was distant from the children- whereas krody provides a crib, supports her, they are soulmates, loves and fathers her other children, blah blah blah. Her legal history shows she was a shopaholic and very unattached from her first three children. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear stories her old trailer park neighbors could tell on living next door to the former Mrs. Robyn Jessop. Epic, I believe. Every chance she has had since season 2 she is trash talking her ex. I can't believe no one has interviewed him yet. Anyways, I agree! We need to hear less of Robyn's side and get his.

    2. How do we know she was unattached to her first 3 children? I know about the VS addiction, etc. but what do we know about her and children?

    3. Do you really think TLC hasn't tried to get her ex husband on the show? That would make great tv. Maybe there is more to this story? Maybe the guy doesn't want to be on tv. Maybe he did verbally and physically abuse her? Perhaps he doesn't want to be confronted with those accusations. I know you guys hate Robyn, but sometimes the conspiracy theories are a bit silly. Not only have we not heard from him on the show, but he has never said a peep in the world off the show. Why is that? Could be that the stories are true. He could simply sue her for defamation if she is not telling the truth about him.

    4. "Do you really think TLC hasn't tried to get her ex husband on the show? "

      Yes, I really think they have not tried to do that. I think they NEED to bring him on, or else do a separate "spotlight" show with him, independent of "Sisterwives" to avoid any contract restrictions associated with Sisterwives.

      The viewing public wants to hear his side of the story!!!!

    5. "He could simply sue her for defamation if she is not telling the truth about him."

      Unless, he was paid off by the Browns to remain quiet. From what I've read about the Jessops in Pinesdale, the family was bullies that ran the town with a iron fist. So if offered enough money to remain silent, why not accept it especially when your living in a singlewide. Maybe he's been able to upgrade to a doublewide with the Brown's hush money.

      I <3 conspiracy theories!

    6. I had not thought much about hearing from Robyn's ex before. I bet it would be interesting. Or to hear from her neighbors from when they were married.

      Lisa Ling could do a story like she did at Centenial Park.

      Great Idea!!!

  5. In an excerpt from Carolyn Jessop's book, Escape, she talks about the blue blood polygamist mentality and how little girls are raised on it:

    "I felt like the luckiest little girl to be one of God’s elite and a spirit who was the most chosen of all his spirits before I came to earth. Proof of that was that I had been born into a faithful bloodline. I was FLDS royalty. The culture really believes in the value of bloodlines. Only a spirit who was strong and worthy would be selected to be born into one of the royal lines.

    Understand that we were taught to believe we were better than everyone else in the entire world because of our beliefs. Since I had been selected to come to such a royal bloodline, my grandmother told me that I had the chance to become a goddess if I lived polygamy and proved worthy. It was our own version of the Cinderella story. Just having the opportunity to live in a plural marriage was sold to me as a special blessing that few would ever have."

    You can definitely tell this is how Christine was raised and how she still feels about polygamy.

  6. Regarding Meri's long hair...Meri had very long hair when they first met Robchin. Remember at Robchin's birthday party? First season, episode 3, "Wives on the Move"

    During the party, Meri presents Robchin with the friendship necklace and Kody says, "I'm not the only one in love with Robyn" (creepy) Meri has long hair in that scene.

    Meri was much thinner then and her hair was very long just as she appears in the still photo, so I would say it was probably taken during Robchins' engagement time frame.

  7. I found it very telling when Janelle said, "Meri was around us all the time....All the time!" You gotta love that sweet old Meri.

    I also thought it was interesting that Christine said she didn't know Kody was complicated and "it's a good thing I didn't know, I'm just sayin'..."

    Lately I've noticed that there's a lot more to learn in what's left unsaid than in what's said with this group.

    1. Those two points made me chuckle too ;)

  8. Christine : While she has probably known since their marriage why Kody chose to marry her, she does seem a little uncomfortable about having that put out there for the world to know. It's got to hurt to know that this guy only married you because of your bloodline, but Christine gets her own by admitting that she picked Kody for her relationship with Meri...HA! in your face Kody!!

    Robyn : In regards to the position of her relationship with Janelle and Christine vs the one with Meri... I wonder if she has given much thought into how she was brought into the family, meaning she was Meri and Kody's little secret for months before Janelle and Christine knew about her. That's enough to make any person a little bit distrustful/jealous of the new girl.

    Janelle : I love how in Robyn's, Kody talks of the reservations he had at marrying a divorced woman, but these same thoughts are not talked about in Janelle's piece considering (correct if I am wrong) she was married to Meri's brother before her marriage to Kody nor is Janelle's prior marriage never brought up. In this faith, does a marriage not count if not children are created from the union? Not being silly, it's an honest question...!?! Cause I just do not know. And Janelle... you should have ran when you had the chance!!!

    Meri : I haven't a lot to say on the matter. Although I do see her as the mean girl, I do feel terrible about her ability to become pregnant and continue a pregnancy, especially faced with Christine's and Janelle's abundant fertility over the last 20 years. It has got to be rough... and now with Robyn in the picture, it has to be even worse since she is younger and has another decade of childbearing years ahead of her. :/

    1. Maybe Robchin was/is sealed to her first husband and Janelle was not?

      I personally think the divorced thing is just something Kody uses to show that he actually put a thought in, before marrying Robchin, instead of just following his little hormonal compass in his trousers as he obviously did.

      Another one of his fake showpieces named "I am so considerate about my family".
      While his real thought was most likely "A few exciting years of banging her... is that really worth feeding another guys children?"

    2. Actually according to their book, Meri's brother actually converted to LDS in order to marry Janelle in an LDS temple - so she was sealed to him as LDS not as AUB.So I suppose once they got a divorce, they were unsealed.

    3. Janelle protests that she didn't know anything about polygamy before Meri and Kody, but being married to Meri's brother would say otherwise. Even if he converted to LDS, she was still around his fam. The book says that his fam was concerned for Janelle and kept in touch after their divorce. She was most certainly exposed to polygamist marriages.

      It's obvious that Janelle is the only educated one out of the bunch. Her grammar is so much better than those other chuckleheads.

    4. I agree with you that Janelle knew about polygamy - if memory serves me, didn't she contradict herself when she spoke about her grandmother (?) warning her about the plygs who moved in next door (Meri's family)? So yes, she absolutely knew about polygamy before Meri and Kody married. I believe she was separated/divorced by the time M&K got married. The way she wrote about polygamy, she sounded like she was a polygamy groupie during the time she was divorced from Meri's brother til she finally married Kody. Again, I think if she had been born 25 years earlier she would have been a hippie living in a commune.

    5. I had the impression that she knew about polygamy in the same way we all do - remotely, unconcernedly, obliquely; not actively considering it as a path for her own life. We might all say we “know about polygamy”, but until we actually live it, we can’t really “know” it. (Much like I can say I know about a crabber’s life, but until I’ve been on the boat, I can only empathize.)

      So now that she’s in the life, she can say she didn’t really know about polygamy before then. She didn’t know the struggles, trials, had never considered it for herself.

      I don’t see it as a contradiction, but more like a “difference without a distinction”, to turn a phrase around.

    6. CJ - re:your question about Janelle's sealing to Meri's brother. Once they're divorced, the woman can't get married again until she gets a temple divorce which she can't ask for and receive until she's engaged to be married in the temple again. the ex-husband is contacted for his input re:the matter. (hope that makes sense.)

      the divorced husband, however, can get remarried in the temple without a temple divorce but they do normally first contact the ex-wife to question if he's current on child support, alimony or if there's any reason why she's opposed to him getting another temple marriage while still sealed to her also. it almost ALWAYS still happens for the man even if he's provably behind on child support. ;') as long as he's paying his tithing to the church and promises to catch up on child support then he's usually good to go ahead.

      HOWEVER, none of this would apply to Janelle nor her ex because mainstream LDS church would already have formally exed her due to her plyg marriage. Being exed automatically cancels your temple sealing and eternal blessings connected to it - including your offspring if there were any.

    7. finally seeing realityJune 8, 2012 at 6:49 PM

      The thing that makes Janelle stupid is returning to that trainwreck after leaving and getting a education. She should have gotten a CPA license and she could be making good money right now. I bet Kody saw her supporting herself and kid(s) and realized she had some value after all and started treating her better to get her back.

    8. Thanks for the info, anon 6:35!

  9. OMG, he is an idiot and then Christine has to tell everyone what caveman means. I cannot believe that Christine laughs when he says he married her for her pedigree. What a tool that freak is.
    I totally agree that Meri is in love with Robyn-No-Character. I think she probably was in love with Janelle until Janelle and Kodsturd hooked up. I don't for a minute believe that the relationship problems with Janelle, Christine and soon to be RNC is about her jealousy over Kodsturd. I am convinced it is that she falls in love with the wives and, over time, realizes that there will be not freak or as she sees it freak, so she acts out towards them by making them miserable; thereby, she punishes them for not reciprocating the love.

    TLC, please do not keep feeding his over inflated self worth. We really are getting so creeped out by him.
    And, he is such a fucking idiot.

  10. Now that I've been thinking about it, I wonder if the AUB might review Kody's actions(publicity seeking, moving his family away from their church, disregarding traditions pertaining to Joseph Smith to celebrate Hanukkah, his worship of material things,his inability to provide for his families, etc) and decide to reassign his wives to more righteous members of the church. I know FLDS does this, does anyone know if the AUB does also?

    1. AUB doesn't re- assign in the same way as FLDS, but if a man gets off track then there is no problem with women getting "releases" and being married to another man.

    2. With all of these re-assign-ing and "releases", it makes me wonder how a man goes about 'counting' the number of wives needed to reach planet status... No wonder a man doesn't stop at the minimum number needed, he needs more to ensure that reaches the minimum.

      Also, when they die... who does the counting for that...!?!?! *so confused*

    3. Especially after he stated outright in the book that he shamelessly ignored their input by doing the show to begin with. I do not agree with their cult teachings, but I respect the right of others to believe them. However. . . if you're going to state that you are a member of a cult--go so far as to build celebrity around it--one would think that a respect for the opinion of the leadership might be a good thing to display.

  11. I remember a few months ago the Browns were on the Rosie show, she was funny saying she wanted to be 5th wife it was very well entertaining. Then they did a skit mock game show forget the details but Kody was game show host asking wives questions that he was reading. He had a awful time reading questions Rosie had to help him with the reading a few times. I was thinking to myself he can't read I was embarrassed for him, cAuse at that time I still liked them. I was thinking how can someone go that far in life reading like the a 1stfew grader. Check that my grandson is in 1sta grade & reads very good.

    1. If you missed seeing Kody and his Sister Wives on Rosie, the links are still active for the videos right here on SWB. Check it out:

    2. oh hahaha. I think Rosie set that whole game show thing up because word is out that Kody can't read. TLC, take a lesson!!!!

    3. Yes the Kody had some issues with diff... ehh... difiiii... "DIFICULT!" yeah difficult words

  12. Did anyone else catch that neither Janelle nor Christine really knew him but still married him. Kody and Christine seem to not understand what the other is saying. Odd. I love that Robyn pretends to have a great relationship with Meri and then says she's getting there with the other wives. Also, how about the fact that even though Robyn is his number one he still let's her know he thinks she's a failure due to divorce. You would think your so called spouse would at least be understanding.
    I did think it wassweet that Meri got that big smile when he mentioned Mariah.

    1. Did anyone else catch that neither Janelle nor Christine really knew him but still married him

      Isn't that business as usual in their church? I remembered them saying that Robyn's courtship was longer than normal because she lived so far from Lehi initially, and that was a reason Kody moved her to Lehi.

      But I see your point...sometimes I think, at least with Kody, if she has a heartbeat she's wife material.

    2. finally seeing realityJune 8, 2012 at 6:52 PM

      I think if they marry someone they don't even know they deserve what they get. How stupid can you be to marry for the rest of your life someone you don't know.

    3. How stupid can you be to marry for the rest of your life someone you don't know.

      Don't forget about the eternity part!

    4. I was that stupid; fortunately, I was also very lucky :D. I did't even know my husband as well as they knew the douche.
      That being said--I whole-heartedly agree with ALL of you!

  13. I guess you're right. I don't know much about their faith. If they married based on the fact they knew Meri, as Christine mentioned, it must have been a rude awakening upon realizing they didn't know her or her evilness at all!

  14. We can't forget that when Meri supposedly "fell in love w/ Robyn" & brought it to Kody's attention, that during this time, Kody & Meri's relationship was totally on the rocks & in a bad place....
    Now, I'm not really sure the reasoning behind this strategy, but I'm thinking Meri had to been pretty desperate to get her relationship back on track w/ Kody.

    We're all aware that they were financially strapped before the show. So maybe they were presented w/ the TLC offer, but it had "strings attached", meaning they would have to get a 4th wife for the 2nd season...
    If so, maybe Meri wasn't game for it, & after Kody threw a big hissy fit & trying to sell her the idea that he wouldn't have to work anymore & they would be financially set + started giving her the silent treatment,...she became convinced this would be the only way to "get" her hubby back, so that's when they went trolling for Robyn...but this is just me speculating tho... :D
    I don't believe that bs in their book, about getting all the wives permission to court someone new, bcuz wasn't Janelle & Christine in the dark about Robyn??

    I can see a new tabloid headliner now:
    "Fall from Reality Fame back to Foodstamps-15 Minutes of Shame"

  15. Thanks CJ, for these telling...very telling.... clips.

    Have to start with Janelle because her piece made my head spin.
    They both say that they had "known each other for ages" so that getting married in just 2 months once Janelle "had studied" the religion (it must have been a speed-reading course)and "made her decision" that she wanted into the marriage was not a big deal. And that they had had only had a quick kiss "once" 2 months before they got married.
    But THEN a bit later, Janelle says "I really didn't know anything about you when we married." HUH??? What happened to knowing each other for ages?
    Okay...and then they proclaim that **now** they are finally getting around to exploring the romantic side of their relationship. Huh?? Double Huh???
    SIX kids later and you are *now* getting to the romance. Were the six kids simply the result of programmed booty calls ?? How sad !!!
    And these people all say *it is NOT about the sex*...???????
    Beg to differ but almost 20 years of just 'duty' bed-dates on both ends....and it isn't about the sex ???
    Janelle wanted into that relationship and willingly made her bed, so to speak.

    Robyn.....her story is just so transparent, it is boring.
    Kody "saw" her (obviously he is ever 'looking' if not touching new conquests) and she was also looking for a lucrative alternative to whatever her situation was. Nuff said.
    (Yes, TLC..bring on her ex for his couch chat. That WILL surely get ratings)
    Anyway...once Robchin's eyes got misty (and don't they always) and readied to spill over, I lost interest.
    However, could someone tell Robchin that her seemingly most favorite word... *important* pronounced with the "t" in the middle. It's not pronounced *impor-ent* !!
    She has a thing about words with a middle "t"...
    Just like with her son, Dayton...he is called Day-en.

    Well it is clear that Christine and Kody were all about positioning and status.
    She wanted to be the 3rd wife for convenience of having live-in BFF/ child helper sister wives, and also assumed that her pedigree would ensure her top billing as the most desired wife. And of course, Kody, ever the opportunist, was A-okay with having a blue-blood in his stable. It doesn't sound like "luvv" was the actual calling card for them either. Their story just points out why the plyg lifestyle is only for those myopic enough to live it.

    Not unsympathetic to her infertility plight at all....but would all this be center stage if last season TLC and/or the Browns hadn't decided that *right after the birth* Robyn would make the surrogacy offer.
    And remember, Robyn shooed everyone out of the room in order to have this ***very private chat*** with Meri...except that the cameras were readied there to film it. Nothing spontaneous about it at all.
    That was planned. The cameras were positioned right there to capture the 'surprise' offer.
    Just like any ongoing series show, plotlines are laid out well in advance. No question, that was classic soap opera tearjerker stuff at its best.

    So now somehow they have to wrap this storyline up. But it still has its ratings value while they drag it out. Will Meri do in-vitro? Will she NOT do it??
    Will Kody turn on Meri if she doesn't??? Will Robyn turn on Meri if she doesn't??
    Will they find that Meri has no viable eggs??

    As for Meri and Kody, I still say that Meri knew that she had married a guy who would not be satisfied with just her. And since Janelle claims that they both had discussed adding women to their scene in front of her... *she being a non-plyg woman and Meri also not raised as a plyg* wonders if Meri and Kody were just a bit...uhh..'quirky' to start with.

    Sorry..didn't mean for this post to be an epistle !! Just got on a roll.
    These Kody Klowns will do that to you. :-((

    1. Omg, right on. I noticed that at the very beginning with robchin and "t". Then I noticed important is her all time favorite word, with kody a close second. Loved your post!!

    2. you know Amused, I've never really liked Janelle. For instance, Kody's Lexus. There was a lot of questions of why a man with 3 wives (at that time- season 1 pre-marriage to Robyn) and 12 soon tobe 13 children would need a sports convertible that cost $60K when the wives were driving old junkers. Next thing you know, there's a segment with Janelle dismissing the controversy by saying "I don't know what the big deal is" with the explanation "..Kody needed the car for his business and we got the car cheap" (or words to that effect). How did they get that car "cheap"? Did it fall off the Lexus truck and Kody just happened to be standing there and drove off with it? Nope, ain't believing that one. And he was selling signs, for goodness sakes! I think maybe they got an advance for doing the show and Kody spent it on that car - so he'd have an image of being a groovy dude with a neat-o sportscar who's got three wives and is courting a 4th!

      Then we find out she was married to Meri's brother and got divorced. And of course, that her mother Sheryl is Kody's father's 3rd wife. I think if she had been born 20 years earlier, she would have been a flower child living in a commune somewhere.

    3. I think Kody and Janelle make great partners in crime. I do think she's his closest friend from all the wives. I also think Janelle ain't stupid and will help Kody spin what needs to be spun to keep the gravy train gong.

    4. CJ and H2O, I agree with you both.

      I have never really liked Janelle either. There is something 'sly' about her. She hangs back and never seems to speak up except to validate him much differently from the way that Meri and Witchy Poo do it. Where they pay homage to Kodyboy in a sycophant, adoring way, Janelle simply does damage control.

      The Lexus bit was hard to believe even way back at the beginning. Janelle, the family's 'finite resources' expert, was rationalizing such an expensive and ridiculously impractical car as if he needed it. She was fronting for Kody even back then and continues to.
      Yes, like a partner in crime.

      Not willing to say that she is smart, as much as she is on the same page as Kody about keeping the gravy train rolling with as little real effort as possible.
      I think they both are inherently okay with dulplicity. That is part of their connection.

    5. Boy did you ever nail it with the absent "t" Amused. All I kept thinking was it's a good think Kody's name isn't Kodtex, although that would be suitable for the dbag. Heads up TLC! I've just thought of a new endorsement deal for Kody. Why not approach the lady that made the CreaClip? They could do a special version for Kody, appropriately named KrodyKlip? He could do infomercials showing how, with the help of Robchin, he gets that perfect "dutch boy sans bangs" hairstyle all from the comfort of home.

    6. I had known my husband for months before we were engaged, but didn’t really know him until we lived together. So the difference is in the words “known” and “really know”. Again, it’s a “difference without a distinction”.

      Also, can anyone who has read the book or otherwise knows verify for me (though I intuitively know already): Janelle is not a firstborn. She is likely second with a younger sibling or somewhere in the middle if there were more than three sibs.

      She’s defending him because it’s her nature. Blame birth order or nature, but it’s in her soul to be the explainer, the one to empathize, see both sides, try to find middle ground, help people to see and understand, but never or rarely speak up for herself.

    7. Amused, I had known my husband for months before we were engaged, but didn’t really know him until we lived together. So the difference is in the words “known” and “really know”. It seems to be a “difference without a distinction”.

      Also, can anyone who has read the book or otherwise knows verify for me (though I intuitively know already): Janelle is not a firstborn. She is likely second with a younger sibling or somewhere in the middle if there were more than three sibs.

      She’s defending him because it’s her nature. Blame birth order or nature, but it’s in her soul to be the explainer, the one to empathize, see both sides, try to find middle ground, but never or rarely speak up for herself. I know that can seem as sly from some perspectives, but I think it’s just the role of peacemaker she’s always filled. Instead of speaking up and demanding more from Kody when they were first married, she backed away and rationalized it in her head.

      She must be a middle child.

    8. Allyn,
      Respecting your opinion !!! :-))

      However, my issue was more with the contradictions in Janelle's and Kody's couch chat.

      True, true....what couple really knows the inner dynamics of the spouse at first glance or first month of marriage?? Very few !! Nothing earth-shattering about that revelation.

      But then why say "we have known each other for ages" ?? That statement suggested a familiarity that should have inspired something other than simply adding a new wife and bed-mate to the mix.
      Really, what WAS her motivation as a recent divorcee to then dive right into a marriage with the husband of her former sister-in-law, into a lifestyle that she knew nothing about AND....admittedly did not feel the romantic "glow" for, or from, the man??
      To then admit that their relationship/marriage was something other than 'romantic' *all these years* is just an invitation for viewers to think about the SIX children conceived in this *romantically un-evolved* relationship.

      As for her peacemaker MO based on being a middle child....again respecting your supposition....
      But I am also a middle child, as is my husband. We both call it like we see it. ***shrug***
      Not sure if Janelle being a middle child (and is that documented?) is why she is the way she is.

      These folks choose to say what they do. No one is forcing them. But they also need to realize that if they are giving background on themselves, *publicly,* it should at least be consistent.

    9. Amused,

      Only she can answer your question regarding her motivation, but if she had been attracted to him, or even only felt happywarmfriendly feelings towards him while in an unhappy or unsatisfying or complicated marriage while simultaneously moving towards a different faith and moving in a very small world, I can see someone jumping from one marriage into the next w/o spending enough time with the how-do-you-dos.

      I’m a younger sib from a dominant-female family and I have three girls so I’m really interested in mitigating sibling effects. You’re right - not everything is determined by your birth order, obviously (or else we’d have about three types of people).

      Right now I’m reading a book called The Sibling Effect by Jeffrey Kluger. I don’t agree with every conclusion he comes to based on the studies he cites, and sometimes I go into a panic “am I failing my kids and are they doomed to follow this pattern?!?!?”, but for the most part it’s good (if panic-inducing) reading.

      So personalities vary SO much, and depend on so many factors, and I don’ have a degree based on sibling research and I don’t know Janelle well enough (of course) to be able to explain her demeanor… I’m just guessing that she’s a middle because she fits the stereotype so well.

      “if they are giving background on themselves, *publicly,* it should at least be consistent.”


      So right.

    10. I'm pretty sure Janelle was an only child early on (her father died when she was an infant) and has a younger, half-sister by the step father who raised her. Of course, she has 17 step-siblings, including her husband.

    11. My parents used to live in Utah/Idaho and say dropping middle Ts is common for that area.

  16. Oh, and before I forget, for those of you that read twitter, have you noticed that Meri, Janelle, Christine and Robyn now have the "verified profile" check mark next to their name, but Kody does not for some reason.

  17. Checking, looking, not finding the happy couple here. There are four of them, although the guy is in all of them, but none of them have that easy joy and partnership that I see in a marriage. Can't find it here, nope, and while I'm neither a scent nor a sighthound, I'm pretty good at finding stuff. Will notify the Mastiff, the Corgi, the schnauzer, and others heck, even the cat, but don't think they will be successful either.

    1. Sorry, my dachshund pal does all my sniffing for me. All I do is bark and drool. I think Robyn and Kody are "the happy couple" for now, but that will start going downhill soon if it hasn't already for the obvious reasons others have stated.

      Note to TLC: this show is too boring to watch. I just read CJ's reviews thus far this season.

    2. I agree Austin. The season has been a yawner but I DO hope it continues. I confess I do like me a train wreck and the analysis on this blog of the relationships is great entertainment. Kind of like when the boat sunk for Kate Plus 8 :)

      (I have a dachshund too, love the little character!)


  18. I'm very surprised that Kody and the wives haven't found a builder in Nevada to build them a huge house with lots of bedrooms, baths, family rooms, and kitchens! They are become frustrated, especially their children, having to live separately. I'm also surprised that all the builders in Nevada haven't knocked on one of their doors to build them their home. They are spending millions looking for 3 or 4 homes ... come on, Kody ... get that family under one roof!

    1. I thought Kody said there was an ordinance restricting the number of kitchens...Anyone remember why 4 houses instead of a big house (besides the wives wanting their own space)

    2. Well builders like to get paid and with their credit history I would say they would be a bad risk!

      Cynical Jinx I think you remember right. I'm guessing if you have 4 kitchens in one home it would have to be zoned multi-dwelling and would be required to have fire walls so it would end up being apartments or a quadplex.

      I think the other issue would be resell. In southern Utah a Plyg designed home could be resold, probably not in LV. Most LV residents are not into communal living.

    3. Karjomack, I have fantasized about the Brown's crying: "Bus Driver, move that bus!" :-)

    4. They haven't been spending millions...what they (or at least, K&R) want is millions. And to have a house custom-built for them from the ground up would be even more expensive. Contractors, architects, etc are gonna want upfront money - they have employees that need to get paid. Kody isn't Bill Gates - I would bet that one reason builders haven't been approaching them is that they know the $$$ just ain't there. TLC is not gonna buy the Browns housing - they're a business entity, owned by shareholders, not a charity. If the browns want a free house, then maybe they need to make up a sob story for Extreme Makeover (is that show still on...?)

      Also re: Janelle...I'm really starting to rethink if she's all THAT smart. Booksmart - maybe to a point. Street smart? Jury's out. I think it's because she tends to be quiet and soft spoken (in comparison to the others) that makes her appear smart. To me it just screams "downtrodden", "put upon" and "low self esteem".

  19. Everytime Robyn opens her mouth I fall asleep. Also except for Christine this has nothing to do with religion for the rest of them it's simply their lifestyle. When they say things like our beliefs blah blah blah I really think they're only talking about their own personal values not their religion which I don't believe they care all that much about. That whole fundamentalist group they associate with is just gross to me. There's a reason it's illegal and it should stay that way. I don't agree in religious relativity something are just wrong.

  20. I've been meaning to write a bit about Meri from my own perspective as a person who struggled with miscarriages. I remember when I went through this (over 30 years ago) it was painful to go to baby showers, hearing any kind of pregnancy announcements (especially in my own extended family) and that pain caused me to feel "less than". I think this is what Meri went through. To her the ease that Janelle and Christine had babies was probably like a knife in her heart and she had a constant reminder since they lived with her. In her culture, where having babies is the highest calling for a woman I'm sure she felt like a failure and this made her bitter and angry. I feel bad for her that this is being brought up again, to live through on TV. I very much doubt it was her choice.

    For me, it took me years to get over not having kids (Sammy is a big white Samoyed dog) and I still have a tender spot that was poked when I found out my ex had grandchildren.

    I so hope for her sake she doesn't go through with the surrogacy (I don't think she will).

    1. Sammymom---Thank you for sharing something so personal and painful. You make an excellent point. As much as I don't get much of what happens in this family, the pain of miscarriage is universal and this lifestyle w/the others all popping out endless numbers of babies and in a religion that considers childbearing a mark of holiness/superiority, it must be even worse. Add to that an unfeeling husband and the emotional maturity of a turtle...could explain a lot.

  21. CJ-thanks for scouring the web! I love having one place and like minded folks here!

    First, why does Mother Perfect get to say, "No more wives!" when Christine sure as heck didn't get to put her foot down and be the last wife? Well, I know why Robyn gets to say it, but I just had to point it out.

    I like Christine as she's really the only one who calls King Kody on his crap on a regular basis. Do you think she throws it in his face that without her "bloodline" to legitimize his polygamy that he just appears to be a guy who made a loose belief system up to support his narcissism? I mean, WE all know that but I hope she throws her pedigree in his face every time he tries to belittle her. Go Princess AUB!

    Princess and Janelle-I hope you both get realtor's licenses and when the market picks up, I hope you two are able to break free. I would hope Christine's family would back her as it has to be obvious to them that their daughter married a man who doesn't follow their faith only the lifestyle somewhat. Anyone know how Christine's family's sect views divorce in her situation?

    Regarding Robun's pronunciations-the hillbillies in my area speak like that when they come down into the city, too. Quick flashback to Sol's birth- remember when they hadn't cut the cord yet and stated they were waiting to keep Sol connected because "cord blood is good stuff" to which Kody agreed. I laughed so hard as they clearly had no clue why cord blood was beneficial or when! Just like Dr. Robyn is convinced and preaches how SHE is(the only one willing) offering to end Meri's infertility woes by donating her uterus never thinking that Meri's problem has not proven to be the inability of her uterus to carry a baby. In fact, conception, evidenced by the fact she has only been pregnant twice(lol despite intercourse timing not being a problem) along with a baby not able to live to term is what we've been told is the issue. Robyn honey, your womb is not magic.

    So even though Meri really doesn't seem to want a pregnancy this far in life, besides ratings and storyline, Meri does gain a lot of attention for pretending to be interested in infertility treatment. Kody is with her for appointments maybe even on other wives' days.

    Again, has anyone figured out why David's name was changed to Dayton or as Robun says, Dayen? Driving me nuts! Also, do you suppose Kody is taking that poor baby Truely's hair and gluing it on his own as his falls out? That might explain why she appears to be still bald, lol.

    1. Think Da-un is a mix of David and whatever the boy's middle name was. She dumped "David" because it was her ex's name and the poor Robbing couldn't deal with his son being called by it any more. Poor kid!

    2. The fact that the Allreds and Jessops are the big names in AUB is even irritating to AUB members. There is always the sense that they somehow feel they are better, and that their kids get cut a lot more slack when they get into trouble. Kody was obviously social climbing to a degree - not that it has done him much good because his own leaders are not thrilled with what he is doing. If he carries on, especially with pretending to back gay marriage, he may end up becoming an independent. As for Christine - Allreds have a really BIG problem finding someone they aren't related to, so members are always thrilled when fresh blood turns up (not that there haven't been cases of cousins "marrying") As for Janelle - that she would get into a relationship without love is plain sick. And Robbing - didn't Kody say once that there was a "yuck" factor about the fact she was divorced - what he means is he can't bear the idea that she has slept with another man - really ironic when he can't see how women might feel about their man sleeping with other women.

    3. i think Kody's "yuck" factor had more to do w/taking on Robyn's kids that weren't of his own breeding. Remember Janelle was also divorced and had been Meri's sister-in-law (talk about a yuck factor) but just didn't bring another man's offspring into the equation.

  22. These people drive me NUTS!June 8, 2012 at 11:10 AM

    There is something creepy weird about the way Robyn looks at Kody... she is enthralled with watching him talk. She feeds his ego! If you think about it she's smart, she keeps him happy with the wide eyed "your my god" stares and the "always honeymoon" crap. She agrees with everything he says and is the epitome of "keep sweet the man is a god " belief they have. She knows that he isn't getting that from the others. And he loves it.

    1. Just remember, women in AUB and in polygamy in general have no overt power - they're living in male-dominated societies. The only way they can get influence is through manipulation. I know women like this who fawn on their man's every word, constantly ego stroking and building him up. These are the women with the most power because the asinine men listen to the opinions of these women first and tend to go along with them

    2. it is clear this lifestyle teaches and condones passive/aggressive manipulative behavior. it become a sanity survival tool. so unhealthy.

    3. Totally agree, anon!!!

  23. Both Janelle and Christine say they didn’t ‘really know’ Kody until after they married him. They said it in different ways but they both said it. I think this means they thought they were marrying a fun-loving yet spiritually gifted man and then ended up with well…Kody. I have said before that there is plenty of evidence that Kody may very well have a very different personality than the one he shows to the public. I think behind the scenes he can be a scary and domineering husband and father. If living this life was so wonderful and ‘right’ why did Janelle say that she was frankly surprised they made it through. Reading the book will give everyone the real reason, it was Meri and her horrible treatment of Janelle. Which apparently Kody was ok with since he kept 'telling' Christine that she fell in love with HIM and not the concept of the family. It was me, Christine, you don't know your own feelings! Despite her royal connections, Meri wasn't all that nice to Christine either but I think Christine, having grown up witnessing the sisterwive dynamic was a lot more willing to deal with Meri since this wasn't unusual in her eyes.

    But, on the other hand, CJ, I agree that Janelle is kind of unlikable or especially so this season. She has definitely taken the role as the Kody apologist. There is a part of me that thinks this is the business woman side of her and she wants to portray him in a good light so that viewers won’t think less of them (and in her opinion, watch less and generate less income for them). But there is also the part of me that thinks we all believe Janelle is so smart because the other wives are all uneducated and Janelle just looks good in comparison. And how embarrassing I think it is for both of them that they are so matter of fact that their relationship hasn’t been romantic until recently (which who knows what that means to them)….so the 6 kids were conceived not in love but out of duty and obligation?

    1. Carol, I think a lot of women who grow up in relatively conservative environments (presumably like Janelle's)do not have an expectation of being romanced or feeling emotionally satisfied by their spouses. I am not so old, and when I went to college, we were basically told that we were expected to submit to our husbands, regardless of whether we were feelin' it or not, and that we should be grateful for any man that wants us. This was the same college where certain professors attempted to dissuade girls from using super tampons because they might compromise their virginity. No, it was not the '50s. It was the 90's.

  24. I’ve seen people comment about Kody’s controlling/abusive streak. I just don’t see it, though. He doesn’t seem to be the domineering type.

    He likes orderly and clean homes, but he doesn’t appear to make his wives clean their homes.
    He doesn’t like to be teased, but the wives tease him anyway.
    He wants his kids to get along, but doesn’t get involved when they argue.

    I think he controls not by domination, but by pouting. Maybe I’m projecting, but I am married to a pouter and I totally see it in Kody. He gets stony when Christine says something unflattering, but she still says it. If he were domineering and abusive, she’d likely be more timid about criticizing him. He withdraws and punishes by not talking/engaging. She makes amends by seeking him out, maybe apologizing, making nice until he’s done pouting.

    And Christine’s and Kody’s conversation/argument is a great example of two people talking past each other. I see him trying to say that the relationship between H&W is primary, SW are secondary. She’s saying that if the sister wives hadn’t been there, she wouldn’t have looked twice. Neither seems to be contradicting each other directly, but unable to understand the other’s points.

    BTW CPA Carol, I’ve seen marriages that were right for the people involved. They were friends, the were romantic, they really clicked, but it was/is still a struggle to stay together because life/stress/finances/kids/anger/jealousy/time/attraction/what-have-you often gets into the middle of a great relationship and when you’re in the middle of all that emotion, it can seem like a good idea to bail. That’s a pretty easy sentiment for me to understand.

    And, CPA Carol, I wonder if what you’re seeing and disliking in Janelle is her tendency to want to explain and make peace, to want people to understand. I see that as a second/middle-child trait, or maybe I’m projecting again, since I tend to do that (as I’m sure you can see from this terribly long post defending people I’m not emotionally invested in, but frustrated that they seem so lost).

    Just my $0.02.

    1. "She has definitely taken the role as the Kody apologist."
      CPA Carol,
      I agree !!! Her motivation to do this may stem from a nothing more than fear of the current pot of gold running dry. Understandable, but not digestible for the viewers whose participation is *key* to the pot of gold sustaining itself. That is what happens what your truths turn out to be scripted misrepresentations of truth and your audience isn't buying the product.

      "I see that as a second/middle-child trait, or maybe I’m projecting again, since I tend to do that (as I am sure you can see from this terribly long post defending people I’m not emotionally invested in, but frustrated that they seem so lost)."

      Allyn, I responded to you further up where you addressed this issue with me.
      Many of us are frustrated with these people. But there is a difference between frustration for victims and frustration for those who choose to be victims.
      As I responded further up the blog to you....I am a middle child too, and so is my husband. I also have read about the traits of birth orders.
      However, both of us do not fit the prescribed mold. Neither of us are willing to "make nice" when others are being marginalized or ignored. Nor do we willingly buy into bs. *shrug*
      Love this blog.....because everyone has an opinion. :-)))

  25. I have been reading the book and have also been following along with the blog posts and comments. I didn't realize Janelle had an accounting degree. SO clearly she has job options and can pull in some dough, although not enough to support for the whole gang. Personally, I think they need at least a half dozen wage earners with REAL jobs to keep these people above the poverty line. As long as they rely on the state for food stamps for their kids, NO MORE KIDS!!! No MORE WIVES (who don't have jobs)! Why can't they understand that?

    I was nauseated by the pages Janelle wrote about how GREAT Kody is, and what an awesome involved father he is, blah blah blah. Earlier, I thought she was the smartest one, now I'm not so sure. I understand that she may feel insecure, and think this is the best she can do...WAKE UP GIRL!

    She can fool herself but does she think the majority of people are buying this crap? Maybe the viewer audience can stage an intervention. I know that's another show, but I think it could work...I mean I get how she wants to keep the image up so that they keep collecting their paychecks, but something REAL needs to actually happen on this show, instead of all this dumb stuff they are showing. Like the hiking, painting of the Valentine's Day car, paint balling, the fertility doctors, etc. B-O-R-I-N-G!

    We all know there is some WAY more interesting stuff going on behind the scenes. Clearly Meri is quite a vixen from what can be gathered from Janelle's writing in the book. Plus Christine validates that as well, cuz she had a huge fight too with Meri and how Meri was treating her kids differently than the others.

    They must have written agreement rights to squash anything that makes them appear anything other than the Brady Bunch. Right? No family is all rainbows and lollipops, and this family is no exception. Yet that's mostly what we see. TLC is acquiescing to what they are allowing to be shown. I think TLC should play up the TRUTH of the situation, not the sanitized version that we see. Plus, methinks a battle is brewing between Queen Meri v. Princess Robyn.

    I think we're due for some REAL stuff leaking out soon just like it did with the Gosselins. It's just a matter of time.

    1. "I think we're due for some REAL stuff leaking out soon just like it did with the Gosselins. It's just a matter of time."

      I can't wait :)


  26. The couple's discussion has sparked a couple of questions foe me.
    Is this lifestyle, AUB, something that requires regular attendance in church? Can they "practice" the religion w/o the church family and continuous prophetic instruction?
    If they're not actively taking the kids to church, it seems so hypocritical. Here they "expose" themselves to educate ppl about the joys of this lifestyle and supposedly to give a little glory to God while they're at it but yet for at least a few yrs, I haven't seen or heard of them having any spiritual instruction beyond the couple of living room sessions.
    If it's such an integral part of their life why don't we see it?
    Why do we only see the glitter of madcap zany adventures or depressing dysfunction?
    How do they genuinely expect any of those kids under teenage yrs to understand the "life"..the life to them has been not really any different than school friend with divorced parents . The life to them must feel like a confusing game where the rules change often. One big family who choose to live apart, choose to live far away from friends and church.
    Maybe they go to church all the time but they don't act like it nor do they give a very good testimony of their faith so I'd say they do not go often.
    How can you have a tv show based on your religion yet you rarely go to church?

  27. I don't see a controlling/abusive streak either. He does whatever the women want, to a fault. He didn't defend Janelle against Meri because he is a wuss who didn't want to get involved. If he was abusive, he would have ordered Janelle to stay in their home and Meri to chill out. He didn't.

    The other situations people have pointed to in support of him being abusive don't jive either. Like when he was shoveling the snow and said to Christine that she was supposed to get one of the kids to do it. She makes a smart-ass response, which is not consistent with someone being abused. I agree he pouts his way through.

    From everything I've seen on FDLS, he also appears to be a catch in the AUB. He was working when the first three married him; he was their age, not 20 years older; and I'm sure he was charming in that sociopathic way.

    1. I have a relative in an abusive relationship and she says all sorts of things to her husband in front of people. He bites his tongue but the minute people leave and that door closes it's show time. He calls her fat and any profane word in the book. He also takes it out on their kids verbally and physically. In fact, once he pointed a gun in their son's face. You would never guess this was their situation based on what you see on the surface. But let me tell you kody brown is a far worse actor than my relative's spouse so you can see the reactions he tries to suppress the expressions the other wives get on their faces, etc.
      Abuse also happens in a patterned cycle. Good times, eggshells, explosion, apology, victim forgives aggressor, and cycle begins again. Abuse can be mental through manipulation by making you feel guilty. It is always your fault not theirs. Every notice all of the wives fail to fault him for things. Kody didn't mean to, it was a misunderstanding, he didn't know, blah, blah, blah.
      And him calling Hunter a monster or whatever on national television isn't even the worst of what he's called that poor boy. Can you imagine the things he's said to him when the cameras aren't rolling?

    2. "and I'm sure he was charming in that sociopathic way."

      "Ted Bundy was an intelligent good looking man, many of his victims did not fear or question him because he did not look like a "monster" and was charismatic. Serial Killers come in all shapes and sizes, do not be fooled by charisma, charm, and attractiveness. "

  28. Don't waste money on the Brown's book - you can read a chunk of it online at
    Just copy and past this into your address bar.

    What struck me in the first few pages is how entirely dishonest these people are about their religious beliefs. Kody says that "too many people...imagine that their beliefs, their doctrines, and their rituals are the only way to know God or to be saved." Sorry Kody, if you are a temple going AUB member, which I know you are - this is nonsense. Your religion teaches that there is only one true religion, and that you have to jump through a lot of particular hoops to see and live with God - these include polygamy and special ordinances and rituals. Sure you believe that some people will get to lesser heavens - but only the elite, "called" to live polygamy like you and your women, will get to super-heaven and be in the presence of God. It's only too clear that you want to appear like a super tolerant and liberal individual when in fact you have very fixed beliefs about religion - either that or you are on your way out of AUB and making it all up as you go along - in which case why live polygamy at all? - Seems like that's the only important part of your religion - Wonder why? At any rate, your public persona is mega hypocritical.

    1. rofl FreeandClear. I was just thinking about ordering the book today to download via pc kindle but wondered if there was a way to "peek" at it without buying it. First time commenter but have been following this blog for a few months. I'm going to finish reading the comments and then I'd like to present a few of my own. Thank you again :)

    2. Thanks for the free link FreeandClear :D's already being made free to the public online? Guess that means,sales weren't that profitable as they hoped or expected.

  29. Thanks for that link, FreeAndClear. :)

    OMG, I just read the beginning, and cannot believe that Kody's "what-I-love-about-each-wife" descriptions are the EXACT same as what he said on the Q&A last week. He can't come up with more than one thing?!

    1. And how about Kody saying "There is no room for ego in plural marriage" Please!!! Oh, but wait ... he must be talking about the women.

    2. lol--the irony--also, as if there IS room in monogamous marriages for ego?! These people annoy me when they act like they are the experts on monogamous relationships. Oh, wait-- Kody and Meri *were* in a monogamous marriage--so everything they say against them was true for them, then? (rhetorical question, of course--and sarcastic) ;)

  30. Anyone notice that Christine & Robyn said EXACTLY the same thing about not only wanting the man but the family? However, Kody jumped all over Christine and insisted the H&W relationship is first and foremost yet he didn't say a thing when Robyn said basically the same exact thing! Oh yea, Christine is in the doghouse lately and Robyn is the current favorite.

    I don't think Kody is abusive or mean behind the camera either - I agree that Christine, Janelle & Meri would never get away with the teasing that they do if there were consequences. Just like he can't handle his children arguing he probably doesn't know what to do with a woman either (except for the sex, he's got that part down pat huh?)

    Totally agree about Kody and Janelle having sex for years for the sole obligation to producing children - did they ever stop to think what says to their children????? Children should be a product of love and be their OWN parents, not bonus mothers.

    I wonder if Kody encouraged Robyn to make the surrogate offer on camera because it makes it that much harder for Meri to turn down? Perhaps this was Kody & Robyn's little secret plan (as they seem to have many of those). The look on Kody's face 2 years ago in Mexico when Meri said "no" says a lot. He was NOT happy. Also, what did Meri mean when she said at that time she had to get her life back in order before she could even think about in-vitro??

    I wish they would build a big house for all of them - it doesn't have to have 4 separate kitchens, it could designed as one big one with separate "areas" within it or multiple appliances. That and a dining room could be a common area for gathering. Oh wait, they don't want to live together anymore. Hmmmmmm

    1. I agree. One big house with a common kitchen/dinning room (Duggar Style) build shared bedrooms for the older girls/boys and shared bedrooms for the younger ones. Each wife a bedroom and a Den for each wife to have private time and a 4-5 bathrooms. But the truth if they will probably end up back in the old house in Utah with a trailer pulled in the back yard for Robyn once the TLC money stops.

    2. So sad--I wondered about Meri saying that, too. They all really are such liars about their "happiness"...

    3. Bama the one big communal family arrangement seems best if they truly wanted to live as a family. At this point, how could they ever go back to that life style? They have had brand new homes, space apart from petty grievances and kids that have been learning that they don't need to live together, share bathrooms, share food, etc.
      And Kody! How would he ever return to a lifestyle where he is forced to interact with his clan every single day? Apart from any filming going on, he would return to the relative obscurity of Utah life? How will they mingle with fellow AUB nobodies? How will mitigate their views on the gay lifestyle and the negative (in my mind anyway) spotlight on the religion?
      I can't see it happening...ever.

  31. Interesting discussion as always.

    I was watching the first season of "Big Love" on HBO. I can see why the Brown's appealed to TLC since at least on the surface, there is a lot of commonality with the Hendricksons. I vaguely remember that Sister Wives was on just before Big Love the last season it was on.

    So the first wife can't have more children. (At least Barb had a hysterectomy so it was definite she couldn't have more children.) Nicki was the polygamy princess and Margene was the trophy wife. Lots of similarities with the Browns.

    TLC made a little slip on the husband since there is little about Kody that in any way reminds me of Bill. As wealthy as the Hendrickson's supposedly were, they never took off on separate wives vacations.

    I expect the show will be cancelled soon. There is just not enough there to hold interest, especially since these people aren't wrestling with big issues or having any honest dialogue. It would be intriguing to see what would happen if Janelle and Christine decided to move back to Utah without the other three. Now that might be worth watching. I'd still like to see Christine and Janelle liberate themselves and their children from this insane situation.

  32. Well they only need 3to toasters!

    1. ROTFLMAO!!!!! That was funny Anon!

  33. I also agree with the posters who don't believe Cody is abusive. I've seen no evidence of that. His children are not afraid of him, his first three wives give him plenty of crap that an abusive man wouldn't stand for. I think Kody basically just wants to be the center of attention always. He may be a narcissist or at least lean heavily that way.

  34. I think Robyn is as bat-shit as they come, but I still respect the lifestyle of this family and their choices.

    They still have fewer children than the Duggers, people.

    Have they done things I disagree with? Absolutely. (See: welfare fraud). Do I understand their religion? No. (But then again, I drink my God's blood every week at who am I to judge!?)

    This blog used to allow for my differences of opinion. But now it just seems like snark for snark's sake. And anyone who has a differing opinion is immediately shot down.

    1. "And anyone who has a differing opinion is immediately shot down."

      My opinion differs from yours in that I do not respect this family's lifestyle.

      Also, the Duggars were financially sound (no public assistance, no bankruptcies) prior to their reality show, even though they had more children than the Browns. I would be curious to hear your explanation of how that is possible?

    2. Hi Anony 10:27....
      I think at times we put our own spin on things when we read them (I've been guilty of it) and might take things a bit different than the poster intended. I think with any blog there are going to be those who strongly voice their opinion. However, what I see mostly on here (and I think CJ does a very good job at monitoring the activity) is some very great comments by people giving their take on the show. I have seen great adult discussions between people who don't agree, but still are very kind to one another. Speaking for no one but myself, since I started coming to this blog, my feelings have changed on the family. Not meaning the blog changed my feelings, I mean that the show has peeled back layers and you see more of the "reality" of what this family is truly about. I think that is why there are more strong opinions on the board about the family, vs the initial curiosity that comes in the beginning of anything. I swore when I saw the first commercials for the show, that I would never watch it. Then I got sucked in because I wanted to understand.

      You are very right, that we should allow others to live within the legal confines of life. I think where people's outrage comes in, is because they are doing things that are not right (as you stated, welfare fraud). I guess it's hard for some people to not be passionate about their dislike of certain things because of the lies the family seems to portray, and the fraud that they have committed. I know for me, it's hard to sit back and watch people abuse the system (any people....not just meaning the Browns) and not feel upset by it. During my first marriage, after 17 years I had to make the decision to leave it, due to my ex husbands actions. After counseling and knowing he was not going to get better, I pulled the plug. He went off the deep end and without going into detail, I literally became a single mother over night. I had worked hard my entire life...since an early age...had no debt, and yet I couldn't even get reduced lunches at the school to help me through a tough time. So our own life experiences can sometimes dictate our reaction to things we learn about this family.

      I don't agree with the Duggars reproduction beliefs. However, the difference I feel towards the Duggars is the same exact feelings Anon 1:49 has. They are one of the most financially sound families I have ever seen. They have a very civilized system in their home, etc.. Do I think they should have more babies. Absolutely not. I think Mrs. Duggars body (judging by the outcome of the last two pregnancies where one baby passed and one was born with great complications) is telling her to stop. However, they are not abusing the system, they can afford to feed another mouth from what I have seen, and so I respect their rights. The difference with the Browns, is they have no jobs (besides their show), they have lived off of the system and abused it when they are all capable of working, and they can't afford their lifestyle and yet they want to add more children, etc.. So that's where I lose the respect for their choices.

      Also, I had someone snap at me on here, but I just chalk it up to me hitting a sore spot (which has happened to me before in life...and I am sure I didn't react as well as I probably could have). I think that's the great thing about this blog, is getting to read everyone's insight...whether I agree or not.

    3. @Anon 1:49 the Duggars are wealthy people (also involved with a shady "wealth building system" which takes advantage of the faithful of their own religious tradition--worse than welfare fraud, if you ask me). They claim their house and land as a family church, thereby evading taxes. And they live in one of the cheapest places in America to live. I think they--and all their crazy Quiverful friends are just as bad as the Browns and the AUB. They also twist the Bible and take verese out of context to justify everything that anyone objects to--Browns:Duggars=6 on hand:1/2 dozen on the other. Incidentally, the support groups which cater to runaway women from both of these groups are often connected to one another.

    4. "They claim their house and land as a family church, thereby evading taxes. "

      If they are claiming an exemption on their taxes then is only "evading taxes" if they do not meet the legal criteria of the exemption they claim (a fact, regardless of whether one agrees with their church, or any church).

      Disclaimer: I am not a proponent of the Duggars or the full quiver movement.

    5. Anon 11:45 By that token, Kody dividing which of his kids are his dependents, and which arent' is equal--they meet the legal criteria, since Chritine claims hers as being her dependents, she meets the criteria for the welfare taxe exemptions that she claims as a single mother of six dependents. Same thing.

    6. "welfare tax exemptions"

      So I googled that phrase and what came up was a california law having to do with property taxes. How is that relevant to the Browns?

    7. I believe she is referring to eic which the browns can exploit legally.

    8. EIC is a refund of taxes paid by those that quailify for the Earned Income Credit.

      EIC is different from actual Welfare programs such as Medicaid, Foodstamps, General Welfare Payments, or special payments for Pregnant Mothers.

      I am guessing that the Duggars have not used any of the above government subsidies.

    9. anon 5:12 was me--I clicked wrong spot sorry. I meant welfare/tax exemptions--as in "and/or" either of 2 different categories--just forgot the back-slash Sorry for the confusion. I consider them to be similar ways of manipulating the system is what I meant to say.

  35. " As wealthy as the Hendrickson's supposedly were, they never took off on separate wives vacations. "

    I think the reason for that was:
    Two college aged kids ( I remember Barb telling Sarah they had only saved up enough for an in-state school)
    Three separate mortgages-in a nice neighborhood- with only 1/4 able bodied adults working (at least at the start of the series)
    Floundering businesses (lost the stores, casino, and Margene's business at the end of the series)
    Nikki racking up $60,000 in debt
    Bill's legal fees (final season)

    As far as "reality" (Browns) v. fiction (Big Love), the adults in Big Love, a fictional show did a great deal more to show adults at least trying to put effort into solving their money probs.
    Six kids

  36. Hi CJ my name is Mary i been commenting on this blog for about 2 months, been reading it for about a year. I love it I just wanted to complement you on such a well run blog & well taken care of. Very entertaining by you & other posters. Just want to say thanks keep up the great work. You do more work on this blog then Kody does all year if we knew what he did

  37. Just saw a new video preview for Sunday's show with kody's brothers in town over on RadarOnline. They seem to get most of the exclusive sneek peaks, prob. because they pay for stories.

  38. Reading more of the sneak-peek of their book, and wow, I tell ya. Kody describes all of his family, including himself, as chaste. He is in no way chaste while having sex with four women. It just amazes me, how these people believe their own lies.

    1. World English Dictionary
      chastity (ˈtʃæstɪtɪ)

      1. the state of being chaste; purity
      2. abstention from sexual intercourse; virginity or celibacy: a vow of chastity

      [C13: from Old French chasteté, from Latin castitās, from castus chaste ]
      I don't think it's lies, so much as total ignorance of the meanings of common words. LOL

  39. "I didn't know you were complicated until we were married." Remove complicated and insert spoiled, whiny, egotistical, immature, lazy, selfish and stupid and you have the real picture Christine. You are stuck with a loser.

    And please fix those sideburns ~ they're killing me!

  40. A few of the big differences I see between the Duggar's and the Browns is 1. You see Michelle and the girls shopping for food in bulk and also cooking Most of their meals, occasionally you see them at a fast food restaurant, but mostly they eat at home as a family. 2. They shop and spend very frugally, they shop at thrift stores and goodwill. They say they buy used and save the difference. You see the laundry room and all the clothes are hung according to size, so any of the kids can wear anything that fits. We even saw Anna buying her baby stuff at the goodwill and a yardsale, what do you want to bet that even though Solomon was baby 17 there was nothing used in his room. And the Biggest difference is at the work ethic, We see all the girls working in the house, and the older boys have jobs or own their own small business (used car lots, wrecker services), Many times they have shown ALL the kids working outside on yard projects or cleaning up rental properties the family owns. I don't agree with either families views on strict religion, but I think the Browns are very lazy. Meri, Christine, Robyn, Janelle...Get a job, Walmart, the supermarket, Mcdonalds, anything. If you all 4 are going to be married to the same deadbeat husband, they ya'll get a job and secure a future for your children. This is advice from a single mother who works a full time job and is back in Nursing School to get a more advanced Nursing degree and pays a LARGE mortgage every month all on my own so that my son will have a better life.

    1. Buy used and save the difference by now is only a slogan for their show - but they did use to live like that.
      Michelle and Jim Bob may be weird and crazy, but they are still living a relatively normal life (there is a LOT of snark on JB and Michelle, don't get me started), while the Kody Brown Circus shows nothing even remotely like a normal life. People like watching people living life, because they can relate to it. People can't relate to Kody going on constant trips, flushing failed business after failed business down the drain, not working and just driving around his 60k lexus/ fugly "company car" from wife to booty call with Robyn to wife....

    2. Linet
      I can tell you that the Duggars did not get rich off of the backs of others. When Jim Bob and Michelle first got married, they both worked their butts off and saved money. They never bought anything on credit and they started investing in land. He says one of the best things to happen to them was when a phone company rented a piece of their land to build a tower. They have real estate and they rent heavy equipment that they have bought over the years. A few years ago, when Arkansas had that horrible ice storm, Jim Bob and his boys used their heavy equipment to help dig out several of their neighbors. I don't know if they claim their house as a church, but I would be surprised. Jim Bob is, if anything, blantantly honest and he would not do anything immoral or illegal. They are a hard working family and are very thrifty and everyone in their community loves them. I teach in NWA and have had relatives and friends of the Duggars in my classes and they all say the same thing and that is they are good people. I see them often in Sams and also around town and they are sweet and kind and shop for bargains. I would never say anything negative about them; even though I am not a fan of having so many kids…they take care of them; they pay their bills; they are not on any social service program; and they are kind and charitable to their neighbors.
      I don't know where you are getting your information about them, but I can tell you that they do not take advantage of other people. They do push for economic freedom from credit, and they do home school their kids, but I don't think they are bad people.

    3. So well said Bamaview...

    4. I didn't say they are bad people, but I see alot of people making them the "Anti-Browns", and I just don't see them that way. They have publically credited freedom from credit with their wealth, and Jim Bob is a featured speaker at their events--I just saw another one on the FFC website last month. It is a predatory system that takes advantage of faithful, ignorant people--the parents of my best friends from high school lost their life savings through FFC. The duggars I am sure are perfectly nice people--I also know several people who know them and think they are the best folks ever. That does not negate the more unsavory aspects of Quiverful and FFC--and they have chosen to be the most public faces of each. They also do not EVER mention any of those unsavory aspects. I am also obviously (and admittedly ) an instigator, and was laying a bit of devil's advocate.

    5. "but I see alot of people making them the "Anti-Browns""

      I think that it is telling that Duggars need not be all that "good" to be seen as miles Better than the Browns. Certainly the Duggars don't need to be perfect to be the Bizzaro World Browns.

    6. What I see as one of the major differences between the Browns and the Duggars is the level of chaos in the Browns' homes vs. the reasonably organized Duggar home. You never see screaming or name calling in the Duggar home. When one of the kids acts out, they are not called Monsters or belittled.

      And, not to get on too much of a Duggar love fest, but I also applaud the fact that the Duggars use their celebrity to bring attention to causes that are important to them and they take time to help others. Even if the Browns don't have jobs, they've got enough able bodies to go out and clean up a park or staff a soup kitchen for a day, but they don't.

  41. Hi Mods, I'm not sure where to leave this comment, so I'll leave it here. I love this blog, apparently like so many others. It makes me laugh. It also helps me to know that I'm not crazy because apparently many people see the Browns the same way that I do.

    Anyways, I'm leaving this comment because I have been reading through the comments and noticed that there were a few really bad cuss words on here. Now, I know it's your blog and you can publish what you want. I know it's for the 18+ crowd and that disclaimer is clearly stated. But can we please refrain from using the p-word. It's so vulgar, and in my opinion - quite unnecessary.

    Just my two cents. Thanks for listening.

    1. I feel a little dumb, but what is the p-word?

    2. Please send me an email, Anon june 10 4:18 am. Thanks!

  42. "Buy used and save the difference by now is only a slogan for their show - but they did use to live like that"

    Whether they do still not an issue to me. They live debt free with a HUGE family! We have 3 kids, have been married 20 years and still have some $10,000 still owing on the mortgage. Whatever the Duggars have done to live as they do admirable.

  43. I think the Duggars coming and showing the Browns how to organize would be a great episode, but I think the Duggars have too much self-respect and morals to visit the Browns. I'm not a fan of the Duggars lifestyle, but I do find some of their frugality(is that a word) very interesting and sometimes very helpful. You would NEVER see the Duggar children misbehaving like the Browns' younger kids do. Yes, Jackson is spirited, but he knows when he has to behave.

    I lOVE how the Duggars have a clothes room with everything organized by size so that hand-me-downs are so easy to find and use. With so many kids in the multiple Brown households, why don't we see this? We see them shopping at used furniture stores, great, but I think that's for our benefit since the viewers have complained about their spending. Do they think used furniture makes us think the rest of the spending is OK?

    Those people are the worst cooks, too. Everything they cook is processed, fatty, garbage. The only healthy cooking I've seen on the show is back in the first episodes in Lehi before THE WEDDING. Meri said that Mariah likes to eat with Christine for many reasons including that shes doesn't like Meri's food. I think Meri was cooking some asparagus while she said this. Meri said something about the healthy food she liked to eat was not liked by others. Meri, what happened girlfriend? And why did you allow your daughter to get so large when you knew how to cook healthy food? Christine and Kody-fish stick tacos? Is that the fine Mexican cuisine that Kody likes so much? I'd be afraid to find out what the restaurants they eat are like if they think this is good food.

    Back to blue bloods. I don't want to see Kody's family. I want to see Christine's. Let's get an episode where we visit polygamy royalty in their fiefdom!

    1. I am totally amazed at just how unorganized the Browns are when compared to the Duggars. And you are right, it was sickening watching that video of Christine making the fish stick tacos dinner - featuring fall colors of tan, orange, and yellow. All processed foods!

      Doesn't look like their Op Detox supplements are doing this bunch any good.

  44. An interesting tidbit...I was telling a friend about the Brown's website and went to send her the link. The site has been suspended. Anybody know what is up with that?

    It had a message that if you are the owner of the website to contact technical support immediately. Hmmmm.....

    1. Yep, CJ mentioned it in another topic, & I went to the website as well & got the same thing o_O
      I did Google frequently asked questions & came up w/ this...I'm not sure if this is the same Website company they're using, but it sorta explains the Owner Please contact technical support message across the screen:
      *If the account is disabled for Policy Violation, you will see a message that tells you to contact Technical Support. They can explain the violation & get you info so that you can be complian with our Acceptable Use Policy. It is important that your account does not negatively affect other accounts in our environment.

      *If account is disabled for Non-Payment you will be taken to a screen that will allow you to settle the outstanding balance, which will automatically enable your account at the time of payment.

  45. Ok, I peeked at the book. YUCK. I like Kody Brown even less now. I do have a few comments about the wives:

    Meri: I like Meri. I don't know whether she is mean to the other "wives" or not. What I feel is that she is more real than the other 3.

    Janelle: Kody doesn't like her in a romantic way (who would?). She needs to bail. She will never be satisfied w/Kodster because he will never be satisfied w/her.

    Christine: TRAIN WRECK. She needs mental health intervention. She is in "love" with Kody but Kodster only loves himself.

    Robyn: I can't stand her. I think she will be the "demise" of this family (if they ever were one).

    Kudos on this blog. Thanks for the fun :)

  46. Kody, please please don't ever ride "bitch" again on a bike. It is practically a cardinal sin to do soand very unmanly. Only in extreme circumstances would it be ok such as a bike breaking down.
