Monday, June 25, 2012

5. Newest Comment Area for Sunday's Shows

"I just fell in love, and then I fell in love again," Kody says. "And then I fell in love again."Riiiiggght.

Kody the BUZZKILL SERENDIPITY NOT decides to say that he wasn't in love with Janelle or Christine when marrying them. 
When your self esteem is battered daily, it take a toll. Having your faith say you must remain married to him to have him call you to your "celestial kingdom" must be a mind blower.

But on the bright side, the kids loves the food!!!

That, and other burning questions Like, what's up with Robyn being OK with a 5th wife now, or where did she get those fabulous purple socks, still have my thoughts churning. Will they be online for sale soon?

WHAT are your thoughts. More discussion space below until the BIG REVIEW!~


  1. In response to "HOPEFULS" last post on previous blog:....
    And, it is weird cuz I faintly remember them talking about how he doesn't like "skinny" girls on a previous episode..does anyone recall that. And, I really don't want to be "mean" but Robyn is just BIZARRE! I don't see how she is supposedly his "sex symbol" wife...The crying, the over the top holier than thou, then the ever so humble servant, gross...its so cheese fake and almost scary like she needs meds! She skeeeeeeves me out more than any of the others including meri!

    1. Couldn't agree with you more!! She is ugly, and emotionally unstable. I think she fake cries all the time..and says and does things for the attention of the camera's. I love Jenelle, and Christine. Meri after seeing some interviews post season have made me question how emotionally stable she is. She seems genuinely mean.

  2. From ROKOSA: (ran out of room on the other post)

    So if he deletes it that means he has to be on there all the time monitoring it... EXHAUSTING! Because I am sure he has been flooded with feedback from last night that I'm sure was less than favorable!And, I'm sure the wives are having to do the same thing. I would think that everyone would be sending them LEAVE KADOUCHE comments like crazy, which brings me to wonder if if all this Reality TV they chose to be a part of will ultimately be the end of this "happy family"... and someone please buy this family some cold sore medicine. Every episode they are scabbing and oozing...heeps me out!

    1. This afternoon I left him a few tweets and only in a few minute time-span he received a ton of tweets, mostly negative and snark. 20 minutes later it was all gone. But that is now. When I tweeted about their bankruptcies it took them 2 days to delete & block.

    2. Yes, yes, they need to buy a vat of abreiva at costco ...watching the marathon leading to season finale was like watching a community of lepers(sp?) the sores just kept rotating around the family. Yuck!

    3. Lobotomized, try your "snipping tool" to capture the tweets when you catch the neg. ones. I believe every windows program has one, hit start, and in the box put snipping tool. You can email us if you need help!

    4. Yes please...snipping tool. :-))

    5. How can the tweets be gone, who would be deleting them?

      Also, I tried to piston the last page that

    6. On your computer. Go to Start. Then, in the "start search" box, type in
      Snipping tool. If you have one, it should show up.

    7. Thanks Mister Sister

      Snipping tool popped up when I went to Start and searched. Now to Tweets, hehe this should be fun.

    8. Kody cannot delete your tweets. He can block them, so that he doesn't see them, but he can't block what other people see. If you want to see what people have tweeted directly to him just search for @realkodybrown. As for what is on their own twitter page, only the tweets he writes himself or the tweets or the ones he retweets will be there. Of course he doesn't retweet mean tweets, even if he was a genious: why would he do that?

    9. @Hepburn...thank you for that explanation...I don't really get twitter. I have a page, but really don't know how it works. I had thought that anything with @realkodybrown showed up on his page automatically, but that is not the case huh...well, that makes more sense cuz I was wondering how the hell they could be keeping up with deleting all the feedback! I'm sure it has to be massive following last night. I mean just look at THIS site here, it's busy and its late on a Monday night! So, times twitter by a thousand! Thanks for the info!

    10. No problem :) You are absolutly right, that would be massive workload to supervise all of those tweets!

    11. Twitter for me is still something strange. I have an account since forever but never use it I don't get what's so cool about it or how it really works.
      Thanks for your explanation.

    12. I dont understand twitter either. I have a page from when i was online gaming but got confused. Im not a bird and i dont tweet. ;)

  3. I'm enjoying this blog. I'm happy I'm not alone in thinking these people are nuts. My number 1 question is...if plural marriage is so awesome, why can they share a husband but not a house? What's with the seperate houses? And why such fancy houses? What's wrong with building another plig house? I also hate how they refer to their family has a 'lifestyle'....its a religion! Nobody (except maybe a 1960s hippie) wakes up one day and says 'gee, I wanna a sister wife!' They look like a big, unhappy family. The cracks are certainly starting to show this season.

    1. They just need to drink the serezen daily.

    2. I'm so glad I found this site. ALL SEASON, I kept thinking one lot, one BIG house and could NOT believe that this option NEVER comes up. I was frustrated waiting for that! And, I have to say, in the beginning I was thinking "this seems to be a nice family and this works for them and who am I to judge how anyone lives their life. While I still believe I am not to judge, I now believe this family IS NOT WHAT they pretend to be. Theres alot of underlying "creepy" under those roofs.

    3. Though they have never mentioned it, there could be zoning issues in Nevada/Vegas that didn't present themselves in Utah. Maybe they are not permitted to have a house with more than one kitchen. (Anyone from NV/Vegas know about this?)

      Or, if not kitchens, then perhaps a house with that many women under one roof is considered a whorehouse. Seriously.

    4. I think it has more to do with Nevada Food Stamps and SNAP Benefits requirements than with any zoning laws or regulations. Check out:

      Go to the Resources section. You will see that only adults over the age of 18 can have a vehicle and it can only have a value under $4,000 or so before it is counted in the household income (which is used to determine how much, if any, benefits you get). That might explain why all the wives drive beaters.

    5. huh...that is interesting..hadn't thought about'd THINK it would have come up on the show. I'd be curious to know if there is a legitimate restriction prohibiting them from doing this, or if the truth is, they bug the crap out of each other and are loving the separation.

    6. I am sure they don't want anyone to know they exist on State and Federal benefits. The backlash would be phenomenal. I doubt the words Food Stamps, Welfare, WIC, SNAP, or any other associated with getting something for nothing would ever be allowed in the script. If a kid or someone accidentally mentioned it on-air, I am sure it would immediately be edited out. I don't recall ever seeing them buy groceries like on the Dugger's show. Could that be because they would be whipping out those State Benefit Cards (EBTs)?

    7. good point anon. I would think groceries would be a huge aspect of a plyg house. I remember they showed their pantry briefly, but didn't talk about consumption/ shopping much!

    8. I think on one episode Robyn, Meri, and Christine went to the grocery store. Christine said that she uses coupons to help with the food budget. I doubt that she very good at it though, since her math skills are really lacking.

    9. If C would really be couponing, then for sure we would see her collecting papers, cutting, sorting, carrying a binder etc

    10. @Lobotomized: I think her idea of couponing is just taking a handful of coupons to the grocery store for a few items. At least, that's how it came off in that episode.

  4. Can't believe Christine ok with the public humiliation of being disgusting and not desirable to her husband.
    Isn't she the one that stormed off the set because of the dress drama and they sealed the engagement with a kiss. (kody and robchin)
    She really is getting the beat down these days. I wonder if it is Robchin that mentions Christine's attitude or if it is really mean Meri that is orchestrating the retaliation for not "keeping sweet". Loved that Christine said that she didn't trust any of them.
    I love Christine's spirit, sense of humor and playfulness. She and Janelle don't seem bitter even after years of Meri's Abuse and Kody's lack of support (every sense of the word)

    1. One thing about it, if Jannelle or Christine don't choose to leave this train wreck now or soon they probably never will.
      Those two have so much public support and genuine care from so many wanting them to free themselves.Plus they will never have this much money again.

      I don't buy the argument that they're stuck because of their religion. Their life in LV (under Kody's rule) has diluted it so much that it's a ghost of what they used to adhere to other than the charade of being married.

    2. Funny to see all the comments about Janelle and Christine leaving...all season I thought Meri looked MISERABLE and always suspected she would be the one to leave as she was really digging her independence and a daughter out nearly out of the house...I can see her taking off...she has no need for them anymore..hmmmm....

    3. i think they all dig the notoriety and their identity is being the Douche's wives. They may bitch and moan but in what AUB lifetime would they EVER be arguing about 5 bedroom houses? Maybe its collateral damage to be humiliated on tv but the NOW for them is being big shots living in their own custom homes.

    4. I think that if Janelle & Christine chose to leave, they could publish a Real Tell All book, & that could sustain them til they got a house to share & then Janelle could get a good job to support them + they would qualify for Welfare & then the State could go after Kody for child support! So, yes, they do have a way out! They barely see his ass anyways!
      I just keep thinking how well off Janelle would be right now, w/ a home, a good nest egg tucked away, & possibly w/ a man who genuinely loves & adores her.
      Janelle & Christine both deserve to be in a loving mono marriage :D

    5. @Caramel I agree about Janelle & Christine, they do deserve to be in a loving marriage. For Janelle, although I think it will hard to find, I wish she could be in a working plyg marriage because that is what she wants and I see her doing a lot of work and sacrificing a lot for it to work unlike some of the other wives..

  5. I believe they are reading this blog !! I think they realize the "faith", and I use that word with real caution, says they must take as many as God wants them to have, NOT what Kody wants. They are sooo far away from "faith ". I think that the 5th wife has already been picked, or Robyn is just sucking up to Kody or the audience. What a train wreck !! They were all soooo nasty on the Question and answer. This is the WAY to live ??? Only Robyn "kept sweet ", NOT !! Did u see Kody's face when she corrected him. LOL Love this Blog, makes watching the show the reason I swear I am sane. Keep up this GREAT Blog.

    1. YES!!! I noticed one split second of his face and it was basically "holy terror will reign on you after this show!"

    2. Lol! I agree cat in canada and rokosa - this man has crazy eyes. It's like he staring them down and mentally telling them to watch their mouths when they are talking (as in when he is not talking for them). Mariah reminds me a lot of Kody as well - she looks like Meri but has Kody's beady eyes and she is my least favourite kid. She is so high strung and bossy with her siblings and brainwashed regarding this "lifestyle".

      cat in canada, which province are you from? I'm Canadian too! Glad to see another Canadian on here!

    3. Oh there were a few instances of Kody looking like his eyes were going to pop out of his head. That man is nuts.

    4. Canadian here too im just east of toronto.. im still tring to figure out what afood stamp is. :/

    5. Food stamps is just a term now. The US government now gives out debit cards that people use to pay for groceries. -so they won't be embarrassed in the store. No one knows that the tax payers are buying their food.

  6. Someone asked on the earlier thread what krody does all day, today is probably like most, monitoring his social media. He's a teeevee star ya know.
    Lucky for him he can multi task, he can jet around in his "major award" car, wave at his fans on the Strip, stop at every mirrored wall in Vegas to flip his hair and crack the whip on the "ladies" to be sweet so that their new trinket biz will not tank, all the while huffing and puffing about the "jerks"..delete,delete,delete

    1. And, what is the "award" car for..what job!?

    2. Supposedly it was for super duper sales in the LIV pyramid scheme but who really knows? The way I remember it was a quick blurb about him winning it and when those yackers don't bore us to tears with TMI it seems weird.
      His Lexus lease was probably up and somebody concocted the bonus story or he "awarded" it to himself.

    3. LOL! Yes, I think you are right!

    4. What is the new car? I don't guess I saw that part. I just remember the white Lexus.

    5. He has this really seriously fugly convertable, supposedly he earned it through the "marketing company" (LIV MLM scheme).

      Someone online posted this:

      Posted 05/21/2012
      The car was a bonus he earned with LIV Int'l. My dh and I went to one of their meetings a few months ago. I had gone to one previously, so I was familiar with the product. I wanted my dh to go with me the second time because our friends were the ones hosting the meeting at their chiropractic office. We met Kody and Janelle and Kody bragged about his brand new car he just "earned". I spoke privately with Janelle and asked her about the gym they were trying to open. She said it's been a long drawn out process that is taking longer than they hoped it would, but that it was still in the works.

    6. KodySonicGlareStareJune 26, 2012 at 4:42 PM

      If they are hawking LIV enough to get a car, why don't they speak about it on the show? Is it not allowed?
      I always wondered if this was the ONLY payment and crew got for showing up at events. I bet it is.

  7. This may have been answered already but I have a lot of catching up to do so if it's a repeat I apologize. Does anyone know the reason for splitting the "season" with this show? Why not a full of 20 episodes like the Housewives, etc? And why are some 1 hour episodes and some 2 half hours? Must be hard for the editors to try to dig out anything from the footage that's even remotely watchable any more. Even the new episodes (except for the interview one) feel like repeats....zzzz Meri/Robyn baby talk....zzzz gonna stand in empty lots where we can't afford to live....zzzz Kody has clothes on 4 places...zzzzzzzzz.

    1. uhhhh... because TLC has to take the time to deal with this group? LOL

  8. Kody has the same hair as Jeff Daniels in "dumb and dumber". (which is a good nickname for all of them, just add 3 more dumbers)

    1. LOL you have it one, Jeff Daniels in " dumb and dumber ", I laughed so hard I cried. More like dumb and dumbies. Keep up the good work every-one ! Like I said before, if not for this Blog I would think I was insane for watching the show.

    2. Haha. Did y'all see him shake his celestial golden surfer fro when he and Janelle were walking behind Logan and the tour guide at ulv? Eww.

    3. Yes, seemed like it was driving him nuts the focus was directly on his son and not him!

    4. LOL!!! I kept wondering where I had seen that hair before. Someone should tell him that Harry wants his hair back.

    5. @Newshoes - so funny, Harry would never want his hair back with Kody's STINK on it. Thank-you so much for this blog, the most laughs I have had in a good long time. My husband was going to commit me to the nut house for watching the show, until I read him some of these blogs entries. Now he wants to know if the whole TLC network should be committed for paying these people. If any-one does any serious research of Joseph Smith and Mormonism there would be no laughing. This is a scary " Religion "

    6. That's exactly what my husband said when I started watching this show! He was like - he looks like the dumb and dumber guy. Only difference is Jeff Daniels has some talent and money to buy a nice big house!!

  9. I can't find the recap for Sunday's show (the one with Kody running on the empty properties and Meri getting snippy about her want of a big house because she has "superior taste and takes care of her things"). Can someone help me find it? My jaw is on the floor after watching that episode, and I need to know that I'm not the only person who is incredulous. Thanks!

    1. Beppo - Cynical Jinx is working it on it. Brilliance takes time!
      As you can see, we have about 5 posts of comments already about the shows!
      I'm sure it will be up by tomorrow!

    2. Beppo you can find it on fastpass tv. Google it. New episodes usually up withing a few days. Personally watch it there as I cannot be bothered by scheduling my day to watch it, with commercials to boot.

  10. I couldn't help but notice how they planned out the lots. In my head, I see it as basically how the relationships between the wives are... Christine with she-seems-kind-of-over-this-family!Janelle acting as buffer for her against bffs Meri and Robyn.

    1. I thought it was interesting Robyn piped right up and claimed her lot while the other wives were nicely discussing who wanted what. She really is an entitled beyotch, eh? Especially for being the newest to the group.

    2. @Hockey Mom...yes, she's just something ELSE!

    3. I think Robyn did that because she knew the others were trying to be nice and wouldn't object.

    4. If Robchin is a trophy wife, what the hell was the sport? Catching the biggest case of herpes?

    5. LOL lol..omg (true that)

    6. lisasumms...

      Excellent comment! I'll be laughing at that all week!

      Is there a contest for wittiest comment of the season? Then I nominate lisasumms...who should win a "Free Hunter!" t-shirt or possibly the peanut butter Frito charm bracelet.

    7. By that theory there should have been a buffer between Meri and Janelle, not Meri & Christine, unless they have some major fighting issues that have gone over my head.

      Also, I didn't think Robyn "claimed" anything, she just said what she wanted. That must be fair.

  11. Where's the Lexus?June 26, 2012 at 12:01 AM

    Christine- every time Kadouche comes over for dinner, she should haul out the 99cent generic tuna helper. Serve that with room temperature tap water and see how he likes that. For dessert, they can share an old gummy bear she found in the second hand couch. Got to save grocery money for that vacation.
    Maybe Kody should pawn that assault weapon he got for xmas to make a house payment.

    1. Yes, Its all such a contradiction. You see stuff like the gun, the new computer, the trip to mexico, the UNLV gear, etc...but they are broke...I'm so confused!!! lol....I would have him in an old beat up Minivan so fast it would make his head spin!

    2. I remember buying my son an ASU shirt for Christmas a few years ago. It was pricey! When the krew brought out the UNLV gear all I could think of was the cost. Wreckless. Careless.

    3. I'm sure since they were advertizing for the college that they got those hats and shirts for free...compliments for advertizing

    4. Nothing like having your ego maniac father and his entourage prancing around with you on a college tour. 'hey how ya doing, i've got 4 wives', yeah dad's a real asshat, oops i meant asset.

    5. I suspect that since Kody talked SO MUCH about vacays, that this has been an issue before and that we didn't get the whole story - he probably didn't pull that out of nowhere.

    6. And how come Meri gets to go to Mexico, but Christine doesn't? My biggest problem with all of this nonsense is that the man gets to eat out all the time and go on all the vacations, but the poor women have to wait their turns!

    7. Exactly! And, they act so excited like "Kody is taking me here, or there..." isn't it them paying for it out of "their" portion of the budget?

    8. Where's the Lexus? love you for posting that!!!

    9. Hereswhatithink, so agree with you, i'd like to see a flip side of the religion where women get to have a bunch of husbands that they choose and go eat out and vacation with. This religion along with many others simply exploit women, so sad.

    10. If this worked the way it's "supposed" to work, then Meri would have enough love and concern for her sister wife Christine to deny herself her expensive things and Mexican vacations, so Chris can visit her dad. She said she hasn't been in years ...

    11. But Keeping It Real that would involve some sort of SACRIFICE on Meri's part and that gal is all about herself, her daughter and being top bitch to stud Kodester. Even if she cannot provide a litter.

      Personally Meri should have gotten over the fact that she could not reproduce as she had hoped. She has a daughter and 16 'bonus children'. But not enough for her. She needs to get over herself and why she is a Sister Wife already.

      If you are a loving/caring well balanced person fully involved in the faith wouldn't all of those sister wife babies be yours too? And you would have gotten over it already?

  12. Can u start Posting full episode videos of sister wives?

    1. No we can't. However, you may get the episodes on Amazon or itunes cheap. Thanks!

    2. why aren't their shows available on youtube? is this due to Kody?

    3. Google watch sister wives online. There will be a result with tv-links dot eu. Click there. Episodes generally are up by wednessday (working links). Though I just checked and leaving the nest is up already (vidxden link) so I'll be watching that soon. I hope the interview will be up soon too!

  13. These people are just crazy. Did anyone notice the look in kodys eyes right before logan annouced where he was going to college??? Oh how scary!!! There is so much we will never know, but ive seen that look in his eyes several times this season. Kody is a whole lot darker and evil then we know. Maybe thats why noone leaves. None of us really know what this family is really like. Truely im scared for them. One day he just might lose it.

    1. Ita. The way he snapped at Natalie morales was scary. They should do another tell all with a man journalist and see if he's so aggressive.

    2. I don't know about the rest of you, but this interview made me a fan of Natalie Morales. I didn't even know who she was until this. I was just impressed that you could tell that she was picking up on some "not so sweet" stuff about this family. Go Nat ...

  14. Last month, Radar Online posted a snippet from Janelle's portion of the book.

    She not only moved out after the birth of her fifth child, as she mentioned last night, but she purchased a home and car -- she was away for at least two years! I have to think (or hope to think) that in her mind, she knows she doesn't need Krody or Meri to make it on her own. I really hope Christine can pass the realtor's test, so she at least has one more option to fall back on.

    Thinking about Robyn... She seems to have so little self confidence and esteem, that I wonder if she isn't trying to focus all of her energy with Meri in order to not be picked on and/or bullied?

    I've watched the show since the beginning, but after last night's shows, I doubt I'll continue to watch it. I honestly can't support Krody and his fly by night schemes. I love this blog, though, and am glad I found it!

    1. How long had she been married to Kody at that point?

    2. I think they had been married 7-8 years. The kids are pretty close in age.

  15. So, Polygamy translates to "Many Sharing Issues". Well isn't that tight fitting.

  16. She was away for 2 years?!! Bought a house and a car?!! WOW! So, basically, these women can do just fine on their own, he needs them to support HIM and somehow he's the one they are all trying to get the love from. EW!

    1. It's too bad that these women don't realize that they're really single mom's who share a useless boyfriend.

    2. Well said New Shoes! That appears to be true!

    3. As long as they believe he's their ticket to heaven, it doesn't matter if tey can survive without him.

  17. Love, love,love the blog. It's a real hoot. They probably have lost zero money with their earnest money deposits. Usually the deposit is conditional on qualifying for the loan. If they don't qualify...they get the money back. If their realtor did not structure it that way she is a real rookie. I think it was all manufactured drama. Meri is a biotch. I am not planning to watch anymore of Sister Grifters, however the blog is more convenient to keep up to date, and way, way more entertaining. Thanks to all for the hilarious and insightful posts.

    1. Sister Grifters!!!!!! I'm totally gonna steal that! Good one anon

  18. Does anyone remember from an earlier episode the women were talking and I believe it had to do with Robyn being the skinny one and they were talking about how Kootie liked women with meat on their bones..or something like that? Or am I imagining this??

    1. I think Robeless was the one who said Kodpiece liked women with meat on their bones.

    2. No, Cody said he liked "Curvy" women and Robyn was too skinny for his taste (which is highly questionable, regardless).

    3. YES! Thank you! I knew it had been said, but was certainly not the case.

    4. "No, Cody said he liked "Curvy" women and Robyn was too skinny for his taste (which is highly questionable, regardless)."

      Highly questionable, indeed! I think it's obvious that his favorite wife is the thinner one. Although, I think he might be starting to get bored with her. She's too needy and cries at the drop of a hat.

    5. Maybe Robyn should gain a couple hundred pounds so she can be more attractive for her soulmate.

    6. Buttwoman and RobynJune 26, 2012 at 2:58 PM

      OMG - Kodpiece!!! That's a new one. Too funny. Just splattered my drink on my screen laughing.

  19. I noticed that Kody tweeted yesterday, before the new episode aired: @TLC, we are taking a break from the marathon to go look at a house on the cul de sac.

    Not sure, if they really did, or why did he find it necessary to tweet that to TLC. I'm thinking it was just to keep up appearances, but whatever!
    Pipedreams forever!!!!

    1. They probably were near an orgasm with the Closet opening and he got the urge to go mark his territory again. Darn it, once the dog starts that they don't want to stop.
      I wish somebody would Tweet back " So what? Like we care what you're doing"

    2. CB - that doesn't make sense, since they are 4 empty lots. Maybe he forgot what episode it was LOL

    3. Haha!! Anony J... & Anony 12:39am, nothing in that family makes
      We have seen quite a few cul de sacs...they probably didn't even go & he just tweeted that shit to sound important!!
      What I don't get, is we already know they're not getting the houses where the kids flew kites, so why end the finale w/ that already seen footage??...smh

    4. I think the show producers and the family think people are completely stupid. I will admit that the way the Browns lie and the way the show is chopped and repeated over and over it does begin to feel like a bad acid trip but...the kite's so's so's so dreamy that the die hard fans are mesmerized. It's a visual dose of serezen.

    5. Lol...I have to admit, I don't think I had noticed the show had been chopped and repeated although I did notice the kites being repeat footage...I will pay more attention next season for sure. Oh Gosh that is totally going to ANNOY ME!!!

    6. Bad acid trip!....hahahaha, yes, I can totally see that now ;) ...seriously,flying snowflake kites & Robyn yelling make it snow!! U are correct about TLC thinking we're all stupid & can't see whats really going on, bcuz showing that footage at the end of June & I know LV desert is experiencing a heatwave lately!

    7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. Im going to continue watching this show cause this blog entertains me so much!! <3 love yall ( my sister said im becoming addicted to this website oh wells)!!

  21. I'm sorry, but I digress! Just looking at how many responses this site is getting this late at night...I find it HARD to believe that the Browns TWITTER is not getting BLASTED with feedback on EACH of their pages, yet I look at all is fairies and rainbows on their page...which means someone is deleting them and it can't be them with 17 kids and however many TWITTER maybe an additional expense of paying someone to monitor and edit their TWITTER accounts...hmmm....

    1. I heard, they were getting blasted last night after the episode & Kody was deleting & blocking away! That's why all the wives are on there doing some damage control & making lame ass excuses for his sorry self...smh!!

    2. Its unreal! You are right. I'm sure they are all "on guard" and God forbid one bad comments gets through on one of the wives pages! Eesh!

    3. Can't believe Meri left the tweet about " dogs paw ", oh no thats the new pendant' ! LOL They all have MAJOR mental health issues, and I would know as I worked mental health for 15 yrs. I wonder can the kids eventually sue Kody for PTSD ??

    4. I saw a tweet from meri Saying she couldn't believe a fertility doctor asked her that and it still makes her laugh!

  22. Is Mona now on TLC payroll. Can't see how THIS publicity will help her real estate career !! Unless she wants every-one who has been bankrupt to be looking for a MCMansion or 4. Did any-one not notice how Kody was stressing how MUCH they need their "business's" HAHA to do well so they can get their homes. And the "OUR DREAMS" section on the KODYBROWNFAMILY website is NOT there any-more !!! This after someone on this BLOG mentioned that their dream section was so lame cause they only mentioned wanting the houses !! Religion, my foot !! They are READING this BLOG !!

    1. I believe they read here too. I bet they google themselves al the time, especially Ko-douche.

  23. Kodouche needs to stop talking religion. He clearly only worships 2 things...himself and money.

    Also, since the illusion of happy "Sister Wives" has now imploded,I think the jewelry line is dead. Maybe the mean girls (Kody & Meri) should create their own line of jewelry! Hmmm, let's see... "2 Twisted Sisters"??? "K+M=Buzz"????

  24. @Cat in Canada...that is so weird because I saw that on there tonight and read the part about the houses and now it is gone. I swear it was there tonight earlier.

    1. I found the dream section, it is on the right side when u clink on link about the book.

  25. OMGEE laughing hard cause Kody blocked me! HA

    1. Yeah i went on his profile and it said it this person blocked you.. funny

    2. No wonder he hasn't seen his kids in 5 days...he's obsessing over Twitter! lol.

    3. HAHA! That's sad..

  26. I'm waiting on pins and needles for somebody to report that the BrownfamilyCircus has been excommunicated from their church. (No, there's no rumors, I'm thinking out loud)
    They're a horrible example of polygamy and it already has a lousy rep.
    If Kody had to choose between his faith and his new life I'd bet he'd choose the latter,hands down....and then he and the ladies could weep & cry about how they were unfairly cast out.

    1. No, he won't get excommunicated - they don't even ex thieves or child molesters!

  27. What was that whole cry fest Robin had about Meri not having a little boy to scratch up her furniture... It is really irritating how they focus so much on Meri's infertility issues... Uhhhh hello! She does have a child so she did have those experiences Robyn! I am also really tired of the whole issue in general because so many families would be thrilled to have one child and yet they are not happy with that. How do those kids feel? They are never enough...

    This message is for Meri... stop harping on your infertility. Egg and sperm donors are biological, moms and dads are the people who raise you and love you. You have 17 children enjoy them all ~ From a woman who is the product of an egg and sperm donor but adopted and raised by real parents thank God!

    1. I totally agree with you since I'm one who went through eternal fertility treatments with no success, but more than Meri, I think it is Robyn who is acting obsessively strange about the whole thing! I mean that bird chimes in every 5 second about her "good deed" but it seems more like a constant reminder about Meri not being able to get pregnant...I think (whether you like Meri or not)...she is in PRIME position to get the hell outta Dodge!

    2. Honestly, I don't think Meri wants to leave. I think she is a sadist, who enjoys bullying the other wives.

    3. Meri is so sneaky and dishonest. Remember. She was said herself that she had hatched the idea that Kody should try to court Robyn without discussing it with the other wives first. That's just one example of her sneakiness. It speaks volumes about her. It wouldn't even surprise me if she wasn't secretly taking birth control pills all these years. I think in the book she said that she didn't want to get pregnant with a 'honeymoon' baby. In other words, she might must have been using birth control at some point. Meri has produced one child to keep a hold on Kody. Even though she says she always thought she'd have eight children, it's obvious to me that she is fine with just one child. She likes everything to neat and orderly. It's so obvious that she's all about Meri.A passel of children would not have suited her at any point in her life.

  28. I don't post much but I have, HAVE to say that Roboherp has really done it this time with adopting She-Ra for her alter ego. Next thing you know, she's going to have a long-lost twin named Prince Adam and ride around on some talking unicorn that sh!ts rainbows. Blatant rip-off of the 80's cartoon. Just look up She-Ra on Wikipedia.

    Khoad is a little old to have been into "Masters of the Universe" but I bet he's more than willing to jump on her bed and yell, "By the power or Grayskull! I have the power!"

    1. Roboherp!!!!!!!! that's hilarious

    2. Anon 1:21 you are hilarious! I am of the age (36) who watched She-rah every day after school and my cousin watched He-man so I know exactly what you're talking about. I got the nastiest visual of Kody on the bed yelling "I have the power"! Yeah, he has the power to make you broke and hate your lives. OMG too funny.

  29. To Sad_inTheSouth from the previous message thread:

    You can try going to and scroll to the bottom of the page to Viewer Relations. From there it will bring up FAQs. Click on #32. There is a link to comment in question 32 BUT when my friend went there after I directed her, she found that the link while it opened a page would not send her comment. I think they got so much negative feedback that it may be disabled.

    Here is their snail mail address to comment on Sister Wives:

    Discovery Communications
    Viewer Relations
    One Discovery Place
    5th Floor
    Silver Spring, MD 20910

    1. I just typed up a comment and it seemed to go through. They said I should expect a response within a week.

  30. This "family" does not need more children from any of the wives. They cannot afford the ones they have and to be honest I ash not sure that family would pass a "white glove" test if child protective services were to get involved and that has nothing to do with their being polygamists and everything to do with the high level of dysfunction in the family. More children should not be brought into the family, they should be concerned that their actions being so publicly displayed may start a cps investigation and result in the loss of children... Again not saying there is abuse, just when you are on public display everyone is watching and action is more likely to take place and be more drastic...

  31. Here are two things that are keeping me up tonight about this God forsaken family dynamic shown Sunday.

    1.) Why was "Come Thou Fount of Many Blessings" playing while Forest Gump ran on dirt that he admitted to his kids he was just gambling on. If I lived in NV, I would be furious if they get those houses because they are dependent on the taxpayer, who may never be able to afford that kind of home for their children no matter how hard they work because they have to pay for leeches on society like the Browns.

    2.) The fight that Meri and Kody had on the couch regarding Meri's unreasonable and completely unjustifiable requests for a house also has me concerned. She called Kody to the floor about him blabbing about what the other wives are saying about it behind her back and asked that he refrain from telling her what they say anymore. My mom is just like Meri so I see straight through that tripe. Pure evil manipulation. She made everyone in that room uncomfortable because she was. She spilled the beans that Kody has a big mouth and tells secrets to get them to cave and feel sorry for her. I have an extreme disdain for adults who manipulate by those means, hurting everyone and helping nothing.

    The children have no real respect or love for Kody. And the feeling is mutual. I am glad Logan is getting out. The others are not far behind.

    I actually feel sorry for Kody. God is not mocked.

    1. If Meri is correct in what I saw her occusing him of, namely not having a mind of his own and letting the others whisper in his ear OR hiding behind the other wives AFRAID of taking a stand, she was absolutly right to call him out for it!

    2. I totally agree with you Hepburn.

    3. Forrest Gump had more going for him, sadly . . .

  32. Does anyone know how these women (other than Mari) are legally using the Brown name? Did they get their name changed in court?

    Does anyone know if Kody is listed as the father on the birth certificates?

    Christine and Janelle need to leave and sue for child support. TLC could give them a "starting over" show. Wonder how long Kody, Mari, and Robyn would last as a family unit if it were just them??

  33. Has any-one noticed that Fundamental Fitness is still on the kodybrownfamily webpage, and when u click on it it takes u to, DA DA a search engine !! WTF is that all about ?? Any idea any-one WHAT they are doing ??

    1. Fundamental Fitness is a dead business venture. The investor walked away and Kody refused to approve Janelle's business plan. That was 2 episodes ago.

    2. Thanks Jinx. I know Fundamental Fitness is a dead issue, but why do they still have it on their home page. They are, BIG surprise, bad business people, but they are adults and when trying to open a new " business " they should keep up a little more. On their tweets the book is climbing real fast. Can't wait to see if it hits #1. Who's laughing then !! You and Mister Sister do an awesome job, thanks so much for this blog.

    3. Be careful clicking on the links on their site. It caused my computer to inexplicably shut down twice. Maybe it has a lot of errors on it.

  34. I don't know why I just can't concentrate even when I don't forget the show is on & actually watch it. Last night I left the tv on so got some of the stuff twice and still have few memories of it. I read, walk off to do something, start thinking of something else. I just can't get the drift because my mind drifts.

    I have recorded it and then don't watch. Back in the day I had a couple of hundred vhs tapes unlabeled and unwatched waiting for the day I got sick and had to lay around. Never watched them. So I can't blame it on this particular show that I won't watch what I've recorded, that's just me.

    Luckily I can come here and be apprised of what asses they've made of themselves yet again.

  35. They obviously got A LOT of comments, even never-answer-Kody tweeted this:

    @rosecolored6 & I have a wonderful history filled with love and joy. Half a story about nachos does NOT define us. Please read our book.

    1. I tweeted in response and said "I have read the book! Kody, did you read the book?"

      I will probably get banned but I truly want to know that, did he really read the book (especially before it was published - can't imagine he was ok with their honesty). Anyone else think that maybe Kody is partially illiterate?

    2. Lol..In other words..give me more money

    3. O yes he has a hard time reading, I have saw that on Rosie. If I was janelle or christine first thing I would do after i got my mansion is to change all the locks.

  36. What the heck are these people on? How do they think they are going to afford these homes? It's my understanding that there is more affordable housing in LV do to the housing collapse. Building these homes just seems so ridiculous to me. And no, Meri does not need a big house. It just irked me how Grody was berating Christine for being afraid to buy these homes; then, he handled Meri with kid gloves for being on the fence about putting money on the lots. Where does Meri get off making that comment to Janelle about 'taking something' that belonged to Janelle. No, Meri, you don't need a huge house. You and Robyn should share a house, since Mariah will be going to college soon. And how do these people afford to dine out all the time? I used to just think they were stupid. Now, I realize that they have an entitlement complex. I'm really starting to despise the adults.
    What can I say about Logan. Some viewers really love him, while others are not so impressed with him. I think he's a normal teen. He has had to have a lot of responsibility in his life. Like a normal 18-year-old, he wants to spread his wings. At the same time, he's conflicted, because he's had to play the role of father to the younger children. He wants to go away to school, but who will take care of the other kids? Just as he does with his wives, Grody holds Logan emotionally hostage. When Logan says he's not sure about polygamy, he's being honest. My guess is that he doesn't want to live it, but he doesn't want to deal with his father's disapproval and emotional battery. I'm sure that's why he chose UNLV.

  37. I totally agree that Mariah is bossy, looks just like her mother (not a compliment), but is SNEAKY like her father! Those beady eyes lol..She learned from the best.Kody bashed Christine in front of all that watched the "show",and I really felt bad for her because you could see she wished she could crawl in a hole and stay there! Meri had that shit eating grin on her mug, and so did Robyn the chin.The only one that had any sympathy for Christine was Janelle.But of course she gets bashed also...remember, she and Kody are more or less "friends".She is good enough though, to bring money into the house and pay bills! My hope is that the Kodster gets a 5th wife (HaHa Robyn), Meri treats HER like a piece of crap, but this wife will go after Meri with her 10 claws!! MEOW!!

  38. Well, the Brown's are selling books...making money is the goal, even though the premise of the show was to open us to an alternative lifestyle...RIGHT! Meri and Janelle's fight in the past was brought forth to sell books! They are accomplishing what they set out to do - make money. We can laugh at the follies and shenanigans of the scripted series, but keep in mind they are cashing in. The wives love their lives - overspend, overeat, rotate accountability really. Why would any of them leave? Don't be fooled and don't feel sorry for them.

    1. That is why I haven't downloaded it onto my Nook yet, I can't stand the thought of giving them my hard earned money. I actually pay MY bils...

  39. So many things wrong with the way Kody has spoken about Christine and/or is still speaking about Christine. He always says that he married each wife based on the depth of their character. Ok, so what man of character would not only put in a book but also announce on a television show that he was grossed out by his potential (chubby) wife when he saw her ‘scarfing down’ nachos and almost didn’t marry her. And then reiterates this on the Morales interview and said not being attracted to her was an understatement. Is this the kind of thing that a man of character would say, EVER? And what kind of talk do we think Christine is hearing when the cameras are gone? He probably constantly criticizes and ridicules her and makes her feel worthless. This is emotional abuse. We have seen it all season, the whole groveling and apology tour he made her go on. The pitiful gratefulness and apology she offered up when Kody took her on the TLC-paid date? Remember, he didn’t say “I’m sorry, too”….no, not this man of character. He is emotionally abusing her. He is not spending time with her or her kids. He kind of paused when asked if he ‘rotated” his time every four days. We all know that is not the case. He spends time with the wife he wants to and punishes the wife who doesn’t keep sweet by withholding his presence. He sure doesn’t seem to care now about her polygamist royal crown….I guess now that she is part of his stable, he will treat her as he chooses.

  40. "@rosecolored6 & I have a wonderful history filled with love and joy. Half a story about nachos does NOT define us. Please read our book"...we need all the cash flow we can get our grubbies on...

  41. Last night I made the mistake of going to their FB page and the TLC forum. After more than a few posts about this "loving family" and what an inspiration they are, I had to go throw up. How on Earth could people hear that stupid s.o.b. say those things and still think anything positive about this train wreck?

  42. I really felt bad for Christine about Kody's comment, but I feel even more sorry for her makeup. Whoever did that to her should be ashamed. That wasn't TV makeup, it was drag queen makeup! The poor thing looked just like Mrs. Doubtfire!

  43. I love the lies they spread: I fell in love with Meri; I fell alove again; I fell in love again.
    Did he forget what he said? That's what happens when he lies...he cannot remember what he said.
    If you fell in love with Janelle, how is it that there was no romance? You mean, you married her and had sex with her and left her bed to go back to the woman you fell in love with? In that event, you really just married her for the "strong boys" she would have. And, what is this love you have for strong boys? Is it one of those secret things that I need a strapping young man...please.
    And, not only did you not love Christine, you detested her looks. Dude, where was god in all of this. If, as you say, you were called to boink all these women, then you'd think he would have put some love and compassion in your heart for these women that you seemed to have brought to your marital bed in that little trailer with your wife who was broken hearted over losing the one she loved so much. Dude, this all sound like you don't marry for love, but that you marry for financial gain, reputation, boinkability to reproduce, and underwear. Just saying. Dude, you are such a liar.
    And I love Roherp as a new name for RNC.

    1. Roherp's initials spell "Robins Nasty Chin". Jus sayin'.

  44. Kody puts down Christine because 1) she has self worth in her lineage 2) she said that she'd never married him if it were a monogamous marriage. He seems to think she needs to be reminded that he is better than her (in his sick world). Janrlle already shows no self esteem, robin worships him, and meri calls him lover. He can't stand that Christine actually has an ounce of self esteem.

    1. Lobotomized (CulDeSac)June 26, 2012 at 12:00 PM

      Kody needs to learn that putting others down doesn't pull himself up

  45. Decided to use this as my name instead of anonymous. It was said in one show that he liked "curvy" women. I almost choked and fell off my couch. These women are not curvy....Sofia Vegara is curvy. I think morbidly obese is more like it.

  46. Mrs. Death Stare - 5th wifeJune 26, 2012 at 12:03 PM

    I think Janelle is in deeper her than in Utah. She's drinking the Kool-Aide. She's no financial wizard. These women are liars. They don't have a say in anything, if they do, they get the Kody Death-Glare, which means lord knows what when they get home. No visitation or money from Kody? Passive Aggressive Much?
    If I were the 5th wife, I'd be popping off all the time to live in my Mansion and be left alone.

  47. "I fell in love, and I fell in love again. And then I fell in love again" Yeah right. Sunday night's revelations put the lie to that whopper.

    To quote the great Homer Simpson, "D'oh!" I finally figured it out. Kody's pants weren't urine-soaked (or sweaty) or whatever fib-of-the-moment he's trying to "market". They were wet from the firemen putting out the fire!

  48. Those women are not happy, overweight because of sadness - we all have our vices, I'm just saying.
    Kody is a monster. I see them flipping this into the second part of the season into HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY

  49. TERRASOLA GREAT TO SEE YOU BACK! I'v missed your comments and writing!

  50. It's been over a year and a half.
    WHY did ROBYN not take the test. A baby is no excuse. You can study at home, online, etc., and most do it in two weeks.

  51. did Kody end up "married" to Meri's sister-in-law?

    1. They stayed friends with Janelle even after her divorce. Plus, she helped Kody job hunt when she worked at an employment agency (Janelle)

      She also maintained friendships with her ex in laws, and of course one thing led to another...

  52. Did anyone else think that Kody and Mary's relationship with that 18 year old might have ended because Kody was the third wheel. Maybe it "it didn't work for our family" means Kody got suspicious when he realized no one was fighting over all. Natalie really missed an opportunity on that one..."Guess what Mary and Kody. I have a special surprise for you! She's backstage right now ready to answer our questions. Come on out!" That would have been fun to watch.

  53. New to the site...and LOVE IT!
    does anyone know if these woman even finished school?

    1. I think they all did graduate high school. Janelle has a college degree, and Meri attended college as well. Meri doesn't have a degree yet, but she was interested in a therapist/counselor type of thing.

      Janelle's degree is in accounting.

  54. If they were as "broke" as they all claim, vacations would not be a consideration. Even free ones, cos it really makes them look bad...Here we are in Mexico, the kids at home have no groceries, be we are enjoying our NOT romantic vaca away. Whose turn is it next? Lets not forget unemployed Kody goes on EVERY trip. How bout letting the ladies go where they want and by themselves if they want to? (Like Janelle wanting to go see her dad...) He's a greedy insensitive pig. How about keeping the romantic pics, vids and stories private and not broadcast them so the other wives have another reason to seethe in jealousy. Gads!!!!!
    I thought Meri's comment "well, I keep my things nice" was so stupid. Of course you do Meri, you only had one kid, the rest of them have 4-6 kids, stuff is gonna get damaged!!! She can't hold THAT against the other wives. Of course their stuff sucks, once the kids get older, maybe they can get nicer stuff and keep it that way. Meri plays both sides of the infertilty card- Poor Me I can't have more kids/ See how nice my stuff is.... Now she wants a big McMansion like her 'sisters'. Hmmm. Thats not very communal of her, she should take a smaller house (with a small deck and a pool or wet bar...whatever a wet bar would be for I don't know, does she entertain other folks and have drinks? Do her and the sister wives sitting around getting smashed? What's the policy on drinking in the Kody Brown Lifestyle?

    1. The have said that no one drinks in the family. The wet bar must be for the dispensing of the Kool Aid.

  55. KodySonicGlareStareJune 26, 2012 at 4:38 PM

    I'm new to, and LOVE IT TOO! I will be reading all night.
    This caught my eye on the post ...Fun times in the Kody Brown/Janelle parental unit home....
    Amazing this is how the family really plays out, considering all the dialogue they laid on us about how WELL they talk issues out.
    Obviously, this is how the dialogue goes in the Brown family:
    Kody: I want to do this..... blah blah blah
    Meri and the gals.....blank

    Why Blank? for nothing they says matters. They have 3 choices.
    Say yes, be happy
    Say yes to keep peace and date night
    Say no and get the KodySonicGlareStare, that turns that woman into dust for a month.

  56. I think both Janelle and Christine should have weight loss surgery and get healthy. They would feel so much better. Both are pretty and have good personalities. Vegas has lots of surgeons who would take them on at no cost. It would be a win/win. Janelle and Christine if you are reading this, do it just to get to Meri. She can have a baby while you get super skinny.

    And another thing, Robyn is just a pawn. A sweet person who is being used by Meri...

  57. In one episode (maybe last week's) did anyone hear Christine say that carrying the books for the real estate exam reminded her of when she was in college? I thought it was Janelle at first, but I rewinded it and I'm pretty sure Christine said it. If so, I'm surprised. I didn't think she had been to college. Did anyone else hear that? If so, did you think it was Christine who said it? I've never heard her mention college before, so I could be wrong. I mean she obviously didn't graduate or we would've heard about it, but maybe she did a semester or two ...

  58. Can't Stop WatchingJune 26, 2012 at 9:39 PM

    I found this blog 3 or 4 weeks ago & I have been hooked ever since! This is my first post. I have watched Sister Wives since it first aired. I have grown increasingly disturbed with each episode, but like a bad accident I just can't seem to advert my eyes! This week's Sister Wives Tell All was by far the most disturbing episode yet. I am by no means a violent person, but I wanted to kick Koduche's saggy kahonas so far up him he would choke! HOW dare he say such a hateful thing about her. He obviously found attractive enough to impregnate with 6 kids. I wanted to cry for her. How humiliating. He really thinks he is the King Ding A Ling! I wish she & Janelle could break out of that brain-washing group and let Meri & Robchin have him. I pray their children run far, far away from him as soon as they are old enough. They are all a hot mess. Also, the whole McMansion fantasy will never be realized. I have never seen grown people act like that before. They behave like my 17 year old - grand delusions and all.

  59. When I first watched the show I thought it was interesting I wouldn't do anything like this but hey who am I to judge its their lives but when he disrespected Christine on TV I said it couldn't be me. I mean has he looked n the mirror lately he damn sure isn't skinny and unattractive. His personality made him really ugly. He has low self-esteem that's why he put Christine down his lil man probably not big at all. I too have been in an abusive relationship I tolerated it just to finish nursing school. I finished packed my stuff and left his dumb ass.

  60. Someone had posted that she didn't believe that there was any abuse in the home. All anyone has to do is watch the show to see how emotionally and verbally abusive Meri and Kody are. Having once been in a violent relationship, I can tell you from first hand experience that Kody and possibly Meri are physically violent. The looks of rage on their faces, especially Kody's, tells me so. I remember that same look on my ex-fiance face. Kody might not beat the daylights out of them, but pushing and shoving are consideration acts of physical violence. I can definitely see him doing that if not worse. I'm certain he's punch a few wholes in the walls or kicked in a door or two or broken other things in his fits of rage. Anyone who's suffered through domestic violence knows the signs. Kody goes beyond just emotional intimidation. I'd stake my life on it.

  61. I have been searching for months for a site like this, even more so after the interview with Natalie! I was just dying to talk to someone about this craziness! Do you remember that Christine said she didn't like Meri's way of discipline, toward Christines children? Maybe it was spanking, or some form of physical abuse, since several of you are saying she and Kody seem to be abusive. What do you think?

  62. I just posted as anonymous, about Meri possibly spanking, or abusing Christines children in any way.I often wonder, even though Robin, and Christine, both have several children, why couldn't either of them find a job, or look for a job, and let Meri, or one of them, look after the children while they were at work? Wouldn't one or two more incomes be so much more helpful? I never understood that. None of the women wanted to work except for Janelle, and Meri did until she lost her job, and why didn't she look for another, or offer to babysit while Robyn or Christine worked?

  63. I've always wondered why they they didn't buy a few acres of land and put 3 triple wides and a single wide for Meri. This would be the most logical and economical choice for them.

  64. I am so happy I found this site!!! Sister Wives is my absolute favorite show!! It makes me look at me and my family and realize how normal we are! These people are crazy!!! Kody is so disgusting! The part where he flipped his disgusting hair while touring the campus with Logan... Hahaha! He was like " look at me cute young girl.Back here! With the hair!.me!me!me! " I'd like to know what they all do for income? Does anyone know what they make for doing the show? And the way Kody humiliated christine on that interview was so awful!! When she asked about him being physically unattracted to her did he really have to say "uuh that's an understatement!" just push the knife in a little harder why don't you Kody!!! Oh and the entire family having a severe case of herpes...... YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Poor kids having to kiss thier herpes infested parents on the mouth!!
