Saturday, May 19, 2012 : Man who fathered 30 kids says he needs a break—on child support

And you thought Octomom had her hands full—a Tennessee man who has fathered 30 children is asking the courts for a break on child support.

Desmond Hatchett, 33, of Knoxville has children with 11 different women, reports WREG-TV.

The state already takes half his paycheck and divides it up, which doesn't amount to much when Hatchett is making only minimum wage. Some of the moms receive as little as $1.49 a month. The oldest child is 14 years old.

Hatchett explains how he reached such a critical mass: He had four kids in the same year. Twice.

Back in 2009 when Hatchett was in court to answer charges that many of the mothers were not receiving child support, he had 21 children. At the time, he said he was not going to father any more kids, but he ended up having nine more in the past three years.

The state cannot order Hatchett to stop making babies. He hasn't broken any laws, according to the report.


When I saw this article on Yahoo, I was totally mindboggled. Not just because a 33 year old man fathered 30...30 children, but the fact that the 11 baby mamas apparently receive court ordered child support.

Imagine if this applied to polygamists:  Mandatory court ordered child support for all children sired. And the father has to hold a job - even if it's minimum wage.

What are your thoughts?


  1. I saw this on Daily Mail, the online paper of record for me. It costs the state 1000 X more to get the money to the mothers, but the dad should pay anyway. It serves as a monthly reminder to him, not that it has done any good so far, except to irritate him which is a good thing.

    Polygamists would claim disability and get on SSDI thus costing us even more. SSDI pays more than welfare and all the kids would get it as well. We'd be royally screwed over then. They all have the "bleed the beast" mantra down pat. I am so angry at the scammers and schemers out there I could spit.

    Do the Browns pay taxes? No. They have too many kids, would get money as a tax refund even if they had no income. With what they have now, they deduct their car, meals, telephones, you name it. And they run a church on their property as well. We have been had. We know it. Their slobbering fans are fools in every way.

    1. "Do the Browns pay taxes? No. They have too many kids, would get money as a tax refund even if they had no income. With what they have now, they deduct their car, meals, telephones, you name it. And they run a church on their property as well. We have been had. We know it. Their slobbering fans are fools in every way."

      Border Collie,
      Yep, this is the true 'reality' of the Browns.
      While their sycophants label SWB as 'mean,' the Browns, on top of their unending use of the system, gleefully coerce their fans to contribute even more to their bank accounts.

      Slobbering fools is right !!!

    2. I doubt they meet the requirements for a "church" exemption as outlined by the IRS, which as I understand it doesn't allow the exemption for "family" churches (i.e. worship from home). I doubt they get to deduct EVERYTHING. maybe during filming, but all the time? I doubt it. However I'm sure they do get refunds for all those kids. It would be interesting to see their 1040's. The IRS is not as easy about that stuff as people think.

  2. Why doesn't TLC make a show featuring Desmond Hatchett's alternative lifestyle? It is no more or less offensive than the majority of their freak shows, and maybe those kids could go on great vacations and get awesome stuff like the Brown's kids do.

  3. Exactly linnet! TLC could chronicle his romantic adventures, his struggle to work and the oppression of govt. taking his money for his love children.
    Wonder if the baby mamas consider them all bonus kids?
    I love how he explains the baby count by saying he had 4 in one swoop..twice...duh that only explains 8, what about the other 22? Way to keep it real Desmond.

  4. Peanut Butter FritosMay 19, 2012 at 1:44 PM

    This is why women in positions like Christine's feel trapped. Even if they do leave, what kind of "support" are they going to get out of Kody after? Too many kids, not enough work. And, remember, a lot of polygamist women "don't know" who the father is and have intentionally avoided child support because they are felons.

    I don't really care how many baby mammas and kids celebrities have. But it is sad, sad, sad when these egomaniac men keep having kids they can't afford.

    1. If I remembered correctly from her bankruptcy papers, Christine claims to be a single mom with the babydaddy unknown.

      Appearantly King Kody only appears on Mariah's birth certificate? And probably now on Super Sol's birth certificate as well!

    2. Regardless of whether Kody's name is on the other kids' birth certificates or not, there is MORE than enough evidence to demonstrate that he is, in actuality, the bio father. I'm sure that if Christine/Janelle/Robyn wanted/needed to take KB's shiftless butt to court to extract child support payments, said court wouldn't give what was on the birth certs more than a cursory

    3. A question...or two... Would there be any repercussions for Christine if she did leave and file for child support, since, what was stated above, she listed the father of her children,"unknown" on her bankruptcy papers?

      When you file for bankruptcy, aren't you under oath?

      Clearly, she knows who the father of her children is, as well as the rest of the world since they are on tv.

    4. Welfare fraud is so abundant in Utah, there is just too much of it going on to investigate it. If she would divorce she could probably just sue King Kody. However, him not having a job or any assets may make it hard. Plus, she'd lose her "seal" to heaven and to live on Kody's after life Godly planet. She is very much motivated by the religion so I doubt she'd leave.

    5. I think as for right now, she would be fine. He makes enough money to help her out significantly if she was to leave. I think the rest of the family might suffer, though.

  5. I think Dude should have gotten a vasectomy years ago. And needs one NOW.

    1. I think women need to stop sleeping with dudes like him and Kody.

    2. Anonymous, I agree wholeheartedly-he had multiple children with several women, why did they keep going back to him, especially if they only get $1.49/month in child support?

      I also think this points to a larger problem-lack of comprehensive sex education, for both men and women. I wonder how many of these women know there are ways to have safe sex (well, there's also the issue of being near/having transportation to a place like Planned Parenthood, as well). Obviously this guy has no plans to practice safe sex to prevent STDs or pregnancy (STDs which could affect the health of his children).

    3. Birth control is available at the grocery and drug store as well, and it's a lot cheaper than having a kid.

    4. Birth control (pills/condoms) are cheaper than a kid, but are not affordable for many women, which is a problem in itself.

    5. SheilaAnn - what about Planned Parenthood and other family planning organizations...?

    6. Hi Anonymous May 20, 2012 1:18 AM, I mentioned PP in my previous post. Some states (SD, for example) do not have PP, due to state de-funding. Sometimes the centers are spread so far apart that women have trouble getting to them. This is a problem- the main part of my argument is that family planning resources need to be made more available, and comprehensive sex education is necessary. Safe sex decisions shouldn't be left up to one partner- both men and women need to be empowered to say no if one partner refuses to, or is ignorant of, safe sex practices.

    7. I'm saying that people have the ability to make decisions to not have sex. Period. They aren't rabbits. They have free will. They have the ability to have a moral compass. They have responsibilities to themselves. Society doesn't have the responsibility of taking care of every creep who comes along. If you hired a limo to take them to Planned Parenthood and made everything free, it wouldn't solve the problem.

    8. Beyond a certain age, it is really the responsibility from the people involved themselves to either have sex or not have sex (people IIRC, are not like my dog who goes crayzeh and stops eating when a bitch is in heat) and if they chose to have sex whether it be safe or not (they themselves are responsible for the outcome). There may be no PP over there but sure as hell there is a walgreens closey where they can buy some condoms.

    9. Border Collie, you said that PERFECTLY!!

    10. Border Collie, it does actually help. I am one of the people who did utilize free birth control from the health district here in town when I had no insurance. I had been lucky enough to be given the education to know where to seek out such resources.

    11. It's a lot cheaper providing access to free birth control than to provide welfare for children.

  6. Court ordered sterilization? This isn't Nazi Germany. Dude may have 30 kids but someone had the smarts to make sure there was a court ordered requirement that he be financial responsible for them. It's not the amount he pays, its the fact he is required to support his offspring that's important.

  7. THAT is exactly the difference between someone from socialist Europe and an American.

  8. He's doing the same thing Kodzy boy does; he's sleeping with several sistah wives on a rotational schedule, only his celestial wives seem to be a lot more fertile (or he actually gets it on with them every night).
    Dude, this guy loves sex. And STDs.

    1. I wonder if this guy gets tested (I doubt it) and knows his STD (including HIV) status. They can't do anything to him for being irresponsible in family planning, but if he knows that he has HIV or full blown AIDS and has been having unprotected sex, there is a chance he can be prosecuted for that.

    2. He must be sleeping with whomever is willing to spread her legs for him.
      I wholeheartedly agree he knows nothing about his STD status, I'm sure he has chlymidia and a few others, for the kids' sake I hope he is not HIV positive.

    3. It boggles the mind that women still slept with this guy, multiple times!

  9. The comment that insulted another poster(s) will not be published.

    Let's just agree to disagree on this issue and move on.

    Thank you

  10. Wow, a 33 yr old fathering 30 kids & he's not even religious,looking to be a god on his own celestial planet nor does he answer to a higher
    I say he's just a sex addict & literally f**ck's anything that comes his way o_O

  11. Kody made a comment on one of the TV programs "That he wasn't asking the courts to make polygamist legal...he just wanted courts to leave them alone. I thought
    right away its because none of the men want to pay child support!

    1. Exactly! The court cannot leave them alone because who will have to deal with the mess they've made when a sister wife decides to leave? The courts and the taxpayers!

    2. Very interesting...

      Where I live you are considered legally 'married' after living together 2 or more years. So by law Cody would be bound to support the children (and wife for a period of time) if he lived in BC Canada upon the break up of the union. The wife would also be entitled to half the money/house/investments.

      Of course this gets murky if there are other wives to consider. Be interesting seeing such a divorce happen here.

    3. Britt, even when tasked by the court, some FLDS men refuse to pay. Carloyn Jessop (FLDS) had to sue her former husband for back child support (one of the children was developmentally disabled as well). I don't know if she ever got the money.

  12. I'm trying to figure out how the women who had sex with him came to that decision. Did they know he had a gaggle of children?

  13. The Brown kids are the real losers in this sad situation. How can they have any sense of security? All the LIES, LIES, LIES. How can these kids even know what is real?!?

    Their father denies them legally on their birth certificates!! (except Mariah?) no innocent child deserves that! So Kody is not their father legally bc he could get in trouble and they would not be able to bleed the system or consume things they have no intention of paying for, or declare numerous bankruptcies, and he'd actually have to be responsible for his family and pay taxes, like each American should!! Opportunists and scammers! Religion my hiney!!!

    The Browns want the perks of being Americans and the LIBERTIES that go along with being American, but they don't want the RESPONSIBILITIES that come with being American.

    1. Actually it doesn't matter if his name is on the birth certificate or not. Even if he was not the bio father of these kids, he has acknowledged them as such and has treated them as such, so the courts would hold him financially liable.

  14. DAMN!! all these women just keep coming out of the woodwork. just how good IS this guy in bed??? LOL

  15. This is very interesting. My great-grandfather had 21 children by two different women. And no, he was not a polygamist. He remarried after his first wife died. However, his children and grand-children did NOT have that many children. My grandfather chose to wait until he was 27 to marry (this was 1890) and he only had 2 children. The Brown children have already stated that they feel their are too many children. This Hatchett guy has publicly stated in court and via news stories that he has too many children. I believe that his children will learn from that and will probably not make the same mistakes. Just like I believe the Brown children will learn from Kody's poor example and not have the number of children Kody had. There is also the fact that infertility is very prevalent--due to toxins, pollution, high radiation, who knows???? I don't know, but in end, it appears that God's plan will prevail and it all evens out.

    1. I don't think that Logan or Hunter will choose polygamy-they seem disillusioned with the whole thing. Logan might be burnt out- he was taking care of his younger siblings and might not want to deal with his own large brood.

  16. I'm sorry...the dude is 33 and has 30 children by 11 different women? I'm supposing none of these were planned children? What kind of an idiot is he that after the first, ok maybe second accidental pregnancy he wasn't careful? Or does he still not know how babies are made? Did he think it's only the women's responsibility to use birth control? He should pay. And he should get a vasectomy. Actually, he should be forced to have one. It is irresponsible and actually inhumane to have so many children and no way to support them, not to mention they're going to miss out on having a dad in their lives. Don't even get started on the moms.

    1. RESPONSIBILE FOR WHAT YOU DOMay 23, 2012 at 1:24 PM

      Because, and I AM NOT BEING RACIST, he most likely grew up in the same situation or saw it in the community he grew up in. In poor black communities, the family is usually headed by a MATRIARC as opposed to the PATRIARC SYSTEM as in most other racial and/or financial standings. Meaning, THIS WAS THE NORM- unmarried women getting pregnant, sometimes multiple times by the same 'man', but puts down 'unknown' under father. The majority go on welfare. Welfare does try to demand the name of the father, with do DNA testing and go after 'reimbursement' from the 'daddy', but it is not worth it alot of the times, as seen hear, or they never find the 'daddy', or the 'daddy' works off the books, no income. Until the Matriarcal system is 'overthrown' and fathers return and lead the family-nothing will change. Unfortunately, as more and more programs are started up for the poor, the chances diminish. I am not in anyway saying 'starve the poor', etc. and there are poor families, singles, etc. that fell on hard times due to nothing they did at all.... but there are alot of poor out there that this way of living-off of Gov't programs -is a way of live they were taught and they 'teach' their children to live off them too, and not strive for anything better. It is a real shame, sad, and is one the reasons for the economic downfall of this country. You must always encourage your children to do better, instill in them to be responsible for their own, that THEY ALONE are responsible for themselves and their offspring, that the GOV'T does not OWN THEM ANYTHING!!! BTW, I am religious, 'God helps those who help themselves'.


      The same can be said about FLDS families which are most definitely PATRIARCHAL in structure. They call it 'bleeding the beast' and, guess what? They are religious too!

      Look, I'm not going to argue with you, even though I completely disagree with your conclusions. I'll just say really have no idea what you are talking about, and by the way, in my experience, only racists say they are not being racist before they spew their racist crap.

      God, please protect us from people like this!!

  17. This has nothing to do with Romeo Hatchett. But I thought everyone might get a chuckle out of this tweet from Robyn, since "eyes on the scene" from SWB fans have established numerous times that the property situation is not progressing 5 months after filming; nor has it even been purchased by the Browns.

    From Robyn's May 13th tweet: "I loved flying kites on the property! It makes me emotional to think about those homes! Big surprise! Haha"

    1. She just needs to stop. Only a Brown family fan will believe that bs! Time will tell!

  18. Peanut Butter FritosMay 21, 2012 at 11:07 AM

    Oh CJ!! I can't wait for your review!!!!

    I couldn't believe in that "marriage advice" it was CHRISTINE who got compared to a 6-year-old child. Wow. Ok, Mama Meri, I won't talk about our problems. Fine I'll bottle it all up again and pretend like I didn't read that he cried because I was so fat. Nobody wants to hang out with naggy wife who makes him do things. Let's go on a helicopter! It's like we're on The Bachelor! Wheeee!

    1. Exactly! I can see why Meri never had that "sister wife" relationship with them. Her advice sucks, and I loved how Christine knew it.

  19. First of all i think is is ridiculous that TLC has supported all of these large families. Jon and Kate had twins which should have been enough but when on to have six more, they got a reality show on the TLC network. In addition to at least three other families that had a set of sextuplets. In one of those families that father was a cop. The sextuplets brought the number to twelve. One of the other families with sextuplets ended up in the divorce and the husband charged with domestic violence. In another show of sextuplets the father constantly complained about how much money he had lost having all those kids. There was going to be a show about the first Hispanic family in this country to have a set of sextuplets but it was cancelled by TLC. Then of course there are the Duggars, and now the Bates who have tied with the Duggars with a total of nineteen kids. There were other Quiverful families offered a show early on by TLC. One of the families has sixteen children but two of the eldest daughters got pregnant out of wedlock and were subsequently ostracized by the family, and that show did not turn into a reality show. That family was on in 2006. Since then they have reconciled with the two estranged daughters, although the daughters and the grandchildren live elsewhere. And they thought they would have another shot at fame since they supposedly are now on speaking terms with the daughters they had originally shunned. Then their is Octomom who never was offered a reality show by TLC but has certainly become infamous. And in Nadia Suleman's mind infamy=fame. So TLC is an acronym for The Learning Channel and the Parent Company is the Discovery Channel, who is also in co-ownership with the OWN network; an acronym for the Oprah Winfrey Network.And now there is Sister Wives also through TLC. I hope TLC does not offer this nut with 30 kids his own show. I forgot he is Black so that won't happen. All of these families claim to be self sufficient and that they don't use government money. I disagree. When TLC is supporting you at forty thousand an episode then that is not being self sufficient. Having a job and supporting your family is being self sufficient. And the only jobs these families have is breeding children.

  20. Entire family isn't recognized as intact. So there are separate returns. Janelle can't be in Kody's return. She can deduct her 6 but not Christine's.

    In their family before Robyn three of the four worked.
