Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Review: S04 Ep02 Polygamist Date Nights

I really didn't expect a rehash of the Brown's book in the episode tonight. Almost  every recollection about the family's early years was straight from the book. I only will have a few  things to say: Kody looked so effeminate dressed in white at his wedding, didn't he? And what an odd song choice of Bread's 'Everything I Own' - if they were monogamist maybe it would be OK, but polygamist? Too bad Meri didn't get up and sing the Stones 'Beast of Burden'.

First off, we get a glimpse of the LIV company car Kody tweeted about in January of this year (http://sisterwivesblog.blogspot.com/2012/01/i-scour-internet-1412-new-year-tweets.html). My oh my, they must have run out of Mercedes before Kody could get cross country to pick up his car (or the 'marketing' company ran out of dough). If that isn't the UGLIEST little car on the face of this planet. And what color is that? Well at least it looks like it has more leg room in the back seats than the Lexus...Which leads me to ask the inevitable question, Where IS Kody's Lexus? This could be a new game, like Where's Waldo! Is that Kody's Lexus hidden in Robyn's garage? Was that Kody's Lexus found on the road, dead? (No, that was a FORD). Was that Kody's Lexus in the impound yard?

Well, your guess is as good as mine.

Did anyone else catch Robyn's explaining that the 'car' was a 'bonus' Kody earned for THEIR work at a 'marketing' company. Interesting to know that we can just leave off the words Multi Level and just go with the Marketing to describe LIV International. It's so deceptive, don't you think? Kody can barely string 3 coherent sentences together in an interview, so I can just imagine one of his 'marketing' presentations. I hope Meri's driving that car, because she is the driving force behind that bonus car!

But then, with a totally straight face, Meri actually said "...It's a great vehicle...It's fun to have a nice car to go out on a date with...it's fun because...it's a convertible..."Hmmm.... call me silly but shouldn't a COMPANY CAR be used for COMPANY BUSINESS? I mean, isn't that what the Kody Lexus is for, dating? And all this dating talk - these people are acting like they are teenagers instead of adults. Adults with SEVENTEEN children between them.

What is WRONG with these people?

But before I answer that question, let's get on to the first date, with Meri.

When we see Kody and Meri hitting the slopes, and they are going at least 30 mph, who didn't think that this skiing adventure was going to end in a bad way?
Kody even admits...he is a lousy skiing instructor. Yeah, got to agree with you on that one, most instructors make sure their students can stop, and certainly wouldn't have them barrelling down the slopes at 30 mph. Thank God when she wiped out, she didn't take out other skiers too. Too bad about your knee, Meri. Maybe next time you'll take instruction from someone better qualified.

Kody and Meri are not very smart.

With Meri laid up with an injured knee, Kody runs off to his next date with Janelle.

As Janelle and Kody head off to Red Rock Canyon, Janelle explains how liberating it is to know, since working out, that she is now physically able to enjoy hiking and walking wilderness trails again with Kody. But she has only lost 10 pounds. Seriously, I think Janelle should go to a doctor, something isn't right. Last year she said she lost 10 pounds. So is that 10 pounds in totality, or 20 pounds in the last year? Like I said, Janelle needs to go to a doctor, or at least a qualified weight loss professional (sorry trainer Bill or whatever your name was).

Anyway, she appeared to be happy in the wilderness with Kody.

Next, we go to Christine's house. After a brief discussion with daughter Gwendlyn about her decision to ask her brother Logan to take her to the Valentine's dance instead of her father, Christine scurries over to Meri's to help her out.

Kody has a talking head where he says sister wives will discuss their marital problems with their fellow sister wives. Maybe in a perfect polygamist world, but does anyone really think it's prudent to discuss your problems with a rival? And let's be real, these women are all rivals for Kody's attention, and they don't even make an attempt to be even friends. So why should the viewing audience be misled to believe these women are sisterly with each other when clearly, they are not? And that the advice they dish out is anything but self-serving?

When Meri tells Christine to work through her own issues rather than putting her marital problems all on Kody, I just have to wonder, why is he getting let off the hook so easily? Why does Christine have to be the only one to change? Well, if you look deep enough, it's obvious that in this family, when Kody is unhappy, EVERYBODY is unhappy. In fact, hasn't Kody said that what affects one family affects all the families? Since Kody is the common denominator, it doesn't take much effort to come to the conclusion that Kody must be kept happy, even if it means a wife has to change to accommodate HIS whims. Keep sweet and don't make waves is what Meri is telling Christine. And that's just sad. Chalk this segment up to the perks of being a sister-wife: Depression, repressed emotions, loneliness, and jealousy,  just to name a few.

Yep, Robyn's right. It's not for amateurs. And especially not for a self-deluded AUB princess who wanted to be the LAST wife and thought she WOULD BE the LAST wife, but alas, was not.

Just when this episode couldn't get any worse, it's time for Kody's and Christine's date. They go paintballing, and take a helicopter ride from a (wink wink) new buddy of Kody's. Thank goodness TLC is there to not only fund the production crew having to film this crap, but to fund these wonderful excursions.  Hey, did you notice the LIV product placements?

I wonder if Kody and Krew ever thought about taking a cruise on a Love Boat? He needs to become buddies with a cruise company owner. (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)

Back on topic, Kody and Christine end their date at a frozen yogurt parlor, Christine actually APOLOGIZES to Kody. "I'm sorry honey. It's been a rough year...I'll be more grateful, I promise..." she says, sounding more like a child than a wife, let alone a wife who's given birth to 6 children.

"We'll work it out..." says Kody, as he rocks her back and forth. Yeah, right...

We return to Robyn's house. The sounds of children coughing fills the air. Robyn laments about her 4 kids being sick. If you remember, Robyn tweeted about poor [old] Sol [omon Grundy] being sick for about 3 months. THREE MONTHS???? Well, if this segment is any indication, I'm not surprised. Aurora has her face close to Sol's. Sol coughs on her. Breanna kisses Sol. Sol coughs on her. Aurora plays with a doll after Sol coughs on it. Yep, that's how germs and viruses are spread. And then when Kody says that because Sol baked an extra two weeks, the baby has the stamina to weather having the flu for a couple of months. I don't know, but have these two rocket scientists thought maybe if they keep Sol away from sick children or vice-versa,  he would get well? Like, Duh!!!

Has anyone noticed how much Kody is shown holding and cuddling little Sol, and how much Robyn's little girls almost hang on to him for dear life?  Kinda sucks that Truely didn't get the same daddy  TV time, doesn't it?

I think Christine had a point that Kody doesn't appear to allocate his time equally. But that point is now moot, because Christine has promised to be more grateful of the crumbs he begrudgingly doles out to her and their children. And in his talking head, Kody admits that he  "... actually spend more time with each individual wife relationship...Me and one wife....than I do with the whole family relationship." Yeah Kody, we definitely can see that.

For some reason, that saying of Kody's about Love Being Multiplied, Not Divided is simply not adding up in the real world. And who is suffering? The children, of course.

While we watch Kody and Robyn decide what to eat at the restaurant on their date, Robyn talks about being able to leave Sol at home with a teenage bonus kid babysitter when he's older. Hey, where is Sol? Didn't I see Kody carrying Sol in his seat thingy on the way to the restaurant? You would think the baby would be between Kody and Robyn in the booth, but he's not. WHERE IS SOL?

Oh, THERE he is!. It seems that Sol was placed on a chair at the end of the table. Guess Kody and Robyn needed that extra space to cuddle a little closer to each other. And talk about old times. She even pulls out of her purse the string engagement ring Kody gave her, as well as her engagement ring. I wonder if she kept....oh never mind! Anyway, the mystery of Sol's location has been solved!

After listening to Robyn drone on and on (and she does drone in a nasal monotone voice) about Sol's future and that Kody will be 62 when Sol leaves for college. I think to myself I would cut my ears out my head if I had to listen to her drone on and on and on. I tell ya, she's only been a sister wife for a year and a half and already she claims to knows more about being a sister wife than the 3 women who've been together for over 20 twenty years. That takes chutzpah!

I think I'm beginning to see what's wrong with this family, and Christine was RIGHT !

Finally as this hour slowly comes to the end, we find out that Kody checks his kids 'social media' accounts. Oh really? So THAT's why the teen girls were tweeting how they had the greatest dad and family in the world!

And last but not least, for her birthday present, Meri will be spending her anniversary in Mexico (no doubt courtesy of TLC) with Kody.  Let's hope he doesn't teach her how to  water-ski!

And before we leave this episode, here's my favorite picture! It pretty much sums up this episode!

Hey, he asked Savanah nicely!


Hi everybody. For some reason, I can't get blogger to load the next page of comments. I'm not sure if it's just my browser or if others are having this problem.  I'm going to open up a new discussion page for this review. This page will be changed to read-only.

I apologize for the inconvenience!


  1. Perfect recap. I just have three questions.

    1.) Krodi says, "Love should be multiplied, not divided". How is LOVE multiplied when he 'divides' his time and love and 'presence' so thinly? (I am so confused.)

    2.) Why does Krodi get to drive the new car? The "family company" vehicle should be driven by those who 'work' the company, right? (Is this one of those "divide not multiply" instances? Oh I know, King Krodi Rules!)

    3.) What kind of vehicle is that? I want to make sure I don't accidentially buy one. I'ts fugly.

    1. Hi Hooked!
      1) I agree with you...he is dividing his time and love every time a new baby or wife comes on the scene.
      2)I'm hoping that Meri drives it when she goes to Utah for Kody's 'marketing' job.
      3)Maybe a hybrid of some kind? I'm thinking that logo looks like Nissan. It is fugly and the color doesn't help!

    2. Kody's is leaving out parts of his mantra. "Love should be multiplied FOR ME and not divided AS IT IS FOR MY WIVES AND KIDS. "

      Kody gets 4 times the wifely love and adoration. They get 1/4 of what he gets. Roughly anyway - as Robyn is getting way more love and adoration now than the other 3 all put together.

      Kody gets 17 times the fatherly love and adoration. Kids get 1/17. Roughly anyway - as Robyn's kids are getting most of that now, too.

      Robyn's his favorite wife - the only wife he's ever been gushy gushy goo in love with. (remember he even stated that in first season!!) I'm sure he's restated that in private to Robyn again and again and sworn her to secrecy so the other wives don't kill both of them. And Solomon's his favorite baby so far.

    3. That vehicle is the Nissan Murano Cross Cabriolet and base price is $44,540. That's base, with no extras. Evidently this "business" of their is doing very well.

  2. Well, finally, thanks for the post. I had a rather long Afghan hound moment last night and didn't think about the show until sometime this afternoon. There are advantages in being like an Afghan.

    I'm tired. So many dates, oh my! Janelle always gets the camping and dirty stuff. Says she likes it. I do too to some extent, but prefer to herd my sheep over verdant fields. I hate deer ticks and lime disease so stay out of the dirty areas for health reasons as well as protecting my beautiful coat.

    Me mum watches Top Gear religiously and she can't name the fugly bronze car. I do hope Christine really blasted the Kodster. Regarding sick kids, I hate to admit it but me mum avoids little kids like crazy. They have bubbles of stuff coming out their noses and mouths and lick it. She smacks me if I get too close and people think she wants to keep the dog away, but it isn't. She doesn't want me to eat god only knows what. Then mums eat after the kids, relick ice cream, rechew gum, ugg you see me mum is really averse to this kind of stuff. Never drinks after or eats after anybody. She knows she's a bit of a nut about it, but oh well, we all have our goofiness.

    Thanks so much for posting. Once I finally remembered the show a mere 9 hours late, I was curious.

  3. Great review!! The photos of the car are hysterical, especially the one with the 4 wives. That is one ugly car.

  4. This is more about a previous post but u gotta love that Meri tells Christine to basically suck it up and yet rewatching season 1 I'm seeing tons of Meri and her issues! She sure didn't deal with her crap whinning and complaining about her feelings when they went out to dinner for their anniversary! Why is it okay for her to expect Kody to understand and accommodate but Christine can't? So selfish

  5. Oh my, I wonder if it is the convertable Murano. That is a $45,000 car. Hmm. Something is not adding up here. I did a MLM gig, you konw - the 'pink' one and directors got a grand prix. The big whigs got the caddies. This was 10 years ago, but a new grand prix was about $27,000+. Those women who got them worked their butts off. Car prices have inflated in the past 10 years, but I don't see how Krodi could be at the $45K car level yet. Interesting.

    1. Hook, you called it right! I just googled Nissan Murano and that's the car!

    2. They are the fugliest cars on the planet and come in the fugliest colors to boot. They are even uglier in convertible form. They look like old, mutant high top sneakers. My friend's neighbor had the most god awful sparkly orange/rust colored one in his driveway for years! To our knowledge, it remained parked on the driveway until it disappeared. Who knows, maybe it was a LIV car too, but they were to embarrassed to be seen in it.

    3. In my local area, that model leases for around $660 a month. Of course since the Browns are high-profile, LIV wants to make sure they are driving a really nice car on tv...Company car, yeah right!

    4. I was thinking about this car and the fact they called it a "bonus". They did not say they now "owned" it. It would be best if the company leased this car for them rather then make payment to the family for marketing their drinks while filming. TV time can be costly. The company can claim the lease as a expense, a 100% write off, the Brown's have a car leased for them and not have to count it as income or an asset as they do not own the car. Win/Win for LIV and the Brown's. Now let us see in the next few years who has that car, I am think it will be towed away when the company flops.

    5. I've never heard the LIV name mentioned on the show, or any sign of their products...

    6. Check out the kodybrownfamily.com website. The testimonials for the green drink are HILARIOUS!! My husband wouldn't be caught dead watching the show but you should have seen the look on his face when I read him the testimonials!

      They are feeding this stuff to their kids? Lordy!

  6. These heart to heart bitch sessions must be at the request of the producers to have something to film. You know, the script without lines. Otherwise I don't know what kind of an idiot you'd have to be to have these talks with your husband's significant others.

    1. Before filming, I don't think the ladies spent that much time together (original three). The whole ladies lunches thing seemed scripted as well. It was telling that Christine said she didn't "do relationships."

  7. So glad I could help. :~D The wives seem to like the car. (However, the color is WRONG!) I vote that the wives get to drive the car on a rotational basis. If Meri has Krodi on Monday, then her prize is the new car on Tuesday, etc, etc. That seems fair.

  8. Lmao! Thanks CJ for the fix, I knew U would come thru w/ a more entertaining review than what the show delivered...lol
    U know they really liked the color of the car, since it was a brownish color. I can hear them now...Oh, this is a sign from the higher calling that we're doing something right!!....haha
    My hubby graciously sat thru another episode, w/ me, granted that this one was a bit more gruelN. He's used to hearing me yell out loser & douche when I'm watching SW, so he caught on real quick, but added eff'ing in front of loser & douche....lol
    He also did say, that this guy really thinks he's something special & guess he thinks that he's able to buy his "wives" off & said well, come to think about it, he's doing exactly what cheating husbands do. HA!
    As broke as their asses were before TLC, there's no way in hell, they could afford all of this extra luxury dates, well except for Janelle's since they always go hiking,etc... Damn, she didn't even get a nice dinner :/
    Robyn, got dinner & a movie, bcuz Kody thought it was too early to go home. But, I'm thinkN, maybe it was Christine's night, & it was too early for him...lol Unless, he was doing their date's to coincide w/ each wife's night.
    CJ, I too noticed how much Robyn's girls hangs on Kody & he allows it + him toting & holding Sol a bunch(eyes rolling)...
    I did find it interesting that Janelle was the one driving the new "company" car, & CJ u were spot on about the adults acting like teenagers...ughhhhh! So, getting back to Janelle driving..I supspect it was a way to keep the other wives jealousy at bay, since U know, Kody & Janelle have a buddy buddy relationship & not romantic. Even though Kody mindlessly let us know, that he's now more in love w/ Janelle than ever before! Wow, Kody, aren't U just the perfect gentlemen? Hell to the No, he's not!!

    1. Can I come over and watch tv at your house? My husband never watches the same shows I do, and vice-versa. So I don't know what he likes, but I do know what he doesn't like which is anything I'm watching. When he's here I wander through once in a while and it's never the same thing. Boo hoo, I'd so like to have somebody to yell with. Mikey the Aussie watches TV all the time, with a favorite channel being nat geo wild, but sometimes he's glued onto the lions ripping apart the sprinboks and I apologize to the dog and tell him I can't take it anymore and we watch Sesame Street or something. Or get YouTube on tv. More fun watching him and listening to him howl.

    2. Lol BC...sure come on over this weekend! My hubby is into syfy & me not so much, but occasionally we do find stuff we like & can watch together...I think, he started watching it w/ me, since I'm always cruising SWB...lol =)

    3. My hubby has watched Sw with me a few times..... The first time I spent the whole time trying to explain the show, then he finally said "Ohhhhh you mean they arent real sisters". Im so glad I DvRed it cause he wouldnt shut up. LoL

  9. BRAVO, BRAVO, Cynical Jinx !!!!
    *YOU* need the vacation brochure to *anywhere* after plowing through that BS.

    You hit on so many glaring and typically KodyWorld-ridiculous points in your review.

    Yes, Yes, Yes.....Robyn, now as the resident SAGE of all the sisterwives, proclaiming in her chronic worried brow, singsong voice saying, "it is not for amateurs" was laughable and ballsy.

    Side note....I did notice the camera seemed to favor filming her in profile this episode.
    The Witchy Poo chin, nose and lip-less look are not kind to her.
    *Hint...Robyn, you may want to have a private talk with the cameraman.*

    Thanks, CJ !!!!!!

    1. Yes, yes...Rob-chin has never looked witchier. Wow those camera angles were so unflattering, I guess there is no "good side" to film.

    2. I'm surprised the other SW's haven't slapped Robyn yet.

  10. Christine, Christine, girl U got some serious issues & ur main one is Kody!! I don't give a rat's ass what ill advice, that mean girl sister wife gave U bcuz that bitch was doped up on some pain killers!!
    I'm officially over feeling sorry for ur ass, bcuz once again ur allowN Kody a free pass & it's just pathetic. Avoidance never solves issues & neither does making excuses for ur actions or his!
    Communication is the heart of the relationship- Once it stops, the relationship dies. I would also, like to add, if U don't tell people what U want, expect to get what you asked for: NOTHING!!
    If U don't communicate the situation stagnates, withers, & dies. Your marriage starts going down hill when one begins to distance themselves emotionally & physically...spending more & more time away, w/ friends, work, or new hobbies(in this case it's Robyn).
    How ironic that those who half listen to any given conversation are the same individuals who get upset when they aren't heard or understood! For some reason, Kodouche comes to mind O_o

  11. Forgot to add.....

    That scene of the Janelle's son being told to wake up his sister while Janelle leaves the house was disturbing. Not disturbing that the boy was doing what siblings do if they have the chance, but that if that little girl was *really sleeping* and her brother was dragging her off the bed as kids would do..then a camera and sound crew was in that child's room filming that *while her parent was supposedly elsewhere.*

    Would any of us want a camera crew in our bedroom, in our child's bedroom, filming you asleep and then the covers being thrown off and being dragged off the bed???
    Sticking her doll in the toilet???

    TLC couldn't come up with any other stupid set-up to fill up that episode but that??
    What the Hell is wrong with these people???....with these *parents* !!!

    1. Exactly. But my main issue with this is where the hell was Kody? If you know wife and oldest children are leaving before the youngest need to be up and to school then shouldn't you be there to HELP!?! But no, he was probably off at Robyn's being gross...!

  12. Typical Kody, being more self absorbed than usual in this episode, all b/cuz he was taking his wife's out on dates...& I'm sorry, Janelle's doesn't really qualify as one. I know I've already harped about it above, but come on!!
    If he would put 1/2 as much energy into building relationships & spending time w/ his kids, then I might be impressed, but I'm not! He needs to put forth same effort into his wife's emotional well being too! He just like's burning energy finding date activities for TLC to foot the bill.
    I'm still not a fan of Robyn & don't care too much for her, bcuz we all know that she's Kody's favorite & she does get special treatment.
    Look like she's going dancing tonight w/ Kody. Remember her request to Kody on their date? Well today is their anniversary & Kody tweeted to a vegas club earlier, that he's looking for a dance place to go dancing w/ Robyn for their anniversary 5/22

  13. The scene with Christine telling us that Gwendlyn is taking her brother Logan to the Valentine's Dance because Kody is spread too thin was heartbreaking - but for these girls, it's probably pretty normal. When you only get to hang out with your dad for about an hour a week, for Gwendlyn it was business as usual. Logan seems like he really enjoys spending time with the little kids. and he seems to have patience beyond his years. I imagine there's going to be some very sad Brown children when he leaves for college.

    Also, Kody - when you and a wife have marital problems, and your wife says "I'm sorry" (no matter how misguided), the proper response is, "I'm sorry too." I was angered, although not surprised, that he didn't own up to his share of what's going wrong in that relationship.

    1. At first I thought it was pretty funny that Gwendlyn chose Logan over Kody & I wondered if it bothered Kody at all but then I thought about it & realized that of course it didn't bother Kody one bit!! Don't know what I was thinking, must of had the Sperm Donor confused with A REAL FATHER!! It is very sad that Logan is there for the little ones more than Kody. I bet Kody would find the time if Robyn's girls asked dear old Step Dad to a Father/Daughter dance! Especially, after the speech about how The Heavenly Father told him to be a Dad to Robyn's kids...UGGGHHH!!

    2. "Also, Kody - when you and a wife have marital problems, and your wife says "I'm sorry" (no matter how misguided), the proper response is, "I'm sorry too."


    3. I really think that TLC should rename this show to "IT'S ALL ABOUT KODY".

      toasy -- So, the premise of the show (plural marriage), consisting of ONE man and FOUR wives didn't infer to you that it's ALL ABOUT KODY? You seriously need a sub-title?

  14. I really think that TLC should rename this show to "IT'S ALL ABOUT KODY".
    When he rolled in with that car, my first thought was of course it's another convertible (IT'S ALL ABOUT KODY) and then I was like..hey not even all 4 wives will fit it in at the same time..so how is that fair???

    At the beginning of the episode I thought I was watching The Bachelor, with all these quasi destination dates. Sure they tried to make it seem that he was paying individualized attention to each wife, but it really was IT'S ALL ABOUT KODY. Kody seemed perturbed that his skiing day was over, Kody won at paintball. Meri telling Christine to make IT ALL ABOUT KODY. I"m a little surprised that Robyn brought Sol on her date, because shouldn't it be ALL ABOUT KODY? But then, Sol is the glue that holds them all together and if they weren't all together then it couldn't be ALL ABOUT KODY could it?

    1. How about "Everybody Loves Kody?" "Kody Knows Best?" "Make Room for Kody?" "The Kody Show?" "Kody in the Middle?" "The Amazing Kody?"

      Sorry, once I got going, I found it hard to stop.

    2. Hey - he's going to be King Kody on his own planet because he is doind several women, so he might as well act like a King now, no?

    3. How about "Everybody Loves Kody?" "Kody Knows Best?" "Make Room for Kody?" "The Kody Show?" "Kody in the Middle?" "The Amazing Kody?"

      Sorry, once I got going, I found it hard to stop.

      Since U started it, how about...."SEX & THE KODY!"

    4. "Kody Kam"

      I remember when the 'K' thing was clever; back when the Kardashians first became "popular". That was years ago.

  15. wow, this episode is even more boring than the one before! We've already seen date nights in other episodes! What I actually see is, not the fun, great dates they go on, but that Kody gets to go to dinner, paint-balling, helicopter ride, hiking and a trip to Mexico. And presumably get "some" every night. Whereas the wives get every other 4th night. Boy, being a polygamist husband sure is tough! And again, as I've mentioned before in an earlier post, WHERE are the one on one father son outings? The camping trips or all day hikes or fishing trips with JUST THE teenaged boys? Or a day spent with just the girls who are around the same age? (a couple of hours shopping for their moms xmas gift doesn't count) I remember as a little kid being upset and jealous when my parents would go on a trip to Europe for a week and leave me with my grandparents, or even if they just went to dinner without me. Normal feelings for a little kid. I wonder how the Brown kids deal with getting short-changed all the time? They're probably used to it. And all that talk about how they have to work on this plural marriage, the difficulties, etc, just prove, AGAIN that this is not a normal state to live in. A final note, what did Robin mean with knowing Kody has the ability but not if he has the capacity to have more children? Maybe she doesn't know these are synonym words..... LOL

    1. i doubt she knows the definition of synonym either. but that was just another "deep thoughts by robyn handy" moment. i noticed nothing came up into the conversation about the financial affordability. just the commitment she wanted from him that he was going to be "present" for her baby. as she obviously noted he certainly wasn't for Truely.

    2. Thank you for bringing that up. I have no doubt they love their kids but really? Kody was "put out" when Robyn asked him if he could handle another baby?! Made me think for a moment she had some sense. Of course he won't really be handling the baby at all will he? You have 17 children to support (financially and otherwise). 5 in college at the same time. Let's have another! And another! I gave more thought to what I'm having for dinner.

    3. Peanut Butter FritosMay 22, 2012 at 7:59 PM

      I think that's code for nastiness that I do not wish on anyone. I guess Robyn wants to make it clear that he's still, uh, there for her.

    4. methinks "capacity = money"

      Also anyone else noticing lack of kouch-time for older kody offspring??

    5. Re fact that Kody should not teach skiing...anyone else notice that he sent Meri careening down hill without ski poles? MANY TIMES? Of course she crashed! She had no way to ski, steer, or control! It's a miracle that she wasn't really injured!!!!!!

  16. mom of the year robynMay 22, 2012 at 8:03 AM

    I'm not sure if anyone else caught this, but if they were just going around the block in the "new car" then why on earth did they take baby Sol with them? Robyn leave him with the other kids for just a few minutes!!! The car seat he was in is supposed to be snapped into a base, but instead was just thrown into the back seat of a car! I love how safety and practicality obviously is always this families top concern!

    1. Thrown in the backseat just like he was placed on a chair in a restaurant where a waiter could trip over him. These people don't have much for brains.

  17. I thought it ws hilarious when Kody comes in for Janelle's date and the first words out of his mouth are my back hurts cause Meri hurt herself!!LOL He is SUCH a douche. And Kody singing at his wedding LMAO!!! He so badly needs to be center of attention. It's not about the bride, it's about KODY!
    Kody definately should never teach anyone sking, Meri is lucky she didn't end up seriously hurt. Good for Janelle and losing all those inches, mobility is a wonderful thing! Christine apologizing to Kody at the end of their date PATHETIC!!!seriously girl he throws you scaps!! And then there's Robyn whom Kody definately seems most comfortable with. Almost like when he's with her you can just hear him exhaling with relief.It also kind of seemed during Christine's and Meri's chat that Meri was giving Christine the evil eye about saying too much negative stuff about Kody, Meri would make the worst marriage counselor in history...it's not him, it's you, it's is always you!

  18. I thought it was sad that when Kody and Meri were talking about their marriage proposal, Kody told Meri that age had enhanced his "romance," therefore, Robyn got the best proposal (and honeymoon), to which Meri replies, "Robyn, Robyn, Robyn." It seems that "Robyn, Robyn, Robyn" will always be mentioned at inappropriate times to the other wives.

    As for the surrogacy, Janelle said in the book that Meri would take off work to travel with Kody when they were all first married. With Mariah going to off to college, if Meri chooses not to have another baby, she would be the one who would be free to travel with Kody to LIV events, etc. She would get more time with Kody, just like she did when they were young "lovers," as she likes to call him. The pull of more time alone with her soulmate may outweigh the opportunity to have another child.

    1. Loved the "Robyn, Robyn, Robyn" part. So it seems that Christine isn't the only one who thinks it is all about Robyn and how even on alone time with each wife she is brought up time and time again!!! There are some really big jealousy issues going on there, too. And his reaction of lowering his head and avoiding eye contact and was that blushing???? If that didn't make it obvious that Robyn is the favorite, then nothing will.

    2. Remember last season when Robyn kept harping on how they want to make sure that Meri has kids to take care of... You know, one of the perks? This is because the wife with no kids at home does have the time to travel and be more alone with the husband. If Robyn and Kody can talk Meri into the surrogacy thing (which I don't believe Meri is honestly interested in), then Robyn will succeed in keeping Meri from having a bunch of alone time with Kody and also succeed as being the Sister Wife Martyr of all time! Kody is already complaining about Sol keeping him up one out of four nights a week. Give him more babies and that's less sleep for him!

    3. Spot on CPA Carol. When Mariah leaves for college...guess who will be the built in babysitter for Rob-chin? We already saw in last season what Rob-chin's response was when one of her girls had a behavioral problem....dump the kid off on Meri. I can hear Rob-chin now..."What, Meri...you dont want to take care of my responsibilities as a parent so I can spend more romantic time with Kodoche, and continue to undermine everyone else? I thought you LOVED kids and wanted more. I'M TELLING KODOUCHE that you are hating on me and making me unhappy. That'll "larn" ya!"

    4. yes!! he certainly got red-faced w/an instant angry/embarrassed look on his face and took an immediate dive for the straw in his glass re: the robyn, robyn, robyn shutdown. and Meri's going to look like the complete preachy hypocrite that she is when Christine sees that part after being condescendingly asked by Meri, "oh, so you still haven't moved past your Robyn issue?" LOL

      I loved the pride tho that Kody showed when he was able to admit to Meri how spoiled Robyn was for getting a decent proposal from him now that he's not a novice at it anymore! omg...priceless!

    5. I noticed something else that Robyn got that none of the other wives got for their wedding, Kody wore a new suit!! He wore that ridiculous white suit for all of his wedding's except for Robyn's...I'm positive there's no way he could fit in it anymore BUT I still thought it was kinda funny that he loved that suit so much he wore it for all 3 weddings, lol.

    6. I'm sure all 4 Tux were rentals. The white tux was in style back then. Other than that, again it's all about Robyn. She did get the nicest reception, not to mention the long honeymoon. Of course Kody will favor Robyn, she's younger, thin, but not sure what he's thinking when it comes to her face O_o When it comes to her face, she is so unattractive, not to mention her profile...YIKES!!!! Janelle, hurry up and meet your weight loss goal....you have the prettiest face of all 3 sister wives. That would be a great time to pack and take your children and leave that selfish jerk and your sister wives.

    7. Robyn got the best proposal (and honeymoon), to which Meri replies, "Robyn, Robyn, Robyn."

      -- Kody said that Robyn is the first woman he was ga-ga over. Meri encouraged the plural wives, because up until Robyn joined the clan, Kody taking another bride worked in Meri's favor. Meri took it one wife too far when she encouraged Kody to court Robyn. Kody's marriages to Janelle and Christine did not affect Meri adversely, which explains Meri's sudden and drastic weight gain after Robyn entered the picture.

      Meri's conversation with Christine was so strange. It became clear that Meri, not Kody, was

  19. So, let me get this straight, Robyn has a baby so that means she gets extra help. However, Christine had even more kids and was dealing with postpartum, yet where was her help? Why did we never see Kody carrying Truley around?

    That being said, Robyn is still very much a single mom and has to do things by herself alot in this
    arrangement versus if was in a monogamous relationship.

    I also wonder if Kody is making such a big deal about being so involved with Solomon to make him look good/ in response to criticism. Too bad it makes him look worse.

    1. Let's not forget that the boy child is of a higher value than a little girl in this religion. I'm sorry but that is what is being shown and declared through out their society. King Sol is the glue to cement these families together.
      Notice how we got Janelle craddling Sol, Kody holding Sol, Maddie sending out photos with Sol...there was little or no attention lavished on darling Truly after she was born. Oh that's right daddy had gone a courtin.

    2. that "courting" word that Meri used made me LOL cause i went back to the old Beverly Hillbillies comedy show. That's honestly the last time i remember hearing that word. i'm just trying to imagine any of their teens using that word themselves.

  20. I think that Koty is trying to win a place on "dancing with the stars." He may also be trying to get a slot on American Idol with the singing. Seriously think that's where his mind is going after last episode.

    I also think that Christine is more sly than is generally realized. I think she got into the conversation with Meri in front of the cameras to expose the crap that she's subjected to. I think she is maneuvering situations to expose her plight in advance of leaving. Making a big deal of Koty's dumping Jo Smith's birthday in favor of Haunnika starts down the path of "he's not leading the family righteously". Her family ties to the AUB make it important that she be seen in the right light when asking for the divorce and leaving her husband. I've read that AUB helps its own when they need financial support, so if she works it right her church could be her refuge when she leaves.

    1. Not only what Christine was subjected to, but what Meri was subjected to with the "what about you? all last year, no birthday celebrations, no anniversary celebrations, no vacations...you were ignored most of the year." At first Meri tried to be strong about it but you could see all the pain there with her "timing was just never right." But isn't that the point, that you are supposed to make time for important people in your life?

      And Meri got her Xmas present to also be her anniversary present? Mighty cheesy.....

  21. Did anyone notice the gleam in Christine's eye when she talked about shooting Kody? There's still some anger there. And what about the look on poor Janelle's face when Meri got the trip to Mexico. Maybe she'll get another hike? I did like hearing her talk about how empowering feeling healthy and strong was. Go Janelle!
    But overall, it was a horrid show that left me feeling sad for this entire group of people. So much anger, and sadness, and for what? I don't see any reason to live this way.

    1. I didn't think the other wives looked too happy when Meri got a trip to Mexico.

      Christine has to be the center of attention or she's not happy, obviously.

      Once Robyn is no longer the newest, youngest, slimmest wife - she will know how Christine feels.

      I am not a fan of Meri. It is quite obvious that she has beef with Christine and Janelle.

      Janelle, Janelle, Janelle - too much intelligence to fall for this mess. I can't figure out why she would do it.

    2. The only ones I feel sad for are Janelle and Christine. Meri I don't feel sad for her, it's Meri who found the 3 wives for Kody.....what the hell what she thinking! And Robyn....I don't pitty her not one bit. What I would like to see in future episodes are, Janelle and Christine growing stronger and standing up for what they want and leave Kody, Meri, and Mrs. Witchiepoo.

    3. "I did like hearing her talk about how empowering feeling healthy and strong was. Go Janelle!"

      For all these years, Janelle had the misfortune of being morbidly obese while the Meri and Christine were much smaller than Janelle. I love that Janelle is, at the very least, enjoying NOT being "the fat one". Enter Meri.

      Does anybody else remember when, during the first season, Janelle and Christine said that they encouraged Kody getting another wife (Robyn), as Kody "deserves a cute wife"? Meri piped up with "I'M CUTE!"

  22. Peanut Butter FritosMay 22, 2012 at 10:11 AM

    Why couldn't Janelle have gotten the paintball date so she wouldn't have to make some crap up about her so-called fitness? I'm sorry, but am I really supposed to believe she has been working out constantly with a trainer for six months -- or hell, even walking every day for six months? 18" is a lot to claim. Or maybe it's 1" in 18 measurements! See, it's true! With these people, it never quite makes sense.

    Christine's staying sweet scenes are what has stayed with me. Christine is supposed to be grateful for teensy pieces of affection from an aloof, distant mate while suffering from depression. My heart is breaking for her. She can do so much better if she will be brave.

    1. Peanut Butter Fritos: I do believe the 18" loss that Janelle claimed.

      I'm built just like Janelle and have been working on losing weight and I found that when I started at the gym and told them I wanted a weight loss routine, they measured me.

      They measured my upper arm, upper thigh, waist, hips and bust. So if you add even an inch loss in all those areas, it starts to add up quickly. They do that because upper arms and thighs are also usually large areas on overweight people and it's a good way to tell if you are losing all over.

      So with 5 areas measured, it's not hard to believe 18". I can also believe the lack of actual pounds lost because just like me, she's needing to build muscle and that weighs more than fat. In fact, my trainer told me he had a client that was so out of shape that it took an entire year before she'd lost any actual pounds, but had lost more than 40 inches. It was because she'd lost so much muscle and had to build it back up.

      Hope that helps explain Janelle's losses :-)

    2. Peanut Butter FritosMay 22, 2012 at 8:37 PM

      Sorry, not buying it, though the random combo of numbers does make more sense. I mean, what was the point of the weigh-in/measure-in if there's never an updated one?

      She's better at her lines than the rest, I'll give her that. But anyone who is unemployed and really trying to lose weight for six months could have made more progress than that. She was winded walking in the park!

    3. Funky Town, I'll double that. When I first started losing weight (I used to weigh about 300--@ barely 5'1"!) and I lost my first 20 pounds, I lost over 12 inches on one thigh and 11 on the other. My sister who is much, much taller has recently lost about 40 pounds, and it is only now starting to show through her torso. Very short, round types that have a defined waist (which Janelle probably does--or did before birthing 6 kids--under her baggy blouses and sweaters) usually lose inches much faster than wight, compared to more "barrel shaped" (generally skinny-legged) types. Those of you who have never been obese probably think 18" sounds like a lot more than we chubboes do.

    4. Well I'm glad that you both spoke up because now I'm wondering about the person they gave me as a trainer. I really don't know much about stuff like that (obviously or I'd not need to lose weight) and just took what he said at face value.

      I realize this is way off the topic of SWB but if either of you could point me to something that would be useful to read or somewhere I can check into this trainer's credentials, I'd be grateful.

      I don't want to be wasting my money and I do want to be successful. And thanks for that information Linnett about what you used to weigh. That gives me hope.

    5. PBF That' true [But anyone who is unemployed and really trying to lose weight for six months could have made more progress than that. She was winded walking in the park!]. I probably exercise much more than she does.

      FT: I've always been sort of a sporty fat girl. Even when I weghed 260-280 I could run 5K almost every day. I barely lost any weight running like that, on 1300 calories a day. It wasn't until I increased my calorie and protein intake, and started strength training that I finally got the scale moving. Maybe Janelle will read this and give it a try LOL. Disclaimer: I am by no means thin yet (LOL) but I am working it. I can assure you that you do not have to lose 4 pounds a week to be a success!! I'm down about 65 pounds in a little over a year and a half--and I am willing to take it that slow--also my skin does not sag anywhere!

    6. A couple of years ago I started walking to work. It was only 3/4 of a mile one way (total 1.5 miles/day), but you know what? After 6 months, I lost like 30 pounds! Just from walking! Whatever Janelle is doing, be it drinking that Sxinney stuff they sell or working out, it isn't doing her any favors. She still looks as heavy as ever and she was breathless when she was in the park.

  23. 2 things really popped out at me in this episode: Christine snuggling Kody in the frozen yogurt place and apologizing to him that she will be 'more grateful'...and I'm thinking 'grateful for what??'....and Kody never took any responsibility for any of her feelings during that snuggle session....very sad...
    Also, did anyone catch what Kody said about he and Robyn having no major challenges in the year and a half that they've been married?? Gee, wonder why!!! And he explained that Robyn 'brings a concern to him very gently and communicates about it'...was that a dig at Christine and possibly the other wives??? Again...sad...

  24. The conversation between Meri and Christine came about for one of two reasons. There is no way that Christine would willingly go to Meri for advice on her marriage. Christine and Meri are not close, they do not have a special 'sisterly' bond. They just don't. The book confirms it.

    The conversation was either suggested by TLC for dramatic purposes (because I don't think the sisterwives really 'chat' all that often). Or, the more likely scenario is that Kody, tired of Christine's unhappiness and complaining (all justified in my opinion), told Meri that she needed to talk to Christine and remind her of the 'rules'. While I think the advice that Meri gave Christine was horrible, this is very consistent with the polygamist family dynamic. The husband/dad is always right and is never to be questioned. The wives must make the changes and keep peace in the family and in their marriage. Even though Christine was raised in polygamy, I believe she is a little more free-spirited than the other sisterwives and thus more likely to complain. (We rarely see Janelle complain even though she gets very little from Kody; she claims to like it that way...I see that as just being a compliant wife). So Meri has a chat with Christine and tells her to change herself and to just make her time with Kody to be enjoyable. This is what they believe and what they are taught. I don't care how 'hip and cool' they try to project themselves to be, these rules are part of the lifestyle, all part of living the Principle. And Kody tries to act surprised that Christine talked to Meri "oh really?" and then generously accepts her groveling apology. Note he did not say he was sorry, too. He just said 'we will work this out" which is code for "now that you are going to stop being a complainer, things will work out".

    Kody tries to portray that he is a happy--go-lucky goofy guy who just happens to have all these wives. Don't let that tv persona fool you.....he has a very angry and dark side. If you really look at him on the couch interviews when one of the wives is complaining (recently Meri about not getting the bonus kids help for her packing), he gets a very far-off distant, angry and cold look in his eyes. And has a look of irritation. He even did this when Robyn was talking during their date about his "capacity" for more children.

    Don't be fooled....the wives and kids (or at least the kids he has raised, not the step kids, yet) know that you don't want Kody/Dad to be mad. This is why the moms discipline the kids....Janelle even said that Kody would be much harder on them (and again, they have all alluded to this in other ways). Behind that goofy hairdo and his kookiness, there is a dark man with potential for some really scary behavior. Look at his eyes. They tell the truth.

    1. Peanut Butter FritosMay 22, 2012 at 12:54 PM

      I disagree. This guy avoids conflict, even if he's irritated. He shuts down. For two seasons, we haven't seen him stand up to anything or anyone. Even the mean old sheriff investigating self-admitted felons, he just ran away. Emotional, physical, discipline, religious, interview, media, freaking Twitter, this blog.

      I think he's passive aggressive. I think you just get the silent treatment and you don't even get what little scraps you got before. That's what's been shown shown this season Christine when she had the nerve to go get herself post-partum depressed while he was with sexy new wife. He can't even talk to her like an adult. This is certainly dark and cruel and completely dysfunctional in its own way, but not scary like the prairie bonnet patriarchs.

    2. I have to agree, at first I thought maybe he was just shifty but I seriously think this is a man at the end of his rope, ready to snap.

    3. I think this a man ready to snap too. Unfortunately they gave him a gun.

      I am mindful of cult-like behavior gone wrong. Remember Waco? Remember Jim Jones? Warren Jeffs?

      This is a mess.

    4. Recently I watched the early episodes and there was one that showed a flash of Ko-douche's dark side. It was in the episode where they went to his parents for a cattle drive/housepainting session. One of the girls, I think Mykeltie, took off on a horse the kids had been told not to ride. She ended up falling and Ko-douche went batshit crazy yelling at the kids. It wasn't panicked dad, "Oh my god, you could have been hurt" type yelling (which would have been understandable), it was control freak, "don't you ever defy ME", really scary yelling. Ko-douche must have more say in the editing process now because I haven't seen an outburst since then, but every so often his jaw tightens and he looks like he's going to blow.

    5. Also, remember when Christine was resistant to leaving Utah and Kody was all angry and said something to the effect of "what do you NOT understand about me saying we need to leave". And he had the whole wild, angry look on his face.

      Peanut Butter Frito, you may be right, he may also be passive-aggressive but there is somethinng in his demeanor and the way his wives and kids act that indicate to me that there is a darker side to him.

      And having an assault weapon, along with 'other firearms' (which TLC MUST have made him immediately say were all stored in a child proof industrial gun safe) seems really ridiculous given that he can't even keep track of his sweat pants.

    6. I remember the episode when they went to Boston to talk to university students. Koty's concern was that he would get a tough question and he would loose his cool. That was my first clue that he was a hot head waiting to explode, and that the crazy stuff happened when the cameras were off. Too bad there isn't any hidden camera footage. THAT would be Ratings Gold!!

      Viewers want to see what Christine meant by "Koty is not the man I thought he was"!! What is she trying to tell us??

    7. Anon please don't out me: I grew up with a very, very emotionally/verbally abusive step dad. I see flashes of that man in Kody.

    8. I agree with Fritos. I think Kody is clueless. I think all the wives could tie him down and beat him silly ... if they wanted to. I just don't see this dark side that everyone is talking about. Doesn't mean it's not there. I could certainly be wrong, but I think he's more passive than anything. I'll have to pay more attention to clues of his dark side. Now, I can see a dark side to Meri, though (hahaha).

      BTW, my hubby caught a few minutes of the show and he even said - what's the difference between that and cheating? I asked him if he reads this blog - lol.

    9. I agree that Kody has a dark side. The 4 sister wives are always walking on eggshells around him....making sure that they are always nice and sweet and not ever bringing up issues with him etc.....Did anyone notice the fear in Meri's face when she was giving Christine advise....how she was very careful on what she was saying to Christine. I think Kody was behind this "talk with Chistine" he probably threatened Meri not to say anything negative about him on camera.

  25. Kody'sUglyConvertible Janelle'sNewMiniVan Where'sTheLexusandJalopy?May 22, 2012 at 10:44 AM

    This season is very tough for me. Thanks to their apparent INfinite resources and the ever changing parade of cars, I keep having to change my screen name on SWB!

    It seems to be agreed that the new Kody Convertible is ugly. Now, show of hands....how many of us think he chose that color because it most closely matches his hair color?

    I think Caramel Brownie mentioned that Janelle definitely got the short end of the date stick. Skiing and cocoa with Meri (cha-ching"), paintball shootin', helicopter ride and froyo with Christine (cha-ching!) and dinner and a movie with Robyn (cha-ching!). Janelle.....gets a free walk at the local park. I know she is trying to live a healthier lifestyle, so take her out for oatmeal or something, Kody! I bet he would make her go Dutch if he did!

    The most annoying part to me, as a resident of the Rocky Mountain West, was watching the 2 novice skiers skiing without helmets! The majority of skiers wear helmets these days to protect their heads. I know there is a joke in here somewhere about Kody and Brain Damage....but, seriously, as the patriarch of a family of 17-plus, he should be doing the responsible thing and wear a helmet!!! Kody, no one cares what your hair looks like while you are skiing! Shame on you and Meri for being so irresponsible!!!

    That's my mothering rant of the day....carry on, SWBloggers! :)

    1. Such caring advice my fellow SWB friend BUT Kody's brain (hair) probably has some sort of celestial umbrella of protection. Meri, aw, she just a wife, there's more of them so, no worries. She don't need no stinkin helmet....however I would hope Kody wears a cup. His precious man-part is the gum that holds this circus together FGS! If those women weren't in a dither at all times about whose turn it was they might get along better but what would TLC do with that harmonious group of gals?

    2. LOL at the car matching his flowing, flaxen tawny locks! (Barf).

    3. Agreed re the helmets.

      It's a company car; Kody likely did not get to a choose a color, and if he did choose the color, I think your idea that he chose that color because it matches his hair color is a real leap.

      TLC is scripting the sister wives' meeting and also what they do on their dates. For instance, the ending of last weeks show, having the children fly snowflaked-shaped white kites to represent this time in their lives? A very cute idea, that I strongly suspect was scripted by TLC.

  26. This episode, as well as the premiere, were wrong on so many levels...

    I do not think if we added up all their IQs together, we would get one smart person with common sense. Yes, REALITY SHOWS ARE SCRIPTED but this group cannot ACT, cannot LIE WELL, and cannot keep their lies straight.

    Anyone who knows anything about this family knows they are involved with 'LIV' or whatever it is calling itself and their 'health products and livestyle' and the levels 'members' or employees strive to obtain (get promoted to). Yes,, it is hard to believe that Kodouche and crew would be at a CAR LEVEL already, but, at first, I thought (my iq sinks while watching this show) they 'earned' this car, but, it is just a company car from some of the posts-more understandable. Remember, the Browns have a lot of nuts, uhm, devot supporters on their site and TLCs who want not only to fund a house for them, but delete and harass,uhm, 'CORRECT' those who have differing views then the Browns. They might even buy LIV products and not even need them. Also, this Nissan Murano Crossover in Sunset Bronze... was voted one of the most hated cars of 2011 of car reviewers-calling it sluggish, dumpy, lumpy, shakey, mutant.... MAYBE, just MAYBE... this $43k car has a large inventory left over??? Okay, not every car reviewer hated it, some female ones liked it... which might explain KODY... anyhoo, these rocket scientists are explaining how they are going to use THEIR COMPANY CAR AS A DATE CAR!!!! A car the company will use as a write off... IDIOTS!!!!!

    So much wrong.. with them..love multiplied, but only for Kody, divided for the wives..... Meri telling Christine to SUCK IT UP.... so of course.... the wives suffer from depression, have weight problems, etc. They are not 'allowed' to discuss anything 'negative' with Kody. Kody has sooo many problems, sooo many kids, wives, finanical problems, do not discuss the bad.... Janelle gets the bills, christine gets the household problems.... if something breaks, try to fix it yourself, do not bother Kody when he comes over!!!! Kody MUST BE MADE HAPPY!!!! KODY GETS ALOT OF VACATIONS!!!! The kids must be kept quiet!!!! No arguing when daddy is over... The wives must KEEP EVERYTHING IN!!!! I doubt Kody knows ANYTHING ABOUT THE KIDS OR WIVES....

    1. Amen...you go girl. This is how I feel when watching this show...lots of capital letters and !!!! So frustrating on every point! Great post, lunatic!

    2. Amused (not so much any more)May 22, 2012 at 6:31 PM

      "I do not think if we added up all their IQs together, we would get one smart person with common sense. Yes, REALITY SHOWS ARE SCRIPTED but this group cannot ACT, cannot LIE WELL, and cannot keep their lies straight."

      Totally agree with your summation !!!!@!!!
      Glad you are on-board !!!

  27. Well that was about the worst advice ever given. What kind of cockamamie school was she studying Psychology at?! Maybe what she wants is for Christine to build up enough resentment so that she finally has the cojones to leave. Not quite enough resentment yet "Build up some more!!!" . You would think Kody would want to go away with Christine instead of Meri. Aren't they the ones having the issues? Whats worse is when they showed a shot of the other sister wives smiling at Kody's gift to Meri Christine's smile seemed the most genuine(I wont even get started on Robyn/Kody because I have shit to do today). Was the helicopter ride suppose to make up for all of that? Makes sense Kody would spent the most money on the head pimp in charge (when really he wants to spend it on Robyn but if there is one wife to keep happy, its Meri) Poor Janelle always seems to get the short end of the stick. What kind of bullshit date was that? I get that she likes to go hiking now but maybe Kody can actually do something ROMANTIC with her? A hike is something I did with my parents on forced camping trips when I was 12!!!

    1. If Meri was at a school , it was probably one of those online, degree in 3 mo. fly by night schools.

  28. I would have promoted Kody from sperm donor to "Daddy Dearest" had he requested a family SUV rather than a convertible.... possible given the cost of the ugly car they're pretending adds a value to their collective lives.

  29. Sorry, this is off the topic. But I just want to say that there is hope for this country after all. More people watched "Mad Men" this past Sunday night then "Sister Wives." YES!

  30. The show is just sad. His real kids get absolutely no time with him, but Robyn's kids get snuggle time. These kids are being emotionally abused. Janelle's kids and the fighting? They know Kody doesn't love or respect their mother, so they are acting out.

    All they are showing is Kody living it up dating his wives. Sorry Kody but life isn't about going out all the time.Try spending time with your wives with the kids together talking, working and being together. Then we will believe your "this makes us all better people" garbage.

    A religion that makes this kind of sadness, manipulation, neglect and emotional abuse a normal part of life is WRONG!!!
    My heat breaks for the children.

    1. Whoa now. Robyn's kids are Kody's real kids, too. He's still their step-dad. And I think (although someone who pays more attention can probably clarify this point) the only father figure in their lives.

      Good or bad dad, those kids are still starving for daddy time too, as I'm sure Kody's biological kids are.

      The kids who leave the plyg lifestyle are going to have MAD DADDY ISSUES when they reflect back on childhood.

    2. i so agree. how do you think they must feel when they watch the show and see how different it is when Kody's w/robyn and her kids than when he's at their homes? and who are they allowed to even safely voice those feelings to? their moms will just defend Kody as they can't bring themselves to admit it. i feel sorry for those teen boys who no way have a true father/son relationship like a lot of their school friends do. Logan will not miss things at home as much as his family will miss him. Robyn thinks she needs a break? try being Logan! i so hope he really does not choose this lifestyle. he seems to have a much better/more mature head on his shoulders than any of his parents put together. poor kid. poor kids. all of them. i guess i would have even felt sorry for Robyn back in the days of her own crappy plyg childhood. lord, stop the insanity!!

  31. I haven't finished this week's episode, but noticed that Kody couch sessions last episode were filled with him looking to his left and then at the camera repeatedly. Why don't they put the cue cards by the camera?

    Kody - you do not ski with your knees jack@ss. You use a helmet, you put your poles down when teaching and you get an instructor if you stink yourself.

    Christine - for the love of chocolate, does Meri have to use the term "keep sweet" before you realize the abuse you are condoning by accepting all normal emotions as your deficits? Would you get out? It is ok to realize your mom was doing the right thing when she left your dad even if you didn't understand then. It is ok to follow in her footsteps.

    Another reason I don't "get" polygamy: all the reasons I need my husband (emotional attachment, security, childrearing help, paycheck) these women don't get. Heaven can't be that great if it takes the kodster to get in ladies.

    1. These folks are so not into their "religion". They are just using that as a cover up so they can practice polygamy, at least 3-4 out of the 5 are (guess which ones?). Anywho, when you truly have a belief in something and you are real and passionate about it, of course you want your children to follow in your footsteps. When they say things like they don't care if their children don't follow their religion (Kody, Janelle) or they don't care if they have any religion at all (Meri), then that shows that they themselves don't really believe what they are selling. If you believe the only way to heaven is through the AUB, then wouldn't you want your children to take that path? These folks are wacky.

  32. I have a question that maybe someone on here can help me with. Last night Kody and Christine talked about how they met. I know Kody met Robyn through Meri and Janelle was married to Meri's brother or something else twisted like that. So is Christine the only wife that Kody met on his own? I think it was Christine who joked once that Meri was in "Mergers and acquisitions" early on in the first season so it kind of confused me. If she is the only one that Kody didnt need Meri's help in meeting that would explain a lot. I might be wrong though!

    1. From what I recall, Christine was part of their church's youth group and met both Kody and Meri when they chaperoned a camping trip or something along those lines. Some time later (maybe as much as a year?), she told Kody she wanted to marry him and he talked to the head of their church and Christine's father.

      Janelle was married to Meri's brother, but Meri wasn't responsible for bringing about her marriage to Kody. Janelle was interested in Indian culture and asked Kody's family (whom she had met through Meri) to stay on their property in a teepee for a while. They agreed, but Janelle didn't last very long before she moved back indoors. It was during this time that Janelle began to get to know Kody's entire family more. Kody's dad actually wanted her to marry one of his brothers, but by the time it came up, she was already in love with Kody, and he with her (or at least, he wanted to marry her).

      Robyn is actually the only wife Meri brought into the family, HOWEVER, Robyn wasn't Meri's first attempt. There were others between Christine and Robyn that were "considered", but it never worked out for one reason or another.

    2. I do not know for a fact, how they met, but absolutely do not believe any of their own re-telling of their courtship stories, since they've just about all been proven to be half-true. They are related, though, and I would assume that they had probably had met many times throughout their lives. Regardless of the fact that his family was technically LDS, I get the idea that they were always closely associated to his mother's relatives. That idea was cemented to me when they guy Kody went on mission with said he expected Kody to go plyg as soon as they got back. That guy seemed to me like he thought Kody was a total TOOL, BTW, as did all his "friends" from high school.

  33. Great comments, wonderful review Cynical!
    Lunatic brought up a good point- this is a scripted and fake show, and these folks can't come up with a reasonable statement between their 5 miserable selves.

    That was some boring shit. I hate to think of much time the kids actually get between the wives constantly fake worrying about each other, and daddy? With dates, work, what, one night every 20 days with probably 6 others around? Terrible parenting.

    Really, with all this "learning to be jealous and submissive" mantra - I pray it makes folks see how anti christian and selfish these guys are. Sad that they can't get out and see it's not the only way to heaven. Save their own young.

    Weight loss? joke. I can't swear, but I believe the Janelle's older girls have gotten much heavier.
    Where is the common sense talk? After 4 bankruptcies that we know of, all they can worry about it building 4 new outrageous houses? Cars? Going out all the time? Very disturbing to me. I lose more respect with every episode.

    Why Robyn is the favorite is beyond me. She is dull and dumb and lies constantly.

    1. You must mean Christine's older girls. Janelle just has one older girl, Madison. She is one of my favorite kids as she seems sure of herself.

  34. Well TLC came through with an episode full of funny moments sprinkled with just enough denial, delusion and creepy, made up scenes to keep me watching.

    "Kody's singing! Kody's singing! I scream to my husband, so hilarious. We replay 3 times before moving on. My husband's only comment was, "What a jack ass." The creepiness enters when you listen to the words..."I will give anything, just to have you" Yeah right Kody how about giving up a few extra wives to be my one and only?

    BULL S**T moments...
    $46, 365 car as a bonus, from the marketing company you work for? How is this possible when we never see him work or hear about all the long hours he works? Are we supposed to believe this is from the LIV international pyramid scheme or is this from the Mexican restaurant he is always plugging? Cuz that's allot of enchiladas. Both are ridiculous scenarios and not believable at all.

    Meri's "calling Christine on the carpet" moment when Christine says, "I always see you being so SWEET with him." The code word "SWEET" in Mormon life is very abusive and oppressive towards women. Translation; "to stay sweet" before marriage means to stay a virgin, no sexual contact. And "to stay sweet" after a women marries is to stay chaste, submissive, obey, and stay in your place as a possession of your husband. Also to stay sweet is yet another rule to get to heaven. This is all so abusive and restrictive to women in that society.

    Also edited in from last season was the scene of Christine talking alone about Rob-chin joining family. This is part of the same scene from last year when she says, "I don't feel special anymore." I call BS inserting old footage as if these are her current feelings.

    And what happened to the BFF Rob-chin? She doesn't help Meri during her time of need?
    Be careful Rob-chin you might not be the sister wife Meri always wanted, anymore.

    LOL moments...

    Meri in her bed speaking directly to camera after Christine chat and she is centered in front of wood adornment on backboard that perfectly frames horns on Meri's head, devil horns? This was a very funny and ironic visual. Wow Meri, your bedroom is a pit, try to find some "me" time and clean it up.

    Janelle segment going to hike as she says, "I feel so much more empowered, I feel like I can physically accomplish anything there..." just as she finishes that sentence the camera shows an extreme rock climber suspended from rock cliff. Leads you to believe that is the activity they are going to do. But I'm with Cynical Jinx...if she has only lost 10lbs in a year, yikes, see a doctor. But again all that exercise + peanut butter Fritos add up to very little weight loss.

    Poor Christine comes up to Kody with paint splattered jumpsuit and Kody says, "HOLY COW"...she did kinda look like a Jersey in that get up.

    And Robyn's chin has never looked bigger, it's almost needs it own show.

    In spite of these funny moments it was so disappointing that Christine apologizes to Kody 3 times and he never says sorry once, just, "Its okay." I hated this crap that her attitude is the problem not the lack of attention she has felt in the past year! This plot line is just so sad. This religion is so patriarchal. The man is always right and the women just have to get in line.

    Oh please TLC, merge "Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding" and "Sister Wives" for that 5th wife scenario you keep hinting at?

    1. I would love some BFA Gypsy Wedding to merge with SW. Unlike the "marriage" with Robyn, the new Gypsy bride would be a virgin. They love to keep an immaculate house...bonus cleaning babe for all the SW slobs. They like to bust out babies> WIN/WIN for everyone.
      The best would be on her date night the gypsy bride could get all decked out and do her best moves while riding in the new convertible.

    2. yeah, my hubby walked in and watched the trailer of Big Fat Gyspies and commented, "that's the one you SHOULD watch. they look nutty but funny. Sister wives is nutty and just sad."

    3. Don't hate me for thinking this, but I can't help it. What about one of the daughters of the Darger family becoming the 5th wife? Then the Dargers and the Browns could have a joint show and merge their families. They are so friendly and kind to each other now. Although I call BS on that, too.

    4. I must say that I loved Robyn "the sister wife Meri has waited her whole life to have" was unavailable to help poor Meri because she has 4 sick kids. Not that I am glad the kids are sick, of course, but that did make me smile that Robyn wasn't running to Meri's side.

    5. Yeah poor Robyn couldn't leave her sick kids to help out Meri BUT she didn't have a problem leaving her sick kids to have date night w/Kodi, lol.

  35. I was hoping TLC was going to show us the talking heads "Bullcrap!" thigh-slapping scene from last season and show us what was going on!

  36. I haven't read all the comments yet but did anyone else here pick up on the fact that Kody and Meri started dating at Christmastime, got engaged on Christmas Eve and married in January?? and so romantic that Kody married her for her "character" and that's what "i knew i wanted." how do you really know anyone's true character at all in that shor of a time frame??

    Christine says she sure was surprised when she found out the package she bought wasn't what she got at all once she got married. that Kody wasn't who the fun party boy he appeared to be nor was his little threesome a happy home at all. guess that's where she gets her bad feelings now about Kody having to go and get a new happiness factor brought in w/Robyn like he did w/Christine. I don't think she'll ever catch on that it was Meri who needed Robyn first more than Kody did and that Meri's THE LAST person Christine should be going to for advice! lol

    1. I got more of the vibe that it had been a full year.

  37. When Meri made a point of calling Kody 'lover', my eyes almost rolled right into the very back of my head. I thought the footage of their wedding was sweet, but kind of sad, knowing how everything turned out. In the beginning, I'm sure everyone had the best of intentions, but then reality got in the way.

    As I said before in another post, I was glad to see Janelle more upbeat. Her weight loss progress has been slow, but turning your lifestyle and you're relationship with food completely around can be a hard road and can take a few tries. She's a smart woman and I have faith in her.

    The 'Christine & Kody making up over paintball' dealio was total bullplop. To those who said her apology to Kody felt like an abusive relationship, BINGO!!! It was very uncomfortable to watch.

    Robyn, Robyn, Robyn...the time to contemplate whether or not Kody will be there for your kids into adulthood has been and gone. Bed. Made. Lie.

    1. Yup RR, I caught that "lover" remark too!! Ughhhhh!! They need to quit it already! But, I think it's their(mainly her's ) way of letting everyone know, they still get busy(ewwww, I know right??)

  38. Did anyone else get the feeling that Janelle was expressing interest in other physical activities she could do with Kody while discussing her physical fitness during their hike?

  39. Thank goodness for CJs reviews!! Something to laugh about! Great job CJ!

    Someone please tell me why Robyn always has to be involved with the other SW gifts, wrapping, secrets, etc..(Cristines ugly watch/watch bands, this time seen helping Kody wrap up the Mexico paper thing in a box)? You don't see this with any other SW do you?

    And if my husband had someone pass me my birthday gift while he was holding a kid he had with another women??...well, I think I'd be tossing that box right back at him. WTH?

    Christine apologizing (again!) in the yogurt shop was just tooo pathetic. OMG that is what abused people do. That is just so difficult to watch, TLC disgusts the hell out of me for showing that. I should have turned off the tv. Why didn't I? That just screamed abuse, IMO.

    Janelle...I know everyone here thinks Janelle is the 'smart one', sorry, I have to disagree. I don't see it. Her parenting skills (or lack of) are horrible, she is just as ridiculous with Kody as the rest of them, and her denial with her weight problem is masking major issues. I don't ever see her leaving but hopefully I am very very wrong.
    I am a personal trainer and would be so embarassed to be shown on tv with a morbidly obese client who had only lost 10# in 6 months (or more). That is someone who isn't even trying. She said she was doing so great walking up that hill. Really? She looked like she was barely moving and really struggling. I am so not trying to be mean, honest. I work with obese people, I am a caring person with this sort of thing. But please, don't lie about it. She is obese, she hasn't lost much if anything. She looked like she was barely working out in the gym, barely moving up that path. 6 MONTHS?? I can have someone running a race in 6 months if they eat healthy and workout! She isn't doing that. She must be eating crap. They go out to eat all the time, we know that from twitter. Why lie about it?

    CJ, again thank you for your blog. You are an excellent writer and I highly suspect the TLC crew is here on a regular basis. Interesting how the show incorporates so many of your ideas into the show, don't ya think? :)

    1. Peanut Butter FritosMay 22, 2012 at 8:18 PM

      Watching a broken Christine with her tail between her legs was very, very hard this episode. It was textbook. The presents, the promises to change, I guess there's supposed to be an apology, but that was never Kody's strong suit. (There's also things I hope don't happen: isolation, mental beatdown that you can't do better, control over money, working, and sex.) And so Christine bottles it up and goes groveling back for her scraps. Thank you sir, may I have another. My heart just breaks for her.

    2. YES! I'm a trainer too, and watching Trainer Bill has been KILLING me! I call total BS on Janelle's weight loss, its just sad to me that Trainer Bill is letting her think it's OK and even helping her make excuses. Seriously when a person is that heavy, even moderate exercise and good diet will make the pounds literally fall off.

    3. Trainer Bill is being WAY too nice. He should've threatened to quit ages ago, to motivate the wives (not just Janelle) to lose more lbs. I'm not a PT but I am a fitness instructor and used to be almost as big as Janelle. They probably took measurements from a bunch of different places and added them all up to get to the 18" total. Janelle doesn't need to see her doctor about why she's not losing - she needs a food policeman - they all do. One of those nutritionists that cleans the crap out of the pantry and replaces it with healthy stuff...now that would make for an interesting story line,..

    4. HOORAY FOR THE FOOD POLICEMAN!!!! That would be awesome! They actually do have a show in the UK like that, it's amazing. People are practically crying while they throw out all their junk. They bring in like a whole conference table of pizza and soda and crap to show people what they are eating. Would take a lot of peanut butter and fritos...

    5. Hey Yogadog! Thank you very much!

      I just thought of something...on facebook, didn't Robyn say Fundamental Fitness was on hold because a partner backed out because the business wasn't what he expected. I wonder if this partner was Trainer Bill?

    6. I'm friends w/ Trainer Bill on FB & a few months ago, someone had asked him about FF..& he replied that he was training elsewhere,& gave the location, at the time.
      Also, on Twitter, he hasn't tweeted since January! So, it's huge possibility CJ, that he was "the partner"

      If I remember correctly, last season, their was a trainer or someone on SWB that posted he/she knew Trainer Bill & said that he wasn't a very good trainer, etc...

  40. I don't know anything about skiing, but can someone tell me why Kody had ski poles while Meri was just free-flailing all over the place? Wouldn't a new skier need poles to stabilize themselves? And I do love how, after Meri crashed and burned, Kody (being the one who caused her to fall in the first place by shoving her down the hill while he watched) suddenly became an ERT and started moving her leg, asking "Does this hurt?" Nice to know that in addition to his midwivery skills, he also knows how to fix his family's busted appendages - unless said appendage belongs to one of his sons and he's really busy doing something important like tying a tree to the top of a van.

    1. my husband's a skier and that's the first thing he said when he saw that. "i've never seen anyone learn to ski without poles. this is just pandering for easy laughs from their gullible fans. you could get hurt or worse yet - hurt someone else. wth?" then she got "hurt" and he just said, "oh yeah, sure. never saw that one coming." so he thinks the knee injury is faked overkill as well. ;')

    2. Amused (not so much any more)May 22, 2012 at 6:00 PM

      Oh Lordy, I am SOOOO glad someone brought this up.
      Both my husband and I are watching it and saying, WTF!!!..are they THAT stupid?
      Where are the slope staff? Who would be STUPID enough to do that without poles for stability?
      WHO would be clueless (or indifferent) enough to *mentor* a newbie like that??? With cameras filming it all??
      Gotta believe that *someone* on that camera/sound crew had to have some ski savvy to suggest that it wasn't a good idea for her to be free-sliding.
      So the thought that Meri's MCL injury is just part of this season's script is interesting??!!

      Just like with Savannah being dragged out of bed.....was that *real* or was that a set-up for the cameras??
      Are ALL of them performers now, even the kids...following TLC's scripting??

      (Geez, I feel like Carrie from Sex in the City asking these questions...LOL)

    3. I'm so glad it was brought up too. (scripted BS) This show is following the reality formula. Let the audience get to know them and then..whammo...the shenanigans begin. Frenetic trips and outings, "friends" that turn them on to free tickets and events, pratfalls that always need a cast or splint or crutches, relationship cliffhangers. All they need next is a visit to one of the other reality shows like the Bakery guy or the Cupcake ladies. Wait for it, TLC loves that crap.

      The strange thing about it is that this show is supposed to be about these devoted religious freaks but show by show we see them lying and doing things that supposedly go against their principles. Gypsies, tramps and thieves might be a better name for them.

    4. When I learned how to ski at age 9, I was taught without poles. I thought it was standard.

    5. Have to disagree - I taught skiing for a little while a couple of years ago. Poles just complicate matters for beginner skiiers. since you want your weight to be forward and your hands in front of you, it is harder to remember to keep your hands forward with poles in your hands. It is too easy to drop your shoulders if you are holding poles.

      Kody should have ditched his poles to help Meri/ model what she is supposed to do. It is odd for an intermediate skiier to ski without poles, but they should not have been going so fast before she knew how to turn.

      I am not sure a single "helpful thing" Kody says was right in terms of learning to ski.

    6. In reference to the above post from Amused about Savannah getting dragged out of bed...nobody, and I mean NOBODY...gets to film my daughter sleeping in her bed. There are usually so many things going through my mind while I watch this show, I can barely keep it all straight. But the whole Savannah scene made my skin crawl.

    7. i googled the opposite opinions here and it seems ski instructors don't all agree on what's the best way to teach beginners - with or without poles. both sides have their pro and con re: their preference. Nonetheless, it appears all instructors would agree that Kody with his poles was not much help in "teaching" Meri how to ski without them. You teach and lead by example. duh!

      again, the whole thing was scripted for cheap laughs and faked drama for their adoring and gullible fans.

  41. I am looking forward to next season's "Sister Wives'" spin-off called "Run, Christine, Run."

    And my ears have just recently stopped bleeding from listening to Kody, past and present, warble "Everything I Own."

    I about fell off my chair when Meri was goading him on the couch to sing it again, and Kode's all, "No, no...I can't...(but I really want to)...no way, that was years ago (I am an attention hoor)...naw, babe, I couldn't possibly (OMG, I get to sing on national tv!!)...oh, okay, only 'cause I'm such a romantic husband (I'm gonna open a vocal coaching business tomorrow!!)

    1. Wulllll, Rob-Chin does have that guitar now so Kody may want to try his hand at folk songs...sort of like an AUB Sonny & Cher...j

    2. And I'm also sure we are going to get to see Kody's dancing skills real soon when he takes Robyn out.

    3. Yeah, like Johnny Carson use to say, he looked 'kinda light in his moccasins', if you know what I mean.

  42. i wouldn't go to Meri for advice on "what not to wear" let alone on "help me have a better relationship with your husband!" lol

  43. Did you notice the framed marriage certificate on Meri's wall? I'm thinking that is a dig to any other "wife" that she is the only legal wife! Wasn't Christine the one who didn't want anyone else in her bedroom yet she's sitting on Meri's bed? Yucky to think.....oh I can't even go on! Yucky!
    The dates were all so forced but Janelle definitely gets the short end of it. I used feel sorry for these women but it seems like the money and fame has gone to their head. And yes, that convertible is sooooo ugly.
    Thank you for doing this blog. Knowing I have blog to read makes watching the show a little easier.

    1. Peanut Butter FritosMay 22, 2012 at 8:20 PM

      Ha! I'm not even sure where my marriage license is. I certainly have never seen anybody frame one. Passive aggressive much?

    2. Lol kind of like a beautician's state certification on the wall next to his/her station. Too funny!

    3. Peanut Butter--My parents framed theirs and had it on the wall with wedding photos in their room. We moved a few months ago so I'm not sure where it is now, but framing it is not unusual:)

    4. I would think as a sister wife, framing your marriage license should be HIGHLY unusual in order to not look like you're rubbing your beloved sister wives in the face with it. that does seem like a highly passive/aggressive mean girl act on Meri's part to make sure they know she prominently displays something they can't legally have like she does.

      having said that - i've never seen anyone in my monogamous world have their wedding license framed and displayed. so, i do think it's unusual in our world as well.

    5. I do know a lot of people (in my monogamous world LOL) who have a framed copy of their marriage license, or their church marriage certificate. My guess is that it is VERY common among first wives, as there is quite a hierarchy amongst the plyg crowd.

    6. Anon 3:58--Maybe you are thinking of your parents' wedding invitation? Those often get framed or preserved in a scrapbook. They are a great keepsake and often cost a lot--not individally but for the whole set. I would never frame my marriage license because for my marital status, it says: "spinster."

    7. Lol, that's pretty funny & lame! Maybe it was a way to stick it to Robyn, U know, since Robyn has her room set up like a honeymoon suite (eyes rolling)
      My marriage license is framed, BUT it's behind my main wedding picture on the wall, only so I know where to find it :D

  44. Maybe Kody should re-think his nickname for one of his stable wives. it just sounds wrong to call out, "mare!" soon it will be "the old grey Mer just ain't what she used to be..." ;')

  45. Every single time that I watch the stupid show, I am reminded of how wacked out these people are and how they are miserable and wacked out in the name of religion. All of the women are in some sort of mental turmoil. They admit that they have to constantly reassess their positions and relationships and that they deal with jealousy. When Meri said that we try not to rub the other wives noses in our special or romantic gift, and she gets the little ring box and opens it and holds the ad up for her date get away, well, it didn’t seem much like she was holding back to protect the other wives feelings. Plus, Robyn-No-Character’s son is sharing a birthday with one of the wives. Come on. He has to share gift time and blowing out candle time. That is wrong on so many different levels.
    The date thing is just gross. I watched him take the wives on dates and you can see in his body language and in the way he talks to them who he is romantically connected and who he is fulfilling his husbandly duties. He and Robyn-No-Character are all mushy gushy in a dimly lit restaurant; Christine and Kodsturd are at a paintball range and she is wearing this highly unflattering jumpsuit (girl got some flab) and then they rush over to catch a helicopter to go see the lights; Janell, poor Janelle has a hike up a mountain and at one point when she is babbling about her improved activity (sorry, not buying it) he looks at the camera and I swear he was making fun of her; and finally stupid assed Meri. Give me a break. Oh yeah, her lover turd. My god. Here they both are—fat on their asses and they are going to call themselves trying to ski.
    To Meri: When I tore my ACL and was on crutches, my husband stayed with me day and night and brought me food, helped me into the shower, and rubbed my back. He didn’t run off to take another woman to the damn park. I still think you are a closeted Lesbian and that is okay. In fact, you pick the women with whom you want your husband to hook up with and now that you finally found a woman you can have a relationship with, your over excitement in her presence is a little revealing.
    Janelle sweetie: Let me just say that you may have lost 18 inches but only ten pounds ain’t nothing to boast about. Your belly and hips are still unhealthily large. Plus, you were having trouble climbing that little trail. Let me just tell you that I’m 56 and can walk and walk and walk without getting winded. Plus the Kodsturd walked ahead of you as if he is in a hurry to get that date over with so he can what? Yeah, right. As large as you are, dear, you might want to consider surgical intervention. Just saying.
    Christine sweetie: You are an idiot. You are the least valued in the family and are the least loved by the other wives or by Kodsturd. I swear. Your house is neat and clean and your house is organized and kids taken care of but dear, if you must stay in that relationship, get yourself a pocket rocket or super-duper vibrator. Find an internet lover to spend late nights with or find a real lover. You are way to sexual frustrated to even realize when you are being dumped on. Please.
    Robyn: What can I say. I remember when Christine said that you brought a certain cool energy to the family—youth and fun and coolness. Let me just say that the poor girl has been home way too much to know that you bring nothing to the relationship. You are vindictive and as passive aggressive as Meri. Plus, you seem to be polarizing and divisive. When Janelle and Christine said that Kodsturd likes his women curvy, they meant obese and you are quick getting to the obese side. I see you having many, many babies in an attempt to keep the attention focused on you.
    Kodsturd: Dude, you are not cool. You are somewhat dim witted and I suspect that Janelle has been the man of the house as far as providing and managing. You do not have stable household and while I worry about your wives, it is your children who are suffering. Clearly they are not getting the attention they need.

    1. Amused (not so much any more)May 22, 2012 at 6:41 PM


    2. Zelda, AMEN! :) Someone should have that printed in evey Vegas newspaper.....but they probably dont read papers

    3. i think they're ALL passive/aggressive manipulators. and i think they all (the ones who were raised plyg) had to probably learn it in their childhoods and then fine tune it in their "marriages." Janelle had to quickly learn it when she married Kody and Meri and saw how things were going to be if she didn't. it seems like you need to be so in this in order to get what you want and to keep your sanity in dealing w/the utter insanity of this lifestyle.

  46. robin saying on date night that kody has ability but not capacity to have children is code for "i don't want to have any more children, this is it, i had the baby you wanted to appease you. and don't even think about marrying someone else because i'm it!"

  47. So let me get this straight...

    Sisterwives put up with years and years of emotional abuse, neglect, jealousy and fractions of a husband for the ultimate payoff of what? An afterlife of sisterwife-hood in a celestial kingdom.

    What does this celestial afterlife consist of?

    Yet more husband sharing, eternal servitude to a man-god, and the responsibility to populate not just a home, but a PLANET.

    Judging by the size of Kody's earthly ego, I don't even want to think about what his celestial ego would entail. You thought it was tough to get an apology out of him now Christine? Just wait till your all dead, he's going to be a real treat as a man-god.

    If heaven for these sisterwives equated to something like eternal bliss, relaxation, massages, angels serving you, hot male butlers or even a decent never-ending chocolate buffet, I might somewhat understand why they put up with this.

    But the truth is, their heaven is just more husband-sharing, even more childbearing, and eternal servitude to a majorly ego-ed-out man-god. Where's the reward in that?

    Sisterwives, please take heed, your heaven is actually hell. Get.Out.Now.


    1. You said it perfectly! Their "heaven" is just the same misery on a grander scale. That means even more misery. Run away!

    2. Sounds like why Mitt Romney can never be president.

    3. sounds like "one MAN's HEAVEN is another WOMAN's HELL!!"

  48. "Just wait til YOU'RE all dead"

    I hate when I make grammar errors....

  49. I knew a polygamous family in the Manti group. Except for legal wife #1, subsequent wives were older so no offspring were directly involved when they "married" into this family. One left and another joined. Then a young woman came into the family. I don't know the inside story, but ultimately, the addition of the young wife destroyed the family. While we want Janelle and Christine to "leave" this family (which seems to me has already left them), I don't think it will happen because of the children. Even though they now live in separate houses, I'm guessing that the children still attempt to maintain close ties, at least the older ones who go to high school together. I see the family holding together until at least a few of the children have moved out. I don't see Logan and Mariah going "away" to college, unless they go go back to Utah. Otherwise, even with student loans, a community college in Las Vegas will be about all they can afford, and that generally means they'll live at home for a few more year. So, my absolutely without any evidence whatsoever prediction is: no family split for a few more years. Which probably means things will blow sky high next month!

    1. Are you kidding? Logan has an unemployed, single mother with 6 children. Meriah has a father who will probably claim financial responsibility for five, leaving Christine an unemployed, single mother of 6. From all 17 of those kids, Meriah is probably the only one of the big kids who will ever pay a penny of tuition--unless they claim 3 failed businesses as total losses, in which case, she will go free, too. Even their TLC money is unlikely to outweigh what they will be able to claim for those 3 failed businesses--I'm including the one that they have not gotten started up, though they put the link on their website weeks ago.

    2. Exactly what I was thinking linnet! Logan will be going to college for free, bcuz technically, Janelle is a single mom of 6, etc...+ if they do their research correctly, there's tons of FREE COLLEGE $$ available. One just has to be willing to put in the time, & fill stuff out! I'm guessing, since it was Logan's way out of chaos, he didn the research himself, to get the hell outta dodge, & can U really blame him?
      It's not his responsibility to continue taking care of the other kids! He's their sibling, not parent!!

  50. Janelle needs a new trainer and a new workout program. I'm sure the 18 inches is total from all over, an inch off of each part. But she should have lost MUCH more weight. At her size she would not be building muscle to account for the lack of scale loss, people that large already hae a large amount of muscle due to carrying around the fat, they do not need to "build" muscle. When trainers tell a person they are building muscle and that is why the scale isn't budging, they are lying, they are telling people what they want to hear...period. I'm in the business, I know. At Janelle's size if she were to buckle down on her diet AND workout consistantly she would EASILY drop 2-4 lbs per week. Something is wrong with her program.

  51. Meri makes a good point when she's talking with Christine: Kody isn't going to change. If you want something different in this lifestyle, its going to come from you, not Kody. Janelle goes to the gym, that's her version of change, and she seems more content than Christine in her relationship with the dumbass.

  52. Hey, You missed the part where Christine said Kody seemed like a happy, go lucky guy when she married him and that then she found out he has a dark side. I couldn't believe that wasn't cut out. Did anyone else notice that comment, or was it wishful thinking on my part?

  53. I read up on the "free" car gimmick. LIV apparently hasn't been around all that long, and the website has very little info, but they do stress that they want all their distributors to "earn" a car. Not all MLMs do the car thing, but the first one to do so and the one most famous for it is Mary Kay.
    There is a website called Pinktruth.com that kind of breaks down the "free car" deal and how it isn't actually 'free'. The MLM leases the vehicles (usually getting a really good deal because they lease so many, and as said before this particular model didn't exactly thrill the car reviewers so Nissan probably have a ton of back stock) and in turn assigns them to the associate or distributor or whatever term they use and pay the lease AND the insurance. All well and good...as long as the Brown's downline is doing great...but then once the downline $s go down (as they ALWAYS do) then the car will either be taken away within a matter of months OR the Browns will be expected to chip in out of pocket, or co-pay. I doubt that Liv works much differently than Mary Kay... check it out VERY interesting. http://www.pinktruth.com/category/mary-kay-cars/

    And one more thing...the Browns aren't trying to sell their "green drinks" - that's penny ante. They need to sign up people under them that commit to purchase a certain amount of product each month, and the Browns get a little kickback from each order. It's very much a non-sustainable pyramid scheme, and I can't believe that people STILL fall for that crap.

    1. A fan had tweeted a question to Robyn about the green drink Dayton carries...Robyn tweeted w/ a response today that Dayton carries one of the green drinks, & she has done extensive research on it, that it helps w/ his brain function,etc..
      Whoa!! That's a mighty big claim!!

  54. The children cling together because they are each other's emotional family. They provide for each other what their parents don't give them. I'm really astounded about the adults constant chatter about going on "dates." Hello???? You have 17 collective children. Sorry, but there shouldn't be much time for dates! This is why the children don't get the attention they deserve. When you only see your man every 4 days, of course you want to spend alone time with him. They are so blinded by this religion they can't see the harm it's doing to their own children. I'm sure they would protest but those of us on the outside looking in (which they wanted us to do with their show) see a totally different scenario. They are all too wrapped up in the "principle" to even be objective.

    Once again, my heart broke for Christine. I understand those of you who say you don't feel sorry for her because this is her choice, but I honestly don't think she has the mental capability of realizing how abused she is. I believe her when she says "I didn't want just the man, I wanted the family." Unfortunately, her Cinderella world didn't work out that way, especially when mid life crisis Robyn came along. She's wearing her heart on her sleeve for all to see, the raw pain is almost difficult to watch and what happens? She apologized to Kody - AGAIN!!! And Kody says....."We'll work it out." WTH is THAT supposed to mean? What is he really going to say after the cameras have left? That is the real story. Kody show us you really, truly care for Christine and take HER away on a real vacation and act like a real man! AND show Truly some Sol kinda love will ya???

    Kody taking Meri skiing was jaw dropping. I am a novice skier and when I saw how fast he had her going down the slope I gasped! They (TLC) couldn't have sprung for an hour long professional lesson??? And NO helmuts!!!!! Meri is very lucky that she only injured her knee! I throw up a little in my mouth every time I hear her call Kody "lover." Really? How old are you Meri? Oh wait, it has nothing to do with age, and everything to do with lauding your 1st & legal wife status over the rest. Ick.

    I'm glad Janelle is feeling better and more healthy but at that weight you simply cannot do the activities she professes she can do. I hope the talk was not just a subversive way to make us think the LIV crap is really working. Kody treats her like a pal, not a wife. And not even a good pal at that.

    As for Robyn, we've said it before and it holds true. She saw a meal ticket and grabbed on for dear life. Meri wanted her so she could have the sister wife relationship she always dreamed of - I still can't believe she would say that publicly and then profess the SW's have such a great relationship!

    Thanks CJ for the fabulous reviews you do! You put it all so succinctly! I sincerely hope the SW's read this blog and smarten up! Ladies, it's never too late to get out! Save yourselves and your children! Learn what real love is like and how wonderful it can make you feel.

  55. I was shocked on the advise Meri gave Christine....in other words, be sweet, be nice and keep your mouth shut. I remember Meri at her anniversary dinner with Kody, she didn't keep her mouth shut, she whined about her problems to Kody throughout dinner. All I can say, is....Janelle and Christine, wake up and smell the coffee! You two deserve better, you deserve a full-time husband, your children deserve a full-time dad. Janelle and Christine need to leave Kody! Meri and Robyn deserve eachother and Kody. I thought the same thing when I saw their new car.....UGLY oops....I mean FUGLY!!!

  56. A couple of people have mentioned the date nights, I wasn't seeing the forest for the trees! Yep, that is so juvenile. They all are so sickening. Grow up BrownClowns.
    Why don't they spend the money on the kids? Must be because TLC only want to promote the emphasis of the show (the dysfunctional adults) and the adults are so blinded by their own tv "star" status they don't care that the kids see their dad about an hour a week while eating their fish sticks and tater tots.

    1. You know the star dynamic that is unfolding is so crazy. On the one hand, the Browns are being portrayed on TV as these overweight/obese ignorant self indulgent adults with the husband running around like he is top dog but clearly is just a cartoon character, but the other hand is that the Browns are so blinded by that we are on TV thing, that they are not really getting the reality of how they are being seen by "normal" men and women. So, TLC has bamboogled the Browns, who think they are the ones getting over on everyone. The sad state of affairs as everyone here seems to agree is that the children are being sucked into TLCs using the family and portraying the family in such negative light and that can only translate into years and years of therapy to correct this terrible self image ideas that are being assigned to these kids and their parents. How sad for the older boy to be the one who is really parenting his siblings because the baby daddy is no where to be found and the baby mama is depressed and disengaged from life and especially from taking care of her kids. Those poor children. the kids all stand by clapping their hands as the mamas load up in the car and go for a ride. The kids sit holding their siblings while the mamas get these great date nights. When is it their turn?

  57. Hey, don't drag Romney into this freak show. His planet would be a lot nicer than this dysfunctional dump, that's for sure.

    1. I have to agree. I read this well written blog for the entertainment and really would rather keep all politics out of it. Thanks.

  58. Thank you TLC for providing CODY with 4 nights of fun with this dating theme, gag. Good for Cody. Sad for the wives.

    I watch this show with the understanding that 'reality shows' are all crap. My daughter recently took part in a reality show 'The Cupcake Girls'. The whole theme of the show was based on fiction. Sweet Sixteen Party!, when the 'birthday girl' had actually been 16 for 6 months. Her 'guests' were all volunteers save but a handful and the entire shoot just that. A tv shoot.

    Reality tv is crap. No reality in reality tv people..

    During the first season I was sucked in I admit. Found nothing wrong with 5 consenting adults 'marrying'. Until things became a bit more disturbing. Now I watch it as a train wreck (but only on line and at my leisure. Quick and simple, no ads).

    Finding this blog has been a hoot! So interesting to find there are others just gnawing at the bit to call these people out for what they are. (Christine and Janelle, get you and your kids OUT!)

  59. Something that is bothering me--I don't see any of the kids getting piano lessons, going to karate class or playing soccer. 20 kids and no one plays soccer! I'm sure I've missed a few episodes, but I haven't seen it. When Hunter was acting out, Janelle mentioned something about him not playing football. I got the feeling he played at one time, and she wanted him to again because he was so depressed. A normal Mom and Dad with 1/4 the number of kids would constantly be going to band competition or sporting events, even academic team or chess club if the kids aren't into sports. I just don't think there is enough money for the kids to do these things, and it's sickening that Kody and Robyn are spending > $100 on romantic meal (it's closer to $140 for my husband and I at Melting Pot, but we get wine) when the kids are missing out on things. Lots of people are poor and can't afford expensive lessons, but still scrape together money for YMCA or school sports or band. The Browns are irresponsible with money. The priorities are on Kody and the adult's needs, not the kids.

    1. Hi drdawnffl !

      Off the top of my head, as far as sports are concerned, at least for Meri's and Janelle's kids they seem to be pretty active. Mariah lettered in tennis, Hunter IS playing football again, Janelle tweeted about going to Gabriel's flag football practice and she also attended a lacrosse practice of the "boys". Logan was into wrestling - in fact Janelle tweeted that he got injured.

      I remember in their book all the wives said one of the perks of their plural family was that someone (either a wife or sibling) from the family would attend and support the extracurricular activities of the kids. It doesn't seem that Kody attends very many though...

    2. Hi!
      Thanks for the reply. That's good to know.

      Yeah, would be nice for Kody to spend his time at the kid's practices and games. I realize the majority of their daily lives don't end up on the show, but...he just seems so unsupportive and uninvolved with his own kids.

  60. What a chutzpah he is, saying "Living apart is harder on me than it is on everybody ese..."


    The only way "we" collectively can make a difference is through ratings. The less viewers they have, the lower the ratings. Low rating means they will lose their meal ticket - the "reality" actually sets in... And my prediction is that they will implode.

    What I propose is the following:

    Most of us enjoy the train wreck, however we do get ALL the inside scoop on each episode right here on this site. I have not watched any episodes this season, but rather have come on to this site to get the scoop. I can not be a party to keeping this show going when it is actually harming so many innocent children and a couple of wives. Sometimes you can't fix stupid, but by watching it, we are all allowing it to continue.

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop watching this show! Keep following it through this site! There are so many followers on this site that we collectively CAN make a difference! And tell your friends whom are followers of SW to come on here rather than watch!

    Sincerely, Carol

    1. I used to read the 'Gosselins Without Pity' blog all the time when 'Jon and Kate + 8' was on....and many of the posters on there would beg others not to watch the show so that TLC would cancel it...the show finally did get cancelled, I'm just not sure if trying to get others not to watch it works...too bad the so-called 'parents' of these kids on 'reality' TV don't care enough to keep them off TV that exposes their kids to millions of people...seems people like us, who don't even know these kids, care more about them being on TV than their parents do....very sad...

    2. People need to watch the Sister Wives show so they can see for themselves how polygamy harms women, children and makes a mockery of the institution of marriage!!!

    3. I'm going to keep watching until someone, Christine at this rate, gets a spinoff.

  62. To me Meri is the ultimate mean girl, on page 46 poor janelle says when moving in with kody and meri " I didn't feel as if I had my own place in the house, arguments would erupt over the smallest things-the right way to fold clothes, the right way to clean the kitchen. I felt challenged on all fronts I lost my sense of self" WOW thats sad. I wonder how that made meri feel to read that? Seriously, if this were my religion, my choice of how to live I would never treat another woman that way, I would want to embrace her. Meri seems mean. I think she is bitter cause she didn't spit out a litter! On page 55 poor sad christine says that "Kody and Meri had this strange look on their faces-they seemed excited, but a little nervous. Then they told me that they were courting the girl I'D introduced them to at the youth conference. Ew! Whats up with the excitement Meri gets out of this? Weird...On page 72 kody says "Meri and I exchanged glances and then explained that we'd been bitten by the same love bug" WTH! This gets weirder and freaking weirder! Ok another page, page 105 Meri says of robyn "I just felt drawn to her in a way that satisfied me. I wanted her as a friend and I had a clear vision of her in our lives. Janelle and christine had not met her yet so this little relationship between kody, robyn and me felt special" WTH!! Meri has some crazy issues, isn't that sneaky? Why is is that she need affirmation all the time and tries to be the one who has the special relationship, or the one to boss the others around telling them how to fold freaking clothes right way and wrong way, no body can be a kid in her house either. I am sorry but if she was my sister wife I would have caught a charge by now. I admit, I was sucked into the SW at first because I thought they are consenting adults why should we care but after reading this freaking book I have a major ick factor going on. I can't stand to see another tear from robyn and why is she the fav again? Is it her looks? I don't think so, to me janelle would be super hot is if she lost weight, and lost it, not just worked out for 6 MONTHS and lose hardly nothing! I am sorry but there is something about Meri, lol, really there is! She seems like a bitter woman to me, maybe her not being able to have babies she gained a lot of resentment towards the ones who popped them out. That will do that to a woman, especially when so much emphasis in these religions is children. All through the bible when a woman couldn't have a child she got a "concubine" I think thats what meri is doing to make Kody happy. Did anyone notice how robyn and Kody had no problem going out when all the kids were sick, then spreading their funky germs all over town too. Gross man! I am sorry to rant but I had a lot on my chest!

  63. The Browns are doing what they are doing for religious purposes and I respect that. This does not mean that I agree with them. They cannot admit their unhappiness because they have always lived in a Mormon/AUB culture. This is reality to them. For instance, when Meri lost her job and said "I only have sister wives and I get fired for it" as though it was not to be expected. Their reality says that God expects them to give up personal concerns and when they inevitably fail, they feel badly about it. There is no way Christine will ever live the AUB because her family started it. Meri hates the lifestyle but cannot admit it. Janelle is still waiting for her reward for obedience to Heavenly Father, and Robyn will be in the same place one day. Meri's unhappiness comes from her unspoken fear that she is infertile because she has done something wrong and Heavenly Father is punishing her. When a person does something for religious reasons, it is nearly impossible for them to see another point of view because he/she fears what would happen if God wasn't pleased. In this respect, these people are trapped not only by their many children but by their religious convictions. I think they are very sincere and trying to do the best they can under the circumstances, because they genuinely believe that the first and most important task is to produce children. They are following Joseph Smith far more closely than modern day LDS members in this respect. They believe that if they are good enough, God will reward them in both this world and the next. Sadly, they are reaping unhappiness because the system that looks so good on paper does not really work, but they cannot admit it.
    To do so would be unthinkable to them.

    1. I partly disagree - while the 3 wives MAY be doing this for religious reasons, Kody is doing this for his own selfish reasons. If "his" religion was so important to him, he wouldn't have celebrated Haunukah.

      It's all about the power and narcissism for Kody - not even about the sex - it was made clear in last season's HS reunion episode that Kody was known then as an attention ho...he has not changed. ANY attention is better than NO attention for a narcissist...
      When people stop paying attention why then kody will look for another gullible woman to be #5 and make a couple more babies.

    2. I agree with you Hereswhatithink. I'm reading both Irene Spencer's and Susan Ray Schmidt's books about their marriage to Verlan LeBaron, and it's amazing how their problems and Christine's problems are so much alike. It's scary when you realize these books were published years before the Browns came on the scene.

      I also agree with you DakotaJustice. The show is called Sister Wives, but it's not about the wives, it's about the man. And that's where the show falls apart. Like many have said right here on the SWB, the show should have been called The Kody Show, because HE totally dominates this show and that's not a good thing. He comes across as overbearing and a jerk. And absolutely, I see this Klown adding another wife to up the ratings!

  64. Thanks for the advice Meri! Next time my husband upsets me, I won't say anything, since I can't change him. I'll just concentrate on trying to to feel hurt by anything, and on being "fun." Besides, it's too hard for him to remember not to hurt my feelings-- he's a guy! XOX!

    SO CREEPY to see Christine's apology, and Kody's obvious refusal to say "I'm sorry too."

    So. Creepy.

  65. Happy 18th birthday to Logan :D...Was his birthday 2 days ago, & Janelle, Meri & Christine are the only adults who tweeted it! Kody couldn't even acknowledge his own sons birthday, but on the same day sure was tweetN away about finding a place to take Robyn dancing for their anniversary. Just pathetic...
    Wonder if Logan got taken out anywhere special, like Dayton did for his special day? I'm thinking, probably not!
    Also, don't know what's more surprising! Christine tweeting happy Anniversary to Robyn & Kody, or Robyn & Kody, not tweeting any anniversary love to each other or about their date?? Hmmmmmmm????

  66. I know that I have commented twice, but I have to do this one too. You know how the polygamists make the argument that it is better to have plural wives than screw around on your one wife? Well, guess what, there's another option: being married to one person and staying faithful and happy. To say that polygamy is better because the man aren't cheating around is negating the other logical part of the possibility: monogamy. And polygamy doesn't save marriages. They can point at all these women in all these polygamy marriages and say they have been together for so long and I can point at my sisters, my cousins, my friends, and my own relationship and say, we also work well. The polygamy wouldn't bother so much if they weren't such liars. They say out of one side of their mouth that it makes them better people, but on the other side they talk about being jealous and having hurt feelings and being insecure. If my husband made me feel insecure or if I felt jealousy or had my feelings hurt, I would get out of the relationship. Life isn't supposed to be miserable. We are not supposed to always be getting this painful lessons. God, if she exists, doesn't sit up there and say, omg, look at that woman down there, I'm going to send another woman to totally mess her little world up. Now, I know the Bible does that thing in Job, and there are other instances, but if you read Greek or Roman mythology, those gods do the same thing, which makes me go hmmmmm. Could these human characteristics that we give to our dieties be our way of trying to make sense of the unknown and our way to justify our behaviors. I want to sleep around so I convince my sweet husband that god sent me a message and I need to bring another man into the mix so he (my husband) will grown spiritually because we all know that the way to develop character and virtues is to what, make a person miserable. HELLO JANELLE, CHRISTINE, MERI, AND ROBIN-NO-CHARACTER IS ANYBODY HOME IN THOSE SMALL LITTLE CRAINIUMS?

  67. Retro Wifey: I totally agree. I read the book as well and it totally changed my perception of Meri forever. I was actually kind of surprised about how real and honest the writing seemed to be and wonder if Kody read it in advance and 'signed off' because both Janelle and Christine suffered some major bullying by Meri. Meri criticized everything poor Janelle did and then gloated about her great romance with Kody rubbing Janelle's face in the fact that Kody wasn't 'romantic' with Janelle. In fact, it was after a particularly nasty fight with Meri after Gabriel (I think) was born that Janelle moved out and lived apart from the 'group' for a couple of years. They gloss right over that on the show. But Janelle actually moved to live near her mother and had her own house because of Meri. Christine also was bullied by Meri and moved into a cottage on the property because she couldn't stand the constant harrassment by Meri. Even in Meri's portions of the book, she makes very condescending comments about Christine and Janelle by constantly refering to her 'orderly and peaceful' part of the house and how she and Mariah prefer to eat healthier than the other wives (yeah, we can all tell how healthy you are) and on and on. Meri's way is the best way. Meri picks out wives for Kody. Meri is the soul mate.

    Meri is the Mean Girl. That is why I don't for one minute believe that Christine willingly went to Meri for advice as to how to get along with Kody. Too much bad blood between them, it was either scripted by TLC or forced by Kody.

    And don't be fooled....she has already started griping about Robyn. "I didn't get the bonus kids helping me pack"..."I was injured and you didn't come help me"....Robyn will get a big taste of Meri's nastiness as the years go by.

    1. i did a sarcastic chuckle when last episode Robyn said, " I HEAR Meri got hurt and is laid up. SHE texted ME and said - can a sister wife get some help??"

      I thought that little snippet spoke volumes about their fake TV "close" relationship. I think they totally use each other just to team up against the other two and to make sure they're both Kody's top two faves. Robyn knows Meri still carries clout w/Kody and she can be on Team Meri but not be the lone person w/all the other three against her. She's not the brightest star but she is a manipulative survivor. That's a skill she has mastered.

    2. It seemed when Kody was putting Meri's Mexico flyer in the gift box, Robyn was the only one in the room with him. It was at Meri's house. Nothing wrong with that, but it gives more credibility to the fact that Kody is closer to Robyn.

    3. U know if it was Kody laid up w/ something broke, they would all drop what they're doing to tend to him, esp Robyn, she'd be toting Sol & all to be by his side (eyes rolling) I also, think he would lay up in Meri's house, since it's less chaotic there(well, except for her house cleaning, but I was referring to the kids)

  68. I have to say something about the ski instructor. GORGEOUS! Best part of the show! LOL!

    1. He kind of reminded me of Trainer Bill...

    2. I think Kody had a man crush on the ski instructor.

    3. lol, I think he had a crush on his Lexus. Kody seems a lil femmy to me,not at all the manly man his women folk seem to think he is.

  69. CPA I feel bad for the other wives, I really do because its bad enough that they chose to live this lifestyle but then to have to live with Meri! Ugh, I don't know whats worse, kody or meri!! I find it very telling though that when Meri was laid up not a darn soul went over to help, I mean isn't that what sister wives do? Its the added bonus right? NOT!

  70. Well it just seems Christine needs to just suck it up!! Meri had to when Christine came along, was Christine jealous of Meri or Jennell? Or did she some how THINK she was more special then the other two? They all ask for this life{ stupid as it is}so she needs to just get over herself.

  71. I read most of these comments earlier, and just watched the episode on TLC. Since reading the comments first, I listened for a few things.

    When Kody was talking about marrying Christine, he said something along the lines of that he asked "her father, the head of the church, and needed BOTH of their permission." I think he said the head of the church's name and it was cut together sloppily, so it sounded like he was naming the father as the head of the church. He clearly said "both" though.

    Also, when Christine apologized at the yogurt shop, right before Kody said "We'll work it out," it sounded to me like he said, "I'm sorry too. We'll work it out." My internet is too slow to try and watch the clip on the web to make sure.

    Finally, years ago my son's father and I attended marriage counseling with a licensed counselor through his church. The advice Meri was giving Christine was pretty much the same advice we were given. When I told a friend it felt like I was having to do all the work in the relationship, she told me that she and her husband received the same info from their marriage counselor, who was not affiliated with a church, and it really worked. You are supposed to work on yourself, and in turn, the relationship will improve. I improved myself and he didn't, and our relationship ended poorly. We were not married and I wish our counselor would have told us to end it and work on co-parenting instead, because it could have ended differently without the additional hard feelings.

    1. Hi Christina

      When Kody was talking about marrying Christine, he said something along the lines of that he asked "her father, the head of the church, and needed BOTH of their permission." I think he said the head of the church's name and it was cut together sloppily, so it sounded like he was naming the father as the head of the church.

      I think he was saying "our" church, but it's known that they belong to the Apostolic United Brethren, AUB for short.

  72. Random question: why does Kody have pointy sideburns?!

  73. I think the advice from counselors about working on yourself and being nice even when you don't feel like it is good advice...when BOTH husband and wife are working on the marriage. I also think that the advice is good only for a monogamous couple, you know the traditional definition of one wife and one husband, not the kody world definition of a monagamous relationship with four different women! Of course Christine doesn't want to be nice to Kody and why should she? The man she calls her husband is at best sleeping with three other women on a weekly basis! That right there is enough to make the average wife want to slap the caca out of her husband, or worse! If the truth be know, Kody is probably not spending any time at Christine's. She sees him spending more time and cooing over Sol while having little contact with Truley. Of course her mamma bear hackles are up over this. She is not only angry as a wife but as a mother as well. She needs to give his sorry backside the boot! I bet her depression would go to the curb right alongside Kody! Let me tell you, when I gave my ex the boot, my ulcer I had suffered with for a few years went with him!

  74. I'm not clear on the timeline of the skiing accident and the SW intimate (we're all listening) advice chat but I had the same injury alleged by Meri and I've got to tell you that for about 2 weeks after there's no freakin way I could have done that.
    It hurt baaaad. It was swollen. It was all about me,me,me and no amount of meds could make me able to lay nicely chatting about somebody else's problems.
    Old Mare looked perky and alert, no ows, no ooh this hurts...bullpucky.

    just sayin. Keeping it sweet,j
