Wednesday, March 21, 2012

UPDATE 3/22/12!! I Scour the Internet: The Second Day of Spring Edition 3/21/12

Spring is here, so where's the Sister Wive's show? And as noted by Sandra (another intrepid SWB poster), what the heck is 'Niecy Nash doing in the Sister Wives time spot?

Now, even though we are sure Sister Wives is coming back - maybe even in time for the Summer Solstice ( LMAO) - it will be interesting to see if they stay in the same timespot. Here's a  Lourdes prediction: If Sister Wives is on some obscure weekday at an even more obscure broadcast time, chances are good there won't be a season 5.

But Peeps Love Sister Wives, Right???? Heck Yeah !!

Just don't overtax my already taxed out DVR, OK TLC???

So what kind of tweet traffic has been going on since last week?

Looks like the Browns (and their motley #1 fan crew) have been 'gently' urging their thousands of fans to show up for the Salt Lake City version of the Las Vegas shindig, where they can watch their favorite poly family shilling their Co-Operation Detaxification Let's get SkinneySisterwives Non margaritas. You know, I even saw a couple of testimonials from fans who actually ingested that stuff and lived to talk about it later. But ya gotta wonder (like I do) whether Kody will show his face in Salt Lake City. Hey Kody, you can cross the stateline in disguise - maybe  as Hugh Hefner?!? Sunglassses and smoking jacket is all you need! You can even borrow my shades (for a fee, of course)!

But back to reality....

Seems poor old Solomon Grundy  Kody got caught in a major Twitter faux pas by a fan, who twitted:

Say whut? Say it isn't so, Kody. Like, how doofus are you? Geez, polygamy may have multiplied your lovin' but it sure messed up your smarts. What do you have to say for yourself?

YIKES! So was that your philosophy when you were 'courting' Robyn? Or is that what a polygamist  says to himself when he's with the next wife on the rotation list?

Too bad the above tweet was not the Kodster's real answer.  Kody has to be Kody, so his answer has to have that typical Kody arrogance mixed with child-like innocence:

Uh, huh...Can you spell B U S T E D ??? But the question remains: Which wife was the ONLY wife on Kody's twit list. Was it traveling Meri? Nose to the financial grindstone Janelle? Laidback to the point of being horizontal Christine? Or Robyn, the Las Vegas NV Queen of Baby Ovens ?

Well, this one was a hard nut to crack. But fortunately, @K not only tweeted Kody, she tweeted a separate message to Janelle - whose reply no doubt was inspired by the Great, Late Tammy Wynette - please,  could somebody crank up Stand By Your Man on the old victrola?

So Kody only had ROBYN on his list. And Janelle unsurprisingly stands by her goofy headed baby daddy (and Part-Time Lover). GAG ME WITH A SPORK!

Just when you think it's safe to go back on Twitter, Meri and Kody decide to play it cute:

I can just imagine them sitting together, giggling like teenagers as they twit this stuff. Well, at least they are getting better at self-promotion, while sounding like they are having fun...well at least Meri sounded like she was having fun.

So what's been up with Christine? Last week she was squinting and hurting, this week she goes on a dinner date with her Kody and Aspyn:

What, no mexican food? Bet Kody was happy about that! Wait a minute, I'm getting mixed signals. Was this restaurant in California or was just the pier? Next time, give us a street like Kody does! AND let us know how good it was! We like to read that kind of stuff on twitter!

Hey what's Robyn been up to lately?

Ah yes, sharing parenting tips with the Dargers. And once they become grownups, they will learn that it's better to be feared than loved. Ask any despot or fundamentalist mormon man (independents included) - they swear by it.

But then Robyn carries the Darger lovefest a little too far with a fan:

Holy Moly! What are you thinking? Do you get a commission for 'suggesting' fans read a rival's (yes RIVAL) book before purchasing yours? Honey, learn from the Dargers. They sell DARGER and only DARGER 24/7.  Sheeesh!!

Last but not least. Rosie O'Donnell learned that her talk show had been cancelled after only six months on the air. Meri and Janelle tried to cheer Rosie up.

Now THAT's a dinner party I would like to attend! Maybe she'll take the entire Brown family on one of her cruises! Hey, that's a good idea - Cruises for Polygamists! Looking for a Sister Wife? Meet the wife you always wanted on our Cruise Ship! CRUISE LIKE A POLYGAMIST!



Now this is interesting. Seems that wonderfully cryptic tweet from Christine (while sitting on a pier) can be explained by  wonderfully enthusiastic tweets from daughter Aspyn...

Seems like a nice long vacation in the happiest place on earth...Makes you wonder...why now and will Robyn ever get to go with Kody to the happiest place on earth, too?

Wouldn't it be funny if Kody's and Meri's (and possibly other wives too) trips to Disneyland will be edited together to seem like the entire family vacationed at the same time? Not to mention they are probably killing two birds with one Kodestone - if this was a school week, maybe the parental units are being filmed visiting colleges/universities, which would explain the presence of Aspyn.

Let's discuss this, shall we?

So that's all for now, and remember, I Scour the Internet so You Don't Have To, everybody! (I hate ending a sentence with a preposition!)


  1. The "Darger Family" photo is telling. Joe and just one wife. The other two wives are 90% cut off. Worth a thousand words!

    The whole Rosie: "Your show just got cancelled, what are you going to do now?" "I'm going to Kodyworld!" thing is hilarious. The cruise idea reminds me of the Love Boat...has-been former stars on a weekly adventure with the "crew".

    1. Ha! That was my reaction to seeing that twit pic too. Surely he is smart enough to use a pic of either just himself or with ALL of the wives?

  2. I could totally see Rosie and Janelle hooking up!!!

    1. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!...I know right??? :D

  3. It really IS sadly funny when you think about it.
    Rosie's show gets canned and so she immediately attempts to re-invigorate her public accessibility by "tweeting with the Browns."
    And.....promises to dine with the Kody-World horde.

    Well hey, what's one more plate at the table of any one of Kody's new best buddies' restaurants.
    TLC, are ya listening? Get those cameras readied!!
    A ratings win-win for * ALL * !!!

    But that does seem so...uhh, desperate...for Rosie !! Aligning herself with Kody-World...??!!

    But now wait, maybe Rosie's next gig will be co-spokesperson for the " Co-Operation Detaxification" miracle-program. Maybe that is the plan ???

    The pimping goes both ways... and just goes on and on........

    1. Rosie could bring in the crowds, but I don't think its the type of crowd those straight laced LIV Internat'l Mormons could appreciate.

      It is kind of sad. Probably the only reason LIV tolerates Kody is that he's got a reality show on TLC. Take that out of the equation and they wouldn't give him the time of day. I hope there's a chapter in the Brown's memoirs that explains how they got involved with LIV - especially who approached who and when.

  4. Maybe they can meet Rosie and pick up two new sister wives!

    Rosie should know better than to be affiliated in any way with patriarchal sexual deviants who are now the spokespeople for religiously-backed promiscuity and oppression of women -- and are suing to legalize it! Monogamous gay couples should be the most angry at these idiots, who are a serious distraction to the gay marriage debate.

  5. I knew the sister wives crew read SWB, even tho they claim they don't !! Just last week I mentioned why Robyn & Christine never get a date tweet & what do ya know?? ...Christine tweets about a date w/Kody & Aspyn...which is sweet, but doesnt she have 5 other kids?? Just saying, bc generally it's been my general observation that Kody goes out alone(meaning w/o kiddos) w/ Meri & Janelle.
    As far as their "rumor has it" tweets....BLAH, BLAH, BLAH (eyes rolling) ... I think their tryna keep up their ratings bc I seriously think they see their TLC gravy train going bye bye.... Toodles :)

    1. Of course they read it! Unlike for the Kodz, for TLC it actually _IS_ bussiness so they need to know and please their customers to maintain ratings!

    2. Agreed!! Then SWB should be on TLC payroll for "creative scenarios" ...& give SWB a spot on the couch!! Now that would be some interesting tv :)

    3. Can someone tell me why the Browns need to have two facebook fanpages? The like fanpage is really being neglected. No one from the other fanpage even looks at the like fanpage. There are so many questions asking when the next season starts that have gone unanswered. Don't the Browns understand the people who read the like fanpage watch their show and will buy their book, but if they are ignored that only hurts the Browns and TLC? It's really sad!

    4. Oh trust me anony, as soon as it's closer for their season to begin & book to be available..the Browns & cohorts will be on FB doing live chats,etc & tweeting away about it!! Watch(sister wives) Buy (everything we peddle)& Sell(LIV ) seems to be fluent for them...

  6. I loooove the idea of a plyg-cruise!!
    Day 1: Tacky Hawaiian party with getting to know you games. Virgen coctails
    Day 2: cool activities
    Day 3: beach time!
    Day 4: romantic city tour
    Day 5: Spiritual marriage day! Marry your new spiritual (sister)wive now in our special "chapel". Pictures, special romantic dinner, gown rental and make up included. Wedding night lingerie not included.
    Day 6: on the ocean as to consume the new spiritual marriage to the full.
    Day 7: Home sweet home. Complementary coffee/tea/cake while your new sisterwive meets her new rivals!

    1. Haha..funny stuff Lobotomized :) ...wonder if their *cool activities would include charades & exchanging recipes i.e infamous peanut butter
      I'm sure they would try to throw in exciting sessions of LIV seminars too (eyes rolling) ...of course the cruise sales pitch clincher would be "NO COURTING NECESSARY " ....haha

  7. *snicker*!/zucchinisummer/status/182594038870974466

    Seriously, LOL, can we add that tweet to this post?

    1. Good one @Watching Now it makes sense where Meri got that "rumor has it" tweet idea...from Bargain Babe tweeting about the Duggars...& of course leave it to Kody to feed off that tweet to of course mention their upcoming book :/ ..whatta boob!! Couldn't think up anything original to plug their book....smh

    2. They tweeted the "rumor has it" first, then BB replied "oh my gosh is it the Duggars!?" LOL And yes, Kody did use that to promote the new book (I actually like Janelle and Christine but really don't want to read that book).

  8. Hi Everybody,

    The new TLC show is about a couple with 19 children and one on the way. Their names are Bates and they live somewhere in Tennessee. I think they may be religious to an extreme, but at least the parents are a monogamous couple. They work for their own tree service company and seem proud to be self supporting.

    I don't think I will be watching this new show, and am so sick of Kody's nonsense I may have to find something else to watch. Something that is not so gut-upsetting that I now need Nexium to calm down those little acid pumps from burning a hole in my stomach! I am growing ever so tired of endless stupidity and victim-hood. Can't wait for the return of Downton Abbey on PBS for a window into the polar opposite of the lowlife Browns.

    That said, I expect I am so horrified by the Browns' lifestyle that anything of a better and more respectful attitude toward all the family members will be easier to swallow.

  9. The Bates are part of the Quiverfull movement (similar to the Duggars). Just because there is only one wife, don't think the culture is any less patriachal/disempowering to women.

    1. Duggar, Darger, it's hard to tell them apart. However, Duggars and Bates are Quiverful, as in have as many babies as God wills, while the Dargers are off-shot LDS, as in have as many babies as God wills.

      No wonder I'm so confused.

  10. The Duggars however do not complain about "finite resources" while going on extravagant trips or stuff. The Duggars do not tweet or facebook and try to sell more stuff to their fans (Liv, Pampered Chef, Mark's restaurant, baby shower gifts, etc).

    1. No because TLC picks up the tab. They're riding the TLC gravy train, at least until they are superceded by the Bates'.

    2. They have been self-sustaining though even before TLC. They live debt free and to my knowledge do not have a history of 3-4 bankruptcies or food stamp fraud. Which is why I can respect them even though their family decisions are not my own.

  11. So I wonder if Robyn & the Browns clan for that matter will still be tweet buddies w/ the Dargars if TLC cancels Sister Wives & gives the Dargars a show??? Oh snaps, I would love to be in the room when that announcement dropped!!
    What would their show be called anyways? Sister Wives 2 -the Journey Continues or Sister Wives: Dargars Edition
    It's only fair to America to give us an additional look into another polygamy family for comparison purposes anyways, after all they're giving us insight into 2 big families, so I think the possibility is there...Hmmmmm???

    1. LOL CB, of course the Darger's show would be called Love Times Three!!! I would like to see the Darger's get a show while the Brown's show is still being aired - that way people can compare the two real time (kind of). But yeah, to be a fly on the wall when TLC tells Kody and his Krew thanks but no thanks!

      Is anybody getting vibes that Kody is looking for/courting his 5th?

    2. 'Is anybody getting vibes that Kody is looking for/courting his 5th?"

      HA! Thinking if that were to happen wives #1,2 and 3 would be heading to the hills! Would be kind of fun to watch though... and Robyn's reaction would be priceless :)

    3. I don't know if Christine would leave-she seems to be the most spiritual of the bunch (per her religion's plural marriage decree) and is bending over backward to get back into Kody's good graces/compete with Robyn. She's never had to financially support herself and has six kids (including a toddler). The vibe I get from Janelle is that she just doesn't care anymore. Meri would leave b/c she hinted before that the reason she didn't leave is that she didn't want to separate Mariah from her family. Since Mariah is approaching college age, Meri has less of a reason to stay.

      It would be Robyn, Christine and another woman.

    4. Haha...of course, I totally forgot about LOVE TIMES THREE...oh silly me :)
      Yep, Giving Dargars a show @same time would be good too, & wonder who would get the better higher ratings, etc....hopefully TLC will read ur idea & make it
      As far as a 5th wife goes...I think Kody would gladly consider it as long as it keeps the gravy train going...bc @this point that fame whore has totally lost his soul to the devil....hehe

    5. What about the Kodz sexual needs? I'm pretty sure he only really enjoys his sexlife with Robyn, with Christine it's probably boring sunday morning sex and it has long stopped with Janelle and Meri... He needs a new sexual squeesh soon, because if Robyn keeps on popping out babies, she won't be available all the time anymore.

      Wonder how often Robyn and Kodz have sneaky quickies during the daytime?

    6. I would love to see Kody go a'courtin' for wife number five- if only to see Robyn totally lose it when she realizes she won't be the new mare in the stable anymore.

    7. Lobotomized-I think Meri is still on the schedule. Did you see how she was pawing Kody when he was getting dressed for his and Robyn's wedding ceremony?

    8. You really think so? She may have been looking at him thinking: "someone's going to get it on tonight!!"

    9. Of course Meri is still on schedule...since they still tweet & film each other calling each other "hey lover" (eyes rolling) ..lil immature, ESP if u gotta publicize it like they do...I mean?..actions & body language speaks more volume than words!!
      Hello, their couch sessions speaks more volume than the gibberish they spout out trying to convince America that their polygamy world is so "perfect"

  12. Memo to TLC producers, since you do get pro bono episode inspiration here..

    If you are wondering how to insure plyg driven ratings for the coming season...and since you have done a bang-up job of showing Kody Brown in all his adolescent, education-stalled, conniving glory (and what that the plan, anyway?) And ditto on his four sister wives. And since here at SWB you have proof of how successful you have been to that end....
    It probably *would be* fun (for maybe one season anyway) to show Joe Darger as the anti-Kody with his wives as the anti-Sister Wives.
    Contrast them all to the max....looks, articulation, goals, conflict resolutions styles, etc...
    Why there could even be opposing camps of fans...The "Bs" vs the "Ds"..
    *rolling eyes*
    Obviously that is the intended TLC-created scenario for the Duggers vs the Bates.

    Coupled with all the other "scripted" reality shows in their stable, the TLC planning sessions' goal must be for TLC channel to be on all day, every day in every household. No matter how tacky and phony the content !!!

    1. You know, if TLC doesn't pick the Dargers up, I hope Bravo does! Can you imagine - Joe Darger on Watch Whats Happening Live with NeNe Leakes. Or maybe with Countess wait, with BETHENNY FRANKEL !!! LMAO!! No wait - SANDRA BERNHARD!!

      Please please Andy Cohen - make it so!!! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!

    2. HAAAA !!!!

      Perfect, CJ !!!

  13. Hi SheilaAnn,

    I don't think any of the wives will leave Kody:
    - Meri still considers herself "the chosen one,the one who is the closest with Kody, spiritually speaking;
    - Janelle does not care about Kody but she is flattered by him as "intelectual wife" and less annoyed by his conduct because she does not care;
    - Christine is very religious and cannot leave for practical reasons";
    - Robyn ... has nowhere to go


    1. Nah, divorce is common in the Plyg world, I think because of the gravy train and to prevent major drama no one leaves, but once their 15 minutes are over (tick tock tick tock...) and the gravy train doesn't stop at their house anymore, it will be curious to see how it works out..!

  14. Tlc needs to host a "circus of the reality stars". Draw from multiple networks. Boxing event, iq test event, tightrope jousting event.

  15. Do these people visit anywhere but Disneyland. How exciting can a glorified theme park really be??? Especially for a teen girl?

    1. Aspyn might be excited to be on a trip with only her mom and dad present. But I get your point especially since she was just there a month ago.

    2. My guess is that the cameras were not rolling when she went before. Now that they negotiated the contract, time for "do over," this time for the cameras! I just hope they stay through the weekend. Christine deserves some time away from all the stress that Robyn creates for her.

    3. When we were poor (single - first years divorced from a very abusive man - mom of 4), my mom never took us on disneyland trips etc... we did have fun, but simple, cheap or free things! Gotta wonder...........

    4. Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Wow, she gets a new car & 2 trips to Disneyland!! Wonder how the other kiddos ESP her siblings feel about that? Or for that matter, wonder if the other wives, ESP Robyn is fuming about that??
      Just wonder when Robyn has a chance to go to Disneyland, if she'll go solo(w/o Kodouche) & which of her kids will be w/ her.
      Did Kody not wanna be a dad for once & deal w/ the younger kids so they can have fun & experience the "happiest place on earth"?? ...just doesn't seem right, but hey, whatever floats their boat, right?
      I'm still just wondering, has Logan been given a car yet? After all he's the oldest son & going to college in the fall!!!!

    5. College is way more expensive then a car so maybe they're footing the bill for that while Aspyn who may not have college aspirations gets a car. If that were me I'd way rather get college paid for then a car, education is crazy expensive.

    6. I agree college is expensive, but I bet ya they won't be paying for it either. Since Janelle isn't legally married to Kody, the loopholes are there...Logan will get financial aid, grants, & possibly scholarships bc she can fill out his FASFA as a single mom & income....+ there are lots of no brainer scholarships available I.e. 1st sibling or person ever to attend college from ur family, etc...& tons more that are easy to qualify for...u just gotta take the time to do research. There's an awesome website FASTWEB that matches scholarships for you to ur FASFA/College profile.
      My son will be a Freshmen this Fall @an out of state college & he will be going on a football & academic scholarships + other grants he qualified trust me, there's lots of college $$ available to determined college bound students :)

    7. They are all financial liars.....hmmmm they'd make awesome bankers and politicians! I mean really who can jimmy does system as well as them.

  16. Saw the 3 of them at Disneyland yesterday.... No camera crew but they DID look like they were running for something... Ran right out of the park. ???

    1. Well that's interesting to know..wonder why they would be running?

      But U know, Aspyn did tweet,"When your at California Adventure and someone thinks that your dad is Billy Ray Cyrus. hahahahaha:)"

      Hahahahahaha is totally right, b/c Kody & Billy Ray Cyrus looks NOTHING alike IMO, anyways...maybe they were running from their delusional "fans"...haha :D

    2. Isn't it strange how Kody's always seems to be running? He ran from Utah, now he's running from Disneyland. No doubt it was those troublesome fans who dared to take their pictures that caused this last running episode. (see Anony 6:02 comment below)

    3. So true, CJ .... But yet they or at least Meri does, spends lots of time going back & forth to Utah. Which they'll be able to use for gas mileage on their taxes. I guarantee U, theyll even try to itemize their gas mileage they're using for vacation too, to try & squeeze more $$ back from IRS :/
      & yeah, the same troublesome fans they want to buy every frigging thing they peddle. Damn, might as well just set up @ flea market every

    4. Too funny CB. Maybe the connection of KB and BRC is that at one time or another they both had/have really bad hair!

    5. LOL Amy...true, true...during his Achy Breaky Heart days.... :)

  17. Surprise surprise folks, the Kody Brown FB fan page has announced the Sister Wives books due out in May!! (eyes rolling) I said before, I'll wait til my local library gets it or I come across it @a thrift store or yard sale for .25 cents :) Don't really wanna waste $ on sugar coated

    1. Funny how they are all over the place with their "book", but the airing of the new season is a mystery?

    2. OMG!! Did you see on the Like page, one person said "Why when I took a picture of you did you say, 'Not cool?' " Well, that answer is obvious - YOU DIDN'T PAY FOR IT!!!!

      Money talks with Kody. Big time. If ya ain't willing to spend money on them, keep on a'walkin. What a despicable bunch of people.

    3. Wow!!...smh but yet they want U to buy their books & LIV junk??? Well hopefully it was one of their true "fans", prolly not anymore now, her eyes have been opened to the real Kody & crew!!!
      I just wonder how long that comment stayed posted on their fan page??... Lol

    4. Well the post is no longer But not really surprised either.
      Oh & folks are now raving about how slim they all look...well on the cover they're each turned side ways & partially hidden behind each other. Could also be photoshopped too! But I guess those who have actually recently seen them in person could really confirm for us.. But from the pic twit pic that Christine posted yesterday of her & Kody...she still looks the same, but that's just my opinion too :)

    5. "OMG!! Did you see on the Like page, one person said "Why when I took a picture of you did you say, 'Not cool?' " Well, that answer is obvious - YOU DIDN'T PAY FOR IT!!!!"

      Shades of Kate Gosseling before the fall. Yes?

    6. Stands to reason that whether they are trimmed down or not....the cover of their *book* will have to give that illusion.
      After all, the Darger Debs have set the bar high for visuals.

      Totally agree, CB....Kody and Klowns won't see more than a few cents of my money either, if at all....and that's only *if* the yard/garage sale is already conveniently located on my street.

      Running from fans....Jeez, wouldn't you think they would realize that those dreaded fans are their meal ticket??
      And Browns, it's really an easy dilemma to solve.....
      Psst, hey Kody....take down the striped tent, close up the popcorn stands, turn off the cameras to the sideshow, sell no more tickets to your many scams....and then get all your privacy back.

      Gee, some people are just never happy or satisfied......*shrug*

    7. What they should do is write a tell all 10 years after they've left the spotlight and all divorceds, those would be amusing reads! As for their book now the predictability of it makes me yawn just thinking about it.

    8. Very true Amused...most book covers are airbrushed anyways. We'll soon find out when their on talk shows promoting their book, etc.....
      Exactly Anony!! Total Or perhaps one of the kids to write a tell all book!! ...I think it will be one of Robyns kids bc technically they're not Browns, except Sol ...& if anything, they'll give some good details of

    9. I might be bothered to read on of THOSE books ;)

  18. Hopefully one person will bite the bullet and get the book--to read to us!

    Now that the book date is settled they will be announcing the show to coincide, I'm sure.

  19. ok, I do not mean to steal Lourdes' thunder here, but this is SOOOO funny:

    Robyn: Lunch, a heart felt talk and shopping with @MeriBrown1 is definitely my idea of a nice afternoon. Thanks Luv! Let's do again soon!

    Meri: @LuvgvsUwngs I agree! Let's allow more time for shopping next time! :)

    In my neck of the woods, that is a Burn! Less talking, more shoping!!! Hahaha

    1. I don't think Lourdes will mind ;)

      Great observation!

    2. "In my neck of the woods, that is a Burn! Less talking, more shoping!!! Hahaha"

      True enough !!! Yep, that would be a "burn" in my locale too.
      Not to mention it was a typically Robyn-esque and Meri-like *not so subtle* "burn" on the other two sistas.

      Not that Janelle gives a rat's behind, I suspect.
      Janelle has seemed bored and unimpressed with Robyn from day 1.

      Christine on the other hand, unfortunately, seems to be an easy target for head games.
      Hope she grows a spine.

      Oh, these sistas are not always so sisterly, are they??!!

  20. A fan over on the FB fan page asked ,"when is Robyn having the new baby??" ...Wouldn't surprise me tho, bc like we said before, that's pretty much her purpose of being the new wife, right?? :)

    1. I bet Christine is trying like heck to beat Robyn to the punch on getting knocked up.

    2. You know with all this exposure and money coming in for the first time in their lives these women can make plans for their futures, operative word being their. They should think about careers, supporting themselves. Who knows maybe they could each afford their own man...or woman, whatever.

  21. I wonder who took care of Robyn's 4 kids while she was out lunching and shopping with Meri. Probably just left them with Christine again. Everybody seems to take her for the Brown tribe dumping ground.

    1. Christine watched janelle's kids when janelle worked. Robyn has no excuse to be dumping her kids

  22. Lol...yep Anony I saw those tweets too. I wonder what the "heartfelt " talk was about? ...Robyn has prolly been feeling left out from everyone else's many road adventures. Might as well get used to it since she's the new baby mill I can just imagine her saying,, well it seemed like a good idea @ the time & I thought it wpuld be much different... HA!

    1. "I wonder what the "heartfelt " talk was about?"

      CB, Hmmm,good question. We can only speculate...

      Robyn: Meri, Do you think the fans like me, really like me? I sneak peeks at SWB sometimes and they say critical things. Why do they do that?? (downcast eyes, jaw jutting out even more than usual)

      Meri: I read SWB too....but don't tell the others that though....I think they are mean too. I mean really, we are just poor oppressed plygs wanting our just due. It's us against the world, sista !!

      Robyn: Uhhh, Meri, about that offer to hatch a baby for you..
      Uhh, maybe I wasn't thinking too clearly that night.

      Meri: Oh, that....look we played our parts that night for TLC, but frankly, I don't want to be strapped down with another kid.
      Look, Robyn, unlike you, I have places to go and people to see.
      And all the time in the world now to do it.
      I even have a lifetime pass to Disney now.

      Or maybe even....
      Robyn: Uhh, Meri, does Kody ever get on your nerves? Like you feel you are having sex with a horny 16 year old? I am really tired now with having SOl around, and Kody still thinks I should be a Vegas stripper when its my night.

      Meri: Oh no, I don't relate at all. Kody is my lover boy. We are yummy sweethearts.

      Robyn: Ohhh...sorry I asked...

    2. LMAO...thanks for the laughs Amused!! ;D ...My fave is the 2nd one...

    3. hahahhaha "I should be a Vegas stripper when it is my night" awesome!

    4. Yeah, well she can make good use of her $1000 Victoria secret bankruptcy lingerie debt she acquired from her + I'm sure she has pampered herself w/ new V.S. Stuff too...smh So she really wouldnt have a problem "entertaining"

  23. There are 17 kids in that family, I wonder how many tears those little ones shed when 1st "bonus Mom Meri" takes Mariah, Aspyn, and Maddie to Disney last month, Now this month Dear old Dad tells them he is taking Aspyn and Christine to Disney. I bet those younger ones heart is broken. WHO TAKES ONE CHILD OUT OF 17 TO DISNEY LAND???

    1. Idiots....who like to procreate just not spend anytime with the little ones...except for maybe Christine who deserved a break from her brood. Afterall Robwhine got a 10 day honeymoon..I still can't believe that!

    2. So true...since it was spring break, hopefully Robyns kids were able to go & spend time w/ their real daddy!!

  24. I am watching the July 4th camping episode when Hunter was sassing Janelle and kept arguing with her saying the adults were sitting there doing nothing and Janelle kept arguing with him, while Kodesville just sat there next to Robyn while she was putting her make up on. He said nothing, and let Janelle do all the hard work of trying to reason with her out of control son. I think Hunter will not become a polygamist from the looks of it. He seems disgusted with all of them.

    1. And realllllly....who puts on *make-up*, sitting on a camp chair outside a tent, making the *kids* have to wait to go fishing/hiking?? Knowing that the cameras are rolling???
      I remember that episode and thought the same thing.

      But I also remember thinking that the TLC producers deliberately chose to leave that scene in there...showing Robyn in all her self-centered, teenage-mentality glory.

      Bottom Line.......negative or positive..ratings are ratings !!!

    2. Oh yes, the infamous "camping" trip & make up scene...smh .. Well circus clowns gotta be in full hair & make up so the show can go
      Seriously, Robyns hair & make up was done for the "delivery" of Sol...& the jury is still out on that cover up

  25. Robyn tweeted happy anniversary To Kody & maybe the trip to Disneyland was their "time together" ... Weird, but whatever floats their

    1. Ok well I guess they are out tonight sweet!!
      Actually Christine has been tweeting away & I couldn't help but ROFLMAO bc after one of her tweets, I wasn't sure if she was still talkN about the + other observations I had, but will wait to comment bc I'm looking forward to Lourdes's witty & insightful review :)

  26. Come with me Caramel Brownie, I still like Disneyland and Disneyworld, love the rides. My cousin even always gets a yearly pass, a pleasant place to go and get a bite to eat sometimes and just relax. Same with Universal (not so many park attractions tho) and Wild Animal Park at night, good groups to listen to on the grass. Of course if you are from Vegas, I love the 2 block downtown laser show but get turned around on the strip casinos now. Once thought I'd successfully fought my way back to the elevator and found myself in another casino. Bummer.

  27. Lets Roll Border u know the last time I was @Disneyland was long ago...I was 17 yes old then...& I'm now 37...Wow!!
    & the last time I was in Vegas was 1/2005 for our wedding, which was lots of fun...were wanting to get out to Vegas again in the near future since it's always changing & it's just a fun weekend getaway!

  28. My two cents : the "yummy sweethearts" commentbis hilarious! Also agree it's crummy not to take the younger kids. And, I have been craving a good table side bowl of guacamole thanks to Kody's tweets. If I lived in Vegas, I actually think I'd go to that Mexican restaurant. Gotta give a plug for my favorite guacamole ... The hotel La Fonda restaurant on the square in Santa Fe. It's about $8 I think but so, so good!
