Friday, July 20, 2012

Tee Shirt #2 Time! Here's Your Shirt! .............SWB

SWB Style, Here’s Your Shirt#2!  
ALL made by our very own readers!

First name, Idea by/Second name, Made By - if there are two names. 

Two names are shortened: Caramel Brownie to CB, and Bargain Babe to BB; they were so kind to make so many. I give them a HUGE THANK YOU! 

See note below about permissions!


No particular order, we LOVE them ALL! Great Job Everyone! 
I loved the idea for folks to re post - please do on facebook, twitter, etc., for ALL our posts to help get the word out!

What do you want to do next?

Also loved the idea of trending, do anytime!


  1. Wow!!! These are truly amazing.
    I have to say I almost lost my dinner when I saw the picture of Meri's cleavage and flab and oh no....... My eyes are still burning.

  2. These are hilarious! Great job!!!

  3. OMG! The one with the pic of Robin and Kody that says favorite wife status. his hair cracks me up. His hair!!!!! He must blow dry it upside down. He would have loved being a women in the 80's he would have owned stock in Aqua-net. Maybe you guys can have him come on here and have him give us lowly ungoddess like women tips on how to get so much volume in our hair and also get Robin to teach us the art of layering.

  4. Hahahahahaha....Meri's Surrogate had me rolling!!! I'm still cracking up!! & I liked the Modest is Hottest red tank top w/ the nipples... too funny! :D

  5. Yea! I have finally found my people! U guys bring me laughter every day. I love the tees & I love the humor!

  6. I love them! I bet they like some of them too, truth be known! THANK YOU Caramel Brownie for putting up with me this week!
    I say, Bravo to everyone!

    1. Hear Hear, I second the Bravo to everyone!! :D
      You're welcome & anytime!! I had fun making them & tryna be a lil creative :D

  7. The one with the little tank over the tee oh i cant stop laughing. They are all great.

  8. PleaseNoMoreOf Meri'sBoobsJuly 20, 2012 at 9:03 PM

    I'm surprised that Meri didn't have one of these suits on, if modest is hottest....

  9. Oh my heck!!!! Fantastic!!! Very well done! My favorite is also the tank top with the tee shirt underneath. Tee Hee. Finding this blog has made me very happy. I am happy to know there are others out there wondering "what the heck?" I have reviewed all the past episodes(thanks to Netflix) and I am ready for next season. Bring it on....

    1. I agree,after a while I started thinking why are they wearing summer tops on top of long sleeve shirts?

  10. All so cute! Long time poster as Scout, finally made it official. My fav is the "Attention Volunteers" funny, yet somewhat real, and not too mean. That's why I love coming here, mixes the truth about polygamy with some great, classy fun!

  11. We are Ko-Dee pendant is sooo cute! Great work everyone!

  12. BAAA HAAAA!!! These are great :))

    I think my favorite was Meri's boobs in 'Modest is Hottest". Hope she sees and enjoys!

    Fabulous job by all, thanks for the belly laugh!

  13. handlebar ponytailsJuly 20, 2012 at 11:00 PM

    the kadouche one had me ROLFMAO...excellent bit of graphic work there!

  14. I love love these! They're all sooo good.

  15. Yay! These segments were so fun to see, and I'm famous, lol!

    Love the interpretation of my death wish to the mock tapioca. Looks great!

  16. How many of you think Kody is ego'd up to LIKE some of these? i bet Meri would like the Volunteer one, they all are so much fun! What's next? I am IN on the next project!

  17. Hey that movie, "O Brother, Where Art Thou??" is playing on Bravo tonight. Just thought I'd share since it has been referenced to a few :D

  18. Used to tell boys all the time when they were all dressed up they looked like a "Dapper Dan Man" when they were dressed up, they'd just giggle. I don't know anyone who hasn't seen that movie!

  19. Loved T-Shirt Batch #2 !!!
    GREAT job by all, both the writers and the creators.
    Loved them all....but especially fond of Kodouche/Massengill and NPD Kody and not to forget, Sobbing Robin and her Witchy Poo hat. (probably my favorite)

    *How about song parodies or limericks ala SW for our next project??*

    There once was a "dude" from Yoming
    Who just couldn't' stop his moaning
    He wanted a harem, he wanted kids galore
    What he also got was a big ol' cold sore.

  20. KodyLocks cracked me up!!! All these tshirts are fabulous!!! Great job everyone :-) Just a side note I recently downloaded Sims Freeplay app on my phone and are planning to play the Fab 5 in my town. So far only have Kody, Meri and Janelle. I have Bold & Beautiful characters in my tablet town. :-)

  21. i think Team Meri's shirt should have said TEAM MEAN GIRL or TEAM MGM w/a pic of her mean frowny looks she gives so often. Her wife #1 really does give her extra bitch power. oh hey! there's another one now! lol

    BUT i've enjoyed the creativity and laughs here from all of them.

  22. Again, great set. I like the schanausermom mom - cause Kody and all men in polygamy are, sometimes unbeknownst to them are always juggling the woman they are interested in at the time, to the expense of the others.

    Also, loved the Sister Wife's closet one, although ALL families could use this one!

  23. Fantastic job everybody!! I wouldn't have expected anything less from this group! Can't wait for the next assignment ;)

  24. the ko-dependent shirt is genius! and i would so totally wear the "reality bites" that is so krody!!!

  25. Barbie Dream house hahahaha.It bothered me how on the fanpage they would tryto atherthem money for a house, whenthey ALREADY have one.

  26. I had shown my daughter some of the ones i sent. She rolled her eyes. Then she went through them, brought them to show me. 3 of then were the ones I whoever did the,ko-dependant,secret to happy marriage,accepting applications, and some of my others onto the shirts for me i really appreciate it. Even taking time to find the pictures i suggested, that wasn't easy. That's why i would like to know who did it, so i can thank you, from birdwoman

    1. Birdwoman, under a set of pics, it's lists the name of idea maker/name of T shirtmaker.
      Caramel Brownie made all of yours. didn't she do a great job!
      Great ideas and creative maker! You two were awesome.
      You should start using the name Birdwoman instead of anonymous, I love it!

    2. I may be one of the few people that doesn't have a computer. As a single mom,i can't afford one.heck someone totaled my car and i can't afford another. I only have an android. I haven't figured out how to reply as birdwomam. Any suggestions? Birdwoman here's something funny, having the name birdwoman with the shirts caused one of these bloggers to take notice. She said when she saw birdwoman she knew it was me. Its the name everyone called me in cheerleading. So this site connected me to someone i haven't seen since 1994!

  27. I think most of us think kody is full of himself. Its pretty obvious its gone to his head, look at his hair! On a serious note, about ideas. We could do lyrics, with a suggestion to what song to sing it to. Or no tune at all. So a lyrics of poem contest. If someone wanted a challenge they could do a haiko. --birdwoman

  28. I was wondering if anyone wanted to see a picture of a polygamist trying to fit in in their neighborhood. I live in orem,ut. There is a street i drive by all the time. Its on a culdesac with three house next to each other, however they have connected to each other with an add on addition from side door to side door all matching the character of the house , each add on is about a 15x30. This is also a common thing in the polygamst culture, and it has been rumoured that the browns are doing the same thing. Give me some feed back! Birdwoman

    1. I suggest you write up your thoughts, sends us some pics, and we'll make a post of your thoughts and obsevations. Please send us an email!!

      Let's not start a conversation here, but make a place for it.
      Hope to hear from you. We will not print without your approval, and you many keep anonymous.

  29. They are all so funny, but the ones that made me snort:
    Polygamy- cheating with God’s okay.
    Settling for a quarter of a man.

    I’m not following the math on the “Kody and Kate plus 27”. But wouldn’t it be fun to see a mash-up of their families for a week? Like the camping trip Kate took with Palin?

    1. Accidentally added two more. I forgot that Jon and Kate Plus 8 included the older twins.

    2. Anna- LOL.

      I thought it was hugely clever. It made me think of a TLC "reunion" of sorts: K+8, Duggars, SW, etc... I would pay to attend just to see them interact.

  30. I have been on vacation for the last few days, coming back and reading these today has me laughing myself right out of my chair. They are all great.

  31. "Baby, you’re the only girl I think about between 2 and 3pm" THAT is my absolute FAVORITE one from this batch!!! LMFAO :)

  32. love them! you bloggers should make them,, the new ones are great!

  33. A switch from above, but FUNNY! LOVE THEM!

  34. Kate vs. Meri - the ultimate TLC bitch showdown

  35. wow these look like they were designed by 12 year olds
