Saturday, December 10, 2011

Check out Cosmo's Corner on SisterWivesBlog!

Hey Everybody!

Make sure you check out our newest section on Sister Wives Blog: Cosmo's Corner!

Yes, Troy Bowles now has an upfront spot on the blog, giving you easy access to ask those burning questions we know you have, and easy access to read Cosmo's (Troy Bowles) answers.

No more searching through the blog's archives - just ask your question in Cosmo's Corner and he will answer in the same section!

Just click on the link Cosmo's Corner located just under "Pages" at the top, on the right hand side of the blog to enter Troy's new home!

And to get back to the blog home page, just click the link for "Home".


Cynical Jinx


  1. excellent! i suggested this a few weeks ago and VOILA!! thanks so much! (and i bet ya Troy will thank ya, too, so he can cover new questions now each time he shows up.)

    is it still possible to find a place somewhere/somehow that you can keep Doris Hanson's "what love is this?" plyg TV show link up on a permanent basis for new folks here? It'd be a great time now during the hiatus of Sister Wives new shows for peeps to go watch some of Doris's archived educational interviews explaining all their beliefs as well as how damn hard it is to escape (emotionally and physically) from it all.

    thanks again CJ and MS! ❤

  2. scary news article/video out of SLC yesterday re:the newest clampdowns and purging of outside influences being facilitated by Warren Jeffs behind bars. you might want to spotlight this with its own separate

  3. pretty disturbing that this can be going on. it's like Gestapo Nazi Germany. people are fleeing now while they can before the Berlin Wall goes up next.

  4. All of the links to the shows I've done with Doris are on my blog:

    Thanks for taking an interest. As you can see, I have to concentrate very intensely to explain all of it while the show is being broadcast live.

  5. anon 1:43
    I read the article you referenced and am very disturbed both emotionally and intellectually. It seems nothing is ever done to prevent abuse of great numbers of people. This illogical nonsense goes on and on and I am beyond respecting anybody for going along with this. Natural law itself dictates what they are doing is wrong, and so they should know this. To continue perpetrating their evil in the way that they are seems to call more for military guard intervention than police.

  6. Thank you Troy! You are so wonderful taking the time to share with us! YEAH!
