Friday, November 4, 2011

For Enquiring Minds...

According to the National Enquirer:

Pugilistic polygamists bare-knuckle after “Sister Wives” KODY BROWN’s 17th baby arrives! AND It’s ONLY his first baby with newest wife, Robyn.
The ENQUIRER has learned that the hit reality show has been torn apart by jealousy over the at­tention Robyn has been getting from 43-year-old aspiring realtor Kody, both before and after baby Solomon’s Oct. 26 birth. Now, Kody's three other wives are ready to bolt!
Insiders say Kody paid little attention to his other mates, Meri, Janelle and Christine, while an­ticipating the new baby’s arrival. And they’re furious that since the birth, Kody has been slack about making his nightly rotations between homes.
“Robyn has been Kody’s number one concern, and the other wives are resentful that he didn’t spend nearly as much time with any of them during the births of their children,” said the insider.
“While they love Robyn and are happy for the new addition to the family, they are fuming at Kody and think that he cares more about his latest wife and the new baby than them.”
Solomon’s home birth is the highlight of the show’s Season 3 finale, which airs on Nov. 27.
Kody has one child with Meri (his only legal spouse), six children with Janelle, six children with Christine, and is stepfather to Robyn’s three children from her previous mar­riage.
Of all the wives, it’s Christine who is said to be most resentful of the current situation.
“Christine has always been jealous of Robyn, but now she’s gotten all the wives riled up,” noted the source.
“They’ve told Kody that he will lose the rest of his family if he doesn’t start giving them all equal time.”


  1. Yeah yeah yeah- I am sure they all feel that way, and the next week, sunshine and roses. There would be no way to NOT feel that way living in seperate homes. That's a big mistake to me.

  2. I'm hoping Christine finds a hockey player, Janelle leaves with the personal trainer and Meri divorces Kody, gets 50% of the marital assets, and a book deal.

  3. Good job any 10 you rock

  4. I wish this was from a more credible source but sounds juicy anyway!! lol

  5. Oh, you know it's baloney - but they have to put up all things Brown!

  6. Yeah, the enquirer, you know that is credible....give me a break...

  7. Well, the Enquirer won the Pultizer Prize for breaking the John Edwards story. Gotta givem them their credit...

  8. I think there is usually some amount of truth to things like this. For example I would almost bet money that yes, Christine is TICKED and resentful towards Robyn. And yes I'm sure the other wives are upset that Kody didn't spend much time with them when their kids were born but now he is waiting on Robyn hand and foot.

  9. I'd like to know who the "insider" is. A disgruntled neighbor maybe?

  10. Well, the Enquirer is not known for being on target, or truthful at times. As for whether he spends 'too much time' with #4 and not the other 3-yes, a neighbor could easily report this, how hard is it to spot his '5th wife'-his car? Christine has been very upset since the move-even though on Access Hollywood they all said Kody has been talking about Vegas for a home situation for years. Maybe Christine really thought it was all talk, esp. since they would be moving out of the community to Vegas where there are no other poly marriages from their Sect. She seems the most on 'if my kids don't follow this life style, will I have failed'? mentality-actually moving to Vegas, faithwise, must have been very hard for her, especially. (Robin says the same type things, but, she comes across as just wanting to talk many times.)

  11. i assumed that's why Kody always parks in the garage and wive's cars are in the driveway. so, the neighbors couldn't tell whose house he was at. i still assume that logic.

  12. I thought she had the baby on the 17th, not the 26th. Hmmmmm.

  13. RollerSkate--we were skeptical of the baby's birthdate too. Esp based on the fact that she tweeted in the summer and said she was 30 weeks, but then that baby took FOREVER to come (would have made her 43 weeks on the 26th I think. Maybe 44).

    So why did u think the 17th? Was that leaked somewhere?

    Also the "newborn" pics of the baby sure don't look like a newborn.

  14. RollerSkateGirl and BargainBabe, I did see something, a tweet, from one of the girls on or about the 17th saying the kid was born. And the baby shown on the 26th in no way appeared to be a newborn. BS, I know a newborn pup from a 10 day old one any day of the week.

  15. When do we have enough evidence to bring up false baby date to TLC or KBF?

  16. I don't remember that tweet, can you show it to us?
