Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Camping with Teenagers - Sister Wives

On their family camping trip, Hunter is making nothing easy, and Kody minces no words when he declares that "Hunter is a raging, testosterone monster."


  1. I totally sympathize with Hunter. It has to be very frustrating being part of that disfunctional family. Poor kid.

  2. I am so over this- we all know Kody was a TURD and should of took them earlier!

  3. I didn't really see anything unusual about Hunter's behavior. I mean, as far as "teenage boy" behavior. Yes, he is angry. Yes, he is obviously having difficulty with the changes in his family. Yes, he is struggling with communicating these. Could he have been more respectful? Yes.

    However, pertaining specifically to this episode - I believe Hunter had every right to be agitated. The family is on a camping trip. Not all of them were going fishing. In fact, Kody wasn't even going fishing. Why couldn't those who were going fishing leave earlier?

    I have concerns for Hunter. Unless, there is something we are not seeing, this young man is in need of some therapy or at the very least a safe person to talk to about his feelings. I worked for over a decade with emotional and behaviorally troubled adolescents. Hunter is displaying some significant signs of behavioral disorders that could escalate into psychiatric problems. It is obvious (from the limited footage)that he doesn't have a strong support system within the family. It seems other than Janelle and maybe Christine, there isn't much adult support.

    It really bugs me that Kody has literally no parental skills and yet continues to proprogate his seed. Sorry, there is no polite way to say that. I have seen better fathers who are incarcerated. They may not be there physically, but are certainly there emotionally.

  4. Why is Logan wearing an apron? I have to say that I agree with Hunter's Johnny Appleseed comment ... Whatever it means. Hunter doesn't respect the adults in the family because he must have a brain.

    Just for grins, I watched the first episode where kody introduced the kids. He and janelle introduced hunter as very special - even called him "a light". He grinned shyly and looked very sweet.

    Hunter, if you are reading this, I'll adopt you, and my husband will take you fishing on time. I promise never to make disrespectful snarky remarks to you, and my husband won't call you a monster on national TV.

  5. Watching Meri and Robyn put on makeup, acting like twelve-year-olds while everyone was waiting would have been enough to push most thinking people over the edge. Kody should have taken the boys fishing, but he's too busy being up Robyn's ass to be a man and a dad. Janelle is the only adult in the bunch, but gets the least respect. The whole episode was just disturbing.

  6. After reading everyone's posts about how they have parented their teenagers, I thought about myself and my 5 boys when they were teens. I still have two teens, but so far everyone is growing up to be fine young men. However, there have been days when they have definitely been monsters. Boys and their raging hormones can be very irrational, angry, and downright mean at times. They also can be loving and wonderful. It is an emotional roller coaster for the entire family! Many times I have felt like I had reached the end of my rope with them, but in the end we worked through those very tough teenage years just fine. We don't see how Hunter acts all the time. Perhaps Kody had reached the end of his rope with him. In all honesty, can anyone here say they haven't had days when their teenagers have been difficult to deal with?

  7. I feel very sorry for these teenagers, because this is a very difficult time in their lives to be uprooted from their home. It appears from this video clip that Logan and Hunter are not getting along at all. I can't imagine trying to survive those very difficult teenage years with all the chaos in their lives right now and doing it on television. I have to wonder what on earth these parents were thinking exposing their children to this! What a mess they have created for these kids. I am surprised and sad at how much weight the teenage girls have gained (along with Meri, Janelle, and Christine). The stress seems to be taking a toll on them all. It is difficult to watch this train wreck unfold.

  8. I'll take in any of the teenagers that want to come to Pennsylvania and stay in a traditional man and wife family. I've raised 4 children and my main goal as a parent was to help them identify their own unique God given talent and help/support them in fulfilling their goals in life. I don't see the slightest bit of encouragement towards any of these teenagers. The adults are just too busy still finding themselves.
