Thursday, October 20, 2011

Janelle Brown Filing Against Bigamy Statutes of Utah

Click the link to view the document on Scribd :
Janelle Brown Filing Against Bigamy Statutes of Utah



    New sneak peek for the next episode.


  2. If I get a sppeding ticket, can I file and say I want the speed limit 70? Shouldn't this have been filed BEFOREHAND?

  3. I used to be their staunched supporter. And friend. These turn of events makes me feel used.
    Everything they do is a calculated effort to make Polygamy legal, or to make money.
    How will legalizing Polygamy help those women caught in the FLDS?

  4. Ha! Jenelle is the HUSBAND?!?

    They really got marriage ass-backward.

  5. I don't get it.
    They were getting paid big bucks by TLC. So what's the big deal?

  6. This is off topic but I heard from a friend that's friend...
    That Christine LOVES to be the center of attention.
    That makes sense if you've seen her take over the talk shows.

    I wonder how she likes NOT being the center here.

    Also, no baby yet.
    Isn't it sad that instead of focusing on the baby, they are doing all this crap this week?

  7. Hi JanelleKody...
    Ur not the only one! I think a lot of their "fans" will soon come to the same realization... & hopefully before spending $$ on any of their "health " products :)
    I can totally see that too Anony 11:11pm...& I had wondered the same thing about why they would plan a huge event around delivery time & the baby is already 8 days late ...Hhmmm??? Maybe lil Solomon will be a Scorpio instead of

  8. @JanelleKody...
    are FLDS and Polygymous lifestlyes synonomous? I mean are all polygymasts FLDS?

  9. @JanelleKody...
    are FLDS and Polygymous lifestlyes synonomous? I mean are all polygymasts FLDS?

  10. JanelleKody said, "Everything they do is a calculated effort to make Polygamy legal, or to make money."

    I am beginning to wonder if their calculated effort to make polygamy legal IS an effort to make money?

    Sorry, but this suspicious gal just doesn't trust these people farther than she can throw them.

  11. They have to curtail their religious activities and public statements? I'm pretty sure they make all kinds of public statements every week on their show, and at all of the public appearances (Anderson Cooper?). I believe they made a huge deal over their kids not attending a Presbyterian youth group because it was not their faith.

    What leaseS did they break to move to Nevada? They only had 1 rental property (Robin's) - so only 1 lease.

    My son's college is going to be pretty expensive and will curtail my eating out, and travel. Whom should I sue for that?

  12. They eat out every week! TLC style.
    they go to strangers, talk their stuff, really don't say much, go home and act like they've done something. yee haw.

  13. They moved because of business ventures, remember?
    Can't they use that Billy Bush spot in court?

  14. I had hope for Janelle. This disappoints me. What is she, the head of the house?

  15. Seriously, this family needs prayers. They are messed up.

  16. I am totally for you being able to live your life as you see fit! I do not believe anyone should judge you or condemn you for your choices. I admire your stand on what you believe and how you practice those beliefs. "BUT" I was watching one of the past episodes that Danielle was on and you were discussing the differences in you and the Mormon religion. And that is the only time I have ever been offended by you or your family. But would like to set the record straight. Kody you made a comment that marriages in the Mormon religion were arranged. Now come on you truly have to know thats as far from the truth as any statement could ever be. I was born and raised Mormon for the last 56 yrs and have never seen a marriage arranged by anyone in that entire time. Now if you would like others to be more open and accepting please do your home work before saying things that are not true and painting any kind of picture of how others live as well. I so hope you can build your new home to keep you all close and thriving as a family! Congrats on the soon to be new family member!

  17. I have been a fan of this blog for several weeks and am catching up on posts over the past few days during a health problem necessitating increased rest. I thoroughly enjoy many of the poster, my favorites being Caramel Brownie, Cynical Jinx, Terrasola and Mister Sister. You have made me LOL on many occasions which is not necessarily a good thing when trying to heal pulled muscles! I started out liking the show but as I learn more and more about their deceitful actions, I have lost all respect for the adults. My heart breaks for the children.
    When reading this post, I noted that Janelle called herself the husband of the family. I thought they didn't "do weird"? Anyway, my question is this: Will this error invalidate the filing of the lawsuit? Will this mean they will finally drop the nonsense when so many people are not supportive of them?
    Again, thanks for several days of enjoyable, eye opening, frustration and rage inducing reading. Keep up your hard work-we need voices like yours to "tell it like it is".
