Friday, August 5, 2011

The Wives of Warren & Rulon Jeffs Polygamy PROPHETS

Early on or in 2000 lists were being generated and refined, identifying which girls were married to the prophet, how old they were and who the parents were. These were shared with the FBI in Sandpoint Idaho.

When a girl would run, it was routine to notify the FBI & Attorney Generals Office and each time, they would say, they couldn't offer advise. In this audio is the example of making those needed calls and the Sam Barlow lecture spoke of in the recent court case, from an FLDS meeting of the Priesthood Council in April 1996. 

This is only for those interested in the wives of Rulon Jeffs, Warren Jeffs, or Winston Blackmore. It is rather dry, but there are lists up. What was he trying to show with the receipts? It looked to me as if he sent items certified mail - and they weren't received until 2 years later? I'm not sure, tell me what you think! 
I am sure there were many more wives. This was made in 2007.


  1. What transpires between home births, mocked up birth certificates, "celestrial marriages", AZ and UTAH refusing to participate in their job activities, is quite disturbing. New to all of this, still learning every day! They say, what harm are polygamists by being committed, when others aren't- the word needs to be spread about the beliefs of the FLDS and others as to why it is so harmful. What a well hidden secret.

  2. What about grown women in schools messing with young boys?

    This is called pedophilia.

    It is a combination of 2 Greek words, paithi (child) and philia (to be friendly with).

    In ancient Sparta and Rome, pedophilia was epidemic.

  3. Isn't polygamy illegal? Why is the government allowing it?

  4. You said that this might be dry to the ave. viewer, but that why this documentation should be out there. All that is blasted in the media is what's interesting - truthful, stretched, or untrue. Did we know the Mormon Osmond's believed that blacks were inferior? Or the women could only go to heaven riding on their husband's coattails? Might of seen them in a tad different light.

  5. I've looked for a genealogy, but never found a complete one. I pray those little girls made it out safe.

  6. If other polygamists groups are strongly protesting that they are NOT like the FLDS, why aren't they helping the women and children that are trying to flee the FLDS? Are they afraid that they will bring more attention to themselves? It seems that if they were wanting polygamy to be legalized, they would make an effort to help those in need to prove that all polygamists are not the same.

  7. Rayne- excellent point. Esp. since they have the same belief system.
    Can you imagine Robyn giving up part of her home?

  8. Maybe they were doing the ol poorman's copyright you know where you mail something to yourself make it legal proof...even though its not really a legal copyright?

  9. yes lana for a long time they have been protected it is insane even the letter in relation to jeffs was insane the cases of dumping the naughty wives in state psych wards etc all such illegal bunk and for the longest time heads just turned but now with texas...we might finally see justice and maybe all the evidence will lead to a huge shake down of these snake oil religious heads and those that we entrusted to protect society not pedo false prophets.

  10. Praise God for this man and his family trying to protect the innocent.
