Thursday, August 4, 2011


THIS IS CUTE!! Talking about the SISTER WIVES Polygamy Suit!


  1. Like most correspondents, he is just spouting the propaganda Turley released to the press, instead of actually reading the suit. Also, he is not thinking about the logical outcome from striking down the law and then preventing the police from investigating the Browns any further. Basically, that action would legalize polygamy because there will be nothing to prevent judges from issuing additional marriage licenses to plural wives. And the courts will not be able to investigate any associated crimes either, unless, of course, the underage victims come forward and report to the police. (LIKE THAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN.)

  2. I thought it was funny!
    Agreed, had he done his homework into polygamy, he could have really ripped up the Mormons.

  3. Why wouldn't the police be able to investigate associated crimes? Child abuse and welfare fraud are still going to be illegal.

  4. And why any polygamist can hold such a job is beyond me. Janelle did. I'm sure that there are FLDS police, CPS, you name it. Good question, Nysha!

  5. I thought I'd do a "drive by" b/f bed, and lots of new comments I missed by not going to check!
    Please go through every now and then and quickly check old posts, many new folks are posting on them, I'm sure they'd love to hear a response.

    Don't forget to clicky clicky the bottom every now and then, I might get to dig into Pacer for you! or have decent internet!LOL
    HAVE A GREAT NIGHT, and thanks for making this all that it is!

  6. Nite mistersister! I checked in , too! I am getting addicted to this blog!

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  8. Of course I would fancy this as funny!
    My dad's only 3 years older than me!

  9. You know, I really don't understand why we question every statement an attorney makes and almost universally vilify attorneys, yet journalists are never questioned. Keep in mind that the prosecutors and judge who succeeded in convicting Warren Jeffs are attorneys. Our country has succeeded in protecting children and at the same time allowing religious freedom by listening and following legal advice. I wish that more people would realize this. My profession is responsible for much of the freedoms and benefits enjoyed in this country and I wish that my comments would be given a little more respect. Nobody has stated that they hate polygamists as a group--everyone says it is OK if it is consenting adults---yet posters have no qualms about stating that they hate all attorneys.

  10. Female Attorney, I always ask for you advice, I can't remember what post I put it on the past couple of days, I was a hollering for you. i respect your opinion!
