Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Inside Story Polygamy - part 3 of 5 ALLRED/TLC

Part 3 contains Christine Brown's great uncle, Owen Allred. Who also happens to be David, Dayton, Breanna, and Aurora's great uncle. Who happens to also be Meri's 2nd cousin 4 times removed, and probably attached more to 2 of Meri's Mothers; He is also Kody's 2nd cousin once removed. Getting a picture here?

Owen seems the sweetest and the most sincere of any leader I have seen so far. (Might have to take that back, wrote this before CJ'S Story, couldn't of timed this any better if i tried- see if he looks like a thief to you. just goes to show you - you can't judge a book by it's cover) He gets very choked up. He also states he loves his children that don't follow the principle. Owen has since passed, but it is a look into the Allred family. His wife must of taught Kody Brown's wives the "freedom" message because she spews out the same reason for sharing a husband, why she can do whatever she wants! I don't know about you, but, yeah, so can I! Don't need 3 sister wives for that.

Then we flip back to the TLC church SCARY by my thoughts, more of Randy and a John Harper, boy, his first wife looks like her face would crack if she smiled. If that's happiness....But we learn they give EVERYTHING to the church. Yikes!
Please watch and discuss. We are learning our groups, aren't we? Education is power.


  1. My God would not tell a man to strand his wife and 11 children, and then become "matchmaker" for the church. Re-transfer?
    Is that what they call it when your not really married?
    Boy, Owen fools you there, doesn't he?

    Did they give the Brown's the freedom speech? We heard that in the FIRST Episode.

    Boy, in TLC you have to give up all your money? John Harper got a real mansion, didn't he?
    The whole thing is a sin.
    Watching the children speak that they must do it make me ill.

    And they all came to Allred. Amazing.

  2. wow does he (when young) and the Kodster look alike? Creepy or is that inbreeding? ;)

  3. Really, Kelly!

    I keep thinking, are there the best to represent, I'd hate to think of the shape of the others.
    Jealously. I wish I had counted how many times i heard that on these tapes.

  4. oh, no, they are not related at all.

  5. At the 2 minute 45 second mark, Elsie is talking about monogamous people and says "I think that they are more unhappy than we are in a lot of situations." The logic of that sentence implies that they (polygamous) ARE unhappy. Freudian slip?

  6. Kelly said...
    wow does he (when young) and the Kodster look alike?
    Owen Allred and Kody's mother are second cousins.
