Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Ellen and the Sister case you missed it.

You've got to watch Kody dance! I swear, Janelle tried to get him to sit down!!



  1. This is so hypocritical on the Brown's part, since the religion that they believe in teaches that Ellen's lifestyle is an "abomination."

  2. Janelle has said that she if fine with all lifestyles. FreeandClear, do they really behind the scenes, are haters of specific groups?

  3. I remember when they had that dinner party and Janelle had all her work friends over, and the majority of them were gay men.

  4. I agree, I doubt Janelle is judgmental, the others, I am SURE they are to a point.

  5. I can't comment on the Browns personal views. I only know that the official stance of the religion that they are a part of, (which claims to be directly inspired by God) and that is unequivocally anti-gay. For a member of the family to say that they are "fine with all life styles" is obviously somewhat self-serving under the circumstances.

  6. btw can anyone tell me how I can get notification of new posts? I like to keep up with what others are saying or asking.

  7. On the right, there is a place where you can subscribe to the comments, let me know how it works for you! We appreciate your comments FreeandClear, and would love for you to write for us, I sense you have a story...

  8. Thanks Mister Sister Blogger. Will try that. You're right, I do have a story. Not sure I want to go into too much detail, but I am more than happy to answer general questions about Mormon Fundamentalist polygamy.

  9. Just looked at the "Ellen joins the sister wives" clip again, and saw poor Janelle saying "I find myself illogically angry" about Kody being away on honeymoon with Robyn. Just hold that thought Janelle - some genuine, real emotion is surfacing, in spite of the constant requirement to be happy about the man you love sleeping with other women. "Illogical"? Not at all.

  10. I remember that comment, Janelle is so well spoken. I don't think I could put my anger into that kind of words. It would be much ore like F%^& her!

  11. Ellen is so cute. They looked almost THRILLED to be there!

  12. Brown Friend, not a PolygamistJuly 4, 2011 at 11:39 PM

    Yes, they loved every minute of Ellen, and I think they did a fantastic job considering they have never been in the spotlight, except for Christine and Kody speaking out for their religion. In fact, that speaks volumes about Christine's self confidence.

  13. I've got to laugh, the Browns schmoozing Ellen DeGeneres for publicity when they believe that she is forever damned for being a lesbian ! Ellen should have done her homework and grilled them on it.

  14. The Brown family friend keeps trying to shove her agenda down our throats on every thread.

  15. Brown Friend, I agree they they came across very well, and super confident, but "never been in the spotlight"? umm ... what about the hours of filming for "Sister Wives" and numerous other TV appearances?

  16. Keeping Sweet. I wouldn't assume that Brown Friend is female - quite likely to be a guy.

  17. Let's play nice, folks! You can disagree, but not Attack.

  18. We love Ellen, and she is Gay. So why do we pick on the Browns so much for their religion? In fact, many that post about religion, I don't think they even watch the show or know the people. If your gonna gripe, at least watch the show.

  19. I wonder if Ellen would like Sister Wives!

  20. Ellen never hits an hard facts, though. She just glosses over everything. it was evident she hadn't seen the show, which was funny1

  21. WHY does Kody have to show off so much? He reminds me of one of my daughters, always trying to get the limelight, showing off. And, she gets her little butt in trouble, big time. It's annoying, childish, and makes him look like a fool. good thing he has such great wives, the kids are more well behaved than he is. Logan can put him to shame.
    Janelle, honey, lose the weight. you have a beautiful face, and could put the rest of them to shame. Your kids need you. you are a heart attack waiting to happen.
