Thursday, June 30, 2011

"Sister Wives" - Could Another "Kody" be on the Way?

sister wives TLC family 1 Sister Wives: Is Now REALLY a Good Time to Add Another Baby Into the Family?
Another baby for Sister Wives

Now most, when planning a family, try to find a good time that would be appropriate for the addition of a new baby. They would want to make sure they had a home, all the other siblings were situated and they weren’t on the lam from the law. But not Kody Brown and his Sister Wives family.

Right after they had to escape from being arrested in Utah for being a polygamist family and moving to Nevada (where they won’t be busted for their plural marriage), the older kids showed their obvious disdain for being uprooted, and after they all squeezed into a vacation rental (all 21 of them), it was announced that Robyn is pregnant.

Now? Really? But the Brown’s aren’t like most. They have a different calling. Being old school Mormon with polygamist leaning they believe that “Ambitious Mormon men must beget many children with as many wives as possible, for “their glory (in heaven) is in proportion to the number of their wives and children ”(Snowden 141)” So it isn’t an issue of being practical but rather following their ‘calling.’

I have friends who call poo poo on Robyn saying she got pregnant in Nevada. Here's why. She's due Oct. 12. That means she conceived around Jan 19th. conceive mean you actually got pregnant 2 weeks earlier.  Either way, she got pregnant in Utah, or on the TRIP! 

But, a baby is on the way and we wish her a healthy delivery.
Home Births scare me, do they you?
What do you think it is? I say a BOY, named KODY, What's your guess? (a girl, Kodeen?)

Do you think they should have waited just for the sake of the family as a whole?

Pic courtesy of TLC, parts of story Babble


  1. I say it's a boy. Kody Winn.

  2. Yet another grifter on the way. sigh

  3. She is low- like a boy, but I'll go opposite, a girl, Cherish Alyce

  4. I wondered about her pregnancy being due Oct. 12 and saying she got preggers in Nevada. Any nurses or Drs on here?
    It will bring all the siblings closer and unite the family. I wonder what he will do when she's done in a few years having children?
    I will guess a girl- Kodin Marie

  5. I wish someone else would get pregnant, too!!! And Christine kiss him while she's in labor!!

  6. How long has she been in Nevada ?

  7. I think they should of waited. No jobs, spending retirement, it's all just crazy. They live better than I do, so, they must have money coming in from somewhere. Would you say they get 300,000 from TLC? Too bad they don't put that back for the kids schooling.

  8. I am still completely flabbergasted that they CHOSE to plan a pregnancy when they have no jobs, no money, and are still at risk of legal action. Idiots.

  9. Going by dates, 1st date of last menstrual period would have been 1/5/2011, date of conception would have been about 1/19/2011 to have a due date of 10/12/2011. Home pregnancy test would have showed on 2/2 2011. That being sais my cycles were regular as could be 28-30 days and when they told me my DOC, I knew they were way wrong, because I had a house full of company for that week...I knew that my son could not have conceived until a full week later. He was born a week after his due date as well. What day did they move to LV? Does their church have a stance on birth control?

  10. Kody had less than 2000 dollars in his retirement account when he filed for bankruptcy in 2005. How did his retirement account balloon in size in such a short time, enabling him to support 16 (soon to be 17) people ? Either he lied on the bankruptcy application or he is lying now....

  11. Non-Mommy. Most Mormon Fundamentalists are not supposed to "plan" a pregnancy. Birth control is definitely not permitted in the AUB (to which the Browns belong) However, that's definitely impossible to police. With that many wives, and being married for so long, the Browns would normally be expected to have produced a few more children than they have.

  12. They talked about changing nights to accommodate this, and it was a pain when they were all in cync

  13. Well, somebody should have spent more time packin' and less time porkin'

  14. Good one!
    Do you really think he has that kind of libido? My husband is 50, and is is ok, but he couldn't go for it every night.

  15. My Guess - Boy. Some name to do with Winn, Kody, or her dad.

  16. I can't decide. I was thinking Boy, but, chest is bigger, maybe a girl? Wonder if her feet are swelling?

  17. I say girl - Syrah Alyce

  18. A Girl - Winnie or Wyndolyn, a boy, Must be kody!

  19. I say a girl - MeriWynn

  20. My name pick: Curo Tendo Laevus, or little TLC for short. Why?

    In Latin it means:
    Tendo - to direct,try, attempt, stretch, extend, present, reach out
    Curo - provide money
    Laevus - foolish, silly, unpropitious (not favorable manner)

    Their "little way" to stay on the air and promote ratings. A home birth? GOLD.
    I admit, that was mean, but their reasoning astounds me. To the little infant, all babes come from God, so may he or she do well in life and get out of polygamy. Another innocent victim.

  21. I am beginning to think Cynical Jinx was right, this was her JOB. however, she's not got that many baby making years left, do you all see another wife someday?

  22. I too, am amazed they chose this time to have a baby. I bet he's a real hands on dad, don't you? He make Mr. Duggar look like a SAINT.
