Monday, November 18, 2013

Tweet Tweet Sister Wives

Cuddlesac neighbor?

Maybe her goal she wants accomplished is to learn to decorate cakes so she can open a bakery? She has said she loves to bake....
Evidently she was at the party with the band and Gina Wilson....

Thanks Funky Town!!


  1. Re commitment ceremony? I see an arm!LOL

    1. Not sure. I checked the typical people that they tweet to and while they all mentioned the party, none mentioned why. So I'm thinking it must have been the recommitment ceremony.

    2. I remember seeing a tweet from Janelle last week or the week before with a photo of the backyard lit up saying something to the effect of Kody being a wonderful dad for stringing up the lights the way Maddie wanted them for Maddie's party. But I also know they were talking about that re- commitment ceremony. So now I'm really confused.

    3. I'm thinking the picture of the 5 girls (with the neighbor in the background) is from the recommitment ceremony since they are all dressed up and it looks decorated in the background. I can't believe none of them have mentioned it in a tweet yet!

  2. Wonder if they are filming the "vow renewal" shindig since everyone looks dressed up? They'll do anything to stay relevant!
    Robyn's customer service advice to big box stores is hilarious. I seem to recall the joolery business having many customer service issues! Seriously, does she have nothing better to do than tweet about cheap toilet seats in a public restroom?

    1. Robyn really doesn't have anything better to do than complain about dirty bathrooms, 3/4 nights she is alone pining for Kody. Not that she has a clue about what good customer service is anyway.

  3. Glad to see some positive things.

  4. Guesses to what they wore? Twisted Sister, would love a picture!

  5. There was certainly some sort of shindig, where Meri made a cake and covered it with a bazillion leaves, or perhaps they were cupcakes and one leaf per cake? The neighbors were invited, everybody dressed up and there were lights and tents. Either they block par-tee-it-up on the cul-de-sac or yep, they had their re-committed I mean committment ceremony. I wonder if Rev. Dani officiated?

  6. What is Kody breaking into his daughters room to talk to her?? WTH?

    1. Im guessing she was up there feeling sorry for herself aka being a dramatic teen, and he went up to see what was going on with her.

    2. So for sure TLC was taping, because no way would he do that if not for the camera to see.

  7. Sounds like Meri's wet bar got a workout ! Hee hee
    Ex Philly Girl

  8. Sounds like Meri's wet bar saw some action, lol

  9. Is Rev. Dani wearing a piece of MSWC iconic pooter joolry? Seems very likely it was the commitment ceremony to me. Gina and Sean were there. Wonder if Mona showed up. What about booking agent Alice? Do you think any out of town extended family came for the shin dig or just whatever locals they could round up for the cameras? Maybe Carrot Top, Meatloaf and the Kiss cover band performed...

  10. looks like Kody behind Dean and Rev. Dani. I think he is wearing a flower,

  11. I don't see how TLC is going to come up with enough of a storyline to keep this show going more than a few more episodes. Watching them drag their bins of jewelry to trade shows is a waste of my time. And a recommitment ceremony is a one time event that doesn't interest me either. I'm afraid I'm about done with Kody and the Kodettes.

    1. Sorry, the bins they drag to trade shows are full of decorations. Their meager supplies of stock to sell could fit in a lunch bag. They don't know how to manage their inventory.

    2. exactly annon12:39 the way they decorated the display at those shows was horrible. The jewelry looked like a side dish to a garage sale. Why not make it look like a closet? a clean closet not an old ladies living room.

    3. I always thought that when the Browns have nothing more to showcase, that they would sell out one of their kids for a season of courting followed by a season of the wedding. Kind of like the My Three Wives special only dragged out for two and a half years. Of course MSWC would design the rings so there's some more trumped up drama. And maybe Meri will meet another woman to court at the future shindig damaging her relationship with Robyn. That could be a season all on its own. Hmmm....I wonder if the Browns ever sit around and talk about things like this lol!

    4. Let's hope for her sake she thinks any marriage thru first. She feels her family r wonderful. Most plygs. Arn't like them. She don't know where they will bring her. Hopefully she meets some mainstream mormons, falls in love

  12. They either built that awning thing (pergola?) for their re-committed ceremony, or maybe one of the girls is a-courtin' . I think Mariah will marry first.


  14. Robyn bitching about bad customer service? that's rich..there business website is littered with customer complaints. And they do nothing, and have not since it went up, to fix the qouging customers for months before they get what they paid for. Robyn should just stay home. Everyone she interacts with is bitched about. Is Janelle the bedroom wife now? has Robyn lost her mo-jo with Kody? She's a pain in the ass.

    1. Isn't it ironic that Robyn has the nerve to complain about anyone else's bad customer service. She wrote the book on that!

      Maybe all is not well with Robyn and Kody. Sol is what 2 or 3 now and no new pregnancy has been announced?

  15. Thanks Iconic Ornamunt for the last tweet!

  16. Since we're discussing customer service I just went on their FaceBook it appears they had offered a discount coupon on 11/10. People are complaining that the coupon did not work. Ya gotta love it.

    1. Apparently the coupon was only for the sterling silver "iconic" joolry, not the "BE" line (aka the cheap crap), but of course, they failed to mention when they put the coupon out that it didn't apply to EVERYTHING.....

  17. At first I thought Maddie and Daddy must be fixing the roof. Maddie doesn't strike me as someone who'd lock herself in her room. Although who could blame her sometimes.

  18. Based on their dislike for the 'crazy lady' in Sedona making them talk about their feelings and such, I find this recommitment ceremony to be toally for the cameras only. I do not buy that they had an epiphany that they needed to recommit - I believe thet the producers suggested it and they went along. This will encompass the whole season..the discussions, the dresses (did Kody pick them out?), the decorations...I will be surprised if we see anything of any substance this season.

    What I have noticed in twitter world is that Janelle is tweeting a whole lot more things about her how accomplished they are and such. I somehow think this is Janelle's way of letting Meri know that she has smart kids, too and more of them. It's just interesting. It's different than Janelle used to be. Maybe she is finding her voice.

  19. Why is there no new baby announced?

    It's too fancy for a block party. Someone married or they recommitted. Again. Since they last committed a few years ago. Maybe they are right to do something formal every few years?

  20. Some stuff popped up on my tumblr that has to do with Centennial Park. Would it be okay to post it in this thread?

    1. Dear Clockwork Angel,
      I'd like to ok it first and here's why:
      I know of 2 former polygamists that have had their privacy violated by someone who goes through facebook and grabs private pictures and posts them on tumblr. It really upset one family, actually 2 I know, for their family members are still in the polygamist community. they had to ask and ask to get some pictures taken off, some never were. I found it very heartbreaking for the family, who are not in the public eye, to have to go through all of this because they were new to facebook and didn't know their pictures weren't private.
      I know you didn't know this, as many who read here didn't. We don't want to pry on innocent victims. So, in short, if you send me the link and it's not one of the sites that does randomly take without permission, we'll be happy to post!!!

    2. Mister Sister, this is what I appreciate about this blog. You take care not to cause collateral damage. I really hope and pray that your health improves too.

    3. Ditto what Anno 7:27 said! Double that!


  21. Interesting that the Brown girls never include Robyn's girls in their pictures or refer to them as their sisters.

    1. We only follow the older girls (younger do not have twitter) and there is huge age gap between them, completely understandable

    2. Yes...very interesting. And sad, too.

  22. I got Becoming Sisterwives in the mail yesterday. Robyn's nonsense about She-Rah makes me dislike her more. Girl, you're no She-Rah. I have nothing but love for SAHM's but she seems like she was just looking for someone to financially support her. It also creeps me out that Meri has these nonstop girl crushes on potential wives. If you're bisexual Meri admit it, eesh.

    1. First, congrats on getting the book, I just finished it. She-Rah literally made me LOL...oh Robyn...

      And as far as Meri goes, I don't think she actually has a "crush" on the potential wives. I think she enjoys pretending to be Kody's fun favorite wife who is completely in love with the concept of polygamy.

  23. And the book makes me think of Kody as even more of a narcasist then I originally thought. He seemed to call his attraction to She-Rah Robyn as celestial. It's called lust. Gross

  24. From the pic it looks like the party took place in the cuddle-sac itself... Didn't we suggest it be held there on SW Blog some time ago?

  25. I just got an email from MSWC that the holiday jewellery is in. 20% off when you order before December7th.

    I was just speechless, you guys. Honestly speechless. Is there no one in Robyn's life that will look her in the eye and say NO, these are NOT what adult women want to wear!

    1. Strangely enough their Christmas 2013 ornament hasn't been added to the site yet. They obviously didn't get a clue from last year when they didn't get them up in time for sales before Christmas.

  26. No doubt the brunt of the new season's episodes will be all about the preparations and *and the inevitable dramas* leading up to the Commitment Ceremony. All the angst and decisions about dresses, decorations, food (even green leaves as we already now know), guest list.....just all the usual Brown blah, blah BS....!!
    All culminating in the BIG event. An event that we all know took place in Nov. 2013.

    Which now, thanks to Twitter and Instagram, will be yawningly anticlimactic when shown in Spring of 2014!!!

  27. Living down the street from the Browns we constantly drive by and yes they built a legit patio thing in the backyard between Meri and Robyn's houses. They also added several trees and different landscaping. Last Saturday was their party. I don't know what it was for but they had a Valet service set up and the cars were parked all over the road outside of the cuddlesac. (Most had Utah license plates) As we were driving by a cake delivery van was pulling out the neighborhood...not sure what Meri's leaves were about.

    1. Interesting insight! I wondered where they were putting everyone's cars. They must have invited everyone in the cuddle sac so no one could complain.

    2. Doesn't surprise me that the gathering place has been built between Meri and Robyn's house's.

    3. Plural Ants in My PantsNovember 23, 2013 at 3:16 AM

      Thanks Anon Nov. 22 at 10:58 a.m. - Your proximity to the cuddle-sac puts you in a unique position to keep all of us on SW Blog informed about what's happening with the Browns. Would love some more insider info/sightings/impressions. Thanks for posting!

    4. That's one interesting patio connection!

  28. Some of the tweets feature Rev DanniBeth. I Googled (of course!!) and discovered that her name is Danielle Tumminio. She is an Episcopalian priest among other things. She graduated from Yale.

    Why is she mentioned in these tweets? What is she doing at the party? We've seen here, in the books we've read and stories we've heard, that the Browns seem to be intolerant of all other beliefs. They denigrate monogamists. They take offence at ANY attempt to debate their beliefs and how they are linked to their lifestyle. All those compounds, the shunning of dissidents and eviction of young males were supposed to keep them 'pure' and away from the rest of us.

    What is this lady doing there? She promotes herself as a life coach. Maybe her theology has deviated from standard Evangelical Christianity. She can't be discussing fundamentalist Mormonism - can she? There's no potential for a meaningful discussion with the Browns about why they believe what they believe.

    If anyone has insights into this, I'd love to hear them.

    1. She became friends with them when she organized a panel for some Ivy League students in Massachusetts. It was one of the episodes in season 2 I think.

    2. She's the theology professor at Yale; they featured her on a couple of episodes in Season 2 or 3, I think. I think she's curious about their faith and how their marriage(s) work, plus having a professor from Yale as a friend helps them look smarter ;) Just a guess on the last, though

    3. Danielle Tumminio has been on the show before and is friends with the Browns. She invited the adults and the 4 oldest kids to speak at Yale in one of the previous seasons, and so the Browns took the opportunity to show their oldest kids some East coast colleges, which they would otherwise probably not have the chance to see. Apparently they've remained friends since. She seems like a lovely person.

    4. She was featured on a couple eps two seasons ago including the trip to Boston.
      She's just an attention seeker like everyone else. I personally consider the majority of "life coaches" to be complete bs.

    5. Didn't she write some sort of article about the Browns a few years ago? I could have sworn she was on Sister Wives in an earlier season for some reason.

    6. She was in the episode where the parents and teens went to Boston for a panel on polygamy and religion, I believe. I think she is a Dr of something doing research on polyamory? I could be wrong but I remember her coming to one of the homes for a weekend.

      I haven't seen the episode in a few years so my memory is fuzzy.

  29. Plural Ants in My PantsNovember 23, 2013 at 3:25 AM

    Rev. Danni was on one or more Sister Wives episodes in a past season. I believe she invited them to speak before her students or she was studying polygamy herself. I've forgotten now. I do remember her coming to their home in one episode. The Browns pick and choose what aspects of their religion to which they adhere. Their first loyalty, it seems to me, is to money.

  30. In an episode of Flipping Vegas ("Flooded House", 2011), a neighbor comes to the open house stating there was water coming over the garage, there was 15 kids, 3 wives and one man living in the house for a year.

    Are the Browns not alone in Vegas? The house was TRASHED before it was renovated with a major mold problem.

  31. I still enjoy reading this blog. Just want to thank Mister Sister...glad you kept your name..and Funky Town for the interesting tweets. Way to go girls!

  32. That Rev. was featured in two episodes of Sister Wives. Was it Season 4? Can't remember. One time she came to visit them and they went out to some Chinese Buffet where Robyn was gagging on all the food that was offered and another episode where the Brown's went to visit her college and some other ones on the East Coast. They seem to be friends now.

  33. She was the priest that invited them to Boston to speak to the Universities back in season 2 I think. I would imagine they are friends now. Nothing more to it then inviting a friend over to a ceremony... I think people read far to into things.

  34. Re: Meri's leaf making

    Maybe she was making a Brown family tree

  35. I just saw on the Sister Wives Facebook page that the next season starts December 29th
