Friday, November 22, 2013

'Breaking the Faith' sneak peek: FLDS Prayers for the Prophet and Inside the Faith

Connie discussing praying for the Prophet.

Inside Breaking The Faith 
Connie, Angie, Martha and Ben explain their relationships to the FLDS and the reasons to leave the community.


  1. These previews are promising. Hopefully, TLC will let these young people tell their stories, and follow them as they embark on life outside of the church, without the manufactured drama and idiocracy rampant in so many of their shows. looking forward to this!

  2. Get A Haircut and Get A Real JobNovember 23, 2013 at 10:12 AM

    I am horrified and sick to my stomach. How did Warren Jeffs get so powerful? For God's sake, how does this man get away with this? We do not live in a third world country. We are NOT a country of idiots, are we? How does this happen? I'm dumbfounded. Absolutely dumbfounded.

  3. Wow... This is going to be really amazing! I hope iTunes will post this the day after the show airs. I also look forward to seeing it in person in a couple of weeks, when my husband and I are back in the States for Christmas. :-)

  4. Wow... This is going to be really amazing! I hope iTunes will post this the day after the show airs. I also look forward to seeing it in person in a couple of weeks, when my husband and I are back in the States for Christmas. :-)

  5. Thanks for the previews. My husband and I are looking forward to watching the show...hopefully TLC handles it well.

  6. I am hoping that this will not be another "Breaking Amish" which was staged. I notice in the second preview that one of the girls is wearing eye-liner but also dressed in FLDS garb. What is with that?

    Please let this be a true portrayal of what their life was before and what it is now and how they are doing. The Browns have made this religion a joke.

  7. This is not on until 11pm here... have to have my mom at physical therapy at 7:45 am... dont think I will be staying up to watch it... funny how they have Sister Wives on in prime time but a show that is a little more truthful way late at night...

  8. This show is very slow moving. I don't know if it will keep my attention.

  9. This seems a little over the top. I've only looked at the clips, and it just doesn't seem like actual real people. <3 love this blog though still. Anything I can do to make more content?

  10. Not sure about anyone else, but this felt like a Breaking Amish situation. I can't believe that with what we know about the police and Warren Jeffs' watchdogs in Colorado City, that the film crews were allowed to enter people's homes and the meeting house to film So these situations must all be recreations and I'd think sensationalized.

    Maybe I'm the only one that thinks this way.....

  11. I dvr'd and am watching right now! The opening - SO dramatic!

  12. Made myself watch the full episode today and I still think it looks like Breaking Amish. I truly feel bad for the people inside this religious choice but this show is not the way to make things better!

  13. Mister Sister, I hope you are doing OK. Sending you some positive energy. Get well soon.

  14. I missed the first episode, but I'm just wondering....
    These girls/boys can't have cameras in their compound because they all tell you that they are watched all of the time. are the camera in the compound?
    Also, I understand that the FLDS can no longer ride bikes, but I saw a clip of two boys riding bikes in a scene.
    My guess is that this is very much like a "Breaking Amish" series.
    I am guessing that it'll be very much staged.
    I would love to help the "lost boys" and the girls still living under this oppression, but a show like this may not be quite what it seems to be.
    Sorta sad, if you ask me.

  15. Curious to hear what people thought of this show. I watched it and will watch it again. I have a hard time with figuring out how camera crews snuck in there....

  16. I like this show already. I am eager to see how everything plays out. I don't have too much to say at this point but just thought I would throw it out there to let others know that there is definitely interest in the show.

  17. Did anyone watch the show? If so what are your thoughts. I watched it and I also did some research on it.

    1. I watched it and enjoyed it. I'm still unsure of how much of it is staged. In your research did you uncover anything about the girl? Like how long they have been out of the compound for?

  18. Yes I watched and is same as Breaking Amish.

  19. I watched the show, I had dvrd it and watched it over the holiday weekend. I was disappointed, I guess the 'reality' of the show seems suspect. It seems really scripted and somewhat staged. I am on the fence about investing my time in further episodes. I don't know if I just wasn't in the right mood or what but I didn't really care for the show. Anyone else's thoughts?

  20. I did watch it. I watched it last night too. Then I did a little investigating. It seems that these are "stories" of when the girls left. Some of them left as early as 2009. TLC is following the "Breaking Amish" formula. I was extremely bored by the whole thing but I loved seeing Carolyn Jessop as a safehouse for the apostates. That, however, was another clue that it was all hogswallup. The FIRST place the "GodSquad" would look for someone leaving would be Carolyn's house. I'm also confused why they had to run from anything. I know that it's a cult, but why all the drama with "getting the girls out"?

  21. I did watch it. I watched it last night too. Then I did a little investigating. It seems that these are "stories" of when the girls left. Some of them left as early as 2009. TLC is following the "Breaking Amish" formula. I was extremely bored by the whole thing but I loved seeing Carolyn Jessop as a safehouse for the apostates. That, however, was another clue that it was all hogswallup. The FIRST place the "GodSquad" would look for someone leaving would be Carolyn's house. I'm also confused why they had to run from anything. I know that it's a cult, but why all the drama with "getting the girls out"?

  22. Yes, I watched the show and found it fascinating as the girls all chose to leave the FLDS but quickly were finding it difficult to leave their FLDS ways behind; example: cleaning out the refrigerator; their reaction to the actual charges that Jeffs had been convicted of and Carolyn Jessop herself. It just shows what a long and hard road ahead of them these girls have through no fault of their own. Linda's return was heartbreaking.


  23. I actually started watching it and it just seemed so fake and rehearsed.

  24. it doesn't seem to be as scripted as some of the other TLC. I thought it was strange when the one girl was in the lake. She said it was the most fun she had in the last couple months. AS she said it she was emotionless

  25. I watched don't understand how good people can be so dedicated to such an evil man.

  26. Hope Mister Sister feels better real soon and has a speedy recovery. Good news Sister Wives begins again on December 29th!

  27. Yes... watched it. Not as good as I had hoped after reading several books lately on escaping polygamy.
    On another note sister wives begins December 29th!

  28. the browns are back!!! december 29th for 8 episodes
