Saturday, October 5, 2013

Silly Saturday! Sister Wives Commitment Ceremony

It's Saturday again already! In addition to our free discussion, here's a good place to help the Browns plan their commitment ceremony. 
We've already had a post on what should be on a mission statement -

Now let us know what you think the Brown's should have going on during their commitment ceremony. And yes, we will be counting to see how many times they say this before actually doing it!


  1. I get to post the first comment! For once I'm not behind! I...don't know what to say now...

    Is the commitment ceremony between the women too? Or does Cody just go down the line? Chronological order or by favorite?

    1. What if we do a kind of factorial commitment ceremony, where every adult has to exchange vows with every other adult for a total of six vow exchanges. Can you see Meri and Janelle exchanging vows and sealing it by kissing their new (/new-used) bride? How fun!

    2. Sockie, I think (or I should say, I'm guessing) that the Browns will commit to being a family and not each other, using the points in their mission statement.

    3. Is robin pregnant yet??

    4. I haven't heard anything. I'm really surprised she's not by now.

    5. I'm betting she is taking birth control on the sly.. that way she can finagle more time with Kody to conceive.

  2. The ladies should dress as their boo-ti-ful necklaces aspire them too!

    1. Yes! But literally as their necklace: a bird, a tree, a heart, and what's the other? A pixie?

  3. Jumpin the ToasterSharkOctober 5, 2013 at 4:45 PM

    The color scheme will be...hmmm...oh I know, BROWN! *rolls eyes* They should take their re-commitment vows across a wet bar filled with pasties. Kody will design some stupid looking "iconic joo-ree" in a heart shape (they seem to think they came up with the heart design - go figure) that is made to look like a puzzle of 5 pieces that have all "been together from the beginning", because thats what is most "em-poor-tent" after all. The kids will all be sitting around in normal clothes, looking at their phones, being bored out of their minds because they have been through all this nonsense before with Robyn, and don't feel the need to do it again. Except for Mariah, who will be there watching intently, so she will know what to do when she becomes "sister wife". Truely will be dancing around in the background, while Robyn smacks at her to shoo her away from her shining moment with her lost boy, surfer reject, over the hill, knight, I mean, court jester in shining, I mean, tarnished armor, I mean, wrinkled clothes. Christine will have to leave the ceremony early, I mean, right before it all begins, so that she can cook the reception feast of peanut butter fritos, fish stick tacos, mock tapioca pudding, and burned toast from the oven, which will set off the smoke detectors, which Robyn and Mariah will mistake as being a sign from above (literally) that they have made the right choice in choosing the polygamist lifestyle. Janelle will be constantly looking at her watch, as she has an open house she has to host, and Robyn and Meri are talking way to much for her. No one has time for that. Kody is disappointed by all the interruptions and lack of "commitment" by his family, that he has to be taken away by ambulance because he gave himself whiplash. By the time it is all said and done, TLC has 2 seasons worth of material to use. However, in the end, only Meri and Robyn are "re-committed" to each other, and TLC decides to use only 1 season's worth of footage, and drag the Sister Wives rapid fans into yet another season with the hook, "Will this 'real' family, living 'real' lifes. find time in their busy $$$$ making lives, to fully commit to being a 'real' polygamist family? Stay tuned to find out!"

    1. Geez, you nailed it! Thanks for a hearty LMAO!

    2. Remember to add splashes of purple & yellow to the tacky brown color scheme like they always do ;) ... lol

    3. LMAO this is amazing.

    4. Awesome!! The only thing you forgot is the reading of the family mission statement!!

  4. They could go to the drive through chapel, and Kody could just hop from one car to another... I mean really, cars, beds, houses... they should feel right at home :) hahahahahaha.... sorry, may be a bit too snarkey... but it IS Vegas... hahahahahaha....

  5. Could we just have them commited instead?

  6. Attire-
    I do hope the Brown Babes resurrect those fetching "brown" dressy frocks that they all wore for Sobbin's Sealin' Day.
    I thought that was such an inspired touch.....Browns wearing brown.
    Although granted, some alterations (plus for two, and minus for one) are due for the original three co-committers.
    And maybe a few touches of bling and glitz added to the brown gowns now that they are Vegas babes. Actually, Meri's orange glow should go nicely with the brown.

    Kody should be all done up in a ringmaster's black pants, boots and red cutaway coat...with the required black top hat. Should look interesting with his hair.
    But instead of the usual ringmaster's whip, he should be waving the four sets of McMansion keys on a BE-junk adorned scepter.

    They should have the Should be Committed Ceremony either in the all-you-can-eat buffet section of the Silverton casino....or atop the famous *rock* where all important Kodyworld decisions seem best facilitated. But if all else fails they can have an outdoor Gala in any one of the dirt back yards in the Cuddle-sac. Robin does have several multi-colored picnic tables.

    Huge blowups of every ugly piece of their Iconic junk joolery.
    Poster sized photos of Sobbin sucking her teeth, Kody glaring and sneering, Meri's scrunched, oily tears, (she really isn't a pretty crier) Christine looking nervous and clueless and Janelle's *huh, what?* plastic smile.
    *Plyg Nation Rules* banners.
    Love should be Multiplied napkins. (only one to a table, they are to be shared.)
    Donation box in the shape of a mini-mansion for "Finite Resources" contributions.

    Nachos and more nachos. Cookies galore !!
    And whatever else they can get for free.

    Oh.......And monogrammed tin hearts the group floor drop.

    1. Typo......should be...
      Monogrammed tin hearts for their group "dropping the hearts" to the floor.

    2. have planned the perfect committed ceremony for King Kody. The Be-junk scepter is just too funny!!

      Wonder if the "wives" will all renew their purity cookies and opt for big poofy white wedding gowns (with long sleeve shirts underneath of course)??

    3. Don"t forget to include the "green kool-aid" to the menu...I mean, why pass up the opportunity to promote the "other" business.

    4. Don't forget to include the "green kool-aid" on the menu. Wouldn't want to pass up the opportunity to promote the "other" business.

    5. Regarding the venue: I have NO DOUBT that Kody is frantically negotiating something on a Hawaiian beach - all expenses paid by TLC, of course. This will take place AFTER all of the wives get new wedding dresses from Kleinfeld's in NYC - paid for by TLC, of course. With four separate cakes (all with the same basic shape, but decorated to the demands (um, preferences) of each "wife." All paid for by . . . oh, you get the drift.

      Kody ain't gonna let ANY other TLC families get more than he's getting.

    6. When ordering catering, Don't forget the peanut butter fritos, mock ravioli and mock tapioca to go with the mock multiplication of their love.

  7. Here are my ideas: Have Kody pick out only Robyn's dress, have Janelle dress to flatter her new figure, make sure the ceremony is in Meri's home utilizing the wet bar, Christine does the catering, and since everyone is together, they can work on the mission statement afterwards.

  8. "eenie meenie miney mo" should be part of the marriage vows.

    1. Or maybe Kody will prefer Rock, paper, scissors for decision making ;)

  9. I think they should all exchange rings that they designed for each other, so each wife has a total of four rings from Kody and the fellow sister wives. As they exchange them, a voiceover will let us know that they are soon to be available from My sisterwife's closet. They will all hug each other with forced smiles of cordiality, then feast upon peanut butter fritos, fish tacos and mock tapioca pudding.

    Good luck, Browns. The whole vow renewal type ceremony worked out really well for Jon and Kate.

    1. ...& some Pepto or Mylanta after eating all that crap!!

  10. Everybody's talking about polygamists! A new one for me - Arlin Shreeve and the Zion Society on Investigation Discovery.

  11. Well, I'd like to see them publicly commit to never using gov't. assistance or declare bankruptcy again, no matter what happens to their bank account(s) when TLC pulls the plug.

    This whole idea is nothing more than a TLC plot "twist" that they're buying into because it means another fancy party and pretty clothes. Robyn already got her uber-princess wedding on TLC's nickle; you'd better believe that the other wives are chomping at the bit, looking for their piece of the pie--beautiful gowns and all.

    The "enticement" for viewers will be a great deal of manufactured drama over a) what they should actually say to each other, b) wishing and wanting a romantic kiss, but being hampered by their own jealousies when there are PDAs, c) how much weight Janelle will lose before the ceremony, d) whether Robyn fit in her dress even though she's pregnant, and e) the other wives throwing a hissy fit when they find out that Meri picked out Kody's tux.

    1. " Well, I'd like to see them publicly commit to never using gov't. assistance or declare bankruptcy again, no matter what happens to their bank account(s) when TLC pulls the plug."

      Love it!

    2. What's it all aboutOctober 6, 2013 at 8:52 PM

      They all had wedding ceremonies and have made babies together. What is the point to a "commitment ceremony?" (They had one of these on Honey Boo Boo--I can guarantee this one will be a yawn next to that one!) I suppose they could renew their vows but even that seems silly unless they are reconciling or have been "married" 25 years. I think it's probably just some staged thing for the reality show. I suppose they really need the money so they have to go along with it. Too bad they don't explore some meaningful material about plural marriage...

    3. I really like this one too.
      A stated moratorium on ever again bleeding the beast...aka.....milking the system and stealing from taxpayers and consumers.

  12. You all know that the entire next season will be about the commitment ceremony. There will be drama about who wants to be part of it and who doesn't. Kody will go dress shopping with Robyn again and Christine will find out and fling the hand-crafted iconic joolery back at Kody. Meri will somehow take her sweet time submitting some form of paperwork to someone which will cause some sort of delay so everyone else will be committed and she has to wait and be committed all on her own. I can hardly wait.

    1. Oh, oh. Drama and more drama hoping to hook viewers to tune in each week.
      Lots of drama over finding the venue.
      The caterer will drop out at the last minute and lots of panic over finding a new one.
      Deciding who will officiate.
      Plenty of drama over what words will be spoken during the ceremony and who did and didn't have input and whose words are going to have priority over someone else's.
      Who gets to stand next to Kody and who doesn't. (do you think they take photos with each wife getting the 'chosen' position?)
      Of course drama about which invited guests won't attend.

  13. During the marriage retreat they went on, Kody was heard to say "we aren't really a family unless you all stay together when I die" or words similar to that.

    Since that is Kody's criteria, I'd think he should insist upon each sister wife dedicating herself to the other sister wives. Something along the lines of I, Robyn, take thee Meri, as my sister wife for all eternity, staying together whether Kody is alive or dead, until Kody calls our names upon our deaths.

    Then Kody should commit himself to each of his wives by saying I, Kody, pledge to my wives that whether I like how you eat or whether you keep sweet enough, I will call your name after your death, pulling you through to my celestial planet. Once there we will all live happily, but only if you all stayed together after my death.

    This should all take place in Mexico somewhere (since J & C never got a Mexican vacation), where they have rented a home with 1 kitchen to share during this recommitment ceremony.

    While Kody is busy dabbing on the Monkey Butt so that we aren't treated to his butt sweat again, the wives should be dressing modestly because no one should have to worry about seeing degrading cleavage on their recommitment day.

    1. Funky Town, you bring up a topic in your opening statement that I hope the Brown's don't exploit - the death of Curtis Brown.

      At that, I wonder if the re-commitment ceremony will be broadcasted for us mere gentiles and apostates...or will it be deemed a sacred sharing of the vows - only for the Bishop and Heavenly Father. Will the Darger's band be available for the ceremonial dance, or did Papa Joe burn the TLC bridge?

    2. I think they'd have to show something of it, but whether it would be the actual recommitment part or what, I'm not sure.
      It will be interesting to see what happens with this whole thing.

  14. Meri: "I, Meri, take you, (insert name), to have and to scold, from this day fast forwarded for better but not worse, for richer, sans poorer, forget sickness only in health, to loathe and to cherish, till suspicious death do we part."

    I, Kody, take you Robyn, to be my lawfully wedded wife.
    To be together in happiness and strife,
    To have and to hold,
    Even if your cooking grows mold.

    1. LMAO! Oh keep sweet now and carry on

    2. Jumpin the ToasterSharkOctober 7, 2013 at 8:23 AM

      It's too early in the morning. I read that as "even if you COOKIE grows mold".

  15. Plural Ants In My PantsOctober 5, 2013 at 10:19 PM

    I'd like them to do it at the Silverton, in the mermaid tank.

    They actually do underwater weddings there. Here's a link*1024/underwater1.jpg .

    1. Can you wear a long sleeved shirt under a mermaid costume?

    2. The mermaid tank ceremony would be good except for the risk of either Meri or Robyn tying knots in the air hoses of the other sisterwives.

    3. Love it! I can jsut see Meri and Robyn tying away.

  16. Maybe they could have an "Oz The Great and Powerful" themed ceremony. Kody is of course the fraudulent magician OZ. Throughout the ceremony he can have his image projected in the sky and have his voice appear from everywhere (you know practice for when he is a god). Meri and Robyn can be the wicked sister witches (it is a toss up for who turns into the green witch, Meri is already turning colors but Robyn is so mean it physically shows).

    They can have their ceremony on the yellow brick road with voice over narration done solely by Kody. Meri on one side and Robyn on the other. Both will promise to keep sweet. Robyn will promise to populate the planet with babies and Meri will promise to go on as many trips as possible for every baby she meant to have (each trip should cost as much as it would have cost to raise said child and it doesn't matter if she meant to bleed the beast originally TLC money is the new standard). Kody will promise... "wait cool my head is in space it looks like I have more hair I should flip it more... yeah ... watch this guys... What were we doing?"

    You may have thought I forgot Janelle and Christine. I didn't, they were there standing around like extras, just there to meet the wife quota (like the people who fill the seats at award shows for the TV shots of the audience). They may have said something about being happy happy happy or proud of their man but nobody paid attention to them. You know the way they are usually treated in this relationship.

    It all ends when "I'm to sexy" by Right Said Fred starts to play

    Yep a lala land ceremony for bunch of adults already living there

    1. I think Kody should be Dorothy, leading his mismatched band down the yellow brick (goldbrick) road wearing FABULOUS ruby red slippers!

  17. Meri's Orange Brown FaceOctober 5, 2013 at 11:03 PM

    How bout a product placement ceremony, suggested sponsors EPT pregnancy tests for Sobbin, Xanax for Christine, rogaine for Kody, for Jenelle to find a new man and make up remover wipes for Meri to wipe that crap off her face....

    1. and don't forget the year's supply of ABREVA for all! (courtesy of Robyn spreading the love through Kody to the whole family!)

    2. Wow, y’all summed it up perfectly!

    3. LOL, I just about spit out my lunch when I read that.

  18. I think the Browns should nix the commitment ceremony and instead join the Dargers in an episode of "Wives Swap" The Darger women will move to Vegas for two weeks. Week one they will be required to live by the Browns rules, the women will all be separate from each other, able to visit their favorite Sister Wife and talk smack about one the wife not there, and they can peek out their windows and see which wife Kody is sneaking extra time with on her off day. They each have to cook in their own home, in their own kitchen with their own family every night. On week two they will all move into the largest home, with the wet bar (extra eating space) and the entire family will share in all duties, truly equitable. Kody will stay clear of anything that looks like work or helping out, allowing these women to fully cook, clean and care for the children, while he bounds from house to house like a shaggy dog, spitting out stupid one-liners and he snatches the women away, one by one to the red-rock, making sure each woman knows he has brought other women there before.

    The Browns on the other hand will be moved into the Darger home during week one, they will be required to live and work together and God forbid...share a kitchen!!! *oh the drama of it!* During week two Joe will be required to buy each wife a McMansion, one with a wetbar and one with an extra large patio, that can be added later. The women will then separate all the children out and Joe will have to decide at who's home he left his favorite razor that he uses to shave his head. Other than looking for his razor Joe tries to stay as far away from home as possible, so as to avoid the constant tears, jeers and lonely looks on the faces of his swapped wives.

    When they all meet up the Darger women can tell the Brown women how undisciplined they found the children, their schedules and how much they missed not sharing things families should share on a daily basis, like meals. Then the Brown women can tell the Dargers how tense it was in one house, how Meri is incapable of sharing anything outside of a man and sharing a kitchen is the road to divorce.

    Then everybody can go back to their respective homes, Joe Darger will tell his lovely wives how much he missed them and they all agree to cut off all communications with the Browns.

    Kody flips his hair back and tells his wives how much he misses them, while fantasies of twins float in his head.

  19. Each wife should throw their purity on the ground at Kody's feet. (Purity hearts available on the joolery website) ta da and hocus pocus, they become chaste.

  20. Each wife should gather around Kody and throw their "purrrity" at his feet. (Purity hearts available on MSWC)
    Kody could have his hair cut, and give a lock of his hair to each wife. (locks of Kody's hair available for a limited time on MSWC)

    1. LMAO at the purity hearts and locks of hair. Brilliant!

  21. I think they will need an officiant. Possible candidates: Joe Darger, Bill Clinton (he knows a thing or two about juggling a wife and mistresses), Meat Loaf (for the celebrity angle), the attorney general of Utah (who does not care about law breakers), Miley Cyrus (who apparently will do anything).

    1. Me thinks Papa Joe's TLC train ran off the track!
      I vote for the attorney general of Utah - so absurd, but so worthy!

    2. Landogmama I would TOTALLY watch that!

    3. Carrot top can be a celebrity guest too ...

    4. Oh yes, Carrot Top, I vote for Don Rickles to officiant and Wayne Newton and Celine Dion too!

    5. omg - i thought Don Rickles was long since dead already but looked him up and he's 87 years old now!

    6. I would only replace Bill with orrin hatch. Some his best friends are plygs and they are "great guys".

    7. BTW Don Rickles was just on Letterman a couple of weeks ago.

  22. oh i wanna play :)

    Mona - the realtor- will perform the ceremony and the vows will go a little something like this:

    Kody, do you promise to take these 4 women as your unlawfully wedded wives, to have and to hold every 4th day, through coldsores and health. for richer and bankruptcy, from this day forward, as long as your 5 shall live?

    - i do-

    Ladies, repeat after me: i (insert wife here) promise to be his unlawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold every 4th day, through coldsores and health, for richer and bankrupt, from this day forward, as long as HE shall live.

    - i do -

    and to settle the argument of which lucky lady gets the wedding night, ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS ;)

    the losers get the privilege of being home making tasty caramels.

    see, everybody wins!? or not ;)

  23. I vote for the Silverton, right in front of their iconic jewelry. Their one fan and a few family members look on with boredom. The ceremony will take a while...their one fan will need to run to the bank and get some money before it ends. She will never be seen again. The family members will grow old while watching and will slip away to live their own--hopefully monogomous--lives.

  24. I would really love to see an actual mormon temple ceremony and for them to teach us their faith. Won't happen but it is worth throwing out there.

    1. Unless you are Mormon (or unless a new one is being built and you get in before it is concentrated) you will never see the inside of a is the rules.

      Just call me Sunshine

    2. fidelis swb, if you're really interested in seeing a Mormon temple ceremony, go on youtube and search for it as there are several clips from people who've snuck cameras in and filmed portions of it.

      There are several good book that go through what the Mormon church actually teaches, although most of their members don't know it. A great book is The Godmakers by Ed Decker and David Hunt. It's easy reading, and if you're a committed Christian as I am, you'll be appalled at what they actually teach! The only thing Christian about the Mormon church is that they have Jesus' name in their official name. Other than that, they're closer to Hindus than Christians as they believe in millions of gods--they're trying to become one which is why they practice polygamy.

      On a side note, does anyone know where the AUB holds their temples services as I believe they're all sealed to each other for time and eternity. Speaking of that, I think that's what Robyn alludes to when she says 'it's like we all should have been together......' at the beginning of the show.

    3. Hayley, I haven't read the book but have looked at several videos. I do believe it's time to put some on the blog. Let others have a chance to talk about them too.

    4. Hayley, the AUB temple/endowment house, aka the OB (Ordinance building) is right next to their meeting house off Camp Williams Road in Bluffdale. Utah, very close to the army base. It 's in a remodeled house.

    5. I have actually had an opportunity to tour a newly built temple and they are very beautiful but if they also have a sense of sadness about them. If you really study this religion it is sad and as stated above above must regular church members don't know most of the doctrine. I have spoke to many and they can not defend a lot of what they believe and can't answer answer simple questions about it. This is main stream Mormons

  25. Plural Ants In My PantsOctober 6, 2013 at 9:10 AM

    Or they could hold the ceremony in a large party tent set up in the middle of the cuddle-sac and invite the Dargers, Williams and all those AUB members they were hoping would pass through Nevada and come visit them. Let's not forget to have them invite extended family too. Maybe Robyn's ex and Janelle's ex (Meri's brother) would pay a visit to enliven the festivities along with all of their relatives who have left the church and have found happy, fufilled lives outside of it. Lastly, I think Gina should play a prominent role with lots of camera shots of her looking on from the sidelines and Kody panting in her direction - salivating over making her wife number 5. Maybe they can get Meatloaf to perform at the ceremony.

    1. Oh ya! Meri's brother must be a guest!

  26. It is just another excuse for 5 adults to not be gainfully employed because they must spend all their time, energy and brain power discussing, ad nauseum, an event that is certain to be draining financially, emotionally and physically. Will they agree to use rock, paper, scissors to make all the decisions that must be made: venue, vows, clothing, food, jewelry, guest list, honeymoon, etc. The tears will flow as they agonize over every tiny detail of a ceremony that means nothing legally. The mission statement will have to be finished and recited.
    The money that should be used to save for their children`s futures will be blown on flowers and other frivilous nonsense. They have come a long way from poverty, food stamps and bankruptcies but have not learned one lesson from any of it. Their lifestyles are not sustainable without the TLC money and their debts exceed their assets. They want so much but do so little to deserve it. The past behavior usually predicts the future, meaning that Janelle is the only adult capable of supporting herself and some of the other grown-ups in the manner they believe they are entitled to live. I can see the last episode of SW being the ceremony. I don`t want them to fail but it seems so predictable.

    1. I think the commitment ceremony would be a perfect ending to the Sister Wives series. I hope TLC thinks the same.

  27. Someone asked if we can't just have them committed instead. I'm all for that. Tell me again, since when has poligomy become legal in Nevada? Let's commit the Brown's to the County jail. That would be a new twist TLC; a dose of reality on 'reality tv'.

  28. I would hope that they recommit themselves to each other and to their children.

  29. They rent a 4 bedroom house on the beach. The women have a contest to see who can make Kody a caramel cookie that he likes best. Each wife gets to listen to Kody as he goes from room to room and taste the cookies. He tells Meri her cookie is dry and walks out with it. He tells Janelle her cookie is okay and cost efficient but he needs to save his appetite for better cookies and leaves with it. He tells Christine her cookie is wonderful but she looks gross in that caramel covered apron and departs, three nibbled cookies now clutched in his hand. He goes to Robyn’s room. She did not even try to bake a cookie and sulks and cries and says somebody stole her sugar. Kody gives her all the other women’s cookies and has loud sex with her.

    Then they all meet together on the beach for the cameras to film a bogus re-commitment ceremony where the women wear dorky dresses and promotional pieces from their made-in-China-by-slave-labor line of Vegas bling. Kody wears very tight pants and has put some extra highlights and mousse in the strands of hair he has left. They all pledge their love and devotion to each other and God. Many children run around and the women pretend this is all wonderful-wonderful. Kody glares at the embarassed teenagers and squeezes pregnant Robyn tight against him. Meri cries. Christine cries. Robyn cries. Janelle stares off into space.

    Cut to family sitting on the couch. What they are saying is almost irrelevant. Kody preens. Meri’s tension is visible and she cries. Christine’s anxiety is visible and she cries. Robyn’s anger and angst are visible and she cries. Janelle holds her arms over her stomach, smiles vacantly, and stares off into space.

    The mortgages get paid for a few more months...

  30. They need to have a reception at Meri's house...convert the wet bar to a nacho bar. All the planning for the events will face major delays so Meri has time to make a proper scrapbook. Robyn can give the rest of the wives tips on how to restore purity so their first Kody night after the recommittment ceremony can be just like their wedding nights-but Robyn still gets a ten day post-honeymoon trip first. Meri gets another trip to Mexico, Christine has to save her grocery money for a trip to Lake Las Vegas, and Janelle gets the last of the layaway bedroom furniture.

  31. First, I would like to say that I believe Sobbin should not be a part of the recommencement ceremony! I think you need to be together at least 10 years. We all know that isn't going to happen...

    Their colors will be Brown and Orange (orange because of Meri's and Kody's skin color). Kody will lead the commencement and be the groom. You know he is their God! Robyn will go second because she is crying that she always last for everything! Wanted first, but Meri horns came out and would not allow that!
    The honeymoon is in Mexico because Meri has been wanting to go back for a couple of years now and she needs this. Robyn once again is second. When it's Janelle and Christine's turn Kody doesn't have time - you know with all his money making schemes and his hair (the hair is important)! Janelle and Christine get to go camping in the back yard.
    During Kody's overnight camp out with Christine he is constantly getting texts. Christine is not happy and storms in the house. Cliff hanger - who is texting all the time? Will Christine come back to the tent? Will Kody just invite Robyn in the tent? Will Meri bring some pastries? Will Christine ever finish the mission statement? Will Meri find clothes that fit her? Will Janelle start selling house? Will Janelle buy new clothes that flatter her? Will we see more of Kody's bald spot? Drum roll please.......... Did Mariah find herself a husband and is she the 1st wife?


    1. will sobbin ever get her chin reconstructed? stay tuned

    2. I bet Mariah has learned that being the first wife is the only way to go since that makes you the legal wife. It also makes you queen bee.

  32. Maybe the re-commitment ceremony can just be an episode of "4 Weddings". Then the wives can vote on whose ceremony was the best and the winner gets the honeymoon with Kody. They really seemed to enjoy the caramel contest, so this would be a lot of fun for them. Of course, Robyn and Meri would cheat.

    1. I love it! TLC likes to have shows cross and mingle. This would work!

    2. Ginger, your idea is fabulous! Kody would probably expend the most effort for Sobbin of course. Also, the wives could all wear their joolry creations by Krody!

  33. a wedding cake in the shape of four beds with a replicia of each wife in the bed... kody can be shown "sprinting" between beds. cake boss could make it!

    dont forget to pipe "keep sweet" on each headboard.

  34. I would like to see this bunch own up to what they have made. Not their religion, but for once would like to see them actually be happy with what they have chosen. i think the fact you can't go into the temple tells you it's a cult. Seems god would want all the sinners coming to his house. obviously theirs is not God's. JMO.

  35. Love all the scenarios above, especially the "commit them". So I have been thinking....not what if Kody dies first but if Janelle or Christine does. Could either one of them take on five or six more kids in their home? I remember Meri all teary eyed about her sister passing away and that is understandable but she said the sister wife moved into her sister's home. How many of you think Meri would give up her home to move into the home that had the children?

    I don't think she would, not even for Robyn's four kids. She might take Sol and the other three would go back to their father. I really think Janelle or Christine would step up to the plate for the other one and have the dozen kids to raise. Just my opinion.

    1. No one should take Robyn's oldest three with a living father in the picture.

    2. agree KMS as well as the fact that Robyn's only been a member of this long established family for less than 3 years now. why should she be re-committing herself already??

  36. How about 4 clown outfits? jk. Seems that the show would bring up a whole new set of jealousies. Before, they could just ignore when hubby wasn't around. Now, they see him front and center with his other wives. That must be hurtful.

  37. I think they are running out of ideas for this show. That is why they are starting another sister wives show. Hopefully Cody and his gang will not be getting TLC money much longer and have to live in the real world.

    1. I don't see the show stopping for at least 2 to 3 more seasons.

    2. I agree. As is the MO for the storylines of this show the horse is dead on the ground but it still could use a bit more of a beating to be sure am I right? So this commitment ceremony, MSWC etc. will keep the show running. I am not so sure babygate is even over...

      - KT

  38. You guys are so funny! I say they get married at the casino, like someone said, in a mermaid outfit in long sleeves.

    1. Kody should dress up as an Elvis impersonator.

  39. What if Janelle decides to pass on the commitment ceremony? Now, that's DRAMA. She has said she doesn't feel invested in the family. I wouldn't be surprised. And remember, if Kody sheds this mortal coil, don't think for one minute those women are staying together in his memory...if they haven't left already.

    1. Mrs. Hudson.... Then we'll have to endure more "one wife's decision" episodes just like we did while waiting for Meri to decide whether she wanted another baby (except it turned out that it was actually Kody's decision). There could possibly be a whole season of episodes where we don't find out if Janelle wants to be a part of it.

  40. We all know this is going to be a recipe for disaster (and not just a cookie recipe). These women struggle with jealousy everyday and I think this will push them over the top. I'm sure that Kody will have to write personal vows for each of them expressing how he feels (and we all know how well it went with Christine when he captured his feelings towards her by designing jewelry). I can't imagine each wife coming up with something nice to say about each of her sisterwives. I also can't think of anything worse than having to pick dresses and knowing that they will be compared to each other. They are going to all have to agree on how the ceremony will be structured, what they will do, the venue, the decor, the food, etc. It's bad enough doing this with just one bride, can you imagine 4? I can't help but think of how the Dargers first wives had to decide who got Joe for the first night (didn't he marry 2 at the same time) and the Williams' angst over who gets birthday sex. Who would Kody spend that night with? Meri was jealous when Robyn was getting Kody all to herself on her wedding night, can you imagine how she will feel if she's not the one "chosen" on the re-commitment night? No matter how you cut that wedding cake, 3 wives go home alone.

    I predict that it will be an over-the-top TLC extravaganza, but at the end of the day not one of those women will be happy and the only one with a smile on his face will be Kody. As usual, he'll be prancing like a rooster in the hen house, spending his obligatory 5 minutes with each of the wives and then disappear into Robyn's bedroom for the rest of the night and the honeymoon.

    1. I think they should have one big sleep over. After the commitment ceremony, none of the wives gets the 'wedding night" experience. It would be too damaging for the other wives. If Kody was smart, he wouldn't set the ladies up for the disaster choosing one would cause.

    2. "We don't do weird." Meri Brown

      Love this line, CanGin: "No matter how you cut that wedding cake, 3 wives go home alone."

      The recommitment ceremony for them is definitely going to be another Pandora's Box that they'll open, that's for sure.

  41. They will head to Kleinfeld's to pick out their dresses. Meri will find her out-of-budget dream dress and pressure Christine, Janelle, and Robyn to forfeit a portion of their budget to make her one and only plural commitment ceremony come true. A special 5 minute up close and personal couch moment will be spent with Meri crying that it was so unfair that she was the only wife married into a legal, monogamous marriage and she really deserves something special for the ceremony. At the fitting, Meri's dream dress won't close and we are left wondering if she will fit into it in time.

    1. Oh my goodness this is genius. I laughed so hard.

  42. So they are going to spend an entire season preparing for a commitment ceremony with all the googly stuff that goes with a "regular" wedding ceremony....then right before they begin the whole shin-dig, Kody will turn toward the cameras and say... "Sorry folks, cameras not allowed".......they did that at Kody and if they let cameras in this scripted BS! we'll see

    Also remember what happened after Jon and Kate's renewing of vows......hmmmmmm

    1. LDS sealing as not allowed to be attending by anyone who isn't an adult member in good standing. They are not LDS but similar scriptures lead to similar doctrines. They are not to be filmed either. A commitment ceremony isn't a wedding, but it may make them seem married to the rest of us who just think of them as adults sleeping with the same guy.

  43. On a positive note, I think the kids will all be adorable! They really are a nice-looking bunch of kids and it will be nice seeing them all dressed up.

  44. Love the idea of a joint Say Yes to the Dress and Sister Wives! Can you imagine the back room talk at Kleinfield's? The drama of each wife finding the right dress? Budget dissensions (we're looking at you, Meri).
    Janelle seeing herself in a beautiful dress on her healthier body? Robyn hogging the attention, and Kody being shut down by Lori when he tries to sneak into Robyn's appointment? Or Lori, Monte or Randy deftly stopping the bullying of Christine by Sobbin and Meri? Maybe, Christine seeing herself as beautiful and worthy of being loved for a change?

  45. I'm just wondering how often, if ever, do polygamists families have recommitment ceremonies? Does this actually happen? Or are the Browns the exception once again since it's gonna be on TLC's dime?
    I'm so sick of the Browns being rewarded with reality TV show $$ & perks esp since they're living an ILLEGAL lifestyle all in the name of religion. Trying to sell America a sugar coated 'glamorized' version of polygamy. They ALL need to be held accountable for committing welfare & bankruptcy fraud in the past. We all know that when the TLC $$ stops they will return to bleeding the beast & filing for bankruptcy.

    1. Utah has all but said they aren't going to look into past fraud, if any, for anyone. What they need to look into in my book is preventing it from happening in the future. It amazes me that they get away with it, and shows a real problem with the govt.

    2. Not qualifying for welfare after receiving it isn't fraudulent.

      The problem was when polygamy was initially outlawed. It should not have been made retroactive. They should have had no legal opinion of them and arrested people moving forward. They gave power to the prophets.

  46. Personally I think it's going to be great fun watching the Browns this season. We've figured out that they have lied to us, gotten over the disillusionment, and ready to snark. Now, anything they do that is not sincere will be great fun here on the blog!

    1. I agree. It's become so much fun just seeing what that silly family is going to try to feed us. Then it's the best coming here just to have more fun. I wonder if they are actually a comedy show?

  47. Peanut Butter Fritos and Nachos for mock-cocktail hour? Yes!

    1. Or maybe a contest in the midst of everything to decide which of the wives make the BEST PB Fritos and Nachos!!

  48. The statement that you can not go into a Mormon temple is not accurate. You most certainly can go into a temple. The are frequented by tourists. There are missionary's their to greet you and answer questions, mostly women. There is but one level that is off limits to non Temple recommended people. That is where the baptisimal font is. No big deal really to keep that sacred. And anyone can go to the Tabernacle.

    1. Non-Mormons can go to the Visitors Center or waiting rooms if they do not have a "temple recommend" card. But even families (including parents) of those being sealed in the Temple cannot attend the ceremony without a temple recommend card - which are only issued to LDS members.

    2. Anonymous 11:35 a.m. - you must be talking about a new temple before it's been dedicated that's open for tourists for a few short weeks first. Once it's been dedicated tho, it's NEVER open to tourists nor even other mormons themselves who do not possess the required temple recommend to get in. (these are renewed every 2 years through their local bishop and stake president.) For weddings, there's a small waiting room where family and friends who do not have the recommend to go in any further to wait in while the endowment and sealing/wedding ceremony is taking place.

    3. No, AZ is correct. The Mesa Temple has a visitor's center.

  49. For entertainment (and to show how recommitted they are to each other) they must sit down together and watch "The Honeymoon Special".

  50. Since TLC loves cross over shows, maybe What Not to Wear could do an episode (or 4!) to make the gals over for their big day. Only they need to bring back the original hairdresser. The one they have now doesn't do anyone's hair justice. I would love to see Janelle rewarded for her hard work and with updated clothes, hair, and makeup, she could be one lovely lady and give the others a run for their money and wake the Kodester up to what he has been missing all these years! Or maybe Kollene could do it-wouldn't that slap ole Kody in the face for how he treated her? I seem to remember she liked Janelle and she is in beauty school.

    1. But if they DID do a "What Not to Wear," the person most needing the makeover is Kody. Can you imagine Nick getting hold of that hair? They did do a few men in early seasons.

      Sadly, WNTW is no more.

    2. How about Kody and the "queer eye for the straight guy" guy - Carson somebody? That would be fun!

  51. What is the difference between Temple and Tabernacle?

    1. It's my understanding that a temple is a permanent structure and a tabernacle is a portable temple. It's the holy building, but it's a tent that can be moved.

    2. Well I am not Mormon, but have been in the Tabernacle in Salt Lake City to hear the choir. Technically it is either a dwelling/place of worship OR the "lock box" in a church for the bread and wine.

      Just call me Sunshine

    3. The temple is where "temple work", marriage ceremonies, and missionary endowments take place. The tabernacle is where the Mormon Tabernacle choir practice and perform.

    4. the tabernacle (with the huge pipe organ for the choir) is also where they used to hold their televised General Conference as well. Now they're held and televised from their relatively new huge conference center built on Temple Square complete w/huge pipe organ as well.

    5. Rose, in the Bible the tabernacle was a portable temple of some sort, but I think ExBrownFan was asking about the tabernacle on temple square in Salt Lake City. That tabernacle is a building that anyone can enter during public performances and is famous for having teriffic acoustics. The temple, as Anon 9:53 said, is where Mormons make covenants with God, such as marriage ceremonies and endowments.

  52. Christine will insist that Kody picks all the dresses because she wants him to care about their special day. But she will hate the dress he picks for her and tell him so two weeks later in couch therapy. He will apologize that she feels that way. The planning will be full of drama. They won't be able to find a minister who will agree to do a Plyg ceremony so Kody will have to get ordained online and perform it himself. The caterer and band will drop out last minute because they don't agree with the plyg lifestyle... but really because Meri didn't get a final head count to the caterer in time, and Papa Joe has his whole family running a Marathon the next day. All the cakes will be Kody's favorite flavor and only the toppers will be unique to each wife. Meri's will be her and Kody's monogrammed initials. Janelle's will be a bride dragging the groom by his tux jacket. Christine's will be that dog paw symbol under a glittery rainbow. And Robyn's will be a giant malformed dead monkey paw claudaugh thing. Kody will use the reception as an opportunity to shop for wife number 5. The kids will all duck out early to go do more interesting things with their lives.

  53. Kody will force all the wives to commit to staying together when he dies because that is what makes them a real family. Because Kody's religion is less about the Bible or the Book of Mormon and more about becoming Bill Henrickson from Big Love. Sheesh!

  54. Possibly offensive question: but does the Brown sect or the FLDS wear the temple garments? I was expecting (no I wasn't) that to be asked in the hard-hitting (no it wasn't) season finale conducted by the journalist I've never heard of (I'm Canadian). Not trying to offend, just wondering what the differences, beyond polygamy, there are between them and the mainstream Church of Latter-Day Saints. Actually, that's what I find the most frustrating about the show, I'm supremely fascinated by theology, and it's never covered.

    1. From what I understand, they do wear them. Now whether Krody and Krew do, who knows. I think TLC and the AUB both do not want any theology shown because they're afraid it would turn off viewers.

    2. Plural Ants in My PantsOctober 9, 2013 at 8:23 PM

      I haven't mentioned this before because it didn't seem relevant - but if anyone can get their hands on the Ellen Degeneres interview with the Brown Klowns you will see Robyn walking across the stage to hug Ellen. She is wearing cream-colored/off-white slacks. I saw what seemed to be long underpants (down to the top of her knees). The stage lighting kind of made them show up through her slacks. If anybody can find that show on the Internet and wants to see if they detect the undergarment too, then please do post here.

    3. Flora Jessop, I believe, said in her book that for FLDS "magic underwear" was optional until Warren Jeffs took over. Then the underwear became a requirement. Flora said folks escaping usually stunk because they were required to bathe wearing the underwear and not touch their bodies even with soap. What kind of religion requires folks to be so miserable to attain an afterlife? Well, the answer to that question is pretty obvious, isn't it?

      I love all the lovely scenarios sent in for a recommitment ceremony, especially commit the whole bunch to a mental health facility! But I have a serious question. The fundamentalist Mormons quote all kinds of scriptures giving the rationale for plural marriage for men but about the only requirements for women are that they submit to their husbands and be involved in plural marriage. I have yet to see much quoting done on any wife's responsibility to the sister wives. The Brown gals were committed to Kody but have no ceremonial commitment to one another. It is going to be interesting to see if the TLC ceremony is each wife recommitting to Kody or the whole family committing to their "special" way of life.

    4. Plural Ants in my Pants - we have the video here -

  55. Netflix finally has season 3

  56. The only non recommend people who can be present for a sealing is those being sealed to parents who were not conceived in the covenant.

  57. Re: Whether one can go into Mormon temples/attend certain ceremonies/being omitted from Kody&Robyn's commitment ceremony: IF Mormons or polygamists or the AUB or any other religion TRULY BELIEVE that people will only get to heaven/celestial afterlife/etc. by practicing that religion/polygamy/whatever, then those adherents should be MORE than willing to share those beliefs---in EVERY respect--- with the rest of humanity. So, the idea of secret ceremonies/locations where "non-believers" are unwelcome is abhorent.

    Now, we really have no idea what Kody & Co. plan to do. Janelle did say she wanted it to be not just a party and wanted to get dressed up, etc. But, if any of it becomes "secret" because it is so "sacred" then "blecch!" to them.

    1. They don't want things to be ridiculed. They don't want just anyone to participate. Think exercism and the catholic church. Most parishioners have never seen one. Most people aren't trained in doing them. Same for LDS temple work.

    2. I think it is just going to be them standing around in the back yard(s) and reading 'vows' or just the family mission statement. Then a big pot of mock something for lunch and dessert after. I don't think it will be anything like a 'commitment ceremony.'

    3. Nevertheless, KMS, either they believe their religion is the way to heaven or they don't. And if that is their belief then trying to hide some of those beliefs from the great unwashed is both selfish and cultic.

  58. This whole recommitment is just the Big Love episode after Barb and Bill divorced and Bill wanted the re-sealing ceremony. Barb didn't want it and Bill just went ahead with the other two wives and did that sealing.

    Don't get me started on the whole Casino thing or the jewelry.

    What they really need is Rhonda to stir the pot some.

    1. OMG You're right Anon 7:22. Why is it that everything the Brown's do mirrors Big Love? We just need Cody to father an illegitimate baby with an illegal immigrant from Eastern Europe.

      Interestingly, the kids on Big Love were pretty amazing too.

    2. Kody and Meri were huge fans of Big Love.

      Anon 7:22, I wish there was a Rhonda-type character in Big Brown Love to stir the pot!

    3. I think you mean Big Orange Love.....Meri's face. Orange. Nuff said.

  59. A circus tent set up on the cuddle sac is definitely a must! It can't be a three ring circus though, gotta be a four ring circus! Wait, no three ring--one ring for Meri the lion tamer, one for Janelle selling peanuts, and one for Christine the clown--Robyn can help Kody crack the whip at all three of them.

    The theme drink will be a mock tapioca martini--nice and chunky.

    Too bad Sheriff Joe from Arizona can't come on over and officiate! Wonder what he would have to say to the Klowns?

  60. Let the daughter who wants to be a fashion designer do the dresses ;-)

    Just call me Sunshine

    1. That is a great idea! Too bad they wouldn't use that, it would be a more interesting storyline than the re-commitment nonsense.

    2. I think that is a great idea! Too bad they won't use would make it....maybe....worth watching.

  61. So after the recommittment ceremony, who does the Klown go sleep with? Who gets the recomittment honeymoon? Cookies for one and all?

    Man, that is just gross to think about....

    1. My odds on who gets the honeymoon cookie:
      Robin - 80% chance
      Meri - 20% (for avoidance of whining)
      Janelle - 0%
      Christine - 0%

    2. I think TLC should spring for four rooms as a gift. Then film Kody sprinting from room to room in his fuddie undergarments from room to room.

  62. The recommitment ceremony will be Robyn having another baby on Meri's wet bar. Sean the trainer will be the "coach/guru." They can all cry and talk about modesty while Robyn will again offer a "surgacy" to Meri if she gets the others to commit to the joolry business. Kody will only commit to Robyn and then get side tracked with his hair and forget about the other wives and the new baby. Meri will be crying because her wet bar wasn't big enough for the event. Christine will be eating nachos and apologizing for not being sweet enough to Robyn and Kody. Janelle will be sitting there crunching numbers and praising King Kody for the amazing sperm donation.

  63. Anonymous 1:54, I can't imagine the FLDS and other fundamentalist Mormon groups not wearing the temple garments as about the only difference between the LDS and the fundamentalist off-shoots is the fact that one practices polygamy and other other doesn't.

    As far as the theology goes, I truly believe you have to understand what Mormon women believe to understand why they're so willing to practice polygamy. In their faith, they believe that the husband is the one who will resurrect them in the next life. If they want to be an exalted goddess, they have to 'practice the principle' as polygamy is referred to. The man becomes a member of their priesthood at the age of 8 by being inducted into the Aaronic priesthood, and then when he's 12, he is inducted into the Melchizedek priesthood. For those who know their Bibles, they will recognize that there's no such thing as the Aaronic priesthood in the Old Testament--it was the Levitical priesthood. And the only Being to be a part of the Melchizadek priesthood is Jesus now in Heaven.

    The Mormon man becomes what they refer to as a 'priesthood holder' meaning he has all sorts of power over his wife, and her eternal life is dependent on staying in his good graces. He can give his family blessings, prophecy and some other things I don't quite get by the power vested in him as a priesthood holder.

    Mormonism is a works religion where a person earns their way to godhood, and sadly for the wife, she can only progress as far as her husband is worthy of. This has motivated Mormon women to be sealed to prominent men they aren't married to so they can be on his planet in the afterlife. Brigham Young was sealed to women he never saw after the ceremony. I suspect the woman was motivated by wanting to secure as high a position in the afterlife as possible.

    As far as the show not covering their beliefs, I suspect that most of them don't know as much about what the church actually teaches as I do, and I've never been a Mormon. The focus of most Mormon church services is rehashing how their ancestors crossed the plains to get to Utah. I've attended the Mormon church as a young teenager, and that was all I ever heard about. The Mormons are very proud of their heritage, and it's a huge part of what they focus on. They even have the kids get up and speak beginning at about age 7, and most of it is telling about your ancestors crossing the plains. This is why the Browns traveled to Nauvoo Illinois a couple of years ago to see where their ancestors had lived.

    1. I heard the stories from my grandmother but it was from the other point of view. I heard stories of crossing the plains in a covered wagon in the cold. There was starvation and death. My grandmother's grandmother (my great great....) had a baby who was killed when he was kicked by a horse in the stomach. The women and children were left alone at camps while the men went hunting for food and they recount Indians coming to the camp. The Indians were looking for food as well. Her family eventually denounced Brigham Young and went back to Council Bluffs and Crescent, Iowa. They lived out their lives as strong Joseph Smith post mortem followers. They sounded like unhappy people except maybe her grandfather who was a botanist. She would always tell me the story of how her grandfather developed Peonies and he named one after his first wife instead of her grandmother who was really hurt by this. I always assumed his first wife died but maybe he had more than one? My grandmother's parents left the church so she was not raised LDS or FLDS.

    2. Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints was the smith branch after Joseph Died.

    3. After Joseph died Emma went east. Her son carried on with the reorganized church of Latter Day Saints. That would be the branch your family would have been involved in. They were never fundamentalists. They never practiced the principal.

    4. That is good to know!! Thanks! I did some web research and his first wife really did die. They definitely were not living the principal. His parents ended up going to Utah following Brigham Young but he stayed and helped found the town of Crescent. He figured out how to grow fruit trees and many other types of agriculture in the settlements.

  64. Kody should take a que from Joe Gorga on RHONJ & just shave his head already!!!

  65. Kody needs new undergarments to keep next to his running shoes. or, does he wear the same one while having sex with each wife?

    i need brain bleach.

  66. Here is the thing about the recommitment ceremony. This is clearly a producer/show driven story. Why are they recommitting? They seemed to dislike the ‘work’ of the therapy session in Sedona, were resistant to advice from that “crazy lady” therapist…none of them really seemed to think it was worthwhile (other than the nice trip). When asked if the women are indeed friends, they all paused. So, why are they recommitting to other women that they do not like? It’s not like anyone had an epiphany and has actually accomplished having a successful and rewarding sister-wife relationship. They have the same issues that they are working on and will work on into eternity on their own planet. This is just an excuse for a big fancy party that TLC pays for, they get to have make-overs and there will some fabricated drama around something silly, like Kody’s car breaks down on the way to the ceremony. I can’t imagine that any amount of therapy or pretty dresses is going to really make these women like each other. Ever. And if you don’t like people, you do not have a big ceremony to pretend otherwise.

    1. Perfect comment, Carol.

    2. "They have the same issues that they are working on and will work on into eternity on their own planet."

      Whoa. And that's the highest level of "heaven"? Sobering thought.

    3. I'm sure they like each other more than they know. We just see a part of their lives. I can't wait!

    4. I think the idea of a recommitment ceremony is so contrived and phony. In real life, who does this? I know many couples who have been married over 25 years (myself included) and no one has had a "recommitment ceremony". There may have been some anniversary parties but they are usually reserved for milestone years such as the 50th wedding anniversary. Ridiculous drama!

    5. will Janelle use her original wedding ring that meri stole and hid from her for years? the one janelle found in a box last summer in a box she said was nor that old? I would love to call meri out on that..will kody pledge to not allow meri to abuse janelle ? when kody said he was afraid there was bullying going on in his family, it was not just the kids, meri has bullied from day one.

  67. I think this season will be great fun.

  68. If Robyn took out her dentures, would her chin touch her nose?

    1. Lol!!! Or at least she could pull her bottom lip up over her nose.

  69. I wonder if any of their polygamous friends and family from Utah will join the party. Seems like they should be there but most likely they will not. The Brown family is living the principle of an unseen church unless you count Kody's crappy living room Sunday sessions as 'church.' The recommitment Episode will be just the immediate family and the usual characters/chuckleheads they know who are willing to go on national tv with them: Janelle's trainer, the jewelry lady, the real estate lady...

    1. Does that mean that Kody will have to do double-duty as the officiant and the groom?

    2. No doubt there will be some relatives there, also AUB members who want a few seconds of "fame," and their LIV "family"--many of whom also belong to the first two categories I just mentioned.

  70. Since Netflix added Season 3 of Sister Wives, I decided to travel back in Brown time for an episode of two. And something caught my eye in Season 3 Episode 2, when the family sits down to discuss sending their kids to a local church youth group. (The one that Christine likens to "feeding them to the sharks"). The five-some is sitting down in one of the rental homes... Krody is yammering away about how the kids will not be going there... and then Janelle speaks out for a moment about the subject being closed... and RIGHT THEN you can catch a glimpse of the book "Escape" by Carolyn Jessop on the bookshelf behind Janelle. The book is black with the word 'escape' in bold orange letters down the side, and you can only see it for a brief second. I recognized it because it looks just the same sitting on my bookshelf.

    Can anyone tell me whose rental house they are sitting in? I think I recognize the desk as being Christine's... but I'm not sure. And why would any of them be so threatened and angry at the panel discussion a couple years later, when they have read such stories of women escaping the FLDS?

    1. Gooooooood question- Ummmmm Tamron Hall?? Take note!

    2. Wow, quite interesting! I also read that book. It was not a book for the fainthearted. I suspect whoever bought it had their motives. Did they know Carolyn? Did they know the family? Were they thinking of following in her footsteps? This is quite provocative.

    3. I'm going to look for that right now!

    4. That book is all about the horrors of the FLDS and as we know, Kody is not like Warren Jeffs, so it has nothing to do with them or their "lifestyle choice."

    5. Yeah that was the episode where Robyn got upset at the teenagers for not bowing down to her newly impregnated status.

  71. Oooohhh, so many possibilities! And cliff hangers galore! Where will they find four wedding gowns that will fit over long sleeve T shirts? Will they be constructed of matching floral fabric? Will Kody be able to sustain his attention span long enough to exchange vows with all four wives?

    Things we know for sure: No matter what the gowns look like, they will certainly be paired with clunky brown fugly shoes. There will be smarmy acoustic music edited over every scene involving the ceremony. The wedding night will be spent with Robyn, while Meri and Mariah cry, Christine does the dishes, and Janelle works out with Sean the Trainer. In the couch interview afterwards, they will sum up the experience. Kody will say it was "iconic", Meri will say it as "kuuuullll!", Janelle will say it was "awesome", and Christine will say "I didn't know that men could be such bastards!"

    1. ...and Robyn will chime in "We shoulda all been together from day one." Barf.

    2. will kody want to rush through it like he did on the options for the houses? I never did understand why kody wanted to rush through something as important as picking out options for something he only had to live with one day out of five. Meri really milked that for all it was worth. Will Meri insist on having the most expensive dress? Would robyn wear her original dress?

  72. Anon 11:38 - great catch! I do not remember whose house that was, but I think some of our investigating sleuths can figure that out!

    1. I just watched it. It was at Christine's rental.

  73. Caramel Brownie, above, asked if polygamists have re commitment ceremonies. Absolutely not. They consider their temple "sealing" the ultimate commitment. The Brown circus and TLC is just scratching around for something different to put on TV.

  74. What would be the difference between their "sealing" ceremony and a "commitment" ceremony????

  75. Plural Ants in My PantsOctober 10, 2013 at 10:12 PM

    What are some famous movie wedding themes they could draw from for their ceremony?

    Let's see.... Brides of Frankenstein is all that comes to mind now. Anybody else got some?

  76. Sister Wives season are on Netflix I'm rewatching Robins wedding right now

  77. Wow, the Williams family has sure one-upped the browns on the Facebook front! They answer questions, they post pictures of everyday stuff, refreshing!

    When I first started watching "Sister Wives" I was really interested in how the family dynamic worked. Scheduling, feeding, etc. I really wanted to see how the sister wife relationship worked, and after the first season they just kind of......stopped showing that part. Ho hum.

    Still fun to watch, though!

  78. I'm in the middle of reading Fifty Years in Polygamy. The author (Christine Brown's aunt) paints such a vivid picture of what it was like for her as a first wife when her husband would flirt with other women and when the second wife was procured. It made my heart ache really for all of the Brown women (except Robyn who has not yet gotten her taste of being cast aside). The author talks about what it was like hearing her husband engage in love-making with her sister wife. She listened through a heater vent to them making love. How sad is that? Even when she wasn't actively listening to them make love - she would see them engage in affection with one another and she would have to imagine what they were doing. Her sister wife showed her the lingerie she'd bought to wear on her honeymoon. All of this made me think of how much Robyn must be absolutely rubbing it in the other wives' noses that she is the one who has Kody's sexual interest. I could imagine Robyn doing something so nasty to her sister wives.
