Saturday, June 9, 2012

Sister Wives: Brown Brothers Do Vegas

It's becoming very clear why Kody Brown  left Lehi for the bright lights of Las Vegas...


  1. OMFG!! Triple yikes!! I didn't realize they were triplets...haha Just saying, his bros are almost as bad as him..& in all the worst ways!!...they all have adhd O_o

  2. Surprise, surprise, Kody contradicted himself AGAIN!! After all the hootN & hollerN, showing out in front of everyone, Kody tries to be serious & explains that EACH wife has to get to know the "girl" (more like "prey") & be comfortable around her to see if she'll be a good fit into the family.
    I don't buy that crap at all, esp when 2 of ur wives of 16+ years are telling America, that they really didn't even know U(the husband)very well, before 'marrying' U!! ....ugggghhhhhhh!!!...smh
    I have to say, the wife of one the brothers, didn't look to comfortable with them joking around about it either...
    & where was the 1st wife of the younger brother, saying he needed to find him a 2nd wife?? Was she there or did I miss her?

  3. At 0:12 in the photo young Michael looks a lot like Janelle's son Gabriel (at least I think that's his name). Could it be that Michael (being 19 years younger than Kody and all) is a son of Kody's dad and Janelle's mom? That would explain why they look so much alike.

    1. In that case they would also be Janelle's brothers.And my brain just can't process that.

    2. Oh, don't say that!!! That would mean "my brother" is married to "my sister". The part that didn't gross me out about Kody's dad and Janelle's mom is that they were too old to have kids.....I can't wrap my head around this whole everyone is married to everyone else.

  4. Three LOSER brothers!!Disgusting.. The more I see and hear Kody, watch Robyn twist her ugly jaw,and her bratty daughters always wanting to be on camera like mommy,(look at me,aren't I a beauty like my Mommy???),the more I want to puke!!! Get this show OFF THE AIR!!

  5. All righty then. 19 years difference. Full brothers? Half? Step? Ever live in the same house? Kodster must have been on a mission when the one brother was born. Ever lived together? Come on, they have no brother relationship. How does it make him related to Jenelle? Messy lives, for sure. These aren't families, they're giant gene pools interacting in various ways.

    1. Michael is full brother to Kody. Genielle Brown is their mother.

    2. I think it was CJ who said they don't have a famiy tree, but a family wreath LOL

    3. Re: "Come on, they have no brother relationship." I have a full sister who is 17 years younger than I. I left for college (5 years), and then moved out of the country for years. Now that we're adults, we're pretty good buddies. And (or so they claim--LOL) until about 7 or so yrs ago, these yahoos did live near the family ranch.

  6. It's interesting to see one of the brothers hugging his wife right in front of everyone. I wonder if it's awkward for the sister wives to see such open affection right in front of everyone. Ahhh the perks of being the only wife...

    1. Right ... it has to be awkward everyday to not be able to just go put your arms around your husband for a hug. Yup, not sharing.

    2. i'm thinking that brother hugging his wife is a plyg as Kody stated specifically that "MIchael's young and so is monogamous still." Just thinking that he's implying the other brother is plyg already and this wife got to come on this trip with him.

      Which makes me pause and ask if Michael really wasn't joking about shopping for a second wife since he didn't bring his one and only with him. As well as Kody goes on to expound on how Michael's wife will have to know and approve of her, etc...

      Maybe that's how they're going to spice the show up now since Robyn has informed Kody she'll strangle him if he takes a 5th wife so now we're going to get to watch Kody's brother shop for the next one instead.

    3. No the older brother's not a polygamist see comments below

  7. Yuck yuck yuck.. this is not fun... this made my toes curl... Kody and machine guns?? Not a safe combination if you ask me...

    Also, why are they always "doing fun things" or "go on trips"? That doesn't make a "reality" show seem very real.. Let alone that we'd be able to relate to the characters.... We want to see the real life, as described in their "book"..

    1. "fun things" ? What have they done that's fun? Piling 16 kids into three minivans, with all that haphazard packing, is not my idea of fun.

    2. I put it etween ".." because for them it's fun, for me it's either boring or stupid.

  8. Did you see how excited the little girl (Robin's kid?) was when Kody's brothers came into the house? How sad the brothers didn't first give her a big hug like she wanted! She was jumping up and down. That kid needs attention and love.

    "Vegas is AWESOME!" Because you can shoot machine guns? A man with four wives who is obsessed with guns....Yikes.

    1. Oh yes, I saw that and wondered if Robyn had her on some of that green stuff, too. Actually it was kind of painful to watch. It seemed like Kody's brother wanted to interact with Truely, and Robyn's daughter was grabbing and hugging she almost knocked Truely over!

    2. Yeah, I saw that too, & I was wondering if that was one of Robyns girls...smh...I just think it's so weird & sad actually, how Robyn's daughters are always the ones up on peoples(Kody) laps & in their face wanting A.T.T.E.N.T.I.O.N!!
      Situtations like theirs, makes me nervous, bcuz when girls are desperately wanting attention,love& affection, they would be willing to get it from anywhere & anyone! The whole absent "daddy" issue & all that tends to stem from emotional neglect,etc...
      So, I think Gwendlyn truely knows that polygamy isn't for her, bcuz she's having to share her dad w/ all of her siblings(& her step siblings as well. She's not too young to notice that her step siblings(Robyns kids) gets to spend more time & receive more affection from HER dad & I think she has some underlying resentment festering, which she's fully entitled to feel...)
      So there's no way in hell, she wants to share a boyfriend or husband when she gets older.

    3. when Christine was explaining how the plyg domino action made it possible for Gwndln (my attempt at levity by spelling it even more awesomely weird w/no vowels!) to EVEN get to take Logan for her date, I was sooo expecting Gwndlin to respond back, "Yeah, but if you were just monogamous and were my dad's only wife, then i wouldn't have all these extra bonus sisters and i wouldn't HAVE to go with my bonus brother but could just be going with my own dad alone like the other girls in my class are!" ...... crickets chirping while Christine tried to process that Logic 101.

      maybe she did say that and Christine called parental control overrule and got it edited out. ;')

    4. I said this before, but Robyn's daughter's (Breanna I think?) behavior, while it definitely is from wanting attention, I read it as having a crush on Kody's youngest brother Michael - because I did the same thing when I was a little girl. Robyn needed to get a handle on her daughter and calm her down because she was being unruly and I bet Michael thought she was a pain in the butt, however too nice to say anything.

      What struck me was the look on Christine's older daughter's face - I think that's Aspyn? Mykelti? the one with the red hair? look how glum she is. She is NOT happy about the show, and you can tell she just wants to GTF out of that house as soon as possible.

      Seeing all this makes me wonder if Michael is really all that hot in acquiring a second wife...

    5. Mykelti has the red hair. She was the one who protested the filming of Kody's church services last season.

    6. I think she is SO DONE with the show and wants nothing to do with it. she looked miserable and angry. Remember when the Osbournes did their reality show, one of their daughters didn't want to be on it and they respected her wishes? they should do the same with the kids who do not want to participate...but of course one of the draws of this show is that they have ALL the kids, which is probably a main driver as to why they want Logan to live at home and go to college.

    7. CJ and fellow posters,I felt pain and sadness for the little step child Aurora...not sure of spelling, but when she is jumping up and down and reaching for hug when uncle enters, he looks down and hesitates like, "hey I don't know who you are little girl" and pulls back on the hug and lands on weird. But so sad how needy this little girl is. She is always jumping up and down like a puppy.
      Can't help but think that this little girl will be married in a few years...maybe possibly to Uncle Mike? The never ending weave of the "family wreath". I don't think that is too far fetched since it is new blood to add to the very shallow gene pool.

    8. "Can't help but think that this little girl will be married in a few years...maybe possibly to Uncle Mike?"

      This is exactly what occurred to me when I saw that scene. Is this the same girl who was out of control last season when Kody's boys returned from their summer at the ranch in Wyoming?

      Are we seeing her mirroring her mother's adoration of Kody?

    9. I've also noticed how Aurora seems to need a lot of physical contact with adults, especially men. Maybe it's just the editing. She's just a kid and I'm not trying to speak ill about her. DakotaJustice, I felt the same way about a potential "crush". Then I was reminded of the beginning of the episode (right before the scrapbook store scene" in "Brutal Honesty". Before Logan and the kids left to go to the store, they were explaining what they were going to do (buy stuff to make their dad scrapbooky birthday creations), as Logan was talking, the way Aurora was staring at him made me instantly think of the way Robin looks at Kody when he speaks. Pure adoration. I instantly though, "I think she has a crush on him!". Maybe it's just because she looks so much like her. Then when they got to the store and were walking across the parking lot, there is a awkward moment where Logan's all "where's Savanah?". Savanah is holding his hand, but Aurora had just grabbed his same hand (whole arm actually) and was essentially "blocking out" (basketball term, sorry) little Savanah.

      These are just my silly gut reactions (not silly because they are gut reactions, silly because they are about a freaking "reality" tv show lol)..I couldn't help but share because I feel the same was as Dakota and lisasumms here!

  9. Hmm - redneck reunion?
    I notice that the brother standing next to Kody at the beginning of the clip was wearing a short sleeved shirt. I doubt that he is getting into polygamy any time soon (notice he was hugging and reassuring his slightly uncomfortable-looking wife). "Faithful" AUB get married in the endowment house in Bluffdale, Utah, and come away wearing long-sleeved "garments" they must wear under their normal clothing. The Browns often roll up the sleeves a little on theirs, but most people can't pull off short sleeves. Those who bypass the endowment house marriage usually are not that into their religion or have been "bad boys" in some way and so are not allowed in. Of course, if he tries to get back into favor he could still get into polygamy if he wanted it.
    Michael's wife Sharon (Allred) is not there. She is related to Christine (surprise!) Her father Nephi is Christine's cousin I believe.
    All that stuff about wives "needing" to approve new additions etc. is not necessarily true either. Lots of men get another woman without having the women they already have feeling OK about it. At least one man I know of (an Allred) "married" another woman secretly. When his wife found out it was a real mess. Dream on Browns - this is a sham.

    1. Anony10:10, how do you know all this relational stuff. Do you live nearby? I do want to here more from the "inside."

    2. I'd love to hear more, too, anon! :)

    3. Me too..You seem to have some facts and I am curious about how all this works, not just the BS of the Browns but the back story of all of them including Kody's family. What about the brother in law we saw at the Ranch, I think his name was "Uncle Tim". His son and Logan looked like they could have been brothers. Is he Polygamist? If so how many wives. Can you post with a screen name so that those of us who are interested in what you have to say know it is you? Maybe EX AUB???? Thanks again for the info

    4. Can't help out with who Tim is, sorry. It was hard to keep tabs on all the relationships and relatives! Do know there is another Brown brother called Scott who was a polygamist.

  10. Why can't we ever see this family doing "real" things that would be in accordance with "reality" (like working a real jobs, taking their children to the park, having a homemade dinner with the family, etc.) All we see is Kody playing around!!! This isn't about Sister Wives (other than the fact they don't really like each other), this is the Kody Brown show! Look at me! I have 4 out of shape wives! I'm riding a motorcycle! I'm going on yet another vacation! I'm getting luxury cars outta nowhere and expensive laptops (which I don't even appreciate)! This show is on it's last leg and they know it, hence why they are pulling at straws for things to do. I can't wait to see the cancellation, yet at the same time, I love laughing at these clowns and will miss reading this board.

    1. I just tried going to their website and I'm getting a message that it's temporarily not available. Is anyone else getting this message?

    2. They're probably doing site maintenance--like dismantling (or actually starting their fake Sister Wife's Closet page.

    3. I tried going on their website too & got the same message C.J...Not very business savvy in all aspects.
      If they can't even manage to maintain a professional website, then theres no way in hell, they can be expected to maintain & pay all of their current finances, businesses, & mortgages successfully & on time + accruing daily costs!
      It's obvious they're living WAY ABOVE their means & are squandering their $$ away,trying to project a "succesful" lifestyle image. When in reality, they're $$ is fast depleting & unnecessary bills are mounting.

  11. Can someone please tell me how Robin is the expert on plural marriage? I mean, didn't she just great married? And didn't she say she'd kill Kody if he acquired a 5th wife? I can't stand that stupid hillbilly. Go suck on some food stamps instead of always talking.

    1. Actually, Robyn married into the Jessops. My assumption would be she's seen her fair share of shady stuff going down, among her neighbors and in-laws. From what I have seen other folks from her "former life" write on other blogs, he just hadn't happened to find a second wife yet. They were not necessarily "monogamous", just not yet actively polygamous. These anonymous people SEEM very credible, and claim to come from the same town. The Jessops, manipulate local police and courts, as well as religious life; these bloggers are not fans of Robyn, but seem to be more empathetic toward her than they are toward DPJ.

    2. One thing that seems true is that being the 1st wife does have a measure of seniority but if the successive wives are younger,prettier,more fertile, etc it is hard to keep their 1st place.
      Maybe Robyn's husband wasn't the greatest but I wonder if the specter of being up staged played any role in their marriage woes? "Knowing" Robyn from the show I don't see her becoming second fiddle easily but being ushered into a brood heralded as a trophy wife...oh yeah.

    3. Yes, AJ. I agree. I wonder what was going through her head when she chose to be a
      4th wife after kd's wife snatching hiatus. I mean, besides getting off welfare, baby daddy for her kids, being an easy bang and the center of attention for her celestial surfer God. BTW, I had to put the book down after reading kds prologue, in which he declared himself as someone famous while getting his hair/makeup done.

    4. i shudder at just how lowlife Robyn's first husband could be if King Kody is her knight in shining armor by comparison. Remember, Robyn's ecstatic (despite the crocodile tears) over her improved status - financially, emotionally, sexually. and what's the other one i'm forgetting?? oh of course, SPIRITUALLY!! that one seems to be easy to forget about with this religiously dedicated little group. lol

    5. "i shudder at just how lowlife Robyn's first husband could be if King Kody is her knight in shining armor by comparison."

      Who knows if Robyn's adoration of Kody is an act? The last episode showed Robyn successfully deceiving Kody (Kody even remarked on how "she was shaking" when she came in to tell him she had messed up his car).

      Was the "Buzz," that made her hitch up with this madcap group, about the fame, attention, and financial rewards of the TLC Reality Show she knew she wanted to be on?

      If David Jessop was the one who filed for divorce, then doesn't that shed a different light on the situation?

    6. That is what I don't understand. Robyn impiles that David Jessop was abusive and that was the reason for the divorce. But HE divorced her. Makes me wonder why. Perhaps the $32,000 of consumer debt that she ran up?

    7. Wasn't it pointed out last year that Robyn claimed her ex was abusive and that was why she divorced him, but she still allowed her three children to spend the summer with him apparently unsupervised? Seems to me Robyn is a golddigger who makes up lies that benefit her. If you are living in 'poverty', with 3 kids in a single wide and no crib, why would you need $5000 in Victoria Secret or that $32000 in consumer debt? It doesn't make sense at all.

    8. linnet,
      Do spill! What is that "other website" you speak of? what "not so nice things" do they say about Robyn herself?

    9. The things I have seen about Robyn mainly just concern her white trash nature, but they do confirm that word around town is that her husband was abusive--and that gossip came from his own relatives, apparently. Also suggested that she has custody because he didn't really want it. Honestly, I don't know the names of the blogs--this is the only one i actually frequent. I use bing as a search engine, and looked for "AUB blogs" or similar terms a couple times, and just read bits and pieces on several different pages. If I run across the names again, I'll share right away. One of the best written ones was written by an Allred guy who says he left the AUB and had a whole blog about his own family and the folks he grew up with. One of them (or maybe the same one) had first converted to LDS, then said he realized they weren't really much different, and now is a non-denominational layman preacher. One or two of them had links from or one of those sites. Now I'm even curious--I'll have to do another search and leave a list; project for the next couple days :). LOL

  12. The gun thing doesn't seem like a big deal to me. When I lived in Montana my ex husbands family was all about guns, hunting and recreational shooting. None of them were potential serial killers. I think it's just a leftover from the wild west. We have the same thing down south.
    I can imagine if a man in the ALB wants a particular woman he's going to prevail even if current wives don't agree however a smart one knows it's going to create chaos in the household.

    One thing that seems contradictory to me, they say the multiple wives isn't about lust so then why the short courtships? Why don't they take the time to date and get to know each other and get to know their fellow sister wives? Like many times their actions contradict their words.

    1. Because "a married man can´t date".
      If I remember correctly, that came from Christine?

    2. I have no problems with guns. I'd love to be a marksman someday, but my country does not allow anyone to even *look* at a gun, so that has to wait...
      Guns is one thing... KODY and MACHINE GUNS is another!!! I would not trust Kody with a nailclipper...!!

  13. Why are they bringing these 'brothers' on the show, it just seems contrived and forced. Didn't one even say, I'm your uncle you never met? (or maybe it was to Robyn's kids). I think Kody has run off his cool male buddies like Bill (they all stopped following each other on twitter and there has been speculation that Bill is the one who pulled out of Fundamental Fitness). So, we again see an episode where Kody does 'manly things' with 'male bonding'....Machine guns, really TLC? Soon we will be seeing the Wives go get manicures. Well that's not why I watch the show, heck I am getting a massage today and darn it, no reality cameras are paying to follow me around. Oh well.

    1. Ah, Trainer Bill...I think the only reason ole Trainer Bill was brought into the Fundamental Fitness picture was because Kody was jealous of the attention Christine was paying to Bill - didn't Kody call her a shameless flirt around Bill? Anyway, that was a case of keeping friends close, enemies closer kind of deal. And I think the person who left FF was the investor who owned many gyms in Las Vegas and vicinity.

    2. SMART INVESTORS research & do their homework on any potential investment/clients/partners. I'm willing to bet that he/she got wind of SWB,did some reading & became aware of the Browns shady financial history among other things, courtesy of all SWB Admins & CJ's extensive research & informative witty reviews :D
      U know when the Brown's FB fan site, wouldn't mention SWB by name but referred to us as the "other" mean & negative site, well that would peak anyones interest, bcuz obviously people want to know all the good, bad & ugly when making assesments or opinions. And some, usually the ones that are taking the Browns at face value, just want to know why anyone would have anything negative to say? So,IMO they actually did SWB, a favor bcuz out of curiosity many many folks were compelled to Google Sister Wives & of course SWB is the 1st of many to appear for people to click on & start reading... so even former all the way Brown fans have been enlightened & have detoxed from all the tainted Kody koolaid they
      Hey, at least SWB detox is free for all & it's great Open-Minded therapy =)

    3. yeah, i'm thinking that took all of about a 10 minute read for a sophisticated investor to do due diligence on the Grody Grifter Group.

      about the same time frame the mortgage broker had to spend on putting her "magical" available finance offer together for them.

    4. I HIGHLY doubt that ol' Trainer Bill was the investor. I'm wondering if there even WAS an investor to begin with. From what I saw on the show, and on his FB page, he's a very average PT, and probably got paid by Planet Fitness. I doubt the Browns are still getting free training from him, my guess is that those were all older clips when they showed Janelle working out with TB. I would hope that after half a year or so, she would have moved beyond the exercises she was doing there. I think that was a Planet Fitness they were working out in, if the owner is their investor that would be a conflict of interest IMO. I think Trainer B was on the show for publicity and maybe MAYBE being the PT at their fitness venture or whatever.

    5. Janelle actually posted in the last few days (think Thurs)that the Gym is "in the works". Geez.

  14. I am going to post some general comments here. I tried posting before, but I didn't make it before we reached 200 or before another article was posted. First of all, I am still laughing at "bright lights, lots of people, SQUIRREL." How about: motorcycles, biker bars, SQUIRREL!

    I love the blog and all the comments, but I don't always agree. As to financials, I don't agree that TLC is paying them a lot and that they get a lot of comps. I also don't agree that TLC doesn't have a design on this show. They bombed with "My Husband's Three Wives" in part because they showed all the bad in polygamy. Instead, TLC tried to capitalize on "Big Love" which showed the patriarch in a much better light. TLC knew that they would keep us watching if we saw some positive elements and we had to wait to see the negative. I think that the Browns have blown it, though. I read a comment on another blog that says that Kody forced the crew to film on Christmas Day when they were in the cabin. Kody ended up being with his family, but the crew did not. And the poster (I believe it was on Hollywoodlife) resented that. I also think that the Q&A sessions are a result of the Browns refusing to film at times. So now TLC is showing us more negative episodes.

    As far as the contract, remember the Browns had very little bargaining power when TLC contacted them. Christine had just filed bankruptcy and they had been trying to find a larger audience for their political agenda for years. I read that Gosselins only got $22,000 per episode. I bet that the Browns only got $5000 per episode first season and maybe a little more for these last two seasons. Janelle may talk like she had a good job, and a good degree, but I am with the camp that believes Janelle only appears mature and smart because she is being compared to the others. She returned to the family in 2004 or so, and when they filed bankruptcy in 2005, they had incurred a lot of credit card debt and the business (I assume it was Janelle's) was operating at a loss. In 2005 Kody was only making about $40,000 and Meri was making $600 per month. So if they got $60,000 plus a few comps the first season for doing a little filming, they would be doing well comparatively.

    Another issue I question: how did Janelle get her degree after she left the family? How did she find the time to study with five children, no help from the father, and a full-time job? How could she concentrate with post-partum depression, low self-esteem from being bullied by Meri, and general depression from all their financial worries? How did she pay for it when she filed bankruptcy in 1997 and she could not expect help from her family since they all disowned her except for her plyg mother? (And didn't I read somewhere that Kody's father filed bankruptcy, too? And didn't that ranch look run-down when it was filmed?) And why has she never given us any clue about where she went or what year she actually graduated?
    Another issue I question: I don't believe that their bankruptcies are the only reason they got offered such horrible terms on the loans. I think that they are back to their old tricks and have run up a ton of credit card debts on groceries, restaurants, activities, and trips. Janelle's bankruptcy wouldn't even appear on their credit report. Most people who file bankruptcy don't incur a lot a debt afterwards because the event that caused the bankruptcy (divorce, job loss, injury, illness, accident) doesn't occur again. But these people filed 3 bankruptcies because they don't want to work and they are not able to support their family. That has not changed.

    1. "Another issue I question: how did Janelle get her degree after she left the family? How did she find the time to study with five children, no help from the father, and a full-time job?"

      According to their book, Sister Wives, Janelle moved out but she did not leave Kody or the family. Christine still babysat for her, and since they were still in Wyoming, she also had her mother for support. And Kody still visited her and the children when it was her night with him.

      As far as her degree is concerned, we may never know for sure but I'm betting it's only a 2 year community college degree (AA). And I agree with you that their credit card debt must be sky high. Even with a bad credit there are a lot of credit card companies out there that lend specifically to people with poor credit. Just like non traditional mortgages, because of the high risk of default, the interest rates are skyhigh and the payments astronomical (frankly it would be better just to pay cash!)

      It's so neat to meet another person who saw that trainwreck of "My Husband's Three Wives". To me, Brian Wachendorf and Kody Brown were made from the same narcissistic cloth! Sister Wives is infinitely more watchable, but isn't it amazing that, just like Sister Wives, a man is the center of attention for both shows?

    2. When they go on all these trips the hotel names are prominently displayed; logos and the names of tourist attractions, and entertainment companies are given "wide to tight" camera shots; and they are constantly eating out at a different fab place--and then naming it in a tweet. You better believe these are comps. The very nature of advertising law essentially mandates blurring out names of companies that do not "authorize" use of their products and services. For example, apple logo on K' birthday computer--which they probably figured they could get a product placement reembursement for. John and Kate lived around me before they moved closer to Reading, and I know for Kate and Jon, Giant Food stores comped all their organic groceries in return for a placement deal.

    3. Ahhhh, so the tabloids were misleading, not only in the year Janelle left, but also, in depicting her leaving? She really didn't leave at all, did she? Thank you for the correction. I could not bear to buy the book and my libary (which is one of the biggest in the country) does not carry it.

    4. Cynical Jinx, I think you are right about the associates degree. I don't believe she has or ever had a CPA.

    5. There is no way Disney comped their visit just because they tweeted about it! And how expensive would two trips be to Disneyland?? And do we know where they buy groceries? I don't think that has ever been shown and I bet I know why. They don't want us seeing them buying huge amounts of junk food or using food stamps!

      What hotels were shown on the show? I'd like to know so I can avoid them! LOL

    6. As a former food "stamp" user, I can tell you this: NOBODY knows when you are using food "stamps" except you and the cashier. Food "stamps" look like a debit card and there's no embarrassment there.

    7. Brilliant and I agree with Anon 11:31 post. for some reason peeps everywhere seem to think that the Browns are rolling in dough from the show. i think like many regular people, they are accustomed to living way beyond their means. For example - in 2008, a $417k loan on their house. That house is SO not worth $417k, they are upside down on that mortgage, I'm certain. And I also do not believe that they are comp'd every time they tweet about something. The Mexican restaurant for example...i don't remember if they showed the name of the restaurant on the show. My guess is that TLC paid for the meal, it was the entire fam in there. I HIGHLY doubt the owner is flush enough to be able to endlessly comp Kody and family. I think maybe they get free guacamole or something, as a favor.

      Disney for sure is NOT comping the Browns nor will they EVER allow filming for the show to take place there.

      I'm constantly amazed at the exaggerated amounts that people believe the Browns are "raking in" from the show. I've seen some people say the browns make up to $80k an episode! Please for a show that averages 1.8M viewers? nahhhh.

      the free fall is going to be something to watch. I don't wish anything bad on the children, or on the family for that matter, they are making their own bed right now. Last time I heard something about Jon Gosselin, he was working as a construction far they fall.

    8. I thought they acquired the Disney passes by getting a huge discounted group rate from LIV...I could be wrong, but I'm assuming this from Meri's past tweets from last year, when they first were getting into the biz. Also, she had tweeted about future cruises too.

    9. I have to agree with Linnet. They are definitely getting some comps. Just like Kate eluded to in one of the interviews that she gave, that her kids were bummed now because they no longer get to go on the trips TLC provided. TLC has to have some story line. Just like on BRAVO when they send the Real Housewives on trips. They are comped by Bravo to set up a story line. I'm not saying everything is comped, but there are some. My husband and I both own our own businesses, and several times a year we are asked to donate items in exchange for our name being published, etc.. I really don't have an opinion on what they are being paid, but I will say that on some stats I have read on other shows, each individual child gets a set amount as well (not meaning this show; other reality shows). I always wondered if the the Brown children were paid as well.

    10. oh lordy!! thanks for the heads up on that cruise tweet. i'm planning a cruise right now and i will definitely ask if Browns are booked on it. If so, no thanks!! that's not my idea of a peaceful, relaxing vacation cruise to have the likes of them outta control all around me everywhere... lol

    11. Just for the record, I was only referring to things which are actually shown on the show ( I think I said that)--I never mentioned Disneyland, but DJ is correct Disney is not allowing filming there. As for the restaurants, I was referring to those like these THREE pathetic ones from the 4th:

      1) Kody Brown‏@realkodybrown

      Never had such a nuclear burger. Who put burrata cheese on a burger? 25° does. Shazam!

      2) Goodness, I love gourmet burgers! Everybody check out 25° (that is twenty five degrees) in Huntington Beach CA. Flippin' crazy!

      3) Eating at 25° in Huntington Beach w/ @JanelleBrown117. This place is a trip! Flippin' awesome!! Thanks Mike. This whole area is surreal.

    12. Okay linnet - i don't tweet so I hadn't seen those, but yeah. that's pretty flagrant advertising. I guess on the bright side for the restaurant, the Browns don't drink booze, so they can't be that pricey to comp. LOL

    13. Anon 3:45 I live in Philadelphia and its quite obvious to people standing behind a food stamp user how they are paying. The "debit" card says ACCESS and it bright yellow and green. And the big reader that the customer can see as their items are scanned says "food stamps" on it instead of cash or credit. I don't use food stamps and sometimes I feel like I'm the only one actually paying for food at the store I shop at.

    14. "Last time I heard something about Jon Gosselin, he was working as a construction far they fall."

      Actually I completely RESPECT Jon G for working full time as a construction worker. He went back to a REAL life and is working and able to help financially support his kids. No big dreams of making the big time like his loser x wife who still does not work.

      Just like I would respect ANY of the adults in this family getting you know, a JOB!

    15. @Dakota Justice--:D Yeah, right (LOL)? I only look at twitter once every couple of months, but the Fab 5 all tweet similar things regular-like.

  15. The gun thing doesn't particularly bother me either because I know lots of guys who love to shoot big deal.
    What's beginning to bore me out of my mind is this constant explanation of taking new wives. STFU about it already, the show has been on for a couple of years and yet they drone on and on about the ooh so deep thought process and the feeeelings involved. Obviously, it's way more complicated in the feeeeeeling dept and the "everybody has to be onboard" dept. than they say or else we wouldn't have an entire season devoted to Christine's jealousy.......unless it's just another blown up story line.
    This show has become so repetitive. Clips are shown over and over, sprinkled through one episode to the next, Kody yammers on and on about 4 houses, they drag out Meri's infertility until I surely don't give a chit. When it's not repetitive is when there's the Squirrel atmosphere of "hey everyone! we're gonna open an amusement park! No! Make that an ice cream shop! Everybody loves ice cream!Whadda think kids?! Then after the latest greatest scheme falls through it reverts back to some unrelated adventure that so happens to give Kody & RobChin the opportunity to 'splain for the umpteenth time the wife choosing process, Brownstyle.
    Really? Get a life, get a job, get the housing under control and stop using this boring junk as the show plot line.

    1. The shooting guns really doesn't bother me either,bcuz my son is in Marksmanship.
      What does irritate me, is all the whining about finite resources from before & barely paying bills,mortgage,food,etc... & bam, just bcuz they get a lil TLC $$, they want to frivously spend lots of $$ on an assault rifle for their hubby so he can have a fun gift...esp, when U can just as easily rent machine guns(as Kody stated...)whenever ur in the mood to shoot guns. Seems more practical & safe for that matter.
      Thinking back, I wonder how fun the cheesy homemade gift that Mariah received from the gift exchange? Betcha Kody wouldn't be satisfied w/ a homemade gift, bcuz it wouldn't be loud or shiny enough for him.

    2. with necessary evil commercials time - by constantly repeating scene showings, they def do waste a lot of their already limited new episode time for sure.

  16. Is bankruptcy consistent from state to state? The reason I ask is that I have a couple of friends who declared bankruptcy over the housing market. They can't get any credit for five years or something. So, the other reason they may not incur debt is because they simply can't get credit. And I also think they have to pay off their portion of the debt over the same time period (five years or whatever). But I don't know if that is state specific or federally mandated.

    I can see Kody saying "we have to spend money to make money". So instead of paying off the house in Lehi, they were buying furniture and jewelry. I agree they are not being role models for good financial management.

    Also, did you notice the look Janelle gave the brother and his wife when they were hugging?

    1. I believe Bankruptcy court is governed by the Federal Courts, so it should be consistent state to state. Depending on which chapter is filed, a bankruptcy can actually remain on a CBR for 10 years!

      Oh yes, I saw that look! Hmmmm....

    2. I filed Chapter 7 in 1994, after my divorce since the ex opted to renege on his half of the debts - all the creditors started suing me (they don't care what the divorce court decreed - both our names were on the bills, so they could still collect from me :( ) It was still affecting my credit in 2000-01. In fact I almost didn't get the VERY good job I have now (which i started in 2000) because they pulled the credit record and saw the BK there. I explained up front the reason I did it, and they were okay. the important thing is to be honest and open, and not use it the way the Browns obviously do - on a regular basis. As soon as I could I started building up my credit again, by getting a high interest low balance Visa, using it for small purchases and paying off the balance every month...i had kept my car and kept the payments, made sure all my rent, utilities etc were paid on time. and so on. It's NOT going to happen to me again...

      course once I was under BK protection, the creditors started looking for HIM again, took him to small claims, and so forth. mutual friends told me that he was quite pissed that I didn't include him in my BK filing. but he was too much of a lazy ass to do his own...I didn't have an attorney, I just used one of those Nolo Press books and filled out all the forms myself. I only had to appear before the trustee once, then eventually a notice came saying my BK was done. not gonna happen and learn!

    3. Ok, I'm a lil slow today, so I need help interpreting the "look" from Janelle O_o...I watched it a couple of times & the only thing I get from it, is:
      Oh, I wish that was me or wish Kody would display that affection openly or or even to me for that matter... Our human nature, just naturally desires love, affection, affirmation, sex, etc...

    4. Forgot to add - 2 different types of BKs:
      Chapter 7 - expunges most debts except unpaid taxes, child support etc.
      Chapter 11 - pay off for 5 years then expunged.

  17. Didn't Janelle get her degree before she entered the family? Unless the book says otherwise, that was my impression.
    They filmed for at least 10 months prior to Christine filing Bankruptcy. I am not sure if they had negotiated a deal before filming or not- clearly, she didn't get paid.
    RoBUN - gotta love her, she's clearly my form of humor. The magic word! Uhhhh. let's see, 'a' courting is first you get a buzz (horny) and then it's Serendipitous! No mention of "of the faith", etc.
    This looks for great TV snark.

    1. Mister Sister it's so hard to tell! Janelle says she married Adam (Meri's brother) after high school, but she doesn't say exactly when they got married. She does say that by the time Meri and Kody got married she was divorced from Adam and that the marriage only lasted for 6 months. So its unclear, she may have been enrolled in college after high school. That is one of my pet peeves about their book - There aren't any dates quoted so you have no idea when a certain event occured. Meri talks about moving to Utah and Janelle mentions moving to Utah, but Christine mentions moving to a larger house in Utah with 1 and 1/2 kitchens, you're thinking it's the Lehi house, but you can't be certain because the Lehi house had 3 kitchens! (From my own research, they did move to a house in Utah before they moved to the Lehi house).

    2. Janelle said somewhere that she got her degree during the years when she had left, and gotten her own house. Probably why M started going back to school--to assuage any feelings of inferiority from being less educated than J.

      I don't doubt that Christine was not paid in her own name--Kody Brown Family Entertainment or Janelle hold pretty much all their business licenses, in Nevada and in Utah. Bleeding the Beast has very strict financial rules. LOL.

      My GUESS is that they divided all of their money with Janelle receiving 75% and the rest disbursed through every single member of the family. Thereby, Kody and Meri claim Janelle's kids and Meriah on their taxes, Janelle is single with no dependents. She will have the most tax responsibility by being steadily and gainfully employed--and will receive less back--even with her kids as dependents--than Kody and Meri would with 7 dependents. So, Christine, Robin and all their kids would each receive so little in their own names that they will still be eligible for welfare.

    3. From reading the book Janelle received her "degree" after she moved out. From the vagueness and the time line I would assume she has either an AA or a professional certificate. I would be shocked is she had a BBA and there is NO WAY she even qualifies to sit for the CPA exam. That requires 150 semester hours. The most common way to meet the 150 requirement is to obtain a masters degree, usually an MBA or a MAcc. Janelle may seem bright compared to those around her but I don't think she could get a bachelors degree while living in the sticks as a single mom to 6 kids in two years. That being said I do have to giver her credit for taking the effort to improve her education and work to support the family, something no one else in this family seems capable of doing.

  18. Love it, love it.....Kody X 3 !!!
    What more could SWB ask for....snark heaven !!!

    Perhaps TLC/Kody/and adoring wives who want to show Kody's testosterone levels to be adequate chose the 'brothers play cowboys' scenario because it is apparent now, and increasingly so, that Kody is missing a few "manly" genes. Didn't his HS classmates admit they thought he was a bit swishy back then??

    Hasn't Kody lack of manly mannerisms been discussed here and probably on other blogs. Despite the fact they say they DO NOT read SWB, me thinks that's bulltinkle too. *Someone* must be.

    Not suggesting anything about his sexuality, but he does come off a bit too obsessed with his hairdo, way too willing at putting on the tears (or at least try to), obviously likes to pick out wedding dresses, doesn't like shoveling snow or actually using any tools, it seems. And since the show is clearly all about him, guess it was time to beef up the 'guy' image again.

    It's six months since Christmas and the rifle gift, so apparently Kody has run out of those *guy friends* with whom he had a "guy's dinner" last season. Poor Kody, he has no friends to help him try out his new toy.

    It was really creepy to hear him gush to his brother, "I got a rifle for Christmas." He sounded just like Ralphie from "A Christmas Story."
    * Be careful that you don't shoot your eye out, Kody !!!! *

    1. Amused! LOL!
      Now if they manage to get the "major award" the Christmas Story/SW illusion will be complete.

    2. Ha ha Ralphie!

      Perfect observation on Metro sexual Kody, Amused! I have noticed we have allot of blubbering on the couch segments and allot of goofy self centered shinanigans of this boy-man. And then TLC throws in these way over the top macho activities that are so not what we know Kody to be. Kody Enters the Ring, Boys Night on the Town, a now Let's go a Shootin'
      Let's be honest, Kody wasn't all state wrestling for the letterman jacket.

  19. Love the 'A Christmas Story' reference, Amused!! Perfect!!

  20. RoBUN was getting so excited when the brothers came over, maybe she was getting that "buzz?" After all, they had motorcycles parked on the street, guns, and not so many wives and kids.

    The younger brother was thinking "no way in the celestial afterlife am I ever getting this many kids but maybe Kody will give me the secret to hair since I have none."

    Truely was thinking "someone to pay attention to me! oops, nope, the brat is pretending to hug me but really she wants to take the attention away from me." I worry about her, Christine has said that Truely really doesn't talk. She seems to be physically developmentally appropriate, but I sincerely hope her speech delay is just that no one except Christine and Hunter speak to her.

    It's just not fair to say anything about Kody in this clip, come one ladies! It's just too easy. Well, maybe just that Kody was in heaven-motorcycles, GUNS, brothers acknowledging that Kind Kody is the bomb, GUNS, TV crew, GUNS, and surely getting some lovin tonight. I didn't throw in squirrel this time as now GUNS have replaced it in his ADHD distraction. Did Kody read our minds and know we all needed that laugh? It was just too easy this clip.

    1. I don't believe Michael is losing his hair - he just keeps it short, just like a lot of guys his age - you can see it's very very dark on top and the sides. he has it cut that way on purpose. I do think that Robyn's daughter was behaving badly because she probably had a little crush on him - as CJ said, she WAS getting in his face, trying to jump up and get his attention etc. Robyn should have stopped that and calmed her down, because I'll bet Michael was getting pretty annoyed...

  21. well, so glad to be educated by Robyn that the beginning of the spiritual quest for a new wife starts with "a little buzz" from either the plyg hubby or one of his wives or the new girl herself. i love how there's nothing mentioned about fasting and prayer in such a religious undertaking. oh my , god does move in mysterious ways. deep thoughts by Robyn Handy.

    and of course, it's her oldest daughter squealing loud and running to answer the door w/Kody and jumping onto the stranger guy. she's a needy little thing just like momma. she'll be preggie and married by the time she's 18.

    first impression - his brothers seem as doofy and goofy as Grody.

  22. I'm so sick of these people flitting around doing dumb stuff they can't afford. They keep talking about "family" - how about showing them taking the kids to a ball game, helping them with their homework, making supper, reading a book, or having a friend over? (Well, I understand why they don't usually show the kids with their friends.)

    1. Great point Mary. Showing some REAL family time would be a treat. AND less focus on the 'all mighty' husband already!

    2. My guess is we're gonna be seeing another trip with Janelle and her kids because Hunter tweeted to one of his friends the other night that he wouldn't be over later because they had "to film". Janelle tweeted today that one of her teenaged boys said the vacation would be "psychologically damaging", but that everyone else was having fun.

  23. My first posting. Love this blog. Have never watched the show and don't plan to. Love the blog. I have to reward myself with it between work projects!
    I have learned to tolerate guns living in the South where there is a lot of hunting. However, MACHINE GUNS???? That is frightening. Really.

  24. Why is EVERY show about Kody BARF BARF BARF

  25. Poor Truely - that darling little child - it breaks my heart to see her, Christine calls her "petite" but it looks like something else. Why don't we ever see them taking their children for regular pediatrician visits? When my kids were little it seems they went every 6 months until they were 2 years old. I hope she has been examined by a real doctor (not an AUB pretend doctor).

    Robyn should have kept her daughter on a tight leash when those brothers came in. It was not her place to play the "favorite niece" act. I suppose the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. But it's telling that the rest of the kids didn't rush to the door. So much for "family" being important.

    I also don't care about Kody's fascination with guns. Many people enjoy shooting as a hobby or even just appreciating the mechanical aspects of weapons for their own sake.

    Thank you CJ for maintaining such a great blog - I commend you on your monitoring skills. I love that other people do such research to present on this blog - letting us know that Trainer Bill and Kody are separated now etc. Thank you all for that. Their world of "friends" seem to be shrinking right before our eyes!

    1. When Michael was trying to say hi & play w/ Truely, there was Robyns daughter right behind her, trying to get him to focus on her...smh..Now seriously that's a damn shame & Robyn does need to get that girl in check soon! But it really doesn't help, when Kody allows her to hang all over him & sit on his lap all the time. A few of us agree, that its obvious that Kody shows Robyns kids way more affection,than he does his other bio kids :/

    2. finally seeing realityJune 10, 2012 at 4:56 PM

      Did not realize that Truely does,nt talk. If not she should be seen by a doctor! There could be many reasons for this and intervention could help. I have a friend who has a 2 year old who has had speech therapy due to a sensory issue that slowed his speech development. A 2 year old should be talking at least some.

  26. Oh gosh, forgot to add this comment -

    Robyn said they get a "buzz" - if that isn't the most hilarious while simultaneously pathetic explanation of entering a polygamous relationship! Robyn, sweetie, you mean you get the "hots" and that's how you know....

    1. sounds like Meri got the buzz for Robyn and had to get Kody to agree to it.

  27. I bet I'm not the only one tired of all the yackety yack about the very deliberative, thoughtful, process of getting a sister wife. Yeah, we heard it. That's not what it looks like. It looks like even with 2 wives not caring for the additional of a wife at the time, and objecting to that wife with more kids, the wife comes no matter what the others say and feel. Talk the talk, fail to walk the walk.

    They only want to talk about this topic. It's boring folks. Learn something else. Be interesting. And believe it or not that person who comes up to you in a casino and squeals they'd like to be a sister wife, is probably not at all serious. But no, you guys take it like she really meant it, would be willing to come home with you right then and there. Don't think so. In almost all cases, Robyn, it's a joke, or just something to say. Would you rather they start chatting about the futures market or hedge funds or super colliders?

  28. My observations on this clip ... they do all seem so happy to interact with someone outside of the core family. I've also noticed that the kids often interact with the cameramen. You can hear side comments, for instance when Kody was given the firearm for Christmas, one of the sons is talking to the cameraman. So now these uncles come along and they are all just giddy about it.

    Questions for mainstream mormons ... do the Brown's resemble mormon's at all? We keep comparing them to mormon's and think of them as fundamentalist type mormons, or an offshoot of an older practice, but from an outside (non-mormon) the Brown's don't strike me as mormon. I know they are not, but AUB, but the mormon's I know a more polished, even the children. They do things all boys and girls do, such as stand in line for book signings on their favorite young-adult novels, and go to movies (albeit G and PG); they go to church or study every morning and generally have large families. That's the only similarity I see ... is that they have large families. I can't see my daughter's mormon friend's parents getting excited about assault weapons.

    1. Hello, all. I stumbled on your fantastic site earlier this week while doing a bankruptcy google search on Christine. I've been fascinated ever since. This is my first comment.
      Cat: My LDS family lives in Utah. The Browns don't behave much differently than the lesser educated members of my extended family. Like any large group of people, non-fundie Mormons are generally unrecognizable from similarly placed socio-economic compatriots in the larger community, especially once you move further away from Utah. The thing that always gives them away is the large family size. And that's been changing. They tend to be a bit insular, however this stems from prejudice that can happen in the larger community. I know a great deal about that one, having had a huge Mormon chip on my shoulder and the great Temple Wars in Dallas in the 1980's.

    2. i have lots of mormon relatives, too. in and outside of Utah. Mormon families come in all shapes and sizes and levels of education. we have some that are very affluent and highly educated and we have blue collar small-town old school mormons that i'm closely related to. For the most part, they've evolved from getting married so young as well as more focused on the importance of education and careers. i think that's cause they've evolved more away from so much of the Mormon farming families that used to be huge and prevalent - especially in utah and idaho.

      there's quite a bit of difference in the "worship" and church activity focus tho of the Browns vs. my mainstream mormon relatives. they are ALWAYS at some church meeting, calling or teen activity.

    3. There are some similarities. But they are few and far between. For me it's hard to watch them talk about Heavenly Father & Joseph Smith because they are so far removed from the LDS church. Not all LDS families are big. I happen to come from a large family -- the oldest of 8 -- but my father had only 2 children in his family. I have some friends who only have 1 and others have none. I think the activity in the church has to do with not having any other AUB members in Vegas. If our family were to move to a location where there were no other LDS members we would not have a lot of activities & church callings either. And we would hold church in our home. Our family lives in the Midwest. We have a small ward (congregation) and don't have many activities either as some members have an hour drive both ways to the church building.

  29. What in the hell is their meaning of "buzz"? Is is their plig interpretation of lust or covet? Someone please enlighten me!
    Seriously, to me, all of their lies, shenanigans, schemes, & all centered around Kody episodes are mentally exhausting & more like a **Buzz kill**

    1. i think it's supposed to be the prompting of the Holy Ghost but i think that's too hard for Robyn to recall so, "buzz" was the operative word for her. lol

    2. "so 'buzz' was the operative word for her"



    3. hahaha "buzz kill"...catching a buzz is one way to watch this show, it all makes so much sense then...pass to the right please.

  30. I have read this blog a lot and love to read the comments. I would like to add a few things though. Kody's brother with the short sleeves is not a polgamist he left the religion in college I think and his wife never has been a member. They do get paid for the show, but first it was listed as a bonus, with the first being in the six figures. Also I belive TLC picks up the tabs for their homes as long as they are filming. If they are smart finacially they should be doing very well.
    Robyn was married to a Jessop but he only had one wife and I believe he struggled with depression and that's part of made her marriage so hard. However, no divorce is one sided and she never did marry him in the "temple".
    This show is a only the truth that gets edited in. It is definately not the entire story!!

    1. Anon @7:34, sounds like you may have a little inside knowledge of them or at least of the lifestyle. What's your opinion about whether or not they will stay in LV and possibly forge a "new" church in order to accommodate their lax spiritual ways or do you think this is all for the money and they'll return to a more inclusive AUB community? Thanks if you feel like answering!

  31. KodysUglyKonvertible JanellesNewMinivan WherestheLexusandJalopyJune 9, 2012 at 7:44 PM

    Someone above (linnet?) mentioned something about taxes and I believe CJ mentioned bankruptcies on credit reports. Here's my 2 cents on those topics....I used to work for one of the big 3 credit bureaus. Any derogatory information (from collections to simply late payments) can remain on a credit report for about 7 years.. A bankruptcy can remain on a credit report for a minimum of 10 years. Of course, any derogatory information can linger longer. It depends on the creditors involved, how timely they feel like being in their reporting and the situation. The worst part is that the damage from bankruptcy or any derogatory information can linger indefinitely as a part of your credit (or FICO) score. So, even when the negative info. disappears from your credit report, that information continues to impact your credit score indefinitely. I can only imagine what the mortgage officer looked like when she pulled their credit reports! Most likely, the only reason they qualified for mortgage loans with a 40% down payment was because of their income from TLC.

    Linnet's post above reminded me of something that happened to me within the last 2 years. My husband was presented with a job opportunity that would have required us to move to Vegas. In our research to determine if we should make the move, we spoke with an accountant. He told us that if we did move there, we should open a small business and get in licensed in Nevada. He told us that even if we did not do anything with the business, we could use it for a multitude of tax write offs. Cell phone? Car? Lap top? All write offs! Anyone notice a correlation to the Browns and their shows this season? Trip to California (Disneyland) to discuss entertainment? Write off! No wonder the Browns were in such a hurry to leave Utah! They needed to incorporate Brown Family Enterprises and get started with milking all the benefits. Sheessh! Why did it tale me so long to put that together!?!

    1. @KUKJNMWLJ Thanks for the confirmation about the whole bogus business thing. Most of us had speculated about that and it seems we were pretty close to reality. Kody Brown Family Entertainment; Fundamental Fitness; Liv and My Sister Wife's Closet, Janelle's pantry thing--yup, there's one for each household. The new, post wefare chapter in their lives--subtitled "Bleeding the Beast, Corporate Style" LOL.

    2. Yes, yes...this was a plot line on Big Love. It was all explained to Bill Herickson the same as you all have explained above. Nevada is known to be the "Shell Corporation Capital"

      Perfect ...linnet-"Bleeding the Beast, Corprorate Style" Sooooo funny!

    3. Just as suspected !! All the businesses are simply for the paperwork necessary to get the write-offs.
      No need to do anything like *real work* except to make a public half-assed attempt to say that the business has been officially filed. And haven't TLC and Twitter/FB just been the perfect vehicles for that !?!?

      This group may be formally uneducated and socially inept, however, they are quite schooled in the art of *the scam.* Apply for food stamps, run up debt, stick the creditors, file bankruptcies, skip town to a more fertile climate for scams and phony businesses....and the beat goes on.
      Guess this too is all part of the education/training to be 'their' version of being plygs. Now that the cat is put of the bag about the real deal about their "finite resources" and how they go about securing them...can't really see the show lasting much longer.

    4. And more than likely, attaining business credit cards or credit lines by saying "Brown Family Entertainment LLC made x much in 2011/12..." then running them up. I bet thats how they paid for that Mac...

  32. Caramel Brownie,
    I think *SO Sad* had the perfect explanation.....yep, it is the equivalent of having "the hots."
    Since their lifestyle is all about forever trolling for new bed-mates and potential incubators, apparently there is a coding system for whom may be an appropriate candidate...there is "a buzz."
    Wow, how sophisticated and reliable ??!!

    Wonder if they have ever considered that "the buzz" may simply be a fleeting thing that many *adults* may experience from time to time about another person...without any interaction ????

    But then again, if Robchin...current resident expert of all things plyg....says it, then it must be true.

    1. Yes Amused & So Sad, "the hots" pretty much sums it
      So, I wonder what some of the plig pick up lines are when they're out trolling for new young prospects? or do they scope em' out from across the room to initiate eye contact to see if a "buzz" is generated??

  33. I've been ponder old DPJ. Has it occurred to anyone else that he has Asperger's. Emotional and Verbal abuse, and anti-social behavior would not be a surprise from someone with Aspergers raised in an uneducated community. Just a thought.

    1. That could possibly be. My son is autistic (very high functioning) and he has gotten much better as he's gotten older, but he still overreacts for no reason and yells at you if you ask him a question.If you ask him why he does this he'll tell you that he doesn't know why.

      When I look at my son, I see features of his personality that match my father, so I don't doubt my dad may have been autistic as well. I also think that I have some asperger's/autistic characteristics (very awkward socially). Autism can run in families.

      Honestly though, I am a special ed teacher and I don't think that Dayton has Asperger's , he is a mid-level functioning autistic.

  34. BC said:
    "And believe it or not that person who comes up to you in a casino and squeals they'd like to be a sister wife, is probably not at all serious. But no, you guys take it like she really meant it, would be willing to come home with you right then and there. Don't think so. In almost all cases, Robyn, it's a joke, or just something to say."

    This. I hope they do read this blog and realize that those women aren't really serious. They should know how hard it is to find a wife to join their harem. Didn't they say themselves that they've failed at least a few courtships?

  35. The thing that irritates me the most is the way that Robyn-No-Chin seems to be the expert on everything from how all the wives feel to how they pick another wife. Now, I would much rather hear from Janelle or Christine; of course, I don't hide the fact that I think RNC is a real piece of work. Sadly, in the environment in which she is raising her children, and the overt display of affection that the girls pay to men with whom they have no real biological or previous relationship with, it will only be a matter of time, if they are not watched, before something will happen to them. You never see Janelle or Christine's girls running and jumping around in the center of the room.

    I agree that TLC is fast running out of ideas for keeping these people on TV. It is so clear that they are limited not only in being fascinating but also entertaining. I am so ready for the next freak show that TLC will unveil. Come on now, you can do better than this.

  36. Not sure if anyone has mentioned the SW episode for June 24th: Leaving The Nest

    Episode Synopsis: Logan decides on a college to attend as his high school graduation approaches, while Kody & his wives are one step closer to bringing the family together.

    1. Hmmmm....The lease is up on their rentals in January, so I would imagine they found 4 cheaper houses that are closer together. And with the help of "friends" they come up with the 40% down payment.

    2. Why do they need to buy a new house? They have one in Lehi and adding to it for Robyn will definately be cheaper! They won't be persecuted anymore so no reason to stay in LV!

    3. OR...moving back to Lehi perhaps...?
      I have a VERY difficult time believing that the Browns have friends willing to give them the $$...interesting.

      I hope Logan gets to go on his own to college and be independent. He deserves it!

    4. The reason to stay in Las Vegas is that they love it. All the adults are having the times of their lives. Especially Kody, and everybody caters to him to keep him happy. Bright lights and big city have been a blast for all of them.

    5. Lol BC god forbid the Browns should act in a practical fashion or do something for the sake of their kids...

      Now I'm gonna hear that Cee Lo Green song "Bright Lights Bigger City" in my head for the next 15 minutes!

    6. Maybe if Logan chooses to go to college in Utah, then that will be another "escape route" for the Browns to use as an excuse to move back to Lehi.
      Hopefully, they won't expect Logan to come home on weekends to help out either. That would be totally selfish on their part....Once Logan gets a taste of college & dorm life, I think he'll love it!!

  37. Thanks for the insights AnonymousJune 9, 2012 7:34 PM telling us that "Kody's brother with the short sleeves is not a polgamist he left the religion in college I think and his wife never has been a member." I can imagine that he was telling his wife that he had her and didn't need another woman to make him happy. That would explain the look on Janelle's face as he is hugging his wife and talking to her. The fact that Robyn didn't marry her Jessop husband in the "temple" (which incidentally AUB call the "OB" or "ordinance building") tells me that neither of them were that committed. Alternatively it could mean that either one or both had done something that made them "unworthy" to be married there. It also helps to explain Robyn's Victoria's Secret overkill - no temple marriage = no long undergarments. Since undies are supposed to be worn OVER the garments -the effect of VS would be kind of ruined!

  38. In my opinion I would think since the emphasis is always about "Family" that it would be imperative to have 1 house and they all dwell as a family. Am I right or is that not the common way that polygamist live? I am not to educated when it comes to their beliefs but the family unit needs to be together, NOT in 4 different homes especially when they are so bad off financially. They could try to have the set up like Big Love too. I don't get why Meri's butt isn't working???? I can see that Christine and Robyn would stay home ONLY because of the babies but I don't get Meri's laziness to contribute financially that way. Janelle obviously will work. Something about people who are in it for free rides drives me nuts and thats how I feel about Robyn, am I the only one who feels that way? I used to be all for them but since I've started on this blog you all have opened my eyes!!

    1. I agree with everything you said. I too thought about the importance of the Browns living in one house. To me, a family unit is a family that lives together as one in one unit. Growing and developing together as a family unit, supporting and loving each other on a daily basis. To Truly, Kody is just a man that comes one night and doesn't come back for days later, not even able to comprehend that this is her daddy and that they are family. She will never get to know her father the way every little girl deserves. Not unless Kody wises up and moves everyone into one house, and stop vacationing and start familiationing.

    2. I agree as well. I'm beginning to wonder if TLC has footed the bill for the rent on the homes to create more drama. Think about it. Everyone is saying they don't make that much. I know what my husband and I make, with two children still at home....and we have our mortgage and then we have rent on the our business space. We have double bills every month, and it is not cheap. I can't fathom having 4 homes to cover (and I would guess the rent is a pretty good amount since they are good size homes) 4 sets of utility bills, and all the trimmings it takes to run those homes...along with 17 kids. So now I wonder if they didn't offer to pay for the rent so they could add drama to the show.

  39. The brother with the short sleeves looks exactly like Kody--are they twins?

  40. The Sister Wives are working. They are getting paid by TLC. While I don't think it's a fortune, I do think it's enough to live on. Maybe Exreme Home Makeover will come build them a giant house with four kitchens and enough bedrooms for every kid, and room to grow in case they add another wife. :) -- Cat

    1. Is that show even still on the air??? Besides I don't see any type of a sob story here. An S.O.B story...yeah. Lol

  41. Here's a thought~ if Kody and klowns can't tear themselves away from the bright lights and lucrative scam ops, maybe he will encourage his brothers to move there and begin an offshoot org. They could get the buzz too and start adding wives w/o the bother of strict doctrine.
    Kody can get more tax breaks with his own church and have his own planet kody right now, on earth.
    They could do away with the hot undergarments and any other restrictive elements. It would be more like a free love society type deal. Holy spirit to Kody might simply be his invisible Squirrel whispering in his ear.

  42. Not related to the Brown Bros, but just found this on YouTube - Penn & Teller's very entertaining (and PG-13 rated) expose on MLMs:

    Part 1;
    Part 2:

    This will give you an idea of what the adults are doing for an (ahem!) living, and why it's such a it's far more entertaining to watch that SW! lol

  43. They won't leave LV because there's so much more "buzzing" available there.

  44. I agree with CJ that Robyn's little girl might have had a thimble full (or tumbler) of the green stuff! I watched the clip a few times and that kid is jacked up.
    She's over the top when the door opens and she's still hyper when the bro is trying to get Truly's attention and you know that those clips are probably not real time.
    Magic uterus woman better take note because her girl seems to want lots of attention. The apple hasn't fallen very far from the tree.

    1. LOL - "magic uterus woman" - good one!

  45. After watching this video I realized for the first time how neglected Robyn's children are in all this mess. I mean I know they are neglected except for Robyn's baby, Solomon, and so are all the other children; especially Truly. What I mean is Robyn's first three children are not in any way familiar with this family lifesyle; when Robyn and Kody first met and married, Robyn's children barely knew Kody and the rest of the family. How is this normal? Everything happened so fast. What are Robyn's children thinking thru all this? They must be very confused about what a real marriage is suppose to be. And all the children are seeing the jealousy and negative (& childish) behavior from their mothers. The older children, they must be used to it. In their own minds they are probably thinking how much they want to get away from all this drama and find some kind of peace in their lives. As for the middle children, as more time goes on and they grow into their teens they will have angrier issues to deal with, even more so than their older siblings do now because they will be seeing things in a whole different light now that they have been exposed. I am especially concerned for Robyn's children because they were not born into this lifestyle. They were married into it and that makes a big difference. I hope TLC reads this and sees that someone is looking out for these kids, they all need someone to show them they are okay. Where is the father of Robyn's children? I doubt they are getting a true father and son/daughter relationship from Kody. I doubt it because he did not intervene when his two boys got physical with each other; & one was left with a bloody nose. That man has no courage, no wisdom, and lacks confidence. I wonder how much of a mamma's boy Kody really is.....hmmmmmm, I wonder.

    1. Jackie Russell, I so agree with you....when parents don't put their kids first, the kids ALWAYS's really sad to see this played out on TV for all the world to see, just like it did for the Gosselin kids....but rest assured TLC is NOT looking out for these kids, they only look out for the bottom line: money

  46. Let's put some perspective on this issue of income, OK? The median YEARLY household income for a household of 7 people (adults and children) in Nevada is $89,000+. For a household with five members, it is $74,000+. If the husband is working and making $50,000, the wife can work part-time and make $24,000 and that number is reached easily. I mean, half the families with 3 children in Nevada are doing it, right?

    Then we get to the Browns. Keep in mind that we aren't dealing with ONE household, but FOUR. A household of 10 (like the Gosselins)in Nevada has a median income of $112,000 and that is meager, IMO. To reach that amount, all you need is two adults making $56,000 per year and if one is a nurse, like Kate Gosselin, I don't see that as a problem.

    But the Browns have decided they need four separate households or four separate FAMILIES. To get by, TLC would have to be paying the Browns at least $280,000 and I seriously doubt they are. If they received $120,000 that is only $30,000 per family, and that is NOT getting by. And they are not filming year-round, or even half a year. They film for a few months a year, correct? I don't consider that working. The Browns historically have not supported their family and they have no intention of doing so now. These people are some of the laziest, most unproductive people that I have ever heard of. Meri was only making $600 per month in 2005. That is ridiculous. She had a built-in baby-sitter in Christine and should have been working many more hours. These people have no concept of how much is needed to raise children in our economy AND they have no desire to actually put in hours working. Even Janelle, Miss "I have a degree in accounting and I love working, but I am not going to disclose when I got the degree, what it is, or where I got it, because then somebody might actully offer me a JOB."

    1. Janelle probably got her "education" paid by the state as a "Single" mother.... THAT'S why she doesn't want to talk about it.

    2. I've read that TLC is paying each adult $75,000.00 per episode. That's pretty good if it's right. But the show won't be around for long so they'd better get some other things going for them.

    3. Somehow I am haivng a feeling they are *still* wrecking up massive credit card debts, as it must be a lot easier now to get a cc than before.
      Do some of them still get foodstamps?

    4. Very good summary. My personal that TLC is paying the Browns maybe $250k a season. They paid off their credit cards...then the issuers increased their credit limits...they applied for more cards on the strength of their TLC income...and now basically they are living on credit. Creative financing. Again, just my theory...

    5. You make some good points, Anon. I think that their financial problems stem from the same source as their other problems....they are living in la-la land. Maybe someone needs to forward them that "You are not special" graduation speech that was in the news recently.

      IMO, even if they were making millions from TLC (or any of their "businesses") they would run through it all as quickly as they earned it and still be in debt. They have no idea how to save or invest or plan for the future. They'd spend it all on cars, electronics, eating out, fancy undies (Robyn), and any number of other forms of instant gratification.

    6. I think $75,000.00 is a bit high. I heard through a friend who is close to someone on the show that the Brown's made a horrible deal. They were so hard up for money, that they signed up for 5 years at $3,000 a show. Basically they are slaves to TLC. That's why they wrote the book and do that multi level market stuff. Kind of makes sense now.

    7. I've read that TLC is paying each adult $75,000.00 per episode. That's pretty good if it's right.

      Pulling out my calculator, that would be approx $4.5 million a season (considering 5 adults and 12 episodes/season). That is WAY out of range for a typical reality star - Nene Leakes only makes $750,000 a season and her reality show is highly rated on Bravo network. A lesser housewife, recently fired, admitted to receiving $300,000 per season. The Browns probably are in the $250K/season range TOPS.

  47. OK Hope it's alright to post this here. It on the new episode coming up tonight where the older kids go back to Utah and visit their old home. Didn't see a blog for that here.

    Anyhoo.... Didn't they rent that house out??? Otherwise did the bank have to foreclose on it after they left? Or are they still making payments on that home? This is just too stupid. They should just move back to the Big House in Utah.

    1. The Lehi house apparently is being rented to family members(?)At least, it is family members living there now.

  48. geesh... After reading a post talking about it somewhere above, I made the mistake of going to SW TLC's official site and that newest vid of them discussing if they're each done w/babies or not is just stupid. it's embarrassing how juvenile and lame their joking is with each other. they all cackle laugh so much that you keep thinking you actually missed something truly funny. I would die of boredom hanging out an evening w/these people. Their world is just so small and undeveloped. Do they ever say anything truly funny or profound?


      So true, on many different levels!!!


      When they do, please let us know! All I keep hearing are trumped up lies, excuses, contradictions, & pipe dreams. :D

  49. I have been reading this for months and love it. But i had to comment. I am mormon and these people have nothing in common. It seems to me they pick and choose the things they want from the mormon faith and disregard those things they dont like. All the families intermarried. all the welfare fraud, and frankly kody himself are just creepy. I have always enjoyed TLC, but the sooner this stupid show is cancelled the better.

  50. i thought the mormon religion didn't drink alchohol? on tonights show he and his brothers were all drinking beer..and for christine who says, "i didn't want just a man, i wanted a family," she is the most jealous of the other wives....

    1. Even though they were in the bar, only one brother, who doesn't practice or believe in their faith, is a non-denomination Christian & he's the only one who ordered a beer. Kody & Scott ordered water, & the bartenders face was priceless, I must

    2. lisbethice, the Brown's don't resemble mormon's to me, either. I'm not mormon, so I hope it assure you that I see few similarities. My daughter has friends who are LDS's, and the only thing thing I see that's similar is the large family, though Kody's is way larger. Mormon families here are very active in sports, scouting, orchestra, etc. If the Brown kids are living an active, engaged life, the camera's aren't showing it.

  51. OK guys...I am watching this episode and Kody says that he and his brothers came from a polygamous family in fact two of the brothers ARE polygamous marriages... one more on the way.......

    Correct me on this... I thought MERI introduced Kody to polygamy and encouraged him to it???

    Now Kody is saying his family already WERE polygamists???

    1. Actually, it was Kody's mother who was originally interested in following fundamentalism, and eventually introduced her family (and husband Winn) to the polygamous lifestyle/religion (Kody was 14 yrs old). It was while Kody was away on LDS mission that he learned of his parent's excommunication from the LDS church (he was 19) for becoming fundamentalists. When he came home, he was reluctant to give up being LDS but he soon met Meri, fell in love and had to convert in order to marry her. Lucky for him, he felt the calling and converted to fundamentalism. This is summarized from their book Becoming Sister Wives.

  52. OMG! We just saw "Uncle Adam" this is Janelles' first husband, Meri's brother...correct?

  53. Thoughts so far ... Meri's couch hair is good tonight; I feel bad commenting on the young children, but the one girl (is it Robyn's daughter), is abnormally clingy. This is not safe. Robyn's belly seems to be baby fat, not pregnant, but we'll see. There do seem to be times they have fun, like the miniature golf. But every moment of fun their having must be constantly alternating with pangs of jealousy. IMHO. As for their old home ... why is there fresh fruit in there?

    1. They said that Aunt Rebekah which is Meri's sister, is living there.

    2. They rented it out and the tenants are better at decorating, per Hunter.

  54. I'm screaming at the tv already, really Robyn making a heart necklace, how unique! NOT!! I believe Jane Seymour has that one covered and its beautiful, get a job and quit trying to make some quick money being lazy. If they are so religious maybe they missed the part in the Bible where God says that a man who DOESNT work to feed his family is worse then an infidel....Did they miss that? I used to like this group, I was uneducated for sure!

    1. In regards to Jane Seymour, I was totally thinking the same thing Retro Wifey. She has the Open Hearts Collection & she also has a "dancing hearts design too. All I know, is that "Robyn's" sketch designs looked eerily similar to those of Jane Seymours collection.
      Brown's really need to tread carefully with this biz venture or they'll be dealing w/ another lawsuit, & this time it will be against them.

    2. i thought Robyn's sketches looked eerily similar to those of a third grader's. ;')

      they seriously think people connect Sister Wives with Strong Women? then they'd better knock off all the constant tears, whining and passive/aggressive crap. oh yeah - and also the worship and sleeping w/the same mancub.

    3. Robyn looked like she was going to cry or call Janelle a bitch when Janelle pointed at one of the awesome unique designs and said, "i don't like that one. it looks like it says i'm 5!" omg - good hit Janelle. but you'll pay for it when Robyn gets alone w/Kody and tells him how bad that hoit her widdle fee-wings."

    4. SW's Closet is not going to thrive. I like the show, but I am not about to wear their jewelry. While I might argue their right to live that lifestyle (within the guidelines of being able to support everyone), I do not condone it and wouldn't wear the jewelry. There might be more polygamists than I can imagine, but I don't think the SW's of TLC are going to saturate that market. The "diversity" of the group is not going to drive sales when the product has no market.

    5. LOL I forgot about that Janelle comment! Good One Janelle! She hit the nail on the head, looks like a very child like drawing...

    6. In regard to the jewelry scene, did anyone else notice that Kody has basically chosen to pursue Robyn's business at the expense of Janelle's business? To quote Meri "Robyn, Robyn, Robyn" This chick really DOES get her way ALL the time!

  55. where in the world did he find such a gay motorcycle jacket??? O.M.G.

  56. OMG..I want to see the swishy jacket but I'm not going to watch it. CJ please show a pic later.
    I have friends who would eat him alive over being such a wannabe biker.
    Hey! And I thought alcohol was a no no?

    1. well, ANONY J - then along w/his fabulous Village People biker jacket i'll also let you know he kept saying he was going on a motorcycle drive until Meri corrected him and made him call it a ride. lol

    2. LOL! Instead of "the bitch fell off " he might ought to consider keeping The B with him, she's more manly than he is!
      Ok grandpa...let's go for a drive
      I might have to watch it, this one sounds too funny

  57. Wow !!!
    The bs and just plain stupid, stupid crap in these episodes require not a shovel, more like a bulldozer.
    Yes, lies, contradictions, trumped up minutia, contrived plots, inane dialogue....on and on.

    Just going to wait for CJ's expertise in segmenting it all for SWB.
    Take some Pepcids, may need them.

    1. She may need something a lil stronger More like a xanax fueled

  58. & even still, after 1 month since the season premiere, when we were told about Sister Wife's Closet, there is still no website up for it. Even more so, its been over 6 months, since she's been interested in starting this biz...smh IMO, they've had plenty of time, to set up the website & execute this SWC biz venture, if they were serious about it. On tonights episode, they said, they would have to see if they had the extra $$ left over from the other biz to be able to launch this.... Something just isn't adding up with these characters & their pipe dreams.

    1. I agree! When Robyn was almost crying her tears and saying how they all have something to bring to the table with this, she's so ready blah blah I wanted to puke! Trying to make a buck easy is what I'm convinced they are best at. No different then scammers. I don't think the show will last much longer.

  59. I can't wait to read the reviews. The oldest kids are PISSED. They clearly miss Utah still. I don't blame them. Vegas is too brown for my tastes...

  60. Uh, oh, Robyn's green monster almost showed itself again tonight! In the motorcycle scene, when they're outside,& Robyn says, "HE SAID BRING ON THE LADIES?" ...Her eyes got a lil bug eyed & it kind of sounded like she was a bit surprised, but also w/ a whiny & accusing tone. ....Lol

  61. As far as Mona delivering them a 2nd glimmer of hope, she was basically telling them to pay off ALL of their past debt, to clean up their credit scores, so they would be able to qualify for more traditional financing.
    Hell, she should've told them this, LAST YEAR, when they first tried to qualify for financing. Or maybe she did & they just didn't want to listen.
    If they were business savvy & smart, that would've been the 1st thing they did, or at least attempted to pay some of their debt off, bcuz by now, that would've raised their credit score higher.

  62. I do have to say that if I went to visit my family in Vegas, they better not take my ass to no damn craft pottery place to "show me a good time"....HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

    Come on seriously?? That's the best the best they could do? Well, since Christine did say doing Vegas 'Brown Style', I shouldn't be surprised nor should I expect

    1. WORD!!!

      There are SO many neat places...Heck, one memorable time I was in Vegas (it was like the late 1990s) we went antiquing, drove around this neighborhood looking for Liberace's old house (it has a big L on it), had a pleasant conversation with the security patrol in said neighborhood who wanted to know what the hell 3 women and a guy were doing driving up and down streets (we were actually reported by the residents - thank god it wasn't the real police!) - and it was the security patrol who told us where the house was located! And we got lost and couldn't find the strip!

      And, of course, SHOPPING!!!!

    2. why on earth would you go to a pottery craft shop in Vegas when those are everywhere in every city? big whoop for something exciting and different for your visitor. i'm sure the mono wife was thinking, "I shaved my legs for this?"

      and why does Robyn still get her fake nails done??

    3. Good, old fashiond LDS fun! I loved painting pottery...when I was 11. I was wondering about her nails too! Business must be good...

  63. Just finished watching tonight's episodes and could kick myself because the ONE episode I would want to rewatch (Meri's Family) I deleted from my DVR by accident. I wanted to rewatch and see the new family members we have never been introduced to before. When the kids were taking about going to Grandma's I couldn't figure out who Grandma could be. 3 of the kids were Jenelle's and we know that Wynn and Sheryl live in Wyoming. I was happy to see all the kids call Meri's mom Grandma and to see what looked like genuine affection for ALL the kids, not just Mariah. Looks like Meri's Mom welcomed Jenelles kids with open arms and it was very telling how comfortable the kids looked there. WOW, we got to see Adam. Jenelle's kids didn't seem to be uncomfortable around their mom's ex husband. I loved seeing the scenery in Utah. It looks so beautiful. What did everyone think about Christine ragging on Logan for cursing. I agree with Janelle, he is 18 years old, and with older teenagers the least attention you give them on those matters the faster they will go away. I wonder if the other kids get tired of Mariah's holier than thou attitude. I would probably be like Logan and tell her to STFU.

  64. I would be concerned for Robyn's daughter because she seems so open to predatory behavior. She seems to need so much male attention, what little girl doesn't, and isn't getting it from dad for sure and I'll take a guess and add mom in there as well. What with a new baby and an older brother with developmental issues, there can't be all that much left to give even from a good mother and I have some serious doubts that Robyn is what I would consider a 'good mother'. Men who would take advantage of a little girl know what they are looking for and she is it, not a lot of structure, an overwhelming need to please and almost a complete lack of a father figure. I hope for her sake that SOMEONE is looking out for her because what a shame it would be for her to be touched inappropriately because her "parents' are too stupid to pull their heads out of their butts.

    1. Anon@1:37... I have been reading these blogs for quite sometime and this is my very first post; what you stated is EXACTLY what I was thinking, but afraid to go "there". However, it would not be shocking to me if Robyns daughter was already victimised, or had some kind of exposure to something terrible. Not that I am making accusations, but I am certain of my hunch. Does anyone know the details of Robyns ex? Why he doesn't see his children? Makes you wonder... Robyn definitely needs to take her head out her celestial buzz and pay attention!

  65. Someone (I think the Anon ex-AUB) said something about men wearing long sleeves too. I knew the women had prayer garments, but does Kodouche wear these too? Does he tote them around in his tote bags?

    BTW the non-plyg bro looked unamused at the antics of the others. And seeing that sushi roll get squashed was sad.

  66. Ok seriously what are the producers of tlc thinking? Another business discusstion arounf the table followed by another meeting with the real estate agent. Ahh havent we seen this oh i dont know 20 times already????? Can tlc come up with nothing else?? Oh i guess we should be pleased with the scene of kody and his brothers in a casino bar drinking a beer wow taking a walk on the wild side arent you kody? Or are you trolling for number 5??? Please someone tell me what is real about this reality show? And is it just me, and i dont like to talk about kids but moriah seems like she has some real issues. Also robyns daughter. Why didnt someone tell her to sit down? I wonder if this little girl had even met kodys family before? She seems so hungry for attention. Its soo sad.

    1. I agree with you about Mariah. She completely overreacted by throwing that temper tantrum. Doesn't seem it was the first time if her siblings thought it was so funny, like they knew how she would react. So did she learn that bad behavior from Meri or Kody or both? I say she's channeling her mother!

    2. Mariah seems spoiled and bratty for coming from such a large brood. But then again, I guess she was always able to go home to the privacy of her quiet home w/her own bedroom when she'd had her fill of the clan.

      I thought it was interesting that Meri's parting advice to her when leaving for the trip was, "No fighting!" I'm sure that was fitting but worthless to Mariah.

  67. Does the AUB reassign wives? Is it possible that this is how Janelle ended up with Kody? Maybe why it took so long for their love story to begin? Meri wasn't popping out the babies and who knows what really happened with Janelle and her husband. Just a thought.

  68. We are now fast approaching the 200 comment mark, so I am going to open the posting for my review. The review will appear later today, but feel free to continue your discussions of "Brown Boys do Vegas".
