Monday, June 11, 2012

Review S04 Ep07: Brown Boys Do Vegas

In tonight's episode, we were introduced to three of Kody's nine  siblings. Kody's eldest brother Scott,  is a polygamist with 2 wives and 16 children.

Then there's Curtis, and his wife Erica who do not practice polygamy because he doesn't believe in plural marriage. In fact, he doesn't believe in the Book of Mormon either. He's just a Christian.

Youngest brother Michael is also a polygamist and is due to show up later, sans wife but on the lookout for his second - maybe.

After a few minutes of obligatory hugging, the boys decide to ride their choppers. For some reason, Kody decides to pull out the ugliest looking jacket with a dragon(?) on the back. I guess at one time it was fashionable, but, damn....

The boys hop on their choppers and cautiously ride to the oldest biker bar in Las Vegas. Now, if your religion prohibits drinking alcohol, and even being in a bar is prohibited, then why would you go to a bar? We're talking VEGAS here. Surely there was someplace these guys could have rode their choppers to that wasn't a bar!

Totally ridiculous segment.

 NOTE TO PRODUCERS: Who ever had the smart idea to have two guys who don't drink for religious reason go to a bar, they need to be FIRED for a DUMBASS idea.

After Kody looks at one of his many designer watches, he decides it's time to hit the road if they are going to be home when Michael arrives.

Hopping on their choppers, they scurry on home...carefully...

So while the boys were gone, what were the girls up to?

The girls went to...a paint your own pottery store.

NOTE TO PRODUCERS: HELLO! The Browns are not in Utah...they are in VEGAS! Show some real Vegas sights!  Show the boys walking down the strip checking out future wives to take home! Show the girls wandering into a museum, or art store or even a high end clothing boutique and have Christine ask for 12 bright colored baby doll blouses, size small.

Hells bells, doesn't Vegas have a couple of  dozen Victoria Secret Stores? I'm sure Robyn can teach her sister wives a thing or two about keeping the honeymoon alive with a sexy item  from VS!

What a snoozefest!

Anyway, I suppose Robyn can sell that crap they made in her My Sister Wife's Closet online store....whenever it actually goes online that is...
Back on the homefront, Michael finally arrives. Imagine his surprise when the door opens and Robyn's eldest daughter jumps in front of Kody, arms outstretched for a hug!

Haha, Michael deftly sidesteps the youngster to hug his older brother instead.

But wait, Robyn's youngest daughter shows how it's done. You have to distract your prey by pretending to hug the object of your prey's attention.

Haha, apparently Michael has had  experience with this type of attention grabbing. He just ignores the distraction and focuses on his target, Truely.

Guys night out. What a concept, and Kody wants to go shoot off his new 'weapon' he got for Christmas. And when Curtis learns he can rent his own 'weapon' he yells "Vegas is AWESOME!"

Whatever dudes....

After shooting  a gazillion noisy rounds off,  Kody says he just saved himself  "... a thousand dollars on  emotional  therapy with his psychologist. "

I fail to see the humor. And he should sue his psychologist for malpractice.

I chalk this up to a boy's thing...

Back on the home front, we find the women folk cooking up a mess of sushi. And judging from the way this sushi was being cut, it definitely was a mess....OUCH!

Erica's never had sushi before, so being a good sport, she says yes to sampling the Browns version of a California Roll (I think).

NOTE TO PRODUCERS: You missed a comedic opportunity by not spiking Erica's sushi  roll with wasabi. Okay, she did seem like a nice lady. Maybe they should have had an Iron Chef like competition with a secret ingredient like soft codfish roe! And blindfolded Meri and Robyn for a 'taste test'. Yeah, now we're talking!

Where the girls had homemade sushi, the boys sampled the Italian delights at Don Vito's, located in the South Point Hotel.

Of course, Kody had to embarrass his younger brother by noting Michael passed up  a 'sophisticated vinagrette' for ranch dressing on his salad. Hey Kody, Michael wanted ranch, OK? At least he's not a pretentious jackhole like you, know what I mean?

And leave Michael alone about getting a second wife!

The next day, Kody holds his obligatory Guests in the House religious service. With his family seated like in a church, Kody gives his sermon while his oldest brother watches.

Kody seems to have practiced his public speaking, however, he has a long way to go. I still don't understand what the heck he was talking about.

The difference between Scott and Kody was very apparent. Scott looked like an authority figure, while Kody looked like a surfer dude who wandered into the wrong house, at the wrong time.

Checking out the audience, looks like Aspyn was present, but Baby Sol was MIA. After the service was over, Kody quickly bid adieu to his brothers because he and the wives had to hurry over to Christine's house for a meeting with Mona, the real estate lady.

Of course Mona tries to put a positive spin on the castastrophe that occured last week with Tanya the loan officer. She tells them " Keep in mind we were actually rushing we were looking at unconventional financing."  Ever the cock-eyed optimist, Mona tells the Browns that since they are now looking primarily at the 4 vacant lots at the end of the cul-de-sac, it will give the Browns more time to work on their credit scores, improving their chances for finding traditional financing with a lower down payment.
NOTE TO PRODUCER: Send a sample of whatever Mona's been smoking to Cynical Jinx because it takes YEARS to clean up a CBR.

As the episode ends, the Browns have renewed hope of finding their new homes.

Yep, this show has definitely jumped the shark.


  1. Great review, CJ!

    When they did the painted pottery thing, I was like "really??" and then as we might have suspected, Meri was very grumpy about the whole excursion, grumping around that she isn't creative or crafty. Well, then, Meri why didn't you stay home and help take care of your bonus children? They were clearly getting freebies from the shop, so be grateful, pick something out and paint it. She is so ungracious and such a wet blanket - all the time! My opinion is that they showed them making sushi based on our snarking about their unhealthy food habits. I mean, not many people make their own sushi...and then making the sister-in-law eat a huge chunk that was not right! You know there had to be some peanut butter Fritos somewhere in that house.

    I actually liked the brothers. They seemed to be pretty cool and had decent attitudes and I liked the wife. They add a little credibility to Kody's claim that they are normal folk. Probably the point. But going to a biker bar and ordering a water is really lame. Why go to a bar at all if you are so high and mighty that you don't drink, or only if you aren't in Mexico.

    Who was it that said "it was nice having company for church because we get tired of hearing ourselves talk"? Kody did the evil eye flash at that comment.

    1. The "normal" wife is a non polygamist!

    2. The description you gave Meri is a great example of a **buzz kill** ...lmao

    3. lol that was Janelle who made the comment

    4. How can Meri claim she is not creative when every Christmas she makes all the kids pj's?

    5. Them lumbering into pottery barn was painful to much more unexciting can things get?

    6. LOL CPA Carol - you have a lot of good points - love the comment about the peanut butter Fritos! LOL Why not just eat a bucket of lard? I wouldn't want to do anything with Meri because she does that stupid nervous laugh 24/7. I don't know what Robyn sees in her, other than Meri can actually stand to be in the same room with her, which seems like more than most.

    7. finally seeing realityJune 13, 2012 at 7:18 AM

      I don't understand Meri and the ceramics scene. I do ceramics and as long as you use the right coverage of paint, almost all turn out well, if maybe not what you expected. Kody's oldest brother seems alot more invested in their religion than Kody does. Wonder what he thinks of Kody's lifestyle? I am a Christian and if I had a speaker(pastor) like Kody I would be looking for another church, as I expect some of the children will find out.

  2. Did anyone else pick up on the nonpolygamist brother's passive agressive preaching?

    1. Yup!! & Kody's look was priceless too!

    2. finally seeing realityJune 13, 2012 at 7:23 AM

      Sure did. Tought it was priceless. Surprised they even attended especially the wife. I am sure they did it out of respect. Surely K could not do anything to perswate these two to change religions. Hell Kody does'nt even live his religion expect polygomy. That is no basis for a religion. I did not agree with his interpetation of the scriptures.

  3. Clean up their credit?
    With all their bankruptcies and NO income from work?

  4. And forgive me if this is way out of line....but did anyone else think Mona had either had some uplifting work done or was maybe borrowing one of Robyn's Victoria's Secret Magic bras?

  5. Robyn just tweeted there's an anouncement on the way about her Sister Wife's Closet... "coming very soon" as she puts it! LOL

    1. Robin should be selling Sister Wives lingerie.

    2. U should tweet back, we'll believe it when we we see it!...Lol
      These yahoos are so eff'ing lame & ass backwards. They should've had this SWC website up & running & ready to take orders, LAST MONTH when they first premiered it!!...smh

    3. is the announcement that both Kody and Meri come out of the closet? ;')

    4. Ewwwww Piliocolobus, I just had a horrid thought! What if Robyn tries to bedazzle w/ her silly charm designs all her $1000 VS & sell it on SWC for profit?? o_O
      Ugghhhhhhh!! Robyn, please don't steal my idea either & use it for profit!....LOL!!

    5. Who is going to want to buy that stuff? I mean most people don't want polygamy jewelry. Noone is dumb enough to go, "Oh, since I'm not a polygamist, I'll just say that the SW stands for strong woman."

      Plus as others pointed out she is going to have a HUGE problem because those designs looked like Jane Seymour's. Robyn didn't create anything, she just remembered jewelry she's already seen, although I give her credit - she probably doesn't realize that. She's not too sharp.

      Anyone read their book and read about Robyn and her She-Ra persona. I guess it makes sense since Kody's hair looks like He-Man and no I'm not making this up. She actually had a She-Ra persona that would protect the real Robyn from hurt and pain. Bizarre doesn't even begin to cover this family.

    6. Ahhh... That explains it. The real Robyn didn't buy all that stuff from VS and run up her credit cards. It was her "protecting persona" She-Ra.

    7. finally seeing realityJune 13, 2012 at 7:28 AM

      I had to laugh at the jewelry. Who would want to wear jewelry that was a S and W, Sister wives? The strong woman thing is redicious. I am a strong woman and have no need to advertise it.

  6. AHAHAHAHA CJ! This review should be named, "How to make something out of nothing", and you did it!!! I want what Mona's smoking too!LOL!
    I swear, TLC wants them off their train. how much worse could it get?

  7. Maybe this isn't a big deal...maybe I'm really wrong, but I'm beginning to think that every episode this season has been cobbled together from random filming. I think that the brothers came into town BEFORE Sol was born. Half the time Robyn looks pregnant, then cut to a different scene/day/activity and she doesn't. Another case in point...when they "first" moved out to Vegas, they all got fake nails, including Janelle, you could watch the couch comments segments and see that over time, frugality or practicality won out and one by one, the ladies dropped this expense. Tonight, the nails were back (sans Janelle). There were obvious shots of older Kody (shorter/fluffier hair) thrown in here and there to capture certain expressions and soundbites. This show is so FAKE! As one of the children even said, "LV is brown all the time." We can't even use outdoor footage to gauge seasons. Just because there are red place mats on the table, doesn't mean it's really Valentine's Day...

    I think that the producers and editors went through ALL the taping they have done of this poor excuse for a family and have mixed and matched together a story line for this family to garner viewers (i.e., Meri's will she/won't she pregnancy, the new home(s), the multiple business ventures, etc.). However, the painful truth is that the Browns and this season are complete duds.

    I think the Browns' are huge liars and so is TLC. Both parties will use each other to get as much money as possible. When the gravy train ends, TLC will move onto fresh blood and the Browns will be left high and dry. I will believe nothing the cameras show us or anything that spews from Kody's mouth. Perhaps TLC should get a continuity department or at least hire a fiction writer or two to manufacture some "drama" worth watching.

    1. I have noticed that they are using footage from all over the place too and as Douchie would say it gives me the ick factor. I have noticed other reality shows doing it as well and it really seems to take away from the show and it's "integrity"hahahahaha

  8. ok, i couldn't get over the fact that TWO DUDES were riding one motorcycle. i don't know any straight men who do this unless there is a dire emergency (i.e., their motorcycle has a flat while out on a ride and they have to double up with someone.) i couldn't stop laughing!!!

    1. No kidding. My husband would have been running along beside them before he would get on the back of another man's motorcycle - brother or not.

  9. Did I read in a past post that Mary and Kody kept Robyn a secret from Janelle and Christine for quite awhile? Isn't that "cheating"? Karma's a b*tch ... I realize AUB members don't believe in Karma, but really, it's just another word for G-d's sense of humor.

    1. I'm guessing they doubled up because the Christian brother was planning on having a beer at the saloon. Even if he had only 1, TLC doesn't want to bree held accountable?

  10. was i the only one who noticed TWO DUDES riding a motorcycle together??? how weird was that?! i have never known 2 straight men to ride on a motorcycle together, unless it was a dire emergency. i couldn't stop laughing!!!

    1. I didn't get it either. if the guys had a ride planned, why weren't there 3 motorcycles rented or at least explain why they only rented two. how much fun was it to be in the bitch seat? it was probably the one who needed the drink at the bar! lol

    2. My husband and I are members of Harley Owners Group (HOG), and it's fodder for endless ribbing if one man "rides bitch" with another ... unless they are brothers or offspring, so it was ok. Likely the the third did not have a MC license, in which case it would be unsafe for him to ride. Did Kody ride that MC or was he "riding bitch?"

    3. i couldn't tell who it was. but i knew it was a harley faux pas for 2 men to double up on a motorcycle. both my dad and my father in law are harley riders and that is a big No NO! i also didn't know i posted a comment twice!! embarrassing! CJ feel free to delete one of them!! :)

    4. oh and somehow i just don't see a guy who wanted to go to a bar for 1 beer (when the other 2 were having water) would be the same guy to hop on the back of a motorcycle driven by another man. LOL

    5. well, then it would make sense to NOT go on a bike "drive" and NOT go to a bar. Only one brother was a biker and a drinker. it was stupid. and if it was to sell us on how manly Kody is then he shouldn't own a Liberace style jacket. I notice he took it off before he went into the bar tho. good idea.

    6. I thought Kody owned his own motorcycle?
      I'm thinking they only had 2 bikes, since afterall they were going to a biker's bar & since one of the brothers had 1 beer, they wanted to appear responsible & not let his brother drink & ride.
      Remember, Kody asking his brother if he was finished & ok to ride?? Which I thought was ridiculous...smh

    7. Alas, it wasn't Kody riding bitch. I was hoping it would be but no... Scott, the oldest brother, the one who doesn't bend the rules. Well, until that bike ride.

      Sigh. If only it were Kody, if only.

    8. i'm all for acting responsible, but i agree, you had ONE BEER - i think you can handle it, unless it's like, you're first beer, ever. but if i were the one who had the beer and kody said "uh are you ok to drive?" i would tell him to STFU.

  11. Agree with Mister Sister, huge congrats go to CJ!!! Takes a very talented writer to come up with a great review based on a show about ?? not much. Great job CJ! OMG, I totally missed Kody's dragon jacket, thanks (I think??) for the photo. LMAO. What an idiot. Review of Michael coming in the door/R's oldest daughter is priceless. Thanks for your review!

  12. that was seriously the gayest jacket ever! looked like he borrowed it from the Village People or the gay version of Grease. way too gaudy w/white piping or whatever plus all the studs that were angle cut to sparkle like rhinestones. I actually thought they were rhinestones at first. it also looked like it was black SUEDE leather.

    1. RE: Kody's Jacket.

      "Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting. . . " "those douches 'driving' their motorcycles [carefully, in the bitch seat] fast as lightening"

  13. Great review Cynical Jinx! I watch the show but always come to the blog to read your reviews. Gives me a laugh and a new perspective on these people. I agree it is very strange to go to a bar when 2 out of 3 don't drink. That look on the bartender's face was priceless! I could maybe understand going in there for the atmosphere but there was hardly anyone in there. And Christine saying they were going to show Erica a good ol Vegas time by going to paint pottery? I halfway thought she was being sarcastic. Did anyone else catch when Christine said she thought Erica would be a good sister wife but not to us and Meri mumbled that would be weird cause she's our sister in law? Hmmmm did Janelle not use to be your sister in law? These people...

    1. Definitely sarcastic and Robchin's idea..perfect point on the catch 22 with sister wives-in law thing. I didn't catch that. They are so stupid.

    2. probably a purposeful jab at Janelle

  14. I will say this:
    I'm glad Micheal ignored Robyn's girl. She needs to learn that is not appropriate. If he paid attention to her, it would just reinforce her behavior.

    Linnet, please do tell the Robyn white trash stories!
    At least one!

    I hope this show doesn't get renewed. however, I would love a "where are they know" in a couple of years or so. Wonder if they will all still be together and how they will deal with $ situation then. Bet you the atore, the gyn. even Liv will be a bust and over by then.

    1. Baylor,
      I respectfully disagree. My heart ached when I watched Aurora. Just hug the freaking kid already! Acknowledge her!!! I think the lack of attention Aurora receives is precisely why she behaves that why. She needs love and attention. She needs acknowledgment. Would it really hurt to have hugged and acknowledged her? She'd probably still been antsy--but perhaps not as much. In general, Aurora and probably all of Robchin kids (except Sol) do not get the attention they deserve and need. This attention includes positive reinforcement and, of course, discipline. Robchin obvious doesn't talk to her kids about appropriate behavior. It is not appropriate to want to hug any person (especially a man) that enters your home and is said to be a relative, but you've never met them and don't know how you are related etc. Boundaries need to be taught and I too worry about how vulnerable Aurora is to male predators.

    2. i agree Robyn's kids are crying out for love and are going to have Daddy issues two times over - from real and from Kody. ALL of Kody's kids are going to have daddy issues. It's not humanly possible for him to even spread himself thin enough to meet the emotional needs of those 4 emotionally needy women let alone to ever even have the time, energy nor desire to meet any kid's emotional needs. sad.

    3. Baylor you bring up a really important point about relatives - in AUB there is so much inter relatedness that children have gazillions of "aunts" "uncles" and suchlike - and even friends of the family are called aunt and uncle by kids. This means a real lack of boundaries where any yahoo walking through the door or living in a community claims to be family. It's a real setup for abuse. (Not suggesting there is a problem in the Brown family)

    4. I think Michael probably ignored the little girl cause he felt it awkwardly inappropriate instinctively to not just automatically hug back on some little girl that age just bounding up to him blindsiding him for a hug. but we've seen Robyn isn't there for them emotionally nor for teaching moments. it would be nice for her to notice and hug her little girls herself when she sees them being needy for it from a stranger.

    5. To me the whole scene with Michael arriving shows Christine's and Robyn's parenting styles. While Robyn never stepped forward to reign Aurora in, I noticed a few minutes later (after all the hugging is over but they are standing close together still) Christine quickly stopped one her girls from interrupting/trying to talk Michael while he was talking to his brothers.

      But I think one of the reason's why Michael ignored is because he doesn't have any kind of relationship with her, she is his brother's stepdaughter (only been a part of this family a little over 2 years), and the rest of the kids he has practically grown up with some of them given his age (especially the older ones... Logan, Aspyn, Mariah, etc), and for the rest of the children he's had a longer time to form a bond with them, so of course he'll want to see this children. Although, I did notice... no holding of baby!Sol by him.

    6. @Ex AUB I agree with you, and thought exactly the same thing. When my husband and I visit his huge family 10 siblings (all of which average 6 kids each) we are the "favorite" aunt and uncle because all the rest of them live around the corner, and they only see us every few years. They all fight desperately for individual attention because there are so many kids around and attention from us is "special", even if they are the favorite for another aunt or uncle. I can see how abuse could easily go on in these large families where children do not receive that much individual attention (especially among the middle kids).

  15. That episode was pitiful. Why are all the women acting so happy now. What happened to the "on the verge of tears" polyg sista wives. Sickening. How do they think they can qualify to mortgage 4 houses??? They have 17 children to support and hopefully put through college. But, because they have so many children they will probably get college for free.

    1. I think the infusion of TLC cash and pipe dreams of mansions kept em happy for a while. But now as that the houses have fell through and they are burning through cash with half dozen new cars, machine guns and Apple products I bettcha they will be crying soon.

  16. Someone commented in the last thread about how the teenagers had been taken from their home church/ward/group/whatever and thrust into “the world” in LV with no other AUB families around. And CPA Carol @1 (comments should be numbered here for easy referral, says the woman who’s never managed a blog) mentioned the church talk from Kody….

    As a PreachersKid, I can tell you that it’s terrible to have to sit and listen to your dad lecture you for an hour or so in a format that does not allow interruption or discussion. And that these kids do not have a group of other kids around who live in homes similar to theirs with beliefs (as loosely as they’re held) similar to theirs, must make Sundays awful and their faith distant.

    Echoing so many other people to say: if they were truly that interested in family, they would have either not moved and fought the law from Lehi or they would have moved to another state that has an AUB community. But they weren’t interested in preserving their tradition or maintaining their kids’ exposure to the faith community and we can see that with every Kody-centered, activity-based, home-searching episode.

    Their choices, their lives, but fuck, it’s hard to watch them do this stupid shit. (and yet I still watch)

  17. This was a tad bit interesting, the first few weeks it was on. As soon as all the lies started to surface, it is nothing more then nonsense. None of it is interesting now. I didn't even watch it at all last night. I think reality tv, is really a negative influence on all of our lives. We really need to focus on our own lives, not this dribble. I predict this will be the last season for the Browns. Does anyone if their ratings are steady? Are they falling?

  18. Also want a hit of what Mona's been smoking because I too have never heard of getting a credit score up that quickly...and is the bank going to approve them for all this money when this show is their main source of income. Oh yeah, I forgot about the pyramid scheme they're involved with.
    Did anyone else think that necklace design looked like a pair of boobs??..hideous, who's going to buy this shit?..
    Also, for people who hid to hide their lifestyle for so many years, I found it funny how kody is so gleeful when he announces they're pligs

    1. Actually, my family and I are in the processing of buying a house (or were in the process, long story) but it's very easy to raise your credit score in a few months. My rose 10 points in just a month by paying off some back debt and opening a secure low balance credit card and paying it off in full at the end of the month.

    2. The Browns probably need to raise their score by a couple of hundred points each. Take it from me, it is difficult to do in a short period of time.

    3. Kady Butler You are probably much more responsible than this crew. MY guess is that your family does not have SEVERAL bankruptcies and between 5-8 (seems like we learn about a new one everyday) failed business ventures in the past few years alone? These people do not have a little debt. They have major defaults to lots of debtors. I'm not a CPA liek Carol--and have a pretty bad math learning disability, but even I understand that: those who declared bankruptcy, used medical assistance, and qualifed for food stamps a little over a year and a half ago cannot clean up their credit enough to qualify for a (or several) 1/2 million dollar mortagage(s) in just a month--or even in several years. Just sayin'.

    4. fianally seeing realityJune 13, 2012 at 8:01 AM

      It is not difficult to raise a credit score in a short amount if time by paying bills on time esp. utility bills. My Son and his Wive did this, They raised thier score by 200 pts in six months, but it is impossibe to raise a bandruptcy. I was forced to commit bankruptcy after a divorce and was only able to get a secured card after 8 years.

  19. In the words of Janelle "Wow,Woow,Wooow, CJ, great synopsis!

    Laughing hardest at ..."Michael deftly sidesteps"...doubt if Browns' have ever heard the word deftly. And ..."distract your prey"...priceless. Thank you for the levity when describing these folks. I don't know how you do it every week.

    Wow-so unfair that the guys rent expensive cycles, spend hundreds on spent rounds of ammo and eat a meal that costs hundreds of dollars while the wives get to paint crafts and make their own sushi with the kids. Was anyone else surprised they didn't use fish sticks?

    "We are going to ditch the women", really Kody how is this different from you ditching 3 of your 4 wives EVERY NIGHT!

    Every episode we are schooled on how sacred it is to be led to your celestial mate(s) and then they say that trolling for wives is the biggest thing they all joke about in their cult. Got it.

    Loved Janelle saying, "We get tired of listening to ourselves talk." Amen!

    Obviously Mona just giving them the big kiss learn in Real Estate 101 that it is your job to educate a potential buyer to have realistic expectations of what they can afford. Otherwise you run your ass all over town pro-bono, wasting your gas. Mona delivers BAD news that there is nothing available to them until they clean up credit and bring there expectations down to modest levels...and these delusional folks take it as good news, and start moaning WOW, like a cat in heat. "Our dream is still alive" they all chant with that vacant look in their eyes.

    I'm playing the drinking game during episodes from here on out!

  20. *CJ* You did it again...Bravo !!!!!!!!!
    And as MS said, you managed to make entertainment for SWB out of literally *nothing.*
    Seinfeld's premise was a show about *nothing*, a show about 4 self-centered, scruple-less people.
    And it was a hit. !!!
    SisterWives is also a show about nothing....with equally unethical, self-centered jerks. Only difference being that Seinfield was *meant to be a spoof* about people like that.
    Whereas these Klowns really ARE this unscrupulous and phony. That is not entertaining...not at all.
    Not when there are 17 kids living with them.

    TLC is really trying to keep the dying patient alive. They even pushed the "Janelle crying about Logan" clip on AOL today. Desperate times call for desperate measures, huh, TLC ?!?

    Or is it time to look for fresh meat because this show really has jumped the shark and is sadly just flopping around on the beach waiting to expire. Just like Kate+ 8 did.

  21. Did anyone else think that necklace design looked like a pair of boobs..hideous! Who will buy this crap ?..
    Knew Cody was going to be on board with robins venture but not poor Janelles!
    That was some crappy looking sushi and I agree that's not what these wives or kids are eating..I bet the Fritos are still in the pantry!
    I also want whatever Mona's been smoking...
    There are plenty of non alcoholic drinks to order in any bar..they could have bought a coke at least. No wonder the bartender was

    1. I noticed that too! It did look like boobs! Ha! Glad I wasn't the only one who thought that!

    2. I noticed the "boobs" too. I thought it was odd how they kept saying it was SW for Sister Wives, Strong Women (whatever!) when it really would've been WS for Wives Sister with the layout. Just me?

    3. My first thought was it looked like a butt but boobs are the same shape so I can see that too. It's not unique at all - or pretty. I do want for one of them to make a necklace like that though so that I can laugh at them having a butt/boobs around their neck!

  22. There may be families that practice polygamy for religious reasons, but I do not believe for one second that this family is one of them (with the possible exception of Christine the Clueless). The Browns (Kody) are using the religion facade to turn their controversial lifestyle into a religious rights issue to gain sympathy and support - undoubtedly a clever strategy. CJ, as much I've come to respect your point of view on the train wreck known as Sisterwives, I must disagree with your assessment on the latest episode that the shark has been jumped. I feel that we'll know the shark has appeared when the Brown's play the persecution card, and fabricate stories about how their safety is at stake and play out all of the drama that such a story will entail.

    1. Kody's older brother Scott sure seemed to be more serious and religious about it than Kody for sure. The fact that Kody said Scott was always a rule follower and Kody likes to break them all makes one really question if Kody's motives really are religiously motivated or more just plain ego motivated. I think the wives were spiritually filled for once w/his brother's sermons over Kody's (and Christine's) rambling and childish ones.

    2. I agree that Scott seemed more serious - and he only had 2 wives so emotionally and financially they are probably better cared for since he isn't stretched so thin.

      Kody seemed like even a bigger idiot next to Scott. Kody seems like someone who does this because he can.

      I remember one season when they were asked if this wasn't your religion would you still do it? I know that Meri and Christine said "no",can't remember what Janelle said and Kody said he would do it again for love - well yeah, he gets 4 times the love and the wives each get 1/4.

  23. I have to agree that these segments must have been taped at a different time. There is no way robyn could be that fat last week and skinny this week. Really im worried for her daughter. Hugging strangers and continuing to seek attention is a sign of deep problems. Robyn needs to stop daydreaming about cody stop doodling in a notebook and give the kids some attention!!! With a newborn, a child with developmental problems, and two daughters that obviously need attention and discipline, how in the world does she have time to doodle hearts and tweet about what a wonderful "man" kody is GROW THE HELL UP ROBYN. These poor kids dont have a chance. And Kody since you dont work why cant you spend some quality time with your kids??? Really you folks make me sick

  24. Here's an idea dump Robyn's junk jewelry "business" and open a Sister Wives Hotel in Las Vegas. LOL It might get confused for a brothel but they shouldn't care.... they are so opened minded right???

    That way all the wives and children could live THERE!

  25. Is it just me or is Janelle looking thinner than Meri now? Look at her face in that sushi pic. She is BEAUTIFUL! YEY!!!! Janelle!

    1. yes I totally agree

    2. I've always thought that right in the face, Janelle is the prettiest one. She might be thinner than Meri. Meri and Mariah both have packed on the pounds. Something is not right in that house and they are showing it - probably through emotional eating.

  26. LOL...I missed the sushi bit because I was doing something more important, like cleaning the cat box...will have to watch that again. I took a sushi-making class about 18 years ago. maybe it's just ME, but sushi aint that easy to make. And I bet that the SWs made it thinking it's a healthy snack...maybe if they only had a couple pieces yeah...but white rice is not exactly a "health food".

    I wonder if there was a cut scene after Mona left of the Brown adults passing around the bong or something, because they MUST be high thinking they are going to qualify anytime soon...yikes.

    1. DJ - is it just me or didn't they have it made bassackwards? i don't recall ever eating it the way they rolled it with the seaweed on the outside. I've always had it when the packed rice has been the outside layer and then the seaweed and filling. maybe that's why they were butchering it so bad trying to cut it. yes?

    2. Actually the only way I've ever eaten sushi is with the seaweed on the outside. The only rolls I've eaten with rice on the outside are dragon and california rolls. From NJ btw.

  27. Are my posts not posting because I am the "P" word??? I still don't know WHAT that "P" word is so I won't say it.

    1. It's not your name. If you want to know what the word is, please send me a message to the email address above. Thanks!

  28. Going into a bar and ordering water is like going to a restaurant and bringing your own sandwich. A lot of people don't drink alcohol anymore. I don't, and not for religious reasons and not for addiction reasons. I just don't. People really don't care if you therefore order a coke or something. To order a water is an insult. Even if you really just want a water, you order that coke along with it. And leave a nice tip.

    1. Exactly!! Back when I was a single mom, I had 2 jobs: Restaurant server & cocktail waitress at a club & we would give free sodas to the DD(designated driver), so they could've at least ordered something other than waters, unless they're 'strict' on not drinking caffeine either. Even so, bars have Sprite or 7-up.

  29. Janelle needs to start working out with her daughter Maddie. Even if Maddie runs off while Janelle just walks, at least she could get Janelle out of the house.

    Even if Maddie goes off to the high school gym to lift weights, and she drops her mom off at the Y or wherever, at least she could get Janelle out of the house.

    It's not like Janelle's younger kids can't stay at Christine's house for an hour or two during the day.

    Maddie's face is even more beautiful now that she has lost weight. I think her mom's would also be more stunning with more weight loss.

  30. Okay, where to begin. Painting plates is what kate plus eight's kids did. So, instead of letting the children out of the dungeon to do some fun things, the wives plop their fat asses down. And, toward the end, Truly was climbing up the stairs and stupid assed Robyn walked away from her and one of the older kids ran up and got her. The preaching sermon...give me a fucking break.

  31. Hello everyone!! I am ashamed to admit that I have been watching this train wreck of a show since day one. I found this blog several months ago and have visited every day---- Reading Cynical Jinx's reviews and the ongoing commentary from all of you have had me in absolute hysterics !! I just wanted to thank you all for brightening up my day.

  32. Did I take too many meds after surgery or did I hear King Kody say something about asking his dad to mortgage the ranch to help pay for subdivision houses??? Was it a joke? Was it presented as a joke but meant differently? I know I heard it somewhere. Anyone?

    I agree, the bar was dumb. Let's go to a bar though we don't drink and I state my brothers are uncomfortable. Yeah. Just about as dumb as showing out of town guests the town of Vegas and going to a, no, they go to a pottery painting place that you have children's birthday parties at! We know the Browns go to Dancing with the Stars show, Circus Circus for the rides, The Venetian to ride the gondolas and listen the singing, and a host of other places. Maybe they didn't want their family to come again and so that's what they showed them.

    OK the motorcycles. Why did he ride bitch? Did he not feel comfortable driving it himself? Did the rental place only have 2? Did TLC say we are only paying X amount for this trip? I know you can rent them on the strip very easily but I don't know what sort of license Nevada requires, so could that be the reason? PICTURE THIS(remember those pain meds I'm on after surgery, too): King Kody in a sidecar, WW11 German style helmet, old Red Baron goggles, wild hair flowing in the wind. I can just see him in the sidecar like that and still giving the Harley riders the little finger gun sign they flash other riders!!! Wish I could draw cuz I would post a pic of that.

    How much whining did RoBUN do about the motorcycles that we didn't hear? I can just hear her, "I wanna ride!" All alone time with Kody and she could feel the buzz. I can see Meri truly enjoying riding, even getting her own ride. I don't see Janelle comfortable and I see Christine not enjoying it, either. RoBUN would have a fit over safety if it meant that someone else besides her got to enjoy it, tho.

    I was trying to figure out why I watch this show when I don't like most of the people on it. I think I watch it because it really represents what has gone wrong in America and I get so angry I have to yell at the TV. There's a host of reasons of what's wrong, but my biggest problem is the attempt at manipulating one of our basic American founding principles: Freedom of Religion. These jackasses try to convince us that the root of their reason for the show is for us to accept their religion. Not buy into it, just accept their choice. Quit pulling the religion card, this is SO not about religion. This is the same as those that pull the race card, the disability card, whatever card. The Browns take it a step further as they try to piggy back onto the gay rights movement.

    My parting thought is about the needed 2nd wife. Did I hear Meri say, "It's time, he's 24 years old" in a serious voice? No wait, my last snarky comment is about the non-denominational Christian monogamous wife who said something like, "When I first met them, I thought they'd make me drink the Kool-aid." I like her! Honey, it wasn't Kool-aid, the gourmet chefs that are Brown women made you raw fish. Why did you eat it???

    1. i kinda got the impression Kody threw that "dad mortgaging the ranch" out to the brothers to get their reactions. Also, maybe Kody's hoping his dad will consider it when he hears Kody mention it on the show. That would be less awkward than Kody asking his dad and being told in person not only No, but HELL NO!!

    2. Lol, yep, Kody jokingly referred to asking his dad for a loan, knowing good & well that his parents had recently filed bankruptcy too!

  33. Karma, reaping what you so, what goes around comes around - whatever you call it, it is true!

  34. I noticed that Kadouche ordered ice water at the bar but when they are sitting at the table he's drinking some green crap...Anyone know what it was?

    1. it's plyg green kool-aid.

    2. "it's plyg green kool-aid."

      Yes,that's exacty what it is. It's some of their LIV crap, called Green2O. You mix it with water (like crystal light).

  35. WHY couldn't they stay on the same path as the beginning and not bring Robyn in or move?

    1. Becuz they signed the TLC contracts w/ blood & sold their souls to the
      Think about it, w/o adding another mistress, their wouldn't be no courting, wedding, honeymoon, or new baby birth episodes, so there probably would't have been a season 2 or 3 for that matter. Since they had an episode of Christine giving birth to Truely, then they had to make sure, a different "wife" gave birth the 2nd

    2. I agree - they should have just kept the 3 wives and that was it.

      First of all, they can't afford the kids that they already have (since all of them had already filed bankruptcy before Robyn entered the pic) so no new kids should have been born - Truely and Solomon - nothing against the babies - they are sweet, but if their parents were really responsible and faced reality, they would have realized they couldn't afford those babies.

      So if Robyn weren't there, they'd be done having kids because Meri seems to want to conceive naturally, and with her age and history, that probably won't happen, Janelle and Christine have both said they are done having kids.

      They could have stayed in the house in Utah because it was big enough for all of them and the family worked better there. No big hassell with the move.

      All the kids were born into a family with 3 mothers so that is their normal. Robyn is not part of their normal at all.

      Christine has even said that she thought at Kody was doing a good job at "juggling" 3 wives, but not 4.

      Caramel Brownie has it right - they had to bring in Robyn to make a show. The problem I think is that the 3 original wives didn't bet on Kody actually falling in LOVE with Robyn, which I really think that he did - lust for sure anyways. THAT is where the real stories lies I think. Robyn turned out to be more than she was supposed to be and now is almost running the whole darn show because she runs Kody.

  36. Charlottsmom, it's not like they can all claim to have 17 children. Meri has one child. Janelle and Christine have six. Robyn has three. Prior to TLC, I wonder how they filed taxes? Was Kody able to claim 16 exemptions? I know he can't claim but one wife, but how many of the children can he claim. My guess is that he only claimed Mariah. Christine claimed her six and Janelle claimed her six and Robyn claims one, because if the ex-husband is paying child-support for her first two, he's claiming them. TLC might be paying the Brown's just enough money to make it so the kids get less need-based aid, but not enough to actually educate them.

    1. Catriona Iams - small correction: Robyn has 4 kids. 3 from her first marriage and King Sol with King Kody.

    2. Catriona Iams....
      It depends on the divorce decree and what Robyn and her ex agreed upon as to which person claims the children on the their taxes. Even if he pays her CS, I've known couples who alternate the years, and I know others who the mother claims them.

  37. Hi Catriona!

    RobCHIN has 3 kids by the first ex-husband and one by King Kody for a total of 4. Also, her ex might not be claiming the kids, just depends what divorce agreement says. Even if he pays child support, it might be so low that they agreed for him to pay if she pays more than 50% of the children's bills and they live with her more than 50% of the year. I bet The Brown Family Financial Scheming Organization, Inc. has figured out how to claim her kids on taxes somehow.

    If you are on welfare in my state, they go after the baby daddy. So, if King Kody actually claimed kids on his taxes, the state would go after him because of the state paying for his kids. They would confiscate his state or federal tax refund, if any, and also take him to court for child support on behalf of the children whether the wife wanted it or not. If on food stamps(link) and cash assistance over a certain amount, the state would keep the child support. So, if they are on welfare it is really iffy about King Kody claiming them on taxes at all. Also, my state can retroactive child support on a non-custodial parent if they want and I've seen them go after parents who evade and commit fraud with a retro order. That's my guess based upon my state which is not Nevada.

    They might not be on welfare now, I hope not. But babies are tax deductions and RobCHIN thinks she should keep having those babies and the deduction can sure be handy.

    1. They were poor enough to to actually itemize an old vcr among their assets in their divorce settlement; I wouldn't be too worried about child support from him iterfering with welfare. LOL

  38. I have a problem w/Maddie's trust issue with Kody. She clearly stated very emphatically how he's told them her whole life it's completely up to them to choose polygamy or not and he will be fine with it if they don't. So, why exactly does he think it's ok to go on national TV and say otherwise? How will she feel when she sees him tearing up and choking on how it will break his heart if they don't choose the lifestyle? Do any of these adults ever think about the consequences of their lies and passive/aggressive behavior with their own children? I know they're used to playing the game w/each other in their marriage relationships but it's obvious there's spillover doing the same mind games to their kids.

  39. I think Kody would claim Christine's kids because u need earned income to claim exemptions, to get eic. So it would do her no good get nothing for children, I bet someone even claimed her

  40. "Das Hundhaus Firearms and Accessories" is a business King Kody was the president of until 2004? I just ran across this, maybe I'm a bit slow. No wonder he's so giddy about the gun shooting adventure. Was this company another failed Brown business?

    1. Wasn't that the business that contributed to Kody and Meri filing bankruptcy?

    2. GOOD GRIEF! These people are insane and thieves! Do they start a new business every year to claim failure and get some type of finanical relief? This is amazing. I've never heard of a family playing the system this way before. Why are they even allowed to start another business, they clearly have NO IDEA what they are doing - or do they?

    3. I ran across something similar to this before...but I can't remember the name of his past firearm company.
      What in the hell does Das Hundhas mean?? ...smh...Yep, they are totally sneaky & are definitely bleeding the beast any way they can. But, I'm also a true believer in Karma, & that bitch will definitely find you when it's ur Just a matter of time before everything comes full circle & the Brown's will definitely be paying for all of their past & current scamming.

    4. The dog house, I believe. It's german.

  41. How many weeks/months efforts did those piddling doodles take Robyn to "create?' I'm embarrassed for her that she wasn't embarrassed for them to be shown. I doodle better than that when i'm mindlessly talking on the phone and then they go straight in the trash!

    This was honestly all she had to show for jewelry creations several months AFTER her Christmas announcement of her new jewelry start-up business?? so delusional.

    1. Yep, Robyn was all excited about her crappy doodles, lol. I have been embarrassed for Robyn so many times & I am amazed at how the other wives can even keep a straight face around her. I think the whole clan is just as "Special" as she is.

  42. I think this show would be better if it was focused on one of kodys brothers rather than him, preferably the sane monogamous one or even the seemingly responsible oldest one

    1. With all due respect Anon...noooooooo! A sealed moratorium on any Brown male, living or dead, should be declared...forever banned from being the "star"of any TV show, movie, commercial or internet outlet. Nothing.
      Kody, the hyper hair flipping narcissist didn't sprout from a bean stalk...there's more of them, many more.( and they could be even more irritating and annoying than him)
      Can't we hope for a old fashioned tv show with actors pretending to be dumbasses rather than real dumbasses pretending to be normal?

    2. "...there's more of them, many more.( and they could be even more irritating and annoying than him)
      Can't we hope for a old fashioned tv show with actors pretending to be dumbasses rather than real dumbasses pretending to be normal?"

      My submission for quote of the day :D

  43. Wait, wait, wait.....I could of sworn, that Kody said that him & the other bro didn't drink, but also, they feel uncomfortable about going into establishments where they sell it too?? Becuz if that's the case then why in the hell do their fat asses eat out so much? Most restaurants have bars! Also, isn't most of their LIV "seminars" held at Casinos where alcohol freely pours? Plus, Kody tweeting a few weeks ago looking for a club (lots of alcohol flowing too...) to take his favorite mistress dancing for their anniversary??
    Once again, Robyns golden pussy (..I believe is the vulgar infamous has pulled rank, & this time over the 2nd wife....smh And the sad thing about this, but funny at the same time, is that poor Janelle will be expected to keep(or cook) the books & taxes for Robyn's grand ol pipe dream!!
    As for SW standing for Strong Women...that's a big ol' LMFAO moment + a big heap of donkey doodoo, its more like SPITEFUL WITCHES!! Along w/ the over zealous high-five's, how about Kody's dumbass lightbulb moment look he gave for the cameras....smh Yeah, we'll see how 'soon' the SWC website will be up & running. I've stated this earlier, but it's already been 1 month after the fact they announced it to America, but more so, it's been about 8 mos since GP(golden pussy) has came up with this grand ol' scheme. I'm figuring 8 mos, bcuz surely Robyn would've had to bring her doodles to the jewelers about 1+ mos or so before Christmas, since that is a busy time of the year to have special orders in & done by Christmas. A while back, I Googled "How to startup an online shopping boutique" & y'all will be amazed at what everything that they have to do,in order to get it running properly & successfully. Along with the website, they will have to invest in some good software as well. Aside from all the inventory, Shipping & Handling, etc... Just seems like a lot of work than what they would be willing to commit to & most of us agree, that the Browns always tend to cut corners & do everything 1/2 ass!! Not only that, but I can't believe folks would be trusting them w/ their credit card #'s...double yikes!
    Oh hey,when they were sitting around joking about rules & cheating... did, anyone catch Kody say, "I've been bending them all my life, & I can barely say the word"....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That was freaking classic & I truely believe that's the most honesty that has come from Kody's mouth all season or ever for that matter!
    Oh yeah, Brown's, regardless that ya'll seem to think that ur spiritual marriages are validated & sanctioned by religion. Polygamy is cheating & ya'll are prime examples of cheating in all aspects of ur pathetic lives:
    Relationships(1 wife + 3 mistresses); Kids are getting cheated out of a father figure & daddy time, bcuz he's too busy trying to have relations w/ 4 women; creating false or ghost businesses so U can get maximum tax exemptions,etc..; Welfare & bankruptcies fraud!
    Kody U should take ur son's advice, & have a big ol' glass of man the fuck up!!
    I just hope that Logan is able to escape this madness & attend college away from them, bcuz this is his time to experience life & create his own path.
    I'm thinkN, Aspyn & Mykelti had to stay behind to help w/ the younger kids, since it was spring break. God forbid, the moms have to raise & watch all of the kids on their own, even tho they were the ones who chose to have this many...smh
    I agree, that Maddie looks great! Keep it up girl! I also, think that the older girls, Mariah & Aspyn could be jealous of lil Maddie too! But they can just as easily go & workout too!

  44. Robyn's doodle design looks like a bra. Janelle wacked her down on the interlocking hearts, 'it's like, hey, am I 5?" (your gym idea is dead, simmer down wife #2).
    This house issue is draining, just rent 2 duplexes. My dog figured it out last week. Once Meri's kid moves out, she doesn't even need a house, she can live in the forgotten Lexus.

  45. Anyone notice Meri was wearing Christines yellow baby doll tee?

    How about when Kody walked through the casino like he was a movie star with his entourage?

    It's so obvious Kodougebag is highly insecure. This why he sent his wives on a play-date while he went to a biker bar (perhaps where he REALLY met Robyn?), shooting range and a nice dinner? This is also why he forbade his wives to work out. God forbid they lose a few pounds and gain some self-esteem. Also, he hates spending time with his family...he just pretends to care stuns that it's so obvious. I watched the intro of the first episode where he was giving the tour of the lehi house; not one of the kids acknowledged him as he was doing the walk through. He gave them kisess for the camera but out was so pathetic to watch.

    I don't know if any if you caught it, but there was a small comment made about the douche by Logan and Maddie during their picnic.

    I think Chritine was the most rational when she said about the homes "the ship has sailed". And then there's Robyn..."the dream is not dead". Yes, yes it very much is Robyn. Your only hope is a handout from someone, which is what your stand up guy of a husband is trying to accomplish. Why else publicise your housing woes?

    1. Anonymous, you touched on something I've been thinking about: all this talk about their dream of 4 high-end homes together on one cul-de-sac, or the same street so their families can be 'together' this Kody's way of trying to get someone (or a company) to buy them these homes?? Does anyone else think this is what he is trying to do??

    2. SaNdY- I agree. This whole house thing is a beg, or a wish from TLC. I have said from the start- 4 houses together doesn't make a family. 3 of them are close enough for the kids to run where they want now. It's the combined dinners nightly, talk time, etc. I agree with whomever said 4 condos together- but that's still not "family." I swear this is a messed up bunch with a bunch of clips thrown together. TLC is on sabotage patrol!

      Let's remember one thing- 3 are practically together, not a bock apart, MERI CHOSE not to live in a smaller 1 story next to Robyn. KODY would crap his pants if they were all together and the wives could see how much he is at Robyn's. WHY didn't they pick a younger wife #4? She's not going to pop out that many babies.

    3. In 4 years they will need MUCH LESS ROOM. They have 2x the room they had before, and let's face it, MERI doesn't need it.

  46. Where are my manners? Guess, they got lost in all this donkey doo, I had to watch & sift I do apologize CJ...Great job on the review!! =) I'm definitely in agreement with Mister Sister & others, who think you have managed to create some funny entertainment out of nothing. TLC needs to take note of ur writing skills, & really should consider paying U a consultant & booking Afterall, many folks have proclaimed that if it wasn't for SWB, they would've lost interest in their boring & lame ass show a long time ago! :D

  47. Aw crappolla...I'm late to the after-party but C Jinx thank you soo much for the pic of Kodouche's super way awesome dragon motorcycle 'driving' jacket. Yowser! Been out 'driving the bike' in the last decade Kody? No, let's take the spread to 2 decades and even then it was fugly. I've said it before (several times,lol)...K is a girly-man. I loved somebody on here called him a mancub.

    Whoever suggested that the filming and timeline might be all wacked out could be right. Can anyone here believe that a visit from anybody would pass w/o the grand introduction of King Sol, the Brown messiah?
    All the episodes have a choppy feel, it's the squirrel effect...spreading to the producers/directors.
    Thanks for the always funny review CJ. SW show is like a cult classic movie series, it's so unbelievably stupid but infinitely entertaining. Too bad it's real life and there's 17 kids dangling in the back draft.
    Hey and when any of you catch up with the 'awesome' Ms. Mona,let's do try to find out how she hides that Hookah under her shirt cause you KNOW she's taking a few hits before, during and after any BrownClowwn meeting. (that might very well explain the choppy segments, the producers are hittin it too)

  48. Wow, did Meri jump in to let Christine know that Erica would not be one of THEIR sister-wives. I think it went without saying that Christine wasn't suggesting that--it was a "compliment", as far as she was concerned. Meri's such a hag.

    Robyn: "If we can share him, we can share anything!". ------ya think, Robyn?!

    1. Robyn:"If we can share him, we can share anything!".------ya think, Robyn?!

      Hahahahahahahahaha...good one thegoldentablet! I totally forgot about her saying this shit! When I seen this on tv, I was like WTF?? Oh no she didn't go there!! O_o

    2. So, why did Kody & his bros get to go out & do "fun" things(well, actually a bit more exciting than the & eat @ a fancy restaurant, but the wives went to a damn craft place & ate at home?? Since the show is called Sister wives, they should've highlighted the women going out, etc... Surely, they still have some Free passes to some vegas shows, that they could've taken her to see or at least let them get pampered w/ a massage, makeup, hair, & nails.
      Or better yet, why not just have a BBQ/pool party at home? Since they don't get to their family too much, I'm sure the kids might have enjoyed to be included or visit w/ their uncles. Guess that would require Kody to interact w/ his kids, so I guess that idea is out...smh
      Seriously, that's the 1st time, Kody used his new gun? I find that hard to believe. But, why not take Logan & Hunter to the shooting range for some quality time? But then again, we are talking about Kody, who barely has time for his other 3 "wives", other than Robyn...ugggghhhhh!!

    3. thegoldentablet - yeah, i thought that was Meri in instant alpha mode reminding Christine that NO ONE gets to suggest adding another wife or pick her out but Meri. and if you even suggest such a thing it's an automatic no go from Meri. It's the only power she still has and by gawd no one's gonna mess with her on that one.

    4. They can share anything but a house. Or a kitchen.

  49. Kody flits his hair even more than Fabio used to do. It's annoying and very effeminate looking. and what was that overkill of it when he ran both his hands up from the bottom of it to fluff it out when he was standing there talking to the whole group? i notice Robyn's always sitting around twirling her hair around her fingers when she's listening to Kody's doing family meeting talk. it must be another bond between them.

  50. It is interesting to note that the teenager they show as the most gung-ho for their beliefs is Mariah. The more I thought about it though it really isn't that much of a surprise. She's an only child, has a fairly large house for the two (sometimes three) of them. She gets alone time with mom and dad when he is there, she also gets quality time with mom who isn't in the birthing kids rotation. Besides time she hasn't had to share clothes, toys, cars, etc. with any of the siblings. She has privacy when she needs it as well as downtime from the chaos of the others, ESPECIALLY now that they are in separate homes. She may be called on to baby sit but big whoop, I babysat my cousins as a teenager and it was for fun not money. She is so into plural marriage and their 'calling' but it doesn't seem as though she has truly lived it and her experience will be vastly different then say one of Robyn's girls. She just got lucky I guess, but at the same time it is much easier to think how great the lifestyle is when you haven't necessarily dealt with a lot of the fallout.

    I hope this makes sense and hasn't been said before, first time poster and I have enjoyed reading the toughtful comments from everyone.

    1. Anonymous...
      I have always thought the same thing. I also have thought about the fact that her Mom is the FIRST wife. I truly think that adds to it as well!

    2. I completely agree. I said it once before, but like you, I have no idea if anyone else has expressed the same sentiment before me. I like to read all of the comments, but I’m still relatively new to the site and haven’t read all the older posts yet.

      Of course she’s open to plural marriage; she’s had the best situation of all the kids. Even before she had that large house with just her mom, she’s always been her mom’s only child. She’s never had to vie for attention from her mom with other siblings and when her father comes to call, she gets all of the child-centered attention (if there is any) and when she does want to have siblings, they’re in the next apartment or (now) a short walk away through the park. I can’t speculate on whether she’s learned bossy mannerisms from her mom, but I can see how she has benefitted the most from this family structure and it seems reasonable that she’d want to pursue it in her own life.

  51. Anony1:54, I have a different opinion on Mariah's expressed desire to have sister wives ... she has low self-esteem. When they lived in Lehi, she wasn't in such peaceful territory then, and earlier episodes showed her eating down with the majority of the family as opposed to with her mom, who ate alone. I recall that episode where Meri said she was "more picky about what she ate." I think that if Meri truly does have the upper-hand, and she does by law and financially in the eyes of the law, then Mariah may see being sister wife #1 as a leadership position. She clearly sees being daughter to wife #1, the legal wife, a leadership position.

    1. I agree, I think she reflects the feelings of her mother, that they both have a greater leadership role.

    2. i think it is because mariah has never been in love. i am under the impression she has never even had a boyfriend. it's very easy to say you will share your husband when you have no concept of the emotion that is involved with meeting someone, falling in love, learning each other and developing a relationship. i really think the only successful sister wife relationships are the ones where there are none of those "in love" feelings left. like janelle. i think kody is a huge embarassment and turn off to her, and he has said himself they have more of a buddy relationship. she is the only one not whining and complaining about no kody time, or being jealous. mariah, talk to me in about 10 years after you meet that special someone, how enthusiastic you are about your sister wives. :)

  52. Mariah is the oldest child of first wife. I'm not surprised she is holding herself to higher standard than older sibs.

    I think the point of the biker bar was to show how tolerant they are. Willing to go to a bar, have in their home non polygamist family.

    Why not get a 4 unit townhome or condo building? Or even 5, one for kody? I don't think any family needs 3 car garage. Given the market in LV I can't believe there aren't 4 houses on the same block vacant or for sale. Each wife has a car, and kody. Why 3 car garage for each wife? Why do they need a loan? Get 4 houses at the $150,000 variety and pay from show proceeds. I think they moved out of Utah cause they needed a bigger house anyway.

  53. I just love that photo of them all walking into the pottery place! YOu can sure see the size range in the wives...ok so that was mean, but they've opened their lives up for all to see!

    1. Most Americans are obese. In a nation of fat people, these ladies are simply in the norm. If you're not walking or running most everywhere and eating small amounts of mostly produce-type foods, you're probably going to have weight issues.

      But you're right in that they've opened themselves up to criticism by talking about weight loss. I wish them luck and perseverance.

  54. Why have they not yet re-named the show Kody & Company????
    Loved Curtis and his wife. They seem genuinely happy, in love and sure of who they are. The oldest brother also seems very level headed and takes his religion far more seriously than Kody and crew.
    I thought it was pretty hilarious when they were having the family meeting about Robyn's "business" "idea" and she opened her sketch pad and only the first page was ever used!!HAHA Wow they sure put lots of blood, sweat and tears into their wonder they're successful at every turn!

    1. i keep seeing Robyn's tongue stuck out to the side w/furrowed brow and doodling those while she was humming the old SNL's Simon the 6 year old's song, "OH, i love to do my drawrings..."

    2. hahahaha!!I loved Simon and those SNL skits!! Perfect way to describe Robyn and her doodle business pad:)

    3. yep! and Janelle must have watched it too and thus her line, "this one says I'm 5!" lol

  55. I found it funny when Christine said that Erica would make a great sister wive because she seems like such a confident, friendly, outgoing woman she is that way exactly because she's not a sister wive! She doesn't have to deperately grasp for her husbands emotional or physical attention.

    1. Apparently Erica doesn't watch their show based on her comments about how she sees them all as such warm and fun-loving women to hang with. It's amazing what geographical distance can do for your delusion of how great people are when you don't have to deal with them in their dysfunctional daily lives.

      I'm thinking the picture is telling of them walking into the pottery store. Christine and Janelle walking together, Meri and Erica walking together... and Robyn a good measurable distance away by herself. Body language much?? ;')

    2. ONE more thang - i froze the frame when Janelle was talking about how boring their church is compared to having the brothers there giving the lessons. Kody's giving her that Manson glare and Meri, Christine and Janelle are all big smiles and Robyn is doing her usual concerned stern face for Kody to notice she's not partaking in the dissing of him by the other 3. LOVE IT!!

  56. I think it's pretty insensitive on these "religious" men's part to hear their admission of how their religious community is always constantly making jokes about getting another wife. That's telling the wives they're really not in tune to their emotional pain over sharing your husband emotionally and physically with other women. Kody laughingly referred to it as "being stupid" when they do it but it goes far deeper than that upon closer reflection. I don't know how any man can look at his daughters and know they're just a traded commodity (baby machine) up the road and not respected as human beings w/God-given emotions and tender feelings as they should have. It's depressing to think about for very long.

  57. first time poster, long time reader :) Love the blog

    i question why Kody described his non-plyg brother as a "Christian." I remember Christine professing to the plymoth rock people (or whatever it was, i cant remember) "WE ARE CHRISTIANS" when describing their plyg life to the lady who said "so, you're not Christian." Why the need to differentiate if they are all Christians. I just found that a bit odd & backwards...

    1. Excellent point, Anon 10:54 !!!
      I remember that Plymouth Rock exchange too. I also remember how Christine seemed unnecessarily defensive and preachy about 'their' views.

      But then, nothing they say about anything really "sticks" as truth or conviction. This show is like a high school play where the students play their parts but are never really sure of the plot or of the process.

      Speaking of students and school, I also remember from that Plymouth Rock trip how none of them seemed to know a damn thing about what they were seeing or hearing.
      Looking back, that was a red flag about this group's basic knowledge OR appreciation of knowledge.

    2. Agreed Anony 10:54 ... it made it seem like AUB is non-Christian, which IMHO, it is not, but I won't go there.

  58. LMAO! Me too!! My husband wouldn't be caught DEAD riding with another dude lol

  59. I've been reading this for awhile but I don't normally post on blogs....
    A comment earlier on this thread said that Meri was not happy about the pottery excursion (I don't have cable/satellite anymore so I no longer watch the show)because she is not "crafty" or creative. That DOES NOT make sense. Early on in the show, Season 1, probably, she was shown sitting down in a room in her "apartment" of the Lehi house--a "craft" room with sewing projects and craft projects and it was stated that she sells the craft projects online!

    I would not mind watching the shows again if I could find them online for free.

  60. Ya'll, I have a question. If the Browns are no longer going to be prosecuted in Utah, and the Utah house was a eutopia, why don't they move back to Lehi? It's not like they have jobs keeping them in Vegas. TLC could milk a whole season out of the "return home."

    As for Robyn's girls craving attention, well, they see their mom manipulating, whining, and scrambling for Kody's attention all the time, so they probably think that is what women do.

    1. Why, moving would make SENSE! I don't buy Janelle the logical one anymore.
      Kody, bright lights, big city!

    2. I said this before - they could probably get TWO seasons out of returning home and renovating the house to accommodate Robyn! and it would even be (gasp!) interesting!

  61. ...And I'm sure they are sharing a lot... gross.

  62. I agree with the posters who think the producers cobbled together clips to come up with this pretty unfocused and pretty dull episode. This is the second week in a row….I know they do this with the Duggar show but that show is basically on its last legs and they are just running out of ideas. How can they already be running out of ideas with the Browns? These shows look like they were shot sometime in the winter (maybe this was when King Sol was sick?). And why oh why do we have to continue to see Kody acting ‘manly’ like wrestling and shooting and ‘very carefully’ riding a motorcycle to an empty biker bar where they order water – wow that’s really groundbreaking. Also, we have commented that Kody and Meri were drinking both wine in Mexico and fruity drinks that may or may not have been alcoholic. Is it possible that Kody wants his older, more serious polygamist brother, to believe he doesn’t drink at all, like his younger ‘mere Christian’ brother? And they don't frequent places that serve alcohol? That's an outright lie. You telling me that Kody's favorite Mexican place doesn't serve margaritas? All those Vegas shows are alcohol-free events?

    The mention of good old Dad mortgaging his ranch to pay for Kody’s cul-de-sac of polygamist love was offensive. When they went to paint his Dad’s house, his dad seemed to act (potentially) pre-dementia and they are clearly very poor. To suggest that, even jokingly, was in very poor taste. And yes, that was probably his crafty way of trying to get someone else (TLC, starry eyed fans, investors) to pay for his dream.

    Robyn’s doodling was probably done in 10 minutes prior to the ‘business meeting’. (said meeting of which was probably prompted by the SWB comments) That guy who showed up looked totally staged and the whole scene was stupid. Meri and Robyn fist pumping over being “Strong Women” was nauseating. I do think that Janelle, upon getting her business idea shot down (rudely) by Kody, is maybe coming back to some of her senses. She made fun of Roybn’s jewelry (something a 5 year old did) and then dissed Kody’s lectures, I mean super spiritual, sermons. I like the poster who called them his “Manson eyes”….Meri and Kody take the first place prize for mean faces during the couch time. Meri has a permanent scowl during those sessions.

    And someone in another thread mentioned that Kody might use a curling iron on his hair – in some of those ‘older’ clips, his hair looks much different. I do think at times he uses a curling iron to make it appear that he has more hair. Instead it just looks nutty. And clearly the producers are messing with him and saying “yeah, man, all men these days curl their hair like that and wear these motorcycle jackets and its totally macho to have a guy ride on the back of your bike, this is Vegas, man!”….

  63. Looking at Robyns doodles, it looks like she took a tradional Irish claddagh (sp?) ring and broke it apart, separating the heart, crown and hands. There is nothing proprietary about "her" designs. Total rip-off.

    1. I haven't noticed any of the wives wearing their bracelets. Did I miss seeing it?

    2. I remember them being necklaces. Oh well, same difference. No one cares.

  64. CPA Carol,

    "And yes, that was probably his crafty way of trying to get someone else (TLC, starry eyed fans, investors) to pay for his dream."

    It struck me that way too. Also totally inappropriate to mention that about his father !!!!
    He is SUCH a slimy ass. Always has his antennae up, and his hand out, conning and manipulating 'others' to pay his way.

    This season in particular has made me lose any empathy (or interest) at all for any of the adults. FOUR women choose to support and defend this sham of a man. They are as bad as he is. *Scamming* is their religion.

  65. The editing was bizarre. (timeline)

    I was bored to tears but if TLC would ignore Kody a LOT more the show would be so interesting! Let him show up every ten episodes for a minute so we can check out his receding hairline.

    1. ..or how about every fourth episode?

  66. What I honestly do not get is their entitlement issues. I just don't. Most people would be thrilled to have a decent roof over their heads, yet these numbskulls who have done nothing IMO in their lives to honestly try to support this brood of children they've birthed on purpose, believe they are entitled to the creme dela creme of housing. Uhhhh NO BROWNS! I'd say 98% of peeps living in the best housing are paying for it, by themselves, with real, long term jobs. Your fame is already fleeting, so wake the hell up.

    ITA with the other posters who noted how gorgeous Maddie is looking these days. That girls's gonna be a knockout. Not only does she look just like Janelle (she looks particularly pretty in the sushi pic), but I think (hope) Janelle has a little more gray matter than the average Brown.

    Excellent review! I deleted the episodes off the DVR. I just cannot force myself to watch it, besides it's much more fun to read the spot on comments and recaps here.

    1. Exactly!!! I no longer watch. I just read the blogs. They're way more interesting anyway.

  67. I agree CPA Carol, and love when you put statistics to their lunacy!
    WHY do they not get jobs?

    I know there are good jobs there, many not tons, but we turned down two. TWO great jobs for another set of jobs.

    There is no reason each child doesn't do something either. Why self business? To CHEAT.

  68. CPA Carol...
    You always have great posts. I totally agree with the Robyn/sketch thing. I figured that they decided to add some filler so they would have something to film, and decided to bring everyone around the table to "talk about SWC".

    The sad thing is that they do these cut and paste shows on a lot of "reality" shows. I used to read the boards for The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and a lot of the women over there are great detectives like on this blog...and they always spot inconsistencies from when things were filmed, etc..

    The idea of Kody curling his hair made me laugh!

  69. One of the first glimpses that all was not perfect was in one of the couch sessions right after they moved to Vegas when they were discussing living in their own houses. Christine and Meri wanted their own, Janelle and Robyn didn't seem to.

    Christine said to Kody something like, "you promised to give us more quality time now." Meri echoed that she would take quality /focused time in exchange for not seeing him every day.

    So the, "we need to live next to each other because we really wanted to be in one house and can't due to zoning" is BS.

    Although maybe it is learning. First the wives learned that sharing your husband daily, throughout the day sucks. now they have learned individual time but not every day sucks too. The lesson is pretty clear, sharing your husband just sucks. A lot of posters seem to assume every 4th night. Perhaps because it is "fair" or because they do seem to be following the Big Love script and Bill was on a rotation. But Meri has told us that the wives do not plan a rotation, "Kody chooses the rotation". And Kody tells us, "new babies get more of his time" (well he means Robyn/King Sol), so I wouldn't be surprised if the rotation was: M, R, J, R, C, R...

    I think this show has been very illuminating about polygyny. I continue to be surprised by those that see anything positive here.

  70. It's interesting to click on the above photos and expand them to get a better view. I am trying to figure out what I am seeing when I expand the picture of Kody shooting the gun. Is that a big bald spot on the side of his head, or just hair? Hard for me to tell.

    It is really shocking to me how much weight Meri has gained, especially as someone who likes to eat as carefully as she claims. And I too thought she was into crafts and doing things with her hands like making the pajamas. I would have expected Janelle to be the one who would feel uncomfortable with the pottery project.

    1. Is that a big bald spot on the side of his head, or just hair?

      That is definitely a HUGE bald spot. Kody should just cut it all off and be bald!

    2. Hey CJ, that could be an episode in itself "Kody Gets A Haircut"...kind of like when Pauly Shore had his hair cut in "In the Army Now". Kody could donate his hair to Locks of Love, which would be the first charitable act ever on the

      it's true though, you never see the Browns helping others - collecting food or clothes for the poor, helping build houses etc. I guess the AUB isn't big into charity. unless they are getting it from the government...

    3. I almost didn't recognize her when they went into the pottery store. She is so big now. Don't they realize that except for Robchin they are all obese?

    4. Does he dye his hair, too? THose are some dark roots!

    5. I've said this before but I so wished he would fall asleep on Christine's couch only to wake up and find Truly cut all his Samson locks off. Come on TLC... DO IT!!! That hair is his virility strength. He probably would feel he's been stripped of his manhood and couldn't perform without it. I know he'd be lost without his constant flicking it all day. Isn't he like 45 now? And father of 17? His own sons don't even want long hair.

    6. Wow, the bald spot. I am shocked that the wives go on about liking his hair that way--I suspect they were more into his "looks" than anything else. He was a cute guy, young. I don't think Meri would have found a match like Kody, if it weren't for the plyg connection.

  71. CJ, I saw it too. Yesss, Kody is going bald at mach speed.

    I have a brother-in-law who is losing his hair in the same way Kody is. Not thinning in the upper front, but the hair is receding on the temple and sides big time.
    Kody keeps that top hair long to cover the balding sides....unless the wind blows.

    I am the one who posted about Kody using a curling iron. Felt a little stupid posting it at the time, but it was bugging me. Watching the various episodes, where his hair is limp and straggly and then will be the perfect flip-up. Now we *women* know how 'that magic' happens.
    I imagine he is primping or getting primped before each TLC shoot. Come to think of it, Christine was pretty adept with the curling iron in the dance episode. Is she Kody's hair stylist?

    Just like my brother-in-law, he usually wears his sunglasses on his head to make the top hair fall down on the sides to keep the illusion that he has a full head. Eventually though, even that front part is going to thin.
    Surfer-dude on Rogaine, coming soon.
    And knowing Kody he will get it for free.

    1. Yeah, i'm surprised Kody even wants a convertible. Won't that wind make him go bald even faster?

  72. Meri does have a sewing/craft room - so it would seem she likes crafts, but painting may not be her forte.

    1. MS - but Meri clearly stated, "I'm not a crafty person. I'm just not creative."

  73. Wouldn't it be great to have an episode that was simply 4 days following Kody? See him wake up at Robyns house, for example. Does he see the kids off to school or sleep in? Does he actually dress and go somewhere as if he had a job? Does he just hang around the house(s) all day? When is the change over to the next wife? Does he come in from "work" and go on to the next wife or back to the one from the morning and only move to the next wife at bedtime. When he's with Meri, for example, does he run over to help Robyn for a couple hours... or if he's with one wife is he there exclusively.

    I'm wondering about this especially after the fertility clinic stuff. Meri said that their frequency of sex wasn't an issue. How can that be even somewhat true (when you are trying to get pregnant and timing is important) if she's only sleeping with him on her rotation day? So I'm wondering if there's more going on. Maybe he 'works' and drops in at Meri's at lunchtime for a little something-something out of the rotation. Since she only has the one child who is school age, she'd be home alone all day and she lives further away, so who would know????

    1. I completely agree...the reason we all tuned in in the beginning was to see how polygamists live. They are not showing us what we want to see. No one wants to see Kody hanging out with his brothers or Janelle at the gym...we want to see a day in the life of this family. TLC is really dropping the ball with the story lines here. It's just the same old crap that's on all the other TLC shows.

    2. According to Christine, he arrives late and leaves early and plays on his phone while he's there at her place. I think he naps alot at Meri's. He does the dishes and has quality and quantity family time at Robyn's and holds Solomon and her girls non-stop. Gets a sitter and goes out to dinners, movies and dancing w/her. I imagine Dayton gets ignored by both of them for the most part. He probably goes over the bills with his time spent with Janelle and maybe talks "man talk" w/Logan a little bit. Then it's back to Robyn's for some more loving and ass worshipping.

    3. I'm reminded how in "Polygamist Date Night" Kody (when talking about the strength of him and his wives' four individual relationships)says "I actually spend more time with each individual relationship, me and one wife, than I do with the whole family relationship"...What about the KIDS?! I took this as him admitting to spending more time on dates than with family time. There was another episode in an earlier season where he mentioned that he spends many (most?) nights out on dates with his wives.

      Here's an idea TLC, why don't you what you did with J and K plus 8? There was a series of episodes where they had a "special day" for each of their children because they were concerned about the lack of individual attention their children get. If an episode featured Kody spending meaningful, thoughtful time with just one of his kids my jaw would drop. Also, with 17 kids this could be like..2.5 whole seasons! And by the time you're done with all the episodes, there will probably be a new baby or three!

      Sidenote: I guess now's the time for me to admit that I actually paid 16 dollars on itunes to pay for this show (because we don't have cable, normally just use internet and netflix). I'm a little ashamed, but justify spending my money because it isn't very often I am so entertained by a show (it happened before with Jon and Kate, I was there from the beginning..I just loved the kids). Anyway, so I'm not so much a freak that I can pull verbatim quotes from memory, I'm just a slightly less freaky freak who has the purchased shows on itunes and can quickly find the quote I'm looking for on these posts lol.

  74. There may have been bikes and guns involved, but the Brown's guy's night out still resembles a Brownie's meeting. Did you get your sharpshooter merit badge?

  75. Cynical Jinx--[Dateline: As we speak]
    The Kody Brown Family is now filming the actual shark-jumping. With "exclusive" intel (taken from tweets and FB posts from lots of random strangers): I feel confident in announcing that they are currently filming a family road trip to Nauvoo. This is obviously true to theme. Clearly reenacting the beginning of the demise of Big Love. If one of the big girls has a miscarriage in the motel, I will really be disappointed by their lack of originality. TOO snarky? Maybe, but I stand by it. :|

  76. One thing I've really started to notice is that Janelle really doesn't seem to like Robyn...she has a passive aggressive way of putting her down...
    -She said she didn't like the name Solomon and thought that Solomon was too big of a name for a little baby (Hmmm...I wonder what she said about Mykelti's name? ;)

    -If I recall correctly, she was one of the ones who was really unhappy during their unnecessarily long honeymoon

    -When Janelle said she wasn't going to get up in the middle of the night to see the baby when it was born (but she did, probably thinking it would make her look bad if she didn't)

    -and then this week with the jewelry comment...

    Don't get me wrong, Robyn is my least favorite but it's just an observation I've made. I think of all the wives, they get along the least. I don't really ever see them talking. This is why I REALLY wish we could see the "bullcrap!" scene that they teased us with but never showed to us. Janelle had said something and Robyn showed her true colors by yelling...oh how I want to see that!!

    It also makes me wonder if this drizzles down to Janelle's kids (Hunter) and that's why Robyn doesn't get such a warm reception from them. Kids can definitely sense things and tend to side with their parents.

    1. janelle told Robyn directly on a group couch TH either last season or the season before that she didn't like her when she first met her cause she put on this "i'm so helpless" act. and Janelle pulled the finger in mouth gag face at Robyn. She also told Robyn that her "i think i can keep the honeymoon alive forever w/Kody like my parents did" was bullshit.

      I don't think she's changed towards Robyn at all in that respect. Janelle recognized from the get-go how manipulative and FOS Robyn is w/her sob stories and tears. Of course, Janelle had a right to be pissed at her too for not having a job and walking in the door w/4 more mouths to feed along w/her drama queen/beauty contestant act. Add on that she could see how Kody was completely blind to it all and goofy all in love stupid acting about her. It was obvious that Janelle was not happy in the least w/Robyn's glad tidings of joy when she announced she was pregnant right after their move to vegas.

      Good hell - how these women aren't all mumbling in the corner basket cases I'll never know.

    2. You're right! I knew there were other examples that I forgot about. Janelle was definitely pissed when Robyn announced her pregnancy (which I totally get, it's just more money to spend on another mouth to feed and Janelle is the only one who seems to think about money) but of course Robyn had to turn it into her being the victim again. Poor Robyn, she is always mistreated by Hunter and Janelle and Christine. Cry me a river.

  77. These folks make me gag. Last year it was an annoying yet humerous train wreck, but after reading their book it's pretty clear this family is a twisted mess. Now that we know the real Kodouche and Klan I seriously wish they would stop preaching that polygamy is soooooo wonderful and having sister wives is soooo awesome.I guess they've been too busy with vacations and helicopter rides to read the book.

    Kody with a gun, Kody on a motorcycle, Kody weeping about half a million dollar houses...TLC please make him go away!

  78. Is it just me or did anyone else notice that when Janelle was talking about how she was afraid she had not taught Logan the things about her faith that had brought her so much.... (here it looks like she is about to say PAIN!)joy? Her mouth was set to say something else.

    In the beginning of this show I LOVED this family and I have long been pro-decriminilization of Polygamy. If this man and these women choose to live this lifestyle and the children are happy and healthy, not being abused, no minor wives, etc. why not? Also, when they were all living together you actually saw Kody interact with his children, i.e. the bed checks, kissing all the wives good night, waking up early to kiss Janelle good bye before she went to work. It was sweet. Who couldn't love that? However, my disclaimer on that opinion was that they were self-sufficient and in the first season it appeared that they were. I have been SOOOO disappointed about the bankruptcies and the welfare fraud. This completely nulls any good example they might have been trying to set.

    Robyn is by far the most disgusting. She may be thin but she is NOT pretty by any stretch of the imagination and I am so sick of her crying ALL THE TIME! Come to think of it...I don't think she cried in this episode. Bravo, Robyn! But she did have the pissy face a lot of the time so....forget it...

    1. yeah, i was troubled with Janelle's definition of JOY. I think i'd probably go with her definition of MISERY if I was Logan. That probably involves lots of fun, freedom and emotional sanity.

  79. I notice Kody never wears his diamond custom Claddagh ring that he acted almost happy about when they presented him with it. In fact, i rarely see any of the wives even wearing theirs. I thought that was a big significant thing w/them all. I thought it was their wedding rings. Has anyone else been wondering about this?

  80. robins eggs for meriJune 13, 2012 at 12:28 AM

    I picked a handle

  81. Speaking of The Douche Bag not drinking Alcohol or whatever...I was watching the Episode where Kody & Robyn are getting married & can't believe I didn't notice this the 1st time BUT as Meri is putting on Kody's tie for him...Kody was Shit Faced!! To me, he looked like he smoked some weed that kicked his ass or he was drunk, don't think he was drunk cuz he wasn't slurring but he was definitely F'd Up on something! He's all glassy eyed w/this stupid shit eatin' grin on his face & says "Hi" to Meri, then proceeds to tell her how good she looks while trying to grab her, then she giggles & makes the comment about wishing it was HER wedding night! Mariah was just standing there watching them but the whole scene was creepy! Kody was all messed up on something that was obvious, it was also very obvious that he was ready to knock him off a piece RIGHT before he married Robyn. YUCK!! I need a shower just thinking about it!

    1. TOASTY - I just thought that was the crazy-eyed Charlie Manson look of Grody in picking up the scent of Robyn in HEAT!! Yes, Mother Meri did such a good job of getting her little mancub ready for his salivating kill that night. blech!

  82. THE biggest fallacy that keeps being repeated is that these women have a CHOICE in this. It is not a choice as long as religious dogma is dictating it with a severe eternal penalty promised if you DON"T choose it. These women are all too invested in it now (both emotionally, financially and time/energy of their best years spent believing it all) that the odds of any of them being able to get out and leave it are slim to none.

    Kody's one brother apparently did the research behind it all and concluded it was all the Joseph Smith man-made bullshit that it is and got out when he was young and not all entangled in it. Let's hope most, if not all, of the Brown kids do the same. At least they have an uncle they can get the truth from and they saw how happy he and his wife are - unlike their own dad and mothers relationships.

  83. Lol Toasty. Maybe he was trying "knock himself off a peice" so that he can last longer for Robyn!

  84. Earlier, someone mentioned that Janelle doesn't appear to like Robyn. I agree.

    Think about it. Janelle was the primary breadwinner for the family, which was in a rather precarious financial condition before Robyn. Janelle knew that they owed over $400,000 on the Lehi house. She knew that Truly was about to be born and that would cost $$. In addition, college-educated children are very important to Janelle and she knows that was going to cost money.

    Enter unemployed Robyn. She brings $32,000 of consumer debt (can you imagine that interest rate?!?), three more mouths to feed, and a uterus ripe for more babies (more mouths to feed).

    How would you feel if you were Janelle? I would be furious. Robyn's credit card debt alone is enough to send two of Janelle's kids to community college. But man-child Kody chooses to pursue his hobby of baby-making with a fresh wife over educating his kids.

    I question whether the other wives are savvy enough to fully appreciate the extent of Robyn's debt and the total financial cost of her joining the family. The boy-man Kody doesn't care (squirrel!) as long as he gets what he wants. His approach is to tell Robyn to put her bills on the counter and get to baby-makin' - or at least practicing for baby makin'.

    Why was Janelle even working if none of her priorites were being respected?!? I still think she is staying for the kids and Christine. At least, I hope so. She is looking spectacular as she loses weight. I always thought she was a beauty, though.

  85. I, too, think that the women with six children each are going to have a harder time leaving. It would be easy for Meri, especially since Mariah will soon be gone (hmmmm...this might be leverage for her to hold over Kody's head--she could easily leave all of the dysfunction and financial chaos!). Janelle has gone as far as leaving and being self-sufficient before--kind of makes me wonder what she thinks she can say to Logan about "her" religion that doesn't negate the fact that she LEFT, for years, at one point.

    I don't think Christine will ever leave. It's too bad that she'll never know the true love of a real marriage.

    Why don't any of the teens work? These parents are such bad examples, sitting around the house, playing at "working".

  86. Kody's Hair - I bet he flipped it one time to many, and the covering hair went to the other side. (My dad used to have the famous "Comb Over" and his would do the same thing.

  87. Susan Ray Schmidt was on Anderson Cooper's talk show yesterday. She escaped from polygamy with 5 children. She has renounced her former religion. There was a couple on Anderson who were looking for another wife. They were not doing it for religious reasons but because they had seen "Sister Wives" and liked the looks of the lifestyle. Ms.Schmidt told them that "Sister Wives" is a show that does not portray the realities of polygamy. Her warning to wife #1was that she would become jealous and unhappy if she allowed her husband to take on a new wife.

    1. Actually the Anderson show was a repeat. SWB discussed the show and even was visited by Charlie the Husband back in March 2012.

      Here are the urls for the SWB postings (including video clips from the show):
