Monday, June 25, 2012

4. Additional Comment Area for Sunday's Shows!!

Wow! Keep the comments flowing!  


  1. Let me preface my post with this: I am not alluding to nor am I saying there is any abuse in the Brown household. I do not think that whatsoever.

    However, They are an offshoot of a very dysfunctional church, IMO, and seeing how the teens looks like their moms so much, and the dad are always on the prowl, I can see how the lines get blurred and so many children in polygamy get abused by their dad or older men. Then again, that happens in society, too, but since the men think they are gods and immune, more so. Why do the men automatically get to heaven in these religions?

    1. I am so confused about the houses? I thought one sold? Now are they on a new culdesac?

    2. Yeah, I think this is a new location. Not the same place where the kids flew kites.

    3. there may not be sexual abuse but there absolutely is mental/emotional abuse of the four wives by kody. no question.

  2. Someone made the comment earlier today that Kody married Janelle because she could bring in money, he married Christine because she is polyg royalty and he married Robyn for sex. I have to say, I agree and Kody pretty much said as much last night.

    I wonder what Mariah, Aspyn and Mekelti think about the comments he made about Christine's weight? I mean those girls are also chubby!

    Ohhh and it burns me up that comment he made about having fine sons with Janelle!

    He showed his true WOMANIZING and MYSOGYANIST and just plain MEAN colors last night.

    1. I think the way he spoke to Christine was just terrible. He should be ashamed of himself, that was so mean. What a loser, I wish Janelle and Christine would leave.
      Meri and Robin deserve each other.

    2. What did he say about her weight? I must have missed it. Also, I'm new to this blog so maybe it's been explained before, but how is Christine polyg royalty?

    3. Christine's grandfather was Rulon C Allred, the first prophet of the Apostolic United Brethren. I've not put it all up yet, but Kody Brown's grandmother was an Allred, as 3 of Meri Barber's "other mothers", the list
      goes on and on, I'm working on a tree now!

      Kody said many despicable things abt. Christine's weight. Saying that he was repulsed by it, and that was an understatement. (paraphrasing)
      Wonder HOW JANELLE FELT?
      Please feel free to look back in the Jun 2011- Aug 2011 for more on the AUB church, polygamy, and their beliefs, and WELCOME!

    4. in the book kody said that he was a little interested in christine....until he saw her mowing down a plate of nachos and cheese and noticed how chubby she was. then he was repulsed. he told that story again last night on the show and when the interviewer said, "so you weren't attracted to christine?", his comment was "that's an understatement."


  3. I LOVE Sister Wives and the entire family: Kody, all four of his wives, and all his kids.

    Good luck to all of them and I hope, hope, hope they write a cookbook someday.

    1. one can never get enough "Mock Tapioca".

    2. Don't forget the peanut butter Fritos!

    3. Golly gee, me too.
      with that much talent, brains and charisma coming from one family it would be a crime almost if they didn't do it. Sure hope they include the recipe for mock tuna casserole.

    4. Meri? How's that next trip to Mexico shaping up?

    5. "Sure hope they include the recipe for mock tuna casserole."

      I've heard about that dish and dreamed of making it myself! I tried it with cream of wheat and zucchini, but it didn't turn out like it was supposed to. Didn't taste like tuna AT ALL!

    6. Wull, I don't know how you messed it up! Try letting the cream of wheat congeal and grate the zucchini finely. It's a Friday favorite. yummy
      PS~ dreams are meant to be dreams but MTC is dreamy.

    7. The peanut butter fritos are mentioned frequently on this blog, but maybe someone can jog my memory for me. When were peanut butter fritos ever referenced on the show??

    8. My guess is they will be eating a lot of mock food after they buy these houses!

  4. Hi all,

    I haven't commented in a while, basically because you all seem to take the thoughts outta my head (and I don't want to be a broken record).

    Regarding the scene where Kody and wives tell the family that they put money down on the lots:

    I found it disturbing how defensive and angry Kodouche became after his children didn't jump for joy after the announcement. Instead, they incredulously asked "really?" and mentioned (mainly Madison) how often their parents claim something will happen, then it never does. Kody got increasingly bothered and eventually, huffily stated "I'm 95% sure we'll get the homes!!!". What a joke. Even the littlest kids know that he is a string of empty promises. Grow up, Kody.

    Anybody else catch the part where he lamented that 5 days could go by without him seeing a wife? Hmm, shady math. With four wives, shouldn't he go no longer than 4 days without seeing any particular wife?

    I want to go on about how delusional they are about needing the 4 McMansions, but I think these bases have all been covered. It's just...gross.

    And the part where Janelle brought up Meri's irrational NEED for a bigger rental house? Awesome. Way to say something, Janelle. Meri's line about "I'm sorry you feel I took something that was yours" (or something) made me want to throw up. Meri twisted Janelle's words, and in doing so, revealed some disturbing true colors: manipulative, extreme narcissism and self-pity.

    It was nice to see an episode that wasn't at least 50% recycled clips that we've seen ad nauseam. Gee, thanks TLC!

    Haven't seen the interview episode yet, looking forward to it! Until then, ladies (and men? lol)..

    1. "I'm sorry you feel I took something that was yours." This line blew-it for me with Meri. It was passive aggressive. I'm sure Meri thought it smart and worthy of sympathy. It wasn't either of those things. This absolutely reminds me of the psychological theory that when you say something mean, you are really reflecting back on yourself. This may be true in Meri's case ... Janelle took something Meri thought was hers ... the place of mother to Kody's first-born son. And second. And third.

    2. I think mean Meri has used than line allot..."I'm sorry you feel I took something that was yours" after all if it weren't for Meri none if them would be together. I have read that first wives are very entitled and claim if it weren't for their generosity to share their husband none of the family would exist. I hate Meri and her, I didn't get kids so I need bedrooms to make up for it. That doesn't make any sense. Wouldn't she rather have a smaller house and vacations too?

    3. If Queen Bitch had any depth of character, she'd be sorry that she took what someone else NEEDED. I'm an empty-nester, and wouldn't don't want a McMansion at this point, and we could actually afford one!

      I wish Janelle would elaborate on exactly what is so wonderful about this that she is so adamant about doing it all over again if she were given the choice. I'd rather live in a tent than in close proximity to Meri. The comments the man child made about Christine were reprehensible. How must those have made not only Christine, but Janelle feel? Some of her kids, at least, seem to have figured it out.

    4. Meri showed her true 'witch' self with that comment to Janelle. How about when Meri didn't agree to putting down 'earnest' money on the lots? Grody showed his passive-aggressive side when he stomped his little foot and said "ok, we're not doing it". Are you kidding me? He knew at that moment that Meri would cave, cause when he pouts, he is telling Meri 'you didn't agree with me, The King, so you are cut off from any more pole-dancing, indefinitely'! Poor Truely has more maturity than that over-sized, narcissistic creep Grody. These people make me want to hurl!

  5. Hunter was not in last night's show or the interview special. Does anyone know what has happened to Hunter?

  6. Hunter was in the interview, part 2, "Brown's Tell All." He answered that NO, he was NOT going into Polygamy! May be why he's getting so little air timeLOL!

    1. I haven't seen either episode yet, but I am so glad to read this. I hope Hunter has a happy, fulfilling, monogamous life!!!

  7. True, I enjoy this blog because the Brown Family mystifies me as well. However, I feel showing a photo of a pregnant woman's body captioned "stretch" is pretty horrible and mean spirited. Come on, they're intriguing enough without resorting to mean girl body snarking!

    1. I understand and appreciate your position.

      If they air it on the show, it is fair. The whole birthing was so overly un- modest that I have far worse pictures. It somewhat shows how this modesty thing is BS. Who would air that on TV? And Meri, why didn't she have to wear a black T over her bathing suit like the teens? This is simply a shot from the show. And yes, a tad snarky!

    2. it is def fair to critique whatever we're subjected to on the show. including when it's hypocritical. which give us about 90% of our fodder here. ;')

  8. Did anyone feel that during their dinner at Kody's favorite-tweeted-about restaurant where they were discussing the houses that none of the wives really wanted to put the earnest money down? One by one he manipulated them into saying yes. I don't think any of them were comfortable with the idea of throwing away $5,000 of their own money (don't even get me started about how we did NOT see Kody writing any checks). And Kody calls all the kids together AGAIN to make vague and empty promises and then acts all offended this his children do not have any faith in him and his 'promises'. They have all been down this road many times and have lost the ability to get excited. Heck, it even sounds like Christine's kids are lucky to have food, let alone own a house. I said it in the earlier page which has commented out at 200.....we have snarked about Christine being on food stamps and welfare....but can we honestly now blame her? Apparently they are basically all fending for themselves. And since Kody is mad at Christine, he probably does not see fit to gift her with grocery money.

    I'm pretty sure the $5,000 gamble was a lost one. I think we have readers on the blog that live in LV and who have said the houses are still vacant? More info on that please!

    1. Eagle Rock Estates in neighborhood called Summerlin but still Las Vegas address. Easy street reality,, zillow all have the photos of the houses they filmed at in all stages of build. The "model " home they all went to tour inside is featured right down to the fireplace they all stood in front of in one scene.
      Since all of these homes are still on the market I say the deal fell thru or they just used the neighborhood as a lot to film on, maybe they do have house deals in the making but with their credit they would need developers to finance a private loan. No bank is going near these folks with their track record.

    2. They said on the show they couldn't get financed unless they put 40% down, and then it was an interest only loan from the builder. I think he starts this crap thinking a builder will "give" into them.

    3. I'm going to take the position that the whole story line of these four dream homes is a farce. Just because they each wrote a check for $5K doesn't mean they tore them up the minute filming stopped. If you are going to purchase one home, let alone four, you are going to have all your ducks in a row and make sure that financing is going to be available before you put a penny down. To gamble $20K in the hope of getting approved by a bank is either know that it's going to work, or you walk away without putting earnest money down because you know you won't get approved and fail.

      I call shenanigans and will say once again, just because TLC filmed something doesn't make it true. I think the reaction of the kids sums things up pretty well. They know not to expect anything because so few things do come true.

    4. lisasumms or DaveLV, please email me if you know where the new lots are.

    5. There is nothing to lose putting earnest money down because if the buyer does not qualify for the loan, they are given the earnest money back. It's held in escrow.

    6. exactly, Becky. the owner has simply agreed to take the homes off the market for 30 days and not sell it out from under them. The e-money put down is contingent upon Browns getting the required funding at whatever financing they deemed (fill in the blank.) If they can't get the funding they set forth that would be acceptable terms (such as a certain interest amount,) then they would simply go back in 30 days upon contract expiration and reclaim their escrow money. They could also at that point ask for an extension of the contract to which the owner may or may not agree. The owner at that time could also have an offer in waiting that they would also be then free to accept.

      what i don't get is how gullible they are to swallow Mona's "hurry up and put down your escrow money" as in a down market that's not the case. that's just Mona saying, "I'm tired of dinking around w/you peeps and I need some commission $$ to put up or shut up." BUT this again, was of course, just scripted drama. The BROWNS already KNEW they couldn't get acceptable financing. ESPECIALLY in 30 days after just recently finding that out already big time - private lending @40% down and interest only loan. A NO-BRAINER for a private lender to offer as it's a no -lose for them whether Browns do or don't default.

  9. Here's a older post on how polygamist can build a fine home all in one!

    1. That's how they should live!!!!!!

  10. I think that they should install brightly colored tunnels that attach each of the 4 houses just like the tunnels you use for gerbils. That way kodester can run easily between each of the houses. What a lil varmint he is.

    1. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Kodester is a mean lil varmint for sure.

    3. I think that they should install brightly colored tunnels that attach each of the 4 houses just like the tunnels you use for gerbils.

      YES! Polygatrail!

    4. OH FOOTBALL MOM you said it!!!!

    5. OMG that had me literally cracking up out loud!!! LOVE the lil varmint comment, perfect!!!!!

  11. I have been researching all day and I think there is a production company that Kody has set up to received a lump sum payment from TLC..not sure about any of this...
    then he gives each lady...only Meri is his wife...some cash for their household accounts.. It seems logical that Logan may have learned that once he is 18 he can negotiate payment from TLC for himself providing he is in the show..therefore he chooses UNLV rather than SUU...I think his dad Kody, who is an abusive man, to all these women...emotionally abusive..told Logan about making a decision based on $$$$$ rather than education. I also think Logan loves his mom dearly and wants to be there for her...she is can tell when she walked back alot of previous statements during the interview with Morales...They would be better off renting because I think they will all leave Nevada when the show is done.

  12. Season 3 seemed awful short. Will there be a season 4?

    1. yeah, awful short as in "will the fun never end?" ;')

  13. I believe there will be a second part of this season, as they have done in the past. Rumors are they are filming a trip and how could they not have a baby cliffhanger, since no mention of the baby yet?

    1. Does anyone know 'for sure' that Robin is preggers? I keep hearing you guys talk about it as though it is a 'done deal'. That girl is just plain NASTY!

  14. TLC captioned one of the clips "Mid-Season Finale", so it looks like there will be more.

  15. I took this name from the other thread so I hope no one minds...but anyways, what I don't get is why does each individual child need to have their own room? Why can't they share rooms?

    1. Hey that was going to be the name of my band! Just kidding, it's a great username. Enjoy :-)

    2. Janelle daughters ALL share a room at this point, and I am sure Christine's does too, they only had 3-4 bdrms. Actually Robyn came out with an extra bdrm! It's all too stupid, They need a big house, with rooms together for the children, because they will be ever evolving! Don't ya think?

    3. They all need their own rooms to accommodate the super growth of their super frontal lobes, thanks to miracle grow. I mean liv!

    4. good choice, chubbs.

  16. Robyn had her nails back on!!!!!!!!!!! She can probably afford them since she probably does not have high grocery bills since she is skinnier than Janelle ; )

    1. I've never seen Sobbin'Robyn WITHOUT those fake nails.

  17. Hmm, interesting. Kody Brown Family Entertainment, LLC is now delinquent due to failure to file their April renewal in Utah. Also, their name registration has expired.

    1. LOL that's too funny! And I even like this family, somewhat, though my liking is fading.

      It's actually sad how things had deteriorated for them...

  18. Ah, the Utah LLC is defunct, because they registered in Nevada. I wonder how many assets are listed to this LLC, rather than the Browns themselves.

  19. Has anyone heard whether Robyn is indeed pregnant or not? I know we have been speculating, but I haven't heard for sure.

    1. As of three weeks ago, she did not look preggers to me. I'm a Las Vegan and I've seen them all a couple of times.

  20. Sarina, I read your comment and am holding it. I want to look at the video and maybe make it into a post. Thanks!

    1. Thanks, I thought it might be of interest. Reminded me of the Browns so much!

  21. Why do they all need their own mcmansion? Why can't they double up? Why does every child need their own room.

    Why won't Christine and Janelle leave that pig?

    He was so horrible to those women last night!

    1. i think they dont leave because they are co dependents and their finances are all intermingled and they have no self esteem and kids...and anything else that is secret that was not revealed during Morales interview....lots of stuff we will never know

    2. It's easier for healthy folks to ask why a woman doesn't leave a desperate situation but it's far more complex than meets the eye. Stix16 hits on a lot of the possible factors.

    3. I think Meri and Robyn should share a house for sure! Then they would only need 3 n be better on finances. Nothing to do wth how many kids Meri has jus that her n Robyn get along well n Meri can be close to the new baby. Love yas! Take care

    4. I think that's a good idea. Even better, buy 2 lots and build 2 big houses to be shared. Or else 2 duplexes. 2+2 does = 4.

  22. I just cannot seem to get past Kody's rude, hateful comments to Christine. I wonder if he somehow thought in that warped lil mind of his that by saying he was not at all physically attracted to her when they met that it would make him come off as less of a womanizer. Instead he comes off like a complete asshole. And did you notice even when he said "that was THEN," all he can say is something about how he can't view Christine that way now, because after all, they have children together?!

    1. Kody did seem to be very harsh in the interview last night. The wives can defend them all they want, but what he said about Christine had to hurt. And you are right, he did not say things are different now and he is very attracted to her and loves her. He just said he can't view her like that now because they have children together. He always showed bits and peices of this side of himself, but never like that.

    2. I can't think of anything more damaging to a woman's self esteem than to have the man who supposedly loves her say that he wasn't physically attracted to her and was even grossed out by her. I won't buy their book but wonder what could be so disgusting about eating nachos. I think Christine is a beautiful woman and too good for the Kootie Monster. I wish she and Janelle would form a special bond and support each other emotionally. I hate how mean Meri is and the fact she thinks she's so much better than the other wives. Why the hell she needs a big house is beyond me other than to make sure everyone knows she's Queen Bee.

  23. Kody uses the "truth" as a weapon. WHY did he need to bring up his immature, supposed lack of physical attraction to Chistine? What purpose did it serve other than to hurt and punish her? And on tv, no less. Obviously he found her attractive enough to have 6 kids with her. He is very cruel. You can't go around hurting your spouse and expecting to maintain a good relationahip. He's probably hoping she will leave and he will say how horrible she is to leave him.

    1. Absolutely total egomaniac that has to put other people down to feel good about himself.

      I don't know about anyone else, but I wrote TLC and told them that it is abusive to continue to have this show on TV. I mentioned what Kody said about Christine and the way you wouldn't even begin to walk it back when given the chance.

      I told them it was a horrible example of polygamy and I thought the Browns "came out" as polygamists to show us the good side and how it makes everyone better!

    2. Kody saying that comment not be physically attracted to her was the ultimate betrayal, but was it real or scripted to keep the drama going and the show running thus making more money. Plus it was a good comment to make people want to buy the book. The producers arent dumb they want a story line to keep the public watching...Is all the drama with Christine just a ploy to keep the viewers interested in the show or is Kody that big of a pig? Meri, Christine and Jenelle should lose weight for health reasons but half the women in the usa are that size. If they are looking to make money maybe Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers would give them an endorsement. I think doing is show is ruining his family. All of this fame is going to dry up after the show ends. Kody will be lucky to get an emdorsement for hair plugs or Viagra! Lol..if Kody wants a 5th wife maybe he should court Kate Gosslin..She loves the lime light too!

    3. Great idea, Funky Town! Let's all write TLC and give them a piece of our minds! What address did you write to?

  24. I read Caroline Jessop's book about running away from her polygamist lifestyle before I started watching the show. The book made me feel sick and angry about the treatment of women in this lifestyle. When I started Sister Wives, I thought "Oh, this must be different. These women actually want to live like this, and they like it." After the show/interview last night, any idea I had that the Browns were different was completely blown away.
    First off, it is my understanding (correct me if I'm wrong) that in their religion a man gets to attain a higher standing in heaven the more wives he has. So why, when Kody is repeatedly asked why he has four wives, does he never mention this? Instead he tells lies about a 'connection' or 'serendipity' to a woman or my favourite, "It makes all of us better." That facade is totally over after that interview. Poor Janelle, who was bullied and abused by Meri since the beginning of her marraige, clearly has emotional damage and Meri sat across from her on national TV with a scowl and downplayed that she had anything to do with it. Those wounds have never been healed and I doubt Meri has ever offered Janelle an apology. Meri is so obviously using Robyn to get back at the other wives.
    Kody's answer to the question "So you weren't attracted to Christine?" with an emphatic "That's an understatement" was so beyond rude and hurtful. I can't even comment on that. Poor Christine.
    Meri is so full of shit. This whole "should i have a baby or not" storyline is completely fabricated so she has more time to hang off Kody and cry about being wife #1. Your family has enough fucking kids ok? You don't need to spend thousands of dolllars on expensive treatment (especially after you yourself said "if we can't do it naturally, i don't want to do it") so you can gang up with new-mom Robyn and giggle about the fat wives behind their backs. Fuck you, Meri. She is the real villain in this family.

    1. awesome read my mind AND posted it too!

      I agree much with you and also think that Kody whitewashes any spiritual aspects for the public because it invites hard questions and personally I don't think HE even believes it much anymore.
      I also think he feels comfortable with saying hurtful things because he's taken a big hit of Kody...him,him,him..he really thinks he's in the surfer cool dude plyg role and these fat chicks are from the old Kody, if he felt the buzz he probably thinks he could get the '10' now cuz he's "awesome and amazing"

    2. the teens mostly describe polygamy as lots of drama and slamming doors. These adults have put their best face forward in trying to sell the public on the specialness and beauty of plyghood. Yet the message is, "This is as good as it gets and it still sucks."

      The teens live it when the charade for the cameras is off and they're not liking it much. It's like they keep saying a code for "HELP!" it's good they have each other cause the adults in their lives basically suck for the most part as they're all too wrapped up in the constant marriage wars to ever parent, mentor and be healthy examples to their kids. let alone spiritual examples - which they all claim is why they do this lifestyle.

    3. The announcement about the houses was very telling. That the kids know they can't depend on the asshole is terribly sad, and proves what a crappy, crappy father he is.

  25. I wonder if there is a transcript of the "Nacho" conversation available or the whole transcript??

    1. It's stuck in Christine's head, that's for sure. So sad, Christine the whole world thinks that Kody is an idiot for ever thinking that about you. And then saying it?! He should be arrested.

    2. I would like one for all the shows.

  26. I do know for a fact that Kody and Janelle were not step siblings as teens and that Kody had been married to Meri a couple of years before Sheryl met Winn. I have personally known the family for many years. Sheryl did marry Winn the same year as Kody married Janelle

  27. Just like his brother Scott.

  28. BRITTANY SPANIEL - the other thread was already filled up when i read your SOBBIN' ROBYN. i love it! best nickname for her here ever imo.

  29. Kody's a mean girl.

    1. Kody and Meri are both mean girls. Bullies.

    2. I've thought Meri was a bully for a while, and a liar. I'd like to see Janelle and Christine unload on her.

    3. It made me sick to see how mean he was to Christine, but then kept DEFENDING that snarling, frowning, pig face Meri! I think Christine is way too needy; she knows Grody never loved her, but he had no right at all to disgrace her on national tv. If she doesn't leave after that debacle last night , then I know for sure that her co-dependency is eventually either cause her to kill that son of a bitch, or kill herself. She looks like she is about at the end of her rope.

  30. TMI Realty is who Mona works for. The model home they looked at is on there.

  31. The Brown's told entirely too much. Meri was hateful. HATEFUL. Janelle and Christine should stick together- Janelle seems nice and normal, Christine is adorable and did nothing to deserve those horrible comments. Robyn gets a lot of bad commentary on this blog but she is a breath of fresh air, even though she needs to stop crying all the time. The stupidest part was TLC playing that hymn while Kody ran around. That was beyond stupid. Soooooooooo stupid.

    1. I just find it amazing why any of the ladies would want Kody Brown!

  32. If Christines "blue blood" is so important to krody why didn't she get to see her father for so long? When Janelle left with her 5 kids for her mothers house did that mean she moved into Krodys dads hous? . What kind of dynamic was that for crzy Meri? This is just like all cult stuff these gals need to be deprogramed

    1. Wasn't it because they had no money for travel.

  33. Mona has her work cut out for her.

  34. Christine, if I were you I would have jewelry made into the shape of nachos and give it to everyone for Christmas. They all, ALL owe you a huge apology.

    1. BAM! You are so right. This family is REALLY showing it's spots. As for Christine, don't you now feel the worse for her? SHE was the only one brought up in TRUE polygamy. Meri says it, but they didn't convert till she was 13 or 14. It's Christine's heritage, and they are making a mockery of it. Being probably the one that is the most used to lying to cover for the faith, she's already cracking jokes about it on twitter. Something to the effect of yes, Kody and i have eaten Nachos together. Poor girl has no self seteem, and now, now place in the family.
      I just found this blog and love it!

    2. LOL, JTS...but you know she'd have to use her grocery money for that. Maybe she should just make up a big plate of nachos for Kody's next bday and throw them in his face.

  35. Replies
    1. Me too! My first daughter looked just like Truely - just soft blond peach fuzz for years. Finally, when she was four, it grew out to a couple of inches. When she was about four and a half, it startted to grow much more. And today, she is 25 years old and has the most beautiful long chestnut colored locks. Hang in there little Truely - it will grow in!

    2. Me too! And, I adore that picture of her.

    3. Anon 6:29, my sister was like that. But when hers finally grew in, it was a fine, fine blonde hair. And Truly is just adorable.

  36. Kody is an animal - when he was running around the lots I'm surprised he didn't mark his territory (literally!)

    1. Yes, me too! I just cringed and put my hands over my eyes when he said, "leave my stink on the place." he's such a beavis.

  37. Poor Christine, that was absolutely vile what Kody did to her last night. I really worry about all of her children, especially the girls. I hope they don't have self esteem issues and understand they deserve so much better than the treatment their mother is receiving.

    1. She apologizes when she shouldn't, especially considering most of the time she's right. Christine has everyone's number. Then she gets put down for having any opinion...then she suppress her feelings, seriously, no wonder they all eat, even Robyn looks like her backside is a tad bigger.
      I wish Christine would take that gun Kody got for Christmas, sell it, and tell him she needed food money. Or wipe it down with Nacho cheese.
      Again, great blog! Love it!

    2. Remember the show, Married with Children and the song, Love and Marriage?

      Polygs and houses, Polygs and houses,

      Go Together like Bankruptcy and Welfare,
      This I tell ya, brother, you can't have one without the other!

      Polygs and houses, Polygs and houses,
      It's an institute that doesn't arouses,
      Ask the local gentry and they will say it's elementary.

      Try, try, try to separate them, it's an illusion.
      Try, try, try and you only come to this conclusion

    3. What did Christine say when he said that??

  38. I think Christine and Janelle are abused wives. The State Attorney General should go after Meri and Kody for abusing them.

    I feel guilty for watching it now. It's like watching a parent verbally abuse her child and doing nothing about it.

    1. I know I felt that way somewhat, but if I didn't and didn't read about polygamy here, I wouldn't know much about about, and am so glad I do.

      Call it what you want, FLDS, AUB, etc., it's all blasphemy in my book

  39. My two cents... I wanted to punch Kody every time he opened this month. Christine should have left him long ago--wasn't physically attracted to her, yet he married her anyway--living in the 17th century much, dude!

  40. Sitting at my daughter's softball game eating nachos, reading this blog between innings and thinking each chip tastes better that the last...

  41. Kody's Adult DiaperJune 25, 2012 at 7:32 PM

    Did anyone notice the size of Robyn's feet? She must wear a size 14 shoe.

    1. she needs that size of feet to balance her chin and keep from topping over. (snark drum sound.)

  42. So sad that Christine is brightly tweeting today "Just so you all know, @realkodybrown has bought nachos for me, AND we have eaten them together!" I guess Kody realized , too late that what he said didn't go down well and now the abused wife glosses over the abuser's actions - it's pitiful.

    1. yep, the cycle of abuse continues w/Christine unwittingly enabling. Rinse and Repeat.

  43. Perhaps the only good thing about reality tv for this family is statistically all reality tv couples divorce. (Can we say Jon and Kate). At least there maybe some hope for Janelle and Christine then. I think Meri and her pet Robyn will stick with Kody forever.

  44. Concluding I have a day's worth of reading to catch up on this blog. Actually used to come here daily, and need to again, great material, folks!
    The irrefutable reality is that these polygamists sold themselves for money. That allows them for any fodder. Pull up those big boy and girl pants as has been said, and take the lumps with your new mansions.
    Once a viewer that thought Kody believed his faith. Now, I don't see any faith. I see a very mean, controlling man.
    I also found it amusing when someone tweeted him that they had met him at the "Sky Bar" in LV. I don't believe they never drink, IMO.

    1. They and the (older) kids also drink soda on tv. And unless they get special soda, it has caffeine. I also think that some of the green shit has caffeine as well.

    2. Remember when Janelle opened Red Bull and said she needed it to be a good mom? This was during the honeymoon episode when the wives took kids on cook out, if I remember right. Tons of caffeine in Red Bull. Wet bars, red bull, soda and working on Sumday all says that do not practice their religion.

    3. Christine had no problem showing herself making a pot of coffee in the hotel room that one episode. when Kody demanded a room key from each one of them.

      and we're still wondering why it looked very much like Kody and Meri were drinking wine at their dinner on that first trip to mexico two years ago.

    4. How come they aren't supposed to have caffeine? Is there a Mormon/other religion reason behind this?

  45. My brief comments:

    1) I was totally disgusted with Meri stating that she deserved a 7 bedroom house like the rest of them. And her snobby attitude about liking nice things. Then get a job and pay for them!

    2) I was disgusted with Janelle for quickly jumping in and agreeing with Kody that they should go for the four gourmet houses. She should know better. Of course, she is also the one that thought a new gym is Las Vegas was a good idea.

    3) Kody again showed his true colors by answering for his wives in the Q&A. He especially liked speaking for Janelle. As if he knows, she does not want to tell her story. And why in the world does Janelle find this life rewarding?

    I give her props for her kids though! Love them!

    1. The queen bitch "deserves" a 7 bedroom house like Kodouche deserves a Father of the Year award. I'd be willing to bet they all like nice things. The bully is obviously too stupid to figure out that a houseful of kids brings a certain amount of wear and tear to those things. I think I actually hate her more than I hate the balding idiot.

    2. In general I thought it was not only disgusting but selfish that Meri states that she has "expensive" tastes and Christine is stating in the same interview that she is trying to figure out how to get food for all her kids? Are you serious?

  46. I should probably have said " the abused mistress" but mistresses don't usually hang around unless they get treated well, and sadly Christine has been conned into thinking she is really married and has a responsibility to stay put!

  47. Going to just toss this out here.......
    About the story of the Kody/Meri courtship with the 18 yr.old......

    First of all, the description of it being that "they" were "in love" with this girl was a bit TMI, or at least more intense than expected. Meri was really surprisingly effusive in admitting how much *she loved* this person? And how hurt she was that it didn't work out.

    And why would Meri or Kody want that in the book? Why would they have felt the need to include that chapter of their lives if it absolutely precluded Janelle and the rest of the wives....and the book was supposed to be about just the five of them??

    My thought....
    Maybe to get ahead of this woman ever coming forward and giving a very different and detailed version of exactly what happened between the three of them? And why it ended???

    It really was strange to see Meri so visibly emotional talking about it all.
    Both she and Kody were struggling for safe, generic wording to avoid being specific or documentable. (is that a word)

    Watching and listening to Kody, I had the distinct impression that "he" ended it.
    Maybe....and I am just musing and fusing thoughts here....maybe he sensed Meri was more attached to that woman than she was to him. Maybe Meri and he originally had thought it was a winning relationship for *both* of them (???), but actually it wouldn't have been and Kody realized that he would be the interloper. Dunno....*shrug*......

    But then why, according to them on the show, why would they bring on Janelle sooo soon after that experience, which obviously was still a time of a mourned loss for Meri ??
    The clip showed and said that he started spending *much* time with Janelle right after that. Doesn't excuse her behavior at all, but no wonder Meri was hostile and unwelcoming to Janelle.
    It sure looks like Kody is accountable for many more hurts to each one of the three original wives than we will ever know about. He is an insensitive, thoughtless ass.

    1. I read somewhere that the 18 year old changed her mind and ended it, not Kody or Meri

    2. Which, if true, is a direct contradiction to what Meri and Kody said last night. They said that "they" ended it with the woman.

      DO these people EVER tell the truth?? About anything???

    3. I would bet you nachos to fritos that the 'courtship' girl dumped both of them when she found out their true characters. She ran like hell!

    4. She probably won't come forward cause Kody and Meri finally lost her scent and she doesn't want them to pick it up and find her again now.

    5. I bet it was one of meri's sisters

    6. Amused, you have the right of it. My thought's exactly !!

  48. Can anyone direct me to the Zillow or Mona - TMI realty site where the 4 lots are listed? I don't see many in their HS District, and am curious.

  49. I've been trying to read while taking breaks today, but I haven't a chance to read them all so I might be repeating with my views. However, I just can't stop thinking about how sad it all is.

    I keep thinking about those girls, and what it must of felt like to see Kody say to their Mother what his true feelings were of her when they met. Did anyone else catch that Kody's complaint about Meri was that she was hypercritical, yet it seems to me that he is mirroring himself. The women have all pointed it out. Remember how they all commented on his sense of smell, and how he points out the "odors" in their home all the time. The look on Christine's face last night made me wince. Even my husband, who walked through the room, said "what an blank-blank-blank." Why after this many years of marriage was it necessary to pour salt into the wound? I just kept thinking about the girls, as some of them look to be around the size Christine was as a bride, and I wondered how heartbreaking that had to be to hear their Dad say that. Christine, you are beautiful. I haven't always been a fan of hers, but as the show has progressed, I have understood her more and can only fathom the pain of how she felt when she gave birth to Truely and how many nights she probably cried herself to sleep.

    I wonder when this was filmed? Does anyone thing this was why Christine didn't tweet "Happy Father's Day" to Kody like the rest of the women?

    For everyone that hopes Christine will leave...I don't see it ever happening. She is the most connected to the faith. She has lived it her entire life. How she ever thought that things were easy between them and so wonderful, is beyond me. Someone posted last night that Christine strong armed Kody into marrying her. Why did he propose then? He knew what he was doing. He wanted to be married to the person with the blood line. That was more important to him.

    My heart went out to Logan as well. When he was describing being shunned by the one group when they found out he was from a poly family, it made me realize just how hard this is on those children.

    Janelle's kids are awesome. I love all of them. They are so smart, and honest. They are articulate, and they have so much potential. I love how open they are, and how close they are as well. Hunter is a doll, as is Madi. They are just really great kids.

    Meri was so ugly last night. I don't mean on the outside, I mean from within. My mind can not wrap around the fact that they are trying to sell this as a wonderful loving lifestyle, yet after 20 years they are still working on it. I can only imagine how hard it has been for Janelle to juggle the budget with Meri's expensive taste. Yes, there should be sacrifices in a family like this. Her pity party last night of how she was going to be judged because she was getting a big house and her passive aggressive attitude at the restaurant made me want to slap her. Kody was such an idiot to sit there and stroke her ego when she knew exactly what she was doing...trying to get under Janelle's skin. One thing I like about Janelle, is there is a glimmer of the real person she is every now and then. Like when Robyn was going to give birth, she stated she wasn't going to be getting up in the middle of the night to go see him. Yes, she ended up doing it, but I love her honesty. No, Meri didn't need a huge rental house when they could barely make ends meet when they got to Vegas.

    Also, is Kody on everyone's checking accounts? It was almost symbolic when all of the women were writing checks and Kody ran around putting his stink on the land.

    Last but not least, the kids and their disappointment. Why oh why do you tell your kids all of these hair brained pipe dreams and then let them down repeatedly? That family meeting was so telling. It just makes me shake my head in disbelief.

    1. Good point about the lack of Christine tweeting to Kody on Father's Day. Of course, Meri tweeted Happy Father's Day, Lover. ICK.

      Today Kody is clearly making Christine do damage control (for the mess he made) by tweeting that she and Kody now eat nachos together. Yeah, right, with the coupons you clipped to pay for them. I'm so sorry for Christine that she has to put a happy face on a horrible situation.

    2. Kodouche is such a tool. He gets so offended when things do go his way. When the kids see right thru his empty promises he gets pissed because they dont break out the pom-poms? The kids have already admitted multiple times that he will promise something and it doesnt happen. Why dont they be responsible and NOT say anything til its a done deal? Because Kodouche always wants the attention on him. Logan is about to make his big announcement and Krody has to pipe in first with his BS. Then at the restaurant when Meri initially doesnt think its right he goes right after her. You asked for her opinion and then you bash her? No Im not on the Meri Wagon - I think she is a selfish beast, but I thought it was ridiculous that he response was so self serving. And for Meri to have a huge house is obscene. Maybe these idiots to pay back some of the aide they fraudulantly took from Utah for welfare? Heres a thought - why not move back to Utah and instead of buying these mansions you make good and the aide you took, move back in the house you yank out from under your kids and simply remodel a wing for Robchin?

  50. I'm curious why no one has commented on Robyn last night.
    “That’s OK if Kody chooses a fifth wife,” admits Robyn, the mother of Kody’s 17th child – baby Solomon. “I signed on for that.”

    1. WHAT????????????????????????????????????????????????????
      I missed that!

    2. 100 degree turnaround - putting her halo back in place!

    3. I think Kody has already started hinting around about wife number 5 and then more. Robyn's response was in stark contrast to what she said earlier and none of the wives were in an uproar like they have been before when asked that question.

    4. I don't think for ONE MINUTE Robyn thinks Grody's gonna get wife #5. She's just saying that to play the game w/sister wives and to put Christine in her place to "get over it." Christine's on Kody's, Meri's and Robyn's shitlist these days and if she knows what's good for her, she'll get her arse in the kitchen and make them all a pot of Mock Ravioli as a kiss-ass peace offering!! lol

  51. Speaking for myself I think finding info on their lives after the show is over will be more interesting..if Robyn has another baby or a 5th matter, the end comes to all shows as it will for this one..i think more about the younger kids future than anyone else...the older ones know the score regardless of what they say on tv...oh yes it is after all a television show...

  52. Couple of comments on the section with the teenagers. Did anyone notice that Mariah's 'reasons' for wanting to live plural marriage is different than she used to say? She used to say " I want sister wives" now she said something like she wanted to live the lifestyle and when asked by Natalie about the jealousies, Mariah admits she will have to work through those issues. Loved the Hunter and Maddie said NO WAY to plural marriage and Logan is 'on the fence' but needs convincing and so far hasn't heard convincing reasons as to why the polygamist lifestyle was a good one. So...I thought Kody was preaching every Sunday to the bored group (per Janelle they get tired of hearing the same 'people' talking all the time). So how deeply convicted is Kody is his faith? Anyone think he is really holding Sunday services every week? I highly doubt it. And Aspyn didn't answer at all (or I missed it).

    1. Hillarious, because besides having your husband sleep with multiple woman; what is the lifestyle? Really?

    2. yep, i love the way that Maddie says "i'm not cut out to live the polygamist lifestyle." She's not buying into the preaching she's heard for years re:"it makes you a better person." "it forces you to get over your jealousies and focus on what's important." "it's what gets you into the Celestial Kingdom." NOPE - she's not buying that crap for a minute.

      and Hunter can't stand the thought of spending his adulthood in "too much drama all the time. It's just gonna be ME and ONE WIFE."


      did anyone else notice how Aspyn cracked up laughing when Maddie said, "dad thinks we're all going to keep practicing his religion when we leave home." Hopefully, Aspyn truly wants no part of this mindf**k lifestyle either.

  53. Also on the kids....they called it when they said the fights were of the passive-aggressive variety. SMART kids!

    1. I wish they would do a show with just the kids! They are the fun ones. From watching Sister Wives, you would think that the parents are complelte idiots - but the teens are a testement to the fact that they have done something right.

    2. Hepburn I like the kids too but IMO the only thing the parents have done right is show them which way NOT to go.

  54. I have the impression each wife is in charge of her "family" financially. They pay for food, necessities, vacations etc out of their budgets. So, what is Kody financially responsible for? How is the money divided? Does Kody get an equal share? Do the wives get equal shares or is it based on family size?

  55. I have a couple of questions,

    1) What did Meri say when Janelle confronted her about the size of the house and the money? What was her response? What do you think, should she be punished for not being fertile? AFter all, it is an investment and I think these woman have to look after themselves...

    1. Janelle spoke about the "desperate" financial times they were facing when they first got to Vegas. She said she didn't know if she could even put food on the table at the time. Janelle, like most of us here, did not see the logic in Meri's insistence for a house of equal size (to the rest of the wives'). Thats when Meri said the infamous line. Janelle never accused Meri of taking anything that "wasn't hers". Meri twisted Janelle's words. It was messed up, yo!

    2. My second question disseapeared; what did Christine say when he made the nacho comment?

    3. Meri made the passive aggressive comment about how she was sorry that she took something that Janelle thought belonged to her. The way I took it, was they were referring to when they first relocated to Vegas. Apparently, since Janelle is in charge of the finances, she was questioning why Meri needed a large house when she was trying to figure out how she was going to feed her kids. Janelle stated that when they got to Vegas they were in dire straights. Of course, if I was shouldering the burden of stretching the budget, I would probably wonder myself why she needed a house that large at a time when they could not afford it. It was also pointed out that when Christine has wanted to go see her family, she has to use her grocery money, yet Meri is back and forth to Utah quote often. I don't think anyone is punishing her for not having more children. This is Meri's
      "go to" answer for everything and she clearly needs to have some counseling to heal from this issue. It is effecting her life in every aspect.

    4. In the same scene, Janelle commented that she made efforts to conserve their finite resources, while the other wives seemed to squander the $$ away. I thought that was very telling since, as we know, Janelle was the main breadwinner and the most financially savvy of them all.

    5. Janelle was referring to the very selfish housing choice Meri made when they first arrived. Initially Meri was offered a smaller house next door to Robyns. Meri didnt think it was big enough even though it would of been great for her and Mariah and then 2 nights Kodouche is there. But she shot it down and had to have a big house like the wives with more kids and that to Janelle was ridiculous and I agree with her. When they are trying to figure out how to get food on the table for Christine why does Meri have to be such a selfish bitch?

  56. Something to the effect "I'm sorry I took something that you thought should be yours" Someone else may explain better!

  57. Trying to find out if anyone commented on the part when Kody suggested that he and Meri were in a very strong place in their marriage when they took on Robin, and Meri said "no, a very low place!" They are all miserable.

    Has anyone figured out if they actually bought those houses?

  58. I don't understand how Meri acts so entitled, she doesn't work, only had the part time job that she lost cuz she was a plig. To me I'd be embarrassed to seem so selfish.
    Janelle has always worked outside the home.
    Christine always taught kids and was "a stay at home mom".
    And Robchin hasn't worked since joining the family. But we never see Meri working, caring for kids or doing anything but taking vacations.

    When Janelle said that Meri was concerned about getting a large rental house and she was worrying about feeding her kids it broke my heart

    I re-watched iit and both Janelle and Christine apologized or said that Meri deserved equal treatment and things. These people are crazy.

    If Janelle and Christine stay after that public display of cruelty and lack of support they get what they deserve.

    1. I don't think Meri's "job" was a real job.

      Klody is even more entitled than all the women together. He thinks he deserves the very best, drive an expensive car, just do fun things and take no responsibility whatsoever for his kids, households.
      The best kept secret is what does this man do all day?

    2. wow! Janelle said she was concerned about feeding the children and Meri didn't say anything besides "I'm sorry you feel.... "?

  59. Natalie: So you were not physically attracted to Christine.

    Kody: That's an understatement.


    1. I cannot imagine. I like that he tried to spin it saying he wasn't living a "fairy tale" but seriously? Besides not being attracted to her, the bit about how reluctant he was to marry and how "morose" he was at the ceremony (which seemed to surprise Christine) just really threw me. I'm not saying you have to have a freaking Disney courtship/wedding but seriously, all I could picture was the Kodester focusing his thoughts to consummate things with Christine. And that is NOT at all what I ever wanted to think about and I curse them for making me go there.

  60. Interestingly enough, Robyn received the largest rental, with 5 bedrooms. The quiet ones are sneaky.

  61. I really wonder. Why in the world did they put so much effort this "season" into making Klody look like a manly man?

    1. because Kody's read that everyone's onto his secret of being a closeted gay. even his high school buddies were convinced he was.

    2. I am glad someone brought that up, being a closeted gay. The friends from home seemed to think that too from my perspective. They just seemed too OMG about Kody and all the wives. I think Meri is either gay or most probaly bi, That is the deep love that her and Kody have, that they are both in the closet !!

    3. So wearing the tackiest of tacky jacket while "riding" to a bar far a glass of water is going to make me think he's straight?
      I don't think he's gay. He's sleeping with *4* (if not more) women at the same time. He might be bi-sexual though. He may like men more than women, who knows.

  62. I feel bad for his daughters. He ha made it clear he values sons more. Then they have to watch and hear his contempt for overweight women. And as they have said he's hardly ever around.

    The wives signed on for this but the kids didn't .

  63. Could someone please tell me if Meri said she wanted a 7 bedroom house--I thought she said she did NOT want a 7 bedroom house but did want a wet bar and deck--did I hear that correctly??

    1. That's what I heard. I don't know why people keep saying she wants 7 bedrooms!

    2. THANK YOU!!! Thought I was going crazy--had two people insist that she said she DID want a 7 bedroom but I KNOW what I heard!

    3. That is what I heard, too. The wet bar is odd since they don't drink, but that's what she said.

    4. She said something like she didn't want 7 bedrooms, but she didn't want to feel bad asking for things she did want. I think at that point, Kody (or someone) said like what, and she said a wet bar and a deck.

    5. she DID say she wanted a 7 bedroom house. She was standing in that huge one and she got into it w/Kody a little bit when she said do you know how much fun i could have in this house? He said "you'd just fill it up with more stuff." and she said,"yes, i would!" she also said it again at their lunch that she shouldn't be penalized and talked about for wanting the same sized house as the others cause she'd PLANNED on having 8 kids and it wasn't her fault that didn't happen. THEN on their couch session, she pulled a bipolar move and insisted she never wanted a 7 bedroom house.

      anyway, i guarantee you there's a minimum sq. footage requirement for a house size in this gated community. it would be unheard of if not. i would not build a big home in there if there wasn't. it would bring down the value of my house immediately.

  64. I'd like to know how they handle the finances. Does Kody contribute anything to supporting the kids?

    Even if he contributed nothing, I don't understand how they were so broke whwn they moved to LasVegas. They were working for TLC, so wouldn't they each have a salary? So then each wife should have been able to pay for her own house. And Janelle's kids shouldn't have been starving. Maybe Janelle was worried but that doesn't mean Mary took something from her.

  65. I am waiting for Hunter's tell all book... BTW has anyone found out any more about the busted door frame several blogs back... I think I remember reading about that but never read any follow up.. I would never accuse anyone of being abusive but it is generally true that people act much better in public than behind closed doors, so if this is how they behave in public...

  66. Ok, now I really want to know:




    (He doesn't work nor does anything in the house/with his kids)

  67. I think what meri means is "you guys are going to get big houses and i want one too!". She just doesnt want to fill it with bedrooms. She is very selfish, I couldn't believe the pouty look on her face when janelle was talking abouy not having enough money for food. Meri you are a huge spoiled brat, you are trying to make mariah the same as you, and i wish so badly I could meet her face to face and tell her in person

    1. exactly. it's semantics w/Meri. NO, KODY - i don't really mean i want 7 bedrooms. what i really mean is i deserve a house the size of one with 7 bedrooms. cause i'd planned on having 8 kids and it's not my fault i don't, yadda, yadda, yadda.

  68. In Carolyn Jessop's book Escape, she gave a chilling account of how the First Wife would constantly travel with the husband, going out and eating steak dinners and living in hotels, while the rest of the wives and their children ate meager shares of rice and beans every day. When that ran out, they had to call and beg for more funds for food.

    I think that is no different from what Janelle was saying about Meri's selfishly taking more than her fair share of the family "treasure" for her own big house. The money spent on that house could go for the children's education if Meri could humble down a bit and actually try to think of someone besides herself.

    I wonder if Mariah will now start working out to loose her "chubbiness".

    1. Ironic isn't it that the Browns held themselves heads above a plyg family like Carolyn's yet they proved that they're just as messed up AND they do it on national TV?

      I'm thinking Mariah might also consider some anger management classes along with some Zumba. With her temper she's going to be hell on wheels and I truly pity her future SWs.

  69. Enjoyed reading all the posts. Sadly, now all tweets and talk on the next show will be "Sisterly Love" AKA damage control. To me, it was the most interestng, and TLC should to MORE of these.

    1. Exactly, I just noticed this. I went to their pages on twitter to see how the public responded to them after the show, but there were only praising tweets...maybe you have to approve tweets..I don't know..don't really get twitter. I don't necessarily want people to be nasty to them, but it would be nice if they had an idea of the perception of the people since they put themselves out there. Could be the wake up call they obviously desperately need!

  70. What did I miss.
    Robyn calls herself She-Rah?
    I saw someone posting as that, and thought it was her until I read it!
    I have missed this boat, fill me in!

  71. Mystery girl that Meri had fallen for can cash in if she did an interview or two. I'm very curious about what she has to say.

  72. K, I dont really know much about twitter, but just went to kody's page and I was surprised there were no negative tweets to him on his page!

    1. He deletes & blocks everything not-positive. I have to be signed out of my twitter to be able to read his & his wives' tweets (it will say twitter is busy and can not load them which is a bunch of crap, 20 refreshings and still the same, I sign out and I see them inmediately).

  73. I tweeted to Kody and Christine and mine did not show up anywhere so I don't really know if I did it right or they deleted them. Kody did post something how his and Christine's relationship is more than the nachos so read the book. OMG he is such an ass!!! If I were Christine, I would never speak to him again. Only in relation to the kids and that would be it. Just imagine, she is a young girl, never been kissed, is so attracted to Kody and thinks he likes her. How horrible it must be for her now to realize that he was disgusted by her and he told the whole world! Her children even know how he feels about their mother. How sad. She deserved better and still deserves better. She could've had a man who really loved her if she had not been raised in her religion. It's just so sad. And then she's pregnant with Truly and he falls head over heals for this skinny young Robyn. Such a disgusting human being. Really a P I G!!!!!
