Monday, June 25, 2012

3. Additional Comment Area for Sunday Night's Shows!!

Additional Comment space here for Sunday's Big Two Parter!



  1. I would like to see what they are like, when the cameras are off. Do they sit around and talk about the TLC gravy train they are on right now and laughing about it? Does Meri go to Robyn’s house and bitch about the other women? And Lastly, what the heck is Kody on an income when this is all over?!

    1. I think Kody will continue doing what Kody does & sponge off of the Women's, some of the kids will probably have to work their way thru College & I'm sure Kody will do everything he can to keep them at home so he can take as much as possible from them, I totally see him doing this! I keep having flashbacks to the Christmas Episode or maybe his Birthday when the little girl emptied her Piggy Bank & gave it all to Kody, like 5 Bucks in change, I have a feeling he raids the little ones Banks every chance he gets & that's why she gave it to him.

    2. or raids the wives grocery money!!!!!!!!

  2. Just a quick thank you for this additional comment space and I have to apologize also for posting way more than my fair share of comments tonight!

    Thank you very much for being so on top of your quickly exploding blog and the comments tonight ~ you are making many of us happy to have a place to express our views of tonight's show/s!

    Just a last comment to those who wondered how I could say that the Brown's take or have taken welfare:

    By the way, I think tonight was my 'jump the shark' moment. I just do not think TLC is doing this family any favors by keeping this show on the air, but irregardless, I don't think I will continue to watch it. They stoop to new lows every week and I don't feel like I can help give them ratings by watching.

    I will just read this blog and get my info from y'all, especially since you do such a great job! TLC pay attention and hire the people running this blog!

    1. Agreed. Jumping ship. Good luck Browns. Well, SW's and kids. I sure hope you gals can see abuse and torture for what it is and move on.

      Early on they seemed like a loving family. Its very clear this is not the case. Its painful and depressing to watch.

    2. ITA Buh-Bye Browns! This blog is more interesting anyway :)

    3. Funky Town no need for apologies. Great comments and contribution. Loved on last string when u got all po'ed and went after the person that said, "allot of families file bankruptcy". Haha, I could just imagine u at home flipping your lid, cuz your little fingers couldn't type fast enough. Great post last night!

  3. What is a clown with no smile and yet no tears?

    A bum with no job, praying someone will forget a "bumper" of PBR laying on the parking lot. HAPPY DAYS are sure to come, my funny faced goofy looking Brother-Husband!

  4. Yep I agree Robyn is pregnant, she had a bump in the Natalie Morales interview.

    As far as the Tell All & what we'd ask The Douche...after seeing the picture posted below I'd have to ask him "What kind of weed do u smoke?" "Do U grow your own & will it be available soon at My Sister Wife's Closet when the Jewelery Sales tank?"

    Sorry, couldn't resist, he looks higher than a kite in the pic!

    1. Omg that was seriously hilarious! I literally laughed out loud! Kody is such a douche and is so freaking disrespectful! Robyn is totally running the entire family now. She acted as if Logan was her birth child during the Leaving the nest episode. She is so unfreaking belieavle! Stop freaking crying already, it's overrated!!!

    2. I did find Robyn leaning back against Logan, and his complete comfort with the closeness of Robyn very, very odd. My nephew wouldn't sit that close to me for that long, and he's a sweetie. Something wasn't right. I don't know HOW wrong it might be, but it was some sort of warning sign.

      To Christine: Stay a while longer, squirrel away money, buy a modest house, get an education (medical coding, real estate, something), then LEAVE. You are smart and funny and attractive. I worry that you think you are not smart and not pretty. Let me assure you, that you come off as the wittiest. Janelle is analytical for sure, but you're the witty one. You could find a husband to love you and no one else. Oh, and ... come close "Psst. You could buy a really big house, one twice the size of Meri's, if you walk away and sign your own deal with TLC. Kody's insensitive comments, that he so willingly put spewed, assured you a very successful show to follow-up SW."

      To Janelle: You know you should leave. Find a business that you can do, solely in your name, and when TLC gravy train leaves the station without y'all, your luggage on the tracks behind the caboose, pick it up and walk away.

      To Robyn: Let me know how all this works out for. (I wish I could say I mean that less sarcastically).

      To Meri: You deserve your equal share of everything, including all that you dish out. Your only power and hold over Kody is that as his legal wife you could financially cripple him ... but don't be too sure. Robyn is encouraging him to hoard cash for when she's the last wife standing. If I were you, I'd be very insecure, too ... unable to give Kody his planetary minions and by the reason for his crown, and not sure if he loves you or just knows you hold the legal cards in a divorce. And while I liked you at first, your vindictive side is really showing. Kody is down right afraid of you.

      To Kody: You are a jerk. Really. I could say worse, but that sums it up. Feed your kids less to visit your father while I ride dolphins with Meri. You were so mean to Christine, there's not a woman in America who watches this show that doesn't seethe with disgust and now totally sympathizes (not pities) Christine. You blew your show, you know. Christine now could approach TLC and do a tell-all, "Life after my Cluster-F marriage" and I'd be a fan for Life! (DO IT CHRISTINE, DO IT!)

      To Logan: Explore monogamy. While it has its issues too, you can also have a large family, with a focused father and a happy mother.

      To the girls: Explore monogamy

      To the family members convinced that polygamy is not for them: Stick to your guns. Save your TLC money for a good education. While your father may have sold this show and saved y'all for a bit, he destroyed it by bashing Christine. And now you'll have houses no one can afford to keep, and more bankruptcies.

    3. This post is awesome and well said. I loved the first season and now it just plain sucks. I'm done with watching Christine and Janelle get the crappy end of the stick from the other 3. If I was either one of those girls and had to listen to the sarcastic comments from Meri or Robyn, I'd be done and out for sure. It's not just Kody abusing them, it's the other 2 as well. I wish/can't wait to hear they left the family. The wives, as well as the children will be happier. I think Janelle's children are smart and can see through all the crap going on.

  5. She's not smiling.....she's trying to suck her chin in. It didn't work.

    1. Lol, I was gonna say she was forcing that one tear out of her eye....HA!

    2. On the other thread, to the anony 1:19am that posted:
      "Robchin's cold sores are alive & well! ICK!!"

      Hahaha!! IKR?? Guess her herpes wanted to show out & make an appearance too!! They should seriously invest & stockpile the ABREVA fa sho!

    3. Oh hey, did TLC show any clips or previews for a next season?? If so, I totally missed it!

    4. an Rx for Acyclovir works wonders. Hubby gets those mouth sores too. Kids and I don't have them, though, because he's very careful not to kiss us while it's contagious. Common sense is a wonderful thing.

    5. Ann 9:16- so glad your husband takes the cold sores seriously. I don't think people think it's that big of a deal but from what I understand they can be very painful. I know if I had them I would be extremely careful as to pass it on to anyone. I doubt kodouche cares to not pass it on to his kids. And then just the thought that he kisses her and gets it on with her and is exposing the rest of the women to this virus and whatever other ones robs is toting around. Ugh.

    6. finally seeing realityJune 25, 2012 at 1:11 PM

      After chemo for cancer I started getting cold sores, but am careful. I don't kiss anyone including hubby while I have them. I have found be careful to no pass them works as well for us than the expensive meds. He has never got one from me. Although they are a different form of herpes than sexually transmitted ones they are a pain. My sisters kidds always had them but no one in my family got them from her kids,again no kissling rules worked.

  6. For the people saying that Meri shouldn't have a house because she doesn't have that many kids, do you feel the same about her contributing financially? Should she put the money she receives into the family pool to spread amongst everyone when it's only her and Mariah?

    1. Who says they all get an equal budget?

    2. yes b/c she insisted on LOVING and LIVING polygamy so start acting like it!

    3. Yeah, she should. Because being a sister wife is all about LOVE, LOYALTY, and FRIENDSHIP. The perception (that they are trying to sell us) being that if the wives are as one, then the children should be cared for by everyone and not just the birth mother. I don't mean that all of her money (wherever that comes from) should be given to the other wives, but a percentage...or she could help out and get diapers or something.

      Granted, being in separate homes isn't making that easy, but I'm with vxx, if she signed up for it, then she should.

    4. why don't they do the fair and logical thing and take Christine and Janelle's houses (the 2 largest families) and figure the square footage per person and that's then what Robyn and Meri get based on number of peeps in their households. that would make too much sense tho and Meri would never go for it.

      I mean come on now. seriously. it's not rocket science to instantly figure out that Janelle's or Christine's 7 bedroom home is in no way equal to Meri's 7 bedroom home based on number of occupancy difference. duh. But it WOULD be equitable and apples to apples comparision to base Meri's on the same square footage each family member has regardless of what house they live in.

  7. So let me see if I understand correctly what the Brown's are attempting to sell us:
    1) Polygamy is good/better
    2) God is good looking out for them
    3) God wants this for us on Earth

    If that is all true then why:
    1) Are the adults all so unhappy?
    2) The kids used to disappointments?
    3) they have filed so many bankruptcies and lived on welfare and foodstamps?

    I would think if God truly wanted this if even for a select few:
    1) There would be more women in those communities born than men
    2) Money would not be an issue due to having enough or bring more self sustaining/sufficient
    3) Women would not have the emotional range that we have, so that they could coexist while their husband left to sleep with another woman

  8. It's hard to believe that Meri would contribute to the family since she has such expensive taste! HA, gag me with a spoon. After she is done buying her xxx small baby dolls, and spandex skin tight jeans, she probably has no money left. Even to buy food, thats why she has to make her way to Janelles pantry and take her food.

  9. Poor RNC: she finally gets a chance to make America like her and she has some really impor--ent things to say, but she bursts into tears. Clearly, though, she was able to get out that Meri and her really work at their relationship because it is the right thing to do and she would not be one bit jealous because that is what she signed up for because she is so much better than Christine who cannot be a good wife because of her stupid immature jealousy thing. And, she is so much better than Janelle cause you know she feels Meri's pain and offers her u-reus to give Meri babies like her boy Da-un. Oh yeah! So, this was really about making Kody look good, making Meri look good, making RNC look good. But, guess what the fucking interview did? It verified what we knew and that is they are all fruit loops and somewhat fucktards. Please. Yeah, even your kids tell the truth.

  10. Anonymous 2:13...Can she pay for that 7 bedroom house for her and Mariah on her own? If so, then, fine. Get it. But I don't think that's how it works. They are pooling the money and the whole thing will come out of the pool, which means she will get a 7 bedroom home for less money since she only has her one TLC income and cannot get the Welfare bennies the others do. When they are either already financially stretched (if not now, then when TLC pulls the plug) she doesn't NEED a 7 bedroom house. She just doesn't. And any NORMAL person wouldn't want one! Who wants to clean up four extra rooms? Who wants to financially DRAIN her own family for something that will be a waste? She needs 3 bedrooms, MAX. One for her, one for Mariah and one for an office/craft room and/or guest room.

    SHE HAS NO JOB! She never worked fulltime even though she could've EASILY gone to school and worked fulltime as she only has ONE child! She could've had the best, most fulfilling life of the bunch but she chose not to do so. She's as lazy as Kody. Janelle works. Christine works at home with the children. What does Meri do? Not a DAMN thing! What a waste of skin!

    I understand her wanting more children and that that was a disappointment, but it is what it is. G-d wanted her to have only Mariah. She should take that and look at it as a blessing. More time with ONE child. More opportunity for "ME" time. A neater, quieter, less chaotic home. Stop bitching all the time! Holy cow! I work my a** off, raised two children on my own with no support from their dad and no welfare to help and I CAN'T BUY A HOME! Sometimes you just don't get everything you WANT....i.e. money, houses, babies, etc. They all need to get real and be thankful for the lavish lifestyle they live by scam and by fluke. What a disgusting example they set for their children!

    1. i don't even get why she wants a 7 bedroom house for herself and Mariah's occasional visits. All those rooms to decorate and fill w/furniture to not even use. Is she going to have the place cleaned professionally or is she going to be a slave herself to constantly vacuuming and dusting unused space?

      extra money to heat and cool unused space. all for her pity party of "i should have a 7 bedroom house cause i always planned to have 8 kids. just because i don't, doesn't change anything!" what a emotionally immature sounding lunatic.

    2. finally seeing realityJune 25, 2012 at 3:43 AM

      These people are not even realistic. I went balistic when they said they deserved it. We were going to buy a new big house but lost our business so therefore could not afford it, therefore whether we deserved it or not could not afford it. The real estate market in Vegas is really bad right now. The median house price is $110,000. Besides the price of the homes you have window treatments, furniture for bigger houses and possibly appliances. It could become quite costly,

    3. I still think Meri and Robyn could share a house. I've seen a lot of HH that have 2 master suites- 1 upstairs and 1 downstairs. Meri could have a wet bar in her suite. Problem solved.

      The only thing I would argue on the amount of bedrooms is resale value. If 3 bedrooms would give good resale, then that is all she needs. If 4 bedrooms would give better resale, then she could do that and use the other bedrooms as craft rooms, office, or Kody storage.

    4. To bleeding the beast, yep you're soooo right and that's soooo sad. :)

    5. finally seeing realityJune 25, 2012 at 1:19 PM

      With just my hubby and I left at home I would not want a 7 bedroom house with the baths that surely come with it. We at on time had 5 bedroom house and it was nice that we had space for all the kids and grandkids to come and stay, but when money got tight and I had to clean it, it was not that great. Three bedrooms are plenty to keep up with a bad back for hubby and myself. We make do when they come visit, and now the kids have large homes raising their own familys and so we visit them.

    6. BleedingTheBeast...THIS THIS THIS!!!!!

      You are so right! Why doesn't Meri have a job (shoot, why doesn't Janelle or Kody)? Of all the wives to be gainfully employed, I would think it would be her and Janelle because their children are old enough to be self-sufficient after school and during the summer. You are right, laziness starts at the head of this family and becomes the norm for all.

      Do I think Meri should be entitled to a 7+ bedroom home because she's first wife and deserves it? Nope. In this group dynamic, Meri should be dinged for not having 5 more kids and that means she should have a smaller home suitable for 1-2 people.

      What kind of family looks into (invests $20K non-returnable funds) 4 gi-normous homes when
      1. they cannot afford them
      2. they have 5-6 kids in high school and/or ready to enter college within the next 4-5 years and let's not forget the other 11 that are coming down the pike
      3. one of the wives only has one child who will be flying the coop next year to go to college out of state

      What the flim-flam?! I also found it super telling in their multiple conversations that they weren't even trying to sound reasonable or realistic with their dreams. No one piped up and said Meri could live with them, and no one talked about how to double up on all four families. No one said they should look for duplexes or smaller homes, or go back to Lehi and tweak the home there. Nope. It's every sister wife for herself, grabbing and clawing her way to getting whatever she wants simply because she deserves it. Who cares how and who will pay for it. Who cares how it will all play out in the end, because right now, it's all about justifying and making sure their dreams of entitlement are met simply because they deserve it. The only thing they deserve is the amount of pain and misery their "awesome" lifestyle choice brings upon them, and really, truly, it's the kids who always get the short end of that stick!

  11. The fact Kody didn't sign a check brings up a question... Why not? Does he not have an acct? Is that so the state can't go after him for child support? He is always making such a big deal if taking care of his family but more than once he has said that trips, now these houses etc come from each wives' budgets... If they are all one big family why not have one acct?

    1. Kody would have to pay child support for very every child he's fathered. He would not, however, have to pay alimony or divide his assets among any of the wives except Meri. This is Meri's hold on him. You bet that she's saying to him, behind gritted teeth, "I will walk and take half of everything ..."

    2. Kody didn't write a check because legally he's buying the house with Meri. I don't see how she could get a mortgage on her own. They are all using TLC income as their jobs, so I guess it depends on their contracts. Have the contracts been renewed?

  12. Okay, both of tonight's episodes had so many cringe-worthy moments, I just don't even know where to begin!

    Kody's calling the entire state of Utah pretty much hicksville was one of them. Either he was using that as a selling point to keep Logan from going to school there, or he has just completely bought into his weird vision of the Vegas lifestyle. I suspect it was both.

    Meri's comment on not being able to have children but can she at least have a wet bar and a deck was jaw dropping. I know that's not exactly how she meant it to come out but, man, she needs to think about what she says before she opens her mouth.

    Further, and I can't believe I'm saying this, I actually have to give kudos to Robyn for what she said after Kody's tongue lashing to Christine about saving grocery money if she wants to go on vacation. She basically re-framed for Kody what he should have said, which is, I know it's scary, sweetie, but this is really what's best for us as a family. Don't know if anyone caught this, but she was basically calling Kody out on how he was handling the conversation with Christine. Good for her. And the look on Kody's face immediately after Robyn said that was priceless. Seriously, go back and rewind, and then pause. It's priceless....and also a little bit scary.

    I actually used to really like this show and somewhat admire their family. Now, I just worry for them all....except for Kody and Meri. I don't have any sympathy for them right now. At least not from how they've portrayed themselves to a global audience. This all seems so out of control.

    1. oh yeah, i saw that Manson-eye look he instantly flashed at Robyn. their honeymoon's over obviously.

    2. Kody was so hostile it was frightening. Based on Natalie Morales' blink rate, I think he intentionally intimidated her in response to her womanizing question. It's his M.O. with women. This episode revealed blatant insight to Kody's sinister side. His kids are probably glad they don't see him often.

  13. Kody Brown Net Worth

    1. I wonder if it's even THAT much. $300,000, and he's wanting 4 huge houses on 4 expensive lots? A comment under the first episode said lots were going for $625,000 in 2010. Even slashed in half that's exorbitant.
      There is probably a minimum on the square footage of the home.
      Will this drag on another season or two of the show?
      They seem to be way out of their league. Hicksville would be much better.
      Personally, I think it's stupid for Meri to build as big of house as the others. A good idea would be to create a house plan where 2 wives could "merge" at a later date.

    2. I'd like to know where they get their info from. Another commenter (anon) stated as though it was an established fact that the adults each get $75k apiece from TLC. First off - I would bet TLC doesn't pay them directly -the production co, Figure 8 Films, gets paid for the shows by TLC and THEY pay the Browns. I doubt that TLC is even paying $375k an episode total - that's ridiculous! No way could they make a profit - and TLC is part of Discovery Networks, which is a publiclly traded company - NOT a charity. The Browns getting paid more per episode than Kiefer Sutherland, Tim Allen, And/or the stars of "The Big Bang Theory"? For a poorly scripted reality show with no "legs" or chance to go to reruns or syndication? I call BS. Just because it's on some website doesn't make it true...

  14. I believe Kodouche has officially lost his mind. What was that bizarre run around the 4 McMansion sites about? I couldn't decide which was more disturbing:

    His musically enhanced, hair flapping jog OR the SW's lined up at their respective house lots awaiting his celestial fly-by.

    1. I expected him to be in a peter pan outfit and fly around his neverland property. i think that's what he was envisioning in his head tho.

    2. I lost it during this scene. I think TLC used the music to mock him. It worked!

    3. Afterwards, he asked the ladies if he looked stupid running. I had to laugh when there was a pause and they replied "No" kind of hesitantly. LOL.

      Yes Kody you did look stupid! And why are the wives writing checks for the houses? Why isn't he contributing any money toward them? He's the one who has been pushing this whole house buying process so he should be handing over his fair share.

    4. KodysUglyKonvertible JanellesNewMinivanJune 25, 2012 at 10:58 AM

      The dumbest part of that run around the of the wives asked, "What is he doing?" and another wife replied, "He is running around the perameter.". The word you were looking for dear SW is PERIMETER, not perameter.

      Unrelated to that....I am glad Logan is going to UNLV over SUU. I think he will have a much better chance to "sew his wild oats" at UNLV than at the heavily Mormon SUU. I think he deserves that opportunity and will be better off having that opportunity in the long run. We know he curses, he has basically said he has kissed girls, and admitted last night that he may not wait for marriage to have sex, so I think UNLV will be a much better fit for him. He is a totally likable kid!

    5. American Woman. YES! They were mocking him! It was so obvious.

    6. yes yes yes to all of these! i noticed him asking if he looked stupid, and the peter pan analogy is right on.

  15. OMG where to start. Kody is such an ass. Will somebody please let us know if they managed to get financing for the homes. If so, what fool put up the money and what are the terms. They are stupid for buying such large homes. And Meri, needing a wet bar and pool. These people act like they are rock stars or real celebrities. Kody feels that he deserves these homes. This would mean that he has 4 big homes to run in and out of. He is beginning to act like Bill in Big Love. I liked Bill, however I dislike Kody. He was so cruel towards Christine. Janelle and Christine should pick up and leave. This is not normal. I wish that someone would tell us exactly how much TLC pays them. One person said $75,000 per person per episode. I find this hard to believe. If so, then they should have enough money to pay cash for the homes. They act like they don't have any money. This does not add up. Is TLC going to buy the homes for them. The viewers have been lied to so much that it's hard to like any of the adults. IMO Kody married Janelle and Christine to make babies. He did not love them. Nor does he love them now. They each serve a purpose to him for his own twisted perversions. They do not deserve another season. Being on tv and having fans go crazy for Kody has gone to their heads. They believe they are stars. Natalie did not ask enough of the hard questions. I say let CJ interview them. This family is falling apart. They are not being honest with themselves. Money is the root of all evil.

    1. I agree about being able to pay easily if they made $75k each per episode. All the ask websites I have asked all come up with $50-$75k per episode to SPLIT. But I'm curious. CJ what do you think about their revenue? KB net worth website all come up w/ $300 k. That's not much and doesn't add up to the 75x5...he would be worth allot more.

    2. I based my estimate originally on the fact that Alex McCord (a 3rd string wife of the franchise) indicated she was paid $300K a season on RHoNY before she was fired. A top housewife, NeNe Leakes, reportedly earned $750K for her season on RHoA. Kody Brown would be lucky to pull in $300K for his "work" at TLC.

      I went into additional detail in an answer further down on this page.

  16. I find it so interesting that whenever one of the them cries, NO ONE ever comforts nor cries with them. it comes across as everyone's so emotionally detached from each other and only views each other's tears as manipulative. Robyn's the only one who has cried in empathy with Kody's tears even. This family is just so messed up emotionally. Which yes, some monogamous families are as well. But these people keep saying how much better they are than monogs but keep demonstrating how they're just as dysfunctional as some dysfunctional monog families.

    1. I agree, when I first started watching this they often cried at couch sessions and no one ever reaches out to comfort one another. Even with an out reached hand oh any comfort. I'm sorry but even if I don't like someone I still have empathy for them and comfort just out of kindness. These people are robots. I think it shows how developmentally they are screwed up. Kody is supposed to love these women but no compassion- they all just sit there frozen and let the other just sit there in pain.

    2. This reminded me of what I read in "Escape" by Carolyn Jessop. She said that over time, she even stopped hugging and kissing her own children. Showing physical emotion was not done in the house nor encouraged. I think part of it is a wife can't be physical with Kody in front of the others because it causes great resentment and jealousy. So, you just get in the mind set of not being physical and before you know it, you're not touching anyone. It must be h-e-double-toothpicks to live in that group dynamic. If a wife shows affection (physical compassion) to another wife it must really raise suspicion with the others. No wonder Christine has "trust" issues!

      If this "lifestyle choice" is so awesome, why do these women tell us they constantly are seized with fits of rage and jealousy to this very day? It's definitely not all rainbows, puppies and lollipops, eh?!

    3. That may/may not be a polygamy thing. My family are huggers, big time. No way could I sit on a emotionally filled stage like last night and not get all up in Kody's face about the fat comment, whether it had been at me or another family member. But I have some friends that DO NOT HUG period, even family members in crisis.
      To me, it is a sensitivity chip that in reality, may be more based on upbringing and emotional maturity.

  17. anony 12:18 - Also, re: my thinking of Kody might as well have called her a Heifer birthing him some kids (should have said calves) that another poster also was on the same wavelength as me and said, Kody might as well have looked at her and said MOOOOO after he went on about her chubbiness and not being attracted to her.

  18. I am convinced Meri recruited Robyn into the family to punish Christine. I think Meri was insanly jealous of her especially during Christines pregnancies...I could just imagine Christine was the type to enjoy being pregnant and Meri was secretely seething on the inside. Christine rubbing her belly and cooing to her baby inside her all the while Meri grew more jealous by the minute.

    What Meri didnt expect was to see Kody fall head over heels over Robyn and it drove Meri into a deep depression...

    This family is a hot mess

    1. I never though of it that way, but makes total sense. I really don't like Meri. She's evil and they way she hangs all over Kody is sickening. Come on, Meri, get a grip and act your age.

  19. Instead of spending so much money on 4 houses...wouldnt it be wiser if they paired up and bought 2 large houses and the rest of the money could go to paying their kids college tuitions....Kody insisted they all attend college but will not contribute to putting them thru school.

    And who does Meri think she is getting a large house. She keeps using the infertility card to get her way in this family...she should be happy enough with 1 healthy daughter. She does not deserve a big house...she is a greedy vulture.

    1. Lilly, I agree with you completely. Two houses or build a big one, or duplex.
      I feel a little bit duped. Meri seemed quiet and reasonable, but now she looks like
      a real biatch. She has issues with all of the other wives. I honestly thought that they
      had overcome jealousy for the most part, and found happiness for themselves. That
      interview was a real eye opener for me. I am too old to be so naive. I still think the concept
      is good, but apparently not for them.

    2. finally seeing realityJune 25, 2012 at 1:31 PM

      I bet the other wives don't look forward to bringing their kids to Meri's house for visits if she is picky and fussy as has been talked about. I do believe that kids should respect otherss belongings, but how picky is she? 17 kids together could do some accidental damage and I would not be the mom expected to dicpline the child for an accidental infraction. My kids knew how to take care of things but accidents happen and I do no believe childen should be punished for accidents. it makes more sense to have large events in homes that already used to normal accidents that children make.

  20. All of them are pathetic! I've never seen such codependency. The kids are the only hope for discontinuing the cycle.

  21. I think Robyn had a very abusive past and TRULY thought she was entering into a stable, nurturing, loving "Leave it to Beaver" home. Her smiling is her trying to make the best of the "ABSOLUTE COMPLETE MESS" she's now apart of and the tears are her heart telling her she may have made a mistake. She has no income and she is financially provided for along with her children while she can remain a stay at home mom. I believe she wants to work it all out and is trying to bend over backwards tomake people happy( giving Kody another child....and offering to carry one for Merri who is the head of the house)but not really that happy at all! .................

  22. man, tonight the expounding from Kody on how much Meri was in love with that 18 year old (Meri would have only been 20 max) DEFINITELY screams closeted bi.

    in addition to several new lies told in tonight's episode, i was so happy to get to re-live Robyn's whopper when they replayed ONCE AGAIN the "ser-git" scene and she told Meri she'd been praying about it ever since she FIRST MET Meri. LOL - there's no end to her lying b.s. She's too stupid to even make up believable ones at least.

  23. Also Kody is just completely selfish n arrogant. He said the thought of his wives being with another man disgusts him. Each one of his wives fulfills a need he had. He admits his relationship with Janelle is not romantic but business like...he says he was never attracted to Christine but thought she would give him good sons. None of them have had a job in a long time...but have had several vehicles ..two new children...a move to another state..a very nice xmas.........not to mention food and clothing. They are all "getting" something from these dysfunctional relationships n r really kinda using each other. One of the wives, might have been Janelle, said she got to have the children she wanted...a career...her privacy n alone time which she treasured....a man that was NOT around a lot which allowed her to more or less be the boss n Christine did the cooking( this was b4 t move t LAS) point is they r all basically getting what they think they want..however I don't think ANY of them are honestly at peace and have true happiness nor getting all their needs met( other than Kody). Sad part is all the children in the middle of their selfishness

  24. I will not b watching next season.......I read EVERY adult who appears on a show gets $75,000.00 per episode. I don't know if that figure is exact but u know they r gettin a hefty amt since no one has worked since season1 but they r travelling n opening a fitness center n gettin 4 mansions..etc etc. N now that I've seen how unhappy they ALL ARE...except selfish Kody...I do not want my tv t contribute t any ratings n their abusive selfish life. Very sad to me. The interview tonight showed a lot of " true colors"

    1. I've seen that estimate too. If every adult Brown got 75K for each episode, their income would surpass a NeNe Leakes type reality star - and she stars in a highly rated reality show (RHOA) on an highly rated cable network (Bravo). If Bravo doesn't pay NeNe $4 million dollars/season, why would TLC pay that type of money to the Browns?

      The best estimate I've seen concerning the Browns income has been that the production company is paid for production costs by TLC. The production company then pays the Browns a percentage of their production budget. Some have estimated that the percentage is in the 10-15% range. It's obvious that the production budget can't be more than 300k per episode(too much use of flashbacks, recycled footage and 2 Q&A's not including the Natalie Morales interview), so that's about 30k per episode = approx 330K for the Browns each season. Deducting for taxes, they make about enough to cover their monthly expenses. Moving to Vegas makes sense when you consider the increase in production costs because of having to film between 4 houses instead of 1, and more frequent excursions to Vegas tourist spots. Of course Kody would approve of the move - it meant for money!

      Anyway, a lesser cast member of the Real Housewives franchise disclosed she made $300K per season. I think that's about how much the Browns are making.

    2. Totally sickening to know that people complain about money and want more when they can easily survive on less than $100 K a year. they have 2 seasons a year, right? how much is being saved?
      Greedy people, nothing in them is godly. Wasn't that their purpose? for people to see how they live out their religion? they are a total shame!

    3. Oh thanks CJ I just asked up thread the same $ question. Thanks I think you are right on the money. Haha, they are living like they are millionaires and burning through it fast, that is why the down payments are out of the question on these house scams. I guess you can't buy a McMansion with government cheese.

    4. I already commented on this but saying the Browns get paid $375k per episode for a show that - on a great week - gets maybe 1.8-2.0 million viewers and will never be aired outside TLC and will be shelved after the show ends - when the top star of "The Big Bang Theory" makes $225k/ep for a show that has been running since 2007, pulls almost 8 million viewers for a RERUN and 9 million in syndication...? Um, don't think so.

    5. They haven't bought any mansions - that was just a hold to give them 30 days to come up with financing. I wonder if those checks were post dated? Not that it makes a whit of difference - they could still be deposited. Nor have they bought a fitness center - all they did was come up with a name and when pressed, janelle whipped up some half baked business plan which was shot down by Kody. Just another story line.

    6. the Browns have champagne tastes on a beer salary

    7. finally seeing realityJune 25, 2012 at 1:42 PM

      Kody did mention that they would have to take less vacations if they bought these houses. But that remains to be seen. My opinion is they will be lucky to get these four homes at terms they can afford. Kody mentioned something about a dirt farm and I am inclined to believe that this is closer to what they can afford with 4 double wides. I really dont want to see bad happen to these people, but I do not think they realistic about what they can afford to pay for. Just because you feel like you deserve something (2 million in house) doesn't mean God feels that you deserve it.

  25. I wonder if Logan's decision to go to school and stay at home has anything to do with the fact that when he turns 18 he has rights to his own paycheck from "TLC".I am assuming that he would get one if he stayed home and participated in the show. I am not saying this to say that he is greedy. I think he is a great kid from what we have seen, this may just be his way of helping his mom. Didn't he say something about the financial opportunity if he stayed in the area? He just really didn't look thrilled with his decision.Also, are the children considered child actors and if they are where does that money go I wonder. Maybe some to trust and some to their daily needs???

    1. you mean after all that talk about getting away, he's going to stay? I couldn't watch the whole show...

    2. I was so disappointed when he decided on going to school in Las Vegas. I was so hoping he would go to school in Utah so he could get the heck away from that family!!! It would do him good to put some space between himself and his father, especially.

      But I can see your point. That does make sense, if he stays in LV he'll still be on the show and probably get paid for his appearances. But still, I'd love to see these older kids branch out on their own. They seem like such nice kids and they deserve more in life and once on their own, maybe they will find some stability.

    3. Do any of you think he gets to keep those checks?
      I have a feeling that Kody will take that money (or most of it).

    4. Lisa, I was pulling for SUU too, just so he could get away, but I changed my mind when I thought "he needs to be exposed to a lot of people, cultures, and ideas." And kudos to him for recognizing this. I just hope he gets a dorm room or apartment near campus so he can begin his own life. He sure seemed to want to get away, didn't he?

    5. That's assuming that Figure 8 Films (not TLC!) is paying each adult separately. I am of the belief that F8F pays a lump sum to Brown Family Entertainment LLC.

    6. his family is too chaotic and needy for him to live at home and have a truly good college experience. he voiced that fear again and again.

    7. finally seeing realityJune 25, 2012 at 1:46 PM

      I hope Logan looks out for his interests and his education rather than helping his family with money he will likely have to pay back. The loan is considered to be for his educational and living expenses not thoses of his family. I recently finished school and so know what the expectations are.

  26. Created a new drinking game tonight (except I didn't have any alcohol in the house. If I did, I would have been toast!) You have to watch the interview show and everytime Kody "defended" Meri when one of the other wives said something mean about her and Kody had to say she wasn't mean or evil you take a drink......

    And who (WHO) ever tells his wife - no matter how long they have been married - that there was a time that he felt she was unattractive and grossed out by how she ate? Christine looked so hurt!! Better yet, who says he wasn't (or isn't) attracted to "chubby" women while Janelle (the largest yet the prettiest) wife is sitting next to him???? Then he defends himself by saying "I was just being honest." No one should EVER be that honest to their spouse.

    All I saw in that interview (other than the kids being honest) were three women who obviously did not like each other (a lot) but tolerated each other while telling everyone that polygamy is all roses and sunshine. AND Kody thinking everything is/was/always has been the best it ever could be. How delusional.....

    1. well Meri kinda defended Christine and lashed out at Kody for being "too honest"...she said basically that you have to know when you're being too honest and can be hurtful and when not to be...yes, Meri does have some unresolved issues and can be a bitch but her heart isn't totally stone...

    2. Yeah Kody wants everyone to believe it is the top of all life and yet the wives are proving it isn't. Just like when Meri corrected him last night and said they were far from being on top of the world when Robyn came into it. My son said he's marrying wives when crap hits the fan with the others so he doesn't have to deal with them problems but the problems never go away as the wives proved last night.

    3. I missed that part where Kody said to Christine. Wow!! What an absolute heartless, insensitive, ignorant thing to say. Not only did he say it, he said it on national tv!!!

      I always knew Kody was an arrogant, selfish pig, but that was just downright mean spirited. I hope that all 4 of the wives wake up and leave him or ban him from their new homes. Okay, I know it will never happen, but it's a nice thought LOL.

    4. I find it odd Kody bashes Christine for being "heavy" (she had SIX of his children) and Meri is HEAVY too...but she only had ONE child. I'm not into bashing heavy people, I'm pointing out the irony.

    5. Lol so much for Robyn insisting that Kody likes "curvy girls".

    6. Yeah, four c-sections have left my girlish figure as naught but a pleasant memory of times past. However, I do have four wonderful children to love and cherish. I told my husband that I will be healthy, but I'm not going to kill myself to get back to a size 7 or 8. If he only loves me for my figure, then he's an idiot. Eyes are the window to the soul, and they never change. Your figure is very much a product of your environment and your genetics.

      They've all gained weight and have no room to judge each other. All except RNC, who is (what did she call it?) hypoglycemic or something? I'm pre-diabetic myself (thanks to a familial disposition) but even engaging in a lower-carb/sugar way of eating hasn't made me that skinny. Oh well

  27. There were so many train wrecks in this interview, I don't even know what to say. I felt bad for Christine when Kody said he didn't find her attractive cause she was(is) a little chubby but now their relationship is in a good place. How could that be when you know a man never really loved you in the first place? Then there is Janelle and Meri's relationship issues. I believe Meri is jealous of them all because she didn't have as many kids as the rest, but honestly who cares..She needs to grow up and act like an adult, get over it seriously. I liked them in the beginning, but now I look at them all and think boy they fooled me and the rest of the viewers, but I won't make that mistake again by watching the next season or future ones. I would rather be watching the Kardashians and I have never seen an episode but it surely is better then this.

  28. Meri sat there, narrowed eyes glaring at everyone, looking like she was plotting revenge the entire interview. Scary.

  29. I have a whole new attitude about this show and the Brown's after the last few episodes and especially the interview with Natalie. I now really dislike Kody and most of the wives. Why would they even have that interview show and behave that way? Don't they or TLC even realize they probably lost a lot of "fans" over that?

    1. I think that was F8F's intention. They want to make their $$ on the Browns and the best way to do that is to try and show their true colors and emphasize the train wreck aspect as much as possible. They might be tired of dealing with the Browns and Kody's demands as well.

    2. Keep in mind that Figure 8 also produced the Gosselins show for TLC, as well as the Duggars - this is their standard, established story arc - start positive, then to keep the ratings up, get the train wreck aspect going big time, just let the "stars" be themselves with a big ego, until they crash and burn. Jon and Kate got their highest ratings during the scandal and breakup remember...then when that was over, the public lost interest and even Kate getting on "dancing with the stars" didn't help her "career" much. Same thing will happen here, guaranteed.

  30. I wonder what went on between Janelle and Meri while Janelle was married to Meri's brother? Something must have happened between them after Janelle divorced her brother...

  31. I just tweeted Christine the following: @rosecolored6 Life has more to offer to strong women than sharing nacho's. Best of luck to you.

    It took me years to extricate myself from an abusive marriage, I hate seeing women get abused.

    How long before I'm blocked from their twitter????

    1. I sooo agree. I too was in an extremely abusive relationship for 2 looonnngg years. It's all over now and I'm happily married to a very loving man but it still haunts me how I let that happen. I feel for Christine b/c now the whole world has seen Kody abuse her and she is in a situation that is 1000 times worse than mine was with 6 kids, no income, no education and nearly 40, holy smokes man! But she still has options and should get out for her own dignity and self-respect!

  32. This morning I'm wondering if all of the chubby-ish daughters feel unattractive after their father unloaded last night?
    Wonder if they feel like they too will end up a brood mare, not beautiful & sexy in their (potential) husband's eyes but the ever crappy alternative "able to give him good sons"?
    Thanks daddydouche.

    1. That's a good question. Christine was actually much smaller when they married. He defiantly stuck his foot in his mouth, and thee girls would have been hurt, secretly, if not acknowledging it.

  33. I'm only a few minutes into the first episode and I could already write a novel. First off, I think Logan should get away and go to SUU. Being the oldest of a family that size HAS to be incredibly stressful.

    And WTH was Meri thinking when she said "Oh I could have SO much fun in a house this size!" What would one woman with a child about to leave for college do in a seven (?) bedroom house? Also, why can't she just live with Robyn if money is so tight and theres the possibility that they may lose one of the lots?

  34. Well this "mid-season finale" was chocked full of Brown nutty absurdities for sure. They certainly didn't disappoint on that front !!
    Hard to know where to start so will comment for now on the first things which jumped out while awaiting CJ's review.

    With all due respect for the "Team Janelle" folks, I was amazed at Kody's revelation that he and Janelle didn't have any romance at the start. Granted we had heard that insinuated before but hearing Kody declare that he decided that Janelle would be good for making *strong sons* was just appalling.
    First, it is a grossly misogynous statement.
    Secondly, it suggests his choosing was based on "breeding" potential. Okay, if that is the bottom line for these people, so be it, but it does smack of animal husbandry rather than human value.

    And Janelle obviously knew that since she too, a few episodes back, admitted that they had no romance to start with. WTH !!! WTF !!!
    And she was okay with that??
    Sorry, but that revelation conjures up a pukey situation where she agreed to simply be a breeder and then what....her nights with Sperminator were simply times "to be fertilized??"
    No foreplay, no tender endearments, just slam-bang, do the deed ?!! Good God !!

    Also Kody says his relationship (marriage) to Janelle beyond her uterus was that he and Janelle mostly discuss finances...well, it that is the case and it most likely is, then the obvious conclusion is that neither Kody OR Janelle are skilled (or SMART) in that department.

    Even with the added weight, Janelle is a pretty woman, but she is lacking any spark or 'light"...she is essentially flat-lined in personality. It's hard to say what she really thinks about anything other than to say she is concerned "about the finances." Well, duh...shouldn't they all be??
    No gold star for that concern. They would be even more deadbeats than they already are if at least "someone" in their group didn't 'say' that.
    BUT....Fitness centers, diet drinks, jewelry, real estate license are all risky "maybe" success stories.
    Why not REAL jobs.???? The only logical answer HAS to be that none of them want to actually WORK. Including Janelle!!!

    Absolutely, Kody's slam on Christine was heinous. Talk about a deal breaker!!!
    Or should be one..?!!!
    But it won't be..these women are so severely dysfunctional (all of them) that life will just routinely go on in KodyWorld with Christine childishly taunting Kody while simultaneously trying to win back his favor.
    Pathetic !!!!

    Have to go to back later !!

    1. Need to qualify something....

      I didn't want to imply that real estate is not a real job !!! I certainly know better.
      I meant that Janelle going for a license (if she really did) in that field was a misfit for sure. And like the rest of the list of their "maybe" was doubtful !!!

  35. When I saw Merri rolling around in that tub, I almost lost my lunch. I had just gotten home from my 16 hr day working as a nurse, I've been dreaming of a large Jaquzzi tub for quite some time now, saving money to remodel my home, etc..I realized, why am I watching these people? Meri wants a wet bar, Meri wants a deck, well so do I! But I, like every other "strong woman" gets up everyday, goes to work, and saves to make her dreams happen. I do not need a $300 necklace or pendant to tell everyone or myself I am strong. My everyday actions of being a wife, mother, dtr, etc is shown by my actions. I started watching sisterwives because of my interest in plyg lifestyle. This family writing out checks for $ that you know is coming from the show as a result of my watching and contributing to their selfishness is over. Love this blog!

  36. Random comments before I head off to work....

    I must admit, while I understand Meri's disappointment with the fertility issues, I have no patience with the self pity. There are a million ways to do God's work and Meri has time to give. Volunteer in schools, work at a food bank, be a hospice volunteer. I know lots of people who work full time and still spend part of their time giving to others. Enough of the pity party...

    I also can't stand the corny music constantly being played. I'm just tired of the whole show and couldn't even muster the interest to watch the tell all episode. And did anyone else notice Kody's bald spot in the running around the houses' portion?

    If these guys were truly one family, the kids would be more spread out among the houses. You notice the whole thing of Meri having two of the girls didn't last long and there was never an explanation why. Seriously...why wouldn't Logan have a room at Meri's 7 bedroom house? Because they aren't that much of a blended family.

    Family is all how you define it. I have many 'sisters' who aren't related to me by blood. We take care of each other and help with life issues. This is not one's four single households with one stallion who provides sex. I get Janelle to the extent that she has her kids and only has to put up with Kody occasionally. But come on people...God is not very present in these people's lives so quit trying to justify your existence based on your religious beliefs.

    I've watched a few episodes of the Kardashians. I have to say they are more honest about who they are and embrace their own superficial and money oriented life style. I'm also done with this show and may just read the blog if and when they start showing new episodes.

    Shoot this dead horse...Please!

  37. 10 signs for spotting a sociopath according to naturalnews
    #1) Sociopaths are charming. Sociopaths have high charisma and tend to attract a following just because people want to be around them. They have a "glow" about them that attracts people who typically seek guidance or direction. They often appear to be sexy or have a strong sexual attraction. Not all sexy people are sociopaths, obviously, but watch out for over-the-top sexual appetites and weird fetishes.
    #2) Sociopaths are more spontaneous and intense than other people. They tend to do bizarre, sometimes erratic things that most regular people wouldn't do. They are unbound by normal social contracts. Their behavior often seems irrational or extremely risky.
    #3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
    #4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time.
    #5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.
    #6) Sociopaths tend to be highly intelligent, but they use their brainpower to deceive others rather than empower them.
    #7) Sociopaths are incapable of love and are entirely self-serving. They may feign love or compassion in order to get what they want, but they don't actually FEEL love in the way that you or I do.
    #8) Sociopaths speak poetically. They are master wordsmiths, able to deliver a running "stream of consciousness" monologue that is both intriguing and hypnotic.
    #9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.
    #10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!

    1. Sounds like someone we know....

    2. This description in right on! Describes my ex-husband to a T!

  38. It is obvious he married Janelle because she worked and could bring in income. He married Christine because she is polygamy "royalty" and he needed a babysitter. He married Robyn for the sex. Kody told his motives last night!

  39. Was it just me or did it seem like Meri is the troublemaker in the family? She really needs to get over the poor poor pitiful me act and look at how her actions affect the family as a whole.

  40. I just really find them all so irresponsible especially financially. I can't for the life of me figure out how they pay for everything. Are they collecting foodstamps? How can they be approved for mortgages when they all have filed for bankruptcy?

  41. When they lived in Lehi and Janelle was their MAIN bread winner. They said on the show that Meri only made about 600 dollars a month when she was working and that Janelle paid the mortgage. So for Meri to be such a Bitch to Janelle, she was literally bitting the hand that fed her (and Marriah too). If I was Janelle, I would be like, ya'll are all on your own. Spend your money on 7 bedroom houses, and your "nicer taste" and vacations and victoria's secret, but when it is all gone, don't come to me.

    1. Can anyone see the real estate record? It's likely the house in Lehi is owned by Kody and Meri (his legal wife). Meri owned the house, Janelle paid the bills. Meri is only committed to this lifestyle when her butt is being kissed. I know my tone is changing from tolerance to intolerant, especially of the mental and emotional abuse.

    2. "It's likely the house in Lehi is owned by Kody and Meri (his legal wife). Meri owned the house, Janelle paid the bills.

      Actually, if memory serves me, Janelle purchased the Lehi house and then added Kody and Meri several years later.

    3. Janelle purchased the house in 2006-07. She added Kody shortly thereafter, then Meri in 2009.

    4. Now that is fascinating.
      Probably she was the only one who could get a mortgage back then.

    5. Hmmm. So Kody wasn't making enough money to buy a house? Why on earth would Janelle add Kody and Meri? These women, regardless of having an education (Janelle) or wit (in Christine's case), they do not think strategically ... well, except for the celestial strategy.

  42. Thanks for this great blog! I cannot stand to watch the show much anymore, but this blog tells me everything I need to know! The comments are great, the recaps and blogs are great!

    I really like Janelle and Christine. I hope they are able to find inner strength to make changes in their lives.

  43. Cody can't picture himself in anything but a dirt farm? What a huge pile of meadow muffins!! U all make me sick! Of course Logan will remain at home it does mean bucks for him look up the money they get from TLC!

    1. Thank goodness you brought this up. I don't watch this Smoke & Mirrors show anymore but my friend called me and said Krody had said something like he "needs to believe he deserves more than living on a dirt farm" He is such a slimy, con artist LIAR. Since when has he lived on a dirt farm? Since when does he deserve better? I'll tell you what you lying, thieving, con artist - you deserve what you WORK for and EARN. He's a PIG and I mean pig, not plyg. Metrosexual version of Kate Gosselin. And I cannot wait til this show is yanked and this jackass is back where he started. Actually it will be worse cause he'll have tasted the good life but was too stupid to take the steps necessary to hang on to it. I like the kids but I don't think this is beneficial for them, other than financially.

  44. My college aged daughter walked thru the living room while the interview was on and said (NOT joking!) 'oh is that that Charles Manson guy?' They were showing a close up of Kody with his scary eyes.
    OMG!!! I didn't know whether to laugh or change the channel.
    He IS scary and so is Meri. Why would TLC allow this interview? Maybe in the same way they took down Kate/John, they know the ship is sinking so get as much milege as possible ??
    Really don't know if I can watch anymore of this crap, but the blog is excellent. CJ and Mister Sister, you all do a great job here, thank you!

  45. I have been watching this show since day one but after last nights tell all I'm not happy with Kody. The shows leading up to this Kody kept saying he wasn't going to bring another wife into it and then yet last night on the show "oh we can't say Robyn will be the last." Then what he said about Christine that was low. That her eating nachoes turned him off her physically and yet Janelle is heavier than Christine. I can honestly see why the wives would struggle with this, each other. It is definitely not a life I could live.

  46. The more Kody opens his mouth, the more I hate him. I really don't understand how his fans can stand by him after he said those things about Christine.

    Have you noticed that he has complaints about each wife, except sobbin' Robyn?

    He says that Janelle create problems in their relationship by not expressing her needs. He claims that Meri has a "critical view" and criticized him emotionally (claiming that he wasn't doing this or that). He claims that he was not attracted to Christine, that she nags him (remember when he said that he wants to go to her house, but when he gets there, she makes him want to leave), and that she is jealous.

    While most husbands grow closer and more accepting over time, it seems that Kody does the opposite. He likes them at first, but then starts to compile a list of faults. Watch out Robyn, you are not immune. He will start a list of complaints about you soon, if he hasn't already.

    I wish the interview had dug a little deeper, but at least it gave Kody a platform to show a bit of his darker side.

    1. From the book, I see Kody has a disturbing pattern. He'll act nice to the women he's courting, but once they're married, he turns into a jerk. Both Christine and Janelle have remarked how he changed (for the worst), but only after the vows were said.

  47. I dont believe Kody is the nice nice man he portrays becuase if you think about it....if his wives left him he'd be screwed. The child support alone would bury him. I think there is just as much manipulation to keep the wives married to him as there is corruption in other Lds families we've seen shows about. There is obviously a lot of emotional, mental abuse that goes on Kidy proved that by his comments alone.

  48. I was so irritated at Kody last night. I live in Utah and he had the nerve to call Utah full of hicks. Kody is the biggest hick of them all. Not only that but he was so rude to Christine on that interview, it seriously annoyed me. Christine and Janelle need to leave the family ASAP! TLC needs to pull the plug on this show so he can go back to reality. He is not a celebrity, he is nothing more than a pain in the neck...........

  49. So, Kody is TLC's newest Kate Gosselin? Could TLC hoping that by portraying him in a bad light (or showing his true jerky colors) they will increase the ratings on this show?

    I guess we should all look for new houses, trips (eventhough they supposedly have to give them up for their new compound)and generally wives and Kody acting badly. That is why I expect next season to look like, following the same pattern of Kate+8.

  50. I was so annoyed at Kody last night. Not only was he rude to Christine, calling her a heifer.. Give me a break. He needs to go back to the "dirt farm" as soon as possible. TLC needs to pull the plug and let him face reality. He is not a celebrity, he is nothing more than a pain in the neck.

    He also annoyed me when he said Utah is full of hicks or whatever when Logan wanted to go to SUU. I am from Utah and Kody is the biggest hick of them all....

    1. Kody didn't actually call her a heifer. That was ME putting my own snark quote in his voice saying, "Yeah, i wasn't attracted to her at all. so who knew i'd still be able to get 6 kids out of the little heifer tho in spite of that!"

      I HATED what he said about Christine and he said it to her publicly on national TV. it was completely mean-spirited and outright hateful thing to do. My made up quote was just saying he might as well have also termed it like that to the interviewer. His misogyny is disgusting and evil.

      (someone else also picked up on my line of thinking and said something about Kody should have just looked over at her and MOOOED based on what he just said about her.)

  51. Oh, and a few more things:

    As he rattled off his complaints about his wives, did you ever hear him take ANY responsibility for any of it? As sobbin' Robyn says, it takes two, Kody!

    And did you hear how he said that Janelle would produce good sons? How offensive to Janelle.

    Also, notice that he spoke of her worth in terms of breeding SONS. He intentionally omitted daughters. I wonder how his poor daughters felt about that. And how did that make Meri feel since she only bore a daughter. (I don't like Meri and I think she uses her infertility to manipulate the family, but she still doesn't deserve it)

    He made it pretty darn clear that sons are superior. What a misogynist.

    1. You couldn't be more right, Brittany Spaniel, and it does seem to show why Truly is so ignored and Solomon is revered. I don't mean to offend this religion, but it's like a pyramid scheme. If Kody gets his own planet and is king of his own celestial body, then his sons, through plural marriage, become kings of their own planets, then Kody is the Super-King of many planets. Kody puts nothing emotional into these relationships, despite his claims to the contrary. On the other hand, he's no worse than a serially monogamous man, but in that case the women aren't to blame. Here, I'm shaking my head. I originally started watching to see how they make this work on any level. The answer is that they don't.

    2. Not only was it odd that Kody only mentioned "sons", but he seemed to put all the responsibility of raising good sons on Janelle. He didn't say, "I thought that Janelle and I could raise good sons together." Kody didn't imply that he'd put any effort into it.

  52. Sorry to be a post hog, but I do have another question:

    They put earnest money on the lots with the expectation that they will get financing within 30 days. I don't understand how they are going to get financing when they were just turned down for traditional financing a few months ago and they could not afford the unconventional financing. Did this confuse anyone else?

    1. These people DON'T WORK... 5 adults that DONT WORK and think someone is going to finance 4 EXPENSIVE homes??


    2. Oh they are probably just waiting for that magic money tree to sprout millions. I'm sure they are convinced it will be coming in any day.

      Like many of you, I"m sick of this show and after last night, I'm really over them-I'm so tired of people not taking responsibility and if that is what they wanted to portray polygymy as, then they sure hit that nail on the head.

    3. I honestly think that Heavenly Father will miraculously provide these homes if they continue to pump out babies.

    4. oops, I meant I think they honestly believe that Heavenly Father will provide these houses if they continue to pump out babies.

  53. TLC should rename "Sister Wives" to "Lying Wives".

  54. Ok here is my take on the house situation:

    Kody is formulating his own compound.

    Meri's house will become the "Pasture House". When Kody's wives get older, beyond fertility or beyond desire for more kids, he can move them in with Meri so that they can be put to pasture. This will free space in the other houses for the younger wives.

    The reason why he needs the huge houses is so that as Kody adds more wives, they can have tons of kids and consider doubling up wives in huge houses. I mean if there are 7 bedrooms, you only need two per wife. Then there are 5 left over for kids. Double/triple up the kids in the rooms (bunk beds, etc) and you've got space for each wife to have 4-5 kids.

    That's before they start remodeling to add more rooms.

    So I think Kody is seeing at least 5 more wives in his future. Janelle and Christine are basically out to pasture now.

    Did you notice how Robyn's answer to more wives changed in the interview? Last time we saw her say "I would strangle you if you were looking at another wife" and now it's all "I would be ok, that is what I signed on for".

  55. Is this really what modern polygamy has come to? I thought the whole idea was to be sacrificing for the good of the family not fighting over who has the larger house. I just can't help but wonder why they practice this "lifestyle" if all they are doing is sharing a man and complaining. You don't see them ever pray or talk about God's will. If I was a polygamist I would be so ashamed of how they portray the religion.

    1. This has troubled me as well. Janelle seems to be the only wife who is truly invested in The Principle.

  56. Now I understand why they openly insulted each other last night and aired all the dirty laundry. Just saw on Twitter that their book is #1 on Amazon this morning. I guess people want to read about more of the fighting and disfunction. So much for the statement "this lifestyle makes us better"....

    1. Doesn't matter how much they make on the book, they won't have that money forever ... too many mouths to feed, too much greed. I hope the kids get an education.

    2. I read the book but I got it at the library, so I paid what is was worth. The whole interview last night was repulsive. I had not watched the show in 2 weeks. I don't know if I will continue watching but I WILL continue reading here.

    3. Sorry I forgot to add this to my post, the book I really want to read would be authored by that lucky 18/19 year old prospect who got away! Come on sleuths find her and get her to talk : ) Seriously, does anyone know anything about her?

  57. So, did they get the houses on the cul-de-sac? Are they still living in their original rentals? Thanks in advance to anyone who answers!


  58. Didn't watch the show,I used to, but they just turn my stomach now. IIRC didn't they say, in an earlier episode, that Chinny-chin did NOT have an advantage (or something to that effect) over the other wives due to her being "slim" because KODOUCHE LIKED CURVY WOMEN?
    Then last night he says he wasn't attracted to Christine because SHE was chubby??? (look in the mirror lately Douchey?) Her eating nachos grossed him out? Did I not see in one of the recaps here that he ATE OFF HIS KIDS PLATES??

    I can just imagine the crazy (and I mean craaazy) women offering themselves to this idiot. You know they're out there, feeding his narcissistic bald head with more delusions of grandeur. I imagine he's sifting through these possible new wife-ies as we speak.

  59. I have read all the posts...for me I boil it down to this is a television show. The money comes from the sponsors who buy commercial time during the show and when the sponsors money exceeds the costs of the show including whatever they are paying the Browns, they make a profit. As long as we all watch and the ratings are up the show will continue..Producers will push story lines for this group as they do on other reality shows. All of these people in my opinion are functioning with different levels of low or no self esteem, narcissism, and cracked characters...I dont believe anything that comes out of their mouths. The Morales interview sealed it for me.. I dont think there is any love between whatsoever. I think they think it is love...they are all co-dependent as I see it. Once the cameras go away and they will, we all can agree on that, these people will crack and it is sad especially for the smaller children...the older kids will be fine because they see what is going on already. I do enjoy reading all perspectives..thanks..

  60. I think Kody, Christine and possibly the other wives are deleting all negative comments from their twitter pages. I saw that someone posted on here that they posted something less than extreme fan fair on kody's page and that they saw kody's page was littered with criticism for abuse of Christine and it looks like he deleted it all. I hate this man so much and I'm NEVER watching their stupid show while it airs on tv again. I'm with all of you that say you don't want to give these welfare leaches anymore ratings, Geez!

    1. First I thought they deleted and blocked me because I brought up their bankruptcies, but over time I noticed anyone not kissing rear gets deleted and blocked.

    2. I think Kody was getting even with Christine for her aggression (passive) against Robyn at the lunch. Christine did a number on Robyn there. Unfortunately, I think Robyn suffers from depression and that they all including Kody are depressed regardless of the mental high this television show gives them. Crying, like Meri and Robyn often due at the slightest thing, remark could be a sign of their depression. Random Questions. Didn't Meri say on a show going back to the time of Robyn's wedding to Kody, that "I DID MY DUTY". she was referring to introducing them..does anyone remember that??

  61. Not drinking the kool aidJune 25, 2012 at 1:22 PM

    I guess I'm still not understanding why the separate kitchens????? After reading this blog, we know there is another poly family that has a huge house so why can't they just suck it up and do the same thing there? Some people on get glue got on me last night after I mentioned this so I told them to read here to understand what I meant. I say save money (yeah right) and build one big house with just the one kitchen. If they can rotate nights with Kodouche, they can rotate nights on who cooks.

    1. Hi NDTKA: While I openly disagree with a lot this family does, I do understand why they don't want to have a huge kitchen. I've seen the television documentaries about the polygamous families in Centennial Park and also Bountiful, Canada. The scenes filmed in their kitchens seemed too "institutional" to me. Long, cafeteria-style tables, industrial refrigerators, food wheeled into the dining room by cart. It didn't seem like a family's home.

  62. Kody is getting a huge backlash from the interview last night...lots of people are angry. Now TLC is going to have to do damage control from Kody's comments...I have a feeling that the show will now be cancelled...way to go, Kody...showing everyone what a true freakshow you are...if I was Christine I would have grabbed ahold of your Sammy Hagar hair and knocked your butt to the ground...

    1. I think Kody's biggest fear is that he will not be a public celebrity when the show is over. The 3 women who are not legally married to Kody, probably will not meet a man who will marry them and take care of their younger kids.
      But the backlash against Kody can be used strategically by the producers to actually prolong the show. As long as the ratings are up it will stay on. It is all about viewers...I have not read the book and I wont read the book. Do you think there was a co-writer, a professional to guide them with continuity??

  63. Is there a backlash? Where? All I see is fans bashing the interviewer and sympathizing with Kody. Ugggh.

    I am in shock. After those statements, women everywhere should be horrified.

  64. I stand by my orignial theory that Kody did NOT read the book before it went to press or I don't think he would have approved it for publication. I always said that once people read the book (which apparently they now are based on the amazon lists), then everyone would know that this 'lifestyle' just plain stinks for the women. I think this interview and the 'fans' reading the book will forever change the way anyone looks at them. I have to say I was impressed that Natalie quite accurately indicated that it was Mean, Manipulatie Meri who put this family into disarray. I guess they didn't expect the 'real' questions they got. Even Janelle kind of backtracked. I think in the book Janelle describes leaving over a huge fight with Meri where Meri was riduling her looks. And instead of saying the truth "we hate each other's guts" they say the relationship is a 'work in progress'. Sorry, 20 years later and they still hate each other, I think it's time to give up on all that 'work' they are doing.

    And well, I just felt awful for Christine. She should never ever be made up that way again, the false eyelashes and her makeup were really unflattering and distracting to me. At any rate, Kody is still on the 'punish Christine' bandwagon by telling the entire world (or the 2M viewers) that he was not attracted to Christine. Then when given an opportunity by Natalie to say he wished he hadn't said it or apologize or do anything to repair his completely unraveling image, he gets defensive and pretty much blames Natalie for asking the question.

    I have so much more to say but don't hve time at the moment....but how in the world do the Browns think that people will buy their extremely overpriced jewelry because they feel inspired by the sister wives relationship? Their relationships are beyond repair, I think. And yet, we should buy ourselves a special necklace to remind us how horrible they are to each other?

    So very disappointed in Kody and Meri, even wih the incredibly low standars I had for them. I honestly believe the two of them are the cause of all of the pain of Janelle, Christine and even Robyn and in turn their children. Shame on them. They should have been monogamous.

    1. Hmmm. I wonder if Kody's eye started to wonder after a few years of infertility and Meri agreeing to the other relationships was a way to keep him.

    2. CPA Carol, I agree with you that Kody either DID NOT READ the book, or read it and couldn't do a thing to prevent it from being published. Janelle always makes it a point to tell people how lucky they are to have a production team that listens to what they to be televised. Well, that didn't happen with the book. And who knows? Maybe Kody DID read the book, hated it but was told by his editor - Sorry, you signed a contract and cashed the check. NO CHANGES. Either way, Kody looks like a fool.

    3. like Mr. T used to say, "I pity the fool!" lol

    4. But except for the kids...they ALL chose to be in this relationship. Any of them can choose to leave...hopefully logan and the other kids will make a better life for themselves. Meri made the choice before she married Kody, she agreed BEFORE they got married to allow Kody to take other "wives". Each one of the others chose to join - they weren't assigned by a "prophet".

  65. THEY JUST DON'T GET IT.. THEY GO ON ABOUT NACHOS ON TWITTER AND HOW IT DOESN'T DEFINE THEM.. BUT, IT WAS MORE THE FACT HE WAS CALLING HER CHUBBY AND HE WAS DISGUSTED! SO, I WENT TO Twitter to try to explain to them, in a very short twitter sentence... I'm sure It'll be deleted....

    I think it was more the chubby comment than the nacho part. @rosecolored6 @realkodybrown @MeriBrown1 @JanelleBrown117 @LuvgvsUwngs

    1. You will soon be blocked :)

  66. like it or not, all that shit DOES DEFINE them, I just think they're too ignorant to understand that.
    All the stuff that they put out for the world to scrutinize are the things that define them to us. Ok, maybe in their Kodysphere, they've all moved on from the nacho slam, and the chubby slam and the breeding weirdness, etc etc etc.....but for those in the audience who are "getting to know them" all that junk is how WE size up a person.
    A lot of us would never choose to hang out with a misogynist and his submissive women. Even with a flat screen between us, I can't stand them.

  67. I checked out Kody's Twitter page for a hot second and this jumped out at me (a comment by one of his adoring fans):

    "I totally cried when u ran round the lots around all ur beautiful wives."

    BAH-HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! That part was so ridiculous and I kind of laughed, watching the wives standing there patiently waiting for him to circle aka 'put his stink' on the lots.

    1. I wish I could see it. Sadly, the free links to the show (I don't watch it on tv I don't live in the US) tend to appear on wednessday (funny how some shows appear mere hourse after airing ;) ).

      If I were good at editing, I would make a lil' video of Kody on this tune

    2. RR - and this fan didn't add "and I wished I was one of them! " LOL there's no end to the pool of helplessly emotionally needy women out there that don't get it and will never get it. sadly.

  68. Would TLC keep this show on if Kadouche had struck his psuedo wife in the face. I do not think advertisers would let them. I think the mental abuse we witnessed last night was just as bad. As much as i love this blog it is time to see this show cancled. The atty general of nevada needs to investigate abuse.

  69. Ah yes, chubby nacho comments are flying all over Twitter. I think "Chubby Nacho" is the name of my new band...

    1. KODY doesn't get the message these wives give that he's not worth it for his harem to keep themselves looking good for him. In fact thanks to him, they don't even see themselves as worth it to look good and be healthy for themselves even. ;'(

    2. I'd wanna tell him i'm NACHO SISTER WIFE nomo, Grody! if i was Christine.

  70. Goodbye Browns ! I will not watch your show anymore . I was shocked and disgusted how Cody treated Christine and Jannell . Cody , your children with these ladies will see exactly how you see their mothers . These mothers are raising the children while you hop from bed to bed and you think you had to right to speak about them like you did . You have no shame and I hope one day Jannell and Christine will find a good man that will love them like they deserve to be loved ! I feel so sorry for the children

  71. Self-sacrifice seems to be the major theme for the wives here. You have to remember that Meri, Christine, and Robyn grew up in polygamy, so this is essentially all they know. Janelle, while not growing up in polygamy, did not have a strong male figure around to show her love and support. I think she was enchanted by the picture presented by both the Barber family (Meri's) and the Brown family (Kody's) and wanted to be a part of the love, support, and camraderie she saw. I feel for her, because the reality of the situation certainly wasn't what she was expecting. Along those lines, I actually feel for all four women. Some have handled their disillusionment better than others, but I can see that all four have felt the same pain.

    Much as I hate to admit it, I even feel for Robyn. I don't think she understood the level of disfunction she was getting into when she joined the family. She seems to have an idealized vision of marriage from her mother's marriage to her stepdad, and I think she has been disappointed twice - first with her marriage to David Jessop, secondly in her marriage to Kody Brown.

    I don't really want to assign blame or villian-status to any of the five adults. I think they could all benefit from family counseling together. There are clearly still many unresolved issues between the five of them. I think with time, effort, and honesty tempered with tact, they could actually have a great relationship between all five of them.

    Of course, whether they would all be willing to put the time and energy into fixing the relationship/s is an entirely different subject...

    1. a counselor can't fix this family. it's broken due to their lifestyle. they will have to give it up and then go into individual counseling to get themselves fixed after coming from this nightmare lifestyle.

  72. RE: PC's comment, June 25, 2012, 1:21 AM

    I found this little gem in the Attorney General's Primer document(

    "We try to encourage our people to take care of their own needs and to entirely avoid any reliance upon the government. Though there are some members of our faith who may have received government assistance, they are encouraged to become self-sustaining as soon as possible. Our teachings are to be honorable in all our financial dealings which includes full payment of all required taxes as well as avoiding debt." (page 12)

    I'm thinking the Browns haven't read the "public statement issued by AUB leaders, regarding their beliefs and practices, on March 17th, 2008"

  73. wth did Mother Meri's comment about "I like expensive things but i take care of them so they last a long time" have anything whatsoever to do w/the conversation she was having w/Janelle calling her out on demanding her big RENTAL house w/the swimming pool?? get it Meri? RENTAL house. nothing you own and need to take care of so it will last you a long time. Janelle was talking about wasting money on something you didn't NEED when her kids NEEDED that finite family money FOR FOOD for HER KIDS!! and your BONUS KIDS that you love and care for as if they were your own, Mother Meri. blech.

    just typical passive/aggressive behavior to deflect the true accusation at you to something completely different and make it all emotional. what a player...

    1. Totally agree, Anonymous. I took it as a "dig" that Janelle or Christine do not take care of their stuff like she does. I know Kody that one time said how Meri's house was always clean and tidy and he admired that in her. Well, if you have one child that is probably gone a lot, and you don't work, then I can see why the house is spotless. I think MOST people in the general population like nice things. Who doesn't? That ticked me off so bad, because Janelle has to figure out this mess and is responsible for trying to pull a rabbit out of her butt to pay for all of this stuff. GRRR!

  74. Hello, I found your blog a month or so ago and I absolutely love it. It's so nice to find other intelligent, articulate folks who also inexplicably can't stop watching this train wreck of a family/show. :-) I haven't posted til now, but these last shows left me with an urgent need to vent. So indulge the noob, if you will.

    Kodouche has finally gone about as low as one can go. Did he actually say he had done the "emotional work" on these marriages only to tear down Christine within minutes of saying that?? I was horrified at his comments. Christine may not be the sharpest tool in the SW's closet, but she's always been my favorite. Her humor, fun attitude and nurturing personality has always seemed very charming to me. I also think she is quite beautiful. For Kody to say what he said, on camera, knowing that his kids, and particularly his kids with Christine, would eventually see this is nothing short of morally reprehensible. To play the "I'm just being honest" card and then not even owning the fact that he hurt his wife, is just cruel and damaging. Abusive even. This is the mother of 6 of his children... nice job on doing the "emotional work" you freaking lowlife. I am also getting totally freaked out by his eyes, cold, vacant, void of any warmth or emotion. The Manson comparisons may not be so far off. Watching Kody evolve over the course of this series, I can almost see how someone can develop an almost sociopathic disconnect and sense of entitlement that leads to cult leader territory. It's starting to get a little scary.

    Robynn- Just shut up, really. I can't take any more of the syrupy BS she spouts. I was literally yelling STFU at my screen last night whenever she flapped her cold sore ridden lips. This girl has some really serious issues. She can't go five minutes without crying. She needs help in a bad way. If the Douchester ever does take another wife, I would predict a total meltdown.

    Meri - Okay, so her rationale for wanting a big house: " I always intended to have 8 kids so I shouldn't be punished for just having one. Wow, just wow. With that logic, I could say, well, I always intended to marry a rich man so I shouldn't be punished by having an average lifestyle 'cause I didn't. Hmmm sounds good to me. Passive-aggressive simpering is so unattractive. Boo-hoo, I can't comment on the houses 'cause someone may call me out on the fact that I don;t need 7 bedrooms! Uh, but I do need a wetbar(????) and a deck. I have to ask what planet are you on??? I mean, doesn't that planet thing come a lot later on????

    That I keep watching this guilty pleasure is beyond me, but I'm glad I'm not the only one.

  75. In a nutshell: Things are not all for the benefit of the family; Meri could take 1/2 if she left; Robyn is the breeder and will get the biggest house, this is just BS, they never talk about what is really going on; We should know that by now.
    Did we hear Meri chose a large house with a pool over a small house next to Robyn? NO. How on EARTH can they afford these homes? $300,000 is not going to begin to finance them. Why not build smaller, and have some money?

  76. Robyn--you tweeted about "our" kids crying in Utah--you came in at the tail-end of their teen years, hardly makes you their parent.

  77. I knew they were doomed after reading the book...too many lies exposed. Their attempt at damage control via a "tell-all" show just ended up throwing more gasoline on this flaming wreck.

    He's and Meri are such mean girls. Oh by the way Kody, remember the 18 year old you and Meri were "in love" with when you were in your early 20's?? You forgot to mention she was underage when you guys started creeping on her...oops!

    1. That made me think of the song, "I'm a creep, I'm a liar!"
      UNDERAGE when they started a courtin' her. There was the buzz, the serendipity, but the church said no. That's what they don't tell.

    2. Typo... "He" and Meri (referring to Kodouche of course).

    3. Did anyone else find it bizarre how Meri is talked about courting and being in love with wives/girls just like Kody??

  78. Welcome Sissy May! I agree - Kody has sunk incredibly low. How dare he insult his wife and mother of 6 of his children. And then when given the opportunity to change his wording or apolgize, he does neither. He actually tells Christine that she needs to cut coupons to save grocery money so she can travel to see her father?!? She has 6 children - if Meri gets the same 'grocery money' then Meri should just quit her crying over only having one child because apparently this affords her the opportunity to ski and go to Mexico while Christine feeds her children and hopes one day to travel and see her father. What exactly is Kody's financial contribution to these families? We have snarked about Christine being on welfare/food stamps, but did she really have a choice?

  79. I saw someone post last night that TLC pays each adult of a reality show $75,000 per episode. That would be $375,000.00 per episode for the Browns. Surely they are not paid that much. That would be millions per season!

    1. CJ has commented on this in many posts, and as much as they would love it, we don't think they get paid that much. The tops, per CJ, would be $300,000 a season.
      Belief if at first, they only got paid $10,000!

  80. You know, the more I think about the Tell All, the more I dislike Kody Brown.

    My heart breaks about the comments he made about Christine. Does he not realize that some of his older daughters are also chubby and it is hard enough to be chubby in our society, let alone when their father puts their mother down on national TV for her weight.

    I don't like Meri. I'm glad the interviewer called her out.

    Kody and Meri defended each other all through the interview. When Kody wasn't defending Meri, he was making disgusting comments about Christine's weight or Janelle and her ability to breed sons.

    I don't know if I will continue to watch the show after this.

  81. Welcome to all the new folks here!

  82. Janelle is terrified Logan will leave his childhood religion and trade down for something even worse - just like his momma and poppa both did. ;') what's worse tho than AUB plyg? scientology? FLDS? amish? snake handlers? WHO KNOWS according to Janelle. but nonetheless, she's more interested in directing him at least back to her regular mormon church if he's not going to choose their own brand of plyghood.

  83. At first we believed Christine to be a favorite, when in actuality she just got attention by being the easiest going ... in short, not caring so much. When she actually showed that she had feelings for Kody and wanted his attention, he has decided she's too much aggravation. When the interviewer asked him: "So you were not physically attracted to Christine," he said: "That's an understatement." In short, I was grossed-out by her. Who wouldn't be hurt by that? Who among us wouldn't feel totally unloved, hated even, by our husband, and if he did it before our rivals ... this is unthinkable. TLC loves this buzz, by the way. They are not going to cancel the show because Kody mentally and emotionally abused his wife. We must stop watching. This won't be hard for me. In reality, however, Robyn should look-out. When Kody gets bored with her (and the more money he makes, the easier boredom will come), she'll be left to drown her sorrows with Meri.

  84. This show was the straw that broke my camel's back. I seriously can't support this train wreck any longer.

    I do not feel sorry for a single one of them. I used to have sympathy for Christine and Janelle but that's gone now too.

    They WILLINGLY entered into a marriage with a man who self-admittedly was not in love with them. We keep saying Janelle is so smart, but my question is, is she REALLY that smart? She was NOT raised in this faith, and she was somehow made so convinced of this ridiculous "religion" that she married a married man....

    I know I'm probably being out of line here ... but I just don't understand how anyone of them could say with a straight face, "Yes. I believe a man named Joseph Smith in the 1800s found golden plates that no one else in history ever saw and those plates told him that the *NEW* way to enter celestial heavendom is marry many women to one man because that, of course, is how God lives."

  85. You know, when the season is over, I am going to re watch them all 1-4, and watch the dynamic of all the ladies. Will be interesting to compare.
    You know, seeing each other with the hubs isn't easy on camera.

  86. Now Meri feels entitled to a wet bar and deck? Isn't a wet bar used for serving alcohol? Aren't they some sort of whacked out Mormons? Wait! Meri probably meant she wanted a bar so when Robchin comes over, she can use it as a catwalk and model her magical VS undies. She could use the sprayer to wet Robchin down if she gets too hot. Meri is at least bi. My 21 year old daughter saw a promo for the show and said re Meri "Bull Dy*e!" and I laughed for an hour after.

    I haven't read the book and don't intend to unless they do an audio version with Robin reading it. I need all the laughs I can get.

    All the comments re Kodouche's crazy Manson eyes are spot on. Yep, just like Charlie he's got his "family", all he needs now is a ranch out in the desert.

  87. We are hitting 200 - closing this post and adding another to comment on! Thanks!
