Wednesday, June 27, 2012

7. Discussion Page for S04 Ep10 Leaving the Nest

Here's a new page!


  1. Oh hahaha. That pic of Robyn!! Haha!!!

    1. finallly seeing realityJune 27, 2012 at 1:38 PM

      I just had to comment on the posts that were written yesterday. They were so hilarious! You people could write for a sit com comedy and make good money, or maybe a spoof of SW! I wanted to comment last night but all the sites were full. I was actually laughing out loud, and my hubby was asking what was so funny. It really was some good stuff.

  2. Not sure whether it's just different practices in different states or what, but when I've bought a house (which I've gone through twice) our "earnest money" was $10,000. Looks like they only had to pay up $5000 each? Unless Nevada is different in that regard, I wonder if that just adds to the whole fake thing..that is, it's all done for show. I wonder if they even gave the builders the check after the filming was done, or just tore them up on the spot.

    1. I bought my home in 2010 and had to put down $500 as earnest money. Maybe the amount varies from lender to lender, or is determined by other things, such as credit, cost of house, size of house, location, etc...

    2. I think it just depends. Our earnest money was only $1000.00.

    3. I NEVER HEARD OF EARNEST MONEY before this episode... and for all those posters who think this means that they have these houses.... THINK THINK THINK AGAIN!!!!!! Houses in the $400k area... they are not going to be able to pay for them.... The LIV bit.... maybe help for ONE HOUSE, BUT 4????? and that crappy jewelry???? flea markets maybe.... but not not high lines. and see already the end IN NEAR... HOW???? When the end was near for other shows, the sarcastic remarks, snarky remarks, you would see them on TV-like with Kate plus 8, and in the last season shown of the duggars 19 plus-jimbob was shown in a real stupid way-the end is near for hick jim bob..... douche kodouche is very close to the end.... sooner then him loosing his hair.

  3. I just saw your episode on 6-24-2012, I am sooooo very happy for you guys to each have a home right next to each other!!! It made me tear up to see Kody running on each of the yards. You guys so very much deserve this!

    1. yup...that was something to see

    2. LOL!It was something to see allright, but it made me sick!! Anonymous must be new to this blog!

    3. Anonymous 1:17 Someone on this blog indicated that these homes are located in Summerlin a development called Eagle Rock Estates..The web site indicates that the BASE price of these homes is 400,000 dollars each. This probably doesn't cover the landscaping costs or certainly not Meri's wet bar. Four home at 400,000 dollars is at a minimum 1,600,000. Im not sure how much TlC pays these people and they may be able to pay their mortgage as long as the show is running ..but I dont think they can afford this kind of luxery long term..especially of the course of a 30 year mortgage. This is a classic example of why we had the mortgage crisis..People buying and not realistically thinling about what they can afford...I know they are starting new businesses ..but most new companies take years to make that kind of money and a lot fail to make any money at all. Four homes at 100,000 dollars..would be a stretch for 5 people and 17 kids and counting..but certainly a more realistic housing goal. Havimg four wives and 17 kids is about sacrifice. Look at the Duggers..Wow I have so much more respect for this family after watchimg the Browns.

    4. Annoymous 1:17: sweetie you're in the wrong blog.
      DESERVE??? Tire and disgusted of hearing people use that term. They don't DESERVE anything they haven't work hard for.
      One example is the show home makeover where people get them because someone thinks they deserve them. Usually those people have done great things or are great individuals. Even so they don't go saying, yes we deserve this!
      I'm a cancer survivor and I don't go around saying a DESERVE anything for all the suffering I went through. NO BODY deserves a half million home when they have done NOTHING to earn it.

    5. New to this site, but the shows undertone purpose is to relate us all on there religion. However it does not really talk much about that. Not sure if that is what they wanted, or tlc wanted. However I must say who are you to say what people deserve or what kinda people deserve it? God decides that and yes we must ask him and believe he will answer. I deserve all great things God will give me, and if they believe so do they!

    6. finallly seeing realityJune 27, 2012 at 1:45 PM

      Sorry Anon, but no one deserves anything they do not work for. I to had cancer and have had recurring illness due to a weak immune system, and no I don't deserve this, but for some reason it is my cross to bear. Nothing in life is fair, but I have my life and I can choose how to live it. I can be happy with what I do have and live life to the fullest, but I don't deserve what I want just because I want it, especially if I am no willing to work for it.

    7. If I had worked and saved to build a home in that gated community I would be very upset that this bunch had moved in with all their kids, camera crew, total lack of education and social skills, and this idiot running from house to house in his tacky clothes that really should be replaced with clothes that are not two sizes too small (they all do that, what is that about?) would have at least assumed I had purchased a home in an area that I didn't have to worry about those things. Talk about bringing down the value of other homes!!!!!! But at least his car fits in! LOL. This show and these people are just wrong on so many levels, but to trash up an apparent nice neighborhood????? Just one more way to put the screws to hardworking people! But hey, Kody deserves it!

    8. I was thinking that the HOA would have specific rules about houses with common backyards. Isn't that what Kody wants? 4 houses close together with a common backyard (no fence separating)

    9. The web site indicates 9 lots in a gated community..Maybe the Browns are planning on buying the 5 extra lots for additional wives for Kody if he feels a spirtual draw to someone new! Lol..

    10. Re: what God "gives" and what we "deserve". I always think back to that 1976 film "Oh God!" with George Burns as God. IMO - I can't say that I know what God's purpose is for me or us, but I doubt that God has anything to do with whether he feels that people "deserve" a $400k home or even a $4.00 cardboard box to live in. God gave us all common sense and a brain to use in obtaining those things, if that's what we want. God is NOT running the Powerball Lotto, or TLC/F8F for that matter. and it's up to each one of us to use the common sense that we were all given. It would be so cool for George Burns as God to come back to give a dose of REALITY to Kody, but I doubt he would listen. LOL

  4. HaHAHA I got nothing to say except those pix are great.I swear I'm laughing right out loud at the kody lower left. You guys crack me up

  5. Hilarious Pictures!!!!
    I was browsing earlier today and saw that pic of Christine, and thought, how could she sit there stone face when he made that comment, after all her little hissies she's had with him over the seasons? I know it's been said, but I have to repeat. ANY of these churches abuse women. Flora Jessop, it's just sad you can't go rescue these "free" women. Man, this church really has some hold on these ladies, that they won't even save themselves. They don't have to take the risks so many FLDS do, and yet, they stay. So much could be said about this

  6. Janelle is beautiful. I think that every time I watch the show. In the pics posted I can see goodness in both Janelle and Christine. I reaaalllly want them outta there!

    1. i agree. she's very hot! too hot to be "one of the guys"!

    2. Janelle is pretty but her eyes are...dead to me. she looks...defeated.

  7. Just want to say THANK YOU the admins for all the hard work they put into this great blog....

    It's always a fun place to visit and recover from the latest Brown brain assault!

    1. DITTO! (I don't think I've ever said thank you either)

    2. Thank you! But my lost productivity at work due to my addiction to this blog is adding up. Lol.

  8. The pics on this page are hilarious!!!

    And I couldn't reply to one of schnauzermom's comments on the last page, but I just wanted her to know that she and I must be sister wives. If I live a mile away from that lot, there would SO be a youtube video of me running around it...but with "Let's Get it On" for the soundtrack.

    1. Aww why thanks, it's so good to know that there is someone else out there with same twisted sense of humor :)

      I just find remarkable that there are people who actually found that whole "run" so touching. Yikes

    2. Agreed! I noticed people tweeting Kody that it had them in TEARS. I guess a gross display of materialism after years of system-leeching, bankruptcies, and struggles to feed the kids IS... Tear inducing...

    3. finallly seeing realityJune 27, 2012 at 1:54 PM

      I must comment that I do feel sorry for the children. I wonder if it is considered abuse if you are making money and spending it on dates and vacations instead of feeding your children? Something is wrong with this picture. What kind of a parent would do this. When I was raising my kids alone and at times not getting child support, feeding and clothing my children was always first on my list. When times were good we all would go on vacation together. Kids need to know that they are important and special and spending time having fun with your kids is important to their emotional growth.

  9. Anony @1:17 ROFL! That is hilarious. I've been seeing those tweets all over Twitter too. Ha, I saw what you did there. ;)

  10. I agree, I have read the blog since about the start, of course, off and on... and on an on. Finally posting. I appreciate that in between shows, you bloggers dig into the roots of the show- the religion of Joseph Smith and polygamy.
    I knew nothing about it before, and not the most religious person, but this Joseph Smith really was deluded. Brigham Young, worse. Allreds are called Royalty, yet they stole, had underage relations, and are not royalty in my book. Even so, I have compassion for Christine. Her beliefs are strong and she must be torn to pieces that Kody is making a mockery of her religion. It's not been said, but I bet her family that still is strong in the church are mortified by her treatment by Kody, whom she had deemed so special.

    I can't wait for the "Cynical Tell All" considering if I didn't know better, Cynical and Natalie knew each other, and it was personalized for much fodder! Who needs a review when we can have a hilarious laugh! we know what happened, we want Cynical's fun, unique view of it!

    1. i agree with you that as bad as Joseph Smith was, Brigham Young took it all to a whole new and completely evil level. I find all the histories written fascinating while at the same time how terrifying it also was to have been under Brigham's mafia rule. the mormon church has done well to whitewash their history for PR purposes but the internet has changed their ability to hide it all now. That's a good thing.

      I would encourage anyone who's interested in learning true facts to start with It's a fascinating and informative website with lots of links that can take you further down the rabbit hole of true roots of mormonism.

    2. finallly seeing realityJune 27, 2012 at 1:58 PM

      I think that Christine is the only one who really believes and practices her religion. I am not saying she is perfect, but I do see her trying to raise her children knowing her beliefs.

    3. I don't think her family would necessarily feel bad for her. They believe in submissiveness and this sort of emotional abuse is normal. They might even blame her for not keeping him happy.

  11. WHOAA! I was gone for 1 day & come back to see that I'm 4 pages behind! I've been reading for hours & only skimmed thru the comments. Loved seeing the lame ass comments from Idiotville on why they are attempting to EXTORT money from their Special Fans w/the high prices of that shitty jewelery...Hope Kody's fat head explodes over it!!

    And then theres Robyn's Herpe....DAMN!! I'm offically calling her SCABITHA from now on! She's Just Plain Nasty!!

    1. SCABITHA!!...LMAO...I love it Toasty :)
      Awesome pics CJ, ESP of Kody & his crazy eyes! Yikes!!! O_o

    2. finallly seeing realityJune 27, 2012 at 2:06 PM

      Since my cancer treatments I do get cold sores. I can tell before they actually come by how my lip feels. I do not kiss my husband or anyone else until it is completely gone and I have never passed one on to some one else. It is just plan irresponsible and selfish to do so in my opinion. I don't know about the Browns, but mine usually are signally me that I am getting ready to get sick, with a cold ,virus, flu, or any other physical illess, so by no kissing I am not just not spreading Herpes but other illness as well. I wonder if they know how germs are spread and why their kids all seem to get sick at the same time. And I do understand that when children live together they tend to pass along their illesses, but I do wonder if they teach them good hygiene habits like convering coughs, washing hands often and other preventive measures.

  12. Look at those pictures again. Those are their "O" faces.

    You're welcome.

    1. Nooooooooooooooooo....................

    2. Woah, that is something I wish I could "unsee."

  13. Kody, this episode you made me realize that the kids don't see you as a loving father. They see you as the end all dictator. Considering you wives have to have separate homes, or you to to bonk or run around easily avoiding them all, the younger children will resent you even more OR see this pathetic view that you are more important than they are, therefore destroying little girls self esteem readying them for this crazy life. The boys will go wither way. Sadly, if they idolize you, they will think it's just great to ignore your children and bonk several women at once. Shame on you.

  14. I wonder if there are any TLC Figure 8 people reading that would do a Q&A for us? Wouldn't that be great? Oh, the stories they could tell. Someone here MUST know somebody. ANYBODY?

  15. We DontUseChineseKidsBuyOur JunkJune 27, 2012 at 2:50 AM

    I LOVED your review, it's the reason to watch the show, to come read here and realize I am not alone in my thoughts!
    Logan and school.
    How on earth would Kody know what school was about? He never went, lived the life, etc. Even if he did, his eye is on the help, not Logan's well being they so espose about. I love Logan, but wonder if that wasn't all a muse cover edit. I bet he knew where he was going, but well worth it to see him be a normal kid and speak his mind to his dad. But how right you were! Any NORMAL dad would want that for his child. My husband didn't go to school, and always stressed what he missed, and how they needed to go not only for the education, but the experience to grow as a person.
    I so disliked it when the kids almost singsonged how marvelous life was in the family. Reminded me of the Sound of Music. I love they are speaking their mind more. At least that seems more realistic.
    The Sound of Music would be a good cover for the house clips. Those poor kids. I love reading everyone's comments and don't care as others said on the other post, everyone wants to feel a part of the blog, so if someone repeats, I don't care!

    1. I'll just bet that the reason Logan was pushed to go to school in Las Vegas is that board and room are by far the largest expenses in going to college. State tuitions are just a fraction of the cost of "going away" to school. LOL The decision to live at home and commute to school could only have been made by one of Janelle's kids It shows way too much common sense for the rest of the crew.

      Wowser! I looked at the floor plans for the houses the Brown's want to build. By the time the yards are landscaped, the windows covered and the spaces furnished, they'll be hock for a couple of million dollars. Bet we can all figure out how they have so many bankruptcies in their financial history. A few years from now they'll be back in their double wides living on memories!

    2. finallly seeing realityJune 27, 2012 at 2:17 PM

      I bet Logan found out how expensive out of state tution was going to be, and you can bet he knows he is going to have to pay, and can't afford it. I hope Logan gets out on his own and lives a life of a normal kid. I could not believe the family would guilt him into doing what they wanted for their selfish reasons. My kids left home and made it on their own after high school, and they did not always have the perks of living at home, and it was difficult for them at times, but they learned that they could take care of themselves.It made them better and more mature people than kids who live at home forever. I think the Browns are selfish (but I guess we knew this). Kids need to find their wings and learn lessons that only life can give. They are in thier late 20s and both newly married with good jobs.

  16. I don't believe (biblically) in the lifestyle they chose to live, but I do think they deserve to be together if they want. I feel that their dysfunction has become comfortable and normal for the children and I want what's best for the kids. I couldn't imagine what those children would go through if their family, all they've ever known, was torn apart. I feel it is not my place to judge them. I watch to gain understanding of the lifestyle but have noticed I enjoy Meri & Robyn most.

  17. I love this blog and can't stop reading it. You guys are cracking me up. I've only watched a few episodes from season 1. Now I don' have to ever watch it again b/c whenever Kody is on I want to punch the tv. What an idiot. Christine needs to shove her foot up his sweaty yazoo! I think we ought to get free nachos when we visit your blog. you guys are hilarious. Kim S.

  18. I don't remember who was suggesting theme music for Kody running around the yard. but I just thought of a good one. how about the safety dance? Kim S.

    1. I'm gonna suggest Breaking The Law by Judas Priest. He could take off on his jog, stop in each lot, piss his pants (cause you know that's what he did in Mexico), fall back onto his wet ass and stamp his butt cheek impression on each lot. Then repeat, repeat, repeat!

  19. Does it both anyone else that everywhere Kody goes he has to slip in that he has 4 wives? I really think he enjoys shocking people or maybe it makes him feel studly? I don't know but I think there's a big problem there.

    For example, in Mexico when he was explaining he'd been there before and to one of the ruins, did he HAVE to say "I was there with my other wife Christine"? He couldn't just say that he'd been to XYZ site?

    On Valentine's Day he could have just picked up 4 bunches of flowers, he didn't have to tell the person working in the shop that he had 4 wives. How is that even pertinent to buying flowers?

    I just feel so sorry for the kids, how can they ever have anything close to a normal life when their narcissitic father goes around telling everyone how cool he is because guess what? He has 4 wives!

    On a side note, Mister Sister, CJ and Terrasola and Pretty In Pink not only do you do a great job keeping up with all the comments, I want to just say thanks for this blog.

    You know that for this site to have how many comments, 800+? since the other day, TLC has some problems on their hands with how the public now views this family. I think that interview is going to turn around and bite this entire family in the rear. I'll be hear reading when/if that happens and thanks again!

    1. FunkyT; Natalie most definitely took many cues from this blog from the "public perspective". The things she asked and said were almost verbatim! A great compliment to everyone that works hard on this site. (Thank you!)

      So wished Natalie or someone, anyone, would have had Christine's back nearly as much as Kody stuck up for Meri and vice versa! And then the other cows stuck up for Meri, good for them, but I kinda wanted to have them keep quiet and let her look bad all on her own. She had garnered quite the support group from this discussion. And yet again at Janelle's & Christine's expense. Meri is very unattractive too, she always has, weight gain is not her only problem. Although they do say, if your ugly on the inside it shows on the outside as well. So maybe if she were kinder and more loving and gracious as God commands of us, she would be more attractive on the inside & outside.
      Also, did anyone else catch that Mariah was happy to get into the polygamy life, based on what she's seen from her mother's perspective? Which I gather is the first wife is bossy, controlling, manipulative, and undermining, and doesn't share nor play well with others. Don't worry Mariah, your mommy will rescue you in no time at all from that unsuccessful union. IMO. Of course.

    2. Yah like it isn't already so obvious with all the camera people hanging around. I'm sure advance teams have gotten releases and cleared taping with these people. Do they think we will just believe that Kody's admission is candid? Yah...nope!

    3. definitely Mariah has been groomed by Meri to be in First Wife position. Mariah is every bit as bossy and controlling as Meri and i don't see a reciprocal camaraderie from the other kids towards Mariah as both her and Mother Meri describe Mariah has with them. Just the repeat of Mer w/her sister wives. Actions speak louder than their words.

    4. In addition to Kody having to continually "shock" people with his "I've got 4 wives" schtick (hate hate hate), I get more tired of the follow up from the people he meets saying how great, nice and normal this family is. Wow. Spending anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour with a handful of the family makes these people experts and they so eagerly give the KodyKlan their seal of approval. This family is anything but great, nice and normal.

    5. I would bet TLC/F8F doesn't see this blog as an "image problem". this is GOLD for them. They don't care if the ratings are a result of train-wreckness or admiration for the Browns...just like people tuned in to the Gosselins after Jon and Kate's breakup made it into the gossip columns. This is just the "TLC Reality Show Arc" and I am certain that F8F already has more shows in the pipeline to replace SW after the inevitable crash and burn.

    6. agree, DJ. i was gonna say that to the person on another thread that was encouraging us to write to TCL to take the show off the air like she'd done. i thought, "are you kidding me?? TLC would LOVE that! they'd know they were being a success on people watching it based on their hate and they'd just ramp it up even more!"

    7. finallly seeing realityJune 27, 2012 at 2:25 PM

      I think Kody tells everyone he has 4 wives because it makes him look studly. NOT! When ever Logan is around a girl the parents comment that they think Logan thinks they are cute or he likes them. Don't they realize he is on college tours. He is their to look at colleges not find a wife. I don't think they realize that in the real world men and women can talk and be friends with out every meeting is a potential wife!

  20. My heart broke for Christine, at the cruelty and lack of good character that Grody displayed toward her intentionally to demean her publically, in my opinion, during the interview. It's more than obvious that he along with Meri's help, wanted to punish Christine (most likely because she bragged too much on TV about her great pleasure at being the 3rd wife) to show who was in control (and he should never be) Grody decided to be in charge, and get a young, thin wife. Meri was aghast initially, until she realized how well she could use Robyn to her benefit as well.

    Now we are in the mess of a season that you see now. Has anyone else seen the Anderson Cooper clips of the Grody + four = too full couch, where Grody hints at a higher calling to take on a fifth wife, although he really, really, doesn't want to do it, should the higher calling beckon him, he will obey. He had no choice. Poor man. Someone's gotta bang a cuter chick than Robyn. Polls don't favor her so well. Shucks!

    1. finallly seeing realityJune 27, 2012 at 2:40 PM

      I do know a little about the faith, but am not super knowledgible. My question is don't they have rules when it comes to taking new wifes? It seems to me like they should not be able to take new wives if they can't afford them? Does anyone know? I know they were super broke when he was courting Robin and had a difficult time making her move to Lehi happen. If they are having trouble feeding their kids they should not be able to take another wife, with 3 kids as well.

  21. Love the pic of Robin, do you think she just finished reading this wonderful blog. By Kodys face maybe she was reading it to him.

  22. CJ, you should organize a group of us to go to their Facebook page just to argue with their adoring fans. Whenever I go to their FB page, the people on there act as if Kody is their hero. It is so sickening. I don't see how these people can defend him. I like to go on these sites and state exactly how I feel about the Brown family. I leave the kids alone, they had no choice in who their parents were. Kids only know what they are taught. If all they know is polygamy then this lifestyle may be more comfortable to them. Now that they are in sin city, it should open their eyes to more diversity and how other people live. I don't know why the crazy people are bashing Natalie, she was only doing her job and IMO she took it easy on them. I would have hit them with the bankruptcies, welfare issues, Kody's courting rituals and the cold sores. I wish more tv interviewers would ask them what we really want to know. I am sure that Kody controls the whole family and everyone is careful of what they say. I just wish that his ignorant fans would read this blog.

  23. The look on Christines face when Kody told her that money too go visit her Father should come out of the grocery money! That said a lot right there. Their facial expressions often give away what they are feeling, but then they will say the opposite. Like to me it is obvious by Janelle's face that she really feels it's rediculous for Meri to demand as big a house as all the others....but then she will say "oh I realized she shouldn't be punished for only having one child." I'm sorry but that is just stupid. And Meri's excuse: "I just have more expensive taste"....whatever! Do they not realize most of their viewers don't have such nice homes! I have five children and a four bedroom deck, no wet bar, no kids share rooms...but it's a nice home and meets our needs and we are thankful for it!!!

  24. My thought on Kody running around the perimeter of the properties was that he was kind of like a dog marking its territory. If he'd have only stopped and raised his leg on each lot .....

    1. finallly seeing realityJune 27, 2012 at 2:48 PM

      So hilarious! I laughed out loud at that visual.

  25. I just read that comment about the t shirt "contest" on MSWC. Might I suggest that perhaps you open a thread here for discussion. Perhaps one of our ideas could get past them, they aren't the brightest bulbs after all! This could be quite entertaining.

  26. Serendipitydodala and a plate of nachosJune 27, 2012 at 8:25 AM

    I've finally reached my breaking point with these ppl and have to rant off. These people are nothing but con artists (Meri and Kody) and successful ones at that. Every "wife" brought in has been for a purpose and is part of the plan. You have to have many children, gotta birth those heavenly spirit babies into the world, it's your duty. Meri: But Kody, having babies is hard, it hurts and takes up playtime with Lover. You have to have money to survive. Oh noes, gotta get a job. Kody: That blows, I don't wanna. Well hell, let's go on and get that second wife and make sure she's a workhorse while you're at it. Enter Janelle. She's not really wanting a man (tried that, it sucks) but she wants children. Kody says talking business is his and Janelle's connection and that it is...just the business isn't any gym or ugly jewelry shop, it's a long term high financed sperm donor. Now we need one to take care of these children while wife number two works to make her sperm bank payments. Let's see...who would make an easy mark for this? Enter Christine. She's brought up in polygamy, thinks being the third wife is the shiz. Kody and Meri: Holy crap Batman, we're good at this. Fast forward to TV time. Kody: Oh noes Meri, how can we make this happen? Meri: I know! You know that clueless skank in the abusive marriage? Well, cover the bald spot and trim up the soul patch, we're going suck her right in. I'll be her new best friend and you'll be her surfer boy savior. And now there were four. That wedded bliss didn't last long, did it Robyn? Hate the honeymoon left you with a permanent case of the mouth clap. The con worked though and everyone was at least getting somewhat of what they wanted (of the original group). Sorry Kody and Meri, it's hard to hold it together under the cameras though and unfortunately I think Robyn might have actually believed it was all what you conned her into to believing it least until now, that is. But don't worry, you're right, you guys do deserve all this. The money, the psuedo fame, the big houses and heck, wet bars for all!! All this and more. Losing small isn't remembered much but oh yes, losing big, now that's epic. Poetic justice that you will learn that in Vegas.

    So Browns I just have to tell you...I know I seem cruel but I don't apologize. I know how you have scammed the system. You have lied, you have stolen and you have taken what was not yours over and over again. The welfare system was created to help the helpless. The ones in true need. The sick, the abandoned, the hungry. Everytime you have taken from it you have taken food from a starving child's mouth. You have taken medicine from a dying man's hand. You have taken shelter from a homeless family's head. You deserve many, many things and it's not four seven bedroom houses and fancy cars. I hope you soon find out what it is...and I hope, mostly for your children, but for you as well, that you learn something from it and come out on the other side.

    1. OMG.. ROFLMAO..that's so it in a nutshell!

    2. YES! Your assessment of each wives' true position and how it came about was SPOT ON, IMO.

    3. Lobotomized (ColdSoreCheeseNachosBaldSpot)June 27, 2012 at 9:48 AM

      Beautiful, true story! Spot on re: wives....
      I think Robyn now officially fell out of love and is seeing Kody's true colors. None of his fame n wealth promisses are helding up. She has a small baby (King Solomon) and might be pregnant again. What have I gotten myself into, she must think on her alone nights.

    4. Oh so true! Kody uses Janelle as his cash cow, Christine as his babysitter and Robyn as a means to get himself a TV show. Let's hope they kick him to the curb. He's given them nothing (except a bunch of babies, which they could have gotten from any sperm donor!)

    5. Amen, you couldn't make up this drama if you tried. Great job!

    6. That was an awesome 'reenactment.' I cracked up when 'Meri' or 'Kody' said "Oh noes" because that seems exactly how they would handle a big problem.

  27. CJ maybe you could explain this, I thought that Kody and Company had looked at taking a 4th wife several times prior to Robyn, but the church ultimately did not allow them to because of their financial status at the time. If this is true then, A- It was because of the TV show that they were allowed to take Robyn, and B- If it is ultimately up to the AUB (assuming they are still following that) then won't the AUB ration them out another wife if they fill fit to and not Kodys supposed "higher calling?"

    1. Hi Y!

      I think the answer is actually here on the blog somewhere, so hopefully we'll be able to provide you with the url and the definitive answer.

      From what I remember, Kody asked about a 4th wife with AUB officials and was turned down because the AUB didn't think he could afford another wife. He married her anyway. Maybe Ex AUB can enlighten us on what really went down. My thoughts? We never saw the actual "temple" wedding (too sacred for to be filmed) so who knows, maybe it's like Big Love where Bill married his 4th in his backyard.

      I've also read that Kody was at a meeting with network officials and he offered to marry a 5th if the network wanted it. Not sure if that was true or not.

    2. Yes, Kody did want another woman before but was turned down because of not being able to support the ones he already had. That's rare though, usually men who are persistent enough get what they want, and it depends on who the big boss at the top is and their attitude to it. He couldn't take her on "anyway" because the men at the top are the ones who perform the fake marriages. The only way he could have got what he wanted was if he left AUB and got an independent fundamentalist (like the Dargers) do it for him.

    3. Hazarding a guess here but I would bet that Kody could care less at this point WHAT the AUB says. If his religion was all that important to him, the family would be located closer to an AUB congregation. Kody now worships at the Church of the Almighty $$$.

      I doubt if he's ever met with TLC. My guess is that all of the browns' dealings are directly with F8F, the producers and the writers of their paychecks.

    4. Perhaps Christine was able to use her AUB connections to stop the other marriages and keep her as last wife...

    5. "I've also read that Kody was at a meeting with network officials and he offered to marry a 5th if the network wanted it. Not sure if that was true or not."

      Amazing but not surprising if true.
      It is clear that "Crazy Eyes" has found his niche as "THE" Plyg Celebrity/Star. He will likely continue to do whatever it takes, agree to whatever deal comes his way, to preserve his Plyg Stable Master star status. This lunatic is full steam ahead on *HIS* mission.

    6. I do think he feels a 'tingly buzz' already about a fifth wife because Robyn totally changed her stance about another wife and so has Kody. I was pretty surprised when she changed her mind and said publically that she is ok with Kody taking another wife. This is probably also the reason for Robyn's new, unhappy and depressed demeanor. The bloom has faded off of that rose

    7. It's not at all far fetched to think of Kody taking the 5th wife for the show. We've discussed it to death but the guy will do anything for money, he doesn't care about the current wive's thoughts and in his mind it would show what a virile surfer dude he is.
      Maybe Meri's in on this with him, maybe she's willing to have the contractor build a tiny maids quarters on her lot.
      It would be really unethical for TLC to encourage that, surely by now they can see what kind of kook they're dealing with.

    8. Kody's on camera in his car on his way to hanging out the wedding announcement flyers (that had the wrong date or the wrong place - i can't remember) stating CLEARLY how he was APPROVED by the AUB elders in charge to take on a 4th wife. He bragged how that's what happens when they think you're doing a good job w/your other wives - then you get rewarded to take on another one.

      Am i the only one that remembers that declaration from him?

    9. All good points... I think the escape in the dark of night crap to LV was to avoid church tithing that big TLC money. Besides always wanting to live there I think they have distanced themselves from AUB community to save some dough. They do everything for the root of all evil. Nothing against LV, I love it, but it has been known to harbor some unsavory characters to hide. There must be some bad blood because Kody (like DJ pointed out) had no problem moving far away from any church community. Now Kody is in the perfect place to worship the ole might buck.

    10. I think the escape in the dark of night crap to LV was to avoid church tithing that big TLC money.

      We all knew the 'running from persecution and incarceration" in Utah was all bogus...but never thought about that angle.
      Makes perfect sense !

      As goofy and dumb-and-dumber as Koddouche *acts*...he is possibly more shrewd (as in scruple-less and sly) that what appears.
      And also makes perfect sense as to why they haven't affiliated with any similar church community in the LV area.
      He and the wives are now pros at the "game and scam."

    11. CPA Carol, I changed her mind on a 5th wife is because she has had a wake up call and a new wife means she wouldn't be new anymore and could easily avoid having spend time with K!blah.

    12. finally seeing reality and then some!June 27, 2012 at 3:22 PM

      I have questioned their decision to move to LV were there is no AUB community in which to worship. I know I would never have moved to a community in which there was no place for myself and especially my children to worship. It was as if they only thought about this issue after they made the move. Such a Kody thing to do. It is important for kids especially teenagers to have other likeminded teenagers to socialize with. If they are concerned about the kids leaving their religion they have no one but themselves to blame. But as usual Kody only thinks after he reacts, as usual when they leave the religion, Kody will blame everyone but himself. You know these kids date outside their religion, their is no one else. You really think they will as permission before they kiss someone; I think not! I would not trust Kody to teach my kids about religion!

  28. You guys crack me up. I just got home from work and there are already over 200 comments I want to read hhaha! I can't keep up :)
    So glad for this blog, it makes me laugh so much into the late hours of the night.

    I think Logan should definitely live on campus, he needs to distance himself a little from the family, grow up, meet other people and just experience tings outside the family circle. He has a good head on his shoulders, better than any of the adults and I think he deserves a chance to see what the world has to offer.

    I am so tired of hearing Robyn offer mentioning the surrogacy. seriously, that woman just wants to pop children out, and she wants to have that claw in Meri's back and something to hold over he forever "Well Meri, I was a surrogate - well I offered bla bla bla" Shut up Robyn.

    Another thing, I don't know if this is a polygamist thing, meaning just children of polygamists and perhaps lack of education or a Utah ting (excuse my ignorance I am from Australia and never visited Utah), but what's up with the lack of syllables? These adults don't even pronounce words correctly.

    1. Lobotomized (ColdSoreCheeseNachosBaldSpot)June 27, 2012 at 9:27 AM

      The whole Robyn surrogate thing is annoying, even moreso because Meri's uterus seems to be fine the only difficulty would be getting pregnant, but she doesn't need Robyn for that.

      Re syllables, it seems to be a thing from uneducated Utah people, the day-on things (interesting detail: day'ons real name was David -like his dad- but since they live with Kody it is now day'on).

    2. That is interesting because I thought his name was Dayton.

      I honestly thing the whole Robyn offering to be a surrogate is just so she has Meri over a barrel type thing.

      Dd you guys see on the latest episode when Kody was trying to 'explain" to Christine about purchasing the houses etc, how Robyn butted in and tried t play Mrs. therapist re how he should perhaps be speaking to Christine or explaining things to her.

      Seriously she plays Mrs. smart but is actually quite stupid.

    3. Lobotomized (ColdSoreCheeseNachosBaldSpot)June 27, 2012 at 11:09 AM

      The surrogate thing makes no sense because the only help Meri needs is to get pregnant, her uterus is fine she doesn't need someone else to carry her baby.

      If you go to Klody's official website there's a picture with a famiy tree, from that tree it seems as though those kids are his.
      It is funny because other than the Robyn introductory episode, they totally make it seem like those kids are Klody's. No mention of the father, visitation, nothing.

      Yeah his name is now day-on but he used to be called DAvid.

    4. Yes the surrogacy offer showed their ignorance since Meri had already carried a baby to term the issue appeared to be conception. IVF would have just been implanted in Meri. No need to infect the precious baby with cold sores.

    5. i know tons of peeps in Utah. lots of them mormons and lots of them not. it's a dialect thing and not an education thing. I know some educated people that will enunciate like Robyn and I know some uneducated ones who don't.

      notice that some of their own kids have some of the same poor diction that a couple of the adults have. Madi and Logan are very bright kids but they slur their words quite frequently.

    6. This is my first time posting on this blog. I have been reading it for sometime.

      I am from Utah and consider myself quite educated, master's degree. The the lack of syllables is a local accent. I really have to think about it to say "mountain" instead of "moun'ain".

      Also, I thought it was very condescending of Kody to try to explain to Christine about the houses. She should be allowed to express her feeling even if they are not the same as Kody's.

    7. In AUB the kids become the stepdad's.

    8. finally seeing reality and then some!June 27, 2012 at 3:27 PM

      If meri lets Robin carry a baby for her she is really stupid. She will owe Robin forever and Robin will never let her forget it. I even wonder if she will let the baby go to Meri?

  29. I am disillusioned with America's women. How can they not recognize Kody for what he is after the tell all? How can they defend his statements to Christine (chubby and unattractive) and to Jannelle (would breed good sons)?

    Even worse he shares his "honesty" with Christine 16 years after the fact. He questions whether it was "fair" to marry her, despite his feelings.

    No, Kody, it was NOT fair. Christine deserved a husband who adored and cherished her.

    You were more concerned with marrying a "blue blood" polygamist and social climbing than what she deserved.

    His fans should be dropping him like a hot potato.

    On the other hand, I hope that he feels totally justified. If he realizes that ge has alienated viewers, he will start damage control. He won't behave any better. He will just insist that the editors portray him on a more positive light.

    If he feels justified, he will keep on being himself. We will see more and more of the REAL Kody (aka crazy eyes).

    1. Kody feels 'persecuted'. Those of us who don't fall down at his family's feet and worship them are evil people who don't believe in Kody's right to live how he feels "His God" is leading him to live. Kody is on a power trip. He doesn't really care what any of us think of him, he feels justified and actually superior to all of us. I'm imagining that being married to Kody is probably worse now that he has gotten a bigger ego and some 'power'. Anyone who has said before that Kody is 'harmless' is flat out wrong. He is psychotic and he has fireamrs, too.

    2. ITA, CPA Carol. I alluded to this on a previous post. The elements are all there for a total slip into a Jim Jones/David Koresh type of situation. To feel so entitled, to not face any criticism by blocking and deleting negative opinions, to feel SO persecuted that he and his family had to FLEE in the night, in fear. That he glowers with anger when the wives don't spout the party line, and then are forced to do public damage control. That he almost flipped at the idea that his first born son would leave the home (in reality, his influence). There are some real red flags here. And that all of this is bundled up in a religious cause... its a slippery slope. Let's hope for all involved he keeps a firm grip on reality.

    3. Kody's convinced we aren't chosen like he is. We will be extremely jealous when we see him inherit his planet and numerous sister wives and his billions of spirit children in the next life. JEALOUS, i tell ya!!

  30. Hm. Didn't watch or set to record the interview show, thinking it would be OnDemand. The Logan to college ep is available now, but as of last night - no interview and it's not scheduled to re-air. Was that a one-time deal?

    Anyone in LV know if any houses other than the model have actually been built and sold in that development yet?

    1. I just checked my online guide (cox comm). Sister Wives Tell All will be repeated tonight (6/27/12). Unfortunately, my showing is not the same as the rest of the country so your best bet would be to check the TLC website for the showtime.

    2. ahhhh thanks CJ! are you going to do a review of the interview? I'd LOVE to see a transcript.

    3. No transcript, but definitely my opinion. I think you may be surprised when you see it. ;)

    4. As always, I await your review with baited breath...

  31. I'm appalled at Kody's comments about Christine. What an insensitive jerk! I'm new to the blog and am enjoying all the comments here. But why all the Meri hate? I assumed people would sympathize with her more because she's the first (and true) wife. She had to deal with her ex sister in law marrying her husband and bearing Kody's first child. Perhaps I don't know all the details of their relationships, but it seems odd that she's the villain here.

    1. For me, it has to do with her bullying behavior towards everyone, the other wives, the other wives kids.... her bitterness and self-admitted "anger issues" mask any human kindness she might possess, in however small measure. It's repulsive.

      Just my opinion

    2. Read the book. You will never think the same of Meri again.

    3. No one here has not been sensitive to Meri's fertility issues in spite of her manipulation for attention and advantage. We do point out that she does have a child, not just the heap she wanted. Meri has a deep rooted anger, depressive and aggressive behavior and seems to think she is in charge of the Klan. We have observed her bullying a belittling her whole family with a nervous insidious laugh after everything she says. She demands, bullies, pouts and then pulls out the "baby card" , turns on the water works and everyone starts APOLOGIZING to HER!!!! She is some piece of work. The magnanimous , generous, first wife that draws these ladies into her web and sucks the life out of them. Can any one tell that Meri is not my favorite?

    4. Meri also clearly chose to marry Kody based on the fact that he clearly was set on being a plyg husband and Meri agreed to that from the get-go of their engagement. She was jealous to the point of hateful and spiteful treatment to Janelle also from day one her becoming her sister wife. How Janelle endured that, I'll never know. Janelle and Christine are clearly cut out to be plyg wives but Meri and Robyn clearly are not. Thus, their honed skills they've developed to deal with it all in manipulative passive/aggressive ways.

      Kody's just a closeted gay or bi who's out of his true-natured element as well. This family is a colossal mismatched failure w/the adults. Polygamy is obviously very risky and the odds of success greatly stacked against. More so than monogamous marriages - in spite of what The Browns keep saying how much better it is.

    5. Anon 11:36, I've always thought Kody and Meri were each others beards. She is so butch and he says "darling" an affected 14 yr old girl.

    6. After reading the book I have to say I do not sympathize with any of these con-artist in any way. I did with Janelle till she went back after finding her own life and living successfully. Then fell for kodyass I found a home we can all live in with our own space ( the big house) and she fell for it. Omg what is wrong with these women? Brainwashed or brain dead.

    7. i lost respect/sympathy for Janelle long time ago. She's as much a kool-aid drinker as any of them. She validated Meri's pity party about DESERVING a big house, too, now on last episode. blech.

    8. I saw that turn around and was just amazed. After Manipulative Meri pulled the waterworks and so scathingly said "well I'm sorry if i took what you thought was yours" (translation: my house is more important than your kids' dinner) the other wives were all backtracking as fast as they could. They are afraid of that woman, for sure. That couch session looked like high school drama at it's finest. I don't see how Janelle and Christine live with that. Well, actually, I do. Janelle eats and Christine lives in her happy world with her kids. I don't blame either of them, but man...I just couldn't live that way.

      Every time Kodouche says love should be multiplied, not divided, I just want to hurl something at the TV, lol! How far away from the truth can you get?

    9. Aubry, she didn't have "to deal" with any of it. She could have walked. Yes, she agreed to polygamous marriage, but when she couldn't produce a child for Kody, she had to know some other woman could and would. If she starting feeling insecure, she should have done what every other woman in this world would do. Put her foot down and say no, or divorce him. I don't hate Meri, or even dislike her. I didn't read the book, so I have no feelings about anything revealed in there. My recent disenchantment with her sprung from her sharp jab at Janelle: "I'm sorry if you think I took something that belonged to you." Her attempt was to make Janelle look petty and unfair, but in my eyes it backfired, and revealed Meri's real problem. Janelle took something Meri thought was hers ... the place as mother to Kody's first born son. This must be big in polygamy for religious reasons' world. Meri's the one who says this lifestyle makes them better. It doesn't seem to make Meri better. It's fed her vindictive side.

    10. finally seeing reality and then some!June 27, 2012 at 3:40 PM

      Lets face it a monogamous marriage is a lot of work. A Polygamous marriage has to be hell. My husband kids me about taking other wifes and I remind him how much work being married to me is and he quickly changes his mind. Women are complex and I am no different. I know being married to me is hard work and I must say he is a great husband, but having 4 wives who all have their own issues could not be easy. Is the reward that great or is it a power trip?

  32. Well I'm sure to be banned from their facebook soon I think. I just posted and I told them that I'd like and deserve a big house too and asked them for an update on the houses and to let us know how they can do it with no steady income and less than 20% down.

    1. I saw your FB post. Good job! Although there do seem to be a lot of sheeple on there who "love" this family and find them "inspiring". Sadly, some fans refuse to see Kody as anything more than a God. If anyone tries to explain their concerns about the treatment of the wives or the lack of attention Kody pays to the children, the fans become immediately defensive.

    2. It seems that a megalomaniac like klody thrives on having these fans or wives that defend his actions regardless of the perception of so many others.
      10 negative comments isprobably canceled out by 1 positive and it buoys him to live his way even harder.
      Some people can't seem to see that he and the family were barely scraping along before the show and even with the sudden fame and money he's leading the family into the same situation again, just on a grander scale.

    3. Wonder if we could start a facebook page of our own?

    4. Wow.. I just checked my facebook, and there are several comments echoing my post.. hahaha..OMG we are all so gonna get the boot

  33. Does anyone know when they started appearing with cold sores on their mouths? I've mostly just seen it on Robyn. Ugh, I couldn't imagine being in a marriage where I always felt insecure.

    1. Robyn had them in first season while "dating" Kody. even tho we know now they were already married when they started filming.

  34. I have read these posts for quite some time and have never posted because the reading of other's annoyances with the Brown's seems to quench the frustrations that I have with TLC and the family. But lately I am full to the brim :)
    I feel ashamed for the fans of Sisterwives. Kody is a con artist who has taken the guise of defending a religious belief and has been sprung to a hopefully short lived d - list of fame. I refuse to be duped.

    1. The almost outright asking for gifts is horrible.

  35. I'm new here and realize that what I'm about to say has probably already been said dozens of times, but would it be OK if I just vent a little as a brand-new commenter? I'm really happy to have found this blog! I've been reading over at TWoP but have been really frustrated at the way the conversation there is so tightly controlled that the religious motivations behind the polygamist lifestyle could not be discussed.

    Basically, the ONLY reason these women do what they do is because they really and truly believe what their religion teaches - that they MUST be sister wives in order to achieve a higher level of heaven in the afterlife. With each season of this show, as greater and greater levels of dysfunction and abject misery are on display, it's becoming more and more awkward that the producers don't address the beliefs that actually motivate these people.

    In fact, it seems to me the producers have the Browns deliberately deceive their audience through what they DON'T say. In the Q&A that aired a few weeks ago, Kody stated that each of his wives gets to decide how many children they'll have. That might be a technical half-truth, but it's still deceptive. The reality is that with what their religion teaches, Kody already knows that the women believe it is their calling to have as many babies as is physically possible. To practice birth control is to compromise their faith.

    It frustrates me to no end that the show's producers deliberately hide the real driving force behind the "lifestyle." (In quotes because, as someone else said, it's not a "lifestyle" - it's a religion!)

    Thanks for letting me rant here.

    1. Good point. And like one poster who has knowledge of the Brown's, they are getting away from their religion. We viewers are also victims of editing. For instance, Kody could have immediately followed his comment about Christine's "chubbiness" and nacho-eating horrors with "But I grew to love her deeply." Still, what he said was abusive, disgraceful and humiliating, but the editors of the show may have made it worse by not posting everything that was said. I'm not condoning Kody, by any stretch. I dislike him and have no idea what they see in him.

      The religion and why they do what they do is the key to at least trying to understand it all, but they now worship the almighty dollar, clearly. But even temporary wealth cannot cure Meri's ills, or any of their ills, really.

    2. Franchesca: Welcome to the blog!

  36. I would like to comment on the childrens reactiion or lack of reaction to the earnest money news. It is a big contrast to the scene in season 1 when Kodouche asked the kids for approval to marry Rob chin. Oh the joy. The unhesitant affirmation. Not one child was reluctaant to give up limited family resources or to share their father with yet another wife and step kids and countless more babies. How could we forget thatproud look King Krody gave the camera after the loud cheers.
    Oh yea they had already been fake married for awhile before that scene was shot. I guess they didnt prepare the kids for this scene.

    1. Poor things are expected to jump every times there is some news. There's been far too much news lately. in two years, 5 new siblings, move, they have looked at endless houses. They are over it.

    2. The 4th wife was their ticket to "fame ". The 5th wife may be some-one from their face book page LOL The 5 th wife will keep the show rolling. Love this real community of bloggers, maybe we should have a convention, what a blast that would be. LOVE the work done on this blog. Thank-you.

  37. They had them from day one, but as others have mentioned, they got worse with the move to Vegas and the stress over money. Janelle and Robchin seem to break out the most and seem to be the worriers of the pack. Robchin seems to have been an open sore this whole season.

    1. Sobbin'Robyn IS an open sore on the family.

    2. You hit that nail right on the head. LOl

  38. Wow, they are slacking on deleting the critical posts on fb. Then again, maybe they enjoy seeing their fans try to defend them.

  39. Lobotomized (ColdSoreCheeseNachosBaldSpot)June 27, 2012 at 11:28 AM

    Who could have thought??!?!??!!

    Meri Brown ‏@MeriBrown1
    Response to #MySisterwivesCloset is amazing! Thank You! Due to huge response some items are backordered. Still place orders we'll ship ASAP
    Retwitteado por Kody Brown

    1. yeah, right. whatevs. this site will not be around in 6 months. if that long.

    2. Well since one dude in Vegas is making them and someone in SLC, can we imagine they had much stock to begin with? It's not like Chinese sweatshop children are helping out here!

    3. They probably only had 1 or 2a of each item

    4. probably one of each for picture taking and then wait and see if they get any orders from their suckers or not. what other no-brainer decision was there to make re:this overpriced crap?

    5. LOL What 5th Wife said. Except I thought more like 10 of each item.

    6. Lobotomized (ColdSoreCheeseNachos)June 27, 2012 at 3:42 PM

      I think they had about a dozen of each. They expected their groupies to buy.

  40. being so "religious" i would like to see them give back and volunteer. they really are only out for themselves

  41. When this show first started I thought it was great to see a polygamist family where people wanted to live this way and were happy. I am all for let them live their lives however they please. However, I disagree that people need to support them just because of their lifestyle or religion.
    They portray nothing about being religious/godly like they wanted to. I don't see compassion, effort to improve their relationships, forgiveness, or unselfish love.
    Some of us might also don't agree about the lifestyle choices of people like the Duggars or some other TLC families. But I see real humans with their short comings WANTING to improve and make a difference in others' lives,to help and give the best of them.
    When have we heard Kody say, lets donate our time or money to this or that cause. Let me take my girls on a date or spend an afternoon with all of my boys. He is a 100% narcissist. I can't say he is selfish or this and that because I don't know him personally but by the sad look of their kids, the resentful comments of some wives, the disconnection of him with his children I could say he might be.
    I hope they get at the most 2 mores seasons (too many) and they can go away and work on their relationships and also physically work.

    BTW I LOVE THIS BLOG. I don't watch the show and don't have to, reading this is enough. I'm totally addicted to this block. I read it first thing in the morning and at night. Of course also countless times in between :-)

  42. Morning everyone....
    Just getting a chance to post this morning on a few things I have been thinking about. I apologize if I am repeating what other posters have already said, but I hop on here when I have a batch of cupcakes in the oven, and don't get a chance to read very much until late at night.

    The first thing I thought about was Meri's large house. I have a feeling if they were to ever get large homes, this will be Meri's undoing. The reason I say this, is that my sister and her husband built their dream home a few years ago. They built a 5,000 sq foot home. It has 5 regular bedrooms, and then another bedroom that is a mother in law plan for our parents as they get older. My sister and I are best friends, and I used to watch the kids all the time when they would go on vacation for their anniversary. When the kids were gone to school and it was just me in that home, it was so EMPTY. I think Meri's daughter will be the first to join the poly lifestyle, and so I think Meri's nest will be empty in a few years. I can't even imagine how that will solidify even further her lack of a full house. I truly think it will drive her cray-cray, since she already seems to be tortured by the lack of children, etc..

    I also had a question for ex-AUB or someone else who might know the actual rules of the faith. What is their belief on tithing? I grew up in a baptist church, until we switched to Non-denom when I got older. They were very firm on tithing in the baptist church, and I wondered if it was something that was required in Kody's faith? I just have a hard time believing that they are tithing, because it seems to control Kody's image, he would make sure there was a photo of the check they were turning over, etc..

    Also, as Kody gets further away from the faith, which is apparent from watching the show, I wonder when this whole train crashes, if the church will welcome them back into the fold? It seems that the show started out to educate us, and greed has taken over. After Kody's refusal to celebrate Joseph Smith's birthday, I wondered if this was a big deal to the their faith? Would that be along the same lines as denouncing Mary if you are Catholic, or not acknowledging Christmas? I just wondered how the church felt about that.

    1. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong but I have a theory on the tithing. Since there aren't any local AUB communities in Las Vegas, any churching that goes on is led by Kody in one of the wives homes. This makes Kody the "big cheese" with his own church, any tithing would lead back to his own pocket...therefore they aren't doing any formal tithing.

      I don't think any of the Mormon sects formally celebrate Joseph Smith's birthday, I think that tradition was just from Christine's background.

    2. Paying tithing is hugely important. Paying tithing is a marker of "worthiness" (and covers a multitude of sins!). If Kody wasn't paying tithing he would never be allowed into the ordinance building to get "married." Being in another state does not let him off the hook, and from what I hear he goes back to Utah now and then anyway and I'm sure he hangs out in AUB then. I know the leadership was very unhappy with him doing this show, but I bet they are loving the money it brings in if Kody is paying up. If he isn't, it will be difficult to get anyone to allow him to grab another woman.

  43. just watching the re-run from May on Anderson. still am puzzled why so many are still convinced that Robyn's noticeably pregnant. Some have been convinced she has been since January even. She has big nursing boobs but no pregnant belly in May on Anderson show. She's just one who keeps the excess baby weight gain on for quite awhile afterwards apparently. maybe she eats extra calories while nursing and doesn't do any physical activity or exercise. i know i didn't like to exercise at all while nursing as it sure made the milk start pouring in.

    I'm still in the camp that as far as May anyway - i don't think Robyn's pregnant again.

    1. i'll clarify. she may be newly pregnant as of May but it's definitely not a visibly pregnant looking belly walking out on the Anderson stage.

  44. omg - on Anderson, Meri's milking her "i only have one child" and "am still considering Robyn's offer" in MAY - a full 7 months since Sol was born. TLC's convinced the Browns that all their viewers are completely clueless idiots.

  45. HAH! Robyn did her usual just now. Anderson is specifically asking Grody a question. Grody starts to answer it and gets 4 words out and Robyn BUTTS in over the top of him and spends 3 ad nauseam minutes answering the question for Grody. Grody is shown giving her that famous squinty eyed-look trying to figure out what the hell she's saying exactly let alone why she felt the need to take the question away from him. LOVE IT!!

  46. I wonder if Robyn might be a little smarter than we give her credit for?

    If she wanted to find a way to avoid getting pregnant again, right away, she sure seems to have found it. Kody, we can't get pregnant, Meri might want to take me up on my offer, and it would break her heart if she had to wait!

    Meri will never want to take her up on the offer because it would make her indebted to Robyn. But she will never want to say "no" to Kody.

    Quite an interesting chess situation, if you ask me.

    1. Robyn is on camera stating that when they moved to Vegas that she and Kody decided it finally was the right time for them to have a baby. so, clearly she was taking birth control up til that decision point.

      she has also stated that in her previous marriage she decided she wouldn't have any more children after the third one. so, again, on birth control in her first marriage, too.

    2. Or also it could be that Meri's the smart one and knows that by taking time with her decision she's in essense keeping Robyn's womb empty. I have no doubt that when Meri turns Robyn's offer down, Robyn will fall pregnant with her own child, if she hasn't already.

    3. Why do people think that using birthcontrol/contraception is the only way to space children? Modern Natural Family Planning is very well researched and as effective as the most effective chemical contraception. It does however, require mutual respect, discipline, and communication. I doubt that this is a method they use, but I just wanted to point out that chemical and barrier contraception is not the only option.

  47. I apologize if this has been discussed already. There are a LOT of comments on this episode.

    About Meri wanting the big house. I personally don't think ANY of them need a house that big and I think they are being greedy and it just makes me sick. And Meri seems the worst, because she only has one child. BUT they (the whole family) are wanting to build in a super private 9 lot subdivision. That subdivison has just two floorplans to choose from, and both are HUGE. If they want to live in that private subdivision they HAVE to build BIG houses. So why is this only Meri's fault? There are no smaller floorplans to choose from. If she went down to a more modest sized home she'd have to buy a home outside the subdivision and be farther away from the family, which goes against their home to "keep the family together in one place".

    I definitely don't think they should build in that subdivision. But I also don't understand why Meri's taking all the heat, especially if she can't help having a big house, if they choose that secluded area. I think they ALL should take responsibility for that.

    1. It's besides the point anyway, because unlike Kody, I am 99 percent sure that they will NEVER be living in those homes except in their imagination. The kids are well aware of that, they couldn't even feign excitement for the cameras...poor kids.

  48. Was there ever a reason given as to why Kody decided to celebrate Hanukkah instead of Christine's favorite of Joseph Smith's Day?

    1. Kody said that it was not a usual celebration in fundamentalist homes. The fact that it was apparently celebrated in the Allred family, you know, polygamy's blueblood family, was lost on him.

    2. I think Kody's reason was "I am mad at Christine and I know this tradition is very important to her and not so much to the other wives so I have decided, being the dictator, that we will now celebrate Hanukkah instead" and then after the fan backlash he tweets that maybe in the future they will celebrate both.

    3. CPA Carol nailed it, anything to punish Christine seems to be the pattern this last season.

  49. I've read all the comments on the Sunday episodes between last night and this morning. I really agree with the majority that they don't NEED 4 separate houses and should just double up or build one big house like in Utah - IF THEY CAN AFFORD IT.

    I'll say this, I've watched this show since the beginning and I've read their book. I did buy it from Amazon because I flat couldn't pass up the entertainment, but I'll you, it is actually a sad and depressing story. If they were trying to make polygamy look good, they have failed miserably. I actually didn't have an opinion on polygamy before watching this family, but I do now. I think that the women are emotionally and spiritually abused. I thought this "Tell All" interview was more telling than any of the shows have been. What I thought - from the book and little sound bites on the show - was confirmed.

    Meri is mean. She is resentful of the other wives having children and so she guilts them and throws the infertility card in their face. In the beginning, I felt very sorry for Meri not being able to have children, but now I think that she uses it to control them - especially when Robyn has offered up carrying a child for her and she "has to think about it" for how many months now? If she really wanted a baby, she would jump on that but she doesn't. She doesn't because that is her power card - that guilt trip and that she is the only legal wife. If she walks, they would probably be in a bigger financial mess than they are.

    In one episode, where the older kids go back to Utah, they are sitting there on the blanket in the freezing weather trying to have a picnic. Logan was cussing and Mariah (being the perfect teen that she is) tells him to "Man Up" and stop talking that way. I swear to you that if you watch that scene - he tells her to "Woman Down". I rewound my Tivo several times to verify. What does that mean? I think it means, shut up, don't challenge me and "keep sweet" as many have described here. Where did he learn that? Dear Ole' Dad is my guess.

    Kody is not an innocent goof like he wants us to think - that is an act and it is easier than being a responsible adult who REALLY answers for his actions. He simply cannot explain away the bankrupties, fights with and among wives, favoritism shown, and the continuation to have children when he can't afford them. If I were him, I'd act dumb too. What else can he do really? Admit that this is a bad idea and it is failing? That's the truth and their main goal (or one of their goals) is to have polygamy legalized. That won't happen if they show the truth.

    I read others point out the "Charles Manson" look at Robyn when she pointed out how he should have explained the houses to Christine. I went to my Tivo, backed it up and rewatched that part as I hadn't seen it the first time. BINGO! Sociopath and Narcissist if I've ever seen one. He reminds me of Anthony on Prison Wives - the one who was married to Annika. That guy was all laughs and giggles too but he had a deep, dark, brooding side. I see that in Kody.

    I went to My Sisterwives Closet - the jewelry isn't going to sell. What they don't realize is that most grown women don't give each other rings. I do not know one woman who wears a ring from another woman unless it is a family heirloom like her Aunt's ring or Mother's ring. And as far as the Love, Loyalty and Friendship thing, IF you were going to give another woman a ring, why not just buy a Claddagh Ring that everyone knows what it means and you can get anywhere at whatever price range you like? That makes so much more sense.

  50. I did not know that....of course, I wouldn't have any reason to know that. I don't watch the show as I don't have TV programming...I just read hear and occasionally watch a clip. It just seemed so random to me. We celebrate Hanukkah as well but I mean random for that klan.

  51. I saw in some comments people mentioning the book but not wanting to spend the money. I have an electronic version, so if anyone is interested i can lend. Just reply.

    1. Would LOVE to "borrow" it!

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Oh another thing mine is a .epub version so it opens in Adobe Digital Editions or iPhone/iPad via iBooks if you have a kindle or something you can use calibre to change the formate.

    4. Lobotomized (ColdSoreCheeseNachosBaldSpot)June 27, 2012 at 1:59 PM

      I would love to borrow it.

      lobotomized1 at gmail dot com

    5. Sent Lobotomized. Enjoy, I'm yet to finish it.

    6. Would like to read it but wont buy it. Im course about the content to be honest but dont want to send one red cent in to the pockets of those idiots.

    7. yeah i would like a copy
      Jurneeka at gmail dot com...thanks :)

  52. I have been reading this blog for quite a while now and thought I had seen most of the details about the family that has been posted. But when reading through the most recent posts comment sections, I realized that I missed one. When/how do we know that Robyn was actually married to Kody before the filming started? Was there a post about this or a link I can click to get the details? Sorry that I missed this but I am curious! Oh, "reality" TV.

    1. I don't think they were married before filming began, but they were definitely "formally courting" and planning marriage. In the book, Robyn says that she decided to push her wedding date off so that the show began with the Brown family "as is". She stated that she felt that was more respectful to the family.

  53. Robyn and Janelle have had visible "cold sores" a lot. I wonder if perhaps Meri has not been able to get pregnant over the years because of undiagnosed/ untreated STDs like Herpes?

    Thoughts on this?

    1. Lobotomized (ColdSoreCheeseNachosBaldSpot)June 27, 2012 at 2:15 PM

      Don't think so. She's been through fertility treatment so I'm sure they tested her then. Plus, the others have kids.

  54. I was just curious if anyone noticed the lanyard with the key card on Logans desk? (in the review photo of him with his laptop). Does anyone know if he is currently working? Perhaps it's from his HS; and if so- wouldn't the timing be off?

    1. Its probably his high school ID. Why would the timing be off? He just graduated last week but that scene was probably shot months ago...Don't seniors start making their college choices Jan-Mar?

  55. Not necessarily 'cold sores' could just be cracked lips from the dry climate. I get them frequently.

  56. I have been addicted to this blog for 3 days!!

    Maybe a dumb question, but do the Brown's celebrate Christmas? I only watch the show occasionally so I could have missed it.

    I don't believe for one minute they will be able to secure the 4 homes they want built. house and only one could have a pool (not Meri's, I have a feeling the other wives kids annoy her, mess up her spotless house and shes afraid they might scratch her furniture.) One yard could have a playset (Hey, Brown's, think grifting for the swingset/ playset!) One could have a nice firepit, and one could have a yard for "sports". I noticed in the rental homes they do NOT take care of their surroundings. That tells me the parents (moms) are a bit lacking in disicpline (cannot spell that damn word to save my life...) and teaching kids to respect their home, especially if it's a rental and really belongs to someone else!!!
    I know the Duggar kids are well-behaved, but IMO some of that is the 'indoctrination' into the lifestyle, and the girls are all little moms so their mother can breed, breed, breed. Yes I would rather take the Dugger kids out in public but I feel sad thinking those girls have been brainwashed into a life of being subservient to men and having oodles of babies.

    Well, I'm off to pull weeds in the gardens...

    1. In defense of the Duggar children, they seem to be very respectful and responsible. That's a lot more than I can say about the majority of American children today. My question is when did it become unfashionable to teach children the values hard work, respect, and love of family? They are being raised much like my grandparents were raised. Today, most parents treat their children like little princes and princesses. Then society wonders why recent generations are lazy, spoiled, entitled people.

    2. Hell yeah they celebrate Christmas !
      With fist fights, machine guns, wearing homemade pajams gathered around a Charlie "Brown" tree.

  57. A bit off topic but I view this blog on my iPhone and everytime I click on an entry it throws me to the very bottom of the comments so I have to go all the way back up to read the post. Is there something I can do to change that?

  58. How do we know that Robyn and Kody were already married during the shooting of season 1? Was their TV wedding fake and they were actually already married?

    1. Or do you mean actually already NOT REALLY married? LOL

  59. Am I mistaken or didn't the Brown's meet Robyn on the internet? I thought I heard that way way back. I know they communicated w/ her online, they said so- she lives a few states away so their contact w/ her IRL was limited until she came to live with them all. And Robyn and Cody broke a few rules prior to getting married, but what the heck, Kody, the AUB said it was a-ok.

    1. They didn't meet on the internet, they met at a dance. Check out the TLC Sister Wives Archives for the details.

  60. OK I might just be nuts because I haven't seen this mentioned ANYWHERE else, but I'm just gonna throw it out there: Does anyone but me think that Robyn and Christine look related?! When they first introduced Robyn, there was something about her face and manner of speaking that made me take notice of this! Especially around the eyes! I don't know much about the extended Brown family tree, but has anyone else ever thought this?

    1. Actually I have seen this mentioned before (maybe even here on SWB) but if you look at their profiles -- it looks like they have the same chin. And they have similar mouth/teeth structure (that lispy sound). The only difference is the noses -- Robyn has that halloween witch nose while Christine doesn't. Christine is a cousin of Robyn's ex-husband.

    2. OK, at least now I know I'm not totally bonkers! Lol. I heard someone in a recent comment thread call it "The Brown Family Wreath," (LMAO) so you never know...

    3. I have thought that they look alike around the chin and that Christine and ole Kode look alike around the nose and maybe eyes!

  61. It's such bullshit, this melodrama about these houses. Who says that they can't continuing renting the ones they are in right now?
    This isn't truly about Kody not feeling connected with the kids. He has free will, he could PUT the effort into making it a priority to at least swing by the various homes once a day. It's too much trouble.

    They want the big homes in the exclusive area and they want people to help make it happen Period. They want, they want. Do it like the rest of us have had to do it. Save your money. Fix your shitty credit. Get some solid employment history

  62. KodysSonicStareGlareJune 27, 2012 at 2:43 PM

    I think they probably knew her. She was married to a Jessop, Christine's cousin.
    When they shooting season 1, is when they got married, when WE saw it, they were already married.
    They always have a Christmas TV show.
    I agree, I don't like the Duggars, but I can respect that they WORK, TEACH, and LIVE by what they believe. They are not always bickering. However, they do abuse child labor...

  63. The Tell All - I am so interested in what the Review will say. I usually feel bed for folks being attacked, but they mad me mad. Such a bad show of a "religious" family.

  64. Las Vegas ResidentJune 27, 2012 at 3:16 PM

    First of all I pray that the Brown family are reading this web site...and in the event that they might be I have something to say to Queen Meri:

    How dare you!! While Christine, Janelle and Robyn are struggling to put food on their tables to feed their children, you demand thru intimidation to rent a house much bigger than you need and all because you want the better things in life? Because you feel entitled? Because you are so jealous they have more kids than you so you are punishing the whole family?

    And while you and Mariah were discussing the new houses, did she have her hand on her hip, telling you she refuses a room with the sun shinning in? Like mother like daughter?

    You and your daughter should be grateful you have a bed to lay in at night at all...there are many children who do not.

    Do yourself a favor and google the word "Karma"

    And one last word of advice....stop being a bully and mean girl to your sister makes you very ugly.

    1. Why are any of these women "struggling to put food on the table?" That sounds idiotic when you think of their earnings from TLC, book sales, LIV profits, and the jewelry business that is now back ordering because they sold so much?

  65. It's not even ironic that only the wives had to write checks--not Kody. He has no responsibility except to tend to his hair. . . .

  66. I hate to say it but I suspect they may somehow manage to get those houses. Scripted as the show is, I don't think they would have written the checks otherwise. Especially at the risk of losing $20k collectively. Can they pay for them beyond the TLC gig is another story.

  67. I just want to thank all of you for the fun! I'm home all day on leave while taking chemo. This should be added to the list of things that help with recovery. Truly laughter is a great medicine!!! Thanks for all the fun and laughs. I do feel badly watching their show and upping their ratings. I just make myself feel better about that by swearing never to buy anything advertised. Y any sponsor. LOL

  68. What kind of father hijacks not one, but two important milestones of his children to share his own personal news about "gambling" on four homes?!?

    I could just scream when I saw Kody's behaviour! Instead, I have a few words directed at Kody:

    Dear Kody,

    When a young son has a birthday, it is not ok to make the day about YOU. Especially when that son is but one of SEVENTEEN children and his birthday marks probably the only day of the year when his "bonus" parents and absentee father generally notice him.

    Additionally, it is not ok to make the day about YOU when your oldest child is about to announce an important decision. He doesn't give a rat's behind that his parent's have once again gambled on their family's livelihood, especially not when he has bigger dreams and goals ahead of him.

    Not only do you hijack your son's spotlight, but then you have to hijack the attention with totally inappropriate news that the children should not be made concerned about. Do you honestly think your kids know what "earnest" money means? Actually, Kody do YOU even know what that means? Well, apparently you do, because you choose to explain it in such a way as "gambling" to your children. You have "gambled" on getting four homes. You "hope" you can somehow pull money together. Is that the sort of information young children need to know? So they can lie awake in bed and worry and wonder if their parents can afford to take care of them?!

    One last thing, take off the Nevada gear and start acting like a self-LESS father. I know this may shake up your entire concept about your little world Kody, but IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU. In fact, NOTHING is about you. THE REST OF THE WORLD DOES NOT REVOLVE AROUND KODY BROWN. So how about you sit down, stop talking, and listen to your son. Stop pushing your self-interests on him.

    You are a poor role model. You HAVE done wrong by him. Because of your flightly, self-centred ways, you left Logan to grow up way too fast and raise the offspring you were supposed to. Well Kody, Logan's tired of it. He loves his siblings, but he needs space for himself. A good father would give him that space. A good father wouldn't have placed that burden on him in the first place. A good father would do a lot of things you don't.

    Kody, you are a not a good father.
    You are a douche-bag.

    - ModernWife
