Monday, November 4, 2013

Photographs show the intense surveillance FLDS Church focuses on its own members

Here is a jump to a Salt Lake Tribune article that I found very interesting. Let me know what you think!

Photographs show the intense surveillance here.


  1. Any sect in the "free" world that uses these measures of surveillance on its own members is not "free."

    What purpose could this kind of scrutiny be used for except to control, intimidate and likely punish the people for infractions?

    1. Agreed Amused. I've often wondered if people like Kristyn Decker, Flora Jessop and the others that have left FLDS and other groups have to put up with things like this. I cannot see the higher ups in the FLDS stopping this type of behavior just because a person has left that religion.

      The ones that creeped me out were the shots where they appeared to have been looking into windows. Or maybe I misunderstood and those were taken from inside the home. Either way, the entire thing is extremely frightening.

  2. It amazes me that their isn't more public outcry about the FLDS. This lack of care for US citizens within our own county really bothers me. I've only been to the Salt Lake City Airport while flying from coast to coast. It has a different feeling than other airports, that's my only personal experience in Utah. I wonder if the problems Utah faces with whole segments of the population having limited futures and being trapped is similar to East Coast cities having slums/ghettos where being born and raised there is a disadvantage. I know people are discouraged with the challenges of extreme poverty but eliminating it is not easy either. Not being Mormon (LDS or fundamentalist) I don't know those Churches motivations. I do see Americans being born into these communities and excluded from 'the American dream' not being educated and not having the pursuit of happiness open to them. I'm just having a hard time wrapping my head around this happening in this country. I hope these photos do lead to some leagal action or other action that can free these people from the oppressive control of the FLDS. I hope these photos make a difference. I'm glad to learn from this blog that there are people helping people who want to escape polygamy.

  3. Thanks for sharing the link!

    Can't even wash hair or have lunch without scrutiny???

    Depraved,frightening,and nauseating-- but not surprising for a mentally ill, depraved, sadistic, demon possessed control freak who has a god complex and eyes like Charles Manson!

    Yes, Warren, I'm describing you. Since the government you "despise"--which allowed you to get rich from "bleeding the beast" --also allows you the freedom to access the internet, I'm sure you read SWB.

    Perhaps we could petition to get you moved to the general prison population-- there are surely some fellow prisoners who would welcome the opportunity to get to know you -- in the biblical sense! The initiation rite would be familiar to you-- it's similar to the one you used on the boys and girls!

  4. The more time passes, the more confirmation we get. These groups are extremely abusive. When I was growing up, we kept hearing stories about how children in the Soviet Union had no freedom and were watched and listened to all the time.

    Turns out it was kids in the USA who had no freedom and were under surveillance all the time.

    It's sickening. It confirms what we're learning from the books etc, but the more we know, the worse it all is.

  5. Here's another article. This one is also very disturbing:

  6. Wonder if the car parked in front of the Texas Road house belonged to a member of FLDS ?If it did I bet someone was punished big time.Well maybe not if it belonged to one of the husbands, and I doubt the wives would ever be able to afford such a splurge according to all the things I've been hearing about how they have to live.

  7. I had the opportunity to visit the Alta Compound at the mouth of Little Cottonwood Canyon prior to Rulon and Warren Jeffs vacating it for the millennium because the world was going to end. There were so many creepy things about the compound. A huge vault aka bomb shelter in the subbasement. The tiny rooms off of the long hallway upstairs for the women and children. The children didn’t have beds. They slept in little cubbies cut into the walls. Locks on all the drawers and pantries in the huge industrial kitchen. Didn’t trust each other to not steal the silverware or take a few crackers? No one had their own clothing. Clothing was kept in large communal closets labeled “Girls Small Dress” “Boys Medium Pants” “Girls Large Coats” “Women Medium Dresses”, etc. No phones to the outside. No TV. No news of the outside world. But the creepiest part of all was every room including the communal toilets and showers had audio and video surveillance. Every movement and sound they made was recorded in the Master Control Room.

    1. These people may as well have been fitted with dog collars and leg irons.
      They live a life a incarceration. Unbelievable !!

    2. So much for freedom of speech. How sick do you have to be, when you're spying with video on people in toilets??? And showers??? Aren't there laws against secretly filming minors (let alone anyone else) in the shower? Even if it doesn't lead to sexual assault (but Jeffs has a history of that too), surely there's a law against it. In my opinion the mere fact that they are recording images of adults AND children in that way is at least voyeurism.

      To me, this is worse than voyeruism. I think it would constitute some kind of production of pornographic images, possibly involving children, which is a much more serious crime. I mean, paedophiles pay a lot of money to access even 'innocent' images of young children; not even overtly sexualised images.

      When human traffickers sell young women into prostitution and slavery, they keep them under very similar conditions to the way these women and kids are kept. They are treated like cattle.

  8. The article mentions that it was a former member of the FLDS that was followed to Texas Roadhouse. That alone is very creepy, really driving the point home that even people that have left the FLDS are never really free from their clutches.

  9. So very very sad ... only two steps away from Kody's crew. They aren't fooling me!

  10. Just plain sad and creepy.

  11. Although the Browns say they are not like them, who's to say what would happen if they were legalized? And thanks to Ed K. for showing us the difference, that they are more like them than we know.

  12. I find it interesting that they ask and quote Sam Brower.
    It is disgusting that they are acting like paparazzi to their own. Shows that this is a cult. No free will religion would do such a thing, or want to.

  13. Maybe if some of the good videos get leaked, the state will have to do something about the sect often getting held against their will. God bless them all. Can you imagine growing up thinking this was your way to heaven? No education? So scary for them. Not sure I could have gone against my parents, my religion, everything I know to go against it.
