Wednesday, October 2, 2013

UPDATED Tweets "Sister Wives"

THE BROWNS ON THE RED CARPET AT MEAT LOAF'S CONCERT @ PLANET HOLLYWOOD: (of course Kody is front and center so we can't see Janelle's weight loss)
Janelle & Christine look good in this one. Another red carpet shot:
The Reply:

This is the Brown's hairdresser:

Robyn evidently is feeling that people pick on her. MS, Picture needs to be attached to make sense:
No words except agree with @ElysiumEve!

Retweeted by Meri, interesting:
Cute picture!


  1. Jumpin the ToasterSharkOctober 2, 2013 at 4:53 PM

    This one made me laugh:

    Janelle Brown ‏@JanelleBrown117 29 Sep
    Loved this from church today -A Real Man - 1) Rejects Passivity 2) Accepts Responsibility 3) Leads Courageously 4) Seeks the Greater Reward

    I wonder if anyone had the nerve to tell Janelle that by those standards, Kody isn't a real man? lol

    Also wonder who gave that lesson in living room church. My guesses, Kody or Robyn.

    I find it interesting that she retweeted The Pope. What would the AUB think? lol

    1. I liked the one where Ed pointed out that Tamron Hall doesn't appear to have any distance from the subjects she interviewed in The Tell All.

    2. I did too Funky Town. I wonder if Tamron will respond to Ed? I'm thinking No, b/c deep down she knows that Ed is right!

    3. I agree CB. There's no way she can respond to that without looking like she's compromised her standards ( know).

  2. Well from her inspirational quotes it appears Robyn is in full Phoenix mode and busy rising above folks who say mean things about her. And can I just say there is something seriously wrong with the words "Kody Brown" & "walking the red carpet" being in the same tweet. Why do these event organizers keep feeding his delusions that he's a celebrity?

    1. LMAO @ Boston Corgi! I love that - something seriously wrong with the words "Kody Brown & walking the red carpet" being in the same tweet! As far as Kody being a celebrity, I'm thinking he's more infamous than famous only he doesn't realize it.

    2. Didn't know they let Z-list 'celebrities' walk any red

    3. "Z-list 'celebrities'"

      Z for zero ??

    4. Maybe Meat Loaf can give Kody some tips on cutting long nasty hair.

    5. If Kody does meet Meat Loaf, I can just imagine how that conversation would go. Ya know my hair man? Hey did you hear I have 4 wives and 17 kids? No? You didn't know that? Have you heard of Liv? We sell some great iconic jewelry near here ~ need some for your kid? Your wife?

    6. Kody has been busy practicing his twerking so he can show off those new moves @ the next red carpet event.

  3. Its stupid that the Darger's think that there is a difference between being a plural family or being polygamists. Ive been watching their twitter, FB and blog for awhile. Ive come to the conclusion that they would sell their souls and sacrifice another family just to have their way when it comes to being allowed to be polygamists.

    1. Of course the Dargers and other polygamists want to try to make their situation "prettier" or more "sanitary" by giving it another name and tacking on the word "family" so it seems all warm and cuddly---but, it won't work.

    2. I suspect that the plygs know that there is a lot of power in language. Calling themselves a "plural family," as if it's a single unit, gives their sham some respectability. Most Americans highly value the family unit, and would resist most attempts to undermine it.

      Of course, I suspect that most sister-wives, such as the Browns, realize that in reality that they're actually several families and when push comes to shove, those boundaries are quite clear. If Meri eventually decides to leave Kody, for example, she's unlikely to be interested in leaving with Janelle's kids.

    3. I've been wondering if they've all been coached by some PR people.

    4. I heard that Joe and co. have taken classes in public speaking. It's pretty clear that the word polygamist is merely an accurate description of the state of having multiple partners, just as a monogamist means someone in a couple relationship. What they don't like, as they say, are the associations with that word. They're always trying to put themselves in a better light by playing with words. Take "Love TImes Three" for instance - its only "times" anything for Joe Darger. For the other women its subtraction or division!

      Joe Darger and his women aren't the only ones who get twitchy about the word polygamy. In AUB people still get upset if you call what they are doing "polygamy." They claim polygamy is what the "world" does, while they are living the "holy principle of plural marriage". All window dressing for the same a unsavory dish.

  4. Hate to tell Kody this, but I wouldn't be seen dead in that 'BE' creation he's promoting. I would be very interested in learning how to be 'amazing.' I can understand the rest, how a person becomings amazing is beyond me.

    As far as Robyn's tweet about people not knowing the price you paid to get where you are, I would highly recommend anyone who's interesting in the history of polygamy [from the time it became mainstream in the 1850s] google 'Sandra Tanner, book, changing world of Mormonism, sorrows of polygamy,' and read her chapter on it. Since the Mormons believe in keeping journals almost as a religious rite, she has gone through a lot of their writings detailing how miserable the poor women were. Brigham Young even offered to allow any unhappy polygamous wife to leave Utah, but no one took him up on it as they would have to leave their children, and everything they owned. One women quoted by Sandra Tanner said she never had a happy day after her husband took his second wife. I'm sure she speaks for a large majority of the women involved in polygamy at the time.

    1. ...or at any time...

    2. Hayley agreed. Even if his wives had taken him up on his 'generous offer' to leave UT, how in the world would they have supported themselves at that point? He knew darn well they weren't going anywhere.

      Robyn's tweet seemed to me to be very self-serving. Almost like she wants us to all look at her and think oh poor Robyn, she must have gone through so much to get where she is.

    3. "they can leave anytime" is the same false statement that's made re: "we CHOOSE to practice polygamy." NO, you don't - not when it's your religious dogma that you're damned to hell if you don't! that's not reeeeeeally a choice now. LOL

  5. Something else I wanted to add about following the Dargers. They have a finger in every polygamist pie there is. They have visited friends in short creek (FLDS), visited a sister in Pinesdale MT. (AUB), a daughter married a Centennial Park boy, Good friends with a old timer Kingston group member who died recently. And lastly visited friends in "the rock" (another group)

    I haven't seen "The rock polygamists" mentioned here yet. Very interesting housing they have come up with. There is a good amount of info on them on the net, maybe we could have a post about them.
    To wet your appetite:

    1. Great idea Anon! Email Mister Sister and suggest it :-) Thanks for the link, I'm going to check it out.

    2. Fascinating photos. A couple observations. Where do you think all the food in the food storage room comes from? (Food pantries? SNAP cards pooled together to keep the supply cupboard full?) Would love to know the employment status of this crew. Also - I find it interesting that some of these wives that have pumped out scads of children are so svelte. I guess the plyg men are picking the cutest girls they can find? Is there a lot of pressure on the women to keep very slim? Is there Bulimia and/or Anorexia among plural wives? We notice most of Brady Williams wives are slim and then there are the Darger hotties. Robyn too is very slim. Just wondering if any ex AUB out there or authorities can speak to the whole issue of men getting slim, attractive women and how the women keep their figures. To me it does not reflect mainstream society at all. So many of us with multiple children have a hard time keeping the pounds off.

    3. wow. picture 16 looks like Christine's cooking...all white and yellow and no veggies.

      looking forward to the post.

    4. The Dargers have their fingers in all the plyg pies for 2 reasons: Its a part of their activism for decriminalizing polygamy, and they are distantly related to some of the groups, as are many plygs because of intermarriage, and so on.

      The thing that I find interesting and about the Dargers is that they say that they believe polygamy isn't for everyone, and they don't believe most people should practice it, which is extremely indicates that on the one hand, they believe that they are exceptional and "better" than everyone including other polygamists ( their disdain for the Browns and some FLDS is palapable), and that they don't care about how polygamy really will affect everyone if decriminalized. It won't just be them, it will be any scumbag, religious or otherwise. I get a real sense that Joe's head is pumped full of patriarchy and self-proclaimed studly.

    5. It's a result of never having the security of having your partner all to yourself. If he is always having sex with other women, it's natural to feel that you have to compete so he doesn't deem you unattractive and favor another wife more than you, or decide to take another younger, slimmer the Browns.

    6. Robyn mentioned in a previous season (I think when she was pregnant) that there's a lot of food she can't eat due to allergies/intolerances. One episode showed them going out to eat and I think she had a hard time finding something she could eat.

    7. Hi Anonymous @ 11:18--I suspect that the Dargers realize that polygyny is not for everyone simply because our society cannot support it on a mass scale. Mathematically, the world simply cannot support one man marrying three women at the same time. I'm sure that Joe realizes that his marriage to three women means that, indirectly, two other men in Utah did not marry. The question becomes why Joe thinks he's more important than those other two men.

      It all reminds me of something very basic that we adults tell children when we try to teach them respect: "What would happen if everyone did what you just did?" Most children eventually learn respect for their communities; it seems that the Dargers and Browns of the world did not.

    8. it's ingrained in them w/their church doctrine/belief system that they are the lord's "elite and special" to become gods and goddesses in the eternities. so, of course, they're smugly and arrogantly better than 99.99 % of the world as their god has told them so! blech

    9. one of their reminder mantras is a "quote" from their lord, "I never said it would be easy, only that it would be worth it." and also "ENDURE to the end." so, that's what these women constantly remind themselves they have to do in order to reap their eternal celestial and exalted reward.

  6. So I googled and saw that Meat Loaf is playing 18 dates at Planet Hollywood. I guess Kody Brown and Co were the best they could do for "local" celebs to walk that effin' red carpet. woot.

    1. I hope they put pictures up on Twitter or somewhere. I would love to see it. Did you notice that it's Kody, Janelle and Christine? No Meri and Robyn. I guess they must have big doin's that night or bigger I should say.

    2. I believe Meatloaf and the Klowns share the same talent agent. Seriously. Same woman, I believe.

      Isn't Meatloaf kind of a has-been celeb - one relegated to restaurant openings and county fairs these days?

    3. Anon @11:11 - I tweeted her and asked. She said no, she has nothing to do with "Meat" as she calls him. I said I was curious if she was his agent/publicist and as such did she know if he's doing a whole concert tour.

      But yes I do think he's kind of a has-been. Last time I saw him was on some game show where you have to do karaoke but remember the words yourself or something. I was at a friend's and they had that on. No idea what it was called.

    4. Anon 11:11 - while Meatloaf hasn't had any hits in years, he still has a following. I know several musicians who are with similar groups and they can make a very nice living playing the "oldies circuit" and still bring crowds in, what's more they generally put on a great show! I've been to many - it's fun to see the groups do their old stuff, they embrace it. Some of the best I've seen include the Go-Gos (still as cute as ever), Cheap Trick, Heart, Tower of Power, Rick Springfield (who still gets the ladies screaming believe it or not!), and that's just off the top of my head. Many of these musicians make their home in towns/cities/areas where the cost of housing etc is lower than, say, LA or SF. I know that Cheap Trick members live in the Midwest (I want to say Minnesota or Wisconsin) and live comfortable middle-class lives when they aren't touring. I'm sure that Meatloaf still has a following as well.

    5. Cheap Trick are our hometown boys here in Rockford, IL. :-) It is not uncommon to see one of them at the grocery store or the mall. Nothing quite like turning to grab a bag of chips and there stands Rick Nielsen doing the same. Lol. They are a big part of the community and good guys. I have family that went to school with them too. We love Cheap Trick :-)

    6. Also, I have to add that Meat Loaf's album "Bat out of Hell" is considered a classic rock album of the 70's. He might be a has-been but he is still able to make a living as a musician and trust me that's really saying something!!

    7. I think we might have just solved the mystery of the song, I would do anything for love but I won't do that... THAT is Kody...

    8. Anon 12:49 I have seen Cheap Trick 3-4 times at different venues. first time was in 1995, last time was in 2011. always professional, and I've met them (with the ex who is also a musician) a couple times. they could not be more courteous. none of those Rock Star airs with that group!

    9. and jeez it's not even the opening night of the Meat Loaf show - it started on 26 Sept according to Meat Loaf's own website.

    10. Not sure if Meat Loaf still lives in rural CT, but when he did, he was known as a darn-good kid's soccer coach.


  7. Ahh....all the tweet teasers about mysterious, wonderful things happening to the business. The plot thickens.....OR..... the BS just continues.!!!

    Spending *fun* time with dear friends and business partners. Yikes, big doings !!
    Could it be that the dear friends and business partners are one and the same. And since the business partners are a relatively new addition, apparently it doesn't take long for a friend to become "dear." Just set up a camera in the 2nd rate casino (the only one willing to sell the tin bling) and have everyone gather round, and there you go.....instant dear friends and business partners for needed tweets.
    Sure looks like someone has whispered in the Browns collective ear that putting out provocative tweets is paramount to getting new customers /suckers.

    I echo Hayley's sentiments about the fugly, juvenile "BE* mess of a necklace.
    Who would buy, let alone wear, such a pile of dollar store tin-junk other than a 12 year old ???. No....make that a 10 year old !!

    Also looks like the Dargers are angling for some star attention too.
    If they feel that "polygamy" is a pejorative term, then what should it be called, because plural family is not accurate either ?? Not if only *one* wife and her kids are legal.
    How about "Guy gets to do all the women he wants with their permission and cooperation?"

    1. I loved Elysium Eve's tweet above and it really made me laugh! Telling Meri not to let Kody design anymore jewelry. She's probably blocked now!

    2. Ok, Amused, let us not insult the 10 year olds! I do not think even they would go for that awful jewelry. Hmmm, I might be able to get my five year old granddaughter to play with it.

    3. You're right, Granny C. My apologies to the 10 year olds. :))

      Five is right......or maybe for pre-school dress-up fun.

  8. I wonder if when the Browns moved to Vegas, they expected to be able to extend their 15 minutes of fame by design. When I came upon an interview the Browns gave to the BBC, the police report regarding the Brown family was in it, and their were only 2 complaints about them that were investigated. It never was the drama or hysteria these people made it out to be. So maybe Kody outsmarted us all in this move to Vegas, and extending the persecution story line. They could never say outright, we moved to Las Vegas to make a better living, or to expand upon our celebrity.

    1. Actually, they did say they moved for business in a video-- check out July 24,2011 post. Sorry, could'nt paste on my phone

    2. Yes they did. In fact Janelle was all smiles for that declaration.

  9. What offended because someone called you a polygamist? Well I am offended because of all the things Robyn has said about monogamist. Seriously you promote a very abusive lifestyle, break the law daily and bleed the beast. Sorry if we offend you! (Not)

    1. Get A Haircut and Get A Real JobOctober 5, 2013 at 5:23 PM

      I was also offended by Robyn's zingers at monogamists. I kind of wanted to bop her on the head. Is she REALLY such a ding-dong?

      Kristie@6:58 I was also offended by the comments that Robyn made about monogamists. In fact, I kind of wanted to bop her on the head. Where does she get off?

  10. I do find it fascinating that the Brown's hairstylist is willing to go public on Twitter for them.
    "No one can make you feel inferior without your permission! "

    I guess that is true if you give permission to have your hair styled like a hacked haystack.

    At least Meri's *did* look better for the finale eps.
    Perhaps the hair stylist reads SWB and got the hint.

    But whatever the game plan is for Kodyboy's straggly is looking worse than ever. He looks like an unkempt Amish/ Dutch Boy/ Neanderthal.

    1. Mostly Neandrathal... and baldning one, at that.

  11. Meat Loaf?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe their manager managed to get a plyg family of grifters to walk the red carpet, geeze!

  12. The Dragers need try to remain in the public eye in hopes that their TV show will be picked up so they have to voice their opinion on Twitter. For the life of me, I just don't get this need to update the world on your every thought and deed!

    As for Amused comments on how the so many of the plig wives stay thin, I think it's because they have a very physically demanding lifestyle raising dozens of children, cooking, cleaning, gardening and like to where they get lots of exercise. I also doubt they can afford a lot of junk food with so many mouths to feed. I'm sure in the Drager and Williams' case, the women are also motivated to stay slim so their husband find them more attractive. Competing with 2, 3 or 4 other women for your husband's affection is powerful motvation for staying in shape.

    1. I wonder if the Darger's read this blog

  13. How many times does Sobbin have to remind us that her life was "hell" before she met Kody? Good Lord.

  14. What "price" has Sobbin paid? Isn't she, her new family, and polygamists in general more about ditching their creditors, sticking it to taxpayers and bleeding the beast?

    1. Did you read Kodouche's tweet about Robyn having already started her holiday shopping? Of course she has... with them it is all about spend, spend, spend. Meanwhile, Robyn stiffs the hospital she owes money to (thus the lien on Robyn's mansion). What do you bet they are accumulating lots more credit debt, business loans and trying to shelter things under various names/entities so that when the show is cancelled they'll start declaring more bankruptcies - this time under various business names.

  15. so what's the deal with the rock polygamists? Anyone investigate their claims that they are not on subsidies?

  16. the picture of Mariah and Maddie is so sweet!

  17. please please krody get a 5th wife so sobbin can feel the pain Christine was and is going through!!!

    1. Absolutely Anon 9:50 p.m. - Robyn, to me, represents all the thin women out there who sashay around with their tight little jeans acting so smug and looking down their nose at other women who have weight issues. You can just see that smirk on her face in photos with Grody. I hope if he does take a 5th wife that she is hot, hot, hot and makes Sobbyn feel like an ugly duckling. Sobbyn needs to pay for what she did to the other wives. You just KNOW she has been lording it over them every way possible that SHE is the one Grody wants to bed. Honestly, Sobbyn just sickens me. She may claim food intolerances/allergies - but honestly - with that running cold sore - I'm kind of wondering if it is bullimia. Seriously, cold sores go along with that... and I just want to scream at the TV whenever you see the look on the other wives' faces when she's working it.

    2. Meri's Brownish Orange FaceOctober 5, 2013 at 1:14 PM

      I am not sure why everyone thinks Sobbin is so attractive. She has thin lips, big chin and nose and have you seen her TOES!!!

      She is just the new thing. And cold sores are the Herpes Simplex Virus, so Krody can suck up all that he wants.

    3. I don't think people think Sobyn is particularly pretty - but for those of us who have weight problems her thin physique is something to be very envious of. Our culture rewards those who are thin - and you have to admit she has a thin body and she is able to fit into cute, fashionable jeans.

    4. yes, she most certainly has quite the witch's nose and chin profile to offset her plusses of tall and thin, nice hair and nice skin. but the constant cold sores just seem to replace the lack of witch warts. sorry - she's just so unlikeable and sadly, i do think she is a sad product of being raised as just another emotionally needy plyg child and is now a toxic and neurotic adult to deal with.

    5. Robyn totally has bulimia jaw.

  18. Can we have a series of blog posts where we "plan" the Browns commitment ceremony? It would be such snarky fun! Pretty please?

    1. It would indeed be fun snark. I'm guessing if the ceremony has not yet been filmed, that the grifter Browns and TLC are probably lining up all the free perks they can get from vendors. Don't you just imagine they will go on some kind of expensive "honeymoon" all-expenses paid? I am soooooo totally sick of these Klowns getting benefits/money/merchandise.

      I was contrasting them to the Little Couple show the last few weeks. The Mom is struggling with work/life balance (she's a doctor) and for fun outings they showed them going to a remote control car track, painting pictures at home, doing a Mom and Me yoga class, feeding ducks, riding a bike in the neighborhood etc... All NORMAL stuff that people who actually have to WORK for a living could afford to do.

      The Browns, in contrast, are going on lavish trips, constantly going to Disneyland etc...

      Oh... also... the Little Couple's extended family is on the show and they have a warm, loving relationship with all of them. The Brown's - well we know from Christine's interaction with her aunt - not so much....

      Sorry I am rambling... I just have to say I hope Sobbyn's kids are in therapy now or in the future to deal with the garbage she's planted in their minds about their father.

    2. That is going to be the most bizarre ceremony ever!! 4 women who can only admit to being "cordial" to each other and 1 middle age man who thinks he's cool because he's a polygamist. So after the ceremony 3 wives get to go home alone & 1 gets Kody for the night...wonder if they'll flip a coin to see who gets him?

    3. I hope the ceremonies include the "speak now or forever hold your peace" part and Christine objects to Robyn's, Janelle objects to Meri's, Meri objects to Janelle's, Robyn objects to Christine's, and Truely and Hunter lead the kids in objecting to all of them.

    4. We need to plan for plenty of cookies at the reception. Just sayin'

    5. Anon 5:31 -- I didn't even think of the honeymoon they would have to have after the ceremony. Each of the wives would have their own rooms while Kody ran down the hall from room to room... sounds so romantic. Or perhaps Kody would get 4 separate honeymoons, one for each wife which he would carefully plan (just like the junk jewelry he designed for each of them) based on their personality. Somehow, Christine would get the crappy honeymoon.

  19. That's a cute idea Iconic Ornamunt, maybe email MS with it!

  20. Iconic that's a great idea and please add a photo album!!

  21. Just an idea, but have the Brown's neighbors been paid off so that they do not comment to the press?

    Is there a way that someone could drop postcards at their doors to let them know that the Sister Wives Blog, not affiliated with TLC, is available for their use?

    I would donate the postcards. ;-)

    1. I am totally wanting to hear from the neighbors....

    2. Oh what an awesome idea!!!

      Would LOVE to hear stories from the neighbors!!!

      I think it should be a formal invitation in a fancy envelope so it doesn't get lost in junk mail! I mean it's only 5 neighbors.

      Sooo wish someone had done this when they were in the rentals too!

  22. This is not meant to be offensive it is a serious question. How bad is purgatory in the Mormon religion that the Brown wives would prefer to spend eternity with each other (people they hate) on a planet nobody else? I may have it all wrong but this is my understanding of the situation. What is the benefit? What is purgatory then if they leave or don't practice polygamy? I thought they just loved in limbo (which I thought would be better than living eternity with people you hate especially if all your kids are on their planets and not with you anyway.

    - KT (Confused)

    1. Hello KT: To answer your question, the Mormon religion has a mandate known as the Law of Abraham, from the Doctrine and Covenants, section 132. A woman will be "destroyed" by the Heavenly Father if she does not graciously accept her husband's additional wives.

    2. This exposes yet another lie from the Browns - that the wives and Kody make a group decision about whether or not to take another wife. They will forever agree with him or be eternally destroyed. I'll take destruction, thanks.

    3. Magic Undies -- I guess it really isn't much of a choice of lifestyle then.

    4. Live in fear of Destruction if you don't accept your husband's mistresses.

      No wonder they don't go out on missions.

    5. Thank you so much! I could not figure out why anyone would choose eternity with people they hate (in the case of the Browns) or men or even sister wives who abuse them!

      - KT

  23. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Kody starts hinting that he's courting someone new the minute TLC gets bored with their low, and falling ratings. They've got to do something to keep the show interesting, and date night and debates get very old very fast.....

    1. Hayley,
      I agree. Kody (and the producers) will just have to come up with a dramatic hook to revive the boredom and repetition. interesting will any more casino/joolery episodes be now?

      The McMansions's phony epic is finally over, thank god.

      Mariah is away so hopefully no more Mom and Mariah trumped up faux dramas.

      We all now know that Janelle is losing weight AND by her own words is happy as any willing she-plyg can be with her life. Janelle is not running, walking, or skipping anywhere.
      She and Kody have their new mattress and soon to be completed new bedroom set.
      Love is in the air..All is well with Janelle.

      Meri is not doing any baby making, even with a borrowed uterus.
      So silence on that front....finally!

      Christine did her meltdown thing with her Aunt and likely will be quiet till the ashes settle.

      And even if Sobbin is going to add # 18 to the brood, and even if there is yet another filmed birth...already been done. Won't be a ratings grabber anymore.

      I think you are right about adding, or at least hinting about a #5 addition to the stable.
      Especially if Brady and his 5-Bunch do get a show. Kodyboy could not deal with being outnumbered by another plyg harem master.

      What else is left??? Kody coming out?

    2. Well, a years worth of using the words, polygamy, mission statement, and commitment ceremony is my guess. It's a shame they didn't show the girls getting through graduation this year. maybe they were afraid Robyn wouldn't make it in time.

    3. We know they beat their story lines to death so... I am sure we will see more on the weight loss, the jewelry, "finite resources", Meri and Mariah (from tweets we know they filmed her going to college), the mission of the family coming together culminating in the commitment ceremony. ALL old news and storylines. Oh yeah almost forgot the requisite "tell alls" and outings where Kody can say he has 4 wives.

    4. Wouldn't it be awesome if Kody chose to introduce his newest concubine during the commitment ceremony?

  24. oe Darger must be losing his mind. "broad brush generalizations reflect as poorly on the painter as the portrait." Has Joe not realized jumping on this bandwagon makes him look bad, that ALL realize the Browns were the ones using the damn paintbrush.
    He is a mean man,

    1. Joe Darger has NO shame!...they will align themselves with Muslim polygamists if it suits them. If they are going to do that, I say we also align them with Muslim polygamists.

  25. Cantor Gaming under investigation for illegal gambling. They have games in Silverton Casino.

  26. Govt shutdown hampers civil case in polygamy

    1. ok good! didn't even go the link.

  27. Regarding that Mission Statement-- I think that if they just got some blocks of wood and painted them,
    had the kids paint the words on them, and then arrange them per their counseling episode and make them into a piece of wall art for each home it would be pretty cool to look at.
    And everyone would have some ownership in the family "mission".
    Of course that would be too simple and there would be no TLC storyline to follow (snark)

  28. Do the Brown women not know how to use an iron? Kody clothes always look like he dug them out of a clean pile of laundry that's been stuffed in a corner on the floor of his bedroom.

    Also, I watched My Five Wives the other night. I see, and they admit, that jealousy exists in their lives but they do seem like a much more happy family than the Browns. He seems to actually listen to each wife and spends quality time with each of them. They certainly are a great looking family as well. Those kids are all so beautiful.

    1. "Do the Brown women not know how to use an iron? Kody clothes always look like he dug them out of a clean pile of laundry that's been stuffed in a corner on the floor of his bedroom."

      Or..... does Kody know what an iron is ??
      Seems to me he hasn't much else to do.....

  29. Robin is only attractive in comparison to 3 overweight slightly older women. And after four kids, the bloom is off her rose. An average looking young FIFTH WIFE would easily take her place as #1 wife.. That's the way it goes in the Aub and FLDS, etc. polygamous sects.

  30. In response to Anonymous' question about how bad the Mormon hell is, all I can tell you from my research into Mormonism [all my ancestors going back several generations were Mormon settlers who were related to some extremely high ranking Mormon apostles, along with one 4th great grandmother being the secret wife on one who later became president of the church after Brigham Young died, and 2 3rd great aunts being married to other apostles including one to Brigham Young--I'm not or ever was a Mormon--my parents left before I was born], Mormon hell is only bad if you're an apostate Mormon. And you can only be that if you were born into or converted to Mormonism. Otherwise, I get the impression it's more of a state of limbo. Either way, the Mormon view of the afterlife is very different from the Christian view of it. If you're interesting in knowing more about Mormonism, The Godmakers by Decker and someone else is very easy reading while getting to the bottom of what the Mormon church actually teaches. I wrote a long review of the book on under my user name 'Hayley' last summer that you can find under the 5 star ratings of that book. I ended up in a long debate with a Mormon who wanted to convince me that the Jesus he believes in is the same one I worship, but I wasn't going for it.

    Amused, remember how one of Kody's old high school friends commented that she always thought he was gay. We might be seeing a counseling session where he admits he's bisexual....Or, maybe for some real drama, he'll cut his hair!! If he does, TLC will drag it out for the whole season, and then he'll agree to take 2" off the length.

    I would love to see Mister Sister set up a whole page devoted to coming up with ideas for upcoming plot lines to help TLC figure out what to do with these people.

    1. Hayley,

      Yes, I remember that.
      His HS chums also said that he was an attention ho back then too.
      Apparently the kids in his high school had his number too.

  31. I remember the recommitment ceremony the Gosselins had.......not sure if they lasted a whole year after it.

    1. Having a recommitment ceremony or having someone's name tattooed on you never seems to end well.

    2. Ha, Jo. The Gosselin's were already split up when they went through with that sham of a ceremony. "Reality" show, no. "Show", yes.

  32. Maybe Kody will come out with a new jewelry line called the "Do" line.

    you know, like the Be stuff but with the word "Do" instead.

    then there can be interchangable words hung off the do. Since he's getting up in years he needs additional help keeping track of things he needs to do, and smartphones, computers and tablets feel "like work".

    So this way he can hang his to do list around his neck and change it every day.

    Do: LIV tweets, hair, Janelle
    Do: Weird Al concert, hair, Christine
    Do: Biker bar, hair, Meri
    Do: Carlton Dance, hair, Robyn, Robyn, Robyn

    Like that, see?

  33. Love the pictures from the red carpet!

  34. Janelle doesn't seem as think I would think her to be at this point. Has she gained weight?
