Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Little Couple - one of my new fav shows!

I stumbled on the the show "Little Couple" and just love this family. We may donate some time to it. These folks don't gripe, complain, and don't sell us anything. how refreshing! What do you think of this show? would you like to follow it to here on the blog? Tell us!


Here's an article on them:

Little Couple Adopts Zoey


  1. And they have REAL JOBS! What a concept! :)

  2. I have watched this show a few times and I enjoy it. You are right. They don't whine, complain & justify their lifestyle, they just live their lives and do the things most of us do. They've had many ups and downs but have persevered to the point that they now have their 2 children.
    I would love for you to follow their show. Give us a breath of fresh air!

  3. i heart this show since its early beginnings. it's been fantastic watching this couple in their journey through early marriage, career, moves, home-building, family planning and now finally with a family of their own. they are both charming, articulate, very real in their emotions and celebrations in their lives. watching this show is a very positive experience for everyone involved, a true reminder of what family is all about.

  4. Jen and Bill are inspiring. I can not wait to see little Zoey! Yes! Let's add the show. It will make an interesting mix. I too a am an adoptive mother. When you adopt an older child,it does make it more difficult later on. Looking forward to talking about it here.

    1. Hey, you do have any advice for this "wants to adopt a non-baby child."

  5. MS,
    Count me in as a fan of this show.
    Not only are these two people responsible, mature adults with a complete absence of scam or faux dramas, their show is a teaching opportunity on several levels. They both have battled physical difficulties and limitations with grace and dignity. Their very demeanor shuts down any thought of bias or ignorant judgement about "Little People."
    They both are articulate and reasonable "regular" people just doing the best they can with their unique circumstances. Rather than pander for pity, they champion personal incentive and effort.
    She is a senior staff pediatrician in a well-known Texas hospital. He owns and runs his own business.
    Yes, they "work" for a living.

    But their show also addresses some specific other life struggles which can readily apply to the general population. For instance, Jen's struggles with IVF and surrogacy and the heartbreak of failure of the process. The whole process of adoption and the patience and awareness required for the transition and adjustment when the adoption happily goes through. The predictable ups and downs of building a house....without any ridiculous "will they or won't they" crappola.
    It is a good show.

    1. Hear, hear
      I wholeheartedly agree with "amused" " I also am a fan and enjoy the show . And would love to learn more about the adoption process from the children's point of view...what makes them feel secure and loved in a new environment, how to help them through this adjustment to their new family, short and long term.
      Is this the right forum ? I don't know, but all I can say is I have reached my quota on the Sisterwives saga....the whole artificial mess of it.

      Why not explore this new topic for a while. I think it would do us good.

  6. I'm in!

    I think this show is what "Little People, Big World" was supposed to be, showing the trials and tribulations of little people trying to survive in a world that's not designed for their physical limitations. After several seasons, these folks still have real jobs and ARE managing their lives well.

    I've always maintained that the "fame" of being reality TV "stars" brings out the real personalities of those who are on the show . . . Kate Gosselin, the Roloffs, and the Browns have all shown who they "really" are. I think Jen and Bill are "really" awesome!

  7. I have watched this a few times, and I have come to love this family! They are such loving parents to Will. Can't wait to meet Zoe

  8. I actually love this show. Especially since Will has joined the family. I know it will put a smile on my face. No acting involved it feels like they are just letting us look in the window of their lives. Cannot wait to meet the newest addition to their family

  9. I have only really started watching this season as they have adopted Will and I must say that precious child has quite stolen my heart.

  10. I love this show and have watched from the beginning. They are REAL people showing real struggles in various areas of life.

  11. Yes! Yes! Yes! Little Couple is fabulous! My very, very, favorite show. I would love for you to cover them.

  12. So refreshing after the usual crappy reality families.

  13. Replies
    1. I am not interested in this show either. But I can always skip posts about it.

  14. I really enjoy this show. I am always cheering for their success!

  15. Plural Ants in My PantsOctober 23, 2013 at 3:31 PM

    It truly is the antithesis of Sister Wives. I've been hooked on it for awhile. What I especially love is their humble demeanor, that they are grateful for what they have, that they have a loving extended familiy interacting with them and that it is by, in large, original footage - not constant flashbacks like there is in Sister Wives.

  16. I LOVE THIS SHOW!!! I would love it if you gave them some exposure! These are two amazing souls who worked hard to get where they are. They are actively making the world a better place. :)

  17. Oh, please start following this show! It's the only thing on the"learning" channel that I will still watch.

  18. I love them!!! It's a show where there doesn't have to be "drama" or "crying" or "conflict"... I am assuming they have writers for all "reality TV". This show has some good writing and for sure good editing! I believe the couple's name are in the credits, which leads me to believe they have some sort of say in what is put out there on TV for us. Smart people...very smart.

    1. They both have executive producer credit.

    2. I almost forgot, in an interview recently, Bill said they don't watch the show until it airs (like everybody else) with the exception of Jen having to edit the medical footage to make sure nothing "sensitive" is shown.

  19. I cannot believe that it's done already?? Seriously?? I really wish they would make this an hour show! I just love the relationship between Will and Baba...fantastic show!!

  20. I would love to follow the Little Couple on this blog. I think it would really bring some fun into the mix.

  21. YES!!!! These 2 people are 2 of the most inspiring people on tv. Jennifer and Bill did not let their condition (most people would call it a disability) keep them from success. There is nothing disabled about them. She is a doctor but chose patients that are smaller than she. He started his business in telemarketing where he earned respect before anyone could make assumptions about his ability. They never complain, work hard, and deal with challenges head on. I Just Love em. Their little boy is the cutest thing to watch on TV. His relationship with Bill is comical. I would love for you to blog about them. But if people start talking sh*t about them, I may blow a gasket.

  22. Personally I would prefer the blog stick with polygamy and other Sister Wives related topics rather than deviate to other shows. Maybe discussion of Little People could be part of a free discussion post? Just my two cents. :)

    1. I agree. I feel like this blog has helped tremendously in making a dent in such a serious problem that without it, the majority wouldn't have really known existed. Its captured the attention of not only fans of the blog, but some serious individuals working to stop the abuses going on in polygamy. I wouldn't want the blog to deviate from it now. Obviously, most commenters like the idea, but personally I feel like that would be jumping ship in a big way. Keep in free discussion range and stick to on topic. Hopefully this doesn't mean that folks are getting bored with the topic of polygamy. This blog is a huge voice for so many. That would be sad to see it go in a different direction. But of course that's only my opinion.

    2. I'm in make that 4 cents please :)

    3. Now it's 6 cents.

  23. I love this show. They are so normal, and their little guy Will is adorable. I'm really looking forward to the trip to India to meet Zoey. It's very refreshing to watch them. One of my favorite episodes was when Bill and Jen celebrated their anniversary where they were married in St. Petersburg, Florida.

  24. What an inspiring show. They are such good, hard working people who have lived a life of excellence in the face of adversity. Anyone can see how much they love their little boy and I can't wait until their little girl comes home. The show is entertaining without exploitation. TLC is probably baffled. The Browns should be ashamed of themselves.

  25. I have watched "The Little Couple" for the past 3 seasons, and I really enjoy the show. Bill and Jen are bright, active, successful people who just happen to have been born with dwarfism. Learning how they've overcome many challenges--without the slightest whiff of self-pity--is inspiring. Last season they dealt with the heartbreak of infertility and a failed pregnancy by surrogate. This season I was delighted to watch them adopt their son, Will, from China, and I'm looking forward to seeing them bring their daughter, Zoey, home from India soon. The couple's deep love and respect for one another is a joy to see. "The Little Couple" is the opposite of "Sister Wives" in every way, a refreshing change.

  26. I just love this show and think it would be a great idea to follow it! Imagine "TLC" having a show that lives up their name!!!!


    1. Plural Ants in My PantsOctober 24, 2013 at 12:40 PM

      I love the show, but kind of wonder what the point would be about blogging and commenting on it. We all agree it is a sweet show. The more I think about it, the more I would rather stick to just the plyg topic. There will be plenty coming up in awhile to critique with the Williams show etc. If we're going to discuss anything, beyond plygs on reality shows, I think discussing Little People, Big World would offer more to talk about.

  27. I have watched this show from the beginning and I love it! I cant wait to see when Zoey comes. Their season is way too short. This is what a reality show is supposed to be , real life!

  28. I actually enjoy this show a lot but I prefer the blog to stick with polygamy not that its up to me! To be honest I also enjoy 19 Kids which is not always so popular with people that have an issue with having so many children. I go to another blog that cover 19 Kids because I went out of my way to search for it. I guess my point is IMO, I come here for plyg convo and I go to another blog for 19 Kids convo. Maybe a seperate blog for Little People? Not that I wouldn't mind an occasional open discussion about them...

    1. I agree. I prefer the blog to stick with Sister Wives and with the new polyg shows coming up, we'll have plenty to talk about - especially since Ed and others have expanded our discussions into the whole culture/lifestyle/religion/societal problems.

      (Maybe include the Little Couple in a regular weekend open discussion when it returns, would work rather than a separate blog post about it.)

    2. I really enjoy 19 Kids, too. Their lifestyle choice certainly isn't for me, but that's what great about this country. If you follow the laws (hello Brown family) and actually take responsibility for your lifestyle choice (HELLO BROWN FAMILY) then you can live and let live.

      I can barely handle 2 kids, so it amazes me that the Duggars can handle so many kids so well.

    3. I too would prefer to stick to polygamy

  29. Count me in! I'm up for anything interesting and fun and pretty tired of polygamy and especially the Browns. I don't even bother to watch the TLC clips anymore ... but do love this blog! The Little Couple look very interesting and would enjoy following their adoption story.

  30. I wonder how would this lovely family would feel about being discussed on a polygamy snark blog? To be associated even tangentially with the Browns? To have their names come up in a Google search with polygamy?

    imho, there should be a separate blog, and this blog should stick to polygamy, which is a huge topic as it is. Maybe if the content expands the blog should be renamed to reflect the non-sister wives content.

    That being said, this IS Mister Sister's blog and she can do with it as she pleases.

    1. "I wonder how would this lovely family would feel about being discussed on a polygamy snark blog? To be associated even tangentially with the Browns? To have their names come up in a Google search with polygamy? "

      This is a valid point !
      As much as I like their show, not sure that these folks and their "ethical and forthright" lifestyle would really fit in here.
      Maybe only as a blatantly sunny comparison to the phony, dishonest SisterWives show.

  31. Love, love, love this show! Definitely a "yes" vote from me. They are so "real," whereas let's face it....a good portion of what we see on SW's is as fake as fake gets. The "fake" courtship, that had in fact already started, progressed. The "fake" forced exodus from Utah. The "fake" baby drama - I am convinced Kody and Meri knew that script from the time Sobbyn offered to be her surrogate. The "fake" are we going to get the houses or not. The "fake" jobs/businesses. And I could go on.

    Bill/Jennifer are awesome, and genuine, and everything about their life and what we see makes sense....because it's REAL. Oh, and one more thing....Will is quite possibly the most adorable toddler I've ever seen. When he smiles, it makes me happy. Did I mention my vote is "yes?" (-:

  32. I've followed this show and I love it. They are great people. Love how they are positive and don't complain about everything. They could complain about a lot but they've worked through their trials. They've made a good life for themselves. You can see that by their jobs. They've worked hard for that. They worked hard for their house and now they're working hard to make a family. They are such a positive influence.

  33. As a long time lover of this blog, I'm voting no. Not that I have anything against the show, but I get very excited when I see a new post on here and would be disappointed if it was about something other than SW, polygamy, or the like. I agree with the poster above that maybe Little Couple could be part of the free discussion boards. I'd rather the blog as a whole stay on topic. :)

  34. I LOVE this family....and have watched their series for years now....cant wait to see their little daughter ZOEY in their next season, next March. Yes please...lets follow. Cheers, Valerie :)

  35. After watching the train wreck that make up "Sister Wives" it would be a joy to watch (with bloggy friends here) something that is a real delight!

    This blog puts TWOP to shame. :-)

  36. I love this family. I have watched this show from the beginning and these people are endlessly happy and handles life's struggles with grace. They are both mature adults, with no passive aggressive behavior, no jealousy, or animosity. When Jenn went through fertility treatments my heart broke for them. Yet they accepted what life handed them and now they have their beautiful children.

  37. The Little Couple is my FAVORITE show (at least in the "reality tv" category). They are so loving and sweet both as a couple and as parents, and Will is just adorable! I wish they would adopt me!! :)

  38. This is a great show but PLEASE don't follow it on this blog! This is the only proper, dedicated Sister Wives/polygamy blog, there are loads of blogs about other shows! Just like I didn't like the idea of Honey Boo Boo being followed on this blog, I don't like this idea either. It's great every now and again in a free discussion post, but not regularly.
    Thanks for all your work, as ever!

    1. I disagree. I didn't watch the Jodi Arias Trail but the but the blog followed it. i see nothing wrong with adding a few posts about some topic others like!

    2. One of the stated purposes for this blog is "to discuss public perceptions of the Mormon religion". The Jodi Arias trial had an association with the Mormon religion as Travis was a practicing Mormon, and Jodi Arias supposedly converted to Mormonism. the Little Couple have no connections to Mormonism. I vote no to covering that show, but, certainly, Mr. Sister can and will do what she likes. It is her blog.

    3. Ditto on the Jodi Arias thing. I didn't watch that trial either so I just skipped past those discussions. No big deal. So if people aren't interested in The Little Couple they can skip that too. It's not like The Little Couple is full of drama and bull&%#$ like the Sister Wives. There won't be THAT much discussion about them.

  39. If I had a say I would vote "no" because I like the idea of this blog being more about polygamy families. That said, I have enjoyed the blog very much.

  40. If there are separate threads that include "The Little Couple" in the title, those who don't want to follow it or discuss it can just ignore those threads. I like the idea of being able to discuss another topic with the folks I've gotten to know here!

  41. I love this show, too! It's so nice to see such a loving couple have the family they so dearly wanted, and to give wonderful homes to two children. There's also the aspect of overcoming adversity. I find it very uplifting and inspiring! I love watching Will get up from a seated position from the floor! He just sort of floats up!

  42. The Little Couple was commented on in another thread, and I added my opinions about it then. I would love to be able to come here to see a thread about them, once in a while. I don't think it will detract from the plyg threads - especially right now when there really isn't anything plyg to talk about.

    As I commented before, I was VERY impressed by the decisions Jen & Bill made about how to handle their first 6 weeks at home in Texas with Will. They did not allow any cameras, and kept visitors to immediate family only. This allowed them the privacy to bond with Will without outside distractions. Although neither Jen nor Bill had ever taken care of young children before (other than her experience in the hospital with patients), they were very careful about the decisions they made as new parents. I think they provide a terrific role model to parents of any size! Will is an adorable 3-year-old, and his parents sometimes struggle with discipline and boundaries - as any parents of a 3-year-old do.

    I agree with Anonymous 5:03pm. I had no interest in the Jodi Arias Trial, and was bored with all the posts about it on this blog. If you simply make separate threads for The Little Couple, anyone who isn't interested can skip to other threads about Sister Wives and other plygs. I like the idea of having this one place to come to for info about plygs AND The Little Couple - the best TLC program I've seen. Just my humble opinion.

  43. myhubbycouldnothandlemorethanmeOctober 25, 2013 at 3:48 AM

    @ OpenMinded

    I agree with you on keeping this about the sw/polygamy blog. I do like very much The Little Couple, i think they need their own blog. Keep this on the Pligs. Please. (long time reader first time poster) LOVE THIS BLOG!

  44. While I like little people, I think it should be a separate blog. Thank you for the wonderful job you do as always.

  45. That little boy looks soooo happy! What a joy to see the love in their lives.

  46. Absolutely YES! My kids and I love this show and I also use it as a teaching tool. Families come in all shapes, sizes and colors...don't discriminate or judge! It would be a great forum to discuss something different as well as positive.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. I agree with Sinister Drives that the Jodi Arias trial was covered because of the aspect of Mormanism. I think people were interested because one of her defences was that two people had murdered Travis Alexander and they wondered if it was a Mormon blood atonement that the Mormons believed in years ago. Travis and Jodi also worked for Pre Paid Legal that is an MLM like the green goo MLM that the Browns are into.

    Perhaps the Little Couple could be discussed on a separate post and anyone not interested could skip over it.
    Sometimes when the blog is slow it is nice to come on and still see what our friends are chatting about.

    1. I understand how many simply were uninterested in the legal-crime aspect of the Arias trial, but I enjoyed the discussions about the trial and how the Mormon religion was for a time a main focus. (Actually, I thought it was fascinating and educational.) I understood why the blog covered the trial for a short period of time. I don't see an association or link to Little Couple though.

      I'd prefer the blog stick to shows about Polygamy:
      Sister Wives, Polyg USA, and the upcoming new shows: My 5 Wives (the Williams family), Breaking the Faith (about the lost boys and girls), and Escaping the Prophet (Flora Jessup's show). I think we'll have lots to discuss with the 3 new shows plus the returning ones.

  49. I agree with keeping the topics separate. I don't think this couple would be thrilled to be on a polygamy blog. just my own personal opinion though.

  50. Plural Ants in My Pants said...
    I love the show, but kind of wonder what the point would be about blogging and commenting on it. We all agree it is a sweet show. The more I think about it, the more I would rather stick to just the plyg topic. There will be plenty coming up in awhile to critique with the Williams show etc. If we're going to discuss anything, beyond plygs on reality shows, I think discussing Little People, Big World would offer more to talk about.


    I agree with everything you said. We all agree about the Little Couple. I love the show! There is almost no controversy, there are already fan blogs about the show, and other than agreeing with each other, what would we discuss?
    The Little People (Roloff family) show will be re-starting their series this coming week (supposedly not specials, but actually resuming their series but we'll have to see). They've always had lots of controversy with plenty to discuss. I just don't see what we'll be talking about with Jen and Bill especially since the show is on hiatus now.

    With the upcoming 2 new polygamy shows, I think there will be plenty to discuss here without straying from the blog's focus "on the Sister Wives show, Polygamy in our society, and the public perceptions of the Mormon Religion".

  51. Love this show but don't think this blog is the appropriate place to discuss it.


  52. Perhaps a separate blog with a link in the right margin? While I enjoy the show, I don't think it really "fits" with the theme of this one.

  53. I actually had the great fortune of hearing Jen speak at a conference about medical simulation. She is an amazing physician (neonatologist), great speaker and TV personality. I just don't see how the Little Couple with their work ethic, education and positive life experience belongs on the same blog with the looser Kodettets its like the difference between tiramisu and cheep cheep Halloween candy.

    Just call me Sunshine

  54. I love the show "The Little Couple" it is a show that has inspired me for quite some time. Now that Jen and Bill have started a family it's become all the more amazing to watch. I can't wait to see what their trip to India is like when they pick up their adopted daughter Zoe! Please donate time to it, it would be refreshing to see such a genuine family represented along side the growing mess that the Browns are creating!

  55. Don't you mean 'budget budget' Halloween candy, Sunshine? ;D

  56. I agree, I also am a big fan of the little couple (and respect them as a highly functional family). They belong on a separate blog!

  57. I vote a yes! Just like off topic days, an occasional post on these folks would be fun!

  58. I guess I am in the minority here. I find both Jen and Bill annoying. Yes, they have faced and overcome adversity, but with the HELP of TLC they were able to build a home, travel and most likely help fund their kids very expensive adoptions. It's great the kids have a chance at living a rich person's life, get the most likely funded health care at the best possible place for their type of dwarfism, but what bothers me so much is that their entire adoption, pickup, first moments are FILMED for you and I to ogle over. The kids have no choice in this very private moment. They are exploited once again by TLC. No one will convince me that Jen and Bill have made choices based on their TLC salary. I think both are prentisous (sp) and obnoxious. They are snobs. Will is a little friend to them. He is referred to us "buddy" most of the time. Frankly, Jen is not physically able to care for him. I realize they have a nanny, and most likely a 24/7 nanny. I find many things wrong with this show. Are Will and Zoe better off? Sure, without a doubt. But this is just exploitive in nature for me.


    1. She is a doctor. I really don't think it's about the money.

    2. She physically cares for babies in the NICU. Women of small stature have and raise babies all the time.

  59. I love this show and would love to follow it here!

  60. I sometimes watch this show. I do like little people big world. They have had lot of bad luck. I like the children wonder how twins are doing separated by college. They were very close. The Dad looks like he is more crippled this year.

  61. I really hope you don't follow The Little Couple on this blog because of people like Anon 10/28 at 10:09am.

    Bill and Jen actually really limit the camera time and have stated on multiple interviews the only reason they are sharing this is to show that their disability isn't preventing them from getting their dreams. They also wanted to show the truth about adopting. Also, I don't know if you know how much NICU doctors make; but it's significant and the TLC $ certainly is nothing next to her salary. Bill also runs his own business. They would still have that beautiful house without TLC. They would still have the cars, and the general lifestyle. They might be a little stuck up sure; but they are giving two kids who otherwise would've stayed in an orphanage their entire lives because they have a disability (because people who adopt want healthy kids typically) a wonderful life. They will also get the medical attention they need and deserve. Not to mention attention and love. So please don't follow them on this blog. I would hate to see more comments saying that Bill and Jen aren't capable of having kids because they have a disability or they see their child as a "buddy".

    1. Plural Ants in My PantsOctober 31, 2013 at 6:46 AM

      Anon 10/29 at 3:09 p.m. you make excellent points and add to the chorus voting not to follow the show.

      Off topic - but not somehow related. Anybody watch Hoarder's Buried Alive Oct. 30? They had a Little Person hoarder on it. Have they been reading this blog and our silly suggestions they might combine their various shows? What's next? My Big Fat Gypsy Hoarder or the Plyg Family Hoarders?

  62. I would enjoy covering, discussing, and recapping this show. I think if we kept it to one day per week or minimal, it would be fun. Plyg is a very serious topic and I still think the abuses need exposure. I think we could still make sure the blog has one true focus, while being able to chat about a show occasionally that many people here say they watch and enjoy.

  63. I would love to hear more about this show on the blog! I watched a few episodes of this show when it first aired, but like you I feel like I am "stumbling" upon it again. I started watching when they were preparing to travel to adopt their son. Really like the show now and it has become one of my weekly watches. I think they are "A" class and agree that they are different than a lot of the other reality shows out there. I think because they are not in it for the money, they have other very successful ways of supporting themselves. Great to see! And would love to discuss the whole adoption, bonding with children, etc. issues on here!

  64. Yes, I love this show!!!

  65. Defiantly do a post when we get to see little Zoey!!

  66. Every time I watch this show I come away with a smile. This couple really seems to be in love. Their interaction is reminiscent of every couple I know ( including my husband & myself ) who truly love & care for each other. Plus, they are smart, caring, and now that they have a son and hopefully soon a daughter , I am even more excited for them. I just hope a reality show does not ruin them. Makes me want to scream at them .."RUN from reality T.V. ! Quickly, and NOW ! " Selfishly I hope they don't, but remain true to what is important to them.

  67. Love the show! YES!!!

  68. Looked for a picture of Zoey online, found none. Assuming they will show her off in the next season? I can't wait!

  69. Haven't been on the blog in a few months and reviewed blog posts. I agree with the vast majority of commenters that the Little Couple Show is absolutely wonderful. I LOVE it! Jen & Bill are mature, intelligent, caring people who have some awesome values.

    Originally I was going to give a 100% on following the show but after reading all the comments and seeing some very valid points about not following it, I'm not sure what the answer is. Luckily, I don't have to make that decision.

    Not sure anyone will come back and see this comment but I just wanted to let anyone who does and hasn't seen this news that Jen has been diagnosed with cancer. From the article on USNews Magazine: "TLC is asking that Little Couple fans send their well-wishes to Arnold on Twitter using the hashtag #getwelljen."

    Meanwhile, I might take a search to see if I can find a fan blog on them.
