Friday, September 13, 2013

TLC Sister Wives-Painting us through your experience - Video

"Sister Wives on the Ropes" s04 0r 6 e09
Hmmm.. The new clip below of Sunday's show seems that the Browns are trying to start conflict... where the others are trying to be fair.  I can't wait to see this episode. so far, from what we've seen, Kristyn Decker and Kollene have NOT attacked the Browns. Of course she's going to say Sister Wives, that's a common term! 

Exclusive - Tomorrow we should have our report in from a member of the audience!! YEAH!

Season 4, Episode 9
Episode Synopsis: Mariah's college plans could be affected by Meri and Kody's financial news. Meanwhile, the Browns have a tense debate with a group of anti-polygamists that includes Christine's estranged aunt. Air Date: Sep 15, 2013

Folks! We have 2 episodes next week!

Season 4, Episode 10
Episode Synopsis: Kody and his four wives confront their relationship issues at a couples retreat, which includes a meditation session that helps them get to the bottom of their internal conflicts. Air Date: Sep 22, 2013
Season 4, Episode 11
Episode Synopsis: Kody, Meri, Christine, Janelle and Robyn discuss their lives and relationships with Tamron Hall. Air Date: Sep 22, 2013

So many posts open for comment - PLEASE scroll down and check them all out!! Tweet page is updated daily and open!  Exclusive Jewelry Post open  - Free discussion-OPEN  - New SW videos pixie and Kody's b day. (cl)


  1. Now the Browns are really ticking me off, and I try to be so fair. Picking on Kollene to make yourself feel better Robyn? Please!

    1. I SO Agree... I am looking forward to talking to visiting with Kristyn to see what all they cut out after the show airs... Also, dear Robyn... since when are you the ONLY sister wife in the world??? this is NOT all about YOU... does she really think that people that watch do not read other things or keep up on the news? It is a very widely used term for plural marriage... get over your self.. and MAYBE learn to smile every now and then, we might actually thing you are happy if you do.. just a thought..

    2. From this clip, it appears that Kollene handled the dust-up with Sobbin extremely well. She's an articulate young woman.

      Some wonderful person on the SWB posted the following link, and I'm so grateful to you, even though I can't recall your screen name:
      It's an episode w/ Kollene Snow. Her story is extremely compelling. I also thought that Doris Hanson's thoughtful questions and sensitivity made it a thought-provoking interview. I plan to listen to more episodes of Polygamy: What Love is This?. I just purchased Kristyn Decker's book entitled Fifty Years in Polygamy, based upon what I read from other posters on this wonderful blog.

      Although I have enjoyed the humorous content of this blog (hilarious, clever blog and posters, so props to you all!), I have also become far more educated as a result of reading @ this site. I thank all of you!

      Have a safe and fun-filled weekend ahead. :)

    3. Giltee, and I am learning right along with everyone, and thrilled to have teachers! I only wish I had more time to really immerse myself in the real truth in all this. Hope we learn together!

    4. Giltee Guilt, I totally agree about Doris. My husband did an interview with her (he wrote the book 'plygs' ) she is such a sweet lady and has become a dear friend. I enjoy her work and wish more would watch her show. Kristyn's book is very heart wrenching and hard to read at times but with all the glamorization of polygamy that is going on between SW and the new show along with the one that was on History it is even more important for people to read about the way it is within the walls of these cults.

      Those of us that are fighting to help the women and children of these cults appreciate blogs such as this and the willingness of those that travel to them to further their education (for lack of another word) on the true situation within these groups.

    5. A note to Cara Curfew-Kociela: I've just listened to Parts 1 and 2 of two young women, Nicole and Jessica, who fled the Kingston group and appeared on Doris Hanson's show. All I can say is that I'm stunned and completely impressed by how strong and resilient they are.

      "Polygamy: What Love is This?" is very enlightening b/c of the real stories from people who have escaped tremendous abuse and heartache.

      Doris definitely seems like a very sweet lady. I'm so glad you posted, Cara!

    6. Who else is going to be in the debate?

    7. I know of Kristyn Decker, Kollene Snow, Willy Steed, and Christine Marie Katas.

    8. Robyn shows her true colors by her extreme defensiveness and her inability to get outside of herself and SINCERELY express GENUINE understanding and compassion towards Kollene, etc. who've DEFINITELY experienced horrible abuse from plyg men.

      it further validates my gut that she's been lying (or one-sided embellishing) all along about her generalized "abuse" statements in her first marriage as well as her constant "fake" tears of compassion towards her sister wives. I noticed that she didn't even get misty-eyed let alone cry tears the whole time Meri was doing her ugly cry face in their heart to heart "Kody doesn't want me to have a baby now" talk. Meri has MORE than met her match in the passive/aggressive manipulative Robyn honed skills! :)

    9. When you feel you are being attacked like the comments from Kolleen, it jump starts you to defend yourself. Robyn still "cares" about her relationship so is quick to defend herself. If she had said nothing at all - then it would appear that Kolleen defeated her in the eyes of the viewers.

    10. Anon 11:41

      In my life experience, you feel attacked when you have guilt or perhaps on some level know that you are doing something wrong. When someone verbally attacks you for something you know is patently false you just roll your eyes (ya, that was a nod to both K-D and Sobby) and patiently try to explain the truth. If they don't listen, you just move on. It's when you know they are right that you go ballistic and get all defensive.

      "...then it would appear that Kolleen defeated her..."

      and there it is. The need to "win". Kolleen won when she escaped the horrible abuse she suffered. She continues to "win" by telling her story to the world. Kolleen has lived BOTH sides of the coin and Sobbin' has not. Perhaps Sobby Robby should have listened and learned. Just maybe the Browns could learn that while they may not abuse, the overall structure of their lifestyle makes it ripe for abuse.

      Heaven forbid that the viewers think that Kolleen defeated Sobbin'. (insert Sobbin' worthy eye roll here)

    11. @anonymous September 14th 2013 11:41
      If you were at the panel then you would of known that the anti-polygamy side won. But thats besides the point. no one should of won or lost, it was supposed to be a panel discussion with pros as well as cons. Robbyn pulled the one thing I could of possibly said in my story to victimize her and her sister wives. But how dare I say sister wives hate each other? She must be the only sister wife in the world. The point I'm trying to get across is, I told my story and I have a right to use the word sister wives because I grew up in polygamy and that was who I was referring to. And nobody thought I was talking about them.. Robyn wanted to create Drama between us. Congratulations SWEETIE now the rest of the world thinks your childish and more of a victim.

    12. Kollene I wish we'd seen more of the panel and less of the drama leading up to it at the Brown home. Why? Because you and the others stayed classy compared to what some of the Browns pulled on you.

      Robyn's sweetie was just rude and meant to demean. I absolutely think you rock Kollene, have from the first time I saw you on their show. Heck, if you needed adopting, I'd adopt you!

      You did a great job telling your story. As you well know, the term sister wives has been used in polygamy for how many years? Funny that Robyn feels it just means the Brown women. #Robyncenterofuniverse

    13. Kollene, I agree with everything that Funky Town said in her 9/17 3:26pm comment. You are brave and awesome, and handled the debate with honor and true classiness. As did the other members of your 'team'.

      Robyn handled her part as Robyn always does, with to much air and sound coming out of her mouth. As did Kody. Christine looked ridiculous; no one believed she was afraid of her aunt Kristin Decker!

      Overall, the Brown's met their responsibility to TLC by putting on a show. You and your team members spoke truth, and can be proud of yourselves!

  2. Kody finally succeeded in doing something he's never done before. He just made me throw up. I really want to go off in this comment but I won't mostly for fear I'll be banned.

  3. Kody finally succeeded in doing something he's never done before. He just made me throw up. I really want to go off in this comment but I won't mostly for fear I'll be banned.

  4. I love how Kody mispronounces "patently"--with a short a. What a dunce.

    1. Just caught that! hahahah

      They are pissing me off picking on Kollene! She is a sweetheart and one strong girl. See discussions below on here abt here, we are her strongest supporters.

    2. I really love the episode where Kollene was on before. I read here I believe she was born into the Kingston group. My only hope for these men and women is that they can still see their mom and dad and siblings even thought they left. Seems like the FLDS would be the least that would; do we know if the Kingston group would allow visitation?

    3. From the comments Kolleen made on "Polygamy: What Love Is This?" (29 August 2013), I take it her father is none other than the infamous John Daniel Kingston. Poor girl! My heart really goes out to her! What a refreshingly honest, sensible, and wonderfully snarky young lady! She is so brave to tell her story like it is-- especially in the public eye. Kudos to you, sweetie!

    4. @ Princess&ThePea 3:24 am
      I'm glad you loved the episode. I am a former member of the Kingston group. No visitation is aloud. I just recently tried to pay a visit to my twin sisters and it was heart breaking, in the beginning when I left than I could not see my family and my mother threatened me to leave her home. but I forced my way back into their hearts. I have yet to gain the love back from my twin sisters Kathryn and Katelyn. at least Kathryn let me into her home and showed love towards me. Katelyn on the other hand has completely disowned me, Im dead to her and probably always will be. And yes they get into trouble if they let us in their homes and mingle with us. so they do not.

    5. I'm sorry you haven't been able to repair your relationship with Katelyn. I take it they're married? Are they happy? Do you think they would leave?

    6. Kollene, you are an incredibly strong and classy young lady, and I wish you all the happiness in the world - you certainly deserve it. You have been through more than most of us will deal with in a lifetime.

    7. they are married... not sure if they are happy, they sure dont look or act happy. I wonder if kath wants to but kate is gone.

  5. Look, guys! Here is an example of (hold on to your hats) a man who does not feel any harm from polygamy.

    Since it is after all the lives of men we are worried about, perhaps there is no harm from polygamy after all. In fact, look how much he seems to like it - it appears that polygamy is in fact beneficial!

    Gordon Setter

    1. EXACTLY. It is beneficial to him and the MEN in that cult.

      Kody really needs to start using a barette or something to hold his hair. Bald spots becoming increasingly glaring. (No way an offense against men that bald, just Mr. Indenialkodybrown :)

  6. OneWifeTwoWifeRedWifeBlueWifeSeptember 13, 2013 at 9:43 PM

    OMG, LOVE Kollene! Take that eye roll Robyn.

    1. hahahhaa. I have a feeling, she's lucky to just get that. Robyn trying to turn the attention on her makes me sick. Tell the WORLD that you want accepted in that you all have planets, that should do it.

    2. Yes please! Let's talk about the "PLANETS!"

    3. Ha! The eye roll!

      Yes, Robyn, "sister wives" is a common phrase to denote the relationship amongst the wives of one man. So common, in fact, you chose it as the snappy title for your TV series!

      Did the world know that Kolleen's criticism was directed towards "sister wives" in general, and not specifically your show? Hmmm... Maybe they WOULD have if you'd let the poor girl get a word in edge-wise! Or anyone else, for that matter! :-/

      I'm getting really tired of the way Robyn manages to butt her way into every conversation. Grow up, Robyn! It's not all about YOU!

  7. Good to see this somewhat longer clip. As usual, Robyn is coming from a knee-jerk defensive position, taking PERSONAL offense at any opinion about polygamy that is less than rah-rah wonderful. Remembering here her snippy "open letter to a monogamous beautician."

    Kolleen and Kristyn are most certainly entitled to have their own opinions; both of them came out of polygamous culture, and they aren't required to zip it and keep sweet just because Robyn doesn't like to hear what they think and feel, just because she chooses to assume they are condemning HER. What a twit.

    My take is that she who bellows the loudest is in reality the least secure in her belief that plural marriage is a FANTASTIC choice.

    1. That reminds me abt what my 80 yr old mom said at a family function. sick of seeing overly goo goo older couple cooing over each other, she leaned around to me and said "honey, the ones that have to talk baout s#x all the time after 10 years of marriage ain't gettin it!" Yes, my conservative mom!hahahhaah

      Robyn, blah blah blah....least secure. redwood curtain hit the nail on the head.

    2. lol MS My husband and I have been together for almost 10 years, married 9, and that is sooo true! It's funny to hear people who've been together less time than we have complain about their lack of s#x lives or brag about going at it like rabbits (only to fuss a few weeks, if that, later about their lack of it) - we just look at each other like, huh?

      I notice Christine was unusually quiet for this clip; usually she's the one on the offense about how GLORIOUS it is to share her man, and have a huge family, blah blah blah. They need to realize that while, yeah, *maybe* their marriage(s) are successful, and peaceful, that by no means is the norm in that lifestyle. The ones who leave and want to spread the light are like the survivors of any abusive relationship - they just want to spread awareness, and hope that more will be brave enough to step up and intervene, or to leave. A polygamous marriage or relationship is NOT like a monogamous one, no matter how much they want to portray it as such, just like physical abuse is not the only type of abuse. They may say they're all happy, but I've been there, and Christine and Janelle, at least have had emotional abuse over their weight. You can see it in the way Christine reacted to Robyn coming into the fold, and the way she is so insecure. If she KNEW Kody loved her, and she was truly happy in that life, she wouldn't be so threatened by a younger, thinner wife.

  8. Kollene is wise beyond her years! I had no idea that she is John Daniel Kingston's daughter until I watched her on Polygamy: What Love is This? She has endured a lot in her young life, and she handled the much-older Sobbin with great aplomb. Good for her!!!

    1. Kollene is amazing and she absolutely hit the nail on the head when she said sister wives hate (can't remember if she said hate or despise) each other. Robyn can talk all she wants about if the audience knows Kollene didn't mean Kody's wives.

      Meri and Janelle for example. I don't see love there. I don't even really see acceptance on Meri's part. If she loved Janelle or even accepted her, would she have treated her the way she has?

      Just one example, as all of us know there are many. Kollene pegged it and that knowledge upset Robyn because "we were all meant to be together from day one" is her mantra.

    2. I posted about Kollene's interview with Doris Hanson (done just a couple of weeks ago) on another post here but it quickly got buried. I encourage everyone here to go watch it. It's VERY insightful into Kollene's true pain firsthand growing up in an abusive plyg home. Her mother's a victim too but doesn't have the tools nor critical thinking skills to even entertain the thought of ever leaving. Just like Ruby Jessop's mother.

      Kollene's dad, John Daniel Kingston, served prison time for forcing her underage sister (15) to marry his full-blood brother (her much older uncle) and beating her when she ran away. Kollene herself was forced by him to marry her first cousin (she was 16 and he was 21) after she ran away at 15. At least she was a first wife w/no sister wives and no kids when she left a year later. She tried to get her husband to leave too but he chose the religion over her. That mindf**k indoctrination runs deep. Kollene's a miracle example of getting out as early as she did and having her sanity intact to boot! She's obviously has a very strong-willed inner core that's her best ally in not only leaving but not returning again. She also has a great support system on the outside.

    3. The whole concept of sister wives and polygamy pits one wife against the other. You have to be hurt many times over for your feelings to die and then you just don't give a damn anymore.

    4. Thank you for posting the link. I just watched it and wow, heartbreaking doesn't even begin to describe it. I cried right along with Kollene. I sincerely hope this is the last season for Sister Wives. The only sort of publicity this sort of cult should receive is Doris Hanson's programs and other victims stories.

    5. Anon 11:37 makes a really insightful observation about polygamy - (maybe she has lived it ?) "You have to be hurt many times over for your feelings to die and then you just don't give a damn anymore." Yes!!! This is SO true! in AUB they talk about women "adjusting" to polygamy, and this means, that just like any horrible situation that there appears to be no way out of, over time you just become resigned to it. And if you were first wife and had a taste of monogamy, very often it destroys the relationship you had with your husband. Sometimes that means that you start saying "to hell with it, I don't even want him anyway - she can have him!" The pain never goes away entirely though. As for "non abusive polygamy," sorry I don't think it exists. Waiting in line for attention from your man while he darts from woman to woman is pretty emotionally abusive. Polygamy has FAR more problems than underage/forced unions.

    6. Amen, ex AUB. You wrote: "Polygamy has FAR more problems than underage/forced unions."

      The Browns, by being on TV, have given sociologists/anthropologists and others studying polygamy new insight into the layers upon layers of crazy this lifestyle creates and perpetuates. Sadly, because there are children involved the damage crosses generations. Even if many of their children walk away from the plyg lifestyle, the damage done by living in the plyg environment (jealousies, lack of resources etc..) will impact them far into their adulthood.

    7. THANK YOU giltee guilt 9:50 I could of handled it better if I was able to talk without her interuptions.

      @ Anonymous September 14th 9:43 am
      I married my second cousin not my first. sorry I just have to get the facts straight on that one. But thank you! your compassionate words inspire me.

  9. Soooo...Kody wants society's permission to be married to one woman and to 'doink" and impreganate 3 on the side?! What a loser dude. Poor kids. And that's all I'm going to say about that...

    1. The kids are the ones that go through the most in my opinion.

  10. OneWifeTwoWifeRedWifeBlueWifeSeptember 13, 2013 at 10:03 PM

    You don't "give" offence, people choose to be offended. Anytime someone says anything contrary about polygamy.... Robyn chooses to be offended. There is criticism towards every religion and lifestyle. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, The Browns openly subjected themselves to criticism. Dont act so victimized and defensive. Just because you choose to disagree does not make you a Strong Woman (SW).

  11. Seems the reverse is true, the Browns are trying to place their picture onto themselves to gain pity..... jerks.

    I sure hope we hear from the panelists.

  12. I think TLC is getting ready to throw Kody and company under the bus. The only ones I feel for are the kids because they're the ones that are going to suffer when the TLC money well is gone and suddenly there is no money. Never mind the McMansions - I worry they won't be able to eat. I'm not joking.

    1. They never update their webpage, it's old as dirt. Make me wonder....

    2. Kody and company whining about acceptance is one thing. Going off on a victim of HORRIFIC abuse and TLC airing it? I say they've had enough.

    3. Yes, I agree with a comment above. I think this is the last year for Sister Wives on TLC.

    4. Actually, I know a couple of the participants at the ULV discussion, and afterwards one of them overheard the TLC/film people expressing pleasure that the Sister Wives show was continuing to pay his bills. As long as it generates interest, even outrage, it will keep going.

  13. Ok I gotta snark on the hair. Seriously dude just shave your head - even the magic camera angels aren't working anymore.

    1. no kidding... kody is soooo unattractive. yuck.

    2. I can send him my daughter's white headband, then he and Robyn can be matchy matchy on their nights. I can totally see the two of them arguing over hair accessories in the privacy of her love nest.

  14. The Janelle post seems to have disappeared. I know I read it earlier. Is anyone else having trouble with it?

    1. It sure has disappeared. It's not even in my files! Geez, third one this week-blogger is having problems, I don't have time to re write it, but please post any discussion on Free Discussion.

    2. Wow. It is really gone. I hope it reappears! Nothing like losing many good comments!

    3. it disappeared when I was reading the blog. I refreshed it because half the page turned gold (the background color was still there), it had blocks of type, and froze. when I refreshed, went straight to home page.

  15. Saint Robyn sure changed her tune in a hurry. "Don't make me a victim" - didn't she just spend an episode crying because was so victimized by her first husband? I really hope his lawyer has a court case ready. Sorry this clip has me seething.

    1. I was thinking the same thing! She didn't just give her purity to someone--he begged for it, stole it, and threw it on the ground! Victim, victim, victim! Then to turn right around and say "don't make me a victim"?

      Dude, you made yourself a victim! Well, at least when it's convenient....

    2. You're too hard on Sobbin' - don't you know that the term "sister wife" has been trademarked by the Browns? From now on any negative comment about any so-called "sister wife" anywhere will be a copyright infringement, resulting in law suits brought by Sobbin.' Seriously though, she is supposedly a grown and mature woman - it looked pretty bad to vent at a teen who has been through hell and come out the other side. Where are all those crocodile tears they were producing in the past about the young people victimized by the OTHER polygamist groups? I guess victims are OK in the abstract, but dealing with them in the flesh is too much for the Browns - too close to "reality!"

    3. Exactly this, what ex AUB said...I am not a polygamist, but Robyn thinking "sister wives" only refers to them even gets on my last nerve. She is so self-centered! Why can't she let anyone else speak, ever? Even when she does allow someone else to speak, she is constantly clucking and murmuring. Shuttie once in a while, sweetie.

      As someone else mentioned above, seeing Aspyn and Logan there is heart-wrenching. How much are they really considering what this does to their children?

  16. I, for one, am looking forward to hearing from someone who was in the audience.

    Gordon Setter

    1. Speaking of the audience, the quick shot of Logan and Aspyn was hard to see. Aspyn looked concerned, Logan looked like he wished the floor would swallow him.

    2. redwood curtain I felt just like you. I hate that they brought the older kids/teens to this. Maybe they gave them a choice whether or not they wanted to attend, but I'm not sure they should have been there.

      Whether the teens plan to pursue polygamy later in life or not, they didn't need to sit through this.

    3. I guess people who will sit in front of their elementary school children and toddlers and discuss losing their virginity will subject their kids to just about anything....

    4. Honestly, I think it is good for the young adult Browns to see things like this, hard though it may be. No faith or world view (or political belief, etc.)is worth espousing if it cannot stand up to honest scrutiny. That's a great life lesson for Logan and Aspyn.

    5. What frustrated me in that episode is how christine didn't want Aspyn to go to the panel. Why? So she wouldn't get both sides of polygamy and still think everything is happy loving fun? what if she did marry into a polygamous marriage and realized it was nothing like her childhood <- witch is the most likely thing to happen to her if she does live polygamy. Aspyn has every right to explore her options and hear whatever she would like to here. I'm glad she went. However im very Ashamed of Christine for acting that way! She brought back sister wife memories of controlling parents that are trying to "protect" their kids from things that could better their life. I feel really bad for all of Christine's kids. They need to get some culture and experiences under their belts. And have a mind of their own. Im absolutely proud of Aspyn for insisting she wanted to go so much. She needs to hear both sides.

  17. As Rebecca Musser said in her interview,everyone deserves to tell their story. to be silent is to be enslaved. Why is Kody wanting Kristyn and Kollene to be enslaved?

  18. why is Kody even there? Why can't the women talk for themselves, un-chaperoned?

  19. Sadly what Kody Brown can't handle is folks that won't only tell his side of the story. We will tell both pro or con. He blocks us. Our caricatures, etc only bring folks to watch. He doesn't get that helps pay for those McMansions. hahaha

    1. What do you mean by "he blocks us"? I'm just making sure we're on the same wavelength because any time I tweet to Meri or Kody, it is deleted. Never do they respond whereas the Dargers did and very politely.

    2. I go tickled the other dat b/c I thought, I'll just see if I can follow him---and was blocked. I do not comment on their pages. Ever. Just made me laugh a bit. All the others are fine.

  20. What Krody doesn't understand is that the "lifestyle" he chooses appears to be inherently emotionally abusive. All four of his wives are competing for his affection, but for him there is no competition. It's not fair, and never will be. He can try to make a point that there are abusive monogamous relationships. There are, this is true. A monogamous relationship, however, is well balanced. 1:1 ratio, not 1:4. Look at how he treats Sobbyn compared to the other wives. They have way more years of marriage with him than she does, but she's just the new toy. (ewww)

    And wtf is up with Sobbyn. They are not the only sister wives. I'm not offended when people state their opinions about my cultural/ethnic group or how ever else I could be classified. All of the adults in that family put themselves out there for people to have their opinions about. It isn't our fault that they can't keep their stories straight, and appear to be passive-aggressive and unhappy. Talking over people also does not help their case.

    This video clearly touched a nerve.

    1. People choose to be offended, in my opinion. People make comments every day that someone, somewhere in the world could take offense at. If you believe in the life you're living then why take offense when someone else doesn't like it?

      All of us have things in our lives that someone else out there could criticize and take exception to from the way we raise our kids, wear our clothing, drive our cars, praise our particular higher power or just spend our money.

      That's just a small list so imagine if all of us chose to be offended! We could all spend our lives offended and feeling victimized just like Kody and his wives.

    2. true dat Funky Town - i have friends and family members of all stripes religion-wise and all the way to declared atheists. a small handful in my inner circle don't get offended about anything. most of the ones who do get offended easily tho are also the ones who are clueless as to how offensive they themselves can be to others! Look at the myriad of comments that the Browns themselves have made towards outsiders (sharks) and those who choose monogamy (boring, not god's higher celestial law, plygs are the chosen peeps, they're better morally, happier, etc.)

    3. Even in small things, it is oppressive and unfair. Kody gets four vacations, each of his baby mommas gets one out of four. Kody gets four date nights, each of his baby mommas gets one out of four. His baby mommas are full time child caretakers and home caretakers. Kody gets a present from each of his wives -- they get one. Did you notice at Xmas, that Kody said each child gets three presents? Want to bet Kody gets at least four, and probably more? Kody has a convertible, a motorcycle, and tons of man toys. His baby mommas are driving on bald tires. His wives had no relief from the cares of home and family. Kody drops in for dinner and sex. His kids say they never seen him, and don't get time with him. That there are already too many children. Yet he ignores the cries of his children, expresses that he doesn't perform the role of father because he wants to be fun while he is there. He ignores the unhappiness and stress of his baby mommmas - what little he sees, given they are always ON when he shows up, giving him a great dinner, no doubt, no friction and a date night when he arrives. He barely seems to interact with a few of his children, the rest he ignores. But claims that he can have as many children as he wants. Fatherhood is more than impregnation. Be around to financially and emotionally and PARENT those children, not just impregnate women.

      These are inequalities, unfairnesses that are just shown on the tv show that any casual viewer can pick up. Leaving even that casual view to say can this one entitled fool of a man show this on tv thinking it is some advertisement for how well polygamy works?

      And what about the things not shown -- the bankruptcies, the welfare aid and abuse. The The children don't all have his name on their birth certificates. How terrible is that? Their very lives are illegitimate. The kids are driving without insurance. The fact that none of the parents apparently have any sustainable employment other than TLC. When that gravy train ends, their mansions will all go into foreclosure. The baby momma's will be back on Federal taxpayer assistance. And Kody will probably go looking for young wife #5, to rack up credit card debt under her name, until she declares bankruptcy, and then onto the next new wife/credit profile.

      I first watched this show with an open mind, and the first episode, where it showed Janelle coming home from work after Christine homeschooled the kids and everyone had dinner together - I wasn't convinced by any means - yuck to sharing a man, but I thought it might work for them. But that facade soon crumbled.

      What we saw was an immature, selfish man, and sadly, women who had so little self esteem (fostered by this lifestyle) and torn by jealousy and competition that they convinced themselves that they needed to compete for 1/4 of a relationship. Meri (and Mariah's) selfishness is hard to watch. Logan largely performed the role of mature father as far as helping around the house and with the younger children -often for all four wives -- while we watched Kody persue sex and dates and vacations with the women, NEVER bothering with the children.

      We see Kody's rampant intolerance towards women in his rants about modesty and chastity, in that he claims he is revulsed by the thought of a woman with another man, while he is a man impregnating four women. His attitude towards woman sounds middle eastern, frankly. Why not just put the women in burkas and veils and call it what it is? Oppression.

    4. Wow, you summed up so succinctly my thoughts that on this show, but better than I ever could have. And all of those paragraphs can truly be summed up in that one little word that is so powerful, oppression.

      Also, I wonder can they not see how it looks to the outside world that not only does Logan carry the brunt of the "mans" responsibility but in the father daughter dance episode Logan came as the second father. If that doesn't show that Logan bears the brunt of his father's workload Crystal clearly, I don't know what would.

      One more point a little off topic from Kody and about Christine. In that same episode when Christine is helping I think it was Gwendolyn get ready and she says she is only going to have one husband. I don't k ow if anyone here watches Wife Swap, but there was the episode with the one very conservative Christian family who's dad said he did brainwash his children. They swapped with the PhD I. Religious studies family who was liberal. The daughter on that episode wanted to be a Dr. and the swap mom was telling her it was great for women to have a career AND be a mother. The creepy father swooped in so fast and circled the wagons. He made the mom stay away from the daughter and had the sins report in to him during the day about what was being said. I got such a similar sinister vibe from the way Christine handled her daughter saying she just wanted one husband and that was for the cameras. While I think Janelle probably encourages free expression in her household, I think the opposite holds true in Christine's. I think there is probably a huge amount of indoctrination going on there. I feel bad for those kids.

      I hope that made sense.

    5. Hey, Anon 12:42, nice little essay! I think it sums up what many of us are thinking.
      Kody's alleged "anger" at his wives' jealousy is so offensive. Basic Psych 101, surfer dude; first, a person's FEELINGS need VALIDATION; then some words of understanding and compassion. Such as "Honey, I hear what you're saying, that it is very painful for you to experience jealousy toward another wife. I'm sorry you are having such a hard time. I wish there were something I could do to make it easier for you; I would be more than glad to help you in any way that I can. I love and value you as much as any other wife; know this in your heart".
      Why are the women tasked with having jealousy as a major spiritual challenge to overcome? This I archaic thinking from an era when women were more likely to be regarded as chattel. Both Judaism and Christianity have EVOLVED from this point over many years. To return to an outmoded way of thinking doesn't seem to reflect the spiritual growth of the last "x" many years, let alone the "Age of Aquarius".
      I recently watched a BBC special from about 2002 called "Walking With Cave Men". What anthropological scientists propose is that the types of ancestors of man that DID NOT survive, such as Neandertals, DID NOT survive due to their inability of imagination, their inability to evolve new and better ways to change and survive. Polygamy is an outmoded way of thinking about familial relationships. Early hominids consisted of groups with a male leader because of the size difference between males and females and the more aggressive nature of the males. In the 21st century most of us are not out hunting and gathering.

    6. I have been reading these excellent posts containing such important information. Terrific stuff! I can only hope that some of the Brown children (or wives) will drop in and view the Sister Wives Blog to read about things that they haven't been exposed to yet. Although children feel fierce loyalty toward their parents and elder kin, and protect what they've been told, sometimes a situation crops up that causes a child or young adult to realize that it's time to speak up and dissent against the prevailing opinions in the household.

      Way back in 1969, I was having Christmas dinner with my extremely conservative, Evangelical Protestant family, paternal grandparents, aunt & uncle. So much was going on w/ the Viet Nam War, racial unrest, and the growing Women's Movement. I was quite adept at holding my tongue, sucking it up, and just letting the grown-ups have their say, even though I was disgusted by their intolerant opinions. I reached my breaking point right after my aunt sneered, "What are they complaining about? They got free passage over here on those boats!" I gasped, "They were SLAVES! They were beaten! Thousands were killed! They were stolen from their families, forced into those ships in chains and filth, and into a horrible existence IF they made it off the ships alive. Free passage? Are you kidding me?!!" Well, you might say that our Christmas dinner when to immediate s**t after my rant, and man oh man, did I ever catch Hell from my parents for my shocking impertinence. I'll never forget that car ride home. EVER.

      My hope is that someone who is suffering in the oppression of polygamy WILL visit this site and will read the insightful posts, and understand that there are people outside of their community who are ready and willing to help them.

    7. Oh yeah, Anon 12:42. You nailed it 100 %. I had forgotten about the extent of Logan stepping into the father role in past seasons. So tremendously relieved he is living out of the house on campus. It is too bad he is still in LV. I do remember him saying to the family in the episode where he made his decision to go to LV that he wouldn't be home that much. Remember how Kody was so strongly wanting him to go to school close to home? It likely is not lost on Kody how much slack Logan takes up with the younger kids. It sounds like he has the potential for setting good boundaries with his family - but then we hear that he is making apologies for Robyn's childish behavior during the debate.

      I agree oppression is a fitting word to use. The women operate from a place of fear and dependancy on a man who is completely self-centered and incapable of giving them what they need. By "fear" - I mean fear of abandonment - fear of loss of his affection or whatever crumb of attention he deigns to give him. There is also fear of his disapproval and anger. What we see on camera is the beady-eyed stares he gives them when he's angry and the head snap. Who knows what he does when the cameras are not rolling. At best I could imagine him withholding visits from wives or shortening their length when he is peeved at them.

    8. Anon 12:42 -- I live in the MIddle East and men here treat their women with WAY more respect, care, and consideration than Kody shows his wives. Pathetic.

      By the way, not all Middle Easterners are Muslims. There are a lot of native Christians here, too. For example, my husband's family are Lebanese Maronite Catholics. :-)

    9. Honestly, Logan was just trying to be polite - let's not over analize every word the boy said. He's a great kid and just wanted to through out an "I'm sorry", which it very sweet.

  21. Kody wants the right to practice polygamy, but he wants all of us monogamist taxpayers to finance his welfare lifestyle by supporting his mistresses and their illegitimate children through food stamps (SNAP), housing vouchers (probably) and pre-natal to age 18 Medicaid. The Browns are grifters.

    And moronic Robyn needs to understand the term "sister wife/wives" is part of the vernacular -it doesn't exclusively refer to her. What an ignorant, arrogant embarrassment she is.

    1. Oh I so agree...she is an ignorant arrogant viewing of her confirms my belief that an education is fundamental

    2. yes, Robyn - you are also detested and just tolerated by your 3 sister wives - including your manipulative match Meri. oh you didn't know what all the rest of us know?? well, i declare - who knew you haven't caught on yet? go figure ... hah!

  22. I always tune into to watch shows on polygamy because they truly are interesting. But after seeing Polygamy USA and several other recent documentaries and news broadcasts, I am more and more disappointed in TLC's Sister Wives. The show is edited to the point that the viewer is seeing very little reality. The situations are produced and the sit downs are disingenuous. The show is overproduced and not a realistic prospective of daily life in a polygamist family. In short the show sucks and as the topic becomes more popularized, the less truth I think we will see.

    1. Like all reality shows, the producers have to find things for the family to do to generate interest. Watching the moms get their kids off to school isn't going to draw viewers as we've all done it ourselves. They need to try to get a line of jewelry going, have one sister wife carry a baby for another, build massive homes, etc., etc. or they wouldn't have a storyline.

      For a historical take on just how terrible polygamy was in the early Mormon culture, google 'sandra tanner, sorrows of polygamy' and you should get a pdf of her book The Ever Changing World of Mormonism. Look for the chapter on polygamy [around page 220], and read that for a more realistic look at how utterly miserable this lifestyle is. What sticks in my mind from that chapter is the fact that once the husband took his second wife, most wives never had a happy day for the rest of their lives.

    2. I disagree with Hayley at 12:04 p.m. How they run their households and do the mundane things of life IS precisely what many of us started watching the show to see. How do you function sharing resources with 4 households and raising 17 children. I wanted to see their normal day to day activities. Let us see how people interact and how they live with the resources they have at their disposal. I am not interested in seeing what happens to people after they get paid big sums of money to be on a reality show and use their fame from that to launch a cheesy jooolry line. I would find it interesting to see how the adults would navigate the work-world. What do co-workers think of their lifestyle, how do they juggle working outside the home with the responsibilities of raising that many children. But that would require that they have actual jobs outside of their promotional work for the show.

      I have no interest in watching them enjoy trips I would never be able to afford or buying McMansions and such. The first season was fine. After that it has been "un-reality", in my estimation.

      A true reality show I would enjoy watching would not pay the participants until the show ended, would not allow product promotions (ie freebie trips, houses, remodels etc...) and would not allow participants to do paid speaking gigs or profit from any books written until AFTER the show ended.

      Once you get that TV/celebrity fame mixed in - it pretty much is pointless to watch. It no longer is about a family struggling and rising above their circumstances (whatever it may be - multiple births, large family, disability etc...)

  23. That video enraged me. Kody and Robyn are the worst, the others I can barely tolerate. I quit this show after the purity speech but continue to visit this blog and soak up all the great information. Thank you so much to those who run it and all the contributors.

    1. I agree Anon 12:10. Usually, I just have to laugh at the things they say, but this time really got to me. Robyn trying to refute what Kollene said is so pathetic. Kollene shows more emotional maturity than Robyn ever will, no matter what the Browns try to spin.

  24. I actually thought Kody made a decent point. There is evil in a lot of different places in the world and to take an incident of evil and decide that anything associated is evil is wrong. I'm Catholic and as such have had to put up with a lot of pedophile Priest "jokes" where the entire Catholic church is "painted with a broad stroke" of being horrible when in reality a small percentage of priests (who are horrible, evil men who deserve to be jailed and have the key thrown away) put a stain on the many thousands of priests who are phenomenal human beings.

    So I saw his response to the debate as "you experience was horrible and no one is denying that, but don't say that ALL polygamist experiences are horrible as a result." Now, I'd never get into a polygamist relationship because I believe that they are morally wrong and do set woman up against each other but that doesn't make all of the relationships these bastions of spouse/child abuse.

    1. I agree with your point. I hope the anti-polygamist groups bring up the fact that the polygamist groups use emotional/spiritual blackmail to get the wives to agree to polygamy (even if there isn't physical/sexual abuse going on). From what I've seen in interviews, the AUB is less intense about this, but many of these women believe they will not go to the "celestial kingdom" to be with their families if they don't live polygamy, and in the very worst scenario they will go to hell. I would argue it is not because it is illegal that these women refuse to come forward and leave abuse (as Kody and wives argue) but because they believe they can't go to the highest levels of heaven unless they practice polygamy. Kody is always saying he doesn't think this "lifestyle" is for everyone, but what I think he is really saying is the highest level of the celestial kingdom isn't for everyone. Just my opinion.

    2. define "abuse" tho. Kody's wives (and kids) are DEFINITELY emotionally/mentally abused w/this religious belief practice even if they're not sexually or physically abused. these women are all neurotic emotional wrecks. including "calm and serenely but oh so bottled up" Janelle.

    3. The panel is about polygamy, so both sides should be presented. Kody objects to any side other than his being presented. And he seems to think his family relationships are "harmless", but after watching them for a couple years, I would certainly argue with him about that.

    4. Religion causes these issues amoung and between different groups and cultures.

  25. Amused (not so much right now)September 14, 2013 at 1:21 AM

    "Kody wants the right to practice polygamy, but he wants all of us monogamist taxpayers to finance his welfare lifestyle by supporting his mistresses and their illegitimate children through food stamps (SNAP), housing vouchers (probably) and pre-natal to age 18 Medicaid."

    Along with the obvious fact (which I sincerely hope comes through when the whole discussion is aired Sunday) that Polygamy ONLY benefits the men, the harem masters. It allows men to collect sexual partners like cars or livestock.
    All under the guise of religion.

    Along with that so, so obvious Plyg *reality*, polygamy also does what the above quote states. These harem keepers, with their stables of "legally single" wives and hordes of children, routinely gouge the state and federal welfare system and bankruptcy courts to support their *sexual* choices.
    How dare Kody or any of these plyg kings pretend or deflect otherwise !!!
    Or expect "the payers" to ignore that fact !!

    During the siring of the full segment, I sure hope the other three Brown bumpkins do more than just sit there and let Kody and Sobbin speak for them.

    But isn't it interesting to see the *REAL* Sobbin !!!
    This chick may have sobbing and fretting down to an art form for the SW cameras, but here we see her agenda in full gear.
    She will do and say *anything* to lock in Kody's favor.
    From crying and speaking about her own hymen in front of blasting a true survivor of Plyg abuse. She validates every sense I had about her since her first appearance.
    Yep, she is a grifter like the ALL of the rest of them, but she is also a programmable parasite to her master.

    1. If we should be compassionate and nonjudgmental to Kroudouche for having 3 wives, then why can't he be the same if they want more than one husband? It's called COERCION. They don't "choose" this "lifestyle"; their religion coerces them into believing that if they don't "choose" it, they are going to hell. What kind of "choice" is that? So "choose" the burka, or else you'll get raped because men can't control themselves. "Choose" polygamy because if you don't you go to hell. It leaves no accountability on the men for their actions. They can't help it that they were born with this "burden". Even Kristyn Decker says many times in her book that she felt sorry for her husband because he had to deal with the stress of having two fighting wives. Can't we all see this brainwashing for what it is?

      I have no problem with polyamory, open relationships and other alternative lifestyles, as long as no one is made to believe that if they don't choose it, they will suffer horrendous consequences!

  26. The United Nations state polygamy is a violation of human rights, so yes Kody, let the women speak, and no, Robyn you are not the only sister wives.

  27. Holy Cow!
    In one of the recent post, I had inquired about how the Browns found themselves a reality show. Mister Sister (merci beaucoup) listed several posts from 2011 (all of which I checked out) which included "Christine-brown-pre-sister-wives".
    Christine looks and sounds so HAPPY in this clip, and in the "what-started-it-all-bbc" clip in which she appears standing next to Kody. That is a completely different Christine than we have been seeing ever since!
    She seems pleased as punch; Kody interacts with her in a light, loving way....the way we now see him interact with Robin (mostly). And VERY different than the way we see him treat Christine today.
    It made me feel a little pity for Christine. To have a new wife come in and have your loving partner leave you in the dust is such a bummer. And further, to have that partner make light jokes and banter instigating jealousies among the wives (the comment to Meri in the 'decision' episode) is gut-wrenching. The immature Peter Pan. "Sometimes I fail my own standards"?! Why, where the heck are those standards to begin with?
    Also, re: Anne Wilde and the book she and her hubby wrote regarding Jesus having many wives ("Mary", Martha, and Mary Magdalene). Yes, Scorsese's film "The Last Temptation of Christ" explores this theme as well as others. Additionally, some Christians believe that Jesus was actually married to Mary of Magdala (single marriage), survived the cross (helped by Joseph of Arimathea) and made his way to France with she and his mother Mary. I don't think that the Essennes (his Judaic religious group) were practitioners of plural marriage at this point. Most importantly, Jesus has never been quoted as being a proponent of plural marriage. His message (from the Sermon on the Mount) was basically "be good to one another and treat the other as self--love above all else". He certainly was never reported as PREACHING plural marriage; that was not his message. I have tattoos (from when I was a youngster), yet I do not preach the tattoo life. My message is "Be good to one another, treat the other as the self; Love above all else"

    1. I also looked up those clips and couldn't agree more. It is obvious Kody is wanting a show back in 2009. least they seemed normal then.

      What PEEVES me off about KODY is that he wasn't born and raised the religion, he has no concept of what happens that is nasty. Not like Christine is going to tell him.

    2. @princess. . . :as for kody not " being born" into it, his family was barely a full generation removed--remember his mom is an Allred. That's like saying your grandad was Paul castellano, but since your mom married an Irish guy you have no connection to the mob. The AUB was still encouraging its members to be baptized LDS until pretty recently (probably still are); they wanted to maintain a good relationship with the mainstream LDS. AND the mainstream LDS does protect these fundies, regardless of the party line. Christines relatives ARE his. She doesn't have to tell him.

    3. yeah, but Christine PRETENDS that she doesn't know the seamy side of it either - with her own hellacious Allred clan who intermarry w/the equally hellacious Kingston clan! her "i never knew men could be such bastards" in regards to her hearing those teen's plyg childhood stories as well as Warren Jeffs creepy nightmare factor is UTTER B.S. from her. No One growing up in the plyg world is ignorant of such goings on within other sects let alone within their own ranks.

    4. I'm quite certain that Kody Brown is a descendent of Brigham Young, the leader of the Mormon church who led the people across the plains to found the state of Utah after Joseph Smith was killed in a gun battle. If you look at Kody along side a picture of a young BY, they could be brothers. BY had over 50 wives, some were older women he married and never saw again, but a significant number were younger women he had numerous children with. My 3rd great aunt was one of his wives--she was 24 and he was 67 when they got married.......

    5. He is on his fathers side

      And he looks just like his mom, an Allred

      She may be related to BY too!

  28. Did Meri and Janelle not go? Only Logan was at UNLV last spring. Did the others take off school for it?

  29. "Polygamy USA" is a great show and i was thinking about it.

  30. When Sister Wives first aired, I was very open minded. I was interested in viewing and learning about this alternative lifestyle and while I have no interest in being involved in anything plural, I wanted to see how it worked for them as well as how this lifestyle enriched each one of their lives.

    The show started out as four wives, one husband and a whole bunch of "bonus" children living under one roof. I found it very interesting to see how they were making it work. Janelle and Meri working while Christine looked after the children. I thought there was an equitable division of labor between the women, and saw that raising a large brood together may work for some. I enjoyed watching them interacting as one large family, eating together, working together, etc.

    This show has become so far removed from what it started out to be! I cannot get over that one line of Meri's in the beginning - something about working through jealousies makes us better people. They haven't worked through sh*t.

    I think that perhaps this is why TLC has continued airing this farce for so long, I think they saw right through Kody and Co.'s BS. I am sure the Brown's are not the easiest people to deal with... It's one thing for a person to say "Look I'm dumb. I've had limited life experience. I've had limited education..." but these hillbillies either believe their own nonsense or are too dumb to know the difference. It must be very painful to deal with these ingrates on a regular basis.

    This show has shown anyone who watches just how sad and pathetic their livestyle truly is. And just what a loser Kody truly is. Major backfire but yet I am willing to bet that they are clueless about that. I only feel sorry for the children as they have no choice in all of this.


  31. Are they really going on a "couples" retreat? Which "couples" are they going to work on? Kody/Christine? Meri/Janelle? Christine/Robyn? Robyn/Meri? I mean, this could take weeks, there are so many issues to tackle with this group. Talk about opening a Pandora's Box. I hope their therapist got a lot of sleep before taking on this family circus.

    Oh, and who's going to be watching the little ones? Will Sol be joining them on the retreat since he gets to go everywhere else?

    1. I had to laugh at the same things you're saying Laurakaye. A couples retreat for 1 man and 4 women? Imagine the other couples on this retreat!

      I would think, (but who knows) one of the mothers of Robyn, Meri, Janelle or Christine would come and supervise everything with the teens taking care of the little for the time the couples retreat runs.

    2. Hope the women don't have to do any trust exercises at a retreat!

    3. i would be royally peeved if i ended up on a couples retreat w/this bunch. there's too many of them in one relationship and too many personal as well as marital probs to work out that they themselves command a couples retreat just with their own bad selves! anyway, i'd want my $$ back and tell the organizer to call me when it's a legit couple's retreat and not an illegal plyg one.

    4. I'm betting its just gonna be the Browns. No other guests.

    5. Who's going to be their couple's counselor? Some Las Vegas therapist desperate to increase their client load and eager for publicity? Someone from within AUB holding themselves out as a "counselor" but who is unlicensed? Someone Gina has recruited? Perhaps someone Gina and her ex-husband worked with themselves? SWB absolutely needs to get the dirt about the couples therapist for readers because when the Brown Krew's involved there's always something kind of hidden just under the surface.

      I can't imagine, for instance, Kody would consent to going to anyone who wasn't already aligned with the idea that he can do no wrong and it's appropriate for him to favor Robyn (the fertile one).

  32. I think TLC should revamp the show... Kick KODY out and just have the wives have to deal with each other on a daily basis... They would have RATINGS GOLD!!... So over these couch convo let's see some of the Homes and some daily routine and maybe a nervous breakdown from ROBYN would be BONUS!!

  33. If the Browns can speak their opinions about polygamy and monogamy, then others should be able to also. I'm tired of hear Robyn talk about how monogamist are missing out and blah blah blah, but no one can say anything about polygamy. I'm excited for Sunday and to hear what all Christine's aunt has to say. I wonder if my boss will think stay ing home to watch sister wives is a legitimate excuse to cal in?

  34. I'm tired of the Browns thinking they are the only ones allowed to talk about polygamy. Also how Robyn will go on and on about how monogamist are missing out and all her crap about that. I'm excited to hear what all Christine's aunt has to say. I wonder if my boss will think that staying home and watching Sister Wives is a good excuse not to go to work....

    1. I hope so! If not maybe you should hook your boss on this website....

  35. The qualities of a real man are:
    -financially responsible
    -hard working
    -has self control
    -good manners
    -good hygiene
    -teaches his children through actions and sets a good example
    -is careful with finances
    -admits when he is wrong and makes amends
    and so much more
    This is not Kody Brown who shows time and time again he is a teenager in a man`s body with too many offspring he couldn`t support, too many emotional problems with his women that his actions have caused, too much grandiose talk about the blessings of this lifestyle and not a lot of action, wishing and hoping for things to happen and not a lot of preparing and doing, oblivious to anyone else`s needs except his own, etc.
    The sad part - the women who are the willing participants who prop up a weak man and treat him like a rock star and awesome husband and father. No wonder he is delusional while the women pretend to be soooo happy in public as we see them suffer from obesity, depression, anger and jealousy. Let`s see if the money will solve all their problems.

  36. Well...... The girl is right. All you gotta do is watch the last 3 seasons of sisterwives... No just read their book, it's very easy to see that these sister wives hate each other too!! Wake up Robyn, your sisterwives hate you and Meri!!

    1. I agree that they do not like each other much, but I think hate might be a strong word. After all, who would like the "other woman" (or women in this case). Meri may be the only legal wife, but they all clearly see each other as the "other woman".

      The Kodettes remind me of the classic frenemies:

      Someone who is both friend and enemy, a relationship that is both mutually beneficial or dependent while being competitive, fraught with risk and mistrust.

      That should be the definition of "sister wife".

    2. To clarify:

      When Kollene said sister wives hate each other, she was talking about in her group, not the Brown family.

    3. yes, we understand Kollene's point but i agree with SJW21. the brown sister wives are dysfunctional co-dependents at best and outright detest and tolerate each other at worst. there's no genuine love lost between any of them and that's why Robyn was so defensive. she really can't be THAT clueless that she's really only tolerated cause they have to, can she? oh wait ... yeah, it's robyn - not the brightest bulb in the pack.

  37. "Christine PRETENDS that she doesn't know the seamy side of it either - with her own hellacious Allred clan who intermarry w/the equally hellacious Kingston clan! her "i never knew men could be such bastards" in regards to her hearing those teen's plyg childhood stories as well as Warren Jeffs creepy nightmare factor is UTTER B.S."

    Believe it or not, as the seasons have gone on, I have really tried to find at least some positives about each wife because it is so much easier to see their flaws. Kody, of course, is a lost cause. He is the main flaw in the whole mix.

    But when Christine made that "I never knew men could be such bastards" statement, for me, there was no redeeming of her character or lack of.
    She is a deliberate liar.
    If her Allred genes and upbringing forced her into silence/denial about their legendary abuses, so be it. Then she should have said nothing !!
    But instead, she chose to flat out lie, and by doing so she devalued the impact of those teen girls' accounts of their abuse. Abuse that Christine damn well knew was a part of her birth culture, and others like the Allreds.

    Each one of the Browns has character issues which when meshed together presents a group of adults whose statements are not to be believed or taken seriously. They lie, fabricate, minimize or embellish about any and all just to keep the show going.
    The BS about the stupid houses, the financing, the uterus, the joolery...all the stupid, stupid sh*t they lie about is one thing............

    But that lie coming from Christine about NOT KNOWING was HUGE.
    And one that she cannot retract or redo.

    1. Agree. Christine's disingenuous "I had no idea men could be such bastards" - particularly said in such a santimonious, prissy way, was an insult to every viewer.

      Of all the adults, Christine strikes me as the most religious, but then, that is her "career" isn't it? She doesn't worry about earning a roof or food for her family. Her job is to create babies and raise them as new little plygs. There is no way she doesn't know the history of her religion, the offenses against women, past and current.

      I get that she wants her lifestyle decriminalized. I'm sure she'd like her husband's name on her kids birth certificates. To be able to stay home, pop out kids, and have the taxpayers pay for her kids food, and subsidize the roof over her head, if not pay for it outright. Not have to worry about whether she'd be prosecuted for lying on the form about not knowing who the children's father was. But she has that plyg attitude that the taxpayers owe to her her living and that of her children. She has no intention of working, or doing anything that isn't "fun".

      For every taxpayer - and every responsible parent -- who plans and budgets for their and their children's future, she is a grifter. To every viewer for whom she sugarcoats and covers up the violence of this religion against women and children, she's a liar.

    2. Why can't Christine address the real problems that were happening when she was growing up? We all love our parents, doesn't mean all their choices were perfect.

    3. Clueless, Christine was raised to KEEP SWEET. Apparently that means obfuscating the truth, even when it's biting your behind.

    4. A solid Amen to Amused, Anonymous 7:47, Clueless in KY, and Redwood Curtain! Also, so many excellent statements throughout this page. Abundant food for thought!

  38. don't know if this helps. I was able to download 50 yrs in polygamy and stolen innocence for free for Kindle. I went online to my library site and went through emedia. I'm sure it's a different process depending where you live. In the next two weeks I'm going out of state and then having surgery that will leave me stuck in the house for a month. I will have lots to download.
    With all these books and the show last night, I had this weird feeling. I like Sister Wiives but they seem to glorify polygamy for their own notoriety and income. However, the truth behind what they pick and choose to live and portray is horrific.
    Thank you for having a blog can be light-hearted but has great integrity and education. I can't wait to spend my recovery reading all the past posts...from the beginning!

    1. I hope your recovery goes well!

    2. Robyn should design a "BE a hymen" charm.

    3. Pfffffffffttttttt - the sound of me spitting my water all over the keyboard while I LOL!!!

  39. I'm tired of Kody pretending they are some new improved version of polygamists and I'm tired of them thinking we are foolish enough to believe him.

    As for Robyn, there's a great Shakespeare quote "The lady doth protest too much, methinks". She & the other wives try way too hard to convince us that life in the cul-de-compound is a blessed existence.

  40. I'd like to see Kody seriously and honestly address why his children should have been on taxpayer assisted subsidies, and he and his baby mothers - lets not give this lifestyle any credence by calling them "wives" -- have all declared bankrupcy yet continued to have children.

    Their lifestyle, as they have practiced it, has proven that polygamy does not work economically for the women and children. It is burden on other consumers and the economy. It is a shining example of how polygamy -- even Kody's "modern" version of it -- still leaves the most vulnerable in poverty.

    Kody, tell us how, when the TLC gravy train is cancelled, you are going to support the children you have without taxpayer subsidies? You will lose your mansions, obviously, but can you even feed your children and give them healthcare? Do you even plan or care how you are going to do that? Have you put a portion of your TLC earnings aside in trust for them? Could you support them on your own BEFORE the TLC gravy train? Obviously not.

    Isn't your claims to the legitimacy of your version of polygamy as false as your tentative hold on those cardboard mansions? If this lifestyle reduces the women and children to poverty without a reality show to sustain them, enough so it requires the American taxpayer to feed them and subsidize their healthcare and existance, then this lifestyle "patently" doesn't work.

    Weekly you moan your troubled finances, and beg viewers for $$, yet you claim your lifestyle works and that no one should judge you. Address the finances first please. Hard numbers don't lie. Otherise don't claim that it works.

    1. Actually decades ago it worked better for women. Husband and two wives worked, which wasn't so much encourage for married women in last generations. One wife stayed home.

      But having more than 3 doesn't even make sense according to their rules. Interesting Joseph Smith's children never practiced the principle. The RLDS now Community of Christ is basically the mormon church led by smiths family. They didn't go with BY west. There is a big question whether Joseph Smith practiced the principle at all. They are till trying t figure out if he fathered any children outside of his relationship with Emma. There is a suggestion that he was sealed to other women in the next life. To get to the highest level of heaven you need to be married and sealed. Now the LDS would seal after death a married couple, also baptized after death. But when you are evolving doctrines he may have married some spritually for their benefit in the next life, their husbands not converting to the church. Others say like all leaders he may have strayed in his relationship and sought a way to make it okay morally?
      Having 19 wives and children over a 60 year span isn't necessary for heaven. Even in their doctrine.

    2. There's a huge amount of evidence that Joseph Smith lived polygamy, and in recent years there is also evidence that he fathered children by multiple women. The fact that some of these women remained married to their original husbands obviously clouded the fact of who was the father. However, at least one woman told her daughter that she was Smith's child, and multiple women intimated that they had a physical relationship with him. Read Todd Compton's "In Sacred Loneliness." Also, the following web site has a summary of the details of Joseph Smith's polygamous unions.

    3. Very true, ex AUB. Additionally, 11 of the 33 documented wives of Joseph Smith were under 19 years old - several only 14. And that doesn't even cover the women who accused him of sexually inappropriate behavior earlier in his marriage to Emma Smith, before they ever arrived in Nauvoo. He was accused of illicit sexual conduct with at least 6 women between 1829-1835.

  41. I do not think as a matter of public policy it should be legal. But just cause people do bad stuff doesn't mean it is there polygamist aspect that is a problem. Basically leaders have taken control of peoples finances and decision making in order for them to live in underground society. It's like saying no one should be catholic cause of the mafia.

    States should not allowed towns to just spring up with no building codes and the like. States should raise the marriage age. Who cares what mom and dad say, 14 years is too young to marry.

    1. But one could counter argue that if they were not polygamists they wouldn't be as susceptible to leaders taking over their finances and decision making. When few men are fighting over and hoarding a limited and sought-after resource (aka fertile wives) the odds of power plays between the men in a group increase. Those who successfully beat out other men for more than their fair share of women consolidate their power and eventually accumulate female offspring they can dole out and award to men who will then be beholding to them - thus adding to their power.

      It just seems a breeding ground (pun intended) for the makings of egomaniacal, powerful men to come to power and other men to become dominated by them.

      Could Kody's move to Las Vegas, quest for fame as a reality show star and building of the McMansions (on the gated cul-de-sac) be the start of something bigger for him (in his mind). He is the president of the HOA, apparently. Consolidating his new power, much? Does he view himself as a "pioneer"? He said he was hoping other AUB people passing through LV would come to their home church. Perhaps he's hoping to attract other plyg families to come live a more liberal form of polygamy in Las Vegas. As the children get older will they stake out their own lives as plygs close to him?

  42. Redwood Curtain - You should have no problem, it is from the School Newspaper (UNLV)
    All good!

  43. I have heard the Browns claim that their children were free to pursue a monogamous lifestyle rather than enter into plural marriage. Just strikes me that they are real good at saying what they think everyone wants to hear. And we have witnessed them change their story or position on a variety of topics. Can’t help wondering what will happen when one of the kids actually gets ready to marry someone and announces that their plan is to live a monogamous life. I honestly don’t think that Christine would be at all happy to be presented with that news. Kody either. And, we know Robyn believes that those who live in monogamy miss out on all the good blessings. Don’t imagine that Meri would disagree with anything Mariah decided but Kody would. Janelle is probably the most liberal in her thinking and the least likely to banish a child for choosing a different path. Seems likely that they will have to deal with this in the next 5 years. Will be interesting to see how supportive they are or if they start talking out of the other side of their mouths again.

  44. Redwood Curtain's comment made me wonder...

    Do you think that Robyn's blog post, "Open Letter to a Monogamous Beautician," was aimed at Kolleen? It was posted about a week or two before the UNLV debate, but Kolleen had been on the Holding Out Hope episode earlier, where she said that she was attending cosmetology school, and the debate had to have been planned and announced by the time of the post.

    Last week, we learned why Kody was tweeting in January or December that the Silverton Casino was on his must-do list for Las Vegas: It's the only place that would agree to carry that awful joolry. Robyn's post had to have some ulterior motive...They always do.

    1. Fantastic personal reportage from a live witness (and quite a coup, there, MS!) SO interesting to hear that Logan took it upon himself to apologize for Robyn's rudeness.

      Who'd pay good money to be a fly on the wall during some of the conversations among the older Brown kids regarding their newest "mom"? ME!

    2. redwood curtain,

      Coint me in. I would bet some of those kids have some real stories and opinions to tell about the nutcase known as Mom #4.

      Let's face it, these kids sat there and didn't bat an eye when they had to be dragged down her memory lane with her hymen story.
      What else have they witnessed??

    3. Speaking of Robyn's Blog, She hasn't made anymore since her last debacle when she said she was working. As Christine would say "she got pulled to the carpet" on the big line of BS.

  45. I'm sorry, I haven't read all of the posts. But I'm just watching the 20/20 episode right now and it is so disgusting. When this show first came out, I thought live and let live - if this show is the result, it should be illegal. My skin is crawling...

    1. I haven't seen the 20/20 episode yet. I've been reading so much lately about what happens behind the scenes in polygamy that I don't think I'm prepared to watch it yet. It is heavy stuff, that's for sure. :/

    2. I believe you mean the dateline episode with Rebecca Musser? We have the entire show down on the post "Unbreakable" below.

    3. You're right, Mister Sister. It is Dateline w/ Keith Morrison, I believe. I'm going to watch it right now. Thanks!

  46. from the video it seems that Robyn thinks that she owns the term *Sister Wives*

    1. About what I would expected of the mental giant!

      The hypocrisy is staggering. Kody makes himself look even more stupid in the clip. The ex-plygs have more dignity and poise than that idiot, Robyn and Christine could ever hope to know. I can't wait to see the rest.

  47. When new season started I was sure the browns would surly get amother season or 2. After Robin started her crap first her virginity growing back. Now she will fight with these wonderful women who went thru hell. Robin has no respect for herself or anyone else. She will be the reason they get cancelled.

  48. Kody's a good salesmen. Almost bought his bs

  49. I think everyone needs to mind their own business. Just because you don't like how they live. And if they are getting any assistance so what. Our government gives assistance to illegal immigrant's and any other person that wants to move to this country.

    1. My husband (already married long before we moved here)moved to this country and got a job within 17 hours of entering the country; he still had jet lag from the flight from Europe! He has had exactly 3 sick days in 20 years. The Browns have been living off of his back, too. Racist comments do not make the Browns any more sympathetic--particularly when one reflects that even the illegal aliens come to this country to WORK.

    2. Anon 8:47 - IMO, and I think many would agree with me - once the Browns agreed to be on a reality TV show, they became public figures and subject to scrutiny, especially in light of the fact that they have been shown more than once to be lying and/or badly muddling the truth.

  50. Anonymous @ 8:47 PM

    I don't care how they live as far as monogamy is concerned. I, and I believe others here, just don't care for the manner in which they conduct themselves.

    Robyn is an embarrassment, Meri is unusual (I can't think of an adjective), I think Christine is bipolar and Janelle is hanging in with a group who certainly do not care, have her maturity nor dignity and don't deserve her. I admire Janelle's son and her daughter. I also think a lot of several other children and feel profoundly sorry for Meri's daughter who seems to have a lot in common with her mother. At least many illegal immigrants are worthy of assistance.

  51. I started watching Sisterwives because I enjoy learning about different cultures and subcultures. I found them interesting before the move to Vegas. When they all lived in one house, it was like peeping into a different lifestyle that had a religious basis. After watching the show for several seasons, I question the religious basis. I don't think they are all that religious. They seem to have drifted from what I thought their faith was in the first few seasons. It seems like they are materialistic and everything about them is driven by money. They sold out their family for fame and fortune. I don't think they represent the average polygamist family. There seems to be a lot of oppression in the majority of polygamist families. Janelle is by far my favorite on the show, but even she was high on the horse during that panel discussion. She laughed and said I make my own money, have my own bank account, and don't share with Kody. Did she forget all the years she worked for the entire group? I think Christine really does believe it. She was raised in it. Didn't her mother leave the faith? I could respect them all more if it was for religious reasons, but this group seems to be everything but religion. I couldn't be sisterwives with Robyn and Meri. Those two are just too much for me. When Kody said that Meri was loyal-yes a loyal wife. When I watch the Browns I see it as Kody being married to Meri and the rest are an extension of their marriage. I would have liked hearing more from Kollen and Kristen.

  52. In thinking about Colleen and Krysten's points of view, I'd like to say, "I think I relate to where you're coming from."

    I was sexually abused as a child for 12 years by my "step-father" (found out after he was dead that he and my mother were never married). My mother knew of the abuse and turned a blind eye, just to keep food on the table and a roof over our heads.

    I am now 66 years old. I have not been inappropriately touched for 50 years. And yet it's now part of my DNA. Any time I see a man with a female child, I am like a hawk, watching. I have seen instances where I thought a grandfather was being overly affectionate with a teen-aged granddaughter, and I felt physically ill. I was able to confirm that in this instance, it was an innocent relationship.

    But my antennae are always out. And I will always be watching out, to see if some young girl needs someone to speak up on her behalf. I think Colleen and Krysten feel that same way. NO ONE recognizes the abuse of their background better than they do, and NO ONE is more concerned about protecting others than they are. I have the utmost respect for both of them.

    Krysten (please forgive me if I messed up the spelling) personified calmness and control during the debate, and if anyone (Christine) feels threatened by her, the onus for that fear has to be on Christine. And Colleen is so articulate and strong for someone so young. I was blown away by both of these women. God bless anyone who strives to protect the truly innocent.

    In the case of the Brown family, the only truly innocent ones who need to be protected are the kids. They need to be free to make their own decisions. The house of cards that forms the foundation for the Browns' McMansions will crumble as soon as TLC finds someone more interesting who is also willing to sell their souls. And that day looks to be approaching quickly.

  53. I watched the clip again and I think I get it. Sobbin doesn't think the sister wives name is solely for them. Basically she was worried about how others are going to perceive them. She knows Kollene wasn't directing that term towards them. But instead of acting like an adult, and listen to what was being said; she jumped on her as soon as Kollene said something that might portray them in a bad light.

    Bottom line, these people are fame obsessed frauds who's only concern is making sure they look good 24/7. News flash KodyKlan, a fake reality will not help your cause one bit. Utilizing TV in order to gain ground within your "church" is something you all should be deeply ashamed of.

    1. A "Bird" told me Kollene had been sharing her story to the audience for awhile before Robyn jumped in. NO ONE inthe audience thought she was speaking of them, it was Robyn getting TLC airtime at the expense of an innocent young woman.

  54. Kolleen, thank you so much for coming by here and answering some things. I saw your posts up in the new spoilers, but wanted to say, thank you here too. We are talking about them here.
