Friday, September 27, 2013

"Sister Wives" What would writer Ed Kociela's "Tell All" Questions Be?

                                                                  Kody's example of journalism.

Tamron Hall has been in the TV business for some time now. The 43-year-old reporter, who has a journalism degree from Temple University, was a fill-in for Keith Olbermann on MSNBC and does primary fill-in work for Natalie Morales on NBC’s “Today” show. In other words, she’s been around the block a time or two, which is why I was very surprised to see her turn up as the resident “journalist” on Sunday night’s episode of “Sister Wives.”

On the surface, her job was to interview Kody Brown, his wife, and his mistresses. What viewers got was what we, in the business, would call, a “softball” interview where the questions are weak, lack depth, and are not not terribly informative.

I got this..Ed won't get me...huckle huckle

I would love to do a one-on-one interview with Kody Brown.
What would I ask?

Why do you position yourself away from the AUB?

Do you pay tithing to the AUB?
Why do you insist this is a “lifestyle” choice and
not a religious choice? If this is a lifestyle choice, 
then it is solely about the sex and not your salvation. 
If it is about salvation, why do we not hear that and
why and how that works? Or, do you even have religious
beliefs? What is it all about?

Whose names are on the birth certificates of your children?
What is your combined income and how can you afford four homes on a cul de sac in the greater Las Vegas metropolitan area?
Have you and your wife ever asked a teen girl out on a date?
Why do you think you are “safer” from prosecution in Nevada than Utah, where the previous and current Attorney General have proclaimed that they will not prosecute violations of the state’s bigamy/polygamy statutes?
Who performed the ceremonies at your spiritual weddings?
That’s just for starters.

But, those questions will never be asked on a TLC broadcast because the network is too heavily invested in the show. Instead, we witnessed a very poor example of what was purported to be a journalistic interview, positioning a woman with a resume from a major network that has been in business far longer and has far more credibility than TLC, as a representative of the people who would like to know more about Kody, his wife, and the other women in his life.

There was one moment, and one moment only, that went beyond the superficial, and that was when it was mentioned that Kody and Robyn were still in the “honeymoon” phase of their relationship.
If you watched closely, you could see a flash of pain in the faces of a couple of the women, and rightfully so. Kody? He had that big, ear-to-ear grin that makes me want to toss a brick through the TV screen.  

I'll charm him with my humor....

It was, in my mind, the most telling moment I have seen on “Sister Wives,” affirmation that this is not about religion or a lifestyle choice, that this is simply a practice of gratification of Kody’s need to sleep with a bunch of women and not get any grief about it.

Look, if it’s purely about the sex, just be open about it. If it is purely a lifestyle choice, be up front, but don’t lay all that business of purity and righteousness on us or the self-proclaimed persecution. Rock stars do it guiltlessly all the time. Just say you don’t believe in monogamy and be done with the other stuff.

But that won’t happen because, as evidenced by the shoddy “reporting” on the last episode, TLC has a product that it needs to buff and shine and maintain a positive image for to hold on to viewers and propagate new ones.

                                                       Ladies taking off their rose colored glasses.

The questions will always be sanitized, the events that take place on the show will always have a little help or urging from the producers, Kody and the women will always be painted as the victims in this little play.

Since being invited here by Mister Sister, I have studied the posts, the questions, the thoughts of the community that gathers here. Guess what? There are some very articulate people here who are looking for some answers, who are very confused by what they see on this show, who are a hell of a lot brighter than the producers and the TLC network give them credit for as they strive for bigger ratings.

I hate to take such a serious tone because there is a liveliness, a sense of humor here, and I certainly don’t want to be the buzz killer. But, I also know the incredible power of the media, the strength it possesses, the influence it can sway.

                                 Man, this Ed guy is not around! I'm outta here! Starts clutching chest...           

Does that mean all TV should be dour and scholarly?
Of course not. To live without humor is to live without joy.
I have used the word “context” a lot here recently because it is important to put everything into context and perspective. My context and perspective are built upon a very lengthy career as a newsman – I actually loathe the word “journalist” because it implies, by definition, something entirely different – and I hate to see what has become of a media I once defended as an honorable profession built upon an almost sacred trust between reporter and consumers of the news. We were entrusted to act in the public’s interest, on its behalf, to inform and educate, but most importantly, to be the embodiment of truth.

But, when I see how a network panders to a baser instinct of titillation rather than information, well, it breaks my heart.

Now, for a little snarky levity?
How many sister wives does it take to screw up a television network?

Written by: Ed Kociela for SWB  


  1. Great post, Ed. Tamron Hall's interview was embarrassing and the weakest I have ever seen. Meri and Kody have openly stated that they had previously courted a teenager -and it didn't work out. It disgusts me that there has been no follow-up, that journalists would rather ask about their stupid jewelry business than the possible exploitation of a minor female.

    1. Hello Anon,
      I know they courted a teen girl. It is the follow-up that I would want to probe. Why didn't it work out? Why a teen? Was she of the AUB faith?How old was she? Just for starters.

    2. It's all in their book. It was when they were younger. They were going to get married but it was my understanding that the girl backed out. I believe the girl was 18 or 19.. But they were in their early 20's so it's not like it just happened. When I was 19 I was dating a 31 y/o man.. Oh what a mistake that was!! I was engaged to this man who left me after he got what he wanted and I was left pregnant. At least Robyn's guy married her.. Anyways off point there. It's not uncommon for someone of 18 or 19 to date/marry a older man. It's also my understanding that this girl was or is in the AUB as well.

    3. 18-19 to early 20s is a gap in maturity but I don't see it as a terrible horrible thing. It happens around here all the time. it he was 40 and she was 18 that would be something different.

    4. I believe she was younger than 18, they wrote something about waiting for her to turn 18 before marrying her. She backed out yes, but they were both adults courting a minor. Even if the AUB doesn't frown upon it, it is still exploitation of a minor. And even so if other people non AUB non plygs do it that still doesn't change anything!

  2. I am with you on the whole not asking the right questions thing. I, for one, scream at the TV and say, what about the said that.... but no one who interviews these people make an effort to even show the inconsistencies in their stories. I want to know whose name is on the children's birth certificate and who pays for their insurance now and in the past; why does Meri and Robyn get really cool vacations and the other two wives must it because they have more children to provide for? If so, isn't that contradictory to the push to populate the planet? Give me babies but live in poverty or live less than the wife who only has one child? What is the thing with Kody being in the interviews? I don't want him answering questions; I want the wives asked questions. Janelle, how did you feel, working your butt off and bringing your pay check home to mean Meri and then she and Kody travelled around the country. Christine, how does it feel for you to save grocery money to go see your family but Meri and Kody take vacations to Mexico and as far as we know, she didn't take any of her grocery money.
    I wonder why no one asks about those men in the Bible who took more than one wife and the wives were jealous to the point of playing tricks on him...or, in the case of Sarah, making her husband kick the other woman and her son out into the desert. Really????
    They need to be inteviewed by one of us. Really.

    1. Hello Anon,
      We already know, don't we, that there is no true equality in these relationships. It is impossible.

      Along those lines, do they all have separate bank accounts? Is there a joint account?

      A lot of questions are probing into privacy areas, however, once you make yourself a public figure, you voluntarily give up a certain amount of privacy.

  3. HAHAHAHAHAH If going to therapy blew his mind, think what getting interviewed by Ed would do?
    Too bad he thinks we, the viewers, should put on "rose colored glasses" just like Christine does. GREAT questions. We all enjoy having you here Ed.

    1. Isn't Christine's twitter username Rosecolored or something? Even she knows she's delusional.

    2. Hello Anon,
      I enjoy being here. Such great questions and comments.

    3. Christine comes across as someone who is deathly afraid of the outside world. She's scared of anything that does not fit in with her plyg life, such as toasters and family members who have left the 'lifestyle'. I think her children, if any of them, will be the ones to rebel. I'm personally rooting for Mykelti to become a fashion design star and leave that crazy cuddlesac behind!

    4. Christine, though, I can forgive since she's a child of her upbringing.

  4. HaHa the last picture I put up is my version of what Kody would be looking at Ed like with just the 1st question!

    1. Lmao! His infamous head snap jerk w/ beady eyes glare...

    2. LOL... and after the infamous head snap - mounds of hair fall out and his eyes are stuck!
      Nice post Ed, wish you were the interviewer!


  5. If the Brown's embraced the religion too heavley, the efforts they have put in to not "be like them" the Warren Jeffs, would be damaged. Religion can be an uncomfortable topic, if they look and sound like stereotypical polygamist its over for them. I dont think Kody knows much about the religion any way.

    1. Hello Anon,
      Religion can be an uncomfortable topic only if those discussing it allow it to be. On the other hand, regardless of how scholarly the discussion, it is almost always a very, very complex topic with so many subtleties and nuances that it can be difficult to get doctrine and belief across to somebody from a different religion or viewpoint.

      Unfortunately, we get little, if any, discussion on this show about their belief system, faith, etc.

    2. Nauseous to find out whether or not it's a boy or a girlSeptember 27, 2013 at 7:15 PM

      It seems like Have More Than One Wife IS the religion. I mean, I know there's all the stuff about celestial family and afterlife, but that falls under the polygamy mandate.

      Both Kody and Robyn have spoken about practicing visualization, bringing wanted goods and experiences into one's life by thinking about them. Does anyone here know what religion or spirituality system that is from? I know that Oprah advocated the practice on her show, and it's espoused in a different form by "prosperity gospel" preachers, but I'm curious to know its origins.

    3. But religion is the whole reason they are living this way! As Ed says, if it is a "lifestyle choice" then say so, and we can judge whether we wish that to be legal or not. But if they are "living the principle," then it is fundamental to our understanding. The producers - or the Browns - want us to simply take this for granted, without any attempt to understand their beliefs. It doesn't make a lot of sense to many viewers.

      I also think they choose to present this as a "lifestyle choice" because they are seeking a (false) equivalency with same-sex marriage. Since that has gained public acceptance and legal sanction in various states, perhaps the Browns think now is a good time to push for their "choice" as just another acceptable option. (And I would argue that homosexuality is not a choice, and the LGBT community is not asking us to support them and their children!) Clearly the Browns would like us to fall in love with them, and give our support to changing the law.

      And I would also like to know more about their finances. It seems that polygamy is very costly to the rest of us and it's not my choice to accept the additional burden - especially when I simply do not understand the doctrine and principle that underlies this behaviour.

      Thank you, Ed, for your participation here - it's very helpful to have your knowledge and experience at this blog.

      And thank you to all the admins as well - this blog has just the right mix of information and humour. It's a joy to visit!


    4. Hello Nauseous and Anon,
      First, about the visualization technique. That is a common practice a lot of people use. I first heard about it years ago through sports. Athletes will often sit and 'visualize' themselves competing -- running a race, holding form in swimming, a perfect golf swing, whatever applies -- in an effort to stick the picture in their mind as part of muscle training to accomplish a certain thing a certain way. Musicians do it, attorneys preparing for court visualize (rehearse). It's a form of positive reinforcement and training the mind to perform in a certain way.

      Regarding same-sex marriage and the LGBT community, it is apples and oranges to compare a couple that wishes to solemnize and legalize a monogamous relationship between two taxpaying, hard-working individuals in love and quite another to add onto a plural relationship that puts a strain on the community. Two very different things. If I were part of the LGBT community I would be very angry that those in plural marriage would try to shirt-tail on their efforts at equality.

    5. The mind-body energy system discussed by healers such as Barbara Brennan ("Hands of Light" and "Light Emerging") and Louise Hay ("You Can Heal Your Life") incorporates the idea that our thoughts create our reality, and that we can influence outcomes by visualizing a wished-for reality. Similar to praying in order to have something come to pass.
      Ed, well-done editorial; a real pleasure to read! Too bad David Frost has passed, maybe HE could have gotten Kody to burst forth some crazy.

    6. "Both Kody and Robyn have spoken about practicing visualization, bringing wanted goods and experiences into one's life by thinking about them. Does anyone here know what religion or spirituality system that is from?"

      IDK if what Kody and Robyn believe are the same or not, but I first heard of this positive visualizing during the Jodi Arias murder trial this past spring. She professed to have read and practiced visualizations talked about in the book called "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne. Her defense focused on the Mormon religion (HER version of it, that is) and also her beliefs in the practices taught in 'The Secret'. It is based on the law of attraction and claims that positive thinking can create life-changing results such as increased wealth, health, and happiness.

    7. Visualization is an integral part in the practice of The Craft. In the study of witchcraft you learn to control your personal energies and pull the energies of the earth and alliances through Astrology.

      It's funny to read of people in other religions who would condemn the Practice of the Craft, yet support yoga, meditation, crystal and color alliances, and I have watched the Secret movie, as much of it as I could stand, it's quite monotonous. This is nothing more than the old saying that "Good things come to good people".

      I say to each their own. We all walk different paths, I'm not sure exactly where visualization comes from, but it isn't a new concept by any means.

  6. TLC should read this blog - they could improve this program a lot!
    And re the teen girl question - aren't they against underage marriage?

    1. Yes they are. In fact the AUB won't allow anyone under the age of 18 to marry. They even prefer couples to wait until both are 21 or older, though that's not a rule. They do ask you to show that you can provide for your wife/wives before allowing you to add to your family. But that leaves me wondering because in their book Kody admits that when he started courting Robyn he didn't have the means to support her and her kids. But they did have to wait 6mo before they could get married. I could of swore at one point they said it was because of TLC wanting to film their wedding but in the book it said it was because of money. In the book it also said Kody asked Robyn to marry him while out on a drive. But I could of swore he asked on the show?? I know they made a big deal out of asking the kids but it's my understanding that Kody and Robyn were engaged before filming even started so all of the asking her to join the family and the courting was staged just for the show as was the first kiss. anyone know if I'm right about this??

    2. You are correct. Just one of many the Browns can't keep straight on. We are going to put up a post next week and let everyone post what they remember as untruths...should be interesting. i think Kody had to wait until the TLC money came in, and Robyn sure knew what she was doing, didn't she?

    3. Hello Anon,
      Great comment. The thing is, I know several people from the AUB, which is where Kody comes from.

      I have heard horror stories as vile as those from the FLDS.

      What is said in public is not always what is practiced in private.

      There IS underage marriage in the AUB, according to my sources, including a woman I know who was married off at 13, and there are abuses, according to my sources.

      We also know, of course, that 'bleeding the beast' is par for the course of all of the fundamentalist Mormon outfits.

    4. Didn't Kody and Meri court someone (before Janelle) that wasn't quite 18 yet?

    5. Mister Sister, that would be so informative and helpful if you could have a permanent page or link itemizing every untruth the Browns have told. You could have different categories of lies related to chronology, possible welfare abuse, sister wife love/hate, money troubles, etc. And you could provide a verifiable reference for substantiation (episode number, page in their book, etc.).

    6. We are startiing a post next week!!

    7. OF COURSE it was staged for the show. They were engaged before the show started. So they lie to go with the story line, and sometimes say the real truth. Unfortunate but not uncommon in the reality world.

    8. Crazygrl00 : Here is what Robyn tweeted around this time yesterday about being asked to marry Kody:

      Robyn Sullivan Brown ‏@LuvgvsUwngs @realkodybrown: Exactly four years ago at about this time in the parking lot of Thanksgiving Point @LuvgvsUwngs said "YES!". So glad I did!

    9. This is from a review of the Natalie Morales interview: Natalie asks Meri about an eighteen year old girl they were courting to be their first sister wife. Meri felt that it was just a crush at the time, not love and Kody agrees. Kody admits to be arrogant and cocky when he met Janelle; they had love and conviction but not romance. Meri did not choose Janelle but she was very ok with her coming into the family. Janelle claims to have had a hard time fitting in because of Meri telling her exactly how she felt at the time.

    10. Funky Town: Do you still have that interview episode? The second one Natalie Morales did? They've never replayed it and never posted it on any of the streaming services or on iTunes or Amazon. Do you have it that you could post on YouTube?

    11. Twisted SisterWife I too remember something like that. Kody and Meri were courting a 17 year old before Janelle and it didn't work out. Does anyone else remember that?


    12. It was when Meri was 23 and Kody 25. One who knows.

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    14. Their is a Morales interview is on Netflix. Netflix just added season three and for some reason it is the first episode under season three. Not sure if this is the one being referred to though.

    15. The interview we are looking for, the rough one, was from June 2012.

  7. Here's how it would play out in my mind:
    Remember that great pictures of Ed Kociela that was on his first post here? Long Hair?

    Kody sees that walking in and thinks "cool" he's a hippie, no problem here.

    Kody smirks and thinks he has it in the bag.

    By the third question Kody is clutching his chest and screaming "Heart Attack" to get away from the intelligent Hippie that wants honesty.
    On the way out, he calls Ed a "Crazy Man."
    hahhahahahaha If you are seeking truth, suddenly you are the bad guy from polygamists, that is what I have learned! GO ED!

    1. Hello Anon,
      I have, on many occasions, responded to 'Crazy Man,' so no problem with that.

      As far as Kody is concerned? Just because he has long hair does not qualify him as a hippie. We are fairly particular about who we allow into the club!

    2. I can attest to that! Cara and I discussed this. WE are married to we took great offense at Kody saying he was one!!LOL

    3. Kody is clueless and yes they are all rather close minded. I have been surprised how Kody stereotypes everyone and everything..maybe he is living the polygamist stereotypical dream...and they dont want to be labled stereotypical FLDS

    4. I think crazy is an admirable quality, and fits in just perfectly here! ;)

      That being said, I don't think that Krody is krazy...just an immature, selfish twit with an over-inflated ego who considers himself to be a surfer dude. He probably thinks 'hippie' is the same as 'hip' or cool.

    5. There are a lot of us still around.
      True, times have changed, but the heart still is beating and it is easy to spot an imposter.

    6. Hello Amused,
      Remember how they were described as being 'plastic?'

      From what we have seen and heard, Mr. Brown is truly a Plastic Man.

    7. Ed, the crazy man is a joke from the show. Kody called the therapist that!

    8. Oh but the gals, the Sissies, the Kody Concubines call him a "Renaissance Man" I guess they figure that Hippie fits in under that umbrella. Kody Brown is hardly a Renaissance Man!

    9. Kody is more like the GEICO cave man...

  8. Last year's "Tell All" interview was a lot more hard hitting I think. She did focus on the book, last year. This was sanitized to the max.
    I'm CERTAIN the questions were given to TLC and probably the Browns beforehand, and they edited out the ones they "chose not to answer". It doesn't surprise me one whit that the Browns won't discuss the AUB - that's been the way it has been from the get-go. It's clear that the AUB has mandated that their organization/congregation not be mentioned at all in the show or media concerning the show.

    Jon Gosselin didn't do any hard-hitting interviews when he was on TLC. He did them AFTER, on other networks not affiliated with Discovery/TLC, such as Larry King on CNN.

    I don't see any of the wives leaving Kody, but I DO believe that one day we will see at least one of the children, on a different network, reveal what it was like to be in the Kody Brown Family and on the show. Jon G got in legal hot water, but I doubt the kids have signed anything, and even if they have, once they are no longer minors, I doubt it would apply anyway.

    1. Hello Dakota Justice,
      Good points.

      It is difficult to predict how kids will react/turn out. They can flip either way. And, it also depends, of course, on what kind of money is offered.

    2. Until the kids are legal age the parents sign contracts for them. Once of age, they'd negotiate and sign their own contracts. I'm interested in knowing what, if anything the Brown adults put away for their minor children (I doubt anything) and now that some are legal adults, what the terms of their contracts are.

      Technically, the more kids reaching legal age and demanding their own contracts and pay, the show becomes more expensive for TLC to produce -- unless of course, TLC writes them out of the show or pays them very little per appearance, which is why I think Logan appears very infrequently now. Plus it helps to be able to say he's involved in school and has no time to film. lol

    3. Oh DakotaJustice that would be awesome for one of the kids to do a "tell all interview" or a Lifetime special! I bet everyone on this blog would tune in!


    4. I wouldn't discount any possibility, remember Kody Brown isn't done yet, remember his comment about how he can have as many kids as he wants! Just wait and see what happens when he brings in a fifth or a sixth wife, a younger one, maybe with kids in tow maybe not. All of the anxiety that came up when Robyn arrived on the scene will be relived. TLC and that paycheck won't be around forever, even if this show has a long run, which I doubt, it will end at some point. Kody in typical plyg fashion won't know when to stop. Watch some of the wives loose their homes, kids find out there is no money for them for college, they don't get a car, etc. Kids in families already look at what their siblings got and get upset if they aren't getting at least equal, it is compounded in this situation. I could see one of them go nuclear and spill everything. Especially if it is true that they are encouraging them all to find their own path, I interpret that as them not brainwashing them in the manner that most plygs do, like how Christine was. Someone will talk, at some point. What Kody and the Sissie's didn't consider is as big as their success gets then the bigger the check will be for one of those kids to tell all, there will be someone out there willing to pay, and possibly pay quite well to hear about all the hypocrisy and lies from one of their own. Before this show, before Robyn the marriages were all relatively close together, the kids were born into it, they didn't know any different. Robyn upset that dynamic, then add in the fame and money, their father's ever growing bloated ego. There are likely some hard feelings brewing under the surface. Also, since they aren't pushing them into polygamy, at least that is what they are claiming, they have no control at all about who the kids end up partnering up with. There will be other voices and other opinions being added into the mix that Kody has zero control will be interesting...Hell could even be one of Robyn's kids, maybe they are closer with their father than Robyn likes to let on. Could be a potential step kid that isn't even there yet, a child of a fifth wife or something that just blows the lid off their secrets and lies...It's only a matter of time!

  9. Why would Tamron Hall do such an interview in this manner? Why would she come on national TV and hold the Brown's hand. Surely she would not think that this would make her appear in a professional light? Just does not make any sense to me.

  10. Terrific questions, Ed! We'd all love to see each of those questions posed to Kody & the Groupies w/o any prep time to formulate sweet "Mock Tapioca" answers. TLC probably confined Tamron to very specific questions and refused to approve anything that would be outside of that narrow scope. (Or, perhaps Tamron lacks the necessary depth to ask incisive questions......)

    Props to Mister Sister for the final picture of Kody and what he'd look like w/ Ed, a true pro, firing questions @ the Douche. Can you even imagine it? I'd love to experience that kind of T.V. entertainment!! I imagine that if K was within a few feet of Ed, even before Ed could frame a question, Kody's beady eyes would narrow, he'd flip his head around and fling his hair product(s) everywhere. Poor Ed might be covered in the stuff, and what if Kodilocks is using the Green Goo as a thickener on his greasy strands? I can only imagine what it could do if it splatters on a person's face. (On second thought, Ed, it's safer for you in Mexico where you can write another book!)

    The snark is definitely a fun feature on this blog, and I agree that we all need a good bolus of laughter as often as possible.

    1. Hello Giltee Guilt,
      Not sure how entertaining it would be, but I guarantee I wouldn't go into an interview with a liswt of questions approved by the interview subject or his handlers. Have had people try that before and declined. There's this little thing called ethics...

    2. I am glad that there are still people like you, Ed, who uphold ethics. You are inspiring others w/ your tenacity and honorable work.

      Just having you write down the questions you would like to ask K & his Groupies has broadened our understanding of what's going on w/ the Browns and Dargers. (If the Williams family has truly broken away from Joseph Smith-based polygamy, the guy is simply a horny fella who has suckered 5 women into a rotating bed arrangement.) The Browns and Dargers are complete posers who are completely camouflaging polygamy. It's real sleight-of-hand stuff, and their whole act is repellant to me.

      Although I haven't been watching the SW show, you and other commenters have mentioned the fact that when the contractor referred to Sobbyn & Douche's honeymoon phase, a real flash of pain was seen in the eyes of some of the women. Now I understand, from all that has been shared here, that these women sincerely believe that their eternal lives depend upon remaining married to this narcissistic, greedy little man. It is tragic. I sincerely hope that the Brown, Darger, and Williams kids will all independently choose a better future for themselves.

      Thanks again, Ed, for another great installment on this blog. Also, thanks to Cara for the stunning, sickening info in the earlier thread about Rebecca Musser's book. Cara revealed that $27million was distributed, in federal money, in just 20 months to Colorado City, AZ. (I know I heard about this info earlier from you, but because of its importance, it was wonderful to have Cara repeat it.)

      I want to ask your advice about what enraged citizens can do about this travesty? Any suggestions as to what officials need to be targeted w/ complaints? Jeffs, from jail, has ordered that the children can only have 2 meals a day consisting of beans and milk. So what is happening to all of this gov't. money while the kids are being so malnourished and starved? I know that there are a lot of entanglements b/w officials in Utah's state gov't. & plyg groups. However, Colorado City is in AZ. What can a AZ voter like me do? I want to start a s*^t storm over this.

    3. Guiltee Guilt,
      As an Arizona resident you can do a lot.

      Mohave County Supervisor Buster Johnson and Tom Horne, your state Attorney General, have been trying for some time to get legislation through the state assembly to pay to have the Mohave County Sheriff's Office patrol the Short Creek area and replace the Town Marshal's Office, which is the current law enforcement agency out there. They have had problems finding permanent funding for their desire to decertify the current agency, which is nothing more than an arm of Warren Jeffs and the FLDS church -- often referred to as the God Squad. That would be the most important thing you could do.

      Talk to your legislators, send letters, have your friends call and send letters. One voice is difficult to hear, a number of voices, however, build strength.

    4. Ed I'm wondering if setting up something like a FB group with a catchy name that AZ residents can ask friends to join, something that could get publicity would also maybe be a way to push enough buttons to get the necessary changes you mentioned?

      They could do things as a group, get each other jazzed up and keep the letters, calls, faxes and emails going to the necessary people. Just an idea....

    5. Hello Funky Town,
      Social media, as we see here, is a very powerful tool. But you have to get their attention with it. I say go for it.

    6. Thanks for this advice, Ed. Now I have a good place to start!

  11. I was disappointed but not surprised by the lack of real questions . It would be more interesting if we could get answers to questions about the birth certificates, the welfare , the religion . One thing that bothered me this season is Kody wearing the vest with his glaring blank stare and hair . Honestly it really reminds me of pictures of Charlie Manson wearing a vest , with that crazy stare , same hair length , same group of brainwashed women .

    1. Hello Anon,
      All leaders have some sort of charismatic appeal -- Charlie Manson, David Koresh, Jim Jones. Wouldn't lump Kody in with those killers, but I would offer that it takes a certain kind of 'line,' 'rap,' or whatever you want to call it, to convince four women to live with you as sister wives.

      Obviously, there is some kind of appeal to either him, the women, or just the oddity of the show because it has gained enough viewers to remain on the air for several seasons.

    2. Poor women. He's probably a thoroughly selfish jerk in the sack, too. :/

    3. I've been noticing that 1,000 yard blank stare more and more this season, it is unsettling. He must, as you say, have some persuasive skills to get these four ladies to be with him.

      Why does Meri make a point to keep telling us, and Kody (OMG, I just accidentally typed Kidy, haha Mr. Peter Pan himself) that it was 'her' idea to bring Robyn into the family. Maybe I'll post this on the Questions to be Answered. Didn't they admit their relationship was at its worst point during/before she came in? And if it was for religious reason, then do tell! Because it just doesn't add up. Janelle & Christine didn't seem on that train. Unless they decided to follow every single plot line of HBO's Big Love!

    4. I'm sure you're right GG. Sadly,I think they probably feel honored to sack the hack. He reminds me of a rooster struttin around the henhouse.

    5. The women have each basically (in terms of energy systems) given over a certain amount of her power to Kody. The second chakra has large governance over personal power and sexual energy. Kody clearly controls (to some extent) the wives reproductive power and has reproductive "say" (remember the nana nana boo boo he taunted Hunter with--"I can have as many kids as I WANT!"). He also controls their behavior by giving sexual attention to whomever is "sweetest", shall we say. The wives all compete (on an energetic level) for his attention. A lot is going on just below the surface of evidential behavior (like the manipulative and passive-aggressive behavior patterns exhibited by Robin).
      I think it's a lot to expect from any wife to accept this as fair play, mainly because it isn't FAIR. Perhaps it could be considered "balanced" from a scientific point of view in terms a molecular structure--Kody is huge with power of his own and what the women give up to him; the power they relinquish leaves them in a 'weaker' state with a weaker 'pull' so it takes four of them to "balance" his massive ego. Viewing Kody's massive ego, his inability to comport himself well, and his apparent lack of integrity makes more than one of us want to hurl a brick at the tv. And I am a tv lover.
      Oh yeah, a note on Jonestown. A great book I read last summer was "Seductive Poison: A Jonestown Survivor's Story of Life and Death in the People's Temple" by Deborah Layton. I think that people who accumulate power given over by others have the potential to 'turn bad' easily, seduced by power, or as some may describe (a cool shaman-healer named John Livingston--"Adversaries Walk Among Us"), they become a target for negative energy bundles or "demonic" energy. Something that's not for the best. The Old and New testament refer to this idea.


      Kody Brown totally looks like Charles Manson!!!!

    7. Sharon, I heard that Meri and Kody were obsessed w/ Big Love. When I found out that the Browns are selling their jewelry @ the Silverton Casino's gift shop Guilt, all I could think about was Margene. Didn't Margene get into one of those pyramid-scheme businesses, too, w/ a charismatic blow-hard? Lots of parallels, that's for sure!

    8. Kody Brown is a complete poser. He poses as a surfer dude. He poses as a cowboy. He poses as a hippy. He poses as a jewelry designer. He poses as a motorcycle dude. He poses as the family's preacher. He poses as a businessman. He poses as a scholar from his LaZboy chair in Christine's library. He poses as an earnest listener. He poses as a loving, involved husband. He poses as a loving, involved father. Who is Kody Brown? He is a narcissistic, horny little man with a short attention span and a quick temper disguised behind a big smile. Poser. Period.

    9. Does anyone know if that is part of their religion? Like if the wife brings in another wife does she get points in the afterlife or extra credit or something? I am trying to wrap my head around why Merri makes such a big deal about bringing Robyn in. Or is it more likely that Kody was philandering and she is covering so that Christine and Janelle don't know the truth? Or was she looking for an ally since Christine and Janelle get along and are actually friends and she was the odd one out? This whole arrangement is just bizarre!

    10. He is a poser Giltee Guilt, he has this stupid look that he gets on his face when any one of his wives are speaking. He crunches his eyebrows together and tries to look like "I am so interested in what you are saying, it is so deep and I am so present and involved and I really care about what your saying" I'm watching the Tamryn Hall interview right now and he does it over and over, when they show clips he does it then too...The truth is he isn't involved nor does he care he is just pretending, he has this act down. He is a poser, he must be really insecure!

  12. Wow, Meri is quite pretty with long hair.

    1. I rewatched the episode where they filmed Robin's 30th birthday. If she was born in 1978, that means they would have been filming in 2008, but Robyn's first TLC blog says that the 'summer of 2009' was the one that changed her life, when she met the family, etc. Were they lying about when they met, or how old she is, or what?

      Also, the date on their wedding invitation was May 22, 2010. Did they say at one point that it was in the fall?

    2. I'm going to be honest about something here, unlike the Browns, I've been going through a really rough time lately with finances (I work and my husband doesn't, so I'm under a lot of pressure), weight loss, and depression. I don't really have many close girlfriends to talk to anymore because I can't stand some of their attitudes (huge egos and think they're entitled to everyone, lots of them are mean spirited too), and I just want to say this blog has made my work week so much better (I read mostly at work during breaks). You guys cheer me up -- now come over here and gimme a smooch with a cold sore.

    3. Also Janelle looks 100 times better now! The Chin & Forever Rosy much the same...

    4. MsMarysKilla, I very much identify with your situation. So many of the things you described are going on with me, too! I am SO glad that you find humor and cheer here! While sometimes it can be heavy and, at times, I disagree with some of the leadership, I haven't given it up as it is an escape for me! Hope you have a great weekend, and I'll be praying for you!

    5. MsMarysKillah, good luck to you, i hope things get better! :)

    6. Twisted SisterWife,
      I think the discrepancies in dates for birthday and meeting the family, etc is due to filming. While the actual BD may have been in the spring, they may not have filmed it until the fall. The Gosselins filmed Christmas early. I wouldn't put it past the Browns to do the same and then be confused about the dates later. It's easy to remember the truth - not so easy to remember lies.

    7. A hug for you, ((((MsMary)))). Support flows to you from sunny AZ where it's a very comfortable 71 degrees right now.

      Music is extremely therapeutic, so I hope you'll play your favorite tunes.

      Keep posting here b/c you write wonderful comments, and I really enjoy reading them. Sending you best thoughts for a much better week ahead.

    8. The 30th birthday was filmed in2010, so that was on target.

    9. Robyn was born October 9, 1978.

  13. The Brown adults have proven that they do like like to be asked anything. They don't like their children to either..albiet Mylkelti a wild child because she is curious?
    I grew up in a house with 2 educated parents, dad had been in WWII. My brother is 12 years older than me. So I am in 1st grade and he's in College. Imagine the debates I heard!! Vietnam, politics, religion, you name it. Now I am more thankful than ever I had a peek into what freedom of speech was even at a young age. I get the feeling these folks are very...sheltered. A little more like the other Fundamental Mormons than they choose to admit.

    1. OMG Mister Sister, you are so cool. I can see how your upbringing (the nurture of "nature and nurture") influenced that. Well done, parents of Mister Sister!

    2. That would be Mister Sister Mother and Mister Sister Father.

  14. Amen! Thank you so much for this enlightening post - we are so used to misconstrued information on television, magazines, etc. that I think we have lost touch with reality a lot of the time. You hit the nail on the head here - it is very concerning, the power of media, and how things can always be twisted so that "they" can show you what they want you to see and believe.

    1. Hello Squeaky,
      Thank you.

      The networks and media only get away with what we allow them to get away with. Let them know your displeasure.

    2. We have let them know were tired of this nonsense, but since its paying the bills and fans continue to be dumb and stupid, this show aint leaving. Fans dont want educated about the horrors of this (religion) they are content to watch this, buy ugly Joolery, and toss out the God is the only one to judge them line when you try to show them the truth

  15. Jumpin the ToasterSharkSeptember 27, 2013 at 2:55 PM

    One question I would ask would be, How can you say your love your children, yet purposely put them through emotional hell when "fleeing" Utah, by lying to them about the family being jailed and ripped apart if they stayed in Utah? Those kids were twisted up 9 ways to Sunday with all that nonsense.

    One thing I noticed while clicking links a while back, the Brown's are available for private dinners and events, per their entertainment manager. Part of me wonders how much a private dinner would cost, and if "real" questions could be asked. I bet we could collect enough as a group to host a private dinner with the Brown's and send in Ed and his wife, Kristen Decker, MisterSister and a few others here, to go ask the questions we all want to know the answers to.

    1. Hello Jumpin...
      I would imagine those private engagements are researched fairly intensively and are quite pricey. I mean, you can hire The Rolling Stones to play at your birthday party if you have enough money. (I read somewhere that they did a birthday party gig for somebody and it cost more than what it would cost to put on a Stones concert in a big arena.)

      But, if it happens, I like my steak blood rare. It would sort of go with the line of questioning!

    2. I want in on the private dinner! I'll decorate the table, fold the napkins, pour the wine, make themed place cards, AND design t-shirts to commemorate the occasion. It's the least I can do.

      I also like my steak rare. We'll have to leave out the celery and tapioca, because of my allergies, but anything else would be fine. Do you think Kodpiece would still come if we didn't have celery?

    3. That sounds like fun. Who ever goes please take pictures and post them here.

    4. Heck I want in, but Twisted Sister Wife, could you hide some ropes or handcuffs in the fancy decorations? That way when they wanted to run away from the hard questions, they couldn't!

    5. Ohhhh... do it! I'll start saving my grocery money! =8-)

    6. Jumpin the ToasterSharkSeptember 27, 2013 at 11:34 PM

      I would want the place saturated with hidden cameras and mics, to catch every under the breath comment, head snap (complete with cartoon style sound effects), eye roll, chin quiver, nose pick etc. I would have someone lock the doors from the outside so no escape was possible, oh, and all the bathroom doors would be nailed shut, on the off chance someone wanted a place to go to feel persecuted. I would want to do what my mother always did to people she didn't like or approve of: kill them with kindness. Everything I would say, would be followed up with "sweetie", and a big smile.

      TwistedSisterWife, along with the commemorative shirts, we need to also have our own "iconic joo-ree" we can present to them as gifts. Something "em-poor-tent" enough for them to throw on the ground in the living room church retelling of the day the "truth set them free", or for them, the day their world came crashing down around their wetbars filled with pastries, and TLC walked out on them.

      I wonder if we will have real plates and silverware, or if it must be paper plates and plastic cups. I would hate to try to cut steak with a plastic knife. Just saying. hahaha

    7. What a splendid idea! I for one would not be able to go - as I would would most likely call them on their bull sh*& in a not so nice manner.
      I just thought of a way to raise money! The shirts Twisted SisterWife designs for the occasion could be sold to raise the money!!! Make one for me - I need an XS adult!


  16. Thanks, Ed. You and Cara are wonderful additions to the SWB group.

    Your experience as a journalistic writer (how's that, rather than simply a "journalist") speaks loudly of your credibility and ability to comment on Kody Brown history and MO.
    Your "Plygs" book is solid proof of your journalism AND writing skills.

    Again, you go right to the belly of the issue.
    If the Browns are not willing to coherently * and truthfully* define their religious foundation and beliefs to live as they do, then what other assumption can be drawn except that Kody Brown is nothing more than a randy, egotist looking for multiple sex partners.

    And he is smug in his arrogance that not only can he actively live his fantasy of onsite multiple sex ,he now gets to be well paid to publicly flaunt it.
    The fact that his sexual appetites have included producing a horde of children with no plan for their care other than relying on the taxpayers for needed supplementation before there was any TLC windfall is reprehensible.

    He is a particularly irritating narcissist. He believes his own myths, confident that he is garnering a stable on fans who will insure that this ride goes on and on.
    We need people like you who have the positioning and notoriety to keep him and others like him in the bulls eye of truth and exposure.

    **** Sincere thanks to MisterSister for bringing Ed and Cara Kociela and all the others to SWB.
    The last two weeks have been a whirlwind of new activity and info. MS, you are a dynamo !!

    1. Just love this post, Amused. Each paragraph has me cheering!

      Also, adding my praise for Mister Sister's mighty efforts. It's been a very expansive experience here at the SW Blog the past several weeks. Now that I'm doing some in-depth reading, I'm glad that I have the opportunity to talk to other people about polygamy. (If I haven't done the necessary background work to inform myself on a subject, I remain quiet b/c I can't stand it when people expound on things when all they have is a flimsy bumper sticker opinion.) I appreciate the facts that have been generously shared on this blog.

      Just have to end w/ one of your splendid lines, Amused:
      "If the Browns are not willing to coherently * and truthfully* define their religious foundation and beliefs to live as they do, then what other assumption can be drawn except that Kody Brown is nothing more than a randy, egotist looking for multiple sex partners." <------The.Truth.

    2. Hello Amused,
      Yes, kudos to Mister Sister for offering this space and we certainly appreciate her asking us to participate.

      As far as Kody, his wife and mistresses? I agree with you. I detest the religious implications without explanation.

    3. Humble thanks, Giltee Guilt.

      Ed, keep on your mission, please !!
      There are scores of people, both those trapped in the plyg world and those uninformed about it all, who need your brand of truth-reporting.

    4. Hello Amused,
      Thank you.

      The most important thing we can do is free young girls from the peril of underage marriage to the perverts who would abuse them. I stand for women's rights and hope the adults can find a way to live joyful, prosperous, fulfilling lives. I hope the young boys can escape being chained to the jobs they are attached to at an early age.

      It is a matter of human rights.

    5. Amused - what a wonderfully written post, and I completely agree. Ed, Cara, and so many others have been such a great addition here. I love to see your threads and comments. And a big thank you to all the people that run this blog, you really do a fantastic job!!!

  17. You should also ask if the women believe in plural marriage so strongly then way does the idea of a 5th wife seem to make them angry? I mean if a women of their faith has a affirmation from the lord that they are Kody's wife then why were they all sitting on the couch saying how offensive it is for them to have women ask to join their family? I could see it if the women asking aren't of the same beliefs as they are or they are joking but someone like myself who would be asking with honesty and being of the same beliefs... If they truly believe in the principle then why be offended? I'm positive that Kody answered the way he did because God is giving him the knowing that a 5th is out there and that's why he answered the way he did. He and I've never met and I know just as he does. Now all I need is the chance to be face to face with him... lmbo

    1. I think it makes them angry because Robyn has totally ruined the small family dynamic they had. Meri clearly hates Janelle and I think she hates Christine too. Robyn is the only one she even tries to talk to. It was so gross when she was sitting between Robyn and Kody and they were gazing all lovingly at one another, and Meri just looked like the replaced "wife". So sad. I wish her and her orange skin would get up the courage to leave.

    2. I recently watched the earlier seasons on Netflix. I'm amazed by the hostility now compared to just a few years ago. Meri and Janelle cannot even look at one another.

    3. Anon I was doing the same. They were putting on quite the show there at first! Meri couldn't even put her arm around janelle she they were taking pictures in the desert after their therapy session. It's obvious that they can't stand each other

    4. Kolleene was right, "Sister Wives Hate each Other"! They are putting on quite a show, and maybe Merri likes Robyn on the surface. It is obvious that they hate each other, Robyn and Christine, Christine has already stated that she has issues with her. This is likely why Robyn got so defensive and jumped all over Kolleene when she said it, because it was true!

  18. Great post. The snark factor is fun but at the heart of the matter is that this family decided to go on television as an attempt to gain understanding from the public regarding their "lifestyle." This is why I initially started watching the show. It certainly is not something I would choose, but perhaps these women would help me understand why they chose to live this way - I'm always up for learning new things.

    But what we see are four women who at turns are jealous, petty, mean, entitled, and judging by the amount of tears we see, miserable. Surrounding them are several surprisingly well-rounded children who nevertheless are missing a father figure and must live every day with an unhappy mother. And in the middle is Kody, fluffer of hair and flitterer extraordinaire. When he should be smack in the middle of the daily chaos, we see him asleep in someone's La-Z-Boy.

    So years later, not only do I not understand this "lifestyle," I can't imagine living it.

  19. If you've read my previous snarky posts, they're usually with questions about the legitimacy of what we're being shown as viewers. I don't understand these "Tell All" interviews when really there's nothing that is told. The Browns will not answer specific questions with honesty, it's always about "religion, monogamists are mean, persecution, let me live my life this way and too bad for others living this way -- I'm special, I'm entitled, I'm a cowboy..." It's not funny to even watch anymore, I mean honestly it's painful. I use to cringe at some of the scenes in Big Love and really, that was a fictional show.
    This show is supposed to be reality but if it were they wouldn't be replaying each and every melodrama they create, they'd be dealing with issues, finding jobs, trying to parent correctly and avoid throwing cookies on the floor, and they'd be TRYING to blend their families. You're not special because you cheat on your wife, Kody. Your other damsels are not wives. They're mistresses and their children are illegitimate and you DON'T father them.
    You treat only one “wife” well and that’s Robyn, who drums up fake tears to make you fall even more under her spell. She’s not a goddess; in fact she is more like a monster. The things she has said about her ex-husband and the father of her children are grounds during a custody battle to consider her possibly unfit. As a matter of fact, I’d be surprised if a court would allow her children to live with you guys if it did go to court since your relationship as a whole is fractured and this is illegal. It cannot be good to have children in that environment.
    I am not kidding when I say I’m very, very disappointed in TLC and others who continue to try to show how this man and his harem should be allowed to live illegally without persecution. It’s against the law, period. And shame on TLC for picking on Kolleen and showing that “sisterwives hate each other” clip. Anyone with half of a brain can tell she wasn’t talking about the group of bitter ladies to her left – she was talking about “sisterwives” as in the general population of sisterwives.


    1. Wow! I really hope that TLC visits this blog and reads comments like yours, MsMary. Add in Kodouche & the Groupies, too!

    2. Agree!! Great post MsMarysKilla

    3. Amen sister! (pun intended)

    4. MsMaryskilla.... clapping hands loudly!!! Whoo Hoo!


  20. I think they don't explain the religion to us b/c they know that since most of us are not Mormon. We would think it was weird and then people would really question them.

    1. We would think their religion is weird because it IS weird---c'mon---Kody "calling" his "wives" up to his alleged planet----that is weird...except to other AUBers and the few who are like-minded.

    2. I agree. I was just trying to be polite. lol

    3. I am a semi-religious person, but even I have to say that ALL religions seem weird when you try to explain the beliefs. Catholicism, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc., all have stories and tenets that require people to have faith in the unbelievable and may seem weird. I don't say this to offend anyone's religion, but to point out that religion requires that people suspend their disbelief and have faith. It requires a certain amount of uncertainty and giving up of yourself to the higher power.

      I would like the Browns to explain their religion since it is the reason they have chosen to have a plural marriage. While I may not understand or buy into their religion, I think it would be much more interesting than watching Kody run around the cul-de-sac or hearing Robyn bash her ex for stealing her purity. I would have way more respect for the Browns if they used the platform that TLC has afforded them to truly explain their beliefs. What I think is weirder is the fact that they create these dumb story lines that seem artificial and contrived and claim they are happy when almost every episode includes at least one wife crying, acting jealously, or obviously hurt.

    4. Hello Canadian Ginger,
      I agree. That won't happen, though for two reasons.

      First, considering the track record of this show, to suddenly start trying to make sense would be way out of the standard episodes already broadcast. It would force Kody to explain things he doesn't seem to understand.

      Second, in the realm of TLC, I don't know if they would actually go for something of substance.

    5. I also sometimes wonder if Kody actually understands his own religion well enough to explain it.

      Remember when TLC actually stood for "The Learning Channel"? It was years ago, but I seem to recall that they actually did have shows that had substance.

    6. That was evident from what the audience menber said in the poast. He. admitted he didn't know much, which contadicts his book.

  21. Mister Sister, I am LOVING all of the information on this blog lately. I have learned so much since this Brown charade began. I think back to that time, when I thought polygamy was a mostly harmless if usually sexist practice and didn't think it was my place to judge. Now I've done a lot of reading and thanks to this blog and that outside reading, I realize just how profound the abuse of polygamy can be for ALL involved. In that vein, please let me know if I can do a book review. I've read "Church of Lies" and will be reading "Innocence Lost" this weekend. It would be my privilege to contribute if it is needed/wanted.

    Cara, Ed, and of course the survivors of polygamy you are such assets to this blog, thank you for the information you pass along. It is truly eye-opening.

    I feel naive due to how blown away I am at the lies and contradictions of the Brown family. I truly believe Kody has Narcissitic Personality Disorder and probably ADHD. The combination thereof rendering this the perfect "lifestyle" for him where he is the constant focal point, does no work but gets all glory, and doesn't have need nor use of too much thinking.

    One thing I disagree with some on though is that Janelle, Christine, and Robyn are mistresses versus wives. I recognize that the law does not see them as wives but I find the law to be discriminatory in this issue. I have many gay friends who live as married people but aren't married in the eyes of the law. Due to that, I have grown to think of marriage as more of a personal issue than a legal one. So, if people live as married and claim to be married, I will honor that. I find it unnecessarily disrespectful to refer to any of the wives as "mistresses".

    Sort of related, I find it frustrating when the family is referred to as Kody Brown and the women/the wives/his wives/the mistresses, etc. I feel like polygamy marginalizes women so much already, to deprive them of being referred to by name yet to allow that Kody has a name feels hurtful and inappropriate. I'm just putting that out there because women in polygamy are victims that have so much of their identity stolen from them anyway, I would hate to deprive them of any more. And these are just my personal feelings obviously.

    Anyway, keep up the amazing work everyone. I am so grateful for this blog. I'm trying to find a way to give back and support on this issue because it has become so important to me just from all I've learned through here.

    1. Alice, you've made some very good points here. I realize that I've over-snarked by referring to the Browns as Kodouche & the Groupies, and I will stop. You are so right that polygamy already marginalizes the women.

      I'm glad that you commented, Alice.

    2. No one except Meri is a wife to Kody. While you may disagree with the law, it is, nevertheless, the law. Janelle, Christine and Robyn are not Kody's wives and their pretense that Kody is their "husband" is just that---a pretense.

    3. You make thoughtful comments, Alice, but standardized, operational definitions are important when we're talking about the law and society. Meri is the wife and Janelle, Christine, and Robyn are, IN FACT, mistresses. Where gays can (and do) marry legally, I recognize their marriage. In the United States, polygamy is explicitly illegal and I refuse to grant the Brown mistresses the "legal wife" respectability they arrogantly think they're entitled to. Let them move to Saudi Arabia if they wish to practice polygamy and be called "wives." Polygamy is legal there.

    4. *with respect to your opinion, Alice*

      As is sadly the case in the awful hard-core plyg sects, Janelle, Robyn and Christine *were not* promised to Kody.
      They were not held captive in a shuttered environment. Janelle and Robin had already been married monogamously. Christine was looking for a plyg husband, They freely chose to live and bed with him knowing they would not be legal.

      They also freely chose to have children by him, children whom may or may not even have their father's name on their certificates. Children with basic human needs which their father could not, and cannot, possibly provide or even successfully contribute to without a TV show or former welfare and bankruptcies.

      Absolutely, polygamy *does* marginalize women....and horribly so!!
      Which is why one wonders why *free* women would choose to do it to them themselves and to their children.
      Muddying the waters of reality with deflections of "we are being persecuted.." only incurs research and speculation of the real facts in the Browns' specific case.
      Where is *their* line of responsibility ??

    5. Hello Alice,
      I understand your point. However, I use the term mistress because it is the most accurate. Purporting to be married while legally married to another is against the law in all 50 states, therefore, the act they are staging as Kody Brown and his wives, has absolutely no basis. A gay couple purporting to be married is quite another thing. They do not identify themselves as being married, but as a committed couple. I understand what you are saying and it is very true that polygamy marginalizes women. However, it is what it is.

    6. I have to agree with MrSpock. A law is indeed a law whether it's to your liking or not. The Brown women can be called many things...mistresses, side dishes, baby mamas, girlfriends...but wives is just not one of them. JMHO.

    7. Dear Alice,
      Here each can state what they see it as, so if they want to say mistress, that's how they see it. Free speech so to speak. If you'd like to do a review, just email me!!

    8. Technically under the law they are "Concubines" that is what they are, not "Mistresses, or Common Law Wives, or Wives" That is the legal term. Joseph F Smith Sr. was the LDS Prophet who declared the second manifesto which completely ended polygamy in the Mormon Church. It had been ended before but there were still outliars. His first wife, his legal wife divorced him through the courts, it was quite scandalous for the time. Her divorce petition was granted on the grounds that he had taken "Concubines". Living as if they are husband and wife but they are not because he already has a legal wife, so not mistresses, not lovers, they are Concubines!

    9. starbugary, you're so right about the word concubine. TY
      I wasn't sure of the definition so I checked the good 'ole Webster's Dictionary which says:
      concubine: an unmarried woman who has sex with a man and lives with the man and his wife or wives
      I guess the difference between mistress and concubine is that a mistress doesn't live with the man and his wife or wives and a concubine does.
      I learn something new every day.

  22. Oh and that interview was the biggest sham. I wish there was some way we could expose all that we know as truths here on a grand scale so all of the "fans" can see who they're supporting.

  23. Does anyone really believe Kody is getting any action beyond "honeymoon"ing with Robyn? Come on. His relationship with Janelle was always platonic. He's always been disgusted by Christine. They state this in the book! They are obviously procreating but that is their religious duty..

    1. Anon 5:58 You are stating the obvious.

  24. Get A Haircut and Get A Real JobSeptember 27, 2013 at 6:43 PM

    Hi Everyone, I've been enjoying this blog for about a year but, have never posted a comment. You all are doing such a wonderful job. I love the snark just as much as anyone. However, I appreciate the new direction that you are taking. I also appreciate the time and hard work that you all invest in this blog. Well done and thank you.
    By the name is a George Thorogood song. I got the idea from Came in through the Bathroom Window!!!!
    Thank you again

    1. We welcome you!!! Looking forward to hearing more from you and love your name!

  25. Nauseous to find out whether or not it's a boy or a girlSeptember 27, 2013 at 6:45 PM

    Great post. Boy, would love to get the answers to Ed's questions!

    One part of the interview that got me thinking was Kody saying he was surprised more families didn't follow him into public. To me, this is confirmation of an important aspect of the "lifestyle": that other members of his religion use secrecy as one of their tools to keep women in. It's a well-known fact that polygamists do not have to fear prosecution, because it doesn't happen. They do, however, have to maintain fear and mind control within the group. Being an open family exposes the children to harmless (even loving) and normal experiences with monogamous people.

    Sorry if I'm not supposed to do this, but I also want to comment on the UNLV panel episode. When I watched the episode, I saw the Brown adults as immature and defensive. I perceived the TLC editing to subtly expose the Browns' inability to show or argue any benefit of their lifestyle, thereby proving, in a way, the other panelists' positions. I feel the same way about footage in general, actually (Kody's regular cries of persecution followed by footage of interactions that prove otherwise, for instance.) However, my perception might be biased by own negative opinion of the Browns.

    -A Davis

    1. Hello Nauseous,
      You must understand that the fundamentalists are and always have been extremely secretive. They are secretive about their practices, which are, of course, illegal. They also obfuscate their religious beliefs. Now, many religions have a level of mystery attached to their faith, but there is a difference, I believe, between mystery and secrecy. What they don't realize is that eventually, all secrets come out into the open.

  26. Mr.Spock I disagree. I think the legal definition of marriage is not the most important consideration in respecting other people's beliefs on the subject. Marriage is a very personal thing and the law is discriminatory on this issue. I would rather honor someone's commitment than a discriminatory law. Another example is my SIL and BIL who have been together 15 years and share a child and a home but have never filed for marriage. It's just not a priority for them and that's perfectly fine. It's really no one else's business, but if they want to call each other husband and wife, why should someone refuse and insult them because of a piece of paper? Also, calling the kids "illegitimate" seems unkind and outdated to me. So many people have kids outside of marriage these days, who really cares? I think it's typical irresponsible Kody if he isn't on the birth certificates though. There's no legitimate reason his name shouldn't be on there.

    1. If you are married, you are married. If you aren't married, you aren't married.

      If your kids are born out Of wedlock, they are not legit according to the law. That's just the way it is.

    2. Also, society must continue to care that children are best cared for and nurtured in a two parent home because it is best for the child.

      Additionally, we must continue to care because the alternative is that the children of the promiscuous then become a burden to society.

    3. Hello Alice,
      At some point, couples living together after a certain period of time become legally married in the eyes of the state in a 'common-law' marriage. I think the term 'illegitimate' as far as children are concerned, has fallen pretty much out of use and is unkind. At least we haven't seen the other term used. But, again, we are talking about monogamy here. Polygamy? Another thing entirely.

    4. I chose MrSpock as my nom de plume for a reason, because I like the way MrSpock thinks---logically and with little sentiment. A person can think they are a princess/fireman/astronaut/king/husband/wife/you name it, but, unless they really are that person and can legitmately hold a certain "title" then I am not going to play "pretend" with them just because they think they are something they are not. But, having said that, I will also point out that I have never called Janelle, Christine or Robyn by any other "titles" such as "mistress," "baby-mama" or the like (and, BTW, I am not "condemning" those who have on the blog---snark just isn't my strong suit), but I absolutely will not call those three ladies Kody's wives---because they aren't. What interests me about the show and the players is their belief system which I find so amazingly without logic and so devoid of reality that it reminds me of the Hale-Bopp Comet group (Heaven's Gate) who thought they should all kill themselves and hitch a ride on the spaceship supposedly tailing the comet as it sped by. That is how nutty I think polygamy based on religion is.

    5. Ed--thank you so much for your great post! I just wanted to ad that not all states have common law marriage laws. Oregon, for one does not.

    6. Mr. Spock,
      I agree. They are not wives and I have a real problem with calling them that, which is why I settle on mistress because, well...

    7. and if i was legal first wife, i would simply refer to my husband as Banty Rooster or Alley Cat or Horn Dog for a more accurate description. ;P

  27. Giltee I missed your comment. Thank you for your kind words! I don't expect everyone to agree with me, but just wanted to share my perspective :)

    1. One of the things I sincerely enjoy about this unique blog, Alice, is that people can present their various perspectives here in a respectful manner.

  28. Great job Ed.
    One aspect I would hit Kody and Krew with is race. I would ask, isn't it true that in your religion that men of African extraction are banned from holding the priesthood, even though this is open to all other men? Also, isn't it true that the teaching of AUB ( the polygamist group to which you belong) is that marriage between blacks and whites is the gravest possible sin, and one that Brigham Young said was worthy of death - so Kody could never have a black mistress (cough cough, I mean wife) ?

    1. Yes! Yes!! Yes!!!

      I doubt that these particular questions could ever remain on the SW Facebook page or on the TLC site for longer than 2 seconds, though. There's no way that TLC doesn't pre-screen the questions for the Browns' interviews. In fact, I wouldn't doubt it if the Browns have hammered out a deal where they have to approve the questions that will be asked. I hope that when their new season starts and they go on those morning programs to promote it, some brave person will ask something along these lines in live time. It would be fantastic!

      Btw, ex AUB, I'm so glad that you post here b/c I've learned a lot from your comments. Thanks!

    2. I have a question. Does Aub discriminate against other ethnic groups,or just blacks? Can they be friends with people who don't look like them? Thanks

    3. Hello ex-AUB,
      The Southern Poverty Law Center released a report eight years ago that included the FLDS church on its
      list of hate groups because the church condemns interracial relationships. Warren Jeffs, self-named prophet of the FLDS, has said, "the black race is the people through which the devil has always been able to bring evil unto the earth." The AUB is an offshoot of the FLDS.

    4. I wish the SPLC cared as much about how the AUB and FLDS hated and abuse women.

    5. Of course Ed, AUB claims that it's the other way around - what became the FLDS split from them! But you're right, they were both the same group at one time, and both share the same racist views.

  29. Ed, thank you! Those are the exact same questions that I would love the Browns to actually have to answer. Unfortunately their mission is to sell us an airbrushed version of polygamy, so I'm quite sure we'll never get the truth. At least they aren't very good at keeping their stories straight so we can see all the slip-ups...and there are many!

  30. I agree that their relationships have absolutely nothing to with their supposed religion. If they were strict adherents to their chosen religion, they would not hesitate to be talking about it.

    If you've ever met a Mormon, they are always very willing to share their religious beliefs with you. To the point of sharing one of their "sacred" books with you for free.

    If the Brown family is only seeking acceptance of their lifestyle, that's one thing, but don't cloud it up with the false impression that you are doing it for your salvation. It reeks of insincerity.

    I have since unfollowed every single one of the Brown family members from Twiiter, Facebook & Instagram.

  31. Great questions, Ed. I wish someone would ask and that some plyg families would be willing to answer.

  32. M.S. when you mark pics. Of the should pink, yellow or orange, right where the big bald spots. So if color all of it. I think it would look so cook

  33. If I were to ask some questions of Kody they would be... Is Robyn sealed to you? Is her children? From my understanding of the religion is that to obtain a religious divorce, the spouses also go thru a un-breaking of their seals that they aren't truly divorced until then.

    Also I would want to know if he considers Robyn's children to be his now, because every time I have saw his interactions with the children he seems to act as if they aren't there. Why does he insist on them calling him Daddy? They have a father, who is living, and who is present in their lives so they don't need a replacement father, unless of course they have been un-sealed from him and now are sealed to you.

    1. Robin told me they asked him if they could call him Dad. This was after the whole cookie throwing incident. I think her exact words were, "no, sweetie, THEY asked him if..." Ha! This was on Twitter after I very nicely cautioned her about talking badly about their real dad.

    2. I'd love it if David Preston Jessop would come onto this blog and visit, he could answer a lot of questions. I think he'd find a lot of support, it is so obvious that Robyn is just telling her side and she makes him look very bad. Be interesting if he'd let Ed interview him...Is David Preston Jessop a polygamist? Is he related to Flora Jessop? I can't imagine that he is under any kind of TLC contract and I'd also imagine that his permission was required for his children to appear on the show. If their divorce docs state that they aren't to publically disparage each other then Robyn has already violated that one...Have the admins of this blog reached out to him?

    3. David has since left the church. When him and Robyn were married, they indeed were sealed in the church. He does not want to live plural marriage. He filed for divorce from Robyn, so not sure how she is saying she left. He however respects the church and his parents are still in the church. I was told he won't make waves and probably doesn't watch the show.

    4. "so not sure how she is saying she left." i think she's saying it the same way she states that rather than cause problems with their outstanding debt, she just agreed to take them upon herself to pay them in the divorce decree. HAH! they were ultimately her own personal debts that David wouldn't pay and Robyn ultimately DIDN'T pay them off either as we learned during her mansion buying qualification process. lol This woman really has not credibility in ANY of her "reality" show statements she makes.

  34. Pure snark here, but does anyone else find it amusing that Kody refers to himself as a "surfer dude" yet he's from Yoming and Utah? It's the American West, it's dry and dusty, and the only thing to surf is sagebrush. Waterski dude, possible. Surfer dude, no.

    1. Hello Anon,
      As somebody who hit the waves at Huntington and Newport along the SoCal coast, I know a surfer when I see one. Kody Brown is a hodad (a non-surfer or poser who pretends to surf, but is complete incapable of doing so; someone who drives to the beach with a board on the car, sticks his board in the sand and tans and picks up Betties.)

      Gnarly, dudes and dudettes!

    2. I live in Perth Western Australia, and we have some amazing surf breaks along our coastline. Here Kody wouldn't get away with calling himself a surfer dude, he would just be called a dirty old man.

    3. If Kody could surf, we would have seen him doing so on his ocean honeymoon w/Robyn and his ocean vacation w/the Dargers. 'nuff said.

  35. Hi guys! I've got some major computer issues. Hopefully will be running better soon.

  36. Kody and Robyn are practicing "The Secret" law of attraction. Popular new age self help by Rhonda Byrne. Google it. Too bad it doesn't work.

    1. I agree Anon. I posted the same thing towards the beginning of this thread. I referenced Jodi Arias - ugh as she's how I became acquainted with the book and 'movement'. And, you're right. It doesn't work.

    2. The Jodi Arias thing is pretty creepy. I think it's unfortunate that she asserted a belief in "The Secret" and that it is now being free-associated with her.
      Scientology--the power of mind over matter. The Old and New Testament is FULL of declarations that by staying positive, 'doing God's best', all good things shall come to pass. The pastor Joel Osteen of Lakewood Church (his sermons are aired on cable and his books are bestsellers) continually refers to the power of positive thinking (encouraging everyone to remind themselves that they are a child of the most high God) and it's influence (along with doing the right thing) on what comes to pass.
      It's more than a movement with a label. We each have to power to change and heal our lives; some people might squander visualization efforts on imagining a cuddle sac McMansion, others might use it to recover from an illness by visualizing health. It has worked for many. Part of the "magic" is the belief that it will work.

  37. I have been blocked on their facebook. I simply pointed out the obvious about their business practices. The browns developed a false narrative about pleading for money..the sheeple responded, and are still waiting for these drifters to contact them or ship their be screaming to the credit card company from high heaven

  38. I along with all of you are very thankful for this wonderful place to join and share out thoughts. I ADORE Mister Sister and think that she totally rocks!! This blog has been growing and gaining strength over the years. We are thankful to be "new additions" to the voices here and enjoy all of the visits we have :)

    There are some that say that the tone of the blog is changing... in some ways I can see that... but just wait ... the snark will return with the next season if not WAY before... as soon as the Browns make another oops... (and they will) by then we will all be educated snarkers... that makes us all even more awesome :)

  39. So, who was the 18-year old they decided not to marry?

    Just wondering...!

    1. Wasn't she only 17 when Meri and Kody started dating her? If I remember correctly, Meri was more heartbroken than Kody when the girl bolted.

      I remember that they were youth group leaders at one point and that's how they spotted Christine. Ugh. Imagine in any other religion when the youth pastor starts hitting on a 17 year old girl. He would be under the jail instead of patted on the back like the AUB do men who go after those young girls.

  40. Awesome analysis, Ed! There's a lot of stupid shows on TLC. The transformation of the Browns (Kody, his wife and his mistresses) is transparent. Kody is a salesman. He's finally hit the big time after years of bankruptcies and failures. He's boring because he has no other profession or trade except for selling Kody. Their 15 minutes of fame has lasted too long. Bring on another plyg family, one where the dad actually works for a living.

  41. If the Browns make it to another season and to another "tell all" and if I were in charge they would have a choice: either answer every one of Ed's/SWB's questions truthfully or promise to never appear in the public eye (the show, appearances, books, silly tweets to keep "fans" hooked) again. They are selling their lives via the show so either share or leave.

    This is starting to become like a bad break up when the guy/girl just doesn't get it. You start with "it isn't you it is me" to be polite. I think it is getting to the point that we need to say "IT IS YOU" to the Browns. Maybe call the police for real? They need to go away. They are a joke. There appear to be more books and shows on the horizon that have more substance. Thanks MS et al for bringing them to light.

  42. (Formerly the Magic Hat Says)

    Thank you so much for your insight!

    I'm wondering if Tamron was selected to conduct the interview because she's African America?
    What kind of statement would this make to the AUB community?

    What about this "religion" convinced Kody to convert?
    Same question for Janelle.

    Since he didn't grow up in this "lifestyle", who did he pattern himself after?

    Did Janelle, and then Christine approach Kody and/or Meri requesting to join the "family"?
    What thinking process went into those decisions?.

    How has Janelle been able to justify staying in this "relationship" where she could daily sense
    the animosity directed at her?
    Does she acknowledge that is one of the underlying reasons for the weight issue?
    Why did she return?
    Christine was raised in the same way & same family that Kristyn Decker was.
    How can their perceptions and experiences be polar opposites?
    Could Christine speak objectively to that issue?

    Put Keith Morrison on this! He and his staff do their homework
    and would call them out on any inconsistencies!
    Too bad Mike Wallace is no longer with us-- that would have also been a great interview!!

    Thanks MS for the blood, sweat, and tears you put into this blog!
    I too have read so many books in the last couple of weeks, educating myself regarding the lies in the name of religion that have caused and perpetuated the emotional and physical abuse of so many women and children.

    I find myself thinking about and praying for these people throughout the day...
    and trying to think of ways to penetrate the veil of imposed ignorance and secrecy that keeps these people believing that this suffering is what is required...
    while those in power know that the religion is hogwash and deliberately deceive and impose their "revelations" in order to fill their beds and line their pockets.

    TRUE prophets wouldn't profit!

    1. Compound W - you mentioned Mike Wallace interviewing the Brown's & it made me think of 60 Minutes which then had me thinking about the late, great Andy Rooney. I would have loved to have seen Andy Rooney do a piece on the Brown's. It would have been classic snark!

    2. LOL!
      I can hear him saying "Have you ever wondered...?"
      He was the King of Snark!!

  43. A good point was brought up - why aren't the Browns asked the tough questions when they are not being interviewed on a TLC show? Okay, so Tamron Hall probably had to ask the fluffy questions because the show was sponsored by TLC. But the Browns have been on Anderson Cooper, several morning shows, and I can't even think of where else they've gone en masse...but so many excellent questions have come up on this blog. They need to be asked.

    If the Browns are going to put themselves out there for all to see, they need to respond to the people who are helping them cash a paycheck by watching their shenanigans every week.

    1. Hello Laurakaye,
      One reason for so many softball interviews is because the interviewers develop a reputation. If you ask hard questions, interview subjects will shy away. It's not like the old days when there were fewer options. There are a ton of interview shows out there and you can pick and choose. Enough to where if you are doing publicity, you can weed out the tough ones and stick with the softer ones, which is why some interviewers, at least in the so-called celebrity circuit, ask non-invasive questions.

      I think, however, the public reacts more positively to a real, honest-to-God interview rather than a soft one. Anderson Cooper on CNN is different than he was on his talk show. And, Anderson Cooper doing a hard news piece on CNN is much different than Anderson Cooper doing an entertainment piece on CNN. His reporting on Hurricane Katrina was powerful. His talk show? Not so much. I like him a lot, but, he had to play the game with his talk show that he did not have to play with news.

    2. I like him a lot, but, he had to play the game with his talk show that he did not have to play with news.

      I agree Ed. The same with Tamron asking questions on the Brown's show. She was playing along with what TLC wanted the message to be. She wasn't doing her own interview, she was just someone hired to ask questions someone else had written for her.

  44. About the timeline of the show that others have mentioned above... did anyone else notice that the first scenes of sister wives show Meri with short hair? The intro scenes, moving Robin scene, Mexico anniversary scene, telling the kids Robin was entering the family etc. The only time Meri is shown with long hair (like the picture in this blog post above) is at Robin's birthday party. I feel like the entire first season is told out of order and I wonder the real story. I realize all reality shows are scripted or staged in some way but it seems like in this case Robin and Kody were in a committed relationship long before they started this show. I mean they had her birthday party first and then later did a scene where they tell the kids Robin will enter the fanily. I bet their agreement to do the show was solely for money. It was the one way Robin could afford to move closer to Kody, Meri could go to Mexico, and the others could afford groceries.

    1. Just like they edited the show for drama to appear that Christine received her necklace last, they also rearranged other history to suit their storyline.

  45. Amazing that according to Christine, she was a poor single mom living alone, renting off of Kody during this time! Most as at least 6months after the fact. The birthday of Robyn was totally off. If she was born Oct. 1979, her birthday would have been her 30th in 2009, when they were filming. Who kno ws with these people. Maybe she throws her heart necklace down and gains a year!

    1. I think I can offer some clarity on Robyn's age. I don't think anything shady is going on, it is just the way the production company edited everything that makes it confusing(I just threw up in my mouth a little for defending the Browns). I put on the third episode of the very first season when the teen girls throw Robyn a birthday party. It's called "wives on the move." In the very beginning, Kody says that he has been courting Robyn for a while and they are engaged. The teen daughters are to throw a party for her. Mykelti asks what is the age that she is turning and Madison says 31. So she was 30 when filming started and turned 31 during the engagement. She was born in 1978.

      They started filming in 2009, had a very long engagement, which I believe I remember reading was 9 months.They got married in May of 2010 and the show premiered in the fall of 2010. In a later episode of season 1, the wives were debating whether Robyn should get equal Kody time after she moved to Lehi but was not married yet. She felt she did because "engagement had to go on for so long"..and I think these engagements with this crowd usually last just a few months. Also, Kody just tweeted a couple of days ago how it had been four years ago that he and Robyn got engaged. It all adds up but the production company did some really choppy editing to fit a storyline. In fact during the party scenes, Meri has long hair, but in every other scene during season one she has that terrible, fried shoulder-length style.

  46. I believe meri had on hair extensions in that one scene

  47. Megan R, I would bet money that Robin is sealed to Kody along with the rest of the wives assuming they have a temple or other place to do it. And as far as her kids go, the Mormons have 'adopted' each other as children, along with adopting children whose parents couldn't care for them at the time due to illness or whatever.

    As far as what I would ask the Browns if I could interview them, I'd get my copy of Sandra Tanner's book The Ever Changing World of Mormonism, and read quotes from the chapter The Sorrows of Polygamy to them, and ask for comments. You can read it by googling it as there's a PDF version. It talks about the same thing Christine's aunt mentions how she became suicidal when her husband went on his honeymoon with his new wife.

    I would also confront them on claiming that Joseph Smith has the 'restored gospel,' and why if they believe in the Jesus of the Bible, they don't believe Him when He says that 'they neither marry nor are given in marriage' in Heaven.

    I would also focus on the issue of jealousy, and quote some Proverbs about it referring to extramarital affairs, and how destructive they are. The Kodettes are deluding themselves if they think it's normal to share a spouse and not be upset by it.....

    1. ... the Mormons have 'adopted' each other as children, along with adopting children whose parents couldn't care for them at the time due to illness or whatever.

      They may have 'adopted' them in the spiritual sense but I don't think they have legally. I commented on the next thread about this same thing with regard to the decriminalization of polygamy and the legal ramifications.

      Do you think any of the Browns have taken steps to provide for their minor children if something would happen to the moms? IF Kody is not on all the birth certificates, who would get custody?

      As careless as they are with other important details in their lives like health and car insurance and paying their bills, I'm doubtful they hired an attorney each time a new child was born to ensure they'd not face tons of legal problems if one of the moms died. SMH

  48. Regarding the discussion above about timeline and out of order scenes, and especially Meri's long hair at Robyn's pre-wedding birthday party, I always assumed that party was filmed as a "test day" for production to see the footage before officially signing a contract. I think it's common to do that, test footage to decide if the cast will work.

  49. A reminder we welcome opposing viewpoints. We do not, however, post comments where you are telling others what to say or do, or attacking them. say your point without telling others what to do. Thanks!

  50. Anonymous 3:47, you're exactly right. I have no illusion that any of this is legal, just that it has been done in the past, and is part of their temple rituals. I have a 3rd great aunt who was adopted by one of their apostle's families back in the early days of Nauvoo where Joseph Smith ruled. She was sealed to them for eternity, and is included in the family on one genealogy site I'm on.

    I would assume they are currently paying their bills as they have an income, but before their show, Janelle and Christine where single mothers with a brood of kids the state supported. As far as the mothers dying, I assume they would want the children to live with a sister wife as Meri talked about once with her sister dying.

  51. This is what I don't get. I get Kody: he had three old women in his life and wanted a new, thin one. Perfectly understandable. I get Robyn: she was an unemployed single mother and Kody is her meal ticket, and a good one these days at that.

    What I don't get is why the three older women are willing to humiliate themselves and humiliate their own children by hanging on. He's over you; it's obvious; move on. (Oops, that was telling others what to do.) The abuse that pains me is having to see these daughters witnessing their mothers' constant humiliation and acceptance of it. It can't be too fun for the sons either, but at least they don't have to internalize that identity.
