Sunday, September 1, 2013

"Sister Wives" "Tell All" s04 e11 Spoilers, Gossip, Talk p2

Continue Sister Wives Tell All Comments here!! p 2
Poster by Twisted Sister


  1. It's a My Little Kody hair ribbon! I love it Twisted Sister!

    1. That is awesome. Hysterical but not malicious either. That's a tough balancing act and you handle it so well.

      Love your work!

    2. I agree, She-Rah! Twisted Sister is amazingly creative! Always makes me smile, and never malicious!

    3. Oh my Twisted Sister... I never dreamed when I suggested a My Little Kody ponytail holder that you'd cook up one this dang adorable. And rainbow pride colors, no less. Of course, since he's a plyg hubby his iconic mug shot needs to accessorize it too. Way too funny.

      I'm on the West Coast and haven't watched the show yet tonight since I had to go somewhere. From what everyone is saying tonight's show should be quite snark-able...

    4. Twisted Sister, I think a white headband with the Kodster on it should be next... ;-)

    5. I love it too - how bout the cover of those teen idol mags we used to read (16, Tiger Beat, etc) with all the heads being Kody in all his beady eyed expressions?? *dream date* lol

    6. embracingourpurrrritySeptember 23, 2013 at 1:58 PM


  2. There were entirely too many clips and almost no new revelations. The big lead up to "Are you all friends" was a big nothing. The clip that showed Robyn shaking her head in a negative way really came from a discussion of last week's panel discussion. If TLC would edit the show as carefully as they edit the teaser we might really see a good production.

  3. Kody in a giant diaper would be a great picture. No big boy panties for him...

    1. Well...that would be a picture to see!

    2. Question is - would he wear them under or over his magic underwear. Likewise, have wondered if the Victoria's Secret wardrobe of Sobbyn's is sized for over or under. Perhaps Kodpiece could be "Baby New Year". Then the wives could "change" him and make resolutions for a bright new beginning - kind of a recommitment ceremony. Christine could remove the doo doo diaper, Meri could rinse it out in her wet bar, Janelle could hang it up to dry (like I bet she wishes she could hang Kody out to dry) and Sobyn could present baby Kodpiece with the restored pure diaper.

    3. New catch phrase - right out of Kody's pie hole - "Poop Storm".

      Oh dear Twisted Sister. Make this vision so........

      Baby Kody wearing a diaper, sitting cross legged like a meditating "hippie" wearing love beads, flashing peace signs in a poop storm.

      Man, some weeks I just love this freak show.

  4. So let me know what you think.
    Once we work everything out, is it easier to have the link page and keep all the discussion behind the main post?
    It will clean up the Blog archive.
    Let me know!

    1. I don't understand the question---what do you mean by "keep all the discussion behind the main post"?

    2. I like the second page......once I figured it out. I was refreshing for 10 mins during first show before I finally READ what you posted.... duhhhhhhh. :-)

    3. MrSpock, creating the links instead of page after page

    4. Well, Mister Sister, I am a dope when it comes to anything technical regarding blogs---I still don't understand what you mean---but, with that, my response to your question is do what you think is best. :-)

    5. For me, its much easier to understand the flow of conversation. I had difficulties finding page 2 once you stopped comments on the first page.

    6. I thought it worked really well Mister Sister...a continuous flow of great comments!

    7. I don't mind the change in format. Seems fine to me.

      Give it a test run for awhile, and find out others' opinions.

    8. I'm with MrSpock; still don't understand what you mean!

      But I do like the continuous flow Boston Corgi mentioned; but I don't think that's what happened tonight, is it? Because some of us were commenting on the Therapy page, and some on the Q&A Page. I like when you close the page to one thing, and then open a page to the next. Huh?

      Technologically challenged doesn't even begin to describe me!!

    9. We started it with the Review and are going to try to stick to the format awhile. We've used it here before once or twice.
      To keep the posts in a better order, to keep so many pages from clogging up the archive.

      We will add a page that you simply click to get to when the comment area is getting full. I think once we get the hang of it, it will turn out to be better.

    10. Having now read all of the comment pages for tonights shows, I like it this way too! Very easy to follow a thread!

    11. I like this way too!

    12. YES, I love the new page set up. It's much easier to keep track of shows and discussions. And, when going back to find a certain subject/show it'll be so nice to look for 1 specific title or date and find all the discussions for it right there with multiple pages rather than separate blog posts sometimes scattered among unrelated others.

      As an aside, I personally don't care for the threaded comment set up. I try to check the blog numerous times a day and find it very difficult to remember where I left off. Going back and finding new replies to comments is soooo repetitive and time consuming and I miss so many new replies. If it's an option I think just a steady stream of comments and replies together would be easier to keep track of. If replying to a certain comment it's easy to just copy and paste the pertinent lines into your reply.

  5. 1. If it takes years to try to be friends with someone, then that friendship is not going to happen. Friendships are a natural occurrence, so all the therapy in the world won't make people friends.

    2. If I had to "work" on all my relationships all the time that would be exhausting. Either it is there, or it isn't. Walking the hills (and ant hills) of Sedona will not a marriage or friendship make. Breathing in and out deeply isn't going to cut it either.

    1. I agree, MrSpock, with your assessment of the Brown Sister Wives.

      Nevertheless, I also think it's important for all of us to work on deepening our natural friendships in an emotionally healthy way.

  6. Janelle must have been blocking alot on tweeter tonight. I suppose truth doesn't validate them........

    1. Guess when you invest in a long term lie, it's hard to come to grips with the truth. They'd rather believe a beautiful lie than the ugly truth.Janelle is a poster child for a very unhappy woman.

    2. really? you think she is unhappy? I'm just curious, she seems to fit her roll in the family

    3. I'll bet Cody is being so attentive to Janelle lately because of all the positive attention she is getting from the public for her weight loss and her common sense attitude. Janelle, who was starving for attention from her man so long, is loving it. Janelle's low self esteem makes her vulnerable to this kind of manipulation. Cody knows the public is so pro Janelle so he is romancing her a bit. In other words, he's playing her.

    4. Anon 2:02, I think Janelle was very unhappy for a long time but I think she's finally found peace and happiness with her independence from Kody and Krew. She's distanced herself from so much of the family and it's drama and she's happy that way. Good for her!

  7. Robyn is making up for it. She is tweeting her brains out. And she is misspelling everything.

    1. You are going to be busy, lol.


    2. Robyn truly does misspell a lot. On the blog I see some typing errors. There is a big difference. When typing quickly, ones fingers do not always work correctly, but Robyn does not seem to have that problem.

    3. They just don't want you to relax, do they? Lol


  8. I appreciate Janelle. Both her and Christine would be the best lesbian couple. Christine would be the stay at home nurturer and Janelle was the breadwinner who likes to have fun. Who needs the other three?

    1. I had high hopes for Janelle, thought she would break away, become her own woman. She did say tonight she was committed to the family.So guess she stays and continues to be miserable.
      Her fitness trainer tweeted support for her tonight, that was sweet. A sweet tweet.

    2. Sadly, the more I talk to people, they tell me none will ever leave. They believe in their religion 100. So no chance.

    3. I think Janelle has Kody wanting her at this point. Men want what they can't have and the whole independent woman thing, has Kody where she wants him. I think she is good with how things are. I enjoy watching her evolve into a different woman. I can't wait to see her after she loses the weight. Can't wait to see Robin and Meri's reaction. Christine is starting to get annoying. I wouldn't worry about her much if I was her sister wife. Every time she is on the couch and her nose turns red I wish makeup would powder her nose. All I focus on is her nose.

    4. I agree with you, I think their relationship has reached a new level with her weight lose. It is no more about just making a baby it is new a romance. I think it may have Robyn and Meei a little nervous and I think it is going to add the drama for next season. Janelle now is confident and has an opinion!

    5. I definitely agree....Kody is starting show more attention to Janelle now. She is starting to look good and has history of doing her own thing. This is really appealing to Kody, methinks.

    6. Hmmmmm - is it possible that they were offered some kind of inducement for Kodouche to start lovin on Janelle and vice versa? Either a "retention" bonus, of sorts, or perhaps there were some veiled (or not so veiled) threats that if he didn't stop favoring Robyn completely there'd be no new season? It was obvious the fans were feeling Janelle was most deserving of more of Kody's attention.

      Unrelated, how do you think the use of the Spirit Center in Arizona actually came about? Do you suppose it was a product placement - like the Silverton?

      Also re the very small scholarship from Mariah's chosen college. What do you bet that Meri was putting the screws on the school to give them more money in exchange for more air time?

      Problem with her having Meri take out a student loan is that Kody is LEGALLY married to Meri so the parent loan would be in his name too. He doesn't want to be on the hook for the money. Also if they cannot afford her undergraduate education without loans, how do they think she's gonna pay for medical school? It's an expensive proposition.

    7. I think it's clear that Janelle and Christine are so close because they are other's only marriage-like relationship. Meri had Kody. Christine and Janelle had each other. One worked, one stayed at home and cared for the children, etc. They are polar opposites but, like any good marriage, learned to communicate and seem to have a deep understanding of one another. Neither has the same type of relationship with their supposed husband.

      Meri should not be jealous or resentful of their relationship, as it was at least partially her doing.

  9. Correct me if I am wrong but I thought the Browns said Pat had dealt with polygamist in the past but then she said she didn't know much about polygamy until she meet the Browns?
    I also tried to see Meri in a different light after hearing the things Kollene said about her. I am not sure if I see her as nice but honestly I think I am seeing more hurt in her eyes then any of the others tonight. I think they all have are just broken except Robyn and I just don't like her at all.

    1. Sweetheart, on the polygamy marriage counseling page, they are wondering if she wasn't Pat from the safety net committee

    2. Robyn acts pregnant.The nausea, holding her stomach,etc.

    3. Agreed. And how she couldn't attend one day of the activities because she was sick.

    4. I, too, felt more compassion tonight for Meri than I have felt for a LOOOONG time.

      I thought it was uncool of Robin (during the 'sculpture' therapy section of the retreat) to grab Kody and Meri's hands and by doing so leave out Janelle--who didn't seem *overtly* bothered by this, and Christine.

      Anyone else notice this?

    5. I think that in that moment Robin was showing what is plainly obvious. She feel connected to Meri and Kody and no so much with the other 2 wives. I feel like these wives tolerate one another and share a love for Kody. In terms of them all being in love with one another - not so much. Janelle and Christine are one clique. Meri and Robin are another.

      I don't know about anybody else bu I honestly can't stand Mariah. She's SO spoiled, entitled and annoying. Kind of a lot like her mother!

    6. Mariah is an immature SPOILED BRAT. Like her mother. Meri: Spend YOUR OWN MONEY if you want to send your daughter to an EXPENSIVE SCHOOL. She is just one of 17 kids the family has to support. Cody is right on this issue.

    7. There was so much truth in that scene, when Robin grabbed Kody and Merri's hands, wasn't she standing in between Merri and Kody as well? She didn't even try to include Janelle and Christine. Honestly I don't understand how any of them can stand Robin! She is a usurper, regardless of their religion, her purity crumbled cookie story (lie), all of the other crap that she spews, she moved in on their husband, their dynamic, she isn't a "team player". She had her own house in the beginning in Lehi when they could hardly afford anything. She is always the one to talk for the group as if she has all this authority and knowledge. Her stupid jewelry business is likely draining them of a lot of money that could have been better invested elswhere. She is really a beast. Her true colors have shown through in so many ways, the way she treated Krysin Decker, Sweetie!

      To the comment about Mariah, you are dead on! When her father was trying to explain to her that she is one of 17 and they can't afford any more for her than they are spending on the others she was like what so figure it out! She is so used to getting whatever she wants, and she just whines to Mommy and gets that look like she is going to have a meltdown. Veruca Salt anyone? Merri doesn't work she just gets money from Janelle, so Mariah expects to make a demand and have it met, I've thought the Westminster idea was a bad one from the start, she can do pre med at a less expensive school easily, It isn't as though they are known for their wonderful pre med program, they aren't exactly known for anything. Its not a bad school but there are plenty of others that are more realistic to a child from a family of 17. What happens if the show is cancelled and the money train stops? Say she is midway through school, then what? She should listen to her father, but she is at Westminster so spoiled brat got her way...pathetic!

    8. I don't know how the other kids get along with Mariah, let me tell you if I was one of her half sister I would have put her snotty spoiled attitude down years ago...

  10. Kody is wound way too tight, and needs to wash his hair. Robyn the master manipulator needs to smile once in awhile since she's so gloriously happy, Meri needs to stop her passive/aggressive whining if I don't get my way, Christine needs to grow up, and Janelle should get out while she can, she doesn't need that.

    1. Janelle will run off with her trainer, just give it a little more time. His wife will get suspicious and jelous, rightly or wrongly, and the stress will begin. She will leave and Janelle will end up with him...her kids are getting older so she won't be so stuck.

    2. Trainer Sean pings my gaydar like no other.

    3. Kody pings my gaydar. A homosexual in a religion that absolutely does not allow it. What better way to "prove" your heterosexuality than by constantly running around (literally) screaming "I have FOUR wives!!!"?

    4. Naw, I don't get that vibe from Kody at all.

  11. The only reason the other kids (ignore Mariah) didnt say no to polygamy for sure is that they are Christine's kids and they felt bad for their mom. Janelles' kids have seen how Kody treats her as fourth fiddle and as a 'friend' not a wife, and those kids want more-like actually love.

    1. IDK there religion mandates it. I think there is more to Logan than we see. he does support polygamy in many ways, talking at functions for teens, etc.

    2. Their religion doesn't make a lot of sense. If they are "Mormons" and follow J Smith then they realize he said other things, polygamy wasn't the only thing he preached. The number one main thing that he said was to follow the Prophet, do what the Prophet says as he is getting direction from God. J Smith was just one Prophet, he never intended or taught that he would be the only one others would come after him and the members were to follow whoever that was. Cherry picking one thing from what he said and making your entire life and religion about it is crazy. The AUB doesn't have a prophet, I don't think they do at least. If they are claiming to be Mormons they are going against the teachings. Their entire life and everything about it is attached to polygamy, polygamy is their religion, not Mormonism, no matter what they want to claim...

    3. LaMoine Jenson is the leader of the AUB church

    4. I'm surprised that Mariah says that she wants to live polygamy. Seems like they show her being quite frustrated a lot on the show. The things that she is so upset about directly correlate with polygamy. Her Mother getting her house last, the others all got their first. The money issue with college, if her parents didn't have to consider three other women and 16 other children then she could just go there no questions. She says that it is such a rewarding lifestyle but she being a child of it seems to have a lot of frustration and problems because of it. Maybe she doesn't realize that she can have a husband of her own, kids of her own, and as many friends as she wants that she doesn't have to share her husband with. I REALLY don't see the attraction of Sister Wives???

    5. He is the leader but I don't believe they call him a "prophet" just like Winston Blackmore is the leader of his sect in Canada but he doesn't claim to be a "prophet"...

    6. Did anyone else notice Kody telling Mariah she has 17 siblings?

  12. In concept the jewelry he gave his wives was nice, the finished product was cheap and downright ugly. A diamond or two would've helped.

    1. Kody should have taken all the design he made for his wives, put them all together, and give each one a necklace with all their pendants on it...kody like to single out his wives too much

  13. Why oh why does Janelle keep praising King Kody? She tweeted that he's a "Renaissance Man" because he can build a deck, fix a car & design joolery...seriously Janelle?

    1. No hope for people that are brainwashed. Maybe she's just tired, she looked it tonight.

    2. Yeah, like King Henry Vlll.

    3. She says that quite a bit. They are so proud of their man for what? He didn't do anything tonight.

    4. Fix a car?? Do you remember when he didn't have a spare tire so he put the wrong sized tire on one of their vehicles and than drove it and was shocked by the damage it did??

    5. And the time he sent most of his wives and the bulk of his kids to Y-oming in a caravan and one of the SUVs broke down. He obviously wasn't doing maintenance on the vehicles...the thing broke down not too far from home. I find it hard to believe he can fix cars. And I seem to remember Janelle's car in the beginning having a duct tape window.

    6. how can anyone be proud of Kooty, the man is useless, well he can make babies and that is about it...useless tit of a man

  14. Kody - You hate the jewelry I made for you, but thats OK, I still love you anyway... OMG!!! Really??

    1. Boy Christine will pay for that. Cara, I know you haven't watched before, so will fill you in on a creepy aspect.
      Season one - Kody called his little daughter Gwenny a pixie b/c she was so mischievous.

      Last season it was her, Savannah and Robyn's girl that were pixies.

      to call Christine one was a bit weird and ...peddy to me. I know he is not one, but strange, very strange.

    2. What a junior high way to state something that would otherwise be mature, caring, and even sentimental.

    3. Darla,
      Perhaps it is because Christine is so immature that he is likening her to the elementary aged kids?

    4. I was just thinking that, Christine is like a 14 year old...OH I am sorry SORRY always sorry...but please don't stop loving me...

  15. I wish they actually had a hard hitting interview like they did with that Natalie gal. Remember when Kody was squirming? This was a complete fluff piece. Don't call it a tell all if it is pre questions and fluff luff luff
    Now a commitment ceremony. That's a huge ratings ploy. Many have done it, always a good hit.
    I can't wait to see what the blog has to say about that one. I about spit my beer out when Mister Sister said something about asking June from HBB about it...

  16. I can't watch these for another 20 minutes. I was happy to see that the blog tweeted both good and bad about the show. Very fair.

  17. I laughed when Sobbin planted herself right between Kody and Meri, very comfortably and then held their hands. She knew her place. Janelle and Christine were struggling, but not Robyn.

  18. What I want to know is where did Kody stay in Sedona? It looked like each wife had their own room, but they held Kody's "private" therapy session outside. Robyn was had her "private" therapy session outside. I'm thinking he was still honeymooning with Robyn.

    1. I'm thinking that 2, although he should go room to room in his tennis shoes each night.

    2. Thanks God the wives burned his backpack. Perhaps, at the commitment ceremony, those shoes can be next.

    3. I wondered the same thing. Do you think he ran from room to room?

  19. Robyn didn't trust monogomous Pat on tv, but tonight tweets how Pat has helped plural families for years. Does she even have a clue what she's saying half the time?

    1. I confusing therapists? Is Pat the Utah one and Nancy the new one? The Browns scramble my brain!

    2. Pat worked with the Safety Net Committee (Pro Polyg) in Utah before moving to Texas.

    3. Thanks- I went back and finally figured it out. 2 hours of Sister Wives was way too much for my brain to process!

  20. It was sad when Christine said "we all wish we had been called the 'honeymoon' relationship" when the interviewer asked how it felt being analyzed by the builder. It was like a glimpse into how these women really might feel. I know they pick this life, but it seems so hard. I really despise Kody.

    1. Soooooooooooooooooooo SAD!
      God, that's just what her aunt was getting at.
      Wake up Christine!

  21. That's what the Contractor said, that they still acted like they were on their honeymoon. He probably got her preggers again.
    Did this show change anyone's mind about polygamy? Not for me it didn't.
    They've spent four years trying to explain,justify, and lie about how happy they are.
    The camera doesn't lie no matter how good the editing is.

  22. Someone commented and asked "Why was Robyn before Christine" (in the present giving segment). I noticed that as well and if you watch closely, you can see Robyn's bag sitting unopened in Christine's section. Creative editing simply to cause drama.

    1. I wonder if Christine was filmed twice. I wouldn't be surprised if two different versions were filmed.

    2. I noticed that too. The Kodster has no imagination; he always seems to do things with the wives "in order".

  23. They FINALLY admitted that they have gone into this lifestyle because of their Faith... it ended up being the top block in they "mission statement" block things...

    1. but is it a lifestyle if it is religion mandated?

  24. Still dont understand how Christine can be so "upset" with her aunt (Kristyn Decker) for "speaking out so so much" and "being so in the public" about being anti-polygamy... ist she going the same thing but just on the other side? Still think she is two-faced...

    1. She keeps throwing her under the bus. Makes her sound so stupid after what I have read on here. They keep saying polygamist. Wait till the question comes up if Kody would be a monogamist. ugh Can't wait to hear what you think of that one. He can't say, because it's my religion.

    2. That's a really good point, Cara! I guess the difference is that Christine and fam are "open" to others living Monogamy, whereas Kristyn Decker sees Mormon fundamentalist polygamy as inherently abusive.

      Kristyn makes an apt distinction between FM polygamy and consenting adults making an authentic *choice* to live an alternative lifestyle in a YouTube interview with Rebecca Kimbel:

    3. JuJuBeans, He has said he is AUB...just not on the show... he HAS said it to the courts and to the Salt Lake Tribune when he and the Dargers filed for polygamy to be decriminalized. The fact is, in the AUB it is not only a suggestion to live plural, it is told to them that it is a COMMANDMENT... it will have to come out sooner or later the more pressure we put on him the sooner it will come out:)

      Hahahaha PlygKoolAid, speaking of Rebecca, she is here interviewing Ed as I type this :) Great lady! I love her work :)

    4. Ever since I learned on Sat. that Kody, Meri, & the 3 mistresses are still very much a part of the AUB community, I am looking at their decision to do the TLC program through a completely different lens, Cara. I simply choose not to watch the show and to come to this blog instead.

      No matter what happiness they purport to have, it's evident from the description of comments made in Sedona, the mission statement, body sculpture, and canned answers, that there are 3 unhappy women who share a life w/ Sobbyn and Kodilocks. Sobbyn is obviously very happy w/ the distinction of being the honeymoon wife. I'm sure that Kristyn Decker could read the sadness in Christine's eyes, despite surface smiles, and it hurts her to know that Christine will remain right where she is as she tries to make herself believe all of her chirpy affirmations of contentment and fulfillment.

  25. Somehow I missed this old interview from May 2012 with Anderson Cooper in which Kody says he isn't keen on having a 5th wife, but would if his religion required it. Also there was some blather from the wives about how they all help mother King Sol. I bring this up because he couldn't defend/explain his religion on the UNLV panel show recently yet he says if he takes a 5th wife it will only be because of his religion. Here's the link...

  26. I haven't been able to read every comment tonight but I wondered, and I noticed it last week too, did anyone notice that Meri and Janelle didn't have their wedding rings on. I can see with Janelle it is no big deal and perhaps hers no longer even fits but as glued to Kody as Meri has always seemed, I just thought it was odd.

    1. i didn't notice but sure will watch for it reviewing the episode!

    2. Well, one could not be wearing it due to weight gain and the other may not be wearing it due to weight loss. maybe?

    3. Noticed that too!

    4. I have gained weight since Ed put my ring on... still would not take it off... it just cant come off. But I also noticed they were not wearing them

    5. I noticed that Meri was wearing a ring with a very thin band on the middle finger of her left hand - nothing on the ring finger which I thought was strange. It can't be because she's lost weight and the ring is in danger of slipping off so she's wearing it on a bigger finger.

  27. Did you see anything like catchwords I should count? Validate, polygamist, etc

    1. There was validate, destiny, Robyn saying sweetie in a disrespectful context...

  28. Why is it such a big deal to have more then one wife? Personally I think it is hard to handle one relationship and do not think I could emotionally handle it. As a woman I would of loved to have such close relationships as the sister wives do. The Browns children are lucky to have so much love in 5 parents from my perspective I was robbed because I had alcoholic parents. What I see is this non typical family they have the best support system and so what they have problems now and then. I would trade what I went thru in a heart beat because the love and support they have for each other is amazing.

    1. This kind of logic reminds me of the FLDS kids who escape and think the Browns are good parents. Well, yeah, maybe in comparison to the FLDS experience. But, do kids really need to be around a bunch of adults on an emotional roller coaster - 4 women vying for the attention of one man and despising the others. Whether the anger is at the surface or lies underneath it is still there and the kids can feel it. The women supress it in the name of keeping sweet for their religion's sake but the resentment is still there. There are much better models of parenting than these. Having said that, the kids are turning out well (on the surface at least) IN SPITE of the Brown adults. We will see what the future tell all books and documentaries about the therapy these kids need when they grow up.

    2. I talked to Kollene and Willy both at great length this week. You have to keep in mind, they have not seen a monogamous family. They do believe if you don't as Willy said, beat your kids or sexually abuse them, then you are doing pretty good. He also pointed out the Browns were not like most polygamous families.
      I just keep reminding myself that these young adults sadly do not know what a happy family is like. Willy did not know that the Browns were on welfare until the show. Many things I believe have been left out of the "story" of the Browns. also makes me sick to think what most kids are going through. It's just not FLDS, it is right there in the AUB too, from what I am told.

    3. The Brown children are not that lucky. Kody doesn't pay very much attention to the children as individuals. He has said horrible things on national television about their mothers. I don't have a super close relationship with my mother but if my dad ever said he was never attracted to my mom and wanted to throw up watching her eat nachos I would be livid.

      Kody does not offer anything as a husband and father except for sperm. A man who keeps procreating should be gainfully employed in addition to the TLC money coming in. MLM and jewellery/joolry is not a business. Accepting welfare, health insurance, and housing money while multiplying is wrong. Multiple bankruptcies are wrong. He buys himself expensive toys but won't cosign a loan for his children. He had a Lexus convertible while accepting food stamps and letting his wives drive beat up vehicles.

      The moms don't have good relationships with each other. Janelle and Christine are treated horribly by Kody, Meri, and Robyn. I wouldn't even consider Meri and Robyn's relationship that good. Kody clearly favors Robyn and she flaunts it to the others. They divide money between the four houses so some children have a lot more than others. How is that love?

      It must be chaos and confusion for these poor kids...and yes monogamous relationships have that too sometimes and so do gay and single parents.....Blah Blah Blah... That's just a comment that detracts from the Brown's personal responsibility. Bottom line is it is a big deal that he has multiple wives and kids because they are grifters with demands and we are watching the greed and unhappiness multiply with each season.

  29. The lifestyle that only makes you better...please can we have a tell all that focuses on this one statement!

    1. Man, if this lifestyle made them better, I would sure hate to see what they were like before!!

      And I think they should call it a lie-style

    2. Lol! I know!

      What I take from the whole "this life makes us better" nonsense is the conquering of jealousy. Jealousy features prominently in the old Testament and serves as the central challenge of modern polygamy - rising above jealousy through Mormon faith.

      I wrote earlier in the My Five Wives discussion about the so-called benefits of polygamy for women:
      1. Help with childcare
      2. Relief from the burden of taking care of a man all by yourself
      3. Bonus children
      4. Personal freedom to pursue other interests (see #s 1 & 2)
      5. Access to the highest level of heaven

      Since most of the benefits of polygamy spring from the challenges associated with polygamy (lots of kids, useless man who can't fold his own clothes), the only real benefit of living polygamy (for the woman) is in the afterlife. Without the promise of the afterlife, polygamy in a fully-industrialized economy with lots of economic opportunity for women just doesn't make sense.

      No matter how hard they spin it, even "progressive, liberal" polygamy just doesn't pay off for the women.

    3. I think FM (polygamy) teaches the followers to repress happy and sad emotions, thoughts of independence, and independent thinking, and is a breeding ground for secrecy and distrust and teaches them to be deceitful to others, including their own sisterwives and family members.
      It forces the repression of feelings that you and I take for granted.

  30. A few thoughts:
    1. As much as we all like to dream, none of them are leaving UNLESS they start to believe that their religion is false. They believe that it is necessary to stay with Kody to get to heaven. That if he does not call them, they will not enter.
    2. They are NOT okay with their children not living polygamous lifestyles, especially the boys. The only way for a man to get into heaven is for him to be a polyg. Women can enter without being a polygamist if they remain celibate their whole life.
    3. On a lighter note, I believe that when Robyn made the pimp comment, she did so thinking it would make them look hip or funny and then quickly backtracked when Tamron reacted as she did. To me it is so telling that they are constantly on edge and trying to anticipate how they should act, speak, believe and then adjusting it to those around them. It must be exhausting.

    1. I don't believe for one second that the parents have discouraged their children from this lifestyle at any point. And, though they have their lives ahead of them, look at the male role model the boys have - women lavishing praise, the man does no wrong. I think many parents, regardless of creed, would be upset if their children did not follow in their footsteps. The man guarantees their eternal salvation; scary to think that upon death, you would no longer be a part of your family! The boys have learned to talk to women in a certain fashion. the girls have seen the wife as a secondary "partner" in marriage. I also don't think any of the wives will leave, because of their beliefs, which is really not that different from other faiths at times, sadly.

  31. Meri's true colors came out when she said "how much money have we spent on Logan?".. Seems like Mariah can do no wrong in her eyes and Meri will do anything to make sure she gets whatever her child can you justify having a huge house but no money for college...pretty poor financial planning. Did you see how they all hesitated when asked if they would stay together if Kody died? Really what else could they have we can't wait to get as far away as possible from one another?

    1. If Meri was smart she would jump at the chance to agree that each wife is required to pay for her own kids' tuition. Geez Meri, do the math! You pay for one kid and they each have to pay for 6? Take the deal, do not choose the curtain! or what's behind the box!

    2. I agree! I am going to re watch before I get too judgy. It's hard to blog and tweet and do all and really watich, but why shouldn't Meri put some in? I don't get that at all. Maybe since Kody doesn't have a home and gets 1/5 of the money, he is supposed to.

    3. Meri enables Mariah's entitled attitude. I am going to give the girl a "pass" on tonight's whine-fest about college, however, since let's face it - she is young and immature and needs to grow up. I just have trouble fast forwarding a few years and imagining her becoming a doctor. So much self-sacrifice is involved in getting through medical school and residency. Becoming a physician takes so much more than academic prowess.

    4. Anon 12:30, Although I did comment earlier that Mariah shouldn't expect her siblings to starve and go without just so she can go to a more expensive college, rethinking this I also give Mariah a bit of a pass. Kody and Meri should have considered how much they could spend on her college education prior to getting Mariah's hopes up. If I were a teenager and my parents went with me to a college visit and had it filmed for national TV, I would expect to be going to that college. It would be a let down to be told after the fact that they couldn't afford it. I have teenage daughters and we already know what we can and can't afford as far as schooling and it's known upfront before even applying.

  32. I can understand why Christine is afraid of her aunt. Obviously this is a difficult lifestyle. tHey do it becauce they feel they must, but nothing about it seems easy. tHat was made more clean in tonight's episode with the therapy session.

    There's a lot they're not willing to say on camera.

    It's pretty freaking clear that Christine is very jealous of Robin and that Meri and Janelle don't really like each other. Aunt Kristen speaks truths that Christine is not ready or willing to acknowledge.

  33. Omg - I know I haven't been posting much lately but it's all I can do to keep up with everyone's comments!!! Lol
    I had to turn off the TV 15 minutes into the second show out of disgust and just being plain tired...also waiting for a real marriage counselor to come here and offer his/her two cents on the conduct of the Browns' counselor. I'm no expert but she seemed to overstep the boundaries of her profession.
    Also, Kody was even more annoying than usual with all his references to "hippies". And basically making fun of the whole process. Clearly the marriage retreat (and just as suspected / no other couples/clients to be seen - obviously TLC rented the whole place out for the filming) was a producer-driven setup. As if we didn't know that already.
    One of my idols, Steve Jobs, referred to himself as a hippie - so Kody SWEETIE if you're reading this keep that in mind when using the term as a put down. Steve's freaking toenail clippings had more intelligence in them than Kody has ever had or can ever hope to attain. There's your HIPPIE, dumbass!!

    1. Kody is an unworldly twerp. Period. There I said it.

    2. I agree (both DakotaJustice & Anon 12:02). He was totally disrespecting others' belief systems. Also, a real marriage retreat has other married couples there. But I guess other polygamists are too afraid of going public (although having the Williams and the Dargers there would have been interesting) and they couldn't possibly go to a marriage retreat with monogamists because they are superior.

    3. DJ: You said, "One of my idols, Steve Jobs, referred to himself as a hippie - so Kody SWEETIE if you're reading this keep that in mind when using the term as a put down. Steve's freaking toenail clippings had more intelligence in them than Kody has ever had or can ever hope to attain."

      You forgot to mention that Steve Jobs' toenails had a better sense of financial intelligence than Kody's whole body. And they were worth more, too.

  34. GGrrrr amazon!! I have the "Tell all" interview this morning, but the episode 10 with the therapist isn't available. WTF?

    Anyway, I spent the morning reading all the comments and watching the mega clip with little new content interview show. Christine isn't happy. Period. How on earth can they even try to have an interview, or a discussion panel to say that this life is so rewarding and they are so happy!? Geez, they must really think we are all blind, and very, very stupid.

    Robyn's guard dog behavior is just irritating. I still see her as a little yappy dog that sits on your lap and barks when people try to talk and bites anyone who gets too close.

    And Janelle, wow, she really looks over at Kody with love sick puppy eyes. She truly adores him!

    My-Way Meri has perfected the Poker Face and very guarded emotional stance.

    AAArrggh, I gagged a little, that man is so creepy with his little beady eyes!

    1. I think Kody is giving Janelle a lot of attention lately, and she's gone from being fourth wife in affections up to second.

      Before Robin, I think it was Meri, Christine, Janelle. After, I think it was Robin, Meri, Christine, Janelle. But Christine has gotten so critical and unhappy, and Meri is whining and crying so much too, that Janelle has jumped up in his affections.

      For one thing, she doesn't ask for much, she is easy. For another, she's looking better. Clearly he can give her a bone, and she becomes a very devoted dog. Sorry to say that, but that is what it looks like. Her praiseful comments to Kody, frankly, are embarrassing to hear.

  35. Did anyone go to the "joowlry" meet n greet at Guilt?

  36. Game alert -Every time they are happy, clap! Every time they are sad, make a big sigh sound.
    I guess next Sunday we will be heard around the world! What's your game for us to play when they are happy/sad?

  37. I couldn't believe it when Kody the Klown whined about the therapy being serious! He thought a marriage therapy retreat was going to be "light"??? What an idiot! Oh I forgot, if it involves work then count him out.

    Janelle also made a comment about how they shouldn't do a particular exercise because it would cause them to be "real" and they weren't ready for total honesty. WTH? Did they think this was just a paid vacation to Sedona?

    Anytime the therapist tried to get them to do some actual work (ooh, there's that nasty word again) Robyn would whine that the therapist was being aggressive. At least Janelle tried to correct her on that. What did these idiots think they were going to do?

    One of the saddest parts was Meri saying she can't tell the whole truth. She has to pretend and hold back. They all do that, but at least Meri came out and said it. I wish she would just very calmly state how she actually feels about the family and the marriage. Come clean Meri and let the chips fall where they may!

    1. You said, " WTH? Did they think this was just a paid vacation to Sedona?"

      In words of 3 letters or less: YES!!!!

    2. I think Meri has come to realize that her attitudes are selfish and not popular. That doesn't mean she doesn't feel them just as strongly, but she doesn't want to say them, because she knows there's no percentage in it. Perhaps having her personality faults is a kind of torture. She can't get away from them, can't not feel them, but she knows they are not valid. So she whines and cries "poor me".

  38. Not liking the holier than thou attitude from mean girl Sobbyn.

    Can't put my finger on it exactly but she definitely is riding shot gun in more places than the car these days.

    If the other wives allow her to be the "spokesperson" of the family they definitely are dumber than I thought.

    1. Yes, and Sobbin' Robyn is always in the front seat next to Kody. The other wives are both literally and figuratively taking a back seat to the favorite wife.

      Wonder if we'll ever see Christine on "Snapped"?

    2. Did anybody else just want to punch their TV when Kody said the thing he was most worried about going into therapy was that he would be told he needed to do all the changing and the wives didn't have to "improve themselves"? Again, it is all about the wives revolving around him and changing to suit his needs.

      Just before I hurled the remote across the room I reminded myself this is a plyg pig man we're talking about here.

    3. Yes Anon 12:26 I sure did notice it! Heaven forbid that he have to *gasp* work at anything! Typical misogynist pig, sweetie. He wants the women to do all the "heavy lifting" while he enjoys flitting from bed to bed. Nauseating!

    4. Kody doesn't want to be the one changing or improving and doesn't want to be the one in the center of all the relationships, but he marries 4 women. I wanted to throw something too. He looked so angry at the prospect that the therapist might tell him that he is the reason the whole family is unhappy.

    5. Yes. His whole attitude, from the King comment to this was just repulsive to me. He gets more plyggy as the show goes on, not less. Or perhaps TLC is editing him to show more of these moments, whereas before they showed more of his conscious "public" face, not the private selfish grandiose attitudes.

  39. I couldn't watch the panel discussion last week. And I discovered I couldn't watch this weeks episodes. I tried but kept switching channels to watch the Steelers get creamed. I think I am over these people.
    I tuned in (post big love) curious to see a modern version of polygamy that supposedly worked. And in the first episode, it seemed like it might. And if it could, I'd have no objection to it. Several seasons of this crew later, all they have convinced me is that not only should it be outlawed, I wish the government would prosecute it, and Kody and his crew too, for assistance fraud.

    This crew lies about the bankrupcies and assistance. If you claim your system works, it has to work without taxpayers and businesses subsidizing your lifestyle through paying for your illegitimate and unacknowledged childrens' food, healthcare and roof. And businesses having to forgive your spending, putting a burden on everyone else. (I wonder how Kody and crew would react to people take large amounts of merchandise from SWC and not paying for that? Perhaps someone should tweet them that question?

    Even if they did acknowledge past mistakes, it might be (a big might) be a point in their favor if they had problems as a young struggling family, but then got their act together, got real jobs with a valid income stream to support them outside of TLC, (banking those funds for their children's support).

    But more dollars has not helped alter their past insolvent ways. They simply have gone on a bigger, more spendthrift spree, with no thought for the future provision of their family. And for no sense of paying back for what they have defaulted on in the past.

    I'd like to see Kody acknowledge that he has put himself on all his children's birth certificates. That Christine and the rest will not be taking future funds as single mothers with no child support and no known father. That past debts would be paid. But not only has that not happened, but they continue to rack up debts that there is doubt in future they'll be able to pay. And have children for whom they have no real means of supporting. In other words, these polygamists show no sense of providing for their family other than having the government feed them, once the TLC $$ run out.

  40. As for Kody -- what exactly are you retiring from? And if you want to retire, then you had better stop having children, because they require food, a roof and medical care. Unless you expect the taxpayer to fund this, you won't be retiring for a long time, if you even work at all, which is doubtful. You and your mistresses and Meri need to all get jobs and pay for your children. and while you're at it, claim your children legitimately.

    I admire Janelle in her struggle to lose weight. What I don't admire is her cluelessness that the more she loses weight and becomes independent, the more Kody is giving her attention and flattering her. She seems so unaware of his duplicitousness. Instead lapping it up. If he really loved her "romantically", he wouldn't have told the cameras for seasons past that he doesn't have that relationship with Janelle. Now that she is talking distance from the family, and losing weight, he's paying her more court. Note who was beside him on the couch in the last show. Sobbin and Janelle, with the two displaced women opposite. These are the two he needs. Janelle for her willingness to do the scutwork of family accounting, and because she is starting to stray and he needs to rein her in, and Sobbin to prop up his ego. The rest are old hag rags he's hung out to wiither and dry.

    Instead of Janelle being wise to this, she's lapping it up, and feeding him some of the same flattering bull we've heard Sobbin use. And that is stomach turning.

    That Christine refuses to acknowledge her bleeding the beast, is unconscionable. Her deliberate blindness to the ills of polygamy, even those she has personally experienced, both personally and for society, is dishonest and shows a supreme disrespect for the viewers and the society she wishes would respect her.

    Get this, Christine - if you are dishonest, no one can respect you, or your family. You are an example of the "broad brush" of polygamy's ills, even if you don't practice forcible child marriage - you still have pretty much every thing else. And for the record, I count not being able to feed or care for your children on your own, and deliberately having more as child neglect, and child abuse. The taxpayers care for your children financially more than you have. You are not even working to ensure the continued support of your children after the TLC gravy train stops. And with all those teens, you have babysitters enough to get some sort of part time job.

    As for Sobbin, what can be said? Her behavior says it all -- she undermines the other wives, flatters the King, and in my opinion, abuses the children with her constant demands that they support her. She showed no adult awareness of the struggle the kids must be having with her disruptive influence in their parent's lives, or the hardship she caused the family emotionally and financially. It was all about her. And Kody.

    As for Kody, his temper, his statements of being the King, his intolerance, his abuse of his children, his lack of taking a man's and a father's responsibility for his children, his unwillingness to sacrifice his own comfort and convenience for his family's NEEDS (not their comfort, their needs) and on and on make him, to me, the very essence of what a polygamist male is. We all could see that from the first season, when Kody had all his man toys taken to LV, but the kids possessions and toys (and they were being uprooted without their consent) were left behind. When he had a sports car and a motorcycle, guns, etc, but his wives were driving on bald tires. When he was going on fancy dates and vacations with each wife, and wooing Sobbin, and his kids were on food stamps and government assistance. How is this not the very picture of polygamy?

    We don't need more seasons, TLC. We don't need to see any more. We have seen it all.

    1. Wow and hats off to anon 12:37. Beautiful post.

    2. Anon 12:37 - what a wonderful end of the season summation. My thoughts 100 percent. Thank you for what has to be the best post of this week.

      I thought their therapist described them well (the scene where she was on the stairwell) saying their lives were complicated and troubled.

    3. Anon 12:37, I have no reason to post a danged thing today after your excellent distillation of EXACTLY what has gone on, what's currently going on, what will happen when TLC drops the show, and questions for the Brown gang. Are you also Anon: 12:32? I'm asking b/c these 2 posts back-to-back just made my jaw drop open in awe.

      The comments on the discussion pages today are like 4th of July fireworks! Gosh, I love this blog!

    4. yep, it was too big a post to post together, so I broke them up. glad you enjoyed it. I wish I could say I enjoyed this season!

  41. Anonymous 11:56, I don't think they "allow" Robyn to be the family spokesperson, I just think she butts in at every given opportunity-- and then some!!!

    1. Sobbyn is a camera hog, indeed, although I still think the other wives could take her down.

      Yoo hoo Twisted Sister... Sobbyn gagged with her own white head band by the other wives who have words falling out of their mouths flooding the floor under their feet OR better yet... Sobbyn wearing one of those no-bark dog collars with the other wives at the controls.

      Sobbyn with a mouth full of marbles (looking like she has the mumps).

      Sorry... getting a little carried away here...

  42. Did anyone else notice during the Tell All, that the camera lenses were different during screen shots of Robyn, Kodouche, and Janelle? I watched it in HD and Meri and Christine appeared more sharp and the other three appeared softer, kinda like on Nancy Grace.

  43. You are right. I am reviewing it now and clipping pics. the right camera was much sharper than the the left. Christine and Meri got the better cameraman.

    1. Ok, I thought it was just me for a sec LOL. I'm wondering what they were tryinto "soften"....Robyn's tummy? Kodouche's thinning hair??? Also, every time I see Kodouche, I can't help but think of Ellie on "Cougar Town" calling Grayson "dime eyes" LOL

  44. Note to all. My 5 Wives is on full length at TLC

  45. Janelle, Janelle, Janelle,

    Like several posters here, I think I have always been most fascinated by Janelle. I think my reasons are:

    1. Her ease in dealing with the non-polygamist world
    2. She had moved out on her own, with the kids, at some point in the marriage
    3. She had a steady job
    4. She was raised in the traditional LDS world, with all the opportunities that go with it

    From what I have gleaned, Janelle was raised in the mainstream LDS but must have come in contact with some AUB polygamists in her teen years. Of course, her mom is also married to Kody's dad (yuk).

    But what really motivated Janelle to make such a drastic step? Could she really have looked at the newly married Kody and Meri and thought joining that team was a winning move? Did she really have a religious conversion and embrace the polygamist LDS world?

    1. It is a conundrum, isn't it?

      I know most on this site sing Janelle's praises, but I think she is the least intelligent. She wasn't born into this cult, she chose it as an adult. Mind-bogglingly stupid. The other three wives have been swilling plyg kool-aid since they were born, what the heck is wrong with Janelle that she chose this cult?

    2. I use to think Janelle was such a strong woman, and felt sorry for her, but not anymore...wake up Janelle...
      get out of this situation, enjoy life with your kids...
      NOPE she is brainwashed

    3. You are so right Anonymous, it's a mystery.

      For any mainstream LDS girl, making the leap to polygamy is a drastic one. I thought in season 1 or 2 that Janelle mentioned losing most of her family and friends when she embraced polygamy. So,what may have happened is that she embraced her mother's revelation that earthly polygamy is the way to the highest level of heaven.

      From what I have read (and I reading "It's Not About Sex, My Ass") there is a small but steady level of conversion to fundamentalist Mormon groups from the mainstream LDS. Often its an entire family but sometimes it's a divorced woman (with or without her kids). Oh, and I keep forgetting about Janelle being married before (to Meri's brother?).

      I wonder how old Janelle was when she married for the first time? It looks like she didn't have any kids?

  46. How can Kody, Sobbin and crew ask for society not to judge them, when society has paid to feed and house their brood of children and forgiven their debts?

    It's one thing to ask others not to judge your lifestyle ill, IF you can fund your lifestyle. But if you couldn't in the past, and show no awareness of past problems and make no changes to be self sufficient in the future, then society has a right to judge you, because you expect them to fund it.

    1. Yes, yes, yes!!! I completely agree w/ this opinion, Anon 1:24.

    2. Bravo! I work long and hard to pay my bills and to pay my taxes. I often miss out on special occassions for my children becasuse "I am working." It burns me up that I am working not just for my children, but for a polygamists lifestyle that I disagree with. I think it has come full circle. It is time for me to quit watching polygamy shows. I may read here, but I will not patronize this show again.

  47. Re the college thing, interesting how neither Meri nor Mariah shows any sense of proportion or empathy for the other children in the "family" that need to go to college. One advantage of having a large family is that children do have a better chance to learn empathy for their siblings. It doesn't always work out that way, but it at least affords a better opportunity. I can't say I've seen that in Mariah, nor, of course, in Meri. Part of that is being histrionic, and narcissistic. Even when Kody was trying to talk to Meri a few episodes back about dealing with Mariah, Meri kept bringing the conversation back to how it was all about her moods, demanding it be about her, until Kody just got impatient and walked away. I wonder if these traits are inherited or learned? Either way, they seem to have been handed down from mother to daughter. And I can't say it speaks much for polygamy, that one child of one wife is favored over the others.

    1. You know, I thought the same thing at first. But then when I thought about it, I think Mariah got screwed!

      They let this kid apply to a school without figuring out how they were going to pay for it? They never had a discussion about how much they could afford??? Are you freaking kidding me?! They let her choose the school, apply, get accepted, and then they made a big hoo-ha deal about it and they all congratulated her. Oh, but we never actually thought we would have to pay money for this? WTH?

      The kid offered to get a second job to help pay for the tuition and that turd Kody completely belittled her. That was disgusting!

      The kid should've been told from the get-go "Hey, we can't afford private schools, all of you have to go to a state school." Done, simple, the kid is forewarned. To allow the kid--heck, encourage the kid to apply to the school of her dreams and never even think about the financial responsibilities is totally irresponsible on the part of the parents and it's CRAPPY PARENTING! Big fat honking surprise there.

      I actually don't like her behavior most of the time, but I actually get it this time.

    2. When you get accepted to a college, you get an aide package, generally with the acceptance letter or shortly after. Generally prospective students compare aide packages and determine which school to accept, in part because of the Financial Aid they received.

      So, it's fine for Mariah to apply a bunch of places, and get accepted to a bunch of places. But when she chose to accept, she chose knowing her Financial Aid. Now perhaps she thought she could get more aide - maybe that "product placement" first year or first term free aid - for showing them in the episode.

      Maybe that aide was only for the first semester, and is not ongoing. Or it could be something else. It maybe she ended up qualifying for less - scholarships depend sometimes on credits taken, what kind of credits, what the family's income is, etc. It may be she gets less aide next year, and so Kody is balking.

      It's fine for MAriah to want to get a second job, and more loans, but again, we don't all get to go to the college of our choice. It has to be paid for, sooner or later. Frankly, I think Meri could cover her expenses from her cut of the TLC $$, or Meri can simply GET A JOB and pay for it. Maybe take fewer vacations. She's only got one kid, and if she wants her to have this, then stop asking others to fund it. It's her daughter. Go out, get a job, pay the bill. Maybe she should have forgone the wet bar, and rather than have an empty house with five bedrooms and a daughter who can't go to the college she wanted, have a smaller house and a daughter who could go to the college she wanted.

    3. Yes, Mariah was given way too general an idea of what she needed in the way of scholarships.
      The parental units should have told her, "Mariah, if you can get your expenses down to xxxx, then you can go to the college you want to, it doesn't matter where you go, you must get the money down to xxxx.

  48. Suggestions for next seasons programming: Kody come out of the closet, gets a vasectomy, and builds his own house by himself (that manly man). The wives take on a second husband or third, and the children leave the cult to do what normal young adults do. Ohhh! and admit that the whole thing was a sham.

  49. Is there a dating Polygamist website? Would love to hear some of your creative names for one.
    Ex: Polymatchmy,, or, etc.

  50. I thought one of the most revealing parts of the show was Meri telling Kody "You don't know what I've been doing to help her obtain scholarships, you haven't been here." Anyone with a college bound student knows it is practically a freaking full time job for about 4 - 6 months. Tons and tons of work, and Kody had no clue because he isn't around.

  51. Another catch-phrase out of Kodouche's mouth during the interview show:

    "The dogma of monogamy"

  52. One thing I was happy about in the "therapy" episode was that we weren't subjected to seeing KoDouche's ass sweating through his jeans. He must have been wearing his big boy panties that soaked up the sweat. I believe they are called Depends.

  53. This week's shows maybe are the best in the history of Sister Wives in that for the first time they have actually admitted that the women only are civil to each other when they are forced to be together.

    So all this bull hockey about how great it is to be a Sister Wife is pretty much rubbish.

    Maybe TLC was fed up with their lack of interaction with one another and said - hey look - make these wives "like" each other or else - thus the retreat.

    People did not tune into this show initially because they wanted to see a man doing 4 women. They tuned in because they wanted to see the women sharing the burdens of raising children, keeping house, cooking, cleaning and the joys of having built-in gal pals and other women who loved their children.

    We got a little of that in Season 1 and then everything fell apart with Robyn's arrival.

    Now that they are on the cult-de-sac it must be terribly difficult to have a semblance of privacy since they can barely tolerate one another.

    The group hug at the end of the therapy session looked pretty phony to me.

    Also it was sad (but probably realistic) that Christine and Janelle when repositioning themselves as to where they would like to be in their relationship with Kody stood in front of him - but not between he and Robyn and holding his hand.

  54. I'm starting to see the show in different ways which make it interesting. One is the editing, another filmin (like ones above said right camera good, left fuzzy) and just what they are trying to get us to believe, without saying religion. it gets quite comical

  55. I wish they had made some real therapy show,not just a free trip to go.

  56. I like the discussion/comment area like this. then I can go to 1 post and find all the follow ups.

    I think all the ladies but Robyn looked nice. I think this will make for one interesting review. I respect the fact that you post all types of comments. People shouls have a choice and they have one here.

  57. If I never hear the words "mission statement" again it will be too soon! Write the friggin' thing and shut up already! How hard could it be? Oh wait...this is the Brown family...they better hire someone to write it or we are going to hear about it FOREVER

    Shut up Christine! Shut up!

    There, I wrote their mission statement for them.

    1. I think that Christine's obsession with the mission statement speaks to two things:

      1. A desire to be more like the Dargers
      2. A desire for the higher purpose that is a hallmark of the LDS church. There is a compelling sense of a higher purpose that comes from belonging to the Mormon (and I assume fundamentalist Mormon) faith. To not have a church must make them feel disconnected from the true purpose on this earth - to glorify God and earn their way to their own planet to become god and goddesses.

  58. OK, I have a question:

    The Browns have 17 kids, yes? Then why did that creep Kody tell Mariah "You have 17 siblings"? Is he really that stupid (a definite possibility) or was that a slip because Sobbin' Robbin' is expecting?

    1. I think only Janelle can do the tough Math stuff. You know like adding and minussing.

  59. I was really surprised by Robyn sitting there stroking Kody's crotch , I actually replayed it several times and made my husband watch to confirm it . It didn't seem pure or modest to me , it seemed kind of skany and designed to upset her sister wives .

    1. ROFL...that's the best things Ive read here yet.

      On another similar note, Does anyone else see that Robyn seems to have gone from being her first husbands "piece" to being Kody's "piece"?

    2. Maybe Kody carries that heart shaped "puuuurrrity" locket thing in his front pocket.

      If she were my new sister wife I would probably scratch her eyes out for fawning over him in front of everyone like that. It's no wonder that Christine always looks like she's just about over the edge.

  60. Did Logan state he had a work/study job? If so, doesn't that mean he is receiving financial aid for college? How can the Browns be recipients of major TLC money and yet their kid is deemed financially needy enough to get financial aid and a subsidized work/study job?

  61. One quote from Meri last night, "We know what we want." left me shaking my head. I don't think any of them really know what they want other than they're not happy with what they have now and want change -- heck, they tried for how long and couldn't come up with a family mission statement?

    IF they know what they want, they certainly can't verbalize it. How sad, that after being together for 15 to almost 20 years, they still can't talk to each other and be honest about their emotions and needs. They are so critical and bitter about outsiders' opinions of their 'lifestyle' but how can they expect anyone to think otherwise when this is what they tell us and demonstrate.

  62. I think Cody is brave to have 4 wives. Most men can't handle one. HA HA
    I was upset when Cody told Meri no about a baby after he ahd been after her for months to make up her mind and when she finally did...he changed his mind.
    Meri if like he said it doesn't happen naturally by god then maybe there is something better planned for you.
    I don't think you should have to be careful about what you say, its not healthy to hold so much in and not let it out somehow or somewhere.
    I used to think polygomy was wrong or bad but that was because of Jeff whosit. Who by the way needs to be hung by his privates till it falls off. Just saying.
    It is also not uncommon for Meri to be insink with Robyn and Janelle with Christine. Some personalities click better than others.
    I was married and divorced my husband two or three times and he had 6 other wives after me. He was physically and emotionnally abusive to me and one of our sons. It took me 14 years to get brave enough to finally leave for good.
    I think ya'll are doing pretty darn good.
    I really enjoy watching the show and its funny seeing Cody running from house to house. He's definatly getting plenty of exercise. HEE HEE
    Janelle as for feeling or being more of a loner, we tend to change as we get older and as you said when ya'll were renting you got used to Cody being away since he had to go a little further to get to each wife. You do seem more independent than the others. That can be a good thing.
    Oh and I to am on a diet so good luck girl. I hope to have the baryatric surgery in April 20014. My insurance says I have to diet 7 months first to show them that I at least tried it on my own first.I've been on it sence the 3rd of this month. I know I have lost some already but not sure how much yet. Keep working at it.
    IMee and my husband probably should have been in a polygamist marriage he had enough girlfrends on the side while we were married, but that isn't really heard of in Alabama being part of the bible belt. The mormans here only have one wife.
    Christine don't worry about how your aunt feels. You are in a marriage that works for you and thats where you want to be and thats all that matters. You love Cody, he loves you. Thats what matters the most.
    Miss still have starry eyes, still honeymooning. Its cute. I think it was sweet to offer to carry the baby for Meri. If I still had every thing I'd have it for her.

    I hope your break from the show til the next season will give ya'll time to work on the relationships get nearer to how you would like to be together. You are doing better than most one wife marriages.
    May God Bless you and make you prosperous in every thing you do. I pray God sends you the money for Meria's collage fund.

    Have a wonderful day.
    Alabaster, Alabama

  63. Meri said she was intending for "family finances" to pay for Mariah's college. SMH

    I find it hard to watch Kody on tv anymore. It's difficult to even hear his voice. It feels similar to being so repulsed by someone that if in real life, I'd have to walk out of the room for fear of getting kooties from him. lol

    Anyway, for the 1st time ever since watching the 1st episode, I was impressed by what he told Meri and Mariah about her college costs. He was right and wife #1 and child were being selfish and narrow minded expecting others to sacrifice for her.
    I wonder though, how the financing ended up working out. Did the whole family end up having to split her college costs or was it left up to Meri to pay for whatever wasn't covered by scholarships/loans/grants? Will Meri help pay for the other 16 children's education or will they be afraid to confront her and make do without her?

  64. Did anyone else catch Christine saying that it had been "days" since they'd seen Kody? So, despite him being less than a 2 minute walk away from all of his children, they still don't see him daily. UNBELIEVABLE or maybe I should say, believable and expected.

    Or, perhaps the better word is SHAMEFUL.

  65. I think we need to cut Mariah some slack. I'm not a fan of her mom - really, I only like Janelle and the kids - but I also remember what it was like to be a 17/18 year-old girl. I was dramatic, selfish, and plain ridiculous. I wanted to go to one school - and my parents refused to allow it due to tuition. I cried, moped, etc. But at the end of the day, I went to the school my parents preferred and loved it. Gig'em, Ags! I also have a daughter. Point being is that Meri's behavior can't be excused, but Mariah's can. Teenage girls are just ridiculous. They grow up and learn a lot.

  66. Was Kody raised in polygamy? I thought he said he converted when he was in high school. I’m trying to get this straight.
    Kody marries Meri whose parents converted to AUB when she was a little girl. Janelle who was not brought up in polygamy marries Meri’s brother who was. Janelle and Meri are best friends. Janelle and Meri’s brother divorce. Janelle marries Kody spiritually. Meri shows her true self and now Meri and Janelle don’t even look at each other. Kody marries Christine who was brought up in polygamy to use as buffer between Meri and Janelle. They are all married for about 20 years. Then Kody marries Robyn who was raised in polygamy. Robyn was married to Christine’s cousin who was also raised in polygamy, but didn’t practice polygamy. This is a typical family? If the Browns were a typical average family like everyone else they wouldn’t have their own TV show. If it wasn’t for TLC the Browns would be a stereotypically polygamous family. Hiding and living off government aid.

    1. You,ve done a pretty good job! Kody changes his story but the facts are this: When Kody was abt. 18 he went on a LDS Mormon mission. During that time his parents went to FM and were excommunicated from the LDS church. Kody did not embrace the FM AUB church when he married Meri. kody and Janelle were not raised in the church, but were LDS. Robyn,s husn

  67. Robyn's husband was FM AUB u til after the divorce. They did plan on more wives. Crazy enough for you? It is confusing.
