Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Free Discussion// Weekly Ratings from Reality Tea "A Wife Decides"

When I saw this poster, I couldn't stop smiling. When my daughter was 11, she dressed up like a cowboy and sang "Wanted: Dead or Alive!" to her daddy for his birthday...

Twisted Sister Artwork only at Sister Wives Blog and Twisted Sister's Cafe Press!

RATINGS for the week from Reality Tea:
Anyway, RHONJ drew only 2.2 million viewers, which is up from last week but not exactly a great number! Hollywood Exes drew more viewers than in weeks' past, grabbing 955,000. And Sister Wives ratings also climbed due to Meri and Kody's reproductive Magic 8 Ball (all signs point to NO!) and generated 2.1 million watchers.  
Moving onto Monday night, Basketball Wives continues to experience much lower ratings than last season. Are people tired of 'Tami Troubles'? The show nabbed 1.7 million viewers again this week. Teen Mom 3 also continues to flounder, fight or no fight, pulling in 1.3 million watchers - only a slight increase from last week!
Over to the Bravo shows, Real Housewives of Miami simply cannot catch a break – just like Lea Black! Again the show generated only about 1 million viewers which is a pretty consistent season average so far.
Tamra's OC Wedding again beat the Miami girls by pulling in 1.4 million viewers which was a pretty sizeable jump up from last week! Dang – lotta y'all claiming to hate Tamra Barney, but you can't turn your eyes away… 
Thanks Reality Tea! Here's their link:   Reality Tea - Sunday Monday Ratings


  1. Robyn's eye rolling on the couch when Janelle was talking about real estate was ridiculous. I hope that was from another conversation and the editors just stuck it in there to stir up drama. I hope Robyn isn't actively discouraging multiple streams of income. They are really going to need it.

    1. I think half of the eye rolls we see are from different conversations. They can put in whatever they want to stir up drama. It has happened in almost every other reality TV show out there.

    2. I think a lot of it is editing. I found a few of the kids on instagram, and they seem normal, and don't seem to feel neglected like the show portrays =/ Could be wrong, but I could only find Christine on there, none of the other wives (didn't really dig to hard, though), but it was girls from 3 of them, and I doubt they'd care enough to make their parents look good, being teenagers.

    3. Even if it was creative editing, it still underscores something that has been bothering me for a while. Sobbyn seems to think that everyone should be full-on gung ho about the joo-ree business. Why, then, isn't everyone also obliged to aid Janelle in real estate? At least Christine took the exam and passed. No interest at all from Robyn, Meri or KoDouche. Meri wonders what her place in the family is now that she won't have more kids? How about taking the real estate exam and getting a job like Janelle? Wait, that would be honest work. What was I thinking?

  2. Oh lord that man is so creepy...

    1. SORRY I should have said KREEPY KOOTY not Bon Jovi

  3. Thank you for including the 9/11 tribute on the blog.

  4. I know the previous thread was dedicated to Janelle. And it was a good thread celebrating her and it really was inspiring for any woman who has battled weight at some point in her life. (And most of us have for various reasons, be it post delivery, menopause, freshman year of college, depression, bad eating habits, meds, genes, whatever)

    However, along with her current diet and exercise project, Janelle has always gotten a lot of positive press, at least better press than the others, and mostly by default.
    Default, when benched against the MO's of ToadyKody, MeanMeri, CluelessChristine and of course, Sobbin Robyn. Janelle couldn't help looking better against the other four. Especially since until recently, she has stayed mostly mute in all filmed group discussions and opinions. She sits silently on the end of the couch with a frozen smile, saying one liners here and there. (or what the script may call for?)
    For me, if Janelle *really is* dubbed the smartest and most enterprising of the bunch, then that sure isn't saying much.
    She did work full time in Lehi, and by her own words, did it by happy choice. And she wasn't making megabucks. She did leave Kody for almost 2 years but came back. She, in essence, already "ran", only to return and have even more kids with him.
    It is said that she stays out of the drama, however another way to look at her pattern is to say she declines taking a stand, even when the whole family, including her own kids, are in chaos. That behavior pattern insures that any burden of guilt for the mishandling of affairs or events falls on other shoulders. That is a special kind of manipulating.

    Her recent choice to stay out of the Closet business may be more about her unwillingness to take a role and a stand. That would require being party to decisions and interaction. Janelle skims along, showing up, but ever ready to get out of camera range, so to speak.

    (And granted, that "business" should not require a platoon of Browns to run it.)

    If Janelle was the dynamo people say, and had at least more integrity than the rest of them, she would have had trouble with all the phony BS that *ALL* of them have willingly participated in since Sobbin joined the circus.

    1. Amused, I understand what you are talking about and it is an interesting concept. I have seen women like that even in a small rural club who will not take a position of secretary or anything. They are afraid to make waves. They don't want to say or do anything that might cause one iota of conflict. Don't get me wrong, they will willingly help with anything, they just can't make a decision in case someone else might not agree.

      Janelle may very well be like that and try to avoid any type of conflict. Perhaps that is why she seems so quiet. But by being quiet she doesn't put her foot in her mouth like the others do and she is seen in a more favourable position. If I remember, someone had posted before that she did not leave Kody, she left Meri. She kept seeing Kody but could not live with Meri, just like she can't now.

    2. It was Janelle's 401k money that allowed the family to move to Vegas and rent those houses. She said recently she liked the office work of Real Estate more than going out and selling. There is a lot of paperwork and financial calculations for sellers & buyers and probably that is her contribution to the real estate business where she is employed.

      I think Janelle does follow the 'keep sweet' doctrine and has done it so long that it is second nature for her to ignore the dramatics around her.

      I am generally known as being 'mouthy.' However, with age I have learned it is frequently not worth the energy to vocalize a dissenting opinion to jackasses. For many years, we were told it was healthy to express our anger then studies came out that your anger actually increases when you vocalize it. Sometimes, it is best to just stay quiet and uninvolved. For me, it's not stay sweet, it's stay detached. -jd

    3. Amused - AMEN!! i've long stated i'm NOT a Janelle fan any more than i am of any of these other dysfunctional wives. I'll add one more reason I'm not to the ones you've stated that i'm definitely in agreement with. She wouldn't even put her foot down re:lazy ass Meri and insist to Kody and her that she should be helping Logan out in the mornings before school in the getting all his siblings ready and fixing their breakfast. She let him step up to the role of "daddy" instead of letting him have a childhood. *shame shame* There's GOT to be a lot of "Keep Sweet" resentment stuffed inside of Logan, too!!

    4. My take on it is partly her personality and partly the way she has been programmed with the religion. I like Janelle a lot. I also think over the seasons she has come out of her shell more. My Dad and Grandmother were both very quiet people. My Grandfather was not, and ruled with an iron fist. From an early age, my Father learned "kids should be seen and not heard." So that carried over into his adult age. We have no way of knowing how Janelle was raised and our environment as children says a lot. Also, DNA does as well. My older sister was adopted and we later found out she had a lot of the same characteristics of her bio Mom, who she was never around.

      I think sometimes we all would like to think that someone intelligent would just walk away, etc. However, I think there are so many dynamics that play into these type of situations. Janelle's self esteem (she might feel that this is the best she can do). Kody's standing previously in their religious community. Her Mother being married to Kody's Dad (that's a humdinger in and of itself), economics, etc. etc. etc. I remember that time they had a dinner when they lived in Lehi and Janelle had some co workers attend, and they all seemed to get a long very well, and Janelle seemed very well respected. I think it is frustrating to watch it at times, because we would like to think that we would never be "dumb" enough to put up with all that crap, and some of us would not. I hope Janelle is able to continue on with her victories and hopefully this will help her knowing that a lot of people are pulling for her. Before it was all of them in one home in Lehi and she seemed starved for positive reinforcement. She now is finding a "voice" and that might be the best thing that happened with this show.

    5. well Amused, you know you and I are on the same page regarding Janelle and her supposed "business sense".

      Not sure if her retirement fund WAS in fact a 401(k) but I HIGHLY doubt there was much in it. She wasn't making all that much in what was basically a adminstrative desk job, and I doubt she could afford to kick in all that much. She was only there for a relatively short time - I'd say less than 10 years and that's being generous. I would bet she was just contributing the minimum amount...remember just having HER six kids to support would take her entire paycheck, let alone the rest of the household.

      Also remember that if it was a 401k, and she made an early withdrawal, around 40% of that withdrawal would go right to the IRS for taxes and penalties.

      I'm guessing that whatever she had in there, after withdrawal and after the feds and state of Utah took their share, lasted MAYBE a month.

      The lions share of the move expenses were, IMO, financed by their TLC check.

    6. I think many are too hard on her. She has done a great job with her children, work, and was raised LDS so this is not a big reach.

      So she had Logan fix breakfast. If he did not want to, I'm sure he wouldn't. It will make him a better husband later on for doing such tasks.

      Sometimes you have to look at the bright side.

    7. Anon 12:09, I am LDS. I respectfully disagree with your statement that since Janelle was raised LDS her current "lifestyle" isn't a big reach. It is a HUGE jump. I cannot fathom practicing polygamy. This way of life is as foreign to me as it is to most here.

    8. I think that to some extent we all want someone to root for and Janelle is the obvious choice, especially because we DON'T feel like rooting for Kody now that we've more closely seen the relationship dynamics. And we are all rooting for the kids--it's good that they are out of the AUB nest and surrounded by alternative lifestyles and thoughts--it'll open up their minds a bit, and they'll be on their way. And Janelle, I think, is putting her kids first, even before herself.

  5. I Knock Hips With No OneSeptember 11, 2013 at 5:04 PM

    I firmly believe that Meri had NO intention of telling Kody she was ready to "Start proceedings " on the old Red Rock Clog Hike. I think she was going to give him her usual song and dance about not knowing yet what she wanted to do. Him having a hard and fast opinion (for the first time in his life) then made her do a 180 and inwardly freak out and convince herself that she had WANTED to try. I think she LOVES when he tells her he wants more kids with her. The idea of that conversation going away scared the S out of her.

    1. I agree. Meri kept trying to turn the responsibility back onto Kody, then didn't like what she heard. Meri had 18 years to pursue having another child and has had those medical discussions already. The success rate for her would be dismal, hence Robin's offer. I looked at a very old episode and I think this storyline is more than 2 years old. Enough already!

    2. I want to talk about Kody and why these women would find him attractive. I have a master's in psychology and I think I recognize two things: ADHD and the puer eternus (perpetual childlike) personality. This pesonality is very concrete, no deep thinking, wakes up in a new world everyday,always up for fun, and has a lot of energy. This can be very attractive. Plus he honestly doesn't get empathy and thrives on being the center of attention. This is a narcissistic stance but I don't think it is malevolent. He is able to maintain a sort of childlike innocence and keeps youthful (hair, car, etc.) For these women, and remember 3 of them married him when he really was handsome and youthful, he would be a catch. The other side of this personality type is staying immature, failing to take responsibility, competing with his own children for attention, stumbling and bumbling through life without ever becoming mature. Add ADHD and that's why he is like a bumblebee to flowers. Since he is in TODAY time, yesterday is over and he doesn't have the higher thinking skills to conjure (plan and execute)for tomorrow's needs. I am not defending Kody, but he will always be genuinely surprised when he is confronted for his behavior or selfishness. Kody would be this way even in a monogamous relationship and cannot change. I think his wives have figured out exactly this and try to appreciate the good side and downplay the fact that he will never be a leader such as Darger. Just not in him. Not defending Kody, just trying to explain him.

      Now interesting research for you gals: Check out Murray Bowen's family systems theories and the roles family members take on. Also Carl Jung's archetypes. You will see how each wife is occupying a role in the constellation of this family. One reason Christine was so jealous is that she carved out her role as the ingenue and tried to hang on to that youthful, fun, princess-y role that has now yielded to Robin. Meri is probably the true soulmate/even sibling type to Kody, while Janelle may be the wise woman/mother. The latter also usually has to be the scold esp. about money. So go explore some of these psychological profiles and have some fun.

    3. Excellent post, Anon, 5:36

      Agree with your summation. I do see his narcissistic piece blooming since the fame and fortune. Also agree about Jung's archetypes being in play.

      Along with the viewers, the wives too should take a look at Jung's body of work on this.
      It may help them to decide if this is what they want for the long haul.

    4. Whoa, you really nailed it! Your explanation of the Klown's behavior was dead-on.

    5. Really enjoyed your analysis Anon @ 5:36 and ITA. I'm more familiar with Caroline Myss' work around the archetypes. Went to reread her description (interesting they are calling Gabe, Peter Pan with the Pixies, since it really fits Kody the most). From:
      Child: Puer/Puella Eternis (Eternal Boy/Girl)
      "The shadow Eternal Child often manifests as an inability to grow up and embrace the responsible life of an adult. Like Peter Pan, he resists ending a cycle of life in which he is free to live outside the boundaries of conventional adulthood."
      Myss has mentioned in her work that the Peter Pan archtype will be drawn to a 'mother' role to take care of the business, so they can 'play' that sounds like Janelle.

    6. Anon, 5:36 - True Story! I actually think the Koster would fit the MO of a nerd that continues to live with his mom and play video games all day. Of coarse all of his 2 friends would be there with him. (till there moms called and told them to come home)


    7. Anonymous w/Psych degree,
      Thank you for the great explanation/analysis of Kody. Your recognition of "ADHD and the puer eternus (perpetual childlike) personality" fits Kody to a T and giving it a name/diagnosis helps me to better understand him and his actions. I still don't like him, couldn't live with him, but do understand him better. Your description of how the wives all play specific roles in the family is very interesting and makes so much sense. I'm going to take your suggestion and do some more reading. Thank you again!

    8. Early in the spring and I can't remember who, but they called Kody.... Tinkerpan, a combination of Peter Pan and Tinkerbell. I think he just wants Tinkerbell's hair. I think Twisted Sister Wife had even designed a kitty litter box called the Tinkerpan.

    9. I like the explanation, but think there's a mean-spirited side to the man-child.

    10. Nice job, Anon 5:36. Take Myss' Peter Pan archetype and surround him with 4 women all vying for his attention; they each need to watch what they say and do to garner Peter Pan's favor, yet Peter seems pretty free to do as he pleases. Maybe not so good for the psyche.

  6. Meri how about not worrying about another baby, there is foster kids that need help, OH I forgot this family does not like to help anyone, even each other...

    1. Agree plenty of kids out there need help, but I can't see them being granted a foster care license. There is typically a lengthy approval process and between the reality show and the alternative lifestyle, I wouldn't think they could get approval. It would be kind of hard to explain to a non polygamist child why foster daddy has to run from cookie jar to cookie jar.

    2. I have been a foster mom. I can tell you that some places have stringent processes and watch the homes carefully; as an adoptive mom I was horrified at the conditions of some homes I saw and the child had not been checked on. It goes both ways. Sad.

  7. Stringy hair on your shrubberies! You have to admit, Twisted Sister is a hoot!

    his hair has been driving me CRAZY. I think he put way to much root lifter in, then curls it, then more product...

    1. I have to ask, does he really think his hair looks good???? he cant...can he?

    2. He might. My hubby (age 63) is bald on top and wears his shoulder length, platinum bleached hair in a ponytail even when all of his friends have told him how horrible it is. He has said "f*** em if they can't take a joke" I have never understood how that comment applies to the situation.

    3. He can if his harem keeps telling him that he looks the part of a cool, sexy, dude with wind blown, highlighted, stringy, balding (I am too cool to comb or cut it) hair.

      And let's not forget Janelle's giggly announcement that "We like his tight pants."

      I think "the look" KodyKreep has been attempting all along is that of a coooool, Marlboro-man type, who just happened to roll into town on his well wheeled hog, and is surveying the town's babes to snuggle up with. So koooooool !!!

      So delusional !!

    4. "I think he put way to much root lifter in, then curls it, then more product..."

      Yep, you are likely right about that, MS.

      I did that once, put in way too much thickening product, blow dried it and wound up with a mess of sticky, dull hair.


    5. This reply is to Unknown @ 5:47 pm
      I laughed so hard I had tears running down my cheeks.Maybe because I'm sleep deprived, but i can clearly see how his comment applies to the situation. In fact, I'll have to keep that in mind for future

    6. If you recall at the last q&a someone asked kody if he would cut his hair. Meri & Jenelle stayed quiet, Christine said he should do what he likes, and Robyn said he should cut it. I'm sure we will soon see it nice & short since he likes to please robyn.

    7. I'm waiting for it, then a flash back to Curtis, his brother who recently passed away. He was so sweet, Kody can't compare.

    8. I've read the comment attributed to Janelle in several posts, but they have all left out one word, which I think changes the meaning. Janelle didn't say, "We Like his tight pants". She said, "Maybe we like his tight pants". I think she was trying to make a joke, and to deflect the criticism away from Kody. (I'm pretty sure it was Mariah who said that. I wonder if it was Janelle's way of taking a dig at Mariah.)

  8. That is a scary Kodouche face!
    I wonder what he was so angry about...plyg persecution? Christine being a princess? Meri being fluorescent orange? Janelle getting all the positive attention? Robyn refusing him a cookie? He needs some of that SereZen...(the calming green goo product they sell).

    1. OMG! That comment about Meri made me spit on my moniter. maybe she has a little Oompa Loompa in her.

  9. The shots of Kody running from house (usually Robin's) to house with his silly string hair blowing behind him are absolutely ridiculous. And Meri commiserating about her poor lot in polygamous life at the end? Good heavens. From what I see, she conveniently detaches herself from the rest of the family to play the victim. Wetbar, surrogate, can't move in the house, wearing clogs on a never ends. She is a narcissist, along with Kody and Robin. More than anything, she appears to be a profoundly depressed woman and it's not enjoyable to watch. What's even happening on this show anymore?

    1. We know Kodiddily is hyper, but I wonder how much of the actual running hither and yon is suggested by the show's director to keep it more visually stimulating? I'm a big fan of Hotel Impossible on the Travel Channel and have noticed the star of that show not only is frequently running . I think they are just trying to make it seem more time-urgent and exciting.

    2. I don't agree about production suggesting Kody be running from place to place. I think it is his juvenile behavior and hyperactivity. In the most recent episode he was running to the car and shouting "Last one there is it!" That, to me, is very much the behavior of a hyperactive little child. What I wished followed was all 4 of the wives simultaneously running out their front doors shouting "Shotgun!"

    3. So if you are a wife, and he walks real slow to your home, dragging his feet and kicking the dirt, does that mean he wanted to stay at the other house??lol Sorry folks, couldn't resist!

  10. Amused, I am still laughing about another bloggers comment. They said that Kody was running around with his three strands of hair, blowing in the wind. It was something to that effect. There are some very clever people who comment. More so than the people that are the subjects of the blog.
    Anonymous 5:36, your comments were insightful, even Kody's sense of humor is juvenile. He acts like an older brother who ignores most of his younger "siblings". He lets Mom have most of the parental responsibilities.
    I really enjoy reading everyone's take on the Brown "adults"?

  11. The running from house to house is silly. Just walk. The part that would get way old way fast is that he slams the door when he arrives at the next wife's house! I would make him go back out and close it again the right way!

  12. I suspect Meri, not pretty, couldn't believe her good luck 20 years ago when she snagged Cody, who at the time was a good looking energetic young man with a likeable personality. She then spent the next 20 years desperately manipulating him and everyone else in order to keep him. It was she who selected the next 3 wives for him. Robin was probably brought in later because of Meri's jealousy over Cody's attention to the newest and youngest fertile wife at the time.....Christine. That backfired because now Robin, who is just as manipulative, is clinging to him like glue. There will be war between these two women sooner or later.

    1. Maybe we will hear about the WAR predicted by anonymous 7:46 from Kolleen this week during the presentation of the discussion at UNLV. Am I right about the location of this debate. If so, I feel for Logan. Kody said that Logan was not around much during his first year at college. If my parents had come to my school to debate their alternative life style I would have made myself scarce. I would have been humiliated. I would not forgive the intrusion easily.

    2. I am not at all sure how I got the rather long moniker above. Huh, mysteries?

    3. There won't be a war...Meri and Robyn are besties, remember? I am seeing in this family and probably most polygamy families the old saying "Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer!"

    4. There won't be a war...Meri and Robyn are besties! I'm seeing in this family as well as many other polygamy families the old saying, "Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer!"

    5. WAR is inevitable because these two insecure women want to control the same man. And in doing so, will control the entire family.

  13. Good gosh, is it just me or is Kody really a donkey’s butt? I am to the point I can no longer stand this man. He has no problem showing off his or his sons’ physique in wrestling leotards that leave little to the imagination. But then he tells his daughters they have to cover up? What woman wants to be covered from head to toe in 100 degree heat? Dress isn’t a matter of modesty it is a matter of comfort. There is a lot I don’t understand about this show. Why do the women wear shirts over shirts? Why can’t they wear a short sleeve shirt with an open long sleeve on top? Or why can’t they buy a shirt with ¾ sleeves showing no cleavage? What is wrong with a short sleeve shirt as long as they have on a bra and no low neckline? His daughters are young women and should not be ashamed of their bodies. You can look classy without looking trashy.
    How can Christine afford to buy Kody a chair for his birthday, but Janelle and Kody are splitting birthday, Christmas, and anniversary by buying a bed room set? Do the Browns have any say in the editing of the show? Why is Robyn the only wife that still has her twitter photo with Kody? Christine and Janelle are never going to leave. It is sad since three of the “wives” will always have to list themselves legally as single. Janelle said she couldn’t have any close friends until they came out. Even if polygamy is made legal would Kody officially marry the other three? I forgot the purpose of their show. Wasn’t the show supposed to show how normal they are?

    1. Anon 7:48- Yup, he's a donkey butt!
      It's funny because they did start off wanting to show us a happy, "normal" polygamist family. Epic fail because all they did was put the massive dysfunction it creates on display.

    2. Anon 7:48, to answer one of your questions, no, they don't have a say in the editing of the show. While they may 'suggest' storylines and ask that certain things be shown or not, basically once something is on film, TLC can do with it whatever they want. It's a very hard lesson for reality show participants to learn - and it seems many learn the hard way.

    3. Instead of wearing one modestly fitted and covering shirt, some of the wives wear two VERY TIGHT SHIRTS to show their figures and bustlines. Think Robin and Meri. Kind of cheating the modesty rules huh? Not foolin' anyone......

  14. Anonymous
    That was not posted.
    We do not discuss the younger children weight, or anything else with a negative light. They are too young and innocent in all this.
    You comment was very negative toward them.
    Thanks, you are free to post but no talk of the younger children weight.anything negative.

  15. I still remember where I was when i heard about the twin towers. I drove a school bus & even know the cross streets I was at. The saddest day for our Nation.

    1. I was pumping gas at a station that had cnn played on monitors built into the pumps. We watched the whole thing at the pump. Actually, i was sitting in the car watching my husband pump gas. We were headed for the PA turnpike. Everyone was driving about 100 there were no cops to be found--the saferoom for half the administration was under a stone mountain not far from here, and all the state popo were flying that direction. Last day for a long time we were able to get anything done without a fair amount of interrogation--which i regard as a nuisance, but a bearable one. Our Middle eastern name made life pretty tough--no one seemed to care that we're Christians.

  16. I am sure the Browns make a lot of money from this show. Did anyone hear June from Honey Boo Boo on CBC talk about the money she has been able to put away for all her kids ? Also the Duggers and Little people Kate and John . They all made lots of money from their shows.

  17. On this past Sundays episode, at the beginning when Kody said something like since living this close together all the wives had to get used to it plus boundaries had to be set, etc...I'm just wondering what kind of boundaries he was talking about? Kids & the women coming over at the drop of a hat & infringing on the other "wives" time w/ Kody or what??

    1. Caramel Brownie, perhaps he wants to clarify that no telescopes or binoculars are allowed.

    2. boundaries??? these people have NO boundaries! "you keep using that word and i don't think it means what you think it means." LOL

    3. I thought the whole idea of this crap, I mean polygamous happy family, was to be one big family raising a brood of minions together? Now they have to "get used to living close together"? That makes no sense.

      The truth appears to be that they are 4 very separate families with zero desire to live together.

    4. Every episode seems to have a little snippet of Kody commenting on the wives' adjustment or lack thereof to the new cult-de-sac. I think he does mean the wives and the kids taking up his time on a night that is not 'theirs'. Wives,yes, but Kids.... Kody, they are all yours, so they should get your attention every night. I thought that was the whole point of building the McMansions next door to each other.

      My guess is that Meri doesn't like her night infringed on by the others since Mariah is usually gone (how often does she get to see her Dad now that she works on his night with Meri?) I also see Robin as making excuses to get Kody to come over on a night that is not hers (probably on Christine's night).

      I also think that some of the wives are trying to dictate the appearance of each others yards.

    5. Yes, I just don't get it. They are constantly talking about how they need to "all be together." How can they consider living in four different houses "all being together"? Why even talk about "Christine's kids" "Robin's kids" etc.?

  18. In next weeks preview we see Kolleen saying that Sister wives are not friends b/c they hate each other. I'm just wondering is she talking about all sister wives in general, or the SW of the Kingston group in which she witnessed growing up, or the Browns SW??

    1. You know that was a cut/clip. I bet she meant her group. We will know, we have background live info coming!!!yeah!!!

    2. Sweet!! Looking forward to it! I definitely don't wanna miss out on the next live blog discussions during both shows :)

    3. I saw that, and also wondered if Kolleen mean that about this group of sister wives, or sister wives in general? I think Mister Sister might have an inside scoop about this upcoming episode? Can't wait to hear!

    4. I can't wait for Sunday's episode. We get to see Robin get mad. I hope she don't cry when she gets mad.

    5. I hope Kollene will come here again to comment like she did the last time she was on. would love an update from her personally as well as what went on behind the scenes like she informed us before.

    6. Dream on. I think this time her mascara was even running. REAL tears!!!!

    7. This is Sobbins time to SHINE...she will be crying and wailing the whole time..

    8. What we will see on TV and what happened may be two different things... we will see. Luckily, we have some audience members that are filling me in on what is real and what is clipped once the show airs!

    9. I think I would hate the other women my husband was sleeping with. Sheesh, what woman wouldn't? Can you imagine the competition? Not pretty.

    10. That will be my favorite live blog ever!

    11. I didn't know Kolleen had posted on here. Would like to read that, does anyone have a link?

    12. This is the episode that she won our hearts so much of the discussion is about her and how she touched so many. I believe she posted here under KoKo:

      Here's a newsclip from Aug 2012 on the Holding Out Help 5K run fundraiser featuring both Mean Girl Meri and feisty plyg survivor/escapee Kollene

    13. proud to be a princessSeptember 12, 2013 at 11:01 PM

      I cannot wait for the live blogging with the TRUTH behind what really happened. So looking forward to it. Thanks mister sister!

  19. ok, watching Honey Boo Boo.
    I am so sappy, going to start crying if Sugar Bear does!!

    1. I watched HBB also and did my fair share of crying. I thought the show was very touching. The 'commitment ceremony' meant a lot to the family and I thought TLC did a good job of being respectful of the seriousness of the day (it was a huge decision for June and for her to not back out was something!) while showing the family being themselves. LOL Sugar Bear has been quite seriously ill but I hope he's finally gotten a definitive diagnosis and is on the mend.

    2. It was a great show and sweetly done. The only thing - Honey Boo Boo was so annoying while they were giving their vows with the flowers petals! That girl needs some discipline!

  20. We will be blogging on both shows, Sister Wives at 8, My 5 Wives at 9. I need all the help I can get posting comments as we go, I can't keep up and do the tech end here! Hope to see EVERYONE!

  21. Only was able to watch pits and pieces of Honey Boo Boo. Did Sugar Bear cry? He is so sweet. Thought the wedding was very fitting for them :)


    1. Yes he did. He was trying not to, then lost it trying to talk. I just love that little ex con! It was very sweet!!! Then he got a little frisky taking her garter off, all cute!

  22. Oh, by the way thanks for all you do Mister Sister and everyone else that helps! I love this blog! When I'm reading I smile and laugh :) Just love love love it!


    1. Thanks! We've got lots of new helpers and it's been a fun, wild week! More on that soon!
      we appreciate all of you guys, that's what it's all about, to discuss, and have fun TOGETHER!

  23. I just watched the video "Kody Turns 45". According to Wikipedia, he was born on January 17, 1969. My birthday is the same year, one day later - January 18, 1969. I am 44. How is he 45 ?!? Or does Wikipedia have his birthday wrong?

    1. Wiki has been changing those bdates for a long time.
      Ihave in my notes he was born in 1968.

    2. I haven't looked lately, but Janelle and Meri org had the wrong birthdays at one point. Remember Wikipedia can be written and edited and enhanced by anyone who feels like it. Wikipedia is not a reliable reference.

  24. My family and I have looked at your blog a tine or two. I do have to say thank you for not posting negative thing about the small childred. But your assumtions about multi adult familys is way off base

    1. Please share your thoughts. Our blog is both for pro and anti views. Thank you!

    2. I cant see how any of this is are way off base..

      4 woman who cant think for themselves, supporting this loser, the only good thing is the kids...lets hope they all grow up healthy and well..

    3. I also find it hard to believe that those of us who think this lifestyle is unhealthy are off base. I see four women who say one thing and exhibit something else entirely. One of them is overtly unkind, one is manipulative and two are in serious denial. Not to mention the huge, HUGE ick factor. If I owned one of the other houses in their neighborhood I'd need drugs.

    4. First I believe kody is a pig but I'm not against a poly house. I have a house with 3 adults ( two men and one women) the women in sister wives may love the life style but not the man. That being said there is such a negative impact of leaving the husband in a poly marriage that even if they did leave that pig of a man and found a good one they would be hard pressed to join another plyg household.

    5. This family may be a mess but not all plygs are

    6. Actually, the Browns represent the "better" face of polygamy, if there is such a thing - so no, this blog is not off base at all. I think there are some very astute people here who are able to see through all the smoke screens to the reality of several women sharing one man and trying to make it look enjoyable.

    7. Though there are sometimes ASSUMPTIONS on this blog, I beg to differ with Anonymous 101 up there. Many of the insights about "multi adult families" are pretty well research based. "CPA Carol" purports to have red "just about every book on polygamy". Many of the bloggers on this site have done research and read books about "multi adult families". Some bloggers have advanced college degrees in the fields of sociology and psychology, and have valid insight into human behavior. And there are plenty of plain old educated and intelligent and free thinking women who have informed and valid opinions (Good Lord, have you not been reading this blog lately? It is so COOL its HOT!).
      INSIGHTS based in observational and researchable FACTS. Plenty of opinion as well, but hey, that's our particular brand of fun. Not trying to hurt anybody.

  25. i'm the anony who was hoping for a new update from Kollene Snow (Koko) and lo and behold guess what i found?? a very recent interview from a couple of weeks ago with her on Doris Hanson's tv show, Polygamy - What Love is This? I was so excited to discover the find, i quickly came here to post the link and now i'm off to watch it myself! :) (you'll have to cut/paste link as the blog doesn't auto link it.)

    1. Wow, I just watched "What Love is This". Wow.

      Doris rocks! What an amazingly strong lady! To dedicate your life to exposing this abusive lifestyle is one heck of a thing to do. Doris, if you ever read this, "THANK YOU!"

      Kollene is also amazing. What a brave young lady. She still looks so haunted. I hope she gets some therapy to help her heal from her horrific childhood. It was so hard to listen to her first memory of abuse. I felt sick, sad, and enraged all at the same time.

      Kollene, if you ever see this, "YOU ROCK!" I hope both ladies will keep on doing what they are doing and never quit. Amazing, amazing women.

      I think I still need to process it all. Very moving, very disturbing.

    2. I just tried the above link and got a message saying "Oops...this page does not exist or has been moved." Is there another way to find this easily?

    3. All right, I found it. I just had to dig through the site a little.

    4. omg! i would definitely recommend this to everyone to watch before Sunday night. A lot more to learn directly from Kollene than hasn't come out from her before on her short little spots in the past on Sister Wives. WOW! so much pain and emotional, physical and sexual abuse beginning at her earliest CLEAR sickening memory of only 3 years old!! She's one helluva strong gal to have escaped and not be a complete nut case from it all.
      {{{Kollene}}} and {{{Doris}}} too! what classy ladies they both are!

      p.s. - not a spoiler really but i can't get over that out of 14 wives her dad has, she says she's got over 180 siblings at last count!!! She's number 5 out of 12 herself.

    5. anony 9:24 - that's weird. i just now copied/pasted the link and it took me right to the episode. if anyone else has trouble, it's Episode 630 in the archive.

    6. 14 wives and 180+kids just from ONE man that taxpayers are MOST certainly paying to support!! disgusting.

  26. Folks, exclusive pics coming in a few minutes!

  27. Tongiht on Dr. Drew - A family trying to reach their 26 yr old daughter in a church/cult.


  29. Dr Phil gearing up for Bigamy

  30. Kody should take this artwork as a compliment. You don't become a star without a little snark.

  31. Weddings are crack for female viewers, so it’s maybe no surprise last night’s Here Comes Honey Boo Boo commitment ceremony between Mama June and Sugar Bear clocked that TLC series’ biggest audience ever– 3.2 million viewers – and finished No. 2 in its 9 PM time slot among all TV programs, broadcast or cable, with women 18-34.

    Yeah! Breaking Records! I love me some Sugar Bear!

  32. I'm sorry if someone has explained this but I am confused. Wasn't Kody the one pressuring Meri to have a baby so why all of a sudden is Meri asking Kody if he wants a baby with her? Wasn't that the huge deal for the last year that Kody wanted another baby from Meri and she was deciding?


  33. This is off topic a but I wonder who does Kody's laundry, who keeps up the yards, gets the oil changes, takes the kids to doctors appts, how do those poor kids feel Christmas,Easter,birthday morning's when dad is at another wives house. If one gets sick like my little one is right now with a fever and throwing up asking for daddy will he adapt his schedule. This all makes me appreciate my husband so much more. I wish they would address stuff like this instead of houses and jewelry. It started out that way and just went off the tracks so fast. There is really no true look at how they live. It makes me think that they are just going through the motions at this point.If cameras were in my house I can tell you it would be much more interesting than what we are seeing. The other way to look at it is that there may be so much more dysfunction that we even see and TLC just can't put a decent story together. It is going to take a miracle to keep them ahead of the game and no way would I want on

    1. They do have one Christmas together.

      Make me appreciate mine too!

      I'd say Kody's kids do the grunt work.

    2. Lots of good questions. Wish he would answer them. He won't ever, in any interview, touch on such things.

    3. proud to be a princessSeptember 15, 2013 at 3:43 PM

      I agree with wanting to see how daily things play out. How do they handle birthdays? Do kody and the bio mom take the bday kid out? I think we pretty much have 4 single moms here. With a guy that just floats around here and there.

  34. The Christmas they celebrate together does not seem to be on Dec. 25. I suspect the kids would like to spend the real Christmas with Kody as well as just the Brown celebration day. I know my dad was a huge part of my Christmas celebration. I feel badly for the kids who do not share his time with him.

  35. The jewelry was great to see! Thank you to Anonymous and daughter for sending this in. I enjoyed seeing this, had no idea it was so cheap.

  36. Twisted Sister, I know you're super busy Girlfriend but might you consider some polygamous dollhouse drawings/designs for the store? My friends and I pull the Chelsea Handler clip up about it and giggle ourselves silly at work when having a bad day. I'd love to go in with a frumpy plyg dollhouse tote or tshirt!

  37. And Mister, while I'm on a begging spree, do you foresee like buttons or emoticons in the future here? I know you guys are beyond busy now but maybe when things cool down?

  38. Oh and a scarlet letter type of item (ala Miracle Whip Witch). Yours could be with a big red "M" for monogamous. My creative well is now dry and I'll shut up ;)
