Saturday, September 7, 2013

DARGER UPDATE! A Tweet, Reminder of Sun. Nt. Show! s06e08 FREE DISCUSSION! Name that Blogger!

This picture is so darn cute!
These kids have a lot of love for each other. 

Free Discussion Below. This show, other shows, whatever you like!

**Don't forget to come and discuss tomorrow nights spoilers as it happens and the new video post below!

Sister Wives -A Wife Decides 

In an attempt to move forward with their new life, the Brown’s celebrate by burning the bag Kody used daily to go between each house. Meanwhile, Janelle hits a plateau with her weight loss and Kody and Meri make a decision on Robyn's surrogacy offer.

 **Name that blogger!

When I started this blog, I did it on a whim, literally. Took 3 seconds to pick a name and go! And look at where we are today, thanks to all of you. This is a blog FOR YOU. 

Now I need your help!! I need a new name! I've grown tired of MS. Something fun, something different, wanting a cute pic too! Got a good snarky name? Just a fun one? Throw out some ideas! Name that blogger!


 ***ADDED PM: Remember the Tweet about the Dargers Recently, that Reality Kate made a cute joke about? I guess ole Joe must not of been happy to hear about the new My 5 Wives show.

Why There Isn’t Going to Be a Darger Family Reality Show on TLC

In From Faith Goes Pop: After thewell known polygamist family the Dargers appeared on Sister Wives last season, it seemed like TLC was introducing them to the audience as prep for a show of their own. However, according to family patriarch Joe Darger says that it isn’t happening. According to Joe, TLC rejected their show My Three Wives, saying that it was too similar to Sister Wives. That’s pretty weird, considering the network had already filmed and aired commercials for the show before making the decision. He’s also backtracking a little now, saying the network was interested but that the family decided to remain off TV to protect their privacy.

Read the Rest by clicking the link below:

Joe Darger Backtracking about TLC show 

**Thanks to my generous helpers today. You know who you are!


  1. oh, now, everybody go awwww...
    That is too sweet!
    Some teens won't give a little one the time of day. I have to say, these little ones get a lot of love.

    Mariah having a wedding show, now that would be interesting.

    1. If Mariah gets married they will probably drag it out all season.

    2. That picture is sooooo cute!

  2. maybe you explained it before here but i'll admit I never understood the meaning of your "Mister Sister" moniker. care to enlighten me? :)

    1. When I started this blog, I did it on a whim, literally. Took 3 seconds to pick a name and go!

      Mister rhymed with sister... little did I know the urban slang meaning!lol

    2. I always thought you got it from that episode where Kody was goofing off explaining his kids relationship, he said something like "and she's your sister from the same mister"

    3. And I thought you just grew up in the 80's and took it from the group Mister Mister. lol

    4. At first, I thought Mister Sister was a gay man!

      It is kinda funny to see what our significant others names would be according to our own screen names. My hubby would be Twisted Mister!

    5. No kidding Twisted!! I was just a rhyming in a split second decision, and come to find out that there is a *cough performer with that name!

    6. LOL - MS ... ok, i looked it up on urban dictionary and yep, it says it means Drag Queen and that it originated on Will and Grace. well- i guess it originated there publicly to the masses maybe.

    7. I rally like Mister Sister. I feel like I know you with that name. Any chance you'll keep it?

    8. I kind of feel like Kody is a mister sister, so it all just fits.

  3. I kid you not, I was looking at Utah and Plyg baby names trying to come up with something cute....seriously.... VULVA MAE and Vilar Bodily OMG. REAL BABY NAMES! What are they thinking? I thought the y's were a teacher's nightmare. Glad I live in Indiana.
    How about a tamer Utah name...

    Blessing Buttercup?
    Bedlam Buttercup?
    both are cute!

    1. Those are real?! Ahhhh!

    2. omg, I was just just there reading, they sure are.

      This is a must read:

      Look under the left side "our favorites" Gosh, some you couldn't even post here.
      A few decent ones, decent in not X rated. We can't list those here!
      Rube, Sleeza, Nymphus, Golden P., Burns, Hydra, Non, Malis, Talon, Beefea, Patches, Storm, Slayer, Sterile, Slaughter, Jynx

      Sad Part? I live in the South and know a Storm, a Talon, and a Slayer.

      Mister Sister, since you are sweet, I pick Daisy Buttercup.

    3. Hmm... NymphoWife would get under Kody's skin. :-)

    4. Friends Forsaken 
      Bridger A-10
      Denim Levi
      Davenport Shore
      Cougar Flash
      Fallis Lonn

    5. Aarikkaa
      Blessing Ream
      Busbyberkly Zelda

      Too many funny ones to copy....yes, do go to that website. It is flippin' hilarious!

    6. Renewed Cookie or Destiny (because we all shoulda been together from day one!)

    7. Crock Star...Jump the Snark..Pumpkin Plyggy..Datenight Diva..First Wife Club..Cuddle Sac Scuttle..Baby Mama's Drama's..The bald & the beautiful

    8. Righteous Royal Snark

    9. I vote for Miss Sis, kind of a female version of MS.

    10. I do like Miss Sis! Or even Ms. Sister.

    11. For Mister Sisters new name I like:

      Purity Patches
      Datenight Diva
      Destiny Date

  4. Off Topic here:
    I just saw a video where Sharon Osborne called Cybill Shepard,

    "Crazy like a box of frogs."

    I think she was describing Robyn Sullivan to a T. Would love to see the reaction of Sharon if she heard the purity speech.

    1. Crazier than a box of frogs, yep that fits her. She keeps jumping out of her box though!

    2. Crazier than a box of frogs...the 3 women that voted Robyn in with a yes!

  5. LOL Box of Frogs... Good description.

    There's a topic for us - who would you like to have interview the Browns or do a show on them? My vote - Nancy Grace. She'd rip Kody a new one.

    As for new monikers for Mister Sister...

    Miss Plyggie

    Love Multi-Tried (Fried, Died, Tied, Lied whatever... pick your tag line)

    Love Bloat

    Cellestial Chat Maven

    1. I think Love Mulit-fried or Multi-Lied
      nothing sweet and gushy sounding

    2. Hahaha... Miss Plyggie! That's hilarious! :-)

  6. What about:

    Snarknado.....Snarkniss...Snarkerator...SisterSnark...Snark N Chips ?????

    1. How about since this is reality tv a real name such as "Adultry as a way to heaven ?" just a snarky thought, maybe call it what it is

    2. I love Snarknado too! (And I'm crazy about yours--twisted sisterwife!)

      Another thought: a take on movie first wives club--
      Fifth Wife's Club. Or choose whatever number you want.

    3. Plyg Wives Club - just take a number and keep sweet!

    4. These are all so great, how will she ever choose?
      Does she choose, or will it be a name that came from serendipity and buzz!

    5. Awww, thanks Anony 9:21pm!!

      I can't think of Mister Sister as anything but Mister Sister! I may have to make a Snarknado t-shirt now, however. Should I put toasters in it as well?

  7. You know, if they just followed the family around and didn't do these contrived story lines, they would get so many more views. Most people have said they would like to watch how the family does things and see more of the kids. TLC, get on that!

    1. TLC will get a do-over with the Williams. Can't wait for it to air and hope it gets picked up as a regular series!

    2. I'm in the Midwest and have Comcast cable which is listing the new show as some movie Rodney Dangerfield did in 2000! It's got to be a glitch but I set it to record anyway. Is this a series or a one time show like the Darger family one?

    3. Tonight is a Sister Wives new episode 1hr long! (TLC)

      There is a movie that has the same name as the Williams family special "My 5 Wives"- that may be the confusion!! Your show should be coming on in abt 30 minutes!

  8. She Came In Through the Bathroom WindowSeptember 7, 2013 at 3:23 PM

    Monogamous Harlot!!!

    1. Yes!

      I really like that the blog can see all sides of the spectrum.

      Invest. Reporting bankr papers, MLM Scheme, reading between the lines.

      Real (respectful obits with no posts -like a silent nod

      Snark - abundant!

      Tv - updates, reviews, spoilers, video clips so we don't have to find them.

      and showing the love they do have, like this picture. That's why I come here. Snarky with a heart.

      Hearty Snark? There's a name.

      As a mom, I too love love love that picture. Love Maddie even more for thinking to take it!

    2. SCITTBW, Your my pick too!
      AnonymousSeptember 7, 2013 at 3:39 PM I couldn't agree with you more!

  9. How about Boojum, as in "...the snark was a boojum" from Lewis Carroll. A boojum is a snark to outdo all others and you sweet MS have a Snark's delight of a blog.

    I have been a lurker smirker, sometimes coffee snorter who wraps herself in your rollicking puns and the warm caring extended to your readers. Thank you for my daily sanity doses.


    1. Carol,that is one of the best,

    2. Coffee Snorter? I'm a grape drink snorter myself here! I couldn't agree with or write any better everything you have so eloquently put.
      We Love it here!
      ON WITH THE SPOILERS TOMORROW! I HOPE TO SEE everybody there. Let's give MS fingers a break and help her!

    3. Candy the image of you dripping regal purple from the nose made me echo with umber spews and peals of glee. Perhaps a good name for MS's blog might be Snort Worthy.

      Looking forward to sharing tonight with you all.


    4. How about combining a couple of these and get...Monogamous Snark....then you will keep your initials and still be MS to us.

  10. I love Maddie...heck, I love all of Janelle's kids!

    1. I know. She has raised some well mannered, smart, level headed kids. Christine is a lover and a teacher, but doesn't have that edge Janelle does. Still, both are good moms.

  11. Hi everyone!
    New to the blog as a poster.
    This picture is the sweetest thing in the world. Janelle and Christine should have a little one made for each of their walls.

    New name? I'll have to think on that.
    But I will be here tomorrow night for sure, it's been a blast reading the spoilers.

    I am also happy to see a new family come, "My 5 Wives." But I have never even seen a commercial. Has anyone else? Fill me in! Someone said they say tired of the Browns, is that true?

    On to read more on here.

  12. I like "Box of Frogs" or how about "cookie"

    1. Tough Cookie
      Sugar Cookie
      Not Your Cookie
      Box of Chocolates (spin on Forest Gump)

    2. NachoCookie, lol

  13. Replies
    1. I took it to mean one she could put a picture with, if you had a cute one to go with your idea, send it in. Am I right?

  14. Love Maddie and that picture is A-O-R-A-B-L-E!

    New name - how about #1 Harlot?


  15. I'm partial to Sonia Frompa myself. Or Sister Frompa as you would be known at church.

  16. What a sweet picture! That Maddie, I just keep liking her more and more.
    I like "Snarknado" or "Miss Plyggie" for your new name

  17. How about Keep Sweet Harlot or Ima Harlot.

    1. In a similar silly vein - some Brown Klown song dedications....

      "I Left My Heart on Meri's Carpet"

      "Around the Cult-de-sac in 80 Ways"

      "Sleeveless in Seattle" - ok that was a movie dedication - but you get the idea...

      Mister Sister could be "Princess Purity"

    2. Cute, I love songs, play on words!
      Terrasola has some cute songs in the Dec 2011 posts.
      More please!

  18. Fifth Little Plyggy




    Kody Brown is a Jerk


  19. Keebler Cookie Keeper

    1. Oh for the love of thin mints... I can just see Kodouche in his elf costume now.!

  20. Replies
    1. I love Plyg Whisperer too because you are the one in control. I had been Slept into Debt and got tired of it and changed my name too. I am wondering if Sinister Drives is still on here with a new name. Hope it is OK to ask....we joined around the same time and I was off for awhile and then I lost her.

    2. Hey Pity Party CLoset....*formerly* "Slept in Debt."

      Glad to know it's you again. :))

    3. Sinister Drives is one of my cyber buddies in our facebook group! I'll tell her you miss her. Join us, if you wish! Email us at iconicsnark @ gmail .com.

      I love the new name, by the way!

    4. I remember the laughs we had when Sinister Drives and her dogs were going to be models for your clothing line. I will email.

    5. Hey, Pity Party Closet!!! Missed you too!!!

      I shouted out to you back a thread, but you didn't see it! Glad to know you're still here!! Come join us at

      Amused - wish you'd come join us too...

      I'm back!! Dogs, cats, and all - didn't let my famous modeling career go to my head and send me off to buy a McMansion in LV. Still Sweet Home Alabama

  21. Plyg-pen
    Celestial Tease
    4 degrees of separation
    Love multiplied by Kody=0
    Purity Ringer
    Sweet Sorrow

  22. Well, seeing as a polygamous marriage is a lot like a three ring, four ring or even a five ring circus what about.....

    The Ringmaster!!

  23. for the new name
    Seven Brides for One Brother...

  24. a new name for Sobbin - Purity Plygtales

  25. OMgosh these are a trip. Before I give you a name, I have to go look at this page!

    But that picture just melted my heart, bigtime. Thanks for posting it.

  26. I have nothing more creative than what has already been offered. I've laughed out loud several times.

  27. I remember reading somewhere (maybe here?) That Joe DRyer stated that tlc wanted their show to be too scripted. He asked that it be more natural but tlc disagreed. Does anyone else recall that?
    dee from Delaware

    1. I think he's changed his story many times! You may have seen it on a tweet from here, not sure!

  28. MY MY MY look at all the creativity going on here tonight! You guys rock! Keep them coming, I am laughing my a#@ off. Well, not off, there's still plenty back there!!!

    1. I wish that LMAO really worked! I might even be skinny given how much I enjoy this site!

  29. The cuddle sac should be renamed " the cookie jar".

  30. I have laughed so hard going through these, my brain is fried after working a 12 hour day, but I've sure enjoyed them. Hope to see a bunch more tomorrow.

    Pandora Purity?

  31. Now I got this from the Utah baby name book where they named kids a letter and how Robyn acts.
    Just using it tonight for fun.

    Princess & The P

  32. I feel for Janelle because she is going to have excess skin. I say you've got the money, help yourself to some surgery treats.

    Joe Darger reminds me of a scary Sgt. in the Army. I'd take him in a heartbeat over Kody, the organization freak would tear Kody up.

    Joe Darger also reminds me of Bull Shannon, played by Richard Moll, in the old sitcom Night Court.Goozy looking that way.

    Joe has danced around his words since the beginning of the TLC Special on his family.
    Check out his talk on their family page back in 2012. He's blowing smoke all up the Browns.
    Why it's so important for his family to speak up.

    Then TLC said no thanks. The reasons why could be that he's just boring. As the article above states, TLC is not afraid of copycat shows. Something went amiss with their big dream of a show.
    Then he got on a kick saying they were just too drama free normal folks for TLC.

    Then they weren't interested because it wasn't worth the money? yada yada yada.

    The article is well worth reading, short and sweet. It alllows you into world of Joe Darger a bit more. Joe Darger the LIAR. Joe Darger the SORE LOSER. The the tweet from Reality Kate was wild! I laughed so much the first tie it was on a post, and here, even more. My tag for Joe besides sore loser, liar, and meanie? Overly dressed. Check out the above Darger webage mentioned blubbering about TLC, and you'd think him and the wives were going to the Governer's Ball. Hell maybe they did.

    1. I'm wondering if the ick factor was just too much with the wives all being related? That might be more than many people could swallow.

  33. MybrotherfromanothermotherSeptember 8, 2013 at 11:41 AM

    Seems like Kody and Joe both have something in common and that is the inability to tell the truth. Sorry Joe, no show for you.

  34. MS do you like kodouche's concubine

  35. Replies
    1. That's it!!! LOL Meri looks like a oompa loompa... good one chacha1


  36. Drill Sergeant he may be, but some of us have a thing for dominant men... ;-)

    Also, do you remember the "vacation" episode with the Browns and the Dargers? Kody's wives were ready to jump ship... (Heck, maybe they would have even been willing to share a kitchen!) Do you recall Kody's face when his harem was going gaga over Patriarch Joe? He was not a happy camper! ;-)

  37. This whole posting section is just delicious to read, and I will surely be looking back this week after spoilers again for my new name!
    All so good I don't know where to start! That's why I asked you guys, more creative than I am. LOVE THEM ALL!

    I'm excited about tonight!! Come see me and talk!

  38. That Cookie Monster just made my day! I can't wait for tonight!

  39. Oh, Mister Sister, the alternative names are absolutely wonderful and hilarious, but I'll miss your pseudonym if you decide to change it!

    1. Me too! How about keeping at least past of it,
      simple, like
      My Sis

      no, better yet,

    2. If you want to keep some of your old name. Selfish Sista not sharing her Mista. :-)

  40. Shared Sacrawives

    Mission Statement Monitor


    Keep Sweet Tart

    Plyg Wonk (or Plyg Wonkette)

    I think Plyg Whisperer (already mentioned by someone else) is my favorite so far, however.

  41. Book reviews Darger is better than BrownSeptember 8, 2013 at 4:03 PM

    I just read the Browns and Dargers books, back to back.

    Don't buy them! Not worth it. Check them out from the library.

    Both books are ghost-written, but only the Dargers acknowledge the co-author.

    The Browns' book is mainly about how bad 'Merica treats the polygamists. The Dargers say this also, but they seem more open about their family dynamics, history, thought process, anorexia and other issues.

    The Dargers are way more likeable than the Browns. They just seem like organized, sincere, and open people.

    Why then would TLC go with the Browns and not the Dargers? Did the Browns hit TLC up first? Were the Dargers less willing to out themselves? The Darger wymmin are way better looking. Their family is closer. They live together in one house. They seem more personable. I'd rather watch the Dargers than the Browns.

    TLC, on the other hand, likes to promote train wrecks. Honey Boo Boo, Gypsy Sisters, Hoarding Buried Alive, Breaking Amish. Do you see the pattern?

    TLC does not want to show a functional family. Kody Brown is a salesman. He's a good talker. Janelle is a saleswoman. None of them are educated. This is not a superficial slap at their poor kids, but they are not focused on health. Except for Janelle, most of the daughters and wives have gained weight since they went on TLC. Meri, in particular, has grown more narcissistic, more unpleasant and she's gained about 20 lbs.

    They are not poor anymore. Some of the Browns are acting like gluttons in every way possible. The houses. The foods. The self-centered behavior. The constant complaining.

    The Browns are not a well-functioning family.

    Train wrecks sell. Functional nice families do not. That's why TLC doesn't like the Dargers.

    1. The Darger wives have a very Stepford wife feel to me when I watch them. It's almost like they don't have thoughts of their own and I found it hard to watch their special.

      I felt that Joe was far too domineering, I mean they even exercise how he wants them to. I doubt one of the wives could say "Joe, I'd rather do Zumbo or Yoga for the next several months." Just an example but I doubt it would be okay.

      That might be why they don't have a show, maybe a lot of people feel the way I do, maybe it's the ick factor of twins and a cousin being "married" to the same man. Who knows why but maybe it's that they just couldn't come to terms with TLC.

    2. Ohhh....I disagree. Maybe because I am a Virgo but I thought the home was ran better BECAUSE of the organization. I have 5 kids and I understand the need for structure and there isn't a lot of room for mess and chaos. That is why I enjoyed the Dargers....they aren't just offering up the POLY talk...I loved seeing how they managed to do ANYTHING with those kids. They have a freaking water fountain in the kitchen...... I went to my husband the same night and was like....out a wall mounted water fountain on the wall please....eliminating CUPSS

  42. Ok, I am getting excited about tonight's episode. I have a funny feeling that Kody is going to be the one that has changed his mind about Meri having another baby. It will probably be because he doesn't want to have to share Meri's attention. Lol. Anyone else with a prediction?

    1. I think he's going to throw it back on her and tell her he can have as many as he wants no matter what she decides, in true Kodouche fashion. I just hope she fails to keep sweet and tells him where to go!

  43. Off topic, the Sept. issue of Marie Claire magazine has an excerpt from "The Witness Wore Red" about how one of the late Rulon Allred's 85 wives left polygamy. Her name is Rebecca Musser. Sounds like a good read. She also testified at the trial of Warren jeffs.

    1. Karen, thanks for mentioning this book. I checked it out and it looks like it contains a lot of insider facts and some great information. I went ahead and pre-ordered it. Thanks.

    2. She is the sister of Elissa Wall, author of "Stolen Innocence". Elissa was the one who originally filed charges against Warren Jeffs for child rape, successfully, after Warren had married her off against her will at age 14. That's also worth a read.

  44. To get us in the mood for tonight's episode......Sing along...

    Teardrops on carpets and drama ‘bout kitchens
    Bright spots of bald head and wives that are witches
    Brown family finances hanging by strings
    These are a few of my favorite things.

    Cream colored houses and black pleather couches
    Cuddle-sac jogging and in-fighting grouches
    Women keep too sweet and men reign like kings
    These are a few of my favorite things

    Sons that are dead to him, daughters immodest
    Scoping out wife number five that is hottest
    Ones that show cleavage he thinks of as sluts
    But, then we knew starting out he was nuts

    When the show stinks
    When it’s flashbacks
    When they make me mad
    I simply log on to my Sister Wives Blog
    and then I don’t feel so bad

    1. Yes it is!! I forgot to tell you yesteday! Please email me, I'd like to put this on a Spoilers post, please make up a name so folks will "know" you and send it to me!

    2. Who Stole The Cookie FromThe Cookie JarSeptember 8, 2013 at 5:44 PM

      Love it!!!!! Hilarious and so creative!

    3. OneWifeTwoWifeRedWifeBlueWifeSeptember 8, 2013 at 6:28 PM

      love it!! This is totally the SWB theme song...... just missing a verse about cookies.

    4. Love it love it love it !!!!

    5. Love, love, love!!

    6. I am holding her new version with Cookies hostage until Spoilers 2 tonight~~~ It's so cute~! We need someone to help us here at SWB that could put songs to music, that would be super cool! They could be very simple, yet folks would love it even more!

    7. Oooh ooh ooh ooh...MS, I'm making a funny picture to go along with this. Check your email!

  45. Good thought, IFight! I don't know. It seems as if Kody-- some how, some way-- looks forward to having more children with his wives.Where, when, why, how, and with whom has left to be seen...

    If Kody were going the route you mentioned, thought, it wouldn't surprise me if he turned the tables on Meri to make it seem as if having more children with her was not in her best interest-- which it may or may not be. Would you want to see Meri hormonal? (God help us-- If the camera crews film Meri at her finest, 9 months of Meri pregnancy would be HELL!) Or face a possible miscarriage? Baby birth defect? There's also the peaceful haven of her "empty nest" home to consider.

    If Meri truly wanted another child, however, I would hope Kody would step up and support her to make it happen.

  46. No matter what they decide, there won't be a baby. The Dr. told her & Kody her eggs were too old to even try.

  47. *********************************

    For those reading the blog at a later date, today is the day of the episode "A Wife Decides" s04e08. This post and the one below it may have talk of the show. Thanks!

    1. I just wanted to say thanks for removing the "prove you're a human" check at the bottom every time we wanted to post something!

    2. You are welcome. We may have to change it back from time to time, but we will do our best to make it easy.

    3. Yeah, I was beginning to wonder if I was human, too... ;-)

  48. If you haven't read (this post)

    AnonymousSeptember 8, 2013 at 4:29 PM

    You must!

    In that spirit, I'd like you songwriters to write me a song to the tune of "The Adams Family" and SEND it to

    You can write about:

    The Browns

    The Williams (or a poem, you can use another song, we need one that describes them from our post and other outlets) A get to know you song if you will.

    Any other ideas, write them down and send them in, with a moniker and we will use them in a post!

  49. My guess, after all the many, many faux "will she or won't she" scenes, the looming "decision" will be that there will *not be* a decision.

    Instead, we will have to suffer through Neanderthal/Cookie Monster and Her Orangeness trading spit and tears, and vowing that they will, for now, leave the decision in Higher Hands.

    Leaving it so viewers can speculate that Meri's five bedroom, empty, echoing wet-barred McMansion will occasionally be ringing with the impassioned moaning and groaning sounds of their "lover"-ing.

    1. I completely agree, Amused ... There will be no decision, just a bunch of tears and snot .... ("Her Orangeness"! LOL! I love it!)

  50. Sam Franklin and Tiger the DogSeptember 8, 2013 at 7:45 PM

    Name: Free Freedom Rings

    I just can't wait for tonight. Is it bad if I wish it were a trainwreck like the secret was?

  51. Between Anon 4:29's song and Twisted Sister's Kody Cookie Monster I am already hysterically laughing & the show hasn't even started!!

  52. This is a wonderful song for those of us that got out. Not as funny, but still, good!

  53. I'm getting ready!
    Popcorn check
    Kids baths finished check
    Coke Poured check
    Come on Sister Wives! I'm ready to read and post and have some fun!!

    1. i'm ready, too!

      wine, check!

      more wine, check!

    2. I can't suggest drinking games like Andy Cohen - or I'd have half of SWB in the hospital!! Can you imagine if we took a swig everytime the word surrogacy had come up this season?

    3. Let's turn on our orange-ometers and rate Meri's shade tonight.

    4. Cool!!! Oh, I bet TW could make pics to rate them later this week too!!!

  54. I can't wait for this show! Thanks for giving us a fun place!!

    1. You are welcome! Opening up as soon as I get situated! Keep commenting here for abt 5 mins.

  55. Shall we all make a pact not to comment on the kids weight or general attractiveness?

  56. Sure thing. we always to. except for Mariah, she dug that hole for herself this season

  57. Why do they done talk like dat?September 8, 2013 at 9:40 PM

    Scene with Meri and Sobbin:
    Meri "I probably should tell you about MINE and Kody's conversation..."

    MINE and Kody's conversation!!!!

    Scene on the couch:
    Robin "If this doesn't sell in Guilt then we will be HAVING to completely back to the drawing board..."

  58. Has anyone seen Robyn's recent tweet about Dayton's name? I don't think it's a nickname made from "David" and "Preston" since she said she chose it for its meaning.

  59. "They're chunky and not spunky,
    They're all married to the monkey,
    They're really kinda crunky,
    The Brown Family..."
    "We watch them with our snark on,
    We watch then turn their tears on,
    Girls put more clothes on!
    The Brown Family..."

  60. He's an inconsiderate jerk. "I hope you don't mind that I've been here before with another woman."

    Does anybody else get the feeling that if he has sex with one woman and then goes the next morning to another wife's house, that he makes it known they "did it"? I'll bet he doesn't even shower. He's so grossssss.

  61. Yes I realize I'm a little late to this party, but just wanted to add my 2¢ of name suggestions ;)

    *Snark Fabulous or Snarky&Fabulous

    *Snark Gone Wild

    *Ms.Sassy or

    *Cheerz 2 Snark
