Sunday, September 8, 2013

3 - Sister Wives "A Wife Decides" Spoilers, Gossip! s04e08 or s06e08

Page 3 - Spoilers, Gossip
Sister Wives "A Wife Decides" s04e08/s06e08
Twisted Sister's Land of Oz

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  1. Occupy the Cuddle-sacSeptember 8, 2013 at 11:15 PM

    Twisted Sister Wife, come out from behind the curtain and take a bow. You ARE the great Oz of SWBlog! Outstanding artwork on all of tonight's spoilers!

    1. Yes she is!

      And you are the NEW Great of of Writing, research, and song development!!!!
      Bravo to you, folks are a talking about the song!!!

    2. I agree Twisted Sister Wife ROCKED those photoshops above! Those are such perfect characters for each of the Browns! Christine totally is Glenda the good witch!

      And Cuddle Sac your song is awesome.

    3. And you ROCKED helping with updates. I need to talk to you before next week. I'm already watching it again! Maybe we can clarify here some thing. Last time I never saw the TV!

    4. Two thumbs up on the pictures and everything about this blog! Love coming here and reading :) I only wish there was a love button!


    5. I just rolled out of bed. Haven't seen the episode yet (will watch the DVR this morning).

      But I just had to say:

      TSW - these are PERFECT!!!!

      and CS - can't get the tune and words out of my head from last night.

      We are among greatness here, folks.

    6. AMAZING job, Twisted Sister!!!

      I think that, if Meri had not been the Wicked Witch, her next character in line would be the Cowardly Lion. ;-)

  2. Preview for next weeks episode UNLV Conference.

    Robyn,to kody
    Honey they are making you sound like a misogynist pig.

    Man, they've been looking in the dictionary again.

    Robyn, no one thinks Kody hates women. Look again.

  3. These photos are hilarious!

  4. Twisted Sisterwife, you did an awesome job

  5. Meri at the end has to be the saddest thing I've ever seen on this show. As much as the Browns protest being compared to other plygs who live on compounds and are supposedly less modern than they are it's times like this that their true colors come out. It comes down to the true worth of a woman -- to have children. Why does it seem so hard for Meri to imagine that she can still have a great relationship with her husband without popping out another offspring? She even alludes to the fact that if they were monogamous, this wouldn't be an issue because they would both be empty-nesters. Instead, she's the dried up old crone and he's busily impregnating his other, younger wife (or wives, because I'm sure #5 will be along soon with a roomy womb for Kody to redecorate). I really felt sorry for Meri -- Kody was totally insensitive and basically has put her aside.

    1. I agree -- they pretend to be different than other plygs but in truth, it is top down management, starting with the male head of household. In the end, Meri gave the whole decision over to Kody. In his couch interview, he says she has all the choice in the world with her body, but she asks him to make this decision. In truth, I doubt Meri personally has any money of her own, no job, and no financial resources to look into IVF, or surrogacy.
      Others have said she gave this decision over to Kody to look more sympathetic, but she is so beaten and controlled by this lifestyle it is obvious she is incapable of making a decision on her own or is not allowed. It doesn't even matter which is the truth, the outcome is the same.

    2. Maybe they can't afford the IVF procedures now that they have the McMansions to keep out of foreclosure?

    3. Maybe if they were monogamist they would've been able to have more children naturally. I'm sure it hasn't helped Meri's situation (which they've never specified) that she only sees her husband every 3rd or 4th night unless if a wife is pregnant, and she wouldn't admit to the doctor if they had sex every night they have together.

    4. Deciding whether or not to have another baby is a big decision, and one that ought to involve them both as husband and wife.

      Looking at it from another angle, however, it seemed as if Meri wanted to take the responsibility off her own shoulders in the decision-making process by asking Kody what he wanted her to do. The only problem is that Kody didn't want the responsibility either.

      Kody doesn't mind being the Patriarchal Head of the Household, but 'responsibility' seems to be an expletive to him... :-/

  6. Watching the show now!

  7. OMG !!
    The Oz pics (and captions) are fantastic !!!
    Love, love love them !!

    Twisted Sister Wife.....YOU are the total package.
    Damn, you are one talented woman....AND....monogamous too !!

    Occupy the Cuddle-sac, Clever, clever song parody.

    Mister Sister,
    THANKS for ALL your work !!! You are the reigning Diva !!

    1. I concur. the blog is so much fun.

    2. I've been her from the start. The good thing about the blog is that Mister Sister is so down to earth, it's like we are all learning and playing together. I love it.

  8. I actually felt for meri tonight also, want be long sobbin robyn will have another one and take even more of kodys time from his other wives and children.

  9. Why are they talking about the mermaids modesty? Meri showed more swimming.

    Robyn looks much larger on the couch VS when Meri was talking to her at the end of the show.

    I predict if she is not pregnant, she will be. Have we seen her lately?

    KODY: The casinos here are entertainment, not so much gambling. Er Kody, no gambling, no Casino to sell your junk jewelry in

    1. She does, I had not thought of that.

    2. Last weeks episode was shot in July so we all saw her recently. I doubt she is pregnant.

    3. Yet again - trying to justify and excuse everything they do. Their religion is against gambling, so Kody has to pretend that this casino is not about gambling, just entertainment. What nonsense! These casinos exist for gambling, and entertainment is just the draw to get people in.

  10. The Brown's are soooooooo judgmental about the casino who is willing to take their crappy jewelry but nobody better be judgmental against the Brown's?

  11. Boy, that jeweler is LYING. The Casinos didn't turn them away because they were polygamists.

    They were turned away because the jewelry is junk and maybe the religion aspect.
    I'd say junk.

    Kody saying they'd be the destination point for all their customers made it sound like they would have new customers in DROVES, uh no you won't. Anyone from Vegas, why dont you take pictures and send them into the blog?

    1. I live very close to the Silverton Casino. It's an older casino, very small, kind of tacky and, technically, not part of the strip. They sort of improved their image when a Bass Pro Shop decided to open adjoining the casino, but I've never seen it very busy and I can, pretty much, promise you the Guilt won't be seeing new customers in droves as a result of the jewelry.

      Now I'm curious, though, how the Guilt will market the Brown's trinkets. I really think their biggest selling point is the fact that they have a show on TLC. Would anybody even look twice at their junk otherwise?

    2. No they wouldn't. Care to go take pictures and check out the shop for us? Email me!
      sisterwivesblog at aol dot com

  12. Did anyone notice that tonight's show went much smoother, less repeat shots?
    I do think they are listening to SWB big brother.
    Oh! And the tweet Funky Town posted on spoilers 2
    was what I thought when I read the tweet.

    I think if they don't read, the producers do. BIG switch tonight in filming and Meri now the hate will turn to Kody.

    1. I thought it went much better too. I swear, those houses were described as pretty trashy on a house post, but I like them! Let's put it this way: I'd take one!

    2. they're not the quality that a $450,000 house should be in the vegas market by any means - from their cheap choices they were given on carpet, granite, cabinets, fixtures, etc. to the cheap painted white walls everywhere. Yes, they're big square footage wise and cavernous feeling complete with the noisy echoes in the living room. the Brown's cheap and sparse furnishings also add to the cheapness of the house quality itself. Homes this size are a big responsibility to be diligent in maintenance which i can't imagine the Browns staying on top of.

      i wouldn't say they're necessarily "trashy" but only because they're brand new. i would say all their cheapness tho will definitely be showing up within a couple of years of the Browns in them tho. i would NOT take one - even at fair market price cause of the costs involved that you would really need to turn around and do some decent upgrades.

  13. New poster but obsessed with SWB! If Robyn is pregnant and only Kody knows, wouldn't that be a possible reason for him to say "no" to Meri? Seems odd since he said he can however many kids that he wants to have? Then why wouldn't he say yes to Meri?

    1. Yes, but filming is usually 6 months behind. It takes them forever to bring it to an episode.
      We don't know if she is!

    2. Welcome new poster! Glad you are sharing with us!

    3. Thank you for the welcome I know so much of these shows is scripted. The conversation between Meri and Robyn had a really awkward moment at the end. it was like they didnt know what else they were suppose to say to end the moment. I guess I'm trying to connect things. I've read one of the books from a girl who came from the FLDS. I try to equate what I have read on this subject to this polygamist family but get more confused.

  14. Kody DOES say,

    It's your body and you'd have to carry it. Poster on sp 2 was right. He got the wrong memo, she wouldn't carry it.


    After 2 years, Kody would have never let ROBYN offer if he didn't want to. REMEMBER he knew that ROBYN was going to ask MERI if she wanted surrogacy.

    So, why would he do this? Script.

    1. Too funny! only on this blog!!!!

  15. You ever notice how when ever someone (and tonite it was Janelle) doesn't support Robyn's joolry scheme, Robyn rolls her eyes? I saw it again tonite. Boo to Robyn.

    1. I watched the show with the sound off. Watched it with 3 girlfriends. We all said at the same time...
      How sad the women appear...their sparkle, no passion.....defeated.....not a happy bunch...thoughts?

  16. Definitely !!
    The producers ARE reading here. And so are the Browns!!
    And most likely the Dargers and now the Williams too !!

    This week's episode was almost repeat-less. Nice change.
    Sobbin must have taken an antihistamine to stave off any tears and stay dry-eyed.
    Way to go, Sobbin. We'll see how long that will last.

    Meri was a bit less orange. A bit !
    She had orange spots here and there, but the overall effect was less Sunkist-pulpfree looking. But given the topic hook for tonight's show, Meri took on the sniveling role. Some people look okay when they cry, some people look just plain fugly. Meri is in the latter group.

    Janelle was just Janelle. Always seems to come to the party not sure why she is there.

    And Kody in a desperate attempt to quell the SWB hair talk seems to have adopted a new look. Did he get a bad body perm? Has he given up on getting the usual highlights? Is he using lard as a thickener?

    1. Shoot I didn't look at the orange!!!

    2. LOL totally cracking up at your post regarding Janelle coming to the party but not sure why she is there hahahahahahaha!

    3. "Janelle always seems to come to the party not sure why she is there." SO TRUE! i guess just for her share of the trainwreck paycheck. nothing more and nothing less.

  17. I call BS on the whole surrogate or IVF "debate" that they have dragged out for over a year. I don't think Meri (or Kody) ever had any intention of pursuing either option. First of all, if they used Robyn as a surrogate, she would somehow claim "ownership" of that baby once she had carried it for nine months. Even if Meri was the primary caregiver, the baby would never clearly be Meri's & Kody's child. Meri basically told Kody she was done having children when they were in Mexico - and wasn't that a couple of years ago? And all this weeping and wailing about having to tell Mariah that there won't be a baby sounds an awful lot like Meri's crying because "all that Mariah wanted for Christmas was to be in the house".

    The sisterwives have grown far, far apart from how they were living in Lehi before Robyn joined the family. If Meri truly believed in the spirituality of plural marriage, she would step right in to help raise her "bonus" children. She said she enjoyed hearing the "noise" when the pixie girls were playing up in the loft at her house. I hope that wasn't just for the benefit of the cameras. I hope she will allow the girls to play there often.

    About burning Kody's bag. Will he now have a separate set of toiletries in each house, along with several changes of clothing? Couldn't he have done that in the rental houses? I'm guessing that the bulk of his belongings will reside in Meri's house, and he'll run over there whenever he needs something. I really enjoyed this show in the beginning. Now I've become totally disgusted with all the scripting and lies. It seems that there's nothing really "real" in it any more. Even the segments with the younger children don't feel spontaneous.

    1. Absolutely! The whole point is being one big happy family and having all those bonus kids. The other wives could certainly use extra help with childcare, chauffeuring kids to activities, preparing meals, etc. When my kids were young, it was awesome when one or both of them were at an aunt's house or at a play date. The Browns contradict themselves so much. It's sad that Meri feels she is devalued because she can't have any more biological children of her own, when instead she should be feeling that she's of value to the family as a mom and wife.

      By the way, Robyn tweeted earlier that the kids were actually playing in her loft during that scene. Kinda strange that they would want it to appear that kids were playing at Meri's when they actually weren't.

    2. Robyn said surrogate but in the same sentence at the offer said a little piece of kody and you. That is gestational carrier. A surrogate uses their eggs. If Robyn carried meri's eggs or egg donated by another person or an embryo donated by another then the baby would be Meri's. Or even in a surrogacy situation with Robyn's egg. But who would place an embryo with a polygamist family?

    3. "but who would place an embryo with a polygamist family?" uhm... that Dr. ex-spouse of Big Love's Nickie at their plyg compound would do it! LOL

    4. Anonymous 10:52 asks who would place an embryo with a plyg family... Octo-Mom's doctor comes to mind... just sayin..

    5. No doctor owns embryoes. They came from octomom and a donor arranged by her.

      In big love the evil family was trying to genetically only have their DNA in the whole community. Possibly why so many of Wanda's babies carried by Wanda died. Remember the authorities notice family connections where the marriage registries didn't support close family unions?

  18. I actually felt bad for Meri tonight.

    Was so proud of Janelle, she looks so great! Keep up the great work!

    Krody had a scab on his lip and why does he always have to talk about his masculinity? Is he that insecure?

    The only thing Christine was in was about her messy back yard?

    Sobyn has to make Meri's baby about her. Why can't she be pushed to the back like Christine has been? Can't stand her.

    I did love where Meri and Krody went that was gorgeous!


    1. I thought that Meri was just doing her normal passive-aggressive bs with the conversation at Red Rock (and who wears clogs to a place like that?). At least with the way it was edited, Kody gave her every opportunity to say what she actually wanted, and she kept defaulting to 'I want to know what you want'. Anyone who's married knows that if you're smart, you answer the question when you're asked, and don't just wait and hope that your spouse is going to give you the answer that they want.

      But of course that whole thing was scripted- not only had they already met with the doctor and found out her probable chances, but it kind of beggars belief that she wouldn't at least have hopped online and found out exactly what the procedure entails. IVF is hardly a secret procedure.

      I do feel for her a bit, trying to find a place now that her childbearing phase is apparently over. Polygamy (especially the branch that they practice) isn't generally kind to women who aren't pumping out babies, and she knows it. I think that she'll be just fine as Kody seems to run to her place to escape his parenting responsibilities etc., but she knows that at least according to their religious beliefs, she's slipped down a notch. Cue wife number 5's entrance, now that Robyn's the only one who seems to want any more kids.

    2. the old grey Mer will soon be put out to pasture in plygstyle. chances are janelle and christine were already since they've specifically both said they are DONE having kids. i guess Mer knows that the sex goes way down if not completely from those two already so she's lamenting that Kody's just going to have Robyn to spread his righteous seed with but will also soon be scouting around for wife #5 for another fertile myrtle to populate his planet kingdom.

  19. I agree, I just saw the jewelry lady saying they were saying no to them over being plygs.

    it's VEGAS!

    It's no, this jewelry is junk

  20. Kody - The kids are having a very wonderful experience.

    Isn't that bad English?

  21. Me? I could care less ifher feelings are hurt, and why you ask? she refers to what her role is in the family, she knew what it was going to be the moment she said I do,, to that tool. and that is, a servant to that mopman. nothing more, he may give her rope, but its always just enough to hang her with

  22. I used to like Meri the first episodes in earlier seasons. I felt the same way this episode.

    I think kody was just putting it to bed, except the possiblity of being miserable after the no decision could move her to a yes? Or just making Robyn's womb free. She needs eggs, not a womb. Robyn just should move on to more babies for herself, maybe freeze some? I think they would do that anyway to extend her child producing years out.

    I wouldn't be surprised if Christine had another.

    I am totally confused, now they are growing and being marketed in real stores. Are they struggling to sell or not? I feel lied to. Not the best business practice.

    1. I think that they should rent a little stall in that open air market adjacent Harrah's with all of the venders . Their affordable line is not very attractive - in fact,it's pretty ugly,- but people might buy it as souvenirs - especially if they could take pictures.

      Also, what's up with Janelle's trainer, the way he blew up at her over her frustration about not losing pounds. Where does he get off talking to a client like that?

    2. Anonymous at 4:01 a.m. wrote people might buy the jooolry as souvenirs especially if they could take pictures.

      I can so imagine cardboard cutouts of the Brown Klowns with holes in the faces for tourists to stick their own heads through. Let's see... what could the cutouts be holding...

      Kody - one hand green goo in a repurposed voss bottle and the other hand Rogaine

      Meri - bottle of whatever makes her orange

      Janelle - a smashed scale and a plastic model of a brain (representing the one she has to share with the rest of them in order for them to function).

      Christine - a toaster would be the obvious choice but I'll suggest a cast iron frying pan she can use to clobber a certain someone over the head all cartoony style when he calls her a princess, brings up nachos or asks her for doggie bags to take home to Sobbyn's house since she's too pretty to cook.

      Robyn can hold her purity locket of course in one hand and her (now defunct) Victoria's Secret credit card in the other. Of course...

      Sadly for the tourists you just know the Klowns would find some way to monetize this and charge per photo. Meri could run the photo booth now that she's got time on her hands.

      With each photo you'd get a signed publicity photo of the Klowns themselves and an iconic commemorative charm. The charm would read, in Latin of course, Caveat Emptor - buyer beware.

    3. Agreed, Anon 4:01, her trainer came off looking like a real creep.

    4. i would be greatly surprised if Christine DID have another baby! i don't think her and Kody even sleep together so much anymore nor was she treated well whatsoever with Truely (and still isn't). Also, she had a miscarriage before Truely and had to have Truely in the hospital vs. at home this time. Also, the reports keep coming in that Truely does have some kind of health problems that require extra attention from Christine along w/the rest of her large brood she's still dealing with as well as still trying to figure out what she's going to actually be able to do to afford that home (or any other one really) once the show is cancelled.

      I think Christine and Janelle both have discussed and agree that Robyn can push out some more as she's only got 4 (and only one by Kody) and that they've done more than their fair share already by producing 6 each from him.

  23. Kody's either trying to hypnotize people with those crazy eyes or cause seizures. Seriously, I glimpsed part of this epi on my way out of work & almost asked a coworker to spot me home. I had thoughts of wanting to back over my own head (impossible I know) or use the screwdriver my husband left in the console to gouge my eyes out! This Big Love parody of a show should come with a warning. they're weaving a casino into the storyline? It would be roll on the floor funny if kids weren't involved.

  24. Now we only need a hunky native american, a sweat tent & Janelle. I realize it should be Merri, but they don't want it to appear THAT obvious. Plus Janelle digs the native american stuff.

  25. Is Meri's sex life over with the creep if not trying to reproduce? Is that why she might want invitro?

    1. I doubt it but if it would stop her from referring to mini Manson as "lover" it would be a good thing for his three other followers.

    2. If Meri's sex life is over because she is not going to have another child - then what the heck is wrong with her and all the wives???? This is one way to to keep the kodster out of your bed. I would be doing the happy dance :)


    3. Me too dj. The happy "cake tasting" dance to be exact!

  26. Onnow. Kody making jewelry for the gals


    Robyn. Bird Phoenix (puke)
    Meri. Loyal. Maybe another animal thing. a Dog!lol Crown/heart.
    Suits her, she's the queen!!! Like he would know the word in latin!

    Christine the winds of love light hearted, fairies are very ethereal and mischief
    Janelle tree. grounded. earth.

  27. Kody is nothing but a selfish jerk. Pushes and pushes Meri for an answer, only to spout out no before she even answers. I do believe she wanted another child, and for good reasons. And I'm glad she said no to Robyn and her "oh so generous" offer. Why anyone would assume she needs a surrogate is beyond me. At 40+ she might need donor eggs, but there is no reason she couldn't carry a child.

    1. That might be their next storyline, you never know. She did say we aren't going to go that route.

  28. Please Please! Mister Sister, will you get a screen shot of Robyn doing that weird thing with her mouth while they are talking on the couch about the bag? OMG ROFL!

    1. I watched that in slow motion like ten times. Laughed so hard I had tears running down my face.

    2. omg! THANK YOU!! my DH can't stand this train wreck of a family and quit watching it with me last season. So he heard me in the other room LOL'ing and saying "wth" is SHE doing??? he came in to see what i was talking about and i re-wound it and showed him and his jaw dropped and he said, "wth, is SHE DOING??" HAH! we replayed it again as well as freeze-framed it and just kept laughing and shaking our heads and thinking the camera man must have been ECSTATIC to get that on film. i mean think about it - she must do that pretty regularly to be so oblivious to doing it now even on camera! lol

      anyway, i know there's been some hilarious Robyn face pics posted here in the past, but THAT one is TRULY bizarre! but really - to get the full effect, it needs the tongue thrusting action part to be included. very bizarre looking.

  29. Just a couple comments on things I didn't see addressed in the previous posts:

    Christine complaining about the kids "trashing" her's dirt! How do you trash that? It wasn't like they were digging it up to build sand castles, they were making blanket forts on it.

    Meri commenting about how she likes hearing the kids make noise in the loft area upstairs - so I guess she DID put a TV there after all? Wonder if that's where the Kodster and his "buddies" watch TV now?

    I am glad to see Janelle's trainer bringing in a nutritionist. That is the logical next step in her weight loss if she's hit a plateau. Change up the workout a bit, tweak the diet. Find a balance that her body responds to.

    And a comment about the sur-gacy offer - I believe Robyn offered it without any expectation that Meri would ever take her up on it. She knew that ship had sailed. Robyn also knew that if Meri said yes, she would be able to hog all the glory, get to be the hero, and never let any of them forget how magnanimous she is.

    I also think Kody doesn't want two wives occupying the same womb. There's nothing in that for him.

    1. Robyn tweeted earlier that it was her loft the kids were playing in -- not sure what Meri was actually listening to.

      I wonder how long until Robyn gets pregnant.

    2. I can only IMAGINE all the dirt that must get tracked into her home on a regular basis with all those kids going in and out to the backyard of nothing but dry and dusty dirt! that looks TERRIBLE! sad - they have no money to make their backyard enjoyable and livable. including just seeing a lone picnic table on a small rectangle slab of concrete for their patio area. needs an awning and some inviting furniture and plants - as well as to be bigger and a different shape and a wall, etc. very basic and cheap "starter home" looking to say the least. not acceptable for the size and price of those homes.

  30. I know Kelly -- the hypocrisy of quoting Biblical verse on polygamy (which by the way we still haven't seen) but gambling is OK because it's entertainment. And the half-naked mermaids are OK because they are in the water in the casino, not 100 feet away serving cocktails. So much time spent creating new theology to support a particular lifestyle is sounding more and more like other polygamist cults. The Browns are no different. Insufferable. I hope the producers do read here and put us all out of our misery.

    1. I don't! I love the little trainwreck. There are new shows coming on, but I still want my SW!

    2. well more cookies for you then. The novelty has worn off for me, sort of like an older non-baby producing sister wife might for Kody, since they can't help his god-ordained mission in any measurable way in the afterlife.

  31. I have a feeling Kody thrives on the jealousy and fawning his wives display.

    Tonight when they hiked, he asked Meri if it bothered her that he'd been to that place with another woman. And she replied that it wouldn't have bothered her IF he hadn't just told her about it!

    After sexing up one woman, I'll be he makes it known to the next wife whose house he visits. Somehow, he lets her know he did the wild thing with the harem member from the previous night. I'll bet he doesn't even shower in between.

    1. Sad isn't it. I wonder if the ex AUB on here could tell us more.

    2. yeah, when he made that comment to Meri - i thought ugh - typical Kodouche moment. he has no clue what a true ass he is in other's eyes.

  32. Also, when a woman has fertility issues, she might chart her ovulation and have sex at the right time. The man might be advised not to have sex until then so as to build up his sperm count.

    Now how do you accomplish that and get pregnant when your husband is boinking two or more other women and you only see him on your nights?

    Meri's fertility problems are due to Kody and polygamy.

    1. It might be. Hostile womb due to his ph or other weirdness from having sex with other women.

    2. I wonder if the other wives asked for STD tests before Robyn joined the family, especially since she had such issues with her "purity," oh excuse me since she had SEX with someone else.

    3. That's a very good question. I was taught in nursing school, that to put it bluntly & simply when educating about STDs, that when you have sex with a person you're also having sex with all their previous partners. You'd be amazed at the lightbulbs coming on when explained in that context.

    4. Well, if the SWs read here, maybe they'll consider getting tested. THAT would be an interesting storyline.

    5. I was wondering the exact same thing about the STDs.

    6. It is clearly not a sperm issue for their infertility problem so refraining from sex would not help. Kody tweeted they have tried everything (including hormone shots) except for IVF. They tried, unfortunately it just can't happen for them.

  33. How about this for an idea!!

    The King and I
    Batman and his catwomen
    O sister where art thou - Kody in George Clooney's body

    Toy Story
    The Godfather with the wives as his conort in men's suits

  34. Janelle says she started her first diet at 8.

    Therefore, she had childhood obesity.
    You are an inspiration to me Janelle.

  35. I've got to say what a REFRESHING blog this is! Excellent tone!

    I'm so tired of reading blogs about other shows/women/reality 'stars' and such vile language is used. It's down right vicious out there! LOL

    For realz, this blog is amazing. *tip of the hat*

    1. Thank you Jillybean. Haven't seen you before, Welcome!!!

  36. Thank you to all who created the pictures and songs on this blog I laughed so hard I woke my hubby up!!

    Robin tweeted something about the loft being in her house? Did anyone see that? I'm confused and I don't know how to post the tweet here.
    Can someone please look? Thanks

    1. Robyn does not have a wall all the way up separating the second floor from the first floor
      in the LR area. So, there if a loft like opening to the room upstairs. This is the large bonus room.

      You can see the floor plan here:

      All the homes are of this basic home with some tweaks.

    2. They used footage from Robyn's house playing it off like it was Meri's house. That is what Robyn meant.

    3. What a GREAT Idea for a new picture...Kody flying as Peter Pan from house to hosue in the cul de sac....Got it!

    4. Occupy the Cuddle-sacSeptember 9, 2013 at 9:32 AM

      Zip line swing is all "Peter Pan" needs...

    5. Brilliant, Occupy, and good morning!

  37. Twisted Sister, not only are you talented but I believe you've performed a miracle. You made Meri look better with a green tint! Are green and her customary orange opposite on the color wheel? Any who, you're a genius & I'm giggling myself delirious on this blog. Love it!

  38. I really would love to know how the boys are brought up in this religion. Like are they raised to believe that they have dominion over women? or are they raised to respect them?

    1. we hope the ex AUB member will step forth to educate us about her experience, but my understanding and research indicates that a great deal of the relationship between men and women begins with the Adam-God Doctrine. The entire stated purpose of plural marriage is to glorify the husband with as many wives and especially children possible, so that in the afterlife the man can become as a God in another universe with his children and presumably wives as disciples/followers. It just doesn't seem to set the women up for a great deal of respect as equal partners in a relationship. I dunno.

    2. I think the true teachings of this church on the subject of plural marriage would make another great storyline. But maybe that's coming in a future episode. I think it may be too controversial for TLC to tackle. I know it is a great deal more complicated than "Love should be multiplied not divided." I don't even know what that means and I've been puzzling over that for seasons now.

    3. We are going to have a post by an author about the teachings of the AUB church soon. Should be interesting.

      Love should be multiplied, not divided.
      A Man's love? A man's love should be multiplied ant not divided into just one slice? my guess.
      But a woman's can!!

    4. I've often wondered about that too?! Love should be multiplied, not divided... isn't he dividing his love by four? What an idiot!!


    5. A 12 inch pizza is just a 12 inch pizza, no matter how many slices you get out of it, isn't it? But there may be magic pizzas I am unaware of in the AUB theology, so I will be watching for the post :). You really do run a great blog. Thank you.

    6. My husband, Ed Kociela wrote the book 'plygs' based on the goings on in Hildale, Colorado City and Texas FLDS communities that are "ruled" by Warren Jeffs. To answer your question, the Fundamentalist Mormons groups men are not raised to respect women. Women are raised to "serve" their men. The women of the FLDS for instance grow their hair very long so they can wash their husbands feet with it "Zion" (Heaven). The women are taught not to question the men in the community. It is a form of brain washing. An example was the rescue in Texas on the Yearning For Zion Ranch. 11 men are in jail on various charges including Warren Jeffs (for child rape. There are interviews with the women that had their children taken away from them because of all that was found out and in the interview the women are crying and could not understand why their children got taken away and they truly believed they had done nothing wrong.

      I hope this helps clarify it some for you.

  39. Love Meri`s new look it suits her, well done!

    1. oh my gosh Tami, I've been trying to look at these and answer emails. I started to type "What look?" and realized you meant her green one! hahahah

      Maybe it's the MLM green goo!

    2. Haha - the green goo!!

    3. OneWifeTwoWifeRedWifeBlueWifeSeptember 9, 2013 at 1:40 AM

      you know, in the book wicked.... elphaba's( aka wicked witch of the west)mother drinks a tonic that caused elphaba to turn green. I think you are on to something mister sister! It must be the green goo.

  40. Janelle seems so smart and cool, like someone I would love to be friends with. She is just so awesome.
    If she reads this blog, I have a few pieces of info that might be helpful to her weight loss effort (or to any others interested in health/weight info. I have a BS in nursing and have spent many of my 46 years researching alternative diets, etc.).
    PBS this past season ran a 'special' with an English physician named Michael Mosley, entitles "Eat, Fast, and Live" (something like that) in which he explores cutting edge University research on how fasting helps improve health and helps the body trim down--and he kind of figures out just how little pays off big in this regard; as little as 'fasting' (which includes a 500 calorie meal) two days out of seven every week--his own body and blood tests showed results! There is also another special with Michael Mosley about exercise and how little can improve glucose tolerance and lipids; 3 minutes of maximum performance exercise bike 3 times a week showed results. Also, some people are non-responders to cardio-Mosley is one. Both shows have been on PBS recently and on our cable on-demand.
    Lastly, naturopath Peter D'Adamo has a world renown book called "Eat Right For Your Type", has a website, etc. and discusses his med school research into how various foods affect different blood types.
    I think it's safe to say that we are all rooting for Janelle. Team Janelle!!!

    1. She ill realize the only solution to good health is good nutritious food, stopping when full and activity. She loves hiking and camping...she ought to explore with some of the kids and go to the wilderness. Her spirit has been crushed by the LOUD voices around her. It is nice to see her smiling and watching her transform into the bold, beautiful woman that's been underestimated.

    2. I tried to preview my post, hit publish and it wasn't quite "polished." Sorry, hope it is clear enough.

  41. Momma Bear is wearing down. If you would like to contribute, think about clipping tweets for us. There's a special way to do it, very easy, for us to them post. Email me and put "clip tweets" in the header. Thanks!

  42. Occupy the Cuddle-sacSeptember 9, 2013 at 1:18 AM

    Robyn on burning the bag, "It served its purpose, but now that we're here it's no longer needed". Yeah right... because he'll spend EVERY night at your house now that no other wombs are dialed to pre-heat. Oh my little pretty... Wife number 5 surely cannot be that far off in the distance.

    I imagine he will scuttle off next door to Meri's to shower and dress in the morning in his comfortable bedroom suite sans kid noise and then saunter over to Christine's for breakfast before heading over to Janelle's for some pocket change so he can rev up his sports car and make a Starbucks run on his way to some green goo meet up.

    1. Be By (Bemused Bystander)September 9, 2013 at 1:26 AM

      very funny and right on the mark, Occupy!
      By the way, the ONE time Robin DOESN'T break down into tears is when Meri is falling apart on the couch right next to her...didn't Meri just get done saying that they are 'pretty good close' or something like that? I don't think Robin is sad about the way this is working out, not at ALL.

  43. GREAT Wizard pics...too funny!

    I'm sick of hearing about whether or not Scary Meri should produce yet another Junior Brown, who bloody cares?? How long have they been dragging out this stupid story line? I'm sick of watching Scary Meri and Sobbin cry and dab away the tears..its in every freakin episode! ENOUGH!

    I keep wondering what the hell Janelle is doing here....

  44. Janelle is just like "Well, Kody's pretty cute for a gal like me who's been fat all of my life...oh well so I have to share him"
    Of course, she is the smartest of the bunch, and the most fair-minded, and we all know she deserves better. but "oh well, this is pretty good, considering".
    Lord, Janelle deserves her own planet as much as the Kodester; and she is soooo much cooler.

    1. so awesome Beby! I couldn't agree more about Janelle deserving her own planet and I really haven't laughed this hard in 4 seasons.

  45. I just read through a bunch of tweets from the Browns. I don’t have the times on them, but am quoting them pretty much in the order they were posted.

    As someone else already pointed out, Robyn tweeted, “Wait that was my loft in the shot with the girls playing together! Funny!”
    (Yeah, funny that Meri took credit for having the girls at her house.)

    Meri: “Watch our friends, the Williams family, on My Five Wives next week on TLC.”
    Kody: “Next week we will be airing an hour earlier than usual! Tune in after to meet my friend Brady in My Five Wives”.
    (Right, the Williams family are “friends” of the Browns – just like the Dargers were.)

    Someone asked Kody, “Which house do you do laundry in? Dying to know!!” to which Kody answered, “All of them. Sometimes I do my own laundry.” (Really??? King Kody not imposing on his wives?)

    About Kody’s & Meri’s picnic, Meri posted several tweets in a row:
    “I went up there that day with the thought of moving forward with testing to see if its even an option for my body.” – “My biggest struggle was that I never knew how he really felt. It needed to be a decision between both of us.” – “As tough as this decision was, it’s the best thing for us. Kody & I agreed that extreme measures like IVF was not for us.”
    (They couldn't have had a discussion privately during the past year, but decided to have it openly before the cameras?)

    Kody tweeted to Meri: “I think you and I switched places on where we are at regarding having another child. Surprised? Sad?”

    Meri responded: “Not completely switched, but we definitely both have additional thoughts about it."

    Meri went on with several more tweets:
    “Kody & I made the best decision for us in our stage of life. Baby decision should always be an agreement of both parties.” – “But for us, as difficult & vulnerable it was for me, with such a public discussion, this is the decision we came to together. This discussion has been over whether or not to do IVF. That’s not for us.”
    (I think she responded earlier that the surrogacy offer had been declined in the first episode of this season.)

    Also from Meri: “That’s not to say that if we were blessed with a natural pregnancy we wouldn’t be ecstatic, because we would!”

    Someone asked Kody: “What about hormones and other sciencey stuff besides IVF? More like aides.” – to which Kody responded, “We have done it all.”
    (If they have already explored these other options in the past, why would Meri tweet: “I went up there that day with the thought of moving forward with testing to see if its even an option for my body.”

    And last, but not least, Robyn tweeted: “I am so glad Meri talked to me about what she had decided. I have been anxiously waiting.”
    (Hold on there! We know that this episode was filmed at least a couple of months ago, so why do they keep pretending that these conversations took place today???)

    So much scripting and lying!

    1. "sometimes i do my own laundry." yeah, probably all your butt sweat pants that your wives refuse to do! lol

    2. Robyn was definitely fake with Meri. Quite sure she & Kody have discussed, at length and often, Meri's infertility and Robyn's patronizing offer of surrogacy that Meri did not jump at. I thought Meri had already said no to IVF and what were those doctor visits I remember watching? IVF costs at least $15,000 and Meri already had a miscarriage years ago (only the 2nd time she's ever been pregnant). Why doesn't she help with the other kids which are allegedly hers too to in sisterwifeland, get a job, and wait for grandchildren. -jd

    3. I haven't read this yet, but was a bit steamed when Robyn asked Meri if she had prayed on her decision and didn't she feel that little spirit wanting to be born...such a mean thing to say! Meri and all other women who have infertility problems certainly do not need Robyn to make a dig at them like she did. My God, she couldn't put her arms around Meri and give her a bit of comfort on the couch?

    4. Wow Darlene? Can't believe (wait a minute, I can) that Robyn would say such a sanctimonious thing? How dare she question another woman in such a pious way!

  46. Hmmm, since the baby question was answered by him tonight with a big NO, then why did Robyn blurt out last week in the Q&A that Meri should hurry up on the having baby issue. The Q&A was taped in July, the episode we watched tonight should have been taped earlier in the year right?

    1. So, why would Sobbyn say something like that to Meri? Especially with the tone she had when saying it. If Meri was really upset and hurt about no baby or if Kody really meant NO, or if their minds have not changed about no baby, why would Robyn say this. Something sneaky is going on here or just plain scripted and lies.

    2. oh, it's SOOOO scripted!! Kody's little speech about Meri changing her mind and he'll be fine with it no matter how many times she does! oh, please. HE'S the one who's been pestering her for the past two years to change her answer from yes to no and then when she finally does - HE changes his and says no!! what a LAME two year scripted drama they've dragged us through - along with the ever buttinsky Robyn's involvement in it as well. LOL - they're convinced we're all as dumb as they are.

    3. It's called the magic of television. They knew the Q&A would air before this episode so you have to keep up the is illusion that the question is still unanswered (Except for when Kody told us over a year ago in a group interview that it wouldn't happen)

    4. You are right.

      Sun. episode Kody said they had been there 3 weeks. So... JAN. 2013.

      "Polygamy Questions Answered" was filmed July 24, 2013.

  47. The photos are so funny!

  48. Thanks for the welcome Mister Sister.

    I rarely post but read here often. I like the light hearted tone.

    BTW, I'm surprised to see NO ads here! Wouldn't that little bit of financial help support all the time you guys put into this?

    Not that I'm trying to tell you how to run a blog! :) Clearly, you do it well.

    1. Lack of ads is what makes this blog so readable. It seems like this is a labor of love for all involved (including the viewers who post here).

    2. I see ads! They don't bother me!

    3. You've hit the nail on the head Anony 9:38!

      This blog is totally a labor of love, sharing, learning, diversity, and friendship.

      My family have been very patient with the time involved, and so many people pitch in you never hear about or see. They prefer to have it that way. Many are jumping in now that never had the chance, which means we will get bigger and stronger!

      The MOST important part are the readers/posters for without them there would be no spice or fun!

      Love and thanks to everyone!

      I can't say that we will always be this way - We would of made over 150,000 just for clicks alone with ads....which makes you go ouch! But we try!

    4. IconicCookie - yes to items relevant to the blog or things we've reviewed, books, etc. Easy Access to the reader. Let's not discuss too much, want to keep them!

  49. Note to self: Do not watch SW when you are over-tired. It makes you think like a 5 year old! This episode they were discussing the new homes and how great it was to live close again. The conversation was that "Kody's bag has been to everyone's house. His bag is with Christine, then Jenelle,then Meri and then Robyn. His bag used to symbolize our living situation. It is with a different wife every night. When his bag is gone, it leaves an empty spot, and you realize he is with another wife. His bag made the rounds for years." Kody then announces that when his bag leaves Jenelle's house, she is glad to be rid of it and get her bed, ummm, house back to herself. I half expected him to run away screaming when they announced they were going out back to set his bag on fire! Would that be considered roasted nuts?? Never mind...I have insomnia and I do not know what I am typing!!

    1. No, I think he keeps his nuts at Robyn's house exclusively now. I say good for Janelle for saying what we were all thinking. Better gone than bagged by him. Because it is late, perhaps, I just had a gross thought cross my pea brain. Can you imagine how icky it will be 20 years from now when he's still trying to capture cookies from women increasingly younger than him? The sick thing is I bet there are people writing to him, here and now, proposing their young daughters be his number 5. Over 18, of course, but young enough to be one of his college-age daughters.

    2. If I happened to be one of his wives I would still realize he was another wife because my bed would be empty! Yes they are closer but he's still not there. *smh*

    3. Kody sounded and looked like a happy little boy kissing mommy (robyn) goodbye as he scurried outside to run across the street to go play at a neighbor's house (meri's). embarrassingly childish. if only he could actually FLY like Peter Pan, too!

  50. Wow, I just looked at the house plans, and can I just say WOW again. I want a McMansion too. Does anybody know if the Cuddle-Sac is gated? It appears to be from the pics. Sorry, but how is this less of a plyg compound ... than a plyg compound?

    1. Electrified automatic gate. Too snobby for the usual barbed wire. Snark.

    2. Slightly less plyg compound than the other compounds because there are non-plygs behind the gate with them at the other end of the street ending in the cult de sac.

      I would imagine by this time (8 months after the Browns moved in) there are "For Sale" signs on some of those houses.

  51. Gina the jeweler in describing the tree symbol chosen for Janelle, "It's permanent, it's not going anywhere". Well... just wait a minute missy. You obviously don't follow this blog or you'd know Janelle already got outta Dodge once and could very well do so again (in fact she has a whole Krew of SWB followers here cheering her on to take her children and run as far away and fast as she can).

    1. OneWifeTwoWifeRedWifeBlueWifeSeptember 9, 2013 at 2:06 AM

      yeah! 20 years of "marriage"and she gets a bed. Meri got to go to Mexico. We know Janelle likes to travel....we read it in the BSW book. Maybe she is trying to make sure she has the the necessary furnishing for when she moves.

    2. what a trio genius business brainstorming we witnessed. NOT.

  52. OneWifeTwoWifeRedWifeBlueWife

    ^^^^^ THIS made me laugh so loud the cat woke up! What an awesome name!!

  53. They went out and bought a new fire pit to burn a perfectly good bag...

    Why not fill it with food and give it to a shelter, food bank or the homeless. I don't understand these people.

    And why burn the bag anyway? Isn't he still going to need something to carry his crap in around the sac?

    1. My point exactly on the last post. As a parent, I'm going:
      Kids put toys in
      Kids take gym clothes in, etc etc!

    2. Ah, I am not sure I would want MY kids putting their little hands into that bag. If Kody put his clothes into it after his serial mating, I would not want my sweet little darlings to put their hands into it no matter how many times it had been laundered.

    3. black toxic and foul smelling smoke billowing in the neighborhood. nice. but again - that's the HOA president doing it so it's all good!

  54. Oh my gosh! This page is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time!! Haven't been able to read tonights postings, but this page is amazing! SW, TLC, and the gods-of-creativity should PAY the people who make this blog! Thank-you!

    1. Couldn't read the postings? What's going on Sinister?

  55. Also, it's nice to see Mister Sister and some others here are nite owls, like me! :)

    I, too, felt pity for Meri tonite. And I hate myself for it. She's such a manipulative woman and doesn't deserve the pity.

    1. i wouldn't feel too bad about it. No one wants to feel pitied really. Empathy and compassion maybe - but not pitied.

      I will say again here that i do often wonder how different (and hopefully in the LIKABLE sense) both she and Robyn would be without their well developed passive/aggressive skills they've honed from being raised and living in this emotionally unhealthy lifestyle.

  56. Very grateful to have closed captioning during the couch scene with Meri and marble-mouth. I swear Sobbyn could be a ventriloquist. The woman doesn't open her lips when she speaks. It's as if her jaws are wired shut.

    Somebody needs to rewatch (not me I'm too tired tonight) and count the sheer number of times the casino's name was mentioned (or a sign for it shown or a caption of its name was run along the screen). What do you bet a deal was struck to provide all this free P.R. for the casino in return for being allowed to stick their jewelry in a case in the casino gift shop? Maybe even real money exchanged hands besides just permitting the jooolry to be sold there. Somebody who reads this blog and lives in Las Vegas just has to slink into that store and give us a report on how it is selling, what's there etc...

    I too felt sympathy towards Meri tonight. I'm also finding myself detesting Robyn all the more. She did get Meri stirred up about having a baby by suggesting the surrogacy and wasn't there an episode awhile ago in which Robyn did remark how fun it would be to raise kids together at the same time as Meri?

    The fact that Meri does not have a job currently (other than the green goo and MSWC) probably has her all the more upset about her empty nest.

    Hey Meri - we haven't seen your camera out for awhile. Why don't you start your own photography business or at least take pictures of the kids on the cuddle-sac.

    1. When this was filmed Meri still had Mariah at home. This has to be scripted out the wazoo.

  57. I am laughing so hard at all the pictures from tonight.

    When I first looked at the ones above from "The Wizard of Oz" I wondered, "Why isn't there one of Robyn?"

    I thought, at first glance that Dorothy, AKA Robyn, was Kody!

  58. These spoiler posts are so cute! From the Cookie Monster on 1

    to the song on 2
    "Teardrops on carpets and drama ‘bout kitchens

    Bright spots of bald head and wives that are witches

    Brown family finances hanging by strings

    These are a few of my favorite things, rest of song on page 2

    and these Oz pictures are too much! As much fun as the show.

    WONDERFUL. Thank you so much.

  59. wonder what Christine/Mykelti think about the teen daughter of a Duck Dynasty dad now has her own prom dress line out debuting in New York fashion shows and boutiques?

    1. Really? I LOVE that show!!!!
      ahh... the ole prom dress episode. You know it's staged, but fun, light-hearted, and family oriented. Personally, I love they show their religious beliefs.

  60. I didn't understand the whole 'picnic' scene with Meri and Kody. We already know he wants more kids-- he told her that a while ago. She asks him if he wants another baby with her and he says the responsibility for the decision is hers. She didn't accept that answer and kept pushing the question. So he says NO and she says she wants to go in for more testing. More firmly he says NO, FINAL ANSWER. Then she cries to Robin that the point of the picnic was to give her YES answer. All those years of marriage, you would think Meri and Kody could communicate better instead of being so awkward with one another. How could they so not be on the same page about something so big as having a baby, especially when it will require medical intervention? It is like they didn't have any idea what the other was thinking or feeling.

    Could somebody please explain to me what Kody means by 'love should be multiplied, not divided.' Is monogamous marriage divided? That doesn't even make sense. If anything, I would say the love in all of Kody's households is definitely divided. I'm sure all those kids would agree.

  61. A couple of thoughts:

    1. Perhaps now that Meri is an empty nester with no small children at home she should go out and get a "real' job. Real meaning not staying at home and peddling crappy joolery or green goo.

    2. Did anyone notice in the preview for next week Kolette saying that it is obvious that those women hate each other? My first thought was someone has been reading SWB! That is exactly what is said here often.

  62. Let's see.. where to begin to answer your question Anonymous 8:24 a.m.... You ask - After all those years of marriage why would they not communicate better? Perhaps because 3 other women and their gazillion kids have been sharing her marriage with him? You know how you count dog years (what is it one for every 7 years of human life, something like that). Maybe in plyg-land you need to count by plyg years - everything gets reduced in some elaborate calculation based on the number of wives. So someone married 20 non-plyg years would only be married 5 years in plyg years if they shared a sperm receptacle with 3 other women. Oh right... only one is actually "married". Honestly, I thought Meri appeared more Kodypendant than ever in tonight's show. Fear of the beady eyed look or out and out abandonment. Either way she's got years invested into this man/child and the day of reckoning is here. This is all she's left with. Accepting that you are in the old-enough-to-be-someone's-grandmother phase of life is tricky when you still identify with a younger woman still doing your mister and making babies for him. So, really, ladies... does being a sister wife REALLY make everyone better? Or does it just make everyone better at being miserable?

  63. The iconic jewelry that Kody designed for each of his wives looked like teenage notebook scribblings, or really bad and unoriginal tattoos. Let's see...the phoenix head did kind of resemble Robin, but wasn't at all romantic. I was kind of surprised he didn't give her something more fitting of her favorite wife position in the family. Really can't imagine anyone wanting that piece. Glad he didn't go with the dog for Meri, but hers was really blah. Janelle's money tree was strange, it should have had $$$ on it. Christine is airy so she got the fairy. Disney already makes Tinkerbell jewelry. So unimpressed at this uninspired family trying to pass themselves off as artisans and designers. They should definitely stick with creating scrabble art and sewing flannel pajamas.

    1. Do you REALLY think he designed those items? The whole thing was totally staged. He may have had the ideas of what they represented but the actual drawings were done on graph paper and I imagine sketched out by the jewelers themselves. He was just shown running a pencil over drawings they'd already created. Setting aside the fact I doubt he can draw or print that well.. do you really think he'd take the time to go to an art or office supply store and buy a pad of graph paper? I suppose it is conceivable he could have pilfered one from the daughter who does fashion design or a kid who used such a pad for a math class. But, if I were betting I'd say the actual drawings were not his.

    2. The entire scene was one interminable plug for their foundering MSWC gumball machine "jewelry." As we all know, the Kody designs they spent SO MUCH TIME YAPPING ABOUT have been hawked on the MSWC website for ages--with no mention, I might add, of the particular wives for whom each piece was designed. That was worse than the Jenni-O turkey moments on Biggest Loser. :)

  64. I think this episode with Meri is proof positive that although they try to say ad nauseam how they are nothing like the "negative" polygs out there, they are all the same in different clothes.

    A woman's worth is only in how many children she can push out.

    Saying "I don't want to go through the IVF process to make a manufactured baby" means "I don't love you and don't need you anymore". Meri now thinks she has no worth in the family. Huh? What about "All these kids are MINE, they are "bonus" children, but each and every one is Mine."

    I would have thought that this lifestyle choice would be perfect for a woman that can't have children naturally. She gets to raise children and surround herself with them. She is now free to go to every single school activity, to volunteer in the schools, to cheer on the home team, to pass out hotdogs in the concession stands, to bake cookies (the other kind of cookies) for the bake sale to raise money for new uniforms. To take on PTA issues. Basically to be a "SUPER Mom" who is only missing the DNA link with the children.

    An empty nester is none of those things because their link (the child) is gone, so it's a little strange to have a childless person running the PTA. In this case, there are so many little ones, and since Solomon is just a baby, they have another 17 years of involvement with the local school system.

    Wow, way to play head games. Unless you are holding a baby that you yourself have carried you are now worthless to the family. Might as well go out to the back pasture until you just fall over and die.

    I think all that "they are ALL our children" is just a load of bunk that they try to say to themselves to believe it. They are nothing more than close living, close in age cousins who happen to be half siblings by blood alone.

    If you are reading this Robyn, read this to Meri for me.

    "Get off your butt and get yourself to UNLV, you are young enough to move on from this crap! You aren't tied down with diapers and nightmares and get away from that pyramid scheme. Get a degree and get yourself independent. A woman is NOT ONLY here to make babies!!"

    It's just sad to see her obviously hurt because that damn man has now squashed what she thought was her ticket to getting him back. She has "lost" him to the other wives because he is as active as he can be with the kids. She watched him glued to Robyn when she was pregnant and when the baby was born, so naturally she thinks that she can recapture that by jumping onto the baby platform. Ugh. I am 46 this year and my baby is almost 18. The thought of starting all over again with a pregnancy and a baby makes me sick to my stomach. I'm finally getting MY life back where I don't have to spend every waking minute worrying about my kids. I can't imagine going through the teen years AGAIN, but being 60 years old instead of 35. Gosh, THAT would be a nightmare.

  65. I have bee reading your blog for a while - absolutely love it. I think that's the only reason I still watch the show - to come here and read the snark later! What a great group of smart and funny people!
    Last nights show was WAY too much Kody for me. Every time I saw him running around (when he didn't need to run) or acting like a goofball it just made me cringe. I can't stand it when he's on! I think my favourite part was when Janelle was in the house trying to find her kids and just being normal. They should really focus on the wives and their everyday lives instead of the increasingly desperate Kody. Ugh.
    I also think Meri copped out when talking to Robyn - told Kody she was okay with the decision they made and then told Robyn that she would have done it and Kody said no. I think that was very passive aggressive on her part.
    Thanks for this great blog!

  66. Meri looks better in green than orange!

  67. What s going to take for Robyn to realize MSWC is a failure? If I were to visit Vegas and wanted to buy a souvenir, it sure as hell wouldn't be a piece of overpriced, ugly jewelry representing plygdom, nor would anyone else I know.

  68. Okay, let's think about some of the various *scripted* storylines that the producers have HAD to come up to fill this season.

    Janelle's struggle with her weight.
    All in all a good one and probably the only *real* one, however the smashing of the scale was a bit overly contrived and dramatic.

    The re-fried to death "Meri and her uterus" story, with Sobbin and her lend-a-uterus piece to it all. And of course, Kody's part in it.
    We are expected to believe that for the past year none of the three key players had discussed the outcome with each other at all *until* the cameras and sound crews showed up. And..adding to the drama, lets do the big reveal atop a huge rock.
    Major BS on this!!

    Taking the junk joolery to sell at a well known anti-Plyg venue and filming the disappointing results. Credible ?? Nah !!

    Meri and Mariah jogging in the dark.

    Speaking of Meri and mini-Meri:
    Filming Mommy consoling grieving Mariah as they longingly gaze at their wetbar McMansion, where they will have to wait A WHOLE WEEK to move in.
    What a heart-stopping tragedy !!

    *ALL* the phony bullsh*t surrounding the "will they, won't they* get their Cuddle-sac Compound.
    By the time they actually did get in, who really cared anymore?

    And will any viewer get over Sobbin's purrity plea for clemency.
    I don't know which was more disturbing, that someone in that camp actually thought it up to start with as a hot topic, or that someone actually convinced Sobbin to do it.
    AND...decided that all the kids should have to be filmed as the rapt audience to it.

    Kody-perv commenting on his daughters' cleavage. *If* that statement was truly an off the cuff line that slid out of his stupid mouth, then it should have been edited out.

    There are certainly more, but these stand out in my head right now.

    1. Hi Amused!
      Please email at Thanks!!

  69. Going back an episode or two because I just watched it last night. Kody's comment about having church before the new homes being so difficult because they had to get up, get dressed and drive less than a mile to a sister wives home is ridiculous and lazy. In non-polyg world people do get dressed and drive to church, it really isn't so hard. In my world my daughter and I have to walk almost 3 miles to Synagogue- no driving on Shabbat. While I'm sure they all love their new homes, I don't for a minute believe it has anything to do with being close to each other any more than I believe they are like sisters.

    1. Totally agree.
      I don't know but guess that the dressing up part was for our pleasure, not a regular thing! Geez...made me think lazy too.

  70. I believe holding church services in the house is a way to avoid having to deal with getting the kids dressed up and transported and could also be set up and filmed to create some kind of tax write-off for them (ie a part of Meri's house is being used for church services - just like part of Robyn's house is being used for a home based business (MSWC). Of course, since they hold green goo presentations at Meri's mansion they're probably already taking part of that house as a business write-off.) Let's see... what part of Christine and Janelle's homes are they trying to get tax breaks on? Maybe they have the Brown Family entertainment company, or whatever it is called, housed in Janelle's office. All speculation and snark, of course, but can't just imagine them using every tax loophole they can find? Somebody on this blog said it may ultimately the tax man (or woman) who is their undoing if they don't handle their TLC and other new-found money by the book.

    1. Maybe Christine runs a day care for the Brown little ones-- just guessing.

    2. Yeah, but it would have to be some kind of non-profit church day care to get the tax break, right? Or would that be a fee-for-service and not an actual charity. Where's the CPA or the Texas lawyer posters when we need em? I mean they are sheltering some of their TLC proceeds with the McMansions as a tax write-off and then there are all the children they can deduct. But, still... you just know they are grasping for any other way to hold on to the dough while it lasts. Never mind all the years of public assistance to prop up their lifestyle before they got the show.

  71. Last night's episode made me wonder if Janelle is getting in better shape so she can leave the Cuddle-Sac...

  72. I am so sick of Robyn. I hope she reads this although I would tell her to her face what a hypocrite she is. The Guilt store might sell things that are not modest --- give me a break. She had no problem shopping at the Victoria's Secret store and writing off the debt and let the taxpayers pay her bills. Last time I checked VS does not sell granny panties so between her modesty issues and purity issues, she is wacked. Also, why does she always have to be in the front seat or always with Kody? Poor Christine was first in the car but assumed her position in the back.

    As to Meri - of course he does not want another baby with you. He is having too much fun with the newly pure Victoria Secret model.

    1. Ha! That's what I was just sitting here discussing with a friend! VS=OK; Guilt, oh my! Maybe that's why she's Dorothy above, VS and Guilt and Money, OH MY!

    2. And let's just get real about Robyn's ever-so-precious and virtuous checking in with herself over what's okay and not okay when dealing with Las Vegas. The Mormons have a long, back-room, hard-wired connection with Sin City and have been profiting since the beginning:

      So Robyn, just zip it. You're no angel.

  73. As someone who is making fertility decisions, I found last night's episode tugging at my heart strings. I had empathy for Meri when normally I am perplexed with her. Her solo couch-speak was in my opinion very honest and showed her lack of confidence, self-worth and purpose. It is incredibly sad that her fertility is directly related to her value in Kody-world. Like other posters have suggested, she now needs to live her life. Go to school and become something more than a gazing-from-the-wet-bar-Mare.

    Kody's comment last week, that he will decide how many children he will have is such a slap in the face to Meri. Let's sleep on the No.... So I will sleep with Robyn. He knows who he wants.

    Kody propagates jealousy between his wives with his stupid remarks and is a shameful character. Unbelievable how ridiculous this Klown behaves.

  74. I did like seeing the tents and toys set up in Christine's backyard. I imagine hers is the home all the kids flock to. But YIKES, I hope they get some grass back there soon! I can't imagine Meri's home being the neighborhood playground. Why would the kids go there? For the wetbar? She has no toys and it just doesn't seem very kid-friendly. I wonder if any of the neighbor kids join the younger Brown pack or if they just keep to themselves.

    1. I hear you, tht's what we've seen.
      I'm keeping in mind that they had only lived there 3 weeks, in LV there are many ordinances abt grass-and water; and I'm giving them a pass until they have lived there 6 months... which means to us, next season!!
      I hear they have a pool, but the rest remains to been seen.
      Somehow I could see next season like J & K getting extravagant playhouses and swing-sets, albeit free, or like the Roloffs, building ANYTHING they can et their hands on, FREE.

      Heck I would!LOL

  75. This might be one of the ways that the brown clowns go with the uteri. Maybe, Meri already went to the doctor and found out that they can actually do IVF and maybe she and Robyn have decided to plan their pregnancies at the same time so their kids can as Robyn says, grow up together. This might explain the No on Kody's side, and Meri's sad resignation...maybe the browns think they will have a let's pull something really big over for our last season...I dunno.

    1. Do you think they will set up a kick-starter type fund to pay for the IVF?

  76. I think that Kody decided against having another baby with Meri because of all the science involved with it. I think in Kody's mind if you do IVF it's not God's will or something like that. But I do agree with a lot of posters that said that Meri is totally passive aggressive and woe is me!! I was really getting tired of this baby issue. It has been going on for two years now. Enough already!! Meri put on Kody and he told her no and she went to Robin and turned it all around to make it sound like what a victim she was!! Meri never wanted another child, she just wanted to hold On to all attention on to herself and hold everybody hostage!! All the wives know that Robin is the favorite and number one wife right now and has Kody's undivided attention and boy does she use it to her advantage!! She is always sitting next to Kody, sitting in the front seat and really thinks that Kody is a God!! But did you see Kody and Robin's face when Janelle said she didn't want to do the jewelry?? If looks could kill!!! I just can't stand those two. They are two od the most irritating and dumbest couple on the planet.

  77. Sad women....
    Their eyes tell the whole story......

  78. A couple of thoughts...

    Kody -- Why are you designing jewelry? More to the point, why are you designing jewelry for your wives to put on MSWC... Where women will buy jewelry for themselves that is specific to one of THEM?

    The modesty issue -- One can be modest and trendy. There are a plethora of modesty-friendly clothing sites online that do not sacrifice chic for frumpy. Try Jen Clothing, Mika Rose, Shabby Apple, even layering pieces on Modcloth. Maybe the Brown gals should hire a fashion consultant, or make use of the creativity of their fans who have fashion sense!

    Janelle -- You go, girl!!! Does it matter it it takes you 2 or 3 years to reach your goals? No! In fact, slower weight loss may be healthier for you. Not only will it become permanent, but it will also help your body change slowly and there will be less excess skin, etc. Keep it up! We're rooting for you!!!!! :-) :-) :-)

    Meri -- As someone with infertility issues, myself, I feel for her. However, the baby conversation should have happened eons ago. Or, at the very least, it shouldn't have been a story line that has strung along THIS LONG! Kody tries to sound woman-friendly on this issue, but he lets Meri know in no uncertain terms that having another baby with Meri would be entirely HER responsibility. Kody, are you responsible for ANY of your children?

    The only thing I will give Kody here is this: If you both do not feel a burning desire to bring another life into this world, and it doesn't happen on its own, don't try to force it. Enjoy your life! Spend time with your bonus-children! The ones who are already a part of your family need you. :-)

    1. Totally agree! I follow the Jewish laws of tzniut-- dressing modestly. I wear sleeves past my elbows, skirts past my knees and I cover my hair. I have no problem finding clothing that meets my needs and has personality and style. I can't understand why these women look so frumpy all the time especially when they are going into boutiques and to trade shows trying to push a jewelry line.

  79. I know they were a family before this show...except for Robin. But it still seems very MTV Real World-y to me. 5 strangers picked to live in a compound together. They don't seem to have much of a connection to one another- even Meri and Robin who are supposed to be friends. It could just be the awkwardness of the cameras and staged scenarios. Of course the young kids like having playmates, but I can't really see any of the benefits to anyone else.

  80. Mariah has been Meri's badge of true wifely legitimacy in the plyg family. Now that the one kid is out of the house and the try-for-another-baby question has been officially answered (WOW, DIDN'T SEE THAT ONE COMING...FOR YEARS)Meri has to face the ugly truth of this lifestyle-that-makes-them-all-better: while most women move into the empty nest phase of life along with their husbands (and thus have a partner who is facing the empty nest at the same time), Meri must face it ALONE. The lifestyle-that-make-them-all-better leaves her outside looking in at the entire rest of the family, like a wretched Charles Dickens orphan with her face pressed at the window, staring at the sumptuous feast of the more fortunate.

    Meri, your value to the family is demonstrating for every last one of them what it looks like to value YOURSELF. Go back to school and get a bachelor's degree, then a master's degree, then get out there an earn a legitimate paycheck doing something you really want to do. Your value is not your ability to bear children. Your value is that you are alive on the planet NOW, not squandering what the poet Mary Oliver calls "your one wild and precious life."

  81. First of all, I don't believe Meri wants to start over now that she has her only child off in college. Secondly, I imagine that Kody enjoys having one house that doesn't have any children in it. He can hang out, relax or just hide from the others if he wants. Meri isn't going to tell. Meri might have acted sad (we all get a little sad when someone tells us "NO"); however, she knows that an empty house is her hook to guarantee that Kody will spend plenty of time with her. She doesn't need a baby anymore to get his attention.

  82. I'm not watching anymore because they annoy me too much,so this is my only way of keeping up. The Wizard of Oz stuff...absolutely Brilliant

  83. Dear TLC/F8: Since Big Love has already been tapped to the max in my opinion, perhaps we could move on to something else? Say, "Who Stole The Cookie From The Cookie Jar"? Who stole a cookie from the cookie jar? Who me? Yes you! Not me! Then who? And on and on and on it goes.

    Kody designing joolery? That should have been super simple. Broom, Witch Hat, Cauldron. Meri and Robyn could share those symbols. Doormat for Christine and for Janelle - I can't figure out a symbol for "I really don't give a damn".

    Kids looked awesome. Mariah really looked pretty. Stay away from the Dark Half Mariah and you may just land yourself a royal plyg husband.
