Sunday, September 15, 2013

1 Sister Wives "Sister Wives On the Ropes" s04e09 Spoilers, Gossip "Fun with Dick and Jane"

"Fun with Dick and Jane"

Last few weeks have been so..childish that Twisted Sister decided to make us a flip book about last weeks show....ENJOY!!!!

**Want to know what it's really like at a polygamy televised debate? read the two excellent posts below! AND, we will be hearing from some of the panelists this week, so be sure and watch for them!!!!

Does... Twisted Sister VALIDATE your feelings?


  1. And we are OFF!!! Funky Town, our Tweet picker, and now our resident Spoiler helper will be here tonight, EASY posting, and don't forget to ask ED KOCIELA a question on the post below! Let's goo!!!

  2. Love, love, LOVE the above book by Twisted Sister!

  3. Brilliant! I love the old readers. I still have some tucked away on the shelves. However, I may never be able to look at them the same again.

  4. Run, Kody, Run!
    See Kody Run!
    The wives are chasing him!
    Run, Kody, Run!

  5. I love the Dick and Jane premise and flip book by Twister Sister!

  6. Isn't it the BEST!!! I told her, these shows act like we are stupid... well they are elementary!!! and OFF she went, doing her magic!!!!!! We are lucky to count her and Funky Town as our new....plyglets?? hhahahahah She should make you guys in a Poo suit!!

    1. Plyglets! Okay, I'm cackling... or kackling! Can't wait for the show!

  7. I said we don't need a big review, i think we all know it by heart... I LOVE IT!!!!!!

  8. ARGH I wanted to barf at the bad acting of Meri, Kody, and Robyn.

  9. Whooo off and running where we are seeing how they met Kollene!

  10. Kody needs to tell TLC that they are no longer allowd to film in profile LOL. Barbra Streisand will only be filmed from the left - his bald spot is only "invisible" filmed straight on.

  11. Just my opinion, but I think the Browns went into this panel discussion loaded for bear and ready to get offended and feel "ambushed" no matter what is said.

    1. Agreed. I feel that way about them all the time; they never go to listen and understand others- only to defend themselves.

  12. The only ones against it...are those who escaped, Kody...deep

  13. I'm proposing that we rewrite the opening introduction.

    Meri: I have to live this lifestyle, it just makes each of us bitter.

    1. I wish I had an extra hand I'd give you 3 thumbs up for that

  14. Already mad. Kody hearing noises abt anti polygamy... mean to Kristyn.... btw, Kristyn, Christine Marie, and Kollene all coming to tell us about the debate this week!!!!

    1. Ahhhh! Exciting!

    2. Oh wow! That is very exciting and should be interesting.

  15. Flashbacks before the show has even begun. Lets go!

    "Two days earlier"

    dum, dum, dum,

  16. Because they know the horrible abuses of some plygs, the browns are so defensive and they want us to believe they are so not like those families of those who escaped.

  17. Of course you want the kids there - can't exploit this if they aren't. Someone remind me I need my tv to watch hockey so I can't throw something through it tonite.

  18. Aspyn said she wanted to go to the panel discussion because she wanted to be there for her mom. Good for Aspyn (but then she said she also wanted to hear what was going on). LOL Me too Aspyn!

    Christine is telling us Kristyn Decker is going to tell us that she had a terrible experience in plural marriage. Lots of concern as to how Christine will feel when she sees her and in her words "I'm giving her all the platform she needs to talk about how she hates my family (Christine's) so bad."

  19. Kristyn Decker does not hate her family. Read below, audience member said Christine was the mean one, and wouldn't eat with Kristyn.

  20. Aspen has Christine figured girl !

  21. Go Kollene and Willie! So brave!

  22. Kristyn Decker discussing her plural marriage and how she was married for 33 years.

    Kollene gives her background in the Kingston Group. *side note, Kollene looks great and seems to be doing really well*

    Willie Steed looks so young!

    1. He does look SO young and I think that Kollene does as well. Both look like kids still!

  23. Hope I don't blow again tonight. Ed tells us below, the Brown like to act victimized for ratings, no matter who they hurt.

  24. Decker doesn't hate the Brown family, she hates the pain that polygamy can cause!!!


  25. I agree Kristyn doesn't hate Christine's family. She just finished saying how she would like to kidnap Christine and tell her she doesn't need to do this.

    Seeing Christine change since SW has come on TV I agree with Kristyn! Christine doesn't seem happy in this life.

  26. I don't usually get to watch live with y'all, but I'm in a different time zone than usual, so am looking forward to "real time" participation.

    1. HI AZ!!!!! I thought you were on vacay!!!!! YEAH!!! The gang is almost all here!!!!

    2. I am on vacay. Too exhausted after a day of ziplining to do anything other than watch tv and hang with you folks!

  27. Ed and Cara's comments were awesome! I read about 2/3 of them, they have so much good information that they are happy to share.

    We're lucky to have them with us!

    1. Where are their comments Funky Town?

    2. On the post below, he's answering questions all night tonight!!! Ask away!

    3. Thank you. I've only been posting a few weeks. Still getting my sea legs navigating! LOL

  28. In so many of the escape from Plyg books, the young women who run, always wanted to run; however, there are those like Christine's aunt that just stay and stay and then they have enough and say, that's it...I'm out of here. It doesn't matter how long it takes to leave...the pain caused by plyg is no less severe if it is day one or fifty years. How sad the life they had to live.

  29. Wow, they are very very careful not to say what group Kristyn was in.

    1. Common sense with the relation to Christine that Decker would be an Allred aka AUB.

      And Christine you didn't "just go public". It has been 3 almost 4 years by now, yes?

  30. Christine is so angry and so defensive, which begs the questions: is it the truth that hurts you so much and makes you so angry

  31. Replies
    1. Team Kollene all the way! I just watched the "What love is this" episode that she was on and it brought me to tears! I've been wondering what she's been up to since the holding out hope episode. Glad to see she's doing some speaking engagements. I hope she writes a book some day. I'm from the east coast so if there are any Mormons out this way, I've never met them much less a polygamist. So I don't have any experience of something that extreme. But we've all been through rough times and she should be looked up too by everyone. That is a young woman of strength. A true survivor. @Twisted Sisterwife if you make some team Kollene items, I will buy!

  32. I'm going to need a drink to get through this mess. Kollene, Willie and Kristyn are amazing. I'm apologizing in advance tonight for any typos. My fingers aren't keeping up with my head

  33. Truly count: 2 so far!

  34. Does Kody own a pair of pants that aren't jeans?His wives looked so nice and he looks like....Kody I guess.

    1. He gets his rah rah shish boom bah from the fact he's got 4 wives. Why would he need to dress nice?

  35. Willie Steed is discussing his life, 3 moms, 42 kids in the FLDS. A year ago he and his mom left with 6 of his sisters.

    Kristyn is excited to see Christine and wants to give her a hug and says she loves them no matter what.

  36. Did I see Willie and some of his family on a different news-type show??

  37. Kristyn can't wait to give Christine a hug and "always adored her."

  38. TLC needs to balance the scale on plyg propaganda and give the survivors their own show. Surely it's a daily struggle becoming "normal", and someone should let them make some money on the flip-side story

    1. I agree! Survivors need their own show! Let them tell their story too, TLC!


    2. Agreed! I say we petition this!

  39. Kody, no you are not a specimen, you are an idiot.

    1. Mouth breathing moron. I just shake my head at Kody.

  40. The moderator has worked with polygamist communities for 25 years he says and got access to CP's community but not the FLDS community.

    He says a polygamist's family's mentality depends upon the husband. Some men are able to do it and some not.

    The Browns say he's very down to earth and respectful. Moderator says you can convince the neutral public but not those that have made up their mind. IMO Browns are not the people to convince people this is a great life.

    Christine has no interest in doing this panel because "it's NOT SAFE" doing a panel with Kristyn Decker. (Me again -- really? How can she say that?)

  41. Christine says doing a panel w her aunt is not safe ... For whom Christine ?

    1. Is Christine afraid she might want to ESCAPE? Not that Kody is abusing her. BUT because she is unhappy in this lifestyle.

  42. Christine said that it was hard to be around her aunt because "she has just barely gone open" or public. How long have we been watching this show?

  43. Christine, no you did not barely going have been on national tv and have spewed your views for several seasons. So, what are you afraid of? Are you afraid that they are so right on how it really is.

  44. Christine says she's barely been open? hasn't she been out for years before the show??

  45. Kristyn Decker is being so nice...Christine Brown is being a bitch.

  46. Robyn, the one who has been with them so long says they are ambushed ALL THE TIME.

    Anti-polygamists are so closed-minded in Robyn's mind.

    Christine says Kristyn is completely against her, her family, her lifestyle and is trying to show everyone it's wrong and abusive so she feels betrayed.

    Robyn is reading tweets calling Kody a misogynist pig! (ME: Who here tweeted them with that? We know it was from here! *smile*)

    1. Saying doing a panel with her aunt is NOT SAFE was an extremely low, witchy thing to say and as far as I can see, not grounded in any reality.

      Does she think her aunt is going to snatch her off the stage, kidnap her and put her in some deprogramming place or something?

    2. Well, he is - not sure what the surprise is there. LOL Robyn - not the brightest.

    3. Funky Town, I wonder if Christine is implying that her aunt is targeted by some unwell people due to her book and how vocal she is in speaking OUT against polygamy. So, they wouldn't be safe?

  47. Robyn, I do not feel a darn bit sorry for you. YOU chose this alternative lifestyle. Which is what it is.

  48. Oh WOW Christine is really something else and me thinks she doth protest too much!

  49. Christine feels threaten and that me think she is having second thoughts about this polygamy thing.


  50. The Browns are selling their souls for ratings. Treating everyone like crap, like it's personal. If they are that unglued, they should not GO to the panel.

  51. I totally agree that there should be a show about the survivors. Expose the abuses. TLC, are you listening??

  52. Hearing that young man just breaks my heart.

  53. Commercial break so shouting out to the Twisted Closet: just ordered some cool gear!! Can't wait to get it, super excited!

  54. They are such crybabies and are so the victims. What the hell.

  55. What the Browns don't seem to realize is that a good many of us here on the blog started off as FANS of their show! We were watching what we thought was a happy, functioning family that was a little bit different than our normal.

    It only took a couple of episodes before we all realized the truth: that they are all miserable and barely functioning as a true family. I think it was a that point that we sought out this blog to see if there were others who felt the same way we did. We found a snarky sisterhood that didn't fall for the Brown hype. We've all become more educated in the evils and ways of polygamy as a result and now, the best we feel for the Browns is pity.

    1. Well said... Because I watched whole heartedly the first season and even into the second I still tried to see some good. Then I gave it up. Then I found the blog. LOL

  56. Janelle to Kody: "You're too cute." Excuse me while I puke.

  57. I don't care what 4 consenting adults want to so Kody but you dragged innocent children into this. And you don't financially support your family (that would be Janelle) - ack typo iPad won't let me fix - what 4 consenting adults want to DO. Kody you aren't a dope you're an ass is what you are.

    1. You need to watch the video below on Ed's post later, he hits this issue so well with facts.

    2. I should have watched it before tonight's show but was busy with work. Looking forward to watching it.

  58. "My children made their choices" WHAT?! Yeah, your kids (all under 18 at the time) chose to be on TV, and open about everything. Okay. Like they had any say in it. Not to mention, noone can decide what they are born into, obviously, considering you are not alive yet. They in NO WAY had any choice. Don't say that, Kody.

    1. Yes, those children had a choice in moving to LV didn't they?

  59. Wow! janelle has c-l-e-a-v-e-a-g-e!

    1. I wonder how Kody feels about that!

  60. We've got so many posts coming from the panelists, from another audience member, should be great!!

  61. Kolleene and Willy both said that they have alter egos going on in their heads. This is a way of trying to forget what has happened. Does this sound like :"Seh-rah" and Robyn.

  62. Janelle is telling us how Kody bears the most "heat" in these "criticism situations" because people blame the man. (Boy they are so sure they are victimized).

    Meeting Christine Marie and how she decided to join a polygamist relationship. She really got reeled into a mess.

    Willie is talking about breaking yourself into different people so that you can distance yourself. So sad when he and Kollene both said they did the same thing.

    Kollene was married off to her 2nd cousin. They are trying to set their goals for tonight, which is to help other people. Willie sounds like this is taking a lot out of him to even think of appearing.

  63. Thinking I'm gonna cry here pretty quick...

  64. Kody's old tag words VALIDATE STEREOTYPE

  65. Kody you aren't having a good experience LOOK at your wives and see them for a change instead of just banging Sobbin.

  66. I'd buy the hell out of whatever they had for sale on a survivors ecommerce site - " get the he'll out of my closet, sister-wife"

  67. Dick and Jane book is sooo cute. Much better than I 've seen lately, love it.

  68. Kody could agree that he's a pig and the girls just laugh about it. He knows, they know it- yet they tell others that that isn't fair and is just a stereotype. My gosh.

  69. As Twisted Sister said, most of us started out as fans who wanted them to succeed, but now....

    Christine says the thinks people are angry about in polygamy are the same things that make her angry. She is making see her aunt into David vs. Goliath almost. It's so sad, she doesn't even want to meet her halfway.

  70. Christine: men raping young girls isn't polygamy.

    Well, excuse me, but why are these kids taught to submit. What an idiot!

    1. After hearing Warren Jeffs rape a 12 year old girl, I'd say that is utter BS, but then again, Christine didn't know men could be bastards, remember?

      Krispy Kookie

  71. I am so glad they addressed the Kingston beliefs. GO COCO

    Krispy Kookie

  72. Shut up Christine, is how I'm feeling at this point...

  73. Kody's going off about stereotypes, but they're all being such stereotypes. Not a single wife wants to do this panel discussion, and they have been fretting about going for this entire segment. Not one of the five of them has a positive reason to participate. (And they totally ignore the fact that they're doing it at their son's school, on his campus.) Rather, they're all fawning over Kody, who's pretending to be the big, strong, brave man.

  74. Robyn: "Kody, what if they call you a misogynist pig?" Kody: "Maybe I'll agree with them."

    Yes, Kody! Glad you see the light.

  75. Why are they not bothered about how they might make the others feel? narcissistic

  76. Kody is so angry before he even gets there. Christine & Robyn have hopped on Kody's angry, defensive bandwagon and are ridiculous...just stay home foolish Browns!

  77. How immature. They cannot sit in the same room with people who have had bad experiences.

  78. Twisted Sister, I just LOVE the Dick and Jane book! It's soo fun!

  79. GIVE ME A BREAK....Christine is having her I didn't know men could be such bastards moments. Give me a break Meri and Robyn have to go rescue her but when Robyn went in the bathroom, we could see her smiling.

    1. I know the bathroom sequence, oh for the love of Pete...

  80. Get Ready, Robyn is going to make a scene.

  81. Oh. my. Christine is such a child! Hiding in the Bathroom?! Are you 13?!

  82. I've never seen a group of people to whom victimhood comes so easily.

    *confuzzled here* Robyn says they've been dealing with this anti-polygamist WAVE of HATE all their marriage, all their lives, since they were teeny kids.

    Christine's hiding in the bathroom and she hears her aunt outside laughing with Kollene and she's sure her aunt wants to confront her so she can't come out. Drama, sheer drama. Kristyn Decker didn't stand there to confront her! Christine comes out of the bathroom with an escort of Robyn and Meri.

  83. I think Christine is afraid, because she has known all along that the system she is promoting is flawed and she can't admit that.

    Krispy Kookie

  84. Kolleen said it! "I just thought it was a junior high drama thing," (about Kristine's hiding in the bathroom).

    1. Exactly! They were acting so immature...

  85. go look at the scene where Sobbyn is fixing her hair. There is a message written on the mirror signed "k" in a heart. The message says you are beautiful. I love your ??? Nice, Robyn, leave that up there for your sis wives to see.

    1. I believe it says, "I love your butt" ... barf ... I'll go back and check. :-p

  86. Christine is truly afraid of her aunt. She is afraid to even look her in the eye as they meet at the bathroom. Christine does not like confrontation, so Kody gives her a big hug!!! Awwww. Then Kody gives a big group prayer with a giant hug.

    1. That's a total lie. Kristyn was very nice to her. Read the audience members post below, we were warned. Kristyn was kind and gentile. This was manufactured to TV

    2. Yes, it is manufactured drama, but I believe that Christine is truly afraid of being around her aunt. Her belief is so shallow that she knows she can be swayed by the love of a family member. She does not dare go to eat with her aunt. She is not strong enough.

  87. Kody, pray your wives will keep their mouths shut!@

  88. REALLY, they are that nervous!


  89. Kody: "...and that we'll actually be accurate..."

    Well, there's always a first time.

  90. My husband, (only one), said that because they were so guilty acting, they must be guilty.

  91. Janelle says, "I met a guy and I was introduced to Meri's family." She conveniently leaves out that the guy was Meri's brother and she married him.

    1. That, along with Kody&Janelles parents being married-- it's all so weird. They say incest is a stereotype too; but they come closer than most :P .

    2. Janelle was married BEFORE her marriage to Kody?

  92. Pray Kody will keep his mouth shut!

  93. I have to say I really can't stand Christine's attitude toward Krystin. I don't know what she thinks her aunt will do, but she's acting like she is going to do some serious bodily harm or something, which strikes me as ridiculous. What is she really afraid of?

    1. She is afraid of herself and her own doubts about this lifestyle.

  94. We're 42 minutes into the show about their panel appearance, and they still haven't gotten to the stage yet.

  95. In the preview for the next segment Kody has a point... it's based on their experience. Just as the Browns and their life is based on their experience. I am in no way taking up for polygamy. I wouldn't want to live it. I don't know why any right minded woman would. I'm sure this could get me flamed. But... he does have a point. Now I feel DIRTY!

  96. I was surprised to see Kody getting ready at Janelle's house. And Christine is really bringing the drama...

  97. almost 40 minutes to get to the debate, while Christine acts like a 5 year old scared of a mean neighbor. Just the comparison footage between the two sides shows who is coming from a position of strength, and its not the Browns.

    Amazing that it is OK for the Browns to do a TV show, but her aunt is somehow betraying Christine by speaking out about her OWN experience.

  98. Am I the only one furious that Christine is acting so terrible. Maybe they can't see this is a DEBATE?

    Kody can't say he's been hearing this noise since a child, he wasn't in it!

    1. Well.....we have Kody's word for that, but it is quite possible that he was closer than we have ever known.

  99. I think she's afraid because Kristyn knows, more than many, the ins and outs of polygamy and she knows the kind of internal struggles Christine faces in trying to keep sweet. Christine knows that her aunt knows what she goes through daily and she doesn't want her to call her on it.

    It might make Christine start to question the choices she's made in her life and marriage.

    1. I really couldn't agree more. I think they really are starting to question their own choices.

  100. Read the 2 posts below, they are great. One is an audience members view, non partial, and the other is Ed Kociela's view, author and panelist of other polygamy issues.

  101. Twisted! LOVE the book!

  102. Hey, Christine, I don't hate the Brown family. This blog isn't some "hate blog" either.

    You are not being fair here.

  103. treat her by being nice Christine!

  104. Aww I feel for Christine. I do! The way she told her aunt she loved her. Christine is wearing so much protective armor.

  105. I really wish that they would show the entire debate/panel. I hate not seeing the whole thing, and only a segment.

  106. Christine Marie became a slave by having to support the new sister wife in her marriage.

    Kollene with tears pouring down her face, talks about abuse of the kids by the other sister wives.

    Kristyn discussed how she couldn't handle her husband taking other wives and how awful it was when they went on a honeymoon and how she felt almost suicidal when they were gone.

    Robyn knows that it makes a huge difference who you marry and how her mom and her sister worked things out with their sister wives and were so close. Questions coming!

  107. Robyn just had to but in. She was being nice, and Christine was having a fine conversation with her... and then Robyn.

  108. Why does Christine think that she can push the Polygamy agenda as a good lifestyle but someone who has lived it with heartbreaking results is not allowed to push their viewpoints. Why does she think se can be the only voice for polygamy.

  109. Yup here she goes...Robyn is Sobbin'

  110. Robyn is crying again.....sisters wives....omg. our experience isn't your experience. They are missing the point.

  111. OH, hell Robyn's crying again! Please!

    Krispy Kookie

  112. Young woman in the audience asking Kody if he feels emotionally active in his kid's lives?

    Kody feels he's as active in his kid's lives as anyone he knows! (Really?)

  113. I'm loving the aunt!!!!

    Krispy Kookie

    1. What a dignified, classy woman. Feel bad she has to deal with these aggressive fools.

  114. Nice double talk there Kody. In case you can't figure it out the answer is "no I'm not - their mothers are basically single parents and I show up once a week for dinner"

  115. No, we will not allow a religion based polygamy to go on easily. To say a woman has to have sex with a married man to get to heaven, no Kody, not cool

    1. Seriously. They always talk about fear in terms of societal backlash, always conveniently leaving out the doctrine that states that a woman will not just be barred from heaven, but literally DESTROYED by God, if she stands in the way of his other relationships.

      "And let mine handmaid, Emma Smith, receive all those that have been given unto my servant Joseph … if she will not abide this commandment she shall be destroyed saith the Lord; for I am the Lord thy God, and will destroy her if she abide not in my law." —Doctrine and Covenants

  116. Poverty is a big problem; especially considering the jobs the girls&Kody do and don't have. The only reason they don't have money problems is because of the show. I wish they'd talk about that, but of course they don't want to acknowledge the truth (and it is the truth, just not for this one family).

  117. NOW they have their own money, they are stars!

  118. Kollene is being attacked by Robyn. Kollene didn't direct it toward the Browns, but Robyn says do "they" (the audience) know that, does the world know that?

    Woman in audience asks Kody if he has enough money to take care of his kids.

    Janelle says she has her own paycheck and her own bank account which she doesn't share with Kody.

    Christine said Kody tells them if they aren't happy he will give them money so they can leave.

    1. Robyn seems to think that they invented the term Sister Wives

    2. Yet Janelle said that she wouldn't have enough money to pay her electric bill from "The Closet." Yes, Janelle, by reading the TLC script you have become a liar.

  119. Janelle does to share with Kody... she spent her money to buy the house they lived in before and put Mari and his name on it...

  120. Hilarious that Janelle just said she has her own paycheck and her own bank account and does not share with Kookie - ugh!

  121. This episode is painting the Browns in a bad light. I'm glad they are showing the other side.

    1. Under the bus for real. First Sobyn and the peanut butter on her gums last week, and now this.

      Krispy Kookie

    2. Under the bus for real. First Sobyn and the peanut butter on her gums last week, and now this.

      Krispy Kookie

  122. Robyn's good with those words...sweetie honey...such a skag

  123. Coming up - Robyn is going to put the smack-down on Kristyn, "do not make me a victim sweetie". Sweetie?

  124. Robyn is such a piece of white trash...don't twist my words...don't make me a victim sweetie. WTF. I'm so sorry that I am getting so pissed off at the narrow sighted edited crap we are seeing. Dang.

  125. I don't believe a word Christine just said about Kody giving them $ to leave. Exaggeration just turned into plain lying.

    Krispy Kookie

    1. Agree Krispy Kookie!

      Wait, maybe they can use Robyn's Victoria's Secret card if they want to leave.

  126. I'm probably always gonna be Team Janelle and hope for good things to happen for her.

    Go Janelle!

    And heck yeah, its a 2 hour episode next week :-)

  127. Kody really thinks he is as emotionally active with his kids as any father? Not any father that I know that is home (at the same home) every night, attends as many activities as work allows and knows what is going on every day.

    They always justify themselves by comparing themselves with a low standard of people. They never compare themselves with the average monogamous family where the husband is a good husband and father.

  128. Funny how Kody never answered if he could support everyone. Janelle, then Meri and the other 2 jumped up to get on the Kody bandwagon.

    Janelle supports herself, Meri turns to Kody because she loves him and wants to know what he has to say and Christine said he'll give her money to leave any time.

    No one let Kody answer.

  129. still no one is saying the reason they do this is to get into Heaven.... why aren't they upfront about this.. not even the anti plyg people are saying it...

  130. I was hoping I'd heard that wrong I guess I didn't

  131. So, TLC doesn't show the actual debate. It's a montage of the Browns being defensive and, of course, fawning over Kody. Is that because they have yet to express a coherent defense or argument for their polygamy? They won't say it's required for their salvation; they didn't say that it was a lifestyle (thank goodness).

  132. I really wish they would focus more on Kodys respect for his wives. Don't just say it- say how. He won't be able to. I wish they would bring back the idea of 'brother husbands', because he finds it so repulsive.

  133. Robyn's crying and attempts to attack people make me think the prior marriage was bad because of two people and the hints of abuse are bs.

    1. She appears quite unbalanced and in need of medication.

  134. OMG - Meri did not just call Christine Marie "stupid" - they are reaching new levels of immaturity this evening...

  135. Kody thinks the debate was ridiculous on a level but he was so frustrated.

    Christine Marie brings up sleeping with Kody every night. Meri says it's liberating.

    Meri thinks Christine Marie is stupid. Meri doesn't feel Kody is cheating. Janelle says her beliefs say she is free to choose her husband whether he is married or not.

    (Lots of women choose married men - we call them adulterers or other not nice words Janelle)

  136. READ the view from an audience member and many things not said tonight on

    MANY things, like Kody sating he doesn't know his religion well.....

  137. , they are unique. Most are poor poor poor

  138. The camera keeps focusing on people who shake their heads in agreement with "The Sister Wives."

    Logan and Aspyn have their heads hung low.

  139. Over 35% have dysfunction...i think is what he said.

  140. Does anyone else think that when they show the audience nodding in agreement is creative editing?

    Krispy Kookie

  141. Logan is picking at his fingernails.

  142. Usually they don't bother me so much, but tonight their attitude is really ticking me off. I don't see how they can act like these other things don't happen, or don't bother them over all. No one is calling the Browns victims, but to act like the majority of people don't have bad experiences with it is so wrong.

  143. Aspyn says that it didn't go well because the other side "wouldn't see our side of it."

  144. Oh if there were more plural families this "broad brush" of criticism would go away, per Robyn.

    Kristyn asked about Robyn's comments about waking up and polygamy not working for her, and how she'd leave.

    Robyn feels that comment is making her a victim. Told Kristyn not to make her a victim.

    Meri is disappointed that this turned into a debate. She had high hopes it was a discussion.

    Aspyn feels the other people wouldn't see the Brown's side of it. Robyn feels the truth would not be heard. Kody is sad that they never came to an agreement as to how they could "help the community". ?????

    Can I just say I want to slap Christine for being a jerk to her aunt.
