Friday, August 30, 2013

**Even More Updates! Tweets, Twits, and Misc; Free Discussion!

*Don't forget to grab that electronic device and join us for live spoilers and discussion during the Sister Wives new episode, Sun at 9 ET. Lots of fun! 

New Post Soon! Twisted Sister Picture Fun and items to buy! Watch for it! 

And all us mothers unite and say Aw.........Adorable! Even my little heart feels Janelle's pride.

Have fun! That's what college is all about! Gosh I miss those fun years.

Odd. LIV has pre workout packets. However, whatever works for you Janelle!

I guess Christine is the "all around mom" for the kids to get some comfort food. 
Is It Tater Tot Casserole tonight? 

Wow. Don't know what to say about that necklace. Makes me think he was sitting around thinking about the Navy. Why do they keep trying to use such "insightful" words, hell, Robyn can't even say them. While i'm thinking about it, what happened to Elisa Furr?
There she is!

Results of our Poll:  What house did you like the best?  Looks like Christine 1st, Janelle 2nd, Robyn 3rd....and wetbar dreamer dead last.

  455 (24%)
  865 (46%)
  747 (40%)
  307 (16%)

 Kody's not happy with the news of "My Five Wives."

But the Sister Wives Blog Family is!!!

I have a Brown Gossip Exclusive! A neighbor peeked and saw what Kody put in the time capsule! Here it is!!

Let's see what folks from the web are thinking about.......and what the Browns are up to.

Wonder what they teach the boys?

My vote is the dumbest. Yours?

Took the words right outta our mouths....

Sarah's' not happy.
But Meri is! Mariah is lucky to go where she has such support. Grandmother, uncles, cousins. We wish her the best. No tantrums now.

He must be watching Robyn watching Robyn.

 Noooo. we only heard Westminster College 100 times. Did everyone get a sweatshirt? Seriously, EDUCATION is the one good thing that will come out of this show for the kids. So I say, who really cares? All of us would do the same, go for it! Note to parents: If true, quit talking about how you are figuring out how to pay for it. Lying is a sin too last time I checked.

MOMS? MOMS? Give Christine some credit. Often having 6-10 kiddos at a time home schooling; making suppers, and yes, she is just too beautiful to cook. 
Seems some folks are unhappy with the MSWC site. I re-directed her directly to Robyn.

Can I get a WootWoot!! EXACTLY. Go Girl.

Ok, Ro-Bun, great idea!!!!!!
Go, go, go, go, go, go
Go Shawty, it's your birthday
We gonna party like it's your birthday
We gon' sip Bacardi like it's your birthday......

RIP Winn...

*Shameless Plug Alert* Please retweet us on twitter, facebook, etc. link our posts, etc. etc. Share the good news of SWB snark!  

Free Discussion. Please stay within the posting rules of SWB at the top right side of the blog.

***Vote for who you think is the best Brown mother in the same spot.  



  1. I'm pretty sure I know who WON'T be winning. lol

    1. I just have to say I ADORE your Baby Jane Hudson...just the right amount of psycho!!!

  2. I applaud you for your stance on any college being paid for!
    I was thinking the same thing. Those kids might not had the chance otherwise. Kody is certainly not going to foot the bill.
    Too many empty room to buy!

    HAHAH on the last tweet, the song fits perfectly. She is such a twit. She-Rah needs to heed the words SHUT UP! They let her out without supervision? Oh, right, probably send one of the teens to guide HER.

    Oh and the Hyman tweet. People are getting the drift!

    1. And so do I. Many blogs have been so hateful about a kid getting a free ride to college. The way I see it, these kids probably would not get to go otherwise. Who Wouldn't want that? If it keep Mariah from becoming a little plyg wife for awhile, she will not only get an education, but maturity. That is if she can stay away from home. The first three day weekend and she's home? Driving 10 hrs or more roundtrip?
      That's at least 300 in gas. I guess they do have money to blow.

      Mariah needs to get out there and explore the world. Mom, cut those apron strings.

    2. Mariah is a member of the National Honor Society so I'm sure most of her college is being paid for with scholarships and grants. If Westminster College can get some free publicity which translates into donations and increased interest/enrollment, then more power to them. If they were giving a poor student a free ride, I'd object, but Mariah's definitely not that.

      I hope she'll quickly settle into college life, cut the strings to mommy-Meri and blossom into her own person - something I wish for all the Brown children.

    3. I would be upset if a student from a wealthy family was given a "free ride ". After all what's the point of financial aid but to assist those without the means to pay?

    4. Hey CJ, I had to read @Anonymous 10:43's comment twice before I understood it. I don't think he/she means "poor" in a financial sense. I think he/she means "poor" academically/gradewise.
      Either way, I'm happy that Mariah was able to swing college. I know I really blossomed in college and I'm hopeful that just maybe she'll do the same. I know I've said it before but I thought it was so sad when she wanted to go to Annapolis and Kody basically told her it wouldn't be possible because of the polygamy. I think she became bitter after that.

    5. Ummm yeah, I don't quite understand why a poor student (with excellent grades) shouldn't get a free ride above a wealthy student (equally good grades). Maybe I just misunderstood?

    6. She means a student who doesn't have stellar grades, extracurriculars, etc. I too hope Mariah excels academically and socially in college.

    7. OK, I get it now...

      poor student = student with poor grades

    8. I Didn't hear the comment kody made about annapolis,but if maraih is qualified academically the polygamy shouldn't be an issue. Except maybe in kodys mind. That said I really don't think she has the temperament to survive Annapolis IMO she is much better off where she is

    9. I'm sorry but national honor society is not going to guarantee a scholarship by any means, their standards are ridiculously low for a scholar society. It isn't even an a average requirement.
      When applying to colleges, I was told that National Honor Society wouldn't open any doors, it was my grades and AP credits that opened doors. You don't even have to take AP classes or have extra curricular a to make National Honor Society.

    10. The children of Janelle and Christine will not have to claim Kody's income.

      Remember his big speech about not putting his name on the birth certificate? Sooo they can not make a child include his father's income if he is not on the certificate.

      Previously, that helped them get plenty of food stamps, free insurance, etc.

      Now, if they flip the income for Janelle and Christine into Kody's name from the show for a couple of yrs, (now they have those pesky house loans finished.)
      The children might get student loans of some type!
      Now that's crazy.
      Maybe not these first few, but you can bank on the fact they are thinking it through.

  3. My husband said after last week he will no longer watch this show. Guess I will have to watch on demand the next day. Love the posting during the show!

  4. Not sure what you mean by, in the same spot but, I think Christine is, hands down, the best mom. Janelle is a good one too though. Hmm, now I am not sure. OK, Christine it is. I fought with myself for a bit and won. The answer is Christine for certain.

    1. You may vote for 2 moms, if you check mark the ones you want before you hit 'vote'

    2. Thanks Anony 6:58. Here, I didn't even understand what they meant by, "in the same spot," so that's where my mind was. I did figure it out though and, thanks to you, was able to vote for Janelle too. Looks like C and J are both doing well on this poll. Does this blog talk much about that Polygamy USA? I haven't searched the whole thing so sorry if off topic and thanks for any answer I might get.
      Lonesome Dove

    3. Yes! Just google at the right "Polygamy USA" and all the reviews (all shows, yeah!), discussions, etc, will come up. Happy reading!

    4. Good MS, I got really involved in that show and wanted to marry that younger guy myself. I will ruin his name if I try and spell it but, it rhymes with the thing that Robyn got back, miraculously, when she handed Kody that heart in the last episode.

    5. I Knock Hips With No OneAugust 31, 2013 at 12:46 PM

      I think Christine is an excellent, excellent mom, making all the right choices, but I voted for Janelle because her kids seem so much happier. I think Christine's kids pick up on their mom's deep depression, which she does everything to compensate for and suppress. It's not Christine's fault she's dealing with depression, but it is her fault she stays in a situation that is eating her up on the inside. If she left Kody then I think she'd be a downright perfect mom. And my goodness, if she found a guy who genuinely loved and supported her?! She'd be unstoppable.

    6. i can't be happy with Janelle as a mom the way she deals with her teen boys (their fighting as well as remember her jumping Hunter on the camping trip for complaining that they had to keep waiting while the wives put on their freaking makeup and did their hair primping??) PLUS uprooting him from his high school like they did. ALSO, i don't like the fact that she was ok w/Logan devoting his childhood to being a surrogate dad (and sometimes the mom, too) to all his younger siblings. NOPE - no JANELLE vote from me!

    7. i don't see any difference in Christine's depression over Janelle's. hell - ALL these women are depressed and wacko from this lifestyle. They just HAD to pick Peter Pan to be their King as well as accept his "righteous seed." lol

  5. "This is a great concept. At 29 I stopped waiting for others tell me I was special and went out and spoiled myself"

    Do tell! Was this when you splurged on some "Not so Secret" lingerie, or when you decided put your new-deluxe-electroplated-hymen on lay-away?

    1. Didn't Robyn and Kody start courting when she was 30? I think I remember Kody saying that in season 1. Maybe Robyn decided to spoil herself and find her a new sugar daddy aka husband....

  6. Whew! Meri would crap a pastry if she knew how her decorating came off! Looks like she better get ready for hit #2 with the Mothers!

    I found that you can vote for two mothers if you do it at the same time. I just want to throw this out there. Christine had the ability to do what she did because Janelle was being the dad and working and footing the bill. That was a two way cult de sac, you need them both. Just saying.

    Best Tweet

    Watching Kody & Robyn tell their daughter that their hymens are more important in a relationship than their personalities.
    There you go. Fundamental Mormonism at it's finest.

    This is a great concept. At 29 I stopped waiting for others tell me I was special and went out and spoiled myself.

    Robyn, listen to the lady....Sh.......Hush.

    Is she really that much of a twit? Does she think Kody is buying her a rainbow colored unicorn for her birthday?

    She reminds me of the Stuart Smalley character on Saturday night Live!

    Robyn/Stanley standing in the mirror:

    "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me."
    "That's just stinkin' thinkin!"
    "You're should-ing all over yourself."
    "Denial ain't just a river in Egypt!"
    "I am a worthy human being."
    "...and that's...okay."
    "Trace it, face it, and erase it."
    "I don't know what I'm doing. They're gonna cancel the show. I'm gonna die homeless and penniless and twenty pounds overweight and no one will ever love me."
    "I'm in a shame spiral."
    "You're only as sick as your secrets."
    "Compare and despair."
    "You need a checkup from the neckup."
    "I am a human being, not a human doing."
    "Pee-wee Herman: There but for the grace of God go I."
    "I'm a skeleton because it's scary and because it reminds me that I am a human being. And that's okay. That's what I am. And besides, I think it makes me look thinner (a Halloween thought)."
    "I learned what love is from my parents. Which is that you find that one special person who was placed on the planet just for you, and then you put them through forty years of living hell."

    That what fun stuff back then.

    1. Stuart, that is the funniest comparison ever! I am laughing so hard! Thank you for making my day!

    2. Oh God !!! This is Prine Time stuff.

      LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. Agreed! Prime Time!!! BRAVO Baby! She is one little messed up girl. But you have to stop and think, she's had plenty of time to help herself. I think she's very lazy. I've seem women like her, you try to help them, BAM! it slaps you in the face.

    4. Stuart,
      That is ludicrous! What a colossal comparison. I am laughing all the way!

    5. Robyn is a very smart girl in manipulation. Look at that sentence.

      "At 29 I stopped waiting for others tell me I was special and went out and spoiled myself"

      She is saying, Kody, I was so neglected and never spoiled. Never ever. Neither were my kids. Now you haven't spent enough of your free money on me, or time on me, so
      i am going to remind you of how hard I had it waiting for God to put us together. Your other wives had you all that time. Now, I want more.

      Don't let that little gal fool you. She is almost psychopathic.

    6. I wonder if that's when she racked up her Victoria Secret charge card!?

    7. Meri and Robyn are equally matched in their passive/aggressive manipulation skill levels. 'nuff said!

  7. I think they are all the best mom to their kids. They have faults and strengths. That is why so many chose to have children in a family with another parent or other adults in their children's lives. Balances out the faults we all have.

  8. So Kody just cannot give Christine credit where credit is due about her contribution as *the solo* home school teacher and daycare provider for all those children. What a sh*t!!
    Even though their very first appearances showed her to most defintely be in that role.

    Since at one time, I had three kids under five years of age, I remember thinking back when the show first aired what a major job she had. I remember when dealing with our first three born that close that I could actually feel my brain cells struggling to not lose ground.
    Christine was not only responsible for the home schooling; but she also had infants, toddlers and pre-schoolers to contend with. She had diapers, high chairs, sippy cups, potty chairs, breakfasts, and lunches along with lesson plans. Even though Michelle Dugger home-schools her kids, she always has had a platoon of older daughters to do all the grunge work.

    Christine is the unsung hero of that clan.

    Janelle (mother of six) may have been working, but she also stated that she wanted to be free of the day to day childcare, and Christine fulfilled that role. It was more than a fair exchange.
    Considering the cost of outside Daycare, and the fact that Janelle didn't have to haul diaper bags and attending paraphernalia, plus get sleepy kids in the car at 7AM to a facility (like I did, and so many other moms do)...she was a very lucky wife and mother.

    Kody, you are a disgusting ingrate !!!

    1. So Kody just cannot give Christine credit where credit is due about her contribution as *the solo* home school teacher and daycare provider for all those children. What a sh*t!!

      I agree, Christine had her hands full and did what appears to be an exceptional job - especially in light of the way the older Brown kids have turned out. They participate in sports activities, are on student councils, have jobs, etc. It'll be interesting to see the differences between the older and younger siblings since their whole lifestyle has changed. From home-schooled, rural based, communal type living to big city, large public school educations, separate and chaotic home life for a number of years -- it has to impact the kids in many ways.

    2. I Knock Hips With No OneAugust 31, 2013 at 12:57 PM

      I thought it was gross Kody was like "a lot of work for the moms!" oh, so dad didn't contribute to the education of his kids? Too busy whippin' up some green go-juice in the kitchen?
      But then again being a teacher requires a lot of discipline and authority. I can picture Christine leading a science lesson and then Kody running into the room, tossing popsicles over his shoulder and screaming "WHEEE! Ice Cream time for everybody! I'm the fun dad!"

    3. Yes, Robyn has trouble dealing with one toddler "hanging on her leg." How on earth does she think Christine managed the whole family of kids at one time. I know Christine wasn't trying to ship out "Joolry," but she did get things done.

    4. Aspyn and Mykelti might be unsung heroines. Older daughters often are.

  9. finally seeing realityAugust 30, 2013 at 7:21 PM

    Don't really understand why Mariah is home already. College is hard work and having finished a graduate degree a few years ago, I know homework is in full swing by this time. I think Mariah just needs to find out how fun life is on her own. Just sayin, I don't think the Kody bunch is going to pay one cent towards college for those youngsters, I bet they are on their own. Lots of kids do it, but I would have spent the money wasted on the McMansion's on my kids education and been happy to do it. Lots of parents aren't in the position to pay the high cost of college these days and would love to have a way to do it. I do wish all the kids best of luck in college, and their parents should be proud of all of them. I just want to quit hear how expensive it is to have them all in college, because I am pretty sure this would not be a priority for the Kody clan.

    1. The very last thing I'd want my child to do is come home so early in the school year, especially in light of their close relationship. In fact, I'd strongly discourage it - and did with my 3 when they went away to college. We hugged and kissed them goodbye, drove home, and didn't see them again for 3 months. LOL

      Coming home so soon is already giving us a peek into how she's assimilating into dorm life and finding new friends and being independent. I know she has plenty of time - all I'm saying is that although I hope I'm wrong, I think it's a preview of more of the same to come. I hope she can find her sense of self and break away from the unhealthy co-dependent relationship she has with Meri.

    2. I may be wrong, but I imagine that Meri doesn't discourage her from frequent trips home, which she should as you stated. Based on their religious beliefs, I believe they don't want them to garner too much independence and rather like having their children tethered to their sides. The dysfunction of all of this just baffles me. Obviously Mariah is very smart, she should be set free to soar and reach her potential.

    3. If she stays at school she won't get paid to appear on the show for those days$$$$

  10. Oh, boy, Kody's gotta get a 5th wife now to keep his "edge." I suggest SWB contact F8F and offer a "plant." Someone who would fawn all over Kody, pretend that she's into the "lifestyle," will proudly claim that she's about to become Wife #5 and is willing to have as many babies as "god/Kody" provides. And the best part: she wouldn't even hafta kiss him because we all know that Kody wouldn't kiss an unmarried woman. Then she can ditch him at the altar!

    1. Can't Kody Brown just call the brethren at his church and tell them that he needs a fifth in order to keep his income stream? Don't they have lists of girls who are wanting to be "placed"...didn't they call it "turning herself in", Rose Marie Cawley turned herself in on Polygamy USA, there was a whole episode about it. Then her Mom told her to just say no if what they told her didn't feel right but her Dad told her she had to do what they said because it came from God and she asked them to do it...can't Kody just request one of those young ladies? Do his wives have to just go along with it? I know I am mixing up shows and they are in different sects but is this stuff the same? This stuff is directly about polygamy...adding a wife from Centennial Park would likely boost sales at MSWC...

    2. I Knock Hips With No OneAugust 31, 2013 at 1:04 PM

      Meggiedarlin this is a great idea. We'll need to get the disguise together that will most attract our prey: skintight boot leg jeans, long-sleeve thermal t-shirts,very, very ruffly tank tops,a headband and square French manicure press-ons. Then our volunteer bride must be coached to slur her t's and say "That's AWESOME" to literally everything he says. Also we should photoshop a doctor's certificate that her Purity is still intact so as to elicit the best sobs from the Robyn.

    3. Knock, spot on description of #5! Original purity trumps rejuvenated purity!

  11. Grrrrrrrriah is home already? My son just started at the University of Utah and we moved him into the dorm a little over a week ago. My husband thinks I'm pathetic because I want to call him every day. She should be getting her feet under her and making new friends, not running home to mom. Maybe boys are different?

    I can see why Meri can't admit that she's done having kids. A fundie woman's lady bits seem to be a huge part of her identity and self worth.

    1. finally seeing realityAugust 31, 2013 at 5:13 PM

      I don't think girls are different. My daughter was ready to be on her own at 18. She worked at an entry level job, took college classes, lived with room mates rather than live at home. She did what ever she had to do to be independent. I don't think the Brown's encourage their children to this, but it really is a health part of learning independence.

  12. ****JUST added new pictures of the Williams family below, be sure to check them out!

    1. Interesting photos. Looks like TLC has been quite busy working up advance PR pics of the Williams. They are a nice looking group, the adults and the children.

      Looking at the whole family pic, I just can't help wondering again *why* do women do this to themselves and to their children?
      How does one guy possibly give any one child, let alone equally across the board to the others, the attention and bonding the kids need and deserve from their father??
      Unlike Kody, he may be a straight up guy like Big Joe Darger, but the fact remains that is humanely impossible for these Plyg fathers of mega broods to be hands-on dads.

      Also interesting that like almost all large families, there are more females than males. Biology class did teach way back that female chromosomes are larger and stronger than the males. Anthropology class taught that females are more numerous to insure that there are always breeders.
      Guess it is true.

      But bottom line:
      The thought of sexually sharing a man between FIVE women is just skeevy.
      But that's just me. *shrug*

    2. "*why* do women do this to themselves and to their children?",
      Because they really believe they must live this to please God, and to be with their families forever - live it or be destroyed by God (as per their scriptures). That's why these women got into it, and after years of living that way, they were unlikely to just split up when they left AUB. Kind of funny that Kody and Krew's rivals are "apostate" members of their group. Maybe the Brown tribe believe that their own "righteousness" will ensure they come out on top in this competition

    3. ex plyg - Doesn't it sound like the Browns are on the outs with the AUB? When Kody said he thought he could share church with vacationing AUB members who never materialized, I had the impression that was his excuse for no longer tithing to them.

    4. Statistically, the ratio of males to females on the earth is almost absolutely equal, which is another strike against polygamy.

    5. And if Kody is bummed that other church members are not coming to Vegas to share services with the Browns, shouldn't that work both ways?
      Have the Browns gone to church to be with others? Probably not.

    6. I can't tell the wives from the daughters in those family pictures.

  13. Don't have a problem with Mariah being home for Labor Day weekend, as long as she didn't skip out on Friday classes. As a reminder, her Grandpa died this week, so she may want to be home with the family. She's a Mama's girl, so not surprised she came home for a long weekend. Lots of freshmen do.

    Also don't have a problem if Mariah got free ride tuition. The floor-mates tweet didn't say she was getting free room and board, books, etc. Any way those kids can get thru college legally will be a good thing, because they won't be getting any real help for Kody.

    Didn't realize I could vote for both Christine and Janelle, so I had already voted for Christine. Only because I felt Christine did a better job of the activities of Motherhood... breakfast, dressing, hair styling, and so forth. Janelle has done a better job of preparing her kids for LIFE. The only ones we really see much of, Logan, Hunter and Maddie have the good sense to go far. Aspen and MyKelti seem pretty sensible too.

  14. Why are they not in Wyoming with Kody's family? Wasn't the service just days ago?

    1. Apparently Kody did attend the services. He tweeted that he was at the Seattle Airport on his way to Wyoming on the day before the services were held.

    2. I wonder if Janelle went so she could be with her mom.

  15. I wonder why Mariah always wears those scarves in the Nevada desert. Is it because she doesn't want to show her chest/neck?

    I hope Christine and Janelle DO read this blog and see how much public support they have and hopefully find a way to salvage the rest of their lives. As long as they stay in this dysfunctional family, they are doomed. Kody, Robin and Meri will steal every penny Janelle makes and they will continue to smash Christine's self esteem into the ground.

    Am I the only sick puppy who thinks the My 5 Wives Dad is kinda cute? Not cute enough to share, but a nice change after perpetual child washed up surfer dude Kody.

    1. I wonder why Mariah always wears those scarves in the Nevada desert. Is it because she doesn't want to show her chest/neck?

      I think she's just a teen trying to find her own fashion sense. When I was her age in college, I use to wear the most outrageous clothes - at least I thought they were. I was going for the Divine Miss M look.

    2. I looked horrible my freshman year of college. I'll cut her some slack as I didn't learn how to properly dress myself until my junior year.

    3. It is because it is freezing here (LV) in the winter which is when the episode was filmed. I don't see whats so bad about it but maybe I just have bad taste but I wear them in the winter too.

    4. Okay I just realized you were talking about the photo above and not the episode of Mariah at work when Kody and Meri dropped in with the new house key. My bad! I agree that scarf in the summer is ridiculous. It also doesn't match her outfit.

  16. I find it hard to vote for Christine because of the parent/teacher conference aired a few seasons ago. Christine allowed Aspyn to miss a lot of school. I know she "homeschooled" her kids and probably worked hard at it, but missing a great deal of school is an issue I can't get around. It teaches the daughter that education isn't really all that important. I don't want that message to be given at all. I hope that Aspyn stays in college, manages to get a degree and becomes self sufficient.

  17. I will be here tomorrow, I so enjoyed the spoilers last week. Thank you for another new fun adventure for Sunday night.

    1. Me too! LOVE the fun!

    2. I'm not against Mariah or any of the kids getting free tuition from any of their post secondary schools. God knows their parents have other priorities (4 big ones in their cult-de-suck).

      But what does bother me is the expectation. When Mariah said she go a scholarship I wondered to myself HOW. There was no essay, no SW footage of her applying or planning... Nothing. When I was in college I worked my ass off to pay my way and get good grades. Scholarships were not easy to come by. She got a scholarship the same way Kody gets free cheeseburgers...

      Like most people here, I would like to see more of the dynamics of the children and less (way less) about Kody. I can't stand him, I hope no none of his children follow in his footsteps.

    3. If you look at the Westminster website, you can see that academic scholarships are routinely rewarded for SAT's/GPA's. If Mariah got 10 grand, it looks like her scores were decent, but not outstanding. If she really wants to be a doctor, she's got her work cut out for her.

    4. For Mariah to be inducted into the national honor society her grades had to be pretty good. If she's low income (which I'd think she'd qualify for, she might be on a work-study program where some of her fees are reduced in exchange for work on campus.

    5. I was inducted into NHS and my GPA was only a 3.1. I didn't even graduate in the top 10% of my class. I remember this distinctly because I was not a good student in math or science--the only that saved my bacon was that I took AP english and history classes which boosted my GPA (an A in one of those classes was a "5" on a 4-point scale so it was basically extra credit). My stepmother didn't think I deserved to be in NHS and refused to come to the induction ceremony. Your grades don't have to be *that* good, or at least they didn't 20 years ago, for NHS.

    6. There are some scholarships, but not everyone gets them. And they aren't for the full ride. They do want students to consider private schools. I can't imagine she qualified for much since her parents just bought a 445K home and they must report the TLC earnings for tax purposes. It looks like she has a part time job at home the year before going.

      Logan could have gotten a scholarship too for some of his expenses.

    7. Mock Purity wrote "When Mariah said she go a scholarship I wondered to myself HOW. There was no essay, no SW footage of her applying or planning... Nothing."

      I think folks often forget that not every moment of these people's lives are filmed and/or aired. The producers of the show choose what to include and what not to include in the storyline. Just because something isn't shown doesn't mean it didn't or doesn't happen.

    8. finally seeing realityAugust 31, 2013 at 5:34 PM

      I do think Mariah's wanting to be a doctor while at the same time having a plyg marriage is just immature thinking. Many people who graduate with a 4.0 have a difficult time doing pre med in college as well as getting into med school. I don't think she has any idea how hard it is. It is always easy to just say you want a certain career before college without knowing how hard college is compared to high school. I do think Mariah is immature and her family encourages it. I say give her a little time in college to grow and then she may be a little more realistic. Maybe she can become a doctor, and if so more power to her. It is also a very expensive profession to pursue.

    9. I think maybe the Browns are using the terms "financial aid" and "scholarship" synonymously, especially if they want us to believe they're "MAKING$$$." My youngest attends a private college w/tuition of $16k/yr ... I'm a single parent teacher, so he got $8k in grants from the college/state/fed gov't this year. I wouldn't call it "scholarships" .... (What??! The Browns might be being DECEPTIVE??!!). ;-)

  18. I know it is evil of me to think this so soon, but how many mother-in-law suites does Meri have room for?

    1. Well, one could live with Jenelle since it's her own mother!

      But I thought the same thing, they always talked about if a Sisterwife died and how the other wives would watch over the others children. Now what happens to them all.

  19. Okay, so maybe I am either missing something, coming late to the information party, or reading something wrong, but it appears to me that Robyn Brown of the Kody Brown Sister Wives has a couple of IMDBs, one as "cheerleader" and one as "model." This was back in 1999 and 2000

    Has IMDB screwed up? Did they mix Robyn Sullivan Brown up with some other Robyn Brown? (Sister Wives is listed along with these other parts.) Or was part of Robyn's rebellious ways to seek fame and fortune elsewhere?

    1. Those credits should be attributed to a Robyn M. Brown. Any credit listed before 2010 would have another name (even if she acted under a stage name--unlikely, since the credits are basically for "extras", it would not have been brown-- Unless G*D had already tipped her off to the Kodster--would that make her wide number 1, celestially?

  20. Bwahahaha.

    Long time reader, first time commenter.

    The one and only time I have tweeted Sobbin' she blocked me! I feel like I deserve an award. Her little purity speech offended me so much as a mother. My second pregnancy was "out of wedlock" and even though I was a 27 year old divorcee, people treated me like damaged goods. I married the father eventually once I stopped being scared of marriage(I left an abusive marriage). So hearing her speech ticked me off!

    1. I think she offended most of us on here. But I would rather be a " monogamous harlot in the street" then have to deal with what she does. Oh my I just quoted Michael Cawley. Lol

    2. LOL.

      I try to respect their lifestyle but this sermon just went too far. I'm not one to tweet negative things to "celebrities" (I use that term lightly) but what she said was not cool. It will click for her kids some day and I feel for them.

      It's funny. I joined and my husband was making fun of my ancestors have a gazillion middle names. Lo and behold I found out he descended from one of the first polygamous families in Utah and through that distantly related to the Browns. I won that battle. ;)

    3. PsychoSW, sign me up for the Monogamous Harlot Team as well!

  21. I have a better idea Robyn. Do not live each day as if it is your birthday. Live each day as if it Kody's day. Kody is a narcissist and so every day is his day. Each wife gets one vacation. Kody gets 4. Each wife raises their children and Kody walks around town trying to find people who he can tell that he has 4 wives. I think they had to move out of Utah because no matter where Kody went, everyone already knew he had 4 wives. He moved to Vegas because of the millions of tourists they get. Kody has endless work trying to inform every one of them that he has 4 wives. He drives his convertible down the Vegas strip, searching for new faces. Clumps of bleached hay fly off his head in the wind. No worries though, the green goo makes hair grow back. It is a legit full-time job, right?

    Each wife takes a night with King Kody so Kody has 'his night' every night. A different wife cooks for him every night, so he never has to cook. Except for Robyn of course, she is too beautiful to cook. She satisfies him in other ways. Who has FOUR KIDS and does not cook ? I never knew cooking meals for 4 young kids was optional. I must be so stupid, making countless meals, all these years. I never saw the 'opt out of cooking' button.

    Next thing I know, I will find out Robyn does not do laundry either, because she would risk damaging her expensive manicures. I bet she writes those off too. Her cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc are all tax write-offs. Because should she break a nail, from her french manicured hands, the family business would tank. They depend on Robyn to model their ICOMIC rings, so her hands cannot be used to do maid work. It is also a known fact that genuine, sterling, white gold could turn her precious fingers green. This may lead people to think that the green goo stains your hands.
    So Robyn has actually sacrificed by getting other people to do the housework/cooking. She is truly a saint. This explains why her best friend is a martyr. No one here should refer to her as Sobbin' Robyn anymore. She shall henceforth be addressed as 'Saint Sobbyn Robin' or 'Princess Purity'. She is writing a new book, 'Don't Panic, you can Regrow your Hymen' a true story about Born Again Virginity. Written for a target audience of kids 8 and under. Stop the insanity.

    1. LMAO....Princess Purity!!!

      I think you may be onto something about the REAL reason they had to 'flee' Utah! His Royal HighAss needed to inform new people he has 4 wives. Why does he have to do that???? Last wk here in Oz we had the Mexico episode and he had to inform the tour guides....even though he was alone with Meri. This wks was the college tours for Logan, and Kody had to inform the girl giving the tour at UNLV.....he was with Janelle & Logan ONLY!!! Annoys me how every situation has to be all about Kody....

      I would love an episode following Truely around for awhile. Interacting with christine and kids but focus on Truly. It could be called 'A Truly Beautiful Day. I love when pictures are posted on Twitter of her.

    2. LOL...Princess Purity! We could then just call her PP. I think I like that. Ha

  22. I did wonder if Mariah got a little extra check for herself if she had a more featured role or a storyline based around her. That might cover the first year or even help out the tuition situation for her.

  23. Whose house did you like the best:
    Robyn 455 (24%)
    Christine 865 (46%)
    Janelle 747 (40%)
    Meri 307 (16%)
    2374 votes
    Christine - 36%
    Janelle - 31%
    Robyn - 19%
    Meri - 13%

  24. Have they ever again addressed Mariah's desire to go to the Naval Academy? Didn't she have a big talk with Kody in the first season about wanting to do that? It seemed to be such a big deal but then they never mentioned it again.

    1. @bhd, I mentioned that in a reply earlier. I don't know that Mariah was that invested in the Naval Academy itself but was more interested in it as a means to an end for med school. Honestly I admired her drive and ambition at the time--she knew that the education she wanted was expensive and she thought she had found a way to go to school without burdening her family. I think Kody's response about the recommendation discouraged her though. It was his typical douchey response (something about only the Governor could write her nomination)--with a little research, they surely could have found a source. I think she just gave up right then and there.

    2. It was meant to express to the world how isolating their lifestyle is because of the law against polygamy. I think kodys worry with that is for some of the military schools that are free you need a congressional endorsement and the fact their family has spent most of their education in church school coop or homeschool. Because in the public schools the kid's have to hide their dads.

    3. yeah...I guess since Kody said he was so "pleased", I was under the impression they were still going to go for it. But good point -- they were trying to show the challenges they have as a plural family and not being able to reap the benefits of our government....riiiight.

    4. finally seeing realityAugust 31, 2013 at 5:25 PM

      Getting into any of the service academy's is very political and does require congressional endorsement. My step son who is extremely smart and has a career in the Air Force, want to go to the Air Force Academy. That year the congressman from that are has a son who also wanted to go and he get the position. Considering their life style it is doubtful she would have gotten in.

    5. My bro-in-law went but it took a lot of making friends in all the right places and being very visible in high school as far as volunteering, sports, charity work, grades, debate club and student government.

      I sincerely doubt anyone that could write an endorsement for one of the academies would write one for a polygamist's child. It's still too much of a hot button issue I'd think.

    6. I don't think the polygamy would be an issue. After all, these kids aren't polygamists - only their idiot parents. What would count is all the other things Funky town mentioned. I severely doubt that Mariah has stellar grades, has done much volunteering for the community, or is into sports. Let's not talk her into imagining herself a victim of prejudice - too much of that thinking in the Brown compound already!

  25. I am beginning to understand how life in Kodyworld was pre-TLC. Kody and the wife, Meri, were the primary couple and Christine and Janelle were the secondary one. Kody and Meri and their one child ruled the roost while Janelle brought her paycheque home to them. Christine was the daycare provider and homeschooler.
    No wonder Kody loves this lifestyle and Meri cannot complain but Janelle and Christine should reflect on the years of struggle, bankruptcies and handing money over to those two. Their each bore 6 children for Kody`s ego and raised them
    as single mothers.
    Janelle paid all the bills, used up her retirement savings and signed over shares of the Lehi house to Kody and Meri but not Christine. Then Kody brought a new wife into the mix who has no skills, paycheque, savings or assets but a lot of debt for frivalous expenses which exposes her true mindset during the trailer park days. That was not a smart idea from the getgo. Now their income in split 4 ways and all the women are equal. That doesn`t seem fair to Janelle who should be repaid. Now Robyn has the nerve to expect Janelle to contribute time and energy to MSWC while she gets free daycare from her sister Taralyce. Christine had said that she wanted to sell real estate and use her commission cheques to pay off family debt but reconsidered when she learned that she would be expected to work weekends and evenings. I guess she cannot find a babysitter for her kids. I hope Janelle does pursue the real estate career and figure out the finances of the family since day 1 and pay herself first, then compensate Christine for her free labour and let Meri and Robyn work on the MSWC
    biz. I hope that she remembers that bedroom set was her gift to Kody for Birthday, Anniversary and Christmas because he sure will.
    Kody has said that one wife could not fulfill all his needs which must be
    feeding him (Meri) supporting him financially (Janelle) caring for his spawn (Christine) and sex (Robyn).
    I have an idea for MSWC based on the pictures of the Brady bunch - Sister Wives jeans and jeggings. They seem to be the plgys fav item of clothing. I am amazed these ultra feminine ladies wear unflattering pants for their publicity photos. Long hair, earrings, jewellry and tight jeans. UGH. I noticed the wife who didn`t feel like part of the family for the longest time, is the heavyset one - just a coincidence.
    Janelle and Christine`s very obvious obesity tells me more than they ever could or would about their happiness or lack of it.

    1. The heavyset one is Rosemary. It was Rhonda who said she didn't feel part of the family until after eight years.

    2. Well said. I too think that Janelle and Christine were used. How can it be ok with Janelle to have everyone get equal share of the money. It isn't fair for her children. Mariah isn't an only child. She has 13 siblings.

    3. Because their entire life revolves around the adults, it's about them deluding themselves into thinking that they are each being treated fair and equitably...if their children were paramount as they should be then money would be divided according to their needs. Have you ever noticed how everything with the Brown's is like a big therapy session? They use therapy words for everything, they have big meetings about everything. I don't know why any woman would subject herself to a life like this. Robyn can bloviate all she wants about things that monogamous women will never Robs we understand, we understand perfectly and we think you are crazy! I feel sorry for the Brown's children...whoever said that they should devote an entire episode to Truley is right, Truely is adorable...I hope that she gets to go to whatever college she chooses when the time comes...unfortunately I don't think anyone is setting any money aside for that. Just imagine all that money that Robyn spends on her manicures, if they set that much aside every month for Truley's college fund? It surprises me that Janelle is ok with equally dividing money with the others when she has six children, maybe she isn't a very good accountant after all? The level of delusion that these women live with is astounding!

  26. I've been enjoying this blog for months but this is my first post.

    There are five houses at the other end of the cuddle sac. Does anyone else think it would be interesting if the Williams bought those out and had to share the 'compound' with the Browns?

    I'd like to watch that interaction.


    1. Each show could show the other family from a different perspective. Maybe all the houses could be equipped with telescopes. We'd see what the Browns/Williams are really doing. Each family could report on the other's "schedule".

    2. Oh man. I can only imagine the nightmare of spending $350K (the Browns grossly overpaid for their McMansion) for your dream home, settling in and then have a Klown and his 4 wives with their many children move in. Can you imagine the toys and bikes left out littering their end of the cul -de -sac and all the cars and the noise and commotion going on?

      So maybe the neighbors would be willing to cash in now and find another place without the Brown chaos to deal with.

    3. yeah I've been thinking about that too. But since the houses were finished we haven't seen the "other side" of the cuddle sac.
      Wonder when they will come out - here or in the media (preferably here).

    4. As disorganized as this bunch is, I can see them losing several of the remote control devices for the front gate, and just propping the gate open until the HOA puts a stop to it and charges them for replacement controls.

      $450,000 homes . . . and the residents will soon make that cult-de-sac look like a trailer park.

    5. I hear ya, AZ. The thing is, and I'm gonna be blunt about this, the condition of Christine's rental was appalling. And I remember when Kody put in the playpool that first year in Vegas, there was a fleeting glimpse of a bed mattress propped up against a wall in clear view of the next door neighbors, most likely being aired out. Now maybe that's ok in a plyg compound, but in a middle class neighborhood? I would be complaining day and nite to the HOA to have it removed. It just looked so trashy.

      Remember that news article that came out that a neighborhood group was trying to have a sister wife evicted? I always thought that wife was Christine.

      And you are right about the gate remotes. Only what I see happening is what happened in the gated community where I live...with the type of gate they have, the kids can simply pry the gates open (quite easy to do by pushing the gates in opposite directions) instead of using the call box and squeezing through the opening which wrecks the gate mechanism. I've also lived in a gated community that did not issue remotes; you had to input your gate code at the call box.

      And Lobotomized, I also wonder what those families are thinking. Like I said, they can't be too pleased. But I'm sure if there's another season, we will see at least one of the neighbors...the one with the pool.

    6. Let me just say this. I grew up in a spotless home.I RAN to my neighbors home everytime I could, as did most of the neighborhood. Why?

      it was the cool mom's home! Always had good food, place a mess, but that mom spent more quality time with her kids than any other. Being that Christine is a single mom and probably does it all, I say,I'd take THAT mom ANYDAY.

      Cynical, do you have kids?
      Tweens and teens are the worst. Esp if they have sloppy friends.

      So don't judge too harshly over a little mess.

    7. From what I see on the State of Nevada business registry pages, looks like Kody has gotten himself elected (appointed) President of the HOA. Maybe that will give him the power to deflect neighbor complaints or a better negotiating position. him a title he can brag about and put on his business cards.

    8. Yes, I saw that, too, Anon 2:34. I can imagine Meri making the HOA rules as she goes along and insisting Kody enforce them...on her sister wives. Bwahahah!

    9. Well, in a community of 9 homes (is that correct?), being "married" to four homeowners does give one an advantage in the voting.

      This is yet another career for Kody that pays nothing. I just hope he doesn't have access to the HOA's checking account.

    10. Kody is like a dictator isn't he...the president of the HOA, so it really is a Plyg compound isn't it!

    11. That was a smart move, for the women to vote Kody king of the cult-de-sac. I was wondering when they would get in trouble for cars parked everywhere, messes in the yards, kids toys littering the street, and film crews getting in the way. They managed to dodge a bullet there!

  27. Robyn is all about ROBYN! HER joolry, HER forever honeymoon, HER king Sol, HER puuur-ty, HER wants, HER needs, HER sad-sack "woe is me" first marriage. Rarely do you see her interact with the other wives children or tweet about anything other than herself. She needs to get an EDUCATION, get JOB and get a BRAIN! What a dim-wit to use the show as a format to bash her ex and make her kids feel much less wanted and loved than Solomon because Kody isn't their bio dad. do you think her older kids already feel because everyone notes how much Solomon looks like a "Brown baby" and they are the children of a horrible person. It's just emotional abuse to portray their father as a monster but hold Kody up as a perfect man. They're already *different* because they aren't Brown children NOW she goes and makes sure they continue to be different and outsiders of the family.

    1. When Robyn announced on the show that her sister was going to live with her in the culdesac I always thought the sister was there to watch the three older kids only. Thank goodness it didn't work out that way. Robyn sends off signals that she's not really running on 4 cylinders and this last episode and her tweets about how she wishes Kody was the bio father of her three other kids proves it.

    2. I agree that the last episode and tweets proves that she has some serious mental and emotional issues. Her ex really needs to compile all of her crazy tv moments and file for custody of his children.
      And *YEP*, her sister was there to keep the older 3 "non-Brown" kids out of the way until they were needed for photo ops on the show or out in public. NO WAY is she going to remove the heir to the Brown family throne from her hip as center of the Brown children universe until the next one is on the way and SHE gets more show time with a new pregnancy.

    3. I agree xenia, something is definitely off about Robyn. She's insecure and seems incapable of handling a lot of things on her own. SWC is a good example -- the constant begging to have Janelle and Christine help her was pathetic. She should put on her big girl panties and run her own business if it's her passion. She could go bring her kids to their bio-dad on her own, so Kody had to leave everyone else in the middle of packing and moving to go with her. Also has a victim mentality -- everything happens TO her as if she has no choices or autonomy.

    4. Believe me, I am not making excuses for Robyn. However, given her statements re: her abuse history, we may want to consider that she has very real reasons for these personality traits (e.g., extreme submissiveness), as they may have helped her survive a rough situation. That is not to say that she isn't responsible for her mental health and working through these issues- she is. However, given what we (think) we know about her history, as well as her presentation, I give her a little wiggle room. Every wife on this show seems to be coping the best that they can, even if that is not very well. It's just sad.

    5. Totally agree...why would Robyn have done this to her children?
      If she had privately talked to them about chastity and related her side of whatever happened with their father to them and let them decide for themselves that would have been appropriate, a loving Mother educating them...What she did however going on National TV and saying that KB should have been their father! There are just no words for how evil and low that is, at some point it will click and they will realize what she was saying, why would she make their lives harder?
      Sure Robyn, it would have been better for you, he isn't their father though and you can't change that so stop disparaging him by talking negatively about him you are talking negatively about them! Did she even consider their feelings? Without their Dad they wouldn't exist they would be different people, she is basically saying that she wishes they were not them, that they were other people! She is also putting Sol on a higher level than them. They are tweens, and a teen, they have an enormous step family, they are trying to fit in and cope with life, a tv show, divorce, etc. and they have a mom who wishes they were other people and loves their brother more than them, just imagine how confusing this must be for them.
      I hope that their Father does something about this... most divorces where children are involved have clauses that prevent both parties from doing things like what she did, I hope that he at least talked to his kids about it...they might be better off not living on the Brown compound after all...
      Robyn is either an epic idiot, or just a straight up evil person...she is manipulative, dishonest, dramatic, emotionally unstable, and she is a bad Mom, more concerned with being a SW and KB concubine than with her children!
      Just think divorce is hard on kids, it is literally the end of a family...those kids now have to deal with three step moms, 16 step siblings, a step Dad that thinks of himself as a king that everyone around them kisses his behind and props up his ego at every turn, and throw in a reality tv show, multiple moves in that past few years, different schools, different she out for an award at the most unstable life she can provide? I wish their Dad would step forward and say something, no wonder their community and church is stepping away!

    6. I agree Sister Wtf, (love the name)
      I have been through an abusive relationship.
      My radar tells me she was not in one. HE divorced her, per divorce records, and he was the one to ask for a clause that no alcohol be drank around the kids.

      I keep a open mind...and am looking into what the truth is. If she was abused, then for her actions, she needs help.

    7. I wondered why the first thing done wasn't to explain what these "emportantat" words meant.
      Where in the bible it states what God says about it, verses.
      Even the 1st time Sunday school teacher knows this.

      I believe it is insight to what girls go through in the AUB church and other FM sects. It appears to be a form of abuse in itself to make a child feel that this is what her worth is based on.

    8. finally seeing realityAugust 31, 2013 at 8:32 PM

      I doubt even more her screaming that her ex abused me, especially after last weeks show. She talks like premarital sex was all his fault. Last time I looked it took two to do that. She consented. I don't think he raped her. She also agreed to marriage. I think it goes back to her constant victim roll. Nothing is her fault, it is always someone else's fault.

    9. As a survivor of a very abusive marriage, my spidey senses tell me she is NOT a victim of abuse and that that is all just a steaming pile of BS spewed by her to garner sympathy, to help bolster her perpetual victim role, and to make her look justified in being divorced. I'm sure she's more than confident that her ex husband will never speak up/against her claims. I see her as nothing more than a free-loading parasite who sees a man as easy street, and a man with 3 other wives to share the load as easy city. I feel that everything about her and her so-called history is one lie after another. I feel she is manipulative, cunning, conniving, lazy, needy and wishy-washy. I feel she can turn on the tears at the drop of a hat but it's all for show and sympathy. My guess is that she wouldn't have given Kodouche the time of day had he not been a big TLC "star."

    10. Mister Sister - David Jessop put in a clause that Robyn not be allowed drink around her kids? Has this been talked about before now?
      I think abuse can come in many forms and if she was abused emotionally/verbally/physically, her children would most likely have seen that. Perhaps because the Jessops are a powerful family, Robyn's husband couldn't have been seen to be divorced by someone and made the decision that he had to be the one to get it in his name, once they agreed upon going down the divorce route. Whatever happened, this can't be the first time their children have seen how acrimonious things were between them.
      I agree that Robyn's sermon was horribly inappropriate given her audience (just call it virginity! Calling it "purity" doesn't make it acceptable!), but given that we don't know anything about her divorce, really, much of what we are saying is just speculation.

    11. Robyn can't make those divorce papers disappear- dug up the divorce document for Robyn Brown (Kody Brown’s newest (fourth) wife on TLC’s Sister Wives) and looks like Robyn loves lacy underthings! According to the filing, in Ravalli County in Montana, Robyn had serious money issues up until the divorce to David Preston Jessop back in 1999, including owing almost $1,000 to Victoria’s Secret! We’re guessing the unmentionables may have helped her snatch up the desirable Kody Brown.

      The divorce document breaks down the separate debts of Robyn & David. Robyn had a mound of debt that was awarded to her in the divorce. Besides the unusually high Victoria’s Secret bill, she also owed thousands to Target and Sears. The total debt awarded to her was… $32,400!

      But she didn’t leave the marriage empty-handed — according to the docs she got to keep the Sanyo VCR (a VCR in 2007?) and a Kirby vacuum cleaner.

  28. I was wondering if the introduction of new polygamous families by TLC is a way to replace the Brown's, NOT add a new polygamous show to the line up. The topic of polygamy is popular and the network can see that from the ratings holding steady and blogs like this one. But they can tell the audience generally does not like the Brown family. Maybe the network is holding auditions of sorts with the Dargers (who did not pan out) and now this new family. Why else not advertise the Browns and why the timing of specials? There is a history of actors getting replaced and their show continuing (2 1/2 men, the show Valerie Harper was on many years ago). They were the stars, the network got fed up with them, replaced them but kept the popular show. Si why wouldn't they keep a polygamy show and replace their "actors" the Browns?


  29. I just voted for Christine as the best mom but now I wish that I could change my vote. While Christine is certainly a good mom, I'm constantly amazed at how well Janelle's oldest children have turned out and this is certainly attributed to her mothering. Logan, Maddie, and Hunter have shown themselves to be wise, practical, and level headed... unlike a certain spoiled princess sister.

    Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, Aspyn has matured into a very cool adult, too. I think that we've been shown more of Janelle's kids, but from what I can remember, Aspyn is also quite level headed.

    Strictly rated on their mothering skills - 1)Janelle 2)Christine 3)Robyn 4)Meri

    1. Note: You can vote for 2 at the same time for others that are conflicted. Thanks!

  30. So if Robin has her sister moved in, Kody can move on to court #5, now there would be a lot of drama! in regard to the kids, seems like Solomon is only one who has the most resemblance to the sperm donor. Fortunately, all the other biological offspring seem to their looks from their mothers. Nice looking kids, but need to help them with the weight issues.
    It would be a breath of fresh air to see more mom/child interactions on day to day things, life isn't always major drama. Tired of houses, mortgages and SWC issues.

  31. I have watched this show off and on since the beginning...OK more off than on, because the Hubs just hates it. It's like, the worst of reality shows. What keeps drawing me back? I don't know, it's kinda like a train don't want to see it, but you have to look. This may have been all said before, but I will confess that I didn't read all the previous posts.
    Let's start with Meri and Cody. I feel like old girl knew he was a womanizer and wanted to bed lots of women, but since he's NOT all that, he can't get too many. So he preys on women who at the moment have lower self esteem or don't want to find a man...maybe they aren't into male relationships so much anymore, but want children. For the most part they are good women...till Robyn. She didn't want to divorce him as she probably still loved she agreed to this polygamist crap. He let her pick the next Queen in line for the thrown...let's face it Janelle wanted children and Meri felt OK with this union. Then Christine came along. More fun, than Janelle and Meri still got to hold her place as the first. Added bonus, Christine and Janelle could make a go of it on their own. Then Meri picked Robyn...kinda like letting a hyena into the group...Cody thought he'd hit the jackpot...probably more sexually experienced and when playing which one is not like the others this one is it! She has kids from a previous marriage...not a problem...Mr. "Thinks He's All That" plus a bowl of Cheerios can fix that...take care of these kids so that me and my sleeze can PARTY. The other 3 should each divorce his a_ _. He is so full of himself, I don't know how any of them can stand him and it puzzles me as to why they don't. I know the religion thing gets in the way, but it shouldn't keep them from leaving him. It is horrible enough that they have tied all these children into this, but children are smart...I have heard a few times that they don't want to live their lives like this.

    1. Yes and Meri picked women she didn't feel threaten by because she knew that Kody didn't love them right from the start.

    2. I don't know. Seems as Kody was quite the dork in HS, and folks thought he was gay. We found this out in one of the going home episodes.

      BUT then things changed and your are right LOOKOUT!

  32. Kody Brown sad?

    When is he happy? Anyone? He has shed more tears than my grandpa has his whole life.

  33. When is KoDouche happy? When there's a camera on him.

    1. And he's super happy if they film him telling some poor person "I'm Kody Brown and I have 4 wives!"

  34. TLC should assist Janelle and Christine and kids in a middle of night move out of the compound, put them in a roomy duplex and let them all star in "Single Sister Wives...the Rest of the Story". Then sue Kody for child support, while they continue their lives as they have for a long time now. There is no strong father figure for any of them. Kids seem to be turning out very well in spite of the dysfunction.

    1. The kids seem to be turning out well, on the surface. But, don't you think that Janelle and Christine's kids have to be hurting inside to see how their mothers have been used and cast aside by Kodpiece who only has eyes for Sobbyn and her tight little bod? Thankfully all of the kids have one another to get a reality check from when they are older. They all lived in this sideshow of horrors and will be able to comfort and console one another when they get older and the full reality of how this family operates fully sinks in.

    2. Janelle and Christine don't WANT to leave; even if deep down they did, they'd pretty much have to turn their backs on their religion to do so. I know a lot of posters think they'd be better off without Kody and maybe they would, BUT it's hard to turn your back on deeply help religious beliefs.

      If they want to follow the tenets of their religion they would then have to be with another polygamist male. So where would they go? Do you really see Christine giving up her religious beliefs? I do not. Maybe Janelle, but no way would Christine.

      Just my thoughts obviously.

    3. None of them are leaving. They have all bought into this lifestyle. They have already been with him for 20 years.

    4. Anon 10:39 ... janelle left already before for about 2 years.

  35. I was wondering what specific charity the Sisterwives Blog merchandise goes to and how (electronically, direct deposit, or ?) does it get to them.

    Thank you,

    Jen Breyer

    1. Information about Twisted Sister's Closet can be found at this link:

      Twisted Sisterwife Cafepress

      If you need more information, please contact Twisted SisterWife directly. Please refer to her blogger profile for email details.


    2. The charity we are collecting money for is 'Americans Against the Abuses of Polygamy'. CafePress will send me a check once we get to a certain amount, and it will be sent to the charity at that time. We're almost to our goal, and every little bit helps.

  36. so how can this new family get a show and be on TV?
    Aren't they scared the Police and the state of Utah will come get him and drag him off to jail in the middle of the night??? LOL

  37. I voted for Christine and Janelle (glad I didn't have to choose). I think Christine is hands-down the best mom to the entire brood evidenced by her lovely gifts to each child a few episodes back. She seems to be the one who really embraces the notion of having bonus kids and you can tell that she's quite affectionate and caring to all of them. However, as a few others have said there is no disputing the fact that Janelle's kids are very well-adjusted and level-headed, and I feel that Janelle has influenced that. Logan is an absolute joy! Any mom would be proud of the way he cares for his younger siblings and more of a father figure than Kody ever has been. Even Robyn's kids seem to be drawn to him and they haven't been in the family very long. Janelle's teen girls are also so down-to-earth and seem very normal and nice. I also think that being a working mom and ensuring your family is financially stable is important and Janelle seems to believe that too.

  38. Kody should be happy with no full time job to hamper his fun time, no household chores to wear him out and no hands on parenting to try his patience. He is adored by his wives who think he is an awesome husband and father which shows how little they expect of men in their world. He owns more than half of all the wives assets and spends the family`s income as he wishes. He gets to go on all the vacations, all the date nights, drives the best car and has access to four homes when he chooses. He decides where they will live and who gets to join the group. He should be happy.

    1. But he so persecuted! His belief system and lifestyle isn't accepted by mainstream America and that greatly hinders his ability to make an honest living selling the Plyg Kool-Aid. The authorities caused him to flee Utah in the middle of the night or face being held accountable for his illegal actions. Oh, the horror of having to run to Las Vegas to escape judgement.
      He only has 4 wives and they don't *obey* him.
      He's forced to be the only AUB family in Las Vegas.
      No way could he ever flee to Wyoming where there's a support system for his family and plenty of family land to build nice affordable homes on. No, poor, poor Kody has a very sad life right now and none of it is his fault.

    2. I did wonder why he chose Las Vegas when it was time to flee in the middle of the night. Usually people turn to familiarity when the going gets tough. Wyoming would have been a good choice. His family does have plenty of land. His kids had spent quite a bit of time there (at least the boys did). Janelle's six kids would have had grandparents on both sides there. I guess that it wouldn't have been quite as "interesting" as Vegas. He wouldn't have had the opportunity to tell everyone, "I'm Kody and I have four wives.

    3. I agree Fun with Figures. Kody has it pretty damn good. Forest Rose Kody always wanted to live in Vegas. What Kody wants, Kody gets.

  39. I Knock Hips With No OneAugust 31, 2013 at 4:20 PM

    I have no problem with any help Mariah gets for school- loans are the worst, tuition is ridiculous, and there have to be some perks to spending your awkward high school years on-camera. I also understand going home the first few weekends. Everything is new and scary and you don't want to do the laundry. I visited nearby family my first couple weekends at school, but by midterms I had settled and they didn't see me again until graduation, ha ha ha.
    Shame on the twitter person who called out Mariah's weight...I wonder why Meri acknowledged it and fed the troll? I wonder if it was a passive aggressive way for her to nudge Mariah about her weight? Surely not...

    1. So wonder if there are any tuition breaks for Logan, Aspyn and Mykelte? Those kids need all the help they can get and will probably have to search out resources themselves.

    2. I Knock Hips With No OneAugust 31, 2013 at 5:15 PM

      I would think as they are technically children of single parents there may be some leniency/loans available to them?(Mariah actually might have it tougher qualifying as the legal child of two parents) I remember my parents' income was a big factor when my financial aid was drawn up, but I went to school back in 2001 so undoubtedly things have changed. I also wonder if Aspyn is commuting to UNLV? No twitter activity on move-in date would seem to suggest so- that's a big $ saver and she seems really involved with the younger kids. Aspyn seems to really have her head on straight and be a huge help to her mom, which makes me wonder if she's wary of leaving Christine to Kody's mindgame universe.

    3. I also wonder if Aspyn is commuting to UNLV?
      According to her latest tweet, she's in a dorm and just attended her first college party with her roomies!!! And she's been checking out the goodlooking men on campus!!!

      Yay Aspyn!!!

    4. When it comes to student aid, they're in a catch-22 situation. With single parents, the kids would be eligible for aid if the income is low enough. The problem is that these same single women had to show enough income to get mortgages, so that probably eliminates aid. You never know though - it depends on just how those houses really were financed.

    5. Financial Aid Professional here. Pretty much everyone qualifies for financial aid as loans are in that category. All of the kids in college would file for federal aid and only Mariah would have both Meri and Krody's BIG$$$ counted. The scholarship she got is from the college she's going to. Now, as for the others, federal aid is based on tax info which can be different than what is used to qualify for a mortgage. In terms of Janelle's kids: she's got a household of 7 with 2 in college. We don't look at home value or debt vs. home value when determining aid. (although some private colleges also use another more detailed form to determine aid). Private colleges tend to do more "scholarships" while Universities like UNLV wouldn't give every kid going there a scholarship. I'm not sure if NV has a State grant program or not, which can help. My guess, the kids at UNLV have an aid package that includes subsidized/unsubsidized loans, perhaps work study and Parent PLUS loans (which are probably denied due to bad credit which allows the kids more unsub loans.) Mariah is now a NV resident for college purposes, but that doesn't matter at a private college since they don't get state funds to run.

    6. To get a 445K home they would have had to show a remarkably high income, the same tax years showing for student loan purposes. They can really only show a family of three. I don't know if there is a court judgement for support to the other wives that somehow could be figured into what the fed assume this family could cover for their one child for college?

  40. :-)I would definitely watch a show called "Christine and Janelle, Plus Twelve."

    1. Sister K, I would watch it too. Wouldn't it be fun to see them go out on dates? Then when King Kody gets custody for a weekend, he would pawn them off on Meri or Robyn. I'm sure he would be too busy to do any child care himself. But, I think they are so ingrained in their religion that they will never leave. They'll be like all the other wives after they die looking for their man and their planet. Wouldn't we be surprised if we got there and they told us....I told you so!

  41. I wonder what the show will be about tomorrow.....they need to keep people interested....I got it!! Robyn can be a surrogate to ALL the Mom's. Each can contribute their eggs,plus with Robyn's eggs she could carry quadruplets!

    1. Polygamy Questions Answered.
      The viewers take control as the Browns are put to the test answering all your questions. What do the teens really think of the family dress code? Which mom is the strictest? Get all the behind-the-scenes details in this special episode of Sister Wives.

      NOTICE how there's no more questioning by interviewers? Looking at a computer? The clip shows Kody and his poor language skills.
      What producer typed in poorly worded questions?
      Where did they get these questions? Did I miss somewhere that you could send one in? Not that they would use any of mine!(Too Real)

      don't forget to come here at 9ET for the first scoop!

    2. Mister Sister, is this a new question and answer show? I thought it was a rerun but I am probably confused. Didn't they do one similar where they had an iPad taking questions?


    3. Yes it is a new one!!! Come and discuss with us!
      Then a rerun of Robyn's Secret. puke.

  42. Terrific pic of Aspyn and Logan. Thanks for posting it. You do find the best pics for the threads.

    And yes, Aspyn has bare arms, and so she should if she chooses. She is a pretty girl with many options to explore now.
    Love that she commented on the guys on campus.
    (Those were the days !!)

    Somehow living in their crazy Kodyworld, these kids have stayed hinged.
    Maybe seeing how crazy all that can be, it has helped them to glimpse different goals and futures for themselves.

  43. What happens to Kody's Dad wives? Do they still live together on the farm? Does anyone know?

  44. I checked the poll results for the best Brown family mother and I have a question for everyone. I understand why Robyn has garnered so few votes but am curious as to why Meri is lagging so far behind Christine and Janelle. There are a lot of things she has done and said that I disapprove of. But she seems to be a good mom. Maybe I missed something?

    1. Anon 7:37 -- for Meri isn't my choice because she doesn't seem to be as well-connected to the bonus kids. You rarely see her interacting with any of the other kids. Granted she does have the little girls' room and a play area for the babies, I don't view her as caring as much as Christine does. She also didn't seem to be setting a good example for Mariah when they didn't get their McMansion. I also strongly feel that she should be protecting Mariah more from the cameras. Teenage girls can be horrible, a good mom wouldn't want that part of their personalty broadcast so publicly. Of course, this is just my opinion, others might feel she's a great mom.

    2. Meri a great mom? Not in my opinion. She has raised a self centered spoiled teen. She had ONE child to raise, not 4, not 6. Which child do most of us comment on negatively? Meri's.

    3. I think Meri is a good mom. She seems to do what is best for her daughter. I think she doesn't always set the best example ( of kindness).

      I used to think Christine was a good mom. Then I saw how her house looked filthy. Dirty carpet covered with stains no one even tried to clean up, the kids rooms a mess. Once I heard that she was letting her kids skip school that was it for me. An absolute no no.

      Janelle's house is also a mess. Why aren't these parents teaching their kids to clean up? I am not saying the house has to be spotless but if it looks that bad when you know tv cameras are coming I can only imagine what it looks like normally. Also there is a difference between kids leaving a few toys around and it being dirty.

    4. Canadian I didn't vote for Meri for the same reasons as you. She doesn't seem to make the 'bonus' kids feel welcome, nor does she interact much with them.

      She doesn't set the greatest example for Mariah with all her passive/aggressive stunts she pulls and that entitled attitude. Now Mariah has been shown acting like Meri. There are better examples out there.

      Just my opinion obviously, others may feel differently.

    5. Meri is too self-centered to be a good Mom. She spent the early years of being a Mom berating and abusing her sister wife, Mariahs' siblings Mom. After 18 years, she still has not figured out how to have any kind of a talk with Mariah about her behavior and anger management issues.

      She shows no concern or financial commitment to her bonus children. Every household must have the same income for Meri to feel equal, even though she has one child and Janelle and Christine both have six.

  45. That Logan. What a little hottie. Remember the episode when he yelled at Hunter for being disrespectful to the adults, and Hunter said, "Okay. Settle down, Johnny Appleseed." LOL.

    1. That was a classic! It was one of the few times the kids were allowed to be kids. Kids and parents snark on each other, makes for lots of laughs!

    2. Totally love Logan (not in a creepy way!) If he chooses monogamy, he'll make an awesome dad and father one day. Also love when the kids are just interacting and being kids. I wish we could see more of that.

  46. Still working my way through older seasons, and just watched the one where the cute couple who lived by them in Lehi visited so that the dude could ask Kody how, exactly, a married man starts dating.

    The wife admitted that she only wants to "live this lifestyle" because it is what God wants. Meri and Janelle then admitted the same. Kody looked so surprised at this and said that even if it wasn't a religious tenet of faith, HE'D still want to have multiple wives...for the "love." Uh huh.

    1. I wonder what happened to them, did they take on a new wife? I hope not, they both seemed so in love and pained by the idea.

    2. I wonder about this as well.

  47. Just read the posts Double Dollar Ranch, and a discussion pg on Kody Brown's grandparents far far back, He is related to Brigham Young. BRIGHAM YOUNG!

    If he had just said in the beginning all would be fine.

    I can't stand liars.

    Why is that not an important issues for this family.

    1. Most families who are LDS in the west have polygamy in their families. It wasn't just Utah, families were sent to start settlements in Montana, and other states. It's easy to be reared to BY since he had so many wives.

      Mainstream LDS is very uncomfortable with polygamy. Polygamy was its past, not present. It is the present of others and LDS do not want to be confused. I imagine the church is mad that some article about this new family had a photo of the temple in the article. What I can't imagine is kody who just spent two years studying the gospel and being a moving force to get others baptized had never realized the practice existed and that is was not okay to LDS and why the LDS dont find it to be okay. He was changed into another church within a year or two of coming home from his mission.

  48. Look up "Parental Alienation Syndrome". Robyn just did that on national TV. Those Jessop plygs need to come rescue those kids.

  49. first time commenter here. I'm thinking the older kids knows its all about the sex for Kody. back when Kody announced he was going to ask Robin to marry him, one of the older kids, I'm thinking it was Logan, said something along the lines of "Go get her tiger".

    Also Sobbin speech problem could be due to a hearing loss. It is very strange listening to her. I have a hard time looking at her as her face is so square, her head is a cube.

    Christine is my favorite, she is the most like me, and I'd like her for a friend.

  50. She loved David Jessop enough to have his children. Now she hates him enough to destroy his children. That is "Parental Alienation Syndrome".

  51. That was huge! I've studied a lot on parental alienation known as PAS. Yep, any judge who has any sense will evaluate her actions on screen and off, and see this is not stable, it's offensive to her children and she is unfit. She may be ok to raise Sol, but she is passively resenting her first three.

  52. I wonder if they are filming now. Someone asks Meri who is the guy who looks like Kody? She replies it is one of the awesome camera guys. Think she is dropping a little clue?

  53. "I am not saying the house has to be spotless but if it looks that bad when you know tv cameras are coming I can only imagine what it looks like normally."
    Anon 10:17

    I agree and this has been noted before many times, even in their rentals.
    Both Christine and Janelle seem to be very lax in the housekeeping realm. And both of them have older kids in their homes to help, so it isn't all about toddlers and young kids making all the mess. Granted kids can be slobs, but only *if* they are allowed to get away with it.

    For both of these women to have their homes look dirty and disheveled when they know the cameras will be there is hard to understand.
    Either they just don't care, or they don't know any better???

  54. I don't consider any of the 5 to be very good parents.

    Having a bunch of kids you can't afford is just selfish and irresponsible. It was so obvious when they first told the kids they were buying the houses and the kids were like, sure, we'll believe it when we see it. They are so used to being disappointed by their parents.

    The kids are cheated of one on one time with their parents. Logan in particular ended up taking up the slack where his parents left off. With the moms competing with each other for Kody's attentions, the kids get left behind.

    Did any if them consider the kids feelings when they put them on display as the poster children of polygamy? Did they consider the kids feelings when they moved to Las Vegas?

    Meri has set s horrible example for her daughter. Janelle has no idea how to handle her kids - look at how she and Kody behaved when the kids were fighting. I don't know why she had so many kids - she said outright she'd rather work then watch the kids. Christine letting her kid skip school showed terrible judgement. Her house is a disaster and her cooking, while apparently tasty is unhealthy. She allowed herself to be pushed by Kody into having her last child. She may love the kids, but she is not a responsible parent. It seems she was the one mostly responsible for them being on the show. Robyn's horror show on Sunday speaks volumes about her parenting.

    1. Wow, I have some issues with the Browns as parents, but Anon 11:59, this list seems way harsh--like we should expect PERFECTION.

      If Janelle had no idea how to handle her kids, I seriously doubt that we'd be seeing such grounded, articulate young people. While we may see some disorder from time to time, I can't say I've seen true household grunge/chaos that would qualify as poor parenting (having raised 5 kids, I am wildly thankful I didn't have a camera crew in my house, ever!) We've probably all seen happy, squared-away kids whose homes were cluttered and neurotic problem-riddled kids whose homes were immaculate (and the reverse, too), so I'm not going to count some household disorder as bad parenting.

      The worst aspects of their parenting, IMO, are--as you point out--their financial flightiness, the irregular availability of their father, and lifestyle choices that (again, my opinion)set women up for heartache and misery disguised as self-sacrificing high ideals.

  55. Okay, you said free discussion so here goes, from a grownup plyg kid:

    I want 4 husbands! 2 of them I will send to work so that I have lots of money. The other two will stay home. One for good quality organic cooking and kitchen duty and one for yard work, organic gardening, and heavy lifting. They can divide the house work between the four of them however. Not my problem.

    I will have lots of children, why not? I will always be available to all my children. Just loving them, teaching them, and some discipline. That will be my only job.

    All of my sexual needs will be met by which ever husband Im in the mood for.

    I will make all the rules and change them at will. Just to make sure that me and my children have the best lives possible.

    In my spare time I will work on creating a gospel that commands this lifestyle in order for men to be received into heaven. A heaven that I will also control.

    I honestly think that my form of polygamy makes way more sense then what the Mormon fundamentalists have come up with. Although still bat shit crazy, its fun to turn the table.

    1. Fun to turn the tables and point out the absurdity of "religion"-based polygamy, but may I humbly point out that the numbers still don't work. Two working husbands supporting five adults and a lot of children doesn't sound like lots of money.

      Children are expensive (and can't work, darn it). One mom plus one full-time dad (i.e. boring old monogamy) maximizes the number of working adults per expensive child. Non-related adults don't in general want to support someone else's rug-rats. (Obviously adoptive parents are not included in that generalization!!!)

      Clearly, this family illustrates that adding additional non-biologically-related adults to a family with socialized finances hurts the child. The non-related adults have their own financial needs and priorities (i.e. her own house for Meri) that conflict with those of the child(ren.)

      Case in point: other than her biological parents, have we seen any other adult holding Truely on a regular basis, or at all? And she's a baby! If you can't go out of your way to hold someone else's very small child, then writing a check for braces for an obnoxious teenager is probably not something you will swallow without stress and ire.

  56. I will always have a soft spot for Janelle because in one couch session she answered a question about homosexuality with the response that statistically, it was likely there would be one or more children in her family who are gay (so she understands people are born homosexual) and she said she would accept that.

    I also respect that Janelle is the most practical-minded and willing to hold a regular paycheck-every-two-weeks job to support the clan. Her teenagers seem to be more open-minded and relaxed than the others. It appears Janelle sincerely loves Kody and is the least conflicted about his other relationships. I think that is because she sincerely believes in the religious reasons for polygamy and probably because she likes not having to be the only one to please him.

    I know it's complicated and there are many things wrong here but Christine and Janelle made a partnership agreement about division of labor, domestic work and make-money-outside-the-home work, and their deal worked for them and benefited the kids. I do not see Meri or Robyn as contributing positively to the family dynamic.

  57. The topic of when did Robyn and Kody was brought up in an earlier discussion that peaked my interest... I have re-watched the first 8(ish) episodes of the show and found it odd that Robyn was wearing her wedding ring before the wedding episode (not just in the couch sessions which we know are filmed later). Also, it dawned on me that her wedding pictures show her with her hair down but her hair is done up in the wedding episode!! I know this could simply mean they took pictures on another day but it just added more suspicion to the whole thing.

    Lastly, the timeline of Kody and Robyn's courtship and her divorce are of interest to me. She stated when we were first introduced to them on the show that Dayton was 9 and just about to turn 10. Her first marriage was supposed to have been 9 years so did she start courting Kody before her divorce was final? Or she really could not have been preggers with Dayton (then David) before she married DPJ...

    1. Wedding rings aren't exchanged during a sealing. At least in the LDS church. I would imagine the same for the fundamentalist church. LDS couples also do a photo shoot together in wedding attire before the ceremony. And I mean a few days before, not just before. That would explain the hair.

  58. Sorry... **The topic of when Robyn and Kody actually got married...

    I'm on my phone and couldn't fix it :/

    1. I am also interested in finding out when Kody and Robyn got married. As far as I know they really didn't. Marriage is more than an act of spiritual union. Marriage is something governed by the state (Utah). I do believe that these people misled us as to the date of their "spiritual union." I just can't find it in myself to call it a "marriage." Does this mean that Robyn gave the cookie away (or had it stolen) more than once.

      "Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar."

      "Kody stole the cookie from the cookie jar."

    2. Kody is a cookiemonster so I am sure he got it fast...

  59. It must be early because I read ``The topic of when did Robyn and Kody`` as WHEN DID ROBYN DO KODY. David Jr. was born in January 2000 so Robyn met Kody prior to then. Robyn and the kid were divorced in 2007.

  60. Out of the mouths of babes - I was talking to my grandchildren ages 8 and 6. I said to them, there is a show on TV where one man has four wives and seventeen children. The first response was, are they rich? (Um - NO ) The second was, I thought Kate plus Eight had too many kids. (she probably did) Then they said, that is not normal. ( um - right)
    Then they said, why would anybody want to do that? (We are asking ourselves that same question).

    Brigham Young was also know for the Mountain Meadows massacre where 120 settlers bound for California were slaughtered in Utah in 1857. Some historians believed he was responsible and some believe he wasn't.

  61. Woohoo!! It is Sunday!!!! Lets see what tonite brings!!!!

  62. Of course Brigham Young was behind that attack. Not everyone was killed, children under the age of 8 years were kidnapped.
