Saturday, August 17, 2013

Review Sister Wives S06Ep04: Odd Wife Out

Okay, let's ponder something for a minute. Most of the footage for this season was filmed over nine months ago. We already know the Browns got approved for their mortgage loans, despite Kody's plaintive claims of "We aren't 100% sure we are getting these houses" or Christine saying "...Until you get those keys in your hand, it is still nebulous..."

They MOVED into the houses already. People saw the U-hauls, SWB received pictures showing Meri was the last wife to move. The only people who were in the dark as to what was going on appears to be those loyal uber fans who friended the now deserted, family friend run "Official" Brown Family fan pages on Facebook.

And it's in public records!! Note to Kody: Next time perhaps set up a trust that doesn't have Kody, Brown,  Family, Entertainment in its name to purchase any future real estate if you want to keep it secret. Like the real celebrities do.


There. I feel so much better.

Due to the excessive use of flashbacks, confusing editing, ridiculous will they or won't they move in storyline, Meri's crying and Kody's constant presence in practically ALL the scenes, I'm giving this episode 25 Uncle Art Raspies. This episode was all over the place. The only way I could keep track was by seeing what hat Mona was wearing.

Nobody gets a Hyrum this time. Enjoy your awards!

My favorite quote of the episode:

Janelle: "Oh my gosh! ...This is so tedious!"

Those words definitely summed up this episode for me. But I have to be thankful we didn't have to sit through yet another discussion about Meri giving her answer about another baby, or the problems with that hobby business known as My Sister Wife's Closet.

But boy, oh boy, the rest of the show sucked ostrich eggs. Big, gooey ones.

Here's a moment I wished had happened:

Mona the Real Estate Lady calls the sisterwives Meri, Christine, Janelle and Robyn together to give them some news.

Mona: All right. Now I want those of you who think you are getting the keys to your house before Christmas to look happy...

Mona: Ah...Not so fast, Meri...

That's right. Due to Meri and Kody failure to get their paperwork filed in time, Meri did not  move into her McMansion by Christmas. Meri is the Odd Wife Out.

Karma's a bitch, isn't it?

Funny, but I would bet something else happened that delayed Kody and Meri from getting approved and this storyline about Meri's procrastination and Mariah needing to be in the McMansion like she was being shipped off to live on Mars in 2013 was all a ruse.

What's that old saying - If it doesn't jell, it ain't aspic? Well, this ain't jelling.

Some other low lights of this episode:

Kody "deciding" that he and Janelle would assign the rooms for Janelle's kids in her McMansion. Funny, he only spends one quarter of his time with her kids but he expects to dictate which rooms they would receive. And what was the deal with his lecture to Gabriel about wars being fought over territory? Luckily for the kids, Janelle already made the decision  that they  would decide which rooms they would get. Good job, Janelle, but I still can't give her a Hyrum because...

We really didn't need to know that Janelle's and Kody's  bed was worn out. Heck, she's been pregnant 6 times...I'm surprised that bed didn't spontaneously combust years ago.

Kody's off handed remark when Janelle mentioned her boys were all taller than her, with the exception of Gabriel (her youngest son). He said "Gabriel will probably never be taller than you". Maybe he was just kidding, but if you ask me (and you didn't) I think from his comments about territory and wars and how his youngest son (besides Solomon) may never be taller than his mother gives a little background to the dynamics going on in Janelle's parental unit. Almost like when he accused Hunter of being a testosterone monster a few years back. Kody is totally clueless.

How Kody can call the McMansions "his". For example, when he says "My house with Janelle" or "My house with Christine". But when he talks about his children, it's always Janelle's kids, or Christine's kids. Never "my" kids. And he is not listed on the deeds (except for Meri's).

Christine's cooking. How can this woman make celery look unappetizing? And what was that charred stuff in the pan? You know, the one Aspyn "thought" was tiramisu? 

Oh, and what's the deal with celebrating Joseph Smith's birthday again? Last Christmas, Christine was denied celebrating her family tradition with Hanukkah being celebrated instead. This year, it's business as usual with not a word about what happened last year. Which
just shows the audience  THAT fiasco was all fabricated for the show.  Leave it to the Browns to be willing to sell out their family traditions to make good television (and it really wasn't even that good).

Christine once again self flagellating herself for being a bad sister wife. Seriously, if someone has to constantly say how happy they are that they stayed in a relationship, maybe the opposite is true especially when she looks so depressed when saying it. She needs to either leave or shut up and take care of her house and kids.

Turn that frown upside down, Robyn!

And of course, Robyn telling all the monogamist women in the world they don't know what they are missing by not being a polygamist woman because "...there are blessings that monogamist women will never understand." Well, thanks to Sister Wives, I think the women of the world are relieved to be living in monogamy. If Kody is an example of the best in polygamist husbands, what do the worse look like?

The episode in pictures:

Those McMansions are HUGE!

Christine working on the Family Mission Statement

Kody telling Robyn (with witnesses) that she's too beautiful to cook

Meri doing what she does best...

Welcome to your McMansion, Janelle!

The Brush Off !!

Truely reading one of her books

Kody's feet are also dirty but he's got socks on...


  1. Too Beautiful to CookAugust 17, 2013 at 7:07 PM

    Poor Truely, her bonus mom doesn't want to include her in reading with her bonus sisters.

    Kody is disgusting. I caught that comment about Gabriel never getting taller than Janelle and thought it was strange. He is a jerk along with being a bad dad.

    I loved how he referred to the houses as "his". I actually yelled at the t.v. that the houses weren't in his name at that point.

    I thought Christine's cooking looked good, I may have problems.

    As for Robyn's comment, yes, us monogamist women will never know the gift of shared STDs, yeast infections, and cold sores and have to face the woman who gave it to us daily for the rest of our lives. P.S. WE like having our man/woman to ourselves only!

    1. I watched the show from the beginning but stopped after Sol was born and the SERrrgecy issue got dragged out. I'm certain Queen Mari is in menopause and will not have another. Look at her hairline, sure sign of menopause.

      It's been a train wreck watching these people, the loonies are running the asylum! The teenagers have more common sense and! And! The best picture here shows beautiful Truly reading. The adults should take a clue.

    2. yeah, since the cameraman made sure he focused on that burnt black dish that Aspyn was questioning - i wish we could have gotten the explanation for what it actually was and if Christine was actually still planning on serving it. no - i don't think Christine's a good cook at all as it's all so unhealthy - processed starches and carbs w/lots of sugar, salt and margarine. ugh. basically fast food laden w/chemicals out of cans and boxes is all i ever see her conjuring up.

      i'd actually like to know what exactly Meri cooks for herself that she claims is healthier than the other's cooking. from the size of her (and Mariah) - i'm not so sure it really is.

    3. I love that - 'Nightmeri' - isn't that is the truth! She is so selfish and immature. Her "Queen Bee" attitude makes me sick. If I belivied in this life style and had her as my sisterwife, I would NEVER trust her with MY children. She is so jealous, manipulative and just plain mean. Not to mention her constant complaining makes me want to turn the channel.
      Robyn (who decided to join in so she and her kids would be taken care of)
      kisses Meri's you know what on a regular basis. Just gross. You do not live together as a family. You live in 4 separate houses - come on, you are all single women who "share" the same P*nis. Gross.

  2. I don't know about others, but I got a feeling during Kody's "Romance has always been awkward" conversation that he was implying that that was all changing. I suspect that as Janelle is blossoming (she certainly is beautiful and now that she is even healthier, she glows) he is developing feelings for her. Thus, the need for the new bed, and the fact that he surprised her by picking it up early (that seems like something he would do for Robyn).

    1. I agree, Sobbin may be the thinnest but Janelle is hands down the most beautiful, followed closely by Christine. Based on what Kodouche said in the book about being disgusted by Christine being chubby he is super shallow so will be after the best looking wife. Now that Janelle is losing weight theres no competition.

    2. Robyn acted "hurt" when Janelle was unenthusiastic of the SW closet venture--what about Robyn being more supportive of Janelle? Janelle is juggling 6 kids, handling bills, and learning real estate while engaging in a difficult exercise regime--just how much does Robyn want from the poor woman? It's not like she's unemployed like the rest of them! By the way, all of them including Kody should go to the gym now and then. Even Robyn has become a bit chunky since marrying Kody!

    3. In regards to Janelle's beauty, she is lovely....but also the smartest and in my opinion the most Christian of the group. I think that Kody has more respect for Janelle than the other wives. In all honesty; Janelle gets the Best Wife award for still talking to Meri after all the abuse she endured from Meri. Meri is a selfish witch, Christine is kind of ditzy, fun and nice, but a ditz and Robyn is a combination of the two. Meri should not have been allowed as large a house as the others in my was not necessary and just plain selfish; unless she had earned and saved enough to make up the difference.

  3. This episode was definitely painful to get through - i may have had to drink 2 glasses of wine to get through it! I used to love this show but my god now it's so predictable and boring - they really need to get over the Meri/Sobin surrogacy and the houses will we/won't we crap. Maybe focus more on the kids or something. This show is definitely done. The only thing that keeps me interested is this blog - loved it from the beginning and can't get enough of the snarky reviews :)

  4. So funny, my sista!
    I am wondering if Meri is going to have a little girls room made up like she did before. gasp, would she have room?

    1. Yes, the girls staying at Meri's house didn't last very long did it. It made for one episone, then it was OVER.

  5. Why is Meri in Janelle's McMansion before her children are even in it??? I just think that is wrong.


    1. and she is hiding behind the door with a big smirk on her face....

    2. Meri made sure she spoiled Janelle's entrance into her home. Oh look, the fat orange monster is here to show you that she dominates in this house! She is the queen, and don't you forget it. I am sure Meri will let Janelle know she has no more autonomy in her own home than she did when she shared one with Meri. She tormented Janelle when they shared a house, she will do it when they don't. Polygamy is a good place for women with borderline personality disorder. Without it, no one would be forced to "keep sweet," while putting up with Meri's abuse.

    3. That walk in with the kids was totally staged for the cameras. Janelle's mom was also in the house cooking. I'm sure people had been in and out all day getting ready for that evenings celebration.

    4. I believe that may have been Meris mom... She was sittin next to her when Christine gave everyone their JS gift. Meir also mentioned she would be in town "to help her move"...

    5. Can't believe I would be in a position to defend Meri....BUT I think they showed footage of her helping Kodi move the mattress and headboard into the house just before this.

    6. Who thinks Kody and Meri tried out Janelles bedroom first before family all showed up? Meri seemed reaally happy for some reason!

    7. I think Mona has finally hired Meri. Meri was jealous that she did not have a job. So, Mona found one for her. Her new job is to be the doorman at all of the other McMansions. She is to stand behind all doors and be the doorstop. Buying real doorstops is too iconic. Putting Meri behind the doors is the perfect solution.

    8. Oooh, is that what Meri was so upset about? She wanted to be the first to f**k in the new houses? Otherwise, it made no sense - who cares who signs a stack of papers first? Total yucko if they did it in Janelle's brand new Valentine's birthday Xmas bed. Par for the course in polygamy perhaps.

    9. remember the Christmas house last year when meri,again was behind the doors?

  6. And since we know they read this blog....a note to Christine as she's facilitating the family mission statement. When you are brainstorming, you should NOT make comments like "Ohh that's so sweet" to contributions. That is like basic, basic facilitation training. Look it up on the internet. And why you would have the entire family involved is beyond me.

    This blog used to support my obsession with the show. Now I watch the show to keep up on the blog.

    1. Should she be rejecting Mykelti's opionion "We're at our worst when we are all togheter." She forced her daughter to "explain" and then reworded the offering to suit herself. I am not sure MyKelti really meant that they were loud when they were all together. I suspect she meant exactly what she said to begin with, but backtracked when confronted with anger.

  7. Yeah, we also could have done without that scene when Kody was half asleep standing in Robyn's doorway and telling her how tired he was after breaking in his and Janelle's new bed. Just...ICK!! Look, I agree that Janelle is beautiful, but all I pictured after that scene was her dirty bed feet and his ewwwwness, ahem, breaking in a new bed and a new house!! Gross! Robyn just smiled and looked oh so clueless. For a few seconds I actually envied not having her hair brain!
    Now THAT had to be an awkward scene for his wives to see! He should get a few Uncle Art raspies for giving some viewers the shudders.

    1. Regarding the dirty socks--all I could think was, the socks got that way while they walked around their house and how dirty their floors must be! I wonder how the wives felt about the construction guy's evaluation of how Kody acted different with each wife--especially the part about him still being on the honeymoon with Robyn. Kinda hurtful?

  8. Meri is #1 and must be everywhere. You are missing the concept of SISTER WIVES. Everything everybody has is shared. Except you know, they each need their own kitchen. And tract house in the suburbs. And separate mattresses for Kody to 'multiply his love.' And if you are #1 & infertile, a wet bar is required. You need the extra counter space to pile up your shopaholic purchases because you have the same budget for one kid as your sister wife does for five kids and somehow that is regarded as fair on Planet Plyg.


    1. So true! Actually, the only thing they seem to still share is Meri's husband.

    2. Plus Meri was very offensive when it came to the lighting fixtures etc during her walk-through. I personally would just be grateful to have my own big beautiful house when I didn't even work for a living! She supposedly is living a religion-based way of life but isn't very forgiving of people's tiny mistakes.

    3. Does everyone remember how Meri threw the huge fit about getting the rental house in the 1st place?? OMG she is such a bitch..she used to be my favorite but now I can't stand how selfish she is...she needs all the extra bedrooms because if she had her way they would all be full of kids...WTF....obviously you don't have a house full of kids, so you don't need the huge McMansion. But then do any of them need them???

  9. Kody is a such a narcissist..."I have 4 wives, I own 4 McMansions, I design iconic joolery". He's so focused on himself that he clearly can't effectively interact with his many children. In every episode he's either saying something foolish to them or he's ignoring them when they try to get his attention. Time for the wives to stop trying to convince us he's a wonderful's not working.

    P.S. Love the picture of sweet little Truely!

  10. The closet page posted a poem of sorts that says, "you give me your sperm, and I give you babies..." gross.

    1. OMG...and then they apologized for the bad word????!!!!???? What are they thinking??? Real professional.

    2. I jdid not see any poem on their website...

    3. EWWWWWWWWWW, The word Kody and sperm in the same sentance. Made me throw up in my mouth a little.

    4. It's an image with a poem... You give a woman sperm, she gives you a baby... You give her crap, be prepared to receive sh*t.. and then they apologize for the S-word but they HAD to share it, lol

    5. Posting a little ditty about sperm and S*** on their business website is just beyond weird. Perhaps a nice picture of an iconic joolery piece would have been in better taste. Wetbars, vacation cleavage & now swear words- I think they've been away from the AUB church too long.

    6. it's on their facebook page. people are gushing over it. i would be snarky, but i'm speechless right now.

    7. yuk! Yes it's there on the FB page.

    8. Cj-the quote/poem on the FB used the word sh*t at the end. I think that is what they meant, but still...I wouldn't put something that might offend on my business FB page.

    9. I just read it. Unbelievable as it has nothing, absolutely NOTHING, to do with the sale of their crappy ass jewelry. I get the punchline but I think Robyn or Meri or Kody (I think one of those three posted it) were also playing on the "Love should be multiplied, not divided" show punchline. so Kody gives them whatever and the woman is supposed to make it multiply? WTF?

    10. It certainly whipped their loyal fans into a frenzied display of adoration and amens. Maybe they should put this iconic statement on an apron!

    11. But how many of those loyal fans converted into sales? Not many if any at all, I'm thinking.

      That kind of quote would be better suited on their now deserted friend run facebook page not the MSWC one which should only be used to advertise their online store not tell sordid jokes.

    12. You can be fairly sure that few of them order because several of them are frequent posters who "can really see the quality and all the designing" in the joolery. Now they are all so grateful for the cheap crap--which is priced reasonably for sterling but ridiculous for mystery base metal.

  11. Anyone else notice that Mona the realtor looks like she is stuck in the eighties/nineties as far as her wardrobe goes?

    1. I don't remember wearing clown hats in that era. Given that it is hot in LV I'm always surprised by the many layers of clothes she is wearing along with the odd hats. I don't want to put down Mona, however. I definitely think she has Meri and Robyn's numbers and is potentially being a good friend and support to Janelle and Christine. I bet she could dish a real earful about Meri's antics around the home purchases.

    2. i just thought she was channeling a combo love of Mary Poppins and Downton Abbey's the countess dowager, Violet. anyway, yeah - she dresses a little weirdly frumpy for her age and living location imo. and like the rest of the women (minus janelle) on the show - she also has put quite a few more pounds on for this season as well.

    3. For some reason I just absolutely adore Mona!

  12. I watched the episode again when everyone pointed out that Robyn shooed Truly away. Im a mom and I a am VERY aware on how I treat other children and how I want my child treat and I gotta say, I didn't think Robyn meant any harm. It happened so quickly that it looks like she wasn't even aware she moved Truly's hand away. I am the first to point out peoples body language with kids and it looked harmless to me. For some odd reason I do feel like Truly gets the short end of the stick with Kody for some reason. I also noticed that in this episode when he was telling all the wives goodbye and he hugged his one son, Kody barely put his arm around him to hug him. I just don't think he can invest the time and attention his kids need. Its not fair that they don't see him everyday. They didn't ask for this life.

    1. I don't know, it did seem quick but still I thought it was sad. You never see Robyn holding Truely, or reacting with any other child really. Poor Truely, it seems like no one pays attention to her, and still she seems so happy :) I've been watching the older episodes and the difference in Kody's parenting is absurd. In the Christmas episode where they go to the cabin, he is being a good dad, paying attention to all the kids. How sad they've become.

    2. I agree that Robyn meant no harm to Truely. I thought it looked as though she was trying to catch Truelly's arm, but that she didn't look up from her reading. Truely was dancing away and Robyn made a sort of circular motion in the air. It really didn't look as though she was pushing Truely.

    3. Does Mona dress in a way that would be acceptable to the fundamentaists?

  13. I really hate to say this about Meri and Mariah as I know they were disappointed but... What a couple of big spoiled babies!! If Mariah had been my daughter, I would have yanked her butt off to the side and had a talk with her. But Meri just placated her. Sure, it would have been nice for her to spend Christmas in her new house, but crap happens. Meri reminded me of a child breaking down and crying when she found she was going to be last to get into her house. As if that was going to make it "happen". Geez. Loved it when she made the comment about thinking she and her bestie SW Robyn would be the first to have their houses only to see Janelle get the first one! Ha! Isn't it fun to share?? LOL

    1. The preview clip for tomorrow night's episode seems to show Kody "handling" some kind of Mariah tantrum - telling Meri not to do anything that he'll handle it. At least, that's how the clip comes off.

    2. omg! you can better believe that if the tables were turned and Mariah/Meri were one of the ones who were moving in w/the rest, there'd been hell to pay from BOTH of them directed firsthand towards any kid from a bonus mom that wasn't moving in and copped the attitude towards the others like they both did. oy vey!!

      I'm sure the two mean and selfish clones hung out in their own homes and made Kody stay and console them without any of them helping the others move in. the REALITY for me of this show is that ALL of these adults (plus mariah) are seriously SO unlikable and none of them evoke any sympathy from me - just nothing but convincing me there are no REAL joys and blessings of plyghood after all. just jabberjaw talk theory about them but no actual reality substance to the claim is to be seen! Actions definitely speak louder than words in their sad/frustrating real lives.

    3. If they really delayed the celebrating of Christmas until mid-January...I suspect that Meri was behind that decision. "No one is going to have Christmas in the new homes until I have Christmas my new home." What do you want to bet that at least two of the families had a private Christmas celebration without her? I know I would have staged a revolt and given my kids a celebration.

    4. Mariah is a clone of hateful Meri, I believe Robin kisses Meris butt because she doesn't want to get treated like Janelle and Christine. I can not stand how Meri acts, its sad how she whines, has to have everything her way, why do they cave to her? Cody man up.

    5. Don't forget that Meri introduced or found Robyn for the family. I feel that Robyn is easily manipulated and can be led by Meri, which falls right into Meri's role as the "head" wife. Also, if Meri did not have so much to "fix" in her home, perhaps that would have sped up the closing. As for Mariah's tantrum, I did like it when Kody told Meri that he'd handle it because she was contributing to the drama. Mariah had to learn it from someone....Meri's true personality is really showing this season!

    6. I believe that Meri's issue with Janelle (if you've read their book) is that Kody started having "lunches" with Janelle without Meri knowing or approving. Meri is/was just plain jealous of Janelle and her relationship with Kody. I think somewhere in Meri's head, Janelle became the "other" woman and that is why she tries so hard to make sure that everyone knows she is boss of Kody!

    7. I really think so much of this drama was for the show. They celebrated Christmas on a day that was convenient for the crew which also mifght have worked out so Robyn's kids could have been included since they had been visiting their father. They also may have celebrated actual Christmas with friends and family who had no desire to be filmed. The producers probably egged on Meri and Mariah's tantrums which wouldn't be difficult since they are both very emotional and reactive. Mariah's boss was probably paid to appear on the show and maybe let her leave early. House closings aren't instantaneous since you have to coordinate multiple schedules.

  14. In regards to Robyn’s comment about blessings monogamist women would never understand…

    My health took a serious turn for the worse a little over a year ago and mid-September will mark one year of being completely housebound. I struggle to do daily activities – making dinner and washing dishes wears me out, leaving next to no energy to handle the other daily household chores, such as dusting, vacuuming, doing laundry, etc. Forget about a garden or, more importantly, me earning a paycheck. I know Robyn and the others would say this is where I would reap the benefits and blessings of having sister wives, because someone would be there (theoretically) to pick up the slack. While I agree it would be nice to be able to turn those duties over to someone else, not having someone there has meant my husband and I have had to pull together like never before.

    It hasn’t been easy, we’ve had to make financial cutbacks due to having to pay someone else to cover many of the duties I would have performed in the family businesses (it’s not a hobby business), but it has also meant we have come to focus on what is truly important and needed in life. His schedule is fuller now that he has to do grocery shopping, errands, and business duties I would have handled, but he says it has opened his eyes to how much I did do, stuff he either didn’t realize or just took for granted, and has made him respect and appreciate me even more. While I haven’t asked him to give up his outside life (friends, interests), he has chosen to stay at home as much as possible, which means we have more time to focus on just each other. We’ve always had a good marriage, but this is the closest we’ve been in our 20+ years together. At a time when I could be considered of least value to my family, when he could have decided to find comfort in another woman who was healthier and could make his life easier, he dug in, worked with me, and made me feel cherished and more confident in his love than ever before. And THAT is a blessing I don’t think a polygamous woman could ever understand.

    I hear my husband telling me on a down day that no matter what I can or can’t do right now, he will always need me and nobody else. And then I hear Kody telling Meri it doesn’t matter to him which way she decides on the baby issue because he’ll have more children with or without her. It’s a sad contrast in my mind and one I will never envy or desire.

    1. Wow. That is really beautiful. Sorry for your pain, but congratulations on having such a wonderful husband and relationship. May God bless you always.

    2. so happy for you, BLEH! that's what those marriage commitment vows are all about ultimately. in SICKNESS and in health. better or for WORSE. cleave unto each other and no one else. I have a few great total commitment stories in my own 40 year marriage when the chips were down for one or both of us, too! those are character building moments and marriage and love strengthening every bit as much as the all the good times we've had, too.

      Sorry, Robyn - but your condescending self-righteous attitude towards us lowly but SERIOUSLY blessed and grateful monogs fall on deaf ears here. Your own monog marriage fail doesn't equate to a blanket statement about all monog marriages being "less than," sweetie.

      (recalling now as well when Christine said "monogamy would just be boring!" hah! speak for yourself and your own inexperience with monogamy, lady! mine's soooo NOT boring - even after 40 years!! i seriously doubt Kody makes you laugh every day still like my hubby does me - and no - i'm not talking laughing AT him like Kody most likely does invoke a daily laugh from you! :P )

  15. Mariah acted very 'entitled' and bratty. It's one thing to be disappointed, but another to act like a brat about it. My 10 yr old knows better than to act like that.

    Meri's little sob fest about it was ridiculous too. Seriously? How about doing that in private and showing your daughter how to rally and act nicely even when you're disappointed and unhappy about it? How about telling her to be happy for others, even when you aren't getting what *you* want at the time?

    Mariah's little fit just reminds me of when Robin announced her pregnancy. It's totally understandable that she was upset that Meri wasn't the one pregnant. That's fine. But she should have been admonished to be happy for Robin reminded that this baby was still her brother/sister and that Meri was happy (I'm saying Meri should have told her all that) for Robin, etc.

    I *was* glad to see that Mariah tweeted that she was sorry for being such a brat on tv. I hope she really meant it. I have to say, though, I actually do hope that she was embarrased having to have the whole family see her act that way, and that her mom or someone called her on it at the live viewing by the family. She's way too old to act that way. She's 18 (or nearly so?) and a legal adult (or about to be?) and should be expected to control herself.

    1. I completely agree, if her parents or any of her bonus moms can't tell her how to behave, then at least she should be hearing it from her siblings. Maddie, Logan and Aspyn don't act like that. They should call her on it sometimes. I'm a only child, god I hope I never acted like that. LOL.

    2. I am sadly afraid that Mariah's response to not getting in the house on time was very real. She is Meri's daughter. We must remember that she spends great quantities of time alone with Mother Meri. I suspect that she is truly a good daughter who hurts when her mother unloads her psychological problems on her. Meri knows without a doubt she should have been first. Shle knows that she is special. She knows that her daughter holds a special place in the family, the one and only legitimate child of the King Kody. She has been raised to condsider herself deserving. She loves her mother, as she should, and she hurts when she knows her mother is in pain. This would have been great pain for Meri. That Mariah was unable to handle it in front of the cameras is typical of a young person. She has not had the life experiences of lasing out in private and yet playing nice for others that her mother has had. She is just repeating what she has heard from her mother. I cannot imagine holding in all of the pain of watching your mother break down in private...and still watching her hold it in while in the public eye.

    3. Did anyone bother to tell Mariah that her mother submitted her paperwork the day before the show was taped????? Of COURSE they couldn't process the paperwork before Christmas. Mariah should have been upset with her mother and no one else, but of course no one had the guts to say that.

  16. Doesn't Mary seem to be afraid of her daughter? Mariah appears to be the only person in her orbit that Mary backs down from.

    1. And Kody backs down from Meri. So, basically, Mariah runs the show. I think Meri has so much emotional turmoil from not having a bunch of kids and not being good friends with the other sisterwives that she poured her all into her only child. Mariah seems to talk back to her parents, as I've noticed in some episodes. I think that is because Meri has spoiled her rotten, and Kody too.

    2. i think Mariah will take her momma's mean/unhappy/entitlement/low self-esteem plyg wifedom to the next level when she becomes a First Wife herself. that will be a great sequel for TLC to start up a new series in a few years. oy! oh yeah - and Meri will be the FULL-ON over-the-top buttinsky mother-in-law shown on the series, too!

  17. I think Mariah was very sorry the world saw the bratty comments, not that she said them.

    1. Agreed! Kinda like, you're not really sorry that you did wrong, just that you got caught!

  18. The whole Joseph Smith birthday celebration thing is weird. I come from a huge Mormon family and I live in a largely Mormon community and I've never heared of such a thing. It must be a fundamentalist thing.

    1. I think celebrating Smith's birthday is a Christine thing.

    2. From what I read, Jeff's FLDS group does the same thing. I don't know what the independents (Dargers), LeBaron or other groups do. I need to find the text, but from one of the members who left when Warren Jeffs was in charge of the FLDS they didn't get individual birthdays but celebrated J.S.'s birthday, IICR.

    3.'s one of those things that makes me cringe when I watch the show. It's just like, "Well, now people are going to think that Mormons do that. Thanks, Browns."

    4. Joseph Smith's birthday used to be more widely celebrated in LDS WARDS; it became rarer in the 80s and nineties, when a huge P.R. Campaign was launched that tried to make the LDS appear to be more similar to mainstream Christianity. It was generally a small, family thing--not a party. The LDS has not completely "banned" JS BD parties, but does not encourage them, either. It varies more family to family than ward to ward.

    5. anony - i agree that it does vary from ward to ward re:the attention Joe Smith gets at christmas time. i have a large mormon population in my own family and different ones have voiced at different times to me how annoyed they get about the fact that their christmas sacrament meeting was all about Joseph Smith's birthday and all about him that day vs. the focus not being on the birth of Jesus. so no - it's not just a fundie or AUB thing although it's probably more heavily focused than most mainstream mormon wards do in general.

  19. I think some people are hard on Mariah. She is only 18, geesh. If I were to be called out on all the foolishnees ive done and said when I was 18 I would have hurt feelings. Hopefully as she gets older she will look back on some things she's done or said and learn from them like we all do/did. Im 27 and I am not even the person I was when I was 24 and that was not that long ago. People need to lighten up on her. Just because she reached the age of 18 doesn't mean she has it all together, she doesn't and she wont for a while. I don't like or dislike her but I do feel the comments on her are exaggerated about her. Its not that serious. She isn't our child and we don't have to be friends with her or deal with her.

  20. However, I do not feel bad that Meri didn't get in her house by xmas. She didn't send the work in on time and she lost out, it happens, its happened to me when I miss a deadline and I had to deal with the consequences and learn to handle my business sooner and not at the last minute. Im sure this was a sobering lesson for her. Not to worry Mer, you wont be in the house but for a few years anyway before the bank takes it back lol

    1. Dollars to donuts she never learned a thing, shes an idiot

    2. I did all my own refinancing myself and got everything done on time--all while working a full time job and overtime and taking care of my family! How hard is it for an unemployed woman with no kids and 1/4 of a husband to do a little paperwork? She must be either lazy or drinking.

    3. Haha, Liz - that's funny. I will say this, though, I was kinda happy that Janelle and Christine were getting their houses. It made me feel good for them. I mean, I know they are crazy and lazy, respectively, but the way they are so mistreated in this family just made me feel happy for them and their kids. I couldn't care less about the other three getting into new homes.

      Also, did you hear Meri say that she and Robyn were supposed to be the ones to move first? I guess it would've been all good then. Like someone said, what if Janelle's and Christine's kids had thrown a fit about Meri and Robyn getting to move first and not them? It would have been considered wrong or selfish, I'm sure. Kody babies Meri, and Robyn is too dim to know that she is being played by Meri.

      I don't believe for one minute that Meri really likes Robyn. It's kind hard to like/love others if you don't like/love yourself. Meri has some serious internal turmoil, which is understandable in her situation.

    4. And why couldn't they explain that to Mariah? I mean it appears that it was completely Meri and Kody's fault they didn't get the home by Christmas. They had all this time while the houses were being built...what could the hold-up have been?? It just boggles my mind these people want these houses SOOOO badly, but can't get their paperwork in order in a timely fashion. Mona is seriously a saint for working with these clowns.

  21. Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't I read that the family didn't celebrate Christmas until January? It would seem that no one got Christmas until Mary/Mariah got what they wanted....the house. That must be one of those so called "blessings". They could have been waiting for the step kids to come back, but I doubt it.

  22. I liked the "joke" about how Meri wouldn't water plants on Janelle's side of the yard. I mean I get it. I have room mates. First off with 45 teenagers, make plant watering someones chore. If they are a big family there is no reason why you can't give one teenager or 2 or 3 of the little ones the job of watering the entire all 4 yards plants. (Anyone remember when they did yard work together back in season one? I was before they killed their dog who was showing all sorts of symptoms of being near death..such as wagging his tail happily while Kody cried and dug his grave.) It seems like a job you could pass off to kids who are playing outside anyway. Or that you might be able to cut a deal with a landscaper 4 yard for the price of 3 or whatever. I live in Washington where our yards often have stuff like grass instead of rock lawns. In any case there are just not enough plants there to justify being so ridiculous about accidentally watering a plant not on your side of the imaginary line.

  23. Wow! Did I miss something?!?! Mariah is dying?!?!? No, but you would think it by hearing the way Robbin stood there with Meri saying that being in the houses by christmas was Mariah's "last wish". How ridiculous....pity party anyone? Also, to hear them talk, you would think they were all homeless living in a van, not very nice rental homes...some with pools! They need to realize that while getting a new home is nice and exciting, it won't make them happier and it certainly won't fix the major issues they are dealing with. It's like they pin all their hopes and dreams for happiness on having these homes, and how these homes will fix everything, and I think they will shortly find out that buying these homes fixes nothing, but made matters worse because of the financial drain these homes will be. I have been "house poor" before and let me tell you, your " dream home" becomes a nightmare. Home is where you make, rent, doesn't matter, they need to grow up. I am 31 and I get it, why don't they?

    1. couponing ... you just nailed it! Agree with every.single.word.

  24. I enjoyed seeing the Browns happy for once. Even Kody, with the back handed compliments, for once he didn't make me want to punch him through the tv screen.

  25. "Funny, but I would bet something else happened that delayed Kody and Meri from getting approved and this storyline about Meri's procrastination and Mariah needing to be in the McMansion like she was being shipped off to live on Mars in 2013 was all a ruse."

    Totally agree on this! You're right, the whole drama just wasn't "jelling"

    We could speculate on what was the *real* reason, but why bother.
    Everything they do is for a reaction.

    If pushed for an opinion, my guess would be that Meri had received so much negative flak for her wet bar demands, it seemed like a good idea to have Meri get a visit from the Karma gods to appease the anti-Meri sentiments.
    Either that or it was the opposite goal for the pro-Meri folks and it was time for Meri to get some sympathy.

    Either way, it was just a waste of film and air-time.

    1. Want to add that along with her creative wardrobe choices, Mona is becoming quite the little actress.

      She has increasingly perfected the "I have some good news and I have some bad news" delivery.
      Her scenes were actually entertaining.

    2. I would not be surprised if Mona is very sorry she ever met this family.

    3. I would think that Mona is happy about the publicity that she and her company are getting from the association, in spite of the fact that she must sometimes grit her teeth to avoid saying what she really thinks!

    4. Not to mention the 6 figure commission Mona got for selling those 4 McMansions. No wonder that Pinnacle VP was so happy. He just unloaded 4 white elephant homes at prices that made them the most expensive homes in that subdivision if not the immediate area.

    5. Mona got a commish for sure but I doubt it was 6 figures, isn't a realtors cut like 5% of sale price?
      And have the builders really "unloaded" them yet? I'm sure they profited by having that land finally taken off their books...

    6. Approx $1.8 million for all 4 houses would be about $90K, plus her appearance fee on Sister Wives would be make her take 6 figures. And when the Browns default, the homes will be bought and flipped, with minor upgrading of the kitchens and bathrooms with more high end, tasteful finishings. Biggest selling point would be that they were the former homes of TV's Sister Wives that were featured on the show.

    7. I kind of got the idea that Mona and the builder are probably tired of Meri. I bet Meri was so annoying when they were building those houses. I think Meri got on Mona's nerves. She was very professional about it, but I sensed she was irritated. When she finally turned her paperwork in, Mona probably said, "Let it sit there until after Christmas. Go enjoy your holiday, folks. We'll get to that when we get back. Meri and Kody shouldn't have dragged their feet."

    8. The most percentage that a realtor makes on a house is 3%. I know this is true for Vegas becase I have bought and sold here. that 3% goes to the company and the agent gets a cut from that 3%.

    9. Wow, in Ohio the Real Estate agent gets 6%. I guess that they do often represent both the buyer and the seller.

    10. I have noticed mona like Janelle and Christine better then meri and sobbyn. she needs a big bonus for putting up with those bawling babies.

    11. Typically homeowners/builders will pay an agent 5-6% to sell their home. The commission is then split between the two agents (the buyer and the sellers agent). From that 2.5-3% it is then split again with the real estate agents company. That percentage varies based on what they have negotiated with their company. If you are a broker and have your own agency then of course you would keep the entire 2.5%-3% commission. Now there are times when the sellers agent and the buyers agent are the same, it's called double ending a deal, but that can be very tricky ethically. Then you would get the entire 5-6% commision.

  26. I agree with you this episode only deserves uncle arts! Your review however is a Hyrum! Well done, I love your blog.

  27. I've just been catching up on this blog so this may be a topic already covered, but does the first wife have more status in this type of community? Meri seems to be in charge/have more say than the other wives from what I've seen. Is there a wife hierarchy? I can't think of any other reason for her getting a giant house TO HERSELF.

    1. I think Kody was behind Meri getting such a large is a definite "no kids zone" for him too. After all, it is the only home that is in his name and he wasn't going to settle for less any more than Meri was.

  28. I loved how Mona yelled "careful, careful" at Kody when he whipped open the door to Christine's house and, banged it up against the wall. Mona couldn't get in there fast enough to make sure he didn't put a dent in that wall!

    Christine better hurry up and put a door stopper behind that door, if she hasn't already.

    1. Shouldn't the builders have done that?

    2. besides the front door immediately swinging back to hit/ding the wall, wth was that loud creaking noise it also made? pretty well summed up the whole cheapness of the house from the front door and beyond.

    3. I'm thinking Mona said that because they know the houses really belong to the builder still and they have to get them back in a few years so Mona can re-sell them - haha.

  29. Well good luck to Mariah and any other of Kody's kids who want to be polygamists. With the family turning up their noses at the 'horrible' rentals (apparently pools were not enough to lessen their disgust) and now these humungous McMansions, how will they ever adapt to the reality of regular plyg life? There are very few polygamists in AUB who could afford one of these ostentatious homes, even if they housed multiple women and children in them. And Mariah dear, you who also sneered at what you called a "ghetto" Walmart, you may be lucky to have the money to get what you need there. I know far too many women who were reduced to using the food that food stores were throwing out, to feed their children - those who didn't resort to food stamps that is. Maybe Mariah plans on ditching the awkward parts of her religion - like having as many babies as possible, and will be shopping for the guy with the most money. Like I said, good luck with that!

    1. I cannot bear the thought of any of these kids, boys or girls, having to live the life described in the LaBaron book. It is all well and good for us to snark at the adults. What scares me is the thought of one of these beautiful children living a life of poverty as so many, many polygamists (inluding their parents in the past) do. I am glad that the older kids are going to college. I hope that this tradition still exists when the "little reader" grows up. Truely shows real signs of early literacy. As a retired elementary teacher I applaud that. I wouldn't want to find her married and a mother in 15 years. This is just a show. I know that, but I think we have all come to love the kids. I hope that we can keep up with the little ones once this show is off the air.

    2. Agreed Forest Rose, can't bear to think of sweet little Trulie being fed into this system

  30. I LOVE LOVE LOVE when Christine threatens them all with "getting out" (and back to Utah, presumably, where she is like the Kate Middleton of Lehi) When she talks about how she could never leave their big beautiful family I feel like its her sticking it to Kody like, "Don't think for a MOMENT I'm staying around because I still have the hots for you, jerk. That surfer hair and faux-goofy tude don't take me in anymore. You think a girl eating nachos is unattractive? Try watching a man in his 50s act like a spoiled buffoon on national TV and break his family's heart just to spend one night out of four with a skinny 30-something."
    I hope she never stops. I wish they would ALL leave Kody, alone with the kids, for just like, two weeks with the kids...remember the one night they went out in Vegas and Kody almost passed away with exhaustion?

    Also its amazing how Janelle and Christine's oldest kids act brave and support their moms and are so amazing and mature and set a good example when they face disappointment, but Mariah just whines and complains and sobs...she definitely has Only Child syndrome out the whazoo, no matter how many half sisters and brothers set her a good example.

    1. You know, I really think Kody/Christine overstate her "plyg princess" lineage. It's like her uncle or something who was a big cheese in the AUB correct?

      According to wiki, the AUB has what, 10,000 members in its congregation worldwide - so uncle was a big fish in an itty bitty pond.

      Then the fact that they're plygs to begin with so there are probably dozens and dozens of cousins (yup Im a poet and didn't know it lol). Christine isn't unique by any means, she's just one of an inbred lot.

      Reminds me of people I know who own a horse and make a big deal because said horse is the grandson or granddaughter of a champion stallion, without keeping in mind said champion stallion sired 1500 registered foals so there are literally thousands of grand get - also ignoring the fact that their "champion bloodline" horse has knock knees, sway back, ewe neck and a terrible disposition...

    2. Christine's father was the SON of Rulon C Allred, the first leader of the AUB. Her UNCLE was the AUB's second leader, so YES, she is an ALLRED, her last name was Allred and she IS considered POLYGAMY ROYALTY.

      Don't forget that the AUB has the largest number of followers of all the fundamentalist groups. Whether you want to believe or not, she IS a BIG FISH in a little pond!

    3. Dakota and Anon 2:33 are both right. These men fathered hundreds of kids. There are masses of Allreds in AUB. On the other hand Allreds and Jessops were always treated differently than the run of the mill members. Because of their fathers' positions they could get away with more than other kids could, and they were always considered a good catch by the creeps, because it meant that they could then claim kinship with the important guys - useful here and in the hereafter! Non-Allreds would definitely refer to these kids as "royalty" but in a somewhat bitter way.

    4. I understand what your saying about the only child syndrome. I'm an only child and I was somewhat spoiled and still am. But, I think some of that is just the parenting. My mom was strict and would not have allowed me to act like that.

    5. I strongly dislike the 'only child' expression. It only serves to promote stereotypes that are not necessarily true. When I am asked how many children I have, I have never said 'I only have one'. To me, that seems to imply that he is not enough. Instead I say "I have a son". Or "I was blessed with a son." I have been asked why I did not want more kids. People have asked me why I did not have more kids. Others have actually offered me fertility advice, making the incorrect assumption that I have fertility problems.
      I wanted at least 3 kids. My health did not allow it. If I feel ripped off, I think of those who NEVER got to be a mom. Gratitude offers is a great cure for sadness. We raised our son specifically intending that we never hear 'he acts like an only child'. He is not a spoiled brat, nor is he entitled. He was raised with manners and with strict rules. He is no closer to perfection than anyone else's child. I firmly believe that a child is the way he is due to the way he was raised. But even that has numerous exceptions, both good and bad. Mariah is likely the result of how her parents raised her. If she was one of five, the others may have turned out just like her, or nothing like her.
      Sorry for the rant, I have read many comments over time that have used the 'only child' phrase as though it was a disease. I desperately wanted more kids, I am very saddened that my son has no siblings. However, that is life and I am damn grateful to even be a mom. Our son was raised no differently than we would have raised his siblings. He was born being who he already was, we shaped that boy, our son is a mixture of that and his life experiences. If you look at any family with more than one child, it is easy to see how different each child is. Yet they were all raised by the same parents. I believe Mariah is greatly influenced by her mom but so would her siblings, if she had any. I find it interesting that Mariah is presented as an 'only child', yet she has so many step-siblings. Does a child who has step-siblings, through divorce/death, still see themselves as an only child? Or is it different when you share a dad with many kids, but their moms are sister-wives and not your bio-mom? It makes me think about it all.

  31. For a supposedly faith-based family, they're not very kind.

    1. What has faith got to do with being kind? I don't get it. Most of my friends are not religious in anyway and are very supportive and kind to everyone.

    2. liz, I understand what you are thinking. If they spent half as much time learning their religion as they do coniving againt each other, they would have happier homes.

    3. I agree with Liz. To explain, from my point of view, while it may not take faith to be kind, you should be kind if you have faith.

  32. Good point DJ! Sounds like most of the AUB is just as royal as Christine. Including many of the other Browns.

    Why do plyg men legally marry at all? Instead of elevating the status of the first wife, why not keep all the concubines on an equal footing?

    1. I have wondered that too. Why not celestial marriages all around? How does a goverment piece of paper ( a marriage license) make a differemce? They still need an invitation to Planet Kody.

    2. I thought there was always a legal marriage because co-habitation was illegal in Utah.

    3. In the beginning, the showed seemed interesting; learning about what others believe in. It fell through a hold when they moved to LV.

      The children no longer seem happy, the wives fighting...although they're not
      wives at all. Their husband does nothing...which is not their husband....

      What it looks to me, an average person, is one man having sex multiple times with 5 women and only one legal one. This is a religion?

      They were so happy in their Lehi home. Why couldn't they have added on to
      the back of the house for another apt.? Living in LV, they will lose their
      present lifestyle They prayed one time as a family in the first segment. There is tension in the homes. I think Christine and Janelle should have a long talk with their children as to where they were the happiest.

    4. I think they wan one legal wife because then if he dies at least one of the wives can collect his... well Kody probably don't have anything anyone wants but in theory that wife could get life insurance or whatever, and you know if he goes to the hospital Meri can speak for him as legal wife..oh and be in the room with him or make choices like "well hmm IS it worth the electricity to keep him plugged in?"

  33. I loved it when the builder was giving his opinion about Kody's relationships with the wives. I'm sure he had to hold some things back but still it was interesting.

    1. His comments were golden. He basically said what everybody's thinking anyway. I thought that was the most interesting part of the whole episode.

  34. I think the weight really tells the tale of how these women are actually feeling. Meri was quite slim before Robin joined the family, now even though she says she runs and eats chicken and vegetables both she (and her daughter, who inherited her mom's naturally skinny shape) seem a lot heavier than their natural size. They still look great, don't get me wrong, they're just more of an "average" weight whereas they used to be skinny minnies. I think it says a lot about the feelings they're both suppressing. We saw in the past how Mariah identifies personally with Meri's status in the family (aka, sobbing when Robin announced she was pregnant)and I think Meri has taken a much bigger hit by Robin entering the family than she ever expected.Out of all of them I wonder if Meri suffers the worst, just because at least Christine can be honest and say, hey, I am having a hard time with Robyn, I don't like to lunch with her...Meri is in this weird "WE'RE BEST FRIENDS/she wants to have my baby" frenemy place that I think is actually quite toxic.
    On the other hand Janelle no longer has as much fiscal responsibility thanks to the TLC gravy train and can actually think about what she needs- like the endorphins and strength from a good work out.
    Then there's poor Christine, battling depression and shrinking from the Xanax. She said herself when she got married she was heavier than she is now. I think when Christine is happy she probably feels comfortable, eats more and is pleasantly plump- now it seems like she's shrinking a little, from the meds and what seems like deep depression.
    No disrespect to Mariah about the weight gain- she still looks healthy and great, and in college when she's no longer tied to her mom's dramatic ups and downs I'm sure she'll find the size her body actually wants to be at.

    1. I have to say otherwise - since when is 230 (my estimate of Meri's weight at this point in the show) considered "average"? I find that disturbing quite frankly. And lovely she ain't. Inside or out.

      And remember that phenomenon called the Freshman 15?
      Depression makes most of the women I know actually gain weight.
      One last thing - we haven't seen Meri cooking up stir fry chicken and veg since the very first ep. She wanted the wet bar to make PASTRIES.

    2. i think Meri and Mariah USED to be "average" weight a couple of years ago but have never put them in the category of originally being "skinny minnies." maybe i just know too many true skinny minnies irl tho so it could be all relative for me personally.

  35. I think I figured out what bothered me about the Truely brush off. Normally not a big deal. But since this was a gift to make each child important, it seems a tad rude. We know Truely loves to read. Robyn should have plopped her on her lap.

    1. MS, yes! That's what it was. If you love a kid, or think of them as your own, you grab them and hug them or at least engage them when they come over and show an interest in what you're doing. You don't give them the brush off without even looking at them. I don't think Sobbin slapped Truely's hand, I just think she ignored her and brushed her hand away as you would when someone else's kid is getting on your nerves a bit. Poor Truely. She is so sweet. I wish these people actually acted like a family.

    2. You guys!!! Robyn was trying to READ!!! Didn't you see her sounding out the words? That takes concentration!!! She cannot have any distractions!!!

    3. OMG Gwen Burrell! Laughing so hard, my family is looking at me like I'm crazy! But your post was more entertaining than the whole show tonight!

    4. LOL Gwen!! so true! omg - Truely is truly special in her own world of happiness despite the hellacious chaotic dysfunction she was born into. and i can only imagine that even she must take her turn also in holding and being attentive to King Sol when Robyn decides for her to! i'd be willing to bet that Robyn has NEVER held Truely and especially not like we see Christine always interacting/holding King Sol from day one and still is! I imagine Robyn's other kids get more loving attention from Christine than they ever get from Robyn. Robyn's world is really Kody and King Sol. they complete her. the rest of the family (and her kids from her first marriage) are all just gnats in her face.

  36. Kody tweeted a pic of a mens ring that will be available in the closet soon. So ugly. I am wondering how many male fans this show has. I cant imagine my husbands reaction if I were to buy him one. He doesn't watch the show. I would have to explain " there is this show about a man with 4 wives and they have a women power business but now their husband is making rings too for other men. I dont want you to have other wives..." I imagine any other woman that purchases this for a man would have a similar awkward explanation of the product. I wish they would pick a target market for their product.

  37. Lots of opinions about Mariah's bratty meltdown about the moving delay.
    Lots of opinions about the other, older Brown kids who do not come off as entitled-minded brats.

    It's a shame, really, for all of them. But most especially for the older ones who are old enough to sound off as kids that age do with some conviction.
    And because of the show, their scenes and words do attract and invite attention and criticism.

    However, NONE of these kids should have ever been put in this position.
    None of these kids should have had to have a camera crew in their lives and faces, recording and then editing/tailoring their words and actions to suit the producer's desire for provocative, ratings-generating clips.

    Kody may be the sperm bank for all of these children and he may have been the original barker for this circus to be filmed. was ultimately all down to each and every mother...!!!
    Yes, all four of allow their children to be used like this.
    All of them...Meri, Christine, Sobbin and yes, St. Janelle too.
    They all are culpable. They all should be ashamed.

    It's one thing to pimp and sell their alleged religion and lifestyle to the masses for profit. It's quite another to use their kids as hot topics to be filmed, edited and crucified (or not, by default) in the media and on the Internet.

    Frankly, I do not enjoy being a voyeur on kids lives, no matter how phoney and contrived and edited the scenes may be, and no matter how much their parents tell them it is all good as long as the money continues.
    My kids would have hated such an intrusion. I can only imagine that these kids do too.

    1. yeah, while Janelle is constantly lauded as the saintly one and most likable - i agree that's BY comparison to the others. but no- i don't respect her either any more than the others. she allowed Logan to have to be the man of the house all during his childhood and I'M SO HAPPY HE'S OFF ON HIS OWN NOW WITH A LIFE OF HIS OWN!! and the way she still goo-goos all over Kody plus had to ASK FOR HIM TO GET OFF HIS ARSE and come help her during the last boy fight going on was ridiculous!!

  38. Hey, I love this show. Any man that can make four women and all the kids happy is ok in my book. There are many husbands out there that can't even keep one wife happy! So if he's not perfect, big deal.

    And sorry ... but i would kick Meri to the curb, with Robyn next. All that dang baby drama (does anyone but me remember anniversary vacation Kody took Meri on and offered in vitro? Meri said NO) and now the house drama. Dang I would just be happy with Janelle and Christine. They are the best; witty, pretty, good humored, level headed, and spunky. I would love to have them as sister wives (well, if I lived that life style anyway! I think they'd be fun neighbors!

    1. Map, do you honestly believe these women are happy? That isn't what I'm seeing.

  39. I think everyone should give Meri and Mariah a break, I mean with such a big family they have to deal with a lot. It's Mariah's last Christmas before she goes off to college. I know they could have handled it better but still I'm just saying after all they've been through and all they've had to go through with moving and getting the houses, it would have better if they all could have moved in at the same time.

    1. But the big family brings them such JOY! No sympathy. Two selfish spoiled women is all I see.

    2. Whose kids don't come home for Christmas?! Although I would understand if she never went home again, lol. If she does not have happy Christmas memories by now, at 18' then it does not speak much for the fabulous lifestyle that they are trying to portray. The exaggerated story lines make me nauseated

  40. Has anyone else seen the ring Kody posted on Twitter?

    1. Yes, and it is UGLY. It looks large from the pic, so I am sure it will be $$$. Also, saw folks saying how much they liked it. Good grief.

    2. I just saw it, not that bad a little cluttered for my taste, but why on earth did he put a big K on it?? I don't understand that at all, like anyone wants to walk around with a big King Kody K on their ring!? Geez, what an idiot.

    3. OMG! Thats exactly what I was thinking! KING KODY! YUCK!!! And I'll throw out the first bet at the ring being $500!

    4. OMG, what a narcissist! And the ring is ugly, too.

    5. is it just me, or does it look like a class ring- where you can put little symbols for your sport or club on the sides, and engrave some nonsense on the inside? All it needs is an iconic birthstone to make it complete.

    6. Maybe it will catch on with the Kardashians?!? ;)

    7. big K for big Knucklehead??

  41. Didn't Janelle just say that she'd like Kody to back off so MSWC was a totally woman-run biz? Can you say "narcissism"? (Okay Robyn probably can't, but it would be fun to see her try!). No one is going to buy that hideous ring!

    1. Yes she did! Unfortunately Kody does what he matter what. Besides, if he pretends he's a joolery designer then he can pretend he has a job.

    2. I don't like most of the items offered by MSW closet....and I think that Robyn telling people how she gave the jewelry to her sister wives is a Marketing mistake. I don't want to buy jewelry because someone else has the same thing! I also think she should keep her reasoning behind the pieces to herself as well, she is limiting their customer base. Jewelry is personal to the buyer and Robyn is just thinking of her personal attachment to the pieces as the creator. Which unfortunately in their case, limits their customer base.

  42. LMFAO about the FUGLY ring on Krody's twitter page. I see the sheep are out in fine form, gushing over it and singing his praises. *hurl*

    I see some dame on the MSWC FB page went on and on about what a great joolery designer Kody is, that her husbands loves their joolery and calls it "art" and she's begging them to please design joolery for men. What planet do these people come from, seriously?

    And I see there's a lady who's posted there wanting to know where she can RETURN her piece of joolery. Good luck with that. I'm betting they don't accept returns. She's lucky to have even received it in the first place.

    1. Eileen Dover - i'm w/ya all the way! and love that you spell "joolery" correctly according to the way Sobbin' always pronounces it. hah! anyway, yeah - i've said the exact same "what planet are these people from??" phrase the few times i've made myself put my big girl panties on and go visit their two eyeball rolling gushy-worshipping FB pages. even at that, i only last about two minutes each time. lol I do love the occasional snark comments i get to see before they're taken down tho.

  43. Okay, I have to say, I have watch SW from the beginning, and after reading this blog, I am not really sure how I feel. I will say, I finally have to agree with what people are saying about Mariah....entitled. I could "almost" (I said almost) understand it if she had been the first born Brown kid or whatnot, bot NOPE. I am sorry Meri has only had the one child, I too was only able to have one, but in no way would my kid EVER act like that. I do notice Meri seems to be "head wife" so to speak, but I can sort of understand, I think it seems to flow that way regardless, as she was the first. I think Jenelle is the most level headed, straight thinker of the bunch. Christine seems to just be biding her time, knowing it is hard out there to find a man, and with that many kids, she is just like "screw it, might as well stay" As for Robyn, I honestly think she just wanted to feel like she belonged to someone or something, and thus she joined the family. She is a little bit uppity to me. Now that is my opinions. I will also say this.....I like them all. I have to respect the fact that they are living this way. I imagine it is hard as hell, yet they have all (except Robyn) been in this for A LOT of years. I give them props for being able to get as far as they have. My opinions change season to season though. And yes, I do think that Meri should slow down a little on the weight gain. May be stress or whatever, but she used to be built quite small to average, now she could use a pair of jeans of a couple of size bigger than she is wearing. Though I don't have a lot of room to talk, I am 5'6" and at one point was up to 190 pounds. I saw someone's comment about why they couldn't have just built on to the house in Utah, and I thought that too, but unfortunately, they felt they had to move because of the police investigation. As far as that goes, I mean really, what the hell can the cops do, considering Kody is only LEGALLY married to Meri. As far as marriage certificates and all of that, he is only legally, on paper, married to Meri, so what could they have done to him? Basically all he was doing, in the eyes of the law, was committing adultery with his wife's permission. So, I think they could have fought it in Utah, and won. But whatever. So I spelled mine out. Hopefully I will be able to blog more about how I feel, as I just started my own blog on here today. Hope some of you will check it out. I'd rather share with strangers than people I know, lol.

    1. Utah has a slight twist on the law. It states that simply living with a woman and calling her your "wife", even without a marriage license/certificate is called cohabitation and that is felony polygamy in UTAH. That's why they said they left, yet it's pretty shaky. They have stated other things on television interviews that they actually thought about moving before. If you read back in the 2011 year of this blog people discuss this more and have links to television interviews etc.

      It's quite eye opening.

    2. Really? Yep, I just found this blog tonight, so definitely going to read back through them tomorrow when it isn't so late. I guess that does make sense, the law being written that way, but really? I have heard of "common law wife" and the like, but for Utah to just call that a felony because someone "says" that or "lives" a certain way....good grief. I give them props, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, blah blah blah. Live and let live. Though they have put it out there for all to see, and should expect every single opinion that comes with it.

    3. Good Luck! I found this blog quite a few weeks ago and I started reading it from the beginning. I'm only up to October 2011, I have also read two polygamy stories books and watched many youtube videos. My husband calls me obsessed. I just can't get past the base beliefs of the LDS Mormon religion. It's quite bizarre to think that I'm not reading past history, but current actuality.

      The FLDS stories make me sick to my stomach.

  44. Should have figured Kody's new "original" design for his ring is yet another deconstructed claddagh. It's a little creepy looking...kind of like that tree he made for Janelle.

  45. I think Mariah is a bitchy little brat and its disgusting how she sits there and pouts like a freakin two year old when they got their house after everyone else. I wanted to slap the shit out of her! Bad enough that Mary and Mariah get to share a 5 bedroom house to themselves but then she has the balls to cry about a delay??!!! Hey Mariah- there are tons of people living on the street who would be proud to live in your big rental home you spoiled little brat! Grow make me sick!
    Truly Disgusted,

  46. They are wasting so much time on this mission statement business, many years too late anyway. Just get on to some basics of discipline and consequences, and instill sense of responsibility in each of the kids. while I think 19 kids and counting is just as nuts as this show, the children in Duggar compound seem fairly well behaved, all have areas of household responsibility and home looks clean and organized. I would hope the SW's would keep kids in tow and not trash the homes before they are foreclosed. I wonder how long before Kody is called in before the home owners association for breaking all the rules! There goes the neighborhood.

    1. I don't ever think a mission statement is ever too late. I like that Christine is interested in where their family is headed. Kind of wish the other family members would help her a little more. It would be nice to have the mission statement framed and visible in every house.

      Also, I liked how Kody expressed gratitude for their homes and being together.

    2. Yes,a mission statement would be helpful to clarify their family focus; however, maybe they could use some professional assistance to streamline the process. Everything thing they do as a total family unit seems so chaotic and disorganized. I see them ending with piles of lists and unable to pull something meaningful together. I think they could all benefit by family counseling. Most of us probably could at one time or another and they have 4 times the issues, at least. I thought Kody seemed somewhat disconnected by the process, but we just see clips per the editing team.

  47. If the Brown family really reads this, I have a suggestion for the mission statement; that is if one hasn't already been established. I think each mom should sit down with their children and write down their personal thoughts. I think then the entire family should get together and have a spokesperson from each of the four groups talk about what was discussed. It would be better organized and possibly more interesting to the kids.

    I think the Brown family, although quadrupally more difficult than a monogamous family, is very close and happy. I don' t think any of them would say or do anything to intentionally hurt anyone. Reality TV is comical where we the viewers only see what the producers want us to see. Say what you want of the Brown family, but they are Christians and live their lives by God's laws. I don't personally understand their polygamist views but who am I to judge.

    Robyn you are correct I, as a monogamous woman, will never be able to experience the joys associated with a polygamist relationship. Likewise you and your children will never experience the joys of a monogamous family. The one thing I do not have enough of is time. I can't imagine the juggling act the Brown family experiences on a regular basis.

    I like the Brown family and enjoy watching the show. I just wish the episodes were closer to real time.

  48. We lived in Las Vegas for a few years, dirty feet is guaranteed if you are wearing sandals. There is little-to-no rain, the roads and sidewalks are always stained and dirty and it kicks up into your shoes. So gross, but true!

    1. it's fine for her feet to be legitimately dirty. what was the ew factor tho was that she didn't think twice about putting them full on bottom on the bare mattress itself when she didn't need to do that. even Kody - who was wearing socks- at least had the common courtesy to place them on the covering available instead.

    2. When trying out a mattress the entire body must be on the mattress.

  49. Best line in the show was when Robin explained that being in the house for Christmas was Mariah's "last wish". Lol.

  50. I don't know if the producers asked Mariah to act upset about not moving in sooner, but they made her look like a "green eyed monster"! I'm sure Mariah is not that selfish and rude! I guess that backfired on them if they were going for the viewers sympathy. I think Mariah got played by them. If not she should seriously reconsider being a Sister wife someday. As a teacher I would describe Mariah as "Does not play well with others, nor does she like to share"!!!

  51. I am a HUGE fan of the blog, so PLEASE don't take this wrong. How is chopping the celery making it look unappetizing? I cook and put chopped celery in all the time. I am just curious on your thoughts, Cynical Jinx, and wondering if I missed something.

    Meri reminds me of someone, but I can't put my finer on it. My kids always call her butt face. lol If she wasn't so dang mean to the other wives, I wouldn't allow them to talk that way.

    Can't wait for the next review.

    1. I prefer my food to be prepared humanely, not hacked. And all those dismembered stalks strewn across the counter top in the picture just doesn't whet my appetite!

  52. It's been a long time since I have been here and read your review. Hysterical as always!
    You have really become a wonderful writer, and I don't mean this bad, I mean this in a great way.
    I know that you and MS were not writers. Since the beginning, I thought you were a hoot when reading the reviews. But with passing time, you have really refined your craft. Congratulations to you!
