Sunday, August 25, 2013

DISCUSSION Page 2 *SPOILERS* Gossip, Sister Wives Play by play of tonight's episodes!

LAST MINUTE UPDATE - If you are just tuning in, I would read the comments below first!

 Twisted Sister has her own shop!!!! Go get your SWB T shirt today!

Robyn's tweets during the show:

Brownie Points ?

 Free Discussion below, continues from post below.


  1. Don't forget, when reading, the more posts, the more you will have to hit load more to see them. Please do our pool to the right.

  2. Mister Sister I would like to thank you for live blogging the show tonight. I meant to watch it "with" you via this site but fell asleep just before the show - sorry.

    I am sorry I missed it! Looks like great fun and I'm glad to see you here more often lately :-)

    You were missed!

    1. And that means so much. I REALLY appreciated the card and email from all of you! i will be here next week for the tell all!!

    2. I hated that I couldn't be online last night but the stars were aligned against me, I guess. It's great to have you back, Mister Sister!

  3. Thank you for doing these spoilers, it's been so much fun and the first thing I will read in the morning. Have fun friends!

  4. I told Cynical Jinx she sure has fodder for the review!

    1. That is true, but there's so much she's going to need 3 wheelbarrows and a mule to get through it! Hope you have them on standby CJ! Oh, maybe a hot, hunky guy or 2 to help also :-)

  5. All of you here at the blog, Cynical Jinx, Mister Sister, and others have been much kinder all along than I would to these people.
    You made me try to look at them without as much malice.

    Tonight I said. OK. These people believe in some pretty different stuff. Now they are showing it.

    Someone tell me, did Kody realize she would sound so stupid? Does he now?

  6. Janelle said when they lived in the other houses she felt like a single mom. Single mom's have no husband. I think she just spoke alot of accident.

    1. I like Janelle but she does put her foot in her mouth and must have one egg lost out of the dozen to be there.
      Great kids though.

    2. See, that is so silly to me. Her, Robyn, Christine were all a stones throw away from each other. What will be the big change here? Mariah looking like she's going to run you over out in the front?

    3. As dysfunctional as the women's relationships are with each other ... it showed they depend on each other more than they depend on Cody. It's like a bunch of single mom's dating the same man who's cheating on each of them....

  7. Sobyn tweets, "Thank you to everyone who was kind and safe towards me about my story. It was important to me to share it."

    Sobyn needs to understand that her personal (im)purity saga is also the story of her kids' very existence. How dare she. What a vile, insensitive thing to do. She should be ashamed of herself alright -for how she is behaving now.

    1. My sentiments exactly! How must her first three children feel, hearing what a mistake she made by getting involved with their father, a man she apparently never loved? Sad...

    2. The tweet is up above. When I looked, no one was talking to her.

    3. How many tweets did she get expressing the sentiments I read here? Did she just quickly delete those?

  8. Has anyone seen her asinine post made just as the show was finished on mswc FB page?! Idiots.:-[

  9. To the poster inquiring about the hunter with Daffy Duck: Elmer Fudd

    1. That was sooo funny. I have read this blog since the beginning, I have never seen Mister Sister nor Cynical ever cross that line with fury.
      I think Mister had just had enough and was outraged for those kids.
      Now, I too was lost at the end (who cares after that?_no_one) but did they actually try to cry around a bit about paying for college?
      Hmmm. I guess the idea of building town-houses together and cheaper would have been a good idea. Why save for a pesky kids college?

    2. Mister Sister I spit out my drink on that!

      Anyone remember when there was a cute video of Elmer Fudd singing Fire?
      He sounds like Robyn too

    3. I have to find the most recent post again, I took my name from them! I know exactly what you are talking about. Robin Williams singing it. I found a old version.

      Fire was from Bruce Springsten. I used to think that was so funny. Yep. I'm old.

      I think Elmer talks better than Robyn.

    4. LOL. She missed the day in kindergarten when they taught the letter T. "Impor-an" "Day-un" "Gedda go" "Puridee"

  10. She has no control over editing. And she did say Dayton was her joy. And thankfully we all learned dad does get the kid's from time to time. So that relationship is happening.

    I think it was a story about making a mistake and instead of just repenting she made more mistakes trying to fix it. She can say it was a mistake to sleep with someone and she can say she didn't make the right decision after. She can't control the editing. She could have made her ex sound better and more responsibility placed on her. But in her world who would take her after having a child unmarried? As a priesthood holder men command a bit more authority. They say they had a revelation and it's hard to counter it. So while she had a choice to marry, hearing it was a revelation is a bit hard to decline the offer.

    1. Janelle has gone on record how much they adore the production company who employ the editors. So saying Robyn is a victim of bad editing is a cop-out. It's obvious the Browns wanted this topic and Kody wanted Robyn to throw her ex under the bus by retelling a horrible story with no regard to her children. She's tweeting how fragile she is well what about her kids? She is nothing but a self center ho who lucked into marrying Kody.

    2. Sobbin also said that her purity was "TAKEN" and her ex only wanted one thing and that he then threw her purity on the ground. That can't be blamed in editing. She sunk to a disgusting new low with those comments and making out like her children were the bi-product of the biggest mistake of her life. I never really liked her before but now I also agree she's a vile, manipulative ,person. I honestly can't believe a " mother" would do that to her kids on national tv.What a piece of garbage. But I guess king Sol is the only kid that counts to her anymore.:-(

  11. Arrghh - it's all getting to be too much. The stupid "is Meri gonna have another baby" story gets dragged out for more episodes - gag! Robin telling all her little kids she never loved their father and that he "took" her purity and then handing her renewed "purity" to Kody. Warning -- warning -- do not watch this show on a full stomach!

    1. Nauseating for sure...and thanks to her tweet I'm now repulsed by the thought of cookies!

    2. Meri having another baby is about all they have left to drag their show out another season. Kody could take another wife, but we don't know if he planned ahead and bought a extra lot in their compound.

  12. I'm new to the site and blogging. Love it! Who operates it? I see Mister Sister, Cynical Jinx and Twisted Sister Wife regularly. Thank you to all involved for a fun and insightful blog!

    1. Cynical Jinx and Mister Sister and the others at the bottom of the page are listed.

    2. THE CREW

      Cynical Jinx, Pretty in Pink, Terrasola, and Mister Sister

    3. Thank you. I was viewing in my phone and didn't have all the info.

    4. where did Pretty in Pink and Terrasola go anyway?? haven't seen them in a year or more!

    5. They have been around behind the scenes.

  13. Middle age polygamist man has midlife crisis and marries divorced sl$t. The rest of the family endures his manhood, loss of hair crisis. Sort of.

    1. I think robyn talked to the teenage girls privately too when they first got to vegas because in one episode in vegas when the girls were talking about dating mykelti piped up and said robyn told them she dated alot in high school and kody corrected her and said just numbers count..i thought them shes slept around and shared that with the older girls

  14. For a family that is suppose to be soooo happy.....they all sure cry alot.

  15. I am utterly appalled and scratching my head. This was their speech to try to do the right thing and stay a virgin? How about the part where we all fall short, and if we do, we ask forgiveness.

    My mother literally stunted me with this speech. I was evil for having sex before marriage.
    Her pill popping didn't seem to be an issue, nor did her lying. Robyn lies all the time.
    She also "gossiped" and slandered her only real husband. shame on her. shame on Kody. They all have lost every ounce of respect. EVER. I hope that the review shows that you don't either. I need to have a laugh of that disturbing show.

    Personally I feel the ratings they had came from the help of this blog. Otherwise, I would stopped watching long ago.

    My husband wants me to say that he prays that David Jessop comes here and realizes he is not the sinner they are making him to be.

    1. Just to be clear, Anonymous 12:02, let us draw a line in the sand regarding "pill popping" vs. taking legitimate medication prescribed by a physician. One is abuse. The other is nothing to be ashamed about. I've had just about enough of the religious community's mantra "If you're right with God, you won't need it" concerning psych meds. That's not necessarily true. ADD, ADHD, PTSD, chemical imbalances, and so forth happen-- and THANK GOD for the blessings of modern science!

      As Chonda Pierce so aptly responds to critics: "[Then] take off your glasses and drive home!"

      As to your other critiques, I completely agree.

  16. Just started reading blog a week ago, luv it! I've never commented on a blog b4 so please bear w/me. I am sickened by robyn esp since she alluded to rape can she not even imagine how that makes her kids feel? And how about viewers watching who have been raped? Just because she wants to put the blame on her ex & play victim-sickening.

    1. Welcome, and very good point. She is not thinking of her audience, only herself.

  17. Time Capsule... who gives one hoot about that or Meri after that. Those that said she needs captions, she does.

  18. She thinks that purity is something you gain back after you are sorry and are forgiven, and by marrying Kodouche she got it back. Hmmm, I am remarried ... my "cherry" didn't grow back, lol. She is such a delusional douchette.

    1. Laughing out loud at this one. Reclaimed purity is a crock of sh$t.

    2. I'm not defending Robyn and her appalling "confession". But in the Mormon (and I assume the AUB) faith, purity IS a big deal. If she had gone with "I made a mistake and lost my purity, but I feel like I am a new person now", it would have been more appropriate and believable.

    3. Exactly, Ellen!

      I understand that one's "virginity" equals "purity" to a lot of people, but I think a person can technically be a virgin and still be "impure." There are also others who have lived life-- perhaps have made some mistakes along the way-- and who have reclaimed their lives and have become pure in heart, in soul, and in action.

      Purity is about a lot more than a gynecological conundrum.

  19. What teen doesn't have wandering thoughts about religion?
    What teen doesn't experiment with something?
    What teen then blames everyone but themselves and regains their purity?
    Robyn! Magical as the hat!

  20. Thank you, thank you for the new page.
    Being one of the folks who can't see or load after 200, I hate missing any comments.

    Yes, good to see you in the midst of it all. You are sorely missed when absent.
    And I love your *candor* !!! lol

    Twisted Sister..great to see you too. Your Closet items are terrific.
    Yours are, shall we say, very professional and creative. !!

    Off topic a bit...
    (When I can't read the high numbers here and I have the time sometimes I go over to SW Blog on TWOP and read there until a new SWB page comes up.)

    A poster there commented on how Janelle twisted the truth when she said that she felt like a single mom for the first time while living in the rental homes when they came to Vegas.
    And that really is obviously BS !!
    Since not only did she leave after she had a few kids and live elsewhere, but all of them didn't always live in the Lehi house together. They lived in separate housing until they bought the Lehi house.
    All of them, including Janelle, just spin and spin their tales effortlessly for the cameras.
    And they all are getting quite good at it. Just flows like water.

  21. Seems to me Robyn took her husband's purity as much as he took hers. And, there was no taking involved, it was mutual consent. And the abuse? She just proclaimed her 9 years and 3 children with him as the biggest mistake in her life. Clearly, Robyn is the abuser, not only of the first husband, but of her children. Janelle was also married before, we get none of these drama mama woe is my crap from her. In her warped attention seeking head, all is right and pure now that she is a mistress to a man with 4 other women in his harem. She prefers being a baby mama over any other lifestyle, and to a man who will not work, will not pay attention to his children, and lacks the intelligence to comprehend her little game.

    I despise the dysfunctionality of their religion that encourages this loathsome behavior, even validates it. A persons worth is measured by character, devotion, and love-but not to Robyn. Lacking all of those things, her intact hymen is all that matters. She makes me ill.

    1. The difference between Janelle and Robyn in Kody's eyes are the kids. Remember when he said that the idea of Robyn repulsed him because she was married...well Janelle was married before too but didn't have kids to remind Kody that she had been in another bed. It is not about the purity or about being's the freakin' kids. Kody hates that she has kids so she has to do this crybaby thing and blame the man who gave her those kids. She is a devil's cunt. plain and simple and I understand if you have to remove the cunt part of my post

    2. I too have used a word or two that some thought was offensive.
      Since we can't edit comments please remember, in the future, to refrain from using offensive language.

      Thanks in advance

    3. Exactly, tit for tat.
      I wish my parents were alive to hear that Robyn go on and on. Boy, they were straight shooters and wouldn't put up with her for one minute.

      My vote on the poll is for Christine. She never gets any accolades for all her hard work. Don't get me wrong, I know she has drank the kool aide also, but she is kind and sweet. And tries very hard with the kids, AND respects Janelle for being her breadwinner.

    4. Cynical, what did you see in tonight's show?

  22. I am so glad I found this place, you people are great!

    As a child from divorce it was so hard to hear my parents put each other down. I felt guilty for loving them because I didn't want to hurt either of them. When I got a divorce I made sure that I never said a bad word about my daughters father in front of her.

    Therefor I am shocked that Sobyn just did this in front of her kids on tv! The look on her daughters face made me cry.

    1. Yes, I agree that Breanna (is that the daughter's name) looked shocked. I wonder if Robyn let her know what to expect from the talk beforehand.

    2. The Prophet/For ProfitAugust 26, 2013 at 1:48 AM

      I am new also, lurker for a very long time. I am so offended by Robyn trying to manipulate her children in this way, and Kody going right along with it. They say they are not like the F.L.D.S. but boy, could've fooled me. I give the Darger Family at least a tad of respect for actually living together and the children being together.
      If the wives can't share a kitchen, how can they teach their children to share? Right. The same woman that can't share a kitchen probably came up with 200 reasons why they did not build, like so many have said, town homes connected by doors on the inside. Yes it can be done, and much easier to sell than these eye sores.
      Meri didn't want to. The rest of the ladies seem like they would like to.
      Meri can't go without 3 spare bedrooms, while other children have never had a bedroom of their own. This would never happen in the Darger home.

    3. Yes, and remember that the third Darger wife was married (or at least in a plyg relationship) prior and has children who were assimilated into the family. Unlike Robyn's girls who seem to me to be hyper and always jumping for attention (learned from their mom no doubt) I mean SCREECHING when opening a Christmas gift...come on now...the Darger step kids (all of them actually) seem calm and level headed to me (what we've seen of them anyway) and have made their own decisions on plyg vs monogamy. Good on Joe and wives.

  23. So Mariah and Dayton are the poster children for this giant messed up family.

  24. This is all just disgusting and upsetting and so many of us are in agreement and have the same opinions and interpretations of what we see.

    We are from many different walks of life, will probably never meet each other, and yet we can all vent together on this blog.

    Just wanted to send out a thank you to all!

    And actually, I'm more than a little disgusted that I use She-Rah for my pen name, but I don't often post, so I suppose I'll stick with it...

  25. Cynical Jinx, have you seen it yet? What did you think?

  26. I'm so glad the Twisted Shop is still around. Gotta check it out!

  27. Ok I'm confused. Did she or did she not say this is a story about two women and their purity.

    Who was the second woman??

    Did I miss something? I will admit I tried to watch this twice but my ADD kicked in and I just couldn't concentrate.


    1. Robyn was talking about her life before Kody - woman # 1 and the woman she became when she met and married Kody- woman #2.

    2. Oh dear Lord no wonder I was confused! I knew that girl had issues but now I realize she has multiple personalities! Thanks for the clarification. :)

    3. The second woman was her and her relationship with Kody. Evidently they had a chaste courtship.

      Is how I interpreted it.

    4. Is it a chaste courtship if your paramour is schtupping not one, not two, but THREE other women while courting you?

    5. Robyn (#1) had her purity stolen by the bad man she married, then she morphed into She-Ra (#2) and regained her purity for Kodouche. She really needs some professional help.

    6. The second woman was a woman who treasured and was able to say to the man she married she hadn't had sex before

      The point was he was okay that she made the wrong choice to have sex outside of marriage and she felt forgiven for it, that getting married didn't atone for it but that Christ atoned for it.

      I don't think she said he raped her. Just that she felt pressured into it. And she did it. Maybe it was date rape and she married him because in her culture there was shame attached? It happens in parts of the world. The girl is considered damaged and if he pays the bride price she becomes the legal wife. Sad. But she really didnt say either way.

    7. Did Janelle also regain her purity to give to Kody?

  28. Did anyone catch what I believe to be a preview of next week, in which Janelle tells Garrison(?) that "you just broke my heart?!

  29. so customers are asking for gold? just contact them? they have customers complaining they cant contact them over an overpriced mysterymetal piece..god help them, what might they charge something gold? browns dont put details of their pieces now on web site..they could say its gold all day sales require trust. and these people have shown no track record to gain anyones trust.

  30. Does anyone have any info on the "almost" sister wife that they 'courted for a very long time' but decided against?

    1. I believe that ex-AUB told us that they did not decide anything--they were denied permission by The Allred Group because of their financial instability.

    2. I thought that the girl who was going to be the second wife changed her mind before the wedding/sealing to Meri and Kody? Am I remembering correctly? Seems to me like she dodged a bullet big time. If memory serves, the AUB initially denied Kody permission to seal to Robyn because he couldn't afford to take care of the family he already had, but apparently they changed their mind once the show came along.

    3. yup - that's what they said in their book, see this link to CJ's review of same last year - the girl changed her mind at the last minute AND that Kody was initially denied permission to marry Robyn due to finances.

    4. DK, I probably switched those two lines in my head. Regardless--she dodged a major bullet LOL.

  31. i was shocked to hear robyn tell that story in front of her kids and put kody on a pedestal and bash thier

  32. I am very curious. Do we have anyone here that knows the bible really well? If so. can you help me? I know that polygamy was in the bible. I think I seen it was in the Old Testament. Why did it stop and who stopped it? I am so confused b/c committing adultery is a sin or t least that's what the commandments say.

    1. Polygamists of the old testament, those were not approved of by God. He didn't strike them down for it, but it wasn't liked either.
      I don't suppose anyone ever "ended" it, as we've had plygs for thousands of years. The New Testament lays out the standards for deacons, one of which is being the "husband of one wife."

    2. i looked it up when this show started. Not an expert, but here's my take and google polygamy in the bible for more. Mind you, I am from the east and never HEARD of Mormons or Joseph Smith before this.
      Polygamy is only in the old testament. Yes the great were, and it also shows what heartache and jealousy it caused. It is not outlawed, however, in my region, we believe that when the new testament says one woman and one was suggested that this was best.
      Polygamy is never mentioned after Jesus walked on earth.
      It's like if you are going to follow that then you should also give sheep as offerings and not eat pork, etc.

      Polygamy is not near the problem as the adding of a book written by a man to have gleaned it from looking into a hat, saying the bible is only as good as it was translated, and many other aspects of the F. M.
      If you haven't seen this old video, I suggest you do.

      They want you to believe they are persecuted for their polygamy, but they don't tell you why they do it. This outlines why.

    3. There are a few polygamists described in the Old Testament, but polygamy was never commanded by God. In fact, whenever it is mentioned in the Bible it always turns out very badly and is not presented as a must do or should do. Many other things appear the bible as part of the stories that are also not commanded (murders, wars, prostitution, etc.). It's very important to read the Bible in context, not just pull a phrase out and read it without the context of the story of which it's a part. Just because something appears in a story doesn't make it "commanded."

      I cringe every time Kody or the Kodettes reference the Bible or Jesus or being Christian. They are not Christian; they are Mormon. And that's fine, people can choose to be Mormon - free will. But the foundational doctrines of Mormonism are completely counter to core doctrines of both Judaism and Christianity. Jews and Christians believe in one God. Mormons believe in many gods and are in fact striving to become gods and goddesses in the afterlife. That's just one difference of doctrine - but it seems like a big enough difference that one need not go further before realizing Mormonism is simply not a Christian faith.

    4. In the Old Testament there was polygamy, but it was never seen as the optimal arrangement. Sarah told Abraham to marry Hagar after she became older and did not have children. It was shown not to have worked out very well. Isaac had one wife. Jacob only wanted to marry Rachel, but since Laban tricked her and put Leah in Rachel's place at the wedding, he married Leah as well. None of Jacob's descendants listed in the Bible were polygamous. The Torah never actually forbids polygamy. Adultery is when a man, married or single, has relations with a married woman. Over 1000 years ago someone named Rabbeinu Gershon made a "cherem" that was accepted by the Jewish people that no man should take a second wife, whereas in the past some men had done if their wife could not have children. In talmudic literature a second wife is referred to as a "tzora" which is a hard word to translate, but means something like a big problem or source of anguaish.

    5. I don't believe in Mormonism either, but I can't say it's not Christian. Mormons believe in the old and new testaments and another scripture as well. They think Christ appeared to others in the world at the resurrection as well as the apostles and people in the holy land. It is a very different baptism in who they believe God to be. A christian is a follower of Christ. They meet that definition.

    6. A Christian is a follower of Christ.

    7. When God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot, his wife and children were spared. His wife turned to look back when she was told not to and was turned into a pillar of salt.
      Thinking they were the ONLY people left on earth, the daughters got their father drunk, had sex with him to have children.

      If we follow every story in the Bible, incest would be acceptable. Come on.... I hate it when people take one tiny story in the bible to justify themselves.

      God created Adam and Eve....not Adam and Eve and Eve and Eve and Eve.

  33. If I were Christine, I would absolutely hate Robyn's guts. Where did this sl$t come from? Thanks Meri! They all needed her!

    1. I didn't notice the last time I watched the Interview segment that Robyn says she went over and cleaned Christine's house after the birth of Truely. Wow! Christine was having extreme problems with jealousy at that time. I doubt that the gesture was received with much appreciation.

  34. Honestly for a brief moment, I thought she was gonna say that she got pregnant and gave the child up for adoption...... but then she went there!!! For me, it was creepy hearing her go on and on about how she remade herself "pure" for Kody. Someone please ask this woman how chastity works in her world? If it wasn't right to kiss a boy you weren't married to, then why was it OK to do that with Kody? ---Multiple times, while he IS married, with kids, while Christine was in labor, and on dates with him which took time away from his family?

    Also, did anyone else catch how Madison didn't cheer for Mariah like the rest of the family? I'm loving Madi more and more each day!!

    On a positive note, Dayton sure was a cute baby!! What a beautiful smile he has!! And even though I really despise Robyn, I did enjoy the old pictures. I wish they would do more things like that with the whole family (except for Kody/Meri wedding pics-- I've had enough of those).

    1. Anon 12:39 - I said YES! out loud and scared the dog when I read your first paragraph. So, so true. Robyn just lacks so much self-awareness. It's exhausting for me to watch and I only watch a few edited hours a year. Her sister wives must be completely sick of her.

  35. Re Sobyn's "stolen" purity...Did the ex rape Sobyn or not? If he did, why did she stay with him instead of immediately going to the authorities? If he did not rape Sobyn, Sobyn needs to apologize for criminally mischaracterizing the behavior of two young, horny adults who were too stupid to use birth control.

    1. He stole is in the sense he was entitled to it since he didn't marry her first. I did not hear an allegation of date rape. But you do realize how unlikely it is for a rape victim to come forward, especially when it's a person known to her? It's a he said and she said situation. In her universe she is ruined for everyone else. And if she became pregnant the only man in her head to take her would be the father. It's awful but this is no uncommon in some societies.

    2. And she said she wanted it too! Isn't that mutual?
      She almost said she gave it to him. The worst three minutes of replayed and overplayed chopped up mess I've seen.

  36. Now that I have calmed down, I came here to rant!
    If you look at it after you get over she slaughtered her ex and made her kids feel bad....I think there was an ulterior motive. Maybe her son wanted to go live with dad? Maybe they still loved him, and this was in some odd way an attempt to get them to see they are now Kody's.

    1. I think, sadly, you may be right. The kids had just seen their bio-dad over Christmas. Maybe they even had a good time; maybe they some loving healing happened. Kody would not be okay with that. I think it's important to note that Robyn did not volunteer to tell her story; Kody assigned the task to her as her priesthood holder. I think this might be a way for Kody to mark his scent on those three kids, hammering his point home in a church situation where any objections would seem like religious rebellion. I like this family and feel terrible about this hurtful and stupid decision.

  37. Well Kody, you made another REALLY BAD choice by airing this episode. You are looking like a sad fool.

  38. I missed the whole Time capsule just stunned at what I just saw. Who cares about that? I care about those children's welfare. Not just Robyn's.

    If I were Christine, not only would I be steaming that I didn't even get a kiss for making his damn caramels, not I would be simply furious that he picked her to discuss this instead of Christine, the teacher of the group.

    I bet Christine and Janelle had quit the conversation with their own little girls after that.

    I also will predict that the boys of the group, maybe minus Robyns, went behind closed doors and laughed. Come one, that was the most unprofessional, like, conversation with teens, like, she could possibly do, like. Like Robyn I can pick a word and say it over and over.
    Honestly, she seemed like the dullest bulb in the room.

    Maddie, Mariah, Aspyn, Mykelti, probably even down to Savannah could have presented a better lesson.

    Not everything is about you Robyn.

  39. i dont understand why some girls or women always put the blame on the other partner after having sex once things dont go their ways...if Robyn wasnt raped then she is responsible for her own actions...

    and is she really regretting being with her Legal husband but she thinks the fact that she SLEPT with another woman's husband (i dont care i only accept meri as kody's wife) and having a child with him as her biggest accomplishment...

    this just proves to me that kody hates robyn's kids because they remind him of her with her husband...

    and to make him happy she trashes the father of her kids...i really hope he comes out and defends himself...

    and am i the only person who cannot wait for mistress #5 to put robyn in her place...

  40. She is a virgin she's not a virgin... she has 3 kids and TRIED SO HARD she got a divorce!

    She TRIED SO HARD she didn't work.
    She TRIED SO HARD the judge gave her, a non working mother, ALL THE BILLS.

    And he's the jerk? No way.
    I do hope he goes for custody. Someone tell him.

  41. The Prophet/For ProfitAugust 26, 2013 at 1:39 AM

    1I live in FL and my Direct Tv said that confessions was a new show. Robyn thought is was going to be one. Maybe they didn't get the new mess edited in time?

  42. I saw this tweet and had to laugh. Kept the girls name off.

    Not gonna deny that Kody Brown is a swift and logical talker. No wonder he talked his way into getting 4 wives.

  43. Store Bought CaramelsAugust 26, 2013 at 2:11 AM

    I think Robyn's behavior was definitely out of line, idiotic, and embarrassing. I feel horrible and heartbroken for her kids to not only be singled out like that in front of the family, but now have, maybe, false images of their father being a monster. Was it not enough that they had to try and find a place within this family and now this?! I'm even more shamed of the other adults for not stepping in and saying "hey, maybe this is the part where we should send the younger children out for a little bit". I don't care WHAT anyone else thinks. At least ONE of the adults should have intervened. I agree that this should have been a topic of discussion to have with your kids in private. And when the kids reach maturity and can handle the criticism aimed at their father. And that's ONLY if they ask about it! Do I agree that her ex should defend himself? Absolutely!

    However, I'm kind of on the fence about him trying to take custody like some of the other posters have commented. Yes, Robyns a douche. I'm not defending her. But he did trade his kids for clean credit. I'm just saying! For unknown reasons a judge still gave an unemployed women living with her parents full custody. We'll just never know the whole truth. I think at this point the best interest of those sweet kids are having good & upstanding siblings like Maddie, Mykelti and the rest that think level headed, there to help guide them.

    1. What evidence do we have that Robyn assimilated ALL the debt from her dissolved marriage other than her word? We really don't know and it's been shown that they are known for muddling the truth.

    2. I went to Pacer and the Montana divorce records are not on the site. Shoot! I would of happily presented them here.
      No Judge is going to give a mother of 3 small children with no job the bills unless she had a serious spending problem.
      As much as she is making up hysterical stuff like regaining her purity, it is an easy assumption when Kody told her he would get her everything she ever dreamed of, she saw a ticket. Would she date him if they were not making a show? I doubt it.
      She is a grifter like the rest of them. Never works, always wants.

    3. I think it's more likely that the judge looked at the individual debts and assigned them to the person who ran them up. Not likely that David spent over $1,000 on himself at Victoria's Secret. Hmmmm. Do they sell re-chastity belts there?

      IMO, when she said she "took on the debts to keep the peace," it means her lawyer told her that it was unlikely they could get them assigned to David since they were her bills. He probably said, "Just shut up and take them; you ran them up, you pay them or declare bankruptcy for them."

  44. God I'm already mad and haven't even watched the latest ep. I just got my update from the blog and comments, but man she went THERE?How COULD SHE? My goodness, she is just a selfish B!itch that doesn't think about her eldest son!

    I seriously can't even imagine what the hell she has in her head if she is that stupid to say things like that on TV about her childrens' father.

    ROBYN, you were a virgin, NOW You're not and no matter how much you'd love for KODUCHe to pop your cherry, it ain't happening, you had 3 KIDS before him, think about THEM!

  45. One thing not mentioned is the fact that when the little girls were on the couch.
    YEAH! We finally see them!
    BOO! Robyn's two talk, leaving only Ysabel to get to talk about their dad walking from house to house of his biological children.
    Savannah and I believe Gwedlyn never get to speak.
    Why are Robyn's children so prominent in speaking that we don't even HEAR from the others?

    Oh, what a burden for everyone to get out, load up, and go to church at the rentals! They are delusional if this is a problem.

    1. I agree with much you say. Most of us have to load up and go somewhere for church. There houses were only about a mile apart.

      I did love seeing the younger girls on the couch, but I still hated seeing it happen. This just draws that part of the family a little deeper into the circus that is this family.

      Christine's younger daughter is going to be absolutely beautiful. The kids are wonderful, I just wish they could live privately.

    2. Every time I see their home church I wonder if they just show us the worst parts. When I was little our church was condemned and there was a variety of home church options for years while fundraising went on. Most people drove a lot further than the next block to get there since we lived in a valley.

      There is no way I believe that they have had any kind of church every week. Oh, and it was all done on pot luck lunch AND there was always separate, age appropriate lessons for the kids, too...

      I do believe they thought other families would come and worship with them, etc. and I do believe that they are somewhat cut off from their church. I don't believe there are NO other polygamists in Las Vegas to worship with, but maybe none that want to be on camera?

  46. Pretty good blog as it does make me chortle from time to time.
    All these reality shows from Ghost Hunters to Sister Wives have varying degrees of chicanery. For all their foibles, they are not as bad as Karkas$hians, Housewives and the ilk. I also wonder if Janelle will be the first to bolt. Btw, she said she paid her tuition through college. Was curious what degree she attained. It is grating --the consistent insulting of the viewer's intelligence by fake plots, fake arguments, fake detente, fake crisis. On a another note, why hasn't anyone done an episode called, "Sisterwives-the Makeover?" Now that would be interesting, after she hits her goal weight. I'd like them to redo Janelle into a CFO type, all polished. And after that each one improved. Perhaps, that would spur them to get income generating jobs whether they go to an office or do it out of the home. I gather Janelle is the only one now that makes any money...
    I can only imagine what kind of "crisis" opportunity the Vegas floods are giving PTB at SW. Episodes/Segments to consider- Meri's WetBar under water, Residents report seeing giant alphabetic letters flooding by their homes-mostly M, B, and K...Robin's Chastity Belt rusts!

  47. So I guess racking up $1000 Victoria Secret debt was part of Robyns plan of trying to make things right for 9 yrs & he probably forced her to do that too...NOT
    Also not to mention not making an effort to make things right w/ all the bill collectors either! Ugghhh!! That bitch just ain't right!!! & I'm not giving a pass on the other Brown adult klowns either... smh
    I noticed Christine was shaking her head @the end of Robyn's awkward & uncomfortable "church" lesson. But not too sure if that was a sympathy head shake or a "WTF?? Is this crazy bitch ever gonna shut the hell up" head shake.

    1. I saw the head shake, but I saw it differently. I thought she was responding to one of her daughters.

  48. Kudos to Mister Sister for the live blogging during tonights episode. I missed the 8pm episode, so I had to wait til 10pm to watch this hot mess of an episode. Great idea & by all the comments posted(which I haven't had a chance to read them all yet) it seems to have been a hit. Esp after Robyn seemed to have struck a nerve w/ the majority & people needed to vent!

  49. like it's very very very like.... most prized possession. Virginity is the most prized possession. I would think it would be to love the Lord God with all your heart, mind, and spirit. This lesson sounded scarily like an F.L.D.S. sermon. I should know. Growing up I went to the FLDS and AUB churches, lived shortly on the compound. Folks, they preach this stuff night and day. Meanwhile, any high up man that wants to have you, can. They tell you they are teaching you how to be a good wife. Keep Sweet also means keep your mouth shut.

    Robyn is a confused person. Her father is a very nice man of the LDS faith. Educated and has several children with his second wife. Robyn was brainwashed by her mother to disown this man and call the man you see on TV her dad. She didn't and wouldn't even see her man. Let's just say, my guess she heard this story before. Get my drift?

    I think it's time for the blog to take a serious look at what they want to be accepted into law and how they are doing it.
    Hiding the real teachings of their church and blowing polygamy out of proportion.

    1. I'm confused. Can you explain what you mean by "She didn't and wouldn't even see her man. Let's just say, my guess she heard this story before."??

      I come to sister wives blog to snark and learn about polygamy in a friendly place. Aren't there other blogs that already do what you're suggesting? I mean, this blog seems to be very lively so I don't see why it needs to drastically change, know what I mean? I like it the way it is!

    2. This is what I love about this blog and the intelligent community that contributes. There is a place for laugh out loud snark, and also inormation and insight from contributors like Ex AUB. The administrators are top notch in my book, allowing a wide range of comments while keeping a respectful tone. Nothing wrong with laughing and learning at the same time. Thanks to everyone for the fun!

  50. Also, I think they're just holding "church" in front of the cameras a few times,just for tax write off purposes. These klowns don't deserve those homes & with their crappy financial history, I'm thinking they won't be able to maintain & keep these homes in the future. I guess only time will tell.

  51. She absolutely does say that he stole it from her. STOLE. It is abt the 11/12 minute mark.
    She should have waited until she could do this and not cry, she made it about her and not the girls. Her POOR DAUGHTER is big eyed.
    I did not post until I calmed down, but I so enjoyed reading the last discussion area where posts were pure and heartfelt.
    We, well the majority of us, what little posted on twitter that weren't rabid fans, were APPALLED AT was not only her lack of accepting responsibility, but the perverted sense that she restored it and gave it again to Kody.

    She did not have to do this in such a way that her children will be haunted by this forever. She did not have to slander an ex husband that has kept quiet and could have come out and sold stories.

    I do not believe her in any way that she married the first kiss. I also love how she stops when she can't say...I GAVE IT TO HIM on the couch.

    America should be outraged that she would do that to him, the children, all for ratings. Maybe they had nothing else to cry about that week.

    In my opinion, this will kill this show. She looks like crap throughout.

    If the story had been told with a lack of emotion from her, it might have been ok. Instead, she wants a pity party.

    He wanted nothing but that... she says.
    He was stand up enough to ask her to marry him. Many would run.
    But he STOLE it.

    Who marries the man that rapes you? There is no other way to put it, if a man STEALS your chase being, you were raped.

    She says he wasn't a mistake. Well, sure seems like you are saying he is. SHAME ON YOU.

    1. Kody's goofy hair in the talk segment abt Mariah is a hoot!

      This was the worst overall episode. In my view, adding to this poster, is TLC wants out and putting stuff out there that will do such that.

      King Sol is always front and center.

  52. In the past year, I have seen 7 teen boys die. I watched their parents in real pain, writhing, ugly pain. I would never say they are dead to me even in jest.
    Seriously, would you?
    Maybe I am being too serious at this point.
    The time capsule was just like any other project they do for the camera. Unplanned, spur of the moment.
    Mariah you think it's stupid to have a Mission Statement?
    Kody needs one. all those kids and no one out there when he was digging. Seems like everyone should be there.
    Mariah is too opinionated for me. They show her too much.

  53. Boy, I must have missed a heck of a show! What fun to blog live and get the real thoughts and feelings, unedited and in the heat of the moment! Are you going to do this again.
    I love the reviews here, the spirit of the whole blog.
    I also like that no matter what, you carry a sense of dignity on sensitive matters. I came here tonight looking for something that is going to be coming up.

    From the way these folks act, I doubt they would give you the same respect.

    Did anyone feel like Kody was just begging for someone to "come to church?"
    Sounds like a filming opportunity they are wanting.

    I found this and wanted to post in case others here had not seen it.
    Handled in a respectful way.

    Total opposite of Robyn's handling of her ex husband's family business.
    Do you think his parents enjoyed that little fiasco?
    Now everyone knows momma got her some. This is not good for any of her children.
    I hope the man does go for custody.
    Isn't her son about of age? She said in an old episode he go choose to live with is dad at 13.
    Ring any bells?
    Something tells me she is really more worried about losing him than anything.

    1. I'm not sure what the laws are in Nevada but she may be pretty frightened of losing her son for more reasons that her "caring" about them. Here in Michigan children with Aspergers can get a state stipend (money) to help with the cost of supporting them. Aspergers has been reclassified in the new diagnostic criteria as a form of autism. In our state children with autism/Aspergers get a special grant and that comes with a monthly check. Not sure what their state allows but if Dayton leaves and lives with dad, that income will go with him. He would certainly be entitled to SSI until he's 18 when he'd have to re-apply as an adult. So he comes with money and it's a pretty good sized monthly check. Also, if the kids live with dad, guess who gets to pay child support?

    2. Actually you have that in reverse. It was included under autism spectrum, now it is it's own separate entity.

      It's a disability. Both their income would determine if he gets social security before age 18. Once he is 18 their income doesn't matter and if cant earn a large enough amount of money he would qualify. After he spends whatever money they saved up for him.

      If he was physically violent than he should not get them.

    3. I wanted to clarify that I'm not saying she doesn't love her kids. In her own way I believe she does. Heck I'm far from a great mom--my kids are grown and gone so I can look at where I made my mistakes. But I know those disability checks are close to 800 a month, then you can also apply for that stipend, another 200, and then you might even qualify for chore provider (she probably wouldn't) which is around 150-200. The chore provider is state run so it would depend on Nevada but the other is federal dollars. I'm a social worker with the mentally disabled so this boy has good financial assistance coming in. If she loses him that's close to 1/2 of her mortgage right there. What is dad paying in child support? If you do the math her kids almost cover her mortgage. I saw how she went on and on about how much she loves her son BUT she never said ONE WORD about the girls. Not one. I wonder how that made them feel. I'm going to be mean and say this, while I believe she loves her kids I think she's a total airhead and didn't think about how her carrying on impacted her children. She's too in love with the Kode to think about her kids at all. She never said that all 3 were a blessing amidst a bad marriage and how much she appreciates all 3 of her children as gifts from God....yada yada. She ONLY mentioned the son. I guess I'm really being evil but since he has a check and is nearing the age where he can choose to live with dad,...well I think you can see where I'm going with that thought. I just feel for the daughters. I guess they weren't a blessing like the son. And to be married for 9 years and act like it was a quick marriage and divorce...oh please. He probably couldn't keep up with her spending and had to get out. He was probably abusive because he shut down her Victoria's Secret credit card. I'd sure love to read his tell all book.

    4. They are making too much to qualify for that.

      You also must know as a state social worker with an income and no insurance to speak of how much his meds must cost per month.

  54. The comparison of Charlie Chaplin and Robyn is a hoot!

    1. I think that was Stan Laurel of Laurel and Hardy.

    2. Yes it is Stan. Grew up watching them with my dad. Great comparison!!

  55. So, at 19, Robyn did not know how babies were made and how to prevent this?

  56. A very telling point is the fact that Robyn says she feared her families rejection.
    Not exactly unconditional love going on.

  57. The working title of the show: Robyn's Secret.
    Other Options:

  58. My God what a mess.

    Very telling that Kody's ego is so big he said he felt she had sufficiently repented enough to be with him.

  59. Robyn was insulting to us normal Christians by our culture chastity is very important. I believe it is to all; we just realize it's not the end of the world if you fall short. We are normal and think that not paying your bills is just as big as sin.

  60. Why didn't she just say that she gave in and doesn't want them to make the same mistake because.....
    It doesn't make sense that she charred her kids for life.

  61. Since when have you used the word chase?
    Come on, were are in the 21st Century!

  62. Luvgivesuwings her Twitter
    Maddie calls her Birdie.
    Hunter calles her birdbrain

    1. I call her a Twit. She needs to take a class in speaking the English language.

    2. Tweety Bird for me. Tweet Tweet look at me. I was, er,,,between high school and college age,,,or was that going to college,,,,,whatever she wants you to believe.

  63. So she is saying in their religion, if you make a mistake, your family may not accept you.
    Boy, that is not a forgiving group.

    I had feelings of wanting him she says. But it's his fault because he Stole it. Stole it.
    Now the kids will think dad is a monster.

    The teens had to be laughing inside.

    I see a time afterwords where Janelle and Christine together and are simply steaming over this. Not handled well at all.

    Another slight to Christine.

    Did Janelle repent enough for Kody's good graces?

    This was dangerous. A glimpse into a disturbing world.

  64. Bingo! Sandy. You nailed it. This was nothing more than a pre-emptive strike to demonize ex-hubby in her son's eyes. That this came on the heels of the kids' trip to see their Dad in Montana makes me think they had a good visit and she felt threatened and wanted to undermine their relationship with their father. And, of course, they want to hawk purity rings on MSWC so this public shaming of her ex-husband was a way to kill two birds with one stone. How long before they exploit one of the older children in an episode by revealing they have not kept "sweet"? Can't you just see it coming down the road?

    1. EXACTLY what I thought! I've seen too much of the ex game so I believe it was timed for right after the Montana visit, too. Maybe the kids had a good time visiting their father. Sobbyn can't have that. She seems terrified that her kids will live with their father. So she tells this story right after the kids get back.

      On an earlier episode, Sobbyn sobs to the family that the need to be nice to her kids or they might go live with their father. At the time, I thought it was just to get attention and make the other wives bend over backwards for Sobbyn's kids. Maybe that still is so but maybe it's part of Sobbyn's fear of losing custody.

      Some seem to think she doesn't want to lose custody for financial reasons. Totally disagree. I'm sure she does care a bit for the kids. Even more, think how bad she would look if as a mother she lost custody! I'm sure that wouldn't be her fault, though, just like how her purity was stolen.

      Someone mentioned that they were surprised Mariah was able to get scholarship monies because of the poor education she had received in Utah I the AUB school. I don't care for Mariah and don't wan to defend her, but truth is she was a National Scholar and they filmed the ceremony. So she may have earned it. Also, many schools lower scholarship requirements if there was some sort of hardship that affected your high school career(like homeschool maybe.)

      Distressed is the perfect word to describe the look on Robyn's daughter's face during the church lesson. That was beyond words.

      I don't think Christine minded Sobbyn's sob-talk too much. Can't remember the tweet but she tweeted something in support or retweeted a support comment.

      Why did Janelle say she didn't feel like a single mother till Vegas? She moved out with her kids and lived on their own once. Did her family(aside from mother) help her when she left so she didn't feel like a single mom then? Did she just forget about moving out? Is it an outright lie that she's not saying she lived as a single mother before? Or is it just another case of the Browns rewriting history and saying it so much that they believe their own lies?

      Who else can't wait till next week to find out what the Browns think their worst moments aired on television are?? That's a topic itself! I think Christine's worst was when she said, " I didn't know men could be such bastards" in her best airy acting voice. Bet she thinks it's when she said, "We're failing as a family."

      What the heck does Elmer Fudd/Sobbyn say in the clip preview about the time capsule episode? She's sitting on the couch and talks about putting down roots and says she wants to put GARBLEDGARBLED down with a big smile. Sounds like she talks with a big wad of chew in her mouth. What did she say?

    2. I had to use that a couple of times as my name. Too dang funny.

      I agree that this may be a reason for Robyn. I also think that Kody is a typical A. U. B. megalomaniac egomaniac man. I believe she also used this story to get her purity back so Kody could accept her.

      When he said she had repented enough...I about fell out of my chair.

  65. I literally couldn't get logged into work fast enough to come here!

    Robyn Preaching. EPIC FAIL
    This is what we learned. Kody has no authority, has not been preaching, and has no set rules in place. Who says OK? at the end of telling kids to hush or put something away. It was very poorly portrayed.

    Time Capsule. EPIC FAIL
    I would at least liked to have seem put their item in the capsule and why. That was a rushed production.

    Meri's fertility. EPIC FAIL
    Who gives a damn at this point?

    It's just a time killer until Robyn gets ole Sol off that "bottle" long enough to ovulate.

  66. This did it for me. I'll only read this blog from now on, because I"m not going to waste time watching this bunch. I have an ex who was abusive to me. I took responsibility and got myself out of that marriage over 20+ years ago. Not once, and still to this day, did I ever bad mouth my ex to my children. If you care about your kids, you protect them the best way you can. They grow up and eventually figure it all out. Good thing Robyn has all those bonus children because I suspect her biological ones are going to keep their distance

    1. Same for me, Schnauzermom... Abusive husband, divorced him when our daughter was 2 years old. I made next to nothing, but was bound and determined to give her the best life possible (which also meant not revealing to her the reasons I divorced her dad). I never said an unkind word about her dad - not in front of her, nor when she might even be within earshot. I knew she'd see and understand his true nature as she got older (sadly, I was right).

      Robyn might seem like a dim bulb, but she manipulated her kids and Kody like a pro with her little speech. She made Kody feel like her "king" and/or Master of the Universe by trashing her former husband (of NINE freaking years on TV for millions to see/hear) and manipulated her kids into thinking their dad was some kind of monster (instead of a horny teenager). She absolved herself of any responsibility (sorry Robyn, no one can "take" what you aren't willing to give unless its by force... So did your ex rape you or not? If not, you'd better start trying to set the record straight... The courts don't like slanderers and God doesn't like hypocritical liars).

      And finally, (in my opinion), Kody, Mariah, Meri and Robyn are ALL manipulative, spoiled douchebags.

  67. I thought she changed her name to Robyn Ellis Brown. Sad that purity is the most important thing in the entire world because she certainly is not pure. A dishonest character who has bad credit, unpaid debts and no work ethic. She had a hard time remembering her lines in her revised history of her sad life pre-Kody. The women must know that drama and tears gets Kody`s attention for a few minutes more. Robyn learned this from Meri. Poor Janelle must wonder why the family has to share their income with this loser. I thought Robyn said she didn`t like food and that is why she was thin. Times have changed and she has plumped out alarmingly.

    1. Robyn Alice Brown. It did sound like he said Ellis.

    2. I think that Robyn's "food issues" were just so much crap meant to rub into the faces of the other three wives. yes, Meri included.

      I've seen it happen before, actually has been done to me, to the extent where for a LONG time I didn't want to be seen eating because I felt that these thin girls were silently criticizing what I was putting on my plate. I loaded up my plate and they would put a couple of lettuce leaves, a carrot and nibble at a piece of chicken while sighing away at how they just felt they were stuffing themselves.

      Now that we see Robyn gaining weight - and obviously not baby weight - the tables have turned...big time.

  68. As a woman who divorced with small kids at home (aged one and five at the time), I vowed to NEVER say a negative word about my ex to the children. When you speak negatively of the other spouse, you are telling YOUR children that 50% of their identity is bad. You are also instilling feelings of guilt for them loving their other parent. Children want and need to be loyal to both of their halves. On another note: Ladies, you are NOT defined by the status of your hymen. They hypocrisy of Kodturd asking Sobbin to speak on this matter while he is dipping his dot in four different "cookies" is astounding.

    1. It is maybe a little different for Robyn, but as a person who was a child in that situation and who now has a child, I've chosen to be honest about the facts as they are age appropriate. I think Robyn did something that many of us think was too far - but I have no problem telling my daughter that she is wonderful and amazing, but her father isn't in her life because he is not. I was also glad that my mother warned me about my biological father, then when I saw the signs of how he treated his other children and his dog, I knew he had not changed and haven't seen him since.

  69. Mariah had the best statement of the night: "We don't need a mission statement. We're a family not a business."

    Haha. Your family is a business- Brown Family Entertainment. That is what your parents have done to your family.

    1. From Wikipedia: "Egomania is obsessive preoccupation with one's self and applies to someone who follows their own ungoverned impulses and is possessed by delusions of personal greatness and feels a lack of appreciation. Someone suffering from this extreme egocentric focus is an egomaniac. The condition is psychologically abnormal."

      Sound familiar? And we need these people to tell us how to live our lives and how much better theirs is why? Give me a break. No need to codify their dysfunction with a Mission Statement. Viewers "get" what the Browns are all about. Hypocrites R Us might be a more apt name for the show.

  70. Boy, I am so relieved to know that after being married for so many years and having three children I can regain my purity! I'll ask Kody to talk to God for me and I can "give" it to my husband tonight!

  71. Now that the ashes are settling a bit before CJ pens her review of last night's *big reveal* one has to wonder about a few things.

    Are the producers of F8F really this desperate for plots for Kodyworld?
    Have they scoured the bottom of the barrel and come up *this empty* that they had to craft such a ridiculous premise?
    And if so is there no one involved in this mess concerned at all about using kids, especially one kid with special needs, just to maintain ratings?

    Is everyone including and especially *all of the parents* of all these children really this stupid and/or this self-serving that they would force their kids to have to be a part of such an obvious sham?

    And yes, yes....Meri's rent-a-uterus story is as old and meaningless as last week's leftovers getting moldy in the fridge. NO ONE cares !!

    1. Amused - last year I was cleaning out my kitchen cupboard and found a box of dry powdered milk with a 1999 expiration date. I would say the Meri Immaculate Conception story is about as old as done already!!! toss it out like I tossed out that box and Just. Move. On.

  72. Kody, leave Meri alone. She doesn't want another baby. She is only considering it to make you happy! Grow up! Marriage is about spending your lives together not just procreation. Accept that stage of your life is over and move on.

    1. Not defending Kody here but it's hard for him or anyone to move on when Meri talks frequently about how she always wanted 8 kids. It's a constant reminder to everyone in this "family" (dad, wife and 3 mistresses, but family I guess) that Meri wanted more kids and never got what she wanted.

  73. Robyn is a joke. Great job making your son feel like his entire existence was not wanted and giving your daughters even more "Daddy issues" to add to their emotions. Honestly, this makes my blood boil. Way to go, Robyn... Parent fail. I hope the children all marry into good, solid, loving families and move far away from this circus.

    Robyn's ex husband (only husband she's ever had) needs to do something about this. This slander is just not acceptable. Especially in front of his children. I really hope we hear from him soon. There are always two sides to every story!

    1. I agree. Robin's girls seem to desperately seek male attention even to the point of acting out to get it. Kody's brothers' visit, hanging on Logan and Kody, acting so emotional and clinging to males. Her daughter hung on every word of the purity speech. Way to go Robin! Teach your daughters the only worth they have to men is sexual.

  74. Robin, Rape is being forced to have sex. Rape is not regretting having sex later. You are doing a disservice to all sexual assault victims.

    A woman's value is not determined by her purity. That would base a woman's entire value as a person on her sexuality. It is not your most precious gift. What about other gifts from God like intelligence, beauty, kind spirit, generosity, or athleticism? I think you are teaching your girls the wrong thing.

  75. I have a feeling the editing made it worse, but the fact that Robyn went there at all is bad enough.

    Her kids were probably sealed to Kody at Robyn's wedding. This means that although DPJ is their biological father, their souls belong to Kody. The belief is that Robyn's "sin" caused 3 of Kody's children to be born to the "wrong" man. The fact that DPJ excercises his visitation rights causes me to believe he no longer drinks this koolaid, so to speak. Don't forget, he too was just as trapped by his beliefs as Robyn. He tried to make it right by marrying her -- their religion gave him no other honorable option, if he wanted to take responsibility for "ruining" Robyn.

    I'm sure that Robyn and DPJ probably *did* have an unhappy marriage with lots of anger and abuse. I don't condone violence or excuse it, but. I can see that their religious beliefs created a fertile breeding ground for the kind of resentment that can lead a weak or immature couple down that path--with all its attendant problems such as passive aggressiveness, depression, shopping addiction, etc.

    I feel very sorry for Dayton right now.

    1. Now that really sucks, that philosophy. Everyone owns their OWN soul, Kody doesn't "possess" any soul but his own, such as it is, no matter what he says.

    2. Well DJ I don't know for sure if the step-kids were sealed to Kody, but I can't imagine Kody would take care of another man's children. The only way he can truly see his step-children as "his" is if they are sealed to him, and if that happened, then in the eyes of their religion, yes, Kody is the custodian, if not the owner, of their souls.

  76. Few comments about things other than Robyn’s horrible revelation…..did the producers run out of material or what? They could have spent more time when Kody was digging his hole and asking Meri about the baby thing. God knows we are sick to death of this topic, so why couldn’t they have just wrapped up that topic by metaphorically throwing it into that hole, bury it and be done with it? Why was Mariah sleeveless? Isn’t that a huge no-no for them, showing so much skin? Next week’s Q&A had better be more interesting and not a bunch of softball questions…..and my cable didn’t show it as a repeat either so I was snookered as well (at first, I knew pretty quickly it was a repeat when they started). So is that it then for the season?

    1. Well, there's been a few. A funny one about Epic Fail.
      They didn't really address the other two. Time Capsule. Buddy that was quick. Didnt even get to see what they put it. Kody's sons are dead to him.
      Meri infertility. Nothing as usual.

  77. I feel so sorry for all of those kids. I live in Vegas and guess what, today is the first day of school so the kids have not only the usual first day jitters but now they have to wonder if their peers or teachers watched last nights show. All of the adults appear to be self-serving and narcissistic with no regard to the feelings or emotional well being of their offspring!

  78. In the Q&A episode, was it just me or did Robyn look a little too cozy sitting on the couch with Logan? He had his arm along the back of the couch and it looked like she kept leaning in to be closer to him.

  79. Do we know what Robin studied in college?

    1. Robyn went to college?! That should have been her secret shocker. Her bigget mistake/regret should be not learning to be independent and looking for and relying on some man to take care of her.

      All of the Brown's teenage daugthers seem to have goals. I'm surprised they are encouraged to stay in school.

    2. Isn't she some kind of nurse's aide? Is that the college education she is talking about?

  80. There was something odd that I noticed in the rerun of the interview show. Meri and Robyn were sitting together with the same jeans on. I know that they claim to be close, but wearing exactly the same very identifiable jeans. Goodness!

  81. I will say this... My mother discovered after she married my daddy that he was a compulsive gambler. They went to therapy, did the whole thing, but basically, he was so wrapped up in the gambling that their relationship was pretty non-existent. I barely remember them speaking. And my mother is quick to say that marrying him was the worst decision of her life. But, that she would do it all over again because she got me and my sister.

    And personally, I have no trouble understanding that. Life is not black and white. You can think something was a mistake, and still treasure what came out of it... I don't know how to explain it, except that what she's saying is not a difficult concept for me to grasp in the least, and doesn't make me feel at all devalued, loved less, etc. I know without a doubt that my mother loves me more than anything in the world, AND wishes she hadn't had to marry my daddy to get me. Shades of gray....but not hard to understand.

    1. That's great but I would venture to guess she did not say it on national tv!

  82. Did anyone notice Mariah's announcement was a Meri's house and the family was gathering for food around the island and not wet bar?

    1. I thought it was ironic how Mariah expected everyone to be happy for her when she wasn't at all happy for them when they got their houses. I know she has a lot of growing up still to do. I just wish Meri had pulled her aside during the "houses incident" and said, "As Christians we are called to be happy for people when they have good things happen to them."

  83. Shame on you, Robyn. I hope David Sr, you know, your kid's DAD, files for full custody.

  84. Basically Robin will never be happy. She must be a miserable person, if she has a need to go on TV and crap all over her EX with her children sitting there looking up at her. That's just bad form. I don't care what happened. You do not lay that on your children for them to carry. We do not know her ex's side of the story either, at this point it is all one sided.

    While Robin was giving her purity testimony, I saw Christine at one point shake her head as she was looking down. I wonder what she was thinking about this.

    1. To shake your head means "no". So it probably, don't say that or no, I don't believe you or no, please don't go there in front of all the kids or just plain no, this isn't right.

      There were many of us shaking our heads as can one woman be so stupid. She will be the downfall of that family.

  85. One of my favorite fictional series (the first four books anyway - the last two aren't worth buying or reading unfortunately) is Jean Auel's "Earth's Children" series. They are kind of graphic sexually speaking (they take place during the Ice Age). In the books, when young girls start having their period they take place in First Rites during the summer meeting that year and are "opened" by a man who is chosen for the purpose. It sounds graphic but is rather sweet actually. (oh and also the people in the book except for the main character Ayla for the most part have not figured out that having sex is what makes babies - they think it's spirits.) In Book 2, the main male character in the series (Jondalar) is preparing to share First Rites with Ayla, who was brutally raped as a child and she mentions to him that it isn't her first time - she was already "opened" and he responds "yes, but there is more to First Rites than just opening..."

    in Book 4, one character is a girl who was gang-raped before her First Rites, and doesn't want to have anything to do with men ever again...the holy man of the people that Ayla and Jondalar are visiting helps the girl through a ritual giving back her purity (they don't call it that btw) and Ayla remarks - everyone knows already that the girl had already been opened, and the holy man responds that what is important is that the girl has the love and support of her family and community so that she can enjoy a full life with a man, family and children of her own. Not this crap that Robyn doles out. Religion is not a bad thing, unless it's twisted to make people feel like crap, or in Robyn's case SHE twists it because she wants to be the center of attention even if it means playing a victim when she probably wanted to have sex just as much as David did. We're only human, and most of us have sexual urges that are natural, the important thing IMO is to be careful and safe. I hate that sex is so often viewed as being wrong...when it's just a healthy, normal part of life and (in my current life) not necessarily combined with love...I don't intend to be in any more committed relationships in my life after two marriages, but I'm not exactly celibate. :)

  86. Watched Escape From Polygamy. I thought I wasn't going to care for it and BAM! the storyline really took off, and the ending was a real surprise. If you haven't seen it, I would recommend the show.
    The only issue I had with it was that the Prophet didn't check to see if the girl was dead. I highly doubt that.

  87. I just reread the article by Elizabeth Smart. Because of her strict Mormon upbringing she felt dirty and unwanted after being kidnapped and raped. I had always wondered why she did not try to escape when she was in plain view. Even when the police approached her and asked if she was Elizabeth Smart she had said no. I'm not sure who posted that some families would rather have their daughters come home in a pine box than be impure. That is heartbreaking.

    What she is teaching now is...You will always have value and nothing can change that. Perhaps Robyn can learn a lesson from her.

    The above is about her if anyone missed it.

  88. I am a man that is roped into watching this show with my wife.
    I was offended at last nights blasting of the ex husband.
    Just wanted to say that was very unchristianly of her.

    As much as she has hinted about him, if he was this bad guy, she could take her TV influence and reduce visitation.

    I say she is full of herself and making excuses.

    He stole it from her is quite offensive.

    1. I'm not a man and I totally agree with everything you said. This was ridiculous and NO thought was given to what other kids might say to the Brown kids today about seeing one of their mothers on TV discussing this.

      No one is all bad and there are 2 sides to every story. I'd love to hear her husband's side of this story. And yes, unless she was raped nothing was 'stolen' from her.

  89. I have a question...When Kody and Robyn were "courting" she lived a few hrs away...Where did Kody sleep at night? I think there was some non-chaste activity happening while poor Chrstine was ready to pop out Truley

  90. You can't rape the willing!!!!! Shame on you Robyn " Brown" disgusting!!!

  91. PLEASE do not email me any more and ask me to post for you anonymously. (This is specific to a group of my personal friends.)
    I think the above comment pretty well sums up the men watching last night!

    Here's something to chew on.
    Robyn didn't just me a boy, she met Jessop/Allred royalty.

    David's mother and Christine's father are siblings from the same father.
    We all know the link to the former prophets. So I am not convinced it was quite the accident.
    However, she didn't get a castle nor did she get the McMansion.

    David, from what we are told, (gossip) left the church after his marriage, not wanting plural marriage.
    But it still bothers me that this slandering would not upset his parents, even Christine. It's her family being dragged through the mud essentially. Can Christine not catch a break from her own family?

    1. Got to agree with you Mister Sister.

      Robyn knew EXACTLY what she was doing.

      "He was from a well-regarded family in our community. Despite the fact that my then-husband’s family members were spiritual leaders, our marriage was not solid. We struggled right from the start."

      Brown, Kody; Brown, Meri (2012-05-01). Becoming Sister Wives (p. 64). Simon & Schuster, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

      She knew his background and she wanted in. She even moved to PINESDALE MT to be with him. He begged her for it? I'm willing to bet she begged HIM. This so reminds me of a bad 1960's movie...girl getting pregnant to FORCE THE MAN INTO MARRIAGE! It all makes sense. She imagined a nice house because of his family connections. She only got a double wide and a husband who resented getting fooled into marrying her. And then he becomes a pariah when he left the church.

      I think the reason his parents haven't said anything is that they thinking "We told you not to marry that social climber. Now look what she's saying!"

      She's pulling the same stunt with Kody, who's too dumb to see it. Handing Kody her purity? Saying she and Kody should have been together from the beginning? WHO IS SHE TRYING TO FOOL? Christine, I believe, knows the score with Robyn, and why she wanted in the family. Christine is NOT a fool (though she plays one on Sister Wives).

      Mark my words. When the show is cancelled and Kody no longer has the income to support those 4 McMansions and they go back to the bank, Robyn will be gone to find her next knight in shining armor to rescue her and protect her from Kody - who she will say mislead her to believe he was a successful businessman with lots of promises if she would join his family and give him spirit babies.

      And of course, the new husband will be a hundred rungs higher on the fundamentalist Mormon social ladder than her previous husbands, and very wealthy. She might even bargain with him to pay off her McMansion so her children can stay in their home. Watch out Centennial Park...Robyn may be coming your way soon!

    2. I wonder how long it will take Robyn to get her purity back so she can give it to the husband who follows Krody?

      I agree with you CJ and with Mister Sister. This is Christine's family and she has to be mortified to always hear them dragged through the mud.

  92. Last night's show really made me so angry. I feel bad for Robyn's kids, but we all agree on that. One of Robyn's sayings that really bothers me is, "I was sittin' there.." Almost every sentence starts out, "I was sittin' there..." It's odd. Here's another thing, I am rereading the book they wrote. Kody admits he wasn't in love with either Janelle or Christine. So (other than the obvious) what's the difference? Those relationships started out without love. I know I am not expressing myself well, I know what I want to say just having a hard time explaining it. He did say he thinks his daughters should be in love when they marry. Both his marriage to Christine or Janelle could have ended badly just like Robyn's.

  93. What did we see? A very sick women talking about something that had no place in Church, or before the younger children. Shame on all who participated. This entire show as turned into How Robyn Turns or Days of Robyn's Lives.

    As for Meri - I do not think she has fertility problems. Doctors will tell you, do not try too hard. Meri was probably all about wham, bam thank you mam - am I pregnant yet. There was great competition between her, Janelle and Christine. Now, the competition is over and she does not care because she and her wet bar are sitting pretty. When the TLC funds dry up - and they will, I see Janelle and Christine being forced back to Lehi. Robyn will regift her purity and give it to the next baby daddy and Meri and Kody will keep their McMansion somehow.

  94. Yeah, Robyn's story about wanting to be out on her own and packing her car to go to Montana was probably a bit of a stretch. Where did she go? Not Billings, but to Pinesdale, the all AUB town in MT. Probably wanted to an AUB husband there - and she did - not enough eligible AUB guys in St. George. I hope we hear the other side of the story but I have a feeling that we won't. DPJ seems pretty private, at least he has been so far. I hope his kids can still have a good relationship with him. What could have possessed her to do something like this?

  95. Does anyone here believe Robin went to college? I believe she went in the front door & out the back. And wham bam thank you mam she's preggo.

    1. She doesn't say what kind of college is was, maybe it was a technical college and she took typing??

  96. In a big nutshell.
    Meri and her daughter are exactly alike. Both seething with subdued anger, resentment, jealousy. Both easy to cry in anger, not sadness, when things don't go their way. Both very weak minded.
    The leading cause of women not getting pregnant is STRESS. Meri having to watch hubby take a new wife I'm sure was stressful. Then another...then another... no wonder she can't get pregnant. SO apparent she pushed Cody to Robyn to spite Christine. I'm sure she resented Christine not having to deal with a new sister wife coming in. Timing was spiteful on Meri's part...Truly being born during his courtship of Robyn.
    Janelle obviously don't want to be a mother and likes that the other mom's watched over her kids while she worked. Essentially, she got the man and other women to raise the kids he wanted from her. That's why it works for her. With her no longer working, and having to be there for her kids, no wonder they are all so rebellious now. She don't have good mothering skills and it's showing.
    Christine liked playing the childlike sister wife. She had to grow up when baby Robyn came in. She didn't like that. Instead of resenting Kody, she resented Robyn. Oh we all know the woman who's husband cheats on her, and she blames the woman and not him.
    Robyn..what a mess of a woman. Poor me. Reminds me of Nancy Kerigan's "Why meeee".. Blame everyone else and Kody babies her. She's made mistakes in her life, and blames everyone else....and Kody is right there to co-sign it. The knight on a white horse. Please. Kody you have yourself a real prize there...

    You're nobody's white knight. TLC is the white knight you all ride high on...including you Kody. You're not the man you think are. Throwing your wives and children into the public for them to have to deal with everyone's negative opinions is NOT providing for your family. It's putting them through hell while YOU live off of them.

    One thing the women have in common...weak mindedness.

    The children are the one's suffering. All children want to please their parents. They are caught up in saying the right things their parents want to hear. Brainwashed is a word that comes to mind.
    In short the weak minded ones will follow on right behind their parents and repeat the dysfunctional life. The smart ones will step away. We all heard Kody say how Logan does not come around much since he went to college. Smart boy.

    I think the builder summed it up well when he said how he viewed them when they came to see the houses. He said Kody agrees with Meri even when it's obvious he don't agree with her.. He seemed to have a relaxed buddy like relationship with Janelle....He was childlike with Christine...and he was still in honeymoon mode with Robyn. How sad and twisted is that?

    Let's face it....Meri is the only one really married to him and could divorce him and take half of everything. But she never will because even her daughter is brainwashed enough to lead the polygamy parade. Besides, why would she..he agrees with her even when he don't agree as the man said.

    I think Kody and Janelle were the breadwinners of this family....until the TLC show. We all know they are only living this large because of the show.

    We'd all be wise to just stopped watching. Do any of you realize that by watching, we are supporting them? You'd be wiser to boycott the show rather than watching and blogging about it.

  97. First of all, thank god Janelle doesn't need to create drama around the fact that she was married prior to Kody.

    All this asinine breast-beating because she conceived her oldest prior to marriage--give it a REST. I mean, B. F. D. By the way, if her ex "threw" her purity on the ground (rolling eyes), why did he propose marriage???

    Robyn, no matter what fairy tale you tell yourself, you were not a virgin when you married Kody. And you know what? IT DOESN'T MATTER! Using your girl parts doesn't make them defective, honest. Using your girl parts doesn't spoil you, sully you, or make you a bad person. There is no such thing as PURITY. There are just the choices we make, and the integrity we show if we need to correct course. Buck up and show a little class. Shut up about your previous marriage in front of the kids, too.

  98. I get the impression Kody and his harem want to start their own Church with Kody at the helm of course.

  99. Robyn is FAKE, and attention-obsessed. The whole time she was throwing her childrens' father under the bus with her "purity" story, I was thinking about her several thousand dollar Victoria's Secret bill. She loves to find circuitous ways to talk about sex. Sick of hearing about her cookie.

    In other news, Christine's home is the best, both inside and out. But what does it matter. They'll be digging up their time capsule and high tailing it outta there in a couple of years, when the builder takes back the homes.

  100. I was appalled when Robyn basically said her children weren't conceived in love. But then again, neither were Janelle's or Christine's as Kody has said in various ways that he was not in love with either woman when he married them. So I think most of the kids, if they really think about the public statements their dad has made (and Robyn) now feel like crap about themselves. Except Mariah, I guess she was conceived in love. I think they do love their kids....but hearing on tv about how their dad didn't love their moms...that must not feel very good.

    Big Raspie for the whole dang show.

  101. Maybe this has already been said (I read through about 60% of the above posts), but did Robyn take any blame, if you want to call it that, for her part in the sex-before-marriage situation? Seems like she wants to only blame the guy--the guy, who became her children's father, no less. He did the right thing, didn't he, in marrying her? Was he abusive, according to her? I think I dozed off. If he had been, then why did the courts grant him partial custody/visitation?
