Friday, June 28, 2013

UPDATED: FREE DISCUSSION PAGE and Postcards from Polygamy, USA - Talia Sawyer, associate producer of Polygamy USA, shares experiences

Postcards from Polygamy, USA
For the documentary crew of Polygamy, USA figuring out the next thing to shoot was just one of many challenges. Living and working on location meant months away from home, friends, and family. Being embedded in the community also required a sense of responsibility towards the customs of the people of Centennial Park. We asked one crew member, Talia Sawyer, associate producer on the series to share with us her experience in the field.
PART2 PICTURES: Talia, how did you begin working at Part2 Pictures?
Talia Sawyer: I first heard about Part2 Pictures after doing a series of “informational interviews” with people working in the film and TV industry in New York City.  During one of these meetings, I mentioned that I was looking for a small production company with a lot of personality that made high quality, socially responsible programming.  Without hesitation, the guy I was talking to said that Part2 would be “right up my alley.”  I was a big fan of Part2′s work on “Hard Time” and “The Redemption of General Butt Naked” so I scheduled a meeting with Greg Henry (co-owner) and it instantly felt like the right fit.
P2: What was  your initial reaction when you were assigned to work on a show about a polygamist community in Utah?
TS: My first reaction was total fascination and a lot of excitement.  It’s such a rare opportunity to put faces to the names and stories you read about in your college courses. My biggest fear was that I would accidentally offend someone or that I wouldn’t be able to relate to the people in the community, but I was wrong. I met a lot of young women my age who were bright and strong, not the wilting flowers people in the outside world might expect. Although their religious and spiritual beliefs couldn’t be farther from my own liberal-kumbaya upbringing, I developed a deep respect for the conviction and moral fortitude with which the people of Centennial Park live their lives.
P2: There is a wonderful photo of all the women on the crew in long skirts. Was the decision to wear modest clothing made by the crew or did it come from production management? What can you tell me about the importance of dressing for the community?
TS: Ultimately it was the producers decision to wear long skirts and modest clothing.  I was proud to be working for people with that degree of respect and I thought it was really cool that they would take that kind of thing into consideration.  Despite the difficulties of maneuvering equipment and running around with a heavy lens belt while wearing a long skirt, it was rewarding to hear people say how much they appreciated the gesture.  In some cases, I think it helped break down barriers and it made me feel less like an outsider.  In fact, once the initial awkwardness wore off, I realized that soft cotton skirts were infinitely more comfortable than pants and I would joke with the women in Centennial Park that “the skirts in New York can’t get any shorter.  Might as well start a new trend.”
P2: What did you take away from your experience in this environment?
TS: Filming the Hammon family on Thanksgiving, I was really sad knowing my own family was 2,000 miles away, celebrating without me.  After a particularly long shoot day, we were finally able to put the cameras down and eat dinner together.  That was the first night I really got to bond with Uncle Arthur’s wives and daughters.  We talked and joked a lot about all the differences in our lifestyles– topics ranging from living with sister wives, to the perils of urban dating, to wearing pants. That’s when Uncle Arthur said (in his iconic way), “The best thing that will come out of this whole thing are the relationships you are all forming with each other, and the ones we are all forming together.”  I think that sums it up.  It was a memorable moment when the camera’s shut off and it became way more than just a job.


THIS POST IS OPEN FOR FREE DISCUSSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I think it was great that the decision was made to wear modest clothing. Regardless of whether or not you agree with someone's lifestyle I still think it's important to show them respect. And I'm sure she is right, that doing so made her fit in more and be less of an outsider. I think it would be cool to get to be in her place for a day!

    Sidenote- Does anyone know if Vicki Darger is expecting again? Someone commented on their website and called her a mommy to be. But I haven't seen it comfirmed anywhere.

    1. Given the workout routine they do, Vicki has gotta be the pregnant wife for sure!! She just looks pregnant in all of her recent pictures.

    2. Evidently there was a tweet the other day, shared on the thread just prior to this one, that 'one of the wives' was expecting. Nothing was said as to who it was but people are suggesting Vicki.

      I agree with your comment about the modest dress Bellarina. I think whether you agree with a person's lifestyle or not, if you are working with them it is important so show respect for their beliefs.

    3. if you look on their FB page, the recent picture of the 3 of them taken a week or so ago definitely points to Vicki is the one. isn't she like 42, 43 now and what number is this for her? just seems like getting in the high risk category now. well, really all of them are pushing higher risk pregnancies now since the twins are only like a year younger than first wife i believe. oh well - keep on birthin'! (but my own 4 were more than enough for me!!)

      "one's fun, two's a hobby, three's work and four's crazy." yep - i did "crazy." :P

    4. Devil's advocate here couldn't it be a daughter? The Duggers did that once saying someone is pregnant but it was their son's wife. At least one Darger daughter is married maybe she is pregnant.

    5. It isn't the daughter. They tweeted that it was not her and that photos would show which one was expecting. From the looks of the picture on their website, it's Vicki.

  2. Arthur shares some good insight. Too bad he rallies around the fake Joseph Smith.

    1. That's why religion is a belief system. Just because you think he's fake it's obvious millionsthink otherwise.

    2. Anon 3:09, while I value your opinion please show religious tolerance.
      Thank you

    3. In the interest of showing religious tolerance. Might I suggest that we no longer bash Polygamy o this board?

    4. Nice try anon 3:52 but polygamy is not a religion (although some world religions practice polygamy as a tenet of faith).

      Joseph Smith was the founder of the Mormon religion, and should be shown the same respect as Martin Luther, John Calvin, Jakob Ammann, Roger Williams, George Fox, Joseph Franklin Rutherford, and Mary Baker Eddy have been shown.

      In view of this, the discussion has reached its conclusion.

      Thank you.

  3. Thanks for the great post. I think it is great that the film crew took on modest wear to fit in and show respect. It is funny how wherever you move you can adjust dressing habits the easiest although people make a big deal out of it. Also the girls from CP certainly know how to dress up a skirt and look mainstream as possible in it. I have seen some pretty progressive dress by the younger generation. And they should be able to express with dress.
    Please some one make a anything goes Friday post!!! I am seeing cryptic sister wives messages! Not to be mixed up with I see dead people but just saying!

    1. Meri's tweets have been out of control for a while now. Someone needs to help her to get some help. What is the hold up for the next season? Problems within the Brown family or TLC losing interest?

      I wonder how hot it was while the crew was filming? It was nice that they dressed to fit in, but if it was summer or spring they must have been HOT. I watch the women in their long sleeves and high neck blouses with long skirts and boots and I just got hot looking at them. Same for the men, I really don't know how they manage, I would be sweating buckets if I had to dress like that in the desert.

  4. Anon 3:45, I think it has been well documented that Joeseph Smith was a real person. Wether or not you believe what he said doesn't make him "fake."

    I liked this interview but it seemed shallow. They saw so much that this interview could of been more juicy. Maybe thats just wishful thinking! ;)

    Moderator, I though we wernt allowed to be "anon" anymore?

    1. I though we wernt allowed to be "anon" anymore?
      Not to my knowledge. Commenters can use anonymous if they want.

    2. Bedroomwife - I agree with you that this interview seems on the superficial side. More good PR than substance.

    3. That's because they want to be invited back. This show has been more beneficial in getting polygamy decriminalized than Sister Wives could ever be.

  5. I wish we could get some of the production crew from Sister Wives to share about their experience!

    1. Oh boy, now I bet THEY have stories to tell about that bunch! Particularly how Kody really treats his wives without the cameras being on.

    2. This may seem nitpicky, but I am always irritated that he drives a nice, late-model car and some of the wives' cars look like clunkers.

  6. Anyone else read that LV was in triple digit heat again today? Cody's hair must be a mess!

    On topic though, Arthur is a man of great wisdom! He seems alright in my book!

    1. michelle in sactownJune 30, 2013 at 1:52 PM

      hey anon...I'm in sacramento and we are in a bad LV has to b broiling!!!

      if kodys hair is anything like mine its gotta b one mop of sweaty limp mess.. lol

    2. Their bills for the AC is going to be ridiculous! Hope My Sisterwive's Closet is selling well to pay for it...

    3. I'm sure Kody's designs are going to be the saving grace for the family. Not sure I understand the differences in the pricing for his four trinkets, or which wife is associated with which charm, though.

  7. The had a great opportunity to share an interesting story and seem so...detached. I assume that's to save for another season? I sure hope so!
    I don't know about the dressing like them. Not sure I would. Somehow I think that BOTH parties should respect each other, not just the filmers... they are giving them a golden opportunity to prove their points to the world.

  8. Anon 6:44 -- I'm guessing if they were doing a Nat Geo shoot with a remote tribe deep in the Amazon or Papua New Guinea, they would not forgo western attire.

    1. I'm guessing if they were doing a Nat Geo shoot with a remote tribe deep in the Amazon or Papua New Guinea, they would not forgo western attire.

      That would depend on how much they wanted to film the documentary. I remember female reporters broadcasting from the Middle East and they all wore head coverings and conservative clothing.

      What's that saying...When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

  9. I really have enjoyed this show. I know that they're only really showing us what they want us to see, but I feel like this has really gone a long way to changing what the world perceives as polygamy in the Southwest. They show real families, who have real jobs, and who have real struggles. Uncle Arthur seems to be gruff and all, but at the end of the day, his advice is honest and good and well intetioned. He clearly speaks from experience and seems like the truly cares about creating productive members of society.

    I'm just curious here, but how many of you here feel like people who are homosexual should be allowed to marry and those who believe that polygamy should be illegal?

    Just FYI: I found this blog because the SWs make me sick and they are so so fake. I truly like learning about different lifestyles in this country. I think the government gets too involved in people who are just trying to live their lives in this country and these people are a good example of that. I know that there is a certain level of welfare fraud going on, and I do think that needs to be remedied, but all in all they're not hurting anyone.

  10. I'm just curious here, but how many of you here feel like people who are homosexual should be allowed to marry and those who believe that polygamy should be illegal?
    Being that the main CPAC players and Independents like the Dargers (who have taken over the fight for decriminalization from the Browns)want to ride the coattails of this legislation to further their cause, I'm thinking these are 2 separate issues.

    That said, I feel we should stay within the topic of this blog which is polygamy. There are plenty of other blogs where the discussion of LBGT rights are better served.

    I think it's also important to note that polygamists are not asking for legalization...they want decriminalization a totally different animal. So, the question polygamists need to answer is why the push for decriminalization. I believe the answer may surprise you.

    1. My should be LGBT not LBGT.

    2. My understanding is if polygamy is legalized then the father is legally responsible for all those children. However if it is merely decriminalized then the single mothers with children still qualify for all the government aid that they have been enjoying in the past. Just my take on the difference between legalization and decriminalization.

    3. In my POV, the fathers are just as legally responsible for their offspring, regardless of marital status. Not sure why they still get away with not being responsible - these days with DNA, a birth certificate is just a meaningless piece of paper really. although that said, if I was a kid whose father deliberately chose NOT to publicly/legally declare himself as my dad for mere financial reasons, I'd feel like shit.

      Especially with Michael Crawley, his kids are fungible, just meant to pad his celestial planet. What a sucky afterlife that would be. I'd rather be in purgatory, myself.

    4. I 100% support LGBT marriages. I think any two consenting adults who want to marry should be able to. It isn't my business who gets married, it doesn't affect me or my marriage at all. Interestingly enough, gay marriages are supposed to helping lift the economy slightly in the next few months.

      As for polygamy, I say legalize it. I don't like it, but if making it illegal hasn't stopped it by now in 2013, we may as well make it legal or at least de-criminalized. Of course the people entering marriage need to both be 18 and consenting adults. It would be interesting to see if many of the plygs would actually get married and stopped taking government handouts as single women/mothers. The kids from these marriages deserve to have their father's names on their birth certificates and made public. The second and third wives should be eligible for the husband's social security and should legally have to share it.

      I don't like the idea of polygamous marriages because I think the women get the shaft in them and that too many young, brainwashed people are forced into them at a young age. However, it would be nice if the kids didn't have to hide and the fathers/husbands were forced to become responsible for their families instead of just sucking benefits off of the government.

      I wonder if it was legal how many polygamous marriages would sign up for it?

    5. I am not for either. Civil Unions, rights, YES, calling it a marriage, no.
      But the point many are missing is that F.M. want what Cynical Jinx said- decriminalization. They want their CAKE and eat it too still getting benefits!

    6. I am not a fan for either. I think it's gross. But I am for Civil rights and . You can't call it marriage. Becuase if you are going by the bible it man should cleave unto his wife and a wife should cleave unto her husband. No where in there said anything about wive's . If you are going to make that legal you might as well make everything else legal. You can't have your cupcake and eat it to darlin.

    7. Social Security is a terrifying financial, I say later on that I don't believe plygs will sign up for legal plural marriages even if they can, but...what if the "wives" apply for common law status after the deaths of their husbands (I don't know that that would ever be possible) and then each demand to recieve the same amount a non-plural wife would get...yikes.

      I doubt it would come to that, but if it did, things could get very expensive...

    8. I am for decriminalization, against legal marriages of polygamists, and want them accountable for their welfare.
      I am against gay marriage; for them getting legal rights, monies, and some sort of legal union, not just typical marriage.

    9. OK, I'm going to try to be diplomatic about this:

      I have allowed this "discussion" under the condition that 'we should stay within the topic of this blog which is polygamy. There are plenty of other blogs where the discussion of LBGT rights are better served.'

      Simply put, Anon 4:13 asked the question "I'm just curious here, but how many of you here feel like people who are homosexual should be allowed to marry and those who believe that polygamy should be illegal?"

      People have responded with their answers and opinions. Unfortunately, several comments that were argumentative or extremely political in nature were not published as they did not conform to SWBs posting guideline.

      SWB is not the venue to conduct a for/against debate of responses to Anon 4:13 question concerning LGBT rights. If you are for gay marriage, fine. If you are against gay marriage, fine.

      If you want to debate another poster's opinion about gay marriage, not fine. Take your debate to another forum, or, better yet, simply state your answer to BOTH PARTS of Anon 4:13 as many have done. You don't need to debate someone else's opinion in order to express YOUR opinion. You can also just move on to another thread. SWB is my and Mister Sister's living room, and we don't like folks YELLING at each other!!

      Thank you.

    10. Hope this is what you meant!~
      I believe that polygamy should be decriminalized, which is all they are asking for.
      I do not believe the next step, legalization of marrying several wives will even be asked of the group. According to them, that is not what matters but their marriage in the temple.

  11. In New York State, the mother has to name the father when applying for benefits for the children. The state then goes after the father for child support, married or not. If the mother doesn't name the father, no benefits for the children. Shouldn't all states do the same?

    1. Yes. Utah does not. They look the other way, that is obvious. That will be a problem for legalized marriages in the fundamentalist religion. How will they support all these children and wives then? Something tells me that unless they are financially stable, many will continue to do what they are doing right now, bleeding the beast. some out of their situation, some because they don't care to. How one earth could these men possibly support 3 or more wives when most struggle with one? The elite will have the gift of marriage, most will not. It will be interesting.

    2. It wouldn't really matter much, would it? Medical assistance and food stamps are dependent upon family size and income. If you've got a family size of 20+ odds are pretty good you're going to qualify for benefits unless your income is in the several hundred thousands.

    3. The fact that they want decriminalization and not legalization is ridiculous in my view--the fact that no one has been arrested for polygamy in, what, 50 years?, shows that it has defacto decriminalization. If cops stopped arresting people for using marijuana, we'd say the same thing.
      I say let's go for legalization :)
      Also, I would add that polygamy is extremely different from LGBT issues in that I know a TON of people who fall into the LGBT category. I only know a few people who call themselves poly and they fall more into the "open marriage" category than in the "for religious reasons" category. I'm cool with it, but religiously based polygamy where being polygamous is the only way a woman (or man, I guess?) can reach the highest level of heaven skeeves me out. In other words, I can relate more to LGBT because I see more of their struggles and they're a lot more familiar to me. Polygamy not so much.

    4. Arizona has that same rule.

      Read page 7

    5. Utah and Arizona are very liberal with welfare benefits to F.M. My gosh, they have groups that teach welfare caseworkers on how to "deal" and "talk" to polygamists! Considering it is illegal, that's about as lenient as you can get!

    6. Anony 12:58 I believe you are speaking of "The Primer---Helping Victims of Domestic Violence and Child Abuse in Polygamous Communities." This book is not for those with welfare benefits as it is abuse. It comes from the Safety Net Committee.

    7. Yes, all states should do the same but they do not. Look at Christine's bankruptcy papers. She was on food stamps, and I bet the father wasn't named. She was living in the house with the others, yet claimed to be living alone. How they play the welfare!
      In her filings it states:
      1. she gets no child support.
      2. a "companion" pays rent and utilities. A companion?
      3. $600 a month in food stamps.
      4. Only $2,000 was for medical, the rest, gosh, I didn't count, thousands of dollars all on credit cards or retail items.

      Kinda makes you sick when one can go on national television and get away with fraud, yet the little ole lady next door gets sacked for forgetting to say her son moved out two weeks prior.

  12. I agree, legalize it and have the husband legally responsible for all. No more hand outs.

    1. I don't believe legalizing it will change anything. I don't think the polygamists will have legal marriages with their plural wives, even if it were legalized (too big a change for the way their families are funded, and it gives power back to "the beast.")

      They would continue to live with one wife and several mistresses, and the governments of their states would continue to turn a blind eye...after all...right now polygamy and bigamy are illegal, but there is no law against having a wife and several lovers. I don't think a law legalizing polygamy would also include a law making extramarital affairs illegal. (What politician would vote for that one?!)

    2. Traci- You made me realize something. Even if we were to decriminalize or legalize poly marriage, they would probably just do what they are doing now anyway. The man would legally marry only one of his wives and have the rest claim that they are single mothers even if he did have legal right to marry the others. These are obviously people who don't really care what the government has to say so long as they are doing what God says is right. If that means taking advantage of government benefits in the name of Gods word than so be it.

  13. Just saw a quick commercial on TLC...Sister Wives will be back July 21st....

    1. Woot woot, now we can have some good snarky posts and discussions!

  14. Although charming in some ways, I don't think Uncle Arthur is that charming to his son. He seems to me to put Ezra down instead of having a relationship with him. I believe Ezea has some resentment over the way his mother has been treated.

  15. Sorry, I have to throw a Brown post in here....but Where oh where are the sisterwives! Tlc still hasnt shown previews and now its to the point where the show is soooo far behind...dissapointed fan :(

  16. OMG! Sisterwifes closet just posted the new Mothers day bling designed by Kody. These people have lost their freakin minds! $200 for a thin silver chain with a charm on it???? Who would pay that??? Plus I thought they had mentioned making their newer items more budget friendly?

    1. Hasn't mother's day come in gone? I swear it is always a dollar short and a day late with these people.

    2. Mothers Day!? For 2014 maybe?


    3. You know, I would make a joke about releasing a Mother's Day item in July, but it's getting a little sad. They seem to be chronic idiots with extra wide lazy streaks. I'm embarrassed for them at this point.

  17. SISTERWIVES is actually starting on TLC July 21st!!!! So excited and it looks good. He tells one of the wives that quote YOU ARE MAKING DRAMA WHERE THERE IS NONE. Now it appears he is talking to Meri but, not sure as the cuts run through really quick.

    Their new necklaces that Kodi designed for his wives are a whole lot better then anything else. Mind you, he may not have DESIGNED anything but said, give this one a tree, this one a heart, this one a bird, yada yada. They are EXPENSIVE. 153.99 to 214.99. Ok I do like them but they are not WORTH that kind of money. You can go get sterling charms from the craft store and a sterling chain for about $20. I order on Amazon and ebay for far less. But, I do like them better then anything else that has been offered. They do not say which necklace was made for which wife though. I think I saw Janelle wear the tree though. Still waiting for the affordable tourist type stuff for us women who dont have a lot of cash to blow.

    Very excited the new show is on soon and probably will be another short short season but, it looks good from the previews.

  18. based on their appearance on vegas tv in may, i would say robyn's the phoenix, meri the heart, janelle the tree and christine the pixie princess (WTF on that last one!).
    i can't believe i'm saying this, but the designs are less hideous than i feared. on the other hand, they are ruthlessly overpriced, comme d'habitude.
    also, there seem to be two different versions of the tree design.

  19. Sister BlisterwifeJuly 1, 2013 at 11:52 AM

    I have said this before, why would I want to purchase jewlery that represents other people's creepy marriage?

    Normal Person to Super Fan: "Hey, I like your necklace. What do the symbols mean?"

    Super Fan: "Thanks! Oh, well, it was designed by this unemployed, middle-aged man who has, like, a million kids with four different women. They live in homes they can't really afford but anyways he is only legally married to one of them and he designed a charm that represents each of his baby mommas..."

    Normal Person: "Mmmmmkay...."

    Honestly, why?

    BTW- I am adjusting my screen name to Sister Blisterwife

    1. The irony is that being Fundamental Mormon, they should create a line geared towards the community itself. Jewelry would need to be priced fairly in order to sell. They did not follow this thought. Claire's boutique makes millions off of cheap jewelry. The Browns wanted a quick buck. No matter what they announce, my belief will be they have had an epic fail with the jewelry. Their GREED irks me much more than their religious status.
      The Browns show no sign of gratitude for what they have. Kody Brown should be looking for a job. Funny the wives are, but he is always in Disneyland. Isn't that an epic fail for a father of 20+ children? Why does Kody not get a job?

    2. Kody doesn't get a real job because he thinks he is a successful businessman and an excellent public/motivational speaker. Unfortunately his business owner tract record is one of failure (that gunshop he owned in Wyoming that they never mention). He was touted to be a guest speaker for that MLM company LIV Into but it seems that didn't work out too well because he only appears at the LIV meetings in people's homes or small venues in Arizona and not at the bigger gigs. The man must have an ego the size of an aircraft carrier but he can barely put two sentences together. And don't forget it was his idea to overprice the Sisterwife Closet trinkets because they were iconic. Big headed looser who is unemployable is what Kody is.

    3. Cherish said... "Kody Brown should be looking for a job."
      After the financial struggles they have had, most would think he'd seize this opportunity to get into something substantial, vs MLM sales and what comes from Sister Wives. But we are talking Kody Brown! Who knows what he is thinking.

  20. Sister Blisterwife you said it perfectly. Why in the world would I want overpriced jewelry designed for another woman. Add the creepy plyg factor YUK

  21. I have not seen the Ad on TLC for the new season! Anyone able to post it? Am dying to see what we can look forward to.

    1. CPA Carol, I looked last night, it is not up yet for us to post. We will when possible.

    2. Too bad they didn't have enough film to even make a decent ad.

  22. This just in...

    My Sisterwife's Closet
    Sisterwives is back on July 21st! Be watching TLC for times!
    Share · 2613019 · 10 minutes ago ·

  23. Check out this HILARIOUS tweet from Kody:
    Kody Brown ‏@realkodybrown 26 Jun
    "@katieshu1231: oh I'm so glad to know you all r coming back!!! BTW r u looking for your next wife?"No, Robyn was serendipity & destiny.

    Robyn was serendipity & destiny! bwahahahhahahah

    1. Which neither word definition means "to end looking for another wife"-

    2. Imagine how saying that makes the other wives feel. Meri especially will take that on the chin hard.

      Meri is still tweeting away about forgiveness. Who is she so mad at that she spends time everyday wallowing in it?
      She is really jaded about something. I suspect that Kody and Robyn are really close and truly in love with each other and Meri is mad at both of them for it.

    3. Serendipity and destiny have complete opposite meanings. Either Kody was trying to be clever and create his own oxymoron or he is just an idiot who tries unsuccessfully to use "big words." Hmmm....which is it??

  24. They never say they are looking for their next wife. They wait until Meri feels that it would benefit her to bring another wife in. Thus it becomes serendipity and destiny. I can assure there will be at least one or two more serendipity moments in the next decade. I predict wife number 5 within 3 years. I also predict they will move to Wyoming after they lose their McMansions since Kody and Meri were tweeting about how it felt like 'home'...kind of setting the expectations that when this all falls apart, they will be back in Wyoming with teepees for all!

    1. I have heard though the rumor mill that their was someone that left their LV work to go live with the Browns. True or not we will see in the future... but my guess is if this were true it was for the cameras. I'd say you are right CPA Carol. I don't see Kody stopping having children now.

  25. This just tweeted by Meri:

    In a meeting making plans & changes for So excited for what's to come!!

    Seriously? They are still beating that old dead horse? There is NOT a market for their goods - why can't they admit that and move on? Its been over a year since they premiered their goods, there is no way that revamping the plans will enable them to make a decent living at it. Who is feeding them this disinformation?

  26. Their mansions are big enough that they could easily give up or sale two of them in order to save on payments etc... Meri and Robyn in one and Janelle and Christine in the other. When the kids are moving out there will be plenty of room to bunk up and hello... only need 4 bedrooms. One for each with and a bedroom for boys and one for girls. I believe their houses are also built with an office which could be converted to a bedroom.
    I also believe there could be another two wives. Or hey 3 more, one for each day of the week!
    Someone had stated in a previous entry somewhere that they think the men must surely be sex addicts. It has to be true. How can a man say not tonight to any of them when then she will reply why? Did last nights wife wear you out? Nope got to have excess something going on there in the hormone department. Personally if I were one of the wives I would say, no sweetie, you go ahead a sleep I am good without it! I could not sleep with a guy knowing he just climbed out of someones bed that morning... ewwwww. No one hardly ever mentions that fact but real YUK moment there.

    1. There is so many books such as Krysten Deckers Polg that outlines the abuse. Why a man of 10 wives would want to abuse young children? I guess I do not understand the world of abuse in the polygamy world.

    2. My husband would be perfectly happy if we had sex every day. I do not consider that a sex addict. I think he considers it a stress reliever at the end of a hard day at work.

    3. well, like all things - even the same old extra plyg wives would get routine i would imagine. as the men age tho and keep adding to their harem and the new wife added is most likely still a virgin - i imagine both benefit from the newness of it. (kody and robyn anyone? and she wasn't even still a virgin!)

      i love my hubby to death and we still have a very active sex life (even more so w/kids grown and gone out of the house!) but neither of us have ever had the stamina nor desire to have sex every single night. and we're both glad for that actually as it almost sounds like having a chore to get done at that point! i like variation and spontaneity - both in style, time and place! tmi?? lol

      but depending on whether you practice birth control or not as a plyg wife - i could see if not, then sex would always equal just going through another year of pregnancy, hormones, new baby and nursing. no thanks!

    4. I'd like to correct something - these houses are NOT "mansions" in the true sense. Please note that CJ in the past has not used "mansion", she's either said "large home" or "McMansion" which does NOT mean mansion. It's a derogatory term for a big ugly house taking up most of a plot of land with no clear archetectural style.

      If these are mansions because of the number of bedrooms then I grew up in one as my parents home had 5 of them. Just having a lot of bedrooms does not make a mansion. I live in an upper-class area and there are plenty of true mansions here so I know the difference.
      (Also most owners have dropped the term and prefer "estate").

      These are just big ass ugly ass substandard homes. McMansions. Not mansions.

    5. It's not about sex as much as it is about domination and power. The whole purpose (officially) of having mega wives is so the man can be the king of his own planet, presumably. I really highly doubt that Kody is getting it on every single night. Although I'm sure he doesn't mind everyone else thinking he does.

      It's power tripping.

    6. Mansions vs McMansions #1st world problems

  27. If he needs it to relieve stress then in fact he is an addict. If he needs it every day he is an addict. Only I do not think many of us would want our men to do the twelve steps. That would be admitting you have a problem and for most of us probably daily sex would not be a problem. You dont say though that YOU would be perfectly happy if you had sex every day. There becomes a routine about it and that makes it less desirable. For these ladies they will never get those normal couple chances to even develop a routine. They dont get a lot of things because their husband likes having multiple wives to meet his needs. When do their needs get met?

  28. Any guesses what Sister Wives will have on this series besides moving (ugh) and graduations (ugh)?

    1. How Janelle is no longer the chubbiest wife? LOL. Sorry, but she really is slimming down and is so pretty!

    2. I think Janelle is still the heaviest. Unless there are new photos I haven't seen. If she's losing, she's losing very, very slowly indeed.

  29. Kody designed more than the four for his wives. Three more pieces are up. I actually really like the eternity necklace. I don't love it enough to pay 100 dollars but I think it is beautiful.

    1. Sisterwives closet was Robyn's idea, and it used to be mostly her posting about it and touting it. Now its Meri posting and Robyn seems to be keeping her mouth shut...why? Something is going on behind the scenes.

    2. From the past, it appears that the MSWC site is generally dormant...UNTIL a new season is getting ready to start. Then the Browns rev it up a bit. Unfortunately for them, I think they are way overestimating 1) their fan base and 2) how much said fan base is willing to pay for a Brown item.

      Also I call BS on Kody's "designs". I would be willing to bet that he found the design somewhere else, plagarized it, tweaked it just a little bit, then put his name on it. Or the jeweler they are working with actually came up with designs and Kody just picked the ones he liked the best - kind of like how Justin Bieber and Britany Spears put their name on perfume - they don't come UP with the scent, they just approve the final one. Kody's no artist and based on their current houses and previous offerings on MSWC, Kody and wives have little or no asthetic taste in general. There's not a speck of originality in the five of them put together. IMO.

    3. I agree with that! And it makes me wish Regretsy was still an active site, I'd love to hear what April and ther BFJL crew would have to say about these iconic pieces!

    4. dont they have a friend that has a jewelry business online? maybe she is behind the new designs and they are saying its Kody that designed them
      because they cant say some other woman did it. these new ones are far better then robyns and i doubt kody did it.

  30. I actually like the "Faithful" heart pendant, wouldn't pay nearly that much for it, though. I must say, the Claddagh hands (friendship) is the creepiest piece of jewelry I've ever seen! Old nasty hands! Oh well. I think the Browns have ridden this gravy train to its last stop... It seems inconceivable that the show will continue beyond what's already been taped; they're just not that interesting anymore. The promo officially lets you know they got the houses... What other wacky hijinks can they get mixed up in now? Good thing Christine and Janelle have their realtor licenses, somebody's gotta keep the dough flowing. Sure isn't going to be the Kodester. Enough, I'm just ranting in the middle of the night.

    1. They would have been better off getting a different type of job training. Even though the market has recovered somewhat, there are still plenty of real estate agents (I don't think that either one is a "Realtor") who are having to work second jobs because they just aren't making any money. Real estate agents are a dime a dozen and only a relative few are successful. They're basically clerical, we don't even know if they're collecting a weekly paycheck - Mona's not about to give her commissions away. Janelle and/or Christine are going to have to find their own buyers and sellers in order to make money beyond whatever Mona is paying them to be secretaries. IMO.

    2. oh and I just checked the TMI Realty listings - NONE of the 22 listings are being represented by either Christine or Janelle.

  31. Ohhhh not sure but, Kody has to be in trouble for his statement or tweet:
    Kody Brown ‏@realkodybrown 26 Jun
    "@katieshu1231: oh I'm so glad to know you all r coming back!!! BTW r u looking for your next wife?"No, Robyn was serendipity & destiny.
    Now I know he is a man and at exalted status even without education or life experience but, I think he might need to dig out his dictionary to look up serendipity it really doesnt have the same mean as just plain dippy.

  32. I will respectfully disagree with some posters who think Kody is a s*x addict. I really and honestly don’t believe their lifestyle is about s*x. I do believe they feel they should populate the earth with lots of their kids and thus grown their family tree, but it’s not about s*x. Of course, a newer wife might be more fun for awhile, but ultimately when Kody takes on another wife, it will be more about feeling ‘called’ to take another wife and have a bunch more kids for his planet. Just my opinion.

  33. Anyone find the link to the commercial for the new season? I can't locate anything online, youtube or tlc.....

  34. Ok, I just went to mysisterwifescloset and it was down for maintenance. Go figure. I hope it's not due to their super fans trying to buy their jewelry. Who do they think their fans are. Do they really believe that people are going to shell out big bucks to buy their jewelry. Has anyone ever seen anyone wearing it.

    1. I haven't even ever met anyone (in person) that knows about the show "Sister Wives" much less anyone that would actually buy their jewelry!

    2. Gina Wilson their new friend is a business consultant,product designer,manufacturer and distributor..she is the source of the new jewelry designs..they have to say Kody is designing..they cant say its Gina Wilson

  35. I hope maintenance means that they will put out their affordable line? @CPA Carol I know you probably are right about the addiction thingy. He probably is not in it for that but I do believe just as there are several out here, there are some inside the religion for sure. It is hard for most of us to not equate it with that since obviously they all do THAT. LOL ... we dont go weird here. Like having your husband doing other women and knowing about it is not weird? Just saying.

  36. Vicki Darger just confirmed on Facebook that she's the expecting wife. This makes child #9 for her.

    1. Isn't she about 43? I don't see the need for another one, but I guess they see children as celestial bait to their planet Kolob.

  37. I guess I somewhat disagree with dressing like them. I'm not sure why. I think it's because the Centennial Park group does it for religious reasons.

  38. I watched Polygamy USA and have to say it was incredibly refreshing as opposed to the buffoon Brown family. That being said, if I were a 16 or 17 year old girl that laid my eyes on Hyrum, I think his name would have popped up in my dreams a few times too. That isn't a revelation from God, it's called hormones. I love how the elders take these calls from girls serious. The poor child that was honest enough to say she has never heard God tell her a boys name, poor thing. All that aside Kelly and Hyrum are precious and innocent, don't worry one day Hyrum's name is going to pop into the head of more young girls, he's a great looking kid. Best of luck to the newlyweds.

    1. I agree with Anonymous 3:52 about Hyrum. He's good looking, hard working, and seems nice. I would think that lots of girls are thinking about him. The girl that has been fretting about not getting a name from God should have picked a nice looking, kind young man too. No one can prove whether the idea came from God. She is taking a big chance by putting it in the hands of the elders. She could get stuck with a man many years older than her who already has multiple wives and lots of children.
