Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Also just announced by their attorney... the surviving siblings of Travis Alexander will be filing a wrongful death civil lawsuit against Jodi Arias in the near future.
Stick a fork in her, Arias is done...

Arias when verdict was announced

Her reaction when she realized majority of jurors agreed  pre-meditation and felony murder

Her reaction as the jurors were polled of their decision - Jurors didn't buy her story


  1. CJ, what did her face look like when the verdict was read? Thank goodness a jury saw through her!

  2. Guess her court-room shenanigans did not work. Peace for Travis' family. Glad she will face justice. Crystal in Florida.

    1. Yep, guess she should have made an effort to pay attention and not do all that writing and drawing.

    2. YES !!! YES!!! YES !!!

      Not only did the jury not buy her story, they *did not* buy LaViolette or Samuels's BS either.
      I agree with you, CJ....her arrogant, smart ass attitude on cross and blatant disinterest as she did her drawings and writings also spoke volumes to that jury.
      Five jurors for 1st degree and seven jurors for 1st degree AND felony 1st degree is huge. However, I do wonder if a deal was struck between the jurors that they will go for life without parole rather than death penalty.
      Either way, she will never be out again in society. Justice is done.

      I wonder how the families of Ron Goldman and Nicole feel today. That verdict should have been theirs too. And of course, there is little Caylee Anthony where justice was not served either.

  3. Woohoo!!!! I am so glad the Jury convicted her of first degree murder!! It will be interesting to hear what the next phase is going to bring us, if she will indeed get the death penalty or life in prison without parole.

  4. What's that? No jury will convict you? Take that you evil, evil woman! Justice for Travis today! May God bless his family and have mercy on Jodi's soul.

  5. Her acting sucked; her story sucked; and now, she is going to probably bite the big one. Yes, Yes, yes, and yes

  6. Unbelievable !!!
    She gave an interview right after leaving the courtroom.
    And she still is slamming Martinez.

    And....trying to psych out the jury about the DP, using reverse psychology.
    What will it take to shut this attention ho/murderer down? | KSAZ - FOX 10

    1. I watched the interview: She is one seriously mentally ill puppy. I heard earlier today that Arias had a big fight with her attorneys...then came out the news she had given an interview! How the heck did THAT happen? AND HER ATTORNEYS WEREN'T PRESENT...IS SHE NUTS????!!!????

      Anyway, the new rumor is that she fired her attorneys (you can bet they are relieved if that's true) and Arias twitter account (@jodiannarias) has been shutdown by twitter (a fact).

      Troy Hayden who was the interviewer is on Greta Van Sustern right now. Apparently this was a deal she made with him several months ago AND without the knowledge of her attorneys. He just said he thinks she's 'ill'. Anyway, she was being led down a hallway, he caught up with her and they started the interview.

      I agree with you on the reverse psychology (she doesn't smoke, you know. and longevity runs in her family...well that is until her appeals run out). They are saying she might just get her wish.

      And now she's on suicide watch at Estrella Jail...poor thing (she can thank her interview for that).

      Like Marcia Clarke said on Dr Drew's show, there will be plenty of immates more than willing to take her out once she gets to prison.

  7. Does anyone know if she will wear jail clothes or street clothes during the penalty phase? I hope it will be live-streamed, we just dumped our Direct TV and only use an antenna now.

  8. Ronald Smith from Alberta is on death row in Montana. He killed two young Native American boys in 1982. He had been offered life but asked for the death penalty then later changed his mind. Now thirty years later he is still fighting not to be executed. The same thing could happen to Jodi Arias if she asks for the death penalty and changes her mind later. One difference though is that now the Canadian government is involved. I don't know if Jodi Arias has anyone to support her.

    1. I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but I'm not American and we don't have death penalty in my country: why do they have to wait for so long on the death row? Why can't they be executed just after the trial?

    2. Anon - anyone convicted of the death penalty in the US is entitled to appeal, in fact I believe the appeal is filed automatically as soon as the death penalty judgement is made. It's extremely complex, timeconsuming and VERY expensive. Average time between sentencing and actual execution is usually around 15 years and during that entire time the prisoner remains in Death Row. I think our most famous Death Row inmate in California is Scott Peterson...the trial occurred just a few miles from me and in fact the jurors were sequestered in a hotel I can see right from my office window at the moment. it's been, what, 8 years since he was sentenced and apparently he gets a lot of marriage proposals. ugh.

      One who definitely deserves to die is that scum Ariel Castro, but since he didn't actually murder anyone, he'll probably just rot in prison. he is even more evil that Arias.

    3. I think Ariel Castro should be charged for forcing his victims to miscarry also. I'm very pro-life but I think even those who are pro-choice hold the stance that the woman, not the rapist, should get to decide whether or not to continue with the pregnancy. It is a shame death penalties take so long to process. I don't mean to sound morbid by saying that but it seems like it could save a ton of taxpayer dollars and seems like justice would be better served that way. I think Jodi Arias is sickening and I hope her time in the spotlight is soon over (whether that means she is executed quickly or the media loses interest after she is given her penalty).


    4. The Canadian government has decided not to get involved last I heard - in the Ronald Smith case. I think he has run out of appeals, but am not sure. Any one have an update on this case?

    5. I found this article on Ronald Smith

      Dec 2012. A letter from Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird to Schweitzer is penned requesting clemency for Smith on "humanitarian grounds."

      Schweitzer is no longer the governor so I don't know what is happening now.

  9. Now its over so i'm going to do some more research. It's interesting - I wouldn't really be aware of this trial were it not for SWB and CNN. My coworkers had no clue what i was talking about! it really hasn't gotten much press here for whatever reason.

    Of course the family MUST sue for civil/financial damages - I would - to assure that Arias doesn't benefit financially. I'm sure they'll get a huge award then they can attach any earnings she might get from books, interviews etc. kind of like how the Goldman family chased down OJ Simpson for anything they could get for years. She should absolutely NOT profit from her involvement in this tragedy.

  10. I believe she will try to manipulate up to the end. I would rather die than live...death is freedom. Yeah right. She is trying to get life so she can continue her acting career.

  11. Thanks for posting this.This is awesome!!

  12. ABC Nightline. news is discussing the verdict now. Also, gonna be discussing the return of 3 girls who have been missing & held in captivity in Cleveland,OH for 10yrs.

  13. Oh yeah, of course they showed a clip of a previous interview w/ her boldly stating:" No jury will convict me""
    Hahaha...guess she got that one all wrong in her twisted mind.

    1. Hi Caramel B - "no jury will convict me" - I think it was this statement that helped get her convicted. What a Silly cow!

  14. Fan From AustraliaMay 9, 2013 at 5:55 AM

    Oh SWB, it's your fault I ever heard of the Jodi Arias trial and have now dedicated much of my spare time following the trial mainly from youtube videos and facebook updates. i was relieved when a guilty verdict was read out and now I hope the healing can commence, and that Jodi Arias goes quietly into the jail system to await her fate. But thankyou SWB for introducing me to travis Alexander, his life and his remarkable family, they are gracious and inspiring people.

  15. I believe the worse thing that could happen to Arias is for her to sit on death row for the rest of her life and may it be a long, long life. On death row, she would not have an audience, no admirers, no one to manipulate. She would be kept alone and only have yard time alone for short periods. Also, the other women on death row are just as manipulative as she which will prevent her from gaining the heroic's advantage over a group of women she probably will not actually see. I am opposed to the death penalty but I hope this woman gets it and I hope. Sadly for Arizona, she will be a financial burden to them for the rest of her life.

    1. Oh trust me from what I heard, Scott Peterson has no lack of admirers who want to marry him...see this article from 2005 right after his sentencing.

    2. She'd be less of a financial burden to Arizona if they give her *just* life in prison, since the appeals process (which is mandatory unless the condemned person declines it) is VERY expensive and lengthy. Cheaper just to feed her and keep her in a cell.

    3. It was fascinating and disturbing to see her play for the cameras in that after verdict interview. I want to know how she had access to the media, and on a minor note access to lip gloss and mascara, after just being officially convicted of 1st degree murder and now a convicted felon in the system.
      She was practically seducing the camera, refusing to show any remorse, instead, blaming "the system as it is written" for the verdict she received.
      What arrogance, what twisted and deadly bravado !!!!!!!

    4. Yes, Scott Peterson has since remarried while in jail. Life goes on, but the murdered person is gone forever. These trials are never "just" when scum like Peterson can watch TV, read, write letters to his wife, have conjugal visits. etc. etc.

      Jodi will get on with life inside and forge new relationships.

  16. i don't know if this has been posted here or not (i wasn't a diligent follower of the trial either) but someone showed me this today which was just another oh wow moment for me re:this bizarre woman and her life journey. :)!

    1. Jail hasn't been kind to her. Imagine what a couple of years in prison will do to her.


    Next court date is Wednesday May 16th...

    Rumors so far:

    **Arias is being psych eval'd for competency to assist in her defense.
    **Arias may have fired her lawyers

    Being reported:

    **The medical examiner told someone he was supposed to testify today but "something happened in the courtroom"
    **both families, judge, defense and prosecuting attys are still in the courtroom. Some speculation the jury is in there too. Not sure if Arias is in the courtroom
    **someone is saying it could be that the jurors may have thought they were done after giving the verdict (I think that is highly unlikely)

    1. And at what point, as was just speculated on HLN, does this jury get to say, "I have had enough. I cannot (or do not want) to be here anymore?"
      I also don't believe that these jurors didn't know a murder one verdict would require more participation. However, they could expect the process to go smoothly. Which obviously it is not..again.

      And yes, why the week long delay...unless it either about getting new lawyers or a getting a psych eval lined up?
      Has Arias once agin devised a way to screw things up.
      I also heard that she has requested that the Alexander family not be allowed to give their opinions in her presence. She wants their statments to be on video. What a bitch...a cowardly one.
      I certainly hope the judge denys that request.

    2. Arias still thinks she's controlling the situation when she isn't. When Sheriff Joe cancelled his interview with Nancy Grace yesterday, I knew something was up. Sheriff Joe NEVER cancels a publicity moment unless something big happens...and that was Arias trying to control again by using reverse psychology - wanting to be executed because death is freedom, talking like she was some kind of rock star with jail fans wanting her autograph!

      Sheriff Joe, probably still stinging from the Arias' twittering by proxy, seized the opportunity to Trust me, Sheriff Joe wrote the book on making a prisoner's life miserable. So I was not surprised he had her put under 'suicide watch'...basically taking her away from all her adoring jailmates she talked about and putting her into another facility in a barren psych cell. with herself for company. She probably didn't know what hit her after her family left her last night.

      Welcome to the world of a convicted felon, Jodi.

    3. And I forgot to say...Sheriff Joe wasted no time announcing - No more interviews for Arias while she's under suicide watch. Something tells me she's going to be on suicide watch for a loooonnng time.

    4. Fan From AustraliaMay 10, 2013 at 8:08 PM

      Does Sherfiff Joe get to decide how long she stays on suicide watch for? I mean, he's an amazing sheriff who seems to rule extremely well, but is he qualified to make that decision? Personally I dont care how long the next stage takes, she's been found guilty and that was the most important part. I hope the families, jury, judge, court officers and lawyers are enjoying the time away from her toxic existance.

    5. Does Sherfiff Joe get to decide how long she stays on suicide watch for?

      No, the psych doctors at the jail psych facility determine that.

      From what I understand, Sheriff Joe said he really had no choice once she went on tv saying she'd rather be dead now than later. I think Arias just thought as long as she didn't use the word suicide, nothing would happen.

      Basically, Arias screwed herself when she gave that interview...I'm sure she didn't plan on being being placed on a psych ward, under constant supervision by medical staff (and not her adoring jail mates,) in a paper gown, only allowed to eat finger foods in her cell, not allowed anything (like a pencil) that could be used as a weapon to hurt herself. So far, even her mother has been denied visitation for 2 days because "she is under watch". And there is no minimum or maximum time she could remain under watch.

    6. Actually, it is Wednesday, May 15...

  18. Bottom line, we need to forget her and remember Travis.

    1. Dont worry about that. Once she knows her fate and goes to prison no one will remember her. Not even her socalled fans.

    2. Small chance that she will be forgotten anytime soon. There will most certainly be a book about the trial, and she will be on Smoking Gun. However, they most certainly will not be fond memories - she is now infamous and will be remembered the way we remember, say, Charles Manson, Scott Peterson, Ted Bundy etc.

  19. The verdict did not get much attention on the local south Florida news channels. She is just another sad, deranged murderer. Hope it stays that way. No need to give her more attention. What a low life! ]

  20. A friendly reminder:

    This posting is for Jodi Arias related comments ONLY.

    Off topic comments can be posted to the Off Topic posting, or if related to the tv show Polygamy, USA to that specific posting.


  21. I was watching Entertainment Tonight earlier & Lifetime has Already got a head start on her movie. They(ET) showed the folks casted for it, watching the verdict announcement. It will air next month.

    1. Just what Arias would dream of as the ultimate ego trip....a movie about her...bleh !!

      Her flat effect in that video yesterday was chilling. It's like her whole face is botoxed. No expression, no modulation in her voice.
      She speaks as if she has rehearsed every thought, every word in advance.

    2. If I were the casting director, I would cast the JA role with some nasty derelict and portray her as what she is... ugly and mentally lacking, NOT what she thinks she is. There would be nothing glamorous or "intelligent" about her. It would truly be a sight to behold, and she would hate every second of it. That would be my tribute to him and his family.

  22. Here is the voicemail Arias left last Sunday for the reporter to set up the after-verdict interview.

    Listen to it.....Does this sound like a person facing either a murder one or manslaughter conviction??
    She sounds like she is calling a caterer for party plans.
    She is a freak...she IS a sociopath. !!

    1. I listened to the phone call and watched the interview and this woman is such a manipulator. Her latest is her lawyers are trying to block the family from speaking or being in court during the sentencing segment. Also, when I watch her speak, every movement seems to have a purpose and at one point she kept saying she regretted the world finding out that he was a hypocrit and that it was not just her word but his words and his friend's words and when she said that, she looked from the interviewer to the camera and there was a smirk. This woman is so evil.

  23. I hope this link works. It is the little Lego people doing the Jodi Arias trial with all the main characters. Someone went to a lot of work.

    I wonder if she will undergo evaluations for the next few days. Is it true that you cannot give the death penalty to a mentally ill person? Maybe that is what she is hoping for.

    1. From what I understand, that is true.
      They won't if the person is mentally retarded, or if the person is mentally ill and not capable of rational thought/decisions. However, Jodi Arias does not fit either. Not now, after all her courtroom antics and her press interview yesterday.

      She knew what she was doing during the murder and during all of the cover-up and the years of phony stories. She may regret it now, but too late.
      Plus, she is *still* scheming and manipulating. She always has "a plan."

      Will the jury decide that being a narcissist, chronic liar and a control freak... AND inherently mental illness ??
      I guess we will see.

    2. Yikes!! Maybe someone should send this to Arias. A bit late, but she should thank her lucky stars she's in Arizona and not Texas!

      13 Men Condemned to Die Despite Severe Mental Illness

    3. Oooh !!!
      Reading the various cases on this site does ask the question...
      If a person is so mentally ill and their crime was so heinous, and that they will pose an ongoing and unpredictable threat to themselves, other inmates and prison staff....and there is no known cure for their illness...then perhaps there is only one option ?!

      Yeah, I wish Arias could see this too.
      But knowing her, she has had 5 years to research all her options and various strategies relating to AZ's legal codes. It seems that she has a contingency plan in place for all situations. Plus, any side deals or sycophants she can manipulate.

    4. The link you were looking to paste in for the Jodi Arias Lego Verdict video is here:

  24. During the interview, Troy asked Jodi if she still practices her faith. Jodi stated that she was still a member of the LDS church but she was not practicing because there are no LDS services available to her in jail. This makes me think that Jodi believes that since she doesn't go to church, she cannot practice/pray/believe. She did say that she still reads her scripture. Since so many of you here at SWB know a lot about this religion, I'm wondering whether or not this is an LDS teaching (if you don't attend services/tithe, you are not faithful). I'm just curious because in my faith, there are many people who are believers but do not attend churches (for many reasons) and are still considered to be believers. And I know many people in prisons are religious. So, this remark makes me wonder if Jodi was ever actually interested in religion at all, or if she just pretended in order to keep Travis around. And now that he's gone, she's thrown it out the window. She did say that "death is the ultimate freedom" but she never talks about God or forgiveness. Just curiously lost in thought over here... sorry for the rambling.

    1. this remark makes me wonder if Jodi was ever actually interested in religion at all, or if she just pretended in order to keep Travis around

      Arias is a liar. Her "death is the ultimate freedom" speech was just her trying unsuccessfully to use reverse psychology. Like someone said, she's had 5 years to off herself...and she has never once made an honest attempt to do it.

      I googled it and apparently there was a 71 year old LDS volunteer who visited with Arias but hasn't seen her since the trial started:

      Jodi Arias exclusive: Faithful friend describes practicing her Mormon religion behind bars

      I think Arias was way too "worldly" to ever be a "good" Mormon girl that a regular Mormon guy would want to marry some day. I mean, introducing a guy to KY jelly and Astro Glide? Who is she trying to kid?

    2. "....wonder if Jodi was ever actually interested in religion at all, or if she just pretended in order to keep Travis around..."

      I think Arias's MO was to mimic anything Travis did or wanted to do in order to be "in his life" and to have exclusivity in his life.
      If he had followed Hindu or Pagan or whatever, she would have become a devotee too. And if he was ambivalent about a project, she would claim passion for it. Kinky sex was her ticket into his life and it was her means to preserve her role. Or so she thought...!

      She was like a parasite that once attaching to the host, now used the host for a life force. When Travis made it clear that he was detaching, she killed him. And obviously watching her current antics, and seeing her with new people to drain, like her new BFF, the creepy Donovan person, she is on to other hosts.
      Chilling !!

    3. Arias will be fine. One day soon, some guy or other will marry her in prison, like scott peterson and the two boys that killed there parents (forgot their names).

  25. Was discussing this case with a professor friend of mine and her opinion - which I'm inclined to agree with - is that Jodi isn't mentally ill - she's a narcissist. Just like Diane Downs. In fact the similarities are...chilling.

    1. HLN showed a recent prison picture of Diane Downs...she has aged A LOT. They said it was something Arias can look forward to becoming in the coming years.

      her new BFF, the creepy Donovan person

      Don't know how much longer they'll be BFFs. Donavan is a convicted felon out on parole. Now that Arias has been found guilty, I doubt her BFF can associate with her without violating her parole. Donavan is saying she took down @jodiannarias twitter account...if that's true, maybe she did that because she can no longer be associated with Arias.

  26. Just got home from our cruise, and am catching up on my internet reading. As an Arizonan, I have been following this trial very closely. I watched the live feed every day on my computer, and even found out our new car had an XM station that carried the closing arguments live, so I got to listen to them while driving to L.A. for our cruise last Friday.

    On Wednesday, we were on Catalina Island preparing to go parasailing for the first time ever. Just before we went into the power boat, I went into the potty and - of course - checked the news on my Blackberry. I came out of the restroom and told my husband, "The jury has a verdict, and they're announcing it around 1:30."

    As soon as we finished the parasailing (it was AWESOME), we hopped back onto a tender boat and went back to the ship. We postponed lunch until the verdict came in. When I heard "First Degree - GUILTY," and then saw the shocked look on Jodi's face, I jumped up and did a couple of fist pumps. I knew that my no-nonsense fellow Arizonans would get it right!

    I don't care whether they give her the death penalty or just life without parole. I just want her off the streets. I do believe her "I would rather die than live a long (thanks to not smoking) life in prison" is an attempt at reverse psychology. She's still trying to manipulate people (namely, the jury). I say they should give her what she says she wants - a needle in her arm.

    1. Welcome Home, AZ.
      I was thinking of you while watching the verdict announcement and was hoping you were seeing it too.

      Interesting about non-sequestered juries..
      Like the Scott Peterson jury, here is another jury that got the right verdict even with so much damning evidence being withheld as prejudicial.
      Along with all the evidence, I think the two "experts" actually hurt her defense, as did she with her outrageous behavior, both on the stand for cross and when seated at the table.
      This jury was listening *and watching.*

  27. I think people are hilarious . Everyone acts like Travis Alexander was some some dim witted man with no brain to make choices and decisions.This man was two faced IF and I say if he had been conducting himself keeping the vows and promises of his religion he was pretending to be so faithful in HE would still be alive. Now did he deserve to die because he was a slime NO and yes he was a slime he used her for sex and dated " nice" Mormon girls who he wanted to marry . NO ONE forced this man it was clear from the pictures and the sex talk.He was enjoying himself . Please people just be honest about the man . Jodi was no saint either but PLEASE !!!!

    1. His religious beliefs were just something he did to be accepted into that community and climb the social ladder he aspired to. Lots of people claim religion just to get through the day. Most really don't believe in all that hocus pocus - it just doesn't make any sense in this day in age.

    2. Everyone acts like Travis Alexander was some some dim witted man with no brain to make choices and decisions

      You know, I've never heard this before...Show of hands now...who thought Travis was dim witted and unable to make choices and decisions?

      .This man was two faced IF and I say if he had been conducting himself keeping the vows and promises of his religion he was pretending to be so faithful in HE would still be alive

      I guess you missed Deana testifying she and Travis both confessed to their bishops of having premarital sex and temporarily lost their temple recommends as punishment. He was naive...NAIVE...As Deana put it, shortly before Travis was murdered, she asked him to break off with Arias and he said he couldn't because...hold on now this may be shocking for you...She threatened to commit suicide, and he said he wouldn't be able to live with himself if she did. Travis simply was a nice guy in over his head sexually with a sociopath.

      Now did he deserve to die because he was a slime NO and yes he was a slime he used her for sex and dated " nice" Mormon girls who he wanted to marry

      What Travis did is not new. Back in my day, there were a lot of guys who considered this business as usual. As my grandmother would warn me "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?" And I still vividly remember the girl in my dorm who got pregnant by her steady boyfriend, and he told her no way he was going to marry her because HE WAS ONLY MARRYING A VIRGIN!

      I later heard her father and brothers flew into town and "persuaded" him to think otherwise.

      NO ONE forced this man it was clear from the pictures and the sex talk.He was enjoying himself.

      And who was egging Travis on in the sex talk and fantasies? Why, it was Jodi Arias. And towards the end of his life, Arias made his life miserable. Travis clearly was in over his head sexually with Arias. And it was most likely when Travis finally told her hell no he wasn't taking her to Cancun, she killed him.

      Please people just be honest about the man

      No, I think you need to be honest about the man. Travis was in over his head and was too naive to realize just how dangerous Arias truly was. Now I will conceed that Travis may have thought of himself as a player, but truth be told, a real player would have seen the warning signs and not have gotten involved with a crazy woman.

      He appeared to have been a nice guy, who should have taken his sex fantasies to a Nevada brothel instead of getting involved with Jodi Arias.

      I think people are hilarious

      I seriously fail to see the humor in this situation. Travis Alexander did not deserve to be butchered.

      Now, shall I show you to the door?

    3. I've been actively participating in a Facebook page in support of Juan Martinez (the prosecutor), and there are many opinions there about the case.

      Just last week, when Kirk Nurmi was giving the defense's closing arguments, he talked about the shower pictures ("Does this look like a man who was afraid of a woman?"), and I looked at them in a totally different way. Really, do we know for sure they were part of their mutual sex play? Or are they the face of a young man on whom someone is LITERALLY holding a gun? He has his back to the camera in one of them, with his hands on the wall. Just like the cops have you stand when they're holding a gun on you. Remember, the only thing he has to defend himself with was a bar of soap.

      My scenario:

      Jodi has driven in from California to try one more time to get Travis back. He has tried to get rid of her before, but she is just like Glenn Close in "Fatal Attraction." Hide your bunnies.

      After they have sex (apparently after he has tied her up with a rope no one can find), he looks at her and says, "This should not have happened. It will never happen again. I'm going to take a shower. Please get dressed and be gone by the time I get back."

      Travis gets in the shower. Jodi gets dressed and goes into the bathroom with the gun and knife. She already knows at this point she is going to kill him.

      Jodi surprises Travis by pointing the gun at him, telling him she will kill HIM (not herself). She starts taking pictures just because she's a really evil person. Not just sick and twisted - EVIL. He complies with her demands because he's trying to figure out how to get out of the situation.

      When he does get a chance, he lunges at her, knocking the camera and gun out of her hand.

      She grabs the knife (which she has placed on the nearby counter) and stabs him in the chest. She then delivers 28 more stab wounds as he continues to try to stop her. HE runs down the hallway to get away from her, but she follows him, continuing to stab.

      He falls to his knees. She reaches under his neck and slits it from ear to ear. She drags him back into the bathroom.

      He has pretty much bled out, but may still be making attempts at breathing. She picks up the gun and shoots him in the head.

      She then tries to clean up the mess, inadvertently getting the camera into all of the towels, etc., that she throws into the washing machine. That's why she didn't take it with her.


      All I know is, I'm proud of my fellow Arizonans who decided that OJ and Casey Anthony may be walking free, but Jodi Arias is NOT.

  28. He's no saint. Nice guys don't use women for sex, no matter how common it is. Even so, he didn't deserve to die for it.

  29. He wasn't a saint, however he was a normal guy who was relentlessly offered sex by a woman who knowingly used sex as a commodity...and ultimately as a weapon.

    I think of my grandfather who was an outdoorsman and used to say that the male deer/elk who normally were always cautious for self-preservation would lose all sense of cautionary instinct during the rut when the females' scent would overpower all other instincts.

    Also....we will never know how many times Arias threatened suicide if Travis rejected her overtures. That would mess up anyone's head.
    And apparently, she got off on the drama of "make-up" sex.

    And that infamous sex tape that she recorded w/o his knowledge....
    SHE recorded it, so no one will ever know what she may have deleted on the front end of the tape. I think it is more likely that she begged or cajoled him to *speak* "HER" fantasies to her, fantasies he already knew she craved, on that tape. And unfortunately, Travis did it and Arias then had her coercion/ blackmail tape if she ever needed it.

    1. Amused: that is an interesting comment about the male deer during the rut when they no longer think of self preservation. If I may this is a link to such an extra ordinary event when three bucks became entangled but fought into a pond and they all drowned.

      I think if these had been men fighting over Jodi Arias, she would have encouraged them to fight to the death for her. She would have cheered them on from the sidelines. Travis got caught in the web of a black widow spider and could not get out of it even when he tried. She kept drawing him in further and then literally went for the kill. So glad they found her guilty.

    2. Slept,
      Thanks so much for the link. If my grandfather were alive, he would have readily understood the impact of this event.
      I agree with you, psycho/killer Arias would have enjoyed seeing males engaged in such a battle as long as it was about her.

      You also coined the perfect image for her....a black widow spider !!
      A relentless predator who spins her web with acute and ruthless focus on her prey. Once caught in the web, her victim will either stay entwined..or be killed.

  30. Anyone out there?
    The aggravation verdict is in. According to, the judge should be in soon.

    1. The aggravator of cruelty was proven. She's now eligible for the death penalty. The mitigation phase is next.

    2. I just watched it, and was pleased that my fellow Arizonans have done the right thing. Did we all notice that there were no fake tears or looking doe-eyed at the jury this time while they strongly answered "YES" as each was asked, "Is this your true verdict"? She's finally beginning to understand that she may have fooled Travis, but that just proves how gullible he was. The rest of the world sees her for the evil person she really is.

      I don't think I'll be watching the victim impact statements. Because of horrendous abuse in my own childhood, I'm sensitive to the pain of others and I don't think I can watch his siblings in even more agony.

      But I will NOT miss it when the jury comes back with their decision to put her on death row.

    3. I think she finally FINALLY realizes she is no longer in control. Last week she thought that interview with Fox10 was a smart move. She found out it wasn't so smart, and Sheriff Joe correctly had her sorry butt put on suicide watch (which prevented her from giving interviews) and then yesterday, Judge Stephens ruling Arias can no longer give interviews to the news media until the Judge says she can, PERIOD. I believe that action was a request from her defense team.

      Did you notice she wasn't tracing copyrighted magazine ads today? And she kept her note scribbling to a minimum, too. Yes, I agree with you AZ, she might have been able to fool Travis, but she has failed miserably to fool the prosecutor, her defense team (including I hate her 9 out of 10 days Nurmi), the jury, the citizens of Arizona, Donald Trump, anyone who has ever met her, and everyone else on the planet except for those poor folks at that jodi is innocent website. And she knows it!

    4. Yes, the jury got it right ..again !!!

      Not only has Arias *finally* run of manipulations, dodges, lies, red herrings, press interviews, tweets, migraines, disdain for the prosecutor....but her defense team now has to come to grips (and likely they knew all along that it was an impossible task) that there is no way to rewrite or salvage this trial and these verdicts.
      Arias IS either going to death row to launch appeals for the next 15 years....and/or to maximum security for the REST of her life.

      All the naysayers who predicted that Juan Martinez was turning off the jurors were so, so obviously wrong. Same goes for the effect and value of Alice LaViolette's testimony.
      If anything, her prolonged time on the stand with the DV storyline, and also Samuel's with first his convoluted amnesia premise, and then the PTSD theory, may have closed the door for Arias getting any sympathy or credibility at all.

      That poor Alexander family !!! This has to be excruciating !!

  31. I cannot believe Arias is actually going to address the court and use that time to display her art. Why are they letting her do that? It is a little self indulgent, don't you think?

  32. If she shows her art, Martinez can then counter with the "Can You Draw This" ads she traced/copied them from, proving to the jury that she's STILL a liar.

  33. What else does she have but her counterfeit art, traced and copied from magazine ads? (And that fact has been proven.)
    As if, her drawings qualify as a talent that the world simply must have.
    Are they crazy?? Probably showing her arts and crafts in this penalty phase was her idea anyway. It is too ridiculous and egocentric not to be.

    Uhhh....She has been a leech all her life, imposing on other's lives.

    I loved it what Martinez said about the DT offering the mitigating factor that *she was trying to be a good person now*..and Juan said "isn't that what we all should be doing *all* the time?" As if to say, "Nothing extraordinary/mitigating about that." Premeditating killers are not good people.

    Her lawyers petitioned on Tuesday to get off the case. I guess soo!!
    They want that documented for their reputations, moving forward.
    They will always be associated with this case unless they try to distance themselves even at this 12th hour. Major CYA !!

    Plus, if/when she appeals (which she will do, either with DP or LWOP) she will definitely use the "insufficient or negligent representation" plea. By filing and getting it on the record, they can prove that they tried, but she was resistant and they could not handle her.

    Travis's siblings' victim statements were poignant, so sad.

    1. I just have a feeling she won't get the death penalty but will be put away for a very long time. I don't think Nurmi and Willmott will be handling her appeal.

      Nurmi probably will come out of this case OK, but he might consider losing weight, growing long hair and leaving the state...maybe even the country. It's not his fault he had a nutcase for a client but he looked like he was enjoying the crazy a little too much.

      Willmott should maybe teach know, those who can do, those who can't teach.

    2. oops, I meant to type...Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach.

    3. "you know, those who can do, those who can't teach."

      Yep !! She really needs to switch focus. Trial lawyering is not her strong suit.

      "but he looked like he was enjoying the crazy a little too much.

      Yeah, the crazy and the "ick-slimely".
      At times, he was too into the details during those 18 days of Arias's sex life. Creepy !!

    4. I turned on HLN for a minute and Jane Velez-Mitchell (?) took a tour of Estrella Jail and Jodi Arias actual jail cell. The tour guide was Sheriff Joe himself. They couldn't go into her cell but you could clearly see her stuff. Like I said, she royally t'd off Sheriff Joe and he is showing her who controls who.

    5. Wow..that sure does send her a message !!
      How's that for intrusion, Jodi??

  34. The statements from Steven and Samantha were heart-wrenching. I so hope after this trial they can move on and stop renting her space in their heads. They need some time to heal without her in their faces.

  35. Now, no one to testify for Arias' good character. Mistrial denied and defense attorneys plea to be given an out denied. Let's see if Arias does her little song and dance.

    1. Nurmi and Willmott seem like they so want to get out of this mess.

      So now court was adjourned until tomorrow, when Arias will make her statement to the jury. Since Arias loves to be in the limelight, I can't see her calling in with a "migraine". And will Nurmi have her "art" showing on the courtroom tvs while she gives her statement? Let's just hope she doesn't take 19 days to get to the point.

      I think Juan Martinez should do just that: have a slide show of Arias art AND the magazine ads she copied from playing while he gives his closing statement.

    2. I totally agree with you Cynical. I do believe that she is counting the minutes that she will get to take center stage. At one point today, she looked directly into the camera and raised her eyebrows. I suspect she will do this poor me thing where she tries to paint her victim as the cause of all of this because I don't see her taking responsibility for any of what has happened. I also believe she will try to totally recreate who she is; however, they get to ask questions, which could make her happy, happy, happy.

    3. I am concerned that Nurmi and Willmott are completely out of gas, but Nurmi especially is going to go with a flourish if he can.

      What *could* happen os that Nurmi is going for a stay of the proceedings and appeal to a higher court to be relieved.

  36. So, if she gets life, her contributions: 1) she will continue to get her hair cut and styled so that she can donate to locks of love; 2) she will teach Spanish to other prisoners; 3) she will start a recycle program in prison; and 4) she will work with other prisoners to help them what? What she has done while already being jailed: 1) had interviews with the press; 2) entered a singing contest; 3) sold art online through her "good" friend; 4) decorated her cell with piles of crap.

    If I were her, I would have used my time in jail/prison to convince others that I was a human. I would have created literacy groups and taught reading/writing/job search skills. I would have worked hard at earning the respect of the guards so that they could testify that I was doing good deeds and working on improving others lives. But, she didn't do that so why, if over the last couple of years she made no effort to convince others she was, in fact, changed, would we believe that she will contribute now. If given life without parole, she will have no motivation to do good things and we already know she is a major manipulator so instead of doing good, she will spend her life in prison creating her little fan base of worshippers and manipulate her out of prison friends to run her crappy art sales and she will circumvent the system to profit over what she has done. While I am opposed to the death penalty, I am not opposed to life on death row where she has no one to game and no audience to manipulate.

  37. Even during her plea for her life, she tried to manipulate the jury into saving her by saying, for my family. Why can't she just say it: I want to live. I'm sorry. I made a horrible, horrible mistake and from the bottom of my heart I am so sorry for taking his life. Instead, she says she is a victim and on and on. She is nuts

  38. Deliberations for phase 3: Jury sent Judge a note that they are deadlocked, Judge told them to work it out and sent them back to the jury room.

    My thoughts: Enough is enough. The only reason I would be for the death penalty would be so that her sorry behind would be ferried to Perryville immediately, to that solitary cell. And no more interviews!

    A State Prison official mentioned that even if Arias was given life in prison, she would still be housed in the same pod as the ladies already on Death Row for a minimum of three years - maximum security. Seems she has to prove through good behavior that she deserves to be moved to the area housing the general population. So that would be 23 hours a day in her cell, food served in her cell, no contact with other prisoners, etc. Sounds good to me!

  39. I agree with you Cynical; however, I keep thinking of her eventual opportunity to enter the mainstream prison population. If she gets life, she will adjust to her life and no matter how bad it is on the inside of prison, she will still have contact with her family and those friends who are encouraging her now. I am torn. I see how she is still manipulating everyone now and she is so dumb, she doesn't see that we see her for what she is; however, there will always be those who see her as this brilliantly creative person who needs to be admired and worshipped....that's what I hate.

  40. reposting this for Caramel Brownie

    Caramel Brownie May 23, 2013 at 3:44 AM

    Whoa, did anyone happen to catch the 1 hr special on Lifetime "Jodi Arias: Beyond the Headlines" last night?? I wasn't able to sleep so I started channel surfing & I came across it when it was about half way thru it. I'm sure it will replay in a few days, so I'm gonna be on the lookout for it so I can see it from the beginning.

  41. I've noticed that over the last couple of days, Jodi has had her hair in a high pony tail, resembling a school girl's hair and she has worn collared shirt buttoned all the way up to her chin. I really believe the defense team is trying to portray her in a more childlike look. And, the defense attorneys kept telling the jurors not to kill Jodi. Geeze. Those poor jurors.

  42. Something has been bugging me about Arias' allocation speech and I have finally figured it out...

    When she gave her allocution speech to the jury, she held up that survivor t-shirt and said "...100% of the proceeds go to support non profit organizations which also assist other victims of domestic violence". But on her support website the lead admin/cheerleader proudly states that the survivor t-shirts are available and that "...A portion of the profits generated from sales will support other survivors of domestic violence, and go to non-profit domestic violence organizations selected by Jodi."

    So either Jodi is confused or somebody is not telling the full story here. She told the jury 100% - the person running her support website says A PORTION. Something tells me most of that money is going into someone's pocket...either the person running Arias website (possibility since there are lots of rumors about him) OR Arias herself.

    I'd like to see exactly how much money is donated from sales.

    1. Looks like it ain't over yet, jury came back...they were unable to come to an unanimous decision. Judge declared a mistrial (for the sentencing phase not the entire trial). Needless to say, HLN needs to fire Nancy Grace and Jane Velez-Mitchell....FIRE them, I am so tired of hearing them yelling that the entire case needs to be retried when it's just the PENALTY/SENTENCING phase.

      Enough is Enough. But I just got a thought...if the venue is changed to...let's say Mohave County, I wonder how Arias would fare with Old ruemy eyes Arthur Hammon on the jury!

      OK, I've had enough of this media circus. HLN should really be ashamed...their coverage today (especially Nancy Grace and Jane Velez-Mitchell) was horrible!

  43. I tried to watch Nancy Grace when she interviewed one of Travis' friends and she kept cutting him off and screaming back what he had just said and finally, I had to turn her off.

  44. One by one the jurors are speaking out. I would like to know what goes on inside the jury room. Do they have huge arguments...are some put some end up in tears....are some bullied by others....Do they keep it civil. I think it would be so hard to be on a jury with complete strangers.

  45. FYI peeps If ur interested in watching the Lifetime movie: Jodi Arias-Dirty Little Secret
    It will be airing June 22nd

    1. Holy cow that didn't take long did it?

    2. IKR?? I was thinking the same thing. Ive seen a few previews, & they have the scene where shes throwing the camera in the washing machine & of course where she stabs him in the shower...
